UNCLASSIFIED FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION CHS REPORTING DOCUMENT (07/24/2010) HEADER rm? Date: 12/30/2011 Case Agent Name: Field Of?ce/Division: San Antonio Squad:- Date of Contact: 12/29/2011 List all present including yourself. (Do not include the CHS.): Type of Contact: e-Mail Date of Report: 12/29/2011 Substantive Case File Number: Source Reporting: CHS observed a post on the site inagist.com by user "BarrettBrownLOL" as follows: BarrettBrownLOL post at 193562234880 which contained a link to The file on that page was An initial browse of the data indicated it was full user data, including CC info. It was not the email dump that was promised. A copy of the file was provided to handling agent. Signed by: Click here to sign this section Signed by Vuaw details "j on Friday, December 30, 2011 10:21 AM (Central Standard Time) FD-1023 (07/24/2010) FEDERAL BUREAU OF Pagelofl 69573