Page 86 ·1· · · ··A· ··Because this went into the Accounting ·2· ·Department.··A check goes into accounting. ·3· · · ··Q· ··Right. ·4· · · ··A· ··They look to see -- in order to accept ·5· ·funds, it cannot be in default. ·6· · · ··Q· ··Right.··But it's in default because he ·7· ·doesn't live there. ·8· · · ··A· ··You're trying to make logic out of an ·9· ·illogical situation. 10· · · ··Q· ··I'm totally trying to make logic out of an 11· ·illogical situation. 12· · · ··A· ··I'm just telling you.··That's not the way 13· ·it works.··One has nothing to do with the other -14· · · ··Q· ··In your system. 15· · · ··A· ··-- because he was not in default for his 16· ·insurance -- not yet.··He could in the future. 17· · · ··Q· ··Okay.··So, in your system, a live borrower 18· ·living in the residence contacts you on a 19· ·non-occupancy issue, it does not trigger an 20· ·occupancy review. 21· · · · · · ·Is that what you're saying? 22· · · ··A· ··We send out regular Occupancy Certs, and 23· ·we call regularly to determine occupancy. 24· · · ··Q· ··I'm asking you about triggering -25· · · ··A· ··This isn't necessarily -Jacksonville Court Reporting, Inc.