ATTORNEYS AT LAW 333 BUSH STREET, 30TH FLOOR SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA 94104-2834 415.781.7900 plume 4153812635 fax 0* vital? yr Sedgwickr. Via US. Mail and e-mail I April 13,2015 - Drevet Hunt Matt O?Malley I sartftaritrss RECEWED San Francisco, CA 94129 . San Diego, CA 92106 APR 2 2015 Re: SD Coastkeepers V. A?l Alloys Our File No: 12599?000001 Office of Enforcement Dear Counsel: This responds to your letter of March 5, 2015, concerning the basis for San Diego Coastkeepers Coastkeepers?) dated February 9, 2015 alleging violations of A?l Alloys?Storm Water Permit and Clean Water Act notices of intent to sue. In addition to our review of the materials you identi?ed, we have consulted with our client, the San Diego Water Quality Control Board Califomia Department of Transportation (?Ca1- Trans?), and the engineers and contractors who were engaged to develop A?l Alloys? Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan requirements pursuant to Order 2014,?0067? DWQ. Although Alloys denies the violations alleged by SD Coastkeepers, the allegations are now moot. As you know, Order imposes significant new storm water requirements and goes into effect July 1, 2015. On or about April 10, 2015, A-l Alloys completed its Industrial Recerti?ed by ?ling the Notice of Intent (N01), and uploaded the new into the SMARTS system. On April 12, 2015, A-l Alloys completed construction of a BMP curb/berm to prevent storm water incursion from the adjacent 1-5 off~ramp, and 1-5. After investigation, A?l Alloys can ?nd no evidence that storm water discharged from its prOperty in December 2014 or at anytime. The facility has exterior security video, which would likely reveal any storm water breach if one should occur. Employee interviews con?rm that even personnel who work in the grounds during rain events and shortly thereafter have not witnessed storm water running from this small site. To theextent that storm water may have over?owed the permitted containment, A-1 Alloys contends that the cause was signi?cant storm water incursion from 1?5 freeway, an off?ramp and adjacent shoulder. 20076599vl Re: SD Coastkeepers v. A?l Alloys April 13, 2015 Page 2 As for past testing, it appears that A-l Alloys personnel took the samples in a ?depression,? upstream and before the settling basin, rather than in the collection area. This has been corrected. The new design and the personnel training and certi?cation to comply with the Order requirements will avoid future mistakes. A?l Alloys? review of its past reports and testing indicated that the reports have been improperly prepared. A?l Alloys will be correcting the reports, and will ?le revisions in the near future. Your letter suggested a meeting at the A?l Alloys site, but given that A?l Alloys has been working with well~quali?ed and state certi?ed engineers and has ?led the new A?l Alloyswishes to avoid cost. A?l Alloys is owned by an individual, Jerry Williams, and the operation of this business is his family?s sole means of support. His ?nancial situation is precarious, and even before receiving your client?s demands he had been losing sleep over how he would pay for the high costs imposed by Order so he could continue to operate. A-l Alloys would be willing to provide a cepy of the ?new? and other pertinent information, including proof of ?nancial hardship, and/ or a declaration attesting to the above facts. We trust your client will ?nd this satisfactory. This moming you advised me that SD Coastkeepers would be ?ling suit. We urge you not to do so for a number of reasons, including that any alleged violations are wholly past. 011 a personal level, your client is not targeting a large ?anonymous? corporation, but a family and members of the San Diego Community who have lived and worked here all their lives. Due to both a business downturn and family medical needs, there is no money to Spare on litigation. We ask your client to review the information we are willing to provide, and to do so with a reasonable mind and compassionate heart toward a member of their own community. If you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further, do not hesitate to call me. We continue seek an amicable resolution of this matter. Very truly yours, Carol Brophy I SEDGWICK LLP cc: Gina McCarthy, EPA Jared Blumenfeld, EPA Thomas Howard, David Gibson, Carl Savage, Cal-Trans 20076599v1 203 3 2012? ANNUAL REPORT FORM 3 QUARTERLY VISUAL OBSERVATIONS OF UNAUTHORIZED NON-STORM WATER DISCHARGES SEDE DESCRIBE UNAUTRORIZED NSWD CHARACTERISTICS indicate whether unauthorized NSWD is dear, cloudy. diswbrad. causmg stains; contains ?oating objecis <21" an sheen, has odors, etc NAME 05? SOURCE AND NSWD OF UNAUTHORIZED oasenvmon one maom REVERSE 5:05) NSWD AT THE: :3st SOURCE AT THE UNAUTHOREZED NSWD AREA AND DISCHARGE LOCATICN Veizicie Wash Wale: NW Comer of F?arking {at CORRECTIVE T0 ELMIMTE UNAUTHORIZED NSWD AND TO CLEAN WPACTED DRAINAGE AREAS. PROVIUE UNAUTHORIZED NSWD ELIWNATIOK DATE. w? .M. 2.0112' 2912 FORM VISUAL 0F WATER nasc HARGES Stutm '?a1cs aazrarge Mum tamer-gamma am tequ?tec {as a: was: em: swarm even! par mama between 0mm 3 am May mm observations mus: be conducted dating the 9:55: ham or damage at all Manage muons, Discharge 9f tempoan stored or mnlazned storm water mus: be observed 31 :he (at damage. SIDE A o: indmte ?Nmm? is": the: first warm a! mis fomt? IBM dad not wradmi a Vifibc'li mwaucn. 0 Wk: auzdmm?rai mm o? mes. km: as necessary. - Uni? a marital; viw? ensmamn as made, mam any mg sore stoma mums ma: an no! sasu: a: a avatar discnasge am! new mg (was. time. name. and title at Vamp abmwad them nu Siam wane: dacharga m. Observation Data: Gambler 2011 erwis News: . M- figs-azum {hasnan Locatth ?escripmn #1 82 anwan Tm: {319194; mam.WWT anw ?"qujjifm {3 AM T'mwa fi-?z?xaharge 893a.? PM a P. . a AM. PM. Warn Pesiukams Observed it! yes. complete reverse: sanewas;sz - Obsewatim'n Data; Now-mm: . 1! 035%: ?rms Name Tm. . Sg?aluze Damage tocasaon Dewipmn #1 #2 #3 Obs?: wawn Emu {pm. 5:3 PM. Ttma Dssaharga Began {3 PM. Were. winter?s 0mm yes. Wick: reverse smug 73vasfj} Norm was will not} a Lt?? Om; Dumb? 3911 Guatemala Name .. I?itle Srgnalum {22'9" '5 {?ange Locatmn Descaptmn #3 #2 we a m. Mm: Damage Ste-gm {3 9M. Wm: figp.14. {3 am. E3 AM mpm. BAH Were ?aautanrts Chasm-eel {if yes. 51:01me [swim 2m} Vega YES {3 m5 ?3 N013 Yb}; {3 2.1013 {15" a? ?u *Ewr Okawabon Dene: January 2012 Game?mts Name . 73116 Sigma-we 2 wa/ 1 .. . Dams? Lawmn Dawman #i #2 #3 #4 Observatmn I?me PM. . CHM Discharge BeggarW.-4 - @3511. AM. 53 9M. [3 an. {jam 8AM 3AM. Were Pmugants. Sesame: {Bf yea. wmp?eh: ram-ms; slotswill} ms 8 NC [3 20m 2012 ANNUAL REPORT SIDE 8 WSUAL OBSERVATEONS 0F STORE WATER DMEJTWE OF DRAINAGE AREA aescmaa SYORM WAIER mama?! AND DESCRIBE: sounceisp ANY REVISED 0R HEW 901.133? MRS EMF: MID WEIR DATE OF {From Reverse Siae3 imitate Warmer 51am: water discharge is: dear S'mharga from' away. a; discounted alum staining; cantamsng 0i: sheer: caused by at: dripped by matenai storage Area #2.qu ?aating naming am oi! sheer! has cams. etc, tucks van-?e mmnkemm area [3 AM [3 PM MW. {211WW. mum-w. AM PM 1 201% 2012 ANNUAL REPORT may; 4 VISUAL oaseavmons OF 3:05 19. a swan WATER DISC HARGES mm? Gamma: Abwmumfm alga Jew-"w gar was: am: am? 2? 2m!th ?Mw' Es? me- {sad 05 that; {05m 2! we: did an! canduc?. a mommy visua; Gwen-anon mum pox mum!) October '1 and May I Maw wammg ?was 5?5 ma 55?? as ?enema? Usual c?emahm mus; be. wag-ham awn-lg the rim: no,? a: immath Um: a mommy wsuai observeth as. made, memo any eisg'gtm sturm mania that dc: nth: ream?. a 3mm a? ,mwns? waster awwargu and new me data, ma. name. and we :33 mo 05mm meta was no 51mm water Klimt-alga at tmpotanly stores} wmamm 53mm wanes must he nbsemea' Wham' a: the Kama a? i ??539 3* #2 #3 Manage Lwtacsa 09mm Nam: a {5 Uneven/331m 3mm . I AM I A True .W?h..?iff?.ffgf . .. {3 PM. r6536]; Tm: Dummw? B??an I I AM [3 AM. Sagrwtum .. . Were: Pollutants 00mm ?his, complezesavewe we?7?Daze: march 2012 ?rmnage {Eastman Obsewars Name . PM. Obaczvativz TamTime Dramang Began 3 [3 C3 . . 19.3.Were Pollutants Quwwed Sis?aiure I (lsytu,.mmpieuz {averse Wit} *55 ?3 ?5 ?0 C3 $235 1:3 M3 YES {3 ?0 f3 wa5 at? wufx.? y. {j #1 #2 #3 8-4 Cinnamon Bats: ApriJ 2012 - {Jemmgc analmr; Ucm?on Name PMYE-SB N0 i2] 0:136: Hausa 'Ter Desser Mar! f] - Sig?aiww . Pollufa?isobsewed a it! was, campMu rmme 3x52Que-embon Dam; my 2012 Giannago Lucath newspan magnum Name RMv5.5 N6 I Owen-damn Tame Tm 1, ?g Tma Discharge Began- nglum .. Wate Pc?ut'arits Observaq wres, caramel: reverse yew 755261 - 2012 ANNUAL. REPORT FORM 4 0F WASHER GISC HARGES 510E 011813316 0? OBSERVATIGN {From Reverse Siam?; DMNAGE AREA 'r ?smaga from matm?ai sxarage area 52 MO DESCRIBE 0F POLLUTANIS STORM: WATER DISCHARGE WCTE Risncs indimw mew-3r moms um; ?i'auhazga is $323!. cloudy. 99' dwinmd? causing stainmg: cmwming ?aming 0:536:25 ar an a3; shun. has odors. an: shears causac? by m: dlipped by Ranks which maintenance area DESCRIBE ANY REVISED 0R NEW 8MP: AND DATE OF 9 wan-Inn?an AM 293 3~ 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Al FORM COMPREHENSIVE SITE COMPLIANCE EVALUATION: POTENTML POLLUTANT SOURCEIINDUSTRIAL ACTIVETY STATUS I'll-3 one: *3 I INSPECTOR m5; yr?lg?g/A/yf TITLE: ammum x: MSW Ef?r?V?cr/jq?g?/ . . POTENTIAL POLLUTAHT A617le AREA [35 hemmed year Hazardous Waste Storage Area, HAVE ANY Bali?s SEEN FULLY YES NO ARE IQMUREWSED BHPS 3 yes? to mine: Queust :u'm mm .coiumns 0? this form Describe de?cienciesm or BHP imphmamimm Describe additionamuuma 3MP: or comma: actions and their mitts} at humanism? "'siOf?i?rii'iibff??ur [as gamma in you: Dismantling Area HAVE ANY HOT ARE am a! yes: is: we: gueshon, wmpleie mm mo; ?alumna of this form acmmr AREA (as idem-ca an you: Vehicle Storage Area HAVE ANY ?40} 85514 FULLY ME. AQDITIONAUREWSEO 839$ gig: 2?6 32:3, in enemas queszion, campleie the new two comm; ?ns Farm beggiim da?ciancies in Blips ar- 3MP implomnuh?on 56.5w?; wan-onummw 8135?s or comma manna. and their dads} a! in?ammation 9: saw impimnm?m Mamba additiona?tmised EMF: 0: carmb?ve actions and their dam?; o! impiemomuon POTEREAL ACTIVITY ILREA {as dentitiod st: yaw Outside Parts Storage Area HAVE It?? 81:19; HOT BEEN FWLY {3 ms ARE RDQITIOWREVISEU wt la carter awaken compth the ma [we cumming? form 3; YES Wine MECicmm in ?lms a; an? Describe adduionalamhsad Mr; or corrective actions and their date?: at impiomonNim 2813?2012 REPORT SIDE 3 FORM 5 (Continuedj-ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE SITE COMPLIANCE EVALUATION POTENTIAL POLLUTANT SOURCEHNDUSYRIAL ACTIVITY 8MP STATUS er? men-x? - EVALUATION DATE: M?'if?k marvemon we; Mf?j?xfx?n?f fl TLE: 39- saGmmRE; ?f ?x 1" POTENTML POLL 131'th ACTIVIW AREA (as identi?ed in you: Loading and Unioading Areas HAVE :01? BM F?s NOT BEEN [Qua ARE ADDHEOMUREWSED mm Tam if to either Queazim. comch me: nan mo comma this; Omaha addinomL-?revised am; or mm actions and their datum of implemuution Busch ??cinmm in 8H9: a immcmulion n' Pd?mm mum: SOURCEHNOUSTRIAL ACTIVITY {as wemi?ad if! you; Core Storage Areas RAVE ANY BMPB NOT BEEN FULLY 0 ?315 ABOJNGMUREWSEE) _f:vm if was. as either Question. compiew the next 2M2 caiumns cf ?escrx?he additionab?mvisad Blips cw corrective actions and their dermis] of imp?emcnmion o?kiim' de?ciencies eH?aik?'BF?w impicmcnution PDTENTML POLLUTANT SOURCEJWDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY AREA (as idenniied your Dust Generating and Soii Erosion Areas RAVE ANY ?lm?s NOT 335K I EYES ARE wasnomanevsseo BMPS yes. {8 either quasmn ?2115:5213 the mm: mind"!an a? 99$ form Dewar? addmom?mis?a or conth actions and their Ms} of Impiamnla?an inscribe deficiencies in 8MP: at 8MP AREA (35 identi?ed ycu: $999993 Availabie Signed HAVE ANY WP: NOT BEEN FULLY h?f: ify?vs either - quesmn. mpaetethe colust of this 9mm a} aura-cave act?on: and their dams] oi imphmemwcn Mao: wsaemm in am?: or mi? Womenunun 012710 State of Caiifnmh?: STATE WATER RESOURCES comma BGARQ 23124013 go ANNUAL REPORT (If ?3 FOR if" STORM WATER ASSOCIATED 2?3 ?in 8 WITH mousmm Ammnes 1?3- 1g:4 u" ?73? 6? 1?3 6a - 1? Reporti?g Pariad My 1, 20:2 {21:22th Jana 30. 2013 An annuai raped is mquimd to be submitted to your meal Regional Water Quality Contra? Bnard {Regiona? Board) by Juiy 1 of each year. This document must ha certi?ed and signed, under penaity 0? perjury? by the appropriate offich cf your company. Many of the Annuai Rep-1m questions require an explanation; News provide expianations on a separate sweet as an attachment. Retain a copy of the compiatad Annual Report for your mania circie or highlight any infomation cantaan in Items A, B. and beiow that is new or revin 30 we can updata our resume. Weasa mmamber that a Notice of Termination and new Notice of Want are requirad whenever a facitity caperaticn is relocated or ?anges ownership. if you have any queatims. please mama: ycur Regional Board Industrial 323m} W313: Farmit Contact. 71% names, telephone numbers and e~maii add rams cf the Regional 893m mntacis, as wet! as {he Regianal Beard of?ce addressas can be; found at Yo ?nd your Regime: Board infomatien, match the ?rst digit of your WERE) number with the canesponding number that appears in 93mm basis an the firs: line of each Regions}: Bum} ef?ce? GENERAL FACIUTY msommou: PM:er 21mg 39: 3 36! 022??! 0 Names: Empire ?ute aiman?ing 69mm: mam: (3W Wag Adams: 8589 Beach stud. Unit City: Fame Siam: CA Zip: 92335 phone; 909-351-9500 Standard maum?ai Ciassi?catjen Coma): 5015 OPERATOR Name: Empire Auto ?isman?ing {Swim Pm: Gnome Adzhinyan Mailing Address: 8589 Enact: 8M1, Unit C?zy: Fontana State: CA Zip: 92335 Phone; FACIUTY INFORMATMN: Name: Empire Auto Dismsn?ing Contact Person: Gem/96 Amman!) waiting Address: 8569 Seed: 83rd,, Unit City: Fontana State: CA Zip; 92335 SPECIFIC INFORMATION REFORTIRG D. ?Am?m? ANQ &h51$? AND REDUCTIONS 1? Per {ha coma, was your fami?fy mm from 005mg and at:an storm mar gamma in mamas w?h Was $.12 0: if: 13m Gamma: Penna? [3 $23 {3019mm Ga in SW 23 2? Era}ka rim mam your gm?? is from Wag and amigz?ng stem mm: W. mm: a may a? the fast warm Kym; Wk be): ts, a, di are, a, mem $1 321 mm Gums} 13? Sam bk} Cam?m?m {322:9 SW6: QWMM gm ?m?zg ma?{26me Gage 3mm: Re-Wz'sm Ema: ?ees {am (swim {a my 39{Emmet} Camrme 0313: e. am km Cat?fifm?m mm: 3.. Ewan masked hams a org wave. gm: manta: in sampm one storm during gm {waning yaw? ms C3 no 80:93aman E. 3 A I, Hm many men-? war? did 33m? 9 zf Eess than 2. again (if you mm item 0.2.3 ar at above, onisa Attach expiana?cn it yaw There Wm ac rain wants during this stormwafer year at this facffity that met the of a Gammon aischaryo, as Mixed by an Industriai Siam Water General Pmlt. 2. Did you mm am watar gamma. imm. the? ?rst skim! of the wet season that a dinge (tum Wei?! imam (masking hams? {Sudan 8,5 of the Senate! 93mm K3 no, Exgiam?m: MA Na Quali?ed Discharges 3. ?aw my aim; water as a 3 4. YESsgotoimm?-? ?3 at: may from a? me 33m wm mag Wags? RM M) Quali?ed Dischm 5. W39 mm WM or 3mm seduced {3 3?53 {3 so, mum: Swim t3 ?ne (Swat PM MA a N0 Quali?ed bist?wgaa if W8 your 3'3 two at more maimgee are smma?iy idwlmai. 93m May?s drainage am? me 3:23! ammadhave aidimrgs?? 13 ms {3 m. awm: NM a- Quaii?od Discharges 7. Was a mum: wafer sampi?ng mm by three writing days E3 YES m3, Explanwan: um":th a storm mm: mama? NM Na Quaii?od Discharges 3. Were than: any discharges a! stmam that had been E3 {3 9010 Exam E. 1 :ampommy stared or contained? {Such as from a pond) 9. {336 you mm and anatyze 53mm of temme stowed or YES C3 KO, Expumuw: mntainad 5mm walla: dischargas from Mt: stem wants? ma swan W1 if you checked item {323 or W) 10? Sewers 8.5. at the Gama! Wanna requires you anaiyza wafer mama Ea: pH, Tomi SW Scam Spea?e <2:ch ?feta; (imam: Caribou {1?00} 01' and Game (63:63}. eat-m: mamam to 1? W1: in 32mm mm: and anemia! was in mm (3 ma 63mm: pm a 5.3 ma?ad ta miyze Wm: gamma Med Hi3, g0 :0 Km an Tania ?3 oi m9 Carma! PM a. {23% yea anatym a? mm: 9mm 3?53 3 BIA :3ng Rated in fabgfa a. ?yet: ??si m2 We ai? 519m ?ram {a the Was? Yab??mums.mmofm?omg ma 5% mt am am ?n significant {m ?33: Ma wants. BMW: gamma: is kw ta 2m 93mm in stem: dischargas auxhonmd mam: wage? amnmge: in mum (maxim ham upon the {away operaw?s evm?am Mama: 3 m. gmlamtmm MIA a No Quali?ed Dischargaa Fat @313: alum: went gam?ed, attach a (may of the taboratozy snaiyticai was and ram ma wmpiiw and 3%th mum using Farm 1 or its The farming must be movidad for each 93mm coliwmd: a mate and time of gamma m?e??m Testing mafia, a Name and {we samplat 9 Test mt?ads used. a: Paxamams 2mm Yes: {Median iimits. Nam of sum! testing th? as Gate 9% taming, a mmqe mm adenu?ca?m. 0 cm of me {Mam Maw: (3395:. UKRTER .. it a. if?; imaged WW MW 391.3% 33;: 9? ma {Swami rm qua?e?y vim Mr a {36 wthmizw mm may $th away 3 YES {33 KG {Bowman?z 1:1 What mu visuaizy . 3% mm Wm wm?mms and 8% mm da??g 21% winners man they we magnum, am axptamt?oa for my ?Rik$41 summing magma arm smuwm ma 8i) 811Authorized Discharges a {3&9 Rum 21a {wan mamas; warm mm?: of gamma: Wm waiez manages 93mm 2% name of smith :1th mamm water ?imharga it date and am woms?m mama and locum 6f each ammama newsman were; discharga iv. chamda?s?cs a? the discharge 3% its scarce and mum drainage arm/discharge mm 9. name. 2mm and signature of obsamr vi. Any new or revised SNIPS necessary to reduce or prevent paliutmts in authmized mnustorm avatar dischazges. Pmida new or revised 8MP impismentation data. 2. Unauthmized Non~8torm Water Dischargeg G. h! Sanka: 8.3.3 of the Genm Permit arqu quanerfy visuai cbsewations of an drainage areas in detect the present? of unamm?zed newsman mm discharges and their wees. 3. indicate whether you visually observed drainage areas to detect the presence of unauthorized newsman water dismarges and their sources. Aime): an explanation for any answers. JuWeptemhar YES R0 Qmober??ecamber YES YES M3 AMHune YES {3m E3240 Based Upon the quartedy visuai observations. were any unwirmrized water discharges ?af?xed? {23 YES em Go as item Have each of tha unaude now-stem?? water discharges been eliminawc: or gamma? YES {3 NO, Expianation; Use Farm 3 to repair: (matted): unauthorized nomslofm water {image visual observations at mama the fokiov?ng information. vii. Name of each unauthorized non?atom water dismarga. 031a and time of observa?m. ix, Source and loca?an of each unanimon non?tm water dimmer. Characteristics {if the dimga at its mums and impacted drainage amaid?scharge loca?an. xi: Name. ?ne, and ?gnaiure of ohm. xii. Am; corrective actions necessary :0 el?minate ma swarm of each mautha?zed nan-stem: water discharge am: to clean impactea drainage areas. Fri}va date unamba?zsd mar-52m water dischargaw) was e?mineted or scheduled to be eliminated. SON TI Sectim an of the Genaral Pm regattas yea ta wnduci monthiy vim? ebsewa?ons of storm watar {images at storm watar discharge Ioca?ons timing the: wet season. Z?hesa swam: shes! om during the 515% hour of diSChaIge; or, in the case: of temasiiy sawed or mntainad storm watar. at the time of d?schaaga? 1 . intimate haw whether mommy visual ohsematicms at storm water discharges occurred at discharge W?ons, Attach an axpima?oa far my anagram, {Mow YES {3 K0 Februaw a V513 no November YES {3 [?40 March YES [3 80 Gambler YES {3 2:20 Aer YES NO Januaxy YQS [3 30 May El YES NO Visual Obsmatfans were made cf discharges dudng at! rain events. Rem wet season visas: observations using PM 4 or prov?da me f0!!an informaiinn. a; h, a 63:8. time. and mt?m of obsmation name and title of obsawer {Zharacteristics of the dischasga {mg radon W, em) and scum of any patkztants ohsemed. Any new or revised BMPs necessary ta Mum or waves?! paiiuzants in 9mm water discharges. Pravid'e new 0: Revised 6MP im?emw?w date. ANNUAL COHPREHENSWE SUE EVALUATION (A8365) H. ACSCE Section of the General} mm: mauiras the anemia: to conduct aha A6808 each renoan peaod {Jaw i-Juaa 30}. Evaiuat?ma must be marinated wiihin 846 months of each other. The and macaw program aha? be rav?sed and immemm. as necessary. within 90 days of the evatuatioa. The mm be?aw mdudes the minimum steps necessary to campiate an ACSCE Endhaia whathar you have pedomad each step bekm. Explain any "as" answers. 17 Have you inspected at! pmantiai poi?utan: mamas and industrial amiviety areas? {a YES [3 NC) potential poifumnt sources Manama; activities have been inspected by facility start The $0??an areas should be inspecmd: - Areas where 993:5 and mm have occurred timing 316 tax: year. swam repair. remoda?ng and consaudioa a (fide waah and rinse areas. a Mata-?at storage areas F?mcassimanufactumg areas. Vehicmlequigment stomge areas - massing. minading. and tranafaar areas. a Track parking and access areas as Waaie storageldiaposai areas. a Rooftop amipmant areas a: Quatiparticuiate ganerating areas. 1' Vehide Winglmawenance areas - Erosion awas. 6 Nonan 12mmr diadxarge areas 2, Have We reviewed yaw to that 33 833533 3651935 existing patentiai :3 YES E3 M3 Mutant sources and mam! activities areas? The was mviawad. rho cantains Bali?s that address all existing pomntial poffutants sources and industrial activities. 3, Have mu iasnaaiad the entire facility to verify am the sane map is apwbaaiata? Y?s N9 Diagrams are tip to data in SWPW. The fo?owing site map items shank: be Mad: 1: bumdan?as 31mm watar Wrga Wows aut?na of storm water drainage areas a: Stem ?ram co?adion mnvayanca ayatam areas impacted by run-on 8mm cuntrol measures such as catch basmm beams. cantth areas. mm: separators. etc. 4? Have you rav?awad ail Samara! Permit comwance records generated since the ma! {3 YES HO annuai evamm?m? AH compliance records have bean reviewed. The foilowing records ahauid be raviawad: a qua?e?y authaz'ized mama?: watar discharge a: quartariy amazed newsman waiar :3me Visua} observations visual abaewa?orss monthiy storm water disdxarga visuai observation Sampiing and Malym tenants 4? renews af apiaa?aaks and aasmiaaed wear? grevan?m maintmame impaction and mainsenarwa tip-{response activities records 5. Hava you reamed me ma?or mutants oi the to mate maxim With the YES HO {Senerat The has 31:42:3me at the 1997 Genera! Permit mgalatians. The folan items mm he raa?awed: a poriu?m prevean team 1* of {anaemia} 99mm sources ?st of signifier materiafa identi?cation 3. dasuip?aa of the 85593 to be 4- descan of poientiat po?mant sources implemented for 9363?: 5mm We! source 6. Have you rav?ewed your to assure that a} the Baipa are adecame in reducing or YES H0 pmeming potiatams in storm water discharges and auzhnsized ac:me water dischatges. and b} the W3 are bang imptemm?ed? The BMPS am adequate, and impfemantation Is ongoing, The foiiowing 8MP (magmas 3301:? be reviewed: good practices . preventive mais?eaanoe spilt response - materiar handling and 307393 practicas empioyee {raining wasta bandiinga?storage erosion (bonito! BMPB quakity assurance Has an malaria: naming equipment and mum needed to impiemeni the a YES {3 30 been msde L. ACSCE EVALUATION REPORT The operator is required to provide an evaluation taper: that incindes: identi?caz?wn of germane: pe?ommg the awaiuat?on a scheduia for knpieman?ng rewisions- the dat&(s) of the evaiuation any incidem of nonmmpiianoe the cenec?ve necessary revisions actions taken Use- FW 5 to report the remit: of your evaluaticm or devaiop an equivaent form. A RTIF TI ?E?he faci?ty oparatm is famed tn cer?fy compiianm with the induin Activities Slam: Water (Barrera! gem-git, To caniiy compiianca. mm we and Mcnitoring Program must be up is) date and be fairy impimamm. Based upon ynur do you certify maiiamce wiih the industn?af Miuitim Stem Water {23 YES HO General Permit? If you emst attach an ?panama tn the ACSCE Evaluation Report why ycu am not in campitanw with the 1nd uszria: Ac?w?m Storm Water Genera: Permit Answer {ha questions mm to hem you dazarmim what shower} be #283th ta this annuat repart? Answer 1% (wot Appiicabia) (a qthims 24 if you are net requiem! to W69 {new armaments. 1. Have you attached Forms meir equwamm? Y?s {mwamy 2. if you Wad sampling and warm, have 3m; attach {he YES MO KIA Laboratory amiy?cel repozts? 3. If you ducked box b. a er a in item 0.2 of mm Amuai Remityou attached the ?rst page of ma apmop?ate mi?m?ms? 4? Have you attached an expianatim for each answer in items Er}, YES no Km E8. 5.106, Flb, R28, Fla, (3.1, HAJ-W, or REPGRT cammamw i am dufy summed to? sign rm required by the SYORM GENERAL PERMT {see Standard W3wa and i cemfy um wait? of Iaw that this dammem and aft muma?ts wam mama! under my direczian 0f supewiaim in accmfame a syaiem {Saa?gnad ta gamma that game! am} 3mm Newman summ? on my inquiry of the games: or {mama who manage: the wastes}; or them parser: diractfy for @3an ma mfom?on? me infmmatim 58mm is, to the ha: a! my knowlean and hei?ef, hm, mutate and mpiete. am aware mm are agai?cant penalties for submizt?ng fatse infomatian, imming the at ?ne am: meager:me Ear kt:an mam Clam: ?31" 5; Fem 2 W3 5583 A new man z?ummv mama. a? memes {:48me f?w mm mm amt, mg- W. . mmavm. i?aww: - Agar? I I ms mum. 5. YEW Om, gs mama :ng Gammapm$?n?WERE AM Haws?: {km 3/4 12/31/12 . .- 5 I if,? .1 35mm WW3 c; ,3 3&9 Farm 2 a ?m i WERE ANY aumamzeo MSW C'ato' ma; Owner 4 {a sass/i3 55;ng ??xy -. {f mmw? Rama: aw mm E3 3% F?szmt 2 3m 3 Amwmte w. WERE ANY Nswas msaumaw mm: me; Wm {mama ms 0mm mm z" . '3 WWM- W, i it is campy?! poiicy wow mm? c?mrgu, and chasma?am nomammw ?mm-y? am ma?a daffy. than new been no amt? amazemam mam; rm ?aws above am far 2m 3m: afmh :6 W23 mam; the months my ta that data mm m: amred mam mm discharges in Farm 2 2012-2613 SIDE 8 Form mum. or mac-summer (NSWDI) 0? SOURCE NAME OF DESCRIBE NSWO DESCRIBE MY Of? Raw 5 LOCATION OF NEWS CHARACTERISTICS AND PROWDE mamas mm NSWD in men, may, a: EWEMENTAUON DAYE gemsham mm EM the Source A: we NSWD Drainage Air CW Unis an Air Comm Area and Dmme Banding 0 (29999533585 8313: 33m; ease: Tm: Saw: I I We: Time: 0m: ?rm: 9m: yyuowb max WSW 0? HA WRTER mamas WSW) my AW. gm am mew, mm Wm mm ?ft?is ?i mama Jummsamfig? 0585mm" :3 ES Egg-j: . 1 Game: 5 5m?- d/ wens ?was mommusm ?3 mm 3% 3- mm betow Signm: mm umumonaxo ?swag? .. oarwwc. Wm? m: ?torw mm ms m: 5 v33 :3 3mm gamma. . - .- ,f Wuhan: 12/3912 ow? WERE mane as ?3 ya no 0%er 8? Ema; soc Wow ??gnatum - 2 mon umunmm - QUARTER mama Ms M: 6/00 Adzhin WERE ?m - WSEFNAYIOM f" 6335mm" ?3 mg Egg/go? TS i DATE. 1W. WERE g?gn? inwmus OF a no 5% W: as: below swam We. - mm ummnonmso nswm? i . . m1 Am,? ?an; wane mammawn 5 . msammo? a y? a ?a 325:? . mommus or Em? W3 GM 3368 3? mm: we: MW 99:08 um'rmqeo Nswos? Sm: 7 . it ?e anw Whamdaffy. 713m hm maxim meam Jainism rm We?! am? am dimW?omm Form 3 20124013 ARRUAL REPORT FORM VISUAL 6F UQAUTHQREED WKYER GEORARGES sums a I "?AfE?i?aE SOURCE mo NAME OF 085mm umumomzm NSWQ 'uescmae ANY ?swam 0R NEW OBSERVATQCW OF UWTHORIZED CWCTEWSYICS 855% AND PROVWJE THEBR {fa Roy; 3105 may. of mm? . am has ?1354.355 5 mug; 5 Fa ?ag; 5- . At {he Unauthedzed NW CW 9! Pasting Vehicie Wash Wake: my NSWO Drama-go Ma and Dam Lambs! em; T?ma: 3am: tim: i Gait ?rm; 0am: 31am: Date: ?{ime: mum 3 MNQAL 5W WSW QESERVKIEQNS THE wow 03" 0616853 2013 may WAYER magma i WW m?mh??m?mmt Fm.? mm?m? . i J: a .. 95mm am imam-1mm 3W m;wmm Wm 3m rm Em: My. OM %m?mmn 1m" i 7M. Yamwas?23m A3 min m?/ahscwed to thiamine if any produced a mam unquali?ed climbers?. The.? abnawa?ana an: noted in our Smanwator cmpifancc made. If 3 (Indiana Dischargs mum shin month, if is imWod on #332 form mmr?fiue or i issm??v AND saunas; 065mm; am newsao on HON DE: QF POLLUTANTS h?iiW AND 4EIR DATE Mr!- ?s m. Emma: mun mm by an mamidwwm?g ?aw; 1 1 We? ($332Fm 2912.291; 2m: . ANNUAL REFORT 4- mum. i305! TREE 3508?!? 8 OF NOVEQBER 2012 STORN WATER WSCRARGES mutant ?v?sguImm'nm?n #wmmx?gmq?m {gym Mg? @126 an! anvil in I 3mm! waist dam Incl mi! mm?gg?u um at the! an: n6 8% wan? mm ?1 ?mwavmow 0mg: NOme mm mm. 1.3mm ?3 53ch We? Name: mum Time Tm: Tim: m: 5 mm; min Tm smwam I rm: Tm: mm: mm: ?arm Mismaan 0W a a . - (Meaganme {Ali rain errant: mm (mum to determine If they pmduced a Quath or unquaii?ad dischange. ram observations m5 norm? in our swam!an compliance mam. if a Quaii?ed Discharge occumd this monsh, it is identi?ed on this farm. a? DRAINAGE AREA 'No' REVISEB on (DESERVMION or FOLLUTANTS NEW was AND WEIR 0MB WW Wil??marwm Egagem 0a Wayne immemmou matmi mags mm ?2 mm a W: mm: ?mm amped by mg in mm MW Honing enjeds an 06 3mm. k? 949:. um - bats; If? rim: 0mm 3'2 I Sam: 33 ?rm: 93:3? in Foms at 2032-2913 DRGEHQER 2012 - RNNUAK. 4- FQR THE 30m OF DECEHBER 2012 STORE WATER mmyan mamm ammo. anan vmimum. m, mm: an] mu w: (was! up?) was mm we?ng mm. am am ofwho mummy-1&ogsemamn mm: 98mm: 2m: 9mm. Lemon *3 i Gasman 0W Nam: 6W Amm mam time rims: fm: fame: rm; ri?e: Omar ?rm mm 3km: time: Tm: 1m; Wm Puanm WandNE) 3?58 we {3 YES E3 N6 mam; v. I . . . All rain events shamed ta determine if they produced a Qua?ffed or unquazmad discharge. These obsm?ons am taxed in our Sformwatnr compiimco mcords. If a Quaii?ad Discharge occurred ?1335 month, it is Man??w on this form. i emanate or ammse AREA 3 mscmeg mo BESCRIBE m?'??hseo QESERVANQN 0F 5. NEW MID THEIR DAVE, 0? {From Put 2} E- Marge Pram I Win 3mm Wm! tiin 8 m, gmgoa sham mm try 013 mammal smga arm 32 mm. 0? MW. {mm 8mm dnppod by was in whide mm a . Date: 5 s1 3 3 KIM: mm: I "Baza: ?3 Yuma: 33%: WW: Tiara: FW 4 2012,2313 JANUARY 2913 new?. FORK OBSERVAHOBES FOR THE HORTH 6F JANQMY 2613 WAYER Wm mum? Mamas: Wm maaimam an mm mm; 5458*? ??lm 0" ?Sim ?0 . I goasmvmou GATE: JANUARY 2013 awn-q. ?m a Demip?m i Observes: Name; Mammy? mm rm; Tm: rm rm.- 3?:th Tm mmamm fame. Tm; TM firm. i4, Were 9mm mm . EEWESMWW Yes ?aw: beam) . I . . . All rain ovum were oby?gved to determine if they produced a 0213111336 or unqua??ed discharge. These observatfans am noted in our Stormwatar mm?ama mania. Ifs Quali?ed Bisc?aiye mam this month, it is idmb??ed on thin farm. "?b?mmua or: mamas AREA gammy we oescmee souncas; DESCRIBE ANY REWSEB {m ossenvmon or mumms NEW 3MP: AND WEIR DATE gamma; mum gm Woe matanai aim was 32 Um. 0? MWW- tam? sin-we WM mm by tucks air: Wis Mgc?e?sman ogm,mm,m {Jams #1 ?rm: #2 'E?ims: mm: 5 83 Yuma: 0am: ?rm: 912311334 29124613 251: . WUAL new 4? mam FOR THE mm 65? 2M3 SIMS WATERW Name: #Wm rm than I rm: mm. m; rm rm: tamggrm?mm {3%st magmas? {3&3 mm; of . [55m . ram to Mamas ?fthay produch a mm?! at unquali?ed w?c?tm m? obsma?am: am noted in our tonnwnur mm? records. a Quali?ed Discharge occum! this month. is WW an this fem. "Esm?mu'wrw mm??il?i?e'??a 55mm? 5mm WATER mscm?ce i marrst AND somch measures. Amievsseb on easenwrlon 3 or POLLUTANTS NEW aw: AND THEIR DATE or V: ?n 04.9% from mm arcka an: 3 Mon mm and :31: oil matmuimoom? 0m: 'rme: am. ""92 Ym: Saw. a. I rm: i. Form 1; 23124833 mm 2913 REPORT was 4- msum, ma ma mom Ingram 2013 WAYER 31? 3mm? 'Nomcan": 9 mm m? oma?m. . ?92 (xaseavmuan Ema: man 26:; Mm Gamma Rama: mom Mam Wm Wm: Tm. ?rm: mine; My ?rt-me Marga Mr: Tim: Tm rm: ?rm: anyemmamm YES 3.2mm: 3 my} 4* At! rain were dawn-ed ea dammit if may gmducsd a Quaide or unquaif?ed discharge, These Mma?ans am noted In mi: Stamina?! Wane-e mcords, Ife Qaa??ed Disc-ham mm this math. it I: Mauritian on that: form. 1 enemas OF I. mamas AREA warm aownw mo oescmae souacags; OF POLLUTANTS new BMPS AND mm: mm as {Fm Par: 2} Manama WW Who! aim was: 8mm is am, shew earned by 9% 3 mammal dosage mm 9' ?m ?and ?mm mm dnpped by in mm mainmm i WIW 8? t" 3? 0319: #1 rm i am?. 5 32 Dam: ?3 um: i E, PM 4 Am 2913 mm Ramr mm; mewmms FOR TEE 2613 331383 WAYER WW3 WV manl- Nm- 68* wwmmeu mm?rmwin sve?fg?nn?hbsm in: ?mm if they produch a Quali?ed or unqudi?od dischaer ?rm absewaa?am are: noted in our SWIM sews-Mme ma?a if a Quali?ed Discharge occumd this manta, it is on mix farm. or URAMAQE AREA oascms 5mm wares: a OBSERVATKJN 5 0F FOLLUYANTS NEW 3% AND THEIR OF {from 9mm mm mm {mm Emm m, 1 Wed ?Mme! NVLEMENHNON mMm-gcwn um Fem: 4 2012.201: ARRUAL REPGRY FORM 4-: ma THE a? MY 261.3 8TORR 1 mm; 32. Umwmm Wham timing?? wmmum ii an ?aura lrm-m 2613 Wt Linda. I1 5 5 seasmvmen mmGum 3mm. OW Tm! ?rm; Tim; Tim m: '2 mag; momma am? We: Yim: ?rm: ?ns: 1 Wm Pollutants 3 I (M mves mm {33% am {Eves {33:40 i {231% a m: - mm; 1 All rain event?? chum dammim if they produced a Quali?ed a! unquali?ed discnatym The? obsm?om an new in our Ween-mm? mania, a Quaii?ad 0339mm mum We: math, it is Identi?ed am this form. BAIUHME or ommce AREA aescm?is??rom WATER memes; 2135mm mo assume mf'newsea on OBSERVAYION or mumms new 3m AND mam DATE OF EFIM PM 2) ?3de mm mm mm mm mm is was, EXAMPLE- Q?l sham mm by mated? storage 12 Wm cams! swam mm dripped by in meg; menm was?: Sate: an 5m; :92 I'm: 0am at: ?cm: - 332%: ?it; 5- 1m mama 391 mm: mm?. HEW MAL WWEWW am: mama WEN WW SIAM 'i mm mama f, mmcm?rs m?smsmumx Ym?zw mm?: 1 mwaum mum's?? mm; w: mt BEEN . mm as Mum mammath Acwm Ma mu :muemsm - 3 We" 3 gammy?:st up giro mman . necessmw mgmremm pou?'i?im Hm: ANY 8MP: NOT 8EEN was mm; in Ma: Gasman mamth smacmuousmm My: rum 39?? 3? i? 5? 39?? .. Mum?: a m? 35003:)ng msmumm me am a necessmw Wm,? {23 ?18 ?10 Mimim mv?im m. nor seen . {?ves mm - 3MP: NECESW mm 3 {3 2?63 N0 3 m; 3 m?mm Haw? Am Mk3? ?titan g! {a -. smwwusmm atde max i Fm? immnm 1., . 3 ?mgYes $1.39 7 POLLUTANT HAVE ANY 8% ~07? SEER If . 9am de?cim ?n Wm Gama? max:me We: souncamuusma ACTIVITY AREA FULLY mm? {as a: SW3 3 N0 ARE ADOHIOMUREVTSEQ WASH 33;: [1 vs: no 1:01me wave am mm NOT game :1 . mm mm; in Beam: 09W 3am. somcanwnusmw. acmm AREA FULLY :Wmmv Wg??ig?n?m a: 3m: Wm wing? {in ARE ADDWOMUREVISED ?an was am was a no POLLUFANT HAVE w: NOT seen a Gem dew "gem alum: souncennousmAL ma FULLY :msmemam gamma-imam?? m: a no ?th mamas karma; 8H9: NECESSAR STORAGE msposnn a ?a I i POTENTIAL muumm NOT BEEN 9W (Minimums 6329:: i souncanausmm AREA if FULLY mamamen? ?km jumvm "Lam .. Wm sromae or mm re If: ?Egg:ng 5?3 gm a ?a some. mmamm. POLLUTANT HAVE nor men it a, '9 mm mm academia? in 3mm: MFA FULLY "fewer! [3 v53 3 no mamp?m?m ARE mam W3 . 5 0sz PARIS - ??nmm pouumm HAVE W: NOT 3 to mm in We: Describe WW ACTIVIYY AREA FULLY :92: mum in muggy MM wigs!? next we am ml ?3 {3&0 5 rave ANY NOT BEEN Describe de?cismiea in 3559:; ?3an MP9: souncmwousmm acrmn' AREA a FULLY - in mam? LE3) .155. .. WW m? 8A many mamas AM) ME mm 3 Dams? am necessmw cm {3 YES [a no POLLUTANT HAVE ANY 3MP: BEEN . {Jasmine da?dend?s in was 851%? swacgmousrmz. acmm AREA Emu maemmzm mmARE Aomhoniu?ein's?o STORAGE 5 mum9012mm. manna? HAVE am am: NOT BEEN if a in ?Pa: 9mm an?; i acrmw AREA 3 FULLY iwmuaumm 9? t? (as momma in a I A Emma, 5mm" ARE aom??onmaws'?ts" wig?? 9 5 {?lms a {3 vs: a no m?reurm vomit-am HAVE NW emu NOT see? 399mm mm in 835$: 5 mm ammammd ms: Acmw AREA "mun: :wmuamzm w. in ma :3me gig? m__ggl_ ?mw??w gcaouwa 9mm mam em mm '1 smm?s? saws necessmw Mm? was {31 x0 1 9012mm. warm? HAW mm ?or BEEN if - dWesin 8W5: amass macamousrnm gammy AREA may smuswmm - ?1m? 1 i (85 idirptm GENERAL TRASH {.mm. poumm: nave Wimim BMW: i souacmuousmm AREA F?va :mmamwquesm, i 3 mm. OLSPOSAL ARE Tom? mm Necessmv? i -- WW1 i YES por??mm HAVE 3301 35m . muncemuusmm AC?:min,? am? we mamamrs maxim a a no 80? SEER mm mm, awn: Describe mm mm" muncemouamm Amw was FIALY ms WV :39. be - no g?mwm mm memos a and mm 7mv2mau?m18??3 . I mammomm Amman AREA mu mamm - mam? axaow m? a 5m. ?1 ngw?i?g . Facility {grammar}: 551%?5 WAKE {3,39% TROL QORRO mime-14 ANNUAL REPORT ma marzm wags: Assocmm mm mausmm mnwnes Remaing ?a?od July 15, 293:3 June 3(3, 20-24 An manta! report Ia Maine! to b. 319me ta iocal Huston! Water enemy Gantrol Board gaugionai Board} by July 1 a! mu yur. ?This dewmi magi be mama 3M m?m may 9% gmsjury. $33: ?31 yaw mgaay. Many a? the Assam $990!: questions mum at: {axpianmiom P?aasa 5:10va mpma?ons on a gamma m: as am awamg Rama *3 cnpy at than Report yaw W3. Pmase ciga??-ar hsghugm my ia?srmatm mined in ?ems 8Pieasa 91%: a Hobbs 9f ?mammamn am: WW Notice 9? am rmuired whmavgr a facn??ty ammng is awmsh?n. 2: 35m; have any queam. ?aw males: your among! 833m imiwtiiw Siam Waz?t Fermi! mmact, "I?m nma?. miep?wne :2qu am? await addresses 9% ?rm Ragionai 80m: mmams. as waif. the Regional Board af?ne addresses can ?08m a: ntact??mi. To find your Regime! Board infamaiwon. mamh (ha f?mt (Sign of year wast) Rumba? With {ha mmbar that appears in paranme an the Em: ?ne; a? each Regime: Board af?rm. GENERAL MFORMA NON: g?g?zgww . Facility ?pmtarin?mmaon: WW mm mm: 9mm (3133:: Fm?a Case-em Fm? .W mag: . Sim: SamFac??y Billing mmamm {Emma-r W: ?mpire Mia ?ismamtikyg MM . ?w??hw 2:9: W335 . WW can?. 2034314 ANNUAL HON WSYCIREEG ANS R?f??m PWRAK 9, AMY SIS. EXEMPW *5 the {Wing 985m. was y?m amp: ?asm Mg and amiyzimg samws two 3mm: wants in acm??danm with Ms 3&2 :3 2% 9f Dyes Gamma? 30 (Emma 2, {mime mus may; ?s mm ang; m; analyzing swam from two: 53mm mm? 3mm 3 ?mmga ?fyrm m3, ii.- N. a: v. i. F?ar?c?ga?m in am mm Quip; 55?an m? mm a. gamma: an arm? Wanna {use} Em sumszm Rmmat?m {3323: mes mm mama aa?afy mac mai?ms?? Y?s N6 smem Samp?ng Mum uni?cation EM: gamma: Rawama?sn ism; mm mass {may $9 5am Sm: 3158 a N0 m. Renewed aegemg Beard Cam?w?m Saginaw 8am: I mm am Semifsz mi?wm . .. .. .. if you maxed mama: imam. mm? gm ?zz?az?hw so ma?a am 22mm?; was}: dwa?ig {m mm Y?s so (sewsmn? 4. Efyw hams iimam $35: yew gamma? 0 ?f $833 man 2. math exphmiian (Kym: ma?a 3.83m 52$ er am_ my; 311m anamr 2. ms 39:; mm: mm: 1mm: mm ?rm the firs: aim a! ma mt mama that madam a ?ischam (?21m awmsm {acuity hams? 5mg: of ms (Smog/w arts amt: emanation {mm me am a was 69 as: ?my: as: M: Wm ?wt gas can sc?? mum a: any? 2 mm: awaits; .LW. 3. my mam} was 6W an: at 3mm- Mags?? Fm arm: event gampi?d, as: yaw mm: mm mama a gawk met: 2m Emis'ey?a water ?i?d?aw {mtm? YES, g9 10 Ram E5 Wag gmpio m?ieczzicn er amiysis :adumd is: amr?am W?h 33.6 a! ma mm 9:93:33? mg i N6. amen expfam?oa was if attach dewman?awm gnawing your demin-mm 1m: 2m: 9r mom gamma arms? 3% amzantmg mama {3mg faci?ty?s drainaga amas mm m: 3%?wa Ware +15% sampies cam:ng {he fiat how of amaarga? Wm git 3mm waist 9mm by {?rm Wfki?g gays Wheat 3 mm: mam (imaging? Ware meta any Gimmes af atmawr that had was: {emcm?y same? at amta?nm? ?wah ?s {mm a Emmi} 240. emanation amt; expimatkm {m mu mm and mlyz? 333mm 3? mmpom?y mm at sker wam z?i?mmeges {mm gm mama me Mam sf yam (mm im ?12} 3: MOO ma ?xpianati 8mm 8.5. 3% $13 {Swami ma {Mam yaw 2a armiym mm WW w: W. mm! $43863 a333, Specific Cammnm Tow ?tgamc {Eamon {1?98} 053 and Gmam {0&61, aim: m?mms ??ke?y amen: ?raw ?ischamg an gamma: ma?a and anaiy??a? paramgters mm ?n Tame {3 a! General Permit- a. ?13m fame ?3 whim an? msgma reamed In yam aways SIG swims{3x9 YES El YES ma you maiyza gig amm Water mmpim 12% walkable pamme 83%: an ham if 3m: did m3! swarm 3839:3133 Mew mam mm 2.993% 33% {i garmetam am am mi {away reams: IR pm: samp?wg yams, ma param?mts} 323% m1 bean Gamma 5Egrs?ficar?i quantim ?mm semg?ng warm. Amen emmawn me garame?e?si is mi wear #9 be swam: 'm stoma watar Manama; am warm; 2a? mammal: qwmigm mm umn the tam Q913th gamma. Attach animation QM. amen amiana?ua H. Far {each 3mm 3mm maxim. attach a mm 9f 21% reams Md {exam 53mm; 3:151 gm?ma {was mag 89m: 1 er sis Equivan rm must as ?amed fa: em gamma wimm: {33% and {mm ?2133mm Wt: Team reams. Nam am} W9 9f mman Hm Miranda umd ?xammam tast?do Rag: damn mas. Name as mags-gm mung Mam. Gate 9% testing meme ?g}me adan??camn. {mam are whammy magma; ma?a 5? gummw Nun?smm was! {Simuargea a? 1m Gama: 53mm! mums gummy ?is-5a? m? 31% authot?ized mws?m swam: Whargas and their gamma 3? ER: wath Gimmes occur at yaw mam ROI $am?mm??2 indium mam; you vimgay absmvaa 3&3 mm? ram-est water disarm;er me! ma saser :3an {ame men may: wa amm?gw; Mach an ?warms? far my ?1530" Mama: mama gar gamma Wham any 3mm mm?am mm dismarges, Jniy ?amamm 8mg quamrty mat gammat?m at gamma waier a! pmv?de mam; snicmama Api?riu?? mm em gather?sz nen?m?m ?satay disc?arga am? m; 63% 5f atmgva?w :iia mum 3mi- lm {ma 9? was aammimzf hen-gm may {3535mm a! $9 dimarge at its and: imaaw {Swarm maid?wanga xenasm v. am; 22% md signatm 0?on w. any a: remnant: saws ta redum 9r gamma is? aaimzisz Wn?m wath ??gmasgaa. Prague new 9: revised ?aw. anathema-i ?oa?8tmm Water Discharges 8mg 3.3.8 3? the Gamma? Perm: mqmras v?wa? Watims a? alt dramgs was tn (mad the {magma {3f uaaym?zed gun-mam waw emsrges and Mr swms, 3. g} imam arming? my ma?a; amt? git dramga ms ta ?sew the 92mm ram? mm wages ?ischargm am: my gamma. Attach an swimmers for any ma" 353mm. i 5 N0 duty -mmw ms my was January-Marci?: [23 ms pm no 833m agar: 3m ?gummy 32mg! Mama, we any umamm men was: aimwges deal-act?? ms Go in stem 9% ?aw man 0? me mamm?m arm-swan wamr mama?; WW gamma? m3 [3 m3 mm? ?Mamas! mm mm 3 u: rem waist WE 9%:st a: mm mme Wormaz?mn Amimum name mm ammwm newsman wear d?marga data 3% mm a! wsemawn; is} 3mm: and Marian mm umu?hamw WW iv. cnammr?s?m a! the (Siam;er at 2:3; am mpaaw manages asandWaiQa mam. v. mm. my arid mama?! o? obmar, any 29mm gamma {a anagram me warm of am": maulhmized amateam mm: d=sr1hargaa ami Ea amen impacted dramage mess. ?mvi?e dam water was or sawduied to be WATEQNS. 3mm: 8.4.3 a? 1m (3%th 9am} mung we 13 madac? mm:th vimai msmw?ens a? stem: wake: we,sz a! a? mum wamr dmharga Nations. d?J??g mg m: seams). @131! mm: during Eha m: hear a! ??marm m: in aha mm a? imporamy stored or mm?am mm: mm. 32 mg aims at 1. . has?: ?Masha! math}; visu?i Magma a! s?nrm mar {images 53% d?gwarga .ma?om Awash an 29? any mamas, mm in axglana?mn whmhet an? ?iigrbie mass emnw- siazmg smum ?actmy spewing hows mat ?156. nest r'esui: a mam wata: a??swarge? ma gravide the can. arm. am mad we of the germ? warmed ma: was n9 3mm: WW wscharge? om; It NE) Faraway a:me gamer; gamma: 95m; [1 January my 2. Raw: maan ma? mama mm naive-g Farm 4 mama fwasmesg 2mm, Lima and Seam at wamiizan mama ma 8% 9f Warm: mamam?xtm as ?lm 5W exam: 9955?. and mum of my pa?a?tangs wwmad? any ?aw mu?gw 3M9s mmry :3 reduce a: prawn: gm?z?ams in aim wath {imagaa W?da ?aw :wm 3MP ?time, an 99? $32938!? SHE, amnmsae E) H.. Seam A3 $9 Swami Wank magni?es the {away memo: k3 madam: Lime kit-8C8 'm am mpomhg perm: {,1qu 3? June 30%. 8%;st must $21216ch wimm 34$ mama mm cam. Thea 3nd manitanng progmm shag km and as mans-my w?hin mm 9f 2m wawaticm. chemist new ?miudes 22w 9mg ammo! t9 cemgzieze a ASSCE. 1W mm: yam haw w?mw each may Maw: Amer: an gxpiana?m my my aasmm, 1 . Have ym: magma a? pagmw m?azam 3mg 5mm? YES [3 ?me man areas swank: {m insaec?ad: 551511331339 min :mm?ngx 3nd .msz simage arms Sim/age amas hm giaak?ag and mm areas {ma?a equipmw; wags vehwe areas :1th watez wattage gan?xa?ag gram [3 m3 alarm Wis: dwasfga mama storm may WW6 and ?mwgam 53mm macaw swims meme such as mick: timing. mg, {mama-ma: are-ash m??mmr 5393mm, etc, mass Meta 393% $516 833%? have {mama} during 2m 13%! yea. maxim; was)? 3m! {?31338 anws gxegwmamacmmg am? kiws'ng, umaMQ, amt: immfm mags wage mammalsth mm aimvpaz?mlate gmera?wg awn magma. gram 8mg Wu WW was: SWW a} 3mm that its agar-:3 addregs mianmf 9mm 59% and arms?? Haw yak: mama: m3 m?re {mag}: tn mm?; that the We mm, ig The axian girl; map imam await? 5% mm: fac??y Madam a! ai? wary ?xa?nam wags 3mm; an; rum 4, am we mvm? ai?fssami Wmsi: camianm Wmaw meg 1m East amua? DMD Su? foilean mam are quar??a?} zuehwizw mamam Wm (gamma; umuzheme? rim-stem discharge vim! wsemams was discharge mg! obsawag'sons mm:th swan water ?mmam 5&3me aw Mama words mm; emamn pmmam makiiwanca mama/23% wads 0f w??mm amted gm m-g?nmama rem ciean-uw?wm a??zm Maw gem rem?m? ma mic: Wefst a? me 16 mum . comp?anca war; the (Seam! Fatwa? [Esra?3 m3 faman iwm aheui? be ?2mg: gammy ma?an mam ammem 9f gmzam'w mamm mums 13:: mailman! matar?a?s am??c?sm am?! dasmm?m a: {:23 :3 {m dacr?wm mm mm: mama smmam ?13: mm? ?a?t?am mum mu yam: assure gm a: the 8&9: ma magnate wagging a! wewa :23! 33W W3 mm mm aum? nmsim wate: discharggs, m3 $219 85392; are ?wwmm? EM EQWQ 8W aa?eger?e? mm gem hmw?wg?m pram maintmance 533$ :mpom magma! han??ng and may: {gamma amym aa??mg Bram mwiiag?swmge {mam cmkwi smegma; M533 qw?iey mamnce ?ag as? mama! rimming equsnmi and aqmmn? {a .?mp?emmi mg: ins-peters? i a we @3ng magma RE;ka ?(he {mm mama: is m?m a: grovwa 3g: avaimm ragga $331 .?nclwies: mti?caiicn :15an mam-hing ma?aae?m wmg?a farimimm?pg twigs-ms 9M {was} of ma Manama any an??am and the extractive -- rmt?gigns actim?l? ?39m Warm 5 to report the was at yum mama?m a am $3 mmvgigm farm. ma fan??zy match}: is requin f9 (semi? campi?mcs with Mm? mam 52mm Waw Ganwai 93mit. Ya wad? mmg?mw, bet?! ma mm:st ?rmware? mass :49 is; {$323 and be ism imp?amwiad, mm tapers yeast do we: mm?; wmggaam with 2233 Activ?stias $?mm Pmmet? 3:53 M) grim a?swred 3mm an 0x95353369? ?0 1m A6868 ?wiaazsm Regan why yea are as: mmp?mnca me: me Induagrm Ammtses 32mm Wawr Gama; F?erms't. 20f3~2014 ANNUAL REPORT 0F ANALYTICAL "the inwsz?a! 3m: Way Seam! Pam: (We; reqa?res you to amine stem: wag: samples for a: ma: fear 331% 93, Yoga: $u3pem?eo Saws {235}, We; Comiqu {563.3353 mm: Organic. Canon. (7?00: arid (Erma may be Maintain Eur TOG in Wm fiat; rims: mania? ?x any we: ?wmw which 3209 mheve so be amen: an yew water Mange as 3 mm: a! iadwm?ai and mammal paramemm ?23m in Tam 91? {he Genera Pemk mere M9 at; mam: 3mm fer the garm?am yam Em: far. '{hae km: patamezm: (53mm; 333an makes 22$ mm arts murmured wamm. gr: 51%: was, regards?: a! wha?? rigs {mt-y yea.- mas; ?mamm am and genera: am in gamma 3mm mum Wamg' wiluzanm am pman 369m wawr Tm foilom'ng bm?y emins what am a! 9mm garma?em mean: pH is a numerk: magnate the metal, er Mamba renew a; min 8. 5 3.5. A: mama 2m shan 6.5 rm ?Em amazed was; 35 it ?3 mamamd We at?: ma?a mamas ai W33 sawtanw is magma a mum as basis; ax ?un mam, Fm; gamma so PM 3 gm a time Em may: 2 Ewe mew at mawna?s or magma mm mm immam or Maw 52H 3w: 3m mm disawge. the Mata a? your Mam water dWrge are high 0: ms?: area wow nondan a awmm 31 mammal mam-mt mamas a: site. mm; 3mm {3?38} 55 a mama :25 the amisaema Mada was era premat 5m yam mm? ?raw: amigo. Samms $88 Brianne mimm {mm 93335623 of 35W tam. am am {mm mmwi?m it 3. gm} asaa?. 8&3:ng by mu can Risa my $9132: in imam ?fe becnusa ii {gems faedsng anti ?2ka and mm: Ewing an the mam a mm: hwy. Team: and 9mm gamma: mo aware at: ant memes: this We: a medium by Wm?! 2:3sz or my pm?utanis $3.16 up $9 an: wawm am: wings?, in bait-nan am: Mamie: ?gs: $53 {Mia vary w: mmfa? mm Mad. has SW mat T35 karma nmasa ?gMicanzty be ma wv?apcm. Spa-gm Conducting? is a gamma: exgx?em cf 23% magic; {ame wager an gigaczz?the sieng 9f mmizamn. aaim?y. at 2m {42% mama; a; 3 Jamie! gamma. ma?a at 901W{mm- mm. A mgn- $6 malt! am the 3mm 9% mam ?53! {1mm in?igaijcm. aria (sum wmweia a? Mama; ma, fora; argm?c ?Simon {3?90} is a magma Mm was warm mam! pagers: W. (Mi {manic Mex/mm mm} m: :9 98mm am is am mag a? manic (3mm mam: =9 warm in mimah, plant: and manmist! gynaae?ic Wigs). $55ka argartm mm mixing fuss; 33mm am: pamts. Maw 99mm mm: mm: awgen it: a {whim 92mg! 20 awawz?e, ?fm much mgamc 19mm mum mm a 339mm: maggot: Gamma cm ms mm and plasma: mm: as mm? 5;me 5mm Qatar do mi hiadegrade a! stadggzade 9911; am. Syng?agc ages-aim a 82me 9% :oxic that can have adverse swam a! my (?3w m?w?m? Sam: at mass Chem ml: Mmmum in aquatic if yam of TDC my high, Wu mm ?mm 31! mama a? mam! ex syam?a mgmiss yaw may ma 3! Wu: sits. and Games :33 a measum at am mm at a3 and ?mm 95mm an mm mm water ?isc?arge. my saw (2&5 cm a sneer) gm mama =?ramnom an the mm 9?er at 9f oi? w: polka. 25am Wm warm} can swam a?w mafia: 3% am? am um?ghtiy {wa?ng maw?a? am: am or: waw. thus making wa?n'mm. swim at ($68 Made 3:an33:33 gnaw vehms, whims am {Maya if gm; ham any mamas-g; War a: m: was maszaum? mm we we: mm mm ?mm your inc-a! 3995mm!? 8mm Wm.. This United Siam Enwonmmtai Pmmg} ?gm 3133 MIW dad-largo {or a mime: a? ?Them ?mchmams may 193 mean when ?awkme ?ame; Madi?iinml amps an These mm be a:me a? wanna 3% mm?mawmtz?wgev k: 53 mews in the 55me 3M MW mam Cwi?ca?im? See Siam Water Cm?a?s at km; mfg: mflmu WW mum we. d?mcmx mm th, mm W1 3 Dam Ham?smm'ii?' ?amvm WV mum. mnmAms a mum mom 5 an 'Wh mawm?anwm ma: lit-133M ma. - ?MI-indent?qu 13w." ??0an in?an ?an ?at: max?as-:3 notuse9.11.? an. ?su ?2353 not) Nah mi? ?:13 W15 J?a ?utwm??th-uuamomm g?wm Mlhh?m 451} 5'0? WM. amen Haunt)? ammu?m 3? sums WALW ?Wh muth nunMy?? CM: 3" Mmu?w a mun-u murmur wg?mubm Wb??imnoiafm - . - mm mm Monument-inn: mm {mun but .mm mm. I lam mm ?mm: mmuhmm m? ?swan-am mum mu . . gnaw-d? 'm 53?53 mm mm gm mam? WHAL REPORT 96% 5 MWMW 9W WWI. 9011mm WRCERMDUWM 833478! was; mmaxmm mu {Tim/7112: mimgwua mmu?ium mum-o. mm i?m?mw" nan-m .m 3 Emu-uh. uWarvt-?i? . ?nd? mwlma m" an uj?'?k glut-gm mamhm mm mmupm ??1?me guy-gx/ffiw? #3 M. amme .. inW??m mum think? We ?guhfaiag? mu? -- - ?mm mm! Mad?! 96133 fl? saw i Inn-um 'Ww ?mamas-mt?? mm ?aw?mummy whinuwm luv-um a; m?gs My 6/?345 - am n! ?Wu ass-um?? ?n i MS '5 .3. was - mm What-cum I a m?vmm gag-w frat "?ax?mi??xw?i; fa; nun-m 64'? :3 . . Mammal-Irma: ??mw g? i. may {Lima ky? . m. ?31 mm?. 2' I I mi? a Minimum-um: i . kWh-?m ?rw Mum: . 3 Mi. 4 . ?haim: a 9' Dmf?wi mum ?m MI M?nuuma butth 332% ?an-5m ?It a? ?133? mm REPOKF 2013426233 ATTACHMENT E1 There wm min events during {his Storm Watw year at this facility that am: {he Ward (if a Qualified ?ischarge as de?ned by the industrial Water Genera! '?enni:. E2 Nita. There mm m) quali?ed discharges (fur-Eng this Storm Water year. '84 WA There Wm: m} quali?ed discharges during this Storm Water may E5 NKA There Wamm mpies Manse then: rm quali?ed :iischarges. .1516 N323. There WM quaii?ed discharges. WA There wm :10 quali?ed ?ischarges. E29 NIA Them m} mg?w mi?ectad became there ware guniified Qischargm- 231% NM. Tm mm minted because mm wen 2w qmi??ed No Discharge Visuai abservations afaii min wants and diacharges abserved FORM .2 it is amid discharges. {)bservations for authorized amamwater discharges 3% ma?a daiiy. There have been 229 aathorized na??tcmwamr digeharges. datearefercncad am far the 88d (if each quarter it) indicate that during the moms prior 1:9 ma: date ?lm ware 2m authorized nan-52mm mm: :23 report. Speci?c dates for quartcriy W??cazion 9f authorized mmwmer ?ischarges are in war 3mm pawn Wham: magma FORM 3 Side A it is campany poiicy to amid mmhmimd mwam {iischargm am} for mamborimd m?zom discharges We tinny,? 111cm have been at; discharges. The dam-a are for :he 32%! {Ir-f mi: quanta: :9 meat: ma: aiming ?ti-m maths prim ?22} that data than: were at: mthorized mausth discharges ti) report No time is iistmi here since the dates mfer to ?bservazions thughout the main: quarter. Speci?c dates and times fur quarterly mti?ca? tian (if w: in am Storm Water Permit campiiancc moms. FQRM Side A and All rain events warn :3me to detem?ne ifth produced a Quali?ed a? {Emuali?ed (iischarge. ?xes: 3m mitt} in Smmwam wr?'pliancc if a, Quali?ed ?ischarge mm this it is Edgmi?e? this fbrm. mm g. [3?.tm?h 842.; ?92 Flu. R23. man?trsat? ms; mg C) Sm Exhibit 8 Empire Facility Description, Possible Discharge Locations UNG SECTION A: PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Empire Ante Dismantiing is. mutated in an industr?ai 3:93 of gamma, CA. The prope?y is a tong mace running ?0 mum. Tim (mfg eniranm is at the scum end at ?37.29 prapmy along sida the ma?a a?ice buiiding {mated in the east mmen ma dismantiing and repair buiiding is iocated in: the west end of ma site. The prams?ty is a aomb?natian of generate am am surfaces and surmunde? by mangath mam mncing? The west and a? the prwarty is siighziy angied with ma ssut? side of ma: pmpa?y being i5 feet iong?y {ha-m 2m mm Baas?) Ave is heated dawn me ii} 1m 30th wim vad. waning afangside the new; mummy. W3 gite ?s {a the east am wag? by 3th disman?em FACSLITY SIZE S?ze (55" Facility: .. Approximately 3?2 Acre PERCENTAGE OF SITE IMPERVIOUS TO STORM WATER Pacer}: impervims to 323m: wat?r: $596 PERCENTAGE OF CONDUCTED OUTDOORS Percent {if omrat?mai actwity madmiesd ?About 95% EWHE km WWIHG B: 1,8 FACEQTY ?xwa grams .zw ?a?nm? 33 rm awn?; :?caa?ms Wham 52mm .?esams aha mag. The an the: has {he midway {a mam-1m w??ra? Meag?ensh Same: may am 10 um WW and {was 2329 af?j?i?i?g prope?y in ?39m raim.. Th9 shame of may Pm be st; sama?izrzg- may bra Sierra wan-gr wi?? 3mm ma Sara Semardim Warm the Emma 33m ngaagg am witima?gty mg; Paci?c Swag, 1.1 PGEMS The mzm?? d?sgharge paints iarge rainmila ara- alma 3w swat ?nath aw Q?li} {?329 adia?nimg ?f?m?k 1.2 Thanstorm as magmas wag ?rm fasziif?tigg 19533131 ta 2m 9351 Raw magmsw?i be mct?itmead, my: ibis dmummwwi?gm ?12th 33 a manga? ?m om?m; 1 :3 EC EWENG WAYERS Swim: avatar disaharges wiil mm: San Egma??m Cami? Siam} Wm: Syatam 33mm Ame-z Riwr Drain-age and :a?i?z?maie?y w??i aim? m9 Pm?c Swan. Exhibit 9 Empire Inspection and Photographs 1 Storm Water Multiple Application Report Tracking System 2 Storm Water inspection Detaila Genera} Details: WEED: aner i Qperamr inepeclieu It): triggecnoi? Type: Enspeciion Deie: Vir?atious Neied'az rmpectien Canteen ?ame; 8 3802319 Empire Auto Di?emami?mg Address: 8559 Beach Ave No Feniana, CA 92335 Com/act {Beverk ac?iilyi?lte: mp?re At?? Diemaniling Address: 8569 Beach Ave No Femanai CA 92335 Comm: George Akzhinyan Prime: 939?357?9580 Plume; 909-357-9560 E13133: Emmi: 2018128 {sweeter Type: Regional Board 8 Type mmptiance irrepecier Name: Nam &guyen 812032913 Na Agency Name: Agency ine?pecror Retire: Feliaw Up Adieu: Framer?zip Inspeci'mn Needed Siaff attempied to shaped the site but ihe owner was as! at the tacifity. Board staff requested to mspeci the site without the owner, but facility staff dig? no? al?ow the inept-mean unless the owner was an sire. 823?? wilr be contacting the ewne? Gee-r99 ??zmnyan, to perform tuft a mspectron.. Seine photos were taken rrem are external perm: of the $519, From what {said he ebsenred, heusekeepa?ng was an issue. 0% stains emit} be seen near the disman?ed vehicles. Satvaged engine page; were net covered. Various ciremicai containers were stared wizhom genomes? ceniainmem near the main af?ce traiier, .4 has Exhibit 10 In?niti N01, N01 Receipt, SMARTS 3mm 0g 3m Wam Rems me Emmi NOTICE OF INTENT T0 Win-E ERMS 'a??o-EE WATER ACTIVITY {Exam {Law'ch Wsz?m} I. STIXTUS A, New?m 8. crmgea?mnm 35mm 1L RECIUTY {aw .33.. ma ixme mam ACTS mm Wm. 133$; maw mm m: 339 93335 Cm P?s-rm: Amhmyaa 8. WTQR TYPE: {<2th; 1.: if t?usim Wigwam} 4; gSamm ?g mam; SHE INFORMATION A 5.56337?? WE: ia?n?i $5 Mas-2m: Ame Bimm?ing. Pm: 9?3?429u2322 ?Nifty mm: 13303 Maw Shad Ste A Cmm?y: Sax: Cay; Famm 3 Cg mam 9,233.5 a. mam; mm?m: 13383 Maw 3% A m: Fanmm 92333 cm Farm: Aw Mz?mym Q. ?lmii?" mm W1 sze a $83: means. .24. a ?mmai we was mm; 2-900 a. SEQ, 6985(3} REQULATEQ mmim: 254231 2. 3. Sfir? USE WY: SECTION EV. ADDRESS FOR gm 221,9; Liam SECTION V. BILLING ADDRESS INFORMATION 8M. W13: gm Wm Matting Adm i mums!? gm 3; E: 38mg e?rnm my NW En?a?i Rig-3m: A1116 Dzmamhug We: 969433333 i33??3 Arrmv Bivd Ste 3. CI 3 mama CA WPWE Avg Via, RECEIVIRG INFORMATION ?wax 5mm 5m mm ?ow: {mm ii?m??y in Wm (31" mm mm ?tmm mm Sigma Ana River {swag Like, mm, SECYIGN Vii. OF REQUIREMENTS 3* p?amgmx MN m} A has? WW far {My am??a ?13% win be mama and mwame {Wmi {2:53 Wed 3nd r6395? ?x by {m {i339}: FERMT RESPQWEKJW Has a 29% am rmm?b?sw far: 3. $Wvg m. MW Wm magma: t9 may my WSW Wm? mf?? .2. 958% Wm mm m: ha'mg sham .. . .. mm) 3v Mg am am report 223; juiy 3 a! mm $329 2: Ei'im?mt?z?g {39VHF. SITE MAP IRRW 3 Am?m EX. a! QWM 223%?? mm and 3% my 8m Wm :31: a ?aw m: Qmi?s?ed {gamma mad? waim?a the summ. mm an my Ema? the m'ms mag-wage the 3mm5&5: sf my Ravagde 3m: mm m, 3% Wm? Eam- m& We are gig-{m ma" -.. 93 FM Wigwam? imiumng pm?a?iityoi ?rm 'm i cem?; $1511 ham- ?m mwmwam. and as? a 53m Water Miu?m a Monrmzing ?mgram mm mi be 52mm Mm; {33:3 72221:}: agass?a?i?. Right? 13:33. 23633 {Extra 3mm Approved Date: 3mm {33, 2&2 AW mmuxynn 5: AUTQ 1.3303 ARRQW BLVD FONTAEZA CA 92335 YQLR NOTICE mm Tim Sim: Wax Resources Cmm?oi Board (State Beam) has waived and your X91 canme with the terms. the General Permit Storm W326: Mmiated wi?h Industrial Activity, Amazingly, 3m; we required ta ?amnpiy with fixe- pennit reqths. The Wage Bisehaxger Identi?cation Wm} amber is: 3 3&1023135 Please use this in any farm: cemnm?cmm'mgardmg this pmmt. QESCRIPTIQN QPERATGR: c5: NISSAN D?M-?wmf} FACILITY Nissan $1;th ?13363 Maw Bivd Ste A mema CA 92335 (TQUNFY: San AK: CQDES: 23531 5 ?When the operator Changes (Le. the business was bought 01* transfewe?}, a new $81, site map. 3sz fee {mm be .submitted by the new aperatar. As the previsz operator, yam are regained to WW Ratios of TW?cn t9 the Em} Regions} Water Board mating yam rm Imger (rm: 0pm facility 321:! cavemgc trade: the Grimm! Pcmn't 1?3 no: minted? Gz?ess Iw??ed. yea W351i cm?mze and are ragponsible {a pay ah: 323mg}. fee inva mail have my questions regarding pemm pleme cm: yam? Regional Wafer Emmi a: 931?'?82?4139 Fins: vim}: tin: Swanwam web aim at 29 {31132331 an 321d mixer aim maze: ml 3th 3316 forms. Swam?? Sim Ware: 55mm in?ian 0f Wazex Quality .1 fiszmz, 5?33; 363: f?s?zv?isizggegz. {2533.} WW. man-gaming? gag. g} m. .le'll; 1w uls- . WW was amon- - mourn-mam?: II a mum AUTG $50.9??an 3 mm Am aumm mu 3x 5 ermx cumu- was BL <32! 9am? 9235.8 Immune ?rm. 33365353? Em farm 190:! Yow?zqoszr Exhibit 11 In?niti Annual Reports 201 1 ?201 4 3x?" {y 1 w? ?m Tia-alas at mime; ww?? m; ?mamm ?97513353331 - . REFSRT mama $332133 My? mmug?-?g Jar-u: .13}12 my amw? ruth Jul? 1 at aim-?n. ma s;than mm: 2% wt 21? syxmu Wm min ?g the 3WM enema: a? mammwg aw; as? insignia; may .. gw-?m mu: is may a maimed Mani van? i??wm 'ur'mse an gazimzm 9W a; 3.21% 3213 mam mm .152. a?w a! with? p??k?fc? K: cf a. gamma a: a.?wa i? Wuw- . 9mm mum i? Mama? was: mm: am: may: swam a? ?mm 8m gm Mgi'?mi??315$ me 2%:pr Emmi af?rm mam {x 123.3% Rmim 5mm: ?Imam. rm as?nmw *m manan:me Misty Wig-*3? . - . ?.331 2mm z; m. Fa?; wg- saw?- :23: .zzs?as?i? . 333-: 9 f9, 21% La. . murmme mm; - 152?. in my i?mm .1 gun: ?tum mam mam 35m mm mm: ANNUAL mm mm mm mum mum 3 Amman assign?. Mamm?mws marim.W-m 'm-w I). a my? ?rst ?imam KW m.mrm g? 25%?2032 mm REPORT WW gamma: can- {?am rug-M}. mammalide manna wmm?m 3% .201 $2912 MUM. REPORT iv: av - - at at 255-? Mpm?W?r My? C3 was :thmm-mwmw was kain swamgm memamm imam. gamma?? 3% a "$?st 31.1.2932 i manager: g5 Um? -3m gm ELEM ?lm Elim- ?vm Elm {Sim -- 3:gs: mime?: i ANNUALREPORT 9mm W-wsammaw?vmw W?gwm WW I ?m ., gamutme E3 Baum -- 5mm me?Wt??m mu -: V33 {1 29? 1 ?261 2 RWY . rm mm m?-wW: . ?Wasm a mum ume?W my! 5&3: gag ?g $211 3a Hwme immtw?mm mammoa pm :4 my, mam wen 240 RAM warm minim ms mm WATER YEAR. AT ms m:qu mm yes-r mas-mu mm a? as ammo 315nm muusmm can mg mum 2mm 5: mass 05* mu means mausrm cm. PERMIT commnm mam 32? qumnm gamma 3.5? Ni} no quaunm mswmags rm quwnw 933cman NC) BIWHARGES names-m 36mm 'mgww mam ?r'x?gtyz 1mg?; I A?Wh?i?Dm' a occur-?funny - 44 mm mtawh' l?tmww?mm 2mm powmm.mgg?fags: c- N??m ?f?w s?w isms Any in: NW Mg (Bum may("yd 341923. .. Ixi I ?rnnamda! I f'luirmaml saw?? Jim? qDAm?v?Jim b} gm ?ndwm my? the Wham: saw W. Empr??mgembk . .. "254,. mm a} 91:: 1mm?: ?ashing ?in are {3:011:16 Wm a; . Wang. '3 mar-Sauna Ygax ?a?hm ??ts a? a. 39? ways Mm; 9? 3n? WW3) .. 3 1 if 1mm Miamimm: shaming 1% w- k; emu: ?fw a? a} a? g: mhsr?azzm at? gig'gg 3g. 46is}: mg ?m 6} mi ma .3) Quanta 34? it?? ?Mama jufm_W~&wsmw Mm? - I ?eam'amw . . I'g -. memni I 1 3} if is rm aiu?nW - ?318 is} who-r. the am ma faunas. 33W ?k at Iii! Ye: 2'6 "$29 $513 910 '30 330 .mm 335m KW mm Wm ?3 I Wme Warner 0122:27; Warm Mar ?33? 53 .mxaia 30 $0 Kat Yes 2?21; 3m at ?t a: 6? Jury mars) awn-T "he gar ?g 'fm?mawm? ww?am . 3a?; WOW emmammaamm A?hiwam 3? ?mg W. 308* er} {Siam sum (My? QMW - 1591.; 93* i? ?64? Us at. so rm ,?lgmg? 2ian 3t mam 4. ?mld$m an: MWuma: mm: QM hi gum: if} Qk?; Entrummm?mm: 53Ste.) ?tits; .- K. ?199 1?3"?de at?. Sin a? [mama?s-Mai . .. -. a tit-sand: 1mm a; rm g! warming? :2 Fem-12': timing? . in Mm Wlkm$?am 5M Min :sz twin-m mm 3* WM ?'miummb? 38? W'mm' Yi? 1:3? My 3? mm: am? Mn?? 4. :13' W??ex?aia}: 1d? BL WM, [war-I?a?mw?? 'i ?g 3-3? #6 Ig-?ais imam mm "rile mm W?u?h??r?hwd?mgu All. am am - - 4.x: at} Y?w arm 'pmwgamwy E?w mum: amsz 33 333 ,gbmraews: N0 55.; $ng? I - WW I 1? .. ?w?gma?gmi my) ?MLwQ?w-d ?awm Ar A?dx?wm e} CW seawm 33} . 15$ :32?@me ("mm ?0 wr' ?3125ng (?gumw "as. I gmimmnm? x. MOW .. 3. mama am ?fes No 5. 9.3me 3) 52'4th}: Seat =3me g1) gnaw at} Latino; an $31: a min man would by . ?10 3. mm $53} Muddy my mm: {captain}: 3 {35:23:32 W93 .. . . . 4.35m I - ?a RM- "Tim; '33 Wampum}; Fmimumifieu?? - 0mm 6? mm mm Macadam 3} {Tim a mag; (my I ,ws I Mum? ?ism. a '35 Mun ?ap-?3 2* Eaten. 1mm ?a mma?mo??wm :53 my a} mmumk .?w?k?mf?wm? . WX pin-Q . 1 ?me mmum' Mmummt . mum-? mm??me ? WW mmnw?m . .. ?am-m m. I mm mm ??hm pw?y?l?m an!? an" m? m. mm - ?mm-t" m. Mi??md mu.- 2mg Mum wont yummy: WM my mama . my I ?Mi-m3? gamma-arm (ankle-lav Ian-mu mm Wham - a? film H. mm? no 3; - MMEW 'Mm?u mama-?mm ?11m im - murmur mama-mum - i ?nal-Hr ?mu an? Mg? MW 'va Siam of Cai?famia STATE WAYER RESGURCES 80AM) 2312-2613 ANNUAL REPORT FQR STORM. WATER DESCBARGES WZTH mausmm ACTIWTIES mg :76} Reporting Period July 1, me through June 2013 An ammai (apart is required :3 ha submitted :0 your meat Ramona: Water Guam-y Contra: Beard (Regions! Board) by Juty ?i a? each year. This document mast be certi?ed and signed, lancer penatty of by" {ha appropriate of?ciai of year company.- Man?y n? Annuai Repori qaastions requ?m' an expianatmn. 5958388 provide exptanaticns an a magma sheet as an atiachm?nt. Retain a copy of the cmpieted Annuat Ream far yam records. Ream? circie 0r highligh?t any infomaticr} contained in items. A, 8; and befiw that is new ear revised as 2% can update an: recoms? Piaase rememtze: that a Notice of ?i?erminaticm and new Notm a? Intent are required m?never a ogeraticm is relocated er changes ownersni?? 3f yew have any questicma mass contact yam: Regiona! 803m: tndustriat 8mm Water Permit Cantact?. The mamas, telephzme numbers and Mai; addresses of tha Regionai Board contaczs, as mi: as ma Regianai Board offica can be fame: at To ?rm! yam? Regimai Board infomau?an, match tha first digit of your num?er with {become-spending alumna! that appears in parammais on was ?rst ?rm of each Reg?cmai Board of?w, A. new: 3cm ty Inferma?an: 5mm?; mamas Mm: infinity 8: Misses: Ania Dismantling $9th ?adrass: 15303 Am Romp; (253;: Panama 33mm Emaaxrial Siass??ca?m {551%} CEKMS): 393 Facility Opemtar imma?an: {Ef?ef?amr Nam}: in?nity 3.: Nissan Aim.) Dismantiing mam 15303 Amm Rang 3A CW: magma Facitfty Billing Infma?am Qwramr Mama: infinity 8. Nisan Ania Dismantling Mati?fmg Addtass: 15303 Am?: Route City: Panama Facility W933 No: 8 361023175 {33335: FEW7W email: 323:9: gm: 92335 Warm; 9W??in mm?: in?ni?niasanmm?mj?moxcm Sza?ta: QA 25:2: $2335 Marga: 909-429-223 909429-222; 20124013 ANNUAL REPORT 8 3?10)? MGNITORING km) REPORTING SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS AND REDUCYIONS 3, the mm W. was you: mama: wmimgg and gaming 1mm two starry: 3mm in Wdancewi?z ?diam 3.12 as? 15 6f the (imam: F?armii?? "(83 {392036211 {32 :40 (30:0 SWQBEE 2n indicata the ream yam {agi?ty is 3mm {rm <20:me Md anaiyzing samples {mm two 5mm; 9mm. 9mm- 3 at the ?rst paga of the appropn?ate at?:an if you mess: boxes iv, or v. ?a?ici?atmg a? sip;va (Sme Men?m Wm 6mg: Rama: @th N0 Exposum Cam?m?on {3328 33mm: 3 R?evama?m ?33m: mm mm minim ga?sfy mac: mm??ans? m3 m3 E3 Suhm??ad Sampiing Reduction CM?ca?m am skimmed: . Rwevam?on gm: Um facis?y Minna :0 3313333: SR6 YES iv. 2mm wegm awn: Ce?i?mzim Cwii?ca?m am: gm ?gemy Certi?ea?m gate: a a? 3~ C?e?kad beam 1% or ii? abmm, warn yam madam mm one mm: during the magmas; yew? $53 (30:93:86:?530 :0 Swan F- 1? may mam mam: evenm 632:? gm: gamma? MMQW if 2835 man 2. attach (if WEEK: :t?zm ?112.} or ?t W, my aim axpiana?an if yaw am! as?; 2; 9w yew mime: atom: water 33mm {rem We ?rst 3mm} 0% the wet mart 53mm 2 a?mgg germ:qu {Wii?ty Wading hows?? {3:3an as oi 221a Genera! germiz) YES N0 attach emanation. (Mam that if 3% as: am 3?le the ?rst swag mama 3m 8m st?l against! a: mmgsie 3 am aegis} Haw many 3mm wager d?acharge magma am at yaw fw?my?? *2 10. ?31. 2012-2013 ANNUAL REPORT For steam? want 53mm (5&6 we; wigs: and wage a garage from a? the de9' 3m wazer discharge mama? Was mate 0r anaemia WEW in magma mm swim am at (seam: Remix? [3 If attach sum yew mammn that {we meta $a$naga arms are smstanti?ly idem?cai. Ni). 3min expimation Q0 m- E5 gate faciliky?s wattage arm mm mat amata? mm gg mm WW during 313 m: new of zilsc?agga? ms m, 32mg: emanatim W35 gaii steam water wagging wm?d by W96 Naming (13% mm a storm waxy ?imarge? YES Na arm}: axptamtsm Wears thaw any deas 05 mm water that had man tempomi??y 3mm tarmac?? (m as a ma} YES Nil Etem ?rm D?d gm mm was} mafyze Wes. of ?emgmriEy stated or canan 5mm wax: {swam km 3mm mam? {ma SEW man: if yaw ctrme Ram i?i. EYES SW 3.5, a? the (3mm PMS: mites yam Ea mama giant: water sampies Ear mi, 76:13: Suspendw $65138 8?33}, Swank: Condudanca Yew Qrganic Sam at Qii amt Grease mm: m?umnm liken: to grew in am mm disc:an sigm?mz mm?ms and pame liaied in 735m: :3 of the ?mrw 9mm. {>533 ?raw: ?3 mam any mama: W'Wam named a; {368211133 Sit: antiwar? 3:99 mm mm water 53mm ?x me wgs?cable 53aman Emacs in 732% a if yea qm. mt engaging 3% 31mm waist 33mm 2?9: the agp?cmrla was {3 93mm. {mack em a? the to?oawim wagons: M3: attach axp?ana?fm was NQGciofiemE? ms 240 in samp?ng years! {ha parama?ss'is} have mt baa?!? in mam Quantizias {mm M- Wu?v? samp?ng events, Attach 9x93333845?! ?Yb? pammete?s) a mi ?ery ta be man: in scam warm mschamaa and author-22w non-5mm swam: dischargaa in signi?mi quantities based upon {m {mm operator's magma. AW emanation Other. Attaah expia?am awn-WM Far me!) 510% mm Wieds mm a copy a? {gamma anaty?cai mm 33:22 (noon me sawmiva and mama {mm aging Fear: 1 er its mwvaim? Tm man mus: 2m provrdm for each sampia games}: mm time of smie came!) as Tes??g {emits a Rama We a? swam Ta: ma?mds {saw Vamme 1:23:36 Tm Winn 8:21:23 1: Name of 3mm: testing mommy 53333 testing {Emmarge ?m?mn nmmazm ?r Comm 9? we aabmmow anamm} mma 2012?2813 ANNUAL REPORT F. QUAR VISUAL OBS EERVATEQNS I . Nans?o?n Wan: Discharges 53mm 3.3.2: at the ?gment rmukes matted? visuai abmam 0% an Wasted mam mm: dischazws and their gamma, 3? ?30 ambarized Warm: mm: discharges mr 8: Wu: WM {3 ms indka miner you Mum}? as aummfzeri Wm: ya;- and their gamma 6m 1m warm when: they? mm diacharged. Attach an expfamtion for any mm answers. ia?ma {swim w?mm any WW newsman wa?er damages. mien-m;me Y?s no NM Gammammw [3 "Yes [3 um {Ems D910 Um Yes Duo Dam was Farm 2 tr: mpon mam visuai amewmic?s af water ar 94mm the infmon: Nil} (30 {a item $5.2 Asnla?ma i name ofeach 30mm watm t??chargs ti. date and aims M'Wa?w ?ii, mum and Emma?: of am?) am?m?zw nan-stmm wag dismaaga iv, ahamdedm of she ??achmge at $25 and knmm? (gamma area?dissz imam v. mum, ?22m, and mgnawm w'absewer vi. any new as! 9mm BMPS necessary ms few at pram 9045mm in ma wasar dm?ams. mm new 1% revised 8MP imp?amema?on dam Qaauthorim Nm?mm Wain! {Manama swam 8?33 ma Genaml 9mm W:qu quarm?y vim oMe?taxms air mama areas in (mama: the 53mm (21? tmummed mmammz my dmz?gas and mm Mama 33? immigrate wane: you visual? mm 33 (yam 39mg 16 dame: the pregame 6f new mom; mm dis?mrgas am my scams. Attach am 81933an in: any ?no? 3W.- .iuiyu??zamrrm YES so thmr~9mmw YES [3 no szuaty-Mamh ms Ha ms at; 8333:: um? me visual omewam?s, me any mauthorized newsiom water diMarges Yes Mam am of the mamm wazer ammw bean amm mar Ap?wm is?) (3?0 313%: F.2d ms Attach axplam?on We PM 3 ta men {1me Wed now-stem We: disengage mum Wma?ms at pmvida the msan mm of mm mauthmged wate: dismsm ei? gate and ?rm cf mqu and mm at each unaugw?zad anme mm damage? it ma;er m? the :?wmge 3E its; mums and MW {manage ataag?z?mharge mm m. name. am am: g?gnalure nf abwwer vi; any mm actions 3393mm to e?m?nate {he scum of each non-?20m?; waiet discharge. and to dean imgaded drainage. area& 9mm (33% uma?mrize? ?m~3m ma?a! diaW?} m3 elm?r?iata? gmum 83 ha a?miaamd. 2612-2013 ANNUAL REPORT a 9 my m; beam mm obaamgf 21.2: of W8 {33w and my . my mixed 831033 3? {a mam or WWQ if! Siam WW {333 prm? rm} 6! F?i?m mg A??u?kl? COEPREHENSNE SITE (A0305) ammsx Seam A9 92$ (ha (Swat sutures MM WW madam em A3302 "3,0an mm {my 1? JW 559mm; mat in mm? 348 at 3mm and gamma atm556u?anamama am W33 5% he? 2012~2?if3 ANNUAL REPORT at. 3? Haw: yam} {de ma?a gamma gf mg ?was I - - with WW :33ng YES $3wa Efm mm has a as mm Wing and Wage mm .. trainimg hand?ngmocago 3mm cam?i as atmme W: gum? Has a? 1: ham?ng maimm am: mim 2mm 3% - 17:] YES mam?mmn?mm 3% gm 5 my?? me - {he {may emm La imam mmp?anm the; Ingum?at mm? 8mm Water Swarm Pm?o ?m wary both gm and Mom WW mugttsa up as am mm bag @3331: immem 932m 2W @3526. denim: cat-?e; m3: gm 26122013 ANNUAL REPORT Answer we trait?; in he?p mu Waxing what 2555on km it: Ms am mam Answer NA {mt A?p?eahla} {a quesiims 24 if yea axe- mm mm ?9 proviae those ngm. Ham yet: a?aehed Farms x2391?. 5 ?3?th ?qummf? was Mammary} 2: 'yw amass: mm?ing and anafyais. have: mu games 23m iamm smaiytimi [3 YES ac: 3? 1% yaw chad-is?: 51m: {12 0f M3 Anmm? Regan, have yam attaches} the first {33436 a? the appmam ems?cagm? YES NO m: a, Ham; yea aim an axp?ana?$39.12; $12.9! (3.1. at 3? YES NA ANNUAL CERTSFEGATIGN i am duh; amho?zad {a mgr; rem requirezi by me AC?Vi?n?s STORM WATER ii?ERMi?? {52% Standard Pmisim and {23% 3336a: mafia: of iaw $132 MS Myriam am: 3% amhments W?m prepared my {iimz?mon is: acootdame with a designw ensure that quazi?ed magma: pmpegiy gather and ava?uate the infma?m submi?e? Based an my af?ne mm 01? W3 whiz? manag? the 0: W258- paw dim?y fa gathering mforma?m, mg informa?m is? ha {ha of my knowiedga and heiiaf, 1mg, accurate am: mm- 3 am Mm {218: them am s?gm?ficant mamas for submitting {am informa?an. snclua'mg me magma? af ?rm and :mg?mmam in: knowing ?rmm Mame: ?vymunyan (1 Signatum: 8/1? ?ri?e: manager Explamtiong per It? ?ln?niti ?issan mm Bismamiing There were m) vaiid rain events- from which we maid take a sample. 152. Them wen: valid rain events {mm which we amid take a sampiex There is {miy we point from which water discharges from the: 13-6w. 'I?her?wem m3 valid rain events f?mm which we maid take a sample. {5.25. There ware: m3 valid rain wants from which we mum take a sample. $110.6? "mere. were no vatid rain events from which we maid take a sample. 2012- 2313 mm A ANNUAL FORM VISUAL GBSERVATIONS OF UNAUTHORIZED NOR-STORE WATER Humanzwaed are d?x?mrgas {such as wash or rim-.9 mm) that dc no: mm: Em provided in Season 0 (pages a? the Genemi Permit. Gummy visas: ?bsmaaons am mum: is gimme current 3m: detect prior unauthenmd NW. Quaneriy visage? abma?ona am requ?mzz during dry weather and at an fac?my drainage mm Each unauthorized NSWD 9mm?: impamed drainage arm, am: discharge beatie? mass: ida?ii??d and wwmd. Uy??aamm?zed mat gar: not in ei?mimted 90 days a? nbsewmsm must ha rammed. {a the: Regimi 8m in Wanna with Samoa A 16.9 of ma (Swami Penna. . Make additional 009335 of skis form as mammary. QUARTER: muse?. Kama: WERE 340311833 eh'ner swarms 0? 53 ?is Weaken . .. cgmwege AM wares ?mane mascm?us 0F mam ?gs-Q? . 9M PRIOR URAUTHOREZEQ .NO g?e? 007.656- a: YES to mm mm UNAWKORQES mm, DAYEITME or: YES questm oasemmsans 3m: wmsieia ?gm wane mane mmcmons 0s mam 1,313,}; PM a PREOR UNAWQEB S?e_ QUARTER: Janmca :r YES WERE ?ha, a? YES ?30 3%ng 5 can: Ema m? WERE mans or: eggs} 3 PM Parson gives mg QUARTER: warwuue :rvesm cam-um WERE am, omemua are MSW: W3 l?o queabm. OBS my; may}: camDEeie . ?m WERE THERS mommo?s OF mam PM sigma? umumamzao mYEs .RO gm Sew?rme . rm ?nix:- 4 JIQMam?i/Ifdr Qbmwer: 1mm; Iii/w ?i?me ??onsui?nbue ?aygw Time; Year: (limiter? 5; is there my discharge meaning many drainage-mtfalls? Yes if them is discharch if yes. imitated the Emmet: Where the ?ischarge wag: faxmd. $ampie Pmm; Discharge ?sz 1 ?cscrihc the swarm af the discharge using list below: Wm a) fire flushing ?225$ 62* No Swami Watgzr Yam No a} Candmxat?im 'refrigemtion, air mn?iticner Veg at Na d} Other Same: Yes; a? Rs; if discharge 50:: 2?33: is either, pie-age aescribe: 4. nescrihe the characteristits {sf discharging wawr 3nd below Entrance {Lite Rear ?gw ?gmp?ng i?aim {3 Other mscharge Characteristics: {:3er UMuddy [:39in {:33th DOiiSheen Floating Plastic. asbrig Sulfur sma? D?asaiine mm smeii expiain: . . . . .. Any additiona! Best management 'i?ractices necessary? 6. Eggreqs usekeeping map aiming clean Km? ?ismamlmg area 55332196 "29? Ezzgnawf?gwitgewer 6 Eamr?m??mi ?emams 9.0 892; 328 {392323 (Erica: Fax; Website: Ema?: I tim-immunnai St'?'if?g (Oemger. member) Fa?iity: y?iss?z} in: "Jam's Tim Mumfz: f? I 935131-22?, Time: ?Yeamg {Val and is share my discharga occurring at any drainage outfalis? as? my ?f $65? is m; d?schargaW W5, indicates? the: lucazim where the diSCharg? was foam. '?ampie Point/Bischarg? ?rm 2. ma mama at? {kw discharg? using 63? list hemw: mm a; Rm I-fydrant Rushing Yes; Na Gmurzd Wamr Yes; rm {Zondensatian if refrig?mtmn, air conditimer} Yes 31* M: d) (mug? mums Yes: 0? Ni) 3? If discharga 34:11:; me is 0mm; 913mg describe: Describe [Em characteristiczs of?the water and record beiaw a. Entrance ?23m Rear ?ats: [j Sampiing Paint Omar mscharg? Characteris?m: Sl??wsr Ej?lushiy {Hszt UCIoudy 5011 Shaw: in managmgh. rim-m, debris C3 3mm: men: QGasu??a time}? What? sameii expfaitxm 6, A ny additmm?: 8m: magammt Wath .. . @Jngiase housekeeping Keep urging aim EKeep Dismamiing areas: cleaned 5? - . ?a Sign? LL . bgegwr 3? z. 3; S?wit?m at?: 828 9? ?ammung {36723 $53623: {5632} 93m: {319'} 98?~6213? Wehsme: Kma?: 2 Sem-?wm Quarterly Non-Storm Water Observation Form 5 (Janna March ?c?ity: {Ah if!? NKEM {)hsemer; Want-8 Titie .CMJ Day: ?F'ime: Vamw Quarterzm ta. Is there any discharge wmr?ng at: any drainage outfalls? ?z?es a) is m3 E83854 indicated the iocation where the discharge wag found. Sampie 9mm] Discharge aria 2. Describe the swarm the discharge using the ?st below: 12W a) ?re iiydrant ?ushing Veg a? {?30 h) {imam Watm Veg at fit: at) Cnndenmtigm refrigerattun. air canditioner) Yes 05? Na mixer Source Yes; N0 3. if discharge sanm? is mixer. please describe: 4. Describe the aharacteristics a? the awargmg water am: mm below Entrance (Sate may {gate Sampiing Wm: 53 {Baler 5. Discharge .- Smear BMuddy aim)! ERUR DCqudy QOiiShwn [j ?oating "trash, mastic. mm Sulfur ameil a?amiine 3mm}! {?ber $131.31! expiain: Any additional 3cm management i?ractices (8M necewary? {3 Increase heugek?eping {3 Keep drains ciean Keep Dismantling am; cleaned Eignature 9f Qbserv?r :35; ?3 ?nvimnmenmi S?rvim 3f; 30: 828 9-ammea??. %?23 affisz {3:32} 394?2?376 Fax: {313'} $84-62 2% Website: Email: iin?rirumiirm?ti Se?'iws Quarterly Non-Ste rm Water Observation Form - a. (ALpr une Fac'i?ty: Uhsewerz, M328 9 ?E?itie Mme? I Month: Day: 3 1 Time: 5 Yeattciigfz Quartemm 1. is there any discharge occurring at any drainage outfalls? Yes: or N0 3} If {Emma is m; discharge? . If? yes, indimted the Eucatian when: the ciischarge was feumi Sampie Paint??scharge Area 2. Describe tire 39mm of the discharge using the ?st heiaw: a} Fire ?ydram; ?ushing Yam or we 11) {Imam Water Yam; or N0 cl] Condensation re??igerati??, air canditioner Yes 0r 3% d] (Ether Source Yes; (12? M) Of discharge scarce is amen piesase dasm?ibe: 4. Describe the characteristics of the discharging water and record helaw Entrance Gate Rear (33:9 Sampiing Paim ether 5. Discharge Characterls?cg: 86%? {33411de [3683: [38133: [jCIaudy Heating trasm Fiastic, depris Suiqu smelt Gasaiine Sine-$1 ether gmeii expiain: 6? any additicnal Bast management Practices necessary? 3 housekeeping Keep timing timer: [3 K9933 Dismantling area cleansed. Sigmmre 0f abseww - pg, 9 I. 8: ?xwimnmenmi Services M) 86}: 828 Paramaum; 90723 ?ftiea: {562) Fax: [319} 984-6214 Website: Email: Emerzvimnmenca?@gmaihmm iim-imnnmimi . ?r?'iem OctobgLMonthl'y Storm Water Observation 33 ?333: 6? ?vaiuatiam {g2 {3?le 2- 2. Name af?bmmer: b0 3., ?rm .. 4? m3me {Ewing ?rst hour {1f discharge: 5. an timing: gram: 301%: ?33 Sauth a) (lama? d) Entrance ?bservcd. stoma, 9r mammal storm water a: ?me discharge: Yam "No a} Lacaiian b} Leeatiun ?29 mscharge .W Ethan" Em?Muddy {j?iiy {31:33: B?ioudy Floatingtrassh, sun?urgmu m?amiinesmeil Other $323k! {swims}: . . 3. Any additional Best management Practices mmsary? inn/ease. Eousekecping K999917311 Cieaned Kama Ami; {2151mm} it Why thus mm m; Qmsiry? ilischarge a: Night mm 21% {my N0 i?hscharge 2'23 the past 3 {iayx hischarge mm before hears a? Qpamicns 3594? $338 {am New {nwa {Emmet m" ?w??gnammal 32 i, 3: $4 Emimrzm?mg? Servi?ces ?3 iiox 828 Paramwna CA iEf?-g?: ?5622) m; Webxitc: mama?smwm timail: immwimnmenwii??gmaiimm Sewirw November Storm Water Observation t. Eval?atmm [:35 2g Zi?ame g. [20?35?23 l?mof :3 @3133: {magma during Sim; hm? Ofelia-barge: Ali kl, Natth 3011 ll?: WWMM :71 {Jamar Kawmxm Obsewedgstoredmr contained 3mm water at time ofdischargae: 1?23 2% .3) Mark?: Discharge Chamcte?szias: [Bazaar mMuddy [jazzy [DR-us: Deloudy {30:53am 33 Floating: imxh, Plastic, debris Sulfur 3111911 Gamiine sme? (Mia? smell expiaia: 8. Any additmnai Best. management: Pmc?ms necessary? Housckeeping I: Keep Drain Cleaned Kart} AW {Ileana-d ?331 Why" this 5mm! m1; unstim- Bisechatgke ag Night ?13 Discharge: the past 3 Jam dg? (NWT 3- Facility filmed mm day {3 Discharge mm Mare Mm of (mexzi?m I um?, . A Omar?Var Iinvironmmtai S?wim? 80x 828 pammeu?t Of?ces: {562} fi94?2?3?4 Fax: (316) 9846214 Websiw: Ema?: [menvimnmemaEtt?gmaii?cam a ?mieunmemal Sen?imm December Storm Water Observatien .1. Sam 02' Evaiuatkm: 1 6-7: 3 [g I g; -- 2.. Name ef?baerver: 3. Time of Evaiuatian: pm i . "may 4. thewed during first hour (3f discharge: Yes or 5. All drainage areas: a) Nerth b} South Center d} [Entrance 6. Observed, stored, at contained stem: water at time 9f discharge: Yes er N0 Lemma h} Lecatiu? Discharge Characteristics: Baiear {Muddy {3033' Elm: aCiuady Beiismn [3 Meeting trash, Plastic, debris E3 Suffer smeii {j Gaseiine ewe}! Other sme?i explain: 8. any additionai Best management Practices necessary? immense Heusekeepiug Keep Drain deemed I 3 Keep ?igmantiing Area Cieaned 9. Why this sham: m; Quaiify? Bigeharge at Night {3 {his day Ne Bischarge in the past 3 days L3 Sischarge grafted before hears; (if {iyaeramms Tittle Signature "Wu. pg. 2.4 I, 8; Sneimnmenm? $em?ces Pi) Rex 828 Mmmeunz CA Office: {562} Wehsite: Email: JD Elm iromxsmitui Sewirw january Storm Water Observation 1.03m of?vaiuation: (g ammenmhsewm -- 3 3.Time 0f Evaluatiem ET ?a-3 mm (in; {)hsawed daring ?rst Emur of (i?gcharge: Yes 5. All drainage areas: mm: San ti?: Center ti} Entrance Observe?, stareti, (2r contained steam: waters}: ?aw of discharge: Yes 0? his a} Lacatia? 33} Lacatian Uischargeiiharactaristics: {:ICIear DMuddy [:10in [jth {j?laudy DOiiz?heen Naming trash, Mastic, debris Sulfur smell {Sasoiirze smel! (Ether smell explain: 8. any additionai Best management Practices necessary? ngcmase Housekeeping may} main {Lieancd Keegz ?ismantling area (Hearted Q. Why this 5mm: :19! Qualify? CE Sischarg? a: Night Closed this; day Na ?igckarge in the past. 3 (java Discharge 3m rim! befam of Operatims [j mime MW MW {law cw wabgerver Title 3 ignamm pg. 15 8; Envimnmanmi Services 89:: 828" E?ammaunt. CA. {361723 0mm: (562} 394%9? Fax: {313} 984432.14 Website: Email: Stem-ices: February Storm Water Observation 1.23am 0f Evaiuation: ?1182: 2. Name ?fObserver: . . (?33 3. Time: {If Bvaizzatim: 4.- Qbserved {Swing first hour of discharge: Yes 0 3. Alldrainageareas: a} E3) Seam Center ?ntranm wry-?mu 6i. ?bserved. stated, 02* camained stat-"m water at: 2mm of discharge: Yes 02? Na 3] Lecatian am n'Mw-i Mm- - 1'2) Lumiixm {Bischa rge Characteristics: B?icm? [:IMuddy $033: Dung: DCiautiy UGiiShee-n Fiea?ng trash! mastic, ?ebris 533er smell Gasoiim smeii mixer smeil exp?ainz 1. Any additional Best management i?ractices (BMFS) necassary? irzcmase Housakegping Keep Drain (Banned [3 Keep msman?ing?ma meant,st 9. Why this stem: 39; Qualify? ?'ischarge a: N?ght Fax?ity {Zioseci this day No Qisc arge in the st 3 ?ays Q?scharge started before hours 03' Operations Vat-t 0"?wj ?i'f'iibserver- Ti: Signature MM pg. 16 f9! Envimnmeami Services ?3 305: 828 Paramaunn CA 98?23 Of?ce: (562) Fax: {3'18} 984432 14? Wehsite: Email: imerwimnmimtai??gmatiwm Semicm March Storm Water Observation 1.133159 of Evaluatinn: r3, 1 i 3. Time 9f Evaluation: 4i Ghaawed during first hour of discharge: Yes 63 5. 8! 2. Sigma Gf'?bsewe?W . {To All ?minage areas: a] arm ?92) d] Smith Cemm? Entrance Gina-wed, Swami, at contained 5mm water at time of discha rge; Yes 0r Na 3} b) Lucaticn wizatimn Discharge Characteristics: Ciear UMuddy a 0in Rust Ciuudy [j 01% Sheen [3 $an:ing wish, Plastic, debris E3 Sulfur smell Gasaiim: smelt {Riser smeii explain: Any additienai Begt management Practiws necessary? i?crezgge Housekeeping E3 Keep Dram Cieaz?sea Keep Dismamiing Area Cleaned Why 3133 gm; Qualify? msicharge at Night C3 Na Disch?r??in the pas 3 days NOV Em- Ij Clused this day Discharge started before imam cf mm mva Obs?mr Signature pg? 1? 3: '?nvimnmenmi Services RO Bax 823 pammaunt, CA 90??23 Office: (562) Yax: (310) $234-$214 Website: - Emmi: Em Semiwa April Storm Water Observation i 1, new 2.Namc efabserver: ., during firsthour (xi discharge: Mar) S. Aii?minage area-g 22-} North in) South {mm- gi] Entrance 6. Observed. started. captained storm water at: time 333? discharge: No a} Location 23'} Lactation Discharge Characteristics: ?aw? mMuddy D?iiy DRust Cloudy 30%! Sheen [3 Homing mash, mastic. debris Sulfur mm}! Gam?im: smeii mixer mxeil axplam: 8. guy agtditionai Best management i?rac?ces increase Hawekeeping Keep 9min {Zieaned 1? Keep Dismantling Arm Cieaned 9. Why this swim an; Qualify? Qischarge at ?ight. Facdity ?exed this ?ay Discharge in the m: 3 gays Qischarge 52am before hours {if {Epex?mions Yitie '28 i; 8: E?nvimnment'al Services ?3 $631: 328 99?23 {333cm 394a29w Fax: amen?; Wehsite: Email: Emmvi I Rm?immucmm May Sterm Water Observatien 1. Dazeof?'vaimaziom g? of?vaiuatimn: 4. Cbsarved (juring ?rst hour of discharge: YES 2. Name Qbserver: ?5 3* 8. 9., Observer Wm Al! draihag? are?s: a) $603151 b} Smith {Zen tar [in?ame Observed, stared, contained 3mm: water at'time of discharge: Yes {32* Hz) a} Lacation ii} {.ucatim Disc ha rga Characteristics: Galear [HMudciy [3083: Bans: [jammy DOiEShean ?aming frash, mastic, {lehris [3 Suiqu Sinai}. I: Gasoline smeli (Mae? smelt explain: Arty additi?nat Best managament Practices necessary? [3 fsacrease Housekeeping Ree? Drain ?awed Keep Dismantling area Cleaned Why this storm 9g; Qualify? [3 Bis?harge at Night P?o Bischarge in the past 3 days xix/W Facii?ity Ciased this day Bismang sm?ad befare imam af'Opm?atians j, Signature pg. 19 Title Envimnmenmi Serv?ces Box 823 Pammaum. ?121 98?23 Qt?ce: {362) 394-29?4 ?ax: {3 98%5214 Website: - Email: im?eavimnmenmi??gma??mm i {{nvimmumimi '1 Svn'ire?s MONITORING TRAINING CERTIFICATE Haze 0f Empiuyees Training Certification Meeting MIL moo-M CQVERED [seiect one 01? mare or describe training] Bees: Management Practices 2/ (3"??reventive Mamtcname {Viitmsekeeping i?racticeg Employees who receive training print name ?rm Pr? Liv-w?? Segmplizig and Uhsewations gigenerai Fermi: Requirements 0 Resuits (If lnspectians Empiayees Signatures WW. gawwm:mw pg. 22 E, 3: 2% Envimmnenmi Services Rf) Bax 82,8 I?ammeum; CA 931723 0mm: {362} 3?4n29174 Fax: {316} 984~623 4 Website: Ema?: Imxmvimnmentalii?gmailxem 2:312- 2:313 ANRUAL REPORT COMPREHENSIVE SITE k?mt?f?f 33%?113 SIDS EMMAW mm: 90mm?. ., mm mm at swmeamm "we YE: .. . gwmawm gm ?mm - 9mm. ?mes ma was am new: no Pm?mu Mm a: WW Dumb: as?? at ACTNIW m3? ?Avg am "01" gm vs! {my i no 4331mm ?mm 1% aim . mm! - Qatdmr 93:15 3:49er ma am necmm? I no pmumii? mmum beomuo Wm? 33%; scuncmouam Ammw my. My; up. my Egg" {3 YES KmJM-s?m *my . NO enema. some WW me am we aims hi in: mam: 3 me YES necmam no veri?st magma? ?item?. in mm merm- ?dme my! a? ?01353? a ?a gmsoww im?n? CW ?33 am a - :m?fy mfg? "0 Wm L?npmm?cam no 2?312- 23313 REFORT 3108 was; CGWREKERSNE SITE POTEHTMK, ACTIVITY $335383 mm: mm: 3 zs?smm mum-?Mam mu magnum? Fir-hm angina and 1mm?; 3M SlangMum" Mum ma. a: ACW guy! ?of was WW 8.6! 4* [a Hyuwm Arm . ?ime?ama Fm: Strange imam?? - i noan 01 mg 1 m: was form g. RECEIW . NO Wm mum?? mm MW in WW 5mm mum 38in mm??msm ?32] 3.41ng Imp, am ?or agequantum. ma?a!? inc -- mm was GM mmuwnwm hm am macaw? . no .99 cm mums?? i Dumbo mean?. in mm Mm Warm an?. at avg; Won {.33 in WM my gm?umo? no If yesuse-nun" make at (33%??ch ?aw. WATER SCARQ ANNUAL REPORT WATER ASSGCEATEQ WHH Reporting a?emd Juiy mm thrcugh Jane 36,, 20:4 {in anlmai {apart i3 required t0 be submitted :0 yam? Eaca? Reginnaf Wafer 3mm ?Ra-gimml Baard'} ?zzy 1 a? max year. fhis decamam must be cen??ad 3:36 sigged. under pana?y pegury? by the apprapmte of?a?al cs? yaw? campany. Many a? the Siam-a! Repad qaeatims {mum an expianaticm, Piease pmi?e exp?anatima an a separate sheet as an attachmant. Retain a of the mmgiatez? Ariana! Repm?t. far 3mm recer?s. M6339 circ?e 9r highlight my informaticm contained items 8, anti (3 beiow ?83! i3 32% zevise? so we can madam em regatta 9533,39 rememb?er that a Notice T?winaiim am 235%: Name of Want are required whenever a {aciizfy aperatim is reheated 9; changes ownership. 3? yet: have any ques?ans, Qieage matact your Regima? Board 2ndastriai Siam} Water i3ka Contact. We {3238163, teie-phane zmm?gm and e?ma?i a??resggs at? tha Regicnai 89am! as wei? as the Regiami Board af?ce addresses am $38 {mm a! To ?nd 3mm" Regiami Beam infommi?m?z? maich {he first digit 6f your WEED mmbef with {he carresgand?ag mmber that appears in garenthesia an the ?33: line each Reg'smmi Board office- WFORMA T5013: lizfarmatign: S?g?m ?ame: 3mm Daimm?mg Physimi A?dress: 25303 ?now A j: Fm?mz 511x: Cade?s}: $32 ik?E?mr Vehicla Pam. 'S?eai Qpemmr 3: DISEv-ikm?iG :??ai?zing mam: 15303 Wu Sign Fseility inforrnar?mi; ?wam Rams: ?ai??ng Wrwaz City: No: 3 3519-33i?? QWacg?a?m: Paw; amai: i235; ngrbili?i the: 95' 9339?3322 Pam - 5w: gamma: em Samara-K Zip; 93335 93mm: the: 909439333} $411383: Siam: Zip; 930%: ANNUAL REPORT SPECIWC 4 awmm 333% REMWWS Fer the Wm swam, Was exam 5mm Wag and Wag samp?ez: two 5m event? 'm semance wit?! sedim 8.22 a; if; a? the {general Permit? ms C?mmxaz :40 Lna?mse the {235% your fag?i??' 5mm mm sweating and mahaim mama ?mm we 9% evenw Amm a saw #55 $3498 as? Em awmp?aie Marian if ya: mack {mates EL a: ?va {x v; $350 Seem mascme an @me Gm .. .- mm Gram Mame: an: Sum :40 Exmxm Certi?cazi?m Gate ?aimm: Remaiua?em agate: [Em ma?a! Mm 5am [3 3mm: $3211me Redumion [Ease 823mm: mm: mm 5mm; ?2mm 19 away we Wi?sm? YES KW Regimes 8:23:23 cams?: aemmam am; y. Racan am! ?gmcy Certifm?m ?3833: if 359:: cme? hams or aim? wage yen; gamma sampte me 5mm?: 3% darting the maxim yew?? ?39 ta 3mm YES ifyw wacky} Mama 1w, a? V, geiaSeci?m Fv ?akp?ea?wF rm E. ma RESULTS 2 . re HQW many imam ma?a 5M yen {3 if $233 $3255 2, mt: exggam?an {if 3m; mm ?fem ?3.23 or atmve, {My am - if gm mwef gm: mm Wm water my?wa ?313 am am sf we we? was ?233! maqu 3 amme 59mg ears:sz faa??y Mimi; Mum? (Seems: 85 a? me Genera; Fermi} 3?85 IE aw, attach em?mtzm mam if 6a the was} rm ta 2, 3m Hm many 5% water {321ka maimg are 31%: faci?iy? 3 4. Fe; 3m 3mm evmi samp?e?! as: was mist: and ana?ym a mmg?e mm each of me fac??fgs: ?ow: water diac?arge ima?em? YES, go :9 Ram E5 Was; gamma cai?ewon 9r anaiysis {Mama in macrdame win ?Seam 8 2?33 {if site (Samara; Penna? [3 YES, attach axptam?on if attach? documentation gums; yam ?amma?m {frat two {if 2mm (313$an areas we gammy. {33:3 faa?my?g ?rmnage areas wet: inst amiuatw 6? Ware mmp?m m?eezm during ma {mt ham cf damage? was Ms}, mach summation Wm 5mm wager wmp?irpg amassed by Wee: ?52mm {33339 mm: a ?3m sag-tel dmcnaoge? ?663 attach ex p?amxion Were $23313 any of atomwzaim' that hm: been tempurar?iy mm 0? mia?nedif: Bid gm: swim and anatyze gamma 0E tempem??y 3mg?- mama} 53mm wam? dimws mm we 3m warm? {or we mam ewes: 1wa checked Rem ?123 a: 33%. mm 3155 F50, attach mammalian ?ieetm a? 8% Senegal Perm: mamas 3w ?0 analyze Meme ware? mmgies ?x gm. mm; Suspe?aed 3am Speci?c {remimaame Tomi Manic {gm or and QERSB We: pouutanm $va me garment in 5m: water ??senarges in aigni?cm: mnmm. mm magma mmam Ei?t?? En 73333 {3 3% Em amma? Pmit an ?ees Tame cwiam my 21265350223! garame?em seizin to yaw Xac??ity?s 83C: mam}? YES Gain 223m am you asmiyze ?3mm water sams?ea Jppi?cai?e paramamra Qatari in Tactic M3 2: yea aw ana?yze :35; atm waz'er 33:13pm far the apg?me maze a mamas: chasi- me a? @3an {mat in pm: .mmpi?ng yam, the pamme?eria?}. have no? gamma in qum?i?as from 36$?an gamma Attach expkanatiz?m ma manmzerig} im- am Eskeiy :0 be areth in Ssme watesr dmaw?ge? and ammw maxim wan! ?iacharges in a?gnifman: Quanti?m has-ed upcm 2m faciZity {magma wmua?m. Attach exgxima?im?i 3? mm. Atmoh exwana?en 9am warm mam swam, attack a my cf the whammy ame?yticai reports and remit the samp?ing am mew {ma?a mg Form ?f it?? mamzm. ?ma- femim mm: be far gash gamma softest-36; ?na? {33:3 and am 91? gamma mgeat?on 'g?m?ng mamas? and we a? 38mm. 0 3m: Mada um Farama?ers - ?feat embea?vm giants. Nam of anaiyi?icai twang Sabamzofy? am a! man; {3%ng mm?m iden??m?m- Swim 3m Emmott} 2:an rem?m. F. QUARTERLY 2 . Amt: t??wa ?rm-Sim {Discharges Sewer: 5.3.2; 6% the Gemm Farm": magma. gummy mm ?ngeme 9f autiwdze?a wawr discharges 319% gamma. 9. I30 aummaee: nan-3mm mm ??gmmg occur a; yaw ream? YES Indicate whe?xex yea: v?sauai?y a?mwed mm non?5mm: waist discharges and the?r saw/m during the c:qu when me; were d?sa??arged. mach ?an explanation for any mama. ing?mte 145?." for {zqu w?mom any Mrs-?39m was: aimarges. $0 to item F2 Qufyw?eg?ember BN3 WA Qm?ef-Gacenmer YES {3&9 [3 YES [j c? Um Fawn 2 fat: rem qua?a?y v?ssua? cb?masje?a 0f aa?mr?zed mmsaw wager digchazges {x g?mme ma {0an :Mama?en. am NM ?amaw?am? EYES {jun WA Agmdm?te 2. name as? each a?hw?ze? ?ak?mm waieg? d?smarge $323 am time 03' W503: ii}. mate magma a? were mama mm?ma wa?et {immrge? w. a? {he ?ischarge at a warm ma impacm? {Emma ammiamarge @8th 223%. we, m: gignamte cf ammr any new :33" {mm ?wpa negewary ta reams as.? mwn? mimics in gamma: nowame waa?w dimhama. ?mv??zie new or Swim 8w? img?emm?m dam. {?nauthmized WW Eischarges iimzwn 3.3g e? {233 Gen-era! Permit requims qmm?y visual as? 3% minage 5mm ta ?e?ect the gem of argumwz?d nom?m'm waiez? si?schanm am mat? gamma. 3. indicate mm 3m: 3mg;me Maww 3% dramage men is: game: gramme: of maan 5zom1 wax-ex diacth and {has} saunas? Attach an axpmza?m {as my answers. :30 {3 2m 3315; -Sepaember was {3 w. Weber-Bemmr ?(as [j WA a; 8mm: aspen the quma?y vi?amai mwmm, any manna wmar diachm deiec?mf? YES c. ?aw each a? the mumw?zed mam": water maharges been ei?m?ns?ed a: YES <22, Use man 3 ?g mam quartz-?y mmww?zed nmcatcgm mam damage mmi er gimme me faiicyw?ng Mmmtiann Jammy-warm was M0 ma 23.9de? :33 to ?tem F.1d Ni) A?ach gxpfamiio? i. game :31 each nm?zmm wager aisc?mrga data ans: mag-{sf Mama. scarce am: mme s? mach umuW watt?! magma iv. chmamsacs of me a? its: wee and szpascte?? manage game, ri?e, wad ?ignamm a? {marvel w, my cm??m aciims mama; k} we amaze each maummed m:an may and 19 clear: i?maaciesd dm?rsags mesa, ?mida Esme unau??zmzm mam waster zjz'mmge?g} was e?minam?! sc?mww :0 233 ?W'mate?. WET SEASQM Q5 Semen $4.3 cf Ganem: 9mm: mgaims you gamut: mm; viwa? mm imam a? aim avatar $39th at an 32am mam ?iachmge Eomt?am 5mm me was: mam, Them abaewatiom shag accu: during 3213 ?rst Mar 9? diacnarge or, a; she cage of imman?y 529mg: {x com-aimed 3m water? at the time at aigchamw 3? i?d?cate be?w whether 320mm; visua? aimew?bona 43f 5mm water em:an a: thmge Escaztoas. Aztec?! an expianmion fer any answer; Emma in mm gxp?anat?m Wh?t?ef any e?igitge swam-:3 {im?i?g saitqu faci?ty warming hams {hat 2M mt rem-?t in a mum watev and Maggie: me ?ate, ?rm, name and we 0% the pemn Wm wwmed that then: was rm 32mm wazer Manama? YES :40 YES Camber 53mm; El {??wem k?am? Samba [j Ami Jammy 2. 88% wet season visasai Wma?om mag Farm 4 04? ma?a the Wing; Wmmaaon. glaze, time, 39% Ema?dm a? Mewamn same and :?t?ia of Gamma chamctaris?ics of the d?ac?sarge {Law was: co?ar. am; am? same cf my m?mms my gm or tamed 8539?s mewan is: mime mama? mimam 31%} water damages, me'??a :32" :ev'zsaed 35W ?mwemematim dais. g3?ng $372 CG?iptim?l?E H. 39mm AB 42:? she Swami E?ng requ?m {m mama: a: gamma: one ACSCE in each rep-own; gem {$8336 g?xme 3m. Evaiue?am mm: ?38 smucze? a:th 8-16 mamm at each m. ?me .3?va and mousi?omg anagram ?maii be swim am: ag neseeaary; mm 38 {Saw at the The chme new indwes. 2m mm?mum 5mm necesmry in camakem a ACSCE. Endgame meme: yon have Wed mix 5:59 Mew. mm axpianatiar: for any mswem. i. go Have magma 3% patm?a? mum: swam am: mauamai gamma 393%? YES was. areas sneak: 23?: mspem: we {333?638 Mara was; am? im% have occured 6mm It bait-Sing remit mmdeifmg, and masmc?m gag! 6 materia? 310mm 3W8 mm was?) and {$1.3m arma. {??miwwm?g 33mm @7383 pmcm?mam?aamt?MQ 3:633. {meg gag-mg and 35mm mm 263mm! mmd'mg and 8mm awash . mam magmm was wagte awragezd?sgma? ma?a. cust?particuzata army . ems?an areas. whim iua??ngimaintemme 3mg rem-3mm water dmwarge gemra?ng gram Have 3m; rw?ewed Wr :0 amuse mm 5:3? 5195?s addmm exisiiag mwm?ai 90mm: 58mm and imam: ac?vit?ms megs? YES yes 83% you $323ch the: ?mike facz?t?ty 19 watt; that we aim may: $3 gram-date? The miewmg we may ?ame. smug be - mm}: Manama I gleam wager discharges: w?a?ons was: 0? 3:1 32mm waier drainage megs - water ecl?amn and conveyance 3319mm 4' arms; ?mgaated by nan-an strucin scam! ?rmwares sum as catch mains, hams?, cantawnem areas, g?ifwater aemm?m, em. 3. Have 3m mvim am Ger/mm. ?erm?i mmna?iame mamm gamma a?nce me $322 anew; evaiuabon?? YES Ci Fm Wigwam; rawmss be fwm?: mam gamma newsman waier - quma?y mamch Weary: discharge: m? Watmm waier dim?mga mug! mewama maxim}; 5mm water ammwge - Smw??g mm Amiym was :??mai amen-won . ?mwnka?zw mamtenmw hapacticn mamas ?zw?iai?? mm :amm ctemawesm aaiv?sieg Have rem am am aemanw 0f the to assure ?mama min the (Emma; Penna? {3 N0 frag {wower SWPW items simiat {we maxim maven-$56K! beam 0 593mm! 6% Wet/ma swam a has: at a?gnr?canf mtgr?ais - ig?em?mt?m am} WW {m 8559?: {a '9 dem?m a! anaemia! Miami in:an tar each mn?ias 9:?:er mm 6, Have was review year to ?ame mat 33 he BMW am smegma {Mama 9: mew:ka Marita 9m wars: {??chifge? and water ?imarges, am me are being iawiemeemed? E3 YES NO The 50$)ng 8MP magmas 33mm be mm: 0 gm Maxwean masses; QWE am?ntemme a we}: remm material transiting ans: amage mystical; emmge tm'ming mm em centre? ammuna? 6W5 ma?a a??me Has m: mwermi equipment and eqwamm needed tn mm?eme?t me SWWP been inspected? YES a0 ?351 the mm anemia: is reume mas/Vida an eva?mt?m reagent mm inc?wea; wan?trm?im a? gmme? Mm?ng me eve-swam Em impamwi'zm} mvisw?s 1' the dams; 0% ma Manama a my mama 0f and EM- cmc?ve macaw; swims; 3323 Form 5 to remit me ramsng 01 1mm maina?cn e! an emme fem SSE. mm; warm is is? wait}! mmza?anw with {he in?uamwi Ac?v?iw Water *3ng 9mm?. R) aar?fy mem?mne: Exam me mats M031an mm: ?e up :3 639$ am: m: 213$; 333843 was: your ?83515. :10 yet; certify mmp?ancae with ma: mausma: Mas/2m Sm Water {semi pews? Lag if you amww attach an Ix} the M2325 Evamai'wn Rm why pm: 35% not it: cemgzg?mce With the ?swam Sm Water Gargem Pean?. 3m auznmzer? {a sign rem rammed by me AC'I?m'i'iEs 3mm WATER {see Smnaam va?swn {3.63: am I certify wide? gzemlty at 33w that mis- dacummt sad ax attachments waive 9:99am! {meter my direczim or wgewision accorasanzze win a was,me easagrsm it} emure 2m: {maimed mammal magma: gamer am: evaimt? me mformaticm 9339:! an my inquiry at {he {swarm CK poems who manage She $551931! a? mess 98mm afrec?y mammi??a far gamenng we ?aw/magma me Mformaiim sunmmed is, its me has?; a: my inwleage and gene?? mm! accumia and cmmfete. i am awams mm were 3:2 sgm?cam 3363332393 far sabmim'ng tease infermamn. imitating 2m} poss?b?i?fy cf {me 3:16 :mprismmem far knawgag momma Signamra: 3319: {3?39352014 'f??fie: ANNUAL REPORT 0F PEWTERS We in?usmm Swim Water Genera; Pam {69mm 33mm mums mu m? 3W water mam at m: war am 9H, 3132a! @Wed Saws Magic {Jana-36mm Tami Swami: Cam oi; 3325 game {(366} may be aubs?mm for Er: you mam? mommy {at any mar Wimts mm yam am :9 be pseaent? in yaw 3m water dmbarge $3 a semi? 6f "m:st as?im?iiy am: 51313236698! am in Yam 0 we (Samara; P?mii These numegic ?m?ms for the mamas yet: 2m: $031 Wag km: 'micsz she Genera! 5%st ?9 be team are emsides?ed parth. la {mamas 42% what {we a? facii?y yea mama {hem WW me mama and genera; a:me armada mam ?nriicatron mm 9931mm me am if? 3:05:11 WW {3in ?me faiiaw??g brie?y exp?ains Wai mm a? sham mam: mi is a mmwic magnum oi the cmcentm?m. ?s?t'se mama at max-2mm, wage is wsm: 6.5 35. Mum mg mm ?ne meta: 7'3 mis?am: ?umam :3 2mm. am 8 mm WE: ?s imam mmcifi. Pram swim; ?emia have a a1 a um 262138 111% may be mares 0f mam of 'msmai mum your aim wager dmwga lf'ihe 3% teams at 9% mar 3mm high or m! yaw Md madam 3 Wang?! ex?me of 902m m?m?mt mum at was 851a rm: Suspended Saiids ?3 3 mm 6? Mmim that an: 9mm ?n yaw 52mm dimarge. 33mm T88 Made segment erg-mm 9% emaea law; and {?332 mm impervious {Ea paved} 39383? SW by am: can wry taxis t0 mimic fife because it envem feeding amt: Weeding gm?s? and cam Wman?sms Ewing; on the batman 0f a'waser may? mm: enamm and (mat ma;an aim 132;: Wigwam Msm_ This 95wch ways and QM in Wm and aqua?c we. 2?33 iemis saw"? is": Mm md??m hand. it new 2mm 31W 82a: awake. increase we {a dam. aimah?c (38) IS a (jg me 333%} me ta may an a?ech wme SC can be 6336 i0 33% 833 aegrea sf - m?m?iy. 0r emwm tire mm! mm mm mnm?a?m a wake: WW. gamma air m?u?cmr mos: mm- mm ?533 3 SC 3 mam gene, A high SC mid :1me as? wa?em 2w and am e: indugmw Lesa. T6135 (3ng am is a meang 0% mm mm matter mm in Mia. {Ail mania: ma?a! comm cm; This 53%? Lia 93:13qu 8m 35% in de?es! 5:834! ei mater. name: i8 natura?iy mmis. giants. and man, {km maize! may aim be {man made {50 CW gyn?mic {mamas mgm?cs mm ma?ak?ea men Warm? and paints. mm mm: mamr Wm the mm in a mama War to foo much (mania: names? cam We a Warm! WW an axe water, and pow ?mpacf as mam. S?,ch mamas mm ms. Emma Of Wegra?e vet? 83mm; wgan?m are a mm mi: chamica?a mm mm haw adage-me akm a? very Ema a? mem bimmzumwa?e ma?a we, yaw? may a? Tait am high, yew Wit! waw?e 33 warm 0% mama; (3f :3ch 05ng 358%.: may um at We? 3m} Graeme is; a mama? m" the mat 6? mi! and gem 52mm ire water {imharga fat yea"; can we :3 sheen (Em: 3mm ?mewcan make 2%,m ga?lons 62? mm; can mm affect aquatic ?fe am} cram um:wa mining mam and an water: ?zus am it un?mkcmie. ?imces (3&6 5mm mammname machines and :mz?waya. 1? 353;} have {wading Wham nm? yaw WW we we ma. ptease mm: 3% mm Ram scam af?ne. Tm: {mm Sigma mm has Wished mm mm Wehmm go: a num?pe? of Thaw my be MSW when ava?uaang mam: mama; 8%?3 are amp?meq Tam can he mama as? mr wm?e at it ?33 mm in 533me Md a?naiyaig Ragam?m ammon? See Storm Water Cfantacts a6 .Im :15mam.waterboardamxgoviwatar issues: ?amsisIormwater?contacmhm? 373 - ANNUAL REPORT FORM 1. SWLING 3? RESULTS 53:1;er {?M'mrw?m ?aw am asmm Galena: Hmm. T-?ie wm?wmg suing}? mm {Emma alma?on 5 mm: ?fn?m I mm Me! mm Begum Mimi ?y ANNUAL REPORT FORM 2 QUARTERLY OF WATER DESCHARGES Guiana" 022mm'{?isr :3th Emma and Manama oi of AW xswu NEWS ?aked New 965M) (ii?gzraemsgkimgs Museum (Itsm'md5m2s east EMuiip?mu and 5mith Arms and mem {3319 Lamina Guam ?ata?EWHi-tm Qtwemr Name if?bs?mr 5mg NSWD: 'i?h?s (mamas? Cm Qac anti Lm?m?: of Mama at Ammxw .3me $838?) mama Rmiaed 3W9 ammum mm mm at Sesame a! Ecrmnag? 8m: and Em. Gismxm Location Quutmf iimeWH?:Mm (>Merw?' Name Amy his Quarter? Jan . $tmw3?=w {vaamf'um oi 9f Auzm?zm limwimd #umcmed NSWG ?viw ?ew 8W5 ?wmonmsf NSWD a: acume- gt am: {Emi'nasue ?rm; and smiemsamminm 92%? En'mnarge Location Quaxm- mam?mwwm; him Shimm?'k?e? f?my Nmuwmm mm? ?(his Qaar?e? 13.3? Somme 3:er 84me Mg? and gamma N5 MSW ?u?awmm am thmaemm at Emma mmxm'ms Chara: tam?cs at fir .nmme Am; and {jimmnge Lnuuw ?wm 05' MM Em {Ema-2mm ma ?inmr?ahm magma REPORI FORM 3 OF NQNMORM WATER Q?MM?i-hmm chem We 122$: Emlicmns Prim i$wwm3f? Huimhwi'w? -- (Sea: w?wma.? mm mans was: Commath 2% No ?xiomme and Mxm?zm m? mum at Ursasutm?m? {Emma-?ma NEW {Inwmram ?5m magma; in Gnamlzm 94m Chara?em?as u: at Ei?mme umem (?34'an MM Agni and Eimm?m L'?sc'hyge Elm? 531nm?? mm W329 Oimwwr ?Mi/e ?rim hhtfical?mr?i at ?3ka 0&5mw?? {hum nmti ?30; - cw: 22; '3329? 3 if: '33} hii?ae Eaam Ne 55:: 1km: elm} Locum? of $3339? (at isnmmim? MSW #swv Cnmciiva Qc?k?l?s Ec anamwlm N3W6 Q?tzaras?ari?sms 39m at Ehan Uremth 35391:: 306 Emaw?mxm Luck-mg Munich Ezate ?aws? {mer?mm 'i'i?e {isaxlmqu- N?m imiicatiame oi ??rim? {?amed}? Unamhmim ?iW?Bn? J33: - 3.5% 35-3/2} Mm Warm Pic 5333 39mm? Jmi barmm 6? WWI) a? 13sz SW9 mem mm {was W?c? .11 ?sz {\xsoh IQ: Lomac?sm Emacs-rm ?attens i?mn?i?: m1 Elimnmm mm ?uent? Muster Rm ?ne {inmnhermsd highway {twicmzo?s 03 its ?whet 1? Unauthoan ?Mk? Apt Jun {$392934 ?552ka Cmsmam 529 m: ?aoe?ma Lax-mm 66 {inaumm 35% {Imam mm wan gamma 33x33 mm Reta-53$ Rm m? CEer kill-35.5 at: Sea was an Dmmaga Area saris wham?? Lac-Juan ?I-Hms?xm? t?nm?mum? MEWB and 8 mm 30"} 23-2014 ANNUAL REPORT FGRM 4 - OBSERVAVONS OF WATER Observation 18.33 925 4'3 Obgm A?m-Ammyar: Observer my Slater. 33:30 Name: T?iie: Laminar: beawmian Time Wer? Qi'ainage DasazEbe Mermfy and Qasg?bna any Descriptmr: Ti?nm Diana/marge Pgi?utanta A393 3mm Wamr Revise-d or Began ??serzptiun 1}??er Saumgsj as? ?ew BMPS Characiw-rizpzis: meianfs and Tha?r a ?333}; 43? .inmimmn?a? 34 Wiener Cmgewatmn Qbsewer Aw: Amhumfan Dam: Mama: T??ie Qbmwaixm Time Went Brai?age Berscs?b? i?en?fy .wd Qasc?be' my Cesmp?gn 'T'imta Emma-g9 Pai?mng Am ?mrm Waaeer Dem-ribs Handset! Bags}: ?h?emd? Baawigx?m Bianharg? Scumegsj af ?ew Emf? fiharwmrig?c 9m?a?am? and ?i'hes?r s; 133% 92f impm -- ?at? Gbmwatian 3 EEZS $3 Ave Amtunyan Observe: mar Date: 93:36 ?mw T3249: Lmtian bew-a?an Time Ware Umimge {wrwr?he and ?esm?ba any Seawm?mx "Ema BE?ahargne Pa??utam? Alma Siam? Wa?r {Mamba Revise-d m: 85293:: Ongd? Basc?m?an D?gcbarge ?wmis) as! ?aw Fc?mants Md ?F?h?ir 5 am an" lmwmam? Onsewa?en 61.33 mi: $1 Obgeervet Am Amman 0mm: crema- Eirafe: 93:30 NW: Hue: Lam-xtth Mewma? Time Were Sminaga ?z?enzify and 895ml? my Ma?p?on Tim [BE-charger Pn?umnts Area Stem-n Water Base: the Revised 03* Sagan Obsaweei? Qigchargw of Maw BMPs Charm?eris?c Po?uiams and Tahgair {33% impimma? Aw; Wunwn Obsm owner Bate: @8136 TEt?e: Lana?mt Q?smma?a? "(mm Waite {imimga 325mm Mam and Mama?? my Desc?p?en "?rm Bi?c?mrge Pai?ufams Ame ?ag-m Water Qa?m?ib? Revised or 8mm: ?agem?? Besmigatim Discharge Boumei?s? as? ?ew BWK {inamcm?sdc 9945mm mad Thar ?5 Date implamwn?a?ti? m: Observation 235?? 212324 Observe; Asm Amhmyan ?bm game! a 31313 NW: T319: Leta-32mm Qimawatm Time Were mang Dascr?be mm?y and 995mm any Gesmptima 3m Qimimrge Pni?u?am?s Area 3mm Wager Begcg?tse Revisad {th Began {Emerig?iw Diannmge Slaw/mama! of ?ew {31313th mi: Yhe?r {hag of- impimwnm? 53f! Gb.5&matim 03152-va Awe Ammnyan timer ?ares. 23:28 Name: 1388: amnion TERW Were {yam-age- Et?em?fy amt: any ??smmirm ?{ime Qimiimrge Pawn-ants $393 $8511} Wam {?e-5353b?? 0r Sagan U'bgermsf? Digcharw Snumais? MW- 8W5 Cihamm?rigtic P'oiiumeits and '2?th 5 3.33m; 92' impimvnm? Eistnsewat-im seams 34 Ava Amazinvar: $33152: Cir-23E) Mawm?an Time Wem Buian {Eest fedesmfy 3m any Dasxz?'p?an Tigm Bigcharge Paihmmx Am Water [Esmdbe ?amed or Began themd? Some-egg} 047' New tlharacmr?is tit: Pa?u?m?g The-?r 93%? 9f Empieonwmx? ?23263? ANNUAL REPORT FGRM - mam; SITE COMPLEANCE EVALUJQTEGN POYENVEAL WERCEIWSUESTRUAL QCTWIW 8&3} Bate: am: mi?! Name: ?We; Pax??um Smxw?miu??rw RimsMmmy? W?cm?w 8W5 er ms!? WMuURevim {Kareem Astiiww 28m} ?hair was} 221? 39?: 15-3334 ANNUAL E?ripl?f?A?TlONS 3138C EHEQ FOR VARIOUS EN REPEERT ?rem- ?gwmm a mad ram as?; 3 5395319. Fu?am?. aim-n Em) much mums: mum: ma; 3:329 139mm 51mmqu ?rm imamm mm gm {93:1 warm 1 i 25:15 Exhibit 12 In?niti Nissan Storm 1 Water Monitoring Plan 2012? 2013 9 man 20 Storm vvater Monitoring Plan Table of Contents Roqu i re m" Schedule page ?Quarteriy Nonvsutorm Wat?s!" Observation Form page 6?9 Example: Storm W?ter Fox-"mo" Page i Mammy Storm Water? Observation Forms page 122 1 Monitoring Training Certi?cate I Acceptable Dismantiers no 1 1?8: Environmenmi Services ?30 Box 828 Paramount, 90723 Qf?ce: Fax: (3'18) 9846214 Website: enncom Emmi: I I . Sir-S's :t?t'x Mon' rin Re ui ?i?he man. is cur meant; of proving mmpi?amte: win: the Storm Waier Permit. far was: caieudar year. We win retain manimring ranks at, the: in: a pct-rod at ?ve: years. The monitoring ubiectiveg maii be: Ti) anul?? ear 3mm: water dischargas are in cumpiiance with the Ganera! mama. 3?9 aid in the. impicmentatinn and revision (1f Wamr Pailutiim Prevention Flam to meet the changing conditian am facility. 3. 1?0 ensure an!? prac?ces reduce 0r gravth paliution in starm water and authorized watar discharges ?waive and adapt to meet changing canditions. 4. ?m masum the effectiveness of am? 8:93: Managememt Practices at eziminating pollutants {ram starm water and authorized mme water discharges. Water {an our grnpe?y ?aws tu c?ischarge puint?53??ea5a mfer ta?zie bainw fur {mamas and descr?iytianx Discharge Point Localian Sampied at ?hserved? {)Wm M. .. Mmum wnmam .v Sierra Water dmcha rges Sampling he {Mira pm rainy seams: member through May} ensure the quaiity of sturm water dischargesi The fins: min warm at" the: min semen that a?wm during scheduied npemtmg hours and is precetigd by three- {iry working days be sampled anti Sampies he analyzecf {02? 835E f?ar?amatem? {st Speci?c: Conductance, and Oii/Qrease or Tetal Organic Carbon {"1138}. as wet? it}? the faiiawing adds?tiami Pammeierg; "i?cm? So?ids (T58), tram Lead Muminum 93- 2 128: ?nvimnmentai Services" 9t} 89:: 8.28 f?xamaunml? Of?ce: (562} Fax; {310) 98441214 Website: ?mail: Se??it?tw Observations shall be performed to monitar the quaiity and quantity of sterm water discharges and to ensure that there are m) unauthnrized tmnasmrm water discharges. Nan-Ste rm water observation shat! be performed quarterly, during {layiight hours in periods ofdry weather, nnce every three months {mm through fume; there win be four nomstorm water observations performed annually. Additiona?y, consecu?ve m: 21* stem?: water observations be perf'omwd within 6-48 weeks (1f each ather. Shouid a nowstorm water discharge be: observed, we wi? look far any pailutants {'0in sheen. ?oating material, etc]. ifany poliutant{s} [isfare] ubserved, we wii} trace it back to the source, and then the problem area wt}! be addressed. Any new Best Management Practices; he document in {3111? SWWP. Storm water nbsewatians wiil be performsd once per month during the rainy Saasnn (Qctobgr thmugh May} as storm events accurt Aim, observations he performed when three working days of dry weather has preceded the rain event, and the di??ha rge be observed (hiring the ?rst hour. Storm water wit! be uhserved for pciiutants (t:in sheen, udur, ?oating materiais, em) as it discharges. if" puilutantfs} are uhserveti, we wilt trace them back to the 301mm :0 adequately address the problem area. Any new Best Management Practices w?il be document in our The A?nuai Repert be ?ied by the My t? cieadiine, 329119; with the resuits of cur monitoring programs [(Jbsewatinns of Sth'm water/mmstorm water and sample results], At this time, we MEI perform the Annuai Camprehensive Site Complianm Evaiuation as required by the General ??ermit. The evaiuatitm is perfarmed to judge the. effectiveness of nut? Best Management Practiceg. if?any pmbiems are discovered at the time of the evaluation, new Best Managemant i?ractitet; be deveioped and implemented The monitoring program that we have deviged satis?es the obiectivas required by the industriai Genera} P?t-rrmit. Er sampied storm water anaiytical re?ults are above the benchmark parameters, we may sampie a third time and suhmit at! three resuits in the Annuai Report A state certified {abomtary wilt assist us with 53mph: preservation and ensure that we meet the sampie requirements. We use their laboratory?s dacumentation methods and equipment for sampiing purposes: pg. 3 Environmenmi Sawtces 80:: 828 Paramount, (IA 90723 Of?ce: {562) 394-2974 Fax: {310} 98426214 Wabsile: A Ema?: {m(environmentai?sgmaiicom g! {int hmimwuizsi Sm?. Err-s SLEIBMBEK Prepare for the wet season. c: Prepare to take the first sampie of water discharge. This first sample is taken from the first rain event of the storm wath year {October} during scheduled szxperating hours. We wiil contact a state certi?ed lab for additionai assistanm Perform the first quarterly arm-storm wath visual abservation ensure that there is no water di?charge from our f?acifity. ME *5 Conduct the first visuai storm discharge observation- if any pa?utanqs} isfaz'e observed, we wi?i determine when: and how it is coming inter mutate: with anti how :0 corms: I Take the first: sample 9f storm water {iisctharge if a storm (Mint that occu rs during scheduled facility operating hou rs produces a discharge HMBER 9erf0rm second quarteriy newsrorm wath viguai abgewatiun to ensure that {here is no nervstorm water discharge from our facility as Conduct the secend visuai storm water discharge ohsewatixm If any 90112312 mfg) is/are abservvd, we MEI determine where and how is; naming imz; Contact with starm water, and how to correct it. Perform the first 5m rm water sampie of the year if no significant, prim 3mm events have occurred. Conduct the third visuak stem: water discharge obsewaiian. if any potlutanqs} isfa re observed, we determine where and haw it is; earning; into contact with stars-n water, and how to Cat?th it. Cnnduct the few rib visuai storm water discharge observation. if any pciiutan?s} is/are- ubserved, we win determine where :12ch how it is coming into cunwct with xterm water, and how :0 cat-rec: it. Egg 4 {in {Environmental Services PO Box 828 Paramount, CA 90723 Qf?ca: {562} 394?29?4 Fax: {310) 984-6214? Website: Ema?: imenvimnmentaii??gmaiixcom <5 - ixm tn mm in! firn'in'w Peri}:er {#38 third quartcriy water vima! absewatitm to ensure that them is m) water digch?arge {mm out fac??izy, Cumith the fith visual water discharge ubservatmn. if any poitumntm ?zz/are observed? we determine: where and huw it i5 Cemiag into camzac: with storm water; and haw to correct it. ?rm? 1 m: MARCH a ?aaduct the gixth visuai 55mm: water discharge Qbsermriim? if any gwilutands) zsfam we wif! (i?a?ermim: where and haw it maxing into contact with Starm water, and MW to mrrect it a {Eanducz the saventh visuai water discharge if any is/am uhsewed, we ?atermism when: and haw it is mming into Contact with 3mm: wamn and haw mrmci in a f?erfarm the {harm quarteriy nowsterm water viguai absiewatum :0 ensure that {here is no n0n~smrm water discharge mu? bunny. Conduct the eighth visua? 25mm: water discba rge ahsawatian. if any pailut?antis] isfam aimervea wa win determine where and how it is earning inn; mama with 3:40:21: #:9932833?, and how to it? 0 Perform the 3313212131 Compiiance {Svainatkm fer the Annual Repmrt. a Re?ew 3i! {shgewatims am} gampig {emits the current stat-"m wamr wan From this review; will help Wu to determine if our Storm Water poiiution Prevention F?Ian is; effemiw, and if mm we w?ii rev?se and impiemem new 3232 Management Practices. Use the can}; of the Annuai Reaper: remrd regain, revigions Gem: timing the moath 0? My. 4: {Lomgsi?te angi {its the ?rmug? Repart by My 19*. Omit: a receipt as pram" of Al! (exams? generated he maintained at the ?or a perm my $053 than ?ve years; pg. 5 L- 8: iinvinmmemai Servims 853; 823 Pamm?nnt, C8 ?31}?23 Office: {562) Fax: {330) 984-6214 Website: ?maii: o1?. Qimewed during ?rst how of Ni) StOrm Water Observation 3. 1; 0n N0 RAIN EVENT during the month. t. ?ate a? Evakuatim: 2. Name of?b?ewen 3? Time 0? Evaiuatien: wg?gm S. Aildramage areas: a} Nurth South .. ?33 6621589? .. .. . .y Entrance Gbsewed. xterm. m? mutaimd xtarm water at time at? discharge: a} ?xation Lecation Sismarge Characteristics: (361633? [39:12;de a?iiy Dim? DCloudy Ei'hl?heen if} ?oating trash, Plastic, dehris {3 Suifijr smeii Gasoline same}! Other sme? expiain: 8* Any additionai Best management Practices necessary? {immage Hmnsekeepmg Keep {12min Cleaned Keep ?ismantling Area Ciaaned 9; Why this mg; Quaiify? Digcharge at. Nzgh: My ?zscharge the 3 days Ciosed this (my a marriage .gt'artect Mime (3f ?pamtinn [Rh??mjillm {)bgerwr $.i9919m2qgcr Tide {Awn-muo 3igmztum? pg. 18 E. Environmentai Services 90 Box 828 Paramount. CA 90323 Of?ce: Fax: {310) 984~6234 Website-z - 5mm}: imenvimnmenwi(@gmailmm w? Si?n 30w?. Water Observation This Pam is an EXAMPI..FE {m how it an! when there is QMYALID RAIN EVENT during [her mum}; 1.. {late (if Evaluation: 3m 12 Z?ame af?bsewch 191mm i 3. ?rims; a? Evakuazion: 3?3?:ng 4. themarci firm? him? a? ?iqrha-rge: Yes 3-. Qbsewer Ail drainage areas: a} Nam: h} at} Center ?ntm?m Ghseweti, stored, er contained starm water at time at discharge: YES a) Locatiun b) Lucation Bischarge Characteristics: {jam CEMtz?dy many mRus-t mama); 3 ?Ekang trash. Piagtic. debris Sulfur 5:11:58 Gagniine snwi! mun: {Ether smei! explain: Amy a??itional Best management Practices necessary? a; Emrm?m? ?mmekmging Keep Brain Cieaned Kate? Qismantiing lama Cleaned Why this stem gm Qualify? a {Eischarge at ?ght 3: ?ischar?ge in the p35! 3 days: (305% this day Bischargc starwd before hears emperaz?mzs ?i?itfe a gig. 11 8: ?nvironmemai Searin Rf) 80x 828 Paramvunt. CA 90?23 0mm: 394?2?3?4 Fax: (310)984?6224 Website: Email: imenvimnmemai?kgmailmm PM irmiimrui Sv? kw? Storm Water Observation I. 332:: 2. Name a? Observer: 3. Time 0? Evaiuatiun: am! am 4. Observed during first hour of discharge: Yes or Na S. drama? areas: e3} South c} Center d} Emirame Observed? stored, at" contained 5mm water at time 33f discharge: Yes m; a; meatian b} means}?! Discharge Characteristics: D?tezzr {EMuddy [3383! $3811? U?loudy BOiiShmn Boating (rash, plastsmems Suifursmeii Seasozinesmeu ether smeii expiain: 3. Any additional! Best management Practices necessary? increase Housekeeping Keep Grain {Zieanecl Kew msmamimg Ara; Cieaned 9. Why this 5mm! an; Qualify? Biggharge at Night Na Bischarg?a in the 9332 3 days; [3 {Linseed day {)ischarge sitarth heifere huurs 0f Operatiuns Shimmer Tide Segmture pg. 28 8; Envimnmentai Services RU 803: 828 Paramount. CA 90723 Office: (562} [3 10} ?384452 14 Website: Emit: Im?envimnmamal?i?gmaiimm Emirts-utmw?ai 51m; ?rm. Storm Water Observation 1? Date nf Evaiuatum: 2? Name quh?ewerTime af? Emiuziticm am 1 9m 4.0bmwed during ?rst haurofdischarge: Yes or No 5, ?iidrainageareas: a] ?nrth a; 5mm Center Entrance Wm.? m. 6. ?bserved. stared; as" contained starm water at: time 01? discharge: Yes; or NC: a) meatinn b} Locazion Discharge Characteristics: B?tear DMuddy [30:13; URust Daitgheen Fioating 335?}? Plastic, debris Suifur 5mm? [3 Gasaiine smeii smelt {ixplaim 8. Any a?ditional ?es! management Practices namssary? {3 increase Rougekeeping Keep 0min Cieaned Keep {Eismamimg Area 623.33% Why {his ?am 539; Qualify? {Ei?charge at man: 55:; Sigaharge in the gm: 3 ?ays if} Facr'ziizy Ciose? this day Di?charge 5mm! before him rs {ast'?pemn?mm u, om. 'r'me Signature pg. 21 t, 3: Envimnmenmi Service-5 R0 80>; 828 Wramount, 90723 Of?ce: (562') 394%??4 Fax: (338} 98??6214 Wehgite: - Email: imewimnmenm?ibgmaiImm {239$ inmsm?aiksi me h?sw Accegtable fgf; SIC Code#501$~ Facilities Engaged in Dismantling or Wrecking Used Motor Vehicles for Parts Recvc?ng or Resale and for Scrag The US. Emimnmenmi ?rotection Agency has; estabiish acceptahi? ranges far 93d: parameten These ranges are benchmarks, net rigid standards. that trigger aummatic penait?es. If yaw sampie resuits exceed these ranges, you shouzd investigate and reme?y the sauna of the prob?em. in mm: wordg, impmmant and/5r add the appropriate Best Management practices if year next sampigz 6023 wt fa}! within the acceptable ranges does mt re?ect significant impmw?zment, then suth resuit w?ii serve as a red ?ag tn the State Water Board inssectars, and maid resu?t in panitivg action. mum-WW Need Tainvestigatt WQH - @9122. 2 Tom! Suspended Soiids >100 ?gs/L mquyecif'ic Comparath 2-200 urhhasfcm Miami Tb Aiuminum 4 3W5 i 2? 2am sigsl?mate Tot/3i i. 7 Eon >12?erf?l - 598 >30 mg! Home! if any of the parameters from year sampiing {951mg excead {rm EFA accemat?e rsmge, an immsit?gai?an sheutd be cor-matted :0 determine amt! address: the cause a? the mebigm. Eugene mums! as with any questicnsx Sinmre?yg gems Agu?iar Ram} Wager Comuimntf inspe?m 8; [invim?merzmi Sewices P1) 339): 828 f?aramvunt? {:51 981323 {'Jffica: {562) 3% Fax: {32 ?384?62 i 4- Website: - Email: Exhibit 13 American Dismantling N01, N01 Receipt, SMARTS has} award} WTECE 0? WM @5385? SEWQAL XE awn-:- whmm. e'vektw? mneh'a? WOW :5me ?lm I ED 331? {3?3 km 4m: 1: mar-m; a: Isa. g: w?w-m? g. r; 3313'? 31? wing $1361! Vt?? and: vaunw . . - .. .. a . 's 2232:: mm 3, Lhasmmi?zxng Vin: ,n-tiRu-?? ww- .4: z: i??mh? WY: 3r?a?i-?mi 22%} f! ?3 I D??tmiimg an: aim i (dio' ?3 a may! a: a -r my! 3.11? Bur-? iv. a amm? use t; 55:32! f??t I MAmu r?a?i i? may; wanna mm? -.mna? Ii :3 mt?it $95; bf?? ?91.51? 3; f? "wag Am? i nu: warm mm Em {3994211- ?9 3L3 .5 Amy? mu?; $3.331 Mimi Si; sum?: in f? 33%. V01 ?i am a 321% Emma-a s! was? Fm imam 32m. inc:mesmuwm {323.4351}? A WW 9w: gamma: 3? ma?a? am ?mt?xm s. 2, mg? mug-?aw mam?? Hi: W13man? in: new 2y- WWI . ?win?; 3mm ix 1mm macaw at W. a mutate 0"?qu ad ace-39mm: ~23 =wma~ W. q" 3x? ?515.?ij m; -e WMme Xmas: ., f; P'wmag was Maw; v- Maud :afmm?g rm- 3w: mum szxam-um?w $6 mm? sass? m; 21% we. .WE {Fmiwzanfi? at 3% a k, ?m Was-c. mm a we Nag: an em Ci; m. 11,1? awayth :3 may? ?t wumw?ngala 'a'w?mu vuw mum; 9: rams smut- ?wag an at a '1 9.91? was. em?: 32%? 333%? mu 2m was aw ?me an. ?swing a Mass: immer mm}; 2m rm an ?arm 1 ?saw ?if saw4w.? Viewer: mus sunrme jaw m: mm:- I: Am $35393 Wm?? CA 91335 mam (In-with; mamAm- ?Claw-1mm: mamas; m. ?3363 Am CA. 9233: SKEKMC 6mm: m3 Mn?i-W?mmtummwumwuhm? ??pz?kW ?MagnumSema- . . 'frmagm Fulluwmu un- Ehs 1min with your nan-h man?lia. RI aria: on mu 1 ?Human. 5.15123 Halal hum)? on ma: ill/rum. ?Mam y: NWW ?w?m Exhibit 14 American Dismantling Annual Reports 2012-2014 ?Mill CM mam-f??ggy/ WMM-Midu??swarm mum-cm; attain? Rik mnma3i: if}meth .- s. . ease {23 3? m?Ins, m; ?antenna a {g ?e :3 43; ?.22 {3 a gag mewwv mi . an WWMIHWMM dmm-mmw {3 WI {a :Muwmtw ?{13 ?wmm?? armaummw 22:33 it. {minimal-mm *2 - :3?me 33mm? {in?ict-m Mutual-mm if; #4531530 t?i?h mm?dwmw ?mumw mm i3!? - mm {Em {Eu 33%: mm {3m awn @2336 2 2:5: ?3 .22 mama!? m.mmwum= maumwmmgig. 3 mamas? w. M. ya em ma aw? mun-m ?at -m a: WW %9*%g9 Manna-sums mamamm:mm was manna-Hun?: - 1mg- . as anode ?n a at; a m- if} am. mm. 13*} 3M. mismatqu 5 mm wmmu til-756% :m mquMb?mdn-nm gymnast!? m?mdmw Want. a: ?a . . ea? mm? a as 4Wt-mwmmI-su .a .thmm g; {am ?ne "22 ?n 11;: . .3'9 a? nmamumwmm: ?a ?res manic-We: ?ll-M?H-m. a: nmcmamm mum mama -. May-om a ESE ?11? m; mm 6. nun-?x? 951ow sag a an 27.3 m; 13?:sz ?g Hm. 51a :3 to?? :13 an as: g. 83.9; In; fit-lg. {gigi?iitaitiifz??uvilai . gifting a! 3.52% mm mm mwm'm mew i mm m- i ?as:35 minim? .n ?sw mi Eww Wrevw' "Kimmie: ?er-w A Nam w- 4b?: .0 93.3%. utiltiiuig; . mm: may; WW WI .mm hangar-mm? wmwquWim-Dmub-WIMW Wk: ?may? - gm gm ?gm?w? 2 w? iwl?wm?mwm :3 a i a? . imtmmfw? m: mu Fm mama 00 mane-cc: mm Mauth g: gaming mwmmenma 2 . i i . ?um ?Wmqu an: kw must 5 . maul?. mm wwv?)? . .. .. gm@153 mm ?mm - .vami mmwummwm\ mean it i 1 am gag-?35m mama g. 1 mama?: emanate EWWM 1' main-smug: 'Mmun-um switwa m.mum m. - .a k. V. .?wm?wa .. . ?mgmwMImm Wm - mm?m - Emma-In? guitar/mama mama mm mm imam-km 19% ?mm M-t?ma?mcm?m {33% m? Swag- Ham. QM ??mi -- - WWIWNWW Ymm'm I- ems'g'xx" r? in." If? m- . 3 :?mang n. Wang $3 . gags-5:. if: a i 2W Adm mummg? 3mm?than? .1, . :mww?wawrmammamumm mum-m magmumm WW mama-unmistame Fran? . I i memm?w ?a -- ?mm. . - . Em; madman. - ism-mar; A Wt mm: W?mm Im?l