ELIZABETH FAY Transcript, August 14, 1985: All the lots of Santophen that were produced in 1978 had levels of TCDD, did they not, ma'am? Yes. And wouldn't that indicate that you had been 148) producing and shipping out to the world at large Santophen to be used in the Lysol that had levels-of TCDD from 6 to 33 at a minimum and 48 up there as well? wouldn't that indicate that, ma'am? For that period for those samples that were taken, yes. So, how many years have you been making Santophen there at Monsanto, ma'am? We made it for 23 years. And as far as we know, the Santophen that you have been selling for use in the hospitals as disinfectant and the Lysol for 23 years could have these levels of TCDD, could it not, ma'am? _Knowing what I know today, yes." 149)