CITY OF TUCSON OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY September 20, 2016 Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. c/o 0y Lutes and Corey Lewandowski 725 5t Ave. New York, NY 10022 Re: City of Tucson, Arizona License Agreement No. 477737-2016-03 On March 19, 2016, you held the ?Trump Make America Great Again Rally? at the Tucson Convention Center Your use of the TCC was authorized under the attached license agreement (Permit No. 477737?2016?03), under which you are the licensee. Pursuant to the terms of the license agreement, you are responsible for payment of any and all Ancillary Charges and Other Charges as de?ned in the agreement. Those charges include the costs incurred for all services, equipment and personnel provided by the City of Tucson (City) for security and for crowd and traf?c control. In connection with your event, the City incurred costs of $81,837.00 in providing security and crowd and traf?c control. Those costs are described in the attached invoice. The City previously sent you the attached invoice, but you have provided no response. This letter serves as a demand for payment of the described charges. Pursuant to Sections 3D and 4.B.2 of the license agreement, you are responsible for these payments. You must remit payment to the City of Tucson within two (2) days of your receipt of this demand. If you fail to remit payment in a timely manner, the City may pursue all of its remedies as set forth in Section 7.C of the license agreement. You are directed to remit payment to: City of Tucson c/o SMG Tucson Convention Center 260 S. Church Avenue Tucson, AZ 85701 Make any check payable to: City of Tucson. Sincerely, Mike Rankin City Attorney MR/dg Att. CITY HALL - 255 W. ALAMEDA 0 PO. BOX 27210 0 TUCSON, AZ 85726?7210 (520) 791-4221 - FAX (520) 791-4188 - TTY (520) 791-2639 19.000} 1 EMS TUCSON CONVENTION CEHTER m- 250 a. Church Avenue . Tucson, AZ 85701 . - 5264914Wi PERMIT no; warmemms R. SUMMARY OF BASE: TERMS The foiiowing Basic Terms are inmrporated into the License Agreement entered into by and bamgen SMG ("Operator"} and Donald J. Trump for President, inc. ("Licensee"}_ EVENT: Trump Make America Great Again UCENSE DATE: 311912016 - 311912016 LICENSEE ADDRESS: Oonaid J. Trump fer President. Inc, 050 3034 Lakes 5th Ave. New Yos'k NY 30022 LICENSEE TELEPHONE: ??{33?352?01 530 LEGENSEE EMAIL: EVENT TYPE: ASsembiy LKIEMSE 98;le AND AUTHORIZED AREA: am gage 3m am; Tumor: Amna Permanence 311912616 311932016 H380 AM - 11.30 PM $1109.00 Summai $1100.00 2.5% Rania! Tax 17?.50 Tam; Rent $1277.50 Canceiiazicm Of Space baing maid under "Limnsed Period and Authorized Areas" of this License Agm?ment not (image the rental amount as stated herein. Any additian of same will be {maimed at the ongoing rate at the time of the adjustment and increase We mama amount. Any set-up time permitted in Licensee on 3118t2016 snai! be induced in the ?Tomi Rent? indicated above. $727150 due upon acceptance of this Permit ALL DE ARE NON SPECIAL CONGWIONS: Ream! rates include 4.79am Security guarzis 12 paw-5:30 pm, (1) Audio Edvard Tech {mm :12 pm-5:30 pm, House Saund System, JBL Line Array, Hausa Lights including maving fights on JBL Lima Array, Set up Haff House Curtain, 5M 5? Morephone, stage manitvor, from ?ils, staging, mixes arm? chairs. - TCC wili pay to wsplay static image on Video Board during ems-12a Parking fees wil! be at rates and charged ta amendees. SERWCES: Faes shes; be made or: the dosing night of the use in? areas unless a prior agreement is reached and accepted by min parties. services due shag be mid within two business days 31? invoice {535% a5 CHARGES: services. he parking szaging and rigging. emancai? teiephone and internet. security-ushering needs and any additionai fees are not included in the basic rental rate and win he tamed at ciose of event. if iota! amount of equment required by Licemee exceeds the Operator?s inventory, than Licensee agrees to pay for the cost at renting the additional equipment, OTHER CHARGES: Fees she}! be made an the dosing nigh: of the uge of areas unless a prim agreement is reached and accept-en: by boih parties. Fees iegitimaiely due under this shaii be paid within (2) nusmess days of invoice. A room fee-$63? charge win be assessed for ail meeting moms that require changeover the ini?ai ism?up. The room re~set fee is the cost of that meeting mom or 4 hours minimum Jamar charge, whimver is greater. DUE DATE FOR DELIVERY GP THE AND LICENSE AGREEMENT: DATE FOR QELWERY OF INSURANCE CERTGFICATES: 3.419120% DUE DATE FOR RENTAL FAYMENT iN FULL BY UCENSEE: 912016 UCENSEE: {Donald Trump for President. inc. DATES: 4:22 FM (/7152; 3 13 EL . Event: Wump Make America Great Again SMG 7mm Corsvem?on Center Sale: 133E016 3319;2036 260 8. Church Avenue Location: Tucson Arena Tucson. AZ, 35701 - WM szummam SC) Ni DcmaEd J. Trump for E?yesadent. Inc; C10 Joy Lutes NO: 4?7?37?2016?63 ?25 SIhAve. New York: NY 10022 WHERERS. ihe Opwam: cperaxess the Tucsw Coumurzm Center {9325 "Cartier 53 i'uman: Arizona as. managing agent for the 84132 of Tumn and Donaid J. Trump for President, inc. :?stnsee;. WHEREAS, Licensee Games; 10 obtain a ?Sense use mariam wear; an me- Cantm THEREFORE, in songstieratian of the muzuai covenams and mndizions herein. the {James agaee as mews: SECTION DEFINIWONS Within this Agreement each Of 131% fnimwing terms 5112213 have: the meanmg 5e? ionh ?lter :1 1 A. Cm ((9121. The City 01 Tucson. a caspmate body po?lzc 011%: 55mm 13? Arizona which owns the center 18 The Tumor: Convention Gamer causing. mam-dang "fuczsm Arena. Music Hal? and Lea Rear: Theater; imalw in Tucsan Arizona and any additions therem, :ts gmunds. adjacent hand; am: any 0191631? axrumure temp-mam an connection tweremzh. 1 upgmegtg?on Gagging Contractor Savm. growing fazed and beverage service for me Came: under an excluaive agreement math Sweater or Authomy. as of Udcber 1. 2014. D. gamma: gThez. SMG has new designasz and authnrized? by the City managar and operaior a! an the 9mm pang of the Sealer. to act on dis Denali on 333 mamas herein cantaamad. 3.2 gamma Mariam: ?e Omgrafor?s chief execmive and (3:39:21!an managgr Lice?e F094 The tee for use Wm Lemmas} Areas. 93$ 1th Summary a! Basic Terms, mm fee does n0? immune Ar'iculary Chargm or 02?er Chaer by Lzoemsee under the Kems of {he Lineage Agreemem ?1 Argas rm arms. the Center arm-1 ma Eiusrzs'raaw ?asac 3:143 aesrgnated as ?beamed ?maa 134. Licgnseg. The pemon or enzaty sham: as ?Licamee? Ir: the Sm?nmary aims-ix: 1.1. he fan-1hr; mgufations in the buckle! ermle Fuwm (Zunveratmn Center Event manning Gwd??" hareiafare delivered by {395mm 10 Licazmee Tm Emm Flanmng Guide i8 incomommc: in 2215s; {my-rum Ag?mmam as anuugh may :?a?wsmen harem. excess! when the terms there?: set a ?eadiine mm: to the ex?scutim of mar. Permit or othermse mn?m w?ih the mamas 0i mas In Maw: case (he. terms of this Permit shaii comm. and any vibiaison of me Even: Wanan (Sum :55 a Mew: a? mi? Licensee Agrmmem 1.J. Summa? of 835m The two page summaw attached to the at MS License Agreement and incorpode harem SECTWON 2. OF LICENSE 2 A. OF LICENSE Licensee she-3i! have exdugive right dunng the Mama-e Permd. 531 {cm} arr the Summary at Basic Teuns. subject :0 311 of the Gperatm and its mnmyees herein res-starved 1e earlier. 10 use the batsmen M6583 re: the Event 53mm am: described the Summary 9! Basia Terms. bu! {or no other uses 2.53. COMMQN AREAS in addmO? to the Named Areas. as sei has-{h in ire?t2 Summary of Ram 'I?ezma. and except as promised herein or in me Even: Guxde? Lacensee shah have during we Lice?sa- Perm the nan-exclusive it; use me areas of the Center in provxie access. Ingress and egress tor HS use of :he licensed Areas. Cornan areas main-Ge: hm axe cm- lirmtezi monies. atairways, ha?ways. escaiawm, eievators? restraoms? am; 219 oiher exier?m and Intent}: areas avaxiai?e for mis?t; use SECTION 3. UCENSSE FEE. SERVECES CHARGEE AND OTHER PAYMENT rm gtgg??g FEE ghaii pay 10 Operate: a Licemse Fee far she iicensze harem gamed. as ae: famh an we Summary (If 835m: Terms. wi'u?ch Lioenw Fee Ema}: nm as maiusive of Anm?ary Sammy, Charges and Other Charges incurred by m' 3:19.? the License Penod? the ?ange F?ee shaii be mcxeased pro?ts. 30mm. in the event Gparator mamas Licensee to use the Licensed Areas prior Page?! 33m: Simuiianeousiy with the axewtien and {minim of this License Agieemani. i..:oensee shaii pay the Deposit shown in the Summary of Basic Terms; Lamasee's Deposit shaii be except as; otheme ?pres-51y gravideu herein The Deposit Mi be crediied against the License Fee and any Survioea Ghasges Other Charms incui'ieu Dy Licensee pursuant its: this Umnw Agreement. 3C. QAYS Any moan or move~0ui clays momma by Limnsee shaii be timed :0 those shown in the Summaiy mi Basic Term3 except as increased by {warmers written pamnssion. and Licensee shah be chaigm for inem accordance with me Iaias thereon. 3 E). QNCILLARY SERVIQES in the License Fee payabie herein. Licensee aim" pay Aa'm?aiy Service Charges-16: an Servin previded to Licensee by accomance with 2:19 scheduie shown on me Summaiy of Basic Teams, a further depesii :0 b3 appiied against Services Charges Service eras??) and chemise govemed under the tennis of Sedim: ?385 above. B?fpmi ANB Lmnsee shali comma: for food and beverage service at the Germ-3r with {he Convention Center (3312an Contractor. Licensee shaii pay coniracted loadibeverage service charges pursuant in the isms of the waiter; agreemem beiwecn Licensee and the Convanlion Center (:3in Contractor. 3F. PAYMENT OF FEE, mg QTRER CHARGES Feiiowing me cause of :cemee?s Eveni. the Operan shaii Licensee- for License Fee. Charges and Other Charges remaining unpaid a?er amiication oi the Gamma: am: any Anc?iary Semw O?p??it and LiQ?il?iS?e mail pay the same on or mm the date indicated in the Summary 91333:: ?farms. 3 sewp gaggimgum Licensee aha}: pravide it) Operator, for Opemicr?s remew gandr?or- the mview of any immune;sz at {egresemaiive engaged by Gperamr), 3 and maximize description of an 5mm) {inciuding witmut imitation. any waging lighting. met: boards, anda?or rigging from or to the physicai stmtuw of the Center or any ?xture thereto required fur the Event}, eiecmcai, systemst and piumbing work ammpmed to t-e needed 10! ihe Evenz. 35611014 ?m 4A. gxcugwa Seame for Licensee's Elven! shaii be prewar! in acacidance min the Emitting maimed an page 25 of {he Evem Manning Suide; serv?oeis by Qpei??lo: which are iherain described as subject to sees (21' merges by Operator are) Amsiiary Services. and, if previdca by Operaioi, shaii be chewed 10 Licensee at the gates. show: on Operan standard tamer forma. Dr if nut mere expiessiy isstea at the rates standardiy changed for such Services by Operamt All Meme! and high speed data summaries mast be ordered from Oparaiot Liwnmc or Lime Subcaniraciors may not reseil Operaiar provided exciusive servms, and Operator wit! provide such sewi?e? wan axecuizon a! Operator cider farm. 4.8 ?5 GP TOR mm. RIM. Operatai shaii furnish. wimaui 09$! 10 Licensee on 8.1mm shew days; Mirna! air or heat Ovede lighting resamm facriaties and :aniionai services cansisting <31 meaning of pubiic areas. m3: in?itlding aisia 0i Emmi boom Waning in amnrdance W'th Operate: Event Planning (Smile. {Jeanne to 'fun?aish any of the fomgoing due it: circumsmiims heymmi thug contra: oi?Gpenaior shaii mi be comiruea as a breach of Agreement. it is understand my Licensee that sawin M: be prmided am?y lo the axiani at saximmg avaiiabie irwenimy and in consmraiion of other ienams. 4155 NOT mt w-viws, equipmem ans persennei rim :aiovitsed in ?neciicn 4.8 i ahaii ms: {said to: ?y Limnsee. ?nch other services. equupmeni am: peasmnai induce. bu: are no: iimited to: a} Guesz services. 5:46 i as semriiy. cmw?. and ira?ic persoimei. b} Nmsingfmedicai Siageha rid and stage lighting; and oversaw Sauna wrap m3 apefailoi?i inciuding iachnicians (Other than normal PA. Sysiem} insurance {see Page 2? Section 6) Equipment. as Omiined in swims-n1 rentai list. 1} Bulk {rash movai sewioes g} Food and beverage. i1) Ei'xhibii aishe am 8501?! ($653an services {if appiicabie}. i} Event or F?osiv?veni meaning 1) Box Office Services (if applicable). is} Move-in and move out air moditimmg andior heat 'i?elect:mmumcaiions and services. Page 2 Operator reserves the rigm i0 wtermine the number at germane! inquired to perform any of {he services describing: in ihis Lease Agreement. whether any 0r ail such funciicns are provided at the Licensee?s expense of or by imam. Licensee agrees that semces at or in ma shaii be pedmmed in conformity with the Facility Even: Flaming {amide as; in Mac: :51 the time of Convention. Trade Show Cerisumer Show. Or rather Event and Licensee agrees am it snaii make adhemnce in such Evens Manning Guide a of commas. agreemer?a. and f0? shipments am? sen:er connmzied Min rm Canmniiun. Trade Shaw, Cansumer Show. Sparring Emmi, framin Show Conner: or other veni. Licansee must we Ciperatm furnished services and pastime; unieiss. spm??caizy excluded herein: Liwnsee may use vaiumeers for ticket lakers. its own merchandise vermin its awn beaming veri?er. United States Secret Service anti pni even: set?up aiidior producrm aresisiance irate saczrniy tzwiractors for security services, and campaign siaii for Operaior win provide Licensee with a written estimate a? ali charges for services- primed by Operator and may such eszsmatie fram time to iime. Licensee may be required it: tender a depmi?i in me rotai amount ciihe on?gmai eatimaze and any increases re?ectad by revised estimates within :30 days of (ii-silvery notice Omerawr reservesihe right 10 rewaw. in adva?ce of the Event premised semmy Siaffing :eveia and may request Licenaee :5 increase or change its security and. izcenaee shaii pmmpii'y comm; writ: such request. The cos! of Such charges be home by Licensee 4.6 TOXIC AND NONTQXIQ @1308?. Licensee shali disprme of a? non-toxic ?uids. ciwmicais. pezroieum-based nrcaums. peiishabie items or any other non-?dry and nun? toxic maieriai, in a manner amepiabie to Operate: Limnsee shall contain and diamse ofany maie-riai considered {a be ram; under applicable staie and federal iaws in me manner required thereby. The disposal of ?axis mareriai shali be me 5016 respensibihiy. and expenm of the Licensee. Operator shaii have the right to intervene in the interest of the safety of ?rmer?ly and {Jeanie at the Cenier. Licensee strait fuin compiy? win any waste recs/rim f30m3135. Even! Pianriing Guide: at Operator and agrees 2c erst comniiance trier-emu: by iis enmmyees agems. contractors. and inviteas. Licensee shali pay any costs incurred by Operator due in any failure by Licensee 0r its empacyees. ageing. swimmers and invitees in campiy wim said waste rescinding paiic?es. ri?es arid SECTIOR 5. REP 5A REFWR gnu 25mm: ACILITY Limmea she? have the right. Upon requesi 10 Oper'azrzi; in CWGUCI an. inspection wizh Operaicr, of the Aulhorizea Arr-2225123 be used by Licenaee. as set faith herein. and any exisiing damages or pmbiems found in the inspection 3mm bi? noted in wiring. Al! damage or probiems nosed during impaction may be repaired me: is licensee?s use of {was if; in Operaiofi; sole discretien. the repairs Licensee shaii pay are necessary for Licensee?s use of same. and the 31360513 '10 return the it} Operate: in me condition which :1 existed prior to the term of this Agreement as wen as any crisis to repair or replace propeny at {he damaged or ?03! in the mum} spam oniy during we. term. of this Agreement. nwmal wear and fear 0! Operator?s gross negiigence 0r mascara}er mined. ii the or any penicn thereof is damaged by any act. omismon. rir neghgance of {.mnsee or Licenseeh agenta, submimaauis. empwyees. pairwis. :iwiiees. gueazs. or any persons admitted :9 {he by Limsm. than Limriseei wiil pay so Operator. sum aqua! in the com 01 repairing and FeS'LOrii'ig to its martian at; the crimmencemem a? this Amer-imam. a: iimnma wili, at rm anion and mprovm at am: Dims-mm, ?wise (Jr cause to be made such restoraliun and repairs at its. own expense. 5,8. SAFETY Licensee snail raview me safety procedures. mqmi?emems and grammars 591 ?an in the Event manning Quads. shaii may and punctuain camin wilh (he same. and shaii instruct its {ii-thinners. empioyees. and other persans 0r acting direcuy or indirectly uridar iha ?iractirin. supervision. or control (if Licensee in suf?cient degree it: insure miipiianca with such requirements and precautions; faii we 20 observe any of the same on the part of Licensee. its ampioyees. exhibitors. at any such timer pagans (Iii amazes. or by any 01' {be same reasonabiy prawn! thereof by Licensee's. or their mm. invitees. snaii be deemed 10 he a breach cfihis License Agreement by Licensee. 5 C. Licensee acknowledges that the Canter is now ar may the iuture be under rencwairori. future may be in progress at the Carrier. and that pomcns of the Center may be inaccessibie and shelf cause its empbyees, agents. swimmers. paimns. guests. licenma. and invitees, I expansaon or remodeiing. and that consimction is or in the wing conaimciion. renovation or remodeling. Liwnsee shall, 0. mmpiy Win} 31! reasonabie rules and direriwes a? the Qperator inctudirig but net limited 'm keeping out at any area posted as being to and from means. of terrier {3981! to hammer} {his public. Licensee admowiedges mat the constructian. mnovatior?a. or (if the Cami-3r an the par: me (my 3313;? nor be deemed (-3 imam}: 5 D. AND Licensee. its empioyeas. agents. corriracl?rs. patrons. guests. iicensees, am} i: temporary or permanent signs, graphics. posiars, barricades, banmrs. air P3963 and the City in connection mm any construction. renovatimn. expansim or remadeiing, restricted. and the use a: airemaie routes 01? the Cliy?z?i Obiigaiiens Wide! this Agreement 'wiiees. shah not delace. remove. Mack. or abswre the view of any ec?iicriai markings or other similar Hams at the Center SECTIONS 5, 6A. TO the we?? Bermi?eu 13? law. Licensee shah Mammy Mid harmiesa and defend the {Emmet City and Rio Nuavo and mm reapectm membars. o??ce?s. meadow. agams and empioywa from and against any and ?ahuiizzes. damages. amimvs c0513: mama. claims; and expanses (moiuomg amine? fees). ?minim: czummenmd by of agams! Licensee! arm manual personah (mam: 230:1:in injury, daath damage to or less oi pruperty or profits resu?'mg In whole or pad from any act: oma55aon; negilgence, ram-z or miahon a? iaw or eminence, aaescmated with the ocwpancy or use of the Center {ramming?ggmg from or K: The physucai s?rucwre or the Game: er any ?xture migrate. attercat-?ons. armor ?mprovements at or the Center neocmiialzed by andim perf0?me? wish sewed 10 me fin-em} by in us ampioyees. agents. maisamem 931mm gti??i} licensees, marriages at?: any (?ber pemuz'a entel?mg me Center waif?: me :mp'k?aij Cf expa'ess pmnissam 01" manage 5311-531 mdemm?catmn by Licensee shaii appiy except to the axlem sum (Jan's-age or :ngue'y reams from rm:- negrigema- Orwilifui o? I'm-2 Qperaicu or City. 09 the membm, ager?s or employetas mach of {beige amines. 68. may" Licensee shall. ed as safe cost and expense. pracure maintain or. ?f Licensee as se??msured; prom-e, the foiiownng types and 'tim?ts cf :nsurame. containing the adamanai insured er?doraemenis and canceiizahun dause sei 10m: herein. and app?cabie lhmughoul 21% License Fenced imiuding any move in and move-out days. an to Operaior?s reasmable sanstacmn. if chensee to previo'e proofof :nsurancee Operator reserves right to macaw ail msurance wverage a: Licmsee?s expanse ff!) memrc:a? Genera: Lia'm?ity .90in with me add?i'aon c4 1303:8wa as tame and as encompassing as; the Broad Form Genera! Lzabii??y Endorsement we occurrence: form. manning leading and unloading sperazi?ns. mending caverage 35mins; claims for panama? andfo: budify immy or death and pmperty damage occumng (F1 or Wm 01 {awning from Lmngee?s use occupancy a? me Center? Such genera! tiahiliiy msmance she}: meant). operatima fire 1:293: 5mm; am if {equw?d by evem? Volumeem anti Pyroied'miw We. Such insurance 5113!! be. art-man; am: non?mmnbutmy mm any other coveraga mciudmg the Optimum and Such irmuranm snali affom immediata dawnse and sndemni?caiim cf 3i! named atidii?ranai msweds anciudmg (hammer am Cay :he ?waits of and less? man Om: M??iion Daiiam ant": Operatm newwes the {?an to reams: a may r2? the policy {2i Nan-omweci 0r Hired Aniom?bue Pom; with fimiis :30! fem than One Minion Doiiars {81.609.600.00} each occurrence; combima-d limii to? bodily minty or death and pruperly damage as (Gamma. Womers Camperssatson Insurance: Caverage shaii ccmgiy mm an 35123139 and ?edera1 wqusmmenis and be in the Statutory required iim?? employee?) {he Lloensee mum be Cavmed by Warkem Com perma?on. t4} Empirsyem Liability {leverage (leverage shali be warm: mm Emits zest; Zhan One Milken beiiaxs asa?ooumc} per incidwz. 80th the Commercmi {Sena-mi mum and Auzemob?e Liabii?y insuranm Peiicnes nescnhed above shat: include we {gnawing addihonai man-{ea endorsemen: Language. . SMG: CONVENTION CENTER. QTY 0?7 TUCSQN Ric: ARE NAMED AS AME) ARE PROVUBEU THE SAME AS THE NAMED ENSUREQ THE- 0F DEFENSE AISAWST CLAIMS FOR OR DEATH AND mi QR UPON OR FROM USE- OR OCCUPANCY OF TUCSON CONVENTIQN UNLESS SUCH CLAIM iS DETERMNED BY A CCEEJRT (BF CSMPEJYENT ..3URISOSCTION TC) HAVE-E amsm FROM THE. SOLE ANS GROSS NEGLIGENCE OR THE 0r" AN WSUWED THEE YNSUREO ES amt) SMALL REEOUWE CONTRIBUTION FROM THE INSURANCE The canceiiations misuse far We above 063K265 and shaii read as foiiaws SHOULD ANY OF ASOVE {Sf?.1 CANCELEC: THE EXPRATKDN THEREOE THE 1SSUING COMPANY WELL MAIL 30 N07185: TO THE THE LEFT. Upon receipt of any cmmcate uf msuramte? resm?e?s 812?: ugh: rmuare me aileraimrz 0! me 353% amuse The games agree and Licensee umerstandts ma: the spewed fmeraga er of maintain respect to each sucn poiicy or agreement ewdencze suranm in no way Emil ihe iiabimy of iicensee Licensee sham of such immense sewerage and madwsenwms confarmanoe With the requiremenls of Ems Agmement Paws: :0 do so sha? cans?tute a mazariai head: this Agreement by Lacensea 6C. WAIVEE QF EON Licensee-3 shat! wawe any and every clam against Operazor. (law, Rm Nuevt), and mew manemive agents and empioyees Much a?ses or may arise. in their fave: (man the i..:cense Penod for any and 32} iass cf: at damage {a any a! izs mummy :i the ?935 or damage is mvemd. 0r requ?red be covered under vaiid and conecubie am 35 risk andfor amended caverage inaus'anoe pai?m?es Licensae?s waiver sha? be in addition to. and not in iimita?tm o: derogation any olhef waiver or release contained in this License ?greament Mm reaped in any 3055 a: damage in moped? oi Operator or Licensee Paged. Licensee hereby agmes to immediatei?y provide written mice of {he terms a? this waiver of subrogaiion ?6 Lica?see's respective insurance companyis) from whom procuring fire, at! risk and cidean mswarace wiiciess. N59. Licemee hereby agmes to immediateiy prcme smitten naiice to its insuranca cmpany?s). imii?li?i?g 3m: companyg?sg, i1 necessary. properiy magma 1i'se {153 am: extende? msmance poiicies so as in prevam? the invaiidahor: a" Lxgensee?s pohczes due to the WIVQF of subiwatlon agreed R3 in {his Semen. 6.0. Ag ANQ QF THIRD Operate? Shah not be hable in any way far any acts andior omissions a? any 2mm party, inciuding, Emztatien, any ?ake: agency used by 0338mm! in connection with aha saie of tickets {or any Elvem. SECMN am 17 A. ABLE BREACH: RE Licensee?s fame 1o perform any sci required hereunder, inciuding undeer {Event Manning (sum. when (me 3113!? CO?SiilmE a maie?ai mead?. (if mis Agreement. time being in 31! cases of the essence. If such breach occurs mares Man that; {30} days pnor to the beginning of we Licerm'; F?erioc?. Licensee, upon renew! of wn?en name from Operate: shalt have ?ve days to cure Lloerxsee*s breach by {lemming the so! requ?tet} if such breach occurs within {him :36) days a? beginmng of the Lioe?se P811013. Limnsee. anon receipt of w?nen notice from Operates". shaii have Me?ty-fbur {24) hams to owe the breach by perfom?sing me am required Licensee fans so to sure its breach. IE3. QTHER QATERIAL BREACH Licensee shaii 313;: be in mamas! breach 0? this Agreement upon the occurrence of any 0! the Mowing enema: 1. Maienai waste. injury or damage ti: Ope:'alor shafi have me right to mmke any and an oftha remedies 561 forth as Sealer} M). beiaw. he Carrier as cmtems caused. warmeth at threatened by Liwzsae 0t Limsae?s event. or any 301631 0: threatened physical injuw In any wiser: Mm is an agent 0mm. employer. cm'itr'aciol m' 86mm of the Operazor. 2 Filing by er against the Licensee of a petition in bankruptcy or insaimncy in? reorganizasion or arrangement or for appoimm? cf a weave: or frame of an or a median of the 5:353:25 9? {he Licensee: or 3. Making by Licensee of an assignment for the bene?t of (makers. Upon occurrence 9f any {311m #?oregmng, Operator shim have the right :0 make am; or of the (emedies set forih below in Section {3 heiew. (mentor may, at its option. invoke any or 9f me fo??wmg remedies. shouid hammea be in breach af License Agremnt: ?i Reunite of Licensee addi?anai gammy for the pmfmanca by Momma of as wmatians hemmder. 2. Whhou! further notice. Iemninam this Agieemmi arm ?woke the License granted hereunder. exempt the! tenninaxicm is due is a mutation by Licensee of Section 8.13. (ii) hereof and Licensee shaii r202 have entered the Licensed Areas 3: 1m lime of rexum of Laaerssee?s depositis?. Jess any expend from such {emanation by Operator; such violation. Licensee shalt be entitled the ?uxes by Operator. 1m game being Licensee?s mire remedy is: any daim of Lineagee arising 3 Without wither Home. enter and take exciuaive possessron and remave persons and pmperfy from mthout {he newssin of reaming to any Sega! pmedings: 4 gums cm deposi! with ma (imam-amt wimmn further woman am: Without meson no any 16 ?ega: proceeding, it: any dam i1 may have against licensee. sum wad. She Center. its faci?iies. and its equipment, 964% mocca?mgs. andmr appiy. without reset! ?0 any it has. or may come into ma Operator?s passassion for or on bahaif of Licensee; 5. ?3an action againsg the Licensee to mower any fees due here-under 3nd any damages susiam by Operatcr. Tn we emu! Licensee has any rights to pnur Hence or hearing before Operator exemisea any at the remedies herein above. Licensee hereby speci?caliy waives such ?ghts Licensee z'egresents R13: BY in the event Licensee canmis this. Ucense Agr?emni mint :0 91' during; Operator a sum equa? the License Fee plus accmad A?cillary Service Ch advertising. cleanup. and 11:93: images {a be incuizred by Operatic): if": cons-ex; it has Lawmaker: :6 Obtain the. 3mm of legs} comma! or to adwse Else?! of any such rights. its event. except for reasons sat farm in Section 10.83., Licensee must pay arges and Other Charges. agreeing that the 53th is a fair appmximatio? of 1219 uence at such cancetiaticr1.A? non-refumiat?e (lemmas paid shaii be appiked thereto. 7m Operator hereby agrees that um Licensee may rue-hook Irmchaduia the car-mama mmnyevent within one year of the original event date, The {instant win apply any premyments to {he future event. If that newiy assi gned dam is alsa canceled, the ma i?cense fee is due at the time of the canceilatim. Pages 5501105: 3. 0F unaware 8A COHPUANCE WITH Licensee shaii. at its own expense, promptiy wmpiy and (361.250 as agents. sen/am. empiaye?s. cantrac?tom. paimns. guests. Hammer; inv?ees to prumpiiy corrlpiy mm ail iaws mumances 0mm. Mes, regwmions am: requwemenm af em redeem". state manly and my govemments. departments. wunussicn boards: and e??cers Mv-mg juzismmiori. 8.8 Ago 953mm shaii. a; as own expense obtaan any ham-uses and gamma {Wt?f?d by federa: stare. or city 33%. m?mances and poiicses. and she}: pemm anspx-rction 23y of agenues; ai imam-as agate coumy or (my gmemments. 8C. 8D Lscensee snail no: use or permit nae g1 me Gamer in any way mm: is in vimaiaon of any mm of {he Urmed 823195. the Szata of Anznz'm me Gaunt-y 0f Pima. or me my of 'I'ucsunreascnabie dssmetaon 0f Uperamr or Cay. wank! bring discredit or on Operaica! or City. or mum be beneath the standards of good taste and exce?ence prevaient iocasiy. enemas" and City acknowedge that Even}! shaii cenlam poiztacai speech and no Such Wilma! swear: shai! be curiaized or whim: to mm {mm Fireworks c?spia?ys and deisvew of any such equipment and matmiais reamed thereto must have prior Miriam) appmvai of Opmawr 8.6-. 2.. tmnsee dumg any ewm: held at the Came; $3.35! no? atmw dwmm?naiim agains! any persan. at? air-may tar indireciiy ?espiay, ar?miaie. publicize or man any advei'tssemem.. notice 0: Much state; an: ?mpiies that any facility (3: service shail be rafused 01' maimed became of sex. race. COEOL r'eitgion. ancestry. nahonai origin. mama: status. or disability wou?d be unweiccme, mixedqonabie. unaccewabse, undesst or nan solscited. or any oiher hams prohibite? by iaw 8 F. TAX Licensee. shah uttilze own wxwots to dismbtaa wnpiameniary 1ir;ke?s #0 men: 9. OPERATORS 0F ENTRY Licensee underaiann?s and 39mm {hat Operator reserves {he high? 2.53 ante: [he Lmensed Area-s at any zzme {e conduct mapem?ions, preserve the maimed Areas Of the Camer- ham harm. :9 me $3?er a? persmnei of Overalm or ether gamma. mewnl the wimui vinzat?wn of any terms, of "this; Amendment. or for any other ream-n in (Sperm-m Suit} dismetian. Qperamr being mum at 313 times to take reamnabie slaps to avoid the dimiplion of Limnsee's Event is the exteni Eeasihie in the mcumstames. $543710" mA. COPYRIGHTS AND PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. LICE snaii omain an iioenses and shali gay at: 0?35? and 399-5 ?91mm 5? cowngmed music: or'dramam: maten?am. or any {?nal )mpeny gamma! to an li'adea'nam pater? or mm: grammar}: ?ght when U$?Elj or i?nrxormrated an we even? Licensee shan indemnify defend and how Operatm and mummy narmiess from {my :iaba?i?y. dams 0r ?01913. fees arssi: ??ringm?em tar maiatmn of rho. rigma ma Emmi. 10 B. {?aw My action by we party 2:1 mm E_:censse Agraemen! against the other ansmg em a? this Agmement or 0? corner; sg (mm the use. of any such materiaa or any dasm if I. am or amivzla'as of the games hereunder win he gm?med by Arizona law and may pres-03mm Only ihe Stake m" Arizmm mama-ea agrees mm erin mic m?s Agreemem ems?imm Suf?aem minimum cJ-anacm with Anzorra aerm? the courts 0f Arizona to over Lice eraser: persana! naee in any anion by Gpera?e: arising out a? this, Agrettmam OI as! me mimics. ads of aczwmes of the parties hereunder 10.0.ATTQR115Y FEES in any action or proceeding brought to enforw any provision cf me Agreement premium hemai as validly asserzed as a defense. the premium pany shaii amnwy 0! to seek damages for a breach of any premier: hereof. a: where any be amass-2d to resolve: :easzonaele aizomey?s fees in addition to any other available Page 8 1oz). OF NOTICES As! noti?es shah be in mtmg. Notices Licensee from Operate: 101' Durant; of mas Agreement shah be ?efivered by edema} Expreais. UPS. Uniiea States regiszemd or mm?ed maii. messenger aewim. er any $?mitar :ype sumac :0 Licensee. a! We address. premier! in the Summary of Basic Terms or a: any of we affirm designmed an writing by and promised {a {Emmim- Such norms. addressed as set with above. m? be deemed ti) have been given to mmsee, upm deiivezy to Licensee?s address; Opwawfs receipt of plum 01 delivery imm me {9599mm ?amers: aawiue aha?i be deemed woof of {806101 such {mam by momma Ail ether mums requests. damanas. msimc?ons. (gr any 0mm L?m'nmumcatmna :0 23?: (31mm to any party hereunder she}! be maxi-ting, sent by Has! E31353 Man. T0 OPERATOR: 5MB Generai Manager Exxon Center 2?80 Church Avenua Tamra. Axamna affi??: To Az'zhe address set form in the Summary of Basic Terms Name she-m be daemea ta have been givan upon the depmaii. of $??rl1e sea: fun-n above Address far we purpase? of this; paragraph ?my imam States mail pus: mm Dex. with. pmlage prepaid. adds'essecl as; may be mangea by waiter; notice m? sum change the manner prowded harem for giving name Unzess and until wr?hen nmim :5 rammed, {he iast addresg art-Meg: herein snail be deemed in commue in effect for 311 grammes hereunder. ma. FORQE mmeugg in the event mat Operator?s ob?gatisana 2219 Licensee timer this; Agzeemem are deia'yed, mew-2mm. or rendered unmmiwi by any cf the fuiiowing events: ?re. fiood. noi. earthquake, stn?ke by Operamr?g empmyeas. cm: Act of God. war. terrorism. 0: any law. ordinance, mm or regulatmn. which becomes a?mwe aim the: data {his Agreemem. any other; amuse twang! the magmale centre: :31 Oparator awry City. Overator andz?m City sheen: not be Mania :0 the. Licensee for such (39133! Or fazlme ti} parfam The Licensee hereby waives any ciaim fm damages er compensation fer such delay or tasture to perform, oiher than a return to {manage of 3:1 dams-m yam} {0 {he Operator 20F. PARTIAL zggam if any proviaion u? this Liwrme?. Agnmmem is dammed if Miles: amen: permuted by Law 10.1.3. ASSIGNMENT: syaggmne LICENSEQ AREAS Licensee shall r101 asmgn this Lacense or any irueresi mrein o: Licensee shai? no: sub?et 0r sub-iicense any of the 1.. icensar: Are uem?t New enfurwame. the remamder oi'mz shaii mntinue in fu?l force and effect to the: mum: we we of the Licensed News or any part thereof by any party. as without the prior written cement of Gamma: amen; ma! Licensee shat! have the right to as exnimzors. if any. to use the ficenxed wees cengunmon wz'm Evens. Any purpormd assigament by Licenaee shat! be and a masen?ai breach of was Agreement ?and shat! be mi: and void Any substamzve change in the nature Limrmee's event withom the prior when consent of Operatm aha}? be and constime a materiai breach of 1th Agreement Gm: {if manager a! the (162mm 10H AMERICANS City wana ms that It is in mmpiianoe wim the: Amerwan with {Ezsamnzies Acl am: am mgt?azams {.ereur'rder and acknowi??ges and agrees. that t?ipemmr i5 resmimime ?or me permanent boi?dmg aamsa amommcdahom. gush ha! was limited to. Weidi?l!? ramps. eievazur slandatzjs. {four width stanaams and {egamom accessa?niiary Litensee acknowiedges i! is maven-3mm aim shalt have the right (a assign this Licet'lse Agreement to any successor awmn' Of non-pennanam z-equ?mments. such as but mm ?rmed to, seanng accessib?nw. auxiliary ast far the wsuaiiy im?aned. mama} mama?ed and impaired. 10%. HEADINGS SGGHOH headings. numbers. tenets. and emphasis marks ha we bean Hammad fer convemenw between any such haadi?gs. numbers. leitam. or emphasis marks and the {ex 10 J. suawvm? of Immense on?y. and if theta snaii be an? con??c?: 1 {51:5 Lmense Agreemem. the tax! sha?? control The indemni?cation orovisauns see mm: in this Lgcense Agreement and a? plmi'smns hemoi'mmh by met: terms must nemaaraly be perfanned a?er the temination or expiration of this Licenae Agieemem snail sumve such lermmaikon or mpxrauon Page? 10K. EFFEQHVQ DA gg giggu? The effemive date of this License Agraemem shalt be the date i: is executed by me Operazor. 10.2.. TQ AGREEMENT This Agreement, mm the excepmn of the? Event Plannmg Guide hemm may not be amwadw or modi?ed excepi in wanting gym: by the panies; pmuicaed, hcwever. mat rf Licensee she-aid vet reaue?t an 20 the teams set form in the Summary oi 8331c farms and Operator agmes such change and confia'ms the 32mm in misng to Licensee. said (3313:1539 shah be immormea mmthis Agreement and have me same Er??ect as a signed amndmem hereto. mm?gm gang? gm mgagas Neither" Operate: mar City will be ?ab-3e far, and Licaansee hart}? waives, any spanner, consequential, incidental indirect o: anciltary damages arising an any way of {he formation. teminai'zon, performance or nonnpe?cmanw of this Agreemnt. 0! me Licensee's use or nonvuse of the Center. Any acceptance, execution er validaiion of this Agmemeni or any or nmica required t?ereunder nr haretmder. shaii be manuaiiy sagned and delivered either by hard copy, teiephmae 1363mm: scannec and am ma e?edrm?c maii. No pummea e?ar. acceptance. counieroffm, er binding agreemeni in cn?nection wan this iransac?tion Sinai} be mam by automates agent. electric agent, eieciromc signature {other than a faxed or scanmd sdgnemre set form above). teiephonic voice mait. or some) Thi?s session name: he wawad except by maan sigma. When cement of both parties. 1.8 O. NO QRAL 13? IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOQQ ARE) AGREED BY THE. THAT NO WRECTQR. EMPLOYEE. AGENT. REPRESENMTIVE OR SALES FERSQN OF EITHER PARTY QR OF OF THE CENTER OR ANY THIRD PARTY. YHE AU THORSTY WE. HAS MADE. OR WILL BE TO HAVE MADE- ANY REPRESEIQTMICM, WARRANTY, COVENANT. AGREEMENT. OR PROMISE WITH RESPECT {0'5148 SUCCESS OR ANDQR OTHER SUCCESS, OF THE EVENT. LICENSEE HEREQY AM) AGREES ANY OF THE OR OTHER SUCCESS. 0? THE EVENT IS THAT AND JULXBMENI SECTION 11. .1 1' .1. . ..-. A. -- {11135: #1 addition :0 ma axmptaom out?nad in Section above, the fuiinwing mnendrnemg m1: be made the Even? Booking Guide; Merchandise Lkzelmee shaii be permdied to 99%! or otherwsw exchange campaign :nemhand?se for campaign coni?butians uti?zing its own uendars at its 0m ms! Operator or City shall! not he marinated in any f:er Twp?related merchandise sales (no Memmndise Fee a?piies; and Operaloar and City shali 1101 be {Jemima make such saws of Tmmnumtawd iiema. etc; a: Broadcast - Q?perawr and {my at?smwiedge that fi?vmt is newswonhy and. as Such. third paws such as the news media may broadcast <13" rem-c3 Event for news purposes. in addition. nothing shat! maven! Liwngm :amrding or using Evan: footage for its own pmmotionai mapuses. No fees $11613 be due It) aperamr er {my connec?on With Lwerzsee?s and E?hird Parties" rights under this provision. [immee is pernmted to use me venue?s name to {sesame the iocaiion of Even? without prior appmvai of Operator or City. Page 8 Name. Glenn GtabSEif? Genera: Manage: OPERATOR SW3 as managing agem for City of Tumor: LEGENSEE SPECEFICALLY ACKNOMEOGES RECEIPT BY LECENSEE. PRIOR TE) THE OF THE FOREGQING AGREEMENT, OF A COPY OF THE PLANNINQ REFERREU I I I?L-hm?? . Mm. ("mm TL .. Cam?aai MWOFW Donate! .5 for Preeaid?nt. int; BATE-3- 7:2016 4:31 PM 2486.111? Page 9 INVOICE TUCSON CONVENTION DATE: April 13,2016 Contract Event Date: March 19, 2015 Bill To: Donald Trump for President. Inc c/o Joy Lutes 725 5th Ave New York, NY 10022 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Services Provided by Tucson Police Department March 19, 2016: Tucson Police Assigned Inside the Tucson Arena: 52 Officers 6.5 hours each (inclusive of related expenses) 23,290.00 Tucson Police outside of Tucson Arena 128 Officers 6.5 hours each (inclusive of related expenses) 58,547.00 TOTAL DUE CITY OF TUCSON Please make all checks payable to: City of Tucson Remit to: SMG - Tucson Convention Center 260 8. Church Avenue - Tucson. AZ 85701 - (520) 791-4101 - Worldwide ?'nrer'uainmm; and Convention ?d?ayz?mnu