los ur e Westminster BIU -? 21/05/201 2 Action required by officers downloading phones using the ACESO system with regards to Crimint creatio n 1 . On ce a down load has been comp leted, a Crim int log w ill be created by the trained TP Phone Examiner who has completed the download . Note. The TP Phone Examiner will use the working CD to a ttach a copy of the ACESO PDF output to a Crim i nt. 2 . In the subject of the Crimint log select ` Mobile Phone ' sc 3 . Add fu rther text next to the hyphen with the download mobile No next to it , for example : Mobile Phones - ACESO download 7012345678 9 MP S FO IA A screen shot example Di Also on the front page the custody reference number in the other references box - If there is a ACESO reference number this can be placed here too . 21/05/201 2 los ur e Westminster BIU -L3 MP S FO IA Di sc 4 . In the source URN field - click on the box to the right - this opens up another screen . 21/05/201 2 los ur e Westminster BIU -L5 FO IA Di sc 5 . Click the Provence tab at the bottom and this opens up this tab . 6 . In each one of the yellow fields type in the ACESO reference number , and then press save . This will close down this window and take you back to the original Information Repo rt. MP S 7 . Complete the Handling codes on the Details tab of the Information Repo rt Source = B Intelligence = 2 Handling = 1 . 3 21/05/201 2 los ur e Westminster BIU - ~7 FO IA Di sc 8 . Select the information page tab . It should look like this : 9 . The information you need to enter here is as follows : Subject of the phone seizure including offence Date time and place of the downloa d The OIC in the case . MP S 10. Insert the ACESO data disk of the download into the compute r 4 los ur e Westminster BIU - 9 21/05/201 2 FO IA Di sc 11 . Click the attachment button on the right hand side of the page . 12. Find the path to the CD drive (Normally marked as the Z drive ) 13. Select the PDF file by double clicking . ? ' 12 MP S 14. Say YES when asked if the file should be searchable . THIS IS VERY IMPORTAN T 15. Once the PDF symbol appears the close the screen . 16. You should see that the attachments now has a (1 ) 17. Press save top right . - A crimint number should now be in the field top righ t 5 los ur e Westminster BI U - i1 3 21/05/201 2 IF UNSURE ABOUT ATTACHING PHONE DATA TO CRIMINT PLEASE CONTACT BIU . UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD THE BIU BE EXPECTED TO REVIEW THE DATA DOWNLOAD . THE DATA WILL BE STORED ON CRIMINT TO BE CROSS REFERENCED WITH ONGOING INTELLIGENCE PROCESSES . MP S FO IA Di sc IF UNSURE ABOUT WHETHER YOU SHOULD OR HOW TO DOWNLOAD PHONE DATATHEN CONTACT NEWLANDS PARK DEFS . 6