From VUSEF ROBE -- Sumac! Statemem re "vansnm" Date January tt, 2017 at 2 06 PM To ct'usfiavna cur aetuw Is a statement trom Las Angeles Communny acnege Rudnguez' Pn rnannst In pattnersmp law entaroement amt oyoersacurny experts tne Las Angeles Cummumty nouege mount Is mvestrgatmg matcrous oyoer msvumed many pomputer, eman, amt vulce mart systems at Los Angetes Vauey nouege tux/ct At earty stage tne Invesllgamn' appears wave was targeted Tne mHege's mnter sessmn classes began on ruesuay January amt clams cummuem oe normally mduulng educalmn amuse: Tnere rs no Indlcalmn goes oeyumt Om ot an aoumtanoe utoautrun, oomputer expefls are analyzing tne computer systems at our ctner cuHeges moon amt Imumlamn Iechnukugy stafl' outsrue experts antt taw entorcement are uetenmnetne speomo nature amt rmpaot ottms montem pnurny rs tne mlegmy ot student tacutty and employee ttata amt we oommue to tne LAVG oummumty as tne mvestrgatton proceeds At pomt, nu uata tneacn nas oeen memmed' nowevertms comptex rmrestrgatron Is earty stages moon amt Imumlamn Iechnukugy stafl' outsrue experts antt taw entorcement nave ttetermmett tnat many ottne cull-292's computer servers have been mtectea a wrus Ransumwave vrmses Muck atxess ta oomputer systems a payment Is matte In mnsunalmn and oouege \eadevsmp' outsrue experts amt law emurcenrent, a payment ot szama ms matte oy tne II was tne assessment at our cutsnte experts tnat making a payment woutu utter an extremety ot acoess to tne attectett systems, wrnte tarture to pay wuuld yrrmauy guarantee tnat ttata oe lost Alter payment was matte, a 'key' ms ttetnerett ta upen aooess to our computer systems rne pvocess to 'unlack' at Inuusams mes will oe a one, out so tar, tne key nas women every attempt tnat nas oeen mane Tne nas a oyoersecurny mace, ll was actnratett on December at), hams ot start uetectmg a LAVC's computer systems rnat prutocot mctuttes and oouege start, awe": and taw entorcement, amt an are Involved mvesllgatlng and Tne nas aoyoerseourny msmance puhcym tnese speomo wpes ort cyper Immslans antt ll was actnratett ttunng tne montem mucn trme mu pass peturetms matter rs resotyett, we nave atreatty avalled uulselves ottne resources prornuett oytne pottoy, ot experts amt