Transcript of the Testimony of Reynaldo Guevara 12/23/2013 Case: Jacques Rivera v. Reynaldo Guevara, et al. No. 1:12 CV 04428 Siebert and Associates Court Reporters, Inc. Phone:773 851-7779 Page 1 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS EASTERN DIVISION JACQUES RIVERA, Plaintiff, vs. REYNALDO GUEVARA, STEVE GAWRYS, DANIEL NOON, JOHN GUZMAN, JOSEPH FALLON, JOSEPH SPARKS, PAUL ZACHARIAS, GILLIAN MCLAUGHLIN, JOHN LEONARD, EDWARD MINGEY, RUSSELL WEINGART, and the ESTATE OF ROCCO RINALDI, Chicago Police Detectives; and the CITY OF CHICAGO, Defendants. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) No. 12 CV 04428 The VIDEOTAPED deposition of REYNALDO GUEVARA called for examination pursuant to Notice and the Rules of Civil Procedure for the United States District Courts pertaining to the taking of depositions, taken before Jamye Giamarusti, a Certified Shorthand Reporter, within and for the County of Cook and State of Illinois, at 312 North May Street, Suite 100, Chicago, Illinois, on December 23, 2013, at the hour of 10:22 A.M. Reported by: Jamye Giamarusti, CSR License No.: 084-004183 Page 2 1 APPEARANCES: 2 LOEVY & LOEVY, by 3 MR. ANAND SWAMINATHAN, 4 MR. STEVE ART, 5 MS. THERESA KLEINHAUSE 6 312 North May, Suite 100 7 Chicago, Illinois 8 (312) 243-5900 9 60607 Representing the Plaintiff; 10 11 THE SOTOS LAW FIRM, P.C., by 12 MS. ELIZABETH EKL 13 550 East Devon, Suite 150 14 Itasca, Illinois 15 (630) 735-3300 60143 16 Representing the Defendant, 17 Reynaldo Guevara; 18 19 ROCK FUSCO CONNELLY, LLC, by 20 MS. CATHERINE BARBER 21 321 North Clark Street, Suite 2200 22 Chicago, Illinois 23 (312) 494-1000 24 60654 Representing the City of Chicago. 3 (Pages 3 to 6) Page 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 INDEX WITNESS EXAMINATION REYNALDO GUEVARA By Mr. Swaminathan (Direct) 5 EXHIBITS NUMBER MARKED FOR ID Deposition Exhibit No. 1 124 No. 2 136 No. 3 146 No. 4 206 No. 5 213 No. 6 259 No. 7 285 No. 8 324 No. 9 339 No. 10 348 No. 11 369 No. 12 415 No. 13 529 Page 5 Do you solemnly swear the 1 2 testimony you're about to give will be the 3 truth, the whole truth and nothing but the 4 truth? 5 THE WITNESS: I do. 6 MS. EKL: Could we go ahead and 7 introduce the other individuals who are in the 8 room as well? 9 10 MR. SWAMINATHAN: I said their names. MS. EKL: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't 11 catch you say their names. I'm sorry. Go 12 ahead. REYNALDO GUEVARA, 13 14 called as a witness herein, having been first 15 duly sworn, was examined and testified as 16 follows: 17 18 19 20 21 22 DIRECT EXAMINATION BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, please state and spell your name for the record. A. Reynaldo Guevara, G-u-e-v-a-r-a. Q. Are you taking any medications that 23 would prevent you from understanding or 24 answering my questions today? Page 4 1 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: This is the video Page 6 1 A. No. Q. Are you taking any medications that 2 deposition of Reynaldo Guevara taken by Loevy & 2 3 Loevy in the matter of Rivera v. Guevara, et 3 would prevent you from providing truthful 4 al., Case No. 12 CV 4428 held at Loevy & Loevy, 4 testimony today? 5 312 North May Street, Chicago, Illinois. 5 6 Today is December 23rd, 2013. 6 7 8 9 The time is 10:22. The court reporter is Jamye Serritella. A. No. Q. Okay. Is there anything that would 7 prevent you from understanding and answering my 8 questions today? 9 A. No. Q. Okay. Let me just go over a few 10 The videographer is Rick Kosberg. 10 11 Counsel can now introduce 11 ground rules. If you need a break at any time, 12 themselves, and the court reporter is free to 12 please let me know and we'll take a break. I 13 administer the oath. 13 ask only that you wait for a question and an 14 MS. EKL: Elizabeth Ekl, E-k-l, on 14 answer to be completed before we take any 15 behalf of Defendant, Rey Guevara, and the other 15 break; is that fair? 16 individually named police officer defendants. 16 17 18 MS. BARBER: Catherine Barber for defendant, City of Chicago. 17 18 A. Yes. Q. Okay. Please answer yes or no to my questions. No nodding, no gestures; fair? 19 A. Yes. 20 Swaminathan. I'm here with my colleagues, 20 Q. Okay. If there's a question you don't 21 Steve Art and Tess Kleinhause, on behalf of 21 understand, please let me know and I will 22 Jacques Rivera. 22 rephrase the question. 19 23 24 MR. SWAMINATHAN: My name is Anand THE COURT REPORTER: Raise your right hand, please, sir. 23 24 If you do answer my question, I'm going to assume you understand the question; is 4 (Pages 7 to 10) Page 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 that fair? A. Yes. Q. Are you understand that the testimony you're giving today is under oath? A. Yes. Q. And you understand that your testimony is being given under penalty of perjury? A. Yes. Q. Mr. Guevara, isn't it true that you intentionally framed Jacques Rivera for a murder that he did not commit? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. As a result of your misconduct and the misconduct of your fellow Chicago Police Department officers, Jacques Rivera was sentenced to 80 years and spent more than 20 years in maximum security prison; isn't that correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And so I understand, you are choosing Page 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 to assert your Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself; is that correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you understand that whatever advice is given to you by counsel is advice that you may choose to follow or choose not to follow, correct? MS. EKL: You can answer that one. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you are choosing to follow the advice of your counsel and not answer my questions; is that correct? A. Yes. Q. Okay. In August and September of 1998, you conspired with other officers to prosecute plaintiff for the murder of Felix Valentin, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. So you're refusing to answer my question based on your Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Okay. Felix Valentin was shot on the street of Humboldt Park in broad daylight; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Are you refusing to answer the question based on your Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Just after he was shot and before he died, Felix Valentin said that members of the Imperial Gangsters street gang were responsible for the shooting; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my Page 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you refusing to answer the question based on your Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Just after he was shot and before he died, Valentin said that members of the Imperial Gangsters street gang were responsible for the shooting; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you refusing to answer the question based on your Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 5 (Pages 11 to 14) Page 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Felix Valentin identified Jose Rodriguez as the person who had shot him, true? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my Fifth Amendment right (sic), I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you refusing to answer my question based on your Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Felix Valentin identified Felipe Nieves as the person who had driven the get-away car; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you refusing to answer the question based on your Fifth Amendment right Page 13 1 2 3 4 not to incriminate yourself? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You were assigned to the case because police suspected that the shooting was related to gangs, and you were at that point a gang crime specialist with the Chicago Police Department; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation and form, compound. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you refusing to answer the question based on your Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you were assigned to the investigation with your partner at the A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Are you refusing to answer the 5 question based on your Fifth Amendment right 6 not to incriminate yourself? 7 8 9 10 MS. EKL: Objection, form. MR. SWAMINATHAN: One question. What is the objection to form there? MS. EKL: That it's impossible to 11 refuse something that's his constitutional 12 right to assert. So you're asking him whether 13 or not he's refusing based on his 14 constitutional rights. The question doesn't 15 make any sense. So it's a confusing question 16 and it doesn't make any sense. You're asking him if he's 17 18 refusing. He is providing an answer, and he's 19 also asserting his Fifth Amendment rights, but 20 you're asking him whether he's refusing based 21 on that. 22 So I guess part of it is form, 23 that it assumes facts not in evidence that he's 24 refused, and it's also -- it's confusing. Page 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 time, Steve Gawrys? Page 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MR. SWAMINATHAN: All right. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You were assigned to the investigation with fellow gang crime specialist Noon, Guzman, Sparks, Zacharias, and Fallon; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Are you refusing to answer the question based on your Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you were assigned to the investigation with the Detective Gillian McLaughlin and John Leonard? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Are you refusing to answer my question based on the Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 6 (Pages 15 to 18) Page 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you were assigned to the investigation with supervisors Russell Weingart, Edward Mingey and Rocco Rinaldi? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Are you refusing to answer the question based on your Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't is it true that you discussed all aspects of the investigation with the Chicago police officers? MS. EKL: Objection, form, vague, foundation. MR. SWAMINATHAN: Strike that. I'll ask the question again. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you discussed all aspects of the investigation of the Felix Valentin murder with Police Officers Gawrys, Noon, Guzman, Sparks, Zacharias, Fallon, Page 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 McLaughlin, Leonard, Weingart, Mingey and Rinaldi? MS. EKL: Objection, form, vague, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you refusing to answer the question based on your Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that when you started the investigation that you knew that Jacques was not involved in the shooting? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you refusing to answer the question based on your Fifth Amendment rights? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Nonetheless, you decided to frame Jacques Rivera for the Felix Valentin murder, didn't you? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment right. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you refusing to answer my question based on your Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You knew that there was absolutely no physical evidence indicating that Jacques Rivera had any connection to the murder of Felix Valentin; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Are you refusing to answer my question Page 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 based on your Fifth Amendment right? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. In order to frame Jacques Rivera, you fabricated false evidence; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Are you refusing to answer my question based on your Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment right. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You coerced and manipulated Orlando Lopez, a 12-year old boy at the time of this investigation, into identifying Jacques Rivera as the person who had shot Valentin; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Are you refusing to my answer my 7 (Pages 19 to 22) Page 19 Page 21 1 (WHEREUPON, a short break was 2 MS. EKL: Objection, form. 2 taken.) 3 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 3 (WHEREUPON, said Record was read 1 question based on your Fifth Amendment right? 4 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 4 5 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 5 as requested.) THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Back on the record, 6 Q. You showed Orlando Lopez a picture of 6 10:49. 7 Jacques Rivera and told Lopez that Jacques was 7 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 8 the person involved in the crime before Lopez 8 9 had ever identified anyone; isn't that true? 9 10 11 12 13 14 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Are you refusing to answer my question based on your Fifth Amendment right? MS. EKL: Objection, form. Could I just have a standing 15 Q. Sir, isn't it true that you manipulated Orlando Lopez into picking Jacques 10 Rivera's picture from a photo album that you 11 showed him? 12 13 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 14 Q. The reason you're invoking the Fifth 15 Amendment right in response to my question is 16 objection so I don't have to object to that 16 because answering the question will incriminate 17 same question every time in terms of I've now 17 you; isn't that true? 18 stated what my objection is? 18 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 19 MR. SWAMINATHAN: Yes. 19 20 MS. EKL: Thank you. 20 21 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 21 Orlando Lopez into picking Jacques Rivera from 22 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment right. 22 a line-up? 23 24 MR. SWAMINATHAN: If you want, we can also enter into a stipulation on, you know, if 23 24 Page 20 1 Mr. Guevara wants to agree to the second half 2 of the follow-up on each of these questions, we 3 can also try to reach some agreement on that. 4 MS. EKL: That he would assert his 5 Fifth Amendment rights to that particular 6 question? 7 MR. SWAMINATHAN: He's asserting -- he 8 provides his statement here and we understand 9 that essentially he is refusing to answer the 10 question based on his Fifth Amendment right, 11 and he's responding to that by saying, I assert 12 my Fifth Amendment -- well, I think we have to 13 go through it. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 MS. EKL: I have an objection to that issue, so I can't agree to that. MR. SWAMINATHAN: I think we have to go through it. MR. ART: Can we go off for a second? MR. SWAMINATHAN: Yeah, let's go off the record for a second. THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Off the record at 10:34. 23 (WHEREUPON, a discussion was held 24 off the Record.) Q. Isn't it true that you manipulated A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Page 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that Orlando Lopez told you that Jacques Rivera was not the person who had shot Felix Valentin on multiple occasions? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that Jacques Rivera told you that Detective Gillian McLaughlin -- sorry. Strike that. Isn't it true that he told you that Detective Gillian McLaughlin -- sorry. Strike that. Isn't it true that Orlando Lopez 8 (Pages 23 to 26) Page 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 told that you Detective Gillian McLaughlin -strike that. Isn't it true that Orlando Lopez told you and Detective Gillian McLaughlin that Jacques Rivera was innocent before you conducted the second line-up -- the second live in-person line-up in this case? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that you coerced Orlando Lopez to identify Jacques Rivera in the second line-up even though he had just told you that Jacques Rivera was not the perpetrator? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, form, assumes facts not in evidence. Page 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking your Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that you and your fellow Chicago police officers concealed the fact that Lopez had told you that Jacques was not guilty during the entire investigation and during Jacques' wrongful incarceration? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because asserting the Fifth Amendment will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question is because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that you concealed that you conducted an initial in-person line-up just days after Felix Valentin was shot? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that you concealed that you conducted an in-person line-up just days after Felix Valentin had been shot and Lopez had viewed that line-up and selected Jacques Rivera? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert Page 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that you concealed that you conducted an initial in-person line-up just days after Valentin was shot and that Lopez had viewed that line-up and did not select Jacques Rivera? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is it the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that the fabricated evidence was the only evidence that connected Jacques Rivera to the shooting of Felix Valentin? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. MR. SWAMINATHAN: Strike that. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that the evidence you fabricated was the only evidence that connected 9 (Pages 27 to 30) Page 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Jacques Rivera to the shooting of Felix Valentin? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You manipulated Orlando Lopez to testify falsely against Jacques Rivera at Jacques' criminal trial; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. The reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question is because answering the question will incriminate you; is that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Page 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. You committed perjury by testifying falsely at Jacques Rivera's criminal trial; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. From August 27th, 1988 to the present day, you've concealed your misconduct and the misconduct of your fellow Chicago police officers from state prosecutors, from Jacques Rivera and from Jacques Rivera's attorney; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Your misconduct and the misconduct of your fellow Chicago police officers deprived Jacques Rivera of more than half of his life; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that you knew in 1998 and know today that Jacques Rivera had nothing to do with the murder of Felix Valentin? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Page 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Sir, isn't it true that you framed Jacques Rivera pursuant to an official policy of practice whereby the Chicago Police Department puts dozens of innocent individuals in prison for crimes they did not commit? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Sir, isn't it true that you framed Jacques Rivera pursuant to an official policy or practice whereby members of the Chicago Police Department manipulated and coerced eyewitnesses to obtain false photo and 10 (Pages 31 to 34) Page 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 in-person identifications? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment right. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You framed Jacques Rivera pursuant to an official policy or practice whereby members of the Chicago Police Department manipulated or coerced witness testimony; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You framed Jacques Rivera pursuant to an official policy or practice whereby members of the Chicago Police Department manipulated -- Page 33 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 strike that. You framed Jacques Rivera pursuant to an official policy or practice whereby members of the Chicago Police Department fabricated false evidence including false police reports; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you framed Jacques Rivera pursuant to an official policy or practice whereby members of the Chicago Police Department kept clandestine files that contained exculpatory evidence but that would never be shared with criminal defendants or state prosecutors? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you framed Jacques Rivera pursuant to an official policy or practice whereby members of the Chicago Police Department destroyed evidence suggesting that suspects and criminal defendants were, in fact, not guilty? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you framed Jacques Page 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Rivera pursuant to an official policy or practice whereby members of the Chicago Police Department concealed material, exculpatory evidence from suspects, criminal defendants, their lawyers, and state prosecutors including materials that can be used to impeach state witnesses? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You framed Jacques Rivera pursuant to an official policy or practice whereby members of the Chicago Police Department lied in criminal trials about investigations they have been involved in; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 11 (Pages 35 to 38) Page 35 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you framed Jacques Rivera pursuant to an official policy or practice whereby members of the Chicago Police Department lied and covered up misconduct committed by their colleagues pursuant to a code of silence? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment right. Page 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 36 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. You framed Jacques Rivera pursuant to an official policy or practice whereby members of the Chicago Police Department were never disciplined for this type of misconduct creating an environment of lawlessness? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you used unconstitutionally coercive tactics, including excessive force, you manipulated eyewitnesses and eyewitness identifications and you framed innocent individuals for crimes they did not commit more than three dozen times during the course of your employment with the Chicago Police Department? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you engaged in misconduct repeatedly because you knew you would never be disciplined for this conduct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you were never disciplined for the extreme majority of misconduct you committed? Page 38 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that you received a merit promotion to detective despite your misconduct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert 12 (Pages 39 to 42) Page 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true your misconduct in the Valentin investigation violated Jacques Rivera's constitutional right to due process? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence, and calls for a legal conclusion. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you violated Jacques Rivera's constitutional right to due process as part of a conspiracy with Police Officers Gawrys Noon, Guzman, Sparks, Zacharias, Fallon, McLaughlin, Leonard, Weingart, Mingey and Rinaldi? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my Page 41 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the assert my attorney -MS. EKL: You want to start over? THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true your misconduct in the Valentin investigation violated Jacques Rivera's constitutional rights protected by the Fourth Amendment? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you violated Jacques Rivera's constitutional rights protected by the Fourth Amendment as part of a conspiracy with Gawrys, Noon, Guzman, Sparks, Zacharias, Fallon, McLaughlin, Leonard, Weingart, Mingey and Rinaldi? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true your misconduct in the Valentin investigation violated Jacques Rivera's constitutional rights protected by the Fifth Amendment? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes Page 42 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 facts not in evidence, and calls for a legal conclusion. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You violated Jacques Rivera's constitutional rights protected by the Fifth Amendment as part of a conspiracy with Police Officers Gawrys, Noon, Guzman, Sparks, Zacharias, Fallon, McLaughlin, Leonard, Weingart, Mingey and Rinaldi; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question 13 (Pages 43 to 46) Page 43 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true your misconduct in the Valentin investigation violated Jacques Rivera's constitutional rights protected by the 14th Amendment? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence, calls for a legal conclusion. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You violated Jacques Rivera's constitutional rights protected by the 14th Amendment as part of a conspiracy with Police Officers Gawrys, Noon, Guzman, Sparks, Page 45 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 44 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Zacharias, Fallon, McLaughlin, Leonard, Weingart, Mingey and Rinaldi; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You conspired with Police Officers Gawrys, Noon, Guzman, Sparks, Zacharias, Fallon, McLaughlin, Leonard, Weingart, Mingey and Rinaldi in reaching agreement to frame Jacques Rivera before Jacques Rivera was ever arrested or charged with the Valentin murder; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that you knew that your fellow officers were committing acts of misconduct and violating Jacques Rivera's constitutional rights during the Valentin investigation, yet you did not nothing to stop that conduct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that you caused Jacques Rivera to be prosecuted for murder and made sure that the prosecution was seen through to Page 46 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Jacques' wrongful conviction despite knowing there was no probable cause to suspect Jacques of being involved in the Valentin shooting? MS. EKL: Objection, form, calls for a legal conclusion. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Sir, you understand that you alone and not your lawyers control your Fifth Amendment rights? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Sir, why have you asserted your Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself in this deposition? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 14 (Pages 47 to 50) Page 47 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You intend to assert the Fifth as to all questions asked at this deposition? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. MS. EKL: Can I just confer with him for a -- well, go ahead and ask another question and then I need to confer. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. MS. EKL: You know actually, if you ask the question more specifically I may allow him to answer it, but go ahead. Sorry. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Page 49 1 you understand that you must have a reasonable 2 fear of future prosecution based on the 3 testimony that you might otherwise give today; 4 isn't that true? 5 6 7 MS. EKL: Can we take a two minute 8 break? I'm going to talk to him. He may be 9 able to answer one of the questions you just 10 11 12 13 Q. Do you intend to assert the Fifth Amendment as to all questions asked to you about the case of Jacques Rivera? MS. EKL: You can answer that. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Okay. Do you intend to assert the Fifth Amendment as to all questions asked about your employment with the Chicago Police Department? A. Yes. Q. Are there any subjects that you can identify as you sit here today on which you are willing to give binding testimony? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. In order to assert your Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself, asked. MR. SWAMINATHAN: Okay. THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Off the record at 11:09. (WHEREUPON, a discussion 14 was held off the record.) 15 16 17 18 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Back on the record, 11:13. MS. EKL: Counsel, after conferring 19 with my client, if you would like to re-ask the 20 question regarding whether or not there are any 21 other topics, I have a form objection that is 22 overbroad, the question, as it was originally 23 asked, but he is willing to answer that 24 question to the best that he can. Page 48 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Page 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, are there subjects that you can identify as you sit here today in which you are willing to give binding testimony? MS. EKL: Objection, form, overly broad. THE WITNESS: I'm willing to answer any question that's not related with any procedures or employment in the police department. MS. EKL: And that are not subject to other objections or privileges. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Have you had any discussions about the case of Jacques Rivera or the framing of Jacques Rivera since you ended your employment with the Chicago Police Department? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert 15 (Pages 51 to 54) Page 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Sir, what crime do you fear that you might be prosecuted for in connection with your testimony here today? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Do you fear prosecution by state authorities or federal authorities? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Do you fear prosecution for perjury? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Do you fear prosecution for lies that you've told in the past under oath? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Page 53 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 52 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Do you fear prosecution of perjury for lies you intend to tell in this case under oath? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Do you fear prosecution for obstruction of justice? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Do you fear prosecution for RICO violations or Hobbs Act violations? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Do you fear prosecution for bribery? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Do you fear prosecution for fraud, including mail or wire fraud? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert Page 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Do you fear prosecution for assault or battery? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Do you fear prosecution for violation of federal civil rights criminal laws? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate 16 (Pages 55 to 58) Page 55 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Sir, when in this litigation did you determine that you would assert your Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Was your first answer to Mr. Rivera's complaint false? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Page 57 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 56 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Were your first answers to Mr. Rivera's interrogatories false? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did you provide amended answers as soon as you decided to assert your Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Why did you determine that you should assert your Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself in this case? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment is because you committed the constitutional violations that Mr. Rivera alleges in his complaint? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment right. Q. Are you asserting your Fifth Amendment rights in order to deprive Mr. Rivera of discovery in this case? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert Page 58 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You understand by that by asserting your Fifth Amendment rights you are depriving Mr. Rivera of discovery in this case? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Do you intend to assert your Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself in this case if you're called upon to testify at trial? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 17 (Pages 59 to 62) Page 59 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Did you know that Jacques Rivera was granted a post-conviction evidentiary hearing? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Were you asked to testify at Jacques Rivera's post-conviction evidentiary hearing? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're refusing to answer my question because answering the question will incriminate you? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sorry, is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate Page 61 1 you? MS. EKL: Okay, 'cause I said it so 2 3 many times, I'm not sure how you asked that. MR. SWAMINATHAN: I will say it again. 4 5 MS. EKL: Okay. 6 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 7 Q. Is the reason you're invoking the 8 Fifth Amendment in response to my question 9 because answering the question will incriminate 10 11 12 13 you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did you tell the prosecutor that you 14 were going to assert your Fifth Amendment right 15 not to testify if called in Jacques Rivera's 16 post-conviction evidentiary hearing? 17 18 19 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the 20 Fifth Amendment in response to my question 21 because answering the question will incriminate 22 you? 23 24 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Page 60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did you refuse to testify at Jacques Rivera's post-conviction evidentiary hearing? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did you refuse to testify because you were going to assert your Fifth Amendment right not to testify if called? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate Page 62 1 Q. Is your decision to assert your Fifth 2 Amendment right not to incriminate yourself 3 your own choice or instructions given to you by 4 your lawyers? 5 6 7 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the 8 Fifth Amendment in response to my question 9 because answering the question will incriminate 10 11 12 13 14 15 you? MS. EKL: Objection, asked and answered. Go ahead. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 16 17 18 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Did you rely at all on the advice of 19 counsel in your decision to assert your Fifth 20 Amendment rights? 21 22 23 24 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. MR. SWAMINATHAN: Just for the record, I think we are going to have an objection, and 18 (Pages 63 to 66) Page 63 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 we may move at some point in the case, on the issue of, you know, if there's some suggestion that he is relying on the advice of counsel, and as he's reading the phrase, you know, he's suggesting that he is, if he's refusing to answer questions on that subject, we may move to bar any suggestion that he has been relying on the advice of counsel. But that's something that we're going to have to deal with. MS. EKL: Exactly. MR. SWAMINATHAN: Okay. MS. EKL: I corresponded with Mr. Loevy on this issue. MR. SWAMINATHAN: Okay. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, what lawyer did you speak to about asserting your Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're refusing -- is the reason you're revoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? Page 65 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: Just don't answer that question based on the attorney/client privilege. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, are you going to follow your attorney's instruction not to answer that question based on the attorney/client privilege? A. Yes. Q. When did you speak with attorneys for the Sotos Law Firm regarding asserting the Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself? MS. EKL: You can answer that question, if you can. THE WITNESS: I can't give you an answer. A week or so, I don't know. I don't remember. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You don't remember? A. Don't remember. Q. Can you speak up a little bit because it sounds a little bit like you're mumbling. A. I spoken with them. I don't remember. Page 64 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did you speak with any members of the Sotos Law Firm about asserting your Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself? A. On the advice of my attorney -MS. EKL: You know, actually, you can answer that particular question. THE WITNESS: Yes. Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Did you speak to any attorneys from the Law Firm of Rock Fusco about asserting your Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself? MS. EKL: You can answer that question as well. THE WITNESS: No. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. What advice were you given by members of the Sotos Law Firm? MS. EKL: I would object based on attorney/client privilege, and I instruct you not to answer that question. THE WITNESS: On the -- Page 66 1 Q. Okay. Well, how many times did you 2 speak with them about asserting your right to 3 invoke the Fifth Amendment? 4 MS. EKL: And at this point in time, 5 I'm going to instruct him not to answer based 6 on the attorney/client privilege. 7 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 8 9 10 Q. Sir, are you going to follow your attorney's instruction not to answer that question? 11 A. Yes. 12 Q. Okay. Did you speak with any 13 attorneys from the Chicago Law Department about 14 asserting your Fifth Amendment right not to 15 incriminate yourself? 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: You can answer that. THE WITNESS: No. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Did you speak with any attorneys from the law firm Sidley Austin? A. No. Q. Did you speak with any attorney from the Cook County State Attorney's Office? MS. EKL: I'm going to object to 19 (Pages 67 to 70) Page 67 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 foundation and form. Are you saying generally, ever, or in regard to asserting his Fifth Amendment rights, just so that your question is clear? MR. SWAMINATHAN: I'll re-ask the question. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Did you speak with any attorneys for the Cook County State Attorney's Office about asserting your Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself? MS. EKL: I'm sorry. Again, objection, foundation. Just to be clear, are you talking about his assertion of his Fifth Amendment rights here today or at any point in time ever? BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Do you understand my question, sir? A. Rephrase it. Go ahead. Q. Sir, did you speak with any attorneys from the Cook County State Attorney's Office about asserting your Fifth Amendment rights not to incriminate yourself in this or in any other case? Page 69 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 68 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A. No. Q. Did you speak with any attorneys associated with the Paternal Order of Police about asserting your Fifth Amendment rights in this or any other case? A. No. Q. What other attorneys have you -- have represented you in the past two years? MS. EKL: I would object as to the extent it assumes facts not in evidence, but -THE WITNESS: Past two years, no one. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. The only attorneys you've had have been attorneys from the Sotos Law Firm? A. Yes. Q. Okay. Were you told by the attorneys for the Sotos Law Firm to assert the Fifth Amendment? MS. EKL: Objection, calls for attorney/client communications, privilege, and I instruct you not to answer. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you going to accept your attorney's advice and refuse to answer that question? A. Yes. Q. You're not asserting an advice of counsel defense in this case, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Okay. MR. SWAMINATHAN: I think as we've discussed, again, we believe that any reliance on the advice of counsel means that that issue is now open, there should be discovery on that issue. So, again, that's going to be an issue that I think, you know -MS. EKL: We disagree, and if you want to file an appropriate motion, we'll respond appropriately. MR. SWAMINATHAN: Okay. Page 70 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And, sir, just be aware, please be advised that if you refuse to answer questions about your advice of counsel defense, we will move to bar you from later claiming that you're relying upon the advice of counsel as a defense to liability. MS. EKL: And I'd object, assumes facts not in evidence. There has been no testimony that he is, in fact, relying upon any advice of counsel defense. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, what lawyer did you receive the advice from that forms the basis of your advice of counsel defense to the extent you have one? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did any attorney give you advice about 20 (Pages 71 to 74) Page 71 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 whether your conduct in connection with Jacques Rivera or the Valentin investigation violated a constitution? MS. EKL: Objection, calls for a question that will invade the attorney/client privilege and I would instruct my client not to answer. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you going to accept your attorney's advice and refuse to answer my question? A. Yes. Q. Did any attorney give you advice about whether your conduct in connection with the Jacques Rivera or the Valentin investigation violated state law? MS. EKL: Objection, calls for an attorney/client privileged communication, and I would instruct you not to answer. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you going to follow your attorney's instruction and refuse to answer my question? A. Yes. Page 73 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 72 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Did any attorney give you advice about asserting your Fifth Amendment rights in this case? MS. EKL: Objection, attorney/client privilege and instructing you not to answer. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you refusing to answer my question based on your attorney's advice? A. Yes. Q. Did any lawyer give you any advice at all during the course of the Valentin investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, attorney/client privilege, and I'm instructing you not to answer. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you going to follow your attorney's advice not to answer my question? A. Yes. Q. Did any lawyer give you any advice at all relating to any of your interactions with Jacques Rivera prior to this lawsuit? MS. EKL: Objection, calls for attorney/client privilege communication, and I'm instructing you not to answer. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you going to follow your attorney's instruction and refuse to answer my question? A. Yes. Q. When you testified at Jacques Rivera's criminal trial, did any lawyer there give you any advice about whether to testify or about how to testify? MS. EKL: Objection to the extent that it calls for attorney/client communications. I would instruct you not to answer. To the extent that it doesn't call for an attorney/client communication, you can answer. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Did any lawyer give you any advice -strike that. To the extent that you're not answering my question in part, are you refusing to answer the question based on the instruction Page 74 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 of your counsel? A. Yes. Q. And to the extent you're invoking the Fifth Amendment, is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did any lawyer give you any advice about whether to testify during Jacques Rivera's post-conviction proceedings? MS. EKL: I object to the extent that it calls for any attorney/client communication and instruct you not to answer. To the extent that it's asking about communication with attorneys who were not representing you, you may answer. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. To the extent you're refusing to answer the question, are you doing so on the instruction of counsel? 21 (Pages 75 to 78) Page 75 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A. Yes. Q. And to the extent you're invoking -MS. EKL: I'm sorry. I know this is belated. I'm objecting to the use of the word refuse, based on form. MR. SWAMINATHAN: Understood. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. To the extent you are invoking the Fifth Amendment, is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Have you received any other advice at any point in time from any attorney or legal authority about the investigation of the Valentin shooting or Jacques Rivera? MS. EKL: Objection, based on attorney/client privilege, and I'm instructing you not to answer. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you going to follow that instruction and refuse to answer my question? Page 77 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 76 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A. Yes. Q. Did you meet with counsel in preparation for today's deposition? MS. EKL: You can answer that. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. On how many occasions? A. Today. Q. Did you meet with counsel any time other than today in preparation for today's deposition? A. Yes. Q. On how many other times -- strike that. How many other times? A. One other time probably. Q. How long ago was that? A. I don't remember. Q. Was it one week ago, one month ago, one year ago, can you give me an approximation? A. No, I can't. Q. The meeting that you had with counsel today, where did that take place? A. At a restaurant. Q. You say at a restaurant? A. Uh-huh. MS. EKL: You have to answer yes or no. THE WITNESS: Yes, yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. That was this morning? A. Yes. Q. Did you discuss your -- did you discuss -- strike that. Were there anyone other than lawyers present at that meeting? A. No. Q. What lawyers were present at that meeting? A. Just my attorney Elizabeth Ekl and myself. Q. Okay. No one else? A. No one else. Q. Okay. Anyone attend that meeting by phone? A. No. Q. How long did that meeting last? A. Ten minutes. Page 78 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Did you review any documents in that meeting this morning in preparation for today's deposition? A. No. Q. Did you review any prior testimony or discuss any prior testimony in that meeting this morning? A. No. Q. In your prior meeting in preparation for today's deposition, did you review any documents? A. Don't think so, no. Q. Okay. Well, did you discuss any documents or any prior testimony in that prior meeting? MS. EKL: Objection, it calls for attorney/client communication. I instruct you not to answer. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you refusing to answer that question based on the instruction of your counsel? A. Yes. Q. How many times have you met with 22 (Pages 79 to 82) Page 79 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 counsel with regard to the Jacques Rivera case at all, regardless of whether it's for purposes of deposition preparation or otherwise? A. One time probably. I don't remember. Q. So there was the meeting this morning with your client, there was another meeting in preparation for today's deposition, are you saying there was one other time in which you met with attorneys? A. No, that was it. Q. Tell me all the times that you've met with your attorneys with regard to this lawsuit since it was filed. MS. EKL: Objection, form. Are you asking him how many times? MR. SWAMINATHAN: I'll rephrase. MS. EKL: Okay. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. How many times have you met with counsel regarding Jacques Rivera's case since this lawsuit was filed? A. Once or twice. That's it. Q. Was one of those times today? A. Yes. Page 81 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 80 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. And was the other time the other instance that you've told me about? A. Yes. Q. And neither of those instances did you review any documents; is that correct? A. Correct. Q. And neither of those instances did you discuss prior testimony; is that correct? MS. EKL: Objection, calls for attorney/client communication. I would instruct you not to answer that question. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you refusing to answer my question based on the instruction of counsel? A. Yes. Q. Have you ever discussed facts or Jacques Rivera's lawsuit with lawyers? MS. EKL: Objection, calls for attorney/client communication. I would instruct you not to answer. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Have you ever -- strike that. That's a poor question. Have you discussed the facts of Jacques Rivera's lawsuit with any lawyers? MS. EKL: Objection to the extent that it calls for any attorney/client communication, regarding any communications with your lawyers. I would instruct you not to answer. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Have you discussed the facts of Jacques Rivera's lawsuit with any current or former Chicago police officers? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert Page 82 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Have you reviewed your testimony given in the criminal trial, People of the State of Illinois versus Jacques Rivera? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did you review your testimony given in the civil trial of Leshurn Hunt? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did you review your testimony given at trial during the civil case, Juan Johnson 23 (Pages 83 to 86) Page 83 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 versus Reynaldo Guevara, et al.? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did you review your testimony given at trial in the civil case Juan Johnson versus Reynaldo Guevara? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did you review your testimony given at deposition during the civil case Juan Johnson versus Reynaldo Guevara? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert Page 85 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 84 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did you find your testimony in the criminal trial People of the State of Illinois versus Jacques Rivera to be truthful and accurate? MS. EKL: Objection, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did you find your testimony in the civil trial of Leshurn Hunt to be truthful and accurate? MS. EKL: Objection, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're asserting the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did you find your testimony given at deposition or at trial during the civil case Juan Johnson versus Reynaldo Guevara, et al. to be truthful and accurate? MS. EKL: Objection, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Have you reviewed any materials at all in preparation for today's deposition? MS. EKL: Objection, asked and Page 86 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 answered. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did you discuss this case with Police Officer Gawrys? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Have you spoken with Officer Gawrys about this case since the lawsuit was filed? 24 (Pages 87 to 90) Page 87 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Since this lawsuit was filed, have you met with any current or former Chicago police officers to discuss this case? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Have you -- since this lawsuit was filed, have you spoken with any current or former Chicago police officers about invoking the Fifth Amendment? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert Page 89 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 88 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Since this lawsuit was filed, have you spoken with anyone about this case? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Since this lawsuit was filed, have you spoken with Gillian McLaughlin, John Leonard Daniel Noon, John Guzman, Joseph Fallon, Joseph Sparks, Paul Zacharias, Edward Mingey, Russell Weingart or Rocco Rinaldi regarding this case? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did you discuss this case with Gillian McLaughlin? A. On the advice -MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did you discuss this case with John Leonard? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Page 90 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Have you discussed this case with Daniel Noon since this lawsuit was filed? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Have you discussed this case with John Guzman since this lawsuit was filed? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate 25 (Pages 91 to 94) Page 91 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Have you discussed this case with Joseph Fallon since this lawsuit was filed? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did you discuss this case with Joseph Sparks since this lawsuit was filed? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did you discuss this case with Paul Page 93 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 92 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Zacharias since this lawsuit was filed? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did you discuss this case with Edward Mingey since this lawsuit was filed? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did you discuss this case with Russell Weingart since this lawsuit was filed? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did you discuss this case with Russell Weingart since this lawsuit was filed? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You discuss this case with Rocco Rinaldi since this case was filed? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert Page 94 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 my Fifth Amendment rights. MR. SWAMINATHAN: I apologize, I didn't ask the question properly with regard to McLaughlin and Leonard so I'm just going to ask those two again. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Did you discuss this case with Gillian McLaughlin prior to this lawsuit being filed -strike that. Did you discuss this case with Gillian McLaughlin since this lawsuit was filed? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did you discuss this case with John Leonard since this lawsuit was filed? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. 26 (Pages 95 to 98) Page 95 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did you discuss this case with any family members or significant others since this lawsuit was filed? MS. EKL: Objection, just to the extent it invades the marital privilege, but otherwise you can answer. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, are you married? A. Yes. Q. And what's your wife's name? MS. EKL: You can answer your wife's name. THE WITNESS: Magneset Guevara. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Can you spell that for us? Page 97 1 want it in a deposition transcript, and I don't 2 believe that he needs to provide that 3 information in a deposition based on the 4 confidentiality of the protective order. 6 That's fine for now. 7 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 8 Q. Have you ever been divorced? 9 A. Yes. 10 Q. How many ex-wives do you have? 11 A. One. 12 Q. What is your ex-wife's name? 13 A. Gloria. 14 Q. What's her last name? 15 A. The same as mine. 16 Q. Does she go by the last name Guevara 17 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A. M-a-g-n-e-s-e-t. Q. How long have you been married to Magneset Guevara? A. We been married since 1994, '93, '92. Somewhere around there. Q. Do you live together? A. Oh, yes. Q. How long have you lived together? A. Longer than that, about 25 years. Q. Where do you live? MS. EKL: I object to that based on the fact that you're asking for confidential information and I believe it's subject to the protective order. MR. SWAMINATHAN: We'll keep this information subject -MS. EKL: I also know that you -MR. SWAMINATHAN: -- to the protective order. MS. EKL: Well, I also know that you are aware of where he lives because Mr. Ainsworth showed up at my client's door, and I understand that that was a mistake, but you already have that information. I do not still? 18 A. Guevara, Guevara. 19 Q. Last name Guevara still, yes. So her name is Gloria Guevara? 20 21 A. Yes. 22 Q. Where does Ms. Guevara live? MS. EKL: And I object for the same 23 24 Page 96 1 MR. SWAMINATHAN: We can revisit that. 5 basis. Page 98 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Does Ms. Guevara live in the City of Chicago? MS. EKL: If you know, you can answer that. THE WITNESS: She doesn't live in the City of Chicago. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Do you stay in touch with Ms. Gloria Guevara? A. Yeah, we communicate. Q. Do you have any children? A. Yes, I do. Q. How many children do you have? A. About 15. Q. How many children do you have with Magneset Guevara? A. Magneset Guevara. Q. How many children do you have with Magneset Guevara? A. One. Q. Does that child live with you? A. No. Q. Does that child live with Magneset 27 (Pages 99 to 102) Page 99 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Guevara? A. No. Q. Do you have any children with Gloria Guevara? A. Yes. Q. How many children do you have with Gloria Guevara? MS. EKL: The number, yes. THE WITNESS: Five. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Do any of them live with you? A. No. Q. Do you have any children living with you currently? A. No. Q. You said earlier you made reference to 15 children. Is that you have 15 or you have about 15 children? A. About 15. Q. Okay. Can you tell me exactly how many you have? Are you able to figure that out? A. No. Q. Approximately 15 is the best you can Page 101 1 of his children at any trial, and I think that 2 it falls under information that's confidential 3 under the protective order. 5 don't intend to spend a long time on this 6 subject, but we do need to get some basic 7 information, both for purposes of identifying 8 potential witnesses and also for purposes of 9 damages. do? A. Yes. Q. Okay. Have you ever been divorced or separated from Magneset Guevara? A. No. Q. Have you always lived together in the period from 1994 to the present? A. Before that. Q. Prior -- so for at least 20 -- for approximately 25 years, you've lived with Magneset Guevara without any periods of separation; is that correct? A. Yes. Q. Okay. You've told me about six of your children, you're unable to give me an exact number of children; why is that? A. Because -THE WITNESS: You want me to answer that? MS. EKL: Well, I'm going to object at this point in time. I feel it's just harassing. This is just personal information regarding my client. He's not going to be attempting to testify about the mothers of each So I don't intend to -- expect to 10 11 spend a lot of time on this, but I do have a 12 few more questions on this subject. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 13 14 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 15 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 16 17 18 19 20 Q. Who are the mothers of your children other than Magneset Guevara and Gloria Guevara? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the 21 Fifth Amendment in response to my question 22 because answering the question will incriminate 23 you? 24 Page 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MR. SWAMINATHAN: I'll note that I 4 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert Page 102 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Other than Magneset Guevara and Gloria Guevara, how many other women do you have children with? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Do you provide financial support for any of your children? MS. EKL: At this point in time, we have not decided whether or not he's going to argue inability to pay. So if he's going to use that as a defense, then we can revisit whether or not you can ask that question. But I think that it falls under his finances, and at this point in time, I would ask that we reserve all those questions until that decision has been made, and I'm going to instruct him not to answer that 28 (Pages 103 to 106) Page 103 1 question. MR. SWAMINATHAN: Our position will be 2 3 obviously that if that position changes, we -- 4 our position will be that the deposition should 5 be reopened. MS. EKL: I completely understand 6 7 that, and I agree. 8 MR. SWAMINATHAN: Okay. 9 MS. EKL: In regard to that line of 10 questioning, not reopened in total. MR. SWAMINATHAN: Understood. 11 12 13 14 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, I have a couple of questions about your appearance in 1988. Do you have any photos of 15 16 17 18 19 yourself from August 1988? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the 20 Fifth Amendment in response to my question 21 because answering the question will incriminate 22 you? 23 24 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Page 105 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You had an afro in August 1988; is that correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You were a plain clothes officer in August 1988, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate Page 104 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Do you have any photos of yourself from 1988 -- strike that. Do you have any photos of yourself from 1988 or 1989? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You had a mustache in August 1988, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Is the reason you're invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to my question because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You wore glasses in August of 1988, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert Page 106 1 2 3 you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. MR. SWAMINATHAN: I would like to take 4 5 a short break right now if that's fine with you 6 guys? 7 MS. EKL: Sure. 8 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Off the record at 9 11:55. 10 (WHEREUPON, a short break 11 was taken.) 12 13 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Back on the record 14 12:05. 15 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 16 Q. Mr. Guevara, have you discussed this 17 lawsuit with any attorneys for the City of 18 Chicago? 19 20 21 22 MS. EKL: Objection, asked and answered. You can answer that, though. THE WITNESS: No. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 23 Q. Sir, in 1988, you were dating the 24 mother of a Maniac Latin Disciple; isn't that 29 (Pages 107 to 110) Page 107 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 109 true? 1 MS. EKL: Objection, confidential information. I would instruct my client not to answer that question regarding his -- any dating relationships that he had. Well, strike that. I'm going to make the objection and go ahead and allow him to answer that. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth Amendment because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. In 1988, the mother of the Maniac Latin Disciple you were dating lived near Rockwell and Potomac; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 108 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true that the son of your girlfriend would tell you rival gang members that you could go after? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You were biased against Latin Kings at that time in 1988, weren't you? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You were going after Latin Kings during that time in 1988; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, vague. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth in response to those two questions because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You were biased against Spanish Cobras at that time in 1988; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, vague. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. In fact, you were going after Spanish Cobras at that time in 1988; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, vague. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my Page 110 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth Amendment in response to those two questions because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true that you knew Jacques Rivera for, quote, quite a while prior to arrest, unquote? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true that you knew that Jacques Rivera worked at the recreational center in Humboldt Park? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. 30 (Pages 111 to 114) Page 111 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true that you would come into the rec center and lift weights at the rec center? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true that when you went to the rec center, you would ask questions about people in the neighborhood? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence and foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because Page 113 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You had conversations with Jacques Rivera prior to the Felix Valentin shooting about things going on in the neighborhood; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You knew that Jacques Rivera was not involved with gangs; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You and others in the Chicago Police Department were looking for a reason to put Jacques Rivera in prison; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. In 1988, you worked the nightshift during the Valentin homicide investigation; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? Page 114 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You worked five days per week; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You were a gang crime specialist based in the 25th District; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You worked with gang crime specialists throughout the investigation of the Felix Valentin murder; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because 31 (Pages 115 to 118) Page 115 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. MR. SWAMINATHAN: For purposes of these questions when I refer to "the investigation," I'm talking about the investigation of the Felix Valentin murder. MS. EKL: I appreciate that. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You worked with officers out of the 14th District throughout the investigation; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You worked with officers out of the 25th District throughout the investigation; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You worked with your partner, Steve Page 117 1 2 3 Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because 4 answering the question will incriminate you? 5 6 Gawrys, throughout the investigation; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true you worked with Detective Gillian McLaughlin throughout the investigation? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You worked with Detective John Leonard throughout the investigation; isn't is that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. 7 Q. You worked with gang crime specialists 8 Daniel Noon, John Guzman, Joseph Fallon, Joseph 9 Sparks and Paul Zacharias throughout the 10 11 investigation; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert 12 my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. 13 Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because 14 answering the question will incriminate you? 15 16 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. 17 Q. You worked with Supervisors Edward 18 Mingey, Russell Weingart and Rocco Rinaldi 19 throughout the investigation; isn't that true? 20 21 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. 22 Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because 23 answering the question will incriminate you? 24 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert Page 116 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Page 118 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Sir, you learned on August 27th, 1988 that Felix Valentin had been shot, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Sir, you were not among the first officers to respond to the call, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. The first officers who responded to that call -- strike that. The first officers who responded to the call wrote a general offense report in the case; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. 32 (Pages 119 to 122) Page 119 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You've reviewed the report done by the first officers to respond to the call on August 27th, 1988 -- strike that. On August 27th, 1988, you've reviewed the report that was done by the first officers to respond to the call; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You learned upon reviewing that report on August 27th, 1988 that the first responding officers talked to Israel and Felix Valentin and learned that the person who had shot Felix Valentin was a 16 to 18-year old? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. Page 121 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 120 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true that the first responding officers notified you and other gang crime officers of the incident? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the an advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true the first responding officers notified the 14th District of the incident? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true the first responding officers notified detectives of the incident? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true you were involved with the investigation from the very first day? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Page 122 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. On August 27th, 1988 you were told that the shooting occurred at 3:45 in the afternoon; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You learned of the details of the shooting from information that was put in the investigator file that day and in the days that followed; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment 33 (Pages 123 to 126) Page 123 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Did you go to the crime scene on the first day? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Strike that. Did you go to the crime scene on August 27th, 1988? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Sir, isn't it true that your first contact with Orlando Lopez was on August 29th, 1988. A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Page 125 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You did not interact with Orlando Lopez on the date that Valentin was shot, did you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You did not interact with Orlando Lopez on the day after Valentin was shot; that's August 30th, 1988? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Strike that. You did not interact with or -MS. EKL: I would ask that you don't strike that but you can re-ask it. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You did not interact with Orlando Lopez on the day after Valentin was shot, that's August 28th, 1988? Page 124 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MR. SWAMINATHAN: You want to do numbers? No. 1. (WHEREUPON, Deposition Exhibit No. 1 was marked for identification.) BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Sir, I'm handing you the document marked Exhibit No. 1, it's Bates stamp CPD75 through 76. Have you ever seen this document before? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You did not interact with Orlando Lopez on August 29th, 1988, did you? Page 126 1 2 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. 3 Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because 4 answering the question will incriminate you? 5 6 7 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true your first interaction 8 with Orlando Lopez was on the Monday following 9 the shooting? 10 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert 11 my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. 12 Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because 13 answering the question will incriminate you? 14 15 16 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Do you intend to assert your Fifth 17 Amendment rights in response to any questions I 18 ask you with regard to Exhibit No. 1? 19 A. Yes. 20 Q. Isn't it true on August 29th, 1988 you 21 22 learned that -- strike my question. Is the reason that you intend to 23 plead the Fifth with regard to any questions 24 about Plaintiff's Exhibit 1 because -- because 34 (Pages 127 to 130) Page 127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 answering the questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true on August 29th, 1988 you learned that Lopez was the sole eyewitness in the shooting? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true on August 29th, 1988 you also learned that Lopez was 12 years old? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true that you knew that any interaction with Lopez had to be done with his parents present? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert Page 129 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 128 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true you never interacted with Lopez with his parents present? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true you knew that Lopez was vulnerable to suggestion? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true that you knew that Lopez was frightened by the shooting? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. And you took advantage of Lopez's fear about the shooting; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert Page 130 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You knew that Lopez was not a reliable witness because of his age; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true that throughout the investigation of Felix Valentin's murder you were the primary officer in contact with Orlando Lopez? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You knew starting on August 29th, 35 (Pages 131 to 134) Page 131 Page 133 1 1988, and throughout the rest of the 1 that. 2 investigation that Orlando Lopez lived with his 2 3 mom at 3320 West Cortland on the first floor; 3 4 isn't that true? 4 You called that number on both August 30th and August 31st, 1988 to get Orlando to participate in a line-up? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You spoke by phone with Orlando's mom on August 30th, 1988; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You spoke by phone with Orlando's mom on August 31st, 1988; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering these questions about four phone calls with Orlando's mom will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You knew that Orlando's sister, Marilyn, was dating Israel Valentin, the brother of the victim, didn't you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. 5 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert 5 my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. 6 7 Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because 7 8 answering the question will incriminate you? 8 9 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert 9 6 10 11 my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You knew after August 29th, 1988 and 10 11 12 through the rest of the investigation that 12 13 Orlando Lopez sometimes stayed with his dad 13 14 near Mozart Elementary School in Humboldt Park? 14 15 16 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. 15 16 17 Q. And you knew that this was just 10 to 17 18 15 blocks away from Orlando's mom's house; 18 19 isn't that true? 19 20 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert 20 21 my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. 21 22 Q. And you're pleading the Fifth in 22 23 response to my two questions because answering 23 24 them would incriminate you; isn't that true? 24 Page 132 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You knew that Orlando went to school at Mozart Elementary School; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You called -- sorry, strike that. You had a telephone number where you could reach Orlando's mom; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering that question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You called that number on both August 30th and August 31st, 1988 -- strike Page 134 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Orlando Lopez came to your attention because the Chicago Police Department suspected that the shooting was gang related and gang crime officers were going to show Lopez gang books? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Sir, before you ever showed Orlando Lopez a gang book you already decided that Jacques Rivera would be your suspect in this case, didn't you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. 36 (Pages 135 to 138) Page 135 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MR. SWAMINATHAN: Strike that because -- I can't strike that, but I'm going to ask the question again because I didn't ask it properly. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, before you ever showed Lopez a gang book, you had already decided that Jacques Rivera would be your suspect in the Felix Valentin murder; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. On August 27th, 1988, before you met with Lopez, you decided that you were going to pin the shooting on Jacques Rivera; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Page 137 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 136 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. On August -- are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. On August 27th, 1988, you had requested a rap sheet for Jacques Rivera because he was, according to you, a suspect in the Valentin shooting; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. (WHEREUPON, Deposition Exhibit No. 2 was marked for identification.) BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. I'm handing you a document that's been marked as Exhibit 2, and it's Bates stamped CPD 12. Sir, have you seen this document before? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Can you tell me what this document is? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Sir, do you intend to plead the Fifth with regard to any questions I ask you regarding Plaintiff's Exhibit 2? A. Yes. Q. And are you pleading the Fifth because answering any questions regarding this document will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Sir, isn't it true that you requested this rap sheet on August 27th, 1988? Page 138 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. And the rap sheet that you were looking at, Plaintiff's Exhibit 2, was given to you on August 27th, 1988; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. The date on the rap sheet reflects that it was produced to you on your request on August 27th, 1988; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 37 (Pages 139 to 142) Page 139 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Officer Gawrys was present when you requested this rap sheet on August 27th, 1988; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You were present when Gawrys requested this rap sheet on August 27th, 1988; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering either of those two questions will Page 141 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 140 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You were present when Detective Gillian McLaughlin requested this rap sheet on August 27th, 1988; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. And I'm going to object to these questions that they're not being asked in good faith since it's the same question being asked in relation to each person. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You were present when Detective John Leonard requested this rap sheet on August 27th, 1988; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Who requested the rap sheet on August 27th, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You were present when Daniel Noon requested the rap sheet on August 27th, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You were present when Supervisor Page 142 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Edward Mingey requested this rap sheet on August 27th, 1988; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You were present when Supervisor Russell Weingart requested this rap sheet on August 27th, 1988; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You were present when your Supervisor Rocco Rinaldi requested this rap sheet on August 27th, 1988; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence, and I have an objection to the questions being asked repeatedly in relation to each individual officer -- 38 (Pages 143 to 146) Page 143 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice -MS. EKL: -- based on the fact that it's not being asked in good faith. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to any questions about who requested this rap sheet on August 27th, 1988 because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. On August 27th, 1988, you added the rap sheet to the investigative file; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? Page 145 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 144 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true that you were present when Detective Gillian McLaughlin placed this rap sheet in the investigative file on August 27th, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you were present when Detective John Leonard placed this rap sheet in the investigative file on August 27th, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not evidence, and I object that it's not being asked in good faith to the extent this question is repeatedly asked about each individual officer. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you were present when Steve Gawrys placed this rap sheet in the investigative file on August 27th, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to any questions about who placed this rap sheet in the investigative file on August 27th, 1988 because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true that on August 27th, 1988 you also received a mugshot of Jacques Rivera that had been taken before the Valentin investigation began? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because Page 146 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. (WHEREUPON, Deposition Exhibit No. 3 was marked for identification.) BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. I handed you a document marked Plaintiff's Exhibit 3 and it's Bates stamped CPD48 and CPD49. Sir, are you familiar with this document? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Can you tell me what this document is? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you refusing to answer any questions about the document handed to you as Plaintiff's Exhibit 3? MS. EKL: You can answer. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And are you refusing to answer any 39 (Pages 147 to 150) Page 147 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 questions about Plaintiff's Exhibit 3 -- strike that. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to any questions about Plaintiff's Exhibit 3 because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Sir, you got this mugshot on August 27th, 1988; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And Gawrys was present when you got this mugshot on August 27th, 1988; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Page 149 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 148 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, Officer McLaughlin was present when you got this mugshot on August 27th, 1988; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence, and I object based on lack of good faith to the extent that the same question is being asked in relation to each officer. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And Officer Leonard was present when you got this mugshot on August 27th, 1988? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. And Officer Mingey was present when you got this mugshot on August 27th, 1988; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you were present when Gawrys -- strike that. I already asked that one. Isn't it true -- strike that. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to any questions about who was present when you got this mugshot on August 27th, 1988 because answering the question will incriminate you? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, isn't it true you were present when Detective Gillian McLaughlin got this mugshot on August 27th, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my Page 150 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you were present when Detective John Leonard got this mugshot on August 27th, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you were present when Supervisor Edward Mingey got this mugshot August 27th, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth regarding any questions about whether you were present when one of these other officers got this 40 (Pages 151 to 154) Page 151 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 mugshot on August 27th, 1988 because answering the question will incriminate you? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you got this mugshot before you ever met with Orlando Lopez? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering this question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You got this mugshot before you ever met with Felix Valentin; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. Page 153 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 152 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You got this photo so that you can show potential witnesses this photo of Jacques Rivera; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You did this so that you could suggest to witnesses that Jacques Rivera was -- strike that. You got this mugshot so that you could suggest to witnesses that Jacques Rivera was the person who had shot Felix Valentin; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, asked and answered, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You got this photo so that you could show Felix Valentin and his family this photo of Jacques Rivera? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because Page 154 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You got this photo so you can suggest to Felix Valentin and his family that Jacques Rivera was the person who shot Felix Valentin; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. On August 27th, 1988 you placed this mugshot of Jacques Rivera in the investigative file? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? 41 (Pages 155 to 158) Page 155 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. On August 27th, 1988, you were present when Detective Gillian McLaughlin placed this mugshot of Jacques Rivera in the investigative file? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. On August 27th, 1988, you were present when Detective John Leonard placed this mugshot of Jacques Rivera in the investigative file? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence, and I have an objection to it being asked with lack of good faith to the extent that it's asked in relation to each individual officer. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Page 157 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Isn't it true that both Plaintiff's Exhibit 2 and Plaintiff's Exhibit 3 had been -both been placed in the investigative file by August 27th, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true that all Chicago police officers involved in the Valentin investigation had access to the investigative file? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert Page 156 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. On August 27th, 1988 you were present when Steve Gawrys placed this mugshot of Jacques Rivera in the investigative file; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to any questions about who placed this mugshot of Jacques Rivera in the investigative file because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to any questions about who was present when this mugshot was placed in the investigative file because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Page 158 1 2 my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true that detectives and 3 officers involved in the Valentin investigation 4 discussed with one another the materials in the 5 investigative file? 6 7 MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 8 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment 9 constitutional rights. 10 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 11 Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because 12 answering the question will incriminate you? 13 14 15 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true that before August 29th, 16 1988, you had discussed the materials in the 17 investigative file with Gillian McLaughlin, 18 John Leonard, Daniel Noon, John Guzman, Joseph 19 Sparks, Paul Zacharias and Joseph Fallon? 20 21 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 22 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment 23 constitutional rights. 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 42 (Pages 159 to 162) Page 159 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Isn't it true that you had also discussed materials in the investigative file with Steve Gawrys? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that before you discussed the materials in the investigative -sorry. Isn't it true that before August 29th, 1988 you discussed the materials in the investigative file with your supervisors too, Edward Mingey, Russell Weingart and Rocco Rinaldi? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth regarding who you discussed the materials with before August 29th, 1988 because answering the question will incriminate you? Page 161 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 160 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you yourself have reviewed the investigative file and the materials in that file? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You had helped to gather materials that had been placed in the investigative file before August 29th, 1988; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true that before August 29th, 1988, you had determined that you were going to frame Jacques Rivera for the shooting of Felix Valentin before you ever spoke with Orlando Lopez? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Before any Chicago police officer spoke with Orlando Lopez, you had come to an agreement to frame Jacques Rivera with Detective Gillian McLaughlin; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Page 162 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Before any CPD officer spoke to Orlando Lopez, you had entered an agreement to frame Jacques Rivera with Detective John Leonard; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Before any CPD officer spoke to Orlando Lopez, you had come to an agreement to frame Jacques Rivera with Steve Gawrys; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. MS. EKL: Do you want to take a quick break? THE WITNESS: No, I'm fine. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Before any Chicago police officer spoke to Orlando Lopez, you had come to an agreement to frame Jacques Rivera with gang 43 (Pages 163 to 166) Page 163 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 crime specialist Dan Noon, John Guzman, Joseph Sparks, Paul Zacharias, Joseph Fallon -- and Joseph Fallon; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that before any CPD officer spoke to Orlando Lopez, you had come to an agreement to frame Jacques Rivera with Edward Mingey, Russell Weingart and Rocco Rinaldi? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth regarding any agreements to frame Jacques Rivera prior to speaking with Orlando Lopez because answering the question will incriminate you? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my Page 165 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 164 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You were present when all of these people discussed their agreement to frame Jacques Rivera with one another; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. And the conversations in which an agreement was discussed to frame Jacques Rivera took place before your first meeting with Lopez on August 29th, 1988; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Your agreement with your co-defendants to frame Jacques Rivera that existed before your meeting with Lopez continued after your first meeting with Lopez on August 29th, 1988; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true that by the time you met with Lopez on August 29th, 1988, Jacques Rivera's rap sheet was already in the investigative file? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Page 166 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that by the time you met with Lopez on August 29th, 1988, Jacques Rivera's mugshot was already in the investigative file? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to those last two questions because answering the question would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You brought Jacques Rivera's mugshot to your first meeting with Lopez on August 29th, 1988; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. 44 (Pages 167 to 170) Page 167 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. You went to Orlando Lopez's house on August 29th, 1988; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true you brought Orlando Lopez into the police station on August 29th? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true you brought Orlando Lopez to Area Six on August 29? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You brought Orlando Lopez to Area Five on August 29th; is that correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth regarding where you brought Orlando Lopez on August 29th because answering the questions would incriminate you? Page 169 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 168 1 2 3 MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 4 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment 5 constitutional rights. 6 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 7 Q. Isn't it true that on August 29th, 8 1988, Orlando Lopez gave you a description of 9 what he had witnessed during the shooting? 10 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert 11 my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. 12 Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because 13 answering the question will incriminate you? 14 15 16 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard 17 to any questions I ask you about what 18 description or what comments Orlando Lopez made 19 to you about the shooting? 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my -MS. EKL: Wait. I'm sorry. Is your question -- MR. SWAMINATHAN: I'll ask it again. MS. EKL: Okay. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to any questions I ask you about any description that Orlando Lopez gave to you of what he witnessed during the shooting? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. But to the extent that you can answer whether you are continuing to assert the Fifth to that topic, you can answer that question. THE WITNESS: On the advice -MS. EKL: You can answer it. Would you continue to assert the Fifth to any questions on that topic? THE WITNESS: Yes, I will. Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Okay. And you plead the Fifth as to any questions on that topic because answering the questions will incriminate you; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Page 170 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Isn't it true that Orlando Lopez did not tell you that he had seen the shooter before? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true that he did not tell you that he had seen the shooter playing baseball in Humboldt Park previously? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. In fact, you made up the story about the shooter being someone who played baseball in Humboldt Park; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You made up that story because you knew that Jacques Rivera worked near Humboldt Park; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 45 (Pages 171 to 174) Page 171 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Orlando Lopez told you -- strike that. Orlando Lopez did not tell you that he thought the shooter was a Latin King; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Orlando Lopez told you that the man who did the shooting was dressed in black; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Orlando Lopez told you that the man who did the shooting had gold in his hair; isn't that correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Orland Lopez told you that he hid in the corner of a building during the shooting; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Orlando Lopez told you that he had gone to a store during the shooting; isn't that true? Page 173 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 172 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Orlando Lopez told you that he had not seen the person who shot Felix Valentin at all; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. And are you pleading the Fifth regarding all of these questions about what Orlando Lopez told you on August 29th, 1988 about what he witnessed during the shooting because answering the questions would incriminate you? MS. EKL: Objection, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Do you intend to plead the Fifth on all questions about any of your interactions with Orlando Lopez? MS. EKL: Objection to the extent it assumes facts not in evidence, but you can answer whether or not you would continue to assert the Fifth Amendment in relation to that topic. THE WITNESS: Yes, I will. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth on those topics because pleading -- because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that on August 29th, 1988, you had Orlando Lopez look at a number of gang books? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true that gang books are blue binders? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Gang books are filled with color photographs, correct? Page 174 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment Gang Book description constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. All the photographs are IR photographs, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. The binders had four pictures per page, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. The pictures on each page were lettered A, B, C and D, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 46 (Pages 175 to 178) Page 175 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. The binders had indexes in the back that listed the names of the individuals in the photographs, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. The back of each photograph lists the names of the person depicted in the gang books? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. The gang books were kept by Gang Crimes North, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my Page 177 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 176 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Those gang books were in the custody of Gang Crimes North until all of the gang specialists moved to Maxwell Street in the 1990s, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Today the gang books that you allegedly showed to Orlando Lopez no longer exist, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. The gang books that you showed Orlando Lopez were books that were supposed to never leave the Gang Crimes office, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that those gang books were considered evidence in ongoing investigations and had to be preserved as such? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to any questions regarding the gang books because answering those questions will incriminate you? MS. EKL: Objection, form. But to the extent that he is asking you any further questions regarding gang books, would you continue to assert your Fifth Amendment rights, Page 178 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 you can answer that question. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You also made your own personal gang books -- are you pleading the Fifth -- are you pleading the Fifth with regard to any questions about the gang books because answering the questions will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You also made your own personal gang books with photos of individuals to show to crime witnesses; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You selected the photographs in your personal book gang books yourself; isn't that 47 (Pages 179 to 182) Page 179 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 181 true? 1 MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You took some of the photographs that you put in your personal photo books; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You included photos in your personal gang book of individuals you planned to lock up; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 180 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You put a photo of Jacques Rivera in your personal gang book; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to any questions about your personal gang book? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. To the extent that he asked you any questions regarding any personal gang book, if you are asked the question -- I'm sorry. Any questions that you would be asked regarding any personal gang books maintained by you, would you continue to assert the Fifth? THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth on any questions regarding possible personal gang books because answering the questions will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Sir, before showing Orlando Lopez any photo books or gang books, you had determined that you were going to manipulate him so he would identify Jacques Rivera in the photo book; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You planned to manipulate Orlando Lopez into identifying Jacques Rivera by showing him what photo to pick; isn't that true? Page 182 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You planned to manipulate Orlando Lopez to identify Jacques Rivera in the photo book by directing his attention to Jacques Rivera's photo in the photo book; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. 48 (Pages 183 to 186) Page 183 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. You had agreed with the Detective McLaughlin that you would manipulate Lopez to identify Jacques Rivera in the gang book; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You had agreed with Detective Leonard that you would manipulate Orlando Lopez to identify Jacques Rivera in the photo book? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You agreed with your partner, Steve Gawrys, that you would manipulate Lopez to identify Jacques Rivera in the photo book; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, form, assumes facts not in evidence. Page 185 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 184 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You had agreed with Detective McLaughlin that you would manipulate Lopez to identify Jacques Rivera in the photo book; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You agreed with the other gang crimes officers, Noon, Guzman, Sparks, Zacharias, Fallon, that you would manipulate Lopez to identify Jacques Rivera in the photo book; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You agreed with Edward Mingey, Russell Weingart and Rocco Rinaldi that you would manipulate Lopez to identify Jacques Rivera in the photo book; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And are you pleading the Fifth with regard to any agreement with other officers to in manipulate Lopez to identify Jacques Rivera in photo books because answering those questions would incriminate you? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. And as asked, I don't think that he can answer that question as yes or no. I don't know how to narrow that to a topic by the way it's asked. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to the questions I've asked you about any Page 186 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 agreements with any other officers who are defendants in this case about manipulating Lopez to identify Jacques Rivera in the photo books? MS. EKL: Object to form, assumes facts not in evidence. To the extent that he's asking you about any agreements, you can answer the question of whether you would continue to assert your Fifth Amendment rights in regard to anymore questions about agreements. THE WITNESS: Yes, I do. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you do so because pleading the Fifth -- sorry. And you plead the Fifth because answering the questions, those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true that on August 29th, 1988, when you had Lopez look at gang books, you gave Orlando the gang book? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. 49 (Pages 187 to 190) Page 187 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that on August 29th, 1988, when you had Lopez look at gang books, you let Orlando look through a gang book? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that when you had Lopez look at the gang books, you flipped the gang book to a particular page that you wanted Lopez to look at? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because Page 189 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 188 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 answering these three questions will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true you were alone in the room with Lopez? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you pointed to the picture of Jacques Rivera when you had Lopez look at the gang books? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you told Lopez what picture to select when you had him look at the gang books? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you suggested to Lopez that he should pick Jacques Rivera? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth in response to these four questions because answering them will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true that when you had Lopez look at photo books, Lopez pointed to Jacques Rivera? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my Page 190 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my -MS. EKL: Actually -- I'm sorry. Wait. Can you repeat the question. I think I'm starting to get -BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that on August 29th, 1988, when you had Lopez look at gang books, Lopez pointed to Jacques Rivera? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. And you told your fellow officers that Lopez had picked Jacques Rivera from the photo books; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 50 (Pages 191 to 194) Page 191 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you showed Orlando Lopez the mugshot of Jacques Rivera before showing him the gang book? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true you told Orlando Lopez to pick the same person from the photo book that was depicted in the mugshot of Jacques Rivera that you had already showed him? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Page 193 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 answering either of those two questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true that when you had Orlando Lopez look at the gang books you were alone in the room with Orlando? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Even though Orlando did not pick anyone out, you told your fellow officers that he picked out Jacques Rivera; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment Page 192 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. On August 29th, 1988 when you had Orlando Lopez look at gang books, you gave Orlando the gang books and let him look through them; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that Orlando could not pick anyone out of the gang books? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because Page 194 1 constitutional rights. 2 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 3 Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because 4 answering the question will incriminate you? 5 6 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. MR. SWAMINATHAN: Why don't we take a 7 8 break now for lunch? 9 MS. EKL: Okay. We're willing to take 10 as short a break as you want. I think everyone 11 -- when you guys were out of the room -- we can 12 go off the record. THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Off the record, 13 14 1:09. 15 (WHEREUPON, a short break was 16 taken.) THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Back on the record, 17 18 1:48. 19 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 20 Q. Sir, on August 29th, 1988 when you had 21 Orlando Lopez look at gang books, Lopez was in 22 a room with you and other police officers, 23 correct? 24 MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes 51 (Pages 195 to 198) Page 195 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You and other police officers told Lopez that Jacques Rivera was responsible; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. On August 29th, 1988, when you had Orlando Lopez look at gang books, you and other officers told Lopez to pick Jacques Rivera from the gang books, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Page 197 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 196 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Sir, on August 29th, 1988, when you were supposed to have Orlando Lopez look at gang book, you actually did not show him any gang books; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Instead you showed him a mugshot of Jacques Rivera, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You did not show him any other photos at the same time, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You asked him whether the person in the mugshot of Jacques Rivera was the person who had shot Valentin, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You told him that the person in the mugshot who was Jacques Rivera was the person who had shot Valentin? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: I assert -- on the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you did not keep any record of the photograph that Orlando Lopez supposedly identified in the gang book on August 27th -- August 29th, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Page 198 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you did not keep any record of the photograph that Orlando Lopez supposedly identified in a gang book on August 29th, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, asked and answered, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And -- strike that. You did not retain or preserve the photo that Lopez supposedly selected from a gang photo book, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And no other officer that participated in the investigation retained or preserved the photo that Lopez supposedly selected from a gang photo book, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, 52 (Pages 199 to 202) Page 199 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. That photo was not copied in any way, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. In your report of September 16th, 1988, you report the page and letter of the photograph that was supposedly picked, but you did not preserve the actual photograph? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You also did not retain or preserve the gang photo book, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my Page 201 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. By not preserving any photograph, you deprived Jacques Rivera of evidence that would have shown that Lopez did not pick Jacques from a photo book on August 29th, 1988, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. By not preserving the handbook -- by not preserving the gang books, you deprived Jacques Rivera of evidence that would have shown that Lopez did not pick Jacques Rivera from a photo book on August 29th, 1988, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, isn't it true that Orlando Lopez told you that he had not witnessed the Page 200 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. No other officer on the investigation did so, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Only the index at the back of the photo gang book -- strike that. The index in the back of the book is the only thing referenced in the police report, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. As you sit here today, you have no way to prove what photo Orlando Lopez actually selected from any photo book, if he did select a photo? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my Page 202 1 2 3 shooting? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 4 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 5 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 6 7 8 9 Q. He told you that he did not see the shooter at all, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 10 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 11 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 12 13 14 15 Q. He did not see the driver at all, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. MR. SWAMINATHAN: On the advice of my 16 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 17 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 18 Q. You coached Orlando Lopez to make 19 statements about having witnessed the shooting, 20 correct? 21 22 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 23 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 53 (Pages 203 to 206) Page 203 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. You fed Orlando Lopez facts of the shooting and made him into a witness, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You told him that Jacques Rivera was the person who had committed the shooting, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you fabricated each of the identifications made by Orlando Lopez? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You fabricated Orlando Lopez's identification of Jacques Rivera in a photo book, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my Page 205 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 204 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you fabricated Lopez's identification of Jacques Rivera in a live line-up, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you concealed from Jacques, his attorneys and prosecutors, the fact that you had made up the entire story about Lopez witnessing the crime, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You coerced Orlando Lopez to testify falsely at trial against Jacques Rivera, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, are you pleading the Fifth regarding any questions about your interactions with Orlando Lopez because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Do you intend to assert the Fifth Amendment to all questions about any arrest of Jacques Rivera? MS. EKL: I'm sorry. Repeat that again. Maybe I heard it wrong? BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, do you intend to assert the Fifth Amendment to all questions about any arrests of Jacques Rivera? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, do you intend to assert the Fifth to all questions about any arrest of Jacques Page 206 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Rivera in which you participated? A. On the advice of my -MS. EKL: Let me object first as to the form. If you intend the question to be, do you intend to take the Fifth in regard to any questions regarding your involvement in the arrest of Jacques Rivera, then you can answer that question. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Okay. And is the reason you do so because pleading -- because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that on August 30th, 1988, you arrested Jacques Rivera? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. (WHEREUPON, Deposition Exhibit No. 4 was marked for identification.) BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 54 (Pages 207 to 210) Page 207 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Sir, what I'm handing you is a document marked Plaintiff's Exhibit 4. It's Bates stamped CPD 13. Can you tell me what this document is. A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Have you seen this document before? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Are you taking the Fifth Amendment with regard to any questions about Plaintiff's Exhibit 4? MS. EKL: You can answer that. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answers these questions will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that when you arrested Jacques Rivera on August 30th, 1988, Officers Guzman, Noon, Zacharias, Fallon, Sparks and Gawrys assisted you in that arrest? Page 209 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 208 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Your supervisor, Rinaldi, approved your arrest of Jacques Rivera knowing that there was no probable cause to arrest him, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You arrested Jacques Rivera on Beat Street just west of Humboldt Park, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. It was daytime when you arrested Jacques Rivera, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You told Jacques Rivera that you needed to talk to him, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Did you threaten Jacques Rivera in any way to accompany you to the police station? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Did you threaten Jacques Rivera in any way to get him to accompany you to the police station? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you told Jacques Rivera that you needed him to volunteer for line-up, correct? Page 210 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that it was common for you to get volunteers for line-ups from the neighborhood? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You did not put Jacques Rivera in handcuffs at that time, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You did not discuss the Valentin shooting with him at any time that day, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Instead, you discussed with Jacques Rivera what was happening in the neighborhood, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert 55 (Pages 211 to 214) Page 211 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. After arresting Jacques Rivera on August 30th, 1988 you first took Jacques to Area Six, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Jacques Rivera was placed in an interrogation room in Area Six, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And the door to the interrogation room was closed and locked, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You left Jacques in the interrogation room until close to midnight, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Page 213 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 212 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Before midnight you transferred Jacques Rivera to Area Five, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. And Jacques was put in a holding cell at Area Five, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Then your shift ended and you left Jacques in the holding cell, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. At no time did you read Jacques Rivera his Miranda rights, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. When you came in the next morning Jacques Rivera was still in the holding cell, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. At no time, did you inform Jacques Rivera why he was being held at Area Five, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you agreed with Officers Leonard, McLaughlin and Gawrys that no one would interrogate Jacques Rivera about the shooting after his arrest so as to prevent him from learning why he had been arrested, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. (WHEREUPON, Deposition Exhibit No. 5 was marked for identification.) BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, are you pleading the Fifth with regard to these questions about the arrest of Jacques Rivera at his movement between Areas -- Page 214 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 sorry -- between Areas Five and Six because answering these questions will incriminate you? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. I'm handing you the document marked Exhibit 5. It's Bates stamped CPD 14. Sir, can you tell me what this document is? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Have you ever seen this document before? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Are you going to be pleading the Fifth Amendment with regard to any questions about Plaintiff's Exhibit 5? MS. EKL: You can answer. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 56 (Pages 215 to 218) Page 215 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. And you do so because answering the questions regarding this document will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that on August 30th, 1988 you added a line to Jacques Rivera's rap sheet? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You wrote that he had been arrested for an aggravated battery; isn't that true? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You wrote the date August 30th, 1988 next to that entry, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You wrote that even though you knew that Jacques Rivera had nothing to do with that aggravated battery, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my Page 217 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 216 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering any -- any of these last four questions about Jacques Rivera's rap sheet will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. In your arrest report, which has been marked as Plaintiff's Exhibit 4, you state that hold papers were submitted in order to keep Jacques Rivera in the 25th District lock up on August 30th, 1988 and August 31st, 1988, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you submitted those hold papers so that you could keep Jacques Rivera in the lock-up even though there was no probable cause to suspect that he had been involved in the Valentin shooting, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Hold papers were submitted by you and Detective Leonard to the 25th District Watch Commander on 11:00 p.m. on August 30th, 1988, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You discussed submitting those hold papers with Detective Leonard, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You determined that you would be able to perform a live line-up with Jacques Rivera before the evening of the next day, August 31st of 1988, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Page 218 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you discussed the plan to conduct a live line-up on August 31st, 1988 with Detective Leonard, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you discussed that plan to conduct a live line-up on August 31st, 1988 with Detective McLaughlin? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you discussed that plan to conduct a live line-up on August 31st, 1988 with your partner, Steve Gawrys? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 57 (Pages 219 to 222) Page 219 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You made sure that Jacques was held overnight at Area Five, the 25th District, from August 30th of 1988 to August 31st, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to all questions about the hold papers that were placed on Jacques Rivera because answering those questions would incriminate you? MS. EKL: You can answer that. THE WITNESS: Yes. MS. EKL: I'm sorry. Actually, the question I think you thought he was asking -we're stepping ahead. MR. ART: Yeah, that's right. THE WITNESS: Can you ask the question again? I think -- we keep repeating the same questions. In all fairness to Mr. Guevara, I Page 221 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 220 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 don't know that he actually heard you because I was thinking -- I instructed him wrongly. I was thinking one question farther. MR. SWAMINATHAN: Fair enough. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth about all -- are you pleading the Fifth with regard to all questions about hold papers placed on Jacques Rivera because answering those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. And are you pleading the Fifth regarding all questions about conversations about submitting hold papers because answering those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Sir, do you intend to plead the Fifth on all questions about Jose Rodriguez and Felipe Nieves? A. On the advice of my -MS. EKL: You can answer that question. THE WITNESS: Yes. MS. EKL: That's the question -THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you do so because answering those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Sir, you knew that on August 30th, 1988, Officers Letrich and Moriarity from the 14th District Tactical Unit had interviewed Felix Valentin at Cook County Hospital, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. And you knew that Valentin had told those officers that the individuals responsible for his shooting were members of the Imperial Gangsters gang, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Do you intend to assert the Fifth Amendment with regard to all questions about Felix Valentin? Page 222 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: You can answer that question. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you do so because answering those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Felix Valentin also described the make and model of car used by the perpetrators of the shooting, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. He described the car as being a two-door Toyota, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. He described the car as being brown, 58 (Pages 223 to 226) Page 223 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you knew that Jacques Rivera did not drive the car that matched the description that Felix Valentin provided of the car, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you discussed with Letrich and Moriarity the fact that Valentin had identified his assailant as Imperial Gangsters? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Page 225 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 224 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. And you knew at that time and discussed the fact that Jacques Rivera was not an Imperial Gangster gang member? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you determined with Letrich and Moriarity that they would show Valentin an Imperial Gangsters photo book, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you knew that Letrich and Moriarity had then returned to Cook County, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You knew that Letrich and Moriarity had then returned to Cook County Hospital and had shown Felix Valentin pictures of Imperial Gangster gang members, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You knew that Valentin identified a photograph of Jose Rodriguez as the shooter, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You knew that Felix Valentin identified photographs of Felipe Nieves as the driver of the car, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. When you learned of these identifications by the victim, you knew that it Page 226 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 would undermine your effort to frame Jacques Rivera for the crime, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence, and foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you knew that Valentin's identification of different suspects showed that Jacques Rivera was the wrong guy? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You knew that after Valentin's identification of Rodriguez, Officers Letrich and Moriarity had identified an address for Jose, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. 59 (Pages 227 to 230) Page 227 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And are you pleading the Fifth with regard to all questions about Jose Rodriguez and his arrest because answering those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Officers Letrich and Moriarity consulted with you about arresting Jose Rodriguez, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And that Letrich and Moriarity went with Officers Vergara and Wojcik to find and arrest Jose Rodriguez, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Page 229 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 228 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. You knew that they had arrested Jose Rodriguez at 1:00 a.m. on August 31st, 1988, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. They had made that arrest at the same time that you were putting hold papers on Jacques Rivera in order to conduct a live line-up, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You knew that Officers Letrich, Moriarity, Vergara and Wojcik were taking Jose Rodriguez to the 14th District, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You discussed with these officers holding Rodriguez for a live line-up, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You knew that early in the morning of August 31st, 1988, at the same time that Jacques Rivera was being held at Area Five, Rodriguez was being held at the 14th District, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You knew that Rodriguez had been arrested for shooting Felix Valentin, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. Page 230 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you had particular reasons for not arresting Felipe Nieves, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You did not search for Nieves at all because his dad was a cop who you knew, correct? THE WITNESS: On the -MS. EKL: I'm sorry. Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to any questions about Felipe Nieves because answering those questions would incriminate 60 (Pages 231 to 234) Page 231 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You did not search for Nieves at all -- I'm sorry. Strike that. You did not want to pursue Felipe Nieves as a suspect, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. And so you just ignored him as a potential suspect; isn't that correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you're pleading the Fifth with regard to these last two questions about Felipe Nieves because answering them would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true that Officer Letrich was aware that both Jacques Rivera and Jose Page 233 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 232 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Rodriguez were in custody? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that Officer Moriarity was aware that both Jacques Rivera and Jose Rodriguez were in custody? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that Officers Wojcik, Vergara, McLaughlin, Leonard, Noon, Sparks, Zacharias, Fallon, Gawrys, Mingey, Weingart and Rinaldi all were aware that both Jacques Rivera and Jose Rodriguez were in custody? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to any questions about who was aware about Jacques Rivera and Jose Rodriguez being in custody because answering those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. For each of the following individuals, I want you to tell me if they were aware of a plan to have -- strike that. Did you talk to Officer Letrich about having Lopez view a live line-up that included both Jacques Rivera and Jose Rodriguez? MS. EKL: Foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you talked to Officer Moriarity about having Lopez view a live line-up that included both Jacques Rivera and Jose Rodriguez? MS. EKL: Foundation. Page 234 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you spoke to Officer Wojcik about having Lopez view a line-up that included both Jacques Rivera and Jose Rodriguez? MS. EKL: Foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you spoke with Officer Vergara about having Lopez view a line-up that included both Jacques Rivera and Jose Rodriguez? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you spoke with Officer McLaughlin to have Lopez view a live 61 (Pages 235 to 238) Page 235 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 line-up that included both Jacques Rivera and Jose Rodriguez? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you had a conversation with John Leonard about having Lopez view a live line-up that included both Jacques Rivera and Jose Rodriguez? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you had a conversation with Daniel Noon about having Lopez view a live line-up that included both Jacques Rivera and Jose Rodriguez? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Page 237 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 236 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you had a conversation with Joseph Sparks about having Lopez view a live line-up that included Jacques Rivera and Jose Rodriguez? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you had a conversation with Paul Zacharias about having Lopez view a live line-up that included both Jacques Rivera and Jose Rodriguez? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you had a conversation with Joseph Fallon about having Lopez view a live line-up that included both Jacques Rivera and Jose Rodriguez? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you had a conversation with Steve Gawrys about having Lopez view a live line-up that included both Jacques Rivera and Jose Rodriguez? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you had a conversation with Ed Mingey about having Lopez view a live line-up that included both Jacques Rivera and Jose Rodriguez? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you had a conversation with Russell Weingart about having Lopez that included both Jacques Rivera and Jose Page 238 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Rodriguez? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you had a conversation with Rocco Rinaldi about having Lopez view a live line-up that included both Jacques Rivera and Jose Rodriguez? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And are you pleading the Fifth with regard to any conversations about -- that you had about having Lopez view a live line-up with both Jacques Rivera and Jose Rodriguez because answering those questions would incriminate you? MS. EKL: I object to -- object to form, assumes facts not in evidence, but to the extent that you're asking him whether or not 62 (Pages 239 to 242) Page 239 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 he's pleading the fact to any questions about any conversations he may have had, in regard to that topic, then you can answer that question. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that -- sorry. Strike that. Do you intend to plead the Fifth with regard to all interactions with Orlando Lopez on August 30th or August 31st, 1988? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. MS. EKL: Well, let me back up. You can answer the question as to whether or not you would plead the Fifth in regard to any questions about if you had any interactions and what those interactions would be in relation to Orlando on those two dates. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you do so because answering those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Page 241 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 240 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Isn't it true that you called Orlando Lopez's mother house on the evening of August 30th, 1988 after the arrest of Jacques Rivera to see if he could view a line-up with Jacques Rivera in it? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true that Lopez's mother said that it was too late that day? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true Lopez's mother said that it was -- strike that. Isn't it true she said that Lopez was sleeping? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true Lopez's mother said she did not want to wake him up? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true there was no other police follow-up with Lopez that night? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you knew where Lopez's mother lived at that point in time? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true you knew Lopez's mother's phone number? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true -MS. EKL: I know this is belated, but, Counsel, I think you've already asked these questions. MR. SWAMINATHAN: That stuff is -there are a couple of things that have been asked and some were actually -MS. EKL: Well, to the extent that we're repeating any questions previously asked, I would object. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You knew where Lopez's father lived at Page 242 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 that point in time, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. And you knew Lopez's father phone number, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. And you knew Lopez went to school at Mozart Elementary School, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You knew that Orlando Lopez had been in school on August 30th and 31st, 1988, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You knew that Orlando Lopez had been in school on August 30th, 1988, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. And you knew that Lopez would be at his mother's house on August 31st, 1988, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert 63 (Pages 243 to 246) Page 243 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. And you knew he would be at his father's house on August 31st, 1988, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. And you knew he would be in school on August 31st, 1988, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. And you found Orlando Lopez on August 31st, 1988 without any problems, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to all questions about finding Orlando Lopez on August 30th and August 31st because answering those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth -- strike Page 245 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 244 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 that. Do you intend to plead the Fifth with regard to all questions about any line-up that took place on August 31st, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. As far as asserting your Fifth Amendment rights. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you do so because answering those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Do you intend to plead the Fifth with regard to any questions about any photo line-ups or live line-ups on August 31st, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. But to the extent you're asked any questions about line-ups or photo line-ups from those dates, you can answer the question as to whether or not you will continue to assert your Fifth Amendment rights. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you do so because answering those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Ad you intend to plead the Fifth with regard to any questions about any photo line-ups or live line-ups at all in the Valentin investigation? MS. EKL: I would object to the form of the question, but to the extent that you're asked any further questions about any line-ups, whether photo or otherwise in the Valentin investigation, you can answer whether you would continue to assert your Fifth Amendment. THE WITNESS: Yes, I do. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you do so because answering those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Sir, isn't it true that you conducted two in-person live line-ups in the investigation of the Valentin shooting? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert Page 246 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You conducted one line-up in person, live line-up, on August 31st, 1988, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. And you conducted a second in-person live line-up on September 15th, 1988, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. And you made a police report documenting the second in-person live line-up, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You did not document the first in-person live line-up, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You hid the fact that you conducted the first line-up from Jacques Rivera, correct? 64 (Pages 247 to 250) Page 247 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you hid that fact from Jacques Rivera's attorneys? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you hid that fact -- strike that. And you hid the fact that you conducted a first line-up from state prosecutors, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Page 249 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 248 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. And you hid the fact that you conducted a first line-up from Jacques -strike that. You hid the fact that you conducted a first line-up on August 31st, 1988 from Jacques Rivera, his attorneys and the state prosecutors, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, Detectives McLaughlin and Leonard conferred with you about finding volunteer fillers to stand in the live line-up on August 31st, 1988, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And officers from the 14th District were sent out to find fillers to stand in the line-up, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Those fillers were brought back to Area Five, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you found a filler named Angel Villafane to participate in the live in-person line-up on August 31st, 1988, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. And Mr. Villafane provided you and other officers working on the investigation with his date of birth, age, and address, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my Page 250 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You found a filler named Carlos Olivero to participate in the live in-person line-up on August 31st, 1988, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. And Mr. Olivero provided you and other officers working on the investigation with his date of birth, age and address, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you told Mr. Olivero that he was going to be in a live line-up, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. When you found Carlos Olivero, he was 65 (Pages 251 to 254) Page 251 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 in a driveway working on a car with friends when you picked him up to be in the line-up, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You found a filler named George Ruiz to participate in the live in-person line-up on August 31st, 1988, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. And isn't it true that you told George Ruiz that you got the guy who killed Felix Valentin and he was going to be in a line-up for that crime? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And isn't it true Mr. Ruiz provided Page 253 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 252 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 you and other officers working on the investigation with his date of birth, age, and address? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you found a filler named Lopez to participate in the live in-person line-up on August 31st, 1988? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. And isn't it true Mr. Lopez provided you and other officers working on the officers with his date of birth, age, and address? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. In total you arranged to have four fillers stand in the live line-up on August 31st, 1988, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. And isn't it true Villafane, Olivero, Ruiz and Lopez were the fillers in a live line-up viewed by Orlando Lopez on August 31st, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you are pleading the Fifth because answering questions regarding a line-up on August 31st and fillers in that line-up would incriminate you, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. With regard to the mechanics of that line-up, you had a hold on Jacques Rivera until 7:00 p.m. on August 31st, 1988, so you had to complete your live line-up that included Jacques Rivera by that time, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. Page 254 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You picked up Orlando Lopez on August 31st, 1988, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You brought him to Area Five, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. And 25th District in Area Five was the location of the first line-up, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Felix's father was also present in the observation room for the line-up, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 66 (Pages 255 to 258) Page 255 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. The line-up room was approximately 15-foot long by 12-feet wide, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. The line-up room had four walls with a glass wall on one side, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. The line-up room had four walls and there was glass on one of the four walls, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Detective McLaughlin was present for the first line-up on August 31st, 1988, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Page 257 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 256 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And Detective Leonard was present for the first line-up on August 31st, 1988, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And officer Gawrys was present for the first line-up on August 31st, 1988, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that one detective stood on one side of the glass and one detective stood on other side of the glass? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And isn't it true you put Jacques Rivera in the middle of that line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you put Jose Rodriguez at the end of the line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you have all the participants in the line-up numbers, correct? MS. EKL: I'm sorry. Say that again. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You have all the participants in the line-up numbers? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. Page 258 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Each of the people that participated in the line-up was given a number, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And then you call out the numbers, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And then each person steps back -steps forward and then back in the line, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment 67 (Pages 259 to 262) Page 259 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you would suggest to Lopez that he should pick Jacques Rivera from that line-up, did you not? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you suggested this even though it was clear that Orlando Lopez could not make an identification, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. (WHEREUPON, Deposition Exhibit No. 6 was marked for identification.) BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Showing you a document marked Exhibit No. 6, can you tell me what this document is, Page 261 1 accurate to say that counsel has put them in 2 this order that you're referring to? 3 exhibits that we -- the photos that we received 5 and we put them together in this one exhibit. 6 7 2 sir? MS. EKL: Just for the record, I want 3 to place an objection to the -- referring to 4 this as a document unless you're representing 5 that it was one document, not multiple 6 photographs. But your representation that it's 7 one document, I object to that. 8 9 10 11 MR. SWAMINATHAN: What I'll -MS. EKL: Can we put it so the video can see it too before we -MR. SWAMINATHAN: Absolutely. We're 12 presenting something that we've had marked as 13 Plaintiff's Exhibit 6. It is a compilation of 14 photographs that were provided to us in 15 discovery. And I'll represent to you that we 16 just put the photographs together in order, 17 just as you'd stapled six pages together in an 18 exhibit, we're putting these together as one 19 exhibit called Plaintiff's Exhibit 6. 20 MS. EKL: Okay. To the extent that 21 you call it, in order, when you received these 22 documents, they were not put together in this 23 particular order, correct? 24 Just for the record, is it MS. EKL: Okay. That's fair. Can you -- did you get all the 8 exhibits? 9 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 10 11 12 13 14 Q. All right. Sir, have you seen -MS. EKL: I'm sorry. One more question. I don't recall. Were there Bates stamped numbers on the bottom of these? 15 MR. ART: There were. 16 MS. EKL: Is it possible we can put 17 18 that in the record just so that -MR. SWAMINATHAN: We'll make sure we 19 do that before the end of the deposition so we 20 know what Plaintiff's Exhibit 6 is, unless you 21 have that now? 22 MR. ART: Yeah, I do. 23 I believe they are RFC -- 24 sorry -- RFC 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20. Page 260 1 MR. SWAMINATHAN: We've taken the 4 Page 262 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: When you say 14 through 20, are they in that same order or are they in a different order? MR. ART: That's the order they were produced to us. MS. EKL: Okay. But, I mean, is that also the order that they're in in this compilation? Is that 14 on the end on the left and then ending with 20 on the right? MR. ART: They are in the order that they were numbered and produced to us. MS. EKL: Okay. Thank you. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. All right. Sir, you have a copy of Plaintiff's Exhibit 6 in front of you? MS. EKL: Maybe we should put this down. MR. ART: Well, let's keep that up so the camera can see that. He's got the identical thing right there, and then we can just ask questions about it. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you familiar with this document -this exhibit or the pictures contained in this 68 (Pages 263 to 266) Page 263 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 exhibit? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my constitutional rights. Q. Do any of the individuals in this exhibit look familiar to you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Do you intend to plead the Fifth with regard to any questions about Plaintiff's Exhibit 6? A. On the -MS. EKL: You can answer that question. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you do so because answering questions about Plaintiff's Exhibit 6 will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Sir, these are the photographs of the people that stood in the line-up that you conducted on August 31st, 1988, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes Page 265 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 264 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And isn't it true that this is also the order in which they stood? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. These are photos taken just outside of the line-up room at Area Five in the 25th District correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Let me re-ask that. These are photos taken just outside of the line-up room in the 25th District in Area Five, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Each of these photographs are taken at the same location, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And isn't it true that Jacques Rivera is depicted in this line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that Jose Rodriguez is depicted in this line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. Page 266 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. After the line-up was concluded, you immediately inventoried these photos of the line-up, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. The pictures were sent to the evidence and recovered property section of the Chicago Police Department on August 31st, 1988 just before midnight, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorneys, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. After that point in time, the 69 (Pages 267 to 270) Page 267 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 photographs were never shared with Jacques Rivera, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And they were never shared despite Jacques Rivera's requests for exculpatory evidence during his criminal proceeding, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And they were never shared with Jacques Rivera's attorneys' request for exculpatory evidence during these criminal proceedings, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Page 269 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And the inventorying of these photographs was also part of your agreement with Steve Gawrys that you would hide the fact of the live line-up conducted on August 31st, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you forgot that these photographs had been inventoried as evidence which is why you did not dispose of them along with the other photographs of the first line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in facts. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Page 268 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Photographs were never shared with Jacques Rivera's criminal attorneys at all, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And the photographs were never shared with state prosecutors, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true the inventorying of these photographs was part of your agreement with Detective McLaughlin and Leonard, that you would hide the facts of the live line-up conducted on August 31st, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment Page 270 1 Q. Sir, are you refusing to answer any 2 questions about Plaintiff's Exhibit 6 and the 3 pictures in Plaintiff's Exhibit 6 because 4 answering those questions were incriminate you? MS. EKL: I object to the form of that 5 6 question, Counsel. Do you want to rephrase it 7 with removing the word refuse? I object to the 8 form of it. MR. SWAMINATHAN: Sure. 9 10 11 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, are you pleading the Fifth with 12 regard to Plaintiff's Exhibit 6 and the 13 pictures contained in Exhibit No. 6 because 14 answering those questions would incriminate 15 you? 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. MR. SWAMINATHAN: Do you want to keep this one? MS. EKL: Oh, thank you. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, who was picked in the line-up that took place on August 31st, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form. It assumes 70 (Pages 271 to 274) Page 271 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 facts not in evidence, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that Orlando Lopez did not pick Jacques Rivera out of the first live line-up on August 31st, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And that's the reason you released Jacques Rivera from custody shortly after that August 31st line-up, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. If Jacques Rivera had been picked in the line-up, you would not have released him Page 273 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 272 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 from custody, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you released Jacques Rivera from custody without charges? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you would have charged Jacques Rivera with aggravated battery if he had been picked from the first line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that Orlando Lopez picked Jose Rodriguez out of the first live line-up on August 31st, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation -THE WITNESS: On the -MS. EKL: Sorry. Form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You did not want Jose Rodriguez to be the person charged with this crime, did you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. And you made sure that Jose Rodriguez was let go after this line-up on August 31st, 1988, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Page 274 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You didn't though so that Jacques Rivera could remain the suspect in the Valentin shooting investigation, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, isn't it true that Orlando Lopez picked a filler or non-suspect out of the first live line-up on August 31st, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, you knew that Orlando Lopez had failed to pick Jacques Rivera, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment 71 (Pages 275 to 278) Page 275 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you knew this undermined your case because Lopez had failed to pick from a line-up the very person that you had previously suggested to him was responsible for the shooting, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 277 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you knew that Orlando Lopez had failed to pick Jose Rodriguez, the person who been selected from photos by Felix Valentin, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to any questions about who got picked in a 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 276 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 line-up on August 31st, 1998 -- 1988 because answering those questions would incriminate you? MS. EKL: Objection to the form of the question. But to the extent that you're asked any further questions regarding an August 31st line-up, would you -- you can answer the question of whether or not you would continue to assert your Fifth Amendment rights in regards to those questions. THE WITNESS: Yes, I will. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you do so because answering those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true that you did not make any report recording the fact that you conducted a live in-person line-up on August 31st, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you did this so that you could keep Orlando Lopez as a witness even though he had not picked Jacques Rivera from the line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. The first line-up on August 31st took place in the same location as a second line-up that you conducted on September 15th, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you had an evidence technician photograph the participants of the live line-up viewed by Orlando on August 31st, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. Page 278 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. However, photographs from the first line-up were never given to Jacques Rivera, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And isn't it true you destroyed the pictures of the first line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, do you dispute Jacques Rivera's testimony that the first live in-person line-up 72 (Pages 279 to 282) Page 279 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 occurred August 31st, 1988? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Do you have any reason to dispute Jacques Rivera's testimony that there was a first live line-up on August 31st, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Do you dispute the testimony of any of the fillers who were in the first line-up on August 31st, 1988 that there was, in, fact a live in-person line-up on that date? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Do you have any reason to dispute the testimony of any of the fillers who testified that they participated in the first live Page 281 1 3 4 in-person line-up on August 31st, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't the reason that there was no report of the first line-up because you wanted to preserve Orlando Lopez as a witness? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Since Orlando Lopez had picked a filler, the only way to preserve him as a witness was by pretending as if the line-up did not happen at all, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence, and argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. In fact, this is the reason that you 5 never documented line-ups in which a filler is 6 picked, correct? 7 8 9 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 10 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment 11 constitutional rights. 12 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 13 Q. Isn't it true that it's a practice of 14 the Chicago Police Department to never document 15 line-ups in which a filler is picked? 16 17 MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 18 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment 19 constitutional rights. 20 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 21 Q. Isn't it true that you would not have 22 documented this line-up unless one of the two 23 suspects in a line-up had been picked? 24 Page 280 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 constitutional rights. 2 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, Page 282 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you drove Orlando Lopez home to his mother's house following the line-up on August 31st, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you did not see Orlando Lopez any date after that first line-up until you picked him up again for a second line-up on September 15th, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. 73 (Pages 283 to 286) Page 283 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, are you pleading the Fifth as to all of these questions about the first line-up and the documentation of the first line-up because answering those questions would incriminate you? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. After the first line-up on August 31st, 1988, Jacques Rivera was placed in an interrogation room, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Jacques had no knowledge of what case he was there for, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes Page 285 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 284 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 facts not in evidence, and foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You did not tell Jacques about the Valentin shooting that day, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Jacques was arrested, stood in the line-up and then went home, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that close to midnight on August 31st -- August 31st, you and Detective Leonard executed release papers for Jacques Rivera? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. And Jacques Rivera was released without any charge, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. After he was released, you added to Jacques Rivera's rap sheet that he had been arrested for aggravated battery and has been released without charge, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. (WHEREUPON, Deposition Exhibit No. 7 was marked for identification.) BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that close to midnight on August 31st, you and Detective Leonard issued release papers for Jose Rodriguez? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert Page 286 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Sir, what I'm handing you is a document that's been marked Plaintiff's Exhibit 7, and it's CPD0051. Sir, have you seen this document before? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Do you intend to plead the Fifth with regard to any questions about Plaintiff's Exhibit No. 7? A. Yes. Q. And you do so because answering questions about Plaintiff Exhibit 7 would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. And isn't it true that on Plaintiff's Exhibit 7, it states that on August 30th, 1988, Jacques Rivera was released without charge about two-thirds of the way, page down? MS. EKL: Objection, the document speaks for itself, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 74 (Pages 287 to 290) Page 287 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you and fellow -- strike that. Do you intend to plead the Fifth with regard to any questions about your contact with Felix Valentin and his family members? MS. EKL: Are you saying at any time? BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. At any time during your investigation of the Felix Valentin murder? MS. EKL: Object to the form to the extent that it assumes facts not in evidence, but you can answer the question as to whether or not you would continue to assert your Fifth Amendment to any questions regarding whether you had any contact with Felix Valentin and his family and the nature of those contacts. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you do so because answering those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert Page 289 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 288 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Do you intend to plead the Fifth with regard to any questions about interactions with Felix Valentin in the hospital? MS. EKL: You can answer that question. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you do so because answering those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. You and fellow Chicago police officers interviewed Felix Valentin at the Cook County Hospital on multiple occasions, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. MS. EKL: I'm sorry. I know this is belated. But to the extent your question is asking about interviews of Felix Valentin outside of his presence, I object to foundation. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You made reports of those interviews which you concealed from state prosecutors and from Jacques Rivera, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. The only reports of interviews with Felix Valentin that you did not conceal were the August 27th, 1988 general offense report and the August 31st, 1988 supplementary report of Letrich and Moriarity discussing Jose Rodriguez, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Following the August 31st, 1988 line-up that you conducted, you did not interview Felix Valentin, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes Page 290 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you and fellow Chicago police officers interviewed members of Felix Valentin's family on multiple occasions? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. To the extent you're asking him questions about interviews outside of his presence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you spoke with Israel Valentin? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true Israel Valentin told you 75 (Pages 291 to 294) Page 291 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 that he had suspected -- told you who he suspected in the shooting of his brother? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And isn't it true that the people that Israel Valentin told you were responsible for shooting Felix were not Jacques Rivera? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that Israel Valentin told you the people responsible for shooting Felix were Imperial Gangsters? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You took no notes of your interview Page 293 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 292 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 with Israel Valentin, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You recorded your interviews of Israel Valentin on GPRs, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. However, you concealed your record of those interviews, didn't you? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You concealed your recordings of the interviews with Israel Valentin so they would not be included in the program retention file, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You never memorialized your interview in any document given to state prosecutors, Jacques Rivera, or his defense attorneys, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you and fellow Chicago police officers interviewed Israel's girlfriend, Marilyn Lopez as well? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my Page 294 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And those interviews demonstrated that Jacques Rivera had nothing to do with the shooting, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you concealed all records related to your interviews with Marilyn Lopez, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You and fellow Chicago police officers interviewed Felix's girlfriend as well, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, 76 (Pages 295 to 298) Page 295 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Those interviews demonstrated that Jacques Rivera had nothing to do with the shooting, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You concealed your documentation of those interviews from Jacques Rivera, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you and fellow Chicago police officers interviewed other gang members Page 297 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 296 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 as part of your investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true those interviews demonstrated that Jacques Rivera had nothing to do with the shooting? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you concealed those other interviews? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to these questions about your communications and interviews with members of the Felix Valentin family because answering those questions would incriminate you? MS. EKL: Objection, form. I believe you've already asked that question. But objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true your partner, Gawrys, who was present with you for these interviews I've just asked you about had also discussed these interviews with you? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence, compound. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you agreed to conceal all records of these interviews prior to -strike that. Isn't it true you agreed with Officer Gawrys to conceal all records of these Page 298 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 interviews prior to Jacques being charged and to keep them secret during Jacques' wrongful conviction and prosecution? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, compound. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. MS. EKL: And argumentative. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true, Gillian McLaughlin and John Leonard were present with you for these interviews and also discussed these interviews with you? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, and compound. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true they agreed with you to conceal all records of these interviews prior to Jacques being charged and to keep them 77 (Pages 299 to 302) Page 299 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 secret during Jacques' wrongful conviction and prosecution? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true Officers Noon, Guzman, Sparks, Zacharias and Fallon were present with you for these interviews and also discussed these interviews with you? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, compound. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true these officers agreed with you to conceal all records of these interviews prior to Jacques being charged and to keep them secret during Jacques' wrongful conviction and prosecution? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, Page 301 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 300 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 assumes facts not in evidence, compound and argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true Supervisors Mingey, Weingart and Rinaldi were present with you for these interviews and also discussed these interviews with you? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, compound. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true they also reviewed your notes of these interviews? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true they agreed with you to conceal all records of these interviews prior to Jacques being charged and to keep them secret during Jacques' wrongful conviction and prosecution? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, compound, argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. MS. EKL: I'm sorry. I thought you went out that door. MR. ART: I did magic. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. So you never created any report of any interview with Jacques Rivera, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Sir, do you contend that you never interviewed Jacques Rivera? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Do you contend that none of your Page 302 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 fellow Chicago police officers ever interviewed Jacques Rivera? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Why did you conceal the reports of interactions with Jacques Rivera? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to any questions about reports of interviews with Jacques Rivera and other witnesses because answering those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Do you intend to plead the Fifth regarding any questions about the purported 78 (Pages 303 to 306) Page 303 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 photo line-up with Felix Valentin at Cook County Hospital on August 31st? MS. EKL: Did you say purported photo -MR. SWAMINATHAN: Uh-huh. MS. EKL: You can answer. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Do you intend to plead the Fifth with regard to any -- strike that. Do you intend to plead the Fifth regarding any photo line-ups or purported photo line-ups involving Felix Valentin during the Valentin investigation? MS. EKL: I'm going to just object to the extent that it assumes facts not in evidence, but you can answer that. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Do you do so because answering those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Sir, you never went to Cook County Page 305 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 304 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Hospital to visit -- strike that. You never went to Cook County Hospital to visit Felix Valentin on August 31st, 1988, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Sir, no police officer went into Cook County Hospital to visit Felix Valentin on August 31st, 1988, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that there were no pictures taken of the line-up on August 31st to show the victim? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that any pictures taken on August 31st, 1988 were to memorialize the live in-person line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true Leonard McLaughlin wrote a report that they presented photos to Valentin at the hospital and that he didn't make an identification? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true this was a way for you and your colleagues to cover up the fact that you had conducted -- that you had conducted an in-person line-up with Lopez and not a photo array with Felix Valentin? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my Page 306 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that this was a way to cover up the fact that you conducted an in-person line-up in which neither Jacques Rivera, nor Jose Rodriguez had been picked? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, and argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that on August 31st, 1988, Felix Valentin could not communicate with anyone? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true on August 31st, 1988 Felix Valentin was comatose? 79 (Pages 307 to 310) Page 307 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that on September 10th, 1988, Valentin could not communicate with anyone? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true on September 10th, 1988, Felix Valentin was comatose? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to all of these questions I've just asked you about a purported photo line-up on August 31st or on September 10th because answering those Page 309 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 308 1 2 3 questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. MR. SWAMINATHAN: Let's take a short 4 5 break just to use the restrooms. THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Off the record, 6 7 3:05. (WHEREUPON, a short break was 8 taken.) 9 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Back on the record, 10 11 3:17. 12 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 13 Q. Sir, do you intend to plead the Fifth 14 with regard to any questions about events that 15 took place between September 1st and 16 September 15th, 1988 regarding the Felix 17 Valentin investigation? 18 MS. EKL: You can answer that. 19 THE WITNESS: Yes. 20 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 21 22 23 24 Q. And you do so because answering those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that you were actively investigating the case between September 1st and September 15th, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. During that time, evidence gathered to show that Jacques Rivera had nothing to do with the crime, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. During that time, witness interviews that you conducted showed that Jacques Rivera had nothing to do with the crime, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You took notes about those interviews, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, Page 310 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You made reports of those interviews, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You conducted other line-ups related to this case during this time period, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Other suspects who were not Jacques Rivera were selected; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 80 (Pages 311 to 314) Page 311 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You showed photo arrays to other witnesses during this period of time, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Other suspects who were not Jacques Rivera were selected, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You and other officers made reports of evidence favorable to Jacques Rivera, correct? MS. EKL: Wait. I'm sorry. MR. SWAMINATHAN: Strike that. Page 313 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You and other officers made reports of evidence favorable to Jacques Rivera during the time period from September 1st to September 15th, 1988, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 312 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You and other officers made reports of line-ups favorable to Jacques Rivera during the time period of September 1st to September 15th, 1988, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. But you concealed all of these reports after you had -- after you had Lopez I.D. Jacques Rivera on September 15th, 1988, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you concealed this evidence, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that there was an active investigation between September 1st and September 15th, 1988 that showed that Jacques Rivera was innocent? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to these questions about the period from September 1st and 15th, 1988 because answering these questions would incriminate you? A. I -- on the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Do you intend to plead the Fifth with regard to any questions about Orlando Lopez identifying that he had selected the wrong person? MS. EKL: I object to the form of that question. I don't think it can be anticipated Page 314 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 with a yes or no. MR. SWAMINATHAN: Strike that question. MS. EKL: Hold on. He's going to reask the question. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, Orlando Lopez told you between the first and second line-ups that he had seen the real perpetrator of the shooting, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Orlando Lopez told you that Jacques Rivera was not the person who committed the crime, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that Orlando Lopez told you that he interviewed the real -- strike that. Isn't it true that Orlando Lopez told you that he viewed the real perpetrator 81 (Pages 315 to 318) Page 315 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 near the corner of Armitage and Central Park? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And isn't it true that Orlando Lopez told you that that person was an Imperial Gangster? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You knew that Jacques Rivera was not a member of the Imperial Gangsters, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you looked into Lopez's description of the person and determined the true identity of the perpetrator, correct? Page 317 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 316 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you ignored the true perpetrator because you wanted to put Jacques Rivera in jail wrongfully, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering these questions about your interactions with Orlando would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true that on September 15th you and your partner Gawrys received a call from Area Five detectives telling you that Felix Valentin had died the day before? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true you went to find Jacques Rivera at that point? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you picked up Jacques Rivera at approximately 3:00 p.m. in the afternoon on September 15th, 1988? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true you asked Jacques Rivera to accompany you to Area Five voluntarily? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. And it was your intention when you picked up Jacques Rivera on September 15th to arrest him and charge him for murder, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Page 318 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. But you had no basis to believe that he was involved in the murder of Felix Valentin at that time, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that a second live in-person line-up took place in this case -took place in this case on September 15th, 1988? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. The line-up that took place on September 15th, 1988 took place at the Violent Crimes office at Area Five, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 82 (Pages 319 to 322) Page 319 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. The line-up that took place on September 15th, 1988 took place in the same place as the line-up that took place on August 31st, 1988, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you gave Orlando Lopez a ride to the second line-up on September 15th, 1988, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to these questions about a second line-up on September 15th because answering those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert Page 321 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 320 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. And do you intend to plead the Fifth with regard to any additional questions about the second line-up on September 15th, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form. To the extent that it assumes facts not in evidence, you can answer the question, if you are asked any questions about an alleged second line-up, would you continue to assert your Fifth Amendment rights? THE WITNESS: Yes, I will. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Would you do so because answering those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true that at the time of the second -- of the line-up -- strike that. Isn't it true at the time of the line-up on September 15th, 1988 some of the fillers that you used were prisoners? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that some of the fillers in the second line-up had CB numbers on their hands? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that some of the fillers had no shoe laces? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that the prisoners that you used as fillers in the September 15th line-up were other suspects in the shooting? Page 322 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't is it true the fillers in the second line-up were named Santiago Sanchez, Efron Cruz, Felix Torres and Israel Delgado? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you told Jacques Rivera that he had to stand in the middle of this line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you told him to stand in 83 (Pages 323 to 326) Page 323 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 the middle of the line-up to increase the chances that he would be selected from the line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, why you decide not to include Jose Rodriguez in the second line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you included Rodriguez in the first line-up because other police had viewed him as a suspect? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment Page 325 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 throughout the line-up on September 15th, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true Detective McLaughlin was present through the entire second line-up as well? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And isn't it true you and Detective McLaughlin were the only two police officers present? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. I'm showing you a document marked Page 324 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you didn't put him in the second line-up because you were afraid that Orlando Lopez might pick him out? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. (WHEREUPON, Deposition Exhibit No. 8 was marked for identification.) BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that having another suspect in the second line up distracted from the man you wanted to put away for murder? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, and argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you were there Page 326 1 Plaintiff's Group Exhibit No. 8. The document 2 is Bates stamped Bluhm45087 and it includes 3 CPD107, CPD105, CPD109, CPD103, and CPD111? 4 Sir, have you seen any of the 5 pages in this document I've handed to you as 6 Group Exhibit 8? 7 8 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. 9 Q. And you do so -- and are you pleading 10 the Fifth because answering the question will 11 incriminate you? 12 13 14 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Do you intend to plead the Fifth with 15 regard to any questions about the pictures 16 contained in Plaintiff's Group Exhibit 8? 17 18 A. On the advice -MS. EKL: You can answer that. 19 THE WITNESS: Yes. 20 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 21 Q. Do you intend to plead the Fifth with 22 regard to any questions at all to Group 23 Exhibit 8? 24 A. On the advice -- 84 (Pages 327 to 330) Page 327 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: You can answer that. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you do so because answering those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Does the first page of Plaintiff's Group Exhibit 8 depict the second line-up that took place on September 15th, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that during the second line-up, you coerced Orlando Lopez to pick Jacques Rivera from the line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that prior to the Page 329 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 328 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 line-up that you conducted on September 15th, 1988, Mr. Lopez told you that Jacques was not the person he had seen shoot Felix Valentin? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that Orlando Lopez told you and Gillian McLaughlin that Jacques Rivera was not the person who had committed the shooting? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you told Orlando Lopez to select Jacques Rivera from the line-up anyway? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you pointed out Jacques Rivera in the line-up and told Orlando to pick him? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true Gillian McLaughlin told Orlando Lopez to pick Jacques Rivera anyway? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true Gillian McLaughlin pointed out Jacques Rivera to Orlando Lopez? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Page 330 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Isn't it true you did nothing to stop the line-up once Orlando Lopez had told you that Jacques Rivera was not the perpetrator? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true McLaughlin did nothing to stop the line-up once Lopez had told you that Jacques Rivera was not the perpetrator? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you told Lopez that you would protect him if he picked Jacques Rivera from the line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you heard McLaughlin 85 (Pages 331 to 334) Page 331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 tell Lopez that he would have police protection if he picked Jacques Rivera from the line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you told Lopez to pick out the same person that you had shown him before in photos? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you knew that Lopez was young and vulnerable to your suggestion, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you knew that Orlando Lopez's parents were not there, correct? Page 333 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 332 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You did not have Lopez's parents at the line-up because you wanted to be able to manipulate Orlando Lopez, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to these questions about your interactions with Orlando Lopez because answering them would incriminate you? THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you never recorded that Orlando Lopez has said Jacques Rivera was not the shooter in any way police report? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you reported that Orlando Lopez had identified Jacques Rivera as the shooter? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that you never shared the true story that Jacques Rivera was not the shooter and you didn't share that story with Jacques or his attorneys? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You didn't share that true story with the prosecutors at any time, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my Page 334 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you, Orlando Lopez, and Gillian McLaughlin were the only people present during the second line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true after the line-up, you took Jacques Rivera to the booking desk and got paperwork ready to charge him with murder? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And this happened before felony review arrived, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, objection, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 86 (Pages 335 to 338) Page 335 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that this was the first time you had said anything to Jacques about him being involved in the Valentin shooting investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. At the desk you told Jacques Rivera that if he gave you a name that you could use as the shooter, you would put his name down as the driver of the get-away car, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. After the line-up was completed and before Jacques was charged, Weingart approved the line-up that you had done, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. Page 337 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 336 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You told Weingart what Lopez had said about Jacques not being involved in the shooting, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Weingart agreed with you to withhold information about how the line-up had actually been conducted and that Orlando Lopez had said -- strike that. Weingart agreed with you to withhold information about how the line-up had actually been conducted, true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And he agreed with you to withhold information about what Lopez had said from prosecutors and from Jacques Rivera's attorneys, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that there was no prosecutors present at the line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Prosecutors did not come to speak with any of the police or to Jacques Rivera until after the line-up was complete, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. There was no felony review until after the line-up was complete on September 15th, Page 338 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You did not share with ASA Rosner what had transpired in the line-up, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You did not share with ASA Rosner anything that transpired previously in the investigation, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You falsely informed ASA Rosner that Lopez had selected Jacques Rivera as the person who shot Felix Valentin, correct? MS. EKL: Objection form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. 87 (Pages 339 to 342) Page 339 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to these questions about the involvement of the ASA because answering those questions would incriminate you? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. (WHEREUPON, Deposition Exhibit No. 9 was marked for identification.) BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. I'm handing you a document marked Plaintiff's Exhibit 9, Bates stamped CPD53. Have you seen this document before? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Do you intend to assert the Fifth Amendment with regard to any questions about the document marked as Plaintiff's Exhibit 9? Page 341 2 of -- 3 MR. SWAMINATHAN: Valentin. MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And are you pleading the Fifth -- do you intend to plead the Fifth with regard to any questions about your interactions with Jacques Rivera? MS. EKL: Object to the form to the extent it assumes facts not in evidence. You can answer the question as to whether or not you intend to plead the Fifth to any questions regarding whether you had any interactions with Jacques Rivera, and if so, what those interactions were. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you do so because answering those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 340 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A. Yes. Q. And you do so because answering those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true that you're listed as a prosecuting witness on Plaintiff's Exhibit 9? MS. EKL: Objection, document speaks for itself. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that it was not until after the second line-up that you told Jacques Rivera for the first time that he was being charged with the shooting? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that this is the first time that you and your colleagues ever told Jacques about the shooting of Valentin? MS. EKL: I'm sorry. The shooting 1 Page 342 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You did not tell an ASA on the evening of September 15th or any other time that Orlando Lopez had told you and McLaughlin that Jacques was not the shooter, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. No other police officer told any ASA -- strike that. No other police officer told any assistant state's attorney that Lopez had told them that Jacques was not the person who shot Valentin, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You did not tell Jacques or his defense attorneys on the evening of September 15th, 1988 or any other time that Lopez had told you and McLaughlin that Jacques was not the shooter, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. 88 (Pages 343 to 346) Page 343 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. No other police officer told Jacques or his defense attorneys that Lopez had told them that Jacques was not the person who had shot Valentin? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You wrote a police report memorializing that Lopez had told you and McLaughlin that Jacques was not the shooter, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Police reports stating that Orlando Lopez had told police that Jacques had not killed Valentin were concealed; isn't that true? Page 345 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 344 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true police reports stating that Lopez had told police that Jacques had not killed Valentin were destroyed? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Neither you or any other police officer ever told an ASA that you conducted a first line-up in which Lopez picked an individual who was not Jacques Rivera, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Neither you nor any other police officer ever told Jacques or his attorneys that you conducted a first line-up in which Lopez picked an individual who was not Jacques Rivera, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. I thought that was a question you just asked; but if not, either way, same objection. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Neither you nor any other police officer ever wrote a report memorializing the fact that you conducted a first line-up in which Lopez picked an individual who was not Jacques, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you did not take any steps to stop Jacques' wrongful arrest? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, argumentative. Page 346 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you did not take any steps to stop Jacques' wrongful prosecution? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you did not take any steps to stop Jacques' wrongful conviction? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, and argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you're pleading -strike that. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to these questions about charges against Jacques Rivera because answering the questions would incriminate you? 89 (Pages 347 to 350) Page 347 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. I'm turning your attention back to Plaintiff's Exhibit 8. Isn't it true you're the person who placed a red X on this line-up photo above Jacques Rivera's head? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. The red X was not placed on this photograph by Orlando Lopez, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. The red X was not placed on this photograph by any other witness, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Page 349 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 348 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. The red X was placed on this photograph by a police officer, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. (WHEREUPON, Deposition Exhibit No. 10 was marked for identification.) BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, what I've handed you is a document marked Plaintiff's Exhibit 10. It's Bates stamped CPD32 and CPD50. Have you reviewed this document before? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Do you intend to assert your Fifth Amendment right with regard to any questions about Plaintiff's Exhibit 10? A. Yes. Q. And you do so because answering those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you were the officer who signed the final arrest report for Jacques Rivera? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you and your partner Gawrys picked up Jacques around 3:00 p.m. on September 15th, 1988? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you brought Jacques Rivera to Area Five Violent Crimes? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you put in the arrest report that he had been picked by a witness? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you omitted from the Page 350 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 arrest report that the witness, Orlando Lopez, had told you that Jacques was not the person who had committed the shooting? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you were the officer who signed the final arrest report for Jacques Rivera? MS. EKL: Objection, form, specifically to the word final arrest report. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. I draw your attention to a document that was originally marked as Plaintiff's Exhibit No. 1. Isn't it true that on September 16, 1988 you wrote a supplementary report, Plaintiff's Exhibit 1? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 90 (Pages 351 to 354) Page 351 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. And you intend to plead the Fifth -strike that. Are you pleading the Fifth -strike that. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering that question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Just in case it wasn't clear on the record report. Do you intend to plead the Fifth with regard to any questions related to Plaintiff's Exhibit 1 and the supplementary report you wrote on September 16th, 1988? MS. EKL: I object to the form of the question. If you -- you can answer the question whether or not you intend to plead the Fifth regarding any questions regarding Exhibit No. 1. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Do you intend to plead the Fifth with regard to any of the information contained in Page 353 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 352 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 your supplementary report on September 16th, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form. You can answer the question as to whether or not again -- no, never mind. Don't answer -THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. MS. EKL: Unless you want to rephrase it. MR. SWAMINATHAN: I think we can handle this. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. So to be clear, you intend to plead the Fifth with regard to -- strike that. Are you -- strike that. Do you intend to plead the Fifth with regard to any questions about Plaintiff's Exhibit 1? MS. EKL: You can answer that. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you do so because answering those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you wrote -- strike that. Isn't it true on September 16th, 1988 you wrote a supplementary report? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. And you wrote it in collaboration with your partner, Steve Gawrys, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you gave the report to Mingey, the supervisor that was present that day, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And Mingey approved this false report, false report, Plaintiff's Exhibit 1, knowing that it was false, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, Page 354 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 assumes facts not in evidence, argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And the September 16th supplementary report was written the day after Jacques was arrested, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And the report, Exhibit 1, was written the day after you concluded the second line-up in the case, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And the report, Exhibit 1, is a fabrication, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 91 (Pages 355 to 358) Page 355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And isn't it true you deposited the report, Plaintiff's Exhibit 1, in the investigative file? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true your report of September 16th, Exhibit 1, is not listed on the investigative file inventory? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you deposited the false report that is Exhibit 1 in the investigative file in order to shore up your false story about Jacques Rivera's involvement in the shooting of Felix Valentin? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, Page 357 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 356 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 assumes facts not in evidence, argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you made this report on September 16th to make the frame up that you had constructed make sense? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that while your report states that Orlando Lopez picked Jacques Rivera from a photo book, that is false? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that while your report states that you made numerous attempts to interview Valentin at Cook County Hospital, that is false? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And isn't it true that while your report states that you showed Felix Valentin a gang book at Cook County Hospital September 10th, 1988, that is false? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that the Exhibit -Exhibit 1 falsely states that Valentin picked out a photo of Jacques Rivera? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you never visited Valentin in Cook County Hospital? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert Page 358 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true Valentin never made any identification of Jacques Rivera? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true your report includes a false story about the second line-up that took place on September 15th, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true your report falsely states that you informed Jacques Rivera that he was going to stand in a line-up for murder? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true your report admits the fact that Lopez told you that Jacques Rivera was not the person who committed the crime? MS. EKL: Objection, form. 92 (Pages 359 to 362) Page 359 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true your report falsely states that you showed Orlando Lopez photographs of Jose Rodriguez? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you did not even have a photograph of Jose Rodriguez? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true your report falsely states that you showed Orlando Lopez photographs of Felipe Nieves? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Page 361 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 360 Q. Isn't it true you did not even have a 1 2 photograph of Felipe Nieves? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, 3 4 assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 5 6 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 7 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true your report falsely 8 9 states that Orlando Lopez told you that Jose 10 Rodriguez and Felipe Nieves were not involved 11 in the Valentin murder? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, 12 13 assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 14 15 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 16 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you knew that the 17 18 information contained in the report was false 19 when he signed it? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, 20 21 assumes facts not in evidence. MR. SWAMINATHAN: Strike that. Let me 22 23 -- 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you knew that the information contained in this report was false when you signed it? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that Gawrys knew that the information contained in this report was false when he signed it? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that despite knowing it was false, Gawrys joined in the lie? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that Mingey knew that Page 362 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 the information contained in this report was false when he signed it and approved it? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that despite knowing it was false, Mingey joined in the lie? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true the report of September 16th, 1988 marked as Exhibit 1 was important to bring charges against Jacques Rivera? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to these questions about Plaintiff's Exhibit 1 because answering those questions will 93 (Pages 363 to 366) Page 363 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you could have just taken Jacques Rivera to Cook County Hospital to be identified or not by Felix Valentin but you chose not to, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Why didn't you attempt to have Felix Valentin identify Jacques Rivera while he was still alive? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you did not do this because you knew that Valentin might tell you that Jacques Rivera was not the person who had Page 365 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 364 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 shot him? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you inserted this lie in your police report, that is Exhibit 1, about Valentin identifying Jacques Rivera knowing that the report would be the official record of the investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You knew that the report as Exhibit 1 would be provided to state prosecutors, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You knew that you were giving state prosecutors false information, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You knew that the report as Exhibit 1 would be given to Jacques Rivera? MS. EKL: Objection form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you knew that the report as Exhibit 1 would be given to Jacques Rivera's attorneys, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You knew that as a result of producing Plaintiff's Exhibit 1, that those individuals would be provided with false facts about the Page 366 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 case, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that everyone involved except for you and your fellow officers would have no idea that the story about an identification by Felix Valentin at the hospital on September 18, 1988 was a lie? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. In fact, no one would have known that you never visited the hospital on September 10th, 1988, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, argumentive. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 94 (Pages 367 to 370) Page 367 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Isn't it true you added this lie about Valentin's identification of Jacques at Cook County Hospital in order to help you -- help your -- strike that. Isn't it true you added this lie about Felix Valentin's identification of Jacques Rivera at Cook County Hospital in order to help your effort to frame him for a crime he did not commit? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true other CPD officials on the investigation knew that you had put this lie into your report and agreed with you that you should include it? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, argumentative, assumes facts not in evidence, and compound. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Page 369 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 368 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Isn't it true that Gawrys was present when you wrote this lie in your report of September 16th, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that Detective Gillian McLaughlin was present when you wrote this lie in your report on September 16th, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that Detective John Leonard was present when you wrote this lie in your report on September 16th, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that gang crime specialist, Daniel Noon, John Guzman, Joseph Fallon, Joseph Sparks and Paul Zacharias were present when you wrote this lie in your report of September 16th, 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is it true your supervisors, Edward Mingey, Russell Weingart and Rocco Rinaldi approved the lie that you wrote in your report of September 16th, 1988 marked as Exhibit 1? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, and argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. (WHEREUPON, Deposition Exhibit No. 11 was marked for identification.) BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard Page 370 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 to these questions about Plaintiff's Exhibit 1 because answering them would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. I'm handing you a document marked as Plaintiff's Exhibit No. 11. This is Bates stamped CPD80 and 81. Have you viewed this document before? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering this question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Do you intend to plead the Fifth with regard to any questions about Plaintiff's Exhibit 11? A. On the -- yes. Q. And you do so because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You have no reason to dispute any of the dates listed on the inventory sheet, 95 (Pages 371 to 374) Page 371 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You have no reason to dispute any of the items listed on the inventory sheet, correct? MS. EKL: Actually, I'll withdraw my objection to the last question. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. The inventory sheet does not list all of the police reports that you created in connection with this case, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. The inventory report does not list your report of September 16th, 1988, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, Page 373 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 372 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. The inventory sheet does not list all of the reports created by other detectives and police officers in this investigation, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. The inventory sheet does not list all the notes created by other detectives and police officers in this investigation, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. The inventory sheet does not list all the photographs taken by police officers in this investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You didn't record reports on the inventory sheet that you did not want Jacques Rivera and state prosecutors to find out about, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You did not record on the inventory sheet a number of reports and other evidence that was kept in your street file, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that evidence that would have shown that Jacques Rivera was innocent was included in the investigative file but excluded Page 374 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 from the inventory form? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true -- strike that. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to these questions about Plaintiff's Exhibit 11 because answering the questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Your report of September 16th, 1988 marked as Plaintiff's Exhibit 1 states that you showed pictures of Jose Rodriguez and Felipe Nieves to Orlando Lopez, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You did not put those photos in an array, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes 96 (Pages 375 to 378) Page 375 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You just showed them the photographs, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you did not show Lopez photos of Jose Rodriguez at any time? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you did not show Lopez photos of Felipe Nieves at that time? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true Orlando Lopez never told that you Jose Rodriguez was not involved in the Valentin murder? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my Page 377 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 376 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that Lopez never told that you Felipe Nieves was not involved in the Valentin murder? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to these questions about your interactions with Orlando Lopez because the questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. Q. Isn't it true that before Jacques Rivera's arrest, you were told the actual identity of the person who shot Felix Valentin? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you never pursued that individual? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you decided to pursue a case against Jacques Rivera instead of the real shooter? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights? BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you knew that Jose Rodriguez was an Imperial Gangster? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You knew that he had been identified by Felix Valentin, correct? BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Page 378 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You knew that he lived on Spaulding between Wabansia and Armitage, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You knew that the car in which Valentin's shooter had escaped drove to Spaulding and then south to Wabansia, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You knew that Imperial Gangsters had a motive to kill Campbell boys, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 97 (Pages 379 to 382) Page 379 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You knew that the Imperial Gangsters wanted the Campbell boys to join them and the Campbell boys had refused, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You knew that this was a motive for Jose Rodriguez to shoot Felix Valentin, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, argumentative, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Nevertheless you decided not to put Jose Rodriguez in the second line-up because you wanted Jacques Rivera to be picked, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. Page 381 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 380 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you testified at Jacques Rivera's criminal trial? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. And you gave that testimony on April 16th, 1990, correct? MS. EKL: Just to be clear, when you say that testimony, you're just saying testimony in general, you're not -MR. SWAMINATHAN: Let me ask it -strike that. I'll ask again. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You gave your testimony at Jacques's criminal trial on April 16th, 1990, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you were under oath when you gave that criminal testimony? MS. EKL: Objection, assumes facts not in evidence. Well, actually, I'll withdraw that objection. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you knew Jacques Rivera had been wrongfully arrested when you gave that testimony at his criminal trial? MS. EKL: Objection, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You knew that Jacques Rivera was being prosecuted for something that he did not do when you gave that trial at this -- when you gave that testimony at his criminal trial, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You testified falsely that Jacques had a pigtail dyed gold at the time of his arrest, even though you knew that Jacques Rivera did Page 382 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 not have gold hair at the time of his arrest, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You knew that he did not have any color in his hair at that time, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. In fact, you knew that his hair was brown, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form. Withdraw that. Sorry. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to these questions about your criminal trial testimony because answering the questions would incriminate you? THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 98 (Pages 383 to 386) Page 383 1 2 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you testified falsely that you saw Jacques Rivera in Humboldt Park on multiple occasions implicate him in the crime even though you knew that Jacques Rivera was in Humboldt Park because he worked there? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true the testimony you gave under oath at that trial was a lie? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it the case that everything in that -- isn't it true that your testimony -strike that. You lied intentionally in order to make sure that Jacques Rivera was convicted of a murder he did not commit; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence, argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my Page 385 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 384 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And today you're refusing to answer questions about whether you provided false testimony under oath in 1990 by asserting your right not to incriminate yourself here today? MS. EKL: Object to the form of the question and specifically to your use of the word saying that he refused -- that he's fusing here today. Aside from that -THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You understand that any statute of limitations on perjury that you might have committed in 1990 has run, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. And is it your position that you still cannot answer whether the testimony that you provided during Jacques Rivera's criminal trial is truthful? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that at the time of your testimony, you knew that Jacques had not committed this murder, yet you testified against him anyway? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to these questions about your criminal trial testimony because answering these questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that you knew that Jacques Rivera had an alibi for August 27th, 1988, the day of the murder? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You knew that Jacques Rivera was with his family on August 27th, 1988, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes Page 386 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you ignored Jacques Rivera's alibi when you framed him for shooting Felix Valentin? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence, argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to these questions about Jacques Rivera's alibi because answering the question would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Sir, isn't it true that you were questioned about this case by the Cook County State's Attorney office prior to Mr. Rivera's exoneration? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert 99 (Pages 387 to 390) Page 387 1 my Fifth Amendment rights. THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Off the record, 2 3 4:11. (WHEREUPON, a short break was 4 taken.) 5 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Back on the record, 6 7 4:22. 8 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 9 Q. Sir, isn't it true that you were 10 questioned about this case by the Cook County 11 State's Attorney office after his conviction -- 12 after Mr. Rivera's conviction but prior to his 13 exoneration? 14 15 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 16 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 17 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 18 Q. Isn't it true that you helped to move 19 Mr. Lopez out of state so that he would not be 20 able to assist in Mr. Rivera's exoneration? 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Page 389 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 388 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you helped move Mr. Lopez to Pennsylvania in the late 1990s? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you moved Orlando Lopez to Pennsylvania to hide him so he would not expose your misconduct in this case? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, argumentative. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to these questions about your actions after Mr. Rivera's conviction because answering them would incriminate you? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you've been questioned about this case by investigators since Mr. Rivera's exoneration? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you've been questioned about this case by investigators from the Cook County State's Attorney office? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you've been questioned about this case by investigators for the Cook County State's Attorney office since Mr. Rivera's exoneration? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you've been questioned about this case by investigators from the U.S. Attorney's office since Mr. Rivera's Page 390 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 exoneration? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you've been questioned about this case by IPRA since Mr. Rivera's exoneration? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that you've been questioned about this case by lawyers that were hired by the City of Chicago to investigate your wrongdoing since Mr. Rivera's exoneration? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, do you regret putting Jacques Rivera in jail for 24 years for a crime he did not commit? MS. EKL: Objection, form, argumentative, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 100 (Pages 391 to 394) Page 391 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to these questions about your actions after Mr. Rivera's exoneration because answering these questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Please tell us every witness you interviewed while investigating the Valentin shooting. A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Please tell us every discussion that you had with fellow Chicago police officers during the Valentin investigation. A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Please tell us every communication you had with Orlando Lopez and his family during the Valentin investigation. MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Page 393 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 392 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Please tell us every step that you took to ensure that the person who really killed Felix Valentin was brought to justice? MS. EKL: Objection, form, argumentative, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Please tell me every fact that supports your belief that Jacques Rivera shot Felix Valentin? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to these questions because answering them would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you put almost 40 people behind bars wrongfully? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that you have particular techniques that you use to put people behind bars wrongfully? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Page 394 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. One of those techniques that you use to put people behind bars, is that you coerce witnesses to falsely testify under oath; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that one of the techniques you use is to coerce suspects into confessing a crime you know they did not commit? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that one of the techniques you use to put people behind bars wrongfully is to fabricate evidence including falsifying police reports? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. 101 (Pages 395 to 398) Page 395 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that one of the ways -you strike that. Isn't it true that one of the techniques you use to put people behind bars wrongfully is to withhold exculpatory evidence from prosecutors and criminal defendants and their attorneys? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that one of the techniques you use to put people behind bars wrongfully is to manipulate witness identifications and live line-ups? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Page 397 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 396 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Isn't it true that one of the techniques that you use to put people behind bars wrongfully is to perform unduly suggestive photo identifications? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to these questions about techniques you use because answering those questions would incriminate you? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that your supervisors knew the next techniques that you use to put people behind bars wrongfully? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true your supervisors knew that you prosecuted people who were innocent? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you received a promotion to gang crime specialist despite your supervisors knowing that you prosecuted people who were innocent? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you received a merit promotion to detective despite your supervisors knowing that you prosecuted people who were innocent? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. Page 398 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to these questions about your supervisors' knowledge of your actions because answering the questions would incriminate you? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that the case Juan Johnson versus Reynaldo Guevara and the City of Chicago ended with a $21 million jury verdict against you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true the jury found that you violated Juan Johnson's constitutional rights in causing him to be convicted of a crime he did commit? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 102 (Pages 399 to 402) Page 399 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true Steve Gawrys was your partner at the time of the investigation that led to Juan Johnson's wrongful conviction? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you testified in that case that you and Gawrys participated in all aspects of that investigation together? MS. EKL: Just to be clear, you're talking about the civil case, Johnson versus Guevara? MR. ART: No. 5 C 1042. MS. EKL: Clarifying whether you're talking about the civil case or criminal case. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you testified twice under oath in the civil case, Johnson versus Guevara? Page 401 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 400 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true the first time you testified was in a deposition on March 9th, 2007? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you committed perjury when you testified on March 9th, 2007 in Johnson versus Guevara? MS. EKL: Objection, calls for a legal conclusion. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You testified a second time -- strike that. You testified a second time in Johnson versus Guevara at trial on June 8th, 2009, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. And that testimony was in open court in front of a jury, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. And you committed perjury the second time you testified as well, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, calls for a legal conclusion, and also assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You lied under oath when you testified that second time at trial on June 8th, 2009 in Johnson versus Guevara, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, vague, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You lied under oath when you testified in a deposition on March 9th, 2007 in Johnson versus Guevara, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, argumentative. Page 402 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you intentionally framed Juan Johnson for a crime he did not commit? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Sir, isn't it true a few months before you were promoted to detective, you located witnesses to a month-old homicide that had occurred? MS. EKL: I'm sorry. Can you repeat that. You faded off at the end. MR. SWAMINATHAN: Sure. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, a few months before you were promoted to detective, you located witnesses to a month-old homicide; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, vague, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Do you recall that the homicide in 103 (Pages 403 to 406) Page 403 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 question involved two cars, a man was driving his cousin and was shot by a passing car, and the man who was driving was killed, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you became a detective in August of 1990? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you brought two men in who purportedly had a license plate number? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, form, vague. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you found a photograph of the person matching the license plate number in your police file? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, form, vague, assumes facts not in evidence. Page 405 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 404 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you endorsed, put that photo with -- put that photo together with six to eight other photos? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, vague, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that in that case, Dorsch was in charge of the ID procedure but you were in the room? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, vague, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that both of the witnesses in that case were young boys? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, vague, assumes facts not in evidence. Counsel, could we at least get a date that you're referring to or a name of a person, some kind of point of reference? MR. ART: We're talking about an investigation of few months prior to August of 1990. MS. EKL: Right. Could we get a date or a name of these people, anything specific regarding -- you keep saying this investigation and there's been no -- no anything put into the record about what you're asking about. MR. ART: I mean, that's the investigation that the events we're talking about occurred a few months prior to August of 1990. It's the investigation Dorsch testified about at the Solache hearing, which I think you're familiar with; if not, your client is. MS. EKL: Well, Mr. Dorsch did not provide any details about any specifics either. So in order for my client to answer a question, whether he was answering as taking the Fifth or answering as -- you know, responding to the question with some other type of an answer, he would need to have specifics about what you're asking him. Page 406 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 And right now your question is, is there an investigation where he was the investigator that happened some time before he became a detective, and it's too vague. MR. SWAMINATHAN: I can ask him the question. If he believes the question is too vague, or he doesn't remember the answer to the question, he can tell me he doesn't remember that or -MS. EKL: So if you don't have any other details to provide, that's fine. But I'm just asking that you provide details so there's some kind of context so that we have -- we can all know what it is that you're talking about. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, when did you become a detective? MS. EKL: You've already asked that question; asked and answered. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. For purposes of these questions, I'm asking you -- I would like you to focus on the period in the months leading up to the time 104 (Pages 407 to 410) Page 407 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 that you became a detective. And we're talking specifically about an investigation involving Officer Dorsch. Now, with regard to the questions that I've asked you previously, to follow on those questions, isn't it true that you -- that there were two witnesses who participated in an identification procedure and those two witnesses were young boys? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, completely vague as to an investigation involving two witnesses and an identification, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that the first boy could not make an identification? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, vague, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Page 409 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 408 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Isn't it true you pointed to a photo and told him that that photo was the suspect? MS. EKL: Objection form, foundation, vague as to who you're referring to, and assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you said, quote, that's the guy, unquote, and the kid picked that photograph? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, vague as to who the kid is and what incident you're referring to, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that Officer Dorsch then ordered you to leave the room with the boy you had manipulated into picking the suspect photo? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, vague as to who the boy is. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that the second boy did not make any identification? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, vague as to who the second boy is. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you then performed a physical line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, vague as to date, as to what incident you're referring to. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true in the physical line-up, the first boy who you had coached picked the suspect? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, vague as to what boy, what line-up, what investigation. Page 410 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true in the end, Officer Dorsch got the charges dropped when he learned that the boys had been paid to identify wrong guy? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, vague as to the boy, the investigation, or any other details of what case you're referring to. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that in this case, you were responsible -- that you were nearly responsible for the wrongful conviction for murder based on a photo manipulation and live line-up manipulation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, compound, assumes facts not in evidence, vague as to what investigation, what murder -- almost murder conviction you're referring to. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 105 (Pages 411 to 414) Page 411 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you remember the events and the incident that I am talking about involving Officer Dorsch in the period shortly before you became detective? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, vague, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to these questions about events involving Officer Dorsch and an investigation that took place in the period before you became detective because answering these questions would incriminate you? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, vague. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, is it your intention to deprive plaintiff of discovery into this incident by Page 413 1 information when you're not providing enough 2 information for him to give an answer? 4 have a very strong objection to the form of 5 this question, and probably the foundation as 6 well. asserting your Fifth Amendment right? MS. EKL: Counsel, at this point I'm going to object to you asking these questions that are vague. You're asking him questions that no person can possibly answer -- provide answers to. There's -- you're providing no details of anything. It's, were you involved in some investigation at a point in time that spanned about two years or two months or whatever it was. It's an unfair question, it's harassing, and my client shouldn't have to answer questions about some vague, unknown investigation. And if the line of questioning is going to continue like that for the next several hours, then we're going to leave. MR. SWAMINATHAN: Well, certainly we're going to be moving on shortly but are you instructing him not to answer this particular question? MS. EKL: This question as to whether or not he's trying to obstruct your client, how can he be obstructing your client from gaining Are you going to have him -- let 7 8 him answer this question? And I can tell you 9 that this is my last question on this line and 10 I'm moving on to the next one. But you tell me 11 what you want to do. 12 MS. EKL: Ask your question again. 13 MR. SWAMINATHAN: Can you please read 14 it back. 15 (WHEREUPON, said Record was read 16 as requested.) MS. EKL: Object to the form of the 17 18 question. It's an impossible question to 19 answer, vague, but -- and he's entitled to 20 assert his Fifth Amendment rights. Go ahead 21 and -- 22 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 23 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Page 412 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MR. SWAMINATHAN: I appreciate you 3 Page 414 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Sir, do you know the former police officer Joe Miedzianowski? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering this question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Do you intend to plead the Fifth with regard to any questions about Joe Miedzianowski? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. MR. SWAMINATHAN: Let me -- I'll ask it again. MS. EKL: You can answer the question as to whether or not you assert your Fifth Amendment rights to any questions regarding Joe Miedzianowski? THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you do so because answering those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert 106 (Pages 415 to 418) Page 415 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 my Fifth Amendment rights. MS. EKL: Counsel, I just want to put on the record a standard objection to your question about whether or not he is answering -- whether or not he's asserting his Fifth Amendment right because certain questions would incriminate him, when answering that very question would implicate his Fifth Amendment rights, when you know full well that he has a right to assert the Fifth Amendment for reasons other than just that it would -- sorry -- for reasons other than it would -- strike that. It's the end of the day. I'll raise it again. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, you're aware that Joe Miedzianowski has been convicted as part of a drug conspiracy during which he abused his position as a Chicago police officer, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. (WHEREUPON, Deposition Exhibit No. 12 was marked for identification.) BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Page 417 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 416 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. You're aware that he was sentenced to life in prison, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You're aware that -- strike that. And you know that Miedzianowski's misconduct led to the break up of the Gang Crimes Unit of the Chicago Police Department, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. What I'm handing you is a document marked Plaintiff's Exhibit 12. It's Bates stamped Bluhm, B-l-u-h-m, 41072 through 41088 -- sorry, through 41086. Sir, are you familiar with this document? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Do you intend to plead the Fifth with regard to any questions I ask about Plaintiff's Exhibit 12? MS. EKL: You can answer that. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you do so because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. MS. EKL: And, Counsel, just following up on my objection before. What I intended to say was your question about whether or not he's doing so because these questions would tend to incriminate him is an unfair question because he's entitled to assert his Fifth Amendment rights, not only for questions that would tend to incriminate him, but also that would provide answers that could be used as a causal link to incriminating evidence or to be used against him in some kind of a criminal prosecution. And it's unfair question because in order to answer it, other than asserting his Fifth Amendment rights, he would be waiving those rights. So I just have a standing objection to those questions that have been Page 418 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 continuing throughout the deposition. MR. SWAMINATHAN: All right. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, Plaintiff's Exhibit 12 is FBI Form 302 report memorializing an interview with Mohamed Omar at the U.S. Attorney's office in Chicago on June 20th and June 21st, 2001. Sir, do you know Mohamed Omar? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. I'm going to ask you to turn your attention to Page 5 of the report. The first full paragraph of the report states, Omar paid Miedzianowski $10,000 in the basement of the police station located -MS. EKL: I'm sorry. Counsel, what's indicated at Page 5 at the top isn't what you're reading. MR. SWAMINATHAN: What did I say? It's the full paragraph, it's Bates stamped 41076, first full paragraph. The paragraph begins, Miedzianowski later lent Omar -MS. EKL: There's later met Omar. Is 107 (Pages 419 to 422) Page 419 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 that the paragraph? MR. SWAMINATHAN: Yep. Later met Omar. It's the second to the last sentence of that paragraph. MS. EKL: Okay. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. In the first full paragraph, second to the last sentence it reads, Omar paid Miedzianowski $10,000 in the basement of the police station located at Belmont and Western; do you see that, sir? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Sir, were you aware of this payment by a known drug dealer to a Chicago police officer? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, isn't it true you participated in drug shake-downs with Miedzianowski? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert Page 421 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 420 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that you paid drug dealers? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that you made sure that charges were dropped in exchange for payment? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 11 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 12 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 13 Q. Sir, were you paid to ensure that Jose 14 Rodriguez would not be charged in the Felix 15 Valentin investigation? 16 17 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 18 Q. I ask you to turn to Page 14 of the 19 report. The final paragraph on that page, 20 going onto the next page, it says, Omar knew 21 CPD PO Ray Guevara from the neighborhood where 22 Omar was raised. 23 24 Guevara had a reputation for, quote, unquote, messing with gang members. Guevara's, quote, policy, unquote, was to catch a person with drugs or guns, but let them buy their way out of trouble. Guevara allegedly took whatever money or guns he found or demanded payment if the individual had no cash on hand. Guevara was also said to have accepted bribes to change positive or negative identifications during line-ups for murder cases. Do you see that paragraph, sir? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that you had a reputation in Humboldt Park prior to 1988 of messing with gang members? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you continued to mess with gang members throughout your career with the Chicago Police Department? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Page 422 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you had a practice of catching, stopping or arresting individuals with guns or drugs and telling them they could buy their way out of trouble? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you accepted cash in exchange for dropping charges and investigations? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you accepted cash in exchange for releasing people from custody? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you accepted guns in exchange for dropping charges and releasing people from custody? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you had shaked down individuals for money and valuables? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert 108 (Pages 423 to 426) Page 423 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you accepted bribes in exchange for your agreement changing the results of live line-ups? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you accepted bribes in exchange for your agreement to change the results of live line-ups prior to 1988? MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you did the same thing in Jacques Rivera's case? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you accepted these Page 425 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you had a practice of accepting bribes in exchange for your agreement -- strike that. Isn't it true that you accepted bribes in exchange for an agreement to change the outcome of photo identification arrays? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you had a practice of accepting bribes in exchange for an agreement to change the outcome of photo identification arrays? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that just like it says in the FBI report, you accepted these payments and manipulated line-ups this way particularly in murder cases? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, Page 424 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 bribes from suspects? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you accepted these bribes from rival gang members who wished to implicate others for crimes that they had committed? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you accepted these bribes from criminal defense lawyers? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you accepted these bribes from other police officers? Page 426 1 assumes facts not in evidence, mischaracterizes 2 the FBI-402 report. 3 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 4 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 5 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 6 Q. I would like to turn your attention to 7 Page 15, Bates stamped 41085. Second sentence 8 of the first full paragraph begins, A. Omar was 9 represented by Boyke. Sorry. Strike that. 10 11 Let's start with that paragraph in its entirety, the first full paragraph. 12 Quote, Omar heard that Abraham 13 Omar was caught by Guevara for murder. A. Omar 14 was represented by Boyke who made a telephone 15 call to Guevara. A. Omar paid Boyke an 16 additional $20,000 and the case was 17 subsequently dropped. 18 Omar further described A. Omar as 19 a white male of Arabic descent, 5'10" tall and 20 230 pounds. Boyke and Guevara were known to be 21 close friends. 22 23 24 Is this a true story? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. I object to your reading a portion of this 109 (Pages 427 to 430) Page 427 1 report into the record. It mischaracterizes 2 the nature of the report, and it assumes facts 3 not in evidence. 4 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 5 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 6 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 7 8 9 10 11 Q. Isn't it true that you were good friends with the Attorney Boyke? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. MR. SWAMINATHAN: And for the record, 12 I'm probably pronouncing it wrong. The 13 attorney's name is spelled B-o-y-k-e. 14 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 15 Q. Isn't it true you agreed to release a 16 murder suspect in exchange for a $20,000 17 payment? 18 19 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 20 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 21 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 22 Q. Turning your attention to the next 23 paragraph which reads, quote, Guevara also 24 arrested Marcos D, true name unknown, in 1997 Page 429 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 428 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 or 1988, for murder. Marcos D paid Boyke $20,000 and beat the case. This story is true as well, isn't it? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, mischaracterizes the nature of the report. I object to you reading the report into the record and assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And this is an instance in which you were paid an additional $20,000 apart from the Abraham Omar case to get rid of the case against the second murder suspect; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, and mischaracterizes what the paragraph itself says. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that the actual perpetrator of the Valentin shooting paid you to let them go in that investigation as well? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. Has -- well, strike that. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you were paid to put the charges on Jacques Rivera? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. Counsel, I suspect, or I hope that you have a good faith basis for asking these questions and you're not just speculating because you do have -- you understand Mr. Guevara is here today, he's sitting and answering questions and asserting his Fifth Amendment rights, but you have a duty to ask questions in good faith to which you have some basis for believing that there might be some truth to them. But if you're just making things up so that he'll assert the Fifth so that you can later try to put that in a front of a jury Page 430 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 and get an adverse inference, I believe that that's goes beyond just an improper question and that that's unethical. So I'm just putting that out there now; that if we need to, we'll raise the appropriate objections in front of a court. But I'm just putting you on notice now that we intend to do so if there is absolutely -- if these questions have no basis. MR. SWAMINATHAN: Our questions are brought -- just for the record, I have no problem with you raising the objection that you're raising. You'll have whatever debate we have to have down the road. Our questions are being asked in good faith based on a very thorough review of a whole lot of records, all of which have been shared with defendants. And after a very thorough investigation and we have given months and months of time for all sides to spend time reviewing those records and those records form a good faith basis for the investigation that we're doing and the questions that we're asking. 110 (Pages 431 to 434) Page 431 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: Okay. Well, Counsel, I'm not aware of any documents in all of the documents that have been tendered in this case to indicate that Mr. Guevara was paid any money in relation to this case and in relation to anything that took place in the investigation. Not stating an opinion as to whether or not there's a truth to that or not, but just the mere fact there's not even an allegation that I'm aware of anywhere in the documents regarding the Valentin investigation and Mr. Guevara being paid. So if there are documents like that that have not been tendered, I ask that you tender those immediately because I know they would fall under one of our discovery requests. MR. SWAMINATHAN: I'll be very clear. We are asking these questions in good faith based on a very thorough investigation of past incidents and past events. All right. And whatever debate you want to have down the road about whether the questions we're asking were in good faith and appropriate Page 433 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 just go back for one moment. With regard to my prior sets of questions regarding Plaintiff's Exhibit 12, are you pleading the Fifth with regard to my questions about Plaintiff's Exhibit 12 because answering those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. All right. Sorry about that. Now returning back to my questions. I just asked you a question about the investigation of the shooting of Amy Merkes and Jorge Rodriguez in September 1994. Do you intend to plead the Fifth on any questions about this investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, vague. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering questions about this investigation would incriminate you? Page 432 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 to be used in any specific form and fashion in the context of evidence in this case, we will have that debate. MS. EKL: But, Counsel, my objection is to your asking questions about him being paid in this case, in the Valentin investigation, because there has been no evidence to date, that I'm aware of, of anyone making that reference or suggestion or inference or implications. So the mere fact that you have documents about other people making allegations in other cases I don't believe provides sufficient basis for you to ask those questions in this case. MR. SWAMINATHAN: I understand your objection. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, were you involved in investigating the shooting of Amy Merkes and Jorge Rodriguez in September of 1994? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Strike that. That's fine. But let me Page 434 1 2 3 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that you coerced 4 Kennelly Saez and Jackie Grand to falsely 5 testified under oath? 6 7 8 9 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that you framed Roberto Almodovar and William Negron in conspiracy with 10 Officers Halvorsen, Olszewski, Siwa, Lohman, 11 Rutherford, McDonald, Troken, and others? 12 13 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 14 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 15 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 16 Q. Isn't it true you fabricated evidence, 17 including falsifying police reports, in 18 connection with the investigation? 19 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. 20 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 21 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 22 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 23 Q. Isn't it true you withheld exculpatory 24 evidence from prosecutors, criminal defendants, 111 (Pages 435 to 438) Page 435 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 and their attorneys in this investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. Are you still referring to the to highlight how Almodovar Important case? MR. SWAMINATHAN: Yes. MS. EKL: Same objection. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you manipulated witness identifications and live line-ups during this investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you performed unduly suggestive photo identification during this Text investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true in September of 1994, Page 437 1 Grand not to mention that you showed him photos 3 before the line-up? 4 EKL: Objection, form, foundation. photos were MS. obtained 5 6 you showed Jackie Grand photos of Roberto Almodovar and William Negron and told her, quote, those were the guys who did it, unquote, or words to that effect? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you told Kennelly Saez not to mention that you showed him photos before the line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you showed Kennelly Saez photos of Roberto Almodovar and William Negron and told him those were the individuals responsible for death of Merkes and Rodriguez? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 7 8 9 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you obtained photos 10 of Almodovar and Negron before ever speaking 11 with Kennelly Saez or Jackie Grand? 12 MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. 13 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 14 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 15 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 16 Q. And isn't it true you did so because 17 you intended to frame Almodovar and Negron in a 18 shooting? 19 20 21 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 22 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 23 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 24 Page 436 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Isn't it true that you told Jackie 2 Q. Isn't it true that Jackie Grand and Page 438 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Kennelly Saez then selected Almodovar and Negron from a line-up after you told them to? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, didn't you testify in the trial of Robert Almodovar and William Negron in November of 1995? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. And did you give false testimony in that trial? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Sir, are you asserting your Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself regarding these questions I've asked you about this investigation, the investigation involving Robert Almodovar and William Negron because answering those questions would incriminate you? 112 (Pages 439 to 442) Page 439 1 2 3 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Sir, were you involved in 4 investigating a murder in which Charles Ellison 5 and Angel Gaya were suspects? 6 7 8 9 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. MR. SWAMINATHAN: When I refer to this investigation, I'll be referring to the Charles 10 Ellison and Angel Guya investigation for the 11 next set of questions. 12 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 13 Q. Do you intend to plead the Fifth with 14 regard to any questions about this 15 investigation? 16 MS. EKL: You can answer that. 17 THE WITNESS: Yes. 18 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 19 20 21 22 Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 23 Q. Sir, isn't it true you coerced Maria 24 Rivera to falsely testify under oath in this Page 441 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 440 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 investigation? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true -- strike that. Isn't it true that you attempted to frame Charles Ellison and Angel Gaya in conspiracy with Officers Halvorsen, Brendan and Mason? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that you coerced Maria Rivera into making a false identification of Charles Ellison and Angel Gaya in two separate line-ups? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you coerced Maria Rivera in two separate line-ups but unzipping your pants and propositioning her? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you knew Maria Rivera had not seen anyone's face and yet you had her make false identifications? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true the prosecution later abandoned murder charges against Ellison? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you coerced Maria Rivera into making false identifications? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you fabricated evidence, including falsifying police reports, in connection with this investigation? Page 442 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Did you withhold exculpatory evidence from prosecutors, criminal defendants and their attorneys? MS. EKL: In relation to this investigation? MR. SWAMINATHAN: In relation to this investigation. Thank you. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Did you perform unduly suggestive photo identifications during the investigation -- during this investigation? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Sir, are you asserting your Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself for these questions regarding the Charles Ellison and Angel Gaya investigation because doing so would incriminate yourself? 113 (Pages 443 to 446) Page 443 1 2 3 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Sir, were you involved in 4 investigating the murder of Jeffrey Rhodes in 5 November of 1989? 6 7 8 9 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. MR. SWAMINATHAN: And for purposes of my following questions, this investigation is 10 going to refer to the investigation of this 11 murder. 12 MS. EKL: I understand you're trying 13 to speed it up, but I think maybe you should 14 say the Rhodes investigation just so that the 15 record is clear, because if we keep saying this 16 investigation, it may cause issues. So it will 17 be better just to refer to the victim's name. 18 MR. SWAMINATHAN: I appreciate that 19 clarification. So we'll call this the Rhodes 20 investigation. I guess that sometimes we may 21 refer to it as the Rhodes -- the investigation 22 of the victim, and in some instances, we may be 23 referring to it as the investigation of the 24 suspect, but we'll make that clear. Page 445 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Isn't it true that you coerced Scott Thurmond to falsely testify under oath in the Rhodes investigation? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that you framed Johnny Flores in conspiracy with Officers Paulnitsky and Villareal? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you fabricated evidence, including falsifying police reports in connection with the Rhodes investigation? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you withheld exculpatory evidence from prosecutors and their attorneys in the Rhodes investigation? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you manipulated witness identification and live line-ups during the Rhodes investigation? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert Page 444 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. For purposes of the following questions, I'm going to be referring to the Rhodes investigation. And let me just ask the question one more. Were you -- weren't you involved in investigating the murder of Jeffrey Rhodes in November of 1989? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Do you intend to plead the Fifth on any questions regarding the Rhodes investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, vague. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering questions about the Rhodes investigation would incriminate you? MS. EKL: Objection, form, vague. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Page 446 1 my Fifth Amendment rights. 2 Q. Isn't it true you performed unduly 3 suggestive photo identification during the 4 Rhodes investigation? 5 6 7 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you conducted a line-up 8 with Scott Thurmond on March 31st, 1990 at Area 9 Five? 10 11 12 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that Scott Thurmond 13 didn't even have a chance to view the 14 participants in the line-up? 15 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. 16 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 17 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 18 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 19 Q. Isn't it true that Mr. Thurmond became 20 distraught and may have even lost consciousness 21 during the line-up on March 31st, 1990. 22 23 24 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 114 (Pages 447 to 450) Page 447 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true there were multiple line-ups in that case? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that there were no photographs taken at the first line-up on March 31st, 1990? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that on April 30th, 1990 Officer Paulnitsky claimed that he spoke with Thurmond by phone, and Thurmond allegedly said that he had seen the assailant and it was the person in the No. 4 spot in the line-up, Johnny Flores, but that wasn't true; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Page 449 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you told Thurmond who to choose from the line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true on April 4th, 1990, you showed Thurmond another line-up and you told him who to choose? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, are you asserting your Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself in response to any questions regarding the Johnny Flores investigation -- the Rhodes investigation? MS. EKL: You can answer that. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Page 448 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MR. SWAMINATHAN: Strike that. And I asked the question incorrectly, so I'll re-ask it. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. On April 3rd, 1990, isn't it true that Officer Paulnitsky claims that Thurmond spoke with him by phone and Thurmond allegedly said that he had seen the assailant and it was the person in the No. 4 spot in the line-up, Johnny Flores, but that wasn't true, is it? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that a second line-up was conducted on April 4th, 1990 at Area Five and Flores was the only person who had been in the previous line-up that was in the second line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Page 450 1 Q. Sir, were you involved in 2 investigating the killing of Conception Diaz in 3 and around June of 1997? 4 5 6 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. MR. SWAMINATHAN: For the purposes of 7 my next set of questions, I'm going to refer to 8 it as the Diaz investigation. 9 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 10 Q. Do you intend to plead the Fifth with 11 regard to any questions about the Diaz 12 investigation? 13 A. Yes. 14 Q. And you do so -- are you pleading the 15 Fifth because answering questions about this 16 investigation will incriminate you? 17 18 19 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that you coerced Ruth 20 Antonetti to falsely testify under oath -- 21 strike that. 22 Isn't it true you that you 23 fabricated evidence, including falsifying 24 police reports in connection with the Diaz 115 (Pages 451 to 454) Page 451 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you withheld exculpatory evidence from prosecutors and criminal defendants and their attorneys? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you attempted to manipulate witness identifications and live line-ups during the investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you tried to coerce Page 453 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 452 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Ariel Gomez into confessing to the crime? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that on June 13th, 1997, you hit Ariel Gomez in the face during the Diaz investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, objection, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you conspired with other Chicago police officers during the Diaz investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you interviewed Ruth Antonetti during the Diaz investigation and she told you that she only witnessed one shot from the vehicle Ariel Gomez was in, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you took Ruth Antonetti to the window of a room where Ms. Gomez (sic) was sitting and told her, quote, this was the guy who shot at her, or something like that to that effect? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that Ruth Antonetti refused to tell you that Ariel Gomez was Mr. Diaz's shooter? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. Page 454 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you told her that you were sure this was the guy who shot at her and committed the murder of Mr. Diaz? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that Ruth Antonetti told you that she had heard two or three gunshots that did not come from Ariel Gomez's vehicle, or something it that effect? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you told her that that was bullshit and that you knew the shots came from Gomez's vehicle? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, 116 (Pages 455 to 458) Page 455 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that when Ruth Antonetti said she would not identify anyone she was not sure of, you told her you, quote, did not need her because you had enough witnesses? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you never reported the substance of that conversation with Ruth Antonetti in any police report? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that on June 13th, 1997, you also spoke with Maria Castro about the killing of Conception Diaz? Page 457 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 456 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you told Maria Castro this Ariel Gomez was the shooter? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you didn't record what Maria Castro told you about the number of shots fired? MS. EKL: Are you saying Maria or Marian? MR. SWAMINATHAN: Maria. MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You also didn't record what Maria Castro told you about the direction of the shots fired, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that on June 13th, 1997, you also spoke with Debbie Daniels about the killing of Conception Diaz? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you didn't record what Debbie Daniels told you about the number of shots fired? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you didn't record what Page 458 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Debbie Daniels told you about the direction of the shots fired? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't is it true that you destroyed an ammunition clip found at the crime scene where Conception Diaz was shot? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you destroyed this gun clip because it would provide exculpatory evidence for Mr. Gomez whom you decided to frame for killing Mr. Diaz? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 117 (Pages 459 to 462) Page 459 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Q. Isn't it true that you reported that the ammunition clip was, quote, unquote, lost, in police reports? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you called Ariel Gomez's mother on the phone and told her that her son was going to prison forever? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 Page 461 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you threatened Mr. Gomez's mother on the phone because you did not want her to report seeing Mr. Gomez pleading into the police station? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 460 1 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 2 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 3 Q. Isn't it true that you never went to 4 Ariel Gomez's mother's house but only called 5 there instead? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, 6 7 assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 8 9 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. MS. EKL: Can you hold on one second. 10 Are you okay? 11 THE COURT REPORTER: Uh-huh. 12 MS. EKL: Okay. I just saw you search 13 14 -MR. SWAMINATHAN: We can take a break 15 16 shortly. 17 18 19 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. It's correct that you prepared a 20 police report stating that you went to 21 Mr. Gomez's residence the night Mr. Diaz was 22 shot? 23 24 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that on July 28th, 1988 -- strike that. Isn't it true that on July 28th, 1998 you testified at the trial of Ariel Gomez? MS. EKL: Objection, form -- strike that. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. During that trial you provided false testimony regarding your investigation of Conception Diaz's murder, your investigation of the crime, your intimidation of witnesses and other facts related to Mr. Gomez being a suspect for the shooting, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, are you asserting the Fifth Page 462 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Amendment with regard to all questions involving the Diaz investigation because answering those questions would incriminate yourself? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Sir, were you involved in investigating the murder of Rosendo and Juan Hernandez in and around -- sorry. Strike that. Were you involved in investigating the murder of Jorge Gonzalez in and around June of 1997? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Do you intend to plead the Fifth with regard to any questions about the Jorge Gonzalez investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, vague. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. MS. EKL: Actually, you can answer that question to the extent you can with it being vague, you can still answer it. THE WITNESS: Yes, I can. 118 (Pages 463 to 466) Page 463 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is that because -- strike that. Do you intend to plead the Fifth -- let me ask it again. Do you intend to plead the Fifth with regard to any questions about the Jorge Gonzalez investigation in and around June of 1997? MS. EKL: Same objection, vague, form. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Rosendo and Juan Q. Is that because answering the question would incriminate yourself? Text A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you fabricated evidence, including falsifying police reports in connection with the Jorge Gonzalez investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you withheld exculpatory Page 465 1 2 3 and Juan Hernandez? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 4 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 5 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 6 Q. Isn't it true you would not let the 7 attorneys of Rosendo and Juan Hernandez observe 8 their line-ups? 9 10 11 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my Hernandez 12 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 13 14 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't that true that you conducted a 15 line-up as part of the Jorge Gonzalez 16 investigation in which Rosendo and Juan 17 Hernandez were the only people in the line-up 18 with booking numbers on their hands? 19 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. 20 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 21 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 22 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 23 24 Q. Isn't it true that you framed Rosendo and Juan Hernandez in conspiracy with Page 464 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 evidence from prosecutors, criminal defendants and their attorneys in the Jorge Gonzalez investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you manipulated witness identifications and live line-ups during the Jorge Gonzalez investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't is it true you performed unduly suggestive photo identifications during the Jorge Gonzalez investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you deliberately created a suggestive line-up in order to frame Rosendo Page 466 1 2 3 4 Halvorsen, Wojcik, Bemis and De Graff? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 5 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 6 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 7 Q. Are you asserting your Fifth Amendment 8 right not to incriminate yourself with regard 9 to any questions about the Jorge Gonzalez 10 investigation because doing so would 11 incriminate yourself? 12 13 14 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 15 MS. EKL: How we doing on time? 16 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: 5:33. 17 18 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, isn't it true that you were 19 involved in investigating a crime in which 20 Jacqueline Montanez was a suspect in around May 21 of 1992? 22 23 24 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 119 (Pages 467 to 470) Page 467 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Do you intend to plead the Fifth on any questions about the investigation of Jacqueline Montanez? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, but you can answer. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you do so because answering the question would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you fabricated evidence including falsifying police reports in connection with the investigation of Montanez? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you manipulated witness investigations and live line-ups during the investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my Page 469 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 468 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you performed an unduly suggestive photo identification during your investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you withheld exculpatory evidence from prosecutors, criminal defendants and their attorneys as part of the Montanez investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you framed Jacqueline Montanez in conspiracy with Officer Halvorsen? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you coerced one or more witnesses to falsely testify under oath in the Montanez investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you interrogated juvenile Jacqueline Montanez without a youth officer present? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that it was your standard practice to interrogate juveniles without a youth officer present? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Page 470 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to these questions about the Montanez investigation because answering the questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Sir, were you involved in investigating the murder of Marlon Wade in and around October of 1989? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Do you intend to plead the Fifth on any questions about the investigation of the murder of Marlon Wade? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, form, vague; you can answer. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You do so because answering these questions could incriminate you? 120 (Pages 471 to 474) Page 471 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that you coerced one or more witnesses to falsely testify under oath in the Wade investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you coerced Virgilio Muniz into making a false identification? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you fabricated evidence, including falsifying police reports in connection with the Wade investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you withheld exculpatory Page 473 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 472 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 evidence from prosecutors, criminal defendants, and their attorneys in the Wade investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you manipulated witness identifications and live line-ups during the investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you performed unduly suggestive photo identification during the Wade investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you told Mr. Muniz to pick out Manuel Rivera by showing Mr. Muniz a photograph of Mr. Rivera and saying this is the person who killed Marlon Wade? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you framed Manuel Rivera in conspiracy with Officer Gawrys and Officer Zacharias? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you also framed Manuel Rivera in conspiracy with Officers Guerrero, Villardita and Vukonich and Halvorsen? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Page 474 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Isn't it true that you told Virgilio Muniz that if he did not identify Manuel Rivera as the murder of Marlon Wade, Muniz himself would be charged with the murder? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you showed Muniz photos, pointed at Manuel Rivera and told Muniz to select Rivera as the shooter? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you exerted extreme pressure on Muniz until he identified Rivera? MS. EKL: Objection form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 121 (Pages 475 to 478) Page 475 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Isn't it true you were present when Officer Villardita showed Muniz photos, pointed at Manuel Rivera and told Muniz that he should select Rivera as the shooter? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you asserting your Fifth Amendment rights with regard to all the questions about the Wade investigation because answering those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, were you involved in investigating the murder of Anthony Hawkins in or around July of 1988? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Do you intend to plead the Fifth on any questions about the Anthony Hawkins murder Page 477 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 476 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 -- strike that. Do you intend to plead the Fifth on any questions regarding the Anthony Hawkins murder? MS. EKL: Objection, form, vague; you can answer that question. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you do so because answering those questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you fabricated evidence, including falsifying police reports in connection with the investigation of the Hawkins murder? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you withheld exculpatory evidence from prosecutors, criminal defendants and their attorneys during the Hawkins investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you manipulated witness identifications and live line-ups during the Hawkins investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you performed unduly suggestive photo identifications during the Hawkins investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you framed Adolfo Rosario for the Hawkins murder in connection with other Chicago police officers? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. Page 478 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. MS. EKL: Counsel, how do spell the last name on that one? MR. SWAMINATHAN: Rosario? MS. EKL: Adolfo? MR. SWAMINATHAN: Adolfo Rosario, R-o-s-a-r-i-o. MS. EKL: Thank you. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you conducted at least one line-up in that case on July 15th, 1988? MS. EKL: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that Adolfo Rosario was part of that line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you put Adolfo Rosario in that line-up without any probable cause? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, 122 (Pages 479 to 482) Page 479 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you arrested Adolfo Rosario about a month before you took steps to implicate him in the Hawkins murder? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that when you arrested Mr. Rosario, you placed a red X on his hand? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that when you placed Mr. Rosario in the line-up, you took steps to make the line-up unduly suggestive in order to ensure that Adolfo Rosario would stand out and be selected? Page 481 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you placed a red X on Mr. Rosario's hand to signify to witnesses that they should select him from the line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that Mr. Rosario was the only person in the line-up with a red X on his hand? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that Mr. Rosario was the only person in the line-up with short -- that all the people in the line-up had short hair while Mr. Rosario had long hair? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my Page 480 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that the line-up that you had Adolfo Rosario participate in was unduly suggestive because Mr. Rosario's attire was very different from the attire of the other individuals in the line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that before Mr. Rosario was in the line-up regarding the Hawkins murder, you rewrote the red X that you had previously placed on his hand? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Page 482 1 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 2 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 3 Q. Sir, are you asserting the Fifth 4 Amendment with regard to my questions about the 5 Hawkins murder because answering my questions 6 would incriminate yourself? 7 8 9 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Sir, were you involved in 10 investigating the killing of Jose Garcia in 11 March of 1999? 12 13 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 14 Q. Do you intend to plead the Fifth on 15 any questions about the Jose Garcia killing in 16 March of 1999? 17 18 MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, form, vague; you can answer. 19 THE WITNESS: Yes. 20 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 21 22 23 24 Q. And you do so because answering my questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 123 (Pages 483 to 486) Page 483 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Isn't it true you fabricated evidence, including falsifying police reports in connection with the investigation of the Jose Garcia murder? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you withheld exculpatory evidence from prosecutors, criminal defendants, and their attorneys during the Jose Garcia investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you manipulated witness identifications and live line-ups during the Jose Garcia investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you performed unduly Page 485 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 484 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 suggestive photo identification during the Jose Garcia investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you coerced Isidro Quinones to falsely identify Eruby Abrego? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you coerced Fred Marrero to falsely identify Eruby Abrego? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you coerced Ramon Torres to falsely ID Eruby Abrego? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you coerced Lugo, an individual named Lugo, to falsely ID Eruby Abrego? MS. EKL: What was the name on that? MR. SWAMINATHAN: Lugo, L-u-g-o. MS. EKL: That's the whole name? MR. SWAMINATHAN: Yeah. MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't is it true you tried to coerce Eruby Abrego into giving a false confession? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you attempted to frame Eruby Abrego in conspiracy with other Chicago Page 486 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 police officers? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that Detective Wojcik beat up Eruby Abrego very badly? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you were present when Detective Wojcik beat up Abrego? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that Abrego was spitting up blood after his beating? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. 124 (Pages 487 to 490) Page 487 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that in that case, you interviewed Isidro Quinones, Fred Marrero, Ramon Torres and Lugo? Strike that. Isn't it true in that case that you interviewed a number of witnesses, but signed Detective Ernest Halvorsen's name on Eruby Abrego your police report? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you knew that Jason Rodriguez was the shooter, not Eruby Abrego? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you took steps to implicate and secure the conviction of Eruby Page 489 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 details 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 488 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Abrego for the Jose Garcia homicide? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that Nicasio Santiago told that you Rodriguez was the shooter and not Eruby Abrego? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you created police reports containing false information in the case? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you knew that Eruby Abrego didn't match the description of the perpetrator of the Garcia homicide, but nonetheless took steps to implicate and ensure the conviction of Mr. Abrego? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you knew that eyewitnesses described the shooter as being 5'10" tall with dark complexion? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you knew Eruby Abrego was 5'4" inches with light complexion, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Page 490 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Isn't it true that you manipulated witnesses to get them to select Eruby Abrego from the line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You told Isidro Quinones, Ramon Torres and Fred Marrero to choose Eruby Abrego in the line-up, didn't you? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You knew that Eruby Abrego's will was eventually overcome by being beaten and that he gave a false confession, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 125 (Pages 491 to 494) Page 491 Page 493 1 Q. Isn't it true that you knew Detective 1 2 Wojcik was going to coerce Eruby Abrego but 2 3 failed to intervene? 3 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, 4 5 assumes facts not in evidence. 5 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 6 4 6 7 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 7 8 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 8 9 Q. Are you asserting the Fifth Amendment 9 10 with regard to my questions about the Jose 10 11 Rodriguez -- Jose Garcia murder because 11 12 answering the questions would incriminate you? 12 13 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert 13 14 my Fifth Amendment rights. 16 three-minute break. 15 16 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Off the record, 17 18 14 MS. EKL: Let me just take a quick 15 5:44. 17 18 19 (WHEREUPON, a short break was 19 20 taken.) 20 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Back on the record, 21 22 23 24 5:50. 21 22 MS. EKL: Before you move on, have you provided the records in relation to this line 23 24 Page 492 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 of questioning regarding a victim by the name of Jose Garcia and a suspect by the name of Abrego? Have you provided documents regarding this investigation? MR. ART: I believe so. We have definitely brought in every document that we have regarding this investigation. MS. EKL: Okay. It's very possible that I'm just not familiar with this particular one. I know that we've received evidence regarding other people, or at least the names listed, but these names have not even appeared on any disclosures to us. MR. ART: I believe we provided the documents. I'm not positive as I sit here. We provided all the documents that we do have in our possession. MS. EKL: Okay. MR. ART: I guess that's all I can say at this point. MS. EKL: Okay. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, were you involved in the investigation of a crime in which Jose Cruz was a suspect? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you conducted a suggestive line-up to implicate Jose Cruz? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you put Jose Cruz on a phonebook to make him look taller during a line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you attempted to frame Jose Cruz in conspiracy with Officers Ferrari, Mingey, Wojcik, Riccio, McDonald and Gawrys? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. Page 494 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you fabricated evidence, including falsifying police reports in connection with the investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you withheld exculpatory evidence from prosecutors, criminal defendants and their attorneys during the Cruz investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you manipulated witness identifications and live line-ups during the Cruz investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, 126 (Pages 495 to 498) Page 495 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Page 497 1 2 3 4 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you performed unduly photo identifications during the Cruz investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you asserting the Fifth Amendment with regard to my questions about the Cruz investigation because answering the questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Sir, were you involved in investigating -- strike that. Sir, were you involved investigating the killing of Francisco Delgado in or around December of 1994? 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 496 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert 2 my Fifth Amendment rights. Tony Q. Do you intend to plead the Fifth on Rosario3 4 any questions about the investigation of the 5 killing of Francisco Delgado? 6 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, 7 vague, but you can answer. 8 THE WITNESS: Yes. 9 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 10 Q. And are you pleading the Fifth because 11 answering questions about this investigation 12 would incriminate you? 13 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, 14 vague. 15 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 16 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 17 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 18 Q. Isn't it true you fabricated evidence, 19 including falsifying police reports in 20 connection with the investigation of the 21 Delgado murder? 22 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, 23 assumes facts not in evidence. 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you withheld exculpatory evidence from prosecutors criminal defendants and their attorneys during the investigation of the Delgado murder? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't is it true you manipulated witness identifications and live line-ups during the investigation of the Delgado murder? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you performed unduly suggestive photo identifications during the investigation of the Delgado murder? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. Page 498 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you conspired -- isn't it true you conspired with other Chicago police officers to frame Anthony Rosario? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you -- strike that. Isn't it true that you showed photos of Gonzalo Delgado to others in that case? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that Anthony Rosario's name was written on the back of the photo that you showed Gonzalo Delgado. MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, 127 (Pages 499 to 502) Page 499 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you conducted line-ups in that case? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you interviewed witnesses in relation to the Francisco Delgado homicide case? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You disregarded and failed to report information demonstrating that Anthony Rosario was not the one who committed the crime based on those interviews with witnesses? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. Page 501 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 500 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you singled out and targeted Anthony Rosario for the Delgado homicide even though you had no evidence or other facts to support probable cause identifying Anthony Rosario as a suspect? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that this was not the first time you that maliciously prosecuted Anthony Rosario? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you knew Anthony Rosario for many years in part because you knew his stepfather who was a Chicago police officer? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you had arrested Anthony Rosario when he was a minor? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that your first attempt to falsely implicate Anthony Rosario for a crime failed when the State -- when the State dismissed the charges against him because an adult, not a young minor, had undisputedly committed the crime? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You testified for the State, People Page 502 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 versus Rosario, on behalf of the State, correct? MS. EKL: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. In that proceeding, you provided false testimony in order to secure the conviction of Anthony Rosario, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you asserting the Fifth with regard to any questions about the Francisco Delgado killing because answering those questions would incriminate you? THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, were you involved in investigating a crime -- strike that. Were you involved in investigating the death of Daniel Garcia in or 128 (Pages 503 to 506) Page 503 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 around February of 1999? THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Do you intend to plead the Fifth on any questions about the investigation of the Danny Garcia killing? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, vague; you can answer. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the questions about this investigation would incriminate you? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, vague. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you fabricated evidence, including falsifying police reports in connection with the investigation of the Danny Garcia killing? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. Page 505 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you coerced Esteban Rodriguez, Jesus Fuentes, Margarita Casiana and Melanie Parker to falsely testify under oath? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you told Esteban Rodriguez to identify Johnny Martinez in a line-up as one of the men responsible for the death of Daniel Garcia? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you -- that on February 8th, 1999, you gave Esteban Rodriguez Page 504 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you withheld exculpatory evidence for prosecutors, criminal defendants and their attorneys during the Daniel Garcia investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you manipulated witness identifications and live line-ups during the investigation, the Danny Garcia investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you performed unduly suggestive photo identifications during the Daniel Garcia investigation? Page 506 1 2 3 4 details about the killing of Daniel Garcia? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 5 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 6 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 7 Q. Isn't it true that you gave Esteban 8 Garcia details about the killing of Danny 9 Garcia that he did not previously know in order 10 to persuade him to identify Johnny Martinez as 11 one of the men responsible for the death of 12 Mr. Garcia? 13 MS. EKL: I'm sorry, Counsel. Did you 14 mean Esteban Rodriguez? You said Esteban 15 Rodriguez before that and then this time you 16 said Esteban Garcia. 17 MR. SWAMINATHAN: I apologize. Let me 18 ask it again. 19 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 20 Q. Sir, isn't it true that on 21 February 8th, 1999 you gave Esteban Rodriguez 22 details about the killing of Daniel Garcia that 23 he did not previously know in order to persuade 24 him to identify Johnny Martinez as one of the 129 (Pages 507 to 510) Page 507 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 men responsible for the death of Mr. Garcia? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you included the additional details that you fed to Esteban Rodriguez in a police report to make it seem as if Mr. Rodriguez had given you those details when, in fact, you provided them to him? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you coerced Melanie Parker to identify Johnny Martinez? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that when Melanie Parker Page 509 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 508 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 initially viewed photos as part of the investigation of the murder of Daniel Garcia, she made no identification? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you intentionally refused to document that fact? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that your standard operating procedure is never recording an instance where a suspect is not identified in a line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, also asked and answered. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that after she failed to identify Johnny Martinez, Melanie Parker expressed an intention to not speak with you? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you were determined to get Melanie Parker to provide an incriminating identification of Johnny Martinez? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you offered Melanie Parker a deal to get her to falsely implicate Johnny Martinez? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Page 510 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you told Melanie Parker that you knew of her outstanding warrant and that this warrant would be quashed if she identified the people involved in the killing of Danny Garcia? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that Melanie Parker then identified Johnny Martinez as one of the men responsible for the death of Daniel Garcia? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that on February 7th, 8th and 9th, 1999, you denied Johnny Martinez food and drink while he was detained at the police station? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, 130 (Pages 511 to 514) Page 511 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true on February 7th, 8th and 9th, you coerced Johnny Martinez into signing a false statement by promising him that he would not be charged with the murder of Danny Garcia? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you asserting your Fifth Amendment rights not to incriminate yourself -- strike that. Are you asserting your Fifth Amendment rights with regard to all questions about the Danny Garcia investigation because answering the questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Sir, were you involved in investigating the murder of Jamie Alvarez Page 513 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 512 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 around July of 1995? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Do you intend to plead the Fifth on any investigation about the murder of Jamie Alvarez? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, vague; you can answer. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering questions about the Jamie Alvarez murder will incriminate you? MS. EKL: Objection, form, vague, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you fabricated evidence, including falsifying police reports in connection with the investigation of Jamie -in connection with the Jamie Alvarez investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you withheld exculpatory evidence from prosecutors, criminal defendants and their attorneys during the Jamie Alvarez investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you manipulated witness identifications and live line-ups during the Jamie Alvarez investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you performed unduly suggestive photo identifications during the Jamie Alvarez investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, Page 514 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you framed Edwin Davila for the murder of Jamie Alvarez? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you interrogated Edwin Davila on July 2nd, 1995 and handcuffed him to a wall? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. Did you say Edwin or Edgar? MR. SWAMINATHAN: Edwin. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you told him, quote, you may have beat your last murder, but you're not going to get out of this one? 131 (Pages 515 to 518) Page 515 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you conducted an unduly suggestive line-up by having only Davila turn all the way around during the line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment right. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you tried to coerce Edwin Davila into confessing to the crime? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you asserting the Fifth with regard to my questions regarding Edwin Davila because answering those questions would incriminate you? Page 517 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 516 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Sir, did you receive any training when you joined the Chicago Police Department in 1973? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Were you in a 10-week training course? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Was it a basic training course? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Sir, did you have training in detective school when you became a detective in 1990? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did you have training on conducting line-ups? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did you have training on interrogations? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Apart from basic training in 1973, what training had you had from the Chicago Police Department prior to August of 1988? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that basic training is the only training that you had before 1988? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You did not receive written policies and procedures from the Chicago Police Department, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. As a matter of practice, you did not review written policies and procedures from the Chicago Police Department between 1973 and 1988, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. With regard to witness interviews and interrogations, you were never trained that you Page 518 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 need to refrain from manipulating witnesses, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You were never trained that you need to take extra care when you have children as a witness, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You were not trained that children are most vulnerable, correct? MS. BARBER: Objection, form, vague. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You were not trained that the parents should be present when children are questioned, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You were not trained about the dangers of manipulating child witnesses, correct? MS. BARBER: Objection, form, vague. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 132 (Pages 519 to 522) Page 519 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You were not trained to be particularly careful about sharing crime scene facts with child witnesses, correct? MS. BARBER: Objection, form, vague. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You were not trained about using force during interrogations, correct? MS. BARBER: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you often used force during interrogations? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you often used force to coerce witnesses to make false identifications? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. Page 521 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 520 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you often use threats of violence to coerce witnesses to make false identifications? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you did not have any training about how to select fillers so that line-ups would not unduly suggestive? MS. BARBER: Objection, form, vague. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you were not trained to select fillers that would ensure that line-ups were not suggestive? MS. BARBER: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you often selected fillers to make it obvious who the suspect was in a particular line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. MS. BARBER: Join in those objections. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You did not have any training about limiting the number of suspects in a line-up to one, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You did not have any training about documenting line-ups, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you never documented the result of a line-up if a witness picked a filler or non-suspect? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Page 522 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Isn't it true you were trained only to document line-ups where suspects were picked, and line-ups where a witness was unable to pick anyone? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you did not receive any training in photo identifications? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true your training in photo identifications was limited to the fact that the people in the photos should look alike? MS. BARBER: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you routinely failed to follow that limited training? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 133 (Pages 523 to 526) Page 523 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Isn't it true you routinely showed witnesses single photos of suspects? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you routinely showed witnesses single photos of suspects and falsely reported that you were showing the witnesses multiple photos? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You routinely pointed out to witnesses with (sic) photos to select from a photo array? MS. EKL: Objection, form. MR. SWAMINATHAN: Strike that. I'll strike that. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You routinely pointed out to witnesses which photos to select from a photo array, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. Page 525 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You would not let people flip through these photo books on their own, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you often took gang photo books used for identifications out onto the street even though they were not supposed to be removed from the police station? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, compound. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that this was your practice? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you did not receive training that taking photo books out on the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 524 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you routinely used old Gang books. toRG would mugshots to suggest identification witnesses? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you would make your own gang photo books with people that you wanted to see arrested? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 1 2 3 4 make 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 19 Q. You would show people these gang photo 20 books while directing their attention to 21 particular photographs, correct? 22 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. 23 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Page 526 his street undermines their evidentiary value? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that gang books were not own? to leave the station without a supposed subpoena from the state's attorney office? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you were trained that police reports are the official records of the case? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that you were not trained by your obligations under the constitution about exculpatory evidence? MS. BARBER: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you were trained to disclose -- isn't it true that you were trained 134 (Pages 527 to 530) Page 527 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 about your obligation under the constitution to disclose exculpatory evidence? MS. EKL: Objection, asked and answered. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney -BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true -MS. EKL: He's answering. MR. SWAMINATHAN: Sorry. THE WITNESS: -- I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you were not trained about your obligation under the constitution to disclose exculpatory evidence? MS. EKL: Objection, asked and answered. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you were trained that police reports must include all important investigation? Page 529 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 528 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that you were trained that police reports are evidence? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that you were trained that police reports must be accurate? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that you were trained on the responsibility to keep notes on GPR pads and include them in the file? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you were trained on the responsibility to maintain notes and include them in the official file? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, time. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you were not trained on the risks of tunnel vision? MS. BARBER: Objection. MS. EKL: Objection, form, vague. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you were not trained on the need to report misconduct of other police officers? MS. BARBER: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. (WHEREUPON, Deposition Exhibit No. 13 was marked for identification.) BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. What I'm handing you is a document marked Plaintiff's Exhibit 13. It's Bates stamped RFC811 and RFC1429. Sir, do you intend to plead the Fifth for all questions relating to Plaintiff's Exhibit 13? MS. EKL: Counsel, can we have just a moment to look at it? MR. SWAMINATHAN: Yes. Page 530 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: I don't know that he's going to be able to answer all those questions without knowing what it is you're going to ask him about it. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, are you familiar with the document that's been provided to you as Plaintiff's Exhibit 13? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Is this a complete -- is Plaintiff's Exhibit 13 a complete list of all of your CR files? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that you admitted misconduct in each of these instances to investigators of the city but were never disciplined for all but three of the complaints? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 135 (Pages 531 to 534) Page 531 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you had a reputation among your fellow Chicago police officers for doing sloppy paperwork? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you had a reputation among your fellow Chicago police officers for having an unusually high clearance rate? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you had a higher clearance rate than all of your fellow Chicago police officers? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you had a reputation as someone who, quote, hooked up Page 533 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 532 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 people, unquote, meaning you caused them to be charged with crimes that they were not involved in? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to these questions I've asked you about training and discipline because answering these questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Sir, isn't it true you were trained prior to 1988 on the importance of recording your notes on general progress reports so that the notes could be preserved in the official file? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you were trained prior to 1988 on the importance of preserving your notes so that the information in the notes could be available to both the prosecution and defense? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you were trained prior to 1988 on the importance of preserving all police reports so that information in the reports could be available to both the prosecution and the defense? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You were not trained by the police department about the importance of preserving your notes so that notes could be available to both the prosecution and the defense, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Page 534 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. You were not trained by the police department about the importance of preserving your reports so they would be available to both the prosecution and the defense, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You were aware that in 1988 Chicago police officers followed a practice of only submitting documents in the official file that tended to inculpate the person charged with the offense, correct? MS. BARBER: Objection. MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. MS. BARBER: Form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. In 1988, you followed the practice of only submitting documents into the official file that tended to inculpate the person charged with the offense, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, 136 (Pages 535 to 538) Page 535 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 537 1 assumes facts not in evidence. separate file away from the official file? 2 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. 3 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 4 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 5 Q. You were charged -- you were aware in BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 6 1988 that Chicago police officers followed a Q. Isn't it true that in 1988 you 7 practice of withholding documents from the discussed with your supervisors your practice 8 official file that tended to exculpate the of only submitting documents into the official 9 person charged with the offense, correct? file that tended to inculpate the person 10 MS. EKL: Objection, I think asked and How would they know that? charged with the offense? 11 answered, but form, foundation, assumes facts MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, 12 not in evidence. assumes facts not in evidence. 13 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 14 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 15 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 16 Q. You maintained the practice of only Q. Isn't it true you discussed in 1988 17 submitting documents into the official file with your supervisors your practice of 18 that tended to inculpate the person charged withholding documents from the official file 19 with the offense for your entire career, that tended to exculpate the person charged 20 correct? with the offense? 21 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, 22 assumes facts not in evidence. assumes facts not in evidence. 23 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Page 536 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. In 1988, you followed the practice of withholding documents from the official file that tended to exculpate the person charged with the offense, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You maintained the practice of withholding documents from the official file that tended to exculpate the person charged with the offense for your entire career; isn't it true? MS. EKL: Objection, asked and answered three different times. Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true in 1988 you kept documents containing exculpatory evidence in a Page 538 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true no supervisor ever admonished you for withholding exculpatory evidence from the official file? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Prior to and during 1988, supervisors instructed you to withhold exculpatory evidence from the official file, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to these questions about official files because answering the questions will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that in 1988 you 137 (Pages 539 to 542) Page 539 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 followed the City's written policies when conducting line-ups and photo arrays? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that in 1988 you didn't follow the City's written policies when conducting line-ups and photo arrays? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true in 1988 when you conducted in-person line-ups, you followed the police department's practice to use arrestees for the lockup -- from the lockup as fillers? MS. EKL: Objection, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. In 1988, when you conducted in-person line-ups, you followed the police department's practices to use civilians from the streets as fillers, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, assumes facts not in evidence. Page 541 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 540 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. In 1988, when you conducted in-person line-ups, you followed the police department's practice to write the arrested suspect's CB numbers on their hands prior to placing them in the line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. In 1988, when you conducted in-person line-ups you followed the police department's practice to have arrested suspects stand in the line-up without shoe laces while having all fillers wear shoe laces? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. In 1988, the police department had no policy limiting the number of suspects that you placed in line-ups, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. In 1988, the department had no policies governing the physical characteristics of fillers who were placed in line-ups, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. In 1988, you followed the department's practice of using the same fillers in multiple line-ups, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. In 1988, you followed the department's practice of using the fillers from the same gang and crimes when the victim was a gang Page 542 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 member? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. In 1988, when selecting which filler to use for in-person line-ups, you followed the department's practice to use fillers who looked substantially different from the suspect so as to make it easier for a witness to identify the suspect? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence, and also I don't believe these questions are being asked in good faith. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. In 1988, you followed the department's practice to not document the results of a line-up if a witness picked a filler? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 138 (Pages 543 to 546) Page 543 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. In 1988, you followed the police department's practice of only documenting the result of a line-up if the witness identified either the suspect or no one? MS. BARBER: Asked and answered. MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. The reason behind your practice of not documenting the result of a line-up if the witness picked a filler was to prevent the witness's credibility from being undermined? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. In 1988, you followed the police department's practice of indicating to witnesses to identify a suspect from line-ups? Page 545 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 544 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. BARBER: Objection, form, vague. MS. EKL: Assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. In 1988, you discussed with your supervisors your practice of only documenting the results of a line-up if the witness identified either the suspect or no one? MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. Counsel, I just want to put on the record, I feel like you are abusing this process of Mr. Guevara asserting his Fifth Amendment right and asking questions to which you have no basis, no basis in fact, and I just want to put that on the record. MR. ART: We have conducted an extensive discovery into filler identification line-ups, so we would dispute that, but your objection is noted for the record. MS. EKL: If you could point to any single document or any testimony in this case that indicates the policy of the Chicago Police Department is to put people that looked dissimilar from each other, look differently in a line-up, I would appreciate because that question was asked, and I don't think there's any good faith basis to show that they have a practice in policy of putting people that look differently into a line-up. That's just an example of many questions that have been asked during this deposition to which I don't believe there's any possible basis in fact. MR. SWAMINATHAN: We disagree. MR. ART: Yeah. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. No supervisor ever admonished you for your practice of only documenting the result of a line-up if the witness identified either the suspect or no one, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Page 546 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Prior to -- strike that. In 1988, you followed the police department's practice of showing a single photo of the suspect to the witness before showing the witness a line-up with the suspect included? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Throughout your career, you had a practice of showing a single photo of the suspect to the witness before showing the witness a line-up with that suspect included? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. In 1988, you followed the police department's practice of creating photo arrays in a manner that would make the suspect stand out relative to the fillers? 139 (Pages 547 to 550) Page 547 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Page 549 1 2 3 4 5 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Throughout your career, you followed the police department's practice of creating photo arrays in a manner that would make the suspect stand out relative to the fillers? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. In 1988, you followed the police department's practice of telling witnesses to pick the suspect from the photo array before the witness made any identification? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 548 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. Throughout your career, you followed the police department's practice of telling witnesses to pick the suspect from a photo array before the witness made any identification? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not if evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you would routinely tell witnesses who to identify in live line-ups? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you would routinely tell witnesses who to identify in photo line-ups? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You told your supervisor that you were engaged in this practice, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You supervisor observed you engaging the practice of telling witnesses who to identify in live line-ups and photo line-ups, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You engaged in this practice of telling witnesses who to identify in live and photo line-ups since the beginning of your employment with the Chicago Police Department, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, Page 550 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. The practice continued up to and -- up to, including the prosecution and conviction of Jacques Rivera, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you were never disciplined for engaging in these practices? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, vague, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true your supervisors encouraged you to engage in this practice? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, vague, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 140 (Pages 551 to 554) Page 551 1 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 2 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 3 4 5 6 7 Q. And they did so because it helped you get arrests and close cases, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 8 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 9 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 10 Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard 11 to these questions about your line of practices 12 because answering these questions would 13 incriminate you? 14 15 16 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that in 1988 you were 17 aware that you had a duty to preserve 18 exculpatory evidence so that criminal 19 defendants could access that evidence in their 20 defense at trial? 21 MR. SWAMINATHAN: On the advice of my 22 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 23 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 24 Q. Nevertheless, isn't it true that you Page 553 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 552 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 maintained a practice -MS. EKL: I'm sorry. Can you start -I missed the first couple of words. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you maintained a practice in 1988 and throughout the rest of your career of withholding exculpatory evidence from the official file so that criminal defendants could not make use of that evidence at trial? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. During your career as a police officer, you were aware of a practice within the police department to use force against criminal suspects during interrogations, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. During your career as a police officer, you were instructed by supervisors to use force against suspects during interrogations, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. During your career as a police officer, you discussed with supervisors your practice of using force against suspects during interrogations, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You were never admonished by a supervisor for using force against suspects during interrogations, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Page 554 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. During your career as a police officer, you were aware of a practice within the police department to use force against witnesses who were gang members in order to get them to implicate other gang members? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Prior to 1988 you were trained on the risk of unduly focusing on any one suspect or theory in a criminal investigation, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. During your career as a police officer, you followed a practice of using force against witnesses who were gang members in order to get them to implicate other gang members, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Prior to 1988, you were not trained on the risk of unduly focusing on any one suspect 141 (Pages 555 to 558) Page 555 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 557 1 or theory in a criminal investigation, correct?WHAT??? 2 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert 3 my Fifth Amendment rights. 4 Q. Prior to 1988 you were trained on the 5 need to report misconduct by other officers, 6 correct? 7 MS. EKL: Objection, asked and 8 answered. 9 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 10 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 11 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 12 Q. Prior to 1988, you were not trained on 13 the need to report misconduct by other 14 officers, correct? 15 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert 16 my Fifth Amendment rights. 17 Q. Isn't it true that over your entire 18 career, you followed a practice within the 19 police department of refusing to report 20 misconduct by other police officers? 21 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, 22 assumes facts not in evidence. 23 How we doing with time? 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my Page 556 1 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 2 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: 6:36 elapsed. MS. EKL: Sorry. I didn't mean to ask 3 4 a question in the middle. 5 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 6 7 ***OWED SUPERVISOR Q. Sir, isn't it true that you filed for bankruptcy before? MS. EKL: I'm going to object at this 8 9 point in time again to any questions regarding 10 his financials. It's not relevant to anything 11 in this case unless he argues inability to pay, 12 and we have not yet made that determination. MR. ART: We disagree. We're going to 13 14 ask five questions. We think it's relevant for 15 an issue of supervisory bias in this case, and 16 it's not to get any issue regarding punitive 17 damages. MS. EKL: Supervisory bias in this 18 19 20 case? MR. SWAMINATHAN: Let me ask the next 21 question and maybe you'll have a sense of where 22 we're going. 23 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 24 Q. Isn't it true that you filed for bankruptcy -- that when you filed for bankruptcy, your supervisor Mingey had an interest in your bankruptcy estate? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. What financial state did your supervisor Mingey have in your bankruptcy? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that Mingey's financial stake in your bankruptcy violates CPD rules about financial relationships between officers and their superiors? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true your financial arrangements -- strike that. Isn't it true your financial Page 558 1 2 3 4 mingey 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 agreements with Mingey affected the way that he supervised you? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. money**8 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true he recommended you for promotion because he had a financial interest in your success? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, in August of 1995, you threatened Evelyn Diaz that if she didn't come to the police station, you would take her children away, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 142 (Pages 559 to 562) Page 559 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. In August of 1995, you showed Evelyn Diaz a photo of Luis Serrano and told her, quote, this is the guy, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You told Diaz that if she didn't say it was Serrano, you would put her in jail and take her son, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You falsely reported that Diaz voluntarily identified Serrano, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because Page 561 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 560 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 answering my questions about Evelyn Diaz will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did you coerce Carl Richmond in May of 1993 to identify Robert Bouto as responsible for the death of Salvador Ruvalcaba? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Did you frame Robert Bouto for the killing of Salvador Ruvalcaba? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to these questions about Carl Richmond because answering these questions will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. In 1989, you tried to get Martin Taylor to falsely implicate Edwin Ortiz from a photo array; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You did that even though Taylor told you he did not see who committed the murder, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth regarding my questions about Martin Taylor because answering the questions will incriminate you? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. In 1989, you drove Victor Vera, a Spanish Cobra, to an investigation controlled by the Latin Kings in an effort to coerce Vera into giving a false confession, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, Page 562 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. In 1989, you threatened Vera that if he did not confess, you would incarcerate his parents for 100 years in an effort to coerce a false confession from him? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You provided details of the crime to Vera so that his false confession would appear truthful, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to my questions about Victor Vera because answering the questions would incriminate you? 143 (Pages 563 to 566) Page 563 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. MS. EKL: Hold on one second. I just need to -- go ahead. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, did you conduct a suggestive line-up in the investigation of the murder of Hector Rivera in July 1998? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Did you frame Tony Gonzalez for the killing of Hector Rivera? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth regarding my questions about Hector Rivera because answering the questions will incriminate you? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. Page 565 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. On August 24th, 1999, did you beat up Juan Hernandez in order to coerce him to participate in the line-up? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to Juan Hernandez because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. On September 18th, 1986 at the Congo lounge you were attempting to buy cocaine from Rafael Garcia; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Was this564 as part of a drug op or for personal use? Page Page 566 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. On February 21st, 1991, did you coerce a false confession from David Rivera in the investigation of the murder of Eugenio Dominguez? MS. EKL: Objection. MR. SWAMINATHAN: Strike that. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. On February 21, 1991, did you coerce a false confession from David Rivera in the investigation of the murder of Eugenio Dominguez? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did you frame David Rivera for the killing of Eugenio Dominguez? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to my questions about David Rivera because answering the questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. You then beat Garcia inside the Congo lounge; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you then falsely charged Garcia with battery? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true you were given a two-day suspension for this incident? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth regarding Rafael Garcia because answering the questions would incriminate you? 144 (Pages 567 to 570) Page 567 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 569 1 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert 2 my Fifth Amendment rights. 3 Q. On July 12th, 1997, you manipulated a 4 photo array shown to Juan Medina to get him to 5 falsely identify Antonio McDowell, correct? 6 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, 7 assumes facts not in evidence. 8 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 9 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 10 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Antonio McDowell 11 Q. Isn't it true you manipulated the 12 arrays by having Antonio McDowell's photo be 13 the only photo shown in both arrays? 14 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. 15 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 16 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 17 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 18 Q. Are you pleading the Fifth regarding 19 my questions about Antonio McDowell because 20 answering the questions would incriminate you? 21 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert 22 my Fifth Amendment rights. 23 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 24 Q. Did you use suggestive line-up Gonzalez was responsible for the death of Alvin Reed and Francisco Marrero? MS. EKL: Objection, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You used suggestive line-up techniques in the investigation of the murders of Alvin Reed and Francisco Marrero; isn't that true? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You framed Joaquin Gonzalez for the murder of Alvin Reed and Francisco Marrero, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to my questions about the murders of Alvin Reed Page 568 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 techniques in July 1991 investigating -- in the investigation of the killing of Eddie Figueroa? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Did you frame Rubin Sanchez for the killing of Eddie Figueroa? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth regarding Eddie Figueroa because answering the questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. MS. EKL: I'm sorry. Can we get a time check again? THE VIDEOGRAPHER: 6:45, 15 minutes. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. In April of 1985, did you tell witnesses Serrano and Woods that Joaquin Page 570 1 and Francis Marrero because answering the 2 questions will incriminate you? 3 4 5 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. In October 1993, did you coerce 6 Eliezar Cruzado to confessing to the murder of 7 Avilio Lopez? 8 9 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. MR. SWAMINATHAN: Strike that. Let me 10 ask it again. 11 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 12 Q. In October 1993, did you coerce 13 Eliezar Cruzado into confessing to the murder 14 of Avilio Lopez? 15 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert 16 my Fifth Amendment rights. 17 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 18 Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because 19 answering the question will incriminate you? 20 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert 21 22 my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. In July 1994, did you conduct 23 suggestive line-ups in the investigation of the 24 murder of Mark Divicki? 145 (Pages 571 to 574) Page 571 1 2 3 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. Page 573 1 2 MR. SWAMINATHAN: Strike that. Let me 3 4 ask it again. 4 5 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 5 6 Q. In July 1994, did you conduct 6 7 suggestive line-ups in the investigation of the 7 8 murder of Mark Divicki, D-i-v-i-c-k-i? 8 9 10 11 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. 9 10 Shoooting Dogs! 11 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 12 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 12 13 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 13 14 Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because 14 15 answering the question will incriminate you? 15 16 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert 16 17 18 my Fifth Amendment rights. 17 Q. September 1985, did you coerce 18 19 Reynaldo Munoz into confessing to a crime he 19 20 did not commit by beating him and leaving him 20 21 in a rival gang territory? 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. 22 23 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 24 assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Did you put a gun to Buzzo's -- strike that. Did you put a gun to the head of Buzzo's dog and threaten to shoot the dog? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. Is the air conditioner going? MR. SWAMINATHAN: Is it too cold? MS. EKL: No, no. Sorry. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to these questions because answering them will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true that on June 24th, 1982, you along with Daniel Noon and Edward Mingey, searched the home of Almarie and Job Lloyd Page 572 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did you or Detective Koncz, K-o-n-c-z, beat a witness on May 8th, 1995 to obtain information about a homicide that occurred in August of 1994? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the questions will incriminate you? THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. On August 27th, 1986, did you beat up Bill Buzzo? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, Page 574 1 without a warrant and without identifying 2 yourselves? 3 4 5 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 6 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 7 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 8 9 Q. Isn't it true that you, along with Daniel Noon and Edward Mingey, pushed Almarie 10 Lloyd, tore through the closets and left the 11 house in shambles? 12 13 14 MS. EKL: Objection, form, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 15 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 16 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 17 Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard 18 to these two questions because answering the 19 questions will incriminate you? 20 21 22 23 24 A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Did you assault a civilian named Melvin Warren in and around April of 1986? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. 146 (Pages 575 to 578) Page 575 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth because answering the question will incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Mr. Guevara, isn't it true you were promoted to gang crime specialist despite the fact that your supervisors knew that you engaged in misconduct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. MS. BARBER: I believe asked and answered at this point as well. MS. EKL: I believe so, too. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true your supervisors knew that you engaged in misconduct because you discussed it with them prior to your promotion? Page 577 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 576 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. BARBER: Objection, asked and answered. MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation as well. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true your supervisors knew that you engaged in misconduct prior to your promotion because they observed it? MS. EKL: Objection, asked and answered, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. During the entire investigation of the Valentin murder, you were a gang crime specialist, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You worked each day at the Valentin murder investigation, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Before 1988 you had worked with your co-defendants on many occasions, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form vague. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You worked with Steve Gawrys at the time of the Valentin investigation, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You worked with Steve Gawrys throughout the Valentin investigation, correct? THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. When you work cases with Steve Gawrys, you always work side by side with each other, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Page 578 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Is it true that your partner was always there when you did things? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, vague. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you were always there when your partner, Steve Gawrys, did things, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, vague. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that when you and Gawrys were partners, you always worked the same shifts? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true that you were worked with Daniel Noon on many occasions? 147 (Pages 579 to 582) Page 579 Page 581 What might they have that says that? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: Objection, form. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Isn't it true he was your partner before Steve Gawrys? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Isn't it true you also worked with Gillian McLaughlin, John Leonard, Daniel Noon, John Guzman, Joseph Fallon, Joseph -- sorry, Paul Zacharias, Edward Mingey, Russell Weingart, and Rocco Rinaldi on many occasions? MS. EKL: Objection, form, compound, vague. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You received a merit promotion to detective despite the fact that your supervisors knew that you engaged in misconduct, correct? MS. BARBER: Objection. MS. EKL: Objection, asked and 1 2 answered. I think you've asked this twice now, foundation. MS. BARBER: Four times. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Your supervisors knew that you engaged in misconduct prior to your promotion because they observed it? MS. EKL: Again, you've asked this question over and over. Yes, you have. It's been the exact same question more than one time. Objection, form and foundation as to even their knowledge. Objection. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You retired from the Chicago Police Department on June 15, 2006, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, asked and answered. This, again, has been asked before. MR. ART: It really hasn't. We have not asked about when he retired from the THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 3 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 4 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 5 Q. Isn't it true you retired from the 6 Chicago Police Department and you were going to 7 be kicked off the force if you did not resign? 8 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. 9 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 10 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 11 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 12 Q. All right. The City of Chicago -- you 13 are currently being investigated by the City of 14 Chicago, correct? 15 MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. 16 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my 17 attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 18 BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: 19 Q. A law firm has been retained to 20 investigate acts of misconduct committed by you 21 for the wrongful conviction of Jacques Rivera, 22 correct? 23 24 Page 580 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Chicago Police Department. MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. Page 582 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And the law firm has been retained to investigate acts of misconduct by you since the wrongful conviction of Jacques Rivera, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You've given interviews to investigators who are part of the City's investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Have you given interviews to lawyers other than your own who are part of the City's investigation? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. 148 (Pages 583 to 584) Page 583 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. And you've been questioned by federal authorities for actions that you took during the course of your employment with the Chicago Police Department? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation, assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Sir, you grew up in Humboldt Park, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. Sir, you knew about gangs in that area, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You had knowledge of the Spanish Cobras, the Maniac Latin Disciples, Latin Kings, Latin Eagles, Latin Dragons, Latin Lovers, Imperial Gangsters and other Latin Page 584 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 gangs, correct? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. You participated in those gangs as a kid, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, foundation. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. You knew of all those gangs before you became a Chicago police officer, correct? MS. EKL: Objection, form, vague. THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. BY MR. SWAMINATHAN: Q. Are you pleading the Fifth with regard to my questions about your involvement -- or your knowledge about gangs because answering the questions would incriminate you? A. On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Q. With regard to your pleading the Fifth Amendment during the course of this deposition today in answer to my questions, do you do so Any evidence of this??? Page 585 1 because answering those questions would 2 incriminate you? 3 4 MS. EKL: answered. 5 6 Objection, asked and THE WITNESS: On the advice of my attorney, I assert my Fifth Amendment rights. 7 MR. SWAMINATHAN: 8 MS. EKL: 9 That's it. We'll reserve -- we'll waive. 10 Let's go off the record. 11 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: 12 video deposition of Reynaldo Guevara. 13 is 6:54. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MS. EKL: This concludes the The time We'll waive signature. (Whereupon, the deposition was concluded at 6:54 p.m.) (FURTHER DEPONENT SAITH NAUGHT.) Page 586 1 STATE OF ILLINOIS) 2 ) 3 COUNTY OF C O O K) SS: 4 I, Jamye Giamarusti, a certified shorthand 5 reporter, within and for the County of Cook and 6 State of Illinois, do hereby certify that 7 heretofore, to-wit, on December 23, 2013, 8 personally appeared before me, at 312 North 9 May, Suite 100, Chicago, Illinois, REYNALDO 10 GUEVARA, in a cause now pending and 11 undetermined in the Circuit Court of Cook 12 County, Illinois, wherein JACQUES RIVERA is the 13 Plaintiff and REYNALDO GUEVARA, et al., are the 14 Defendants. 15 I further certify that the said witness 16 was first duly sworn to testify the truth, the 17 whole truth and nothing but the truth in the 18 cause aforesaid; that the testimony then given 19 by said witness was reported stenographically 20 by me in the presence of the said witness, and 21 afterwards reduced to typewriting by 22 Computer-Aided Transcription, and the foregoing 23 is a true and correct transcript of the 24 testimony so given by said witness as Page 587 1 2 aforesaid. I further certify that the signature to 3 the foregoing deposition was waived by counsel 4 for the respective parties. 5 I further certify that the taking of this 6 deposition was pursuant to Notice, and that 7 there were present at the deposition the 8 attorneys hereinbefore mentioned. 9 I further certify that I am not counsel 10 for nor in any way related to the parties to 11 this suit, nor am I in any way interested in 12 the outcome thereof. 13 14 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF: I have hereunto set my hand this 12th day of January, 2014. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ______________________________________ Jamye Giamarusti, CSR License No.: 084-004183 Page 588 A abandoned 441:11 able 49:9 99:21 217:18 332:8 387:20 530:2 abraham 426:12 428:13 abrego 484:9,16 484:23 485:7 485:17,24 486:8,15,21 487:17 488:1 488:10 489:1 489:4,18 490:2,10 491:2 492:3 abregos 490:17 absolutely 17:18 260:11 430:8 abused 415:17 abusing 544:14 accept 68:23 71:9 accepted 421:7 422:8,13,17 423:2,9,24 424:7,16,23 425:9,21 accepting 425:7 425:15 access 157:16 551:19 accompany 209:10,16 317:17 accurate 84:5 84:19 85:10 261:1 528:8 act 53:4 actions 388:18 391:3 398:6 583:5 active 313:4 actively 309:1 acts 45:6 581:20 582:5 actual 199:15 376:19 428:23 ad 245:5 added 143:14 215:7 285:9 367:1,5 additional 320:3 426:16 428:12 507:8 address 226:19 249:21 250:11 252:3,16 administer 4:13 admits 358:21 admitted 530:16 admonished 538:4 545:16 553:17 adolfo 477:20 478:6,7,16,22 479:5,23 480:7 adult 501:17 advantage 129:14 adverse 430:1 advice 7:12,21 8:4,8,8,15,22 9:4,10,16,24 10:7,15,22 11:5,13,20 12:3,13,20 13:2 14:6,12 14:18,24 15:6 15:11 16:5,12 16:19 17:1,8 17:15,22 18:3 18:8,14,22 19:3,10,21 21:12,18,23 22:5,10,16 23:10,17 24:1 24:8,17,24 25:6,11,17,24 26:7,13 27:5 27:12,17,23 28:4,10,20 29:3,11,18,23 30:5,12,18 31:2,8,14,20 32:7,13,23 33:6,15,22 34:9,16,24 35:7,16,23 36:7,14,24 37:6,13,20 38:3,10,17,24 39:8,15,24 40:9,18 41:1 41:11,18 42:3 42:10,20 43:3 43:12,19 44:5 44:12,21 45:3 45:13,20 46:6 46:13,18,23 47:5,9,19 48:15,21 49:5 50:18,24 51:5 51:9,12,18,22 52:4,9,15,19 53:1,5,11,14 53:20,24 54:6 54:10,16,20 55:2,7,13,17 55:23 56:3,9 56:14,20 57:1 57:7,13,19,24 58:5,11,17,23 59:3,9,13,19 60:2,6,12,19 61:11,17,23 62:5,14,18,21 63:3,8,19 64:1 64:6,19 68:24 69:3,5,11,16 70:4,6,11,14 70:14,16,22 70:24 71:10 71:13 72:1,9 72:11,19,21 73:10,17,20 74:8,10,19 75:13,15 81:6 81:13,18,24 82:5,11,15,21 83:2,8,13,18 83:24 84:8,15 84:22 85:5,13 85:20 86:2,9 86:14,21 87:1 87:7,12,18,24 88:6,10,16,23 89:5,9,11,18 89:23 90:6,10 90:16,20 91:2 91:6,12,16,22 92:2,8,12,18 92:22 93:4,8 93:14,18,24 94:13,19,23 95:5,13 101:13,18,24 102:5,11 103:17,23 104:5,10,14 104:20,24 105:6,10,16 105:20 106:2 107:9,15,22 108:4,11,17 108:22 109:5 109:12,17,24 110:7,12,16 110:22 111:4 111:9,13,20 112:2,9,15,21 113:4,10,16 113:21 114:1 114:5,9,13,17 114:22 115:2 115:13,17,22 116:5,11,16 116:20 117:1 117:5,11,15 117:20,24 118:4,8,12,16 118:23 119:3 119:12,16 120:1,7,13,19 121:2,8,13,19 121:23 122:3 122:9,15,23 123:5,9,14,18 123:23 124:10 124:17,21 125:1,6,10,15 126:1,5,10,14 127:2,7,11,15 127:19,24 128:4,8,12,18 128:24 129:6 129:12,18,24 130:6,12,18 130:22 131:5 131:9,15,20 132:1,5,9,15 132:21 133:5 133:9,13,18 133:23 134:3 134:11,17,23 135:11,17,23 136:4,10,14 137:1,5,8,12 137:21 138:1 138:5,10,14 138:21 139:3 139:10,19 140:2,12,21 141:3,8,14,20 142:5,14 143:1,4,12,19 144:1,9,21 145:6,16,22 146:2,13,16 147:7,13,22 148:10,17,24 149:15,24 150:9,18 151:5,13,19 152:1,7,14,20 153:7,13,20 154:2,10,16 154:21 155:1 155:9,21 156:7,16,23 157:6,12,18 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 589 157:24 158:7 158:13,21 159:5,18 160:3,10,16 160:22 161:4 161:11,15,22 162:7,16 163:5,15,24 164:8,14,22 165:9,15,22 166:7,14,19 166:23 167:3 167:7,11,15 167:19 168:3 168:10,14,22 169:13,23 170:4,9,14,21 171:5,10,15 171:20 172:1 172:6,16 173:9,14,19 174:2,9,16,23 175:6,17,24 176:9,18 177:3,12 178:9,15,21 179:4,13,22 180:6 181:4 181:13,19 182:2,8,17,23 183:7,15 184:1,11,22 185:8 186:18 187:1,10,20 188:3,8,17 189:2,10,17 189:24 190:11 190:17,24 191:9,14,22 192:4,12,20 193:3,10,16 193:23 194:5 195:2,7,13,22 196:7,14,21 197:5,14,23 198:8,17 199:2,9,17,24 200:6,16,24 201:9,20 202:3,9,15,22 203:4,11,17 203:24 204:7 204:16,24 205:7,20 206:2,15,19 207:6,9,19 208:3,13,18 208:24 209:6 209:12,20 210:2,9,14,19 210:24 211:5 211:10,16,22 212:3,7,11,15 212:21 213:5 213:16 214:5 214:13,17 215:4,9,13,17 215:24 216:7 216:16 217:2 217:9,15,23 218:7,15,24 219:8 220:11 220:17,22 221:7,14,20 222:7,13,20 223:3,12,21 224:5,13,21 225:5,13,20 226:5,13,22 227:7,13,21 228:5,15,23 229:6,17 230:1,8,18 231:2,8,13,21 232:3,11,21 233:6,16 234:1,9,18 235:4,13,22 236:7,16 237:1,10,19 238:3,12 239:11,23 240:6,10,16 240:20 241:1 241:7,11 242:2,6,10,15 242:19,24 243:4,8,14,22 244:12 245:3 245:19,24 246:4,8,13,19 247:3,11,21 248:10,19 249:3,10,17 249:24 250:7 250:13,20 251:6,13,20 252:5,12,18 253:1,8,16 254:1,7,10,16 254:24 255:6 255:10,15,22 256:7,15,23 257:6,13 258:1,8,15,23 259:7,16 263:2,6,19 264:2,10,19 265:4,11,18 266:1,10,20 267:4,13,22 268:6,13,23 269:10,21 270:16 271:2 271:10,19 272:5,13,23 273:10,16,22 274:7,16,23 275:9,19 276:15,22 277:7,16 278:1,10,18 279:2,8,18 280:4,13,23 281:9,17 282:2,12,22 283:9,18 284:2,9,16,24 285:5,14,24 286:7,16,24 287:24 288:11 288:16 289:5 289:17 290:2 290:12,19 291:4,12,20 292:4,12,20 293:6,16,24 294:9,17 295:2,11,19 296:3,11,18 297:6,16 298:6,17 299:5,15 300:3,13,21 301:9,18,22 302:4,12,21 303:22 304:5 304:11,19 305:4,13,24 306:11,19 307:2,10,17 308:2,23 309:5,12,19 310:2,9,16,23 311:5,11 312:1,9,18 313:1,9,17 314:10,16 315:3,11,18 316:3,12,20 317:2,7,14,18 317:23 318:6 318:14,21 319:7,16,24 320:16 321:1 321:10,18 322:3,12,20 323:6,14,23 324:8,21 325:4,12,20 326:7,12,17 326:24 327:6 327:13,21 328:6,15,23 329:7,14,21 330:6,14,21 331:4,13,20 332:3,12,19 333:3,9,17,24 334:9,17,24 335:10,18 336:1,9,21 337:7,13,20 338:3,10,17 339:1,10,20 340:4,10,19 341:6,24 342:6,15 343:1,9,18 344:3,11,20 345:8,18 346:1,8,16 347:1,9,16,22 348:4,15,23 349:5,11,15 349:21 350:6 350:14,23 351:8 352:6 352:24 353:6 353:11,18 354:2,9,17,23 355:6,14 356:2,10,18 357:3,12,19 357:24 358:4 358:11,18 359:1,8,14,22 360:5,14 361:6,14,21 362:5,12,19 363:2,11,19 364:4,14,21 365:4,10,17 366:4,14,22 367:12,22 368:6,14,22 369:8,18 370:3,9,13,21 371:4,12,19 372:2,10,18 373:2,11,19 374:3,11,18 375:2,9,14,18 375:24 376:8 376:16,22 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 590 377:5,13,19 378:3,10,18 378:24 379:7 379:15 380:1 380:6,18 381:1,9,19 382:4,10,17 382:24 383:10 383:14,24 384:12,18,24 385:6,12,19 386:2,11,18 386:24 387:15 387:23 388:6 388:14,23 389:6,13,20 390:2,7,15,23 391:6,11,16 391:23 392:7 392:16,22 393:5,11,18 393:23 394:7 394:16 395:1 395:13,22 396:7,16,24 397:7,16 398:1,10,17 398:24 399:7 399:19 400:1 400:6,13,21 401:1,8,17 402:1,6,21 403:6,11,17 404:1,9,17 406:19 407:15 407:22 408:6 408:16 409:1 409:8,16 410:1,12,24 411:9,20 413:22 414:3 414:7,12,24 415:19 416:3 416:12,21 417:7 418:9 419:12,19,24 420:4,10,16 421:11,16,23 422:6,11,15 422:20,24 423:6,13,20 424:4,13,20 425:3,12,18 426:3 427:4,9 427:19 428:8 428:20 429:5 432:22 433:8 433:19 434:1 434:6,13,20 435:7,14,21 436:6,14,22 437:5,13,21 438:5,12,16 439:1,6,21 440:2,9,15,22 441:6,13,19 442:2,12,18 443:1,6 444:9 444:15,22 445:4,9,14,19 445:24 446:5 446:10,16,23 447:5,12,23 448:13,23 449:6,14 450:4,17 451:4,12,21 452:4,12,21 453:7,17 454:1,9,18 455:2,11,19 456:3,10,21 457:5,13,21 458:5,13,22 459:6,14,24 460:8 461:1 461:10,21 462:5,13,19 463:14,21 464:5,12,19 465:3,11,20 466:4,13,23 467:11,17,24 468:8,17,24 469:8,16,23 470:6,12 471:1,7,14,21 472:5,13,21 473:6,14,22 474:7,15,22 475:7,15,21 476:11,17 477:1,9,17 478:1,13,19 479:2,10,17 480:3,13,22 481:7,15,24 482:7,12,23 483:5,13,21 484:5,12,19 485:2,13,20 486:4,11,18 487:1,13,20 488:4,13,21 489:7,15,22 490:6,14,22 491:6,13 493:2,8,16 494:1,9,18 495:2,11,18 496:1,15,24 497:9,17 498:1,9,18 499:2,9,16 500:1,11,19 501:4,10,21 502:3,11,18 503:2,17 504:1,10,19 505:3,11,20 506:4 507:4 507:14,21 508:6,13,22 509:6,15,23 510:9,17 511:2,11,21 512:2,16 513:1,10,18 514:2,9,19 515:3,11,18 516:1,6,9,12 516:17,21 517:1,6,10,15 517:21 518:3 518:8,13,19 518:24 519:7 519:13,19 520:1,8,15,22 521:6,12,16 521:22 522:5 522:9,15,22 523:4,12 524:1,8,15,23 525:5,14,20 526:2,8,14,20 527:5,19 528:1,5,9,14 528:20 529:3 529:10 530:9 530:14,23 531:6,13,20 532:5,12,20 533:6,14,21 534:6,17 535:2,13,23 536:8,20 537:3,13,23 538:8,16,22 539:3,8,16 540:1,11,21 541:3,11,19 542:4,16,24 543:10,19 544:4 545:22 546:9,18 547:3,13,22 548:8,16,24 549:7,16 550:2,10,17 550:24 551:7 551:14,21 552:13,22 553:6,14,22 554:8,14,21 555:2,9,15,24 557:4,10,19 558:5,13,22 559:6,14,21 560:3,9,14,19 561:1,9,17 562:2,11,19 563:1,10,17 564:1,15,19 564:24 565:7 565:13,22 566:5,12,19 567:1,8,15,21 568:4,11,17 569:4,12,20 570:3,15,20 571:11,16,24 572:5,13,19 573:2,14,20 574:5,14,20 575:1,6,14,19 576:5,14,20 576:24 577:5 577:10,15,23 578:6,13,20 579:2,7,16 580:4,16 581:2,9,16 582:1,9,17 583:1,10,15 583:19 584:2 584:7,13,20 585:5 advised 70:3 aforesaid 586:18 587:1 afraid 324:4 afro 105:8 afternoon 122:7 317:13 age 130:3 249:21 250:11 252:2,16 aggravated 215:12,21 272:18 285:11 ago 76:17,19,19 76:20 agree 20:1,15 103:7 agreed 183:1,10 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 592 135:12,18,24 136:5,11,15 137:2,6,9,13 137:22 138:2 138:6,11,15 138:22 139:4 139:11,20 140:3,13,22 141:4,9,15,21 142:6,15 143:5,13,20 144:2,10,22 145:7,17,23 146:3,14,17 147:8,14,23 148:11,18 149:1,16 150:1,10,19 151:6,14,20 152:2,8,15,21 153:8,14,21 154:3,11,17 154:22 155:2 155:10,22 156:8,17,24 157:7,13,19 158:1,8,14,22 159:6,19 160:4,11,17 160:23 161:5 161:12,16,23 162:8,17 163:6,16 164:1,9,15,23 165:10,16,23 166:8,15,20 166:24 167:4 167:8,12,16 167:20 168:4 168:11,15 169:24 170:5 170:10,15,22 171:6,11,16 171:21 172:2 172:7,17 173:2,10,15 173:20 174:3 174:10,17,24 175:7,18 176:1,10,19 177:4,13,24 178:10,16,22 179:5,14,23 180:7 181:5 181:14,20 182:3,9,18,24 183:8,16 184:2,12,23 185:9 186:9 186:19 187:2 187:11,21 188:4,9,18 189:3,11,18 190:12,18 191:1,10,15 191:23 192:5 192:13,21 193:4,11,17 193:24 194:6 195:3,8,14,23 196:8,15,22 197:6,15,24 198:9,18 199:3,10,18 200:1,7,17 201:1,10,21 202:4,10,16 202:23 203:5 203:12,18 204:1,8,17 205:1,8,10,16 205:21 206:16 206:20 207:7 207:10,11,20 208:4,14,19 209:1,7,13,21 210:3,10,15 210:20 211:1 211:6,11,17 211:23 212:4 212:8,12,16 212:22 213:6 213:17 214:6 214:14,18,20 215:5,10,14 215:18 216:1 216:8,17 217:3,10,16 217:24 218:8 218:16 219:1 219:9 220:12 220:18 221:8 221:15,21,23 222:8,14,21 223:4,13,22 224:6,14,22 225:6,14,21 226:6,14,23 227:8,14,22 228:6,16,24 229:7,18 230:2,9,19 231:3,9,14,22 232:4,12,22 233:7,17 234:2,10,19 235:5,14,23 236:8,17 237:2,11,20 238:4,13 239:12,24 240:7,11,17 240:21 241:2 241:8,12 242:3,7,11,16 242:20 243:1 243:5,9,15,23 244:7,13,22 245:4,14,20 246:1,5,9,14 246:20 247:4 247:12,22 248:11,20 249:4,11,18 250:1,8,14,21 251:7,14,21 252:6,13,19 253:2,9,17 254:2,8,11,17 255:1,7,11,16 255:23 256:8 256:16,24 257:7,14 258:2,9,16,24 259:8,17 263:7,20 264:3,11,20 265:5,12,19 266:2,11,21 267:5,14,23 268:7,14,24 269:11,22 270:17 271:3 271:11,20 272:6,14,24 273:11,17,23 274:8,17,24 275:10,20 276:9,16,23 277:8,17 278:2,11,19 279:3,9,19 280:5,14,24 281:10,18 282:3,13,23 283:10,19 284:3,10,17 285:1,6,15 286:1,8,17 287:1,17 288:1,12,17 289:6,18 290:3,13,20 291:5,13,21 292:5,13,21 293:7,17 294:1,10,18 295:3,12,20 296:4,12,19 297:7,17 298:7,18 299:6,16 300:4,14,22 301:10,19,23 302:5,13,22 303:23 304:6 304:12,20 305:5,14 306:1,12,20 307:3,11,18 308:3,24 309:6,13,20 310:3,10,17 310:24 311:6 311:12 312:2 312:10,19 313:2,10,18 314:11,17 315:4,12,19 316:4,13,21 317:3,8,15,19 317:24 318:7 318:15,22 319:8,17 320:1,10,17 321:2,11,19 322:4,13,21 323:7,15,24 324:9,22 325:5,13,21 326:8,13 327:7,14,22 328:7,16,24 329:8,15,22 330:7,15,22 331:5,14,21 332:4,13,20 333:4,10,18 334:1,10,18 335:1,11,19 336:2,10,22 337:8,14,21 338:4,11,18 339:2,11,21 339:23 340:5 340:11,20 341:7 342:1,7 342:16 343:2 343:10,19 344:4,12,21 345:9,19 346:2,9,17 347:2,10,17 347:23 348:5 348:16,18,24 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 593 349:6,12,16 349:22 350:7 350:15,24 351:9 352:7 353:1,7,12,19 354:3,10,18 354:24 355:7 355:15 356:3 356:11,19 357:4,13,20 358:1,5,12,19 359:2,9,15,23 360:6,15 361:7,15,22 362:6,13,20 363:3,12,20 364:5,15,22 365:5,11,18 366:5,15,23 367:13,23 368:7,15,23 369:9,19 370:4,10,14 370:22 371:5 371:13,20 372:3,11,19 373:3,12,20 374:4,12,19 375:3,10,15 375:19 376:1 376:9,17,23 377:6,14,20 378:4,11,19 379:1,8,16 380:2,7,19 381:2,10,20 382:5,11,18 383:1,11,15 384:1,13,19 385:1,7,13,20 386:3,12,19 387:1,16,24 388:7,15,24 389:7,14,21 390:3,8,16,24 391:7,12,17 391:24 392:8 392:17,23 393:6,12,19 393:24 394:8 394:17 395:2 395:14,23 396:8,17 397:1,8,17 398:2,11,18 399:1,8,20 400:2,7,14,22 401:2,9,18 402:2,7,22 403:7,12,18 404:2,10,18 406:20 407:16 407:23 408:7 408:17 409:2 409:9,17 410:2,13 411:1,10,21 412:1 413:20 413:23 414:4 414:8,13,18 415:1,6,8,10 415:20 416:4 416:13,22 417:8,14,22 418:10 419:13 419:20 420:1 420:5,11,17 421:12,17,24 422:7,12,16 422:21 423:1 423:7,14,21 424:5,14,21 425:4,13,19 426:4 427:5 427:10,20 428:9,21 429:6,18 432:23 433:9 433:20 434:2 434:7,14,21 435:8,15,22 436:7,15,23 437:6,14,22 438:6,13,17 438:19 439:2 439:7,22 440:3,10,16 440:23 441:7 441:14,20 442:3,13,19 442:21 443:2 443:7 444:10 444:16,23 445:5,10,15 445:20 446:1 446:6,11,17 446:24 447:6 447:13,24 448:14,24 449:7,15,18 450:5,18 451:5,13,22 452:5,13,22 453:8,18 454:2,10,19 455:3,12,20 456:4,11,22 457:6,14,22 458:6,14,23 459:7,15 460:1,9 461:2 461:11,22 462:1,6,14,20 463:15,22 464:6,13,20 465:4,12,21 466:5,7,14,24 467:12,18 468:1,9,18 469:1,9,17,24 470:7,13 471:2,8,15,22 472:6,14,22 473:7,15,23 474:8,16,23 475:8,11,16 475:22 476:12 476:18 477:2 477:10,18 478:2,14,20 479:3,11,18 480:4,14,23 481:8,16 482:1,4,8,13 482:24 483:6 483:14,22 484:6,13,20 485:3,14,21 486:5,12,19 487:2,14,21 488:5,14,22 489:8,16,23 490:7,15,23 491:7,9,14 493:3,9,17 494:2,10,19 495:3,12,14 495:19 496:2 496:16 497:1 497:10,18 498:2,10,19 499:3,10,17 500:2,12,20 501:5,11,22 502:4,12,19 503:3,18 504:2,11,20 505:4,12,21 506:5 507:5 507:15,22 508:7,14,23 509:7,16,24 510:10,18 511:3,12,14 511:18,22 512:3,17 513:2,11,19 514:3,10,20 515:4,12,19 516:2,7,10,13 516:18,22 517:2,7,11,16 517:22 518:4 518:9,14,20 519:1,8,14,20 520:2,9,16,23 521:7,13,17 521:23 522:6 522:10,16,23 523:5,13 524:2,9,16,24 525:6,15,21 526:3,9,15,21 527:12,20 528:2,6,10,15 528:21 529:4 529:11 530:10 530:15,24 531:7,14,21 532:6,13,21 533:7,15,22 534:7,18 535:3,14,24 536:9,21 537:4,14,24 538:9,17,23 539:4,9,17 540:2,12,22 541:4,12,20 542:5,17 543:1,11,20 544:5,16 545:23 546:10 546:19 547:4 547:14,23 548:9,17 549:1,8,17 550:3,11,18 551:1,8,15,22 552:14,23 553:7,15,23 554:9,15,22 555:3,10,16 556:1 557:5 557:11,20 558:6,14,23 559:7,15,22 560:4,10,15 560:20 561:2 561:10,18 562:3,12,20 563:2,11,18 564:2,16,20 565:1,8,14,23 566:6,13,20 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 594 567:2,9,16,22 568:5,12,18 569:5,13,21 570:4,16,21 571:12,17 572:1,6,14,20 573:3,15,21 574:6,15,21 575:2,7,15,20 576:6,15,21 577:1,6,11,16 577:24 578:7 578:14,21 579:3,8,17 580:5,17 581:3,10,17 582:2,10,18 583:2,11,16 583:20 584:3 584:8,14,21 584:23 585:6 ammunition 458:9 459:2 amy 432:20 433:13 anand 2:3 4:19 angel 249:14 439:5,10 440:6,13 442:23 answer 6:14,17 6:23 8:11,15 8:24 9:12 10:3 10:18 11:9,23 12:16 13:4,18 14:8,20 15:8 16:8,22 17:11 17:24 18:10 18:24 19:12 20:9 47:23 48:4 49:9,23 50:7 55:15 59:16 63:6 64:8,15,23 65:1,6,14,17 66:5,9,16 68:21,24 70:3 71:7,10,19,22 72:5,8,16,19 73:2,5,14,16 73:24 74:15 74:18,23 75:21,24 76:4 77:3 78:18,20 80:11,13,20 81:5 95:12,20 98:4 100:18 102:24 106:20 107:4,8 146:18,21,24 169:10,11,14 173:1 178:1 185:19 186:7 206:8 207:14 214:22 219:16 220:23 222:1 239:3,14 244:20 245:13 263:12 270:1 276:7 287:15 288:5 303:6 303:17 308:18 320:7 326:18 327:1 341:15 351:17 352:4 352:5,19 384:3,21 405:19,22 406:7 412:5 412:14,20 413:2,8,19 414:16 417:2 417:21 439:16 449:22 462:21 462:23 467:6 470:19 476:6 482:18 496:7 503:9 512:8 530:2 584:24 answered 62:12 86:1 106:20 153:6 198:7 406:18 508:21 527:4,18 535:11 536:17 543:7 555:8 575:17 576:2 576:12 580:1 580:22 585:4 answering 5:24 6:7 21:16 22:3 22:14 23:15 24:6 25:4,15 26:11 27:10 27:21 28:8 29:1,16 30:3 30:16 31:6,18 32:11 33:4,20 34:14 35:5,21 36:12 37:4,18 38:8,22 39:13 40:5,23 41:16 42:8 43:1,17 44:10 45:1,18 46:11 47:3,17 48:19 50:22 51:16 52:2,13 52:23 53:9,18 54:4,14,24 55:11,21 56:7 56:18 57:5,17 58:9,21 59:7 59:16,24 60:10,24 61:9 61:21 62:9 63:23 69:9 70:20 73:23 74:6 75:11 81:11,22 82:9 82:19 83:6,22 84:13 85:3,18 86:7,19 87:5 87:16 88:4,14 89:3,16 90:4 90:14,24 91:10,20 92:6 92:16 93:2,12 93:22 94:17 95:3 101:22 102:9 103:21 104:9,18 105:4,14,24 107:13 108:3 108:16 109:10 110:6,15 111:3,12 112:1,14 113:3,15,24 114:8,16 115:1,16 116:10,19 117:4,14,23 118:7,15 119:2,15 120:6,18 121:7,18 122:2,14 123:4,17 124:9,20 125:9 126:4 126:13 127:1 127:10,18 128:3,11,23 129:11,23 130:11,21 131:8,23 132:8,20 133:16 134:2 134:16 135:16 136:2,13 137:4,11,19 138:4,13 139:2,24 141:2,13 143:10,24 145:14 146:1 147:5 149:11 151:1,18 152:6,19 153:12 154:1 154:15,24 156:14,21 157:11,23 158:12 159:23 160:15 161:3 161:14 163:20 164:13 165:14 166:12,22 167:6,23 168:13 169:20 172:12 173:7 177:19 178:7 178:20 181:2 181:18 182:7 182:22 185:15 186:16 188:1 189:15 190:16 191:13 192:3 193:1,15 194:4 195:6 205:5 206:13 214:2 215:1 216:4 219:14 220:9,15 221:5 222:5 227:5 230:24 231:19 233:4 238:20 239:21 243:20 244:10 245:1,17 253:13 263:16 270:4,14 276:2,13 283:5 286:13 287:22 288:9 297:1 302:19 303:20 307:24 308:21 313:15 316:17 319:22 320:14 326:10 327:4 332:17 339:6 340:2 341:22 346:23 348:21 351:6 352:22 362:24 370:2,12,19 374:9 382:22 385:10 386:16 388:19 391:4 392:20 393:10 393:22 396:12 398:6 405:20 405:21 411:16 414:6,22 415:4,7 417:5 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 595 429:17 433:6 433:23 438:23 439:20 444:19 450:15 462:3 463:12 467:9 470:4,23 475:13 476:9 482:5,21 491:12 495:16 496:11 502:16 503:13 511:20 512:12 515:23 527:9 532:10 538:21 551:12 560:1,18 561:14 562:24 563:22 564:23 565:11 566:23 567:20 568:15 570:1,19 571:15 572:4 572:18 573:18 574:18 575:5 584:18 585:1 answers 56:1,11 207:18 412:6 417:17 anthony 475:19 475:24 476:3 498:6,21 499:20 500:5 500:8,16,22 501:8,14 502:8 anticipated 313:24 antonetti 450:20 453:1 453:11,20 454:12 455:5 455:16 antonio 567:5 567:12,19 anymore 186:10 anyones 441:2 anyway 328:20 329:11 385:5 apart 428:12 517:3 apologize 94:2 506:17 appear 562:15 appearance 103:14 appearances 2:1 appeared 492:12 586:8 appreciate 115:8 413:3 443:18 545:4 appropriate 69:21 430:6 431:24 appropriately 69:22 approved 208:7 335:22 353:21 362:2 369:13 approximately 99:24 100:10 255:4 317:12 approximation 76:20 april 380:9,17 447:15 448:5 448:17 449:9 568:23 574:23 arabic 426:19 area 167:14,17 211:4,8 212:2 212:6 213:1 219:4 229:12 249:8 254:9 254:12 264:15 265:2 316:24 317:17 318:18 349:14 446:8 448:17 583:18 areas 213:24 214:1 argue 102:17 argues 556:11 argumentative 280:22 281:8 298:9 299:4 300:2 301:8 305:23 306:10 316:11 318:5 324:20 345:24 346:7,15 354:1 356:1,9 358:10 361:20 363:10 364:3 364:13 367:11 367:20 368:5 368:13,21 369:7,17 371:3 373:10 377:12 379:14 383:23 386:10 388:13 390:22 392:6 401:24 argumentive 366:21 ariel 452:1,8 453:3,21 454:14 456:7 459:9 460:4 461:7 armitage 315:1 378:7 arranged 252:22 arrangements 557:23 array 305:21 374:23 523:16 523:22 547:18 548:4 560:23 567:4 arrays 311:2 425:11,17 539:2,7 546:22 547:9 567:12,13 arrest 110:11 205:10,24 206:8 207:24 208:8,9 213:12,23 216:9 227:5 227:19 228:9 240:3 317:22 345:22 349:2 349:17 350:1 350:10,13 376:19 381:23 382:1 arrested 44:19 206:18 207:21 208:16,20 213:13 215:11 228:1 229:22 284:13 285:11 354:7 381:5 427:24 479:5 479:13 501:7 524:13 540:6 540:16 arrestees 539:12 arresting 211:2 227:10 230:6 422:3 arrests 205:16 551:4 arrived 334:21 art 2:4 4:21 20:18 219:21 261:15,22 262:4,10,18 301:14 399:16 405:3,11 492:5,14,19 544:19 545:14 556:13 580:23 asa 338:7,13,20 339:6 342:2,8 344:15 aside 384:11 asked 47:8 48:2 48:8 49:10,23 59:11 61:3 62:11 85:24 106:19 140:9 140:11 142:23 143:3 144:18 144:19 148:8 149:5 153:5 155:18,19 180:14,15,18 185:18,21,24 196:24 198:6 241:15,19,21 244:18 245:11 276:5 297:4 297:12 307:22 317:16 320:7 345:6 406:17 406:18 407:6 430:15 433:12 438:20 448:2 508:21 527:3 527:17 532:9 535:10 536:16 542:15 543:7 545:5,10 555:7 575:16 576:1,11 579:24 580:1 580:10,21,22 580:24 585:3 asking 13:12,17 13:20 74:16 79:15 96:12 177:22 186:7 219:19 238:24 288:20 290:10 405:10,24 406:12,23 412:3,4 429:13 430:24 431:19,24 432:5 544:16 aspects 15:14 15:22 399:12 assailant 223:18 447:18 448:8 assault 54:8 574:22 assert 7:12,22 8:1,5,22 9:5 9:10,17 10:1,8 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 596 10:16,23 11:6 11:14,21 12:4 12:14,21 13:2 13:12 14:6,13 14:18 15:1,6 15:11 16:6,13 16:20 17:2,9 17:16,22 18:4 18:8,15,22 19:4,10,22 20:4,11 21:12 21:18,23 22:5 22:10,16 23:11,17 24:2 24:8,18,24 25:6,11,17,24 26:7,13 27:6 27:12,17,23 28:4,10,21 29:3,12,18,23 30:5,12,18 31:2,8,14,20 32:7,13,24 33:6,16,22 34:10,16 35:1 35:7,17,23 36:8,14,24 37:6,14,20 38:4,10,18,24 39:9,15 40:1,7 40:10,19 41:1 41:12,18 42:4 42:10,21 43:3 43:13,19 44:6 44:12,21 45:3 45:14,20 46:7 46:13,18,23 47:5,7,9,19 48:1,7,15,21 48:23 49:5 50:18,24 51:5 51:9,12,18,22 52:4,9,15,19 53:1,5,11,14 53:20,24 54:6 54:10,16,20 55:2,5,7,13,17 55:23 56:3,9 56:12,14,20 56:23 57:1,7 57:13,19,24 58:5,11,13,17 58:23 59:3,9 59:13,20 60:2 60:6,12,15,20 61:11,14,17 61:23 62:1,5 62:15,19,21 63:19 64:1 68:17 69:5,11 70:16,22 73:18 74:8,20 75:13 81:7,13 81:18,24 82:5 82:11,15,21 83:2,8,13,18 83:24 84:9,15 84:23 85:5,14 85:20 86:3,9 86:15,21 87:1 87:7,12,18,24 88:6,10,16,23 89:5,12,18,24 90:6,10,16,20 91:2,6,12,16 91:22 92:2,8 92:12,18,22 93:4,8,14,18 93:24 94:13 94:19,23 95:5 95:14 101:14 101:18,24 102:5,11 103:17,23 104:5,10,14 104:20,24 105:6,10,16 105:20 106:2 107:10,15,23 108:4,12,17 108:23 109:6 109:12,18 110:1,7,12,16 110:23 111:4 111:9,13,21 112:2,10,15 112:22 113:4 113:11,16,21 114:1,5,9,13 114:17,22 115:2,13,17 115:22 116:6 116:11,16,20 117:1,5,11,15 117:20,24 118:4,8,12,16 118:23 119:3 119:12,16 120:2,7,14,20 121:3,8,14,19 121:23 122:3 122:10,15,24 123:5,9,14,18 123:23 124:10 124:17,21 125:1,6,10,15 126:1,5,10,14 126:16 127:2 127:7,11,15 127:19,24 128:4,8,12,19 128:24 129:7 129:12,19,24 130:7,12,18 130:22 131:5 131:9,15,20 132:1,5,9,16 132:21 133:5 133:9,13,18 133:23 134:3 134:12,17,23 135:12,17,23 136:4,10,14 137:1,5,8,12 137:21 138:1 138:5,10,14 138:22 139:3 139:11,20 140:2,13,22 141:3,9,14,21 142:6,15 143:5,12,20 144:1,10,22 145:7,16,22 146:2,13,16 147:7,14,23 148:11,17 149:1,16 150:1,10,19 151:6,14,19 152:2,7,15,20 153:8,13,21 154:2,11,16 154:21 155:1 155:10,22 156:8,16,23 157:7,12,19 157:24 158:8 158:13,22 159:6,19 160:4,11,16 160:23 161:4 161:11,15,23 162:8,17 163:6,16 164:1,9,14,23 165:10,15,23 166:8,14,19 166:23 167:3 167:7,11,15 167:19 168:4 168:10,14 169:11,15,23 170:4,9,14,22 171:5,10,15 171:20 172:1 172:6,17 173:2,9,14,20 174:3,10,17 174:24 175:7 175:18 176:1 176:10,19 177:4,13,24 178:9,16,21 179:5,14,23 180:7,19 181:4,14,19 182:3,8,18,23 183:8,16 184:2,12,23 185:9 186:9 186:18 187:2 187:11,21 188:3,9,18 189:3,11,17 190:1,12,17 191:1,10,14 191:23 192:4 192:13,21 193:3,11,16 193:24 194:5 195:3,7,14,23 196:8,15,22 197:6,13,14 197:24 198:9 198:18 199:3 199:10,18 200:1,7,17 201:1,10,21 202:4,10,16 202:23 203:5 203:12,18 204:1,8,17 205:1,7,9,15 205:21,23 206:15,19 207:6,9,19 208:4,14,18 209:1,7,13,21 210:3,10,14 210:19,24 211:5,11,17 211:23 212:3 212:7,11,15 212:22 213:6 213:17 214:6 214:13,17 215:4,9,13,17 216:1,7,17 217:3,9,16,24 218:8,16 219:1,9 220:11,17 221:7,14,20 221:22 222:7 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 597 222:14,21 223:4,13,22 224:6,14,22 225:6,14,21 226:6,14,23 227:7,14,22 228:6,16,24 229:7,18 230:2,9,19 231:2,8,14,21 232:4,12,22 233:6,17 234:2,10,19 235:5,14,23 236:8,17 237:2,11,20 238:4,13 239:11,23 240:6,10,16 240:20 241:2 241:7,11 242:2,6,10,15 242:19,24 243:4,8,15,22 244:12,21 245:3,14,19 245:24 246:4 246:8,13,20 247:4,12,22 248:11,20 249:4,11,17 250:1,7,14,21 251:7,13,21 252:6,12,19 253:1,9,16 254:2,7,10,17 255:1,6,10,15 255:23 256:8 256:16,24 257:7,14 258:2,9,16,24 259:8,17 263:2,6,19 264:3,11,20 265:5,12,19 266:2,11,21 267:5,14,23 268:7,14,24 269:11,22 270:16 271:3 271:11,20 272:6,14,24 273:11,16,23 274:8,17,24 275:10,20 276:9,15,23 277:8,17 278:2,11,19 279:2,9,19 280:5,14,24 281:10,18 282:3,13,23 283:10,19 284:3,10,17 284:24 285:6 285:15,24 286:7,16 287:1,16,24 288:11,16 289:6,18 290:3,13,20 291:5,13,21 292:5,13,21 293:7,17 294:1,10,18 295:3,12,20 296:4,12,19 297:7,17 298:7,18 299:6,16 300:4,14,22 301:10,18,22 302:5,13,21 303:22 304:5 304:12,20 305:5,14 306:1,12,20 307:3,11,18 308:2,23 309:6,13,20 310:3,10,17 310:24 311:6 311:12 312:2 312:10,19 313:2,10,18 314:10,17 315:4,12,19 316:4,13,20 317:2,8,14,18 317:23 318:7 318:14,22 319:8,17,24 320:9,16 321:2,11,19 322:4,13,21 323:7,15,24 324:9,22 325:5,13,21 326:7,12 327:6,14,22 328:7,16,24 329:8,15,22 330:7,15,22 331:5,14,21 332:4,13,20 333:4,9,18 334:1,10,18 335:1,11,19 336:2,10,22 337:8,14,21 338:4,11,18 339:2,11,20 339:22 340:4 340:11,20 341:7,24 342:6,16 343:2,10,19 344:4,12,21 345:9,19 346:2,9,17 347:1,10,17 347:23 348:5 348:15,17,23 349:6,11,15 349:22 350:7 350:15,23 351:8 352:7 352:24 353:6 353:12,19 354:3,10,18 354:24 355:7 355:15 356:3 356:11,19 357:4,13,20 357:24 358:4 358:12,19 359:2,9,15,23 360:6,15 361:7,15,22 362:6,13,20 363:2,12,20 364:5,15,22 365:5,11,18 366:5,15,23 367:13,23 368:7,15,23 369:9,19 370:3,9,13,21 371:5,13,20 372:3,11,19 373:3,12,20 374:4,11,19 375:3,10,14 375:18 376:1 376:9,16,23 377:6,14,20 378:4,11,19 379:1,8,16 380:2,6,18 381:2,10,20 382:5,11,18 383:1,10,14 384:1,13,18 384:24 385:6 385:12,20 386:3,12,18 386:24 387:16 387:24 388:7 388:15,24 389:7,14,20 390:2,7,16,24 391:6,11,16 391:24 392:8 392:17,22 393:6,11,19 393:23 394:8 394:17 395:2 395:14,23 396:8,17 397:1,8,17 398:2,11,17 399:1,8,20 400:1,6,14,21 401:1,9,18 402:2,6,22 403:7,11,18 404:2,10,18 406:20 407:16 407:23 408:7 408:17 409:2 409:9,17 410:2,13 411:1,10,21 413:20,23 414:3,7,12,17 414:24 415:10 415:19 416:3 416:13,21 417:7,14 418:9 419:12 419:20,24 420:4,11,16 421:11,16,24 422:6,11,15 422:20,24 423:7,14,21 424:5,14,21 425:4,12,18 426:4 427:5,9 427:20 428:9 428:21 429:6 429:23 432:22 433:8,20 434:1,6,14,21 435:8,15,22 436:7,15,23 437:6,14,22 438:6,12,16 439:1,6,21 440:2,9,15,23 441:7,14,20 442:3,13,18 443:1,6 444:9 444:16,23 445:4,9,14,19 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 598 445:24 446:5 446:10,17,24 447:6,13,24 448:14,24 449:7,15 450:4,17 451:5,13,22 452:5,13,22 453:8,18 454:2,10,19 455:3,12,20 456:4,11,22 457:6,14,22 458:6,14,23 459:7,15 460:1,9 461:2 461:11,22 462:5,13,20 463:14,22 464:6,13,20 465:4,12,21 466:5,14,24 467:11,18 468:1,9,18 469:1,9,17,24 470:6,13 471:1,8,15,22 472:6,14,22 473:7,15,23 474:8,16,23 475:8,15,21 476:11,17 477:2,10,18 478:2,14,20 479:3,11,18 480:4,14,23 481:8,16 482:1,7,12,23 483:5,14,22 484:6,13,20 485:3,14,21 486:5,12,19 487:2,14,21 488:5,14,22 489:8,16,23 490:7,15,23 491:7,13 493:2,9,17 494:2,10,19 495:3,12,18 496:1,16 497:1,10,18 498:2,10,19 499:3,10,17 500:2,12,20 501:5,11,22 502:4,12,19 503:3,18 504:2,11,20 505:4,12,21 506:5 507:5 507:15,22 508:7,14,23 509:7,16,24 510:10,18 511:3,12,21 512:2,17 513:2,11,19 514:3,10,20 515:4,12,19 516:1,6,9,12 516:17,21 517:1,6,10,15 517:21 518:3 518:8,14,19 519:1,8,14,20 520:2,9,16,23 521:7,12,16 521:23 522:5 522:9,16,23 523:5,13 524:2,9,16,24 525:6,15,21 526:2,9,14,21 527:11,20 528:1,5,9,14 528:21 529:4 529:11 530:9 530:14,24 531:7,14,21 532:6,12,21 533:7,14,22 534:7,18 535:3,14,24 536:9,21 537:4,14,24 538:9,17,22 539:3,8,17 540:2,12,22 541:3,12,20 542:5,17 543:1,11,20 544:5 545:23 546:10,19 547:4,14,23 548:9,17 549:1,8,17 550:3,11,18 551:1,8,14,22 552:14,23 553:7,15,23 554:9,14,21 555:2,10,15 556:1 557:4 557:11,20 558:6,14,23 559:7,15,22 560:3,10,14 560:19 561:2 561:10,18 562:3,12,20 563:1,11,18 564:2,15,19 564:24 565:8 565:13,23 566:6,13,20 567:1,9,16,21 568:5,12,17 569:5,13,21 570:3,15,20 571:12,16 572:1,5,14,20 573:3,15,20 574:6,15,20 575:2,6,15,20 576:6,15,20 576:24 577:6 577:10,16,24 578:7,14,21 579:3,7,17 580:5,17 581:3,10,17 582:2,10,18 583:2,11,15 583:19 584:2 584:8,14,20 585:6 asserted 46:20 asserting 13:19 20:7 24:22 57:21 58:2 63:17 64:4,12 65:11 66:2,14 67:2,10,22 68:4 69:3 72:2 85:1 244:6 384:5 412:1 415:5 417:21 429:17 438:18 442:20 449:17 461:24 466:7 475:11 482:3 491:9 495:14 502:14 511:14 511:17 515:21 544:15 assertion 67:14 assigned 12:6 12:23 14:3,15 15:3 assist 387:20 assistant 342:11 assisted 207:24 associated 68:3 assume 6:24 assumes 13:23 23:9,24 24:16 26:19 27:3 28:18 29:9 37:11 38:1,15 39:5 40:16 41:9,24 42:18 43:9 44:3 45:11 60:17 68:10 70:8 84:6,20 85:11 107:20 108:10 111:18 112:19 116:3 119:23 122:22 128:16 129:4,16 130:4 138:20 139:8,17 140:7,19 141:18 142:3 142:12,21 143:18 144:7 144:16 145:4 147:11,20 148:5,22 149:13,22 150:7,16 151:3,11,23 152:12 153:18 154:8 155:7 155:16 156:5 160:1 163:22 164:20 165:7 168:1,20 169:8 170:19 172:14,24 177:2,11 179:3,12,21 180:5,12 181:12 182:16 183:6,14,24 184:10,21 185:7,17 186:5,23 187:9,18 188:16 189:1 189:9,22 190:9,23 191:7,21 192:10,19 193:8,22 194:24 195:20 196:6,12,19 197:4,12,21 198:7,16 199:1,8,23 200:15 201:8 201:19 204:15 204:23 205:18 208:1,11,22 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 599 209:19 213:3 213:15 214:3 215:22 216:24 217:13 218:6 218:14,23 219:7 226:3 226:12 228:14 229:16,24 230:17 238:23 246:17 247:1 247:9,19 248:8 251:4 253:24 254:14 254:22 255:21 256:6,14 259:15 263:24 264:8,18 266:9 269:9 269:20 270:24 271:17 272:3 272:12,21 273:8 274:5 274:15 277:6 277:14 278:9 278:17 279:16 280:2,11,21 282:10,20 283:7,16,24 287:14 289:3 289:15,24 292:3,10,18 293:4,15 294:7,15 295:1,10,18 297:5,14 298:5,16 299:4,14 300:1,12,20 301:7 302:11 303:16 305:3 305:23 306:9 310:1,8,15 312:16,24 316:2,11 318:19 319:6 319:14 320:6 320:23 321:8 321:17 322:2 322:10 323:5 323:12,21 324:6,19 325:2,11,19 327:11,20 328:5,14,22 329:6,13,20 330:5,13 331:12,19 332:2,11 333:1,16,23 334:8,15,23 335:9 336:8 336:20 337:6 338:24 339:8 340:17 341:5 341:14 342:23 343:16 344:1 344:9,19 345:5,17,24 346:7,14 349:19 350:4 353:16 354:1 354:16 355:13 356:1,9,17 357:2,11 358:10 359:20 360:4,13,21 361:5,13,20 362:4,11 363:10,18 364:3,13 365:3 366:3 366:13,21 367:11,20 368:5,13,21 369:7,16 372:1,9,17 373:10,18 374:24 375:7 377:4,12 378:1,9,17 379:14,24 380:22 381:7 381:17 383:22 385:17,24 386:9 387:22 388:5,13,21 390:13,22 391:21 392:6 392:14 393:4 393:17 394:6 394:15,24 395:12,21 396:6,14,23 397:6,15,24 398:8 401:6 401:16 403:5 403:24 404:8 404:16,23 407:14,21 408:5,14,23 409:14,23 410:9,21 411:8,19 416:10 419:17 420:9 421:21 423:19 424:3 424:12,19 425:2 426:1 427:2 428:7 428:17 429:3 429:11 436:13 437:20 438:4 440:21 441:5 447:22 448:12 448:22 449:5 449:13 451:3 451:11,20 452:3,11,20 453:6,16,24 454:8,17 455:1,10,18 456:2,9,20 457:4,12,20 458:4,12,21 459:5,13,23 460:7,24 461:20 465:10 466:3 468:7 468:16 469:7 469:15 472:4 472:12,20 473:5,13,21 474:6,14,21 475:6 476:24 477:8,16,24 479:1,9,16 480:2,12,21 481:6,14,23 483:12,20 484:4,11,18 485:1,19 486:3,10,17 486:24 487:12 487:19 488:3 488:12,20 489:6,14,21 490:5,13,21 491:5 493:7 493:15,24 494:8,17 495:1,10 496:23 497:8 497:16,24 498:8,17 499:1,8,24 500:10,18 501:3,20 502:10 504:9 504:18 505:2 505:10,19 506:3 507:3 507:13,20 508:5,12 509:5,14,22 510:8,16 511:1,10 513:9,17 514:1,8,16 515:2,10,17 522:20 530:22 535:1,11,22 536:7,18 537:12,22 538:7,15 539:14,23 540:9,19 541:9,17 542:2,13,22 543:8,17 544:2,11 545:21 546:8 546:17 547:2 547:12,21 548:7,15,23 549:6,15 550:1,9,16,23 551:6 552:12 553:21 554:7 555:22 557:9 557:18 558:4 558:12 559:5 559:13,20 561:8,16 562:1,10,18 563:16,24 565:6,21 566:4,11,18 567:7 568:10 569:11,19 571:2,10,23 572:12 573:1 573:10 574:4 574:12 575:13 576:12 581:24 582:8,16,24 583:9 attempt 363:14 501:13 attempted 440:5 451:16 485:23 493:19 attempting 100:24 565:18 attempts 356:22 attend 77:20 attention 134:5 182:12 347:3 350:17 418:12 426:6 427:22 524:20 attire 480:8,9 attorney 7:12 7:22 8:5,22 9:5,10,17 10:1 10:8,16,23 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 601 227:7,14,22 228:6,16,24 229:7,18 230:2,9,19 231:2,8,14,21 232:4,12,22 233:6,17 234:2,10,19 235:5,14,23 236:8,17 237:2,11,20 238:4,13 239:11,23 240:6,10,16 240:20 241:2 241:7,11 242:2,6,10,15 242:19,24 243:4,8,15,22 244:12 245:3 245:19,24 246:4,8,13,20 247:4,12,22 248:11,20 249:4,11,17 250:1,7,14,21 251:7,13,21 252:6,12,19 253:1,9,16 254:2,7,10,17 255:1,6,10,15 255:23 256:8 256:16,24 257:7,14 258:2,9,16,24 259:8,17 263:2,6,19 264:3,11,20 265:5,12,19 266:2,11 267:5,14,23 268:7,14,24 269:11,22 270:16 271:3 271:11,20 272:6,14,24 273:11,16,23 274:8,17,24 275:10,20 276:15,23 277:8,17 278:2,11,19 279:2,9,19 280:5,14,24 281:10,18 282:3,13,23 283:10,19 284:3,10,17 284:24 285:6 285:15,24 286:7,16 287:1,24 288:11,16 289:6,18 290:3,13,20 291:5,13,21 292:5,13,21 293:7,17 294:1,10,18 295:3,12,20 296:4,12,19 297:7,17 298:7,18 299:6,16 300:4,14,22 301:10,18,22 302:5,13,21 303:22 304:5 304:12,20 305:5,14 306:1,12,20 307:3,11,18 308:2,23 309:6,13,20 310:3,10,17 310:24 311:6 311:12 312:2 312:10,19 313:2,10,17 314:10,17 315:4,12,19 316:4,13,20 317:2,8,14,18 317:23 318:7 318:14,22 319:8,17,24 320:16 321:2 321:11,19 322:4,13,21 323:7,15,24 324:9,22 325:5,13,21 326:7,12 327:6,14,22 328:7,16,24 329:8,15,22 330:7,15,22 331:5,14,21 332:4,13,20 333:4,9,18 334:1,10,18 335:1,11,19 336:2,10,22 337:8,14,21 338:4,11,18 339:2,11,20 340:4,11,20 341:7,24 342:6,11,16 343:2,10,19 344:4,12,21 345:9,19 346:2,9,17 347:1,10,17 347:23 348:5 348:15,23 349:6,11,15 349:22 350:7 350:15,23 351:8 352:7 352:24 353:6 353:12,19 354:3,10,18 354:24 355:7 355:15 356:3 356:11,19 357:4,13,20 357:24 358:4 358:12,19 359:2,9,15,23 360:6,15 361:7,15,22 362:6,13,20 363:2,12,20 364:5,15,22 365:5,11,18 366:5,15,23 367:13,23 368:7,15,23 369:9,19 370:3,9,13,21 371:5,13,20 372:3,11,19 373:3,12,20 374:4,11,19 375:3,10,14 375:18 376:1 376:9,16,23 377:6,14,20 378:4,11,19 379:1,8,16 380:2,6,18 381:2,10,20 382:5,11,18 383:1,10,14 384:1,13,18 384:24 385:6 385:12,20 386:3,12,18 386:22,24 387:11,16,24 388:7,15,24 389:7,11,14 389:18,20 390:2,7,16,24 391:6,11,16 391:24 392:8 392:17,22 393:6,11,19 393:23 394:8 394:17 395:2 395:14,23 396:8,17 397:1,8,17 398:2,11,17 399:1,8,20 400:1,6,14,21 401:1,9,18 402:2,6,22 403:7,11,18 404:2,10,18 406:20 407:16 407:23 408:7 408:17 409:2 409:9,17 410:2,13 411:1,10,21 413:23 414:3 414:7,12,24 415:19 416:3 416:13,21 417:7 418:9 419:12,20,24 420:4,11,16 421:11,16,24 422:6,11,15 422:20,24 423:7,14,21 424:5,14,21 425:4,12,18 426:4 427:5,8 427:9,20 428:9,21 429:6 432:22 433:8,20 434:1,6,14,21 435:8,15,22 436:7,15,23 437:6,14,22 438:6,12,16 439:1,6,21 440:2,9,15,23 441:7,14,20 442:3,13,18 443:1,6 444:9 444:16,23 445:4,9,14,19 445:24 446:5 446:10,17,24 447:6,13,24 448:14,24 449:7,15 450:4,17 451:5,13,22 452:5,13,22 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 602 453:8,18 454:2,10,19 455:3,12,20 456:4,11,22 457:6,14,22 458:6,14,23 459:7,15 460:1,9 461:2 461:11,22 462:5,13,20 463:14,22 464:6,13,20 465:4,12,21 466:5,14,24 467:11,18 468:1,9,18 469:1,9,17,24 470:6,13 471:1,8,15,22 472:6,14,22 473:7,15,23 474:8,16,23 475:8,15,21 476:11,17 477:2,10,18 478:2,14,20 479:3,11,18 480:4,14,23 481:8,16 482:1,7,12,23 483:5,14,22 484:6,13,20 485:3,14,21 486:5,12,19 487:2,14,21 488:5,14,22 489:8,16,23 490:7,15,23 491:7,13 493:2,9,17 494:2,10,19 495:3,12,18 496:1,16 497:1,10,18 498:2,10,19 499:3,10,17 500:2,12,20 501:5,11,22 502:4,12,19 503:3,18 504:2,11,20 505:4,12,21 506:5 507:5 507:15,22 508:7,14,23 509:7,16,24 510:10,18 511:3,12,21 512:2,17 513:2,11,19 514:3,10,20 515:4,12,19 516:1,6,9,12 516:17,21 517:1,6,10,15 517:21 518:3 518:8,14,19 519:1,8,14,20 520:2,9,16,23 521:7,12,16 521:23 522:5 522:9,16,23 523:5,13 524:2,9,16,24 525:6,15,21 526:2,6,9,14 526:21 527:6 527:20 528:1 528:5,9,14,21 529:4,11 530:9,14,24 531:7,14,21 532:6,12,21 533:7,14,22 534:7,18 535:3,14,24 536:9,21 537:4,14,24 538:9,17,22 539:3,8,17 540:2,12,22 541:3,12,20 542:5,17 543:1,11,20 544:5 545:23 546:10,19 547:4,14,23 548:9,17 549:1,8,17 550:3,11,18 551:1,8,14,22 552:14,23 553:7,15,23 554:9,14,21 555:2,10,15 556:1 557:4 557:11,20 558:6,14,23 559:7,15,22 560:3,10,14 560:19 561:2 561:10,18 562:3,12,20 563:1,11,18 564:2,15,19 564:24 565:8 565:13,23 566:6,13,20 567:1,9,16,21 568:5,12,17 569:5,13,21 570:3,15,20 571:12,16 572:1,5,14,20 573:3,15,20 574:6,15,20 575:2,6,15,20 576:6,15,20 576:24 577:6 577:10,16,24 578:7,14,21 579:3,7,17 580:5,17 581:3,10,17 582:2,10,18 583:2,11,15 583:19 584:2 584:8,14,20 585:6 attorneys 64:11 65:6,10 66:9 66:13,19,23 67:8,9,20,21 68:2,7,13,14 68:16,24 71:10,22 72:9 72:19 73:5 74:17 79:9,12 106:17 204:11 247:8 248:6 266:21 267:18 268:3 293:12 333:14 337:4 342:19 343:5 344:24 365:15 389:24 395:10 418:6 427:13 435:1 442:7 445:17 451:9 464:2 465:7 468:13 472:2 476:21 483:9 494:14 497:5 504:6 513:6 587:8 august 8:18 28:12 103:16 104:12,22 105:8,19 118:2 119:7,8 119:19 122:5 123:13,21 124:24 125:14 125:24 126:20 127:4,13 130:24 131:11 132:24,24 133:3,3,8,12 135:19 136:1 136:6 137:24 138:9,18 139:6,15 140:6,18 141:6,17 142:2,11,20 143:10,14 144:6,15 145:3,13,18 147:10,18 148:3,16,20 149:10,21 150:6,15 151:1 154:18 155:3,13 156:1 157:4 158:15 159:13 159:23 160:20 161:6 164:19 165:5,18 166:3,18 167:2,10,14 167:18,22 168:7 172:10 173:11 186:20 187:5 190:6 192:6 194:20 195:16 196:1 197:20,20 198:5 201:6 201:16 206:17 207:22 211:3 215:6,15 216:13,13 217:7,20 218:3,11,20 219:5,5 221:9 228:2 229:11 239:10,10 240:2 242:13 242:18,22 243:3,7,11,20 243:20 244:4 244:16 246:3 248:5,17 249:16 250:6 251:12 252:11 252:24 253:5 253:14,20 254:6 255:18 256:3,12 263:23 266:17 268:21 269:6 270:23 271:8 271:16 273:5 273:19 274:13 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 603 276:1,6,20 277:11,22 279:1,6,14 280:1 282:9 283:14 284:21 284:21 285:22 286:19 289:11 289:12,21 303:2 304:4,9 304:16,24 306:15,23 307:23 319:4 385:15,23 403:10 405:4 405:13 517:5 558:17 559:1 565:2 572:10 572:22 austin 66:20 authorities 51:8 51:8 583:5 authority 75:17 available 533:3 533:12,18 534:3 avilio 570:7,14 aware 70:2 96:21 231:24 232:8,18 233:2,9 415:15 416:1 416:5 419:14 431:2,10 432:8 534:9 535:5 551:17 552:17 554:2 B b 3:7 174:21 back 21:5 49:16 106:13 175:2 175:11 194:17 200:9,11 239:13 249:7 258:19,20 308:10 347:3 387:6 413:14 433:1,11 491:21 498:22 badly 486:8 bankruptcy 556:7 557:1,2 557:3,7,14 bar 63:7 70:5 barber 2:20 4:17,17 518:12,23 519:6,12 520:14,21 521:5 522:14 526:19 529:1 529:9 534:14 534:16 543:7 544:1 575:16 576:1 579:23 580:3 bars 393:2,15 394:2,20 395:7,17 396:3,21 baseball 170:7 170:12 based 9:1,13 10:4,19 11:10 11:24 12:17 13:5,13,20 14:9,21 15:9 16:9,23 17:12 18:1,11 19:1 19:13 20:10 49:2 64:21 65:2,7 66:5 72:9 73:24 75:5,19 78:21 80:14 96:11 97:3 114:11 143:2 148:6 410:18 430:16 431:20 499:21 basement 418:14 419:9 basic 101:6 516:11 517:3 517:8 basis 70:14 97:24 318:1 429:13,20 430:9,22 432:14 544:17 544:17 545:6 545:12 bates 124:13 136:21 146:9 207:3 214:10 261:13 326:2 339:17 348:12 370:6 416:16 418:20 426:7 529:17 battery 54:9 215:12,21 272:18 285:11 566:9 beat 208:16 428:2 486:8 486:15 514:23 565:2 566:1 572:8,22 beaten 490:18 beating 486:22 571:20 began 145:21 beginning 549:21 begins 418:22 426:8 behalf 4:15,21 502:1 belated 75:4 241:14 288:19 belief 392:12 believe 69:15 96:13 97:2 261:23 297:3 318:1 430:1 432:13 492:5 492:14 542:14 545:11 575:16 575:18 believes 406:6 believing 429:20 belmont 419:10 bemis 466:1 best 49:24 99:24 better 443:17 beyond 430:2 bias 556:15,18 biased 108:19 109:14 bill 572:23 binders 173:17 174:13 175:2 binding 48:14 50:4 birth 249:21 250:11 252:2 252:16 bit 65:22,23 black 171:8 blocks 131:18 blood 486:22 blue 173:16 bluhm 416:17 416:17 bluhm45087 326:2 book 134:20 135:7 178:24 179:18 180:3 180:11,15 181:10 182:12 182:13 183:3 183:12,21 184:7,18 185:5 186:22 187:7,16 191:6,17 196:3 197:19 198:4,14,23 199:21 200:10 200:11,21 201:6,16 203:22 224:11 356:15 357:8 booking 334:13 465:18 books 134:9 173:13,16,23 175:12,21 176:4,14,22 176:23 177:7 177:18,23 178:5,7,12,24 179:9 180:18 181:2,7,7 185:15 186:4 186:21 187:6 187:15 188:14 188:23 189:20 190:7,21 192:7,8,17 193:6 194:21 195:17,19 196:4 201:13 524:12,20 525:3,9,24 526:4 bottom 261:14 bouto 560:6,12 boy 18:18 407:18 408:20 408:24 409:4 409:7,20,24 410:10 boyke 426:9,14 426:15,20 427:8,13 428:1 boys 378:22 379:4,5 404:21 407:10 410:6 break 6:11,12 6:15 21:1 49:8 106:5,10 162:19 194:8 194:10,15 308:5,8 387:4 416:7 460:15 491:16,19 brendan 440:7 bribery 53:13 bribes 421:7 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 604 423:2,9 424:1 424:8,17,24 425:7,10,15 bring 362:17 broad 9:8 50:6 brother 133:22 291:2 brought 166:16 167:9,13,17 167:22 249:7 254:9 349:13 392:4 403:13 430:11 492:6 brown 222:24 382:14 building 171:18 bullshit 454:22 buy 421:2 422:5 565:18 buzzo 572:23 buzzos 573:5,8 C c 2:11 174:21 399:16 586:3 call 73:15 118:11,19,21 119:6,10 258:12 260:21 316:23 426:15 443:19 called 1:15 5:14 58:15 60:16 61:15 132:11 132:23 133:2 240:1 260:19 459:9 460:4 calls 39:6 42:1 43:10 46:4 68:19 71:4,17 72:24 73:13 74:14 78:16 80:9,18 81:3 133:17 272:3 272:21 282:1 400:11 401:5 camera 262:19 campbell 378:22 379:4 379:5 cant 20:15 65:16 76:21 135:2 car 11:18 222:10,17,24 223:8,9 225:18 251:1 335:16 378:13 403:2 care 518:6 career 421:19 535:19 536:14 546:12 547:7 548:1 552:7 552:16 553:1 553:9 554:1 554:16 555:18 careful 519:4 carl 560:5,17 carlos 250:4,24 cars 403:1 case 4:4 12:6 23:7 48:3 50:15 52:7 56:24 57:23 58:4,15 63:1 67:24 68:5 69:4 72:3 79:1 79:20 82:24 83:11,16 85:8 86:11,24 87:11 88:9,22 89:7,20 90:8 90:18 91:4,14 91:24 92:10 92:20 93:6,16 93:17 94:7,10 94:21 95:7 118:22 134:22 186:2 275:3 283:22 309:2 310:13 318:11 318:12 351:10 354:14 366:1 371:17 377:9 383:16 386:21 387:10 388:11 389:3,10,17 389:23 390:5 390:10 398:13 399:11,14,18 399:18,23 404:12,21 410:11,15 423:17 426:16 428:2,13,13 431:3,5 432:2 432:6,15 435:4 447:3 478:12 487:4 487:7 488:18 498:15 499:6 499:14 526:13 544:24 556:11 556:15,19 cases 421:9 425:23 432:13 551:4 577:19 cash 421:6 422:8,13 casiana 505:7 castro 455:23 456:6,14 457:1 catch 5:11 421:1 catching 422:3 catherine 2:20 4:17 caught 426:13 causal 417:17 cause 46:2 61:2 208:9 216:21 443:16 478:23 500:7 586:10 586:18 caused 45:22 532:1 causing 398:21 cb 321:6 540:6 cell 212:5,10,18 center 110:20 111:7,8,16 central 315:1 certain 415:6 certainly 412:18 certified 1:17 586:4 certify 586:6,15 587:2,5,9 chance 446:13 chances 323:2 change 421:7 423:10 425:10 425:16 changes 103:3 changing 423:3 characteristics 541:6 charge 285:3,12 286:20 317:22 334:14 404:13 charged 44:19 272:18 273:15 298:1,24 299:21 301:3 335:22 340:16 420:14 474:4 511:8 532:2 534:12,23 535:5,9,18 536:4,13 537:10,19 566:8 charges 272:10 346:22 362:17 410:5 420:7 422:9,18 429:9 441:11 501:16 charles 439:4,9 440:6,13 442:22 check 568:20 chicago 1:10,11 1:18 2:7,22,24 4:5,18 7:15 12:9 15:15 24:11 28:14 29:6 30:9,22 31:12,24 32:4 32:17 33:10 34:2,20 35:11 36:3,22 48:9 50:17 66:13 81:17 87:10 87:22 98:3,7 106:18 113:6 134:6 157:14 161:17 162:22 266:16 281:14 288:13 290:7 293:20 294:21 295:23 302:1 390:11 391:14 398:15 415:18 416:8 418:7 419:15 421:20 452:17 477:22 485:24 498:5 500:24 516:4 517:4,13,19 531:3,10,17 534:9 535:6 545:1 549:22 580:19 581:1 581:6,12,14 583:6 584:11 586:9 child 98:22,24 518:22 519:5 children 98:12 98:14,16,19 99:3,6,13,17 99:18 100:15 100:16 101:1 101:16 102:4 102:14 518:6 518:10,17 558:19 choice 62:3 choose 8:9,9 449:3,11 490:10 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 605 choosing 7:24 8:14 chose 363:8 circuit 586:11 city 1:11 2:24 4:18 98:2,7 106:17 390:11 398:14 530:18 581:12,13 citys 539:1,6 582:13,21 civil 1:15 54:19 82:14,24 83:11,16 84:18 85:8 399:14,18,23 civilian 574:22 civilians 539:21 claimed 447:16 claiming 70:5 claims 448:6 clandestine 32:18 clarification 443:19 clarifying 399:17 clark 2:21 clear 67:4,13 259:12 351:10 352:13 380:10 399:13 431:18 443:15,24 clearance 531:11,17 client 49:19 64:22 65:2,7 66:6 68:20 71:5,6,18 72:4 72:14 73:1,13 73:16 74:14 75:20 78:17 79:6 80:10,19 81:3 100:23 107:3 405:16 405:19 412:13 412:23,24 clients 96:22 clip 458:9,17 459:2 close 211:20 284:20 285:21 426:21 551:4 closed 211:14 closets 574:10 clothes 105:18 coached 202:18 409:20 cobra 561:21 cobras 109:14 109:22 583:22 cocaine 565:18 code 35:14 codefendants 165:2 577:3 coerce 394:2,11 451:24 485:16 491:2 515:14 519:23 520:5 560:5 561:22 562:7 564:4 564:11 565:3 570:5,12 571:18 coerced 18:17 23:19 30:23 31:13 204:19 327:17 434:3 439:23 440:11 440:17 441:16 445:1 450:19 469:3 471:3 471:10 484:8 484:15,22 485:5 505:6 507:17 511:6 coercive 36:17 cold 573:12 collaboration 353:8 colleagues 4:20 35:13 305:18 340:23 color 173:23 382:8 comatose 306:24 307:15 come 111:6 161:18 162:12 162:23 163:10 337:16 454:14 558:18 commander 217:7 comments 168:18 commit 7:11 30:11 36:21 367:9 383:21 390:20 394:13 398:22 402:5 571:20 committed 28:1 35:13 37:24 57:11 203:8 314:13 328:11 350:3 358:23 384:17 385:4 400:8 401:3 424:10 454:6 499:21 501:18 561:5 581:20 committing 45:6 common 210:5 communicate 98:11 306:16 307:7 communication 71:18 73:1,16 74:14,16 78:17 80:10 80:19 81:3 391:18 communicati... 68:20 73:13 81:4 296:23 compilation 260:13 262:8 complaint 55:16 57:12 complaints 530:20 complete 253:21 337:18 337:24 530:11 530:12 completed 6:14 335:21 completely 103:6 407:12 complexion 489:12,19 compound 12:12 297:15 298:5,16 299:14 300:1 300:12 301:7 367:21 410:21 525:13 579:14 computeraided 586:22 conceal 289:10 297:20,24 298:23 299:20 301:2 302:8 concealed 24:11 25:8,19 26:2 28:13 34:3 204:10 289:1 292:16,24 294:13 295:15 296:15 312:12 312:21 343:23 conception 450:2 455:24 457:10 458:10 461:15 concluded 266:5 354:13 585:16 concludes 585:11 conclusion 39:7 42:2 43:11 46:5 400:12 401:6 conditioner 573:11 conduct 37:10 45:10 71:1,14 218:2,10,19 228:11 563:6 570:22 571:6 conducted 23:6 25:9,20 26:3 245:21 246:2 246:6,23 247:17 248:2 248:5 263:23 268:21 269:6 276:19 277:13 289:22 305:19 305:19 306:5 309:16 310:12 328:1 336:14 336:18 344:15 345:1,13 446:7 448:17 465:14 478:11 493:4 499:5 515:6 539:11 539:19 540:4 540:14 544:19 conducting 516:19 539:2 539:7 confer 47:11,13 conferred 248:15 conferring 49:18 confess 562:6 confessing 394:12 452:1 515:15 570:6 570:13 571:19 confession 485:17 490:19 561:23 562:8 562:15 564:5 564:12 confidential 96:12 101:2 107:2 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 606 confidentiality 97:4 confusing 13:15 13:24 congo 565:17 566:1 connected 26:16,24 connection 17:20 51:3 71:1,14 371:17 434:18 441:24 445:13 450:24 463:18 467:15 471:19 476:15 477:21 483:3 494:6 496:20 503:22 512:21,22 connelly 2:19 consciousness 446:20 considered 177:8 conspiracy 39:19 41:5 42:14 43:23 415:17 434:9 440:7 445:7 465:24 468:21 473:10,18 485:24 493:20 conspired 8:19 44:14 452:16 498:4,5 constitution 71:3 526:18 527:1,16 constitutional 13:11,14 39:4 39:18 40:14 41:4,22 42:13 43:7,22 45:8 57:11 70:17 94:24 95:15 102:1 104:11 104:15,21 105:11,17,21 106:3 108:5 108:13,18,24 109:7,19 110:2,8,13,17 110:24 111:5 111:10,14,22 112:3,11,16 112:23 113:5 113:12,17,22 114:2,6,10,14 114:18,23 115:3,14,18 115:23 116:7 116:12,17,21 117:2,6,12,16 117:21 118:1 118:5,9,13,17 118:24 119:4 119:13,17 120:3,8,15,20 121:4,9,15,20 121:24 122:4 122:11,16 123:1,6,10,15 123:19,24 124:11,18,22 125:2,7,11,16 126:2,6,11,15 127:3,8,12,16 127:20 128:1 128:5,9,13,20 129:1,8,13,20 130:1,8,13,19 130:23 131:6 131:10,16,21 132:2,6,10,17 132:22 133:6 133:10,14,19 133:24 134:4 134:13,18,24 135:13,18,24 136:5,11,15 137:2,6,9,13 137:22 138:2 138:6,11,15 138:23 139:4 139:12,21 140:3,14,23 141:4,10,15 141:22 142:7 142:16 143:6 143:13,21 144:2,11,23 145:8,17,23 146:3,14,17 147:8,15,24 148:12,18 149:2,17 150:2,11,20 151:7,15,20 152:3,8,16,21 153:9,14,22 154:3,12,17 154:22 155:2 155:11,23 156:9,17,24 157:8,13,20 158:1,9,14,23 159:7 160:12 160:17,24 161:5,12,16 161:24 162:9 163:7 164:10 164:15,24 165:11,16,24 166:9,20,24 167:4,8,12,16 167:20 168:5 168:11,15 169:24 170:5 170:15,23 171:6,11,16 171:21 172:7 172:18 173:15 173:21 174:4 174:11,18 175:8,19 176:2,11,20 177:5,14 178:17,22 179:6,15,24 180:8 181:5 181:15 182:4 182:9,19,24 183:17 184:3 184:13,24 185:10 186:19 187:3,12,22 188:4,10,19 189:4,12,18 190:13,18 191:2,15,24 192:5,14,22 193:4,12,17 194:1,6 218:17 219:10 220:12 221:8 221:15,21 222:8,15,22 223:5,14,23 224:7,15 225:7 226:15 226:24 227:8 227:15,23 228:7,17 229:1,8,19 230:3,20 231:3,9,15,22 232:5,13,23 233:7 234:11 234:20 235:6 235:15,24 236:9,18 237:3,12 238:14 239:12 240:7,11,17 240:21 241:3 241:8,12 242:3,7,11,16 242:20 243:1 243:5,9,16,23 244:13 245:4 245:20 246:1 246:5,9,14,21 247:5,13,23 248:12,21 249:5,12,18 250:2,8,15,22 251:8,14,22 252:7,13,20 253:2,10,17 254:3,8,11,18 255:2,7,11,16 255:24 256:9 256:17 257:1 257:8,15 258:3,10,17 259:1,9,18 263:3,7,20 264:4,12,21 265:6,13,20 266:3,12,22 267:6,15,24 268:8,15 269:1,12,23 270:17 271:4 271:12,21 272:7,15 273:1,12,17 273:24 274:9 274:18 275:1 275:11,21 276:16,24 277:9,18 278:3,12,20 279:3,10,20 280:6,15 281:1,11,19 282:4,14,24 283:11,20 284:4,11,18 285:1,7,16 286:1,8,17 287:2 288:1 288:12,17 289:7,19 290:4,14,21 291:6,14,22 292:6,14,22 293:8,18 294:2,11,19 295:4,13,21 296:5,13,20 297:8,18 298:8,19 299:7,17 300:5,15,23 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 607 301:11,19,23 302:6,14,22 303:23 304:6 304:13,21 305:6,15 306:2,13,21 307:4,12,19 308:3 313:11 314:11,18 315:5,13,20 316:5,14,21 317:3,9,15,19 317:24 318:8 318:15,23 319:9,18 320:1,17 321:3,12,20 322:5,14,22 323:8,16 324:1,10 326:8 329:23 331:6 332:5 336:23 338:5 340:5 347:11 355:16 365:19 376:2,10,17 379:17 383:2 392:9 398:20 475:9 488:6 constructed 356:7 consulted 227:10 contact 123:21 130:16 287:7 287:18 contacts 287:19 contained 32:19 262:24 270:13 326:16 351:24 360:18 361:2 361:10 362:1 containing 488:17 536:24 contend 301:20 301:24 context 406:13 432:2 continue 169:15 173:1 177:24 180:19 186:8 244:21 245:14 276:8 287:16 320:9 412:16 continued 165:4 421:18 550:5 continuing 169:10 418:1 control 46:16 controlled 561:21 conversation 235:8,17 236:2,11,20 237:6,14,22 238:7 455:15 conversations 112:4 164:16 220:14 238:17 239:2 convicted 383:20 398:21 415:16 conviction 46:1 298:3 299:1 299:23 301:4 346:12 387:11 387:12 388:19 399:5 410:17 410:23 487:24 489:4 502:7 550:6 581:21 582:6 cook 1:17 66:23 67:9,21 221:12 224:18 225:1 288:14 303:1,24 304:2,7 356:23 357:8 357:23 363:6 367:2,7 386:21 387:10 389:10,17 586:5,11 cop 230:13 copied 199:5 copy 262:14 corner 171:18 315:1 correct 7:19 8:2 8:10,16,21 69:4 80:5,6,8 100:12 104:13 104:23 105:9 105:19 118:3 118:11 167:18 171:14 173:24 174:7,14,21 175:4,22 176:7,16,24 194:23 195:19 196:11,18 197:2 198:14 198:23 199:6 199:21 200:4 200:13 201:6 201:17 202:7 202:13,20 203:2,9,22 204:5,13,21 208:10,17,21 209:4,24 210:13,18,23 211:4,8,14,20 212:2,6,10,14 212:19 213:2 213:13 215:16 215:21 216:14 216:23 217:8 217:12,21 218:4 221:13 221:19 222:11 222:18 223:1 223:10 224:11 224:19 225:3 225:11,18 226:2,20 227:11,19 228:3,12,21 229:4,14,22 230:6,14 231:7,11 242:1,5,9,14 242:18,23 243:3,7,12 246:3,7,12,16 246:24 247:18 248:7,17 249:1,8,16,22 250:6,11,18 251:3,12 252:24 253:15 253:22 254:6 254:9,13,21 255:5,9,14,19 256:4,12 257:18 258:6 258:13,21 259:13 260:23 263:23 264:16 265:2,9 266:7 266:18 267:2 267:11,20 268:4,11 271:16 272:1 273:20 274:4 274:21 275:7 275:17 277:13 278:7 280:20 281:6 283:15 283:23 284:7 284:14 285:3 285:12 288:15 289:2,14,23 292:1,9 293:3 293:13 294:6 294:14,23 295:8,16 301:17 304:4 304:9 309:10 309:17,23 310:6,13 311:3,9,15,23 312:7,15,22 314:9,14 315:16,24 316:9 317:22 318:3,18 319:4,13 331:17,24 332:9 333:21 334:21 335:16 335:23 336:6 337:4,18 338:1,8,15,22 342:5,13,22 343:15 344:17 345:3,15 347:14,20 348:2 353:9 353:15,23 354:7,14,21 363:8 364:19 365:1,15 366:1,19 371:1,9,17,23 372:7,15 373:8,16 374:16,23 375:6 377:23 378:7,15,22 379:5,12,22 380:9,17 381:16 382:2 382:8,14 384:17 385:23 400:20,24 401:4,14,22 403:3 415:18 416:2,9 453:4 457:2 460:19 461:18 489:19 490:19 502:2 502:8 517:14 517:20 518:2 518:7,11,18 518:22 519:5 519:11 521:11 521:15 523:23 524:21 525:3 533:19 534:4 534:13,23 535:9,20 536:5 538:13 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 609 debbie 457:9,17 458:1 december 1:18 4:6 495:24 586:7 decide 323:10 decided 17:4 56:12 102:16 134:20 135:7 135:20 377:8 379:19 458:18 decision 62:1,19 102:23 defendant 2:16 4:15,18 defendants 1:12 4:16 32:20 33:12 34:4 186:2 395:9 430:18 434:24 442:6 451:9 464:1 468:12 472:1 476:20 483:8 494:13 497:4 504:5 513:5 551:19 552:9 586:14 defense 69:4 70:4,6,11,15 102:18 293:12 342:19 343:5 424:17 533:4 533:13,19 534:4 551:20 definitely 492:6 delgado 322:9 495:23 496:5 496:21 497:6 497:14,22 498:14,23 499:13 500:5 502:16 deliberately 464:23 demanded 421:5 demonstrated 294:4 295:6 296:8 demonstrating 499:20 denied 510:21 department 7:16 12:10 30:10,23 31:12,24 32:5 32:18 33:11 34:3,20 35:12 36:3,23 48:10 50:10,17 66:13 113:7 134:6 266:17 281:14 416:8 421:20 516:4 517:5,14,19 533:17 534:2 540:24 541:5 545:2 549:22 552:18 554:3 555:19 580:20 581:1,6 583:7 departments 539:12,20 540:5,15 541:14,22 542:9,19 543:4,23 546:3,22 547:8,17 548:2 depict 327:9 depicted 175:12 191:18 265:16 265:23 deponent 585:17 deposited 355:2 355:19 deposition 1:14 3:10 4:2 46:22 47:8 76:3,11 78:3,10 79:3,7 83:16 85:8,23 97:1,3 103:4 124:4 136:16 146:4 206:21 213:18 259:19 261:19 285:17 324:11 339:12 348:6 369:20 400:4 401:21 415:21 418:1 529:12 545:11 584:23 585:12 585:15 587:3 587:6,7 depositions 1:16 deprive 57:22 411:23 deprived 29:6 201:4,13 depriving 58:3 descent 426:19 described 222:9 222:17,24 426:18 489:11 description 168:8,18 169:6 223:8 315:23 489:1 desk 334:13 335:13 despite 38:13 46:1 267:8 361:17 362:8 397:11,20 575:9 579:20 destroyed 33:11 278:14 344:8 458:8,16 details 122:17 405:18 406:11 406:12 410:10 412:7 506:1,8 506:22 507:8 507:10 562:14 detained 510:22 detective 14:16 22:19,22 23:1 23:4 38:13 116:14,22 140:4,16 144:4,14 149:20 150:5 155:4,14 161:20 162:4 183:1,10 184:5 217:6 217:12 218:4 218:12 255:17 256:2,19,20 268:19 284:22 285:22 325:7 325:15 368:9 368:17 397:20 402:9,17 403:10 406:4 406:16 407:1 411:6,15 486:7,15 487:9 491:1 516:15,15 572:7 579:20 detectives 1:11 121:11 158:2 248:14 316:24 372:6,14 determination 556:12 determine 55:5 56:22 determined 161:7 181:7 217:18 224:9 315:23 509:9 devon 2:13 diaz 450:2,8,11 450:24 452:8 452:17 453:1 454:6 455:24 457:10 458:10 458:19 460:21 462:2 558:18 559:2,9,17 560:1 diazs 453:22 461:15 didnt 5:10 17:6 94:3 133:22 134:22 135:3 274:2 292:17 305:10 324:3 333:13,20 363:14 373:5 438:9 446:13 456:13,24 457:16,24 489:1 490:11 539:5 556:3 558:18 559:9 died 9:20 10:11 317:1 different 226:9 262:3 480:9 536:17 542:10 differently 545:3,8 direct 3:4 5:17 directing 182:12 524:20 direction 457:1 458:1 disagree 69:20 545:13 556:13 disciple 106:24 107:18 disciples 583:22 discipline 532:10 disciplined 36:4 37:10,23 530:19 550:14 disclose 526:24 527:2,16 disclosures 492:13 discovery 57:23 58:4 69:17 260:15 411:24 431:16 544:20 discuss 77:9,10 78:6,13 80:8 86:11 87:11 89:7,20 91:14 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 610 91:24 92:10 92:20 93:6,16 94:7,10,21 95:7 210:16 discussed 15:13 15:21 69:15 80:16,24 81:15 90:8,18 91:4 106:16 158:4,16 159:2,10,13 159:22 164:4 164:17 210:21 217:11 218:2 218:10,19 223:16 224:2 229:3 297:12 298:13 299:11 300:9 537:7 537:16 544:7 553:10 575:24 discussing 289:13 discussion 20:23 49:14 391:13 discussions 50:14 dismissed 501:16 dispose 269:16 dispute 278:23 279:4,12,22 370:23 371:7 544:21 disregarded 499:19 dissimilar 545:3 distracted 324:16 distraught 446:20 district 1:1,2,16 114:12 115:11 115:20 120:23 216:12 217:6 219:4 221:11 228:21 229:13 248:23 254:12 264:16 265:2 divicki 570:24 571:8,8 division 1:3 divorced 97:8 100:3 document 124:12,15 136:20,23 137:7,19 146:8,12,15 146:19 207:2 207:5,8 214:9 214:12,15 215:2 246:15 259:23,24 260:4,5,7 262:23 281:14 286:3,5,22 293:11 325:24 326:1,5 339:16,18,24 340:8 348:11 348:13 350:17 370:5,8 416:15,20 492:6 508:10 522:2 529:16 530:7 542:20 544:24 documentation 283:4 295:15 documented 281:5,22 521:18 documenting 246:11 521:15 543:4,14 544:8 545:17 documents 78:1 78:11,14 80:5 260:22 431:2 431:3,11,13 432:12 492:3 492:15,16 534:11,21 535:7,17 536:3,12,24 537:8,18 doesnt 13:14,16 73:15 98:6 406:7,8 dog 573:8,8 doing 74:23 417:12 430:23 442:23 466:10 466:15 531:4 555:23 dominguez 564:7,14,18 dont 6:20 19:16 65:1,17,17,20 65:21,24 76:18 78:12 79:4 97:1 101:5,10 125:19 185:18 185:20 194:7 220:1 261:13 313:24 352:5 406:10 432:13 530:1 542:14 545:5,11 door 96:22 211:13 301:13 dorsch 404:13 405:14,17 407:4 408:19 410:5 411:5 411:14 dozen 36:21 dozens 30:10 dragons 583:23 draw 350:17 dressed 171:8 drink 510:22 drive 223:8 driven 11:17 driver 202:12 225:18 335:16 driveway 251:1 driving 403:1,3 dropped 410:5 420:7 426:17 dropping 422:9 422:18 drove 282:7 378:14 561:20 drug 415:17 419:15,23 420:2 drugs 421:2 422:4 due 39:4,18 duly 5:15 586:16 duty 429:18 551:17 dyed 381:23 E e 3:1,7 eagles 583:23 earlier 99:16 early 229:10 easier 542:11 east 2:13 eastern 1:3 ed 237:15 eddie 568:2,8 568:15 edgar 514:17 edward 1:9 15:5 88:21 92:10 117:17 142:1 150:14 159:15 163:12 185:2 369:11 573:23 574:9 579:12 edwin 514:5,13 514:17,18 515:15,22 560:22 effect 436:4 453:14 454:15 effort 226:1 367:8 561:22 562:7 efron 322:9 eight 404:6 either 139:24 193:1 345:7 405:18 543:6 544:10 545:18 ekl 2:12 4:14,14 4:14 5:6,10 7:20 8:3,11 9:3,15,23 10:6 10:14,21 11:4 11:12,19 12:2 12:11,19 13:7 13:10 14:11 14:23 15:16 16:3,11,18,24 17:7,14 18:2 18:13 19:2,14 19:20 20:4,14 23:8,23 24:15 26:19 27:3 28:18 29:9 32:22 33:14 34:8,23 35:15 36:6 37:11 38:1,15 39:5 39:23 40:8,16 41:9,24 42:18 43:9 44:3 45:11 46:4 47:11,21 48:4 49:7,18 50:5 50:11 59:18 60:17 61:2,5 62:11 63:10 63:12 64:7,15 64:21 65:1,14 66:4,16,24 67:12 68:9,19 69:20 70:8 71:4,17 72:4 72:14,24 73:12 74:13 75:3,19 76:4 77:3,16 78:16 79:14,17 80:9 80:18 81:2 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 614 404:16,23 407:14,21 408:5,15,23 409:14,23 410:9,21 411:8,19 416:11 417:18 419:18 420:9 421:22 423:19 424:3,12,19 425:2 426:1 427:3 428:7 428:17 429:3 429:11 432:2 432:8 434:16 434:24 436:13 437:20 438:4 440:21 441:5 441:22 442:5 445:11,17 447:22 448:12 448:22 449:5 449:13 450:23 451:3,8,11,20 452:3,11,20 453:6,16,24 454:8,17 455:1,10,18 456:2,9,20 457:4,12,20 458:4,12,18 458:21 459:5 459:13,23 460:7,24 461:20 463:16 464:1 465:10 466:3 467:13 468:7,12,16 469:7,15 471:17 472:1 472:4,12,20 473:5,13,21 474:6,14,21 475:6 476:13 476:20,24 477:8,16,24 479:1,9,16 480:2,12,21 481:6,14,23 483:1,8,12,20 484:4,11,18 485:1,19 486:3,10,17 486:24 487:12 487:19 488:3 488:12,20 489:6,14,21 490:5,13,21 491:5 492:10 493:7,15,24 494:4,8,13,17 495:1,10 496:18,23 497:4,8,16,24 498:8,17 499:1,8,24 500:6,10,18 501:3,20 502:10 503:20 504:5,9,18 505:2,10,19 506:3 507:3 507:13,20 508:5,12 509:5,14,22 510:8,16 511:1,10 512:19 513:5 513:9,17 514:1,8,16 515:2,10,17 522:21 526:18 527:2,16 528:4 530:22 535:1,12,22 536:7,18,24 537:12,22 538:5,7,12,15 539:15,24 540:10,20 541:10,18 542:3,14,23 543:9,18 544:3,12 545:21 546:8 546:17 547:2 547:12,21 548:7,15,23 549:6,15 550:1,9,16,23 551:6,18,19 552:7,9,12 553:21 554:7 555:22 557:9 557:18 558:4 558:12 559:5 559:13,20 561:8,16 562:1,10,18 563:16,24 565:6,21 566:4,11,18 567:7 568:10 569:11,19 571:2,10,23 572:12 573:1 573:10 574:4 574:13 575:13 576:13 581:24 582:8,16,24 583:9 evidentiary 59:2,12 60:5 61:16 526:1 exact 100:16 580:12 exactly 63:10 99:20 examination 1:15 3:2 5:17 examined 5:15 example 545:9 excessive 36:18 exchange 420:7 422:9,14,18 423:3,10 425:7,10,15 427:16 excluded 373:24 exculpate 535:8 536:4,13 537:19 exculpatory 32:19 34:3 267:9,19 395:8 434:23 442:5 445:16 451:7 458:17 463:24 468:11 471:24 476:19 483:7 494:12 497:3 504:4 513:4 526:18 527:2,16 536:24 538:4 538:12 551:18 552:7 executed 284:22 exerted 474:18 exhibit 3:10 124:5,13 126:18,24 136:17,21 137:16 138:8 146:5,9,20 147:1,5 157:2 157:2 206:21 207:2,13 213:18 214:10 214:21 216:10 259:19,23 260:13,18,19 260:19 261:5 261:20 262:15 262:24 263:1 263:5,10,17 270:2,3,12,13 285:17 286:4 286:11,14,19 324:11 326:1 326:6,16,23 327:9 339:12 339:17,24 340:7 347:4 348:6,11,19 350:19,22 351:14,19 352:18 353:22 354:12,20 355:3,10,20 357:15,16 362:16,23 364:8,17 365:7,14,23 369:14,20 370:1,6,17 374:9,14 415:21 416:16 417:1 418:4 433:3,5 529:12,17,21 530:8,12 exhibits 261:4,8 exist 176:16 existed 165:3 exoneration 386:23 387:13 387:20 389:4 389:19 390:1 390:6,12 391:4 expect 101:10 expose 388:11 expressed 509:3 extensive 544:20 extent 68:10 70:15 73:12 73:15,22 74:3 74:13,15,22 75:2,8 81:2 95:11 144:18 148:7 155:19 169:9 172:23 177:22 180:13 186:6 238:24 241:20 244:18 245:10 260:20 276:5 287:14 288:19 290:10 303:16 320:6 341:14 462:22 extra 518:6 extreme 37:23 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 619 341:7,9,10,16 342:1,7,16 343:2,10,19 344:4,12,21 345:9,19 346:2,9,17,21 347:2,10,17 347:23 348:5 348:16,17,24 349:6,12,16 349:22 350:7 350:15,24 351:1,3,5,9,12 351:19,23 352:7,14,16 353:1,7,12,19 354:3,10,18 354:24 355:7 355:15 356:3 356:11,19 357:4,13,20 358:1,5,12,19 359:2,9,15,23 360:6,15 361:7,15,22 362:6,13,20 362:22 363:3 363:12,20 364:5,15,22 365:5,11,18 366:5,15,23 367:13,23 368:7,15,23 369:9,19,24 370:4,10,11 370:14,15,22 371:5,13,20 372:3,11,19 373:3,12,20 374:4,7,12,19 375:3,10,15 375:19 376:1 376:9,12,17 376:23 377:6 377:14,20 378:4,11,19 379:1,8,16 380:2,7,19 381:2,10,20 382:5,11,18 382:20 383:1 383:11,15 384:1,13,19 385:1,7,8,13 385:20 386:3 386:12,14,19 387:1,16,24 388:7,15,17 388:24 389:7 389:14,21 390:3,8,16,24 391:2,7,12,17 391:24 392:8 392:17,19,23 393:6,9,12,19 393:21,24 394:8,17 395:2,14,23 396:8,10,17 397:1,8,17 398:2,4,11,18 399:1,8,20 400:2,7,14,22 401:2,9,18 402:2,7,22 403:7,12,18 404:2,10,18 405:20 406:20 407:16,23 408:7,17 409:2,9,17 410:2,13 411:1,10,12 411:21 412:1 413:20,23 414:4,5,8,9,13 414:17 415:1 415:5,8,10,20 416:4,13,22 416:23 417:8 417:14,22 418:10 419:13 419:20 420:1 420:5,11,17 421:12,17,24 422:7,12,16 422:21 423:1 423:7,14,21 424:5,14,21 425:4,13,19 426:4 427:5 427:10,20 428:9,21 429:6,17,23 432:23 433:4 433:9,15,20 433:22 434:2 434:7,14,21 435:8,15,22 436:7,15,23 437:6,14,22 438:6,13,17 438:18 439:2 439:7,13,19 439:22 440:3 440:10,16,23 441:7,14,20 442:3,13,19 442:20 443:2 443:7 444:10 444:11,16,18 444:23 445:5 445:10,15,20 446:1,6,11,17 446:24 447:6 447:13,24 448:14,24 449:7,15,17 450:5,10,15 450:18 451:5 451:13,22 452:5,13,22 453:8,18 454:2,10,19 455:3,12,20 456:4,11,22 457:6,14,22 458:6,14,23 459:7,15 460:1,9 461:2 461:11,22,24 462:6,14,15 462:20 463:3 463:5,15,22 464:6,13,20 465:4,12,21 466:5,7,14,24 467:2,12,18 468:1,9,18 469:1,9,17,24 470:2,7,13,15 471:2,8,15,22 472:6,14,22 473:7,15,23 474:8,16,23 475:8,11,16 475:22,23 476:2,12,18 477:2,10,18 478:2,14,20 479:3,11,18 480:4,14,23 481:8,16 482:1,3,8,13 482:14,24 483:6,14,22 484:6,13,20 485:3,14,21 486:5,12,19 487:2,14,21 488:5,14,22 489:8,16,23 490:7,15,23 491:7,9,14 493:3,9,17 494:2,10,19 495:3,12,14 495:19 496:2 496:3,10,16 497:1,10,18 498:2,10,19 499:3,10,17 500:2,12,20 501:5,11,22 502:4,12,14 502:19 503:3 503:5,12,18 504:2,11,20 505:4,12,21 506:5 507:5 507:15,22 508:7,14,23 509:7,16,24 510:10,18 511:3,12,14 511:17,22 512:3,4,11,17 513:2,11,19 514:3,10,20 515:4,12,19 515:21 516:2 516:7,10,13 516:18,22 517:2,7,11,16 517:22 518:4 518:9,14,20 519:1,8,14,20 520:2,9,16,23 521:7,13,17 521:23 522:6 522:10,16,23 523:5,13 524:2,9,16,24 525:6,15,21 526:3,9,15,21 527:11,20 528:2,6,10,15 528:21 529:4 529:11,20 530:10,15,24 531:7,14,21 532:6,8,13,21 533:7,15,22 534:7,18 535:3,14,24 536:9,21 537:4,14,24 538:9,17,19 538:23 539:4 539:9,17 540:2,12,22 541:4,12,20 542:5,17 543:1,11,20 544:5,15 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 620 545:23 546:10 546:19 547:4 547:14,23 548:9,17 549:1,8,17 550:3,11,18 551:1,8,10,15 551:22 552:14 552:23 553:7 553:15,23 554:9,15,22 555:3,10,16 556:1 557:5 557:11,20 558:6,14,23 559:7,15,22 559:24 560:4 560:10,15,16 560:20 561:2 561:10,12,18 562:3,12,20 562:22 563:2 563:11,18,20 564:2,16,20 564:21 565:1 565:8,10,14 565:23 566:6 566:13,20,22 567:2,9,16,18 567:22 568:5 568:12,14,18 569:5,13,21 569:23 570:4 570:16,18,21 571:12,14,17 572:1,3,6,14 572:17,20 573:3,15,17 573:21 574:6 574:15,17,21 575:2,4,7,15 575:20 576:6 576:15,21 577:1,6,11,16 577:24 578:7 578:14,21 579:3,8,17 580:5,17 581:3,10,17 582:2,10,18 583:2,11,16 583:20 584:3 584:8,14,16 584:21,22 585:6 figueroa 568:2 568:8,15 figure 99:21 file 69:21 122:19 143:15 144:5,15 145:3,13 154:20 155:6 155:15 156:3 156:13,21 157:3,16 158:5,17 159:2,14 160:7,8,19 165:20 166:5 293:2 355:4 355:11,21 373:16,24 403:22 528:13 528:18 532:18 534:11,22 535:8,17 536:3,12 537:1,1,9,18 538:5,13 552:8 filed 79:13,21 86:24 87:9,21 88:8,18 90:9 90:19 91:5,15 92:1,11,21 93:7,17 94:8 94:12,22 95:9 556:6,24 557:1 files 32:18 530:13 538:20 filled 173:23 filler 249:14 250:4 251:10 252:9 274:12 280:18 281:5 281:15 521:20 542:7,21 543:15 544:20 fillers 248:16,24 249:7 252:23 253:4,14 279:13,23 320:22 321:5 321:14,23 322:7 520:12 520:19 521:2 539:13,22 540:18 541:7 541:15,23 542:9 546:24 547:10 final 349:2 350:10,13 420:19 finances 102:21 financial 102:13 557:6,13,15 557:22,24 558:9 financials 556:10 find 84:2,17 85:7 227:18 248:24 317:4 373:7 finding 243:19 248:15 fine 97:6 106:5 162:20 406:11 432:24 fired 456:15 457:2,18 458:2 firm 2:11 64:4 64:12,20 65:11 66:20 68:14,17 581:19 582:4 first 5:14 55:15 56:1 118:10 118:18,20 119:6,9,19 120:9,22 121:10,22 123:8,20 126:7 131:3 164:18 165:5 166:17 206:3 211:3 246:15 246:24 247:17 248:2,5 254:13 255:18 256:3,12 269:17 271:7 272:19 273:4 274:12 277:11 278:5,15,24 279:6,13,24 280:9 282:17 283:3,4,13 314:8 323:19 327:8 335:4 340:15,22 344:16 345:1 345:13 400:3 407:18 409:20 418:12,21 419:7 426:8 426:11 447:9 500:15 501:13 552:3 586:16 five 99:9 114:3 167:17 212:2 212:6 213:1 214:1 219:4 229:12 249:8 254:9,12 264:15 265:2 316:24 317:17 318:18 349:14 446:9 448:17 556:14 flip 525:2 flipped 187:15 floor 131:3 flores 445:7 447:20 448:10 448:18 449:20 focus 406:23 focusing 554:12 554:24 follow 8:9,10,14 65:5 66:8 71:21 72:18 73:4 75:23 407:6 522:19 539:6 followed 122:20 534:10,20 535:6 536:2 539:1,11,20 540:5,15 541:14,22 542:8,19 543:3,22 546:2,21 547:7,16 548:1 554:17 555:18 following 126:8 233:8 282:8 289:21 417:9 443:9 444:2 follows 5:16 followup 20:2 240:23 food 510:22 force 36:18 519:10,16,22 552:18 553:3 553:11,18 554:3,17 581:7 foregoing 586:22 587:3 forever 459:11 forgot 269:14 form 7:20 8:3 9:3,15 10:6,21 11:12 12:2,12 12:19 13:7,9 13:22 14:11 14:23 15:16 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 621 16:3,11,24 17:7,14 18:2 18:13 19:2,14 23:8,23 24:15 26:19 27:3 28:18 29:9 32:22 33:14 34:8,23 35:15 36:6 37:11 38:1,15 39:5 39:23 40:16 41:9,24 42:18 43:9 44:3 45:11 46:4 49:21 50:5 59:18 60:17 67:1 75:5 79:14 108:9 109:4,16,23 111:18 112:8 112:19 113:9 119:23 122:21 128:16 129:4 129:16 135:10 139:8,17 140:7 141:18 142:3,12,21 143:17 144:7 144:16 145:4 147:11,20 148:5,22 149:13,22 150:7,16 151:3,11,23 152:12 153:6 153:18 154:8 155:7,16 156:5 157:5 158:20 159:17 160:1,21 163:4,14,22 164:7,20 165:7 168:1 168:20 169:8 170:19 176:17 177:1,10,21 179:2,11,20 180:4,12 181:11 182:15 183:5,13,23 184:9,20 185:7,17 186:5,23 187:8,18 188:15,24 189:8,22 190:9,22 191:7,20 192:10,18 193:8,21 194:24 195:20 196:5,12,19 197:3,11,21 198:7,15,24 199:7,16,22 200:14,23 201:7,18 202:14,21 203:3,16,23 204:6,14,22 205:18 206:4 208:1,11,22 209:18 210:8 213:3,14 214:3 215:22 216:15,24 217:13 218:5 218:13,22 219:6 224:4 226:3,11 228:13 229:15 229:23 230:16 231:12 238:23 243:13 245:9 246:17 247:1 247:9,19 248:8 250:12 251:4 252:4 252:17 253:23 254:14,22 255:20 256:5 256:13 257:24 259:14 263:24 264:8,17 265:3,10,17 265:24 266:8 267:12,21 268:5,12,22 269:8,19 270:5,8,24 271:17 272:2 272:11,20 273:8,21 274:5,14,22 275:8,18 276:4,21 277:5,14 278:8,16 279:7,16 280:2,11,21 281:7,24 282:10,20 283:7,16,24 284:8 286:23 287:13 289:3 289:15,24 292:2,10,18 293:4,14 294:7,15,24 295:9,17 297:3,5,14 298:4,15 299:3,13,24 300:11,19 301:6 302:3 302:10 305:2 305:22 306:8 309:4,24 310:7,14,22 311:10,24 312:8,16,23 313:8,23 314:15 315:17 316:1,10 318:4,19 319:5,14 320:5,23 321:8,16 322:1,10 323:4,12,21 324:6,18 325:2,10,18 327:11,19 328:4,13,21 329:5,12,19 330:4,12 331:11,18 332:1,10 333:1,15,22 334:7,15,22 335:8 336:7 336:19 337:5 338:23 339:8 340:17 341:4 341:13 342:23 343:16 344:1 344:9,18 345:4,16,23 346:6,13 347:8,15,21 348:3 349:4 349:19 350:4 350:12 351:16 352:3 353:10 353:16,24 354:8,15,22 355:5,12,24 356:8,16 357:1,10,18 358:9,17,24 359:7,13,20 360:3,12,20 361:4,12,19 362:3,10,18 363:9,17 364:2,12,20 365:2,9,16 366:2,12,20 367:10,19 368:4,12,20 369:6,15 371:2,24 372:8,16 373:1,9,17 374:1,2,17,24 375:7,23 376:7,21 377:3,11 378:1,8,16 379:13,23 381:17 382:3 382:9,15 383:22 384:7 385:17,24 386:9 387:14 387:21 388:4 388:12,21 389:5 390:13 390:21 391:21 392:5,14 393:3,16 394:5,14,23 395:11,20 396:5,14,22 397:5,14,23 398:8,23 399:6 401:15 401:23 402:19 403:4,15,23 404:7,15,22 407:11,20 408:3,12,22 409:6,13,22 410:8,20 411:7,18 413:4,17 418:5 419:17 420:8 421:21 423:5,12,18 424:2,11,18 425:1,24 426:23 427:18 428:4,16 429:2,10 430:21 432:1 433:17 434:12 434:19 435:2 435:13,20 436:5,12,21 437:4,19 438:3 440:20 441:4,18 442:1 444:14 444:21 446:15 446:22 447:4 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 622 447:11,21 448:11,21 449:4,12 451:2,10,19 452:2,10,19 453:5,15,23 454:7,16,24 455:9,17 456:1,8,19 457:3,11,19 458:3,11 459:4,12,22 460:6,23 461:8,19 463:9,20 464:4,11,18 465:2,9,19 466:2,12,22 467:5,16,23 468:6,15 469:6,14,22 470:18 471:13 471:20 472:3 472:11,19 473:4,12,20 474:5,13,20 475:5 476:5 476:23 477:7 477:15,23 478:18,24 479:8,15 480:1,11,20 481:5,13,22 482:17 483:11 483:19 484:3 484:10,17,24 485:12,18 486:2,9,16,23 487:11,18 488:2,11,19 489:5,13,20 490:4,12,20 491:4 493:6 493:14,23 494:7,16,24 495:9 496:6 496:13,22 497:7,15,23 498:7,16,24 499:7,15,23 500:9,17 501:2,9,19 502:9 503:8 503:15,24 504:8,17 505:1,9,18 506:2 507:2 507:12,19 508:4,11,20 509:4,13,21 510:7,15,24 511:9 512:7 512:14,24 513:8,16,24 514:7,15 515:1,9,16 518:12,23 519:6,12,18 519:24 520:7 520:14,21 521:4,21 522:14,20 523:3,11,17 523:24 524:7 524:14,22 525:4,12,19 526:19 529:2 529:9 530:21 531:12 532:4 532:19 533:5 533:20 534:5 534:16,24 535:11,21 536:6,18 537:2,11,21 538:6,14 540:9,19 541:9,17 542:2,13,22 543:8,17 544:1,11 545:20 546:7 546:16 547:1 547:11,20 548:6,14,22 549:5,14,24 550:8,15,22 552:11,21 553:5,13,20 554:6 555:21 557:17 558:3 558:11,21 559:4,12,19 560:8,24 561:7,15,24 562:9,17 563:9,15,23 565:5,20 566:3,10,17 567:6,14 568:3,9 569:10,18 570:8 571:1,9 571:22 572:11 572:24 573:9 574:3,12,24 575:12 576:3 576:12 577:4 577:22 578:4 578:11,19 579:1,14 580:14 581:8 581:15,23 582:7,15,23 583:8 584:6 584:12 former 81:17 87:10,22 414:1 forms 70:14 forward 258:20 found 243:10 249:14 250:4 250:24 251:10 252:9 398:19 403:20 421:5 458:9 foundation 9:23 10:14 11:4,19 12:11 15:17 16:4,18 17:7 23:8,23 24:15 34:8,23 35:15 36:6 67:1,13 86:13 89:10 89:22 108:9 108:21 110:21 111:19 112:8 113:9 120:12 121:1,12 122:8,21 132:14 134:10 138:19 141:7 143:17 144:8 153:6 157:5 157:17 158:6 158:20 159:4 159:17 160:9 160:21 161:21 162:6,15 163:4,14 164:7,21 165:21 166:6 173:18 174:1 174:8,15,22 175:5,13,16 175:23 176:8 176:17 177:1 177:10 178:14 179:2,11,20 180:4 181:11 182:1,15 183:5,13,23 184:9,20 185:6 187:8 188:7,15,24 189:8 190:22 191:20 192:18 193:21 195:12 196:5 197:3 197:11 198:15 198:24 199:7 199:16,22 200:5,14 201:7,18 202:2,8,14,21 203:3,10,16 203:23 204:6 204:14,22 209:5,11,18 210:1 211:9 211:15,21 212:20 213:14 217:1,22 218:5,13,22 219:6 222:12 222:19 223:2 223:11,20 224:4,12,20 225:4,12,19 226:4,11,21 227:12,20 228:4,13,22 229:5,15,23 230:7 232:2 232:10,20 233:15,24 234:8,17 235:3,12,21 236:6,15,24 237:9,18 238:2,11 240:24 244:5 244:17 248:18 249:2,9,23 250:12,19 251:19 252:4 252:17 253:7 253:23 254:23 255:20 256:5 256:13,22 257:5,12,24 258:7,14,22 259:6,14 264:17 265:3 265:10,17,24 266:8,19 267:3,12,21 268:5,12,22 269:8,19 271:1,9 272:2 272:11,20 273:6,21 274:14,22 275:8,18 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 624 165:3 226:1 356:6 367:8 437:17 440:6 458:19 464:24 485:23 493:20 498:6 560:12 563:13 564:17 568:7 framed 7:10 30:7,20 31:10 31:22 32:2,15 33:8,24 34:18 35:9 36:1,19 386:7 402:4 434:8 445:6 465:23 468:20 473:9,17 477:20 514:5 569:15 framing 50:15 francis 570:1 francisco 495:23 496:5 499:13 502:15 569:2,9,16 fraud 53:22,23 fred 484:15 487:5 490:10 free 4:12 friends 251:1 426:21 427:8 frightened 129:3 front 262:15 400:24 429:24 430:6 fuentes 505:7 full 415:9 418:13,20,21 419:7 426:8 426:11 further 177:22 245:11 276:6 426:18 585:17 586:15 587:2 587:5,9 fusco 2:19 64:12 fusing 384:9 future 49:2 G gaining 412:24 gang 9:21 10:12 12:8 14:4 108:7 114:11 114:19 117:7 120:10 134:7 134:7,8,20 135:7 162:24 173:13,16,23 175:12,21,21 176:4,5,5,14 176:22,24 177:7,18,23 178:4,7,11,24 179:18 180:3 180:11,15,18 181:1,7 183:3 184:15 186:21 186:22 187:6 187:7,15,15 188:14,23 190:7 191:6 192:7,8,17 193:6 194:21 195:17,19 196:3,4 197:19 198:4 198:14,23 199:21 200:10 201:13 221:19 224:3 225:3 295:24 357:8 369:1 397:11 416:7 420:24 421:15,19 424:8 524:12 524:19 525:8 526:4 541:24 541:24 554:4 554:5,18,19 571:21 575:9 576:18 gangs 12:8 112:18 583:17 584:1,4,10,18 gangster 224:3 225:3 315:9 377:17 gangsters 9:21 10:12 221:19 223:19 224:11 291:18 315:16 378:21 379:3 583:24 garcia 482:10 482:15 483:4 483:9,18 484:2 488:1 489:2 491:11 492:2 502:24 503:7,23 504:6,15,24 505:17 506:1 506:8,9,12,16 506:22 507:1 508:2 510:6 510:14 511:8 511:19 565:19 566:1,9,23 gather 160:18 gathered 309:8 gawrys 1:7 13:1 15:23 39:20 41:6 42:15 43:24 44:15 86:12,23 116:1 139:5 139:14 145:2 147:17 149:5 156:2 159:3 162:13 183:20 207:24 213:10 218:21 232:17 237:6 256:11 269:5 297:10 297:24 316:23 349:9 353:9 361:9,18 368:1 399:3 399:11 473:10 493:22 577:8 577:13,19 578:10,16 579:6 gaya 439:5 440:6,13 442:23 general 118:21 289:11 380:12 532:16 generally 67:1 george 251:10 251:15 gestures 6:18 getaway 11:18 335:16 giamarusti 1:17 1:23 586:4 587:19 gillian 1:8 14:16 22:19,22 23:1 23:4 88:19 89:7 94:7,11 116:14 140:5 144:4 149:20 155:4 158:17 161:20 298:11 328:10 329:10 329:17 334:5 368:9 579:10 girlfriend 108:7 293:22 294:22 give 5:2 48:14 49:3 50:4 65:16 70:24 71:13 72:1,11 72:21 73:9,20 74:10 76:20 100:15 413:2 438:14 given 7:7 8:8 62:3 64:19 82:2,13,23 83:10,15 85:7 138:8 258:6 278:6 293:11 365:8,14 430:19 507:10 566:15 582:12 582:20 586:18 586:24 giving 7:4 364:24 485:17 561:23 glass 255:9,13 256:20,21 glasses 104:22 gloria 97:13,20 98:9 99:3,7 101:17 102:2 go 5:6,11 6:10 20:13,17,18 20:19 47:12 47:23 62:13 67:19 97:16 107:8 108:8 123:7,12 194:12 273:19 413:20 429:1 433:1 563:4 585:10 goes 430:2 going 6:24 49:8 60:15 61:14 62:24 63:9 65:5 66:5,8,24 68:23 69:18 71:9,21 72:18 73:4 75:23 94:4 100:20 100:23 102:16 102:17,24 107:7 109:2 109:21 112:6 134:8 135:2 135:20 140:8 161:7 181:8 214:19 250:18 251:17 303:15 314:4 358:16 412:3,16,17 412:19 413:7 418:11 420:20 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 625 443:10 444:3 450:7 459:11 491:2 514:24 530:1,3 556:8 556:13,22 573:11 581:6 gold 171:13 381:23 382:1 gomez 452:1,8 453:3,12,21 456:7 458:18 459:20 461:7 461:17 gomezs 454:14 454:23 459:10 459:19 460:4 460:21 gonzalez 462:11 462:17 463:7 463:18 464:2 464:10,17 465:15 466:9 563:13 569:1 569:15 gonzalo 498:14 498:23 good 140:10 143:3 144:18 148:7 155:18 427:7 429:13 429:19 430:16 430:22 431:19 431:24 542:15 545:6 governing 541:6 gpr 528:12 gprs 292:9 graff 466:1 grand 434:4 436:1 437:2 437:11,24 granted 59:2 grew 583:13 ground 6:11 group 326:1,6 326:16,22 327:9 guerrero 473:18 guess 13:22 443:20 492:19 guevara 1:6,15 2:17 3:3 4:2,3 4:15 5:13,21 5:21 7:9 20:1 83:1,12,17 85:9 95:22 96:3 97:16,18 97:18,19,20 97:22 98:2,10 98:17,18,20 99:1,4,7 100:4 100:11 101:17 101:17 102:2 102:3 106:16 219:24 398:14 399:15,24 400:10,19 401:14,22 420:21,23 421:4,6 426:13,15,20 427:23 429:16 431:4,12 544:15 575:8 585:12 586:10 586:13 guevaras 421:1 guilty 24:12 33:13 gun 458:16 573:5,7 guns 421:2,5 422:4,17 gunshots 454:13 guy 226:10 251:16 408:10 410:7 453:13 454:5 559:3 guya 439:10 guys 106:6 194:11 436:3 guzman 1:7 14:4 15:24 39:20 41:6 42:15 43:24 44:15 88:20 90:19 117:8 158:18 163:1 184:16 207:23 299:9 369:2 579:11 H h 3:7 hair 171:13 382:1,8,13 481:20,21 half 20:1 29:7 halvorsen 434:10 440:7 466:1 468:22 473:19 halvorsens 487:9 hand 4:24 421:6 479:14 480:19 481:3,12 587:14 handbook 201:12 handcuffed 514:13 handcuffs 210:13 handed 146:8 146:19 326:5 348:10 handing 124:12 136:20 207:1 214:9 286:2 339:16 370:5 416:15 529:16 handle 352:11 hands 321:7 465:18 540:7 happen 280:20 happened 334:20 406:3 happening 210:22 harassing 100:22 412:13 hasnt 580:23 hawkins 475:19 475:24 476:3 476:16,21 477:6,14,21 479:7 480:17 482:5 head 347:7 573:7 heard 205:13 220:1 330:24 426:12 454:13 hearing 59:2,12 60:5 61:16 405:15 hector 563:8,14 563:21 held 4:4 20:23 49:15 213:1 219:3 229:12 229:13 hell 429:23 help 367:3,3,8 helped 160:18 387:18 388:2 551:3 hereinbefore 587:8 heretofore 586:7 hereunto 587:13 hernandez 462:9 465:1,7 465:17,24 565:3,11 hes 13:13,17,18 13:20,23 20:7 20:11 63:4,4,5 100:23 102:16 102:17 186:6 239:1 262:19 314:4 384:9 412:23 413:19 415:5 417:11 417:14 429:16 527:9 530:1 hid 171:17 246:23 247:7 247:15,16 248:1,4 hide 268:20 269:5 388:10 high 531:11 higher 531:16 hired 390:11 hit 452:8 hobbs 53:4 hold 216:11,19 217:5,11 219:13 220:8 220:15 228:10 253:19 314:4 460:10 563:3 holding 212:5 212:10,18 229:4 home 282:8 284:14 573:24 homicide 113:19 402:10 402:18,24 488:1 489:2 499:14 500:6 572:9 hooked 531:24 hope 429:12 hospital 221:12 225:1 288:4 288:15 303:2 304:1,3,8 305:10 356:23 357:8,23 363:6 366:11 366:18 367:3 367:7 hour 1:19 hours 412:17 house 131:18 167:1 240:2 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 626 242:22 243:3 282:8 460:4 574:11 humboldt 9:8 110:20 131:14 170:8,13,17 208:17 383:6 383:9 421:14 583:13 hunt 82:14 84:18 I id 3:9 70:8 404:13 484:23 485:6 idea 366:9 identical 262:20 identification 124:6 136:18 146:6 203:21 204:4 206:23 213:20 226:9 226:18 259:13 259:21 285:19 305:11 324:13 339:14 348:8 358:3 366:10 367:2,6 369:22 407:9 407:13,19 409:5 415:23 425:11,16 435:18 440:12 445:22 446:3 468:4 471:12 472:17 484:1 508:3 509:11 524:5 529:14 544:20 547:19 548:5 identifications 31:1 36:19 203:15 225:24 395:19 396:4 421:8 435:11 441:3,17 442:16 451:17 464:9,16 472:9 477:5 477:13 483:17 494:22 495:7 497:13,21 504:14,23 513:14,22 519:23 520:6 522:8,12 525:9 identified 11:2 11:16 19:9 197:19 198:4 223:18 225:9 225:17 226:19 333:7 363:7 377:22 474:19 508:18 510:5 510:13 543:5 544:10 545:18 559:18 identify 23:20 48:13 50:3 181:9 182:11 183:3,12,21 184:7,18 185:4,14 186:3 363:15 410:6 455:6 474:2 484:9 484:16 505:15 506:10,24 507:18 509:2 542:11 543:24 548:12,20 549:12,20 560:6 567:5 identifying 18:19 101:7 181:22 313:21 364:9 500:8 574:1 identity 315:24 376:20 ignored 231:10 316:7 386:6 ill 15:18 67:5 79:16 101:4 169:1 260:8 260:15 371:10 380:14,23 414:14 415:13 431:18 439:9 448:2 523:18 illinois 1:2,18 1:18 2:7,14,22 4:5 82:4 84:3 586:1,6,9,12 im 4:20 5:10,11 6:23 49:8 50:7 61:3 66:5,24 67:12 72:15 73:2 75:3,4,20 94:4 100:20 102:23 107:7 115:6 124:12 135:2 136:20 140:8 162:20 168:23 180:15 190:2,4 205:12 207:1 214:9 219:18 230:16 231:5 257:19 261:11 286:2 288:18 301:12 303:15 311:16 325:24 339:16 341:1 347:3 370:5 402:12 406:11 406:22 412:2 413:10 416:15 418:11,16 427:12 430:4 430:7 431:1 431:10 432:8 444:3 450:7 492:9,15 506:13 529:16 552:2 556:8 568:19 immediately 266:6 431:15 impeach 34:6 imperial 9:21 10:12 221:18 223:18 224:3 224:11 225:2 291:18 315:8 315:16 377:17 378:21 379:3 583:24 implicate 383:7 415:8 424:9 479:7 487:24 489:3 493:5 501:14 509:19 554:5,19 560:22 implications 432:10 importance 532:15 533:1 533:10,17 534:2 important 362:16 527:23 impossible 13:10 413:18 improper 430:2 inability 102:17 556:11 incarcerate 562:6 incarceration 24:14 inches 489:19 incident 120:11 120:24 121:11 408:13 409:15 411:4,24 566:16 incidents 431:21 include 323:10 367:18 527:23 528:13,17 included 179:17 233:13,22 234:6,15 235:1,10,19 236:4,13,22 237:7,16,24 238:9 253:21 293:2 323:18 373:24 507:7 546:6,15 includes 326:2 358:6 including 32:5 34:5 36:17 53:23 394:21 434:17 441:23 445:12 450:23 463:17 467:14 471:18 476:14 483:2 494:5 496:19 503:21 512:20 550:6 incorrectly 448:2 increase 323:1 incriminate 8:2 9:2,14 10:5,20 11:11 12:1,18 13:6 14:10,22 15:10 16:10 17:13 18:12 21:16 22:3,14 23:15 24:6,23 25:5,15 26:11 27:10,21 28:8 29:1,16 30:3 30:16 31:6,18 32:11 33:5,20 34:14 35:5,21 36:12 37:4,18 38:8,22 39:13 40:5,23 41:16 42:8 43:1,17 44:10 45:1,18 46:12,21 47:3 47:17 48:19 48:24 50:22 51:16 52:2,13 52:23 53:9,18 54:4,14,24 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 627 55:6,11,21 56:7,13,18,24 57:5,17 58:9 58:14,21 59:7 59:17,24 60:10,24 61:9 61:21 62:2,9 63:18,24 64:5 64:13 65:12 66:15 67:11 67:23 69:9 70:20 74:6 75:11 81:11 81:22 82:9,19 83:6,22 84:13 85:3,18 86:7 86:19 87:5,16 88:4,14 89:3 89:16 90:4,14 90:24 91:10 91:20 92:6,16 93:2,12,22 94:17 95:3 101:22 102:9 103:21 104:9 104:18 105:4 105:14,24 107:13 108:3 108:16 109:11 110:6,15 111:3,12 112:1,14 113:3,15,24 114:8,16 115:1,16 116:10,19 117:4,14,23 118:7,15 119:2,15 120:6,18 121:7,18 122:2,14 123:4,17 124:9,20 125:9 126:4 126:13 127:1 127:10,18 128:3,11,23 129:11,23 130:11,21 131:8,24 132:8,20 133:17 134:2 134:16 135:16 136:3,13 137:4,11,20 138:4,13 139:2 140:1 141:2,13 143:11,24 145:15 146:1 147:6 149:11 151:2,18 152:6,19 153:12 154:1 154:15,24 156:14,22 157:11,23 158:12 159:24 160:15 161:3 161:14 163:21 164:13 165:14 166:13,22 167:6,24 168:13 169:21 172:13 173:8 177:20 178:8 178:20 181:3 181:18 182:7 182:22 185:16 186:17 188:2 189:16 190:16 191:13 192:3 193:2,15 194:4 195:6 205:6 206:14 207:18 214:2 215:3 216:6 219:15 220:10 220:16 221:6 222:6 227:6 230:24 231:19 233:5 238:20 239:22 243:21 244:11 245:2 245:18 253:15 263:18 270:4 270:14 276:2 276:14 283:6 286:15 287:23 288:10 297:2 302:19 303:21 308:1,22 313:16 316:18 319:23 320:15 326:11 327:5 332:18 339:7 340:3 341:23 346:24 348:22 351:7 352:23 363:1 370:2 370:12,20 374:10 376:15 382:23 384:6 385:11 386:17 388:20 391:5 392:21 393:10 393:22 396:13 398:7 411:17 414:6,23 415:7 417:6 417:13,16 433:6,24 438:19,23 439:20 442:21 442:24 444:20 449:18 450:16 462:3 463:13 466:8,11 467:10 470:5 470:24 475:14 476:10 482:6 482:22 491:12 495:17 496:12 502:17 503:14 511:15,20 512:13 515:24 532:11 538:21 551:13 560:2 560:18 561:14 562:24 563:22 564:23 565:12 566:24 567:20 568:16 570:2 570:19 571:15 572:4,18 573:19 574:19 575:5 584:19 585:2 incriminating 417:18 509:11 inculpate 534:12,22 535:18 537:9 index 200:9,11 indexes 175:2 indicate 431:4 indicated 418:17 indicates 545:1 indicating 17:19 543:23 individual 142:24 144:20 155:20 344:17 345:2,14 377:2 421:6 485:6 individually 4:16 individuals 5:7 30:10 36:20 175:3 178:12 179:18 221:17 233:8 263:4 365:23 422:3 422:23 436:19 480:10 inference 430:1 432:10 inform 212:24 information 96:13,16,24 97:3 100:22 101:2,7 107:3 122:18 336:13 336:17 337:2 351:24 360:18 361:2,10 362:1 365:1 413:1,2 488:17 499:20 533:2,11 572:9 informed 338:20 358:15 initial 25:9 26:3 initially 508:1 innocent 23:5 30:10 36:20 313:7 373:23 397:4,13,22 inperson 23:7 25:9,20 26:3 31:1 245:22 246:6,11,16 249:15 250:5 251:11 252:10 276:19 278:24 279:15 280:1 305:1,20 306:6 318:11 539:11,19 540:4,14 542:8 inserted 364:7 inside 566:1 instance 80:2 428:11 508:18 instances 80:4,7 443:22 530:17 instruct 64:22 66:5 68:21 71:6,19 73:14 74:15 78:17 80:11,20 81:5 102:24 107:3 instructed 220:2 538:12 553:2 instructing 72:5 72:15 73:2 75:20 412:20 instruction 65:6 66:9 71:22 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 631 40:13 41:3,21 42:12 43:6,21 44:18,18 45:7 45:22 46:1,2 48:3 50:15,16 59:1,11 60:4 61:15 71:1,15 72:23 73:8 74:11 75:18 79:1,20 80:17 81:1,16 82:4 84:4 110:9,19 112:4,17 113:8 134:21 135:7,21 136:7 145:19 152:10,23 153:2,17 154:5,19 155:5,15 156:3,13 161:8,19 162:4,13,24 163:11,19 164:5,17 165:3,18 166:3,16 170:17 180:2 181:9,22 182:11,12 183:3,12,21 184:7,18 185:4,14 186:3 188:13 189:7,20 190:8,20 191:5,18 193:20 195:10 195:18 196:11 197:1,9 201:4 201:5,14,15 203:7,21 204:4,10,20 205:11,17,24 206:8,18 207:22 208:8 208:16,21 209:3,9,15,23 210:12,21 211:2,3,7,19 212:2,5,10,13 212:18,24 213:11,24 215:7,20 216:5,12,20 217:19 219:3 219:14 220:9 223:7 224:2 226:1,10 228:11 229:12 231:24 232:8 232:18 233:3 233:13,22 234:6,15 235:1,10,19 236:4,13,22 237:8,16,24 238:9,19 240:3,4 246:24 247:7 248:2,6 253:19,22 257:3 259:4 265:15 267:1 267:9,18 268:3 271:7 271:15,23 272:9,18 274:2,21 277:4 278:6 278:23 279:5 283:14,22 284:6,13,23 285:2,10 286:20 289:2 291:10 293:12 294:5 295:7 295:16 296:8 298:1,2,24 299:1,21,22 301:3,4,17,21 302:2,9,18 306:6 309:9 309:16 310:20 311:8,15,21 312:5,14 313:6 314:12 315:15 316:8 317:4,11,16 317:21 322:16 327:18 328:2 328:10,19 329:2,11,18 330:3,11,18 331:2 332:23 333:7,12,14 334:13 335:5 335:13,22 336:5 337:3 337:17 338:21 340:14,24 341:12,18 342:5,12,18 342:21 343:4 343:6,14,22 344:7,17,24 345:2,15,22 346:5,12,23 347:7 349:2,9 349:13 350:2 350:10 354:6 355:22 356:14 357:17 358:3 358:15,22 362:17 363:6 363:15,24 364:9 365:8 365:14 367:2 367:7 373:6 373:23 376:18 377:9 379:21 380:4 381:4 381:12,22,24 383:6,8,20 384:22 385:3 385:15,22 386:6,15 390:18 392:12 423:17 429:9 550:7 581:21 582:6 586:12 jacquess 380:16 jail 316:9 390:19 559:10 jamie 511:24 512:5,12,21 512:22 513:6 513:15,23 514:6 jamye 1:16,23 4:8 586:4 587:19 january 587:14 jason 487:16 jeffrey 443:4 444:7 jesus 505:7 joaquin 568:24 569:15 job 573:24 joe 414:2,10,18 415:15 john 1:7,9 14:17 88:19,20 89:20 90:18 94:21 116:22 117:8 140:16 144:14 150:5 155:14 158:18 158:18 162:4 163:1 235:9 298:12 368:17 369:2 579:10 579:11 johnny 445:6 447:19 448:9 449:19 505:15 506:10,24 507:18 509:2 509:11,20 510:13,21 511:6 johnson 82:24 83:11,16 85:9 398:14 399:14 399:23 400:10 400:19 401:14 401:21 402:5 johnsons 398:20 399:5 join 379:4 521:5 joined 361:18 362:9 516:4 jorge 432:21 433:14 462:11 462:16 463:6 463:18 464:2 464:10,17 465:15 466:9 jose 11:2 220:20 225:10 226:20 227:4,10,19 228:1,20 231:24 232:8 232:19 233:3 233:13,23 234:7,16 235:2,11,20 236:5,14,23 237:8,17,24 238:10,19 257:10 265:22 273:4,14,18 275:15 285:23 289:13 306:7 323:11 359:6 359:12 360:9 374:15 375:13 375:21 377:16 379:11,20 420:13 482:10 482:15 483:3 483:9,18 484:1 488:1 491:10,11 492:2,24 493:5,11,20 joseph 1:7,8 88:20,20 91:5 91:14 117:8,8 158:18,19 163:1,2,3 236:3,21 369:2,3 579:11,11 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 632 juan 82:24 83:11,16 85:9 398:13,20 399:5 402:5 462:8 465:1,7 465:16,24 565:3,11 567:4 july 461:4,6 475:20 478:12 512:1 514:13 563:8 567:3 568:1 570:22 571:6 june 400:19 401:13 418:7 418:7 450:3 452:7 455:22 457:8 462:12 463:7 573:22 580:20 jury 398:15,19 400:24 429:24 justice 52:18 392:4 juvenile 469:12 juveniles 469:20 K k 586:3 keep 96:15 197:17 198:2 216:11,20 219:23 262:18 270:18 277:3 298:2,24 299:22 301:3 405:8 443:15 528:12 kennelly 434:4 436:9,17 437:11 438:1 kept 32:18 175:21 373:16 536:23 kicked 581:7 kid 408:10,13 584:5 kill 378:22 killed 251:16 343:23 344:8 392:4 403:3 473:3 killing 450:2 455:24 457:10 458:19 482:10 482:15 495:23 496:5 502:16 503:7,23 506:1,8,22 510:5 560:13 563:14 564:18 568:2,8 kind 405:2 406:13 417:19 king 171:3 kings 108:19 109:2 561:22 583:23 kleinhause 2:5 4:21 knew 16:16 17:18 29:20 37:9 45:5 110:9,18 112:17 127:21 128:14 129:2 130:2,24 131:11,17 132:3 133:20 170:17 215:19 221:9,16 223:7 224:1 224:17,24 225:9,16,24 226:8,17 228:1,19 229:10,21 230:13 241:5 241:9,24 242:4,8,12,17 242:21 243:2 243:6 274:20 275:3,14 315:15 331:16 331:23 360:17 361:1,9,24 363:23 364:17 364:24 365:7 365:13,22 367:16 377:16 377:22 378:6 378:13,21 379:3,10 381:4,12,24 382:7,13 383:8 385:3 385:14,22 396:20 397:3 420:20 441:1 454:22 487:16 488:24 489:10 489:18 490:17 491:1 500:22 500:23 510:3 575:10,22 576:8 579:21 580:7 583:17 584:10 know 6:12,21 19:24 29:21 47:21 59:1 63:2,4 64:7 65:17 69:19 75:3 96:17,20 98:4 185:20 220:1 241:14 261:20 288:18 394:12 405:21 406:14 414:1 415:9 416:6 418:8 431:15 492:10 506:9 506:23 530:1 knowing 46:1 208:8 353:22 361:17 362:8 364:9 397:12 397:21 530:3 knowledge 283:22 398:6 580:15 583:21 584:18 known 366:17 419:15 426:20 koncz 572:7,7 kosberg 4:10 L laces 321:15 540:17,18 lack 148:7 155:18 late 240:9 388:3 latin 106:24 107:18 108:19 109:2 171:3 561:22 583:22 583:22,23,23 583:23,24 law 2:11 64:4 64:12,20 65:11 66:13 66:20 68:14 68:17 71:16 581:19 582:4 lawlessness 36:5 laws 54:19 lawsuit 72:23 79:12,21 80:17 81:1,16 86:24 87:9,20 88:8,18 90:9 90:19 91:5,15 92:1,11,21 93:7 94:8,11 94:22 95:9 106:17 lawyer 63:16 70:13 72:11 72:21 73:9,20 74:10 lawyers 34:5 46:16 62:4 77:12,14 80:17 81:1,4 390:10 424:17 582:20 leading 406:24 learned 118:2 119:18,21 122:17 126:21 127:5,14 225:23 410:5 learning 213:13 leave 176:24 408:20 412:17 526:5 leaving 571:20 led 399:5 416:7 left 211:19 212:9 262:8 574:10 legal 39:6 42:1 43:10 46:5 75:16 400:11 401:5 lent 418:22 leonard 1:9 14:17 16:1 39:21 41:7 42:16 44:1,16 88:19 89:21 94:4,22 116:22 140:17 144:14 148:15 150:5 155:14 158:18 162:5 183:10 213:9 217:6,12 218:4 232:16 235:9 248:14 256:2 268:19 284:22 285:22 298:12 305:8 368:18 579:10 leshurn 82:14 84:18 letrich 221:10 223:17 224:9 224:17,24 226:18 227:9 227:17 228:19 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 633 231:23 233:11 289:13 letter 199:13 lettered 174:21 liability 70:7 license 1:24 403:14,21 587:20 lie 361:18 362:9 364:7 366:11 367:1,5,17 368:2,10,18 369:4,13 383:13 lied 34:20 35:12 383:19 401:12 401:20 lies 51:20 52:7 life 29:7 416:2 lift 111:7 light 489:19 limitations 384:16 limited 522:12 522:19 limiting 521:10 541:1 line 103:9 215:7 258:20 324:16 412:15 413:9 491:24 551:11 lineup 21:22 23:6,7,21 25:9 25:20,22 26:3 26:5 133:4 204:5 209:24 217:19 218:3 218:11,20 228:12 229:4 233:12,22 234:6,15 235:1,10,19 236:4,13,22 237:7,16 238:9,18 240:4 244:3 246:2,3,7,11 246:16,24 247:17 248:2 248:5,16 249:1,16 250:6,18 251:2,11,17 252:11,23 253:5,13,14 253:19,21 254:13,21 255:4,8,12,18 256:3,12 257:4,11,18 257:23 258:6 259:4 263:22 264:15 265:1 265:16,23 266:5,7 268:20 269:6 269:18 270:22 271:8,16,24 272:19 273:5 273:19 274:13 275:4 276:1,7 276:19 277:4 277:11,12,22 278:6,15,24 279:6,13,15 280:1,9,19 281:22,23 282:9,17,18 283:3,4,13 284:14 289:22 303:1 304:16 305:1,20 306:6 307:23 318:11,16 319:1,3,12,21 320:4,8,19,21 321:6,24 322:8,18 323:1,3,11,19 324:4 325:1,8 327:9,17,18 328:1,19 329:3 330:2 330:10,19 331:2 332:8 334:6,12 335:21,23 336:13,17 337:11,18,24 338:8 340:14 344:16 345:1 345:13 347:6 354:13 358:7 358:16 379:20 409:12,19,24 410:19 436:11 437:3 438:2 446:7,14,21 447:9,19 448:9,16,19 448:20 449:3 449:10 464:24 465:15,17 478:12,17,23 479:21,22 480:6,10,17 481:4,11,19 481:20 490:3 490:11 493:5 493:13 505:16 508:19 515:7 515:8 521:3 521:10,19 540:8,17 542:21 543:5 543:14 544:9 545:4,8,18 546:5,15 563:7 565:4 567:24 569:7 lineups 210:6 244:16,16,19 244:19 245:7 245:7,11,22 281:5,15 303:12,13 310:12 312:5 314:8 395:19 421:9 423:4 423:11 425:22 435:11 440:14 440:18 445:22 447:3 451:18 464:9 465:8 467:21 472:9 477:5 483:17 494:22 497:13 499:6 504:14 513:14 516:20 520:13,19 521:15 522:2 522:3 539:2,7 539:11,20 540:5,15 541:2,7,16 542:8 543:24 544:21 548:13 548:21 549:12 549:12,21 570:23 571:7 link 417:17 list 371:15,22 372:5,13,22 530:12 listed 175:3 340:6 355:10 370:24 371:8 492:12 lists 175:11 litigation 55:4 little 65:22,23 live 23:6 96:6 96:10 97:22 98:2,6,22,24 99:11 204:4 217:19 218:3 218:11,20 228:11 229:4 233:12,22 234:24 235:10 235:18 236:4 236:13,22 237:7,15 238:9,18 244:16 245:7 245:22 246:3 246:7,11,16 248:16 249:15 250:5,18 251:11 252:10 252:23 253:4 253:21 268:20 269:6 271:7 273:4 274:13 276:19 277:22 278:24 279:6 279:15,24 305:1 318:10 395:19 410:18 423:4,11 435:11 445:22 451:17 464:9 467:21 472:9 477:5 483:17 494:22 497:13 504:14 513:14 548:12 549:12 549:20 lived 96:8 100:6 100:10 107:18 131:2 241:6 241:24 378:6 lives 96:21 living 99:13 llc 2:19 lloyd 573:24 574:10 located 402:9 402:17 418:15 419:10 location 254:13 265:9 277:12 lock 179:18 216:12 locked 211:14 lockup 216:21 539:13,13 loevy 2:2,2 4:2 4:3,4,4 63:13 lohman 434:10 long 76:17 77:23 96:2,8 101:5 255:5 481:21 longer 96:9 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 634 176:15 look 173:12 186:21 187:6 187:7,15,17 188:14,22 189:20 190:7 192:7,8 193:6 194:21 195:17 196:2 263:5 493:12 522:13 529:23 545:3 545:7 looked 315:22 542:9 545:2 looking 113:7 138:8 lopez 18:18 19:6,7,8 21:9 21:21 22:7,24 23:3,20 24:12 25:21 26:4 27:14 123:21 124:24 125:4 125:13,23 126:8 127:5 127:14,22 128:7,14 129:2 130:2 130:17 131:2 131:13 134:5 134:8,20 135:6,20 151:10 161:10 161:18 162:3 162:12,23 163:10,20 164:18 165:4 165:5,18 166:3,17 167:10,14,17 167:22 168:8 168:18 169:6 170:1 171:1,2 171:7,12,17 171:22 172:3 172:10,22 173:12 176:15 176:23 181:6 181:22 182:11 183:2,11,20 184:6,17 185:4,14 186:3,21 187:6,14,16 188:6,13,21 189:6,19,20 190:7,8,20 191:5,16 192:7 193:6 194:21,21 195:10,17,18 196:2 197:18 198:3,13,22 200:20 201:5 201:15,23 202:18 203:1 203:15 204:12 204:19 205:5 233:12,21 234:5,14,24 235:9,18 236:3,12,21 237:7,15,23 238:8,18 239:10 240:14 240:23 242:8 242:12,17,21 243:10,19 252:10,14 253:4,5 254:5 259:3,12 271:6 273:3 274:11,20 275:4,14 277:3 280:10 280:17 282:8 282:17 293:22 294:14 305:20 312:13 313:20 314:7,12,20 314:23 315:7 319:11 324:5 327:17 328:2 328:9,18 329:11,18 330:2,10,17 331:1,8,16 332:9,17,23 333:7 334:4 336:4,14 337:2 338:21 342:4,11,20 343:5,13,22 344:7,16 345:1,14 347:14 350:1 356:14 358:22 359:5,18 360:9 374:16 375:13,16,20 376:4,14 387:19 388:3 388:9 391:19 570:7,14 lopezs 129:14 167:1 203:20 204:3 240:2,8 240:12,18 241:6,9,24 242:4 315:22 331:23 332:7 lost 446:20 459:2 lot 101:11 430:17 lounge 565:18 566:2 lovers 583:24 lugo 485:5,6,9,9 487:6 luis 559:2 lunch 194:8 M m 1:19 217:7 228:2 253:20 317:12 349:9 585:16 magic 301:14 magneset 95:22 96:1,3 98:17 98:18,20,24 100:4,11 101:17 102:2 mail 53:23 maintain 528:17 maintained 180:19 535:16 536:11 552:1 552:5 majority 37:23 making 429:22 432:9,12 440:12 441:17 471:11 male 426:19 maliciously 500:15 man 171:7,12 324:17 403:1 403:3 maniac 106:24 107:17 583:22 manipulate 181:8,21 182:10 183:2 183:11,20 184:6,17 185:4,14 332:9 395:18 451:17 manipulated 18:17 21:9,20 27:14 30:23 31:12,24 36:18 408:21 425:22 435:10 445:21 464:8 467:20 472:8 477:4 483:16 490:1 494:21 497:12 504:13 513:13 567:3 567:11 manipulating 186:2 518:1 518:22 manipulation 410:18,19 manner 546:23 547:9 manuel 473:1,9 473:17 474:2 474:11 475:3 march 400:4,9 401:21 446:8 446:21 447:9 482:11,16 marcos 427:24 428:1 margarita 505:7 maria 439:23 440:11,17 441:1,16 455:23 456:6 456:14,16,18 456:24 marian 456:17 marilyn 133:21 293:22 294:14 marital 95:11 mark 570:24 571:8 marked 3:8 124:5,13 136:17,21 146:5,8 206:22 207:2 213:19 214:9 216:10 259:20 259:23 260:12 285:18 286:3 324:12 325:24 339:13,16,24 348:7,11 350:18 362:16 369:14,21 370:5 374:14 415:22 416:16 529:13,17 marlon 470:9 470:17 473:3 474:3 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 635 marrero 484:16 487:5 490:10 569:2,9,16 570:1 married 95:17 96:2,4 martin 560:21 561:13 martinez 505:15 506:10 506:24 507:18 509:2,12,20 510:13,21 511:6 mason 440:8 match 489:1 matched 223:8 matching 403:21 material 34:3 materials 34:6 85:22 158:4 158:16 159:2 159:10,13,22 160:8,18 matter 4:3 517:17 maximum 7:18 maxwell 176:6 mcdonald 434:11 493:21 mcdowell 567:5 567:19 mcdowells 567:12 mclaughlin 1:9 14:17 16:1 22:19,22 23:1 23:4 39:21 41:7 42:16 44:1,16 88:19 89:8 94:4,8,11 116:14 140:5 144:4 148:2 149:20 155:4 158:17 161:20 183:2 184:6 213:10 218:12 232:16 234:24 248:14 255:17 268:19 298:11 305:8 325:7 325:16 328:10 329:10,17 330:9,24 334:5 342:4 342:21 343:14 368:10 579:10 mean 262:6 405:11 506:14 556:3 meaning 532:1 means 69:16 mechanics 253:18 medications 5:22 6:2 medina 567:4 meet 76:2,9 meeting 76:22 77:12,15,20 77:23 78:2,6,9 78:15 79:5,6 164:18 165:4 165:5 166:17 melanie 505:8 507:17,24 509:2,10,18 510:2,12 melvin 574:23 member 224:3 315:16 542:1 members 9:20 10:11 30:22 31:11,23 32:4 32:17 33:10 34:2,19 35:11 36:2 64:3,19 95:8 108:7 221:18 225:3 287:8 290:7 295:24 296:24 420:24 421:15 421:19 424:8 554:4,5,18,20 memorialize 304:24 memorialized 293:10 memorializing 343:13 345:12 418:5 men 403:13 505:16 506:11 507:1 510:13 mention 436:10 437:2 mentioned 587:8 mere 431:9 432:11 merit 38:13 397:19 579:19 merkes 432:20 433:13 436:20 mess 421:18 messing 420:24 421:15 met 78:24 79:9 79:11,19 87:10 135:19 151:10,22 165:17 166:2 418:24 419:2 middle 257:4 322:17 323:1 556:4 midnight 211:20 212:1 266:18 284:20 285:21 miedzianowski 414:2,11,19 415:16 418:14 418:22 419:9 419:23 miedzianows... 416:6 million 398:15 mind 352:5 mine 97:15 mingey 1:9 15:5 16:1 39:21 41:7 42:17 44:2,16 88:21 92:11 117:18 142:1 148:19 150:14 159:15 163:12 185:2 232:17 237:15 300:7 353:14 353:21 361:24 362:9 369:12 493:21 557:2 557:7 558:1 573:23 574:9 579:12 mingeys 557:13 minor 501:8,17 minute 49:7 minutes 77:24 568:21 miranda 212:14 mischaracteri... 426:1 427:1 428:5,18 misconduct 7:14,15 28:13 28:14 29:5,5 35:12 36:4 37:9,24 38:14 39:2 40:12 41:20 43:5 45:7 388:11 416:7 529:7 530:17 555:5 555:13,20 575:11,23 576:9 579:22 580:8 581:20 582:5 missed 552:3 mistake 96:23 model 222:10 mohamed 418:6 418:8 mom 131:3 132:13 133:7 133:11,17 moment 433:1 529:23 moms 131:18 monday 126:8 money 421:5 422:23 431:4 montanez 466:20 467:4 467:15 468:13 468:21 469:5 469:12 470:3 month 76:19 479:6 monthold 402:10,18 months 402:8 402:16 405:4 405:13 406:24 412:10 430:19 430:20 moriarity 221:10 223:17 224:10,18,24 226:19 227:9 227:17 228:20 232:7 233:21 289:13 morning 77:7 78:2,7 79:5 212:17 229:10 mother 106:24 107:17 240:2 240:8,12,18 241:6 459:10 459:19 mothers 100:24 101:16 241:10 242:22 282:8 460:4 motion 69:21 motive 378:22 379:10 move 63:1,6 70:5 387:18 388:2 491:23 moved 176:6 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 636 388:9 movement 213:24 moving 412:19 413:10 mozart 131:14 132:4 242:9 mugshot 145:19 147:9,18 148:3,16,20 149:10,21 150:5,14 151:1,9,21 153:1 154:19 155:5,14 156:2,12,20 166:4,16 191:5,18 196:10 197:1 197:9 mugshots 524:5 multiple 22:9 260:5 288:15 290:8 383:7 447:2 523:10 541:15 mumbling 65:23 muniz 471:11 472:24 473:1 474:2,3,10,11 474:19 475:2 475:3 munoz 571:19 murder 7:11 8:20 15:23 17:5,20 29:22 44:19 45:23 114:21 115:7 130:15 135:9 287:12 317:22 318:2 324:17 334:14 358:16 360:11 375:22 376:6 383:21 385:4,16 410:18,22,23 421:9 425:23 426:13 427:16 428:1,14 439:4 441:11 443:4,11 444:7 454:6 461:15 462:8 462:11 470:9 470:17 474:3 474:4 475:19 475:24 476:4 476:16 477:21 479:7 480:18 482:5 483:4 491:11 496:21 497:6,14,22 508:2 511:8 511:24 512:5 512:13 514:6 514:23 561:5 563:7 564:6 564:13 569:16 570:6,13,24 571:8 576:18 576:23 murders 569:8 569:24 mustache 104:12 N n 3:1 name 4:19 5:19 95:19,21 97:12,14,16 97:19,20 335:14,15 405:1,7 427:13,24 443:17 478:4 485:8,10 487:9 492:1,2 498:22 named 4:16 249:14 250:4 251:10 252:9 322:8 485:6 574:22 names 5:9,11 175:3,12 492:11,12 narrow 185:20 nature 287:19 427:2 428:5 naught 585:17 near 107:18 131:14 170:17 315:1 nearly 410:16 need 6:11 47:13 101:6 405:23 430:5 455:7 518:1,5 529:7 555:5,13 563:4 needed 209:4 209:24 needs 97:2 negative 421:8 negron 434:9 436:2,19 437:10,17 438:2,10,22 neighborhood 111:17 112:6 210:7,22 420:21 neither 80:4,7 306:6 344:14 344:23 345:11 never 32:20 36:3 37:10,22 128:6 176:23 267:1,8,17 268:2,10 278:6 281:5 281:14 293:10 301:16,20 303:24 304:2 332:22 333:11 352:5 357:22 358:2 366:18 375:20 376:4 377:1 455:14 460:3 508:17 517:24 518:5 521:18 530:18 550:13 553:17 nevertheless 379:19 551:24 nicasio 488:8 nieves 11:17 220:21 225:17 230:6,12,23 231:4,7,19 359:19 360:2 360:10 374:16 375:17 376:5 night 240:23 460:21 nightshift 113:18 nodding 6:18 nonsuspect 274:12 521:20 noon 1:7 14:4 15:24 39:20 41:6 42:15 43:24 44:15 88:20 90:9 117:8 141:16 158:18 163:1 184:16 207:23 232:16 235:18 299:9 369:2 573:23 574:9 578:24 579:10 north 1:18 2:6 2:21 4:5 175:22 176:5 586:8 northern 1:2 note 101:4 noted 544:22 notes 291:24 300:18 309:22 372:14 528:12 528:17 532:16 532:17 533:2 533:2,18,18 notice 1:15 430:7 587:6 notified 120:10 120:23 121:11 november 438:11 443:5 444:8 number 3:8 99:8 100:16 132:12,23 133:2 173:12 241:10 242:5 258:6 373:15 403:14,21 456:14 457:17 487:8 521:10 541:1 numbered 262:11 numbers 124:2 257:18,23 258:12 261:14 321:6 465:18 540:7 numerous 356:22 O o 586:3,3 oath 4:13 7:4 51:21 52:8 380:20 383:13 384:5 394:3 399:23 401:12 401:20 434:5 439:24 445:2 450:20 469:4 471:4 505:8 object 19:16 64:21 66:24 68:9 70:8 74:13 96:11 97:23 100:20 140:8 144:17 148:6 186:5 206:3 238:22 238:22 241:22 245:9 260:7 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 637 270:5,7 287:13 288:21 303:15 313:23 341:13 351:16 384:7 412:3 413:17 426:24 428:6 556:8 objecting 75:4 objection 7:20 8:3 9:3,15,23 10:6,14,21 11:4,12,19 12:2,11,19 13:7,9 14:11 14:23 15:16 16:3,11,18,24 17:7,14 18:2 18:13 19:2,14 19:16,18 20:14 23:8,23 24:15 26:19 27:3 28:18 29:9 32:22 33:14 34:8,23 35:15 36:6 37:11 38:1,15 39:5,23 40:16 41:9,24 42:18 43:9 44:3 45:11 46:4 49:21 50:5 59:18 60:17 62:11,24 67:13 68:19 71:4,17 72:4 72:14,24 73:12 75:19 78:16 79:14 80:9,18 81:2 84:6,20 85:11 85:24 86:13 89:10,22 95:10 106:19 107:2,7,20 108:9,21 109:4,16,23 110:21 111:18 112:8,19 113:9 116:3 119:23 120:12 121:1,12 122:8,21 128:16 129:4 129:16 130:4 132:14 134:10 135:10 138:19 139:8,17 140:7,19 141:7,18 142:3,12,21 142:22 143:17 144:7,16 145:4 147:11 147:20 148:5 148:22 149:13 149:22 150:7 150:16 151:3 151:11,23 152:12 153:5 153:18 154:8 155:7,16,17 156:5 157:5 157:17 158:6 158:20 159:4 159:17 160:1 160:9,21 161:21 162:6 162:15 163:4 163:14,22 164:7,20 165:7,21 166:6 168:1 168:20 169:8 170:19 172:14 172:23 173:18 174:1,8,15,22 175:5,13,16 175:23 176:8 176:17 177:1 177:10,21 178:14 179:2 179:11,20 180:4,12 181:11 182:1 182:15 183:5 183:13,23 184:9,20 185:6,17 186:23 187:8 187:18 188:7 188:15,24 189:8,22 190:9,22 191:7,20 192:10,18 193:8,21 194:24 195:12 195:20 196:5 196:12,19 197:3,11,21 198:6,15,24 199:7,16,22 200:5,14,23 201:7,18 202:2,8,14,21 203:3,10,16 203:23 204:6 204:14,22 205:18 208:1 208:11,22 209:5,11,18 210:1,8 211:9 211:15,21 212:20 213:3 213:14 214:3 215:22 216:15 216:24 217:13 217:22 218:5 218:13,22 219:6 222:12 222:19 223:2 223:11,20 224:4,12,20 225:4,12,19 226:3,11,21 227:12,20 228:4,13,22 229:5,15,23 230:7,16 231:12 232:2 232:10,20 234:17 235:3 235:12,21 236:6,15,24 237:9,18 238:2,11 240:24 243:13 244:5,17 246:17 247:1 247:9,19 248:8,18 249:2,9,23 250:12,19 251:4,19 252:4,17 253:7,23 254:14,22 255:20 256:5 256:13,22 257:5,12,24 258:7,14,22 259:6,14 260:3 263:24 264:8,17 265:3,10,17 265:24 266:8 266:19 267:3 267:12,21 268:5,12,22 269:8,19 270:24 271:9 271:17 272:2 272:11,20 273:6,21 274:5,14,22 275:8,18 276:4,21 277:5,14,24 278:8,16 279:7,16 280:2,11,21 281:7,16,24 282:10,20 283:7,16,24 284:8,15 285:4,13 286:22 289:3 289:15,24 290:9,18 291:3,11,19 292:2,10,18 293:4,14,23 294:7,15,24 295:9,17 296:2,10,17 297:3,5,14 298:4,15 299:3,13,24 300:11,19 301:6 302:3 302:10 304:10 304:18 305:2 305:12,22 306:8,18 307:1,9,16 309:4,11,18 309:24 310:7 310:14,22 311:4,10,24 312:8,16,23 313:8 314:15 315:2,10,17 316:1,10 317:6 318:4 318:19 319:5 319:14 320:5 320:23 321:8 321:16 322:1 322:10,19 323:4,12,21 324:6,18 325:2,10,18 327:11,19 328:4,13,21 329:5,12,19 330:4,12,20 331:3,11,18 332:1,10 333:1,15,22 334:7,15,22 334:22 335:8 335:17,24 336:7,19 337:5,12,19 338:2,9,16,23 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 640 324:5 327:17 328:9,18 329:3,11,18 330:2 331:23 332:9,17,23 333:7 334:4 336:14 342:4 343:21 347:14 350:1 356:14 359:5,18 360:9 374:16 375:20 376:14 388:9 391:19 orlandos 131:18 132:13 133:7 133:11,17,20 ortiz 560:22 outcome 425:11 425:16 587:12 outside 264:14 265:1 288:21 290:11 outstanding 510:3 overbroad 49:22 overcome 490:18 overly 50:5 overnight 219:4 P p 2:11 217:7 253:20 317:12 349:9 585:16 pads 528:12 page 174:14,20 187:16 199:13 286:21 327:8 418:12,17 420:18,19,20 426:7 pages 260:17 326:5 paid 410:6 418:13 419:8 420:2,13 426:15 428:1 428:12,24 429:8 431:4 431:12 432:6 pants 440:19 papers 216:11 216:19 217:5 217:12 219:13 220:8,15 228:10 284:22 285:23 paperwork 334:14 531:4 paragraph 418:13,20,21 418:22 419:1 419:4,7 420:19 421:10 426:8,10,11 427:23 428:18 parents 127:23 128:7 331:24 332:7 518:16 562:7 park 9:8 110:20 131:14 170:8 170:13,18 208:17 315:1 383:6,9 421:14 583:13 parker 505:8 507:18,24 509:2,10,19 510:3,12 part 13:22 39:19 41:5 42:14 43:23 73:23 268:18 269:4 296:1 415:16 465:15 468:13 478:17 500:23 508:1 582:13,21 participants 257:17,22 277:21 446:14 participate 133:4 249:15 250:5 251:11 252:10 480:7 565:4 participated 198:20 206:1 258:5 279:24 399:11 407:8 419:22 584:4 particular 20:5 64:8 187:16 230:5 260:23 393:13 412:20 492:9 521:3 524:21 particularly 425:22 519:4 parties 587:4,10 partner 12:24 115:24 183:19 218:21 297:10 316:23 349:8 353:9 399:4 578:2,10 579:5 partners 578:17 passing 403:2 paternal 68:3 paul 1:8 88:21 91:24 117:9 158:19 163:2 236:12 369:3 579:12 paulnitsky 445:7 447:16 448:6 pay 102:17 556:11 payment 419:14 420:7 421:5 427:17 payments 425:21 penalty 7:7 pending 586:10 pennsylvania 388:3,10 people 82:3 84:3 111:17 164:4 258:5 263:22 291:8 291:17 334:5 393:2,14 394:2,20 395:7,17 396:2,21 397:4,12,21 405:7 422:14 422:19 432:12 465:17 481:20 492:11 501:24 510:5 522:13 524:12,19 525:2 532:1 545:2,7 perform 217:19 396:3 442:15 performed 409:11 435:17 446:2 464:15 468:3 472:16 477:12 483:24 495:6 497:20 504:22 513:21 period 100:7 310:13 311:3 311:22 312:6 313:14 406:24 411:5,15 periods 100:11 perjury 7:7 28:1 51:11 52:6 384:16 400:8 401:3 perpetrator 23:22 314:9 314:24 315:24 316:7 330:3 330:11 428:24 489:2 perpetrators 222:10 person 11:3,17 18:20 19:8 22:8 119:21 140:11 153:3 154:6 172:4 175:12 191:17 196:24 197:1 197:8,9 203:8 246:2 258:19 273:15 275:5 275:15 313:22 314:13 315:8 315:23 328:3 328:11 331:9 338:21 342:12 343:6 347:5 350:2 358:23 363:24 376:20 392:3 403:21 405:2 412:5 421:2 447:19 448:9,18 473:3 481:11 481:19 534:12 534:22 535:9 535:18 536:4 536:13 537:9 537:19 personal 100:22 178:4,11,24 179:9,17 180:3,11,14 180:18 181:1 personally 586:8 persuade 506:10,23 pertaining 1:16 phone 77:21 133:7,11,16 241:10 242:4 447:17 448:7 459:10,19 phonebook 493:12 photo 21:10 30:24 152:9 152:10 153:15 153:16 154:4 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 641 179:9 180:2 181:7,9,23 182:11,13,13 183:12,21 184:7,18 185:5,15 186:3 189:20 190:20 191:17 198:13,14,22 198:23 199:5 199:21 200:10 200:20,21,22 201:6,16 203:21 224:11 244:15,19 245:6,12 303:1,4,12,12 305:20 307:23 311:2 347:6 356:15 357:17 396:4 404:5,5 408:1,2,21 410:18 425:11 425:16 435:18 442:16 446:3 464:16 468:4 472:17 477:13 484:1 495:7 497:21 498:22 504:23 513:22 522:8,11 523:16,22 524:12,19 525:3,9,24 539:2,7 546:3 546:13,22 547:9,18 548:3,20 549:12,21 559:2 560:23 567:4,12,13 photograph 175:11 197:18 198:3 199:14 199:15 201:3 225:10 277:21 347:14,20 348:2 359:12 360:2 403:20 408:11 473:2 photographs 173:24 174:6 174:7 175:4 178:23 179:8 225:17 260:6 260:14,16 263:21 265:8 267:1 268:2 268:10,18 269:4,15,17 278:5 359:6 359:19 372:23 375:5 447:9 524:21 photos 103:15 104:1,3 178:12 179:17 196:17 261:4 264:14,24 266:6 275:16 305:9 331:10 374:22 375:13 375:17 404:6 436:1,10,18 437:2,9 474:10 475:2 498:14 508:1 522:13 523:2 523:8,10,16 523:22 phrase 63:4 physical 17:19 409:12,19 541:6 pick 181:23 189:7 191:17 192:17 193:18 195:18 201:5 201:15 259:4 271:7 274:21 275:4,15 324:5 327:17 329:3,11 331:8 473:1 522:3 547:18 548:3 picked 190:20 193:20 199:14 251:2 254:5 270:22 271:23 272:19 273:4 274:12 275:24 277:4 280:17 281:6,15,23 282:18 306:7 317:11,21 330:18 331:2 344:16 345:2 345:14 349:9 349:18 356:14 357:16 379:21 408:10 409:20 521:19 522:2 542:21 543:15 picking 21:9,21 408:21 picture 19:6 21:10 188:13 188:22 pictures 174:13 174:20 225:2 262:24 266:15 270:3,13 278:15 304:16 304:23 326:15 374:15 pigtail 381:23 pin 135:21 place 76:23 164:18 244:4 260:3 270:23 277:12 308:15 318:11,12,16 318:17 319:1 319:2,3,3 327:10 358:8 411:15 431:6 placed 144:4,14 145:2,12 154:18 155:4 155:14 156:2 156:12,20 157:3 160:19 211:7 219:14 220:8 283:14 347:6,13,19 348:1 479:14 479:20 480:19 481:2 541:2,7 placing 540:7 plain 105:18 plaintiff 1:5 2:9 8:20 286:14 411:24 586:13 plaintiffs 126:24 137:16 138:8 146:9 146:20 147:1 147:4 157:1,2 207:2,12 214:21 216:10 260:13,19 261:20 262:15 263:9,17 270:2,3,12 286:3,10,18 326:1,16 327:8 339:17 339:24 340:7 347:4 348:11 348:19 350:18 350:22 351:14 352:17 353:22 355:3 362:23 365:23 370:1 370:6,16 374:8,14 416:16,24 418:4 433:3,5 529:17,20 530:8,11 plan 218:2,10 218:19 233:10 planned 179:18 181:21 182:10 plate 403:14,21 played 170:12 playing 170:7 plead 126:23 137:14 169:19 172:20 186:15 220:19 239:8 239:15 244:2 244:14 245:5 263:8 286:9 287:6 288:2 302:23 303:9 303:11 308:13 313:19 320:2 326:14,21 341:10,16 351:1,12,18 351:23 352:13 352:16 370:15 414:9 416:23 433:15 439:13 444:11 450:10 462:15 463:3 463:5 467:2 470:15 475:23 476:2 482:14 496:3 503:5 512:4 529:19 pleading 107:12 108:2,15 109:9 110:4 110:14 111:2 111:11,24 112:13 113:2 113:14,23 114:7,15,24 115:15 116:9 116:18 117:3 117:13,22 118:6,14 119:1,14 120:5,17 121:6,17 122:1,13 123:3,16 124:8,19 125:8 126:3 126:12 127:9 127:17 128:2 128:10,22 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 642 129:10,22 130:10,20 131:7,22 132:7,19 133:15 134:1 134:15 135:15 136:1,12 137:3,10,18 138:3,12 139:1,23 141:1,12 143:8,23 145:11,24 147:3 149:8 150:22 151:17 152:5,18 153:11,24 154:14,23 156:11,18 157:10,22 158:11 159:21 160:14 161:2 161:13 163:18 164:12 165:13 166:11,21 167:5,21 168:12,16 169:4 172:8 173:6,7 177:17 178:5 178:6,19 180:10,24 181:17 182:6 182:21 185:12 185:23 186:13 187:24 189:14 190:15 191:12 192:2,24 193:14 194:3 195:5 205:3 206:13 207:17 213:22 214:19 216:3 219:12 220:6,7,13 227:3 230:22 231:17 233:1 238:16 239:1 243:18,24 253:12 270:11 275:23 283:2 296:22 302:16 307:21 313:13 316:16 319:20 326:9 332:15 339:4 341:9 346:19,21 351:3,5 362:22 369:24 370:11 374:7 376:12 382:20 385:8 386:14 388:17 391:2 392:19 393:9 393:21 396:10 398:4 411:12 414:5 433:4 433:22 439:19 444:18 450:14 459:21 470:2 496:10 503:12 512:11 532:8 538:19 551:10 559:24 560:16 561:12 562:22 563:20 564:21 565:10 566:22 567:18 568:14 569:23 570:18 571:14 572:3 572:17 573:17 574:17 575:4 584:16,22 please 4:24 5:19 6:12,17,21 70:2 391:8,13 391:18 392:2 392:11 413:13 po 420:21 point 12:8 63:1 66:4 67:15 75:16 100:21 102:15,21 241:6 242:1 266:24 317:5 405:2 412:2,9 492:20 544:23 556:9 575:17 pointed 188:12 189:20 190:8 329:2,18 408:1 474:11 475:2 523:15 523:21 police 1:11 4:16 7:15 12:7,9 15:15,23 24:11 28:14 29:6 30:9,23 31:12,24 32:4 32:6,17 33:10 34:2,20 35:11 36:3,23 39:19 42:14 43:23 44:14 48:9 50:9,17 68:3 81:17 86:11 87:10,22 113:6 134:6 157:14 161:17 162:22 167:10 194:22 195:9 200:12 209:10 209:16 240:23 246:10 266:17 281:14 288:13 290:7 293:21 294:21 295:24 302:1 304:7 323:19 325:16 331:1 332:24 337:17 342:8 342:10 343:4 343:12,21,22 344:6,7,14,23 345:11 348:2 364:8 371:16 372:7,15,23 391:14 394:22 403:22 414:1 415:18 416:8 418:15 419:10 419:15 421:20 424:24 434:17 441:23 445:12 450:24 452:17 455:16 459:3 459:21 460:20 463:17 467:14 471:18 476:14 477:22 483:2 486:1 487:10 488:16 494:5 496:19 498:5 500:24 503:21 507:9 510:23 512:20 516:4 517:5,13,19 525:11 526:12 527:23 528:4 528:8 529:7 531:3,10,18 533:11,16 534:1,10 535:6 539:12 539:20 540:5 540:15,24 543:3,22 545:1 546:2 546:21 547:8 547:16 548:2 549:22 552:16 552:18 553:1 553:9 554:1,3 554:16 555:19 555:20 558:19 580:19 581:1 581:6 583:7 584:11 policies 517:12 517:18 539:1 539:6 541:6 policy 30:8,21 31:11,23 32:3 32:16 33:9 34:1,19 35:10 36:2 421:1 541:1 545:1,7 poor 80:23 portion 426:24 position 103:2,3 103:4 384:20 415:18 positive 421:8 492:15 possession 492:17 possible 181:1 261:16 492:8 545:12 possibly 412:5 postconviction 59:2,12 60:5 61:16 74:12 potential 101:8 152:10 231:11 potomac 107:19 pounds 426:20 practice 30:9,22 31:11,23 32:3 32:17 33:10 34:2,19 35:11 36:2 281:13 422:2 425:6 425:14 469:20 517:17 525:18 534:10,20 535:7,16 536:2,11 537:7,17 539:12 540:6 540:16 541:15 541:23 542:9 542:20 543:4 543:13,23 544:8 545:7 545:17 546:3 546:13,22 547:8,17 548:2 549:4 549:11,19 550:5,21 552:1,6,17 553:11 554:2 554:17 555:18 practices Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 643 539:21 550:14 551:11 preparation 76:3,10 78:2,9 79:3,7 85:23 prepared 460:19 presence 288:21 290:11 586:20 present 28:12 77:12,14 100:7 127:23 128:7 139:5 139:14 140:4 140:16 141:16 141:24 142:9 142:18 144:3 144:13 145:1 147:17 148:2 148:15,19 149:4,9,19 150:4,13,23 155:3,13 156:1,19 164:3 254:20 255:17 256:2 256:11 297:11 298:12 299:10 300:8 325:8 325:17 334:6 337:11 353:15 368:1,10,18 369:4 469:13 469:21 475:1 486:14 518:17 587:7 presented 305:9 presenting 260:12 preserve 198:12 199:15,20 280:10,18 551:17 preserved 177:9 198:21 532:17 preserving 201:3,12,13 533:1,10,17 534:2 pressure 474:19 pretending 280:19 prevent 5:23 6:3,7 213:12 543:15 previous 448:19 previously 170:8 241:21 275:5 338:14 407:6 480:19 506:9,23 primary 130:16 prior 72:23 78:5,6,9,14,14 80:8 94:8 100:9 110:10 112:5 163:19 297:21 298:1 298:23 299:21 301:2 327:24 386:22 387:12 405:4,13 421:14 423:11 433:2 517:5 532:15,24 533:9 538:11 540:7 546:1 554:11,23 555:4,12 575:24 576:9 580:8 prison 7:18 30:11 113:8 416:2 459:11 prisoners 320:22 321:22 privilege 64:22 65:3,8 66:6 68:20 71:6 72:5,15 73:1 75:20 95:11 privileged 71:18 privileges 50:12 probable 46:2 208:9 216:21 478:23 500:7 probably 76:16 79:4 413:5 427:12 problem 430:12 problems 243:11 procedure 1:15 404:13 407:9 508:17 procedures 50:9 517:13 517:18 proceeding 267:10 502:6 proceedings 74:12 267:20 process 39:4,18 544:15 produced 138:17 262:5 262:11 producing 365:22 program 293:2 progress 532:16 promising 511:7 promoted 402:9 402:17 575:9 promotion 38:13 397:10 397:20 558:9 575:24 576:10 579:19 580:8 pronouncing 427:12 properly 94:3 135:4 property 266:16 propositioning 440:19 prosecute 8:20 prosecuted 45:23 51:3 381:13 397:4 397:12,21 500:15 prosecuting 340:7 prosecution 45:24 49:2 51:7,11,20 52:6,17 53:3 53:13,22 54:8 54:18 298:3 299:2,23 301:5 346:5 417:19 441:10 533:3,13,19 534:4 550:6 prosecutor 61:13 prosecutors 28:15 32:21 34:5 204:11 247:18 248:7 268:11 289:1 293:11 333:21 337:3,11,16 364:18 365:1 373:7 395:9 434:24 442:6 445:17 451:8 464:1 468:12 472:1 476:20 483:8 494:13 497:4 504:5 513:5 protect 330:18 protected 40:14 41:4,22 42:13 43:7,22 protection 331:1 protective 96:14,18 97:4 101:3 prove 200:20 provide 56:11 97:2 102:13 405:18 406:11 406:12 412:5 417:16 458:17 509:10 provided 223:9 249:19 250:9 251:24 252:14 260:14 364:18 365:24 384:4 384:22 461:13 491:24 492:3 492:14,16 502:6 507:11 530:7 562:14 provides 20:8 432:13 providing 6:3 13:18 412:6 413:1 punitive 556:16 purported 302:24 303:3 303:12 307:23 purportedly 403:14 purposes 79:2 101:7,8 115:4 406:22 443:8 444:2 450:6 pursuant 1:15 30:8,21 31:10 31:22 32:3,16 33:9 34:1,18 35:10,13 36:1 587:6 pursue 231:6 377:9 pursued 377:1 pushed 574:9 put 113:7 122:18 179:9 180:2 210:12 212:5 257:3 257:10 260:9 260:16,22 261:1,5,16 262:16 316:8 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 644 335:15 349:17 367:16 374:22 379:19 393:1 393:14 394:2 394:20 395:7 395:17 396:2 396:20 404:4 404:5 405:9 415:2 429:8 429:24 478:22 493:11 544:13 544:18 545:2 559:10 573:5 573:7 puts 30:10 putting 228:10 260:18 390:18 430:4,7 545:7 Q quashed 510:4 question 6:13 6:20,22,23,24 9:1,13 10:4,19 11:9,24 12:17 13:5,8,14,15 14:9,20 15:9 15:19 16:9,23 17:11,24 18:10 19:1,12 19:17 20:6,10 21:15,16 22:2 22:3,13,14 23:14,15 24:5 24:6,21 25:4,4 25:14,15 26:10,11 27:9 27:10,20,21 28:7,8,24 29:1 29:15,16 30:2 30:3,15,16 31:5,6,17,18 32:10,11 33:3 33:4,19,20 34:13,14 35:4 35:5,20,21 36:11,12 37:3 37:4,17,18 38:7,8,21,22 39:12,13 40:4 40:5,22,23 41:15,16 42:7 42:8,24 43:1 43:16,17 44:9 44:10,24 45:1 45:17,18 46:10,11 47:2 47:3,13,16,17 47:22 48:18 48:19 49:20 49:22,24 50:8 50:21,22 51:15,16 52:1 52:2,12,13,22 52:23 53:8,9 53:17,18 54:3 54:4,13,14,23 54:24 55:10 55:11,20,21 56:6,7,17,18 57:4,5,16,17 58:8,9,20,21 59:6,7,16,17 59:23,24 60:9 60:10,23,24 61:8,9,20,21 62:8,9 63:23 63:24 64:8,15 64:23 65:2,7 65:15 66:10 67:3,6,18 69:1 69:8,9 70:19 70:20 71:5,11 71:23 72:8,19 73:6,23,24 74:5,6,23 75:10,11,24 78:21 80:11 80:13,23 81:10,11,21 81:22 82:8,9 82:18,19 83:5 83:6,21,22 84:12,13 85:2 85:3,17,18 86:6,7,18,19 87:4,5,15,16 88:3,4,13,14 89:2,3,15,16 90:3,4,13,14 90:23,24 91:9 91:10,19,20 92:5,6,15,16 93:1,2,11,12 93:21,22 94:3 94:16,17 95:2 95:3 101:21 101:22 102:8 102:9,19 103:1,20,21 104:8,9,17,18 105:3,4,13,14 105:23,24 107:4,13 108:3,16 109:11 110:6 110:15 111:3 111:12 112:1 112:14 113:3 113:15,24 114:8,16 115:1,16 116:10,19 117:4,14,23 118:7,15 119:2,15 120:6,18 121:7,18 122:2,14 123:4,17 124:9,20 125:9 126:4 126:13,21 127:10,18 128:3,11,23 129:11,23 130:11,21 131:8 132:8 132:20 134:2 134:16 135:3 135:16 136:2 136:13 137:4 137:11 138:4 138:13 139:2 140:10 141:2 141:13 143:11 143:24 144:19 145:14 146:1 147:5 148:8 149:11 151:2 151:18 152:6 152:19 153:12 154:1,15,24 156:14,21 157:11,23 158:12 159:24 160:15 161:3 161:14 163:21 164:13 165:14 166:13,22 167:6 168:13 168:24 169:12 173:8 178:1 178:20 180:15 181:18 182:7 182:22 185:19 186:8 190:3 190:16 191:13 192:3 193:15 194:4 195:6 205:6 206:5,9 206:14 219:19 219:22 220:3 220:24 221:2 222:2 239:3 239:14 244:20 245:10 261:12 263:13 270:6 276:5,8 287:15 288:6 288:19 297:4 313:24 314:3 314:5 320:7 326:10 341:15 345:6 351:6 351:17,18 352:4 370:12 370:20 371:11 384:8 386:16 393:10,22 403:1 405:19 405:22 406:1 406:6,6,8,18 412:12,21,22 413:5,8,9,12 413:18,18 414:6,16 415:4,8 417:6 417:11,13,20 430:2 433:12 439:20 444:5 448:2 462:22 463:12 467:10 476:6 545:5 556:4,21 565:12 570:19 571:15 572:4 575:5 580:11 580:12 questioned 386:21 387:10 389:3,9,16,22 390:4,10 518:17 583:4 questioning 103:10 412:15 492:1 questions 5:24 6:8,18 8:16 20:2 47:8 48:2 48:8 49:9 63:6 70:3 101:12 102:22 103:13 109:10 110:5 111:16 115:5 126:17,23 127:1 131:23 133:16 137:15 137:19 139:24 140:9 142:23 143:9 145:12 146:19 147:1 147:4 149:9 150:23 156:12 156:19 166:12 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 645 167:23 168:17 169:5,16,20 169:21 172:9 172:12,21 177:18,19,23 178:6,8 180:11,14,17 181:1,2 185:16,24 186:10,16,16 188:1 189:15 193:1 205:4 205:10,16,24 206:7 207:12 207:18 213:23 214:2,20 215:2 216:5 219:13,15,24 220:8,10,14 220:16,20 221:6,23 222:6 227:4,6 230:23,24 231:18 233:2 233:4 238:20 239:1,16,22 241:16,21 243:19,21 244:3,11,15 244:18 245:2 245:6,11,18 253:13 262:21 263:9,17 270:2,4,14 275:24 276:2 276:6,10,14 283:3,5 286:10,14 287:7,17,23 288:3,10 290:10 296:23 297:2 302:17 302:19,24 303:21 307:22 308:1,14,22 313:14,16,20 316:17 319:21 319:23 320:3 320:8,15 326:15,22 327:5 332:16 339:5,6,23 340:3 341:11 341:16,23 346:22,23 348:18,22 351:13,19 352:17,23 362:23,24 370:1,16 374:8,9 376:13,14 382:21,22 384:4 385:9 385:10 386:15 388:18 391:3 391:5 392:20 396:11,12 398:5,7 406:22 407:5 407:7 411:13 411:16 412:3 412:4,14 414:10,18,23 415:6 416:24 417:12,15,24 429:14,17,19 430:9,10,15 430:23 431:19 431:23 432:5 432:14 433:3 433:5,6,11,16 433:23 438:20 438:23 439:11 439:14 442:22 443:9 444:3 444:12,19 449:19 450:7 450:11,15 462:1,3,16 463:6 466:9 467:3 470:3,4 470:16,24 475:12,14,24 476:3,10 482:4,5,15,22 491:10,12 495:15,16 496:4,11 502:15,17 503:6,13 511:18,20 512:12 515:22 515:23 529:20 530:2 532:9 532:11 538:20 538:21 542:15 544:16 545:10 551:11,12 556:9,14 560:1,17,18 561:13,14 562:23,24 563:21,22 564:22,23 566:23 567:19 567:20 568:15 569:24 570:2 572:18 573:18 574:18,19 584:17,19,24 585:1 quick 162:18 491:15 quinones 484:9 487:5 490:9 quite 110:10 quote 110:10 408:9 420:24 421:1 426:12 427:23 436:3 453:13 455:7 459:2 514:23 531:24 559:3 R rafael 565:19 566:23 raise 4:23 415:13 430:5 raised 420:22 raising 430:12 430:13 ramon 484:22 487:6 490:9 rap 136:7 137:24 138:7 138:16 139:6 139:15 140:5 140:17 141:5 141:17 142:1 142:10,19 143:9,15 144:5,14 145:2,12 165:19 215:7 216:5 285:10 rate 531:11,17 ray 420:21 reach 20:3 132:13 reaching 44:17 read 21:3 212:13 413:13 413:15 reading 63:4 418:18 426:24 428:6 reads 419:8 427:23 ready 334:14 real 314:9,21,24 377:10 really 392:3 580:23 reask 49:19 67:5 125:20 264:23 314:5 448:2 reason 21:14 22:1,12 23:13 24:4,20 25:2 25:13 26:9 27:8,19 28:6 28:23 29:14 30:1,14 31:4 31:16 32:9 33:2,18 34:12 35:3,19 36:10 37:2,16 38:6 38:20 39:11 40:3,21 41:14 42:6,23 43:15 44:8,23 45:16 46:9 47:1,15 48:17 50:20 51:14,24 52:11,21 53:7 53:16 54:2,12 54:22 55:9,19 56:5,16 57:3,9 57:15 58:7,19 59:5,15,22 60:8,22 61:7 61:19 62:7 63:21,22 69:7 70:18 74:4 75:9 81:9,20 82:7,17 83:4 83:20 84:11 85:1,16 86:5 86:17 87:3,14 88:2,12 89:1 89:14 90:2,12 90:22 91:8,18 92:4,14,24 93:10,20 94:15 95:1 101:20 102:7 103:19 104:7 104:16 105:2 105:12,22 113:7 126:22 206:12 271:14 279:4,22 280:8 281:4 370:23 371:7 543:13 reasonable 49:1 reasons 230:5 415:10,12 rec 111:7,7,16 recall 261:13 402:24 receive 70:13 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 647 67:19 79:16 270:6 352:8 report 118:21 119:5,9,18 199:12,13 200:13 216:9 246:10 276:18 280:9 289:11 289:12 301:16 305:9 332:24 343:12 345:12 349:2,18 350:1,10,13 350:22 351:11 351:15 352:1 353:5,14,21 353:22 354:6 354:12,20 355:3,9,20 356:6,13,21 357:7 358:6 358:14,21 359:4,17 360:8,18 361:2,10 362:1,15 364:8,10,17 365:7,13 367:17 368:2 368:11,19 369:4,13 371:22,23 374:13 418:5 418:12,13 420:19 425:21 426:2 427:1,2 428:5,6 455:16 459:20 460:20 487:10 499:19 507:9 529:7 555:5 555:13,19 reported 1:23 333:6 455:14 459:1 523:9 559:17 586:19 reporter 1:17 4:8,12,23 460:12 586:5 reports 32:6 288:24 289:9 302:8,17 310:5 311:14 311:20 312:4 312:12 343:21 344:6 371:16 372:6 373:5 373:15 394:22 434:17 441:23 445:12 450:24 459:3 463:17 467:14 471:18 476:14 483:2 488:17 494:5 496:19 503:21 512:20 526:12 527:23 528:4 528:8 532:16 533:11,12 534:3 represent 260:15 representation 260:6 represented 68:8 426:9,14 representing 2:9,16,24 74:17 260:4 reputation 420:23 421:14 531:2,9,24 request 138:17 267:18 requested 21:4 136:7 137:23 139:6,14 140:5,17 141:5,17 142:1,10,19 143:9 413:16 requests 267:9 431:17 reserve 102:22 585:8 residence 460:21 resign 581:7 respective 587:4 respond 69:21 118:11 119:6 119:10 responded 118:18,20 responding 20:11 119:19 120:10,22 121:10 405:21 response 21:15 22:2,13 23:14 24:5,21 25:3 25:14 26:10 27:9,20 28:7 28:24 29:15 30:2,15 31:5 31:17 32:10 33:3,19 34:13 35:4,20 36:11 37:3,17 38:7 38:21 39:12 40:4,22 41:15 42:7,24 43:16 44:9,24 45:17 46:10 47:2,16 48:18 50:21 51:15 52:1,12 52:22 53:8,17 54:3,13,23 55:10,20 56:6 56:17 57:4,16 58:8,20 59:6 59:23 60:9,23 61:8,20 62:8 63:23 69:8 70:19 74:5 75:10 81:10 81:21 82:8,18 83:5,21 84:12 85:2,17 86:6 86:18 87:4,15 88:3,13 89:2 89:15 90:3,13 90:23 91:9,19 92:5,15 93:1 93:11,21 94:16 95:2 101:21 102:8 103:20 104:17 105:3,13,23 109:9 110:5 126:17 131:23 189:14 449:19 responsibility 528:12,17 responsible 9:21 10:12 195:10 221:17 275:6 291:9 291:17 410:16 410:17 436:20 505:16 506:11 507:1 510:14 560:6 569:1 rest 131:1,12 552:6 restaurant 76:24 77:1 restrooms 308:5 result 7:14 365:22 521:19 543:5,14 545:17 results 423:4,11 542:20 544:9 retain 198:12 199:20 retained 198:21 581:19 582:4 retention 293:2 retired 580:19 580:24 581:5 returned 224:18 225:1 returning 433:11 review 78:1,5 78:10 80:5 82:13,23 83:10,15 334:20 337:23 430:16 517:18 reviewed 82:2 85:22 119:5,9 160:7 300:17 348:13 reviewing 119:18 430:21 revisit 97:5 102:18 revoking 63:22 rewrote 480:18 rey 4:15 reynaldo 1:6,14 2:17 3:3 4:2 5:13,21 83:1 83:12,17 85:9 398:14 571:19 585:12 586:9 586:13 rfc 261:23,24 rfc1429 529:18 rfc811 529:18 rhodes 443:4,14 443:19,21 444:4,7,12,19 445:3,13,18 445:23 446:4 449:20 riccio 493:21 richmond 560:5 560:17 rick 4:10 rico 53:3 rid 428:13 ride 319:11 right 4:23 8:1 9:1,13 10:4,19 11:6,10,24 12:17 13:5,12 14:1,9,21 15:9 16:9 17:9,12 18:1,11,15 19:1,13,22 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 649 205:1,8,21 206:16,20 207:7,10,20 208:4,14,19 209:1,7,13,21 210:3,10,15 210:20 211:1 211:6,11,17 211:23 212:4 212:8,12,14 212:16,22 213:6,17 214:6,14,18 215:5,10,14 215:18 216:1 216:8,17 217:3,10,16 217:24 218:8 218:17 219:1 219:10 220:12 220:18 221:8 221:15,21 222:8,15,22 223:5,14,23 224:7,15,22 225:7,14,21 226:6,15,24 227:8,15,23 228:7,17 229:1,8,19 230:3,9,20 231:3,9,15,22 232:5,13,23 233:7,17 234:2,11,20 235:6,15,24 236:9,18 237:3,12,20 238:4,14 239:12,24 240:7,11,17 240:21 241:3 241:8,12 242:3,7,11,16 242:20 243:1 243:5,9,16,23 244:7,13,22 245:4,20 246:1,5,9,14 246:21 247:5 247:13,23 248:12,21 249:5,12,18 250:2,8,15,22 251:8,14,22 252:7,13,20 253:2,10,17 254:3,8,11,18 255:2,7,11,16 255:24 256:9 256:17 257:1 257:8,15 258:3,10,17 259:1,9,18 263:3,7,20 264:4,12,21 265:6,13,20 266:3,12,22 267:6,15,24 268:8,15 269:1,12,23 270:17 271:4 271:12,21 272:7,15 273:1,12,17 273:24 274:9 274:18 275:1 275:11,21 276:9,16,24 277:9,18 278:3,12,20 279:3,10,20 280:6,15 281:1,11,19 282:4,14,24 283:11,20 284:4,11,18 285:1,7,16 286:1,8,17 287:2 288:1 288:12,17 289:7,19 290:4,14,21 291:6,14,22 292:6,14,22 293:8,18 294:2,11,19 295:4,13,21 296:5,13,20 297:8,18 298:8,19 299:7,17 300:5,15,23 301:11,19,23 302:6,14,22 303:23 304:6 304:13,21 305:6,15 306:2,13,21 307:4,12,19 308:3,24 309:6,13,20 310:3,10,17 310:24 311:6 311:12 312:2 312:10,19 313:2,11,18 314:11,18 315:5,13,20 316:5,14,21 317:3,9,15,19 317:24 318:8 318:15,23 319:9,18 320:1,10,17 321:3,12,20 322:5,14,22 323:8,16 324:1,10,22 325:5,13,21 326:8,13 327:7,14,22 328:7,16,24 329:8,15,23 330:7,15,22 331:6,14,21 332:5,13,20 333:4,10,18 334:1,10,18 335:1,11,19 336:2,10,23 337:8,14,21 338:5,11,18 339:2,11,21 340:5,11,20 341:7 342:1,7 342:16 343:2 343:10,19 344:4,12,21 345:9,19 346:2,9,17 347:2,11,17 347:23 348:5 348:16,24 349:6,12,16 349:22 350:7 350:15,24 351:9 352:7 353:1,7,12,19 354:3,10,18 354:24 355:7 355:16 356:3 356:11,19 357:4,13,20 358:1,5,12,19 359:2,9,15,23 360:6,15 361:7,15,22 362:6,13,20 363:3,12,20 364:5,15,22 365:5,11,19 366:5,15,23 367:13,23 368:7,15,23 369:9,19 370:4,10,14 370:22 371:5 371:13,20 372:3,11,19 373:3,12,20 374:4,12,19 375:3,10,15 375:19 376:2 376:10,17,23 377:6,14,20 378:4,11,19 379:1,8,17 380:2,7,19 381:2,10,20 382:5,11,18 383:2,11,15 384:1,13,19 385:1,7,13,20 386:3,12,19 387:1,16,24 388:7,15,24 389:7,14,21 390:3,8,16,24 391:7,12,17 391:24 392:9 392:17,23 393:6,12,19 393:24 394:8 394:17 395:2 395:14,23 396:8,17 397:1,8,17 398:2,11,18 398:20 399:1 399:8,20 400:2,7,14,22 401:2,9,18 402:2,7,22 403:7,12,18 404:2,10,18 406:20 407:16 407:23 408:7 408:17 409:2 409:9,17 410:2,13 411:1,10,21 413:20,23 414:4,8,13,18 415:1,9,20 416:4,13,22 417:8,15,22 417:23 418:10 419:13,20 420:1,5,11,17 421:12,17,24 422:7,12,16 422:21 423:1 423:7,14,21 424:5,14,21 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 650 425:4,13,19 426:4 427:5 427:10,20 428:9,21 429:6,18 432:23 433:9 433:20 434:2 434:7,14,21 435:8,15,22 436:7,15,23 437:6,14,22 438:6,13,17 439:2,7,22 440:3,10,16 440:23 441:7 441:14,20 442:3,13,19 443:2,7 444:10,16,23 445:5,10,15 445:20 446:1 446:6,11,17 446:24 447:6 447:13,24 448:14,24 449:7,15 450:5,18 451:5,13,22 452:5,13,22 453:8,18 454:2,10,19 455:3,12,20 456:4,11,22 457:6,14,22 458:6,14,23 459:7,15 460:1,9 461:2 461:11,22 462:6,14,20 463:15,22 464:6,13,20 465:4,12,21 466:5,14,24 467:12,18 468:1,9,18 469:1,9,17,24 470:7,13 471:2,8,15,22 472:6,14,22 473:7,15,23 474:8,16,23 475:9,12,16 475:22 476:12 476:18 477:2 477:10,18 478:2,14,20 479:3,11,18 480:4,14,23 481:8,16 482:1,8,13,24 483:6,14,22 484:6,13,20 485:3,14,21 486:5,12,19 487:2,14,21 488:6,14,22 489:8,16,23 490:7,15,23 491:7,14 493:3,9,17 494:2,10,19 495:3,12,19 496:2,16 497:1,10,18 498:2,10,19 499:3,10,17 500:2,12,20 501:5,11,22 502:4,12,19 503:3,18 504:2,11,20 505:4,12,21 506:5 507:5 507:15,22 508:7,14,23 509:7,16,24 510:10,18 511:3,12,15 511:18,22 512:3,17 513:2,11,19 514:3,10,20 515:4,19 516:2,7,10,13 516:18,22 517:2,7,11,16 517:22 518:4 518:9,14,20 519:1,8,14,20 520:2,9,16,23 521:7,13,17 521:23 522:6 522:10,16,23 523:5,13 524:2,9,16,24 525:6,15,21 526:3,9,15,21 527:12,20 528:2,6,10,15 528:21 529:4 529:11 530:10 530:15,24 531:7,14,21 532:6,13,21 533:7,15,22 534:7,18 535:3,14,24 536:9,21 537:4,14,24 538:9,17,23 539:4,9,17 540:2,12,22 541:4,12,20 542:5,17 543:1,11,20 544:5 545:23 546:10,19 547:4,14,23 548:9,17 549:1,8,17 550:3,11,18 551:1,8,15,22 552:14,23 553:7,15,23 554:9,15,22 555:3,10,16 556:1 557:5 557:11,20 558:6,14,23 559:7,15,22 560:4,10,15 560:20 561:2 561:10,18 562:3,12,20 563:2,11,18 564:2,16,20 565:1,8,14,23 566:6,13,20 567:2,9,16,22 568:5,12,18 569:5,13,21 570:4,16,21 571:12,17 572:1,6,14,20 573:3,15,21 574:6,15,21 575:2,7,15,20 576:6,15,21 577:1,6,11,16 577:24 578:7 578:14,21 579:3,8,17 580:5,17 581:3,10,17 582:2,10,18 583:2,11,16 583:20 584:3 584:8,14,21 585:6 rinaldi 1:10 15:5 16:2 39:22 41:8 42:17 44:2,17 88:22 93:17 117:18 142:19 159:16 163:13 185:3 208:7 232:18 238:8 300:8 369:12 579:13 risk 554:12,24 risks 528:24 rival 108:7 424:8 571:21 rivera 1:5 4:3 4:22 7:10,16 17:5,20 18:6 18:19 19:7 21:21 22:8,18 23:5,20,22 25:23 26:6,17 27:1,15 28:16 29:7,21 30:8 30:21 31:10 31:22 32:2,16 33:9 34:1,18 35:10 36:1 44:18,18 45:23 48:3 50:15,16 57:12,22 58:4 59:1 71:2,15 72:23 75:18 79:1 82:4 84:4 110:10,19 112:5,17 113:8 134:21 135:8,21 136:7 145:20 152:11,23 153:2,17 154:6,19 155:5,15 156:3,13 161:8,19 162:4,13,24 163:11,19 164:5,17 165:3 170:17 180:2 181:9 181:22 182:11 183:3,12,21 184:7,18 185:4,14 186:3 188:13 189:7,21 190:8,20 191:5,19 193:20 195:10 195:18 196:11 197:1,9 201:4 201:14,15 203:7,21 204:4,20 205:11,17 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 651 206:1,8,18 207:22 208:8 208:16,21 209:3,9,15,23 210:12,22 211:2,7 212:2 212:13,18 213:1,11,24 215:20 216:12 216:20 217:19 219:14 220:9 223:7 224:2 226:2,10 228:11 229:12 231:24 232:8 232:18 233:3 233:13,22 234:6,15 235:1,10,19 236:4,13,22 237:8,16,24 238:9,19 240:3,5 246:24 248:6 253:19,22 257:4 259:4 265:15 267:2 271:7,15,23 272:10,18 274:3,21 277:4 278:6 283:14 284:23 285:2 286:20 289:2 291:10 293:12 294:5 295:7,16 296:8 301:17 301:21 302:2 302:9,18 306:7 309:9 309:16 310:21 311:9,15,21 312:5,14 313:7 314:13 315:15 316:8 317:5,12,16 317:21 322:16 327:18 328:10 328:19 329:3 329:11,18 330:3,11,18 331:2 332:23 333:7,12 334:13 335:13 337:17 338:21 340:15 341:12 341:18 344:17 345:3 346:23 349:3,14 350:11 356:14 357:17 358:3 358:15,22 362:17 363:6 363:15,24 364:9 365:8 367:7 373:7 373:23 377:9 379:21 381:5 381:12,24 383:6,8,20 385:15,22 390:19 392:12 429:9 439:24 440:12,17 441:2,16 473:1,2,10,18 474:2,11,12 474:19 475:3 475:4 550:7 563:8,14,21 564:5,12,17 564:22 581:21 582:6 586:12 riveras 21:10 28:2,16 39:4 39:18 40:14 41:4,22 42:12 43:7,21 45:7 55:15 56:2 59:12 60:5 61:15 73:8 74:12 79:20 80:17 81:1,16 165:19 166:4 166:16 182:13 215:7 216:5 247:8 267:9 267:18 268:3 278:23 279:5 285:10 337:3 347:7 355:22 365:14 376:19 380:5 384:22 386:7,15,22 387:12,20 388:19 389:4 389:19,24 390:5,12 391:4 423:17 road 430:14 431:23 robert 438:10 438:22 560:6 560:12 roberto 434:8 436:1,18 rocco 1:10 15:5 88:22 93:16 117:18 142:19 159:15 163:12 185:3 238:8 369:12 579:13 rock 2:19 64:12 rockwell 107:19 rodriguez 11:3 220:20 225:10 226:18 227:4 227:11,19 228:2,21 229:4,13,21 232:1,9,19 233:3,14,23 234:7,16 235:2,11,20 236:5,14,23 237:8,17 238:1,10,19 257:10 265:22 273:4,14,18 275:15 285:23 289:14 306:7 323:11,18 359:6,12 360:10 374:15 375:13,21 377:17 379:11 379:20 420:14 432:21 433:14 436:20 487:17 488:9 491:11 505:7,15,24 506:14,15,21 507:9,10 room 5:8 188:6 193:7 194:11 194:22 211:8 211:13,20 254:21 255:4 255:8,12 264:15 265:1 283:15 404:14 408:20 453:11 rosario 477:21 478:5,7,8,16 478:22 479:6 479:14,21,23 480:7,16 481:10,18,21 498:6 499:20 500:5,8,16,23 501:8,14 502:1,8 rosarios 480:8 481:3 498:21 rosendo 462:8 464:24 465:7 465:16,23 rosner 338:7,13 338:20 routinely 522:18 523:1 523:7,15,21 524:4 548:11 548:19 rubin 568:7 ruiz 251:10,16 251:24 253:4 rules 1:15 6:11 557:14 run 384:17 russell 1:9 15:4 88:21 92:20 93:6 117:18 142:10 159:15 163:12 185:2 237:23 369:12 579:12 ruth 450:19 453:1,10,20 454:12 455:5 455:15 rutherford 434:11 ruvalcaba 560:7,13 S s 3:7 389:23 418:6 saez 434:4 436:10,18 437:11 438:1 saith 585:17 salvador 560:7 560:13 sanchez 322:8 568:7 santiago 322:8 488:8 saw 383:6 460:13 saying 20:11 67:1 79:8 287:9 380:11 384:9 405:8 443:15 456:16 473:2 says 420:20 425:20 428:19 scene 123:7,12 458:9 519:4 school 131:14 132:3,4 242:8 242:9,13,18 243:6 516:15 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 653 196:10 226:9 309:16 311:2 313:6 357:7 359:5,18 374:15 375:5 436:1,10,17 437:2 449:10 474:10 475:2 498:13,23 523:1,7 559:1 showing 181:6 181:23 191:6 259:23 325:24 473:1 523:9 546:3,4,13,14 shown 201:5,15 225:2 331:9 373:23 567:4 567:13 sic 11:6 453:12 523:16 side 255:9 256:20,21 577:20,20 sides 430:20 sidley 66:20 signature 585:14 587:2 signed 349:2 350:10 360:19 361:3,11 362:2 487:9 significant 95:8 signify 481:3 signing 511:6 silence 35:14 single 523:2,8 544:24 546:3 546:13 singled 500:4 sir 4:24 5:19 21:8 30:7,20 46:15,20 50:2 51:2 55:4 63:16 65:5 66:8 67:18,20 70:2,13 95:17 103:13 106:23 118:2,10 123:20 124:12 134:19 135:6 136:23 137:14 137:23 146:11 147:9 148:2 149:19 181:6 194:20 196:1 201:23 205:3 205:15,23 207:1 213:22 214:11 220:19 221:9 245:21 248:14 260:1 261:10 262:14 263:21 270:1 270:11,22 274:11,20 278:23 283:2 286:2,5 301:20 303:24 304:7 308:13 314:7 323:10 326:4 348:10 386:20 387:9 390:18 402:8 402:16 406:16 411:23 414:1 415:15 416:19 418:4,8 419:11,14,22 420:13 421:10 432:19 438:9 438:18 439:3 439:23 442:20 443:3 449:17 450:1 461:24 462:7 466:18 470:8 475:18 482:3,9 492:23 495:20 495:22 502:21 506:20 511:23 516:3,14 529:19 530:6 532:14 556:6 558:17 563:6 583:13,17 sister 133:20 sit 48:13 50:3 200:19 492:15 sitting 429:16 453:12 siwa 434:10 six 100:14 167:14 211:4 211:8 214:1 260:17 404:5 sleeping 240:15 sloppy 531:4 solache 405:15 sole 127:5 solemnly 5:1 son 108:6 459:11 559:11 soon 56:12 sorry 5:10,11 22:19,22 47:23 59:22 67:12 75:3 132:11 159:11 168:23 180:16 186:14 190:2 205:12 214:1 219:18 230:16 231:5 239:6 257:19 261:11 261:24 273:8 288:18 301:12 311:16 341:1 382:16 402:12 415:11 416:18 418:16 426:9 433:10 462:9 506:13 527:10 552:2 556:3 568:19 573:13 579:11 sotos 2:11 64:4 64:20 65:11 68:14,17 sounds 65:23 south 378:15 spanish 109:14 109:21 561:21 583:21 spanned 412:9 sparks 1:8 14:5 15:24 39:20 41:6 42:15 43:24 44:15 88:21 91:15 117:9 158:19 163:2 184:16 207:23 232:16 236:3 299:10 369:3 spaulding 378:6 378:15 speak 63:16 64:3,11 65:10 65:22 66:2,12 66:19,22 67:8 67:20 68:2 337:16 509:3 speaking 163:20 437:10 speaks 286:23 340:8 specialist 12:9 14:4 114:11 163:1 369:2 397:11 575:9 576:19 specialists 114:19 117:7 176:6 specific 405:7 432:1 specifically 47:22 350:13 384:8 407:2 specifics 405:18 405:23 speculating 429:14 speculation 272:4,22 282:1 speed 443:13 spell 5:19 95:24 478:3 spelled 427:13 spend 101:5,11 430:20 spent 7:17 spitting 486:21 spoke 133:7,11 161:9,18 162:2,11,23 163:10 234:4 234:13,23 290:16 447:16 448:6 455:23 457:9 spoken 65:24 86:23 87:21 88:9,19 spot 447:19 448:9 ss 586:2 stake 557:14 stamp 124:13 stamped 136:21 146:9 207:3 214:10 261:14 326:2 339:17 348:12 370:7 416:17 418:21 426:7 529:18 stand 248:16,24 252:23 322:17 322:24 358:16 479:23 540:16 546:23 547:10 standard 415:3 469:20 508:16 standing 19:15 417:23 stapled 260:17 start 40:8 426:10 552:2 started 16:15 starting 130:24 190:4 state 1:17 5:19 28:15 32:21 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 654 34:5,6 51:7 66:23 67:9,21 71:16 82:3 84:3 216:10 247:17 248:7 268:11 289:1 293:11 364:18 364:24 373:7 387:19 501:15 501:15,24 502:1 557:6 586:1,6 stated 19:18 statement 20:8 511:7 statements 202:19 states 1:1,16 286:19 342:11 356:14,22 357:7,16 358:15 359:5 359:18 360:9 374:14 386:22 387:11 389:11 389:18 418:13 526:6 stating 343:21 344:6 431:7 460:20 station 167:10 209:10,17 418:15 419:10 459:21 510:23 525:11 526:5 558:19 statute 384:15 stay 98:9 stayed 131:13 stenographic... 586:19 step 392:2 stepfather 500:24 stepping 219:20 steps 258:19,20 345:22 346:5 346:12 479:6 479:21 487:23 489:3 steve 1:6 2:4 4:21 13:1 115:24 145:2 156:2 159:3 162:13 183:19 218:21 237:6 269:5 353:9 399:3 577:8 577:13,19 578:10 579:6 stipulation 19:24 stood 256:19,21 263:22 264:7 284:13 stop 45:9 330:1 330:10 345:22 346:5,12 stopping 422:3 store 171:23 story 170:11,16 204:12 333:12 333:13,20 355:21 358:7 366:9 426:22 428:2 street 1:18 2:21 4:5 9:8,21 10:12 176:6 208:17 373:16 525:10 526:1 streets 539:21 strike 15:18 22:20,23 23:2 26:21 32:1 73:21 76:13 77:10 80:22 94:9 104:2 107:5 118:19 119:7 123:11 125:17,20 126:21 132:11 132:24 135:1 135:2 147:1 149:5,7 152:23 171:1 198:11 200:10 231:5 233:10 239:6 240:13 243:24 247:15 248:3 287:4 297:22 303:10 304:1 311:17 314:2,21 320:19 336:15 342:9 346:20 351:2,4 352:14,15 353:2 360:22 367:4 374:6 380:14 383:18 395:5 400:16 415:12 416:5 425:8 426:9 429:4 432:24 440:4 448:1 450:21 461:5 461:8 462:9 463:2 476:1 487:6 495:21 498:12 502:22 511:15 523:18 523:19 546:1 557:23 564:9 570:9 571:3 573:5 strong 413:4 stuff 241:17 subject 50:11 63:6 96:13,16 101:6,12 subjects 48:12 50:2 submitted 216:11,19 217:5 submitting 217:11 220:15 534:11,21 535:17 537:8 subpoena 526:6 subsequently 426:17 substance 455:15 substantially 542:10 success 558:10 sufficient 432:14 suggest 152:22 153:2 154:4 259:3 524:5 suggested 189:6 259:11 275:6 suggesting 33:11 63:5 suggestion 63:2 63:7 128:15 331:17 432:9 suggestive 396:3 435:18 442:15 446:3 464:16,24 468:4 472:17 477:13 479:22 480:8 484:1 493:5 497:21 504:23 513:22 515:7 520:13 520:20 563:6 567:24 569:7 570:23 571:7 suit 587:11 suite 1:18 2:6 2:13,21 586:9 superiors 557:16 supervised 558:2 supervisor 141:24 142:9 142:18 150:14 208:7 353:15 538:3 545:16 549:3,10 553:18 557:2 557:7 supervisors 15:4 117:17 159:14 300:7 369:11 396:19 397:3,12,20 398:5 537:7 537:17 538:11 544:8 550:20 553:2,10 575:10,22 576:8 579:21 580:7 supervisory 556:15,18 supplementary 289:12 350:21 351:14 352:1 353:5 354:5 support 102:13 500:7 supports 392:12 supposed 176:23 196:2 525:10 526:5 supposedly 197:19 198:4 198:13,22 199:14 sure 45:24 61:3 106:7 219:3 261:18 270:9 273:18 383:20 402:14 420:6 454:5 455:7 suspect 46:2 134:21 135:8 136:8 216:22 231:7,11 274:3 323:20 324:16 408:2 408:21 409:21 427:16 428:14 429:12 443:24 461:18 466:20 492:2 493:1 500:8 508:18 521:2 542:10 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 655 542:12 543:6 543:24 544:10 545:19 546:4 546:5,14,15 546:23 547:10 547:18 548:3 554:12,24 suspected 12:7 134:6 291:1,2 suspects 33:12 34:4 226:9 281:23 310:20 311:8 321:24 394:11 424:1 439:5 521:10 522:2 523:2,8 540:6,16 541:1 552:19 553:3,11,18 suspension 566:16 swaminathan 2:3 3:4 4:19 4:20 5:9,18 7:23 8:6,13 9:6,18 10:2,9 10:17 11:1,8 11:15,22 12:5 12:15,22 13:8 14:1,2,14 15:2 15:18,20 16:7 16:14,21 17:3 17:10,17 18:5 18:16 19:5,19 19:23 20:7,16 20:19 21:7 23:12 24:3,19 26:21,22 27:7 28:22 29:13 33:1,17 34:11 35:2,18 36:9 37:15 38:5,19 39:10 40:2,11 40:20 41:13 42:5,22 43:14 44:7 45:15 46:8 47:14,24 48:6 49:11 50:1,13 59:21 60:21 61:4,6 62:17,23 63:11,14,15 64:10,18 65:4 65:19 66:7,18 67:5,7,17 68:12,22 69:14,23 70:1 70:12 71:8,20 72:7,17 73:3 73:19 74:21 75:6,7,22 76:6 77:6 78:19 79:16,18 80:12,21 81:8 84:10,24 85:15 86:4,16 89:13 90:1 94:2,6 95:16 95:23 96:15 96:18 97:5,7 98:1,8 99:10 101:4,15 103:2,8,11,12 106:4,15,22 107:11 108:1 108:14 109:1 109:8,20 110:3 111:1 111:23 112:12 113:1,13 115:4,9 116:8 120:4,16 121:5,16 122:12 123:2 124:1,7 125:21 128:21 129:9,21 130:9 132:18 134:14 135:1 135:5,14 136:19 138:24 139:13,22 140:15,24 141:11,23 142:8,17 143:7,22 144:12,24 145:10 146:7 146:23 147:16 148:1,14 149:3,18 150:3,12,21 151:8,16 152:4,17 153:10,23 154:13 155:12 155:24 156:10 157:9,21 158:10,24 159:8,20 160:5,13 161:1 162:1 162:10,21 163:8,17 164:2,11 165:1,12 166:1,10 168:6 169:1,3 169:18 170:24 172:19 173:5 173:22 174:5 174:12,19 175:1,10,14 175:20 176:3 176:13,21 177:6,16 178:3,18 179:7,16 180:1,9,23 181:16 182:5 182:20 183:9 183:18 184:4 184:14 185:1 185:11,22 186:12 187:4 187:13,23 188:11,20 189:5,13 190:5,14 191:3,11 192:1,15,23 193:13 194:2 194:7,19 195:4,15,24 196:9,16,23 197:7,16 198:1,10,19 199:4,11,19 200:2,8,18 201:2,11,22 202:5,11,15 202:17,24 203:6,13,19 204:2,9,18 205:2,14,22 206:11,24 207:16 208:6 208:15 209:2 209:8,14,22 210:4,11 211:12,18,24 212:23 213:8 213:21 214:8 214:24 216:2 216:18 217:4 217:17 218:1 218:9,18 219:2,11 220:4,5 221:4 222:4,16,23 223:6,15,24 224:8,16,23 225:8,15,22 226:7,16 227:2,16,24 228:8,18 229:2,9,20 230:4,11,21 231:16 232:6 232:14,24 233:19 234:3 234:12,22 235:7,16 236:1,10,19 237:4,13,21 238:6,15 239:5,20 241:4,17,23 243:17 244:9 244:24 245:16 246:22 247:6 247:14,24 248:13,22 249:6,13 250:3,16,23 251:9,23 252:8,21 253:11 254:4 254:19 255:3 256:1,10,18 257:2,9,16,21 258:4,11,18 259:2,10,22 260:8,11 261:3,9,18 262:13,22 263:15 264:5 264:13,22 265:7,14,21 266:4,14,23 267:7,16 268:1,9,16 269:2,13,24 270:9,10,18 270:21 271:5 271:13,22 272:8,16 273:2,13 274:1,10,19 275:2,13,22 276:12 277:1 277:10,19 278:4,13,22 279:11,21 280:7,16 281:3,12,20 282:6,15 283:1,12,21 284:5,12,19 285:8,20 287:3,10,21 288:8,23 289:8,20 290:5,15,23 291:7,15,23 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 656 292:7,15,23 293:9,19 294:3,12,20 295:5,14,22 296:6,14,21 297:9,19 298:10,21 299:8,18 300:6,16,24 301:15 302:7 302:15 303:5 303:8,19 304:14,22 305:7,16 306:3,14,22 307:5,13,20 308:4,12,20 309:7,14,21 310:4,11,19 311:1,7,13,17 311:19 312:3 312:11,20 313:3,12 314:2,6,19 315:6,14,21 316:6,15 317:10 318:9 318:24 319:10 319:19 320:13 321:4,13,21 322:6,15,23 323:9,17 324:2,14,23 325:6,14,23 326:20 327:3 327:15,23 328:8,17 329:1,9,16,24 330:8,16,23 331:7,15,22 332:6,14,21 333:5,19 334:3,11,19 335:3,12,20 336:3,11,24 337:9,15,22 338:6,12,19 339:3,15 340:12,21 341:3,8,21 342:17 343:3 343:11,20 344:5,13,22 345:10,20 346:3,10,18 347:12,18,24 348:9 349:7 349:23 350:8 350:16 351:22 352:10,12,21 353:13,20 354:4,11,19 355:1,8,18 356:4,12,20 357:5,14,21 358:13,20 359:3,10,16 359:24 360:7 360:16,22,24 361:8,16,23 362:7,14,21 363:4,13,21 364:6,16,23 365:6,12,21 366:6,16,24 367:14,24 368:8,16,24 369:10,23 371:6,14,21 372:4,12,21 373:4,13,21 374:5,21 375:4,11 376:3,11,24 377:7,15,21 377:24 378:5 378:12,20 379:2,9,18 380:3,13,15 381:3,11,21 382:6,12,19 383:4 384:2 384:14 385:21 386:5,13 387:8,17 388:1,8,16 389:1,8,15 390:17 391:1 392:1,10,18 392:24 393:8 393:20 394:9 394:18 395:3 395:15,24 396:9,18 397:2,9,18 398:3,12 399:2,9,21 400:15 401:11 401:19 402:3 402:14,15,23 403:8,19 404:3,11,19 406:5,15,21 407:17,24 408:8,18 409:3,10,18 410:3,14 411:2,11,22 412:18 413:3 413:13,24 414:14,21 415:14,24 416:14 417:4 418:2,3,19 419:2,6,21 420:12 422:1 423:8,15,23 424:6,15,22 425:5 426:5 427:6,11,14 427:21 428:10 428:22 429:7 430:10 431:18 432:16,18 433:21 434:15 434:22 435:5 435:9,16,23 436:8,16,24 437:8,15,23 438:8 439:8 439:12,18 440:24 441:9 441:15,21 442:4,10,14 443:8,18 444:1,17,24 446:18 447:1 447:7,14 448:1,4,15 449:1,8,16,24 450:6,9 451:6 451:15,23 452:6,15,23 453:9,19 454:3,11,20 455:4,13,21 456:5,12,18 456:23 457:7 457:15,23 458:7,15,24 459:8,17 460:2,15,18 461:3,12,23 463:1,11,23 464:7,14,22 465:5,13,22 466:6,17 467:1,8,19 468:2,10,19 469:2,10,18 470:1,14,22 471:9,16,23 472:7,15,23 473:8,16,24 474:9,17,24 475:10,17 476:8 477:3 477:11,19 478:5,7,10,15 478:21 479:4 479:12,19 480:5,15 481:1,9,17 482:2,20 483:15,23 484:7,14,21 485:4,9,11,15 485:22 486:6 486:13,20 487:3,15,22 488:7,15,23 489:9,17,24 490:8,16,24 491:8 492:22 493:10,18 494:3,11,20 495:5,13 496:9,17 497:2,11,19 498:3,11,20 499:4,11,18 500:3,13,21 501:6,12,23 502:5,13,20 503:4,11,19 504:3,12,21 505:5,13,22 506:6,17,19 507:6,16,23 508:8,15,24 509:8,17 510:1,11,19 511:4,13 512:10,18 513:3,12,20 514:4,11,18 514:21 515:5 515:13,20 518:15 519:2 519:9,15,21 520:3,10,17 520:24 521:8 521:24 522:17 522:24 523:6 523:14,18,20 524:3,10,18 525:1,7,16,22 526:10,22 527:7,10,13 527:21 528:22 529:5,15,24 530:5 531:1,8 531:15,22 532:7,23 533:8,24 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 657 534:8,19 535:4,15 536:1,10,22 537:5,15 538:2,10,18 539:18 540:3 540:13,23 541:13,21 542:6,18 543:2,12,21 544:6 545:13 545:15,24 546:11,20 547:6,15,24 548:10,18 549:2,9,18 550:4,12,19 551:2,9,21,23 552:4,15,24 553:8,16,24 554:10 555:11 556:5,20,23 557:12,21 558:7,16,24 559:8,16,23 560:11 561:3 561:11,19 562:4,13,21 563:5,12,19 564:3,9,10 565:9,16,24 566:7,14,21 567:10,17,23 568:6,13,22 569:6,14,22 570:9,11,17 571:3,5,13 572:2,16,21 573:4,12,16 574:7,16 575:3,21 576:7,16 577:7,12,18 578:1,8,15,22 579:4,18 580:6,18 581:4,11,18 582:3,11,19 583:3,12 584:9,15 585:7 swear 5:1 sworn 5:15 586:16 T t 3:7 tactical 221:11 tactics 36:17 take 6:12,14 49:7 76:23 106:4 162:18 194:7,9 206:6 308:4 345:21 346:4,11 460:15 491:15 518:6 558:19 559:11 taken 1:16 4:2 21:2 106:11 145:20 194:16 261:3 264:14 264:24 265:8 304:16,23 308:9 363:6 372:23 387:5 447:9 491:20 talk 49:8 209:4 233:11 talked 119:20 233:20 talking 67:14 115:6 399:14 399:18 405:3 405:12 406:14 407:2 411:4 tall 426:19 489:12 taller 493:12 targeted 500:5 taylor 560:22 561:4,13 technician 277:21 techniques 393:14 394:1 394:11,20 395:7,17 396:2,11,20 568:1 569:7 telephone 132:12 426:14 tell 52:7 61:13 79:11 99:20 108:7 137:7 146:15 170:2 170:6 171:2 207:4 214:11 233:9 259:24 284:6 331:1 342:2,18 363:23 391:8 391:13,18 392:2,11 406:8 413:8 413:10 453:21 548:12,20 568:23 telling 316:24 422:4 547:17 548:2 549:11 549:20 ten 77:24 tend 417:12,15 tended 534:12 534:22 535:8 535:18 536:4 536:13 537:9 537:19 tender 431:15 tendered 431:3 431:14 terms 19:17 territory 571:21 tess 4:21 testified 5:15 73:8 279:23 380:4 381:22 383:5 385:4 399:10,22 400:4,9,16,18 401:4,12,20 405:14 434:5 461:7 501:24 testify 27:15 58:15 59:11 60:4,14,16 61:15 73:10 73:11 74:11 100:24 204:19 394:3 438:9 439:24 445:2 450:20 469:4 471:4 505:8 586:16 testifying 28:1 testimony 5:2 6:4 7:3,6 31:13 48:14 49:3 50:4 51:4 70:10 78:5,6 78:14 80:8 82:2,13,23 83:10,15 84:2 84:17 85:7 278:24 279:5 279:12,23 380:8,11,12 380:16,21 381:6,15 382:22 383:12 383:17 384:5 384:21 385:3 385:10 400:23 438:14 461:14 502:7 544:24 586:18,24 587:13 thank 19:20 262:12 270:20 442:11 478:9 thats 13:11 50:8 63:8 69:18 79:22 80:22 97:6 101:2 106:5 125:14 125:24 136:20 219:21 221:2 261:6 262:4 271:14 286:3 405:11 406:11 408:9 430:2,3 432:24 485:10 492:19 530:7 545:9 585:7 theory 554:13 555:1 thereof 587:12 theres 6:20 63:2 405:9 406:12 412:6 418:24 431:8,9 545:5 545:11 theresa 2:5 theyre 140:9 262:7 thing 200:12 262:20 423:17 things 112:6 241:18 429:22 578:3,10 think 20:12,16 62:24 69:14 69:19 78:12 101:1 102:20 185:19 190:3 194:10 219:19 219:23 241:15 313:24 352:10 405:15 443:13 535:10 545:5 556:14 580:1 thinking 220:2 220:3 thorough 430:16,19 431:20 thought 171:3 219:19 301:12 345:5 threaten 209:9 209:15 573:8 threatened 459:18 558:17 562:5 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 658 threats 520:4 three 36:21 188:1 454:13 530:19 536:17 threeminute 491:16 thurmond 445:2 446:8 446:12,19 447:17,17 448:6,7 449:2 449:10 time 4:7 6:11 13:1 18:18 19:17 66:4 67:16 75:16 76:9,16 79:4,8 80:1 100:21 101:5,11 102:15,21 108:20 109:3 109:15,22 165:17 166:2 196:18 210:13 210:17 212:13 212:24 224:1 228:10 229:11 241:6 242:1 253:22 266:24 287:9,11 309:8,15 310:13 311:3 311:22 312:6 318:3 320:18 320:20 333:21 335:5 340:15 340:23 342:3 342:20 375:13 375:17 381:23 382:1,8 385:2 399:4 400:3 400:16,18 401:4,13 406:3,24 412:9 430:20 430:20 466:15 500:15 506:15 528:19 555:23 556:9 568:20 577:9 580:13 585:12 times 36:21 61:3 66:1 76:13,15 78:24 79:11 79:15,19,23 536:17 580:3 today 4:6 5:24 6:4,8 7:4 29:21 48:13 49:3 50:3 51:4 67:15 76:8,10 76:23 79:23 176:14 200:19 384:3,6,10 429:16 584:24 todays 76:3,10 78:2,10 79:7 85:23 told 19:7 22:7 22:18,21 23:1 23:4,21 24:12 51:21 68:16 80:2 100:14 122:5 171:1,7 171:12,17,22 172:3,10 188:21 190:19 191:16 193:19 195:9,18 197:8 201:24 202:6 203:7 209:3,23 221:16 250:17 251:15 290:24 291:1,9,17 314:7,12,20 314:24 315:8 322:16,24 328:2,9,18 329:3,10 330:2,10,17 331:8 335:13 336:4 340:14 340:23 342:4 342:8,10,11 342:21 343:4 343:5,13,22 344:7,15,24 350:2 358:22 360:9 375:20 376:4,19 408:2 436:2,9 436:19 437:1 438:2 449:2 449:10 453:2 453:12 454:4 454:12,21 455:7 456:6 456:14 457:1 457:17 458:1 459:10 472:24 474:1,11 475:3 488:9 490:9 505:14 510:2 514:22 549:3 559:2,9 561:4 tony 563:13 top 418:17 topic 169:11,16 169:20 173:3 185:21 239:3 topics 49:21 173:7 tore 574:10 torres 322:9 484:22 487:6 490:9 total 103:10 252:22 touch 98:9 towit 586:7 toyota 222:18 trained 517:24 518:5,10,16 518:21 519:3 519:10 520:18 522:1 526:11 526:17,23,24 527:15,22 528:3,7,11,16 528:24 529:6 532:14,24 533:9,16 534:1 554:11 554:23 555:4 555:12 training 516:3,8 516:11,14,19 516:23 517:3 517:4,8,9 520:12 521:9 521:14 522:8 522:11,19 525:24 532:10 transcript 97:1 586:23 transcription 586:22 transferred 212:1 transpired 338:8,14 trial 27:16 28:2 58:16 73:9 82:3,14,24 83:11 84:3,18 85:8 101:1 204:20 380:5 380:17 381:6 381:14,15 382:21 383:13 384:22 385:9 400:19 401:13 438:9,15 461:7,13 551:20 552:10 trials 34:21 tried 451:24 485:16 515:14 560:21 troken 434:11 trouble 421:3 422:5 true 7:9 9:9,22 10:13 11:3,18 12:10,23 14:5 14:15 15:3,13 15:21 16:15 17:21 18:7,21 19:9 21:8,17 21:20 22:7,18 22:21,24 23:3 23:19 24:10 25:2,8,19 26:2 26:15,23 27:16,22 28:3 28:17 29:8,20 30:7,20 31:13 32:6,15 33:8 33:24 34:22 35:9 36:16 37:8,22 38:12 39:2,17 40:12 41:3,20 42:17 43:5 44:2,20 45:5,22 49:4 57:9 107:1,19 108:6 109:3 109:15,22 110:9,18 111:6,15 112:7,18 113:8,20 114:4,12,21 115:12,21 116:2,13,24 117:10,19 118:22 119:11 120:9,22 121:10,21 122:7,20 123:20 126:7 126:20 127:4 127:13,21 128:6,14 129:2,15 130:3,14 131:4,19,24 132:4,13 133:8,12 135:9,22 136:9 137:23 138:9,18 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 659 139:7,16 140:6,18 142:2,11,20 143:16 144:3 144:13 145:1 145:18 147:10 147:19 148:4 148:21 149:4 149:7,19 150:4,13 151:9,22 152:11 153:4 154:7 156:4 157:1,14 158:2,15 159:1,9,12 160:6,20 161:6,20 162:5,14 163:3,9 164:6 164:19 165:6 165:17 166:2 166:18 167:2 167:9,13 168:7 169:22 170:1,6,13,18 171:4,9,19,24 172:5 173:11 173:16 175:15 177:7 178:13 179:1,10,19 180:3 181:10 181:24 182:14 183:4,22 184:8,19 185:5 186:20 187:5,14 188:5,12,21 189:6,19 190:6,21 191:4,16 192:9,16 193:5,20 195:11 196:4 197:17 198:2 201:23 203:14 206:17 207:21 210:5 215:6 215:12 223:16 231:23 232:7 232:15 233:20 234:4,13,23 235:8,17 236:2,11,20 237:5,14,22 238:7 239:6 240:1,8,12,14 240:18,22 241:5,9,13 245:21 251:15 251:24 252:9 252:14 253:3 256:19 257:3 257:10 264:6 265:15,22 268:17 269:14 271:6 272:9 272:17 273:3 274:11 276:17 277:20 278:14 281:13,21 282:7,16 284:20 285:21 286:18 287:4 290:6,16,24 291:8,16 293:20 295:23 296:7,15 297:10,20,23 298:11,22 299:9,19 300:7,17 301:1 304:15 304:23 305:8 305:17 306:4 306:15,23 307:6,14 309:1 310:21 313:4 314:20 314:23 315:7 315:24 316:7 316:22 317:4 317:11,16 318:10 320:18 320:20 321:5 321:14,22 322:7,16,24 323:18 324:3 324:15,24 325:7,15 327:16,24 328:9,18 329:2,10,17 330:1,9,17,24 331:8 332:22 333:6,11,12 333:20 334:4 334:12 335:4 336:18 337:10 340:6,13,22 343:24 344:6 345:21 346:4 346:11,19 347:5 349:1,8 349:13,17,24 350:9,20 353:2,4 355:2 355:9,19 356:5,13,21 357:6,15,22 358:2,6,14,21 359:4,11,17 360:1,8,17 361:1,9,17,24 362:8,15 363:5,22 364:7 366:7 367:1,5,15 368:1,9,17 369:1,11 373:22 374:6 375:12,16,20 376:4,18 377:1,8,16 380:4,20 381:4 383:5 383:12,17,21 385:2,14 386:6,20 387:9,18 388:2,9 389:2 389:9,16,22 390:4,9 393:1 393:13 394:4 394:10,19 395:4,6,16 396:1,19 397:3,10,19 398:13,19 399:3,10,22 400:3,8 402:4 402:8,18 403:9,13,20 404:4,12,20 407:7,18 408:1,9,19 409:4,11,19 410:4,15 411:3 419:22 420:2,6 421:13,18 422:2,8,13,17 422:22 423:2 423:9,16,24 424:7,16,23 425:6,9,14,20 426:22 427:7 427:15,24 428:2,15,23 429:8 434:3,8 434:16,23 435:10,17,24 436:9,17 437:1,9,16,24 439:23 440:4 440:5,11,17 441:1,10,16 441:22 445:1 445:6,11,16 445:21 446:2 446:7,12,19 447:2,8,15,20 447:20 448:5 448:10,16 449:2,9 450:19,22 451:7,16,24 452:7,16,24 453:10,20 454:4,12,21 455:5,14,22 456:6,13 457:8,16,24 458:8,16 459:1,9,18 460:3 461:4,6 463:16,24 464:8,15,23 465:6,14,23 466:18 467:13 467:20 468:3 468:11,20 469:3,11,19 471:3,10,17 471:24 472:8 472:16,24 473:9,17 474:1,10,18 475:1 476:13 476:19 477:4 477:12,20 478:11,16,22 479:5,13,20 480:6,16 481:2,10,18 483:1,7,16,24 484:8,15,22 485:5,16,23 486:7,14,21 487:4,7,16,23 488:8,16,24 489:10 490:1 491:1 493:4 493:11,19 494:4,12,21 495:6 496:18 497:3,12,20 498:4,5,12,13 498:21 499:5 499:12 500:4 500:14,22 501:7,13 503:20 504:4 504:13,22 505:6,14,23 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 660 506:7,20 507:7,17,24 508:9,16 509:1,9,18 510:2,12,20 511:5 512:19 513:4,13,21 514:5,12,22 515:6,14 517:8 519:16 519:22 520:4 520:11,18 521:1,18 522:1,7,11,18 523:1,7 524:4 524:11 525:8 525:17,23 526:4,11,16 526:23,24 527:8,14,22 528:3,7,11,16 528:23 529:6 530:16 531:2 531:9,16,23 532:14,24 533:9 536:15 536:23 537:6 537:16 538:3 538:24 539:5 539:10 548:11 548:19 550:13 550:20 551:16 551:24 552:5 555:17 556:6 556:24 557:13 557:22,24 558:8 560:23 565:19 566:2 566:8,15 567:11 569:9 573:22 574:8 575:8,22 576:8 578:2 578:16,23 579:5,9 581:5 586:23 truth 5:3,3,4 429:21 431:8 586:16,17,17 truthful 6:3 84:4,18 85:10 384:23 562:16 try 20:3 429:24 trying 412:23 443:12 tunnel 528:24 turn 418:11 420:18 426:6 515:7 turning 347:3 427:22 twice 79:22 399:22 580:1 two 49:7 68:8 68:11 94:5 109:10 110:5 131:23 139:24 166:12 193:1 231:18 239:18 245:22 281:22 325:16 403:1 403:13 407:8 407:9,13 412:10,10 440:13,18 454:13 574:18 twoday 566:15 twodoor 222:18 twothirds 286:21 type 36:4 405:22 typewriting 586:21 U u 389:23 418:6 uhhuh 77:2 303:5 460:12 unable 100:15 522:3 unconstitutio... 36:17 undermine 226:1 undermined 275:3 543:16 undermines 526:1 understand 6:21,24 7:3,6 7:24 8:7 20:8 46:15 49:1 58:2 67:18 96:23 103:6 384:15 429:15 432:16 443:12 understanding 5:23 6:7 understood 75:6 103:11 undetermined 586:11 undisputedly 501:17 unduly 396:3 435:17 442:15 446:2 464:15 468:3 472:16 477:12 479:22 480:8 483:24 495:6 497:20 504:22 513:21 515:6 520:13 554:12,24 unethical 430:3 unfair 412:12 417:13,20 unit 221:11 416:8 united 1:1,16 unknown 412:14 427:24 unquote 110:11 408:10 420:24 421:1 436:3 459:2 532:1 unusually 531:11 unzipping 440:18 use 75:4 102:18 308:5 335:14 384:8 393:14 394:1,11,20 395:7,17 396:2,11,20 520:4 539:12 539:21 542:8 542:9 552:9 552:18 553:3 554:3 567:24 V v 4:3 vague 15:16 16:3 109:4,16 109:23 401:15 402:19 403:16 403:24 404:8 404:16,23 406:4,7 407:12,21 408:4,13,23 409:7,14,23 410:9,21 411:8,19 412:4,14 413:19 433:18 444:14,21 462:18,23 463:9 470:19 476:5 482:18 496:7,14 503:9,16 512:8,14 518:12,23 519:6 520:14 529:2 544:1 550:16,23 577:4 578:5 578:12 579:15 584:12 valentin 8:21 9:7,20 10:11 11:2,16 15:23 17:5,21 18:20 22:9 25:10,21 26:4,18 27:2 29:22 39:3 40:13 41:21 43:6 44:19 45:8 46:3 71:2 71:15 72:12 75:18 112:5 113:19 114:21 115:7 118:3 119:20,22 125:4,13,23 133:21 135:9 136:9 145:20 151:22 153:3 153:16 154:5 154:6 157:15 158:3 161:9 172:4 197:2 197:10 210:16 216:23 221:12 221:16,24 222:9 223:9 223:17 224:10 225:2,9,16 229:22 245:8 245:12,23 251:17 274:3 275:16 284:7 287:8,12,18 288:4,14,20 289:10,23 290:17,24 291:9,16 292:1,9 293:1 297:1 303:1 303:13,14 304:3,8 305:9 305:21 306:16 306:24 307:7 307:15 308:17 317:1 318:2 328:3 335:6 338:22 340:24 341:3 342:13 343:7,23 344:8 355:23 356:23 357:7 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 661 357:16,23 358:2 360:11 363:7,15,23 364:9 366:10 375:22 376:6 376:20 377:23 379:11 386:8 391:9,15,20 392:4,13 420:15 428:24 431:11 432:6 576:18,22 577:9,14 valentins 130:15 226:8 226:17 290:8 367:2,6 378:14 valuables 422:23 value 526:1 vehicle 453:3 454:14,23 vera 561:20,22 562:5,15,23 verdict 398:15 vergara 227:18 228:20 232:16 234:14 versus 82:4 83:1,11,17 84:4 85:9 398:14 399:14 399:23 400:10 400:19 401:14 401:22 502:1 victim 133:22 225:24 304:17 443:22 492:1 541:24 victims 443:17 victor 561:20 562:23 video 4:1 260:9 585:12 videographer 4:1,10 20:21 21:5 49:12,16 106:8,13 194:13,17 308:6,10 387:2,6 466:16 491:17 491:21 556:2 568:21 585:11 videotaped 1:14 view 233:12,21 234:5,14,24 235:9,18 236:3,12,21 237:7,15 238:8,18 240:4 446:13 viewed 25:22 26:5 253:5 277:22 314:24 323:20 370:7 508:1 villafane 249:15 249:19 253:3 villardita 473:19 475:2 villareal 445:8 violated 39:3,17 40:13 41:3,21 42:12 43:6,21 71:2,16 398:20 violates 557:14 violating 45:7 violation 54:18 violations 53:4 53:4 57:11 violence 520:5 violent 318:17 349:14 virgilio 471:11 474:1 vision 528:24 visit 304:1,3,8 visited 357:22 366:18 voluntarily 317:17 559:18 volunteer 209:24 248:15 volunteers 210:6 vs 1:6 vukonich 473:19 vulnerable 128:15 331:17 518:11 W wabansia 378:7 378:15 wade 470:9,17 471:5,19 472:2,17 473:3 474:3 475:13 wait 6:13 168:23 190:3 311:16 waive 585:9,14 waived 587:3 waiving 417:22 wake 240:19 wall 255:9 514:14 walls 255:8,12 255:13 want 19:23 40:8 69:20 97:1 100:18 124:1 162:18 194:10 231:6 233:9 240:19 260:2 270:6,18 273:14 352:8 373:6 413:11 415:2 431:22 459:20 544:13 544:18 wanted 187:16 280:9 316:8 324:17 332:8 379:4,21 524:12 wants 20:1 warrant 510:3 510:4 574:1 warren 574:23 wasnt 351:10 447:20 448:10 watch 217:6 way 185:21 199:5 200:19 209:10,16 280:18 286:21 305:17 306:4 332:24 345:7 421:3 422:5 425:22 515:8 558:1 587:10 587:11 ways 395:4 wear 540:18 week 65:17 76:19 114:3 weights 111:7 weingart 1:10 15:5 16:1 39:21 41:7 42:17 44:2,16 88:22 92:21 93:7 117:18 142:10 159:15 163:12 185:3 232:17 237:23 300:8 335:22 336:4,12,16 369:12 579:13 went 111:15 132:3 167:1 227:17 242:8 284:14 301:13 303:24 304:2 304:7 317:4 460:3,20 west 131:3 208:17 western 419:10 weve 69:14 260:12 261:3 492:10 whats 95:19 97:14 418:16 whereof 587:13 white 426:19 wide 255:5 wifes 95:19,20 william 434:9 436:2,18 438:10,22 willing 48:14 49:23 50:4,7 194:9 window 453:11 wire 53:23 wished 424:8 withdraw 371:10 380:23 382:15 withheld 434:23 445:16 451:7 463:24 468:11 471:24 476:19 483:7 494:12 497:3 504:4 513:4 withhold 336:12,17 337:1 395:8 442:5 538:12 withholding 535:7 536:3 536:12 537:18 538:4 552:7 witness 3:2 5:5 5:14 7:21 8:4 8:12 9:4,16,24 10:7,15,22 11:5,13,20 12:3,13,20 14:12,24 16:5 16:12,19 17:1 17:8,15 18:3 18:14 19:3,21 23:10 24:1,17 27:5 28:20 29:11 31:13 32:23 33:15 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 662 34:9,24 35:16 36:7 37:13 38:3,17 39:8 39:24 40:9,18 41:11 42:3,20 43:12 44:5 45:13 46:6 48:5 50:7 59:19 60:19 62:14 64:9,17 64:24 65:16 66:17 68:11 73:17 74:19 76:5 77:5 81:6 84:8,22 85:13 86:2,14 89:11 89:23 95:13 95:22 98:6 99:9 100:18 101:13 106:21 107:9,22 108:11,22 109:5,17,24 110:22 111:20 112:9,21 113:10 116:5 120:1,13 121:2,13 122:9,23 128:18 129:6 129:18 130:3 130:6 132:15 134:11 135:11 138:21 139:10 139:19 140:12 140:21 141:8 141:20 142:5 142:14 143:1 143:4,19 144:9,21 145:6 146:22 147:13,22 148:10,24 149:15,24 150:9,18 151:5,13 152:1,14 153:7,20 154:10 155:9 155:21 156:7 157:6,18 158:7,21 159:5,18 160:3,10,22 161:22 162:7 162:16,20 163:5,15,24 164:8,22 165:9,22 166:7 168:3 168:22 169:13 169:17 170:21 172:16 173:4 173:19 174:2 174:9,16,23 175:6,17,24 176:9,18 177:3,12 178:2,15 179:4,13,22 180:6,21 181:13 182:2 182:17 183:7 183:15 184:1 184:11,22 185:8 186:11 187:1,10,20 188:8,17 189:2,10,24 190:11,24 191:9,22 192:12,20 193:10,23 195:2,13,22 196:7,14,21 197:5,13,23 198:8,17 199:2,9,17,24 200:6,16,24 201:9,20 202:3,9,22 203:2,4,11,17 203:24 204:7 204:16,24 205:20 206:10 207:15 208:3 208:13,24 209:6,12,20 210:2,9 211:10,16,22 212:21 213:5 213:16 214:5 214:23 215:24 216:16 217:2 217:15,23 218:7,15,24 219:8,17,22 221:1,3 222:3 222:13,20 223:3,12,21 224:5,13,21 225:5,13,20 226:5,13,22 227:13,21 228:5,15,23 229:6,17 230:1,8,15,18 231:13 232:3 232:11,21 233:16 234:1 234:9,18 235:4,13,22 236:7,16 237:1,10,19 238:3,12 239:4,19 241:1 243:14 244:8,23 245:15 246:19 247:3,11,21 248:10,19 249:3,10,24 250:13,20 251:6,20 252:5,18 253:8 254:1 254:16,24 255:22 256:7 256:15,23 257:6,13 258:1,8,15,23 259:7,16 263:14 264:2 264:10,19 265:4,11,18 266:1,10,20 267:4,13,22 268:6,13,23 269:10,21 271:2,10,19 272:5,13,23 273:7,10,22 274:7,16,23 275:9,19 276:11,22 277:3,7,16 278:1,10,18 279:8,18 280:4,10,13 280:19,23 281:9,17 282:2,12,22 283:9,18 284:2,9,16 285:5,14 286:24 287:20 288:7 289:5 289:17 290:2 290:12,19 291:4,12,20 292:4,12,20 293:6,16,24 294:9,17 295:2,11,19 296:3,11,18 297:6,16 298:6,17 299:5,15 300:3,13,21 301:9 302:4 302:12 303:7 303:18 304:11 304:19 305:4 305:13,24 306:11,19 307:2,10,17 308:19 309:5 309:12,15,19 310:2,9,16,23 311:5,11 312:1,9,18 313:1,9 314:16 315:3 315:11,18 316:3,12 317:7 318:6 318:21 319:7 319:16 320:11 321:1,10,18 322:3,12,20 323:6,14,23 324:8,21 325:4,12,20 326:19 327:2 327:13,21 328:6,15,23 329:7,14,21 330:6,14,21 331:4,13,20 332:3,12,19 333:3,17,24 334:9,17,24 335:10,18 336:1,9,21 337:7,13,20 338:3,10,17 339:1,10 340:7,10,19 341:6,20 342:15 343:1 343:9,18 344:3,11,20 345:8,18 346:1,8,16 347:9,16,20 347:22 348:4 349:5,18,21 350:1,6,14 351:21 352:6 352:20 353:11 353:18 354:2 354:9,17,23 355:6,14 356:2,10,18 357:3,12,19 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 663 358:11,18 359:1,8,14,22 360:5,14 361:6,14,21 362:5,12,19 363:11,19 364:4,14,21 365:4,10,17 366:4,14,22 367:12,22 368:6,14,22 369:8,18 371:4,12,19 372:2,10,18 373:2,11,19 374:3,18 375:2,9,24 376:8,22 377:5,13,19 378:3,10,18 378:24 379:7 379:15 380:1 381:1,9,19 382:4,10,17 382:24 383:24 384:12 385:19 386:2,11 387:15,23 388:6,14,23 389:6,13 390:15,23 391:8,23 392:7,16 393:5,18 394:7,16 395:1,13,18 395:22 396:7 396:16,24 397:7,16 398:1,10,24 399:7,19 400:13 401:8 401:17 402:1 402:21 403:6 403:17 404:1 404:9,17 406:19 407:15 407:22 408:6 408:16 409:1 409:8,16 410:1,12,24 411:9,20 413:22 414:20 416:12 417:3 419:19 420:10 421:23 423:6 423:13,20 424:4,13,20 425:3 426:3 427:4,19 428:8,20 429:5 433:19 434:13,20 435:7,10,14 435:21 436:6 436:14,22 437:5,13,21 438:5 439:17 440:22 441:6 441:13,19 442:2,12 444:15,22 445:21 446:16 446:23 447:5 447:12,23 448:13,23 449:6,14,23 451:4,12,17 451:21 452:4 452:12,21 453:7,17 454:1,9,18 455:2,11,19 456:3,10,21 457:5,13,21 458:5,13,22 459:6,14,24 460:8 461:1 461:10,21 462:19,24 463:10,21 464:5,8,12,19 465:3,11,20 466:4,13,23 467:7,17,20 467:24 468:8 468:17,24 469:8,16,23 470:12,20 471:7,14,21 472:5,8,13,21 473:6,14,22 474:7,15,22 475:7 476:7 477:1,5,9,17 478:1,19 479:2,10,17 480:3,13,22 481:7,15,24 482:19 483:13 483:16,21 484:5,12,19 485:2,13,20 486:4,11,18 487:1,13,20 488:4,13,21 489:7,15,22 490:6,14,22 491:6 493:8 493:16 494:1 494:9,18,21 495:2,11 496:8,15,24 497:9,13,17 498:1,9,18 499:2,9,16 500:1,11,19 501:4,10,21 502:11,18 503:2,10,17 504:1,10,14 504:19 505:3 505:11,20 506:4 507:4 507:14,21 508:6,13,22 509:6,15,23 510:9,17 511:2,11 512:9,16 513:1,10,13 513:18 514:2 514:9,19 515:3,11,18 517:23 518:7 518:13,24 519:7,13,19 520:1,8,15,22 521:6,19,22 522:3,15,22 523:4,12 524:1,8,15,23 525:5,14,20 526:8,20 527:5,11,19 528:20 529:3 529:10 530:23 531:6,13,20 532:5,20 533:6,21 534:6,17 535:2,13,23 536:8,20 537:3,13,23 538:8,16 539:16 540:1 540:11,21 541:11,19 542:4,11,16 542:21,24 543:5,10,15 543:19 544:4 544:9 545:18 545:22 546:4 546:5,9,14,15 546:18 547:3 547:13,19,22 548:4,8,16,24 549:7,16 550:2,10,17 550:24 551:7 552:13,22 553:6,14,22 554:8 555:9 555:24 557:10 557:19 558:5 558:13,22 559:6,14,21 560:9 561:1,9 561:17 562:2 562:11,19 563:10,17 564:1 565:7 565:22 566:5 566:12,19 567:8,15 568:4,11 569:4,12,20 571:11,24 572:8,13,19 573:2,14 574:5,14 575:1,14,19 576:5,14 577:5,15,23 578:6,13,20 579:2,16 580:4,16 581:2,9,16 582:1,9,17 583:1,10 584:7,13 585:5 586:15 586:19,20,24 witnessed 168:9 169:7 172:11 201:24 202:19 453:2 witnesses 34:7 101:8 152:10 152:23 153:2 178:13 302:18 311:3 394:3 402:10,17 404:21 407:8 407:10,13 455:8 461:16 469:4 471:4 481:3 487:8 490:2 499:13 499:22 518:1 518:22 519:5 519:23 520:5 523:2,8,9,15 523:21 524:6 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 Page 665 136:22 415:22 416:16 417:1 418:4 433:3,5 124 3:11 12feet 255:5 12th 567:3 587:14 12year 18:18 13 3:23 49:17 207:3 529:13 529:17,21 530:8,12 136 3:12 13th 452:7 455:22 457:8 14 214:10 261:24 262:1 262:8 420:18 146 3:13 14th 43:8,22 115:11 120:23 221:11 228:21 229:13 248:23 15 98:15 99:17 99:17,18,19 99:24 131:18 261:24 426:7 568:21 580:20 150 2:13 15foot 255:5 15th 246:7 277:13 282:19 308:16 309:3 311:23 312:6 312:14 313:6 313:15 316:22 317:13,21 318:12,17 319:2,12,22 320:4,21 321:23 325:1 327:10 328:1 337:24 342:3 342:20 349:10 358:8 478:12 16 119:22 261:24 350:21 16th 199:12 351:15 352:1 353:4 354:5 355:10 356:6 362:16 368:3 368:11,19 369:5,14 371:23 374:13 380:9,17 17 261:24 308:11 18 261:24 366:11 18th 565:17 18year 119:22 19 261:24 1973 516:5 517:3,19 1982 573:22 1985 568:23 571:18 1986 565:17 572:22 574:23 1988 28:12 103:14,16 104:2,4,12,22 105:8,19 106:23 107:17 108:20 109:3 109:15,22 113:18 118:2 119:7,8,19 122:5 123:13 123:22 124:24 125:14,24 126:20 127:4 127:13 131:1 131:11 132:24 133:3,8,12 135:19 136:6 137:24 138:9 138:18 139:6 139:15 140:6 140:18 141:6 141:17 142:2 142:11,20 143:10,14 144:6,15 145:3,14,19 147:10,18 148:3,16,20 149:10,21 150:6,15 151:1 154:18 155:3,13 156:1 157:4 158:16 159:13 159:23 160:20 161:7 164:19 165:5,18 166:3,18 167:2 168:8 172:10 173:12 186:21 187:6 190:7 192:6 194:20 195:16 196:1 197:20 198:5 199:13 201:6,16 206:18 207:22 211:3 215:7 215:15 216:13 216:13 217:7 217:21 218:3 218:11,20 219:5,5 221:10 228:2 229:11 239:10 240:3 242:13 242:18,22 243:3,7,11 244:4,16 246:3,7 248:5 248:17 249:16 250:6 251:12 252:11,24 253:6,20 254:6 255:18 256:3,12 263:23 266:17 268:21 269:7 270:23 271:8 273:5,20 274:13 276:1 276:20 277:23 279:1,6,14 280:1 282:9 282:19 283:14 286:19 289:11 289:12,21 304:4,9,24 306:16,23 307:7,14 308:16 309:3 311:23 312:7 312:14 313:6 313:15 317:13 318:13,17 319:2,4,12 320:4,21 325:1 327:10 328:2 342:20 349:10 350:21 351:15 352:2 353:5 357:9 358:8 362:16 366:11,19 368:3,11,19 369:5,14 371:23 374:13 385:16,23 421:14 423:11 428:1 461:5 475:20 478:12 517:5,9,20 532:15 533:1 533:10 534:9 534:20 535:6 536:2,23 537:6,16 538:11,24 539:5,10,19 540:4,14,24 541:5,14,22 542:7,19 543:3,22 544:7 546:2 546:21 547:16 551:16 552:6 554:11,23 555:4,12 577:2 1989 104:4 443:5 444:8 470:10 560:21 561:20 562:5 1990 380:9,17 384:5,17 403:10 405:5 405:14 446:8 446:21 447:10 447:15 448:5 448:17 449:9 516:16 1990s 176:7 388:3 1991 564:4,11 568:1 1992 466:21 1993 560:6 570:5,12 1994 96:4 100:7 432:21 433:14 435:24 495:24 570:22 571:6 572:10 1995 438:11 512:1 514:13 558:17 559:1 572:8 1997 427:24 450:3 452:7 455:22 457:8 462:12 463:8 567:3 1998 8:19 29:20 276:1 461:7 563:8 1999 482:11,16 503:1 505:24 506:21 510:21 565:2 1st 308:15 309:2 311:22 312:6 313:5 313:15 Siebert & Assocs. 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(773) 851-7779 2 Page 666 2 3:12 136:17 136:21 137:16 138:8 157:2 20 7:17 100:9 261:24 262:1 262:9 426:16 427:16 428:2 428:12 2001 418:7 2006 580:20 2007 400:5,9 401:21 2009 400:20 401:13 2013 1:18 4:6 586:7 2014 587:14 206 3:14 20th 418:7 21 398:15 564:11 213 3:15 21st 418:7 564:4 22 1:19 4:7 387:7 2200 2:21 23 1:18 586:7 230 426:20 23rd 4:6 24 390:19 2435900 2:8 24th 565:2 573:22 25 96:9 100:10 259 3:16 25th 114:12 115:20 216:12 217:6 219:4 254:12 264:15 265:1 27th 28:12 118:2 119:7,8 119:19 122:5 123:13 135:19 136:6 137:24 138:9,18 139:6,15 140:6,18 141:6,17 142:2,11,20 143:10,14 144:6,15 145:3,13,18 147:10,18 148:3,16,20 149:10,21 150:6,15 151:1 154:18 155:3,13 156:1 157:4 197:20 289:11 385:15,23 572:22 285 3:17 28th 125:24 461:4,6 29 167:14 29th 123:21 124:24 126:20 127:4,13 130:24 131:11 158:15 159:13 159:23 160:20 161:6 164:19 165:5,18 166:3,18 167:2,10,18 167:22 168:7 172:10 173:11 186:20 187:5 190:6 192:6 194:20 195:16 196:1 197:20 198:5 201:6 201:16 2nd 514:13 3 3 3:13 122:6 146:5,9,20 147:1,5 157:2 308:7,11 317:12 349:9 302 418:5 30th 125:14 132:24 133:3 133:8 206:17 207:22 211:3 215:6,15 216:13 217:7 219:5 221:9 239:10 240:3 242:13,18 243:20 286:19 447:15 312 1:18 2:6,8 2:23 4:5 586:8 31st 132:24 133:3,12 216:13 217:20 218:3,11,20 219:5 228:2 229:11 239:10 242:13,22 243:3,7,11,20 244:4,16 246:3 248:5 248:17 249:16 250:6 251:12 252:11,24 253:5,14,20 254:6 255:18 256:3,12 263:23 266:17 268:21 269:6 270:23 271:8 271:16 273:5 273:19 274:13 276:1,6,20 277:11,22 279:1,6,14 280:1 282:9 283:14 284:21 284:21 285:22 289:12,21 303:2 304:4,9 304:16,24 306:15,23 307:23 319:4 446:8,21 447:10 321 2:21 324 3:18 33 466:16 3320 131:3 339 3:19 34 20:22 348 3:20 36 556:2 369 3:21 3rd 448:5 4 4 3:14 206:22 207:2,13 216:10 387:3 387:7 447:19 448:9 40 393:1 41072 416:17 41076 418:21 41085 426:7 41086 416:18 41088 416:18 415 3:22 44 491:18 4428 4:4 45 122:6 568:21 48 194:18 49 21:6 4941000 2:23 4th 448:17 449:9 5 5 3:4,15 213:19 214:10,21 399:16 418:12 418:17 466:16 491:18,22 50 491:22 510 426:19 489:12 529 3:23 54 489:18 585:13,16 55 106:9 550 2:13 6 6 3:16 259:20 259:24 260:13 260:19 261:20 262:15 263:10 263:17 270:2 270:3,12,13 556:2 568:21 585:13,16 60143 2:14 60607 2:7 60654 2:22 630 2:15 7 7 3:17 253:20 285:18 286:4 286:11,14,19 7353300 2:15 76 124:14 7th 510:20 511:5 8 8 3:18 324:12 326:1,6,16,23 327:9 347:4 80 7:17 81 370:7 8th 400:19 401:13 505:24 506:21 510:21 511:5 572:8 9 9 3:19 339:13 339:17,24 340:7 92 96:4 93 96:4 9th 400:4,9 401:21 510:21 511:6 Siebert & Assocs. 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Diviaion' - nickname, ACEjEzambeE-Ef a -- - - ?193%? y??mf?y?h?r?w .. 9?:?5153319195511m 93*?339896 -. bpecialiat? were invastigating an Aggravated "m EMF: 50' - This wit use. was Draught ?Qositivelxidentifi? thaupti?fwlof Ira. nu mm cums aim-ma ?antcu-tmi '45 the1751 ii unwlioomrmmummf? Lint-'7' I S. Gum-gs 16899 (map. H. (in avara 16545 SI .. - .. .- .. .-.. -. .. --..-. .- .. . 7 . cm . 7. ?it CPD 0075 . 0F ?1 - photo D, Latin King gang'book. Numbroua attumpta were made tho victim at Cook Ucunty Hoopital, on 10 Bop BB r/i'a worg_ablc to have victim_yicw gang photo book warn than an idctificution?w??_ $395 of Jose RIOS as the person that shot victim. On '15 E569 88, reporting 33A. on the street and he was aakod to accompany r/o'a to 39 to stand in a lino?up for ?urdor. Subjoct agreed son he was road his ?iranda warnings. Once in A/s VG Jose BIDS was placed in a line?up and ho was positively idontificd as the person that shot the victim Felix VALENTIN on 27 Aug 88. ?oancr with witness, charges of ?at. Dngree murder were approved. Orlando LOPEZ, witness. was shown photos of Jose and Felipe HIEVES and he stated to r/i's that these two individuals tore not Involved in this incidentmm: newewm 1mg nzrom mo av nor SIGNATURE INDICATE THAT I: CPD 0076 k: ?0 hr-- a" .- CITY OF or State Street SFCTION Chicago. [Ht'nois 60605 :3 CRIMINAL msronv OF 3103: 3039 ?4 -: WE 29 July 1961 .NH out: or 11mm April 196]} ?le? 2 - LR. NO. FBI Mr.) E. . . . 5 @4010 6170/50 ?gig/A3FA7: NAME I: ADDRESS 3135!; DATE or orncan a ms'r. mun-st: 9159031111111 one R105 1 986 .28 Jul 81. art. 1 34kg w; North Rogers, Dist. Disorderly Conduct. 30 April 196# Jacquea 6776065 - Feb 33 Off Chavez 1h dist Robbery 3135 w. Beach I 28 Feb 83, Robb., (35-18-1a), Poss Vah., 30 Apr TO CHIEF JUDGE, Judge Sodini - 3! Uack RIVERA 6851273 02 Jun.83 Off Gruber Bummer Mobile Force t1L1) "535 11 Beach 24 June 83, 11th Gun (thau?lalu Fail Exib Reg. (1113c) Fail 30 Apr 65 Pass. I.D. (38~83?2a) Judge haurie (Docket NoEgifhne?gg. Prosse, Theft. Poss 6776065 Veh. ayra PROBATION. Judge Hall. 3 SEE cu? :11? avg. 13: {fit?9114:1111) 3-1911 to Exhibit. (1101:) mi? 655?27 PbssalD 33rd JCL, JudRe gacellaio (Docket No. H323 rat-'9) . 'aques RIVERA 17355806 -20 May 85. Off. ?nally {ICU-North (0111431) posa. Cocaihe .0 2 W. Div'sion 3o3npr 65 1 17 Jul 85, P088 Cocaine, (56f?1kog), Nb F019 card.? (38_33_2) . acques RIVERA 7349l9?.?23 Jul 87, Off. Clark, 14th Dist.. Batt. ?32 w. Division - Apr 65 10 Aug 87, Battery?38-12-3) SOL Judge Chrones Jacques _3034413 ?24 May 88, Off. RRamirez, 14th dist. P055. Cann. 4448 W. Cortez 30 Apr. 65, 13.113 11.; 1119111117] 2 19-88 ?Bi! 1.11115 arm 131111 i 1 (211% ties-mm}: 01" :'m.'trion rat-wince! in this record is When 011'? record RD. new I f, (3x *6 CPD 0048 CPD 0049 QEARLY-?Mkhof?ddw MW mounting tun-slum mu mun 1w: twp?m?- ARREST REPORT m? r? 31va I Jacques pd. Apr. I65 MGM arm: ?a minim oIIm u'znq' I I lg 3300 ?rm a3 1-01 l?iliei??Elab 1 "Danna. 11mm mum tum-n 504 025 4358 Division K-371-955 .I??asm sauna. ??lm n??mvm m. mum-n me man: 1131? ?741 71 FL Chloaso Uni: 7 {alkme .mw mi nun aura null am 17mm 53 Bna 5'10 180 Med. 1 31mm: nr nmamsm com. me Wa? was, me WM- '1 Emblt. Park 2 2 1m 3 a Iaintenauoe L-.. a 4 ammo alum 5 ?1 mu: mn'nT'n mm mm am can ?In a. 'qui swam-a Guam 33* 30313 13% - Apply 1 i m: as: fumes: nun m" Felix NH ?1458 N. Campbell mu rum n: Inn-m1 mm M5 v.0. Sparks 8: Fallon 315. 4626 2255 Fr I-WM mm?i?Lbove subject arrested afturngiug identi'LIfied by a witneag as the pggson thgI magnum? .39. $149 $29.19. ?aming .. will Be held on 51 Aug. 88. slatedhnmina'eaccumtatal _hesto!mhnawicdge. mm swam awn ?gure-awn -T 10-519 um: I Km jEMWs-m I Ema; a minimums-u 1m Bum-Fith 31w n: 51mm? 3 I [333?. Claw i 1 Elm 7 mu ?Bun mm mm mailman: mm mm awn mm- {eyualdo Guevara ?16345 760 {+627 16545 760 5mm I mun um umwmum a magma?! man an mm? run-.m- 1-. nun?Tumuun- lunatic." I'll . Poms 1121 South Slate smut sacrum Chlcago. Illinois 60505 Htsrotw nos- JOI. '29 July 1933 April 611:010 6110/50 gig/4399.7 j. mm I- C..- HD- am: or ovum a owr. was: I tun-human 3 one W986 ~38 .m 81. m. Hogan, 11m: Dist, bum-:1: Cabana-b. 3M9 v. North . .30 19211 195?! Jacquea Ewsoss .. a? Pot? 83?:1 - 3335 H. Beach 23 Feb 33. Robb" ?lm-184a), Pun: 31.1 Val)? (953-4-40ngt Jack mm 68512713 - 02 Jun 83 ?ff'aru?or Banner thile Far-co 151) j'j 3335 Bench June new Gun (mpx?rzazgiai: 30 Apr 65 runs. LD. 03-33-21.) m. June Laurie . a 6776055 Ht:- Vah. 231's momma. Judge (Mn?1am) F311 to Exhibit'Fai: 6357279113me cam [ 50L. Judge Haaolhla No. Bragg: 3039) . anuea Rm 7355306 ?m In: art. hull: ecu-north (0mm rung". fan'th - r? :3ipf6g?vmm.? 1? Jul 85. Post Cocaine. No min card? 1pm; I .5. 3331211130 17849197 -23 Jul 87.. Off. C1ark.'14th Dist? Ha?z. 30 on 10 Aug 87, Batteryt38?12-3) 80L Judge (3120:1397 JDoc! 8?;3 1956! I Jacques RIVERS 3034413 -24 Hay 83. Off. RRamlrez, 14th dishwoss. Cum. 4448 W. Cortes 30 Apr. 65. .. Jacques RIVERA 8101323 ~30 Aug. 88. Off. Guniwarra. (25th) Dist. Ass. Batt- 45233 n. Diviaon 30 Apr. 65. qua?m w._l 315 (Ix CONFIDENTIAL 4m Wham of Miranda? mum In rah .romrdk has and tho purpose for With It ??lmed, mdeos-Uuyad. (us. Dip: onuqu Raina; 81w {da 3 . noun-u. 5.5. MR . CPD Ex (I "(Inn-L - 29 July 1981 .- i 61#010 . . Jbio RIOS "art-h 30 April Jacquan PIU 10 J'mk 1355 Beach ?pr .5 .Juaues ho32 3. Division 50 Apr 65 acques RIVERA 032 w. Divisinn 0 Apr 65 Jacques 4448 w. Cortex 3n ?pr. 65. 1.1 cq-LI-es 4318 N. Divison 3U as. Jacqunz 4231 w. uluquun JO ?pt 65 Bequus REVERA 21! Ex'. Ulvi-uh'tl I) .'Lpr h} RIOS. Jose or": ?734919? ~23 Jul 37. off. Clark, :I-iz' .I,l I . 'l ..1- . ??at ?9 A 9 ii .t'hfi-i; 0 o. ?f I 30 Apr-11 :95.23 {1&5 ME, cond?ct(fl ran-L3. fix rhuunz ?any: .111 . Tl. I, i I .343.? .53: .- I ?9211: Jr? .. Judging :10? in}, L. .I ??flgy, 63. 1..m383-2690, Robbery, roan Stu-1e? \reh, ?9412?51 - 0? ?Wu "3 MIT "rut-43" Emma-r f'nh'iln Force 1 3 June L), UEH Gun 15?-24-lau) F111 Exib hag. Pail Fun . 1.9. (JP-oj-aaj ur?. Jud.* Haurte (Uocket 50. 5? '2?t?u53333. Rabberyf33-25903 HolIe Proase; Theft. Poda'?tln 67?6065 l-itr Veh. 23m magnum Judge H311. .d . 1' ?555506 -20 Hay 35, Off. Fnunlly GOG-North (O?hth) roan. ?anaibe '7 JUJ 35. Fans ?ccuine. an cn,q_. Ir'_ .3014 J?4?e Konalskx. 14th D13t., Batr. umd 10 Aug 87, Batteryi33-12-31 SOL Judge Chrones . . {Doc} 8718 1955}. . 3034413 ~24 May 88, Off. Rnamirnz, 14th dxst. Poss. Cann. a: June 86. 9&53. Cann. (565?704ai, urihuL, Juuqe uhrunus. qu?uaz2l263 I?Hst. 34.11. Hurt. 1c. L3 Sup 38. Off. -9 ucL HE.G.J. huqan. ?x I 2 aslalsa -30 Mar 90. arr. EnrnusL, 01a, p53 April 90. AHRJK A5 ?Mtg-3? 3.. g. .1 . 5 105, i" a.qu it Jul-.2 .- . I M-h? [-?olnn, .?s'lu'u ?nuclqv': ?[th 5511? rii; . CPD 0051 CPD 0107 CPD 0105 z' . u. . ?n 15). "n . I . 1'1? *f I ?J'a #153s;; CPD 0109 no; 0&0 ?113.27% ass orrln'i?lmicl'ozur gamma/Isa DEGQLE o??ii rm' {moms mceu 15 5971 lass: mm sum no umr CPD 0111 saw-:5? - gm 1m . . (Fur State's ?tt?f?eu Use Only) Entcr each cantlnuance here. In cases of multiplu defen?sn:n 1ndicate uhzz? if any, did not?JDin in the cantlnuansc. n15: indlcata dates a? all demands for trial. and by whom demands. were madu_ COURT BRANCH: 66 3'21 955 IR NUMBER n55: .3975 a? ARREST swarms 614 010 Jacques Rivera 25 15 Sept 1988 55-9-(lJKa) )am 1:52.13 or OFFENSE: 22 Aug l?annz??mg PLREE: 5320 Cortland Ave - . Chicago/Buck Count . Illgnaxs The: Facts briefly stated are: as Fnlloms: The victim while seateg in his .gghicle at 3320 Cortland was attacked by arresfea Jacques Rlvera who ?qjm zen theg. The: victim died of his Hound?s on 11+ September 1.958. tified 1:01:05 13 the waft?mesa Orlando Lopez. on ra scorn anied the arms mere: 0 ea _uhaxg_3 line up was conducted. RIVERA Awas p031 1ve 1 en 1 13 ujtnesa as the shot the victim. Spell out first a last name; First name first. also address a phone number of Bach witness. PROSECUTING ADDRESS HDHE PHONE BUS. PHONE Orlan 1vsra a . . Gas;- 8. GUEVARE . . ywagbo . S. Gawrys . . Det' w- Dorsch [i?r?nnd 4-4-3260 .Dsg. J. Boyle Grand a . . 8.5.R.Rosner RFPROUED FELDHY - BOND: 5 I cuch Um ARREST REPORT lam-H.419 Jim, 5. Hal ?hh 491' (35 "ml . . $51.524.17RIUB Joan 9-111 i; ?vi-Mm lumn A 292 I 025 4251 Dinsion $471455 .5335. $.me Emurqgmu?rfaswn mm mamas? manna 3' 3 4' 1 IL. 11160-420661 25 614010 5?9 ?160?Brn Med 2'5 -1 Gill .1th MG nrmumrum ml?. #3 i an IE 3-1 [?ll /on left arm 930 pni?a?irWf?A?hT?m-h J7 3 5mm OFFENSES Jill 71:23.3. - win: z?nr- '5 a: mum Pap-u 391? . Weingart a/Bvo; jg; . 44,0 if :5 Lin?: 7W 551?! KM '11 I . MESH '1 i 1 as wt Essa 1M: 1mm none I I ma??m . Emma in: We.? on GAWRXH 1W5l 4627 DNA [mum *?m?mwl?mmn .. in F1118 30mm5548 and 6652?. S. GAWHYS 16899 Beat 4627 [do Em . and af?rm the! 11mm stated herein are accuram to the nest a! my kmwieqqe' as: Ami-simumm mm amt :n {Hm wick ?r 5: am m- Ilium mun Storm2mm. . .- . ?er-an can-us: mam - 5 :45: a ?-wm .52 am nectar?16 Hept 83 66-2 25.3.31? .. ..V . ?4 vhf-33.115215 1" 'r ad?pt'g. Guny'rgu ?11655-5 260 7 . . - 1635112694,,?JUVENILE -. min MIN#10 1-. 't'n CPD 0032 I In I -- . I _1W?a%1ia?q W139i? {7qu 'Iv'm d, P?s. ?23133? 4.1m?? I mfm?u- "tr. may: 5w? - I.-. . .. -.- . - .- .. . . . .1.1.: .. y; quk?nflc 9? ti?tMark-M59: MN m; .wm?f "m .A-m:n?i "3i: hum-vimmi"; . 33' 42L us?mi-l 1..- .- - in -. . Humrep my. "Tv?iin??'mrmi- . m_ .34"qr-3 . . . I an? whims?nzv'v?' an 1.31 - a ?349%; 551' Lm?mh m. B. at Ma 343m 62345 3:538. 55 65-2 :1 .v . ff" (raw: 31tire": I?m/l I Ara-1:110? uuaur- CPD 0050 INVESTIGATIVE FILE INVENTORY cmcmomuce DEPAHTHEHT - 37?: Elem?r or [unn' LENT same nausea DATE as emnv 09.30 '.taport - 111;: 1.933 1 3131's (tires gages) *aomra .anu-zizun 2? a; :33: 3' .ienort Toucan}. Tan-43111111 fl" .1 i ?8 (three Panes) I 5' Arrest Hagan). .mwaa? a. Lennard 2p hnLanghi-ln QMW Amy EePom Amm 4/4, 92' a. f; if Allies? (Eefo?r r'r w. %w ?)an ~y I: SE4 Mia-M 13- 60/061st ?Eapmcr Fir/3:Joli-?0 (Jam?tr I .r i l' 1'5ch LELQASE i PE a I 3 Sol 1'3- we? w? sup/9 Duran-7i [fow- 5?37 I 21. 10/ r1: If RECORDS Me? as: 5.9M ?an DmlE?a-p?? 1' A ZIIEWWIME: 2" 50/10 4' 5: denotes Miscellaneous Raposimw. A check will he placed im??gko: if a documam has ham plat-Zed in the M08. DISTRIBUTION: The original of this documenfis to remain attached to the Investigative File Case Folder. One copy of this {locu- ment will be innumle to the Records Division whenever 3 Violent Crimes field investigalion insults in a personls] being charged wilh a felony. cpn.23.121l1lsal [a if . CPD INVESTIGATIVE FILE INVENTORY H.D.N0. CHICAGO sauce DEPARTMENT It 3 5?5? EXHIBIT DESCRIPTION OF DOCUMENT MDFI ERING MEMBER DATE OF ENTRY ?6,994?? $49.4!qu [Kristny to. 11. 13. HENTION ?lth. . ?int??lttl-?tjj iaimsi ass 9 II :3 "3?4 I Miscellaneous Document Repositaw. A check will he placed in this box if a placed in the MDH. I DISTRIBUTION: The nriginnl at this document is to remain attached to the investigative File Case Folder. ne camp of this docu- a merit will be forwarded to the Records Division wheneuur a Violent Crimes ?uid investigation results in a parsonlsl being charged with a felony. CPD 0081 .1. "Nd n. ?mom?wr wag: Om .03 n?um no man NM. ?new. Eomw?mu ozwm 30. ?wwnm amwm. awnm an tum mu Ham ?nnOHan.m mwu m. cmmnonu. n?ynwmo. runww mu. meow. ozwm imw om mHno.wmn anum mun wn zwn?owOHwnma nonumnnposmw nm?nmu agnnv mwmo no? n.m ?wnm ozww.u manon?mw mwumn. nawnmm ?naumum? mum Unmwun?mun nnmuv Hummunmw unamm Don?w. mawH0?wum Hm .mnaawn? om.nrm mgumumun no mwmumn wm?wnam?n" . . 03% an. own 95m Ewan? . 6an .mommum ozbw tum no Hu 0H wmmq. ?aw? chmeGMN w.w.m. wwanm- oghw no mo wux wwa no mu?m ammw anumm.menm mu mn? nwnmun ha ?rmu oxwm ?aw muuwdmn mm mum amwnwum Honmnwou. Quadm Cw mum nzwm.wmn wiww. Hum muowumm ozww mun Uwa 23% rm ?mm. kru n?m?mww?mm Wm mun nmu mam H?mz mm