(working title) ​Protesting The Youth Jail In Winter I’m seeing my city unfold into something that is no longer mine In the typical Seattle Freeze fashion, the polite ice is broken Fractured exposing foundations that run deeper Than any black child’s grave can ever hope to Progressiveness does not last through the winter here It shrivels up crackles like the dead bone-leaves under a marcher’s feet There was a protest in front the mayor’s house around Christmas Eve And in the quiet treachery this city is so used to he approved the permits for new youth jail I was hopeful in Fall When Seattle city council passed a resolution for Zero Youth Detention: I thawed I had faith social justice grew perennial here, and my mouth filled with sap Coated sharp teeth defenses, made my doubt grow soft, dissolve into cavity-complacence I spoiled myself with the idea of my peers not being cages I was proud to call this city mine in the season of shedding old customs, of laying new foundations, new things to grow They have been since been frozen over Our voice is fighting to be not be lost It is cold outside And I don’t have faith. This is the season where defeat comes to settle in any pool of complacence we let sit This is the season when homeless people die This is the season where you build a multi-million-dollar broken promise that is anything but a home You have taught me that hypocrisy is the foundation Seattle builds itself on Hypocrisy is ambidextrous: it nurtures and kills with both hands Cleans the blood with a false concession, makes a promise on a pedestal for the cameras Then retreats into its own hollowness when that obligation shows itself inconvenient Yesterday I saw a police officer swoop down from his bike to give a little brown child a SPD badge sticker and as he clutched it his tiny, gloved hand I wondered if Seattle progressiveness doesn’t go deeper than images In wilting resolutions that crumble like snow when you touch them In militarized Safe Spaces, in a gentrified Capitol Hill that is becoming freezing sterile In white saviors thinking they know my oppression better than I do I know a kid can’t do yoga in handcuffs I know resources can live elsewhere than in the back of a police cruiser Seattle is the only place where white supremacy manifests itself in improv performance training in a youth prison Seattle’s racism hides behind many masks and trust me, I will take off every single of them and not give thanks until every excuse is shattered at my feet Your small concessions are not the only salvations that keep us warm So trust me, This movement will not freeze over and be forgotten We know fire, We know how to keep demanding How to sustain ourselves like a spark manages to in the dead of winter I have grown my teeth back, sharper than ever Complacence does not find a home in the bitter taste your broken promise left me This city is retracting into something that is not mine And something I am not proud of Winter, where the night falls too early, and hopelessness threatens to freeze around my ankles like a preemptive shackle I trust that this the season of continuing the fight Of breaking chains in the coldest of conditions I am using my voice In this moment, I am preparing for Spring.