my- . dtmgu (Justice of the Stprern'e of :t?he?State 9? x; New York, ?rst JudicialiDistrict, do hereby approve the Certificate of of THE DONALD 3(me be med; L: 75v; . cum-Dated: - F216. 1,937 . ?New Yoijk, New York . - . i .rlFirst ?"5513 (143313 km ., no - JUPECI V. . . ,1472-4. . WTEHB 111%,; Cegtif'icatm (if: in ??orpb'ra'tion .09 ..- \zIo'n pA-x AVINUI I N'nu van-c. u. v: Ion. LA CERTFIZAW or NCORPORAHON .V . . a 1 a section ?02 of ma "Not?It?drmm CarpBratiLnLu a . - - The undersigned-.for tbepurposeoftformmg a campfatlm pursuant to the Not: For?Profit Corporation Law oat FIRST: The name "of the corporation shall be THE DONALD J. 2" INCiavoorporationa? defined in subparagraph hf. Section 102 of the Nthor-Profit and a Type BCorpoeation?'Es 7 defined in subparagraph off'Section 201 of: said is to be formed for the? following purposes: 4 'to receive and maintain a Or funds of.real or personal property, or both,cand subject to restrictions and limitations hereinafter-l set forth, to use and apply the thole or any/part of any income therefrom and i A the principal thereof explosively fOr charitabl?, religious, scientific, literary, or educational purposes either-directly or by contributions to organizations that quality. as exernpt?Organizations ?under section 50; (If) of the Internal Revenue Code 3f .1955; and its Regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended. 4/0 to solicit. inquest, appeal for, conduct. engage in or assist in a =er i A . purposes end objectives of the corpOra'tion, agenciesylzomanies, associationsgmrorm 9 I . -r I raising, Nc?ing herein can ?uthorize? corporation, rdirectly or indirectly, to engage in or include among itspurp?os-es any of the activities?mentioned in the Corgoretion ghall au?h?rize~ to the profeSsibn of rivedici?e? or any oust3?9 FOUlRfTi-tt purposeg, the corpore?tion shalhr have rail, general powers L?eriun?jereuteo .202 of; the Nag-For-??rofit Corporatien 1? Lari}; togethernwith the pogver to eoii?cittecce?tqand hold? contributions, gifts and greats ?orpoi?fe purpoees.?. I: w, 3 I .. HeftThe exclusively for mac pur'pcses Within thweaningm?f Section'ISOMcXD of the Internal Remenue Coae of 1954, or corresponding provigi'?ns of any subSequent Federal tax laws, and She" not be ?operated for pecuqiary} profit or. f'inancialmgam- I SIXTH: [No part of the;property '(includin?? income); of the corporation shall be diverted in any manner directly or indirectly [or otherwise inure to the ?enefit of; '?aMhy :member, tresteez'dire?ctor or of?cer a. corporation or any private. individual {except that reasonable compensation may be paid for services rendered to or for the r. twp?6536;an affecting?one"wa its purposes); ?m?no member, trustee, director, officer of? dmt'o? share in the distributions of .the corporation, or individuai shah be; entitle any of the corporate assets on dissolution of the corporation. I part of the activities of the corpora?tim sham!? carry'inggon "1 "'pfbi5?za?ariaa? of gathemisf fattetnptitig? ?intervening in (includitig the qulicatim or di?stribot'm?? of?stetement?si 1 campaign on behalf candng for public .11; 7 g? Duripg as type shall be private ?n fe??deti'og, as, that teitn? ?efin-ed: 1954} t?eCOrp'ora'tio? Sign agate-gusj??i?ga the I ?The?corporatioq Quail distrirbuofe income fog- eech taxable year ?7 at time and ir} not become subject to the "tax on the ww?v_ 'gndisat?buted income?simpqsegi Vof I -?954, or correspondiig bEvisioigis'bf F?eaerai taxnlaws. i 7 ?sb?ii in any"fact defined in asiaud} the Interh?i R?vehue Code of 1954?; m5.- corresponding provisions of federal taut Jews. 7? The coyp?ot?tion? shall; riot?i?etairi excess business ?oidings?as defined in Sectiori .494?Xe} of; lhtemal Revenue Code ?of 1954, or provi?ibns of any Feaergi tax laws. 9 I I . Cd} Thia corporation shall not make any Investments in such manner as to subject the eorp'oragion Gite: tax. under Section 4944 of iriimai Reyenue Codekgf 135g, tax iraws. - . shali?fxqt' meke? anyltaxabie expenditures as.. defined in Section 49am) 5'1} the inngmai Re'ieirm?odc of 1954 or corresponding provisions of ad?y?subsequent Fedei?al tax lav?s. i t? drives and any efforts yhatsoeyer {or the. collection .7 i subsoriptiom, commitments, gifts, grants; ?bedfests, deviees, legacie?, Chose? I Refer of emm?tyr?. ?90? .A ?2.4 persgial?or mixed. I I i . I as,? to reCeiveg't?ftie ti? an receipts; xe- ma?a-2a; wannabe ""btedges;1? commitments, gifts; inmate?s-jigs, legacies, chases inactfion and all 9th?- property of eg ry and description whatmver, both real, personal xiherever .situate, resulting; from the solicitations, appeals,-- .campaigns and efforts referred to in subdivisim hereof, and to manage, i . improve and de?elop the?r *sari?te.? in furtherance corporation; and, at? the di?sc-retion of the Board of Directors of the ?5 I ?5 I. -corporation,;to invest and reinvest, mange, lease, exemIQe, i convey or otherwise dispose of or traitofer the same in such rnanner as, in the oi-DlrectOrs off the corporation, will best promote the objectives and mimoses__of the corporation; (?21 I 55d") I expend; transfer, deed: ov?r, distribute and disburse all or any part of the monies, funds and other purposes referred to in (3) hereof in the United States of' America?in elsewhere as shall be approved by A the Board of Directo?s of thecorporation in accordance the By-gaws of the corporationorganige, promote, establish and cregt?e,? in any place in the a . ghrough,its representatives, appointees or agents, for effectirg the I . . 8' be conch?: ed Lug.? 19;? . M, 'i ipally . is the 5f 3 . :viwh- I I I NINTH: Firincipal of the corpd-a'tibh. shall belld?ated in th? New: r" gr] Segretary of State. ?is hereby desigwatedrjas agent a we Corpohtim upm may Be'f?seryed. {be post of?ce address to w- I which the Skmtarxof S?tat%?shall mail agapygof, any process against the . served him is: c/o Drfegfer?and Traub, 101 ?Avenqe, New York, wa York 10178?rin?The. Board of of the corporation shall cansist- of not. Kass than three n?r more {San twent?yguve (213mm ?fb 7 WELFTH: addresses bf those persons who shall sery? as D?ggctors until the first annual meeting are: . r. mka I: Donald J, Trump . i 721 Fifth Avenue 1 .. . v? fNew'York,? New York 10022 - 7 Ivana Trump I Fifth Avenue .1- raw-atom, New York 19022 7 ?~27 DantOn Lane Nomi a 11560 7 . rrVLLboquimmtimmeibgf etemnetim. 92:59. ?u u- Jeff. f] .. e. gt subject to ?the authority of the of thesState of ?hbw Yur'kpi?f~ the a; corporation is at that time a private foundation, as defined?in the Internal Revenue-Cede I, .1 9 . Qf 1954. all of, itgg?e't be "Qualify unc?r Sectibn 170(leXA) (ether than clauses (fig {vim}, Section 501(c)(3) Inter-ital R?v?nue Federal tax laws ?55" gen end. so descygeed fer; ea: continuous pefied? of atnleast ?s?ix?tyg calendar inir?edieh?v precedinqsuch disttiputionf yr" a 4" Upon dissolUtio? or ether ?termination ofthe? comsratim, .5 ?tummy; on he 8 TS. gagging La?ynmwu :ttifemnorpnna'tioe emeryprivate foundatio?9 as defined-in "the Int;er Rem of 1954, the net I. '3 . assets Shall be paid Dyer to ene?or more mwm?whtal and/or corporatim trust funds, fmmdattons - or energized operated for emeational and ertembt Federal income taxes (excegt tor business income taxee inVestment taxes on private fm?mauom) under sake)?? Internal gem Code of 195A 5} . ,9 eqrfesponding provgsiqns of arty tax ineffeet?b-L IN WITNESS seiner-EM? this Certificate and affirm that (the Statements contained Win?, this d8?! at? I - i7 W, 198.7. I r. ,a Donald J. rump . I I, 72.1 Fitth Avenue . I New York, New York 10022 . ,t NEW YORK NEW YORK g4 . V. I -, Ria5:0fo .Japuoyzlw?f befom?me?ersbmily DONALD J. kno . to individual described in and who-executed1the foregoing imtm?t, and that he exgeuted the samema?a-In? 15"" Na 44:12?: A I ain'm aux .- 5? w- .. 1v,