O?g?o 8721133.. THE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY WASHINGTON, DC. 20460 a: Allis 0 4? 0" 4t pno? DEC - 7 2016 MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: Relocations within the EPA to Further Elevate Agency Focus on Federal Civil Rights Responsibilities and Intergovernmental Relations FROM: Gina McCarthy T0: General Counsel Assistant Administrators Inspector General Chief Financial Of?cer Chief of Staff Associate Administrators Regional Administrators Today I am taking two actions to further strengthen the Environmental Protection Agency?s efforts to ensure compliance with federal civil rights laws, including Title VI of the Federal Civil Right Act, and to enhance the efforts to coordinate among regional, state and local entities. I am placing these civil rights responsibilities in the Of?ce of General Counsel to merge the legal expertise of that of?ce with the policy expertise of the External Compliance Staff from the Of?ce of Civil Rights. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 provides that no person in the United States shall be excluded on the grounds of race, color or national origin from participation in, be denied the bene?ts of or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal ?nancial assistance. OCR currently administers the External Compliance and Complaints Program to include Title VI to ensure that any program thatreceives EPA funds complies with federal nondiscrimination laws. There has traditionally been and currently is an extensive degree of coordination required between OCR and OGC in reviewing complaints of discrimination. External Complaints staff, which has worked tirelessly in the mission to ensure compliance with the Civil Rights Act, will join team in an effort to strengthen ef?ciencies and provide greater cohesion and support in advancing this mission. Given the importance of the issues and their complexity, I have also elected to establish a new senior executive service position in the Of?ce of General Counsel to exclusively focus on our federal civil rights laws, including Title VI, ensuring these complaints are responded to in a timely and thorough manner. Within the Of?ce of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations in the Of?ce of the Administrator I have decided to merge the regional operations staff into the state and local relations staff currently located within the Of?ce of Intergovernmental Relations. These of?ces already work closely with each This paper is printed with vegetable-oiI-based inks and is 100-percent postconsumer recycled material, chlorine-tree?processed and recyclable. other and will perform more effectively as a single unit, particularly as they coordinate these functions across headquarters and regional of?ces. I ask OCR, OGC, OCIR and the Of?ce of Administration and Resources Management to work together to take the necessary steps and put in place the documentation to re?ect these organizational changes and to inform and involve our union partners as appropriate. I appreciate your continued support of these important priority areas as we complete this effort.