i I 1 Executive While there has been continuity in many Bay Naval Our Nation remains engaged in a global in ietit {with 131$? a: ,1 I I. Sit? Detention and Into Order?"Detention and Interrogati mall?? i other associated international tite if (I ?st, gimp.? choosing, ut was declared against us by plotted an carried Outmass attacks agai Es well befor the atrocities of September 1 prerience con?rms that national interests depends upon the ability 5 Constitution, our laws. and our internatio mo 1 information about developing threats. Extpo; i . intelligence information is vital to taking 5 in against those groups that make war States in t2: .. 3, .w refrained om exercising certain authorities grit- Presidcnt Oama ordered a halt to all cla Intelligenoe Agency, including the use 0 3 intelligence community. Congress recently imposed further restricti Executive Order by prohibiting anyone iri ?t a opts I um} I officer, employee or other agent of the Unite (g facility owned, operated, or controlled by; a, armed con?ict.? from being interrogated using in the Army Field Manual 2?22.3. The ND ?9 not include techniques using ?force,? and I 5 United States publicly identify the interrogatin Irl the custody of the military or intelli code; statutory barrier to the resumption titre; defense f?i??i t1 m; 'e President Obama also ordered an end to et Base (Guantanamo). There a1 05% cc commission process for the trial of alien one Furthermore, the Nation?s most sensitive clasaif . enemy through public disclosures. and the i actions of intelligence of?cers, which had ay2011.51. .03. I II . II Ll ?ts States; l- I Hi game metros? I . - a ion policies authqriI if j; .. it it 3111 ofthe rest a On! .3 bility ofithe i to maintain an effective and lawful interr g: -I Act for the Fiscal Year 2016 (NDAA1112? exit agey i?lnitogmim Pm? ials. Th!e m? ofirnemy Combatami? ll ,emy if Eta not? -- . WW5 I $Mtes, i i dgmminuin I- lmd30l?l Ii- ll'l I'll I awaited mama: i i? in Ofalien enemy'cII I . I - rrogatiohttecthm 7 eriprovides Executive Order?Detention and Interrogation of Enemy Combatants EXECUTIVE ORDER DETENTION AND INTERROGATION OF ENEMY COMBATANTS By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. Revocation of Executive Orders. Executive Orders 13491 and 13492 of January 22, 2009, are revoked, and Executive Order 13440 is reinstated to the extent permitted by law. Sec. 2. Findings. After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, the United States determined that it would detain at the US. Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, aliens who were part of or supporting al Qaeda, the Taliban, and associated forces, and who had engaged in hostilities against the United States, its citizens, its allies, or its coalition partners. The detention facilities at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, are legal, safe, and humane, and are consistent with international conventions regarding the laws of war. Over 30 percent of detainees released from Guantanamo have returned to armed con?ict, according to unclassi?ed reporting. This group of detainees includes at least 12 individuals released from Guantanamo who have conducted attacks against US. personnel or allied forces in Afghanistan, killing six Americans, including a civilian aid worker. It is in the interests of the United States that the executive branch ensures the continuation of the detainee facilities at Guantanamo Bay as a critical tool in the ?ght against international I jihad-ist?terreristradical Islamist groups who are engaged in armed con?ict with the United States, its allies, and its coalition partners and who threaten the national security of the United States. Sec. 3. Continuing State of Armed Con?ict with International Terrorist Groups. The United States remains engaged in a global armed con?ict with al Qaeda, the Taliban, and associated forces, including with members of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, and with those who fight on behalf of or provide substantial support to or harbor such groups in furtherance of hostilities against the United States, its citizens, or its coalition partners. Sec. 4. Military Detention of Alien Enemy Combatants at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base. Subject to further direction from the President and consistent with the requirements of law, the Secretary of Defense shall maintain and continue to use the detention and trial facilities at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base for the detention and trial by military commission of alien enemy combatants captured in the armed con?ict described in section 3 of this order, including for the detention and trial of newly captured alien enemy combatants, as appropriate. The Secretary of Defense shall suspend any existing transfer efforts pending a new review as to whether any such transfers are in the national security interests of the United States. a:ees. 1 . . glfefmga?mm b- i ,cgrel?dary Mic @?therseni (Birth ii Wi the ineneral . ty of?cqr thi' interrht' n. a. policies 2-22?. - :l mOdi?C?tij [Sin addiftf thospliicies, a5 I -. tamy batants safe, 1a 14,, and effecti ,3 6. ?'11 C073 af?f?lng . 1 of UnitStates. The A: pmey Genet; Sci etaryi "Ii ameland Sec Why, and the - - w. poicies rc?dures Set drill in 141i? In} recommend 0112116 Pr?sifde mddi?d?ams t0 .- in the .ml? :1 r? algtured 11I?l- .- . nun-1.7 r1 . I . oTaem a Program I i .. Se. 7. "ii Rewew and acommendatm; gar:ch The #01116? W3 I of lamas a 1?0: mm 81513113the Presieint whethiel? to be operate" outside the States I J: wheth?r $113 5 w. I I 7 9531156 Ofd Mantle operated qtell aim peggemm Q7 en. tfelhgenTe M66 p; I If { ll.- Ir. . 1 . Ill-reco I to the Presi?enjt anyupda? '2 1111; ligence Agenq - ?a ons to ExeputWe meg 131440 0f mriate; 7 I . then the p69 in?? 313 . any legislati, 1311013033413 t; - 1. an to pep the resumptio; 011ngBvimxw and p?gemi; Th??crgtar . ?11? di?MOIOfHNatin?liImelili mtiher 'giDrknati: i 5 ~3 5 .. If?? .r . - I reJmmrel'lJLgi tha Pres?qg ow beat me - g?sg'Ii:i I'll.? I Ella-"is? :jin?h r-r Hun?i..? IIIagentiesions I t! . ?TheId?tention i S37: ?I'orl shall at any ti I 1 ifStandards of Treat or ent t1 Ii treatment . ?inst radigal Islam i' llcomply with all 1 - -