NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Our Ref: Date: IM-FOI-2015-2165 16 December 2016 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION (SCOTLAND) ACT 2002 I refer to your recent request for information referenced above and the subsequent appeal to the Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner (OSIC). I would first of all provide the following information by way of additional context. Through the Scottish Prevent Strategy we continue to work with partner agencies and different communities, to ensure we achieve a balanced and proportionate approach to safeguarding vulnerable individuals from radicalising influences. Prevent in Scotland is not new, and indeed we continue to enjoy positive relationships with all communities that have been built over many years, and which pre-date the recent UK Government legislation. Whilst National Security, including Prevent, is reserved to the UK Government, the way in which we deliver Prevent in Scotland very much reflects the needs of Scottish communities and the devolved nature of our partners. No matter the reasons why someone is vulnerable, the collective focus for Prevent is always on the early identification of risk to the individual in order to safeguard them. Where a vulnerable individual has been identified, appropriate partner agencies will work together to provide support to reduce the risk of any crime being committed. The support provided is always tailored to the specific needs of the individual at risk and responds to any vulnerability identified. Support may include signposting individuals to community groups who provide a safe space to discuss and debate challenging issues and who can suggest credible alternative viewpoints. Or, as is often the case, it may simply be about providing assistance to access mainstream services that can then support the individual. As required by OSIC in Decision Notice 233-2016, please see below the information originally withheld by Police Scotland. Q1 How many people have been referred by public bodies in Scotland into a local Prevent Professional Concerns process? Three individuals have been referred by public bodies in Scotland into the Prevent Professional Concerns process. Q2 Please provide a breakdown of this number by area. The areas involved were Fife, Inverness-shire and Dumfriesshire. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED @PoliceScotland PoliceScotland NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Q3 Of the total number, how many are aged between 13 and 16 years old? Two of the individuals were aged between 13 and 16 at the time of the referral. Q4 Of the total number, how many are 12 years old or younger? None were aged 12 or younger. Q5 Please provide a breakdown of this number by religious orientation, and ethnicity, if possible. All three were white Scottish. In two cases, the religion of the individual is recorded as Christian; in the other case the religion is recorded as unknown. Q6 Please provide a breakdown of this number by source, e.g. educational establishments, NHS, etc. One individual was referred by Education, the other two by the Police Service. Q7 Please provide a breakdown of this number by gender. All three were male. Q8 Please provide a breakdown of the total number for Scotland by month, providing a time-series to the start of the PREVENT programme in Scotland. One individual was referred in September 2012, the other two in October 2013. Q9 What is the age of the youngest person, and the oldest person, to be referred? The youngest person to be referred was aged 14 at the time, the oldest 26. Should you require any further assistance please contact me directly on 01382 596657 quoting the reference number given. Yours sincerely, Claire Sturrock Information Management NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED @PoliceScotland PoliceScotland