Policy Manhattan Beach Police Department 450 Policy Manual Portable Audio/Video Recorders 450.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE This policy provides guidelines for the use of portable audio/video recording devices by members of this department while in the performance of their duties. Portable audio/video recording devices include all recording systems whether body-worn, hand held or integrated into portable equipment. This policy does not apply to lawful surreptitious audio/video recording, interception of communications for authorized investigative purposes or to mobile audio/video recordings (see the Investigation and Prosecution and Mobile Audio/Video policies). 450.2 POLICY The Manhattan Beach Police Department may provide members with access to portable recorders, either audio or video or both, for use during the performance of their duties. The use of recorders is intended to enhance the mission of the Department by accurately capturing contacts between members of the Department and the public. 450.3 MEMBER RESPONSIBILITIES Prior to going into service, each uniformed member shall be responsible for making sure that he/ she is equipped with a portable recorder issued by the Department, and that the recorder is in good working order. If the recorder is not in working order or malfunctions at any time, the member shall promptly report the failure to his/her supervisor and obtain a functioning device as soon as practicable. Uniformed members should wear the recorder in a conspicuous manner whenever possible. Any member assigned to a non-uniformed position may carry an approved portable recorder at any time the member believes that such a device may be useful. Unless conducting a lawful recording in an authorized undercover capacity, non-uniformed members should wear the recorder in a conspicuous manner when in use or otherwise notify persons that they are being recorded, whenever possible. When using a portable recorder, the assigned member shall record his/her name, MBPD identification number and the current date and time at the beginning and the end of the shift or other period of use, regardless of whether any activity was recorded. This procedure is not required when the recording device and related software captures the user’s unique identification and the date and time of each recording. Members should document the existence of a recording in any report or other official record of the contact, including any instance where the recorder malfunctioned or the member deactivated the recording. Members should include the reason for deactivation. Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2016/11/01, All Rights Reserved. Published with permission by Manhattan Beach Police Department Portable Audio/Video Recorders - 293 Manhattan Beach Police Department Policy Manual Portable Audio/Video Recorders 450.4 ACTIVATION OF THE PORTABLE RECORDER This policy is not intended to describe every possible situation in which the portable recorder should be used, although there are many situations where its use is appropriate. Members should activate the recorder any time the member believes it would be appropriate or valuable to record an incident. The portable recorder should be activated in any of the following situations: (a) All enforcement and investigative contacts including stops and field interview (FI) situations (b) Traffic stops including, but not limited to, traffic violations, stranded motorist assistance and all crime interdiction stops (c) Any other contact that becomes adversarial, or confrontational after the initial contact. (d) Search warrants, forced entry, and warrantless searches, including vehicles. (e) Interrogations of suspects. Members should remain sensitive to the dignity of all individuals being recorded and exercise sound discretion to respect privacy by discontinuing recording whenever it reasonably appears to the member that such privacy may outweigh any legitimate law enforcement interest in recording. Requests by members of the public to stop recording should be considered using this same criterion. Recording should resume when privacy is no longer at issue unless the circumstances no longer fit the criteria for recording. At no time is a member expected to jeopardize his/her safety in order to activate a portable recorder or change the recording media. However, the recorder should be activated in situations described above as soon as practicable. 450.4.1 CESSATION OF RECORDING Once activated, the portable recorder should remain on continuously until the member’s direct participation in the incident is complete or the situation no longer fits the criteria for activation. Recording may be stopped during significant periods of inactivity such as report writing or other breaks from direct participation in the incident. 450.4.2 EXPLOSIVE DEVICE Many portable recorders, including body-worn cameras and audio/video transmitters, emit radio waves that could trigger an explosive device. Therefore, these devices should not be used where an explosive device may be present. 450.5 PROHIBITED USE OF PORTABLE RECORDERS Members are prohibited from using department-issued portable recorders and recording media for personal use and are prohibited from making personal copies of recordings created while onduty or while acting in their official capacity. Members are also prohibited from retaining recordings of activities or information obtained while on-duty, whether the recording was created with department-issued or personally owned Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2016/11/01, All Rights Reserved. Published with permission by Manhattan Beach Police Department Portable Audio/Video Recorders - 294 Manhattan Beach Police Department Policy Manual Portable Audio/Video Recorders recorders. Members shall not duplicate or distribute such recordings, except for authorized legitimate department business purposes. All such recordings shall be retained at the Department. Members are prohibited from using personally owned recording devices while on-duty without the express consent of the Watch Commander. Any member who uses a personally owned recorder for department-related activities shall comply with the provisions of this policy, including retention and release requirements. Recordings shall not be used by any member for the purpose of embarrassment, intimidation or ridicule. 450.7 RETENTION OF RECORDINGS Any time a member records any portion of a contact that the member reasonably believes constitutes evidence in a criminal case, the member shall record the related case number and transfer the file in accordance with current procedure for storing digital files and document the existence of the recording in the related case report. Transfers shall occur at the end of the member’s shift, unless otherwise approved by a superviser to transfer at another time. If at any time a supervisor approves holding a transfer of a recording, the supervisor shall advise the administrative lieutenant, in writing, of the circumstances explaining the delayed transfer. Any time a member reasonably believes a recorded contact may be beneficial in a non-criminal matter (e.g., a hostile contact), the member should promptly notify a supervisor of the existence of the recording. 450.7.1 RETENTION REQUIREMENTS All recordings shall be retained for a period consistent with the requirements of the organization’s records retention schedule but in no event for a period less than 180 days. 450.7 RELEASE OF RECORDINGS Recordings made using portable recording devices pursuant to this policy are department records and may only be released as provided in the Release of Records and Information Policy or for other authorized legitimate department business purposes. 450.8 REVIEW OF RECORDINGS Supervisors are authorized to review relevant recordings any time they are investigating alleged misconduct or reports of meritorious conduct. Recorded files may also be reviewed: (a) Upon approval by a supervisor, by any member of the Department who is participating in an official investigation, such as a personnel complaint, administrative investigation or criminal investigation. (b) When preparing a Civil Liability Package. Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2016/11/01, All Rights Reserved. Published with permission by Manhattan Beach Police Department Portable Audio/Video Recorders - 295 Manhattan Beach Police Department Policy Manual Portable Audio/Video Recorders (c) Pursuant to lawful process or by court personnel who are otherwise authorized to review evidence in a related case. (d) By media personnel with permission of the [agencyHead] or the authorized designee. (e) In compliance with a public records request, if permitted, and in accordance with the Records Maintenance and Release Policy When video/audio is reviewed, disciplinary action will not be initiated for any observed non-criminal or inconsequential policy violations, which are unrelated to the incident being investigated. However, appropriate training action may be taken by supervisors to ensure that policies are understood and adhered to by personnel. When preparing written reports, members should review their recordings as a resource. However, members shall not retain personal copies of recordings. Members should not use the fact that a recording was made as a reason to write a less detailed report. All recordings should be reviewed by the Custodian of Records prior to public release (see the Records Maintenance and Release Policy). Recordings that unreasonably violate a person’s privacy or sense of dignity should not be publicly released unless disclosure is required by law or order of the court. Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2016/11/01, All Rights Reserved. Published with permission by Manhattan Beach Police Department Portable Audio/Video Recorders - 296