I . 4r. .- ..J. h- . - cu'mms ABD mnwmimzipmum. a; . 52.1 memoirs :3 ma 2,h.5 ACID magma . amalgam 31! 1:9: Grimm. warrant, sumo?It; . .IItimeoutsdotm'aina the "palatial landmiuity -- man I 1.. - 55421914 M00 9 . cl - . -. ?w'irl v- . - -, r. -ulsic-f I 1.163;: mi mule I .. gigs-=13 mama thro? (3) #Mm mom mall :21th- _tmiur??rmnlad {Jam mam-1W2. -. . . -- .7 :evlith' mamm.m par-fumed an mbhits.? lane 01: discussed}. I, 51f?li$10th the "thank amTau. l' - "f I m2mama to he the #151?: mu -r - a. .11? [m mama mudiw {pm a: "epithelial mamas; mom" ?r .1 - ?1 sf?gmtimphamoc, and finally, pawn? mm'tf ?m mm mm. mm mm ?8146 this .I.. me? ?am? in ma?mmluv; 1 -.- - - a 945)?. - - - - a .- n, . I -- -2- 'i?ha obgarmtiona of Parnell ?on tho postnatal amlopamt of tha GHISL M00- "bsoaqna glands m? the, putth amg? ta mung: mm or. animating 3159msih??rxmnof to .lfr'; 5.3-. 1 . .iv. 4- a. . . 13.55 27. ?nll and ?lls 7 . with at ?ames of (hascalla in 1.136 __matnry i magi. rim' can: anti-PM? ?19151? . - mm "?xy'v . -. at c. Eras-5a: . - 2m m: a. ?ram-11:: mow-311m- phan? 91" ?ue pal-harps min gluing-a .V .: - ?If: .: -.. . -- 15? f-l-u -.--. i . .- . - an! ducts mum-Joins: in m. -: gnaw-means cuppa-tad meander tho rut animal. Firatlm hair m1. and concomitant. 191ml dung,rat we well know; 3 Sammyrmmim'bln h?tohm. than available data on the errant of upplying mien: ?bula}. mince; . . - . 10 the quid-mun -..-.-. -- . ., s. . A. I, War-.144:14,- I . '17 I. vain?.4: - . u'qg(in?considaratiun of mung paging-M gland -. . .. . ti; ME #1591? it ?i?swim: A that. mum is; m" maze? grim?? W357 .320. uni-mew; 2: i. Imam mW??l?fjhEW. -. . - -..- 1-. -. - .. .- :1 innjba?avnlogiag'satnoeoul I .?iwz: . -. .nli?fgf??i?}: ~39? m. WPH 7. . - 54.; - - - - 113a (?ring mam may 01' ?lm pro?ts hm #gnagm: to the skin 31m alv- . .6 . rem-am I I any Wait-nation fem-ding taxi.an 9f." - 16 MW. Swiss! or .. 6d. :3 :81; - #:6qu a . r? ?1341." "fir-5? 1049.Z-n'f -. - 5:5. .- - . - rt.- - .I: .-- ?nu-.1 "Ltlv;'fl "57" Inn-7:, - Ill . --. HI ?rm. :r?r mammal Animist nude - mu in thin Laboratory tam: in ob." TSLISL - - ,tninad Caz-warm Flu-an, Backhand, fork. . I (-HMS: - ?n 'm I. swung. auxin insignia.th - - . . 3.11:?am?2,1; I - . V?s-r -. 1? . .-.. . -- ?Maxim? ta'at?mqmumm uhed for' ayplinatinn?to the. am ruptured ?ght except 113' an o?f Oaks? mm: diaaolvad 1n sat-er. ?u tun-?4?; bmz-imnga 4- A def-n taut-litaI-m-n'ing mm??mn. 18149 ?uaud mm at: minim-1:15. It -- - I I I?d? -. . ?dgui; a; - ot-J?hgmma -- 31-9. .. - ?if . as- Mawhas. 2 in length during-tho . w: um.? - Mudml's - ?ema- m? 33924191thug _upmnonts, tin (S) hilly trotted applications dado inch day, The -. am and: whim appliad ?t'ad Ind ream-M . 151' km??th . . Ecltw may. (we Mk: nu- iwm. in 1? '1 I In 1.513 W7 . 3m garawf "f . j' 3'14: - - - . ..-. - -. -- . .with - - - .. ritamv "aim" .13: . . . Fl ?Navy?? j. - - - - ;?Anp'Wham period: or varying?dnnu More . - - 1.?au.aphases hair? I. 5 Wham ma coma by treating A hue;- was inn much uaad a for th? bung ??lf 5.41.5: I apps-'ni'aed. other controls were used in (tuba-Int phhbou at" tho total Wm process, Ind ?warn.? gim?gpregi - syn-:- -, 1:1? 'dr?aar . . -.. .fzxzi ?g..me ?italinil? - .i . . I. a. amend; tho skin or the M1 was malted m- with - I a dry camel's hair brush for 15 times. ngusa MOO a, run-9mm: tho 9f ?aw-1 in! 'i-i-irand located wax-the matu- or the 3mm was dun "Am painted any with can of ua'maral :nmm may for marine} or was as mu- . -ntad 1n Tablas Iv and v. can sit- unsaved at I a mw, and mmg'. I Mama and gained rims ma." ifan: m-.32941:?? +35I.- J.'tun-3m" ga?tgm??rg-I; "at-tax. - 3-, I .3321--.- -- 15-.- . n' 9-4-4: - w; ?ab 3- D. armory of Pmoedm'oa; WIS or ?an Miami: an mart:in in Tablesfollows(Tabla I, Sections A and B). . u, I 2,h,5 and u. control mbs?mm war. applied mucus to the skin of Wan; rats. Thane Applicatin . 12.1.mI-Iu -.-- gs mug; Moo viewable and the control abut-men! m0 @1311? i I to skin of mm 1'3? ?m8 W115 Pm?? ?f the hair The ?rst gram of animals was treated during - 3.513-.-. . .. . a (J) mud,? mgnu-phalol during- -. swam? . - . ?d?hlompmc?ua acid, ??olWaoh and (kl-?60. were Wind repeatedly to rat. for 60 - applications in an ?wt to dates-aim Inimls prior b19911 .411 . - -.- . . - .- . I - .- A- - finIf-?In Wt: I51 - ?9 mam?an(mum . .I - ..--. . . .. .n . gj?. . . .1 - . u-hi?: I .. I . I the skin m; (In) mun subjects with apparently norm]. II I I fur mind of 27 days. gas. mm: m, (m1.11germ?) 413 ?mu; - . th?m?ml??md ?hgs-f??o lppliod a: w' -: . If -- ml: organ 'mum of h?mn subject- (tm in ash with uppnruntly normal skin, for a period or 59 dun. 2.14.5 2 1. was Ian-tho ml manyInna-.1? \l?TtF*xaaq?hm?" AJrn-v? .. ?if ..- . ..-.. - I r. -- 'vu- "'rr r- Iram'i?l?n "In! two ?5131-15 fwibh?'?aw?m?mu ?Mm99:. T91, "Moo- appu?-a?dh" to Skit; or lulu rats 7 5% #1 awn.Loh'" . mm'? 1? 4' I: 9f phan- o: 63rd@2108 in wad a tam. _npplicu? urn-Emulation a! mug21;. . . I - II IIit.? .. - - -Iv?us . - . .-, calca' for a pried -, -. ?l I . ma Mn. .an1 2:75- . l' 'r?e "z a "5 -- ?alv-IJI J-qq _i-q-un- --..M -- I .. . - guy. I chug-.- 4'mla rats to: perimh up to 31mm. failed Ju- 3pm..? . 39-'25F'rf?t-.-I - J. .. oz? Fibula-51m managing an; lam cr other mumskint- ll Wamm'pmad, prudde no 31mm or pmmam chm-m 1n the ma. 15153 . - If?, . . .3 - i ?pm-1' 1" PW _mu a warm ..-- I II . tun-MacI.I.6. the application or 57-; column a: ?when 1031;" to human skin 5% "pm-10d produced no clinical pgt?ologiml .- aw?. In?euum and mama-Jun gmuem . I1: lid."- It.? 1- - - . J?s ?lth. . II, - hiv- imd tour (14) of 31th thin than such as marina 1011;". ?13mm mditiana mloyad. {In rats, 372 . Qaiiomh Human 98-1-60W tam. 31 than. - . . mlagtreet, and 1-5 or ?iiz'insa' aka>111 9?er 1 1. ?f ?mt. . - c: new; mug-muons, 1.abt?.? - . an". Vu?- II - - "-272 - L2. (it. .- .. - 1 9? 24115-1? 1953.534 Ml?catim. i. .- 1,39; tricl?nroinuoh_ 5:33 2;:5335 j. -i ,Iiin?plin. ?atw- ?no clinical or pnunlagi?gal - 11;. . 12,4?. .- -- ?hl?hw th- pix-mums which 1m ?ht m. gunman: . phi mulmt 1hHmm? "tau-.9- 1:25?. if; ja- smut. Bum prunmt qua-um to be mind in non?Jay i-A - [u??ywr?h?a-uq?? div-"15r- vim . - .-. . . -.- - . . . KIA. the rat an limx'iato ?hm. If}; .v I automates-La per dose applied to at mus1'1. 2 1-. . . 23mm not other mm a! entry into the body he considered in .Iln?gr-vi- afi- uf31h: pummel! at of - I- . mm?; w, I to this ant-chin which: of ma imam m?vn'rrawp' - $15.33!; I?kin a?de with ?1m.? 9w ?cumming . -.-114% *3 - m. ?mitt: MW Manta comm u. and -m -- adiabgum-d,- - . .b-Iu. I. . .- sph? 5- - - nth-J-ln' .. I .- . IIhi. hump. Arm-7.11.. on-..-. '1 .- a I- .uf. - . -.. - .qS?n.11., -. rbk- 's gm?. 'th I mainly may]? upon_ tamyualy dawlpp, arI I111 dash than my__ :71 fomm?ar inflammation gin the dog or at; I -- I It. would be Vol.1 to consider alnq mains umIin I in which than is an abunchmo uhlm I . . . - - Luv-1.- such a: sit) in the ?xterm; ?awry-W31" tho am: {not ., 7th- at the ?rich #11011 In why-ad hy am and - was). ma mm? or thin Harm'- 3' -. . 337m" "W'Wnamwmw; .I.. .. I .15.-- (an.--.. nun l? I 2. Since that de?es or mkriala were unwind in mam 3mm 1 ?mgbaut egch max-mt, the dam/Hum r.qu saw. in 'm . . -I-II . - - Mac-?.-.. .- -- "3'53" -- $5 - Man's II in: with Md tau-em11m? in 0.1. 1' mm inmi?rleiant th in hm- mm tic-uagar'irr.--I.. - I. .-.. -. .131 . Inf.-.- -- . - .. - .I I. II ?5 rzf?i?g??v? .i?e "av?5: a: 1:ll-l -, - .?IuI-lI-tzv-r-u-w-?- I-- r" .- 1 no Since in an naryr?Pd 1? u- - - -- A12. ?n material ta tho errant-ad cram tbs. in mm should be seriously was.de in this summation. In -.- I- Wm? Maugatmm'mmoum arm? . . and manual .1: -I-:Wem-m? 144-4l-?a r. . d-l-?-.-- ?aa. htasrwg-z?nm?bnm I f?m?-mWh-?I ?M?vf-?iw I sum-n - -- - v- ?inI II: I .. . .-- -..I .. I .. 'Im-gm-uwkrM-?II.. 7 . - - I II.-.I..Helmmuu- - . ,4 ?ggp?? .MGWI 13.83" Hg?u?dlg?xh1_ ..-- 4I.. Iz. ..Ifir . ?51-?..515121.15. .mail: that cutaneous absorption of smegma under upod- Iknantal noudi?nm my be ?uted. To entrance nah absorption ?r'?mcuurtg tag" $31-09 1' r' .- ..Lr I ?Wax-1A1.4. .1 . . . Eryn-t: 13.3.. vi- - - ;?i?ftti' I Jrpoufble?thnt?mn? or ill of {the fur {13 W05 '9 =4 v. 51- iris-H- 4. w. gas-ii?am?? 5&5; he} 333:"? unit awn-pain. We? since the m?ornp?u?ini f; mmu?'rmlta mm mm. manna-ha, thin 5 Iu Inn. as tho mink- of the ?mum, I I 5'1" 3? ?We ?Mam . -. .- . .. phuo an. - -. '.tut~37 ?Riki-?529v: - z. . bum. I twin-I'M Iho' rim-954 9.15:1: gunIn?. Id. . --. Juana; mime; Mental-.-..-- -. . . . nativity should be carried out. aim;qust in direc- 15% m- j; 7 .1193 men arise currently in ma 2.h.5-T donpi I - . 6r I- of tho menus and rigid Wm mm?Mouton that newsman are still being: and that the patsntinl - 1P157 - - I hard 1: still promt'r?ril-Wmm' - 1'43, -- I I ii-??vwr M. . .-. zit-Ex 1227"Ti-.1- 023d .. V. I - .. n- a ?gurative; ?mforo; that a mutant-1m of . {All gamma.? or ?mm-3cm? and a detailed mathrise to the ?mm-n out, I or abjontifpa o?n TDDLIQL Moo Hati?nda q! stuck? must be _davalnped before the - ?bolppranohad. It?nmu?romomhimduk?lma mime of mama .-amm;a as "?sh 3:15am m. I a; the suspected mm,'poaa1bla. requira W?mum in _r hailed mm: mm ?rwtiuna This study in turns of not last a ?rag-- to five-gear" .133h?ws1.1. ~11 . ..-. . . a! 351-, p? . - -. - ug?fp_ I$31.4. ?asmar-w'r_me; tea 3w. 1.1}ij- 133?1'w'?qlmh?? -. . - my"; -.-..-.- . - - --. 4-. - -- . .-. .13..-. 1' .- .- 9-: - .I-u 7. - I . m-md-muudc ?Tenth 5.If43?. I. . is 4- w'or. a $-high combationa and 13an cutaneous arms to a I (If mimln including 505; cm, rats, etc. the cutaneous and mums effect: or lam aoimgana aha-dual ante-n1: from the $11.-.-J-. - over an extended period by inhalation and a, m1 roo?ng. A variety of minute]. munch should be mod. - it); a. the sebaceous-rich skin of tin external and I. . - {?rthPr.- . -. I - -- ?gamut. magnum in?rm .9: _mm amt-.?4.x Ava-5:54:uyu'au-prwa-h" - taut-W?W' van.?- --?mlu Iv-Mo? . 563g?? ?Kg 33.3023 n3 3 5% was; M00 .a . .I. .I.. . .I . Elwinan"? .I I.- II. Farr. . . . .- r.l. .. . 933?. gauge. man 83353?. FEE. . on .56.I.Ialt?II . . Em. on maggots. 95.48..I.}..Iiullk . 55.5.1 I0. .I@5336363."3an .rc: 3888a. .. . . {.933an.gguiggji.I-.- I.. ..I I. .I.. a. waili?if: ?(Iii-I. .I.Wain: . z. ..I 21 .. . LiImquA-fE?Jz?u .r .f ..oumpg? . Hug . ButTlh'r? 1?1 t. u. . I. unfit .. Fur. .fni . .. .21.:11til. u. A . I - gun-4 .. rll.u JI 4&2: .5 is. 4% .43rnur . . . .rt: . . . .. . . 11.. . a . {litanlhl at.I.. . . .I.IIhunini .I u- .I . Jill. .II . I?ll . . I I .I.I...I.II1IILII1I .. . Ivl .I.I..I.. . .I.. I I I I .I.. I. .. . . I.I.IllIrlI .fl IIll .. It.? I flu.I.. I. I I. .I . 51.. I .IDOW 751763 mutant. to ?ll. or [Input-II A 31:15.39: am. Li; aston- of 2,11 . . .2: If mil IHII II. .. . I .I- I :Innh?k?itamff I . .I. .. lawman I Platim_ Sift-J Elk": l?u'fu Iv Mac13-Janu- I 19911 My 34:1", th of Lu. - Applian- Mom . {my - Applied flatl- . . . In. .5 1 I11I?ll(.2215 (5'ntli. [II-?.IIT .- .Iull. . . .. C. 4.211212% .. n 1 I. Jillfury-34.324 .l .4118}. . . . J. Armani.) 'Jto-nuoa rum man noIl..i..v \xli! 0? 1.I. . .J . I A.- 1.31.? .Jll. .1. II LI. 1 Lilli-gr? I .7111?. 15184 x1. I: ..33:1 .. til. ?5 w. 0 mu?an {lino Luau . I - .. . IliumIla-ll . (ItIl. l. .Ef?tvdihu?il? EJ.U!l.rluluall I Siknfri .. . . .. angina .. a ht: . vi??vtuif . . 1.1.. I .?Irll (bulgingtaught ..?ibw?dlnd?umhbg . . i I .. .1: lily-.I . .- In grd?itn?tfqh??m?i . . . . . .?ulr inductIll-I} . 1 .. . (ganglalhl?di. . (.1111! . . . .. pill .. . - .I rll. I I. all 4 . J.- willGIL . . . (run?alt. . a I. I- 1 . . ?4 gunk.lhlilr. u. .0 . - 11.1Ill. .4 l..lul.?ll.u.l.luv .. .I - ?lly??1.11 I'ill?vun II: . In?.3.3.. . imam?.uni-?n?? 1.77.4.-.I..IVE ?Pathogenesis of Chemically Induced Acne? The objectives of this study are: to compare quantitatively the responses - of human skin with rabbit skin to chemical acneigens, and (2), to study in detail the structural and bacteriologic changes which occur during the CD . :3 evolution of experimentally induced human disease. a. The subjects will be healthy adult male prisoners -- inmates of the Philadelphia County Prison at Holmesburg, Philadelphia. b. acneigens - 2 substances of different potency will be evaluated: 1. ether 2. tetrachlorodibenzol dioxane c. procedures: - The initial studies will be carried out on the back applying . 05 ml. of the aneigen in a suitable solvent to a 2? square of skin. The area will be covered with a square of gauze held in place by strips of adhesive. The applications will be made once daily. The principle variables will be concen- tration and total number of applications. The aim here will be to establish thresh- old concentrations for various numbers of exposure. This will require. of course, a considerable number?sof range finding experiments. Both anergens will be applied to the skin of the same subject in the final tests. Moreover. tests of liver function will be included as follows: SCOT, BSP. Bilirubin, Alkaline Phosphatase, and Cephalin Flocculation. 16189 d. fathogenesis - The skin will be examined for clinical signs of change. At appropriate times, punch bi0psies'will be removed and stained as follows: 8: E, Orcein-Giemsa. Hale, Mallory and Alkaline Phosphatase. These procedures will give detailed information of the effect on vasculature, the of mucopolysaccharides, collagen and elastin, and the general archi- tecture. Enzyme content will be evaluated by histochemical procedures for ATP'ase and succinic dehydrogenase. As regards three dimensional views of the lesions, the epithelium will be separated by sodium bromide and mounted in tact as a sheet. e. bacteriology - Cornedones will be removed at various stages and the contents sampled qualitatively and quantitatively for bacterial contents. For comparison, a similar study will be conducted on comedones derived from patients with acne vulgaris. Lesions which become inflammed will be sampled for their bacterial content, either by biopsy or by aspirating i'luid. f. horny layer - The horny layer from treated sites will be separated as a sheet and studied structurally, physically and chemically. Values for normal horny layer have been obtained. We wish to know whether hyperkeratotic samples represent an increase-"in mitotic activity or whether the epidermis is pathologically altered at the same time. The rate of desquamation of the horny layer will be estimated by measuring the time required for the disappearance of a ?uorescent dye which has been appropriately usedto stain the above horny layer. -2- 16170- CLOVER LABORATORI Es. INC. P. 0. 7686_ PHILADELPHIA I. EVtiontcu 6-3459 December 21, 1964 8996151. MW To: Dr. V. K. Rowe Biochemical Research Laboratory 1701 Building The Dow Chemical Company Midland, Michigan From Albert M. Kligman, M. D. Clover Laboratories, Inc. P. O. Box 7686 Philadelphia. Pa. For: Study with Acnnigenic substances Help and Overhead at Prison - 000. 00 Subiects: . Approx. 100, average cost $15.00 per subject 1, 500. 00 Bacteriology l, 000. 00 Histology and Histochemistry 000. 00 Miscellaneous: I Materials, Photos. Hormones, etc. 500.00 Total 000. 00 University Overhead 20% 200. 00 TOTAL $7.200. 00 Grant to be made out to Trustees of The University of 15171 g. Prevention and Treatment 5 It is known that x-rays. estrogens, and keratolytic agents are helpful in acne vulgaris. The beneficial effects of these modalities will be evaluated. h. miscellaneous studies Limited attempts will be made to evaluate the effect of age, sex, and body area on the develoPment of experimental acne. Re spe ctfull ubmitted. Albert M. Kligman. M.D. I 6996M MOO . - . - Jab 18172 4? . that have had implants. Department of Agriculture told Environment that residues of DES are not ordinarily found in animals with implants because the levels of DES are below the sensitivity of the analytical techniques used, but that there were A spokesman for the undoubtedly some residues. The Spokesman also explained that the small farmer will be hurt by a partial ban on DES because whereas large farm operations can simply switch to implants, the small farmer does not have the equipment needed for implantation. A SHARP INCREASE in the incidence of a particular type of liver cancer in North Vietnam may be related to herbicide spraying programs, according to Dr. Ton Th'at Tung of the University of Hanoi. Dr. George Perera who visited Dr. Tung on behalf of the American Friends Service Committee told Environment that Dr. Tung had seen a greater than five-fold increase in liver hepatoma cases between? the periods 1955?61 and 1962-66. Perera said that Dr. Tung suspects that dioxin, a contaminant of the herbicide 2, which causes birth defects, can cause liver cancer. Human liver samples suspected of containing small amounts of dioxin have been sent to the U.S. for analysis, but techniques to test for low quantities of the chemical are still in the developmental stage. Although no herbicide spraying was conducted over North Vietnam, Dr. Tung claims that there is a great deal of movement between North and South, so that his patients in Hanoi may have been affected by in the South. is again in the courts. A federal district court Judge in Arkansas issued a preliminary injunction June 23 against the. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) plan to hold' public hearings concerning the fate of the registration of the herbicide for use on rice crops. In a case brought by Dow Chemical Company, a manufacturer of the herbicitE.-, the Judge ruled that Willi-mi Ruckeishaus, administrator of EPA, must make a clearrul decision on whether or not to ban 2,4, for the spec1fied use beinre hearings are hi-l'i. Last summer Ruckelshaus fnnrul that he had insufficient evidence to make a final decision and ., -'dered a hearing. A spokesman. for EPA explained to Environment that the administrator's order was sufficient, and said that a notice of appeal had been filed. When asked if Dow was using as a test case, a spokesman for the company told Environment that "We've got to stop this ridiculous mess somewhere; who else is going to stand up in a case like this?" A CORRELATION may exist between air pollution and what is knoWn as the sudden infant death in which an apparently healthy infant is found dead in its crib. Preliminary analyses made by Dr. Bertram Carnow of the University of Illinois Medical School showed that when sulfur dioxide and particulate air levels were high, there was an associated rise in the incidence of sudden infant deaths. However, Dr. Carnow told Environment that further analyses have yet to back up the preliminary work. Dr. Carnow theorizes that the sudden deaths are actually due to a constriction of the throat opening caused by acute tracheobronchitis, which is aggravated by high air pollution levels. A NEW PRICING regulation by the Federal Power Commission (FPO) may spur exploration and development of new natural gas resources in the U.S. The FPC, which now regulates gas prices, will allow gas producers to sell in the interstate market without being 7 restricted to current area price ceilings at the wellhead, reports Coal News, August 4.- However, the new ruling applies only to gas from reserves discovered after April 6 or gas diverted from intrastate markets. The Commission retained the right to ensure that gas prices will remain "in the public interest." Natural gas, one of the cleanest fuels, has been in short supply, a_fact which Coal News says is attributable to "restrictive FPC price regulation of gas at the wellhead. A NEW WAY of controlling mosquitoes is being studied by Clyde Umphlett of Clemson University. A report in BioScience, luly, states that Umphlett is working with a microscopic fungus that attacks-and kills mosquito larvae. If the fungus is found to be without unacceptable side effects, it could eliminate the need for spraying pesticides or oil on mosquito breeding grounds. The fungus is extremely effective on several Species of Awe. - m, 24 the report of an advisory committee H- Bantam/toe S99IOONH Vol H, No 7 3 ?~1pr- MIDLAND June 21, 1968 H. Ferguson M. Wiltse J. R. Ridner C. A. Bryant 0. H. Hammer . . . a son W. J. McCoy CC: 'Your letter to Andy Watson has been passed to me for ans? wering. Enclosed are several pieces of literature_dealing with the 1930 TFEIEE JUN 2 1 1953 .BIOPRODUCTS DEPT. ZIQIBEMOG ?toxicological aspects of silvex. A good summary of the effects on fish has been assembled by The summary by Mullison lists could supply if you feel this of silvex ester and salts Hammer. several references that we is necessary. - 'The size of the market you mention in your letter was a bit surprising but perhaps this includes some other areas than New Zealand. I have sent a copy of this letter to W. J. McCoy. He will advise you on his thoughts regarding the world market for silvex. Let us know if we can be of further help. H. Davidson Plant Science Research and Development Agricultural Products Center bk encl . . 18174 I ad arranged for a Joint conference between 57 the USDA es of -5 Biological and Physical Sciences, FDA. Attending th n2 wereg; 2008 NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS ASSOCIATION ngice Correspondence . -. I If} n. I Mr. Hitchner JV 27 .. FROM: Jack Dreessen July 28 Conference with SUBJECT: - 2,h-D and 2,h,5-T on grazing July 28 in the office of Mr. R. S. Roe, Direct moo Haller_- Agricultural.Research Service, Ennis,-Jr. - Weed Sections, USDA Shaw - weed Sections, USDA Klingman, Weed Sections USDA .e . i - .. Coyne - Pesticide Regulation Section, USDA . Walker - Pesticide Regulation Section, USDA Ligon - Pesticide_Regulation Section, USDA Cummings - Pesticide Regulation Section, USDA S. Roe - . J. Lehman - FDA Vbrhes - FDA Jo A. Noons - NAG Dreessen - NAC I ici . 901990? a- The writer had met with?Dra w. B. Ennis, Jr., in.advance of the meeting and together we worked out a suggested agenda which in turn 5 was forwarded to all participants by Dr. Heller who presided at the .31-conference. Ennis and myself. 1. The following is the suggested agenda as developed by Purpose of Meeting -_$g_detergine the information needed to con- tinue recommendations and pasturee;and rangelands, ?ume H. L. Heller (5 min.) Status of registration of 2,h-D and 2,h,5-T on grazing lands. J. T. Coyne, PPCD, ARSG min.) What industry is doing to comply with Miller Amendment with reference to use of 2,h7D and on pastures and rangelands. Jack Dreessen, NACA (5 min.) Necessity for continuing uses of 2,h?D. - - D. L. Klingman,ARS, (5 min.) Analysis of existing data on residues of 2,h-D, and a, MCPA when used on grazing lands. i?gi? J. T. Coyne, PPCD, ABS (5 min.) u. 1 'I-l a? 4r?) 7. - 2 6. An?lgsis of existing data on the pharmacology of and 2, - . J. Lehman, FDA (5 min Discussion of questions raised concerning registration. On June__v9,r_,l_955, Mr. E._I_oynn_wrote to Mr. w. B. Rankin I 'that"the bulk of the ?year is made. following"3xcerpts are taken from that letter: am writing to be sure that Mr. Sunderland and I have a clear understanding of the conclusions reached with respect to 2,h-D and the related compounds in_our meet3.7.9? mm 3 .24"191.9 .af 1 ensth the #0513351? 2,u-D and opinion til-rears: . cam-.1 as._.out__1.n Stock gratinggonwsuchmlandsware?not slaughtered?gor months later. A high percentagenof?this stock after they are removed from the range and before they are_slaughtered. Thus it did not seem likely to us that early transient exposure to these chemicals would constitute a residue problem in stock slaughtered several months later. You took this 7 03 matter up with your colleagues and gave us the opinion that it appeared there_was_no possibility of auresidue problem undermthese circumstances and that you would- not askfus to_obtain data on this particular problem.? Mr. Rankin replied to Mr. Lynn's letter on June 15 as follows: "This acknowledges receipt of your letter of June 9, 1955 which reflects accurately our understanding of the - questions discussed at our conference on June 3. "In reading the letter I realize that there is one additional comment which needs to be made about the problem of?residues of herbicides on forage. _??hherbi: cide_residues_are present on forage, other than_alfalfa, which moves 1n_interstate commerce,mpn baled hay for" exampletholerances or exemptions would_need to be? 'established for them.f - - sunny .1 I .muw?a?u h. - ?he situation_ooncerning may be grazing have'not_changed, since_l955, the normally applied early in the grazing season, application rates one'applicition_per If the same conclusions he?drawnmtoday as in'1955 then there is no possibility of a residue problem under these circumstances and recommendations can be con- 1nqu 0 i How much and what kind of data are needed to determine whether there are residues in milk? 75' h. - - 3 - How sensitive a method is required in running residue 'i studies on milk? 'Will data obtained by chemical, bio- logical and radiological methods be evaluated on an equal'f 4 ml? basis? . In a letter dated April 12, 1955, from w. s. Rankin to Mr. L. S. Hitchner the following statements were made: T"The toxicity data on 2,h-D would not in our opinion Justify the establishment of a tolerance higher than . ru?s parts per million for this herbicideaa?rti?isr?i??ir .. I. "The method used to determine residues of 2,h-D should - detect residues of 0.5 and at a-level of should be accurate to plus or_minus_0.5 1 Can data accumulated on residues from~ one ester be applied() -to other esters?_ one salt to another? . i ..L If residues are found, are there adequate pharmacological 'gg data to establish a tolerance for milk? I If residues are found to occur in milk from animals grazing 00 treated forage and it is found that these residues are no longer prevalent within number of days after treatment ?a will registration be continued by including on the label a statement to the effect "Do not allow milk animals_to graze on pastures treated with 2,h-D within -days after treatment." . 8. Sumarization 'The various items on_the agenda were discussed and the following are my impressions as to statements made by various persons attending the conference. - 1. Dr. Heller merely expressed a desire to try to develOp what is required for the Department of Agriculture to continue recommending the use of 2,h-D and 2,h,5-T on pastures and range lands. 2. Hr. Coyne stated that the status of registration of 2,h-D and on grazing lands has not changed as far as his section was concerned. He indicated that letters which have been sent to registrants in reference to clearing the use of 2,h-D on range and pasture lands had been mailed to put the Industry on notice that such uses had not been cleared in the Section's opinion but that registrations were not being cancelled. It was his Opinion that the basic producers' action in removing the use of 2,h-D on range and pasture lands had been done at the Industry's own volition. Es went on to use of continue is indicated by administrative the ing these uses ,w?i-twwould . .be aocop?ed. Attached as exhibit 1 is a copy of a letter to one of our men or ?ompanies similar to those that have-been sent to other registrants of 2,h-D in reference to this problem. 181?7_' I -1..- 3. I commented that the Industry removed the use of 2,h-D on . pasture and range lands from their labels based on letters the reg- I -ou . istrants had received from USDA and which were commented oh by Hr. Coyne. I stated that it was the registrant's opinion that the Ln?s. cost of collecting data to clear the suggested uses under the Miller hater 'Amendment were not Justified on the part of Industry based on the 54?; expected cost of collecting such data versus the expected profit jgw?f- from the continued sale of 2,h-D for such uses. These statements ,Tgf'3_ were made based on discussions at a meeting of the Herbicide Tech- nical Subcommittee last fall and telephone conversations with in?g? -members of the Subcommittee prior to the conference?1.13:3; . . necessitlmforuthe continued use ofmzih,D and grazing fiW?ai lands. A Exhibit?g; g?au?g Dr. Klingman's statement brought to the attention?of EDA the neces- city for continuing the use of 2,h-D on pasture lands._ staff who reported'that the had insufficient data to conclusively determine whether 2,h-D, 2, and MCPA leave residues when used co on grazing lands. They also stated that they did not have conclu- it sive data as to whether any of these products were transmitted to meat and/or milk.- ~9r37; 5. ?Hr. Coyne tororted this item to Dr. Walker and others of his? 5% ex. . 6. Dr. Lehman stated that if residues of 2,h?D and/or 2,h,5-T occur . in meat or milk that further pharmacological studies would have to be conducted with these herbicides. It was pointed out by repre- sentatives of FDA that if residues of any chemical or its metabolites are present, that pharmacology of these and products would have to be determined before FDA could pass on their safety. 7.. The various topics listed under item 7 were covered during the course of the conference and definite answers were not obtained in all cases. Ya) It was generally agreed that the situation concerning 2,h-D, and MCPA applications where beef cattle may be grazing have not changed since 1955 (refer to this item in the above agenda). However, based on previous statements, the Pesticide Regulation Section had continuously accepted these chemicals for this use and could see no reason why such registration should not be continued. This question was not adequately answered. No specific answer was given to the question raised in this item. FDA indicated that the nature of residues, pharmacology or residual material and many other factors would have to be considered before the sensitivity of a method could be passed upon. FDA indicated that they were of the opinion that the various esters and amine salts should be considered as different chemicals ?~and that if data or pharmacology on residues is accumulated for one or more esters enough work should be done to indicate that this same data could be translated to other formulations. Indications are that FDA and the Pesticide Regulation Section would accept a limited ambunt of data on some esters and amine salts if it can be shown "that their properties are similar to other formulations on more complete data has been accumulated. I - . which The answer to this question was No. It seemed to be the opinion of the group that label state- I'li.ments to the effect "Do not allow milk animals to graze on pastures treated with 2,h?D within days after treatment" would be ?1.acceptable provided sufficient data had been accumulated to con- which would result in no residues occuring in milk. 1 :ZThe above represents some of the answers to specific questions '5 {raised in the suggested agenda. 2 quite positive in stating that they did not have enough pharma- a -Ww.cological data concerning 2,h-D to establish tolerances should a -residues be found in meat or milk. - '3 clusively indicate the interval between application and grazing - . I would like to emphasize that FDA 9&8948 M00 mm Jack Dreessen -. Us #43153. .. i'f?iv 2037 KURON TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION AND SUGGESTIONS REGARDING U. TREATMENT FOR PERSONS SWALLOWING KURON (3 a: FIRST AID to - c: to Call a physician immediately. Keep the person warm. :3 9? l-?-aa Do not attempt to induce vomiting. I: a; \l To THE PHYSICIAN Kurod?)contains 65.3% of propionic acid, propylene glycol (CBHGO to 0 H1803) butyl ether 9 esters and 35.5% of inert petroleum oils and emulsifying agents. Kuron has a low acute oral toxicity. The LD values 50 for various animal species are: rat, 1070 mg/kg; guinea pig, 850 mg/kg; rabbit, 850 mg/kg; mouse, Elho mg/kg; and chicks, 2000 mg/kg. The advisability of attempting to empty the stomach by emesis or gastric lavage is controversial since aspiration of a petroleum solvent is to be carefully avoided. Respiratory embar? rassment caused by pulmonary edema and pneumonia is the primary danger from swallowing the petroleum solvent. In such a case, the administration of oxygen probably will be beneficial., Chemotherapy would have no effect on the so-called "chemical pneumonia" but it I may have some beneficial effect in preventing or controlling possible subsequent bacterial invasion. Depression of the central nervous system may also be a problem. 011 laxatives other than mineral 011 should be avoided. 16180 - 2 Liver damage may be minimized by placing the patient on a diet low in fat and high in protein. The usefulness of lipo- tropic drugs has not been investigated. Kidney involvement is rarely sufficient to merit special treatment and for those rare cases where the kidneys are seriously involved, the treatment should be the same as for toxic nephritis_or other etiology. NOTICE nweaemoo This information is given in good faith, but while it is believed to be correct, no warranty is made. NOTE: In case~of any questions, call The Dow Chemical Company at Midland, Michigan, on phone I MElrose 6-2376 (Toxicology Laboratory) MElrose (Medical Department) Biochemical Research Laboratory The Dow Chemical Company May 28. 1959 2038 2.30a237ul Biochemical Research Laboratory The Dow Chemical Company E3 RESULTS OF RANGE FINDING TOXICOLOGICAL File TESTS ON AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL FORMU- No.. Sample 1 3: Q3 LATION M-2121 CONTAINING 50% SILVEX Chg. 12714-26 'z EQUIVALENT . Ref. GH3-677-137 to Sub.by G. Scoles ?'95 Signed 7 Cf NAZI, Rept.by K. J. Olson . Checked a? DISTRIBUTION The Dow Chemical Col, Midland Midland Division Texas Division R. Boundy Tisdale D. J. Kilian H. H. McIntyre E. N. Luce R. w. Colby R. P. Perkins L. M. Greene A. Hart 3. A. Shrader Western Division N. Wright w. J. Falkenstein CRI G. E. (2) - D. Elshere G. D. Jones Louisiana Division J. F. Kagy K. Barrons (2) CRI G. Scoles James River Division CRI 18182 THIS REPORT IS THE PROPERTY OF THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY Biochemical Research Laboratory The Dow Chemical Company RESULTS OF RANGE FINDING TOXICOLOGICAL TESTS 0N AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL FORMULATION M-2121 CONTAINING 50% SILVEX EQUIVALENT PROBLEM LON-IZEMOO A sample of M-2121 was submitted to the Biochemical Research Laboratory for toxicological testing and definition of industrial handling hazards. The material is a pelletized formulation containing Silvex Acid and Silvex Potassium Salt on Attaclay. The formulation is designed for use as a brush?killer in the undiluted dry granular form. CONCLUSIONS M-2121 possesses a low acute oral toxicity and is only irri? tating to the as well as to intact and abraded skin. Excessive skin exposure to the moist material, particularly if confined on the surface, might result in some skin redness. Such exposure should be avoided. It is anticipated that no problems should arise from handling the subject material under conditions where reasonable care and clean? liness are practiced. SUMMARY OF RANGE FINDING TOXICOLOGICAL DATA Acute Oral Toxicity . Dose No.Died Animal Preparation Fed (g/kg) No. Fed Response-Remarks Rat 5% in corn 011 0.50 Animal died four days after feeding, pathology ess. negative. Rat 5% in corn 011 1.0 0/2 Pathology ess. negative. Contact Rabbit - Material Treatment Response-Remarks Undiluted Washed and 81. conjunctivitis subsided in one week. unwashed Skin Contact - Rabbit Condition No.0f Material of Skin Appl. Site Response-Remarks Undiluted Intact 10 Belly No irritation observed. (Dry) Undiluted Abraded 3 Belly No irritation observed. 31. (Dry) scar in 21 days. normal in 21 days. Undiluted Abraded 3 Belly Ess. the same as above with s1. (Wet) burn following 3rd appl. Skin healed with s1. soar in 21 days. C3 Skin Contact - Rabbit (Cont'd.) CD Condition No.0f :5 Material of Skin Appl. Site Beeponse-Remarks Cu Undiluted Intact 10 Belly 31. to mod. hyperemia with 31. (Wet) swelling and exfol. Skin Cc CD 03 NOTE: When applied wet to the rabbit skin under a bandage, the material adhered to the skin which probably resulted in the irritation. Skin Absorption There is no indication, from the skin irritation tests conducted, that this material is absorbed through the skin in toxic amounts. l?l84 FIRST AID MEASURES EYE CONTACT if the eyes are contaminated, they should be flushed immediately Iith copious amounts of flowing for sling; . 1) minutes. Medical sttention should he ohtsined if irritation persists or develops after of the eyes. 8 [3 Medical attention should he obtained. l:l HEDICAL ATTENTION SHOULD THEN BE OBTAINED DELAY. OJ SKIN CONTACT Any injuries or irritations which any develop should receive medical attention. 0?3 03 Contaminated clothing and shoes should he removed not tensed until thoroughly clesned. CD 3 Issh contaminsted skin with sosp and plenty of water. (L clothing. including shoes, should he removed and the effected shin area should be washed thoroughly Iith soup and plenty of Int!!- I: Medical attention should then be obtained. Contaminsted clothing and shoes should not he re-uaed until thoroughly clesned. All contaminsted clothing, including shoe-?mug be removed immedistely and the affected akin area flushed thoroughly sith ester from a safety or other suitshle device and clesnsed I'lth soap sod plenty of Inter. MEDICAL ATTENTION MUST THEN BE OBTAINED AS RAPIDLY AS POSSIBLE. E3 Contaminsted clothing including shoes. must not he te-used until thorougth cleaned or must he discarded. lat-[ALAan Cl If person should experience any notice-hie ill effects from breathing the "pot or tunes of this msterisl. medical attention should'he ohtsined ptomptiy. If person should be overcome from htesthing this msterisl, he should he removed to fresh sit st.once, he tend: to rest. hept Inns, and MEDICAL ATTENTION SHOULD BE OBTAINED IMMEDIATELY. If breathing stops. nttificial respiration should he sdminiatered. If appreciable amounts of material are s-slloIed. vomiting should be induced by tickling the of the tongue with the finger or by giving sn emetic such ss 2 tnhlespoonfuls of table salt in 5 glass of warm water. Hedicsl attention should then he ohtsined. Cl If the msterial is swallowed. vomiting must be induced by tickling the of the tongue with the finger or by giving an emetic such as 2 tahlespoonfuls of table salt in glass of warm Inter. MEDICAL ATTENTION SHOULD THEN BE OBTAINED WITHOUT DELAY CDMEHTSI na 20 A?asiuas: 7;;?37 I??f7' IV. RESPONSE OF HUMANS TO KURON AND OTHER FORMULATIONS OF SILVEX. 1. Wolf, M. A. 1959, Results of Human Skin Irritation and Human Skin Sensitization Studies on Kuron. Dow Internal Report No. BC T2.30-40-3. Wolf, M. A. 1961, Results of Human Skin Irritation and Sensitization Tests on Kurosal SL Dow Internal Report No. c: 91602VNN GAELLZ M00 0 18186 . .. airiz?fil. ?If - I 5 2717/, i try m'tJt ('lern 3: lull-T - - i'a-aith-MS lie-n: plan in am: ,tjuy- ermrn::.t for sen-ml million dul- lat':; {or in ?ardv-ns, Ilt?tmitrti; and property they claim In- tlim-I?lmlnale 11.4: n! hi-i hh-ldrn. "In art-lithai \zc (:lxln't'l tn Cl.th (iut' ?ficti- the us. Ser- vice for damage to the en- says the of a group of Fall resident: claim- ing damage. \tln.? li'. enlists, cu: national ia-aith to i started in 'lhe sprays Evil), 2. and linit .., also (.1133! Sitter-1 par: of a: mam-3e- Jnent program to out native . growth in the l?inzl ltodntain foothills, says Robert Courtney of l'lmeaix, 'J?Llito NLHOJLEI (Lil supervises. 'J?he Salt irrigation pitiful coti:e l-rnsh Cu't'il' mere-252:. \rater Ihrt'.? into reservoirs. "The spray is definitt-ly de- signed to lzil! sin til-3 and brush," Ct-tii'ilil'jf b'iili, ?51nd tie-all must bread-leafed Illattii?." ltonieer. nz-rs in nearby lies-mil Gulch Ktlitl?'i? Canyon rgree that tin.- spray.tlnes, indeed, feet broad-leafed pleats -- not to mention fruit and shade ire-:3, birds, animals, people and the rater supply." call it ('l'cnto lx'atioz'zal lv?cr- est) the tort-st,? say: .?Frs. Leta :limniate the grunxlh the and hill the living." (All are claimiaatid hjtit'uf?r- bear, and do regulate growth.) She is lira. Sitcom-alt, I enlisted the help of si-i- and a if.? 191.: Service in with the Salt lli373"" 1, tilf/Vr/lx?j" deli/ill - ill-ml liinnl-r It! t?nillrm, Minuet-rail L'ntitrmh UH: chin; thing about Ventt?ilius rim-.t-r out ol' fut' land plants hn-aplimhly are hath-as 'lln: ritm?tn oi Lita-t. .?ihun'ra ham invariant-Ii the problem with several 11:0 pie." Citizen sentiment being compiled by the Go'. Corannssioa on Arizona tic-an!- The commission also has ce: suited sereral L'aiscuity of Art- zoaa scientists ahoat the "Nuletiy t-ut CUT. :1 tize ilL'JIilflL'll'. r' cording to Dr. Paul 5. ?The - PC. i JiaHin, too i 1211-: The same herbicides lit-3n used in Lara been nae-ti eiL-r enemy areas. Martin, only says: ?At the rate they're .: spraying, the For-2:21 Sen-:c I must have tonazl e. ?.'iet Cong in- i Daring the past several he has been (olleciing in the Finals abnormal plants apparently by herhi< cities. 'tne scientist also has tat-:- ea Uit students on field trips to the area. Martin feels that the Forest ,Serrice has used a treatment whose total era-ca; on the earl- ronmeat are rial-mom. "it may take us- to find out," he criticizes. . Pres-S trill comneat nume- flu-.1 (ring a a matter of too nan-h (lulu; a innit) tn I, i'JiiEI' "nun h-mn Martial H'llt?t?fi litu riagy;w.rth nut it ,Snming that Sl cause to Glut-3 creltliolegist Lama ill: 0.21' ju'i'l?iz' i i' -. . . umlile C-ri'ld' and fit: in t. a Lind 3 has quit:- noticeable "153' l. .rc inert- may icI-L's :il l: (1.: tits-s 223.32?. inn! an! in L'l'll. lgees-:- an-i 'j-If die-:1 daring .li-rze many . 0111' HT. is .v 1 ll'i .lniy, 7? 1r.- A A fl" refit-ct (ill- an it Another cmit'i't'nul is ?up INA Ut'. annual the ain'aying. 'l'Lui committee has KilliluitiL'ti tu lisp. Sam Sleiger (it, Ariz.) trim t'i.s.l- - ed the area last ?to dluCtl' M. Lat Service has been lax in as- iicibicidcs can't undue tlzimage simply he~ cause they're not suppose-1i to.? 3 lie referred report by chemiczd spraying currently is .515. Robert cum-'5] on oc- (unmet-I; the tour I): at lit-liLL-r Canyua." 'tize i are ercerllt-s 23, l't: r.c?.e tux-JG;- tu iiy, had ut' senile-n shut lo cal, (frinl: or stand 3' L-rungid ia v.3, lilli. days . h. In.) nan-:3 and no lletr simuz'n top all their tend-er leaves in on: dzzy and began to Cisinlegra'i with hat}: and' Maniacs fa?iih'J nil. Chit-Lin, i--ir ll grai: stand mil up all the leave-3. 't?iie teal became sic}: . I a fade, A ilillt: il'ct', side. On Lincl: [fretit'ittal fruit-3d iuii)?. think: .- 511."; they point to butlluiittng I pretty lh-rayml, Iii-{united ill-ad a-t-n during: a in Him) I'tl art-a: ninl nur- mal on one side, no needles on the Globe garden, Several reins of le-grcen on one the other, they were and decomposed. And rotted before pintll'.? ('nlthi Im- c'rnt vintt in tin- v. ere chi (Tenltl natural diseases have cam-ed all this? .1 plant nut. Assays have in. [be ltlEni-J In.? blue, in: '20-'74 c-unnia'nlmt "Jul. all MthI luatnm n, hunt: tin-an \t'uulti prove damage.? lat, hut itil'iJL? as a: had cones but other. In a ?th Stanley 5.1) .4, but he believes it to 1.: unlikely that any on: virus would many different plants in the some ray. ?t?o their mood, the Forest Sez'rice is so-nen-hat ia- iiameci by ?hat on: 5 bar termed "not too much rah-l- pat't of same people ttitle 0.1 tip: Gleln.? Frank!) diu-isic-a ran at ?Ellayin folks are a little scared,? say. . the Service's management :tiieet so aft" ment- A. He pointed out that ?there?s a to throw a reg}: aroantl People make the same nt tit-ides, herbicides and 'tize federal gurei?in?nan nonc- Ilielt-ss, last the lii: 0i after learning, lint i: may be dangerous to mat tint-53 the Feed 1: or a, (in; lmq: Administratimi esialdciu .x a "sale legal tolerance in and on foods,? the US. of Agriculture \iill the the in! 161$? riur 2-. Sonata int-cotigattion,? Vice Prcsitlent ll C. LongI..- in?. ?ha-u--w-w rt . . 2, 4, 531' on food craps cricctit'e 'hume In a statementtoo it. Dullaulge,? prastmeittlult Ix] ?dl'lSJl', pomtcd out that. i .3 3 3.3! wt: - i .- '1 l?tl.c relationship of the cliocls' 3 qr ?Era? :31? - ?1 Inliorzllory animals I g, ?t . i'to effects in man are not culit'c-, .31? - yrs; )5 ?Iiy?xtf?ilE-kq :57 r. 5.: fly clear atthis limo", i. Ally}. ff} I . .. Not so, says the National 5 I 54.? if?) - Health i-?oJc-rntion, a. nonprofit nip.? I foundation with headquarters in?. ?Inn-fur: . . .- I l?Jonrovia,CaIit?. Since the {C(lCl-l ?1&3 I I - it?? 2'53; . r. I [alien began an investigation last gran" 'July of the Globe sprayittg,?itl 51% are: I . - has ?gathered enough material :112 pt'ojoct in the; ?nals was t-ppi?ovctl by ill-3' Committee on Pesticirie. Control, the For?st h33_ "doingtd future herbicide trout- maul," admitting there has. "some drift damage.? do feel that we've- t'clty tltm'ughly all the. coniplointsf? gilt'nntm 5::i'dlas f23?323?33 vn 21;; mos Fumoxq can: 20:: pgnoqs 53.1132; 31:: ?nn; 3: ?2ch ?uid 3131.?! 359-. quI I ?It. .1 1? r'Ifl. u-u E14 (.31:33:) :1 . .II ESEQ ll 0- At 'swt ii1:30 Acolouomnag vn ;a Manna: aloud - to - L-J I no. 5-5? L. - wt; U. ?vwfa.--I..- 'i/Ij AGNEW DOW MOYER DOW I I AGNEW Dow MOYER Dow . - Ur2723 FESTIMONY OF A. T. TALCOTT LifiJam-1Talcott, administrator of Regulations and Labeling in the Quality Assurance Department of The Dow Chemical Company. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from Alma College, Alma, Michigan, and have done graduate work at Michigan State University but have no advanced degree. I joined The Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan, in 1957 as a chemist 09969le M00. in their analytical laboratories and moved through a series of technical promotions in the analytical chemical field. In 1965 I moved to the Labeling/ Product Registration section of the Legal Department, becoming supervisor of that section in 1975. In 1976 I became manager of Product Safety Compliance in Dow's Quality Assurance Department, which included the functions of labeling, material safety data sheets, and product registration. In 1979 I assumed my present position where I am re3ponsible for labeling policies on Dow products. I am a member of the American Conference on Chemical Labeling, the Labeling Standard Revision Committee of the Chemical Manufacturers Association, a member or chairman of several committees dealing with regulations and labeling within the Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association, a former member of the Labeling and Precautionary Information Committee of the Chemical Manufacturers Association, and the Labeling Committee of the National Paint and Coatings Association. I was also one of two industry representatives participating with EPA to put together their National Symposium on Pesticide Labeling in 1974. I will testify on the history and procedures used in the development of labels by The Dow Chemical Company and to the registration requirements for labeling used by the Pesticide Registration Division of EPA which was part of the USDA in 1968 prior to the formation of EPA. I will also testify -. u- the relationship of the labeling policies used by Dow and independent standards as well as how the regulations promulgated by the Pesticide Registration Division M. which-apply n.1r/ i .(p'pu -.: T3 ?in to the product weed and brush killer. The procedures used at Dow allow us to get the input from our experts such as health professionals, technical specialists, and legal and regulatory counsel in areas.pertinent to such a product. The labeling used on KURON weed and brusEXRiller in mL ?through 1969 was in?part specified in regulations for pesticides which were called. pea economic poisons under the statute in effect.at?thatntimei These} equired the product to bear a label containing the name of the product, the name and address of the manufacturer or registrant, the net contents, an ingredient statement which was prescribed in a special manner, a warning or caution statement as appropriate to regulations prescribing same, and directions for use?-which if complied with, would be adequate for the protection of the public. These elements of a label were further prescribed in a certain manner by the regulations and interpretations promulgated by the Pesticide Registration Division and required a preclearance or acceptance by that Division before they could be used on the package of the pesticide. This labeling was also submitted to the state of Arizona and other states for review as part of the state registration of the product required prior to sale. The product name KURON, the Company name, and certain other elements such as the registration number required to appear on the label are for the most part self-explanatory. For precautionary labeling purposes,pesticides were placed in one of four different categories based on certain toxicity data that would be in ani al tests at: provided to the Pesticide Registration Divisions These were caliedfcategories one, two, three, and four; gidh category one being materials that were highly toxic and requiring the word "poison" and the skull and crossbones to be used on *Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company 16191? .- an -3- the label. The other categories moved in decreasing toxicity to'category four I a I a which was for products determined not likely to cause injury under any reasonably foreseeable conditions of use. Each of the second and third categories were ten? fold decreases in toxicity from the lower-numbered category. During this time precautionary statements used on pesticides were set 29969? mm forth in a document called "Interpretation 18, Revision 2" published in the Federal Register of March 9, 1962 as an interpretation of 7 CFR, Part 362; There were two ways in which this interpretation was used._ One related to signal words and statements of hazard that were used on pesticides/Eontaining specifically?listed active ingredients and the otheraparn set forth general procedures based on the toxicity categories previously mentioned which was applicable to KURON weed and brush killer. . . Applying the principles stated in Interpretation 18, one comes up with the precautionary labeling which was accepted by the government as adeguate to protect the publiciand-used by Dow on its prOduct KURON weed and brush killer.J "Labels of products in the third category should carry the word "caution" in statements indicating the means of avoiding the principal hazards of use. Use of the skull and cross bones, the word IJ'poison? and antidote statements are not necessary for these products.T Another part of the label which may need more explanation is the ingredient statement. Ingredient statements?are required to be made on all pesticide products and must be stated in certain ways. The constituents of a product must be characterized as either active or inert ingredients. The active ingredients must be described by their chemical name. The two ways in which ingredient statements can be listed re specified .Et-uua 7 mbt?ndAIKf ?f 5? in section 362.7 of the-regulations. -These+were to list each active ingredient and its percentage and the total of the inert ingredients or to list the total of the active ingredients and each individual active ingredient in descending order of percentage.without the actual percentage of each ingredient.plus the 16192 7hr W.- T. a .- 1,4. I - f?to. .- n. . 1, . total inert ingredients. Equal prominence is required to be giuen to all of the ingredient statements and these ingredient statements were required to . be placed on the front panel of pesticide products. In other words, only those materials that were considered active ingredients from a pesticidal standpoint were allowed to be listed in the ingredient statement even though?the product contained other materials that comprised the total. It has been suggested that should have been listed on the label of this product. standpoint since this is not an active pesticidal constituent; additionally, the initials TCDD do not represent a common chemical name_acceptable to the federal government so such listing would again be prohibited. The other reason for not listing TCDD as an ingredient is that the limits of analytical detection at the time of production of the KURON in question were such that TCDD was not found in this product. There are other sections of the label that are, of course, pertinent to the allegatidns made concerning the product KURON weed and brush killer. Among these are the instructions under a section titled TWarning" that "applications by airplane, ground rigs, and hand dispensers should be carried out only when there is no hazard from drift.? Other instructions which are meaningful to a user of such products are the instructions that "coarse sprays are less likely to drift" as well as the.instructions on application rates and times for specific applications of the product. The procedures followed for labeling pesticidal products are an application of the principles that are included for labeling of chemicals set forth in the American National Standard for Precautionary Labeling ANSI is a consensus standard which was not published until 1976, howevercmdoes?hava the benefit of review of such organizations as the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, the National Safety Council, the American Society of Safety Engineers, the Society of Toxicology, the American Conference of Governmental 18193 .. . Such a listing would not have been acceptable from the government?S' 'g'if I Industrial Hygienists, and numerous other government, industry, and independent - organizations with an interest in conveying precautionary information. These principles prescribe a signal word, statement of hazard, precautionary measures, and as appropriate, instructions in case of contact or exposure as procedures for providing precautionary labeling. The labeling used by Dow on KURCN weed and brush killer demonstrates these principles. - i The procedures used within Dow to develop labeling in l967-involved the initial labeling being developed from a use standpoint by a technical specialist from our Agricultural Products Department along with the individual responsible for submitting registration applications to the federal government, and precautionary information coming from a labeling specialist like myself. This draft copy then would be typed and sent for review by the numerous Specialists within the Company with input on the health and safety aspects coming from toxicologists, industrial hygienists, medical doctors, individuals from our -1 5? v3 5- quality function in connection with our manufacturing people providing input on? the composition of the product, trademark and patent comments coming from our attorneys, and the original three persons reviewing these inputs and those of 1.. our marketing personnel. Once these inputs had been composited, the labeling was sent to the federal government for their acceptance or suggestions for Change if they-did?not accept it. Upon return of a copy of the accepted labeling, the labeling specialist would initiate the actions responsible for getting the labels or the preprinted container copy to our production people for application on containers of the final product. It is important to remember when developing or reviewing labeling for a product that the labeling must be based on the product as a whole; consequently, the labeling must be viewed in its entirety, not just in partse?since it is the whole product that is used, not a part I have compared the labeling used by other pesticide producers of Similar products and find the-labeling used, which also was required to be Submitted to the Pesticide Registration Division before being used, to be essentially the same where applicable as that used on the product KURON weed and brush killer. Based on my education, training, and experience, it is my opinion that the label used on the product KURON weed and brush killer in the time period 1967' _through 1969 met or exceeded all regulations and standards of care pertaining to such products; and further the directions and precautions if followed were adequate to prevent accident or injury with the handling and application of the product. 99969? mm is W0 ms 'AK-fr? VOL 13. No. I Fries-d USA. Increased Susceptibility to Bacterial Infection as a Sequela of Exposure to J. E. R. E. FAITH. E. E. KCCONNELL. urn J. A. National {mutate ?Environmental Health Sciences, Research triangle Pore. North Carolina Received for publication 12 August 1215 The e?'ects of subclinical levels of (TODD) on the response of mice to infection with either Salmonella bent or Eerpasoirus suie. also known as peeudorabiee virus. are reported. TCDD is a contaminant of certain commercially use?zl chemicals. such as chlorinated phenols or herbi- cides. It has been shown to cause thymic atrophy and to suppress cell-mediated immunity in laboratory animals. Sublethal levels of TCDD were used: 0.5. l. 5. signi?cant decrease in weight gain compared with control mice occurred at the 20-14 dosage. Dose schedules of 1 lug or more. followed by salmonella infection. resulted in signi?cant increases in mortality and dun-eases in the time from infection to death. However. TCDD had no signi?cant e?'ect on mortality in the peeudorabies-ini'scted mice. The most important ?nding in this study is that extremely low levels of TCDD. which do not produce clinical or pathological change. still have the capacity to siren:- host defense. Various environmental chemicals have been shown to afoot immune respons- m? but resist- ance to infectious agents (Friend and Trainer Gainer Gainer and P17 Hemphil] et al. Jones et al. [141. Holler and ?l'hig'pen Koller end Road: Keller Ver- schuuren et al. [271. Voe and van Genderen Vos et al. Voe and Moore Wesser- mann et al. [321). These reports generally in- volve observed defects in antibody response (14cell mediated immu- nity (28. 29. 30). although several (8. l. 10. 11): also describe suppressed host resistancetoini'ec- non. (TODD) can occur as a highly uni: consaminanrin the production of some chlorinated phenols or chem- icals from chlorinated phenols such as the herbicide acid and thus could be unknownly disuibuted in the environment. TCDD as an environmen- tal contaminant can present health problems. both in man and other animals. It is associated with chloracne in man (16) and chick edema disease in chickens (5). More recently TCDD and 2.4.5-ttichlorophenol were implicated as the probable cause of to:de in a group of horses in eastern in addition to the horses. insects. birds. and rodents were poi- soned. and there were several cases of human illness attributed to TCDD in this incident (3). has been observed to cause profound thymic atrophy and suppress cell-mediated im- unity in rats. mice. and guina pigs (23. 29). It is not known whether TODD-exposed animals are more susceptible to infectious agents. These medias were d-igned to determine the e?'ects of subclinical levels on the response of mice subequently infected with either Salmo- nella born or peeudorabies virus (PRV). The criteria used to measure these effects were clini- cal appearance. weight gains. mortality rates. ?rm from infection to death. and pathologin examination. MATERIALS AND METHODS Animal. Four-week-old male 6573!?th (JCT) mice were purchased tram Jackson Laboratories. Bar Harbor. .Me. The mice were caged individually under ?lter tops (Enviro- gard. Lab Products. Gar?eld. NJ.) following a rigid sanitary regimen and given food (Steril?aeble st- Bios. Allied Mills. Inc. Chicago. HL) and water ad libitum. TCDD. TCDD. greater than 99% purity (lot 351- m-m. was a gilt from Dow Chemical Company. Midland. Mich. it was dissolved in reagent-grade acetone and subsequently diluted with at least 6 parts oi'corn oil. The exact volume of corn. oil was adjusted to provide each mouse with a dose volume ol? approximately 0.2 mi. infectious agents. The bacterium used was a S. barn isolate from a naturally infected opossum. his organism was grown overnight at 35 to 31C on ?l?ry'pticase soy agar containing 5% sheep blood. lac- terial dilutions were prepared in sterile physiologi- cal saline. and the number ofbecteria was quanti- l" at?. Ex. "8 12.15991.- M000 ll. ll "l ?il 1320 THIGPEN ET tated toroidlnen-icelly vith a Coleman model 0120 neon-columnar? sea on In addition. the noon- beroi'totel viable bacteria eoiotel inoculation wee con?rmed by conventional total plate count More; The viral mot need wee Home :eie (PIN) (I). PRV tee produced in TS-cn? Falcon flesh coo- teioine Eli-13 monolayers. After a Maine cytopetho- [eoio cellular debt-la. The aoperoetaote from each fleet were pooled. thoroughly mixed. ellquoted in 2-ml Muddet-nCMMAtthetined. inoculation the original mica contained ep- proatimately 5.0 10' deeue culture jol'eotiee ml. The pooled viral anaemic: wee mime hege- tire for otyooplaetoe end hostel-in. etody. Lethal dole reepooee corvee meetehll?edl?orSJern aodi'lvtodatemine . challenge (0.2 ml incaoee-itooeelly 9.9.1) that wold produce 20% morality in normal mmdumebeervedforledeye. Deednice were examined by both microbiological and bino- petholoeicel proceduee to verify iu'ecn'ott Experimental Two dilferent experimente were performed. In eeoh experimeot- tweet-old mice were rendotoly divided into tour group. Each none week for i weeks. Hire were hood with corn oil. let the ?rst experiment. tech received daye el'tar the lee: ?ee when the mice were I weeks old. tech group wee reodonly divided loathe-economy. Hiainooe ?bump-ere injected Lp. with 10' riehle 5. beta orptu?aooe {Laundoeeh the eecood nbgroup received 10? TCID dole). and the third subgroup troll wee injected with aalirue only. la the mberot?hecterielorvirel aaeoterequiredtokill approximately 20! of the once inoculated lithih li-dey obeemdoo period.) The second experiment e-ee conducted in toen- mouse received either 0. 0.5. 1. or 5 u; of per week and the RV subgroup wee eliminated. Both expel-imam tore perforated ee blind mid- iee. and theorderd'ioocolatioo vee eninale inoculated no not etatieticellr dl?'erent from that oheerved in the ?rst 259?- or the middle 50%. Therefore. the order of inoculation wee ur- mally irrelevent to euheequent survival. After hectarial end viral challenge. the animals were obeereed et Mel daily for 14 daye. Body engine were recorded et deeth or at termination of the study. Net-romeo were performed on at laeot three mice from each subgroup. end selected were obtained for hietooetholocical and microbiolog- icel examination. Mice from lubfl'?m with Ice than three deethe were eaorii?lced and oecropeied on tier 14. The eelected for hietopetholoeicel teemi- Iit'retr. [Helm-t. nation were ?xed in 101- oeotrel biza?ered formalin. tinely stained with heuetoeyllo end The criterie deed to ampere the drone of tables thel levele of TCDD in nice euheequeotly infected with bent or PBV were clinical eweereooe. weight gain. morality ratee. tithe from infection to death. and pathological examination. Statistical For the mortality data. dole reepooee mode were analyzed by the northbou- mm. I 2tehleet12). Foe-theether varieblee. the alanine-ace oi' trud- wee determined by the Joachheere tee: (13). and treatmeotuconu-ol di??ereocee Iere evaluated by the molded Sang-Whitney u. teeta (12). RES ULTS Eden: on weight gain. mortality rate. and time from infection to death. There wee e-entially no dl?'erence in mean poop body weighte prior to TCDD doeing. By week 4. the high-don group (20 pg of TCDD per kg) gained eifnl?cently 0.01) lose weight than did the coon-ole. The 10 per kcdoee group eleo rained leea weight; all Other TCDD my body Wei[l1tI"were comparable to the group which received acetone-corn oil (Table I). At a given level there were no signi?- cant di?'erencea in the week 4 weight: among the mice to the hectorie. virus. or control mupe. There wee little be- tween body weight at the time of infection end euheequent Willi. Mortality rates in the bacteria and Virus con- trol groupe that had not received TCDD were as entidpeted baled on the preliminary mdy (Table 2). The [Taupe of mice expand TCDD per kg and sinus. born tho-ed signi?cant (P 0.05 to 0.01) inmortelityretee. Themortelityrete Teen 1. .I-ooer June exposure period Weekly TCDD loin'el luck; as on [If duh-u Lent I 20 9 ll.? 0.1! 1.06 0.20' 10 5 ll.? 0.22 5.2! 0.5 5 I ?41:02 0 an ll.? 0.19 0.17 hot 11 5 15 3.31 0.2! 4.56 0.17 l. 10 21.? 0.22 0.17 0 5 3.5 3.07 0.21 4.06 r. 0.19 0 13 21.13 0.21. L5 0.14 elen individualhodyvught been. 'Mean=eundarderror. 4' com. ?1698 M00 R. u??enIU?I e. H. Iiilil' ?l ii! V01. I. 1175 inch-0.5 mummpm duct? law! hand on par-mu ofthil study would biennium bar-run 0.5 and 1.0 par kg {Tabla 2; Fig. 1). The morality 11m in tho groups that n- Tnu 2. Wafl?daymm?tymmof ch11me calm-5. Vlqu mp warn-u!) loan-1 Vin! an. . 1 im?, tall [ml 20 IIW 100.010) NW) 10 ?(13:20? 010201 ?all! I I?m mm .1920) 0 mm mm um but! 5 1011010? 1 summ- ND ?11131 0.5 mm) ND 0101.!) 0 mm ND 0mm u- indinhd H1 and? bun 'Md?hll??dth?luw :mmuwuuamn. "rho nub-I u: ?than Han In nah-rd undying-rm? mailman-cup. TCCD-DECREASED HOST RESISTANCE T0 INFECTION Than was a signi?cant (P 0.01) dun-n- hud don-um in tin: from infoaion tad-uh in ms. barn-ch.th min (Tabla 3:11;. 1). 0c. Em! -..- (MM humbly 1i. If .. Tm? wanna. ND. Nu has. and l?buqundy with 3. km. Tau 3. - Inna-ill Vin] I i; mu Na. d' Na. 15" I?ll n. a? .W $1911 20 19 2.35 0.4V 2 0.00 5.00 10 13 5.50, 0.6? 0 5 13 1.54 0.04- 3 0.33 1.11 0 5 0.40 1.00 3 {.67 0.30 Exp: II - 5.0 14 2.00 0.3! 1.0 13 5.03 0.32 . ?b 0.5 5 0.00 1.35 ND 0 5 7.40 1.81 -. ND TCDD in lacuna-corn oil atriu- gun-1': incubation on u: individual body Insight bun. Hutu-id ol'S. bu: via Lp. ingucn'on on day 2 uh: the wulldy duo Viz-db: tho In'?y can of TCDD. ?Tho nnmhord'nommvon within 14 day: 11th arm-:1 cit-?ange. i mndud 0.01. 0.05. 2 ND. No: dam. 1321? caved virus Inn not soon to diffu- signi?cantly . 1 il'? 1322 TBIGPEN ET AL. . Puholon'cnl ohoorvotlono. Pootmortom onu?notion ofmt'co trontod with TCDD only ro- voolod lodono in tho livor Ind ?poup woo mollorthonnormol. commotion mulod cortiool otrophy duo to o! omoll mophy woo tumomuoondmnotoboo?odutbo lot-or Intorootingly. no looiono . wot-o found in tho opioon. Tho Iivon from tho 20 Mpg-our: won lightn- in color tbon oormol ond wot-o mottlod. long/kgonimolo. ondno wot-orbiblolntho llvon h'ommloointho 5. tat-0.5 HITCDD pot kg poupo. ?lo-topothobuicol ?omino- voolodonodulorouxfuowith of cytomqoly ond fool ofoinglo coll nocrooio. A for in?nmmoton oollo monocular) woo-o found in tho ol' oounoio. In oddltion. thoro won anon intraunulor accumulations o?in'dlnbop- otocytoo. oopocinlly in mitonol moo. Laotian: ornno. Tho looiono doom'hod woro still opporont in thomloo poupo inoc- ulotod with vim or hot-toxin (both survivor: ond honour-vim). In oddition. mioo in tho boo- torlol mthotdiod tho-odmooro-undtnio- roocoplc loo-ions typical of oolmonollooio (1. 26). Thu-o woo widooprood in?llntion of poly-m loukocytoo. portimlorly in visual organs. Foul nomtic hopotitio momblin; mi- n-oioluonon woo ottribanod to odiocont of vucnlitio and thrombosis. nonto- olo. thrombotic mlitio. ond ou'ppurodon won also abound in tho oploon. Hound: ontor- ids. ptn-nlont porltooldo. 1nd Ico- purotivo Will the ootod. In tho Vino portion of tho outpon'xhont. lo- n'ono otm'hmbloto PRV mootoboorvod in onyoftho mioo onminod. loborotory rodonto io known to produco for loolono at tho light low! (21). DISCUSSION Tho don in this study cloorly ootob- liobod tho: mioo to four wooltly of 1.5.10. quontly lnl'ootod with on ofS. born bnt'o hichor roto of mortality with ohm-tonod incubotion poriod. Put-thor- moro. to por k; oppoorod clinically Ito-moi. bad 1 normal Inna-r. [anoint olorlool ovidoncool'toxioity. Ihlodomonotrotoo tho mootimpomntupoctd'thjomdy. Lo" that oxn'omoly low lovolo which do not wod'ttoo clinical or pothoth thong! sill ?pond to onv'ironmontol oontomhunto oath myborondotodtnonmm'blotomin? Tho an: that TCDD did not inn-om monol- di?'oronoo in _tho potho'onooio d? two ogonto. Thoro oro morn] hoot dol'onoo futon rhich mud for tho incuood uncondhility to focnltotivo organism such on S. born. indudo: dofoc: in coll-mo- diotod immunity oithor through lom of audio:- ing oollo or by inhibition ofcoll function: (ii) dol?oct on tho human! oyotom; dol'oct in Coll-modiotod immnno roosdom on ovi- donood by doloyod hymmidvity hnvo boon ohown to ploy on important rolo in immunity ond from infoctiono with salmon-1L1 and othor focultotivo ?onions (4. 15. 20. 22. 23. 25}. Doloyod byporoonn?tlvity io thought to bo modlotod through woduodonof by spod?onlly activatod toll: in moon:- to bootm?ol ontigono (4. 20. 12. 23. 25]. TCDD boo boon shown to doloyod hy? poroonoitlvity motion: ond rapt-non of? toll: to ontivotion by tho mitogono oononnovolin A ond phytohoqulutim?n (23. 29). Thou snadios did not invoou'goto tho in?uonco of TCDD on production. but it would bo surpris- incil'TCDD did not oloo mppron tholr produo-. T-coll function. . onnt in impoirod hoot ruinonco to oolmonollo lnl'ootion in mlco sinco full proton-ion from chol- longo oppoon to dopond upon tho immuno ro- tponoo that loodo to doloyId-typo hypononoitiv- it'y. nthor to tho: which rooulto in drool?. in: antibody and orthuo oonoitiv-icy H). Tho o?'oot on humorol antibody production in mloo i: not known. Recon: mdloo by ono of tho outhnt's (R. E. Folth. unpublishod dotoJ indium that TCDD hon no o?'oct on humorol onn'hody production to bovino 3mm: [loban in roto. In coma-not. tho gninoo. pig humor-o1 mponoo to totonuo touid ?u oboorvod to bo impojrod (Von ot ol. [291). . is; T698 MUG Ill? 3. ?a .adnpun?gb mama. Egg 8 "2.160.502 Earl-non- 9- Banana- 1. 3.34.8. F?nlitliluula?lli. HF. 2.9% 3.303.555: 2. guns. Ian-15.! pl 8 F. as. man. as. Eli. Flag: in: E9 gmg?r??ig uo?l?omEI-oa-zugouumgiua Eon 91 Earn. .1. .meIa on nul- nozu. 385 3? Ear-rad It. If: Ir mama-.1 ?9520 aorta: Econ 538.3..- uEHv?nun. 55.2.. Ens: ghg?lng nun-5. uh and-non .8115 ERR 3:36917?pnillE? Ilka.- il. ct. a. .3515. 1.4 u. 2.5 Quill. ?55- 1. Hull. Kuhn-uni . u. . Fun-an- t. incl-?PtrnisgrnuEE-IL. Ina FINE lull: 5 I II. ml. Kl. 53.5. I. Incl. g. 3.2. .IBEI Faun-nil- .n gringo gii?3.gn . 35f:- atria-1r $51555 s?gsg?n?u?ghgt gr El. all. Mal?I8. u. u. u. "Io. El Krill-Isa is U. Flu. h: KinkObi-n. n. D: u. g. L. ELF. a. n. anon-:1 ii?un lull-HIEI. at. .. 5n 1. n. gal. 53. MEG: E. Gnu. i pun. :27 . . - a. Kuhn?rut. an. I. 0.. arcing018.1 E. mains? in n. all HIP H39 Eula-l ca ?Illallil..- uni-sliding. l-nniuu i ilk?I 53313.5 on Slur-cu pl 53.8.3. haunt?Q1331 3.5 Fr . ?oral" nus-Bl. In. moan winn- an. Pa all! u. L. 0.. .r Kali. i L. O. ?nE. 52. H. q. Elli. 0. K. Bill. In; a. o. run: "an. ?rfgilu on G. Elba 5. . .I . .Ii,//lii, QLIBQE I I . and (51 Other Maf?arh. Ddxn12019535 Shoecraft et al v. The Dow Chemical Company LABORATORY TEST OF - KAUKO SATAMA BLOOD CHEMISTRIES BLOOD COUNT ?bum?? Hca 15.2 (3) IGl?bulm HCT 45_0 Ratio LL1 (3) NBC 23 or 04_1 Total Proteins 5-3 (3) Alkaline 76 (3) RBC .2224!) phosphatase I Bilirubin 0.5 (3) MCH LDH 254_ (3) MCHC 33.7 (3) SCOT 41 (3) PTT .-. SGPT 43 (3) C?ntr?l GGT (corp) 23 (3) I 7 SR (Sad Rate, CO 2 2 3 PRO. TIME I 14?6" I: Control Sodium- (NA) 4 4 1 PL- 255 000 PotaSSium (K) 151 (3) DIFF. Chloride (CL) 9 1 (3) SECS C31Clum - 15 I 3 35 (3) Triglycerides (3 i Mono 2 Creatinine 2; I Blood Urea - i- EDS Nitrogen r' 3350- Uric Acid 4-5 (31 - Band T3 27.1 (3) TESTS ORDERED BY T4 ll PLAINTIFFS COUNSEL: Free Thyroxine 199 Index 2.06 (3) I Chol st 301 (3) 193 HDL Cholesterol 37 (3) 3.53 (3) PLASMA EST 10L gg?al Cholesterol/ LDL Cholesterol 129 - URINALYSIS: Co 10: we]. 10w VDRL Appearance 39;? VLDL Specific Gravity i 013 J- 9? .14" Protein -- Glucose -- I Ketonas GLUCOSE =35 -: :3 09?91? gland ~11- PHOSPHORUS 3 . 5 Bilirusin -- . Casts/LP)? n; 'l . 1-2 DIRECT BILIRUBIN 0.1 . . - - . RECT BILIR BIN 0.4 - Epithelial Cells I or Bacteria a Mucus (1) Gila County General Hospital; Laboratory; tam "nr4anq1 f?hnva?nwine- 16202 DOW: I w?w?-Wf: n. COOK, M.D.. M.P.H. (517) 636-1383 at nadir}:- . .-- .- . . .. .. REVIEW OF TRANSLATED ARTICLE: HARDELL, L. AND A. MESENCHIME SOFT TISSUE TUMOUR- AND EXPOSE PHENGXY ACIDS NO. 40, 1978. (sic)' . -. - P's-uh This was a confusing article to review: the Swedish to English trans? lation was looseg'references were not included; the data was incomplete; andp'there were multiple.inconsistencies or contradictions incorporated into the body of the'article: In this paper the authors addressed some interesting epidemiologic problems: confounding; recall, selection, consistency, and causation. I am not convinced they solved any of them satisfactorily. In addition, the methodology they used, case-control.while rapid and flexible is prone to greater bias than the more rigorous cohort approach. Although phenoxy acids or chlorophenols may be associated with malignant soft tissue tumors, this study does not prove causation. It simply points out the need for "continued investigationsn" Cases were drawn from patients hospitalized at the Dncologic Clinic in Umea, Sweden, 1970?l977. Males with any malignant soft tissue tumor {fibrosarcoma, liposarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, angiosarcoma, osteosarcoma, etc.) were included. Each malignancy has a different_age distribution of occurrence. Unless cases and controls were matched"within fairly tight_age ranges, the results were potentially can? founded75:; gr" The_selection factors leading to hospitalization at thisrclinipFwere not discussed. .If foresters or pulp workers were more apt to he seen at this center, the implications are obvious, the relative risks were inflated. IZEOAONH Sausal 16204 . . - - . I . .12..-. - . . - uteri-gar -. . - -. - - -lr - . 54. - I-vli??ir match;ng criteria were not adequately presented. As a rule of thumb, the reader should be able to replicate the investigation using the article as a guide. I would be hard pressed to do that in this case. For example, I don?t know what they mean by ?otherwise matching" on page 2. In addition; they apparently used different matching criteria for live and dead cases. They also chose 8 controls for each live case and 10 controls for each dead case,' and then limited their analysis to.a ??to?l match. hhy? They exc1uded suicides from the control group. Why? They made a point of selecting controls who had worked up to 2.years prior to death. . Why? :55 be C11 One matches to control confounding. Having matched in the design, one has to match in the analysis. They did not. - The statistical methods they quote are Miettinen?s. His methods do not have complete acceptance by biostatisticians and epidemiologists. What do they mean on page 3, under Statistical Methods, by "effect of What percent participation did they have? They suggest 1002 among cases and 99.232.among'controls. This degree of success is difficult to believe. Unless other inyestigations by the same authors demonstrated a high degree Of epidemiologic sophistication (which this analysis does not). I would suspect a fair amount of selection bias has been incorporated into this study. -Since they had such poor environmental measurements, they were really testing the'risk of being a wood product worker. The chemicals ?ipyv arbitrarily choose as labels were merely surrogates for the wSEgee?? total exposures. One has to ask, what were the workers other chemical exposures, 16205 . . ?1.3m; -- . . -- hag Hui-3h: .10 3' 1?41In?. . - - . - 1c?v?a "our I55: I I .1- phpsical exposures and 'selection'into or out of the jobs in question? .- Was there a dose response in any sense? .. For me, the study did a better job of presenting questions than answers. What is a Swedish municipality? What are the problems asso? ciated with the register of population How did they use the register of dead personS? What was their definition 6f exposed? Was it greater than "totally 1 day's length"? Why were "all persons in the region with the studies tumor diseases not investigated at the clinic In 602 of the cases and controls, eXposure histories were obtained from a member of the "bereaVed family"; can your spouse list your exposures of twenty years ago?' R. R. Cook, M.D. 14 November 1978 f" l? ?u 16205 emu DOW U.S.A. 2?7 7 MIDLAND. MICHIGAN 48640 November 10, 1976 W. B. Crummett - 574 E. S. Parsey 834 hi B. Holder 607 B. A. Schwetz 1803 a. L. Johnson 2040 w. w. Muelder - 9001 - M. J. Mintz 1710 w. a. Seward - 9001 3 R. D. Olson - 607 Jp CHLORINATED DIOXIN ISSUE MANAGEMENT TEAM MEETING, November 17, 1976, 1:15 P.M., Planning Conference Room, Agricultural Products Department, 9008 Building. AGENDA M. J. Mintz Progress in the process for minimizing the TCDD in and silVex products. E. S. Parsex Appropriate timing for announcing new TCDD product spec. B. A. Schwetz Review of NIEHS meeting. B. B. Holder Comments gathered from conversations with those concerned with problems - Italy, etc. R. L. Johnson Status of studies to determine how the chlorinated phenolic Dowicides are used and their fate in the environment. AN OPERATING UNIT OF THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY 0069191 M00 0 w. B. Crummett et al Page two November_10, 1976 R. D. Olson a) Current status of employer monitoring study. b) Status of soil monitoring studies for TCDD around and in the Plant - including a protocol of the study. W. B. Crummett Current status of EPA Dioxin Implementation Plan. w. w. Muelder Status of investigations on occurrence of chlorinated dioxins and furans in Dow products. W. B. Seward, J. H. Davidson Status of legislation and P.R. effort to support phenoxy herbicides. 1 Davidson I Agricultural Products Department nac 1069191 M00 18268 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS . UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA EVERGLADES EXPERIMENT STATION December 23, 1961+ .. 0. . IILLI OLADI. FLOHHDA 3:430 Anna Dr. Lawrence Southwick Agricultural Chemical Development The Dow Chemical Caspany Abbott Road Buildings Midland, Michigan Dear Larry: The following comments are in response to Chuck Lichy?s phone request concerning silvex (Kuron) for sugarcane in Florida. Information on the performance of silvex under our conditions has been sent Dow on several occasions in the form of mimeo reports, data elmaries and letters. Continued, long-time use of 2 ,h-D in parts of our cane area has per- mitted the development of broadleai? weed populations resistant to Prop- erly timed. applications may control some, but not all, of these species effectively. These to which I refer are dogfennel, ground cherry, purslane, ragweed. and wild. lettuce. Other low-growing, less competitive winter annuals which are less important in cane culture may not be controlled by and/or II?he weeds which I listed are amenable to control-with silvex. I think that silvex is a. needed and useful tool in case culture which I would recommend if it were cleared. My use suggestions would be for postemer- gence application of 1 - 1% lb./A a1 (and not over 2 lb. in extreme cases) silvex to the species named after establishment of plant cane or ratooning of stubble cane up until the cane is closed-in. I would stress that the rate of application should be adjusted to weed maturity. Please contact me if you wish further information. Sincerely yours, . /7 Gregg-?xe- 1, J. OR?iNlco Assgciate Horticulturist JRO 18203 2821 Reprinted from BioScr mm? (5 The Public Health Implications of Widespread Use of the Phenoxy Herbicides and Picloram This paper is concerned primarily with 2.4-0, silvex, and ptcloram?the phenoxies because of widespread use; picloram, and 2.4-0 more specifically because of their use as military defoliants. The purpose or this di5cussion is to explore possible public health consequenCes of wide- spread Vuse. This presentation will be confined primarily to information as it TABLE 1. Tolerances proposed to FDA Julius E. Johnson Table I shows a condensed version of tolerances proposed for MCPA, silvex, and picloram. Those marked with an asterisk are for toler- ances at a permissible level for in rice and flax seed and for picloram in forage grasses and meat. ..The remainder are negligible residue tolerances. Table 2 demonstrates the infre- quency of residues of phenoxy herbi- 2.4-D MCPA Silvex Piclorem Fruits Berries Grains Rice Flax Seed Potatoes Sugarcane Hay Forage Grasses x? Meet x- Milk (All negligible residue tolerances except those marked'l may translate to the health and safety of man. The data presented will empha- size exposure. toxicity, and chemistry. First, i will comment on exposure to food. wzzer, and air. There is very little exposure of man to the phenox'y herbi- crdes through food. The principal uses of these herbicides in growing food crops were originally registered on a no-residUe basis. A change in policy now requires these registrations be supported by a negligible residue tolerance. An industry task force has formally re- quested FDA to establish these toler- ances. (The request for has been temporarily withdrawn without preju- dice to future filing.) The author is Vice-President and Director of Research. Dow Chemical Company. Presented II the Symposium on Possible Public Health implications of Widespread Use of HerbiCides (Chairman: Dr. Arthur Galston) American institute of Biological Scrences, Bloomington. indium. 26 August 1970. September 1,1971 cities in foods as confirmed by the FDA market basket survey of pesticides in composites of 12 categories of food- stuffs. Of the 1548 samples analyzed, only 36 positive identifications were made. All but one was less than 0.2 ppm. was found in three of the surveyed samples (Duggan et 31.. [967; Martin and Duggan, l968;Corneliussen. I969). Air and water are potential sources of exposure of man to these herbicides. Manigold and Schuize (1969) have re- ported on pesticide residues in selected streams in the West such as the Missouri, Yellowstone, Colorado. Arkansas, Rio Grande, Snake, and others. Phenoxy herbicides were detected as shown in Table 3. Of the 320 samples taken, fractional parts per billion concentra- tions were reported in 78 samples. The measurement of picloram residues in water has been reported following direct spraying of a static pond in Texas (Hoffman et al., 1969) and a watershed experiment was conducted irt North Carolina using and pic- loram (Sheets and Lutz, l969). The results of these studies are summarized in Table {hit is noted that picloram persisted longer than 2.4-0 or Air samples collected in spring and summer from two wheat-growing areas in the State of Washington Were ana- lyzed for phenoxy herbicides by Bames- berger and Adams (1966). The results are summarized in Figure l. Phenoxy herbicides are widely used for early postemergence control of weeds in these craps. There were detectable levels of 2.4-0 and 2.4.5-T in the air up to 0.06 rig/m3. Man will inhale about 30 in?5 of air per day. At a level of 0.06 lug/m3, this would amount to an exposure of TABLE 2. FDA market basket survey pesticide residues 1965-68 Number of Samples with Residues of 1548 Samples Analyzed PPM Total 0.001 - (0.1 0.1 - (0.2 0.4 2.4-0 23 4 27 MCPA 2 1 1 4 2.4.5-1' 2 0 3 Sin: 2 0 0 2 ?sticide Monitoring Journal, 1967, 1968. 1969 Duggen, n. 5., H. C. Berry, and. L. Y. Johnson. 1967. Ferric. Mona. J. ml: 2-12. Martin, Fl. J..lnd R. E. Duggen. 1963. Ferric. Morris. J. 11-20. Corneliussen, P. E. 1969. Peeric. Mom?r. J. 140-152. 10210 899 ANOG (J 8'7 rphenoxy herbicide per day per man. For a "IO-kgman. this would be 0.025 as per kilogram body weight per day of exposure. A. variety of pesticides were reported in dust trapped in rain collected in Cincinnati in [965 (Weibel et al., 1966). The dust was created by high winds over the southwestern United States and moved in a cloud in a northeasterly direction to Ohio where the precipita- tion occurred. An amount of 0.04 of was determined to be present based on the air dried weight of the dust in the rain. No mine was given for the amount of dust in the water. if it were as much as lOS?e, the water could have contained a 4 of The ngnificancc of these findings are open to question. hawever, because oi the difficulties in analyzing for such small amounts, and (2) the alleged presence of a newer pesticrde, ronnel, which is used in relatively small amounts as an addi- tive to cattle feed and as a topical spray on cattle. The results are summarized in Table 5 Direcr skin contact together with vapor and mist exposure are encoun- tered in varying degrees by applicators and employees in manufacturing plants. The exposure of an infrequunt user is tuch less than professional pest control operators or those engaged in manufac- turing 5 days a week. A medical evalua- tion of the effect of and has been made of men engaged in their manufacture. The workmen were given extensrve examinations includ- ing a battery of at least 20 laboratory tests. The results of these studies are given in Tables 6 and No meaningful differences were noted when the clinical results on these workers were compared to those obtained on a control popula- tion of 4600 men not exposed to 2.4-0 or An important observation was that there were no chromosomal effects.l in the fall of I969, considerable apprehension was created in the minds of the public when an announcement was made of tests Sponsored by the National Cancer lnsritute reporting that 2.4.5-T was teratogenic. Following that announcement. i made special efforts to trace the identity ol the samples used and reported to representatives of the National Cancer Institute and the Mrak Commissron that the test sample proba- contained lUnpublished dala. I970, Dow Chemical Co. 900 TABLE 3. Residues in water from 20 monitoring site: no 16 mtern states 1965-68 No. Pasitivie per Parts per 320 Sample: Billion 2.4-0 36 0.01 0.36 28 0.01 - 0.0? Silver: 14 0.01 0.21 (Pesticide Monitoring Journal, MInigold and Schulzo, 1969} benzo-p?dioxin in amounts which might have been a complicating factor. The sample employed in the study was analyzed and found to contain about 27 of dioxin. Teratology tests with and the impurity were conducted in Dow laboratories. Results of the ?rst experiments were observed by represen- tatives of the Department of Health. Commercial containing less than 1 of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodi- benzo?p?dioxin was administered by savage to groups of pregnant female rats on days 6 through IS of the gestation period. The doses of adminis- tered were 0 (controlmg/kglday. No clinical pathological signs of adverse chemical effects were observed in treated dams during the period of treatment or gesta- tion. Fetuses were harvested by cesarean. section on clay 20 of gestation. Visual and histopathologicsl examination of the fetuses failed to reveal any terato- genie or embryotoxic effects (Emerson et al., 1970). In another test, commercial produc- tion gade given to rats at a dose of 50 mg/kg/day from days 6-l 5 of pregnancy, produced a minimal amount of fetotoxicity with one fetus in 203 Education Welfare. having intestinal hemorrhage. When TABLE 4. Residues in water . . Days Type of Treatment Herbicide Lia/Acre PPS After Water .. Spray Direct spray on pond Pictoram It 2400 (1 700 ?l 150 23 6 180 Spray on 25% of watershed 2.4-D 4 1800 - Pictoram 4 4200 2 I 340 21 Following is a description of the series of experiments concerned with the teratology question. PULLIIMI 2' a laSn 2.4.54 9 . WASH 1V6 HICROGRIUS PER CUBIC If if? at: VAPOR Fig. I. Phenoxy herbicides in air (?anne- berger and Adams. I966). commercial grade was given at 100 mg/kg/day, a high incidence of maternal deaths occurred, and of the pregnant animals that survived. most had complete early resorptions. No fatal anomalies were observed as a result of the administration of the commercial production grade to rats. Like- wise. no abnormalities were noted in litters of treated dams which were allowed to deliver and raise their young through lactation. Treatment had little effect on the survival of pups through this time period:2 Rabbits (New Zealand White) were used in another experiment to deter- mine the embryotoxicity or teratogen- icity of commercial containing less than 1 of 2Unpublished em. 1970. Dow co. BioSciencc Vol. 21 No. I7 or gross - 18211 0.04 benzo-p-dioxin. Groups of pregnant female rabbits were given the compound by gavage from day 6 through 13 of gestsiion. The doses of 2.4.S-T adminis- tered were 0 (control). 10. 20. and 40 mg'kg/dav. Fetuses were harvested by cesarean section performed on day 29. No clinical or gross pathological signs or adverse chemical effects were observed during the period of treatment or gesta- tion. Examination of the fetuses showed no dose-related teratogenic ur embryo? toxic eftecr (Emerson et al.. 1970). in order to check the effect of the contaminant itself. a grOup of pregnant were administered cldorocil?enzo-p-dioxin by gavage on days 6 through 15 of gestation. The- dosages used were 0 (control). 0.03, O.l25. 0.5, 2.0 and 8.0 pg/kg/body weight/day. The fetuses were harvested on day 20 of gestation. No differences were observed in the fetuses taken from dams treated at the dosage of 0.03 rig/kgjday and those taken from dams that received the solvent vehicle only. At the 0.125 pg/kg/day dose level. there was evidence of intestinal hemorrhage and subcutaneous edema in some of the fetuses. At the 0.5 and 2.0 ug/kg/day doses. there were a substantial number ol fetal deaths. intestinal hemorrhage in the fetuses was frequent. The 8 pg/kg/day dosage was toxic to the dams. There were no Viable fetuses U1 the dams which were examined on day 20 of gestation. All resorptions occurred early and no evidence of fetal tissue was found. Skeletal examinations revealed delayed OsSiFication of some sternebra and skull bones. This occurred generally throughout the venous poups. includ- ing controls. and was not considered to be of practical significance. The results of this experiment indicated a high level of maternal and fetal toxicity to be associated with benzo-p-dioxin. its presence in at levels of 27:8 could well have accounted for the observations reported and attributed to in the original study conducted by the Bionetics Laboratories (Sparschu et al.. 1970). September 1. 1?71 2.4.5-T. and l2) pure 2.4.S-T to which Specific amounts of the 2,3 .7.8-tetra- cidurodibenzo-p-dioxin were added. The results of these studies show that a dose of 50 of from day 6 15 of pregnancy (maximum tolerated dose for our strain of rats) did not cause teratogemc effects in the youna. and t2) that when a toxic .l?tll? - dose of the p-dioxm was superimposed upon this dose or 2.4.5-T. cleft palates were observed in a few fetuses in addition to solvent. Although the purr 2.4.5-T was reported to have shown teraIOgenicny. dosages of 100 mg/kg were required it produce the cleft palates oi kidnex involvement.4 Steinl'elds also reported tertila :r hamsters injected with commerua- 2.4.5-T containing tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin at a dose 0' 100 Terata were am- oh Served in hamsters injected with EU mg of 2.4.5-T containing 45 0! the tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin per kgldav TABLE 6. InOJllrIBl health experience?manufacture of 2.4-0 the Dow Chemical Company I Work Experience Range of Exposure Results No. Men Exposed 220 0.5-22 years 10 men exposed to 2.4-0 were karvotvped. No dillerencoa whet compared to :?nntro population of 4600 mm 30-40 mglda Result. No ellect on structural integrity or rearrangement of the genetic material of the chromosomes. the typical toxic manifestations of the when given air-{2C However, it is very important note that when no effect levels of dioxin and 50 mg of pure 2.4.5-T were combined. nu trratogenic and only minimal results were ob- served.J The rexairs are summarized in Table is. 3Unpublished data. IQTO. 00w Chemical Co. Verrett has reported that 2.4-D 2.4.5-T and silvex produce terata and chick edema following injec tion into the yolk sac. The extreme 4Testimony before the U5. Senate Commit tee on Commerce. Sub-Committee on Energy Water. Natural Resources and the Environ- ment. l5 April 1970. Dr. Jesse Sleinfeld page: 167-1159. Report of the Committee Serial 91-60 (I970). 5Testimony before the US. Senate L'ummir tee on Commerce. Sub-Committee on Energy Water. Natural Resources. and the Environ merit. l8 lune l9?70. Dr. lease Stemfeld TABLE 7. Industrial healih experience?rnanuflcture of the Dow Chemical Company Number of Dav: Exposed to 28 mg 2-4751. Dal? Number of Men Examined Results 1 59 24 No differences when 60 119 15 compared to control 120 - 239 5 population of 4600 men 240 - 479 men exposed to were karvotvpod. FIE-suit: No offset on structural integrity or rearrangement of the genetic material at the chromosomes. 901 its 0i?6uTZ. 212 DOW 712341 TABLE 9. Teratologv study of with sheep sensitivity of this test procedure makes it difficult to interpret the meaning of the re5ults from a public health point of view.? ans of Utah has tested the effects of exposures on the l4th to 36th day of gestation of sheep. the penod in which they are most suscep- tible to teratogenic effects from the plant 'erarrum californicum". No anomalies were noted as a result of the exposure to 2.4.5-T (see Table A study to determine the toler- ance 01 pregnant female rats to silvex in preparation to conducting a conven- tional teratology study in rats has been Silvex was fed to groups of pregnant rats (5 to 6 per group) by gas-age on days 6 through 15 of the gestation nenod. Doses given were 100, '50. 200. and 300 wer no ettecls on either the dams or lctmes harvested on day 20 by cesarean motion at the dose level of 100 At 150 mg and abOVe there was toxicity noted in the dams with an met. 3th amount of maternal mortality With in:reasing dosage. No- teratology was ol?Sen'ed by grtiss examination in fetuSes at these levels; however, there \omc resorpticns.3 ~l c: ?tology experiments have also "ecn conducted with 2.4-D. To date we ave concluded studies on pregnant rats writ. 2.4-0 acid and with propyl- ene glycol butyl ether ester. In this study. involving about 320 rat litters. we administered corn oil as a control. the acid form of at dosage levels of 12.5.2150. 75. and 87.5 mg/kg/day ?Trwmony before the U5. Senate Commit- tee nn t?um merce. Sub-Committee on Energy, Water. Natural Resources. and the Environ- ment. lti June 1970. Dr. Jacqueline Verrett, pages 190-203, Report of the Committee. Serial 91-60 (1970). 711mm. W. 1970. Poisonous Plant Research thuratury. U.S.D.A.. Logan. Utah. Unpub- lished dutn. data. [970. Dow Chemical Co. Amount No. of Number compound Fed Ewes Pregnant Ram? None None 20 15 15 ms bore live, normal lambs. 1 twin. 1 ewe aborted ?28 days, fetus normal. 100 11 10 10 em bore live, normal Dow Prod?n. lei lambs. PGBE ester of 100 min/kg 11 9 7 ewes bore live, normal lambs, 1 twin. Dow Prod'n. 1 ewe died 36 days, aapirared feed. Fetus normal. 1 ?ea died 35 days, profuse diarrhea from 7th day. Fetus normal. W. Binne, Poisonous Plant Research Laboratory. USDA. Loan. Utah llCompound given by stomach with 0.5 to. ground alfalfa. Dosod 14-35 days of gestation. ntetacarpels, haretip and cleft palate. and the ester form at dosage levels of '20, 40, 81. 122. and 142 mg/kg/day. About one-half of the litters were taken by cesarean section on day 20 of gesta- tion for examination for soft tissue and skeletal abnormalities and the other half were allowed to go to term. The off- spring were obServed for 21 days, after which they were sacrificed and exam- ined. Fetal weights were reduced at a dose of 50 mg of 2.4-D acid/kg/day. and at a dose of the ester at 121 mg/kg/day. No teratogenic effects were noted. Among litters delivered naturally, treat- ment with during pregnancy had no effect on neonatal growth and sur- vival.9 . Groups of male and female rats were maintained on diets containing 0, 3000. 1000, or 300 picloram through a three-generation reproduction study without evidence of adverse effect as Judged by indexes of fertility. gestation. 9Unpublished data. I970. Dow Chemical Co. TABLE 8. Teratotoqy study in rats added to 50 mg pure 2.4.5-Tfkg body wild-av No. of No. of Litters with Litters with Treatment Litters Fetuses Cleft Pazate Hemorr. Control (vehiclepure 2.4.5-+0.01 ug TCOBD 15 150 0 +0.03 pg 17 173 0 0 +0.06 ug 155 1 3 *?125 902 Vererrum caiifornicum fed this period induces cyclopia, short metatarsals and Viability. lactation. by body weight, and by teratological examination of fetuses.lo A pilot study has been concluded to determine the tolerances of pregnant female rats to picloram in preparation for a conventional teratology study. Piclorarn was administered to groups of pregnant rats (5 to 6 per group) by gavage on days 6 through [5 of the gestation period. The doses.given were 250, 500. 750. I000. and 2000 mg/kg/day. There was no adverse effuot on the dams. nor to fetuses taken at day 20 of gestation at the levels of 250, 500. and 750 At the [000 mg/kg/day dosage. there was no adverse effect on the dams, but there was a small increase in the absorptions. The fetuses harvested showed no trrato- genesis. At the 2000 mg/kg/day level. only one dam survived to the 20th day of gestation. Eleven fetuses were har- vested from this dam all of which were viable and appeared normal by gross observation.lo Since October 1969. great interest has been created in dibenzo-p?dioxin as a possible serious and continuing contaminant in the environment. It is important to empha- size that the tetrachlorodibenzo-p- dioxin is no longer a significant contam? inant and probably never was in carefully prepared commercial When it did occur?in 1964 and 1965?the contaminant carried over from the intermediate loUnpublished data, 1970. Dow Chemical Cu. BioScience Vol. 21 No. l7 6] 18213 was established to ensure that no more than minimal amounts would occur in the product (the best method available had a sensitivity of 1 ppm). improved assay methods now show the actual contaminant is less than 0.5 ppm. Cl 10M Cl Cl HEM, Cl Ky Cl ~00 Fig. 2. tumult sun Sett?u'" Mg. Lg ?Gin. u-i :1 ."t9 l?aotlu?! Fig. 3. Effect of radiation from GE. sunlarnp at distance of one meter on 12 Iolution of 2,3,7 Incidentally. the 2,4,5-trichlorophenol submitted by the National Cancer Insti- tute in 1964 to be tested by the Bionetics Laboratory did not cause a teratulogical response. This was a sample ptOCured from Coleman Mathcison Bell who got it from McKesson Robbins who got it from Dow. The following information is known about the stability and prOperties of the in solution it is rapidly degraded by ultraviolet light at that appear in the spectrum of the sun (Fig. the tetra dimtin has onefifth the solubility of DDT in water and one- sixteen hundredth the solubility of DDT in benzene (Table 10). Thus there is probably less tendency to concentrate in fat. but the question is really aca- demic because the quantities of tetra September I, 1971 benzene 0.047 91100 ml 78 91100 ml dioxin in the environment are exceed- ingly small. Concern has been expressad that the combustion of (even though the Cl 0 C) 2 NoCl PRESSURE Cl. 0 :1 parent material contained no tetra- chlorodibenzo-p-dioxin-) would cause dioxin formation. A laboratory experi- ment was conducted wherein agent Orange (a defoliant containing equal quantities of the n-butyl esters of and was applied to 13.5-cm ?lter paper at rate of 10.9 kg per 0.41 hectares. This is equal to approximately 4.5 kg of acid equivalent per 0.41 hectares. The paper was burned and combustion products plus air drawn through at: absorber packed with glass beads cooled with liquid nitrogen. The combustion products plus the ash was solvent extracted and analyzed by gas chromatography (Fig. 4). The burning temperatu:es encountered were as 'follows: 600 - 800 300 - 400 1000 -1200 550 - 650 1300 - I400 700 - 750 There was no benzo-p-dioxin detected in the combus- tion products at a sensitivity of 5 ppm. A similar experiment was tried using wood as a substrate, but there were substances in the combustion products which interfered with the analysis. Speculative claims are widespread that resulues on vegetation might be converted to zo-p-dioxin if the dead foliage is burned. All available evidence to date indicates this conversion dOes not occur. The alleged precursor is in dilute form on the substrate. the reaction is biomolecu- molecules must be forced close together to react. Concern has also been eXpressed that traces of preformed dioxin contami- nating 2.4.5-T sprayed into the envtron- men: would accumulate. The evidence Paper surface Body of flame Front of flame . - .. ..- 24 (75 F). This evidence of degrada- tion is so slow it will require flirther observations to quantity.1 1 2 . 3 7 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin does not move in soil. It is strongly adsorbed on clay and organic matter and is practically insoluble in water (0.2 parts per billion). First studies on up- take by plants indicate none from water and very little. if any. from soil.12 (3 C) 12 TABLE 11. Solubilities @000 ml of solution at 25 Cl Solvent Pictorarn - Potassium Salt ?3 Water 0.043 40.00 Benzene 0.02 b3 Xylene 0.01 to Ti DOW 19?? Fig. 4. Silvex is also made with chlorophcnol as a starting material. A total of eight lots of silvex has been from l967. 19ml. and I969 production. No detectable amounts of 2,3,7,3-tetrachlorodibenzo- p-dioxin have been found using a method having a sensitivity of 0.1 ppm. Before leaving the subject of contami- nating chlorodibenzo-p-dioxins. it is noteworthy that no detectable dibenzo- p?dioxins (including the chloro- or the 2.7-dichloro-) have been found in samples analyzed. The sensitivity of the analytical method used was 1 ppm.13 ?Unpublished data. 1910. Dow Chemical Co. Izl?rivate communication from Dr. P. C. Kearney, 1910. USDA. Beltsville, Md. I"Unpublished data. l970. Dow Chemical Co. 903 182i 4 712943 TABLE 12. Acute orIl toxicity, lingo out L050 as Milliylms per kg Body Woimt Rat Guinea Pig 2.4.0 375.0 ass.? i000.0 500.0 380.0 Siin 5ND 350.0 Piclonm 82010 BOND DDT 150 - 300.0? 400.0 Parothion 1.7 - 30.0' 93-320? 0.022 - 0.045? 0.0005 aVaries according to vehicle or sex. The formation of 2,7-dichlorodi- over, 2,7-dichlorodibenzo-p-dioxin is benzo-p-dioxin does not occur in the manufacture of 2,4-dichlorophenol since it is made by direct chlorination of phenol and not by alkaline hydrolysis of a trichlorobenzcne. Reaction conditions do not favor biomolecular condensation to form a chlorodibenzodioxin. More- TABLE 13. bio-effect levels Species 2.4-0 Silver: Piclorsrn Reproduction and Fertility Rat 25 150 2~Year Dietary Feeding Rat 62 5 150 Dog 12 5 350 more dif?th to form than the even when reaction conditions are favor- able. The persistence of pesticides in soil and water is an important factor their TABLE 14. Grass production?Panama potential to occur as residues in foods and water or to come in contact with nontarget organisms. Degradation of herbicides is accelerated by increased temperature, soil microflora, and or- ganic matter. A comparison of degrada- tion rates in soils has been published by Kearney et al. (see Fig. 5) (Gunther, 1969). it is true that pictorarii is more persistent. Unlike DDT, however, picloram forms salts that are water soluble. The solubilities are shown in. Table l. Picloram does not concentrate in fat. Moreover. the- mammalian tox- icity of picloram when compared with most other herbicides is low. The po- tential hazards from picloram will result primarily from effects on sensitive plant species. Up to the present time the bioassay is more sensitive than chemiCal Tons of VewtationlAcre 15 Months Deferred Grazing Treatment Joraguo Grass Other Grasses Live Brush Taial None 1.80 0.28 12.65 14.43 0.6 lb. pictorarri 2.4 lb. 2.4-0 Per acre 13.55 0.29 0.50 14.34 Suzey and Montana, 1968 (26l Persistence of herbicides in soils. Length of bar repleuentl time required for 7.5 to l00% ion of the compound (after Kearney. 1969). 904 MCPA 2,4MONTHS techniques for determining the presence of picloram. The acute oral toxicities of 2.4?0. silvex. and pictoram are given in Table l2, in comparison with DDT. parathion, and the benzo?p?dioxin. It is evident that this dioxin is highly toxic. in fact one of the most [one substances known. This alorie is a good and sufficient reason to keep this impurity at an absolute minimum. By contrast. the low order of acute toxicin of picloram is alsr- of interest. The no?effect levels attained in long-term dietary feeding studies also indicate a low order of toxicity of pit-loram. Concentrations were not tested above mg/kgiday (see Table Ill. The reproduction and fertility tests were conducted through three genera- tious of rats receiving continuous feeding of the test compounds. No birth anomalies or other adverse effects were observed with continuous intakes of 25 mg/kg/day of or with 150 mg/kg/day of pictoram. respectively. Some of the benefits of using herbi- Cides are illustrated in Tables l4 and IS. The resulting incrcaScs in beef produc- tion are important to nutrition and bioScienCe Vol. 2] No. 17 16215 '1 ti -3. TABLE 15. Grass production?Oklahoma Application Grass. Lb./Acre PM Ac" Weed Months Deferred Grazing w" Ya? Dry Ya." None out. 6 862 3-48 2 "1-2.4 Oaks 5 2487 2200 3 Oaks 6 2265 2063 Oaks 6 2917 2083 4 Oaks 6 - 2750 4 Elwell, 1964 (27? health of man (Gunther. Swezey and Montano. 1968). In conclusion. I set forth the opinion that the widespread use of phenoxy herbicides has produced no demonstra- ble cwdence of potential harm to man. The herbicides used most widely (2.4-0 and 2.4.5-T) are degraded and do not bmconCentrate. MoreOVer. the compare- tive toxicity shows these materials to be tolerated in a variety of test sys- tems. Man is not exposed to harmful Concentrations. Impurities can be an important {actor?particularly the chlorodibenzo-p-dioxins?but these can be controiled by proper manufacturing techniques. As always, care in applica- tion is an important part of safe practice both from the standpoint of man and the ecosystem in which these tools are used. References Bamesberger. W. and D. R. Adams. 1966. Organic pestundes in the envu-onment. Advan. Chem Ber Corneliuuen, P. E. I969. Pem'c. Monir. 140-152. Dumn. R. E.. H. C. Barry. and L. Y. Johnson. 1967.Pern'c. Moni't. J., 2-12. Elwell. H. M. 1964. Apart. J.. 56:411-415. Emerson. J. L.. D. J. Thompson. R. Strebing. C. G. Gerbig. and Robinson. 1970. Manuscript aibmitted for publication to Food and Cosmetic: Toxicologi'. Gunther, F. 1969. Residue Reviews. 29, Springer-Verlag. New York. Hoffman, G. 0., E. D. Robison. and M. G. Merkle. l969 WSSA ABST. 75. Las Vegas. Feb. Manigold. D. B.. and J. A. Schulze. I969 Punt. Mom'r. 1.. 3: 124-135. Martin. R. J. and R. E. Duggan. I968.Pesn'c Monti. 1.. ll-20. Sheets. 1.. and V. F. Lutz. 1969. Bull N. C. Exp. Sta. Spuschu. G. L.. F. L. Dunn. and V. K. Rowe. 1970. Manuscript submitted for publication to Food and Cosmetics Toxicology. SWezey. A. W.. and A. Montana. 1968. Down to Earth. Summer. p. 6-9. Weibel. S. R.. R. B. Weidner. l. M. Cohen. and A. G. Christianson. i966. J. Amer Water WorksAssoc. 58: [0754084. c: 0 treat; 18218 2832 magi? . .. t: . mugs-Fri:- r" ?7??Jm ?1 bh'J . . 533-" 5"4' w- --. Ewell-J- 44? 1? Lin- 4 c: --. +1 :Lm-i-z a Trad-- aux-'- -. - La -- L15 q'r AI- nadng?gaarr-sr; 'rhmanner- EmittinCBC 084770191; lea/m M.) y, 6740/ {777) Home; pic and Rerpr?r. fills. II. (at. 75. to the in Parka-t. 50 from nucleic cam '75. tinand :liuenln? lust, in 3min Vrnr. . . 81-65 7" SUPPRESSION AS RELATED TO TOXICOLOGY - Author: J. G. Vos If%??kt - n3? ouov Laboratory of Pathology National Institute of Public Health Bilthoven, The Netherlands Rafa-co: John A. Moore Ratio-ll Institute of Environmentd Health Sciences Research N. Park. North Carolina I INTRODUCTION Aberrant or defective immune responses are known to be the result of primary immuno- de?ciency diseases, in the DiGeorge (thymic hypopiasia) in man or in homozygous' mice with the mutation ?nude? (rm/nu). which are hairless and suffer from con tel th ic hmlasia (Figure Immune deficiency can also be secondary. eg, a result of undernutrition. irradiation with or X-rays, neonatal thymee- tomy, treatment with antiiymphocyte senun. treatment with certain chemicals. and during infectious diseases. Regarding chemical compounds. relatively much infonnation is available on the small number of immuno- suppressive agents used clinically for immune suppression. some thiopurines and slityiating agents (reviewed by Bach).' gurp?singlyu only a limited number of chemicalntave bTen shown in toxicity studies _to Hie?'munosuppresswe EmmesLang articu- IaTiy the Ell-mediated immunity?haigeen Edy smiled. A likely reason for this fact is that current res for toxicity testing? underestimate- importance of the immune system: Organs and in general the immune system have been poorly examined. 1heret?ore, in-depth iagzzoun - erogegomoa . investigations were performed?with only a few chemicals as to their effech the immune response. This raises the question of whether these chemicals represent only the tip of an iceberg. a question which adequate toxicity testing that includes careful examination of the immune system both morphologitu and functionally. in this review, it will he stressed that knowiegde from the expansive growing immunology discipline thouid be incorporated into the field of toxic eulogy. First. the immune system and Ire immunological response will be introduced. Next, attention will be given to the interdependence of the immune system and the macrophage system. Of special importance in toxicology is the discrimination between direct effects on the immune .system and indirect effects such as nutritional de?ciencies, pathogenic organisms, and changes in the endocrine balance. in this light, procedures are presented to detect inrmuno- suppression in routine toxicity studies. Further- more. function studies will be discussed. of the cell-mediated home system. the humeral immunity, and the macrophag: system: these function tests are meessary in order to gain insight into the mode of action of the chemtal and to determine the functional significance ?1 ?11977 a u-u'ng' . W. .. . iymphoid organs. that increase the nrsceptibility to infection. or that impair the immunological responsiveness. These parameiers are considered hnportant in the evaluation of the toxicity of 'uicsc chemicals. Chemicals for which in depth lnfonnation is available (including data on an . indirect or a direct action of the chemical) will be disclosed first. In addition. chemicals whose eiToets require further investigations will be reviewed.. 01:00) The compound dioxin [Table 3) is a highly toxic impurity um may be formed during the production of Buuoi-loi et at.? were the ?rst to describe. in addition to hepatotoxlcity. seven: thymus atrophy in rats exposed to TCDD 95 with rats. mice. and guinea pigs have con?rmed and extended this In omttast to the adult animal. at and mouse pups that unexposed during the perinatal period by maternal .treatment-do not show major liver pathology; while. severe effects are seen in the organs. particularly in the thymus." Liver lesions-are mild in the adult guinea pig when -ounpar'ed with the severe atrophy of thymus and . peripheral organs.? At ahown by Moore. and Faith? (Figure 7). rats spaced during the pre- andlor postnatal period by maternal treatment with TCDD had significantly lower body and thymus weights at weaning 'age. At an age of 39 days. pups exposed only postnataily gained more weight than animals exposed during the gestation and nursing period. After 145 days. the body and thymus weights of the fonner poop did not differ signi?cantly from - I a a a I II moi-b mmom?maw . . a . (Figure 3). Since this i'u'st report. several studies TABLE 3 . i?rox 7 The Elf-ct of on Swollen?: violation and on Various Innuologleheanaateu ?110999011100? lavivooriarltro speci- u'aatsncat rennin: meet. lat. - an invivo Thymus atrophy 53.68.9345. 91-? Moose - in Vito atrophy +0 52. 6.8. 94-96 Gm?t- lam lat In who lama n-i?oetoprotein - Wm! Irmthocyu count - Ileana in rivo Patiohcral count . 100 Guinea pig in viro Peripheral count Mouse in vino Mahala! ntonocyta count - 96 Induction serum 0. ti. and 7 globulin I ,6 Susceptibility Saimateila ban infection #0 tot haccptibility.peodotabiea infection . - 101 lat . In viva Delayed-type hyperaensitivity 53. 5; Guinea pig in who Delayed-type a In in also Graft as. heat activity 51 loose in viva Graft vs. host activity . +14 32, ?8 lat . in viva Rejection of skin silo-grafts - 52 Jim . in rim Rejection of skin aiingrafts 4- 51 Gain at; in the Antibody teaponae to tetanus toxoid 40' .68 Rat - - In vivo Antibody reaponae to bovine gamma dobulin 53 transformation by I'llvir'o transformation by HM - +14 52 in vitro transfers-nation by HM - 52 lat Ia titre blowouton transformation ?Denotes the 1nercaacd susceptibility to infection and the apprentice effect on [ransom dd?: moderate: strong: -. noe?'cct. - Home: atm-hy also: occurred in adaenaioctoenbd and hypophysectotniaod rats can a: laica Heel-d with our-inc 'hunaone' 162.1.8 ?la young and adult anti-halt. instinctively. - '01: the [winery and smoothly antibody-response. manly. It wawwnuml 2 body walghl al 5 ill J5.0.01 HS. um m7. centroIsJet? female Fisheries: thatvereeapesod In 'the dose that caused atropliy of the thymus. In contrast, TCDD had no gn scant effect on monocytc counts. but serum eortcenttatims of a. d. and giubulins were reduced by TCDD est- posure. A sensitive parameter expusme is gum . lntubatlon of mice. once weekly rm} "gush gm; as low as ATCDD per ram bod - .wct' tl talit'ratc and decreased the time from infection to death in animals infected with Sell: or This dose 0 was one order of ma 'tu lots-er than many in mice infected with pscudt?a?bics 11m: to infection is probabiy due to- the endotoxln content of the bacteria, since recent results have shown that oral intuhatlon, once weekly for 4 weeks with 50 pg TCDD per kilogram body weight (a dose that gave a moderate thymus atrophy); rendered mice 50 times more sensitive to endotoxln com." 01' the different parameters of the cellular the delayedotype hypersensitivity to postnatally via -7 l4 aodpre- and postnatally statuamaldosiuon gestation 14. (Adapted front tubercan was reduced in guinea pigs but not in young adult rats.? The delayed-type hyper- sensitivity to oxazolone was reduced when rats the control. whereas scvere.;rowth stunting and thymus atrophy were present in the latter group. _Pra- and postnatal maternal treatment in mice can also produce a wasting pups." These ?ndings clearly demonstrate the severe con- sequences of TCDD exposure during the developrnental phase. The effect on the thymus la- not indirectly mediated by- the pituitary or adrenals. since thymus atrophy occun'ed ln'-'TCDD-exposed rats that were adrenalectomized or_ hypophyseeto- mined." In addition. the In?uence of TCDD an intake.? I'Also. recent results have drown that serum o-fetoprotein levels were not elevated rats with TCDD-inducpd thymus atrophy." Finall relirninary lentils indicate that injections of "hormone" did not protect TODD-exposed mouse pups from developing thymus atrophy".1 did reduce the number of peripheral in guinea pigs and mice. but not in rats.'? In another study with mice." no elfect was seen on peripheral and I1 - CRCOirtrt-lkaiwhrm 6 ?the thymus is not. caused by reduced food were exposed during the perinatal period by maternal treatment with TCDD: this reduction was even present in rats evaluated at 445 days of age.? The pal! vs. host activity of spleen cells of rats exposed .to TCDD during the postnatal period?. and of young mice" was signi?cantly reduced. but no reduced activity was seen when spleen cells of adult mice were used." in both rats and mice. perinatal exposure to TCDD prolonged the rejection of skin transplants.? Regarding the thymus-dependent antibody response. treatment of guinea pigs with TCDD reduced the secondary response to tetanus toxoid. but no effect was seen on the primary response." In the rat, perinatal exposure to TCDD did not reduce the primary and secondary antibody response to bovine gamma globulin." The mitogertic response of thymus and spleen of rats enptned during the perinatal period was suppressed on a cell-fur-ccll basis and in particular on an organ-for-oman basis?" The transformatim of spleen cells by PHA was reduced in young mice. but not in adult animal?s-a The responsiveness of mane spleen cells and rat thymus cells to the ultopens mm or Ciro A .13. oa? -- UtnanIn." . .. huts. -u-r manna-Juana gar-11. 19 JJ a . I. was not reduced when cultured in the presence of TCDD at concentration: up to 0.02 medium.? liven the presence? of 0.32 as TCDD per milliliter medium has been reported not to be toxic for human However. in another study. TCDD at a concentration of 0.48 medium was cytotoxic for several mnm- - 'rnalian cell whereas concentrations that are two orders of magnitude lower induce aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity in human i'l'hese results make it unlikely that TCDD needs metabolic activation. but indicate that the depletion of the thymus and the thymus-dependent lymriroiti tissue is not caused by a direct cytotoxic action of . In conclusion. TCDD causes thymus atrophy in all mammalian species studied. Regarding the biological significance of this effect. it has been shown in several experiments that TCDD exposure raults in functional impairment of the cellular humanity. but with quantitative different effects on of cells. In particular. T-heiper cells. possibly with the exception of those in the prinea pig. seem less compromised. in addition. it seems that the suppression of the cell-mediated -immunity is an" age-related phenomenon. at least in the mouse and rat where - TCDD exponrre during ontogenesis of the immune system seems to be prerequisite: in this respect. TCDD mimics the effect of neonatal thymeetorny. As discussed earlier." it is tempting to speculate to what degree depressed cell-mediated immunity in young rats and mice and in adult guinea pigs contributed to their deaths. since severe effects were observed in the absence of- major liver apathology found in adult mice and rates-Regarding I the mode of action of the TCDD-induced atrophy ch the thymus. it is probably not caused by a direct cytotoxic action on neither !indirectly by. an effect on pituitary. adrenals. or iproduction of thymic ?humane.? nor via in- duction of e-fetoprotein or reduced food intake. However. as discussed by van Lngten et al. it is still possible that TCDD may impair the ab- sorption and transportation of nutrients. An alternative hypothesis that needs investigation may be thruudt_an effect of TCDD on bone marrow stem cells as precursors of in the 'lhymus. The increased susceptibility of mice to infection with bent is remarkable. liost resistance to this type of infection pri .- depends - upon cell-mediated imnrunit 9 g. - .uL however. since increased mortality occurred at dhse levels of TCDD that do not produce atrophy. another mode of action seems likely. This increased susceptibility is very probably due to the endutoxin content of the bacteria. which has also been demonstrated to be the cause of the greatly enhanced susceptibility to E. infection of rats exposed to Regarding this sensitizing effect of TCDD for endotortin. it would be of interest to Investigate whether TCDD impairs the endotcxin detoxifying properties of macmphages. .- Di-n-oetyltindichloride (Dom and Di-n-butyltin- dichloride (one) - ln-depth investigations were carried out on effects on the immune system of the chemicals (DOTC) and di-n-butyltin- dichloride (DBTC) (T able 4). As shown by Seinen and the main effect of DDT in rats is - on the thymus. llistologically. deple- tion was observed in. thymus and thymus- dependent areas of spleen and nodes. in cell suspensions of the thymus. a dose-related decrease was seen in the number and viability of - thymocytes; the effect an spleen cell count and' cell viability was less pronounced. whereas no effect was found on bone marrow count and viability and' on peripheral and monocyte numbers. . As shown in Figure 8. in a series compounds tested, both' DOTC and DBTC pro- duced a severe thymus atrophy (which was revers- ible upon discontinuation of exposure). whereas a less pronounced effect occurred with . chloride and di-nopropyltindichioride. in contrast. the other compounds chloride. di-n-dodecyltindibromide. octadecyitindibromide) as well as mono-n- and tetraoctyiti': did not cause- atrophy of the - thymus.? - - The selective effect of DOTC on thymus is not indirectly caused by stress-related release of glucocorticoids, since a similar effect on thymus was present in adrenalectomized rats.? A strong argument in favor of a direct action of DOT and DBTC on rat thymus is their in vitro cytotoxicity for of rats. but not of guinea pigs and mice; in these latter two species. thymus atrophy does not occur after exposure to these chemicals.? . In function studies-of the thymus-dependent immunity, the delayed-type hypersensitivity to Hay 1917 OJ . v?d-MmH-H haunts-b.40th .MmJ-hJ-l-Iu- Ll-dloa-p- J..- -e nus ns-aeneu-an-I-Ieu .- and di?n-_ Tun?a?p-n?po . . r-v?v "1 $8220 EXHIBIT KURON Complaints: 1. E. L. Hand - Lake Jackson, Texas 2. John Norton - Glendale, Arizona azazzoN? 059583 Moo. 2 851 18221 .s rm 7/ . .Quajr??w/ . Copies to: DSM Product Sales Manager v: Product Tech ical Specialist AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT Salesman PRODUCT QUESTIONNAIRE (PLANTS) information given here should be factual unless indicated otherwise. 0 Written by: R. . Swart Date: 8/1l/71 00 Exact Name, Address and Telephone Number of Complainant: . . Hand CD Highway 332, Lake Jackson, Texas 77566 53L Telephone No. 713'798'2590 County Brazor?ia State Texas Detailed location ofdamaged and non-damaged area (locate on Geological Survey, highway, SCS or irrigation map): Buffalo Camp Bayou north of Highway 332 - west of Lake Jackson, Texas Name, address and telephone number of person receiving complaint: - - MCGr'egor'; Agricultural Department, Dow Chemical Lake Jackson, Texas Who requested Dow assistance: Mr . Hand Name and address of Dow and other personnel involved in investigation: D. M. Turner) Dow Texas Division Water Supply Deot.L Freeport TR. w. Swarti Dow Agricultural Deot.. Lake Jackson Date of complaint: July 1?2 1971 Product and Application: I June El, 24, 25 Within Product: Kuron Date of Application 1971 Date of purchase: 6 MO . Proof of puchase: Distributor or Dealer: yo 0, il?e from DOW Condition of container immediately prior to use: Lot number 50" 12 ?29 Amount of Product Used 55 Ga 1 - Area Treated- Rate/Acre Spray Vol. Spray/Acre 5 Gal. Plyac Emulsifier Wind velocity and direction at time of application: None Obtain original container with suspected contents: Spray water source: Prior use of sprayer: NUDE Other pesticides used in tank mix: None identi?cation, exact name. telephone number and address of: Cmumam: Soravco Systems. 1327 Judiwava Box 10025. Houston: Texas Mr. M. w. Held - 715-686?0598. 18322 Page 1 Sub-contractor: Contract applicator: M00 Weed commissioner: w. 4P Farmer applicator: Other: Equipment used? method ofapplication (ground, air, boom or gun, nozzle, pressure, chisel. tarp. etc.): PPS 3 UPS method of mixing (nurse tank or single batch): Spray from Boat [5 equipment used for application of other pesticides? Application Site: Acres Crapland Acres Utility ROW: _Crop: Future Highway ROW: Fallow: Crop Railroad Row: I Grassland $1531.35 lnd. Plant Site: Other: (Acres or sin of structure): Buffa Camo Bayo_u__? got of aquatic weeds Organism Affected: Human?: Livestock:__Cattle Wildlife: Ornamental: Crop: Speci?c identi?cation: Number (plants, acres, animals, etc.): I 3 ions Dollar value Claimed: None Proximity totreated area: . Cattle drink fI?QtTl bg yog_ 'NoIif Dow Medical Director (Dr. H. L. Gordon): 2030 Dow enter, The Dow Chemical Carnpany, .liidland, Mich 48640- Phone (517)636-2105 Suspected Mechanism of Movement: 40,000 ga1./ Drift: Volatility: Water movement: __mimte_30il movement: Crop residue: Manure: - Faulty Appln. Other: Field History (previous years): StISpected pesticide: Date Other pesticides: Date Disease. insect or other pests: I Fertilizer (analysis): Source: Source ofdrinking water, if sick or dead animals involved Bayou Whe I?e we re spra yed Previous crops grown in ?eld Soil type __Type ofirrigation employed Ht CW 0% co Page2 Summary of Possible Contributing Factors Not Covered Above (including competence ofapph?cntor, other pesticides applied in area. and opinion ofwrilcr as to cause): . MrL,Hand is a retired Dow employeei_living on 5? acres adjacenttj to Buffalo Camp Bayou. He has 16 cows and bull that pasture on the area and drink from the bayou. The bayou carries water to the canal that supplies water to the Dow plant. It is a practice of the Water Sunply Department of Dow to spot spray weeds in this bayou each summer. .Mr. Hand stated he has had 4 or 5 calves die soon after birth over a several year period, and had 3 abortions this year. 8129688 M0 1910 Bayou sprayed on June 29_and There was 1 calf died soon after birth in the fall, several months after spraying. 1971 - Spraying was done on June 21, 2h, and 25. Calves lost: 1 . June 5 lived short while 1 June 27_ about 6 mo. 1 9 I discussed the happenings with Mr. Hand and thanked him for reoortinq to usL However, I do not think Kuron was the cause of his problem and Mr. Hand really doesn't either. Various causes of abortion were discussed, and it was suggested that he obnsult his veterinarian with the possibility of checking blood samples. He agreed to do this and thanked us for our interest, and will report their findings to us later. l8224 Page3 SKETCH (to include the following in respect to area showing injury): (I) Page 4 Location oftreated area showing damaged and non-damaged areas. Direction of surface water drainage. Location and ?ow of nearby streams and/or drainage ditches(with distances). Prevailing wind direction. Include location ot'other sensitive crops in the area and indicate whether or not affected. Have photOgraphs taken, ifappropriate, showing overall effect and closeup ofalleged plant disorder. {Vi/9683 MOO 16225 Summary of Disposition: of Claim or report: Samples (samples to be taken only as a last resort). ll? independent laboratory, obtain: Name Address 93 Taken Analized Analytical results: Soil Water ES +3 Plant CH Animal Wildlife Settled. closed: Nature of settlement: None Complaint active: Recommended action: None Mr. Hand, being a former Dow employee, said he thought we would be interested in checking any possible relation of our product to his problem. I assured him we were interested and again thanked him for calling us. 18228 Page 5 u? -q . munmoh? - . I - .m New Scientist . . 1 . d? 13 April 1918 Chloracne: the chemical disease Chloracne is caused only by contact with chlorinated organic chemicals?it is truly a disease of modern civilisation. Although sometimes dis?guring. it is. In itself. not serious. But it could be a vit: indication that sufferers have been exposed to chemicals with other, much more serious, effects One cannot usefully discuss chlor- Dr Kenneth Crow is consultant acn'e dermatologist at Princess Margaret Hospital. Swindon and is a leading world authority on chloracne without considering the chemistry, toxicology, and even the environmental impact of the chemicals which cause the disease. Chloracne is a cutaneous eruption which is generally but sometimes dis?guring. its sig- nificance is as a marker, an indicator of the presence of a chemical which is likely to be toxic in other?ways and may well have environmental effects. When chloracne has sounded its warning. our whole attention should be directed to these other, more Serious, problems. They may not be present-indeed generally are not?but until there is conclusive proof to the contrary. chloracne should always be regarded as a sign of potential systemic poisoning and environmental hazard. Chloracne is produced by skin con- tact, ingestion or inhalation of certain chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons. . thointact skin._ but in__doiue_sa_thcit._l_r_tx_ie. eiiect is_les_sened._so_ tart Clinically. chloracne is an eruption of blackheads, usually accompanied by small pale yellow which, in all but the worst cases, are from pinhead to lentil size (above.lcl: in severe cases there may be inflammatory papulcs and even pustules (a papule is a spot, 'a pustule is a pupulc containing pus). The distribution of chloracne over the body is interesting: the disease has a predilection for the skin of the face, especially in a crescent outside and under . . I. I . .Ithe eyes (the malar crescent) and behind the ears. Thor areas are frequently allotted when every other part of U: skin is normal. The remainder of the face, neck, shoulder genitalia. chest and lower trunk can also be involved (i that order). The hands, feet and legs are rarely involvr and then only in the worst cases. in cases of exception. severity unusual ?ndings may be' encountered. Ft example. every single "hair" follicle in affected areas ma become a blackhead or acne (above, right). in rarr cases the entire body surface may be covered with horny spines like a nutmeg grater and in others generalisc hyperpigmentation may occur'to such an extent that th patient's racial origin may be in doubt. There is every reason to believe that the response the human skin to the same dose of causative chemical ma differ greatly in dill?erent areas of the body but this h. never been tested experimentally. 1n mild cases. chloracu may closely resemble adolescent acne but the curioi concentration of blackheads and round the eyes an on the cars is specific to chloracne. Its duration depeni greatly on severity?the worst cases may still have actn skin lesions 15 years after contact with the acneigen chemical has ceased. Mild cases. however. clear with months; after three years all but a "hard core" of 20 pl cent of cases are likely to have resolved themselves. Tl only permanent skin eifect is scarring. which may occur at all in mild cases but in the worst is very sever Apart from the human subject, chloracne (or somethii very like it) has been produced in only three experiment ?animals; the rhesus monkey ion the face, with loss of 1822? New Scientist 13 April 8 cause the initial damage was due to chemical the airborne dust consisting of particles of the released by the accident. This dust produced and swelling seen in so many of the cases after sion. As the burns faded. so the chloracne at - almost every case it has been mild. Contact wit these cases appears to have been mainly ext?.- ?rmed by the fact that (apart from the classic is already described) only externally exposed arc body were affected. All chloracneigens appe- absorbed through the skin. although the extent tion varies greatly. Some systemic level of the invariably occur. But such systemic concentratio "c a? - 1" . 7? .a-o A .0 ,?mmr chlorines all result in the relative nonotoxmty . .cannula-ulna '3 1 I cloak- c} . No available (top right). asymmetry (second from top. right). masking of the reactive bridge by chlorine alums (third [ram top, right), and. unadjacent chlorine atoms {botwm right) all make the chemical relatively non-toxic (causing steric hindrance) and the absence of adjacent com- pounds on the right of Figure 3. Usually short- and medium-term toxic effects are only seen in heavily poisoned subjects with severe chloracne and, with few exceptions, have been produced by poly- chlorinatod dibenzodioxins and clihonzo? furans. The worst incident of poisoning by chemicals was the Yusho incident in Japan in 1068. when over 1000 people were accidentally poisoned by consuming a rice-based cooking oil contaminated with a poly- chlorinated biphenyl (PCB) which contained an abnormally high amount of dibenzofurans. it is now believed that the dibenzofurans were largely responsible for the toxic e?ects. The of severe poisoning are known in detail only for TCDD and the mixture in the Yusho accident. The two chemicals differ little in their target organs. Chloracne. disturbances of the central and peripheral nervous systems. wasting, hepatic damage and hyperlipaemia (high blood lipid levels) have been most prominent. Recent experimental work revealing that TCDD. although known to cause birth defects. is in fact far more directly toxic to the fetus. is borne out by the history of pregnant Yusho victims: thWit-e incidence of st'l - ir dioxin-liktLL?CDFs. Wknown lob; fetotoxic but not teratogenic. An interesting toxic manifestation is meta? bolic abnormality in which the pigment is re- tained in the tissues. For years his been known to be associated with severe TCDD poisoning in man and can be produced in experimental animals by TCDD and PCBs?-?even pure PCB isomers. especiallv the hexachlorobiphenyl. It now seems most likely that may be due to an et?lect on the enzyme delta-aminolaevulinic acid the enzyme that limits the rate of production. This is strongly induced in vitro by TCDD and it seems likely that the PCB isomers which strongly induce AHH alsi) induce the enzyme. Mild chloracne. such as that suffered after the much- publicised Seveso accident in Italy in July 1976. does not appear to be accompanied by short-term systemic and surveys of the Seveso population one year after the accident con?rm this hypothesis. The absence of terato? genie effects at Seveso is as expected in view of the ?nding already quoted. The Seveso cases were most confusing be~ are unlikely to cause problems. except possibly i: term. when much depends on rate of metabolism. here is no possibility of consumer poisoning r, mild chloracne from maliu??_c_t_ur_ec_l products. the chemical?"industry the risk of chloracne although much diminished as awareness of the increases and-'? as diagnosis (especially in mild comes more accurate. From the environmental 5! the risk of low dose. long-term effects?in particul. and damage to genetic material ably more important. Poorly metabolised materials a hazard in the long term even when the dose is sm. Experimental data on the long-term effects acneigens on animals are limited to the rat and When fed to rodents in large doses throughout ll: time. PCBs produce liver tumours. The results of . study in which varying amounts of TCDD were fed _throughout their life revealed that tumours were only by a dose large enough to produce other cvid chronic toxicity in various organ systems. Lower which did not appear to affect the health of the 2 produced no tumours. This suggests a dose-relates Of further interest is a careful follow-up of 70 mt severely poisoned by TCDD 24 years ago in an int accident. So far there has been no evidence of ex or unusual malignant disease. in it seems may be carcinogenic lo maiT?c high doses. There remains ot addlt synergistic effects between mild carcinogens. as co?carcinogenesis. when a non-carcinogen can be act by interaction with other chemicals. As yet noth known about these phenomena among chloracneiger these are under intensive scrutiny following the race: covery of in a wide variety of materials. Controlling the risks What can the chemical industry do to reduce the of chloracneigenic chemicals? One priority must be t: lish and disseminate toxicological information i .throughout the industry. Otherwise costly and 1e research would be wasted. Secondly. because acne potential in a chlorinated or brominated armuatit stance appears to imply various other toxicities whicl be serious and of environmental signi?cance. 1 believ the simple. but extremely sensitive. rabbit ear test 5 become part of the standard battery of toxicologicd applied to every new substance (especially lierhicidr pesticides). If a contaminant is responsible for the a it may be possible to eliminate it altogether or reduc negligible levels (providing that long-term low dose have been adequately assessed). The headlong produce new chemicals after the Second World War that a great many new substances were inadeq examined toxicologically. Increasing awareness on ll of the major manufacturers and government researcl tutions. especially in the US. makes such problems it less likely to recur. This whale to band on a super delivered in: weak to m. on a o! Cocoon-amt Huron. Society. . :l New Scientist 13 April 1978 iavy} disruption of glands in the eyelids?Meibomian glands 'w?u In the human subject); the hairless mouse. and, most . of all. on the inner surface of the rabbit?s ear. I Berg?s-ll ll not possible to produce ehloracne on any other part I ?g (453: the rabbit's skin. Indeed, even systematic absorption of i1? {7 chloracneigrns by the rabbit produces chloracne only on the inner surfaces of the ears. Thus there is a clear parallel 5?12 :Llo the curious sensitivity of the molar crescents and ears in the human subject. The rabbit's ear appears to be the most - it? emittive biological surface known, reacting to a total dose in I the most potent chloracneigenic chemicals as small as .. microgramme. Thus the rabbit's ear affords a simple, an and relatively cheap method of identifying chlor- mCiScPiC materials. The_biolegical basis of chloracne, and fair. particular of its predilection for certain areas of the Lil is quite unknown. Investigation of the disease is *ii'thmpered by the lack of an analytical method accurate band sensitive enough to estimate quantitatively chlor- - r31, acneigenic chemicals which may be present in blackheads 1i}, glad as opposed to other skin tissues. The chl::inated aromatic hydrocarbons which are known -1559 to have produced chloracne in humans are ?He 13;, .3 511.3," commercial (PCBs) dibenzofurans dibenzodioxins I tetrachloroazobenzene (TCAB) and tetrachloroazoxyben- '35! zene (TCAOB). With the exception of the chlornaphthalenes and PCBs. - '21" these Compounds are contaminants formed accidentally .43.. .. 'during the manufacture of other chemicals. For example. the PC85 have been shown to have a toxicity of 1? their own, in their commercial form they are always con- :t-?taminated by varying amounts of the much more toxic Again. the manufacture of 2,4,5 trichlorophenol "'g?produces as a contaminant the most toxic and chlor- .: .jacneigenic small molecule known, tetrachlorodi- "JbeHZD-p-dioxin (TCDD) of Seveso fame. Crude pentachloro? (if it phenol production. as recent research has revealed. leads - the formation of a range of impurities. The latter also recently been discovered in crude hexaclilor- I f3? -benzene. The contaminants TCAB and TCAOB occur during -: . "$51 the chemical reduction of to the cor- responding diphenyl hydroxylamine and dichloroaniline, .both industrially signi?cant intermediates. TQM) and 9-3 sf" near- 4 sari. TCAOB are never found in the final products and exposure ?If, therefore occurs only in the chemical industry. Little is known of the detailed chemistry of the commercial chlor- q' naphthalenes. Whether their toxicity is due to contamin- . ants or the pure chlornaphthalenes is unknown. The acneigenic potential of a chemical appears to he. fr; ,r directly related to its overall toxicity. The importance of .3 3.1 this fact is the implication that chloracne an expert- h: mental animal can provide a very important screening .f g- test for systemic (not only skin) toxicity. This appears to 1 hold true for all known chloracneigens with the exception of tetradiloroazobenzene and possibly azoxybi-n- - zone. Recent work reveals a vast difference between the oral and cutaneous toxicity of these chemicals. presumably because of the well-known susceptibility of the azo bond v- 13}, to destruction in the mammalian gut. - Certain basic elements of their chemical structure deter- mine 'the toxicity of chloracneigens. The crudest g_f__all factors i?_t_l3e_degree of chlorination. It appears that a 1' 2.1.1.: [y 110 1m Uri.? (1.71?How carbon atoms i in aromatic at hydrocarbons or numbered i' chipping gentent somewhere between ma um and mi mum produces the greatest toxicity. For example, dioxins can have from one to eight chlorine atoms. than four, or more than six. chlorine atoms in. a diox molecule greany reduTc t'oxiCiE betwden tour and?six pr Wm??p thew eiemicat property determining toxicity is isomerism, th is. not 'ust the number alogcn gt_o_ms_b.u.t__thcir_m posnion in th?olecule. By convention these positions a allotted a number (see Figure 1). Thus we may ha- and 12.3.4 tetrachlorodibenzo-p?dioxins or, similar: and tetrachloroazobenzene. must be able to distinguish them. Ilihe detailed study i as many isomers as possible is essential. Successful we: in this ?eld depends entirely on the Chemist's ability i the various isomers in pure form. Once the- are available as standards, modern instrumentation pr vides a means of relatively rapid. accurate and sensitix analysis, not only qualitative but also quantitative. Simple test?tube test: ironically, many toxic chemicals initiate their (in destruction?they can activate (or ?induce?) cellul. enzymes whose function is to metabolise and detoin them. These enzymes can be separated from liver cell a particularly rich source. and used for in vitro tests in tone potential. hydroxylase the most useful for assessing acneigenic chemicals. Th degree and duration of enzyme induction has proved parallel closely the acneigenic and systemic toxicity of a rhloracneigens so far studied. giving us an elegant an simple method for distinguishing toxic from less tox' isomers. On the other hand. in vitro tests will not reve. the sometimes great differences in susceptibility betwei- species. Thus animal studies are still necessary but onl for a very small number of selected compounds. As a rcSul of recent intensive research with the enzyme inductin '"i?m?luc in the molecule. the adjacent carbon ate 5. the presence of available hydrogen the Spain- ;irraneenient of a molecule "hides" reactive atoms. pn venting certain reactions) all enhance toxicitV. tlecen work indicates that all ?ogcireiggiic- compounds _ai\ either exactly or approximately isostcric (that is. have th- same distributions of electrons?over the outside of th- melee, le?see Figure 2). The erat -?asimmetry, chlorination next to the diphenyl bridg- l.4 . tease 1,3,1. I THMCEWMEZOFWN . - - I Pest-lame: necuaarnon owmon euaacr IURIAU no. era?Rn? enumerate. o.c. zozuo FOR AMENDED REGISTRATION OF ECONOMIC POISONS LOAN: or APPLICATION - .. . A .. (Under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicrde, and Act) ?a ?l 0? - IMPORTANTI READ msrnucrraus on REVERIE 2. "mm" (Must be same product name as on label?do not list active ingredients)" I :311.3.5.4. HURON 3. [runs a MAILING ADDHEII an neatsrruu'r (Include Zip Cock). I . 1 ?Ineatsrni?ri?arr no. -2 Dow Chemical - :4 Ag-Organics Department "l l. ?I?ll- DATE 03 NC Page 3 . 3:5: r1 Michigan - . 33.373 r12. 'Lu 2.5: lAItn: Dr; V. I?ullison "Treats-distal}! (V 6. NATURE OF REVISION (Cheek applicable item and give details in item 7, when required) "Elmo" OF LABELING q] . usle's'l'raoea {o LAalLlhia i FORMULAHON [3 {List new recommendations in item 7 (5?55 (Give description of exact change ,h . . ape-Hence encoucr NAME Lb in item 7) I I .U .i ram.? 91?; name and new name . 5% OTHER a . .. L..-. 1. V. in item 7) -r I in item .7 'l 7?lif 1 . . hrs-2r:- a-J- 7. oc?rmu acauunco av nzvmou cuecxeo new 0 (Attach additionaisheets if more space is needed) . This application for amended registration involves a general label re? vision. The recommendations have been reorganized into four major headings: Industrial and Non?Cropland Areas, Aquatic Weed Controlg'? Pasture and Rangeland, and_Uses in Croplands. _The_precautionary state- ments have been expanded and strengthenedreally new uses have been added but the label does have several recom- mendations which are practices that have been in common use but were not previously stated on the label. "These are} forest conifer release, basal bark and stump, powered knapsack_basal treatment; and modified basal treatment. These recommendations are-all for Industrial and.Non- Cropland areas. i' . -- .u.v . .. . n. EELThe Aquatic section has been modified td'make it shorter and less complex. commune on ATTACHMENT 8. THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THIS APPLICATION IN ANY CORRESPONDENCE ON THIS PRODUCT REFER TO- REGI THATION 1H ITEM ABOVE 0 Five (5) copies of revised labeling, including any printed or graphic matter 5_ J, . l, .- - which may accompany the sale of this product. Copies must be clearly - legible and identical. .. If a change in formulation is involved, five (5) copies of a stotemenr or revised formula showing the precise name and preaentage of "5h active and inert ingredient. (This information is treated confidentially) When appropriate, three (3) copies of Supporting Data. 9, SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED FIRM REPRESENTATIVE.- m. TITLE II. DATE SIGNED I, ietrntien Qggcialist PR FORM 9-198 ISTIMG STOCK OF on (saws?n93 nus. 19w - . My 1959 BE USED UNTIL exnausreo APPLICANT 5 COPY ?16230 . 3 r1INSTRUCTIONS FOR PR man?s?its --. cud?- - 'I?qI-rll-T-?I-?u4l" "31w"- 13:? . F- 1231'! 2 2' ti .bApplications should be submitted as far in advance as possible prior to desired registration date. 'Thae'time required to process applications may vary depending on the extent of review required. Applications which require consultation With other governmental agencies will take__a longer time _to.process. . a - no n-ioi-rnuit-ruu cut. 5.1a 2. ?'The name of the economic poison shown in the application must'be' the'same'pr?du'ct'nahie ",afs'that'shownm? thelabellns submitted. Do not list the active ingredients. i i- 3. -?The name of the firm or person and address shown is the: person or; firm istration will be issued. If you are acting in behalf of another party, yen must' submit'authoriiation?from that party to act for them in'registration matters. The address given in item three will be the mailing ad- __._dress permanently on record unless changed by the registrant. 314-7 a tailifhcg?gngg'The registration number assigned must appear on the label. The number must be the'same as that appear- ing on the notice of registration and shall be preceded by the phrase Registration NumberReg. No.9 (Better to Sec. 362.607) of the Regulations); . ?r - a .. MOO 883683 i=3" it 331 nails .1 :3 2-13,; can melt n't?nu'?qqc .b 5' Changes in the formulamust be submitted in advance of-the prOposed effective data rc-Jf-i it} ?enthusiasm: in .3 DHAHNature of revision - The Whe exact changes desired and ?p?dn?reques?t must subf mit a description of test results to justify such changes. Minor changes in formulation may be handleda's revisions of existing registrations. This might include a change in the percentage of active ingredients or .-a..change, in inert.lngredients..However, any basic change in formulation such asachangein the principal .. active ingredients would require a separate registration: as a?new product wi-th-a' different? product' nam'..-.--. .u .- . . I t. ..-.. .. . i. -- . 1' B. Labeling All' cepies or labeling must be clearlylegible' and lithograph labels should be submitted. Do not send containers. Your supplier should be 'able'to furnish photo copies of the. screen print. Submit reduced photo capies of labeling for dry agricultural fertilizer '4 insecticide, or her- bicide bags. Any label smaller than half the size of a sheet of paper 8 inches by 10 inches Should be stapled to a sheet of paper 8 inches by 10 inches before attaching to application. .- l? -. .I Formulation ?r If a change in formulation is involved, five copies of a saparate statement listing the cor: 'rect name and percentage by weight of each active and each inert ingredient must be submitted with each application. This statement is treated confidentially. it cannot be used to support a customer's (formulat- or) application for subsequent registration without written authorization from the registrant. If necessary - information on the formula is not available to the applicant (formulator or packer), he should: Obtain the necessary information from the basic supplier and submit five cepies of the statement with the appli- cation or Request the basic supplier to furnish the necessary information to the Division along with a statement specifically authorizing the use of such information to support separate registration for the applicant. The statement from the basic supplier must clearly identify the applicant's product to which it appliesATTENTION: The submission of an applicstion does not constitute registration. Comment or notice of registration will be sent after examination by the Pesticides Regulation Divi-, sion of the information submitted?Euro-r, :irL. lo sit-.in: enu- AM 1; i at tun-'0 .u 1 - 'ng?i Mel-i 7:315:i?f?-.-.. H-. .. 5 ?4 ?Six ?In. :9 '3 rel-w . .. a] a . ?ifWILLARD AND BILLEE SHOECRAFT VS. THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY 1 EXHIBIT 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol Analytical and Shipment Record. 16232 ANALYTICAL AND SHIPMENT RECORD MICHIGAN DIVISION, DOW CHEMICAL U.S.A. FOR ALL LOTS PRODUCED DURING THE PERIOD MAY 27, 1967 AND MAY 2, 1968 THAT WERE USED IN THE MANUFACTURE -I48.11") :4 a: o? r: LOT DATE BLDG CAR (PPM) 05277 5/27/67 489 309 0.2 . . 91.5 0.2 .2 0.3 <1 06017 6/1/67 489 313 0.2. . .7 89.7 _0.2 .5 0.2 <1 06067 6/6/67 267. 314 <0.5 0.2 . .5 89.7 <0.5 .2 <0.5 06077 6/7/67 489 313 <0.5 0.3 . .8 89.2 <0.5 .4 <0.5 <1 06127 6/12/67 489 314 <0.5 <0.5 . .0 88.1 0.2 .0 0.4 <1 06137 6/13/67 489 313 309.; 0.4 I3 0 .9 06167 6/16/67 489 314 0.4 . . 89.2 .3 .1 <1 6/23/90.8 . . <1 0; 03 OQTSTOMOO I SHIPMENTS OF TRICHLOROPHENOL -.-LOT DATE. BLDG CAR (ppm) I 06267 6/26/67 489 309 0.4 .5 91.0 . . <1 . 06287 6/28/67 489 313. 0.5 .6 . 90.5 . . <1 06287-2 6/28/67 489 314 0.4 .6 90.0 (1 06307 6/30/67 489 - 309 <0.5 <0.3 .4 . 92.7 <0.2 . . <1 07067 7/6/67 489 313 (1 07087 7/8/67 489 314 <1 07117 7/11/67 267 309 0.4 0.1 ,0.4 I 3.1 90.3 2.3 0.1 <1 07137-1 7/13/67 489 . 313 0.4 0.1 0.4 2.8 89.9 0.2 2.2 0.1 <1 1M07267-2 7/26/67 267 309 <0.5 0.3 0.6 2.2 92.6 <0.2 1.8 0.4 0508107-2 8/10/67 489 309C '0.3 0.2 0.3 i.6 88.5 0.2 2.1 0.3 <1 2308157 8/15/67 267 314 <0.5 <0.1 <0.5 1.7 87.9 <0.2 1.8 <1.0 <1 ?h08157?l 8/15/67 489 313 <0.5 .1 .5 1.7 89.2 0.2 2.1 <1.0 <1 MOO SHIPMENTS OF TRIUHLOROPHENOL . m'r-I I I I - -.-LOT DATE BLDG CAR (PPM) 08167-2 8/16/67 489 309 <0.5 . 90.4 0. . <1.0 <1 08247 8/24/67 489 313 <0.5 . . 92.3 0. <1 <1 08217 8/21/67 489 314 <0.5 91.5 0. <1 Inter- ference 08287 8/28/67 489 314 <0.s . 92.8 0. 0.3 <1 08297 8/29/67 489 309 <0.5 89.0 0. 0.3 <1 09087 9/8/67 267 309 0.4 . . 89.0 - . <0.3 <1 09057 9/5/89.6 0. <0.3 <1 09017 9/1/67_ 489 313 0.3 89.0 0. <0.3 <1 09117?1Da 9/11/67 267 294 93.5 0. . <1 09147 9/14/67 489 -313 - . 93.2 0. <1 09167 9/16/67 489 314 91.0 0. <0.5 <1 09207?1 9/20/67 489 313 - . 90.4 0. . <0.3 <1 a . 891810 M00 (29 SHIPMENTS QF TRICHLOROPHENOL 8839 -.-4 W4 'rN?s. LOT DATE BLDG CAR (PPM) 09207-2* 9/20/67 267 '294 91.7 <0.3 <1 09227-1 9/22/67 267 294 <0.1 93.1 0.3 <1 09237 9/23/67 489 314 <0.1 92.5 0.3 <1 09267?1 9/26/67 489 313-0 . 92.2 2.3 0.3 <1 09287-1 9/28/67 489 314?c <0.1 93.2 0.2 <1 '09297-1 9/29/67 489 313-c <0.1 . . 92.2 0.4 2.3 0.2 <1 10037-1 10/3/67 489 314-0 <0.1 . 90.0 <0.3 <1 10057?2 10/5/67 267 294-0 <0.1 . 91.0 2.7 <0.3 <1 10067-1 10/6/67 267 294-0. <0.1 0. . 89.9 <0.3 <1 10067-2 10/6/67 489 309-c' <0.1 .5 90.0 0.2 2.3 <0.3 <1 10067?3 10/6/67 267 294-0 <0.1 .4 90.1 2.0 <0.3 <1 p.145. 691810 OF TRICHLOROPHENOL 4JE-4 0 0 OJ 0 0 01m'u LOT DATE BLDG CAR a (PPM) 10097-1 10/9/67 489 313-C (0.1 0.5 0.5 2.7 89.6 0.2 A 2.0 (0.3 (1 10097-2 10/9/67 267 294-0 (0.1 0.5 0.3 2.9 92.1 0.2 1.9 <0.3 - <1 10127~1 10/12/67 267 309-C (0.1 0.6 0.3 2.4 90.0 0.1 1.8 (0.3 (1 10137-1 10/13/67 489 314-C (0.1 0.7 0.4 2.5 91.2 0.2 I 2.2 0.3 (1 1016741 10/16/67 489 313-C (0.1 0.7 0.3 2.9 90.5 0.2 2.4 0.3 (1 10187-1 10/18/67 489 314-C (0.1 0.6 0.3 2.7 90.5 0.2 _2.1 0.3 (1 10217-1 10/21/67 489 313-C (0.1 0.4 0.2 2.3 91.8 0.2 2.4 (0.3 '10237-1 10/23/67 7 489 - 309-C (0.1 0.3 0.2 2.7 90.8 0.2 2.3 (0.3 (1 10257-1 10/25/67 267 314-dv (0.1 0.4 0.4 3.4 89.7 0.3 2.3 (0.3 (1 10287-1 10/28/67 489 313-C (0.1 0.6 0.4 3.6 88.9 38817-1D 10/31/67 489 309-C (0.1 0.6 0.3 4.0 88.3 0.3 2.4 (0.3 (1 6% ES 99 4191810 SHIPMENTS OF TRICHLOROPHENOL LOT BLDG CAR (PPM) 11027?20 11/2/67 489 <0.1 0.6 0.3 4.3 89.5 0.4 . <1 11067-1D 11/6/67 489 309-C (0.1 0.1 0.5 4.4 89.7 - 0.3 - <1 11097-1F 11/9/67 267 313-C (0.1 0.5 4.6 91.8 0.3 .3 0.3 <1 11137-1F 11/13/67 489 3.3 91.0 0.2 .1 (0.5 (1 11/24/67 489 309-C 2.6 90.7 0.2 0.2 (1 11257-1D 11/25/67 267 313-C 2.4 89.8 0.2 0.3 (1 11277?10 11/27/67 489 2.4 90.2 0.2 0.2 (1 12047?10 12/4/67 489 2.7 90.5 0.3 0.3 12087-10 12/8/67 489 309-C 2.4 90.7 0.3 0.3 <1 12097-10 12/9/67 489 2.5 90.5 0.2 0.3 (1 12107-1D 12/10/67 489 2.4 '91SQTBIOMOCI m. SHIPMENTS OF TRICHLOROPHENOL 'r-I 'v011'} LOT DATE BLDG CAR (ppm) I I 12147?10 12/14/67 489 314?c <0.5 0.6 2.4 89.8 0.3 2.3 0.3 <1 01128-1D 1/12/68 489 313-0 - 0.6 0.7 2.7 90.2 0.2 2.4 0.3 I <1 01138-lD 1/13/68 489 309-0 0.7 2.9 90.2 0.2 2.3 0.3 <1 01158-1D 1/15/68 489 314-0 - - 3.0 89.3 0.2 2.3 0.2 <1 01188-1D 1/18/68 489 313-c <0.5 0.8 3.3 90.5 0.2 2.3 0.3 <1 01218-1D 1/21/68 ?267 314-0 <0.5 0.7 0.7 2.8 91.2 0.2 2.2 0.3 <1 01278-1D 1/27/68 489 309-0 0.7 0.6 2.8 89.3 0.2 2.3 0.3 <1 01298-1D 1/29/68 I 489. 313-0 0.7 0.7 2.8 90.7 0.2 2.3 0.4 <1 02038-1D 2/3/68 489 .314-0 0.7 0.7 2.6 91.8 0.2 2.1 0.4 <1 02078-1 2/7/68 489 309?0 (0.1 0.6 2.8 91.7 0.2 2.2 <0.1 <1 QSISIOMOCI 89391 SHIPMENTS OF TRICHLOROPHENOL W391 1.510 .LIEr-I r-I .-.-I -r-.-LOT DATE BLDG CAR . (PPM) 02108?1 2/10/58 489 314 <0.1 . 0.5 92.0 . . <1 02118-1 2/11/58 257 313 <0.1 . 0.7 91.0 . . . <1 02158-1 2/15/58 489 314' . 0.5 . 92.2 . . . <1 02208-1 2/20/58 489 <0.1 0.5 0.5 91.9 . 0.3 <1 02288?1 2/28/58 489 314 0.5 0. . 92.5 . . 0.3 <1 03098-lF 3/9/58 257 309 0.5 0. 91.5 . 0.3 <1 03208-1F 3/20/58 489 313 0.5 . 92.9 . . 0.3 <1 03228-1F 3/22/58 489 314 0.5 . 92.4 . 0.4 <1 03258-1 3/25/58 489 '309 0.5 . . 92.2- . . 0.3 <1 03288-1F 3/28/58 489 314 <1 03308-1 3/30/58 489 313 0.7 0.9 2.4 92.0 .2 2.3 0.3 <1 LQISIOMOO SHIPMENTS .1: .120 41J1: 3 \0 con11') 6? m? 63?. 6: 2? LOT DATE BLDG CAR %v (PPM) 04028-1 4/2/68 489 314 0.7 . 2.4 89.9 . .4 . <1 04058-1F 4/5/68 489 309 0.6 . 2.2 91.7 . .3 . <1 04098-1F 4/9/68 489 . 314 0.7, . 2.3 91.5 . <1 04118-1 4/11/68 267 313 0.7 2.3 92.7 . . <1 04178-1F 4/17/68 489 0.7 2.5 93.6 . <1 O418851F 4/18/68 267 314 0.7 . 2.5 91.7 . . <1 04228-1 4/22/68 489 313 0.5 2.1 93.2 . . <1 4/26/68 2677 309 0.6 2.2 93.3 . . <1 04298-10 4/29/68 489 314 1 0.6 2.2 90.6 . <1 GATX 05018-1D 5/1/68 489 70116 0.6 . 2.2 92.1 . . <1 05028-1D 5/2/68 267 313 0.6 0.6 1.9 93.8 0.1 2.1 0.4 <1 cm 891810 MOO ?yr12-. h. I I I. (X ?lL-t 030/352" 030984ng 267 3307 2.3 a 2.265 P/pa! 2.2 .3 8 \l ?3 Mn. 03/38 44/ /2/2 0 3 *343 label a a 3 03/43- 44/ /2/2 - 33/5845? 265 P/pe- 0.6 A A h. came-mg: 265 ?fe a, 6 4/93 3/3 a? 0.6 33223?? 43-7 3/4 I ?46 AAN .. was-J 433 332 0.6 3253 03258-3 4- 10 .43 x? 04. 0327a?/F1245 lB-pe? a 7 (??bu?uabu Lg -. CD l3/4 i - I?ll dime-mi 265 03368~l 33489 3/3 Sn 04028-/ 489? 3/4 u?u-n-a? ?q Kb km 04038?l?5 73/3. 95/7} I .J . I 04043-6; 44?. /2?40?8jF43.7 3/4 Maw/i237 3/31 to Lu 0164;?! ax .- F?ul-l nun?- a?n- ?71 Ch g? 34/73/31 437 $2302: $33333: 04188-IF5267 3 3/4 n?J?n?n-n? *an I .-. .- 91/bghg?ggbg?bg mm u?nm -.- 343333/3/33 :5 ?77- 6?7 I - - .- 10.170 2:37 304' . 99%999513999; u-o- - - .. 3 33.3 0. I . 0-7233- 3/4 93Mumwa 2.45% 3 i 37.8 - 3.1 .3 I (j 9.2. a 399993 I .577") SJ r? m3 71.7: '3 .1 . .. a_ ma 23/3 ?336 $25 -8 DWI 4524774515277 5250? - 45.5 (9.2 92.2 0.2 9.2 an; 4' 55w] 450/ - 5,2: 6.2. 6 fans" 17 LI 1, M/z' 4:97 3/3 0.3 99.7 45" a; 05057 33.? 5:97 AW (La 4,5 55' 97h? dad/,Zo? (cur 4/ yd?007 .267 3/4 (.2 5.3 2.5 827 2.2 56067 33% 397 54 0.3 2.7 43.5- 2.4 Am" .4: 56:77 358 f? . 00077 313 as 0-3 E72 -zo-5' 2.4 105 4/ 05037 33% ?57 6-2 a. 4 7.59 89.7 (or 4a; 1/ ob?? '69-?0 0?5; 9571.6?- oL 2-10 0.4 09?97 44! 01.107 358 257 (of and: a4 (1.7 913 0.2., 1.4- A: can? #05 0.: 57,57 0-1.. 2.5? co. l- 35:7,; 49? 10.5 0.5 3.045/37 48? 3/3 1/06/47 307? 5.4 0.2. 0.4 3.4 ?9312 a3. 24? AI rad/67 4&1 3'4 04 35.2 6.4 3.4 57- 0.3 00/57 33? 277' an: 5:3 5.4 2.1 7/4, 0.x 33 03.15,: 2.6 67,12 02 a] zod- Vollb 4515? 6'7 ,7-7 90.] 6-2. 3,0 Zen:- 4; 0.52/7 33? 117 501 0.4 3.0 2.2 6.3 36:87 335 .277 70-3 - ??iall ,747 3/4 - a-Y 6:5 3.2 $5.3 0-3 1! 06-45-74.41 06557 35% Li] 5,6 434 Kg 90.4 .25 46.707 4?06157 4?39 36 mo my 2.2? 0-4 Al 0077011an 63% 23M 3,3 4.3 66187-2,? 435@915- 05297?2 353 4?77 0:7 0-5 5.2 52] 47.7 5.7 1?1159?it 7:5 TIF/CA/Ac?c??raoh?d o- t. kk r\ mm 04. 04;: Jo#&wa M/r?wzrao? . . . 09/ .69?6' 435,254 .4197 340 62, ran 5/3 [64! A '3 070/7 335* 6-1 6-2 7?30 Jae? 3.0 6202 7 35: 247 Fag A5 0:6: 2.5. 93.0 1m 0-3 4703 7 :57} 5.3 2.: 728' any as 0245?? 335' 2-77 5.4 .54 0,4 2,9 $9.7 td?z 3.6 {5.3 6' 706.7 48? 3/3 @52i7~/ .955 0.51 3-9 3.3 88.0 - -o vain. 33% 297 07:537. 49? 514 - . 53.07 339 2,97 5.4! 19.; 0.5? 3.3 74y 14.2 2.3 267 309 64 614 3.2] 4.u IJ II. HIS). ?aw-0ll. ale-.I..J.41.--. . . .u II II .rur .. VCRL..nwn.r. Twat ?at-v 0.74. ..1114.-. (II: (. I. ..- (.lufrf+war..rr h. f. (. ..I.. I ..J .llu Inolv "\er .. I.LI.u1lr F?xrn. 1' . Ina-u .J .. . I.). (.(cIr 7:1 .. ..I 1 rhf. I. .w r. I.. .Vu rain?. l. .rrf?rn? .I1rlaw! I.. huhu . . . . .. . . II I. 0 ?u ?aws mamas at: on. mmuammb .haqmo?uwm .- .l I. ?ll: FL .I Alhl \Illna I I or) Inn'35IvfIrahkr IT-Y Pu.? Put}? ?cw?o .H wmco .supr?wm . 8.. JOHN .ICC. I?mwumhm . . . I . .I. 11.. I. . II-..) wand.- .. I. I r. . WU..- (Coll . . a. . 1. 4.. .. UUVV I. Judi-11A -0. Pl.- ..VcUsvcruc .. 4.1 our-a su J13 Ils. . I. ..IIJI..I.I .11 . ??rm?U - Pfithr. n. '51 u- I .. It.) II II. ..1 Mark?. in. r- I .rhm?unI .0 to slated-I a. ..L .N Pinklull! II. o. 0.97.! I-.. .. u. . I..l ..(ntrumkwm $0 . Ill ?Huanr.r\. .l 12.4.. .1345. .. . 5+ an on hm-mo mm .wmwaonma . .. nu l.walnuruou .. . rIN-li I .I. Ir.lu .I.f.hr1.1. a. . tvlwI?l'jl II Iii-Id. 101 \l.d no. ..rm . . -. .. raw. ?u I fur ews? 973300 I .. .?ltn17}. [Ida-n . I) V. m?wo?mna . . .1 . . .l'n Ilnuln_.lu..I.\14.044@D?z gag-cs? 16280 '4 0\ U1 wI??H:37! . l- 1 I :l-I .- c' 5- 1.. ?in?mout - 11h 22$ g?Z' ,m'utlw ?3 i'J' - .z-I o?uh?mr1-. CA..- -.A-uvI-v? 13%: .- . - .- 3 \Jli Il? ?un.324 i at" ha'13: 3 1? our-Hun . ..-.-.- Va.- ?1551h'.3. L31hm.- Eta-"- a I I, - -. - 'rrh lc ulnahJ?k 5" Alatc;cenurate '\on3.31" ?1 V.- i I. 311-9 T17. 12?13 UUH ?mm??man?u?W-mm? Irma-r! Iva-M? rv"t?15- I, ?deA JED wL I Ow6 ka? QLO ?1.01 (m?Ep Lt) a aqeaapom we -30?301 855 - 'gaoqu nan i I IEMEUE BUGS 'nrsatdaad?q 0? ??0?38?toixa un?vts Attaq 'uotg mugrzada qua: a?q ?0133 p039 LG w: LG I ?4 7:1 zaenux 'a (V -- - 0 . vain-"m". 1L0?,uuhd L-gagthi Jae aI 990191 ?5 555 qga' nun?'- . m-o n- It an ;-.111 :21 . . .-. .. .- qqoL ?9143.9c;p temyuw ?guarymwid ?Kine Emuqq?ac nq?rts ?83 or gonna: 'm KO an. F-?a I: . QB tumguu ewes) satovtzog I Dag ?933? QUBIIS ?83 . geesuz was ?x ?qgam 9? P319 IEBTUV ?dgaq pua Bmepa {gustgiaa aqvacpo? 533 -U I 3:23unun-r: -. I 1 "Itrr?fgv-?fr: 540C {alight- 1.3 3L3 5. bin-.113 LL 5.43 L11 3:0 '?zt.au?wy av ?mw am: d?wwv~w 1.1751. c.9- b-hll SEPJJILU oL' .71an dF?g I, .. . - 15"! 2 I w? Bil". 1.1.33"; .nq?um In.? x: 31335 15281 TEELE T17.h912?14 ms?Mn?gml SKIN - 7 a ?mo??Juan. 5 9 rum #1 5m?" um?om?? w?cw" 5? ?aw41 2: Wo?h "m 4-2? 11nd 4-: HHJ Cnn?iticn No. of gpterial Animal N0. of Skin Apn?iaatiens __Site Resnonse?lema?Intent 0 ea? ES- 5 d6 irrita?ion. Fo?lia?e. prominent. 5% in DPM 375 M. Intact i 5 be1_y Ex- n? after last a?rliw cat?sh. Animals sacri'icadAbradea i 3 I beliy ESLen?lally the same intact 5 ear N0 irritation; no foliiculftf - Animal died after laSB app 1- cation. 1% in DPH 55? F. Intact 5 belly Same as abnvo, no Hyp?rpla?l? . v?uIr-v-?? in DEM 608 H. Intact 6 ear No irrntation, folli?ibs prominent afta~ last cpbliu cation. Animal died. same as above; no Hyperpld?i? 0.25; in DFH 603 M. a Intact 6 beii} 0.15 in DFM 932 M. Intact 14 ear Moderate folliculitia; (l7 ?ayn) only 0.01% in 934 M. Intact 1h ear Sligh? follic?litis: (17 days) only 1? Ch be QEEBLB moo DUW 379338 's.xaonpc.1d commune gnome-(E bo-ot-3'3CE .1 1 gamma-2 1mg scam-1'2 gum) .70 (acne JO Ecl'pumlamq a) 13.115333; 12.75311 .. 11:51:13 Nadir; 1250hqpuchb?_ 0? JO Suiue?apqq cu) gq?tts Rama eggttuurtto; om Jaqam at ?bt $5159 9 1- I . ?mu-3-4., . db (are $0 Snyuaqoxqq cu-1. -.--. w?w?I mun?I?m..an yuan-upma? {ava 5c E?yuenogqg on) I 0M 7?32"on. I. .uug. Mag.? 0 z, (ma-:7 OJ) - q?$bl cu ?tzutguesgg on aaqam u: -u q?apwh?m? L-v-{Jazzrzupzimm 3' Cb . SEEKS-3 1:73 ?nouuquS (19_ Sg?yl?dp_LOJ hagam-u. ?:51 ?.5333 :0 Butuaaoxq; 9) (453 50 Eutuaqaxqg cu} Ii} :Euvtnargta; qu?tze Ehag Jaqem GT 57865] I .. mono- . . . nu.- vrm-I?r-va-O-Im?w-q-uq? Agar pegsaa IEIJEQEN 'om etdmas 0% HUH LIEGUH E3 NOIEQVEH 162383 373.53/ s? 1"?l Ila01?. - H- . ?5'3343.4131 mu.? -A..- . . . {5.3 I-.- 1L3 "warn -llq9n1-.ao-J .. - . 0 c1" annor-a a a .J .- a: 51' crate; 7,99 . t. .4 .I. ?31. I - var.- 11 a a T2131 0 R33 I.- 0 RC: 5? 1161 .15. w? ?it; 31' :99 5?14?! .3 A4 13. 12 13 Sam; .19 on.- r. L. 1 J- .L 9.(men J?.\_131r .1 . -7 -- .-.- ill??v 7 mas-Aid -- 1 uh .- L: ho r'n 1?52- In-) a r- 1" 31-"53? If: 71' 1-Ln?. 16284 ?a .. 3 [v.7 al? .. . - -. 5111 ??ag I l_ whalv-u-I- Mug; .3. a\ '1 - GILL. vat-.1 Lyi1.5.3 II - I. A ilk:33I'll. ed A. ice-- I UIAJH 3. 3r -. in". "1 ft- 1 4r?. n: tion or the? registrations tor useof phenoxy herb1c1de Viz. 2, 4-D, 2, 4, o-T. I . C. 2-D DEFARTMENT - WILMINGTON. DELAWARE 19899 - TELEPHONE: November 27, 1967 .I- I - - I "at! I I I r-?I 4/6 I . I [2/2 Dr. Harry Hays, Director .estici Regulation 71,. WashingtonDear Mr. Hayswriting to request that the effective date for possible cancella? MCPA, and Silvex, on range and pasture grass be extended for at least one year beyond the December 31, 1967 date established for cancellation of no-residue registrations. The NACA Industry Task Force on Phenoxy Herbicide Tolerances has assembled petitions requesting tolerances to cover uses previously registered on a ?no-residue? basis.. The Department of Agriculture has cooperated with this group in several ways. Dr. L. L. Danielson was assigned the function of Department liaison with our group, and has provided information and?data from USDA sources. Dr. Danielson and other members of the Department have also consulted with us at various stages in the preparation of our petition. On November 17, representatives of the Task Force met with you and other USDA officials in the office of Dr. Robert J. Anderson to inform the group of progress in the preparation of petitions. The status of range grass and pasture grass as raw agricultural commodities and tolerances which might be necessary for them were also discussed. Pursuant to the results of that discussion, we are deleting from our petitions requests for the 20 tolerances for grasses that had been considered, and requesting that an extension be granted so that data_necessary for tolerances at a level higher than 20 may be developed. Continuation of the registrations for use of phenoxy herbicides on grass is in the best interests of both the agricultural industry and the public. The usefulness of these materials in recovering and improving of grass lands and pasture for livestock production was emphasized by USDA repre- sentatives at our meeting on November 17. There is no hazard to animals, as evidenced by the extensive use of these materials for more. than a decade?55" -. . - - .-5,?mti?'e'd't' 1 8 ifMOGW Dr. Harry Hays - 2. - November 27, 1967 nor is the presence of residues in meat or milk a regulatory problem. Evidence from feeding studies concerning residues in meat and milk is included in the petitions being submitted in support of negligible tolerances for no-residue uses. We have requested a cooperative program with USDA to resolve the matter of residue tolerances for phenoxy herbicides used on grass, and where necessary, for meat products} 'We intend to pursue this by a series of conferences to establish a program that will meet the needs and desires of the various agencies concerned with the agricultural use of phenoxy . herbicides, as well as those of the regulatory agencies. A meeting with Pesticide Regulation Division to further discuss such a program will be scheduled in the near future. I amass MOO Petitions seeking negligible tolerances for uses of 2,4, S-T, MCPA, and Silvex presently registered on a no-residue basis (except for range and pasture grasses) are being submitted by Hazleton Laboratories,' in behalf of the Industry Task Force. These should be in your hands the next week. . Very truly yoursDunn, Chairman industry Task Force on Phenoxy Herbicide Tolerances CCD:alc . . cc: Dr. George W. Irving, Administrator Agricultural Research Service U. S. D. A. - Washington, D. C. Dr. R. J. Anderson, Deputy Administrator Regulatory and control Programs Agricultural Research Service U.S.D.A. WashingtonDanielson I i I .- - . Agricultural Research Service - Beltsville, Maryland - . .- . x: [Cu-,Ir - Pesticide Petition No. BFOGTE u- 'r - . DEPARTM ENT HEALTH. EDUCATION. AND WELFARE 1 a 6 FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON. 0.0. 2020? April 13, 1900 Mr. C. L. Dunn, Chairman NACA Industry Task Force on Phenoxy Herbicide Tolerances 1155 Fifteenth Street, N.W. Washington, 20005 Dear Hr. Dunn: This refers to Pesticide Petition Rb. BF0675 requesting tolerances for negligible residues of the herbicide silvex at 0.2 on apples, pears, prunes, rice, and sugarcane. we have completed our review of the petition and find that we are unable to establish the tolerances as requested for the reasons listed below. Our conclusions with regard to the residue data are as follows: 1. The metabolism and degradation of silvex and its ester and salt formulations are not adequately delineated. Data are also required to identify and quantitate the major toxic metabolites which may be present in plants at normal harvest; of particular concern are conjugates of silvsx such as those reported by Meagher, J. ?53. Food Chem. l1, 37-1-6 (1966). If such metabolites are found to constitute a significant residue at harvest, an analytical method for their determination will be required. 2. The methods of analysis outlined in the Pesticide Analytical Manual, Vol. I, 6.11, 6.21, and 6.33CA), would not be expected to deter? mine the metabolites mentioned above. 3. The present residue data are not sufficient to conclude whether the proposed tolerances are adequate to cover all toxic residues, including the metabolites mentioned above. In addition, residue data (including toxic metabolites if found present) are required for apples reflecting the concentrated spray application; (b)-for dried prunes; for rice bran and straw; for sugarcane bagasse and sugarcane products (syrup, molasses, sugar) derived from cane bearing residues of 0.2 ppm. (The present study of residues in refined products does not indicate whether residues were found on the cane from which the products were derived). The application rate and PHI used in the present residue data for prunes should be furnished. The additional residue data should represent appli- cation of the most persistent esters or salts of silvex. If residues are . (Mr. Ce L. 2 concentrated in any of the above processed foods, appropriate food addi- tive tolerances should be proposed. 4. Depending on the level of residues found in livestock feed items (rice bran, rice straw, bagasse, and molasses), we may need additional tissue storage data as a basis for concluding whether or not residues would transfer to meat and milk. We are unable to draw final conclusions with regard to the adequacy or the toxicity data until the necessary information is received. You may amend the petition or you may withdraw it and refile when the necessary information is available. Otherwise it may be necessary to establish a tolerance or zero for residues or silvex on the crops in the petition. Please let us have your reply within 30 days. guess/woo Sincerely yours, William Stokes Petitions Control Branch bureau 01 Science co Pesticides Regulation Division ARE - USDA .. .. . . THE MADISON BUILDING Cor?ed to: I A I A n55 STREET. MW.4 1? IAng WASHINGTON c. 20005 1.40%" File I I . . . AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS ASSOMATION Tllophnno: 295-l585 Area Coda 202 ?y .hUJ'll, 1968 c5 2 2; on c: F0 hm. Drew H. Baher, Jr. CD Petitions Control Branch n- 2; Bureau of Science Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Food and Drug Administration Washington, D. C. 2020h Dear Mr; Baker: I am writing in regard to Pesticide Petition Nos. 8FC669 8F067O 8s0675 (Silvex); and 830676 (tern). Letters detailing ob- Jections, primarily concerned with questions concerning metabolic products, were sent to us in April, 1968. On April 25 representatives of our Task Force met with you, Mr. Cummings, and Ramsey to discuss these objections. At the meeting we stated that we would prepare an additional section for the petition reviewing the scientific literature with respect to metabolism of phenoxy herbicides and emphasizing the application to residues. Work on that project was started shortly after our meeting, and I wish to report on its status at.this time. Publications dealing with the metabolism of phenoxy herbicides in plants and animals as well as recent residue studies have been screened. From this material, about 60 references and review articles have been selected as being pertinent to this review. Documents have been obtained, examined in detail, and information tabulated. In some cases authors have been written or called for additional information or clarification of their research findings. The writing of various portions is currently in progress, and it-is estimated that the draft will be completed in about two weeks. Revision and reproduction of this somewhat bulky document will require an additional several weeks, and we are aiming at submission of the document 'by about August 15. - IKIEWSLE JUL 151968 BIOPRODUCTS DEPT. arm -- .- "i?ass ir. Drew M. Baker, Jr. - 2 - July 11, 1968 'An outline of the section that is being prepared is as follows: Table of Contents Summary Statement Glossary of Terms I. Metabolism in Plants A. Introduction B. Tabulation of Conditions Used in Letabolic Studies in Plants?_ C. Metabolism of 2,h-D 1. Hydrolysis of Esters and Salts 2. Decarboxylation 3. Conjugation Formation of Water Soluble Unknown 1 Formation of Water Soluble Unknown 3 h. Transformation to a Different Ether Soluble Compound D. Metabolism of 2,h,5-T and E. Letabolism of MCPA and MCPB F. Metabolism of Silvex II. Metabolism in Animals Recent Residue Studies by Newer Methods IV. Significance of Metabolites as Residues in Foods and Feed Please let me know if there are further questions about our activity in the execution of our commitment to prepare this additional information discussed at our April 25 meeting. Very truly yours, C. L. Dunn,.Chairman NACA Industry Task Force on Phenoxy Herbicide Tolerances ..CDD:mea cc: USDA Pesticides Regulation Division CHLORACNE Dow EXPERIENCE :TCBD 2; O1 15291" 35391 '313 330W 3811 UBNIV13 ANVN ?83A11 '5 166_ 38 SNIWHVSIU 'h HO Oi SHVSA 01 - Nail-9N01 W. 1 3Hi ?0 HBHLO GNV MOVE 3H1 Oi AVW NO 18315 'savaHx3v1a 330w Lna 'auav EBVNEEL 3x11 N1 3N3VH01H3 DON EXPERIENCE 1964 TO PRESENT 1. ABOUT 100 CASES. 2. ABOUT 60 IN TCP INCIDENT DESCRIBED BELOH. 3. MOST OF REMAINDER IN DOWICIDES PRODUCTION. 4. SOME CASES IN LABORATORY RESEARCH. THREE EXTREMELY SEVERE CASES, ABOUT FIFTEEN SEVERE 5. CASES, ABOUT THREE CASES, ABOUT FOUR 6. MOST CASES ARE MILO, MANY WERE FOUND IN HEALTH INVENTORY ACTIVITY BY MW 18383 1934-1936 1930?s SIGNIFICANT CASES -- DON DOWICIDE PRODUCTION -- SEVERE OUTBREAKS AMONG EMPLOYEESSODIUM CHLOROPHENATE LABORATORY CASE Active DIPHENYLENE OXIDE: ALSO DIBENZOFURAN 1991 1966 D. D. IRISH AND E. M.-ADAMS PUBLISHED PAPER ON RABBIT EAR TEST FOR PREDICTING ACNEGENS: STILL THE MOST SENSITIVE TEST AVAILABLE. DON CUSTOMERS CONTRACTED CHLORACNE.. FROM THEN DONICIDE 3 (Now DONICIDE 31 a 32, HIGH PURITY THAN DONICIDE 3). OH cl or c/ MIXTURE 0F 4- AND PHENOL PRODUCT AND PROCESS WERE CLEAN EXCEPT FOR TAR. Mn? 1942 1950?s TO 1960?s RESEARCH LAB ONE SEVERE CASE FROM RECYCLING TCP RESIDUE IN GLYCOL SOLVENT. AN MOLECULE NAS IDENTIFIED BY IR AND HYPOTHESIZED \yn AS CULPRIT, BUT NOT CONVICTED BY Q57) THE EVIDENCEPRODUCTION -- AT LEAST ONE SEVERE CASE, SOME MILD CASES. DON oz. 14-94 I mun TERNINATED PRODUCTION BECAUSE IT LON-VOLUNE. LOW-PROFIT ITEM, NOT - NORTH THE COST OF RE-ENGINEERING TO PREVENT FURTHER INUURY. Cl4_6 Actlve 0 C18 Inactive 1963-1964 CHEMICAL-PHYSICS LAB -: SEVERAL AT LEAST ONE SEVERE, FROM RECYCLING CAUSTIC INSOLUBLE OIL IN ALCOHOLIC HYDROLYSIS OF TETRACHLOROSENZENE. AT LEAST ONE EXPLOSION OCCURRED. WESTERN DIVISION TORDON PROCESS FOUR MILD CASES. RABBIT TESTS FAILED: SUGGESTING NEW FAMILY OF ACNEGENS IN CHLORINATED PYRIDINE CHEMISTRY. NH C1- C1 COOH ACID *0 1966 .. \2 . - DOH CORNING RESEARCH LAB CHEMIST (QO . HEATED TCP FOR RESEARCH PURPOSE - UNRELATED TO DON PROCESSES, ISOLATED TCBD AS AN UNKNOHN BUT INTERESTING- ECAME ONE OF OUR BETTER BY-RRODUCT SOURCES CASUAL DISPOSAL OF LAB HASTES RESULTED IN ONE MILD CASE -- THE ZLILQZJ M?u y: Q55 .1 OD ;i83l adlM 01 109 3M 3H1 AH NV313 SVM 'aHl NI 33315 338Hl 1v N338 GVH HBIH GNV uaxaa BQIDIMOQ 'N0113naoaa BGIDIMOU.01 031v1aa sasva N31 inoav - vavwva MOO Laos 996I .1966 1968 UNIVERSITY OF IOWA 2,3,7.8? TETRABROMODIBENZO-P-DIOXIN APPEARS TO BE AS POTENT AS TCBD. AT LEAST ONE SEVERE CASE: DID NOT RELATE IT TO HIS RESEARCH UNTIL ASKED FOR A SAMPLE AND DESCRIBED THE PROBLEMONE MILD CASE RESULTED FROM DICHLOROPHENOL TARS FROM 3A9 BUILDING. THE TAR HAS USED IN A PUMP TESTING SET UP AT 562 BUILDING. POSSIBLE HAZARD HAD BEEN MENTIONED BUT NOT EMPHASIZED TO USERS. VICTIM DISMANTLED CONTAMINATED PUMPS WITH NO PRECAUTIONS. Pi. "Cb 1930's OTHER EXPERIENCE MANY SEVERE CASES INCLUDING LIVER INJURY RESULTED FROM CHLORINATEDINAPHTHALENES: THREE CHLORINE EQUIVALENTS OR MORE. C13 FRENCH MANY SEVERE CASES. REVISEO - PROCESS. WERE VERY SECRETIVE. USEU I MOUSE TEST IN PLACE OF APPEARED TO BE IGNORANT OF MANY IMPORTANT ASPECTS OF PROBLEMS. 18301 1955 1957 196? GERMAN SEVERE CASES INCLUDING SOME SUSPECTED FATALITIES. SHUT RESEARCHED NEW PROCESS.-ISHOWED AGAIN THAT RABBIT EAR AND LIVER ARE MOST SENSITIVE TESTS. SENT A REMARKABLE LETTER TO ALL KNONN - PRODUCERS OR TCP DESCRIBING PROCESS PARAMETERS NECESSARY TO AVOID CHLORACNE HAZARD LETTER WAS FILED AND GERMANS WERE QUITE KNOWLEDGEABLE VERY COOPERATIVE. DOW BOUGHT PROCESS INFORMATION. pa yd C9 C3 ,bo~ 1946 1952 THE ANILINE MOUNTAIN STORY -- 199 BUILDING BATCH PROCESS START UP: RAN UNTIL 1952. BEGAN CONTINUOUS COIL REACTOR PROCESS. C. I. OIL AT 10% SEVERE FOLLICULITIS. EXPERIMENTED NITH 73% AND 24% CAUSTIC T0 REPLACE FLAKEDIFFERENCE IN SEVERITY BETWEEN FLAKE PRODUCED AND ZNZ CAUSTIC PRODUCED OILS. 2.2. 183031 1953 JULY INOVEMBER NEN EQUIPMENT START PLUGGED LINES PROBABLY PRODUCED MORE EXPOSURE. PUSHED PROCESS TO INCREASE PRODUCTION, RAISED TEMPERATURE FROM 195? TO 205?225? C. MADE MORE OIL. BEGAN SAMPLING IT. MW 15304. 4-0 FEBRUARY APRIL 1 APRIL 15 APRIL 20 MAY JULY SUPERVISORS, LAB MAN AND OPERATORS WITH CHLORACNE. PHOENIX SPRINKLER MEN MOVED IN. REDUCED EXPOSURE BY EOUIP- MENT AND PROCEDURE CHANGES. c. r. OIL AT 0.25% KILLED RABBITS PHOENIX MEN MOVED OUT. BLILQL Man O. I. OIL AT 0.25% KILLED RABBITS. c. I. OIL AT 10% SEVERE FOLLICULITIS. PHOENIX MEN WITH CHLORACNE. 16305 MID'lg?q MANAGEMENT ASKED Two OUESTIONS - OF MEDICAL, INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE AND SAFETY: (1) CAN PLANT BE OPERATED SAFELY AT (2) WHAT TO ENSURE ANSWER TO (1) WAS YES. ANSWER TO (2) COST MANY AND MUCH MANPOWER. 18306 PROCESS CONTINUED 1964?1966 NITH NO NEH CASES OR ADVERSE EFFECTS ON OLD ONES, TNO CASES IN 1966 -- DID NOT FOLLOW RULES. M00 TBILSLI DISPOSITION OF 199 BUILDING PRIZE WINNING SUGGESTION IT AND MAKE A SKI RESORT, CALL IT ANILINE DISMANTLED.IN 1968 -- NO INJURIES. 1 Mon EBTLQA 1-63 {x 8. NEW PLANT -- BUILDING H- 7 PM 77:01) moans - c. I. OIL 30-50 PPM TCBD PRODUCT 'ALwAvs LESS THAN 4 a; #97 2 Id. WIPE TESTS CLEAN ?3 U) C0 03 pt; ?229 CD CD COMPOUNDS 0 KNOWN ACNEGENS ACTIVITY C13 DATA NOT towcuusxvs UNKNOWN ACTIVITY UNKNOWN ACTIVITY SOME VERY ACTIVE- NOT ACTIVE SOME ACTIVITY NOT ACTIVE SOME ACTIVITY T494 1 may (3'3 CD In. CD MATERIALS POSSESSING UNEXPLAINED CHLORACNE ACTIVITY on . . 1 c1 c1 SOME MIDLAND BATCHES ARE MILDLY ACTIVE MANY CANADIAN.BATCHES ARE cl cl MILDLY REACTIVE c1 - OH c1 c1 1 DOWICIDE C1 c1 ALL SLUDGES ARE ACTIVE Egg 1 .cn - 0Na :3 ALL DECOMPOSITIONS CD ARE ACTIVE 11-5 A on . . HEAT SOME HAVE ACTIVITY c13_5 18311. COMPOUNDS KNONN TO BE INACTIVE CARBON TETRACHLORIDE AT LEAST ACTIVE UCTACHLOROBENZODIOXIN DON TETRACHLOROBENZENE 5-3 FIE 5., DOWICIDE 9 Q-CHLOR0-2-CYCLOPENTYL PHENOL ACCUSED IN LITERATURE: 15312 PLATITUOES AVOID TEMPERATURES GREATER THAN 150c C.I BEWARE 0F.TARS AND OILS LABORATORY SCALE IS HAZARDOUS USE RABBIT TEST EARLY COMMUNICATE INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE, MEDICAL 3 3? 4:5) -- $2 MIDLAND, Michigan 4m THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY 1 t} i up August 16, 1966 2; co cn o. A. Highhill 2 Plant 489 Building cc: E. C. Staehling, Org. Chem. Prodn., 258 Building C. Amstutz, Herbicide Section, M41 Building I. Chase, Products, nag Building B. Holder, M.D., Medical Department, 607 Building . w. Wilson, Safety Department, #01 Building _53 Rowe, Biochemical Research Laboratory I would like samples from your first run with 2,u,5? trichlorophenol in the direct ester process. The animal test will detect the presence of chloracne-producing compounds. - Please send me a sample of the final product and any intermediates that you think should be tested. If activity is detected, the intermediate may tell us _where the trouble starts. Because of the concern about chloracne, I think we should run animal tests on esters for a time to prove the lack of hazard, even if the first tests are negative. twee: L. G. Silverstein Biochemical Research Laboratory 1701 Building .a 7 xm?W. i' OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES Maw, cm (Hi . A Guide To Their Recognition Rewritten and Enlarged Edition of ()cruputiun Hnumlx and Diagnostic Signs OF HEALTH. AND WELFARE Public ?with W. M. GAFAFER, D. Sc., Editor Division of Occupational Health 28 JNAL DISEASES may be. damaged by maceration, mechanical or chemical trauma, and certain internal diseases. Lipid-soluble and nonionizable (organic) substances are able to bypass the barrier layer and enter by way of the transfollicular path- way. Cases, except for carbon monoxide, are readily exchanged through the epidermis. Protection against actinic stimuli is afiorded by increased melanin pro- duction and a concomitant thickening of the keratin layer. An antimicrobial action is attributed to certain fatty acids in the surface lipid ?lm, and the subcorneal barrier layer also offers some protection against microorganisms. Primary Irritants Primary irritation causes most of the cases of contact dermatitis in in- dustry. A primary irritant is an agent which will cause dermatitis by direct action on the normal skin at the site of contact if it is permitted to act in sullicicnt intensity or quantity for a suf?cient length of time. Thus, the normal skin will almost always react to a primary irritant if the necessary conditions are present. lrritants can act in several ways to injure the skin. Several examples have already been given, such as removal of lipid ?lm, denaturation of keratin, and interference with the subcorneal barrier layer. Other examples ofi'pri- mary irritation include dehydration by inorganic acids, and alkalis; protein precipitation by heavy metal salts and tanning agents; and oxidation by lilt??Cltt?S, chlorine compounds, and per- salts. Sensitizers Ordinarily, no men- than 20 percent of contact dermatitis in industry is caused by allergens. HoweVer, certain of the strong sensitizers may affect many workers. Almost any chemical can be a sensitizer, but the mode of action usually differs from that exhibited by primary irritants. The cutaneous sensitizer, therefore, does not necessarily cause demonstrable cutaneous change on first contact, but may effect such speci?c changes in the skin so that after 5 to days or more, further contact on 'he same or other parts of the body may cause dermatitis. The difl'erence between the irritant and the sensitizer, therefore, is generally a matter of time as well as mode of action. The irritant will usually act within a matter of minutes to a few hours, whereas the sensitizer requires at least 5_ to 7 days because sensitization must build up during the period of incubation. Low-grade irritants such as soap may require prolonged or repeated contact before a dermatitis appears, and this prolonged reaction ime may be confused with allergic incubation. iccondory E?ccts After the cutaneous defenses have been broken down and a contact der- ualitis is present, the oozing or fissured surface offers ideal conditions for be cunt-misc and growth of bacteria. Thus, it is not unusual for a contact co pus .31 OCCUPATIONAL DERMATOSES 29 dermatitis to he secondarily infected. Another secondary effect commonly seen in contact dermatitis is over-treatment by irritating or medication. Diagnosis Diagnosing an occupational dermatosis is generally contingent upon satis- fying certain criteria. The disease should look like a contact dermatitis or one of the other clinical types of occupational dermatoses. it should be located on sites of exposure, and the time of appearance of the eruption as well as periods of rcmisson and exacerbation should correlate with the history of work exposures. ?'hen the patient does not get well following complete withdrawal from the suspected contact agent, stimuli of nonoccupational origin should be reinvestigated. Multiple factors not associated with the occupation can perpetuate a chrOnic dermatosis. Patch tests are helpful in differentiating between a primary irritation dermatitis and an allergic contact dermatitis. A nonirritating concentrav tion of the suspected allergen is applied to the normal skin of a patient for 24 to 48 hours in an attempt to reproduce an eczematous dermatitis beneath the covering patch. Classi?cation 0/ Lesions The clinical lesions seen among occupational exposures are multiple, varying from the mildest erythema to lesions of neoplastic nature. How- ever, occupational skin disease can be classi?ed as follows: (1) Acute contact eczematous dermatitis characterized by erythema, edema, papules, vesicles, or bullae, crusts and finally desquamation. Tthe eHects are generally the result of contact with either a primary or a sensitizer, or with both. (2) Chronic contact eczematous dermatitis characterized by erythema, lichenification, and ?ssuring of the skin, usually resulting from contact with dehydrators, fat solvents, soaps, and detergents. I (3) Folliculilis and acncform types, including chloracne, characterized by plugged sebaceous follicles and suppurative lesions. Chloracne also shows numerous straw-colored cystic lesions. These forms of occupational derma- toses are usually caused by contact with oils, tars, waxes, and Certain chlorinated hydrocarbons. I (4) Neoplastic {benign and malignantl types, characterized by keratoses, papiliomata and epitheliomata of the exposed areas, usually caused by petro- leum products, coal tar and certain derivatives, sunlight, and radiation. I (5) Pigmentary disturbances characterized by increase or decrease of pig- ment in the epidcmtis. Increased pigmentation can result from contact with Mitt] o-Dichlorobenzene workers Dry cleaners Dye makers Fumigant workers Creasemakcrs CHEMICAL HAZARDS 117 Varnish makers Varnish remover workers Wax makers Wood preservative workers Wool processors Cum makers Heat transfer workers Deodorant makers In." Hide processors p-Dichlorohenzene workers Insecticide workers Disinfectant workers ?3 Lacquerers Drug makers Lacquer workers Dye. makers Metal degreasers Workers DJ Metal polish makers Moth hall makers 01 Organic chemical Soil iumigalors *3 Paint remuvcr workers Trio/tinrohennrm's C'n Paint workers Dye makers Polishing compound makers Electric equipment makers Resin makers Heat transfer workers I: Rubber makers Insecticide workers Solvent workers Lubricant makers I Stainers Trichlorohenzcne workers Stain makers chacl'ilorobenzenc Sullur processors l-?ungieitle workers Tannery workers llexach[orolu-nzene workers Tar makers Organic chemical Tar remover workers Termite exterminator Workers Set-ti disinfectan References . IL L.: Ime. v. K.: OVEN. Iltn'LE. ll. IL. AND It. Toxirity ol paradii-hi"ruin-menu: determinations on experimental animal- and human :ul?jt?t'lb. Arch. ?cull/t liili, l?ISh. H. L.: Itqu. V. ores, IL. .4in H. M.: Toxicity of o-dichlorobenzene; studies on animals and industrial i-xpi-rin-nr-z Arch. Imiust. Hr'ulth 17: 180. i953. (48) Chlorinated anil Harm/u] Efforts Local Prolonged c0ntact with fume or the cold wax lemls on exposed skin to corneilones, sebaceous and pustules, known as chlorac-ne. Routes 0/ Fairy inhalation of fume or vapor; pr-rt-ntanmms absorption of liquid. Systemic Acute or chronic exposure can produre varying ilegrees of liver damage depending on amount of chlorine in compound ami 118 DISEASES state of liver. include jaundice, anorexia, nausea, indigestion, abdominal pains, and edema. Death I has occurred. Special Diagnostic Test None. Recommended Threshold Limit Cltloroclt'pltenyl (42 percent chlorine), from acute yellow atrophy of liver 1 milligram per cubic meter of air. Should be reduced when also absorbed pcrcutaneously. Cltlurmlt'pltena'l {5-1 percent chlorine) . 0.5 milligram per cubic meter of air. Should be reduced when also absorbed Chlorinated clip/tenyl oxide, 0.5 milligram per cubic meter of air. 0.5 milligram per cubic meter of air. Should be reduced when also absorbed percutaneonsly. 5 milligrams per cubic meter of air. Should be re. duced when also absorbed percutaneously. Potential Occupational Exposures Aniline dye makers Cable coaters Carbon removers Chlorinated diphenyl workers Condenser impregnators Crankcasc oil additive makers Dye makers Electric equipment makers Electricians Electroplaters Flameprooiers .. . Cum processors Heat transfer workers Herbicide workers makers insecticide workers insect prool'ers Lacquerers Lacquer makers Light ?xture makers Machinists Metal ClL?gl?E?th?S Reference :3 arocltlar. Med. Assoc. 154; 1417,1954 macs. J. ALBUM. J. mo swarm, a. L.: Chloracne from an unusual exposure Mineral oil processors Moisture prooiers Paint makers Paper treatcrs Petroleum re?nery workers Plasticizer makers Plastic makers Rayon makers Resin makers Rubber workers Solvent workers Stainers Stain makers Textile llnnu?pruofcrs Transformer workers lipper cylinder uil tuakt-rs Varnish makers Vegetable oil processors ?iax makch Wire coaters Woad preserveHarmful E?ects Local Extreme irritation of sion of teeth. Route 0] Entry Inhalation of Systemic Acute respiratory pain. and nia. and pulmonary edema ma Special Diagnostic Test None. Recommended Threshold . 1 part per million parts of a of air. Potential Occupational Ea Aerosol propellant makers Alkali salt makers Aluminum puri?ers Benzene bexacbloride maker Bleachers Bleaching powder makers Bromine makers Broom makers Carpet makers Chemical Chloride of lime makers Chlorinated solvent makers Chlorine workers Color makers DDT makers Disinfectant makers Dye makers Ethylene glycol makers Ethylene oxide makers Flour bleachers 'Freon makers Gasoline additive workers Cold extractors makers iodine makers lron dctinners lron dczinkers .. ?s . - 'i ?minim? 0- - a - 4 to l? ?hicides, or weed killers, may be classi?ed as pesticide chemicals. The: cat .l plants on contact, or they can be translocated; that is. absorbed one part of the plant and carried to other parts where they exert their print-trW toxic ell'ect. Most of the commonly used herbicide-55ammunium dalapon, phenoxyacctic acid derivatives. carbatnate derivatives petroleunu oils. sodium borate, Crag" herbicide??have a low toxicity and liave caused little dif?culty among users. borne pose more serious problems; for example. the central nervous system effects of maleic hydrazide or the methemoglobinemia and central nervous system depression of sodium chlorate. l?entaehlorophenol, a metabolic stimulant. has been responsible for several deaths because of hyperthermia. Amino triazol has produced cancer in experimental animals but there have been no untoward e?ects reported in man. llerl-it'ides with cutaneous effects include. trichloroacetic acid, a' corrosive irritant of the skin and mucous membranes; maleic hydrazide, a producer of ?allergtc contact dermatitis; pentachlorophenol. a producer of a primary Irritant type of contact dermatitis; and creosote, a primary irritant and photosensitizer. Reference may be made to chemicals in the section on Chemical Hazards for the toxicity of the following herbicides: Arsenic trioxide and sodium arsenate lsee Arsenic). copper sulfate (see Copper and Compounds), creosote compounds lsee Cresol and Phenol), dittitrophenols lsec Dinitrophenol), kercsinc. and acetate (see Mercury and Compounds). 'l'hreshold limit values. in milligrams per cubic meter of air, have been recommended for the following;r herbicides as shown. Ammonium sulfatnate )5 mg, per cu. m. Crag!" herbicide )5 mg. per cu. m. 2.4?l) f2,-l-dichlorophenoxyaeetic acid)- 10 mg. per cu. m. (PCP) 0.5 mg. per cu. l?henylmercuric acetate (PMA) 0.0] mg. per CL. (for organic mercury) l2,4,5-tritrhlorophenoxvacetic acid). 10 mg. per cu. m. (tentative) 'Shouhl be reduced when also absorbed Furnigants Fumigants are pesticides which may be applied in the solid, liquid, or" gaseous state. A combination of high volatility with high pest toxicity is generally desired; however, compounds with low Volatility may be preferred for sod fumtgatton. The possibility of excessive exposures exists wherever [Hunts-H? . houses. barns. :llillS, mills. lrt-ieht Pitt". and greenhouses. Each of the following has found use as a funny .it. Because 1 they have other industrial appliratinns as uell. they are discussed in.lividua1ly . .. in the section on (Chemical Hazards. Methyl Bromide lsee Bromine and Compounds) Methylene Chloride Acrylonitrilc Carbon Disnl?de Carbon 'l?etrachloride p-Dichlorobenzene (see Chlori- Methyl Formate nated Benzenes) Naphthalene Dioxane Perchloroethylenc Propylene Dichloride Sulfur Dioxide Ethylene Dibromide Ethylene Dichloride Ethylene Oxide Tetrachloroethane Hydrogen Cyanide Trichloroethylene References J. ornttut. w. r.t.t.tnr'r. J. AND WOLFE, H. R.: Exposure to para- thion. Measurement by blood level and urinary p-uitrophenol excretion. Arch. Entiron. Health 3: 476. 106]. ASSIHZIATIHV or CONTROL orrtcuLs: Pesticide Chrmiutls 0i- ?cial Compendium. A. B. llt-aey. University Post Of?ce, College Park. 1962. Loose-leaf senice. CHMMITTEE on PESTICIDES: Outlines of information on pesticides. fungicides. I. Am. Med. ulnar. LET: 237. I955. ox Toxtanorz?r: Occupational dit-ldriu poisoning. 172: 2077. Comm-nuance onsets: am: SERVICE: Clinical nit-moramta on economic poisons. l?ub. Health Sentim- l?uh. No. 476. Government Printing Ollie", Washington. 1936. amount: or AND NATIONAL nest-1mm! NtTtoN ACADEMY Vol. 3. Insecticides. Vol. 5. Fungicides. W. B. Part 1. Agricultural I. Am. Med. Assoc. 01' Handbook of Toxicology. Saunden (.20.. Philadelphia, 195?). DURHAM, w. E: canes. T. 9., no HATES. w. 1. 1a.: Paralytic and related e??erts of certain organic phosphorus compounds. Arch. Indust. It'rahh 13: 326. 1956. ut'nunt, arm w. 1., Ureanir phosphorus poisoning and its therapy; with special reference to modes of action and compounds that reactivate inhibited cholinesterase. Arch. Environ. Health 5-. 1962. FREMI. D. E. II. iEDtToa): f?estiriife Index. College Science Publishers, State College. l?thl. CHNES. T. The acute toxicity of pesticides to rota. 2: 88. 1960. cows. It. Autsrit?an i'vanamitl Co,, New York. l?Hnll. ttn'tzs, w. Jtt.: The toxicity of dit-ltlrin to man; report on a survey. Boil. '20: )950. HAYES, W. 1.. JILI :ta-o-H O-tio?t" Tort'ml. Appf. ll. tum 51Hrt?t?R. C. tI.: Toxit'ot'ogiruf on Pesticides in rriation to pubiic health. Ann. Rev. Entomot'. 5: useat Hill? 1-. i: t. .. Section Dow 537307 .11. Petition for the Establishment of Tolerances for the Pesticide Chemical, 2,h,S?TTichloroPhenoxyacetic Acid on Raw Agricultural Commodities SECTION Full Reports of Investigations Made with Respect to the Safety of the Pesticide Chemical, 2,h,5~Trichlorphenoxyacetic Acid December 8, 1967 8081.89 MOO - 15323 Acute Studies Oral Administration RatsZ Mice, Guinea Pigs, and Chicks The acute oral LD50 of 2,h,5?trichlorophenoxyacetic acid for young adult male and female albino rats, mice, and guinea pigs and for young chicks, as reported by Rowe, et al. (1), was as follows: (3 Species LD50 Confidence Limits Slope (mg/kg) to Rats 500 39]. -6?40 1 . (23 Mice 389 ens?619 1. 80 :0 Guinea Pigs 381 3074:72 l. 21 Chicks 310 21.14456 1.1m The material was administered as a 3.0 or 10% suspension in olive oil. Gross toxic signs consisted of ataxia and myotonia, particu? larly at the higher doses. Oral Administration - Dogs According to Drill and Hiratzka (2), the acute oral LD5Q of 2,h,S-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid for adult mongrel dogs is probably in the range of, but higher than, 100 mg/kg of body weight. Only 25 mortality occur?red "t this level. Gross toxic signs :consi'sted of anorexia,.body weight loss, slight or moderate stiffness in legs, and ataxia. Histologic changes included some necrosis and inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, moderate diffuse hepatic necrosis, and a mild degree of renal tubular degeneration. 18323 C2 Acute Oral Administration Rats, Mice. Guinea Pigs; RabbitsL_Chicks, and Steers Rowe and Hymas (3) reported the acute toxicity of various for- mulations of 2,h,5?trichlorophenoxyacetic acid and mixtures of 2,h- Hie reported LD values dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 2,h,5-T. 50 and/or range of toxicity are as follows: Esteron 2h5 (old formulation containing 33.3% isoPrOPyl ester of 2,h,5?T and 12.1% mixed amyl esters of 2,h,5?T) Adult female albino rats Estimated L050 of 1000 mg/kg of body weight (range 300?2000 mg/kg). 0181.89 MOO Esteron 2h5 (new formulation containing 65.3% mono?, di-, tripropylene glycol butyl ether esters of 2,h,5-T) Adult male albino rats - Estimated LDBO 800 mg/kg of body weight (range 600?1000 mg/kg). Isopropyl ester of 2,h,5-T Male and female albino rats - LDSO A95 mg/kg of body weight (confidence limits h20-58h mg/kg). Male albino mice - LD50 551 mg/kg of body weight (confidence limits 380-799 mg/kg) Male guinea pigs - LDSO hh9 mg/kg of body weight (confidence limits Mixed Butyl esters of 2,h,5?T Male rats - LD50 h81 mg/kg of body weight (confidence limit 313-739 ms/kg). 18324 C3 Male rabbits - Estimated LDgo 712 mg/kg of body weight (range 500-1000 mg/kg). Male mice - LDSQ 9&0 mg/kg of body weight (confidence limits 67h-1312 mg/kg). Guinea Pigs - Estimated LD5O 750 mg/kg of body weight (range 500-1000 mg/kg). Mixed Amyl ester of 2,h,5-T Female rats - Estimated L050 750 mg/kg of body weight (range 500-1000 mg/kg). Brush Killer (52.2% butyl esters of 2,h,5?T) . Female rats - LDSO 1200 mg/kg of body weight (confidence limits 783~1850 ms/ke). Female guinea pigs - LDBO mg/kg of body weight (confidence limits 875-2290 mg/kg). Female mice - LD50 1230 mg/kg of body weight (confidence limits 938-1620 mg/kg). Male rabbits - LD50 8H9 mg/kg of body weight (confidence limits Chicks - LD50 2000 mg/kg of body weight (confidence limits 1350-2960 mg/kg). Brush Killer 50-50 (formulation containing 27.2% butyl esters of and 26.5% butyl esters of . .?iat wigw a. I Female rats - LDBO 1070 mg/kg of body weight (confidence linits 700?1650 mg/kg). ITELEQ MOO is; . J. ch Female guinea pigs LDSO llfO mg/kg of body weight (confidence limits 820?1630 mg/kg). --Female mice LDSO 800 mg/kg oi body weight (confidence limits 62h?1070 mg/kg). Female rabbits Estimated LD50 lh20 mg/kg of body weight (range 500-2000 mg/kg). Chicks - L050 #000 mg/kg of body weight (confidence limits 2700?5900 mg/kg). Esteron Brush Killer (old formulation containing 25.6% isopropyl ester of 2,h-D and 2h.h% isopropyl esters of 2,h,5?T) Male rats Estimated LD5O 1000 mg/kg of body weight (range ETELQS Moo 300-3000 mg/kg). Esteron Brush Killer (new formulation containing mono-, di-, and triproPylene glycol butyl ether esters of 2,h-D 3u.8% and 2,h,5-T 33.0%) Male and female rats - LD50 860 mg/kg of body weight (confidence limits 800?930 mg/kg). Male guinea pigs LDSO 1220 mg/kg of body weight (confidence limits louo-lu30 mg/kg). Female guinea pigs LD5O 1600 mg/kg of body weight-(confidence limits 1390?18h0 mg/kg). Male and female rabbits LD50 960 mg/kg of body weight (confidence limits 790-1160 mg/kg). Chicks Estimated LD50 2000 mg/kg of body weight (range 1000? 3000 mg/kgweight. 1 Steers - Acute oral LD50 greater than I000 mg/kg of be 163251 Application Rabbits l-According to a report by the Dow Chemical Company (A), a 10% solution of 2,h,5?T in propylene glycol produced severe conjunctivitis and moderate corneal damage which persisted for longer than five days. Acute Oral Administration - Rats; Acute Dermal and Application-Rabbits 8 The results of acute studies on Nu Amine a formulation gig I containing 1,3-propylene diamine salts (11.95%) and 2,h,5-T it? (11.85%) was reported to Diamond Alkali Company February 23, 1962 by it? Cd Hazleton Laboratories, Inc. (5). The acute oral LDSO of Nu Amine for adult male albino rats is 708p1/kg of body weight with confidence limits from uh7?1120im/kg. Deaths occurred within 1 to it days, and toxic signs were mainly characterized by depression, weight loss, labored respiration, ataxia, abnormal gait, circling movements, depressed or absent reflexes, and hematuria. A single application of 0.05 ml. of Nu Amine to the eyes of albino rabbits produced marked irritation, including corneal.damaga which did not completely subside within seven days. However, no evidence of systemic toxicity from mucous membrane absorption of the test material was observed. The estimated acute dermal LDSO of undiluted Nu Amine for albino rabbits is 1,2 ml/kg of body weight. A corrosive?type skin reaction . fl- was produced at dosage levels of 0.1, 0.5, and 2.0 ml/kg of In. At 2.0 ml/kg, toxic signs included depression, labored respiration; depressed righting and placement reflexes, incoordination of hindquarters. abnormal gait, prostration, sluggish pupillary response to light, absent #4 C73 b3 as} pain response in hind limbs, running movement of hind limbs, and coma. Necropsies revealed definite liver and kidney changes at the 2.0 ml/kg level and pcssible liver and/or kidney damage at the two lower levels. Subacute Studies Oral Administration Dogs According to Drill and Hiratzka (2) oral ingestion of 2,h,5-T by adult male and female mongrel dogs for 13 weeks at levels of 2.0, 5.0, PTBLEQ M00 and 10 mg/kg of body weight produced no adverse effects. At a dosage level of 20 mg/kg, total mortality occurred between days ll and 75, and gross toxic signs included weight loss, weakness, slight hind leg stiff- ness, difficulty in swallowing food, and bleeding from the gums. Dietary Feeding - Rats The results of a 90?day feeding study involving DoweJDl 97B '(ester of was reported by Biochemical Research Laboratory of . ?1 the Dow Chemical Company Ch). Ingestion of Dowanol 973 by young male and female albino rats for 90 days produced no adverse effects at dietary levels of 100 and 300 ppm. At 1000 ppm, increased kidney weights were noted in the male animals and histologic alterations were noted in the liversof both sexes and inithe kidneys of_the females. At 3000 ppm, growth suppression and incrgaSed 1 A liver and kidney weights were noted only in the male rats, while gross and microscopic changes in the livers and kidneys and increased terminal serum alkaline-ph03phatase values were noted in both male and female animals. 18328 Oral Administration - Steers Repeated Oral administration of Esceron Brush Killer (formulation of ester of 2,h?D and steers, one per level, was also reported by Rowe and Hymas (3). Results of these studies were as follows: 1. Fifteen (15) consecutive daily doses of Esteron Brush Killer at a level of 100 mg/kg/day produced no gross toxic effects. How- ever, necropsy performed h8 hours after the last dose revealed some intestinal irritation and histologic alterations were noted in the liver and kidneys. 2. Two (2) consecutive daily doses at 500 mg/kg/day produced slight toxic signs an hours after the last dose but apparent recovery within an additional 2h hours. Three (3) consecutive daily doses at 500 mg/kg/day produced no gross toxic signs. Three (3) consecutive daily doses at 1000 mg/kg/day produced death (three days after the last dose). Consequently, assuming field usage at two quarts/acre, a steer grazing on_7hh Sq. ft. of treated forage would consume a maximum of 100 mg/kg of the formulation which, as shown above, was not lethal?after 15 daily doses. 1. Oral Administration - Sheep and Cattle Palmer and Radeleff (7) reported the following results of re- peated oral studies in sheep and cattle (oneanhnal per level). Blues moo 18328 C8 The propylene glycol butyl ether ester of 2,h,5?T was lethal to sheep following 369 consecutive doses at a daily dosage level of 100 mg/kg of body weight and to sheep and cattle following seven consecutive doses at a daily dosage level of 250 mg/kg. The triethylamine salt of produced no toxic effects in one sheep after #81 daily doses at a dosage level of 100 mg/kg of body weight. Repeated Dermal Applications Rabbits The results of repeated dermal applications of Nu Amine was also contained in the report to Diamond Alkali Company (5i, and a supplemental report (5a) dated December 16, l965 presented findings from microscopic examination of bone marrow from three animals. Aqueous emulsions of Nu Amine - at field strength (h oz/gal. or and at three (12 oz/gal. or and five (20 oz/gal. or 15.6% times field strength were applied at a constant daily dose of 1.0 ml/kg/ animal five days per week for 20 applications to intact abdominal skin. Moderate dermal irritation and evidence of systemic toxicity from percutanious absorption of the test material were produced at all con~ gcentrations. Toxicity was characterized by depression, labored respiration, sprawling of the limbs, weakness, and body weight loss; prostration, incoordinstion or partial loss of use of hind limbs, depressed reflexes, also noted in one animal at each clonic convulsions, and death was concentration. . a 'Depressed hemoglobin values, increased_percentage of segmentEd neutrophils, and increased urinary bilirubin values were noted in each test group. Histologically, evidence of compound effect was noted in STELES Moo C9 liver, kidney, and skin at field strength and at five times field strength (middle level tissues not examined). No distinctive bone.marrow effect was noted at three and five field strength. various derivatives in fish and other marine species have been performed by Ehe Bureau of Commercial Fisheries and reported in Fish and Wildlife Service Circular No. 167, No. 199, and No. 226. Fish and Marine Life Toxicity Toxicity studies on 2,h,S?trichlorophenoxyacetic acid and its AISLES MOO Data pertaining to 2,h,5?T has been excerpted and is summarized below. Oysters - 0.1h of the butyl ether ester of 2,h,5-T caused 50% decrease in oyster shell growth (96- hour E050) with re- covery within one week 2.0 of the acid of 2,h,5-T produced no toxic effect (9). Brown Shrimp - Fish - 1.0 of the butyl ether ester of produced 10% mortality after 24-hours exposure and 20% mortality after h8-hours exposure, and 1.0 of the acid of 2,h,5?T produced no effect after h8-hours eXposure (10). 50.0 of the acid of 2,h,5-T produced no effect in Longnose Killifish after h8?hours exposure 1.0 of the poly?lypol butyi ether ester of produced 0.32% mortality in-Spots after 2h- and MB?hour exposure (10). Fri CE Ihe potency ratio of derivatives for Bluegill relative to that of DDT was quoted in Table 2 (11) as 0.10. I Although no specific studies or mortality data on only 2,h,5-T for wildlife were found in the above Fish and Wildlife Service Circulars, the potency ratio of 2,h,5-T derivatives for Bobwhite Quail, RingeNecked Pheasants, and Mallard Ducks relative to that of DDT was quoted in Table 2 (ll) as approximately 0.50. STELEQMOO. pm; CE CA9 Conclusion Although considerably more toxicity data, particularly regard- ing subacute toxicity is available on 2,h-D than on 2,h,5-T, the aVailahle toxicity data indicates that the two materials are comparable. The acute oral toxicity of 2,h-D and 2,h,5-T and their various derivatives for labora? tory animals is in the same range, 300?1000 mg/kg of body weight. Short-term (90?day) dietary feeding of esters of 2,h,5?T to rats at 100 and 300 level, and short-term (l3-weeks) oral administration of the acid of 2,h,5?T to dogs at level of 2.0, 5.0, and 10 mg/kg of body weight produced no SIBLES MOO. adverse effects. Sheep tolerated h81 doses of the salts of both 2,h?D at a dosage level of 100 mg/kg of body weight, while the ester of 2,h,5eT was lethal to both sheep and cattle at levels of 2,h-D which were only toxic or non-toxic. However, 369 doses of the ester of at a level of 100 mg/kg of body weight were administered to one sheep before death occurred. The toxicity of 2,h-D and 2,h,5?T for fish and wildlife appears to be comparable. Particularly, since the long history . of usefulness has not produced evidence of unusual toxicity. C12 BIBLIOGRAPHY Rowe, V. K., McCollister. D. D., and Spencer, H. C., The Acute Oral Toxicity of 2,h,S-Trichlorophenoxyacetic Acid to Rats, Mice, Guinea Pigs, and Chicks; Biochemical Research Laboratory, The Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan, 1950. Drill, V. A. and Hiratzka, T., Toxicity of 2,h-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid and 2,h,S?Trichlorophenoxyacetic Acid, A Report on Their Acute and Chronic Toxicity in Dogs; Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine, 7:61-67, 1953. Rowe, V. K. and Hymas, T. A., Summary of Toxicological Information on 2,h-D and Type Herbicides and an Evaluation of the Hazards to Livestock Associated with Their Use; American Journal Vet. Res. 15: 622-629, 195A. Results of Toxicological Tests on 2,h,S-Trichlor0phenoxyacetic Acid, Reported by Biochemical Research Department, The Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan, August, 1950. Toxicity Tests on Nu Amine (l,3-propylene diamine esters of 2,h?D and 2,h,5?T; Report to Diamond Alkali Company dated February, 1962 by Hazleton Laboratories, Inc. . Microscopic examination of bone marrow sections from the above repeated dermal study, Report to Diamond Alkali Company, dated December 16, 1965 from Hazleton Laboratories, Inc. Results of 90-day Dietary Feeding Studies of Dowanol 97B (Ester of 2,h,5?T) in Rats, Report by Biochemical Research Laboratory, The Dow Chemical Company, dated November 27, 1961. Palmer, J. S. and Radeleff, R. D., The Toxicoloaic Effects of Certain Fungicides and Herbicides on Sheep and Cattle, Annals c1 N. Y. Acad. of Sc. Bol. 729?732, 196A. Butler, P. Commercial Fishery Investigations, Acute and Chronic Toxicity Studies, U. S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service Circular 199, 5?6 and 26, l96h. r? .- Butler, P. Commercial Fishery Investigations, Laboratory St dies and Toxicology, U. S. Department of the Interior, Wildlife Service Circular 167, 11-15, 22 and 2M, 1963. . 0881.89 MOO am C13 10. Butler, P. Commercial Fishery Investigations, Acute Toxicity (Biological Laboratory, Gulf Breeze, Florida), U. S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service Circular 226, 69?73, "l965. 11. George, J. L., Recommendations for Minimizing Dangers of Pest Control and Pesticides to Fish and Wildlife, U. S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Circular 167, 101?105, 1963. IZELES MOO 18335 INDIANAPOLIS . INDIANA daft. -- WINTHHOP 2500 Dr. Harold H. Gay Medical Director, The Dow Chemical Co. Midland, Mich. 5 I FM 1 ROBERT E. JENKINS. M. D. 1 3.1m N. MERIDIAN ST. June 7, 1951; Dear Dr. Gay: Mr. James R. Mayfield has recently brought in several letters from you and other inter- ested parties regarding an alleged contact dermatitis he may have sustained in August 1953 from the use of T.-or something. tessta rum? I have seen Mr. Mayfield on several different occasions since his first visit here on Aug- net the 114th 1953. At that time he presented a severely excoriated dermatitis of the peri- anal area. From the history at that time he was stated to have had pruritis ani for ten years. There was some dermatitis of the el- bow extensor then but I was not clinically im- pressed with the dermatitis venenata picture. He has been treated with various topical med? icaments and with some success but still has some dermatitis. I also had him seen by Dr. R. Kierland at the Mayo Clinic and they felt much as I do, namely that there might have been an element of contact early but that would not explain the pruritis ani of long duration except from the "over-treatment" standpoint. SincereI I .6: Re ert Jenkins, MD IO CHEMICAL COMPANY MIDLAND MICHIGAN April 12) 195? . Dr. J. S. V'sndenerk Assistant Professor of Horticulture Purdue miversity Agricultural htensim Berries Department of Horticulture Lafayette, Indiana Dear Dr. Vsndenerkt Your letterto our-Ir. v. K. Role isnow for oment. As Hr. Howe hes told you, this is certainly not a reaction typical of contacts. I am assuming that my- field has had no subsequent contacts with since the original back in August, and if this is two then it follows spriori that the demtosis which he now has, is not the molt of contact with becsuse contact dermatoees by definition are cleared certainly within two nonths after discontinuance of the contact. I: contact has continued however since that tin, then the first further contests, aid it nest be remembered contact does not necessarily neon direct contact with the material. It my be-?contsot through inc-wearing or clothing uhich are impregnated with the substance. I hesitate to offer any suggestions for therapy without knowing more than the fact that ?this area turned red in the field and now remains rather red and irritated." I think the most effective way for me to offer any help would be to talk to some physician who has recently seen the skin condition. If you could give me the name or the physician who last sew him, I should be glad to cell and talk with him. Very sincerely, Harold H. Gay, 11.1). Medical Director CC: V. K. Rowe, Biochem. Res Dept., 280 Bldg. THE MIDLAND MICHIGAN June 5. 1953. V. K. Rove BIO-CHEMICAL LAB. 2?280 Bldg. cc: H. L. Smith SUBJECT: REPORT OF CALL BY CLOFT, BOSTON OFFICE ON LUCAS TREE EXPERT COMPANY Attached you will find a copy of a report of call from Harry Cloft wherein he requests some information describing the effect of a 4% solution of 2,h,5~T in kerosene on eyes. Perhaps some action has already been taken on this matter; however, Hillard Smith will be in town on Monday, June 8 Could you call Hillard Monday to decide what action,if_ any, should be taken at this time? XJ. Yours very a.~J Clyde . Bryant Agricu tural Chemi a1 Sales Ext 8804 1 2 4i '7 9898.431" 16338 4 I PURDUE UNIVERSITY Agricultural Extension Service Lafayette, Indiana Department of Horticulture Egg 5.. March 24, 195k K: Cb Mr. V. K. Rowe :5 Dow Chemical Research Department to no Dow Chemical Company Midland, Michigan Dear Mr. Rowe: I an inquiring as to whether you or anyone in your or- ganization might know of a treatment for an apparent allergy developed by 2&5 T. One of our growers in this state received severe toxi- cological reaction appearing to be a burn over a portion of his body while spraying fence rows with 245 T. This occured last August. This area turned red in the field and now remains rather red and irritated. Ir. Hayfield was quite concerned over this and local physicians were not able to give him any satisfaction fand he went up to layo Clinic last January. They didn't seem 'to know any treatment for this type of skin injury. Could you possibly suggest what might be done, if anything, or refer us to anyone who is more familiar with this type of a toxicological problem. Very truly yours, Joe J. S. Vandemark Assistant Professor in Horticulture HQO main 0. OOHJW whmu. 3.U. 0% ?In mwuu: waDHHummH wwum. 9.5m m. 92991315100 mow? H. moonunww . -. nonm?nwm momma. mmu nuduu mm" hunumun 4m. musmw onuwmua . ?o UH won awn wmnnu uwmum mm won Hmmumma w. 85m Hmm?hum w?m mm m: rm Odumm owwulnlullnunnunlur awn? ww?m Madman mvwasunuulauunaluunmmaw9000 mg/kg of body weight for pheasants and young Bobwhite quail. Mortality was produced in 50% of young Bobwhite quail given the ester at 5000 in the diet for less than 10 days, in young pheasants_at 5000 for less than 100 days, and in adult Mallard ducks at 2500 for less than 100 days. 16413 5. {we Summary of Toxicological Data on Silvex in Rats and Dogs Report Formulation Test Duration No-effect level mg/kg/day and date used animal of test given in report silver equiv. Bio-Test Labs Dowco 171* Rats 90 days 10 mg/kg/day 6.8 6/19/62 (PGBE ester) Dow Chemical Sodium Rats 90 days 0.01% in diet 5-10 10/26/54 salt (calculated) Dow Chemical Kurosal SL Dogs 89 days ?0.03% in diet 7 10/30/63 (K salt) - (based on daily food intake) Dow Chemical Kurosal SL Rats 2 years 100 in diet 2.6 3/17/65 (K salt) Dow Chemical Kurosal SL Dogs 2 years 190 in diet 4/8/55 (K salt) I *?ropylene glycol butyl ether esters of silvex (67.5% silvex acid equivalent). KURCNG weed and brush killer contains approximately 68% PGBE ester of silvex (45% silvex acid equivalent). nistopathological effect was noted in male dogs but not in female dogs 2.6 /Ig,cay silver equivalent after two years of continuous feeding. Prepared by Marguerite Leng, Agricultural Department, The Dow Chemical Company, December 29, 1966 Revised September 10, 1970 a. Section C.2.0 Summary of Teratology Studies with Silver in Rats. January 1073. Numerous terat010gy studies were conducted with phenoxy herbicides by various government and industrial groups following disclosure on October 29, 1969, by Dr. Lee A. DuBridge, Science Adviser to the President, that studies cenducted in 1965?1968 by Bionetics Laboratory in Falls Church, Virginia, indicated teratogenic responses were produced in mice and rats given high doses of The significance of these and other studies conducted at exaggerated levels by non-representative routes of administration is still under discussion by experts in the field of teratology. As part of this pregram, studies were conducted by The Dow Chemical Company on silvex and its propylene glycol butyl ether (PGBE) esters by oral administration in rats. The two studies were reported in Sections D.2.l and D.2.2 of this amendment to PP SFOGTS for silvex. Groups of - Sprague Dawley rats were given silvex at doses of 0, 50, 75 or 100 mg/kg/day on days 6 through 15 of gestation, or from day 6 of gestation through lactation. The test compound was administered orally Once daily as a corn oil suspension. Additional groups were given Silvex at 25 to 150 mg/kg/day or its PGBE ester at 35 to 200 mg/kg/dayJ on days 6-15, 7-9 or 9-11 of gestation as described in the reports. Certain groups were utilized for teratologic studies while others were used.for postnatal studies. The following parameters, where applicable, were examined in these studies with silvex and its PGBE esters: clinical observations; body weights; food consumption; :ross visceral 16415. L-J l_l4 examination of dams; position of fetuses in utere; numbers of live fetuses, resorptions and corpora lutea; individual pup weights (days 0, 5, 21) and sex; external skeletal and Visceral ?xaminations on toratology litters; histologic i; examination of selected tissues; examination'of weanling rats to determine degree of skeletal ossification. f?C CL Conclusion Ne overt clinical signs of toxicity,.major visceral or skeletal anomalies or undesirable effects on other repro- duetive parameters resulted from treatment with silvex at 25 mg/kg/day or silvex PGBE esters at 35 mg/kg/day (equiv~} alent to 23 mg of silvex per kilogram of body weight per da?34d Lucier et al., 1975a pregnant rats (2) transferase 3 7 >34d Lucier et al., 1975a neonate, (3) 2S 6 73d Lucier et al., 1975b male rat 5 >28d Hook et a1., 1975b 0.2 2.5 -- Lucier et 31., 1973 Ben2pyrene (aryl hydrocarbon) 3 l4 >21d Lucier et al., 1975a pregnant rats (2) hydroxylase 3 2 Lucier et al., 1975a neonate, (4) 2.5 14 -- Berry et al., 1976 pregnant rat, (5) 2.5 100 -- Berry et al., 1976 fetal liver 0.2 7 -- Lucier, 1973 male rats (6) 0.2 8 -- Hook et a1., 1975b female rats (7) 1.0 1.5 -- Hook et al., 1975b male (7) 25 3 -- Hook et al., 1975b male rat liver 25 >70 -- Hook et al., 1975b male rat kidney (8) 10 180 -- Poland and Clover, 1974 rat kidney 10 10 Poland and Glover, 1974 rat lung 10 100 -- Poland and Glover, 1974 rat intestine .08 3 -- Poland and Clover, 1974 mouse NADPH diaphorase (dehydrogenase) 90 13 >15d Beatty and Neal, 1976 male rat liver (9) Aniline hydroxylase 5 2 >15d Lucier et al., 1973 0.2 1.2 -- Lucier et a1., 1973 Cytochrome 1.0 1.6 Lucier et a1., 1973 male, 3 day Cytochrome B5 1.0 1.4 -- Lucier, 1977 male, 3 day Biphenyl-Z-hydroxylase 25 13 -- Hook et 31., 1975b rat liver 25 18 Hook et al., 1975b rat kidney (11) geesi IZ Induction of Foreign Compound Metabolizing Enzymes by TCDD (cont) References Remarks (liver Unless other tissue Specified) Extent of Initial Duration of TCDD Dose Induction Increased Enzyme (Hg/kg) (x normal] Activity Biphenyl-4~hydroxylase 25 2 25 4O Amino levulinic acid 25 none -- 25 2 1.5 ng/egg 2 Hook et al., 1975b Hook et al., 1975b Woods, 1973 Goldstein, 1973 Poland and Glover, 1973c rat liver rat kidney mouse (11) chick embryo 1This table is selective and is intended to show the variety of work done, the dose ranges studied, and duration of effects. The references noted should be consulted for greater detail. 2Pregnant rats, treated on day 10 of 23 day gestation, sacrificed 21 days post partum. 3Mother treated at day of gestation; activity measured at day 21 postnatal. parturition. Same as 2 except measured at day 8 postnatal. (HA TCDD at day 17 of gestation, sacrificed at day 20. 0? Male rats, sacrificed 3 days after TCDD. In most cases the lowest dose producing effect has been shown and data for higher doses omitted. No increase in activity before Male rats did not reSpond at this dose; there was a small but significant (P 0.05) increase in amino pyrine demethylase and cytochrome P-450 in females at 0.2 pg 8Resting activity below detectiOn limit. 9Maximal activity in cytosol at 7 days, still rising in microsomes at 15 days. 10 11 ug/kg produced no effect. Resting activity very low in these tissues; factor of increase approximate. we 1976). Whether the effect of TCDD on inducible enzymes has implications on other aspects of protein can only be speculated upon. Poland and Glover (1975) showed about a 10?fold difference in the dose necessary to cause induction. Through the finding that heterozygous of (responsive) and (non-reSponsive) strains are intermediate in sensitivity, they support the contention of Poland and Glover (1975) that the difference is a receptor site mutation. Later studies have strengthened that premise in finding that hepatic accumula? tion of 14C-TCDD administered intraperitoneally was greater in respon- sive than non-responsive strains (Poland et al., 1976). In the same study, in_vitro examination of binding in the soluble fraction of liVer cells showed that specific binding sites exist, and that their affinity correlates with the genetic capability for induction. Furthermore, tests of an extended series of halogenated dioxins and dibenzofurans showed that cytosolic binding corresponded closely with the induction potency of the chemical. Niwa et a1. (1975) have measured AHH induction by TCDD in a variety of cell cultures. They used 10 e5tablished cell lines, human cytes, and primary fetal cultures from chick, rat, rabbit, hamster, and four strains of mice. Generally, kinetics of TCDD induction in each cell type is similar to that of S-MC, and the induCtion was inhibited by actinomycin-D and cyclohexamide, which are inhibitors of protein syn- thesis. They found no relation between inducibility and cytotoxicity of TCDD, which is further evidence that TCDD itself is not metabolized. The sensitivity of some cell lines is such that the authors suggest use of H-4-II-E cells (derived from.Reuber hepatoma H-SS in rats) as a bio- aSSay, with a suggested sensitivity below 1 pMole (N 0.0003 pg) in 3 ml of culture medium. The same kind of genetic differences have been studied in human cultures, which represent the genetic background of the cell donor and are therefore useful in making relatively non-invasive studies of potential human response to intoxication. The sensitivity to TCDD induction of AHH is about 50-fold greater than to S-MC induction, con- siderably less than the 30,000-fold difference in responsive mice (Kouri et al., 1974). Atlas et a1. (1976) have carried these studies forward with from human tissues, but have as yet dealt only with S-MC, not TCDD. -Part of the stimulus for examining human cells lies in the sug- gestion that extent of induction at contact sites skin, lung) may relate to the probability of cancer initiation by activated carcinogens (Kellerman et al., 1973). Although TCDD is as yet not established as a carcinogen such research may provide suggestions about the extent of expected variations in other TCDD responses in humans. General Toxicity in Laboratory Animals Apparently the first published account of acute toxicity was that of Drill and Hiratzka (1953). The L050 for dogs was about 100 mg/kg; the principal was a mild incoordination. When fed five days weekly for 90 days, doses up to 10 mg/kg/daily were without evident 15445 22 effect, but 20 mg/kg/day was lethal to all 4 treated animals between 11 and 75 days after the first dose. were limited to muscle twitching and impaired swallowing. A field study by Grigsby and Farwell (1950) [as quoted by Rowe and Hymas (1954)] exposed a variety of stock on pasture immediately after spraying at 2?4 times usual levels, with no effect. 6091100 MOO Rowe and Hymas (1954) summarized the available data at that time and estimated the acute oral median lethal dose for male rats to be about 500 mg/kg, male mice 389 mg/kg, and guinea pigs 381 mg/kg. LDsos for various esters were higher than for the acid. A sheep fed the propyl glycol butyl ester of died after 369 daily doses of 100 mg/kg and another sheep and a cow died after seven daily doses of 250 mg/kg (Palmer and Radeleff, 1964). The triethylamine salt of at 100 mg/kg caused no observable effect after 481 days of treatment at 100 mg daily. As single animal observations these can be considered rough estimates only, but they convey the generally high doses necessary to cause harm in rumi- nants. has been shown to cause decreased volatile fatty acid production in vitro at concentrations of 500 ug/ml or greater (Kutches et al., 19757} this concentration is probably greater than can be main? tained by a survivable daily dose of Subchronic (90 day) feeding of male and female rats caused no ef- fects below 30 mg/kg/day, but body weight and food intake were depressed after treatment at 100 mg/kg/day. Alkaline phosphatase and SGPT were elevated and count and hemoglobin was decreased. The his- topathologic findings were limited and inconsistent (McCollister and Kociba, 1970). Rats were able to tolerate 186 mg/kg/day treatment with mixed mono-, di-, and tripropylene glycol butyl ether esters of over 90 days but developed some indications of toxicity. At a dose of 18.6 mg/kg no evidence of toxicity was observed (Dow Chemical Company, 1961). A two year study of rats given 3 to 30 mg has very recently been completed by Dow Chemical Company. Much of the analysis has yet to be completed, including morphologic pathology. Animals that received 30 mg were found to have increased urinary por- phyrin excretion after 4 months of treatment, and this change continued through the entire 2 year period. No changes were found in any other hematologic, urinary, or clinical chemistry measurement at that rate of intake, and the increased excretion did not occur at 10 or 3 mg/kg/day (R.J. Kociba, Dow Chemical Company, preliminary status report; personal communication]. A feeding Study of reindeer was prompted by allegations that a high incidence of death and abortion occurred in 1970 in a herd after use of phenoxy herbicides the previous year. Fifteen of thirty pregnant rein? deer were fed birch leaves which had been sprayed with a mixture, through a 1.5 month period late in gestation. The daily dose of phenoxy acid was about 1 mg/kg/day. No clinical chemical changes could be detected, nor did any changes appear at autopsy either in the adult animal or the full term fetus (Erne, 1976). reass- 23 The toxic effects of in rodents have been studied in much more detail than the gross toxicity studies already described. Highman et al. (1976a, 1976b) established that lethal doses in pregnant or nonpreg- nant mice caused myocardial lesions, bone marrow aplasia, and depletion in thumus, spleen, and nodes, and that animals which re- mained apparently healthy despite similar doses did not suffer the same severity of lesions. A mild hemolytic anemia did occur in such animals. Pregnancy did not augment the toxic effect. It was also clear that major differences exist in the reSponse of specific strains. Many NCTR mice were seriously affected at doses below 60 mg (6-9 days of treat- ment while most CRBL mice remained unaffected at doses as high as 90-120 mg/kg/day at the same time. The histopathology, hematoIOgy, and blood chemistry changes in treated mice were also Studied. In many monitored animals, some myocardial fibers were found to be pale and swollen, with longitudinal striations. The condition was rarely seen in treated ap- parently non-intoxicated animals. Necrotic changes were also often seen in the outer myocardium. High doses caused thymic atrophy, with almost no in the cortex and increased numbers in the medulla (this ef- fect was enhanced in late pregnancy by the normal tendency to cortical involution in pregnant mice). Spleens were often atrophied, and thyroid fbllicles were enlarged with enlarged epithelial cell. In the liver, glycogen was often depleted. Blood chemistry changes appeared not to be marked. has been found to cause increased liver weight in rats at doses of 167-334 mg/kg over a two-day period, apparently through stimu- lation of protein and RNA but not as newly formed metabolizing enzymes. The change reverses after withdrawal (Chang et al., 1974; Rip and Cherry, 1976). Liver nuclei isolated from treated animals were more active in RNA than those from controls. at a concentration of 4 mmolar is capable of sharply inhibiting in_vitro in~ corporation of mevalonate-14C into non-saponifiable lipids by rat liVer (Olson et al., 1974). If data obtained in mice by Nony et al. (1976) can be applied, this concentration is approachable at single doses of 50 to 100 mg/kg, which are survivable by most Species. Koschier and Berndt (1976a, 1976b, 1976c) have described the effect of upon renal physiology. Large doses of appear to impair secretion of itself by decreasing the activity of the organic acid transport system in the proximal tubule. Organic base tranSport was also depressed. Small doses of were excreted very rapidly, but large daily doses led to renal depression and retention of the compound. The authors consider the data to support the conclusion that transport of phenoxy herbicides is an active process. The of does not seem to be a popular field of study. In the one study fOund, single doses of up to 100 mg/kg were given pregnancy. The male of females given the highest dose exhibited more exploratory open field behavior, but no difference was found in females. The highest doses caused de- creased litter size but no increase in malformations (Sjbd?n and deerberg, 1972). 15447 24 Poultry seem relatively insensitive to Whitehead and Pettigrew (1972) found that a single oral dose of 900 mg/kg to 4 week old chicks caused 40% lethality. However, feeding of 1000 mg per kg diet/day for three weeks to chicks, beginning at one day of age caused only some slowing of growth; 5000 mg/kg diet was lethal. At levels not causing gross toxicity, plasma calcium and magnesium were not affected. Given a choice, the birds rejected the treated diet in favor of non- contaminated food. Turkeys fed at a rate equivalent to 62 mg acid daily for 11 days were unaffected (Roberts and Rogers, 1957). Bjorklund and Erne (1971) introduced various derivatives into water and feed of chickens, quail, pheasants, and ducks. In water the LCloo of the triethanolamine salt for chickens over a 29 week period was 1000 acid equiv. [about 200 mg/kg). In the diet of other Species over a 7-day period, the LC50 was in excess of 2000 ppm. Kenaga (1975) has extensively reviewed avian toxicity and safety of birds in areas treated with herbicides and concludes that the no observed effect levels are substantially above amounts that might be contacted in a field application. Effects of on Reproduction The teratogenic potential of has received wide publicity since 1969 when allegations were made that its use as a military defoli? ant had caused fetal malformations in the Vietnamese population. A succession of studies over the next three years confirmed the terato- genicity of but the implication of the herbicide in any increase in birth defects has net been supported. The initial report of teratogenic effect (Courtney et a1., 1970; Bionetics Research Laboratories, 1970) described cleft palate and cystic kidneys at doses of 46 and 113 mg/kg/day on days 6 through 14 of gestation. 0f the two lesions, cystic kidney appeared to be a more sensitive indicator. The used in the study was found to contain 30 (TCDD), and the respective toxicities of the two agents were still unclear at that time. The data was also criticized for an unusually high and variable incidence of embryotoxicity in control animals (Neubert and Dillman, 1972). Emerson et a1. (1971) evaluated a commercial with less than 0.5 TCDD and found that 24 and 40 mg/kg/day through days 6-15 of gestation caused no teratogenesis in rats. Sparschu et a1. (1971) then found that 50 mg was also nonteratOgenic, although there was a slight increase in incidence of delayed skull ossification. (Such alteration in deVelopment is not considered teratologic, because the abnormality dis- appears with age. One criterion of teratogenic effect is irreversibility.) Treatment at 100 mg/day for days 6-10 caused generalized maternal toxi- city, with only 4 survivors of 25 treated animals. Intestinal hemorrhage, considered a common fetotoxic but not teratologic lesion, was found in only one pup in this study. Khera and McKinley (1972) found a similar dose response. In mice the effective dose is similar to that in rats. At 50 mg through days 6-15 of gestation, the frequency of cleft palates was increased from 4.7% to 20% and resorption frequency increased. The incidence was raised to 73% by a dose of 110 mg/kg/day with a decrease 25 W. "at: 00.1.128le in fetal weight (Bage et al., 1973). The high dose also caused a two?fold increase in rib and vertebral malformation, but only marginal increase in dilated renal pelvis. Neubert and Dillman (1972) found increased cleft palate in NMRI mice at doses over 200 mg/kg/day through days 6-15, increased embryo lethality at doses over 45 mg/kg/day reduction in fetal weight above 15 mg/kg/day. Strain differences in mice are significant. The dose causing at least one cleft palate in 50% of litters was 25 mg/ kg/day in the most sensitive of 5 strains tested and 105 mg/kg/day in the least sensitive (Gaines et al., 1975). Roll (1971) found detectable teratogenesis at doses above 35 mg/kg/day through days 6-15 of pregnancy. The no?effect level with respect to teratogenesis was established as 20 mg/kg/day. Hamsrers are less sensitive to cleft palate, but do have a somewhat higher incidence of delayed head ossification which is not generally defined as a teratologic manifestation (Collins and Williams, 1971). doses ranged from 40-100 mg/kg and there was a considerable difference among Samples of of different sources and levels of TCDD contamie nation. The Fetal rabbits are apparently unaffected by maternal doses up.to 40 mg through days 6-18. Ruminants are apparently also quite resistant to teratogenic effects of Binns and Balls (1971) fed 100 mg to 11 ewes from the 14th to 36th day of gestation, and fed 100 mg to another group during the same period. No evidence of deformity appeared in any of the lambs. The TCDD content was 1 ppm. The no apparent effect levels in rodents reported in the proceeding studies contrast sharply with data in abstracts of reports by Konstantinova (1974a, 1974b), who is said to have found that 4.2 mg/kg/day of the butyl ester of through the entire gestation period caused embryotoxicity, nervous and hematologic change and histopathology in the mother. A dose rate of 0.42 mg/kg affected growth and development, nervous, liver and kidney functions and lowered fertility. The succeeding generation was found to have minor changes in organ weights. (Direct translations of these papers are not available; data quoted is obtained from Chemical Abstracts.) There has been limited study of the teratogenic effect of in primates. Daugherty et al. (1975) adminisrered 0.5, 1.0, and 10 mg/ kg/day to groups of 10 pregnant rhesus monkeys from day 22 through 38 of gestation. The high dose was established after finding that 12 mg or more daily for 18 days caused vomiting and weight loss in monkeys of both sexes. No teratogenesis occurred, although there were 1 or 2 abortions, premature births, or neonatal deaths in all groups, including the control. The importance of TCDD in the teratogenicity of was examined soon after the contamination was recognized. Courtney and Moore (1971) tested with 0.5 and 0.05 TCDD, and TCDD together and 1844.9 26 MOO TCDD alone in mice. It was evident that the concentrations used or addi- tion of 1 ug TCDD/kg/day through days 6-15 did not alter the apparent teratogenicity of Neubert and Dillman (1972) reached a similar conclusion, suggesting that to potentiate effect on pregnant mice at least 1.5 TCDD is necessary. Collins and Williams (1971) observed additive effects of 2.9 and 45 TCDD contamination of adminis- tered to hamsters, but many of the changes appeared characteristic of pri- mary TCDD intoxication. - 919$: Nutritional status seems to have little influence on the effect of on reproductive Hall [1972) fed 250 and 1000 with diets containing 20% and 60% casein. Resorption and still- birth incidence and litter size were similar in all groups, although fetal organ and placenta weights were decreased in the high high pro- tein group. Effects of low protein intake were augmented by the high concentration of herbicide. Incubating eggs have been considered to be particularly vulnerable to herbicides because they remain in one place, and because the eggshell is porous. A number of studies of effect on eggs have appeared since 1967, with conflicting results (see section on but has not received much attention. Somers et a1. (1973) sprayed hen eggs with a formulation containing and 2,4-0 in a treatment equivalent to 11.2 kg/hectare (10 times normal field application rates) prior to incubation without effect on hatchability or early survivability of chicks. They then treated eggs of the pheasant, as a genetically more heterogeneous species, in the same way, without adverse effect. Entry of herbicide into the egg was verified analytically. The treatment did, however, increase weight gain in male chicks during the first four weeks of life (Somers et al., 1974). The L050 of in DMSO, injected directly into the air space of chicken eggs at doses up to 125 mg/kg has been calculated acetone carrier, 133 mg/kg (Strange et al., 1976). No tera- togenic effect was evident. The solvent toxicity was shown to be substan- tial, but it seems clear that acquisition of an effective dose of by an egg in the field is highly unlikely. In fact, immersion of hen eggs in 1% was ineffective, and a solution was only moderately effective. The eggs were immersed for 10 seconds, then returned to incubation (Gyrd-Hansen and Dalgaard-Mikkelsen, 1974). Insects may be more sensitive; Davring and Sunner (1971) and D?vring (1975) have shown that while DrOSOphila are highly resistant to lethal effects of ester (L050 4700 in the diet), 1 caused disturbed egg follicle development and chromosomal defects in developed oocytes. A study on a species of killifish has shown that concentrations of 20 have substantial teratogenic effect. The embryos developed several cardiovascular anomalies, and occasional and splenic defects. The 20 treatment reduced hatchability to less than 50%, and 25 allowed less than 5% to hatch. No anomalies were found after treatment with 14 and the hatch was reduced only 4% (Schreiweis and Murray, 1976). 27 Carcinogenic and Mutagenic Potential of Probably the most important issue about any chemical introduced into the environment by human activity is the possibility that it may increase the incidence of cancer in the human population. The probability of muta- genic activity is of almost equivalent concern, both because of the possi- bility of genetic alteration and because mutagenesis may be a useful pre- dictor of carcinogenic activity. The relationship is by no means constant. However, McCann et al. (1975) have assembled data from a number of labo- ratories using microbial systems ("Ames test") and find that 85% of known carcinogens are positive, 10% of non-carcinogens are active. This is not to say that almost every agent identified as a mutagen will be carcinogenic, but the test should become an aid in deciding priorities for direct screen? ing. Only a limited number of experimental studies of carcinogeni- city have been made. A screening program for 120 pesticides and industrial chemicals was reported by Innes et a1. (1969). Eleven of the agents caused an elevated incidence of tumors; none of the phenoxy herbicides, including caused increased tumor formation at a dose previously determined to be the maximum tolerable daily dose over 20 days, without lethality (21.5 mg/kg/day for Muranyi-Kovacs et a1. (1976) treated two strains of mice with 80 (TCDD content 0.05 ppm) in the diet for more than 500 days. Daily dosage was about 12?15 mg/kg. In one strain survival time was significantly decreased in males, in the other significantly increased in females. An apparently significant small increase in tumor incidence occurred with the increase in life span. The authors are concerned that altered life Span may confound the analysis, but consider that can not yet confidently be considered non-carcinogenic, and requires fur- ther analysis. A two year study of rats given up to 30 mg has just been terminated by Dow Chemical Company, but the pathological evaluation had not been completed at the time of this preparation. One epidemiological Study has been made of tumor incidence in a group of Swedish railroad employees. It was possible to isolate groups who had handled phenoxy acids exclusively, and a cohort of 207 persons with at least 45 days of exposure, totaling 1747 person-years. No in- crease in tumor incidence could be detected in these workers although increased incidence appeared in groups exposed to other herbicides (Axelson and Sundell, 1974). Mutagenic assessments have been carried out on a number of systems. Buselmaier et a1. (1973) were not able to show induced mutations in Salmonella typhimurium G46 his-, and Serratio marcescens a21 Leu- and a31 his- in a host mediated assay in mice. Serum from animals treated orally with also did not induce mutants in S. typhimurium his- (Styles, 1973). Anderson et a1. (1972) were unable to demonstrate any mutagenic preperties of or other phenoxy herbicides when tested against eight histidine requiring mutants of S. typhimirium. i'??Si 28 Sex linked lethal tests of adult male Drosophila showed to be negative, although fertility was decreased (Vogel and Chandler, 1974). Majumdar and Golia (1974) were able to show an increase in sex linked recessive lethal mutations after 15 day feeding on 1000 non?significant increase was apparent after feeding 250 ppm. 1,360, Moo A 918* In gerbils six-day feeding of up to 150 mg produced no increase in chlorosomal abnormalities, but higher doses did cause some increase (Majumdar and Hall, 1973). Jenssen and Renberg (1976) tested for mutagenicity by seeking micronuclei in of mouse bone marrow, which is a high resolution detection system. The system was cytogenetically negative, although some mitotic depression was de- tected. It was noted that only about 5% of circulating found its way into the cells, which was suggested as indicating a limited hazard due to lack of access. A limited survey of pesticide applicators who had been in contact with a variety of agents showed some increase in chromatid gaps and breaks during the spray season (Yoder et al., 1975). Recovery in the off season reduced frequency below that of controls, suggesting an augmented repair system. was the least frequently used agent, and it is not likely that any observed effect can be attributed to it. Dow Chemical Company has maintained a program of continuing health monitoring of production workers. Cytogenetic evaluations of 52 men in early 1970 were reported to be negative (Johnson, 1971), and a second analysis in 1974 also found no evidence of abnormality (Kilian, 1975). An interesting finding, however, was that the fraction of each exposed group found to have no abnormal cells was above 80%, while of the control group only 74% had no abnormal cells. Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion of 2,4,911 has a rather short residence time in all species. A cow given 450 mg of acid in four daily doses excreted the entire amount in urine in six days (St. John et a1., 1964). Erne [1966a, 1966b) administered 100 mg of the amine salt/kg to rats and swine and found plasma half time for the rat to be three hours, and 10 hours for pigs. Kidney, liver, lungs, and spleen concentrations of could occa? sionally be forced above plasma levels, but apparently none of the material entered the brain or adipose tissue. Tissue half times ranged from 5-30 hours. When the agent was administered repeatedly plasma levels tended to lessen, with increased excretion. Of the in blood, about 20% was in is excreted more slowly by mice than by rats, at a rate of 1-4% of the original dose per hour (Zielinski and Fishbein, 1967). By overloading sheep (four 250 mg doses) it is possible to produce residues in tissues. Maximum accumulations were abOut 100 in fat and muscle. In each case residues were found in the acid form regardless of the form in Which it was fed (Clark et al., 1970). The latter finding is at some variance with Clark et a1. (1971), in which the PGBE ester of was reported to remain as the ester in urine and tissues. Cattle fed 0.15 Ci?? 29 and 0.75 mg proPylene glycol or butyl ether esters/kg/day for 32 weeks, produced no increase over background residue. Clark et a1. (1971) later reported feeding sheep 2000 in the diet and finding 1.0 in muscle. No residue could be detected 7 days later. Deer browsing on land treated for reforestation were found not to contain sig- nificant tissue residues; measurable was found in stomach contents, urine, and feces up to 43 days after herbicide application (Newton and Norris, 1968). The implication, again, is that suStained field intake will not cause detectable tissue residues. Grunow et a1. (1971) found about 50-70% of administered in urine, and found that a substantial fraction emerged as derivatives, one of which was identified as acetyl) glycine. The taurine conjugate and 2,4,5-trichlorophenol have also been identified (Grunow and Bohme, 1974). Nony et a1. (1976) have measured its glycine amide and alkaline hydrolyzable conjugates in blood, urine, and feces. The proportion of metabolites is quite low in blood, and increases substantially in urine from 24-72 hours after administration of the herbi- cide. In the feces the glycine amide is found in only limited amounts, but other conjugates may account for as much as 25% of the total recovery. Research with labeled in rats showed that the half-time of plasma clearance was about 4.5 hours and essentially dose inde- pendent below doses of 50 mg/kg but increased as dosage increased to 19.4 at 100 mg/kg and 25.2 hr at 200 mg/kg. The of a 5 mg/kg dose in dogs was much longer, 77 hours. About 90% of the in blood was reversibly bound to plasma prOtein, over a wide range of concentrations. It was found also that as the dose was elevated, a small amount of fecal ex- cretion took place. Detecrable, minute amounts of emerged in the res- piratory gases (Piper et al., 1973). Fang et a1. (1973) also showed a non-dose dependent at lower doses. Nony et a1. (1976) found in excess of 10% of the toral excreted material in feces. The extent of prOtein binding has been further defined by Kolberg et a1. (1973); bovine serum albumin binds 13-14 moles BSA. As suggested by the slower the percentage of dose excreted/day decreased sharply at the higher doses, indicating a limit in excretory capacity by the kidney. Rat kidney tissue slices can concentrate about 15 times, slices from dogs can concentrate about 9 times. Berndt and Koschier (1973) found an energy dependent uptake of phenoxy herbicides by renal cortical tissue. Metabolic inhibitors depress the process. Acetate and lactate as substrates enhance the accumulation. Increased in the medium slows the concentrating capacity of the kidney. The above work was later carried forward by resorting to intravenous injection of in order to take advantage of usefu1 pharmacokinetic models (Sauerhoff et al., 1976). Doses of 5 mg/kg and 100 mg/kg were used, and samples were taken through 36 hours (5 mg) and 72 hours (100 mg). After 5 mg/kg rats excreted about 50% of the body burden every 12 hours, in spite of a 4.3 hour plasma further illustrating the concentrating capacity of the kidney. At 100 mg/kg the plasma was 23.1 hours for the first 36 hours, then was comparable to the animals given a lower dose. inass_ 30 "Moo In humans (Gehring et al. (1973) found that a 5 mg/kg dose was ex? creted with a of 23 hours for both plasma and whole body clearance. Essentially all of the adminisrered material emerged in urine unchanged. The phenoxy acids are relatively strong organic acids, which is one of the reasons they are excreted in large part as the parent molecule. f?kzg The possibility of hydrolysis by rumen flora or by tissue enzymatic pro- cesses was first considered by Wright et al. (1970) who found that after NJ feeding of to sheep, 2,4,5-trichlorophenol residues could be detected in tissues. Clark et a1. (1975) measured phenoxy acid and phenol residues in muscle, fat, liver, and kidney of sheep fed 2000 for 28 days, and found 1.00, 0.27, 2.29, and 27.2 and 0.13, <0.05, 6.1, and 0.9 2,4,5?tri- chlor0phenol, respectively. Seven days after withdrawal, residues were well below 0.1 or below the detection limit of 0.05 ppm. The phenol remained at significant levels in both liver (4.4 ppm) and kidney (0.81 ppm). According to Koschier and Berndt (1976c) the rate of excretion rises almOSt immediately to about 80% of input in animals treated daily, then continues to rise for 7-9 days until excretion approximately equals input, where it remains through the duration of treatment. The rate of adminis- tration was 20 mg/kg/day. As dose rate increased the initial percentage excreted was less, but 7-9 days was still required to reach a rate equal to input. An apparent over-shoot then took place for 5-6 days. The markedly different rates of excretion by rats and dogs was Studied in_vitro by Hook et al. (1974). They found that kidney of both species actively accumulated by a saturable, oxygen dependent process which was depressed by other organic anions. Rat kidney had a greater dependence on potassium, and dog kidney increased accumulation of in the presence of acetate. The capacity of kidney to trans- port the standard test anion, para?amino hippuric acid (PAH), can be com- petitively inhibited by indicating that both are transported by the same mechanism. The authors concluded that the greater capacity for PAH transport by rat tissues accounts for the difference in retention between rats and dogs. Apparently lower renal excretion is also responsible for the extended half?time of in new-born rats observed by Fang et al. (1973); Hook et al. (1974) have found that kidneys of 10 day old rats are much less efficient than adults. Subsequent work by the same group (Hook et al., 1976) indicated that plasma binding in dogs was more tenacious than in rats. The high specificity of in causing cleft palate has been investigated by Dencker (1976) as a diStribution phenomenon. The sensitive period has been shown to be late in fetal development, during days 12-13 (Neubert and Dillman, 1972). Palatal closure occurs very late in organo-. genesis and is complete at about day 15. Dencker (1976) points out that no unusual uptake of 2,4,5wT in these structures occurs, but overall uptake in the fetus is greatly increased between days 11 and 18. It may well be that this increase, at a time when formation of most other StruCtures have progressed far enough that they are not sensitive, is responsible for cleft palate. 16454 31 4 It is possible for to reach milk if a sufficient level is included in the diet. At 30 in the diet for two weeks, followed by one week on untreated feed, no or trichlorophenol was found at a detection level of 0.05 ppm; at 100 trichlorophenol was barely detec- table. At 1000 and 0.16-0.27 trichlorophenol was found in milk, and somewhat less was found in cream (Bjerke et al., 1972). These figures can be put in the perSpective of forage consumption. Residues on grass are on the order of 100-150 ppm/lb/acre (Morton et al. 1967) immediately after application. These amounts drop sharply to about 20% of initial levels during the initial two weeks post-application. This factor, with the rapid excretion characteristic of make even limited human exposure through dairy products or meat highly unlikely unless prod- ucts are obtained immediately after heavy Spraying. are M00. 0011" DOW Behavior of in the Environment and Effects on Submammalian Species One factor in the hazard potential of an herbicide is determined by its persiStence after application and its movement and reactions in soil, water, or in plants. Appearance of in forest streams has been shown to result only if the herbicide was introduced directly to the stream, and diminished from about 0.1 to less than 0.01 within one day after treatment (Norris, 1967). Norris (1968) also found that heavy rains six months after treatment did not move detectable into streams. The herbicide is usually degraded on the forest floor quite rapidly. Norris (1969) found that nearly 90% disappeared in two months, although cold weather, sterile soil, and lack of moiSture may extend the period of degradation over as much as 9 months. The trichlorophenol hydrolysis pro- duct of degrades faster than the parent compound {Alexander and Aleem, 1961). Evaluation of several soils from South-Vietnam indicates that concentrations on the order of those expected after a typical forest application should be virtually gone in seven weeks (Byast and Hance, 1975). More than 20% of the radioactive carbon of labeled had become in- corporated in the soil, but actual residues of herbicide were usually about has also been found short lived in various Texas soil by Bovey and Baur (1972). Altom and Strittke (1973) studied in three Oklahoma soils and found half-times of 24, 14, and 21 days. The shorter time was on grass lands, the others were forests. Leaching tests show that bound in soil remained in the upper 6 inches of test columns even after application of 4.5 inches of water (Wiese and Davis, 1964). The various esters of 2,4,5eT are often intrinsically more toxic than the parent acid, probably because they are more fat soluble. In an aqueous system, however, they hydrolyze rapidly to the acid, and the rate is enhanced by soil and microorganisms (Teasley and Williams, 1970, as quoted by Kenaga, 1974). It seems reasonable to expect a fairly rapid hydrolysis in any system with some water present. 18455 32 In essence, disappears relatively rapidly after application, probably within two months in a forest environment. The evidence also seems firm that deposited on the ground will not move into a water course, and will net'leach into deeper layers. It is difficult to separate physical behavior after application from effects on lower organisms, because there is a very close interface be- tween an agent bound to soil or in water, and insects or fish. Lower organisms are of direct importance in assessing environmental impact of any introduced chemica1:_ Eood chain effects may predict repercussions at higher levels, and specifically sensitive organisms may be useful in- dicators of pollution. Ecological displacement of any kind must be ac- cepted only after careful examination, whether secondary to the intended impact of the chemical on plant Species or as a result of direct toxic effect of the applied chemical. moo The various derivatives of differ in toxicity to fish. The parent herbicide, the amine salts and isooctyl esters are relatively limited in toxicity, but the propylene glycol butyl ether and butoxy ethanol esters are quite toxic to some species. There is a large number of gross effect Studies on various aquatic species; these generally use an end point of death or immobilization. Shellfish studies measure shell growth as an index of effect. Standardization of methods has not received as much attention as seems justified. Study periods vary from 24-96 hours, water temperatures sometimes appear outside the normal acceptable range for the species, and most evaluations seem to be carried on under static conditions. Nonethe- less, the relative gross effects can be useful in reference to a given application in the field. As a very rough approximation, a 2 kg/hectare application over a water course would produce a concentration of about 2 mg/L or 2 ppm, if an assumption of dilution in the upper 10 cm of water is accepted. Flowing water will diminish the concentration below detectable limits in a few hundred yards (Evans and Duseja, 1973), and application OVer deeper water will dilute accordingly. Concentrations of or its derivatives found to have no ef- fect are liSted below as acid equivalents: No Effect Exposure Acid Equivalent Species Period Concentration Reference killifish 48 50 Butler, 1963 mullet 48 50 Butler, 1963 sea lamprey 72 2 Applegate et al., 1957 bluegill 12 46 Hiltibran, 1967 Na salt I. 33 CD 0Q 03 trout 24 4.1 Applegate et i ?4 butyl ester al., 1957 '5 e4 bluegill 24 hr 4.1 Applegate et - c; al., 1957 CD lamprey 24 4.1 Applegate et al., 1957 bluegill 8 7 Hiltibran, 1967 c) isooctyl green sunfish 8 7 Hiltibran, 1967 C) ester bluegill 12 0.7 Hiltibran, 1967 Median lethal concentrations of derivatives are similarly tabulated: Exposure Lcso Period Acid Equivalent Species (hours) Concentration Reference bluegill 48 144 Hughes and Davis (1963) DNA salt bluegill 24 54 Davis and Hughes (1963) TBA salt bluegill 43 2.9 Davis and Hughes (1963) Oleic-l,3? propylene diamine salt bluegill 48 1.7 Davis and Hughes (1963) isopropyl ester bluegill 48 31 Hughes and Davis (1963) isooctyl ester bluegill 48 1.4 Hughes and Davis 1963 butoxyethanol ester bluegill 48 17 Hughes and Davis, 1963 PGBE esters spot 24 0.21 Cope, 1965 harlequin 48 1.0 Alabaster, 1969 While the more complex esters of tend to greater toxicity in water at pH 6.5, they hydrolyze to the parent acid in about a day (Teasley and Williams, 1970, as quoted by Kenaga, 1974). 1645i 34 Effects of on other aquatic organisms have also been measured. In flowing salt water 1 caused no mortality in brown shrimp and 2 was without effect on oyster shell growth (Butler, 1963). The _m PGBE ester of at 0.14 (0.09 acid equivalent) caused a 50% on p. decrease in oyster shell growth after 96 hour exposure (Butler, 1963). Studies of terresrrial non-mammals seem to have been limited to PC honey bees. Honey bees are an important component of the crop cycle and FA in many areas are systematically managed for pollination. Phenoxy herbi- cides, including fed in 60% sucrose-water solution at 10 did not affect hatching, but reduced brood development when fed at 100 (Morton and Moffett, 1972). When sprayed in a water carrier at field application rates, was non-toxic. (Petroleum solvents alone caused high mortality during the first day after spraying.) Aerial spraying did not result in herbicide accumulation in honey sacs or colonies (Moffett and Morton, 1972). The point was made that the primary damage would be failure of flowers and loss of nectar, rather than direct toxicity. When fed directly to newly emerged bees, the phenoxy herbicides were essentially non-toxic at concentrations up to 1000 in the diet (Morton et al., 1972). 2.4-0 Toxicity to Humans For some reason there have been reported several incidents of poisoning in humans, but virtually no reports of human intoxication by Probably the best known was a suicide by a single dose of DMA salt of which more than 90 mg/kg was estimated to have been retained by the victim, after extensive vomiting (Nielsen et a1., 1965). An accidental poisoning with a formulation containing 49% thiocarbamate, 9% kerosene, and 36.5% isooctyl ester caused symp- toms and laboratory findings attributable to 2,4-0 intoxication. Among these were twitching and paralysis of intercostal muscles, hemoglobinuria, and myoglobinuria. No evidence of peripheral neurological damage was evident during 36 months of follow-up observations (Berwick, 1970). Goldstein et a1. (1959) reported on three cases in which esters were absorbed through the skin, resulting in peripheral neurological changes. One patient spilled 60 ml of a 10% solution of eSter on the forearms and did not wash. Unusual fatigue develoPed in a few hours, and over 10 days after exposure there was extended nausea and vomiting, with considerable weight loss. A second exposure caused similar than pain and numbness in all digits, loss of skin from the palms, and within six weeks there was substantial general neural damage. Another patient eventually developed metacarpal pain and swelling in bath hands, and later became partially paralyzed. The third experienced gaStrointes? tinal disturbance and vertigo, then paresthesia in the arms and legs and persistent general muscle fasciculations._ In two of the cases, there were second exposures which appeared to cause greater impact than the initial event. Similar cases have been described by Todd (1962), Berkeley and Magee (1963), and Wilson (1956). isles. ll. DOW 0011? 822 Seabury (1963) attempted use of in treatment of a terminal case of disseminated coccidoidomycosis, on the rationale that the 2,4-0 as a plant hormone might alter the course of the fungus infec- tion. At the time of the treatment (1949) there was no therapeutic agent the disease. In 24 treatments over a period of more than a month the dosage was raised to a final treatment of 3600 mg. No prior doses, up to 2000 mg caused any response, but the final administration caused extreme quiescence, and fibrillation of muscles in the face and hands, followed by deep stupor and reflex failure. The patient recovered from the within 48 hours and died of the fungus disease about two weeks later. General Toxicity to Laboratory Animals One of the earliest published studies of toxicity was by Eucher in 1948. She found an acute L050 of 280 mg/kg in mice, and found that single doses of 150-200 mg/kg would produce a myotonia persisting several hours. The animals remained awake and alert, but when moved ex- hibited gross incoordination. They were capable of working out of the with continued exercise, but if allowed to remain quiet the myo- tonia would recur. The chemical also caused diarrhea in mice at the higher doses, and gastrointestinal and upper respiratory irritation in dogs. Mice were able to tolerate daily doses of 1/2 L050 for three months. Hill and Carlisle (1947) established L050 values for several Species: mice, 375 mg/kg; rats, 666 mg/kg; rabbits 800 mg/kg; and guinea pigs, 1000 mg/kg. They also treated monkeys and were able to give up to 214 mg/kg without severe residual effect. Twice that dose caused vomiting, incoordination, and loss of muscle tone. Rowe and Hymas (1954) summarized lethality data on and five salts or esters; in general the lethal doses were very high, with the exception of a few dogs given it- self, for which the was estimated at 100 mg/kg. The latter data was apparently derived from the observations of Drill and Hiratzka (1953). Hansen et a1. (1971) conducted a two-year feeding study on rats, at dosages of to 1250 in the diet, without appreciable change in growth, hematologic values, or organ weight. In the same study dogs were main- tained for two years with little effect at doses up to 500 2,4-0. Drill and Hiratzka (1953) found that 20 mg/kg daily was fatal in 3 of 4 dogs within 49 days of a 90?day study. Grazing species of animals might be expected to suffer exposures in the field from eating treated vegetation. Palmer and Radeleff (1964) evaluated a series of herbicides at high doses in limited numbers of ruminants. One sheep tolerated 481 daily doses of 100 mg alkanola- mine salt, another was unaffected by the same treatment with propy- lene glycol butyl ethyl ester. The first compound was lethal after 7-500 mg/kg doses; the second was lethal after 9-250 mg doses. A bovine tolerated 112 doses of 50 mg of the alkanolamine salt, but another de- veloped digestive problems after 80 doses of 100 mg/kg. Palmer (1963) administered daily-doses of 50-250 mg as the alkanolamine salt to a group of steers. The steer given 100 mg/kg developed ruminal atOny after 86 days, presumably as a result of the herbicide. Animals given 200 and 250 mg/kg became intoxicated in 34 and 15 days, respectively, with dessicated mucous membranes and tendency to nosebleed when restrained. 36 15459 Ruminants on sprayed pasture or cows given 5.5 gm daily did net show clinical evidence of toxicity, nor did production decline. 2,4-0 appeared in serum of a cow fed 5.5 gm/day for 106 days, but none was passed in milk (Mitchell et al., 1946). Chickens and other fowl also appear relatively insensitive. Bjorn and Northen (1948) found no impairment in weight gain at doses up to 28 mg 2,4-0 alkanolamine/kg three times weekly for four weeks; at 280 mg/kg there was a marked decrease in gain. Single doses of 765 mg/kg were lethal, 380 mg/kg was not. did not cause decrease in growth rate at dose rates up to 1000 in the diet, but at 7500 growth essen- tially stapped (Whitehead and Pettigew, 1972). The acute L050 was estimated at 900 mg/kg. Whitehead (1973) tested dietary at concen- trations up to 100 mg/kg diet, and found that at dietary levels of 10 mg/kg diet or greater, growth rate was depressed. Because food conver- sion efficiency was not affected, it was suggested that palatability was affected resulting in decreased consumption. Chickens will discriminate against contaminated food (Whitehead and Pettigrew, 1972). The U.S. Fish and Wildlife service tested a number of chemicals by feeding to various game bird species in the early 19605. 2,4-0 acetamide given to young quail at 2500 caused 72% mortality in 12 days, the butoxy? ethanol ester at 5000 caused 28% mortality in 135 days, and 2500 dimethylamine salt caused 12% death in 138 days. In older birds 2500 was almost without effect after 50 days, and after 111 days of 1000 feeding. Tests on Coturnix indicated a similar tolerance (Stickel, 1964). More recently, Hill et a1. (1975) have shown the LC50 for acetamide in the diet of bob white, coturnix, pheasant, and mallard to be in excess of 5000 ppm. The butoxy ethanol ester and DNA salt have a similar low toxicity. 838 "111500 nice A number of other biological effects of have been found ex- perimentally, usually at very high doses. Dybing and Kolberg (1967) sug- gested that 2,4-0 was actively reabsorbed, and if so would competitively decrease the clearance of p-aminohippurate without interfering with crea- tinine clearance. Studies with rabbits given 100 mg priming doses, then 2 mg produced decreased PAH clearance at doses of 62-115 mg/kg. Chang et al. (1974) studied a number of effects on rat liver following treatment with 2-5 gm/kg 2,4-0 over 4-7 weeks. Glycogen content was 50- 100% higher, and liver nuclei RNA more actively i?_vitro than did controls. DNA content per liver was decreased. In this work, was compared with the latter compound caused increased liver weight and protein accumulation, while decreased liver weight and lessened RNA content, with no protein accumulation. Speculation is jus- tified that TCDD in was responsible for the difference. A dietary supplement of 60 to lambs had no effect on rumen liquor or sheep or serum pr0teins. Weight gain was decreased over a 12 week feeding period (Abou-Akkada et al., 1975). The same authors (1973) had previously found that 2,4-0 did not alter ruminal microbial funCtion. At fairly high doses (80 mg/kg/day, for seven days) 2,4-0 increases 1311 intake by the thyroid. The effect only occurs in a normally functioning thyroid gland; it was not seen after hyp0physectomy or iodine depletion (Florsheim and Velcoff, 1962). The effect is apparently due to lowered thyroxine binding to serum protein (Florsheim et al., 1963) but whether this is secondary to 2,4-0 binding or is a specific pharmacologic effect is not known. 37 1643:50 4 There has been limited in_vitro study of Weiss and Beckert found stimulated mitotic activity and increased chromatin after cultured monkey kidney cells, Girardi heart cells, and trout gonad cells were exposed to 10 or 50 for 72 hours. inhibits mevalonate incorporation into non-saponifiable lipids of liver, but only at concen- trations in excess of 1 mM (Olson et a1., 1974). Oxidative phosphory- lation in rat mitochondria appears to be sensitive to concentrations as low as 10?4 at 10'3 respiration was normal but decreased to 20% of normal (Brody, 1952). In L929 cells in monolayer culture, causes triglyceride accumulation when present at a concentration of 500 ug/ml (Kolberg et a1., 1972) and inhibits all growth at 50 ug/ml (Kolberg et al., 1971). Dow}. {.0011 82 at high doses is used also as a chemical inducer of experi? mental myOtonia, as a model of the congenital disease (Iyer et al., 1977; Eyzaguirre et al., 1948). The action is apparently due to an increase in membrane resistance and reduced chloride tranSport. Electrical activity of the brain was found to be reversibly inhibited by doses of 200 mg in rats (Desi et a1., 1962). The chemical also produces a primary myopathy that is useful in study of the family of diseases which includes white muscle disease in lambs (Heene, 1969). These effects are not of toxicologic significance except in cases of massive acute intake resulting in myoneural Effect of on ReproductiVe Function As with the possibility that has teratogenic poten- tial was first studied by the Bionetics Research Laboratories study (Bionetics Research Laboratories, Inc., 1970). The data were suggestive that incidence of failed lower jaw formation was somewhat greater than that resulting from the DMSO carrier. Schwetz et a1. (1971) measured teratogenic and fetotoxic effects of and two esters on rats. The higher daily doses (75 mg 75 mg propylene glycol butyl ester of 87.5 mg isooctyl ester of each just below the maternal toxic dose) caused decreased fetal weight, subcutaneous edema, delayed bone ossification and wavy ribs. Most of these changes are fetctoxic rather than teratogenic. The last two are developmental ef- fects but have no effect on survivability. No teratOgenic responses were found at any dose. There is some difference in definition of teratogenic response among authors in the field. A variety of skeletal defects that do not interfere with postnatal survival were found by Khera and McKinley (1972); most ef- fects observed were wavy ribs or fused Sternum. The increased incidence of these changes was evident at doses as low as 25 mg/kg/day. teratOgenesis was Studied by B?ge et a1. (1973) but only in presence of The mixture caused some teratogenesis, but was less effective than alone, so the impact of in the system was difficult to evaluate. Ji, Hamsters are subject to a teratOgenic effect of high doses of Collins and Williams (1971) found that from three different sources isasi 38 caused a low incidence of anomalies, usually fused ribs, at doses of 100 mg/kg/day through days 6-10 of gestation. There was no satisfactory CD dose response relationship. Dietary 2,4-0 at 500 and 1000 did not FA alter reproductive function in a three-generation, 6 litter study with Ff, rats. Percentage of pups surviving to weaning and weanling weight was decreased at 1500 ppm, howeVer (Hansen et al., 1971). bo,? Cf! Sheep are apparently not subject to 2,4?0 induced teratogenesis. Binns and Johnson (1970) adminiStered 2 grams daily fer 50, 60, and 90 days following breeding and caused no malformation. There were presum? ably 6 sheep per group but the number in this specific experiment was not stated. Eggs are peculiarly vulnerable to exposure to herbicides and several studies have been directed toward defining the hazard of to chicken or game bird eggs. An injected dose of 10 mg caused 50% mor- tality, mg/egg resulted in 30% loss, and at 0.5 mg/egg 90% of the eggs hatched. No defonnities occurred at any dose (Dunachie and Fletcher, 1967). A later study by Dunachie and Fletcher (1970) confirmed these findings for and (2,4-dichlorophenoxybutyric acid). In contrast, Lutz-Ostertag and Lutz (1970) sprayed pheasant and grouse eggs with at rates commonly used in the field and caused embryonic mortality and terata. Somers et al. (1973, 1974) were not able to support these findings after spraying mixtures of and picloram at usual field rates (2.8 kg/ha) and and on hen eggs (1973) and pheasant eggs (1974) at 10 times field concentrations (11.2 kg/ha). They found no "adverse effect on hatching success, incidence of malformed embryo or subsequent chick mortality". Kopischke (1972) also found no effect on pheasant eggs sprayed at field concentrations, but found that diesel fuel as a carrier blocked hatching completely. Dipping hen eggs in 1% for 10 seconds, then continuing incubation was similarly ineffective (Gyrd?Hansen and Dalgaard-Mikkelsen, 1974). An interesting observation of distribution in mouse fetuses has been made by Lindquist and Ullberg (1971). Labeled given late in gestation accumulated early in the yolk sac, passed on to the fetus and was almost completely eliminated by 24 hours after administration. Distribution among tissues was non?selective, and concentrations tended to parallel those of the dam, perhaps explaining in part the lack of teratogenic effect. Carcinogenic and Motagenic Potential of Innes et al. (1969) screened 120 compounds for tumorigenic properties in mice. 2,4-0 and several of its esters were included; none caused in- creased tumor incidence. Hansen et al. (1971) carried out a carcino- genesis study in rats and concluded that although tumors were found, the observed incidence did not support a finding that 2,4-0 is carcino- genic. There seemed to be some inconsiStencies in interpretation that any have confused the issue. Apparently no other evaluations of cancer potential of have been made. A number of mutagenic screens have included 2.4-0, however. Jenssen and Renberg (1976) found that 2,4?0 16462 39 would not induce increased micronuclei in mouse bone marrow but the compound did depress mitotic activity. Sex?linked lethality assay of in malevDrosophila was also negative for mutagenic activity (Vogel and Chandler, 1974). Styles (1973) treated rats with 2,4?0, then used serum from the animals in'a host mediated assay with histidine-requiring S. Typhimurium mutants. No effect of was evident. In a screen of 110 compounds with the "Ames test,? using eight histidine?requiring mutant strains, Anderson et a1. (1972) was unable to detect mutagenic activity by 2,4-0. Absorption, Metabolism, Tissue Distribution, and Excretion of was absorbed rapidly from the lung of rats in which the herbi? cide was injected intratracheally as 0.1 m1 of 0.01?10 mM solution. The animals were sacrificed from one half to 120 minutes later. The half- time for 2,4?0 absorption was 1.4 minutes, and concentration had little influence on the rate (Burton et a1., 1974). When ingested, 2,4-0 is absorbed primarily by the portal circulation; the drainage accounts for very little 2,4-0 absorption, as might be expected from the limited fat solubility of the herbicide (Sieber, 1976). Blood concen? tration of 14C from radiolabeled 2,4-0 administered orally to sheep has been shown to rise very rapidly (Clark et a1., 1964). The rate of ab- sorption of from the rumen is not known; the immediate elevation in blood 14C suggests that at least some material was removed directly from the rumen. However, Gutenmann et a1. (1963) fed 5 2,4-0 to cattle and found that the concentration in the rumen contents decreased from 3.5 to 0.5 over a 24 hour period, which does not suggest rapid absorption, but rather dilution with passage of rumen content. The chemical did not disappear in an artificial rumen. Kohli et a1. (1974) gave 5 mg orally to six human volunteers and found peak plasma concentrations by seven hours; the average plasma concentration one week later was about 10% of the peak concentration. Half time for excretion was calculated at 33 hours. Clinical observations of human patients who had extensive skin contact with 2,4?0 showed systemic toxic responses within a few hours [Goldstein et a1., 1959; Todd, 1962), indicating ready absorption through the skin. 'Application of as the DMA salt, isooctyl ester and butyl ester to the body surface of rabbits was relatively ineffective (Kay et al., 1965). Treatment was with 15 ml of aqueous or oil solution applied on a 4 3 gauze patch, covared with plastic film. Contacr was seven hours daily, five days a week for three weeks; concentrations of 2.4-0 were 0.626 and 3.13% acid equivalent. Some animals were treated on abraded skin. A few animals died during the experiment but the pathology and were not typical of poisoning; most of the fatalities were among the animals with skin damage. No neurological lesions were found, nor were any other observed parameters changed. The only lesions observed were at the site of application. 355483 40 There seems to be general agreement, other than the report by Kohli et a1. (1974), that significant muounts of do not remain in an animal for much more than one or two days. Zeilinski and Fishbein (1967) com- pared whole body residence times of two esters of and the 2,4-0 acid after subcutaneous injection of 100 mg/kg to mice. Of the butyl ester, 95% was gone after 6 hours, and in animals that had been pre? treated with five similar daily doses, the rate of disappearance was fur- ther enhanced. The isooctyl ester was considerably slower to disappear, with a half time of somewhat less than four hours, and the acid itself was retained longer. The authors did not Specifically note whether hydrolysis of eSters to acid was identified as part of the metabolic process, but the method appeared to account for the disappear- ance of all forms of the compound. As a comparison, the disappearance half-time of acid was on the order of 20 hours. Khanna and Fang (1966) adminiStered to male and female rats at very high (80 mg/rat) and relatively low (1 mg/rat) doses and found tissue residues to be greatesr at about 6 hours, and almost undetectable by 30 hours after treatment. Extremely high concentrations were found in the stomach but there was no information about separation of stomach content from the tissue proPer. No label was fOund in respiratory gases. A very small fraction of urinary label was found to be an unidentified metabolite, but the data indicate that almost all is excreted with? out change by rats. Although binds reversibly to bovine serum albumin (Kolberg et al., 1973) and therefore probably to other plasma proteins, there seem to be no specific tissue binding sites as are found in plants. Morre (1974) has examined fish muscle and rat liver after exposure to 2,4-0, seeking specific binding sites and has concluded that none exist. apparently does not move into milk of lactating animals in significant amounts, whether treated by direct administration of the herbicide or by grazing on treated land (Bjerke et al., 1972; Gutenmann et al., 1963; Bache et al., 1964; St. John et al., 1964; Klingman et al., 1966). Under forcing conditions, however, (1000 in diet), the level of residue in cows milk was forced up to 0.06 ppm, and were still barely detectable seven days later. A substantial capacity for conjugation of has been des- cribed elsewhere in this report (Nony et al., 1976). Grunow and B?hme (1974) have found that the ability to conjugate 2,4-0 with glycine and taurine exists but is considerably less than that for In dog- fish and flounder, however, a major fraction of urinary 2,4-0 is-excreted as the taurine conjugate (James and Bend, 1976), and in three of the four dogfish studied 10-20% of the label was found in bile after 48 hours. In spite of the rapid loss of by fish, persistence of the herbicide or its products may be prolonged. Treatment of pond weeds with up to 9 kg/ha usually left no detectable residues in fish by 28 days post-application, even at the highest rates (Schultz and Harman, 1974). Schultz (1973) has found, however, that some unidentified products may be present in fish 2-3 months after treatment.. 16464 41 The rapid appearance of intact 2,4?0 in urine is apparently mediated by a presumably active and saturable tubular excretion mechanism (Erne and Sperber, 1974). The extensive excretion of in urine has been noted in steers (Lisk et al., 1963), sheep (Clark et al., 1964), rats (Sieber, 1976), and humans (Kohli et al., 1974), and apparently is rapid enough to remove all but massive exposures before significant damage can occur. Behavior of in the Environment and EffeCts on Submammalian Species This report is primarily concerned with effects of herbicides on non-plant species, but a cursory qualitative survey of literature on field persistence is useful in judging how long a given amount of herbi- cide may remain available. Water concentrations are a major concern, in relation both to aqua- tic species and to water supplies for the human population. 2,4-0 ap- plied in a watershed area appears in streams to a very limited extent (White et al., 1976; Krammes and Willetts, 1964). Movement into sub- snrface water flows also appears negligible (White et al., 1976). In aerated lake water persists up to 120 days, but in lake mud hydrolyzes very rapidly, because of microbial activity (Aly and Faust, 1964). Half-time of disappearance seems overall to be much less than two weeks in aqueous systems. For some applications on water, relatively massive applications of up to 40 lbs. per acre are necessary. Two reservoirs on the Tennessee River were treated at 20 and 40 lbs/acre depending on the nature of the water milfoil infeStation. The treatments did not affeCt fish or other fauna, and had little adverse effect on most other plants. Plankton did retain significant.amounts of herbicide over extended periods, and 2,4-0 was detectable on occasion in finished domestic water from the reser- voirs (Wojtalik et al., 1971). In soils, 2,4-0 has been found to have a half-time of 4-5 days by Altom and Stritzke (1973). White et a1. (1976) found that 95soil would disappear in 7 days. However, an in_ vitro study by Alexander and Aleem (1961) indicated that would be detectable for as much as 94 days in one type of soil and only 23 days in another. The preparation included 100 m1 of nutrient medium and 4 of soil as an inoculum; whether such a system represents actual break- doWn conditions in soil is possibly questionable. Sufficient material to cause detectable phytotoxicity persists for about a month, according to Mullison (1972). In areas where is used annually, the break- down may be more rapid in the later years than following the first treatment (Hurle and Rademacher, 1970). Wiersma et a1. (1972) reported a total of 28 which had been treated with were found to have from 0.01 to 0.03 2,4-0 present. It seems unlikely that would per- sist in either water or soil for more than a month. has been used extensively in control of aquatic weeds, par- ticularly water hyacinth and water milfoil, and has probably been sub- jected to more study of aquatic toxicity than any other herbicide. A -ieass 42 number of short term screens have been conducted with fish. AlabaSter (1969) reported on 164 compounds, including salt, which I was found to have a 24 hour LCSO of 1160 for harlequin fish, and the butoxyethylester of which was much more toxic with a 24 hour L050 of 1 ppm, for the same species. . . .?nu 6385-11300 moo The 24-96 hr LCSO of PGBE esters of for rainbow trout were above 1 (Cope, 1964). For mullet and killifish the LC50 (24 hr) was 5 for borh the PGBE and butoxyethanol esters. The parent acid was ineffective at 50 (Butler, 1963). Oyster shell growth was 50% inhibited by 3.75 butoxyethanol eSter, but the acid and dimethylamine salt were not effective at 2 (Butler, 1963). Exposure to the DMA salt for 24 at 2 caused no mor- tality in shrimp; 48 hour exposure caused 10% lethality. The butoxy- ethanol and PGBE esters caused no mortality to shrimp at 1 48 hour. The ethyl hexyl ester of caused 38% decrease in oyster shell growth at 5 over 96 (Butler, 1965). The considerable differences in 2,4-0 effect among various species were illustrated by Sanders (1970a) acid has a 43 hour median response concentration (TLso) of 100 mg/L (100 ppm) for Daphnia and 3.2 mg/L for scud. (Crosby and Tucker (1966) found the same value for Daphnia.) The PGBE eSter TL50 varies from 0.1 for Daphnia to 2.6 for scud to more than 100 for crayfish. The DMA salt TLSO is more than 100 in bluegill but TLso for the butyl ether ester in bluegill is 1.1 ppm, and 100 for crayfish. Stonefly naiads are less sensitive to itself (LCSO 96 hr 15 ppm) than the butoxy ethanol eSter (LCSO 96 hr 1.6 ppm) (Sanders and Cope, 1968). Sanders (1970b) has also reported a 96 hr TLso for amine of 100 for tadpoles. The lethal effect on tadpoles is apparently limited, but Buslovich and Borushko (1976) found that 2,4-0 sodium salt would inhibit metamor- phosis of Rana temporaria tadpoles, and blocked thyroidin stimulation of the process. The DNA salt was effective at 2 ppm. The authors specu- late that antagonizes thyroid hormone. Few studies of truly chronic exposure of fish to have been made. Mount and Stephan (1967) compared the 96 hour LCSO for 2,4-0 butoxy- ethanol ester (5.6 ppm) with various 10 month exposures, and found that 1/19th of the LCSO, or 0.3 could be tolerated by fathead minnows without effect on growth or reproduction. Eggs were much more sensitive than adults over 48 hour exposures. Schultz (1973) placed bluegill, channel catfish, and largemouth bass in solution of DMA salt, labeled with 14C at concentratiOns of 0.5, 1.0, or 2.0 mg/L Fish and water samples were removed at intervals up to 84 days for analysis of 14C and content. Considerable radioactivity remained in fish tissues but apparently none was associated with 2,4?0, suggesting extensive metabolism. The first tissue in which radioactivity appeared was the gall bladder of cat~ fish and bluegills, and eventually 14C appeared in every tissue analyzed. 18465 43 nun-p.? . In both catfish and bluegill, the amount of radioactivity in muscle tended to increase through the collection period. No toxicity was evi? dent in any of the exposed fish. To relate concentrations of one to field condition, an applica- tion of 2 kg/hectare (10000 M2) to water will give a concentration of 2 mg/L or 2 if the water is 10 cm deep. Deeper water will result in further dilution. If applied to flowing water, water movement will dilute the herbicide quite rapidly, and that material distributed on soil and vegetation will tend to remain in place. Obviously a spill or other accident presents different problems. Among insects, the effects of on honey bees has receiVed the most attention. Palmer-Jones (1964) has listed a number of investiga- tors who concluded that is safe for bees, as well as others who have shown toxic effects, some of which may depend on the species of plant on which the herbicide is deposited. In a field invesrigation of a three lb/acre application Palmer-Jones found that a 22% mortality oc- curred in 48 hours after dusting. However, when bees at the hive were heavily dusted directly, there was no mortality, leading to the conclusion that the bees in the field were acquiring intoxicant by some mechanism other than surface contact. Moffett et a1. (1972) sprayed caged bees directly with various phenoxy herbicides at a one pound/acre rate with very little effect. When included in the diet at concentrations up to 100 ppm, 2,4-0 did not decrease lifetime of bees and the ester used was ineffective at 1000 (Morton et al., 1972). The herbicide does cause decreased brood development when fed at 100 but has no reproductive effect at 10 (Morton and Moffett, 1972). Treatment of Coccinellid beetle larvae with 2,4-0 at a rate equal to 8 oz. acid equivalent/acre caused greatly increased mortality, re- gardless of the age of the larvae through day 12 at time of spraying (Adams, 1960). SILVEX There appears to be a much more limited accumulation of data on bio- logical effects of silvex and related compounds than is available for other phenoxy herbicides. The descriptions of biological effects of silvex will be categorized in two broader sections rather than the more detailed entries prepared for the other agents. Biological EffeCts of Silvex and Its Derivatives The acute median lethal dose of silvex and its esters is quite high, and falls in a relatively narrow range among species and among the deri- vatives. Rowe and Hymas (1954) summarized data which had been established? at that time. Silvex and its mono?, di?, and tri-prOpylene glycol ether esters were of almost identical L050 in guinea pig of 1200 and 1350 mg/kg. The lethalities to rats were also similar at about 650 mg/kg. The rat appears to be most sensitive, and chicks and mice require doses similar to the guinea pig. 1846?? 44 Moo Subchronic (90 day) Studies of rats fed 10-600 mg/kg/day of the PGBE ester resulted in more than 50% lethality at the highest dose. The time of death ranged from 15-85 days. Growth was depressed in rats fed 300 mg/kg. There is somewhat of a paradox in the findings, because pathology in the dead animals indicated malnutrition rather than herbicide toxicity. A paired feeding study at 300 and 600 mg/kg/day indicates that depressed growth was not entirely due to inadequate food consumption. Dose rates of 30 and 100 mg/kg/day caused an increase in liver weight but 10 mg/kg/day caused no change. (Mullison, 1966). The study was followed by a 90 day feeding of up to 10000 silvex (sodium salt) in the diet. 10000 is 1% of the diet, and if the animals consumed 10 gm daily and weigh 300 gm, the dose rate would be on the order of 300 mg/kg/day. That dose rate was highly lethal and was abandoned, but did produce swelling and granular degeneration of hepatocytes and ultimate cellular necrosis. Renal tubule cells were swelled and vacuolated, and seminiferous tubules were degenera- ted. At levels above 10 (about 3 mg/kg/day) some growth depression occurred. Mullison (1966) also fed Kurosol (potassium salt of silvex, containing 53.3% silvex acid) for two years at concentrations up to 300 ppm. The highest dose caused a increased kidney/body weight ratio in males, but 100 and lower dose rates caused no change in food consumption, growth, gross and microscopic morphology hematology or bone marrow. 100 was stated by the author to be equivalent to 2.6 mg/ kg/day of silvex. Kurosol was without effect on beagles at a feeding rate of 56 (about 19 mg/kg/day) over 2 years. Females fed 190 suffered some hepatic degeneration and necrosis after a year of feeding, but at the end of two years no damage could be found. At the 56 intake, there were no changes over a very broad spectrum of hematologic, clinical chemistry and morphologic analyses. The liver damage at higher levels included hepatocyte necrosis, bile duct proliferation, and bile pigment deposition throughOut the liver and in the epithelium of kidney tubules. In a subchronic study in cattle by Palmer et al. (1964), one yearling Brahma-cross fed 100 mg silvex/kg/daily died after 29 days. Two other animals given 25 and 50 mg/kg for 73 days showed no evidence of toxicity. A 90 day experiment with 50 mg/kg/day, either by drench or by injection into a rumen fistula resulted in death of one of the latter group of three animals. Two of those treated orally deve10ped severe inflammations in the parotid area, apparently due to local irritation. The survey by Innes et al. (1961) screened silvex against two strains of mice for 18 months. The concentration of silvex was 121 ppm, which was the maximum tolerable dose rate, and there was no increase in tumors in either strain. The mutagenic screen by Anderson et a1. (1972) did not detect point mutations resulting from silvex treatment in either T4 phage or S. typhimurium (histidine requiring). Silvex is teratogenic at high doses.' Courtney (1975) found that 398 mg/kg/day, on days 12-15 of gestation, caused 3% cleft palate in the 164188 45 group given silvex in DMSO subcutaneously, and 7% where given orally in corn oil. Fetal mortality increased to 25% in the group treated subcuta- neously. The Dow Chemical Co. has also conducted a series of teratology studies with silvex. Dose rates of 75, 100 and 150 mg/kg/day from day 6 to day 15 caused several cardiovascular anomalies; 50 mg/kg/day caused retarded ossification in the sternum and skull (Dow Chemical Co., 1972). The no adverse effect level was considered to be 25 mg/kg/day. The PGBE ester caused skeletal changes at an intake of 50 mg/kg/daily but no changes were found after 35 mg/kg/day (23 mg/kg silvex acid equivalent). Birds seem peculiarly resistant to the herbicides. For example, DeWitt et al. (1963) fed 5000 BEE ester of silvex to young bob white quail, pheasant and mallard ducks. The average lethal intakes were 9350, 9240 and 21,000 mg/kg, and time of death varied from 10 to 100 days. lbllards were able to consume 100 for 100 days with no lethality, but reproduction was impaired. Silvex acid at 5000 in the diet was tolerated for 5 days with no mortality by Coturnix. The 5 day L050 for pheasants was 4500 of silvex BEE ester, for bobwhite quail the L050 was 30 over 5 days, for Ceturnix it was in excess of 5000 ppm, for pheasants LDSO was less than 3000, and no mallards died after 5 days on 5000 ppm. All birds were two weeks old at the initiation of the study (Heath et al., 1972). Stickel (1964) reported US Fish and Wildlife studies in which bob? vhite were fed 1000 of an unsPecified silvex ester; 50% were dead by day 34 with average total dose of 17000 mg/kg. Of a group fed 5000 ppm, the average daily dose was 2300 mg/kg. Half of the birds survived more than 4 days, 40% survived more than 10 days, and an additional 4% died during the remaining 14 days. The average dose to birds that survived'24 days was 54,500 mg/kg. These findings indicate that wild fowl should not be adversely af- fected by any field application of silvex, or for that matter even a gross over-application. Effect of Silvex on Aquatic and Invertebrate Species SiIVex has become an herbicide of choice for control of surface and underwater water needs. As a consequence, there has perhaps been more attention paid to its impact on aquatic Species than any of the other phenoxy herbicides. There is an unfortunate diversity of experimental methods and conventions for expressing concentration and other factors which sometimes makes comparison of data difficult. Table 1 has been constructed to simplify consideration of the various reports of toxicity to aquatic species. Among factors that influence toxicity to fish are the chemical form of the agent, whether the formulation is granular or liquid, and water hardness. Generally the e5ters are more toxic, and liquid formulations 46 it pu Table 1. Gross Toxicity of Silvex and Its Derivatives to Fish Concentration (Acid Equiv.) SDecies Form of Silvex Effect Period Reference Bluegill BEE ester 0.36 LC50 48 Cope, 1964 BEE ester 1.7 LC50 48 Hughes and Davis, 1966 Isooctyl ester 1.4 . LC50 48 (young) salt liquid 83 LC50 48 Hughes and Davis, 1965 salt granular 100 48 Hughes and Davis, 1965 (fry) PGBE ester 0.3 . tolerated 96 Jones, 1962 salt, liquid 100 tolerated 96 Jones, 1962 salt, granular -150 tolerated 96 Jones, 1962 (eggs) PGBE ester 10 no effect Wilber and Whitney, 1973 on hatch (fry) PGBE ester 5 100% lethal 36 Wilber and Whitney, 1973 PGBE ester 1 no effect 80 days Cope, 1964 PGBE ester 3 liver degen. 2 weeks Cope, 1964 salt 10 no effect 2 1/2 mo Cope, 1964 salt 75 35% lethal 2 1/2 mo Cepe, 1964 Stoneroller salt 25 95% hatch 72 Hiltibran, 1967 (eggs) PGBE ester 5 45% hatch 72 h_ Hiltibran, 1967 Chorus frog BEE 20 LC50 24 Sanders, 1970b (tadpole) BEE 10 LC50 96 Sanders, 1970b Fowler's toad BEE 22 LC50 24 Sanders, 1970b (tadpole) ease-11004400 .Hdbiibasg 7- . I are more toxic. Data on water hardness is contradictory; but the ten? dency to greater toxicity in soft water seems to be associated with the salt rather than the esters (Surber and Pickering, 1962). Distribution rates for silvex treatment of aquatic weeds may be as high as 40 lbs/acre. An assumption of dilution thr0ughout an 8 foot depth is'apparently conventional, which would give a concentration of 1.8-1.9 ppm. If this concentration of an ester formulation were to hold in a given area, it would clearly be lethal to many fish. The salt should have up to a 100 fold safety factor for fish, depending on mineral content of the water. Such application is not a consideration in forest operation, but accidental overwater dilution could occur. Terrestrial application is at rates at least 10 fold less than 40 lb/acre but many water courses are much shallower than 8 feet, thereby leaving a similar hazard. If flowing, dilution will be rapid and periods of exposure should be limited. In static water the agent will diffuse away from the application site with time except in small shallow ponds, where some damage might possibly occur. Lower aquatic organisms have also been well studied because of silvex use on water weeds. Representative though not comprehensive data is compiled in Table 2. Again, it appears that the salts of silvex are much less toxic than the more complex esters. The most vivid contrast is in the effect on Daphnia magna, which is 50% immobilized by 100 silver potassium salt, and by only 0.18 silvex PGBE ester. Some species, however, are particularly resistant to even the PGBE ester of silvex. The crayfish LCso is in excess of 100 ppm; for a number of other organisms this factor is less than 1 ppm. It is not necessary to catalogue the entire literature on silvex effects on either fish or other aquatic species. The range of effective concentrations is well illustrated as well as the extent, if not details, of Species differences. Effects of silvex on terrestrial insecc life have been evaluated in honey bees by USDA workers at Tucson. All of the phenoxy herbicides including silvex were found to be relatively non-toxic to bees when applied in water at field concentration (Morton et al., 1972; Moffett et al., 1972). When fed at 100 or 1000 ppm, silvex reduced brood pro- duction, but at 10 ppm, no adverse effect was found. In each case, when the toxicant was removed, the colonies regained their original reproduc- tive efficiency (Morton and Moffett, 1972). bbtabolic Fate of Silvex in Mammals There have been few studies of the disposition of silvex after ab- sorption by mammals. Bjerke et a1. (1972) fed silvex at 1000 in feed and found 0.12 2,4,5-trichlorophenol in milk and 0.16 in cream. In one week off c0ntaminated feed the concentrations decreased below 0.05 ppm. Leng (1972) in a review, reported work in which was not detected; however, residues of siIVex were substantial in the liver. After feeding 300 silvex 28 days, 4 were found in liver, 18 in kidney, 0.6 in muscle and 0.9 in fat. After 2000 in the diet, 12, 30, 2 and 4 were found in the respective tissues. In a 154%7l 48 6t z?agl Table 2. Gross Toxicity of Silvex and Its Derivatives to Invertebrate Aquatic Species* Concentration Form of (Acid Equiv.) SEecies Silvex gem Effect Period Reference Daphnia magna PGBE ester 0.18 LC50 48 Sanders, 1970a BEE ester 2.1 LC50 48 Sanders, 1970a salt 100 IC50 26 Crosby and Tucker, 1966 Scud PGBE ester 1.8 LC50 24 Sanders, 1970a PGBE ester 0.8 LCSO 96 Sanders, 1970a . BEE ester 1.2 LC50 24 Sanders, 19703 Seed Shrimp PGBE ester 0.2 LCSO 48 Sanders, 1970a BEE ester 4.9 LCSO 48 Sanders, 1970a Glass Shrimp PGBE ester 3.2 LC50 48 Sanders, 19703 BEE ester 8.0 LC50 48 Sanders, 1970a Sowbug PGBE ester 0.5 LC50 48 Sanders, 1970a BEE ester 40 LCSO 48 Sanders, 1970a Crayfish adult PGBE ester 100 LCSO 48 Sanders, 1970a Daphnia pulex PGBE ester 210 1C50 48 Sanders and Cope, 1966 Simocephalus PGBE ester 2.4 ICSO 48 Sanders and Cope, 1966 Serrulatus Stonefly naiad acid 5.2 ICso 24 Sanders and Cope, 1968 - .34 1C50 96 Sanders and Cope, 1968 PGBE ester 5.6 IC50 24 Cope, 1965 .34 LCSO 96 Cope, 1965 Brown shrimp PGBE ester 0.28 LCSO 24 Butler, 1965 adult [?50 median lethal concentration 1C50 median concentration to cause immobilization *all first in star unless otherwise noted Basianoctaoa 100113336 similar experiment Clark et a1. (1975) found roughly similar values, with traces of in each tissue. In a single cow experiment, 5 kuron was fed for four days at 5 (St. John et al., 1964). The kuron hydrolyzed to silvex and was excreted as a salt in the urine. Urinary concentrations peaked at 4.4 on day 4 and declined to 0.32 on day 6. About 67% of the total fed was found in urine; feces were not analyzed. No detectable residues of Kuron or silvex were found in milk and no kuron as such entered the urine. The pharmaco-kinetics of silvex have been Studied in rats given 5 or SO mg/silvex/kg. The compound was ring-labeled with 14C. The higher dose appeared to be saturating because plasma clearance was not linear, as was the case at 5 mg/kg. Half-time for plasma clearance was 9-10 hours at both doses. At the lower dose 76% of the labeled material emerged in bile in 72 hours and 90% of the high dose. Almost all of the biliary excretion was in the first 24 hours. Most of the material was subject to entero- hepatic recirculation and eventually left the body in urine. Total siIVex excreted in 192 hours in urine was 78%, and 16% appeared in feces (Sauerhoff et al., 1977a). Sauerhoff et al. (1977b) have also examined silvex diSposition by humans. One mg/kg was given orally to seven men and one woman, and plasma urine and feces were analyzed for 168 hours. Clearance from plasma and appearance in urine were bi-phasic, each stage following apparent first? order kinetics, maximum plasma concentrations occurred in 2-4 hours, 65% of the dose was excreted in urine in 24 hours. Half times for the two phases in plasma were 4 and 16.5 hours and in urine were 5 and 26 hours. The largest amount recovered in feces was '50 at}: U.) REFERENCES 2 I Abou Akkada, A.R., M.A. Hassan, and M.A. Naga (1973). Effect of some pesticides and herbicides on the rumen micro-organisms of sheep. J. Agr. Sci. 81:231-236. ?151500 Moo . - . '3 hi] . Abou Akkada, A.R., M.A. Hassan, and M. Naga (1975). A note on the effect of herbicides on the metabolism and performance of lambs. Anim. 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Studies on the degradation of 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro- dibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) in lake water and sediments. M.S. Thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. Whiss, S.V., and W.H. Beckert (1975). Herbicide effects on cultured animal cells. Jour. Cell. Biol. 67:451a. White, A.W., Jr., L.E. Asmussen, E.W. Hauser, and J.W. Turnbull (1976). Loss of in runoff from plots receiving simulated rainfall and from a small agricultural watershed. J. Environ. Qual. 5:487-490. Whitehead, C.C., and R.J. Pettigrew (1972). The subacute toxicity of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 2,4,S-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid to chicks. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 21:348-354. Whitehead, C.C. (1973). Growth depression of broilers fed on low levels of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Br. Poult. Sci. 14:425-427. Wiersma, 6.3., H. Tai, and P.P. Sand (1972). Pesticide residue levels in sails, FY 1969. National soils monitoring program. Pesticide Monit. Jour. 6:194~228. Wiese, A.F., and R.G. Davis (1964). Herbicides movement in soil with Various amounts of water. Weeds 12:101-103. Wilbur, R.L., and E.W. Whitney (1973). Toxicity of the herbicide kuron (silvex) to bluegill eggs and fry. Trans. Amer. Fish Soc. 3:631? 633. Wilson, W.E. (1956). Toxicity of 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (weed spray). Jour. Am. Med. Assoc. 16211269. Wojtalik, T.A., T.F. Hall, and L.O. Hill (1971). Monitoring ecological conditions associated with wide~scale applications of DNA 2,4-0 to aquatic environments. Pesticides Monit. Jour. 4:184-203. woods, James S. (1973). Studies of the effects of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodi- benzo?pvdioxin on mammalian hepatic d-aminolevulinic acid Environ. Health Persp. 5:221-225. wright, F.C., J.C. Riner, J.S. Palmer, and J.C. Schlinke (1970). Metabolic and residue studies with 2-dichloro- propronate (Erbon) in sheep. J. Agr. Food Chem. 18:845-847. Yang, K.H., P.D. Guiney, J.L. Seymour, and R.E. Peterson (1977). 2,3,7,8? Tetrachlorodibenzo?p?dioxin (TCDD)-induced depression in biliary ex- cretion of biphenyls (PCBs) in rats. Presented at 16th Annual Meeting. Soc. of Toxicol., Toronto 1977. Absrract 103. 70 Yoder, J., M. Watson, and W. Benson (1973). chromosome analy- sis of agricultural workers during extensive occupational exposure to pesticides. Mut. Res. 21:335-340. Young, A.L. (1974). Ecological studies on a herbicide-equipment test area. Technical Report USAF Systems Command, Eglin AFB, Florida. ([4593 AA (NKT Zielinski, W.L., Jr., and L. Fishbein (1967). Gas chromatographic measure- ment of disappearance rates of and acids and esters in mice. J. Agr. Food Chem. 15:841-844. Zinkl, 5.6., J.G. Vbs, J.A. Moore, and B.N. Gupta (1973). Hematologic and clinical chemistry effects of in laboratory animals. Environ. Health Persp. 5:111-118. 16494 71 18.338 DOW ?a 2 '0 .L .L NHCHIGAN QGGJO June 3, 1974 George E. 1062? El Capitan Circle Sun City, Arizona 85351 cc: J._Davidson, 9003 Traynor, 2030 R. Wessel, Washington,D.C. E. H. Blair, 2020 Crummett, 574 Gehring, 1803 TOXICOLOGY OF POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS IN On May 6, Lefty asked that the toxicity of possible oon- taminants of be made available should EPA or EDF people ask for such information. I have searched our files for our information with the following results. Note that the possible contaminant list was supplied by Andy Watson. . I found no tox- data on the following: Amounts Likely in wt. percent 0.4 acid <0.02 2,3,6-trichlor0phenoxyacetic acid 3.2 acid 4.1 acid acid <0.05 2,3,6-trichlorophenol 2,5-dichloroquinone monomethyl ether 4,6-dichlororesorcinal monomethyl ether 0.03 4,5-dichlorocatechol monomothyl ether 0.02 2,6?dichlorophenocyacetic acid 0.26 2,S-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 0.03 Z,4,6?trichlorophenoxyacetic acid 25:: 3; I "z . AN UNIT OF THE DOW CHEMBCAI. COMPANY . 15455 rm\ I -2- The following contaminants had some data: 0.07 hichloronhenol . Acute oral guinea pig in range of 0.3 to 2.6 g/kg Acnegenlc actirity - none 2,4-dichlorgphenol - Acute=eral guinea pig in range of 0.3 t0 2.0 g/kg Skin - old sample - caused skin burn in 15 sec.? - new sample - non-corrosive by DOT test Acnegenic activity - negative Odor Threshold Dow 0.02 Taste Threshold Dow Fish 0.005 Lit. - water - 0.002 mg/l Fish Tox. LC100 to 100 Lit. values Acute oral in water L050 0+ 4.5 g/kg o? 3.67 g/kg Rat Mouse LDSO 1.6 g/kg Chronic oral 6 mo. - mice No effect 100 mg/kg/day 200 mg/kg/day slight depression slight depression Adverse effect Liver wt. - SGPT 2,5-dichlorophenol Acute oral guinea pig in range of 0.1 to 2.8 g/kg 2,6-dichlorophenol Acute oral guinea pig in range of 0.8 to 2.0 g/kg Acute oral rat >2.0 g/kg moderate superficial burn which should heal in a week or so. Skin - a burn Upon 24 hr. contact - a superficial burn in 1% hr. 24-48 hrs. . Ref. says 2,6?dichlorophenol may be a sex hormone in a tick Species. heals in Lit. (15493- -3- <0.02 2-Chlorophenoxxagptic acid Acute oral - Rat in range of 1 to 3 g/kg Skin - minor irritation Skin absorption - no indication in skin tests <0.09 4-Chlorophenoxyacetic acid Acute oral - lhat 0; L050 1.54 g/kg Acute oral - Chicks LDSO 1.60 g/kg Skin - dry powder - no irritation 0.06 Z,4-0ichlorophenoxyacetic acid - ,Acute oral LDSO Rat 375 mg/kg douse 368 mg/kg G. Pig 469 mg/kg Dog 100 mg/kg Lit. Ref. Chicks 541 mg/kg Chronic oral Rats fed 114 day in diet 0.03% - no effect level 0.1% - adverse effects - minor liver and kidney path. and growth depression Skin - Rabbit Powder (100%) dry - no irritation - slight irritation Skin - Human 1 application for 4 to 5 days, then rest 3 wks. followed by challenge 24 hr. CXposure ?not a sensitizer? no to slight irritation depending on sample used Chloracne - negative 17842.9? <0.02 .. 4- Teratology and Fetal Toxicity 87.5 mg/kg/day to dam during 6-15 day fetal toxicity positive teratology_? negative Odor Threshold 60 Metabolism 72 hrs. - Sheep 96% excreted - urine unchanged 1.4% excreted - feces unchanged 3,4?Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid Acute oral - Rat 250-500 mg/kg - a transient burn lasting 2-3 days, completely healed in days. Skin - 100% dry - no irritation - 10% sol. - slight irritation Skin absorption no indication in skin tests run. 2,4,S-Trichlor0phenol Acute oral - Rat male - LDSO-2830 mg/kg body wt. Lethality - Rat - female - LDSO-2460 mg/kg body wt. Chronic oral Rat Purified 2,4,S?trichlorophenol was fed in food at 100, 300, 1000, 3000 and 10,000 for 98 days. No adverse effects were detected at levels of 1000 or less; 3000 and 10,000 caused mild diuresis and slight pathological changes in the liver and kidney. Irritation Rabbit - The product caused conjunc- tival membrane burns, severe conjunctival chemosis, slight to moderate chemosis, and slight to moderate corneal injury. Skin irritation - Rabbit A single short exposure resulted in slight erythema (minutes), slight edema, and a slight to moderate burn Rabbit - Twenty daily applications of a 10% chloro-_ form solutiOn of the product to the ears of rabbits on a bioassay test for chloracnegenic activity resulted in no activity. - :teaas OTT -5- <0.02 g,iLo-Trichlorophenol Acute oral - Rat - male - LDSO-3250 mg/kg body wt. - Lethality - Rat - female - LD50-2830 mg/kg body wt. bye Irritation Rabbit - The product caused moderate to severe conjunctiral redness and swelling, slight to moderate iritis, and slight to moderate corneal .Skin irritation - Rabbit - A single short exposure of the product on intact skin resulted in slight erythema (1 hr), and moderate erythema, slight edema and slight necrosis (4-5 hr). Prolonged exposure (24 hr) of the product on intact and abraded skin resulted in moderate to severe erythema, very slight to slight edema, and a moderate necrosis (random abraded skin areas). Rabbit - Twenty daily applications of a 10% chloro- form solution of the product to the ears of rabbits on a bioassay test for chloracnegenic activity re? sulted in no activity. Inhalation - Human Experience has shown that the dust is irritating to the nose and throat. If any of you know of further data; please supply me with copies of it so I can update this. The data given is a quick summary. Should more detail be needed, please let me - Mark A Wolf Information Services Toxicology Research Laboratory 1803 Building isiaa bcc: S. B. Sachs G. E. Lynn??Action File-_ KURON December 30, 1964 Mr. George M. Downard, Head (2) :3 Registration Section (3 Pesticides Regulation Division :5 Agricultural Research Service U. S. Department of Agriculture to Washington, D. C. 20250 CD 03 Dear Mr. Downard: 5? Subject: Proposed use of on Sugar Cane in Florida (KURON - USDA Registration No. 464?162) By copy of the attached communication from J. R, Orsenigo, Associate Horticulturist, University of Florida, Everglades Experiment Station, dated December 23, 1954, it will be noted that certain weeds of sugar cane plantings in Florida are not now controlled with and herbicides; In some cases the long continued use of has apparently resulted in development of resistance of the weeds and in others the weeds have never been susceptible to the use of and/or Several of these weeds, such as the fennels, ground cherry, purslane and wild lettuce do respond to treat- ment with silvex, the name of the active ingredient in . Since HURON is registered for use in sugar cane plantings in Louisiana and Hawaii, and since it is effective against the weeds in question in Florida when used at the same rates and under similar application conditions, it seems appropriate to apply for use registration in Florida, as indicated by the attached proposed addition to the HURON label. We therefore respectfully apply for registration as indicated and will appreciate the earliest practicable action by the Pesticides Regulation Division pertaining thereto. Very truly yours, ?ag/W O. H. Hammer Registration Section I Bioproducts Department 'cc: W. W. Sunderland, Dow Washington Office I 165030 .hagg 254G - C3 AQUATIC VEGETATION CONTROL IN RECREATIONAL AREAS C) by is 1 to Mark Wiltse co pa CD CD Introduction Aquatic weed growth has become an increasing problem in recreational areas of the eastern half of the United States. Nature does abhor a vacuum in the plant world,and in aquatic areas of shallow water this 13 especially true. A succession of biological organisms and algal growth followed by the invasion of aquatic weeds, emergent aquatic growth, and higher forms of emerged aquatic vegetation and terrestrial plants, is nature's way of converting aquatic areas to dry land. Aquatic vegetation has restricted utilization of water for such purposes as hunting, fishing, bathing, water skiing, boating, and in seme instances has destroyed the normal beauty of aquatic areas. Fish pro- duction can be limited by excessive growth of water weeds. Aquatic vegetation is often a problem in water areas with limited water movement. Man has been trying to interrupt this evolution of aquatic areas for some time, in-order to maintain the aquatic or water areas so they can be of maximum use to man. Aquatic vegetation control mEasures have been used for many years and haveconsisted primarily of mechanical techniques. These contrivances have ranged from underwater cutting bars to hand rakes. Although these mechanical methods are often effective for a short time, regrowth from roots or rooting of stem fragments often increases the problem. The control of water levels or draining and reflooding water areas, has also been used to some degree. These methods have generally been laborious and provide only temporary relief. In recent years, chemical control methods have offered a new opportunity in aquatic vegetation control. In discussions on aquatic vegetation, it is desirable to consider the various aquatic weeds, depending upon their habitat and type of growth, since the control measures for the various groups differ considerably. For this discussion, let us consider control measures for the following broad classification of aquatic vegetation-~submerged, floating, and emergent aquatic weeds. Control of Submerged Aquatic Weeds Submerged weeds are probably the major weed problem in recreational waters or at least causes the greatest concern where the water is used for bathing, boating, fishing, water skiing, etc. Submerged aquatic Weeds, such as milfoil, coontail, and pondweeds, can completely fill ponds that are 7 to 8 feet deep with aquatic growth, so that is impossible to even -row a boat through the water. Bathers have become.entangled in this type 1The Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan (Paper presented at 1961 Michigan Forestry and Park Association Anniull Conftuwnxce. hxust Lansiuu;, Mic?iigan.) MOO of growth and drown because of their inability to free themselves. Sub- merged aquatic weeds also tend to create a fish imbalance by providing cg protection for the small fingerlings, so.that the large fish cannot co consume them. This gives rise to a large population of small fish whichF? consume much of the food supply. Fishermen often have difficulty in :3 getting their hook and line through these weed masses. ?1 The New Jersey Fisheries Laboratory at Milltown, New Jersey, conducted extensive tests on this problem and in 1956 demonstrated the activity of silvex for the control of submerged aquatic weeds (6). In their test, they found that silvex was effective on a broad spectrum of aquatic weeds using 2 of the active ingredient. Since 1956, silvex has been tested and used commercially for submerged aquatic weed control thrOugh- out the United States. In 1958, Kuron* herbicide, Dow's propylene glycol butyl ether ester formulation of silvex, was registered for this use by the Pesticides Regulation Branch of the United States Department of Agriculture. Kuron, when used at the rate of 5 quarts per acre feet, will control certain submerged aquatic weeds such as water milfoil, fanwort, bladderwort, coontail and waterweed. Kuron should be applied in early summer when the water temperature is and weeds are approaching the water surface. To apply preperly, first dilute the Kuron with enough water for uniform distribution over the water surface with the available equipment. Kuron has been especially effective when applied to water areas that have a minimum amount of water movement. Ponds with some water movement can be successfully treated if the water level can be lowered so there will be no overflow for at least three days after treatment. This rate of application of Kuron will also give control of some of the floating and emergent aquatic weeds, such as water lilies and spatterdock. Applications of Kuron ordinarily have not been harmful to fish; however, in certain situations where complete pond treatments have been made and where concentrations higher than the 5 quarts per acre foot have been used, some fish kill has been observed. Recent work in Massachusetts (1) has indicated that lower rates of Kuron have been effective on such weeds as water milfoil and bladderwort, and they are using 1-2 quarts per acre foot of water in some of their lakes. Kuron has a low mammalian toxicity, and normal precautions used in handling agricultural chemicals is sufficient for the use of this 'material. The Kuron formulation of silvex is an ester and an emulsion is formed when it is sprayed into the water. - Our company has been actively evaluating other formulations of silvex for aquatic vegetation control and has developed a salt formulation which forms a true solution with water. This has given very encouraging results;~ Silvex salt formulations will possibly be available in test market areas in Michigan this season as'KurosaI*G? and "KurosaI*SLW. Kurosal contains 2 silvex on a clay granule, while Kurosal SL contains 6 pounds of silvex per gallon. Kurosal should be applied at 100 to 150 pounds per surface acre, depending upon the depth of'the - ?water. Kurosal SL is designed to be applied asua direct application -nto the water surface by a bOOm or by injecting a stream of the chemical in the wash of an outboard motor. Kurosal formulations appear paniicularly safe to use in waters inhabited by fish. issaz a: Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company Silvex is the most promising deve10pment in the aquatic herbicide field and offers the potential of solving many of the submerged and emergent aquatic weed control problems without the necessity of using materials which are toxic to animals. is available both as an ester and an amine salt and has been used to some extent for submerged aquatic vegetation control. In 1956, Dr. Buford Grigsby, from Michigan State University, reported on his . results using a granular carrier and there has been considerable interest in the use of granular for submerged aquatic vegetation control since that time. Esteron* 99 Granules herbicide,which contains 20% as the propylene glycol butyl ether ester on a clay granule, is one of several available commercial formulations of granular granules applied to the surface of the water by hand or mechanical devices sink rapidly to the bottom of the water releasing It was originally thought that adhered to the granule for long periods, releasing slowly and thus localizing the active ingredient around the roots of the submerged aquatic weeds. Some recent work has indicated that actually is removed from the granule fairly rapidly, and that it is dissolved into the water. However, the use of the granule carriers for distribution purposes is convenient for small scale applications around boat docks and in front of cottages, etc. Although some workers have indicated that granular was effective, regardless of water lepth, it has become evident from later work that water depth is quite important to obtain satisfactory control. To insure effectiveness, should be applied at about 5 pounds acid equivalent per acre foot of water treated. Water movement may also decrease the effectiveness of granules, since the active ingredient can be removed from the site of application before it is active on the plant. Esteron 99 Granules or other granules containing 20% should be applied at 100 pounds.per surface acre in water that is 4 feet deep with an additiOnal 25 pounds per surface acre for each foot of depth in excess of 4 feet. granules must be applied early in the growing season to be effective. Later season treatments on weeds not actively growing have not been consistently effective. granules will control such weeds as water milfoil, coontail, and bladderwort, but is considerably less effective on pondweed (Potamogeton spp.). granules are not as effective on as broad a spectrum of weeds as sodium arsenite or silvex. In the granular form, is easy for the boat owner or cottage owner to use in Small areas. Control of Floating Weeds Water lilies are a problem in recreational waters since they often . ?interfere with boating, water skiing, and swimming. Water lilies can ecome so dense that it is nearly impossible to get through the area with a boat. Water lilies can be most effectively controlled by surface sprays with silvex. We recommend the use of Kuron at 2 quarts per 100 gallons "am" 18503 Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company of water to be sprayed as a wetting Spray on the water lilies_when they are in an active growth period, and the leaves have fully developed. Late season applications when the water lilies have completed their vegetative growth have not been consistently effective. esters have also been effective for the control of water lilies; however, the results have not been as consistent as with applications of Kuron. Duckweed (Lemna Spp.) is a free-floating aquatic weed and is often a nuisance in sheltered areas and may c0mpletely cover the water surface. Duckweed has been very troublesome to control, since it can reinfest areas very rapidly. It has been reported that several materials will give immediate kill of the duckweed but reinfestation within three or four weeks is common. some MOO Control of Emergent Aquatic Weeds Emergent aquatic weeds have been a severe problem in waterfowl marshes and have decreased the waterfowl populations in some areas. Phragmites, cattails, and other weeds and grasses can cover an entire marsh,and thus open areas are not available for geese or ducks to land, and nesting and feeding areas are not attractive to them. Of course, emergent aquatic weeds are also a problem along the shoreline of recreational waters, cottages, etc. Cattails and other narrow-leafed plants can be controlled effectively by using Sprays of Dowpon* or Radapon*. Radapon at 10 pounds per 100 gallons of water should be applied as a wetting spray when the weeds are in an active stage of growth. Aerial applications of Radapon at 10-15 pounds per acre in 5?10 gallons of water have been very effec? tive for the control of cattails for opening up marsh areas. Radapon is particularly effective on narrow?leafed plants and has little effect on many broad-leafed plants such as smartweed, pokeweed, wild buckwheat, etc., which are desirable for waterfowl food. Radapon is less toxic than common table salt and has been used in water reservoirs for aquatic vegetation control without causing any deleterious effect on water quality. Broadleaf emerged weeds often grow along the shoreline and may be a problem in some recreational areas. Some of these problem weeds are pickerelweed, arrowhead, water plantain, etc. Spray applications of Kuron using 2 quarts per 100 gallons of water have been effective in control of these weeds. Applications should be applied when the plants are in an active stage of growth. Emergent aquatic vegetation consist- ing of both narrow-leafed plants and broad-leafed plants can be effec- tively controlled by a mixture of silvex and dalapon which is sold Icommercially under the trademark, Garlon*. Garlon, used at 3 gallons per 100 gallons of water, has given effective control of cattails, burreed, arrowhead, pickerelweed, etc. Applications.should be applied when the plants are in an active growing stage to be most effective. Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company 165M. -5- Summary EMOG Several herbicides are now available for the control of aquatic weeds and algae in recreational areas. New herbicides have shown some promi 8? for the control of submerged aquatic weeds and additional research wil probably develop new chemicals to be useful in this field. There are as several chemicals presently available that can do a very effective job c: in the control of aquatic weeds and should be very useful in the management of recreational waters and marshes. 16505; . . - -5- Literature Reviewed C3 2 1. Cortell, J. M. Re-evaluation of the Concentration Required fangs Effective Aquatic Weed Control with Silvex. to PROCEEDINGS OF NORTHEASTERN WEED CONTROL CONFERENCE h? 14:478-482, 1960. he . h+ h. Aerial Control of Cattail with 2. Heath, G. and L.4C. Ruch. Radapon. DOWN TO EARTH, Winter 1957 Issue. The Chemical Control of Aquatic Nuisances. 3. Mackenthun, K. M. Madison, Wisconsin, Committee on Water Pollution, January 1958. 4. Palmer, C. M. Algae in Water Supplies. U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Public Health Service Publication No. 657, 1959. 5. Wiltse, M. G. Aquatic Vegetation Control with Kuron. (Presented at 1960 Meeting of Weed Society of America, Denver, Colorado.) 6. Younger, R. R. A Preliminary Report On Controlling Aquatic Vegetation in New Jersey with Kuron. DOWN TO EARTH, Spring 1958 Issue. 16503 ACD FILE NO. AQUATIC VEGETATION CONTROL WITH meow 2547 by C3 2 -. . Mark Wiltse to 0 ED AQuatic weed growth has become an increaSing problem in recreational water of the eastern half of the United States. Vegetation has restricted utilization of waters for such purposes as bathing, water skiing, boating, and in some instances has destroyed the normal beauty of aquatic areas. Fish production has often been limited by excessive growth of water weeds. A number of control methods have been employed with varying degrees of success. Mechanical contrivances have ranged from under water cutting bars to hand rakes. Although these mechanical methods are often effective for a short time, regrowth from roots or rooting of stem fragments often increases the problem. The method is generally laborious and provides only temporary relief. . Sodium arsenit? has been used as a herbicide for several years. In some areas, particularly static waters, this well-known chemical has given out- standing results. Principal limitations to its use have been its inherent to 'city, resistance and failure to control a broad range of .egetation. Several workers have been actively evaluating products which would control submerged aquatic weeds and overcome the limitations of previously existing methods. The New Jersey Division of Fish and Game inaugurated a five?year research program in 1951 financed by Dingell-Johnson funds to find an iquatic herbicide (8). In the course of this work, Kuron herbicide was found adaptable to this problem and seemed to offer control comparable to sodium arsenite (8). Kuron contains the-active ingredient silvex propionic acid as the propylene glycol butyl :ther ester and acts as a plant growth regulator. Aquatic Weeds Controlled Early tests indicated that Kuron herbicide at 5 quarts per acre foot would Control many of the troublesome submerged aquatic weeds in the northeastern United States Experimental tests in 195? and 1958 in several sections of the country evaluated the effectiveness of this concentration on several aquatic weeds. Some tests were conducted at reduced concen- trations by certain workers (2). Commercial applications in 1958 and-1959 iontributcd additional performance information for controlling certain I I 1" rademark of The Dow Chemical Company 1' The Dow Chemical Company, 916 Shoreham Building, Washington 5, D. C. . 16507 ?Papcr presented at 1960 Meetin of the . "i Denver, Colorado.) 6 cad or ?merica' species. The following list summarizes some of the weeds controlled by C3 Kuron. . g; Agustic Weeds Controlled by Kuron at l.2?1 2.5 and 5 Quarts per Acre Foot . CD 1.25 quarts/acre foot or less (0.5 ppm) EB White water lily app.) . Pickerelweed [Pontederia cordata L.) h? 2.5 quarts/acre foot or less (1.0 ppm) Yellow water lily . . iNuphar spp.) Mud plantain . . Heteranthera spp.)' 'Water milfoil 5 quarts/acre foot or less (2 ppm) Bladderwort - -. Utricularia spp.) Watershield Brasenia schreberi) Coontail demersum) Fanwort . {Cabomba caroliniana) Haterweed . LAnacharis canadensis) Potamogeton diversifolius) Potamogeton amolifolius) Variable pondweed N, 1d_ lNaja: flexilis) . {Eleocharis spp.) Sp-ge rush Tapegrass - . Vallisneria americana) Haterstarwort Callitriche sp .) Soft rush Juncus effusus Bulrush -- . -LScirpus americanus) Burreed - (Sparganium spp.) In some treatments, these weeds were controlled at lower concentrations, but there were not sufficient tests to indicate consistent effectiveness at the lower rates. Treated areas observed two years after treatment indicated a continued control over this period of time. In total treat- ments on ponds and lakes with Kuron at 5 quarts/acre foot two years control has been obtained in some instances. Application Technique Emcrged species were controlled in many instances by using Kuron at one gallon per 100 gallons of spray solution applied to the emerged foliage as a thorough wetting spray. The applications for the control of the sub- merged aquatic weeds were generally applied by diluting the Kuron at one_ gallon in 10 to ?0 gallons of water and directing this solution on or?inio .the water. Proportioning pumps were often used to mix Kuron with lake .w :r and pump it to the boom which would distribute the solution over a wide swath. Uniform distribution appeared to be desirable to allow a lethal concentration of the Kuron to come in immediate contact with all _the vegetative growth. - 16508 Injection of the undiluted formulation of Kuron was used in some equipment, but on a limited basis. . I . Environmental Effects Applications of Kuron appeared to be most effective if treatments were nade during periods of active growth. Treatments applied when water I temperatures have been or higher have been most effective. The watet? Itemperature may not influence the reaction of the chemical to a significant degree, but the aquatic weeds may be in their most active growth at thesecg higher temperatures and thus more susceptible. Undoubtedly, the most b3 active growth periods vary for the various aquatic weed species. applications with Kuron have been most effective on submerged aquatic plants in lakes and ponds where there is no or limited water movement. Less satisfactory control of some plants has been observed where water cur- rents replace the treated water soon after application. Translocation has >een demonstrated in water lilies where applications to the leaf surface 1as caused a herbicidal effect on the rootstock. However, some aquatic )lants have only primitive vascular systems which may not be functional 1nd translocation to root areas probably is not important. In these plants, 1 lethal concentration of Kuron may be required to contact all the vegeta- ;ive portions of the plant which are capable of?growth or reproduction. 11though the exact minimum contact or exposure time required is not clearly iefined, MB to 72 hours exposure to treated water has given control. Pru slut and Williams (7) compared the effectiveness of Korea for control- iing coontail demersum).in greenhouse-tank experiments at ;hree pH levels and three concentrations of calcium ions. Kuron was most :ffective on coontail growing in acid water. It was also more Lctive on coontail growing in water with 250 and 500 of calcium ion :han in water with no calcium. In these tests, the effect of calcium was lot differentiated from a possible effect of chloride ion which was added? .n equivalent amounts. -Field plot treatments and commercial applications rave been only better under acid water-conditions compared with ~reatments to neutral or alkaline water. Perhaps the water pH is unly important in water situations with a low level of calcium ions or iimilar dissolved ions. afety to Fish and Other Aquatic Organisms. 'he experimental treatments to plots and complete ponds have caused no fish nJury at concentrations of Kuron of 1.25 to 5 quarts per acre foot. ommurcial_applications at concentrations of 5 quarts per acre foot or less' ave given no appreciable fish ki?.in numerous treatments throughout the ountry. Slight fish kill has occurred in some'instances where applications ere made at higher concentrations. The higher concentrations sometimes ccurred in shallow areas where the spraying equipment could not operate reperly and thus higher concentrations were developed. There has been no isk??njury in over 99% of the treatments applied; ?apid incorporation of he -prsy solution particularly_those associated with rates in excess of quarts per acre foot of Kuron should be avoided where fish kill cannot be elevated. - . . 16509 Pierce found that applications of Kuron had no influence on oxygen content in treated plots. Aquatic weeds treated with Kuron normally dr ?mpose slowly, in most situations 10 to 21 days are required for decom- pssition. This slow decomposition apparently does not lower the oxygen content of the water.. This is a problem with some aquatic herbicides which give rapid kill of weeds.. Pierce also reported that Kuron treatments showed no effect on population of benthic organisms represented by the following groups: Annelida, mostly leeches; Mollusca, including seven species of Gastropoda and one Specie of Pelecypoda (Sohaerium); Amphipoda; Insecta, larvae of mayflies, damsel flies, dragon flies, midges and beetles. Applications of Kuron temporarily decreased populations of some plankton, but within two weeks after treatment the populations were equal to untreated areas. These plankton consisted of fifty identified species in the following large groups; Myxophyeeae, Chlorophyceae, Desmidaceae, Diatomaceae, Flagellata, other Protozoa, Nematode, Rotifera, Annelida, Crustacea. There was no deleterious effect on large aquatic vertebrates such as frogs and turtles in the treated areas. - 801188 MOO Prolific algae growth is often a problem soon after treating aquatic weeds with some aquatic herbicides. Algae growth has not normally occurred until three to four weeks after treatment with Kuron. The delay in appearance of algae apparently is associated with the slow kill of the aquatic weeds and thus the delay in release of nutrients into.the.water from the decaying vegetation. 14fcty to User {uron herbicide is low in toxicity and presents a_low degree of hazard in landling and use. . - Ihen Kuron herbicide was fed by intubation to groups of various animal species, the values were found to be as follows: rat, 1070 mg/kg; guinea pig, 850?mg/kg; rabbit, 850 mg/kg; mouse, 2140 mg/kg and chicks, 3000 mg/kg. From these data, it may be concluded that there should be no iroblem from ingestion incidental to the handling and use of this product. LE large quantities are swallowed, accidentally or willfully, some injury light result. Hdwever, the likelihodd cg serious?inJury_Is remote. Ievertheless, Kuron.herbicide should not be left where children or live- ;tock have access to it. - iattle, sheep, swine, ducks and chickens have consumed water containing .uron herbicide at 50 over a four week period with no adverse effects a determined by water consumption, body weight gains, and gross observa? ions, including gestation and parturition in sheep. These data indicate hat foliage or water treated with Kuron herbicide, as recommended, should ot present a hazard from ingestion. - kin irritation tests conducted Upon rabbits have indicated that Kuron crbieide and its dilutions are irritating, upon repeated pro?r onged contact. In these studies, there was no evidence of absorption hr 3h the skin in acutely toxic amounts. The observation of reasonable are and personal cleanliness practices should be adequate to avoid skin ifficultic?. - - - 16510 . Kuron herbicide, when diluted to 1% with water, caused no primary irrita~ tion nor allergenic responses when applied to the skin of fifty human volunteers using a repeated insult technique. One subject did develop a ?1d fatiguing response. In addition, the product was "patch tested? on a Second grOUp of fifty human subjects at concentrations up to 50% without cutaneous reaction. Even when applied undiluted to the skin for two hours,C3 it caused no skin response. Thus, it may be concluded with a high degree of assurance that when used as directed, this product should cause no skin irritation or skin sensitization responses. When tested on the eyes of rabbits, Kuron herbicide and its solutions produced moderate pain but only slight irritation. Thus, this product presents no unusual hazards from contact. However, suitable pro- tection, such as safety glasses, may be worn simply to avoid the discomfor?h that might result from contact. Swimmers should not experience any discom- fort from water treated at recommended concentrations. 01188 Effect on Water Use Kuron may remain in water for three to four months after treatment where no dilution occurs. An 88?acre lake was treated in New York after the 'water level was lowered two feet. No flow occurred through the outlet until three months after treatment. In analysis of the lake water thirty days after treatment, 2.4 of silvex from Kuron was present, essentially the same amount that was applied. Analysis of the lake water seventy days after treatment showed 2.1 of silvex present. Samples of water analyzed 100 days after treatment and thereafter showed no Kuren present- Ch 'icai analysis of the bottom mud indicated no build?up of Kuron. Since Ku.an herbicide is an organic.compound, the components would be expected to be bacteriologically decomposed principally to the elements carbon, hYdrogen and oxygen. Silvex acts as a growth regulating compound on terrestrial broadleafed plants and is used as a stop?drop treatment prior to harvest of apples at concentrations of 10 to 20 ppm. Although 2 of silvex as used for aquatic weed control might not cause inJury if sprayed on some broadleafed plants, some susceptible species may be affected. Accordingly, it is suggested that water treated with Kuron should not be used for spray pur- poses or for irrigation during the season of treatment until more informa- tion is available on the possible hazards to crops. Summa ry :urdn aquatic herbicide is effective on several submerged and emerged Lquatic weeds. Applications to still water at 5 quarts per acre feet are iuggested for general aquatic weed control. Lower rates are effective on ertain species. Conditions for growth, pH and dissolved ion content of 'aLer may influence the effectiveness of Kuron. The low mammalian toxicity, low action, and safety on fish food organisms are desirable preperties-of uron aquatic herbicide. -. - -. . '16511?_ - . . I Literature Cited 1. M. M., "Field Testing of Kuron as an Aquatic Herbicide in Massachusetts," Proc. NENCC, 13:315-321. 1959 2. J. M., "Re-Evaluation of the Concentrations Required for Effective Aquatic Weed Control with Silvex", Proc. NENCC 14:h78?H82. 1960 3. Hall, wt 0., "Control of Various Aquatic weeds with Silvex", Proc. NEWCC 14:476?477. 1960 - 4. Pierce, M. E., "The Effect of the Weedicide Kuron upon the Plora 'and Fauna of Two Experimental Areas of Long Pond, Dutchess .County, New York?, Proc. NEWCC 12:338-343. 1958 '"Further Studies of the Effect of Kuron upon the Flora and Fauna of Long Pond, Dutchess County, New York", Proc. HENCC 135310-314. 1959? i 6. "Progress Report of the Effect of Kuron upon the Biota of Long Pond, Dutchess County, New York?, Proc. NEWCC 1960 I 7. Truchelut, G. E., and Williams, h. C., "Some Observations on the Influence of Dissolved Ions on the'Effectiveness of Phenoxy-Type Herbicides on Submersed Aquatic Weeds", Proc. SWCC 13:2Elr227. 1960 . 8. Younger, R. R., Preliminary Report on Controlling Aquatic Vegetation in NeW'Jersey with Kuron", DOWN TO EARTH, Spring?l958. . . 9. Younger, R. E., "Progress Report on the Use of Kuron, and Granules on Aquatic Herbicides", Proc. NEwcc - 13:322-329. 1959 - 16512 A. KURON silvex herbicide continues to gain acceptance By Lawrence Southwick Dow Chemical U.S.A. For more than two decades, three chemicals in the phenoxy group of systemic herbicides. i.e. 2.4-D. 2.4.5-T and MCPA. have more Or less dominated the attention of researchers. advisors. marketers and users. Generally speaking. 2.4-0 and MCPA are still leaders in broadleaf herbaceous weed control. and 2.4.5-T. alone and in combination with 2.4-0, is widely used in wcody plant control. The purpose of this brief paper is to review some of the herbicidal possibilities of silvex. This report does not and is not intended to encompass an exhaustive survey of the con? siderable literature generated over the pasr 20 years relative to this herbicide. Selected published papers are referenced to provide support for the thesis that silvex is indeed a very effective herbicide with a broad use spectrum. Historical Background Shortly following the introduction of 2.4-0 in 1945. researchers began to characterize its herbicidal utility in several use areas. It rapidly found acceptance for controlling herbaceous broadleaf weeds in turf. small grains. corn and in non-crapland. It also showed promise for controlling woody species. However. as early as 1946. it be- came obvious that 2.4-D was not adequately effective on certain weeds. for example. chickweed in turf. and on many woody plants in non-cropland brush control. By 1947. Dow research workers in Michi- gan. workers in Hawaii, and probably others reported signiticant differential species re- sponse to 2.4-0 and 2.4.5-T. The latter soon found a place in the control of woody plants and also in selective weed control in rice. The idea of combining these two herbicides to broaden the Spectrum of woody plant 26 Down 1'0 mam. Vol. 23. Nu 4. Spring 1973 NJ pl;- ZSOIEB Moo control was put into practice. Commc spraying of right?of-ways with mixtUn 12.4-D and 2.4.5-T became a general pra and such combinations are in wide u: the present time. Early Dow studies in Michigan (1952 dicated that another related but chemi Specific herbicide. propicnic acid was. very effective on a assertment of herbaceous weeds and Wt plantsz. Silvex was coined as the com name. herbicide. a low voi ester formulation of silvex. was firSt i keted in 1954. Beginning around 1954. many rep have been presented at the regional v. control conferences on the herbicidal acteristics of silvex. For example. in Ml gan trials. it was reported very effectiv: four species of oaks. and on mapleJ. In tensive tests in res . checked three years after application sho silvex effective "?on mixed oaks and a; ciated species?. In Oklahoma. silvex excellent on "all oaks" which included 53-. white. blackjack. black and chinquap Based on many field trials. silvex was fo to be an excellent overall turf herbicide controlling a wide assortment of weeds eluding many that are tolerant to an aquatic herbicide. silvex was reporte' be superior to others-in Oklahoma?. northeast" and elsewhere. An early repon on basal treatment KURON herbicide was made In 1956 on . key oak in Florida?. Summer were rated excellent while Winter treatrr was moderately effective. Work in Ore: proved the effectiveness of KURON in a. basal control of big leaf maple?. Curr 16513 a . Anni-nah.qu- ?4-1414 @mu?k?m.g?h LITERATURE CITED (1) Arend. J. 1967. Some variables affecting hardwood control with stem injections of North Central Forest Experiment Station. USDA Forest Research Paper NC- 18. 11 pp. (2) Brinkman. K. A 1970. Picloram in spaced stem injections to control Lake States hard- woods. Nonh Central Forest Experiment Sta- tr0n. USDA. Forest Research Note NC-94. 4 pp. l3)Carvel. K. and F. C. Cech. 1967. if used properly -tree injectors are effective! Science Serves Your Farm and Home. Agricultural Experiment Station. West Virginia Univer- srty Bulletin 552: 6-10. l4) Cope. J. A. and J. N. Spaeth. 1931. The kill- ing of trees with sodium arsenite. J. Forestry 29. 775-783. l5) Nation. H. A. 1967. Report on tree control via injection with Tordon 101 mixture. Down to Earth. Number 2: 24-27. (51 Norris. L. A. 1971. Chemical brush control: assessing the hazard. J. Forestry 69: 715-720. Hy'ker. R. A. and L. S. Minckler. 1962. Methods and costs of killing hardwood culls. Central States Forest Experiment Station. U.S.D.A Forest Service Technical Paper 191. 9 pp. r8) R. D. 1966. Soil-applied urea herbi- cides in the control of unwanted wood-,- ?hulls Aurrcultural Science Review. First Quarter 1966. Vol. 4. No. 1: 21-27. (9) 1968. Penetration and ac~ cumulation of fenuron in forest soils. J. Forestry 66: 910-912. (10) Shipman. R. D. 1969. Pelleted vs. liquid herbicides for control of low-grade white oak in central Proceedings. Northeastern Weed Control Conference. Vol. 23: 298-302. . 1969. Establishment and early release of underplanted Japanese larch with soil-applied fenuron. Tree Planter's Notes. Vol. 20. No. 1: 23-27. (12) 1970. Some variables af- fecting the response of unwanted hardwoods with tree-injected Proceedings. Northeastern Weed Control Conference. Vol. 24: 250-256. (13) Smith. J. 1959. Tests of injected chem- icals for hardwood control in the Arkansas mountains. Southern Weed Conference. Shreveport. L0uisiana. 3 pp. (14) Sterrett. J. P. 1967. injector treatments on oaks. red maple and hickory with several water soluble herbicides. Proceedings. Scuthern Weed Conference. Vol. 20: 190 (abstract). (15) Watson. A J. and R. J. Mesler. 1964. Effect of Tordon herbicide as basal frill and tree ins jection treatments on certain hardwood trees. (16) Down to Earth. Vol. 19(4): 20-23. Wiant. H. V. and C. Walker. 1964. Com- parison of two silvicide injectors for killing oaks. The Consultant. Vol. 9, No. 4: 16. (11) te- 860188 DOWN TO EARTH. Vol. 23. No 4. Sunni) 197] 25. CI Cl Oregon recommendations include silvex for . this species as well as for vine maple Dor- mant treatments on salt cedar in New Mexico were moderately effective?. Com- mercial use of basal application of silvex has corroborated effectiveness on many species of woody plants. An effect commonly n0ted is delayed maximum response. Final control has been satisfactory. Extensive aerial trials in Hawaii showed KURON herbicide to be the most promising iof those tested to reclaim wetland brush jungle for cattle range?. Weedy species in- 3 cluded melastoma. false staghorn fern. ohia. and lantana. Work in Oregon proved the superiority of silvex in air or ground applied lfoliage sprays on dalmatian toadflax and i this is the present state recommendation in Oregon? as well as in Montana. Control of prickly pear cactus with silvex is recom- mended in Montana. Nebraska. Wyoming and elsewhere. Data in the Research Prog- ress Reports of the Western Weed Control Conference. even prior to 1962. indicated good control with KURON on several diffi- cult species. including cholla cactus. com? mon tansy, dalmation toadflax. iantana. larkspur. mesquite, milkweed. perennial peppergrass, poison oak. prickly pear cac- Htus. Russian knapweed. salt cedar. snow 1: berry. sorrel. turbinella oak. whitethorn. wild rose. yucca and others. For many years. . i silvex has been used extensively in turf and sugar cane and for aquatic weed control. .I Weed and Brush Control with KURON Two excellent references which charac- terize comparative effectiveness of phenoxy herbicides are: USDA Farmers' Bulletin No. 2183 (Jan. 1971 revision) "Using Phenoxy Herbicides Effectively"". and USDA Agricul- A. LII. wanna-AL -.-- -- 4954?! he: 2 (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy) propicnr'c acid ture Handbook No. 269 (March 1955) ?Her- bicide Manual for Non-Cropland Weeds?. Tables 1 to 8 were developed largely from these information sources. Since the effectiveness of silvex has not been adequately reported on many species. . the listings in the tables cannot be con- sidered "complete". In Tables 1 through 4. effectiveness is given in terms of excellent. good. or fair which are charaCterized as follows: excellent-one application at a normal rate (1 lb/aCre) kills the plant in most cases. good?more than one application at the normal rate or an application at a higher rate (2 to 4 lb/acre for weeds and 4 to 8 lb/acre for woody plants) needed for control. - fair?repeated applications at the nor- mal or a higher rate often required for adequate control. it is interesting to note in these tables the wide range of annual. biennial and peren- nial weeds. woody plants and aquatic weeds that are controlled with silvex. This relatively old, established herbicide obviously has at- tributes that may not have been fully eval- uated and certainly were not fully developed due. in part. to the diversion of interest and research effort to the great influx of new families of herbicides which emanated from the research laboratories coincident with and shortly following the initial development of silvex. Yet the limited research studies with KURON herbicide and other silvex formula- tions as well as successful commercial usage have delineated specific use? areas wherein the special attributes of silvex her- bicide have become recognized. The infor- MOO Down TO EARTH. Vol 23. No. 4. Sprint. 1971 27 16515 Control of Annual and Biennial Weeds with Silver unwind: huggam'clzs binlmud ?lo-mun! butclonr burdock humlcups :hictweed. can. coiluhln canon doglonnll dulsalu anningpu'msosl liddlonldi llnhanu gllinsugl groundcheny halo-mustard hemlock. poison lnawsl. annual lochia lamhsquamrs marsh-Ida: morningglory mustard: partridge?: passionllower liald pappcmeods pigwuds phnlaim poisonhemloch radish, wild Iagwuds llpl. him ushania (colluheanl smouweed spanishnudlos sunllowu thistll. bull. Russian liluino mulch. wild witchwud woodsoual. nllow wmmsud-musmd 28 DOWN TO mam. Vol. 23. No 4. 5mm 1973 GOOD binomial-d tolls-uni lioldpepoargrlu guanium. goosoiool. oaklul gtoundsol. ausluf hlnhit horsowud (muesli!) knapweod, spo?ad lnolwud, iapanoso medic, blank uninha- moxicanwud mudplamail Nut ooh-wold punlam rocle londnu rock-L yellow puls- smutwaeds FAIL buciwhut t. ?climbs-l. in ?not. will cmlyindigo 960186 MOO knolwood. on. mafwnd (ch; mullail poorjoo punawuino spur". can . L. -. - . -. TABLE 4. Control ol aquatic weeds with Silvex EXCELLENT arrowhead bladdlmort swamplaoseslriln toenail ultich mtuhyacimh lanwon unarlily Innsutrill watermilluil lotus mull-rush patron-athei- picker-lined wet-maer primrosnwillow Canada rush wildcallry mation in the tables is simply indicative of the acknowledged wide spectrum of species response to silvex. An exhaustive survey of literature and progress reports. and es- pecially a compilation of user experiences undoubtedly would reveal additional sus- ceptible species. Comparison with In Tables 5 and 6. two lists of weed and woody plant species are given to illustrate differential foliar responses to silvex and to These ratings are taken from the information provided in the two perform- ance references referred to above?-? with assists from other data including California Bulletin 812.? in general. silvex often is considered mere effective on the species listed thereunder in the tables and 2.4.5-T for those listed under it. However. this does not mean that control of some species listed under silvex is not possible With 2.4.5-T or vice versa. It simply means that reported field results on these partiCular species give the edge to one or the other herbicide. The differences In ellectivity vary from moderate to very sngniticant. However. it should be emphasued that orher field 30 oowu TO EARTH. Vol 23. No 4. Spring 1973 8000 alligatnnvutl . hurried entail: 980188 A data may not be in total agreement w. that reported here. and likewise many sired comparisons have not been reporte Considering the proven utility of combir tion treatments of 2.4.5-T with 2.4-D with picloram for broad Spectrum and i proved woody plant control. it is likely tl silvex plus 2.4-D or picloram will be elte tive combinations and commercial triz 'indicate that this is so. Comparison with In Tables 7 and 8. similar weed and WOOL plant lists are shown relative to silvex ve sus 2.4-D. again using information from tr same published sources. Here again it obvious that there is a place for bOth cides since they do have certain diflerenti spectra of activity. it is common knowledge that many herb ceous weeds and woody plants respOr quite similarly to most of the phenoxy he bicides. including silvers. 2.4.5-T and 2.4-l On the other hand. it is true th the response of many specnes to these chemicals varies significantly. which umph si:es the need for each ol lhum lht: hurt cide arsenal. It also emphasizes the pose 16517. TABLE 2. Conlrul ol Perennial Weeds with Silver: ma t-u- Hun-m )Wl? u- EXCELLENT GOOD 0 1 chicory hindwud. rim cinquoloil . broomwud docks daisy humgc groundivy hullucup Ind:- larkspur. duncIcapH cmcar labour. ull lonuco. hluo 1 chiciwccd. moon-oar locowocd. whim shunkcahbago millwuds sorrcl - coyolillo pokownd soudook dondolioo ago. crooning :omhistlu dcsorlpanlly chanson-l spikcrush lirownd mallow-ed. lhrcadlcaf spugos lupinl. silnry punt-an. wild milkvotch Viol-1 mulesnr: "hilltop thistle. Canada norcalhoan yanow, common ponnywon. lawn yollowroclrot ponyioot (dichondrl) ulch watuhomlock. spotted whiteclovor woodsorrcl I TABLE 3. Control of woody plants with Silvax EXCELLENT GOOD FAIR alder bololdor wild upon hunonhusll chon?y. wild chinam dogwood chokccherry chollacactuc honoysuchlo crcosololmsh mplo: locust. black Iln oak. post mosquito grout-cherry. clammy oak. shinnary oak. turioy gum. black 8: sweet palmnlo. saw pucimmon. Tm: poisonin poisonoal pricilypoarcactus rodbud IDSI. choroku ulmonhorry willowwud pnnimrnon. common rasphorry. wild ton. McCartney sag-brush. sand altcodar aural: tru-ol-hcavon willow! hickory numaniu mulberry oak. hlackiach oak. hluciach oak. scrub oak. whit- ooaglonngo mo. roulrillora sagohlush, big Iuh'ush onon whilelhom ycrha-sama yucca [soapwocdl DOWN EARTH16518 A- .4. ?m ?fLA-n 1 i bility of herbicide rotation to forestall the development of weed spectra tolerant to a single phenoxy weed killer. It IS obvious from. the plant response tables that these herbi- cides are not equivalent and cannot com- pletely replace one another. Considering silvex in particular. it seems abundantly clear that this interesting herbi- cide. which has been around for many years. probably merits increased consideration not only on the part of those now advising on its present registered uses but also on the part of researchers to ferret out new possibili- ties. including combinations with other herbicides. SUMMARY KURON herbicide is a low volatile ester formulation of silvex. having wide utility in controlling broadleaf weeds and woody plants. Over the years. the product has gained acceptance for use mainly in aquatic and turf areas. but published literature af? firms a broad range of utility for this herbi- cide and suggests possibilities for further use development. Many plant species show . excellent response and can be cont-rotted at 'r :4 . moderate space! of srlvex in aquatic and turf weed control is noted. Concerning the possible environmental impact of silvex use. it is known that breakdown 'and loss in soil occur via microbiologi? cal degradation. Silvex is degraded more slowly than 24-0 but buildup in- soil does not occur from annual increments. Used as recommended on the label, KURON herbi- cide presents no health hazard from inges- tion or skin contact to humans, farm animals or wildlife. A toxicological summary was published in 1966"". 4- SELECTED REFERENCES I. Byrnes. W. R. el 1957. A test of 2.4.5-TA and ATA on mixed oaks and asso- ciated Species. Proceedings 11th Northeast- ern Weed Control Conference:188-195. 2. Coulter. L. L. 1954. Silvex. a new seiective herbicide. DOWN TO EARTH 9. No. 4:18-20. 3. Coulter. L. and J. W. Gibson. 1954. A prog- ress report of field experiences silvex. Proceedings 11th Annual North Central Weed Control Conference;90-91. 4. COulter. L. L. and K. C. Barrons. 1956. KURON for tur'l weed control. DOWN TO EARTH 12. No. 2:24-25. 5. Dunhant, R. S. 1965. Herbicide manual for noncropland weeds. USDA AgriCulture Hand- book No 269. TABLE 5. Comparative control oi certain herbaceous weeds with silver and 2.4.5-T. . OFTEN BETTER CONTROL WITH SILVEX hedstraw (cleaversl ground in hlacheyedsusan hemlock. poison chickweeds henhit evening primrose limpweed. spotted liddleneck inewel ?rewood Irnotweed. Japanese OFTEN BETTER CONTROL WITH 2.4.5-T buckwheat. wild meyweed colleeweed mesquite. velvet daisy, oseye mexicanue gooseloot mustards indigo. curly pennyeress. field ironweed. western peppemeed. field Inesshelder medic. hleck millmeed. showy black spurges spurry. corn poorioe purslane. common sage, creeping shepherdspurse yellomochet TABLE 6. Comparative control of certain woody species with silver: and OFTEN BETTER CONTROL WITH SILVEX cums. cholla Er prickly peer honeysuckle maples mulberry oaks (live. Itlue. turkey. and others) palmetto persimmon Ten-s OFTEN BETTER CONTROL WITH huclhrush mesquite chemise oak. white hawthorne osage orange tldhay poisonoak tedhud rose. Cherokee sagebrush. hinged seltcedar trumpettrine yucca sagebrush. hig snowhrush sweetgum yerhesante oowu to EARTH. Vol 23. No 4. Snqu run 31 '16519' 'Ih, non-rad ,5 .lmk?ml? . h-?L and. .LJ haul-IIer 10. 12. 13. 15. 16. 17. 18. Elwell. H. M. at al. 1954. Aerial applications of herbimdes on oak in Oklahoma. Proceedings 11th Annual North Central Weed Control Con- lerence:91-95. Gates, Dillard H. 1972. Rangeland weed con- trol. Oregon Weed Control Handbook: 1 26-127. Gaylor. James and Alfred Houser. 1962. Three years? results with silvex for aquatic plant control in Oklahoma. DOWN TO EARTH 18. No. 32-4. - Hall. w. C. 1960. Control of various aquatic weeds with silvex. Proceedings 14th North- eastern Weed Control Conference: 476-482. Hughes. E. E. 1967. Dormant boom-applied spray treatments for control of saltcedar. Fle- search Progress Report. Western Weed Con- trol Conference; 23-24. . Klingman. D. L. and W. C. Shaw. 1971. Using phenoxy herbicrdes effectively. USDA Far- mers' Bulletin No. 2183. Leonard. O. A. and W. A Harvey. 1965. Chemi- cal control oi woody plants. California Agri? cultural Experiment Station Bulletin 812. Motooka. P. S. at at. 1967. Control of Hawaiian jungle with aerially applied herbicides. DOWN TO EARTH 23. No. 1:18-22. . Mullison. W. F1. 1966. Some taxicological as- pects of silvex. Proceedings 19th Annual Meeting Southern Weed Conference: 420-435. Newton. Michael. 1962. Control of bigleaf 213,121? with silvex DOWN TO EARTH 18. No. 1: 20-24. Newton. Michael. 1972. Herbicides inforestry. Oregon Weed Control Handbook. Owens. C. B. 1956. Chemical eradication of turkey oak. DOWN TO EARTH 11, No. 4:23-24. Pierce. Madelene E. 1960. Progress report of the effect of KURON upon the biota of Long Pond. Dutchess County, Y.Y. Proceedings 14th Northeastern Weed Control Conference: 472-475. 32 DOWN TO EARTH. Vol 28. No 4. sin-nu 1973 TABLE 7. Comparative control ol certain herbaceous Weeds with silvex and 2.4-0. OFTEN BETTER CONTROL WITH SILVEX badsmw groundcharry modic, black honorcups groundiiry rnilkwaad. cot-no hlachoyodsusao hamlock. poison ?no chicltwuds hauhil putslana doglonnal hots-wood liddlenaclt knapwecd. spotted sputry. comm Iii-wood toauiral woodsorral Ilaabaoos lupirtas mow CD OFTEN BETTER CONTROL WITH 2.4-0 (0 CD hluowud. Tom Ito-l- pinaapplowud ironwacd. wcstatn pootioa knapwaci'. o'illusa punctmairirto croton oluicatuaa sage, dcatltcarnas mdplantain smartwud garlic. wild mustard: spudwall iioid nllomodiat TABLE 8. Comparative control 01 certain species with alive: and 2.4-0. OFTEN BETTER CONTROL WITH SILVEX alder persimmon. common blackberry locust. black poisoniiry cactus maplcs poisonoak cherry. wild mosquito raspbarry choltochorry mulberry rodhud alt-o oaks saltcadar hickory osaga onugo mo oI heaven palmetto OFTEN BETTER CONTROL WITH 2.4?0 buckoyo cottonwood snowbrush buckorush maroanita sagebrush. big chamisa rabbithrush loyon . '16520 Program Your Aquatic Weed Control DD 0 1 ill-'- Needs By - CHARLES T. LICHY -_Plam Science Research and Development he Dow Chemical Company Winter Park, Florida. title of this?talk is PROGRAM YOUR AQUATIC VEED CONTROL NEEDS. What does it'mean to program? )0 we realize what the word program can imply? Webster lc?ncs program as a "plan of future procedures." An apt le?nition but one which does not completely describe all of he side cliects of programming. Anodtcr detinition listed for irogram is ?a doctrine, theory or system whose validity can it: tested only in practical application." This, perhaps, is ?ven a better de?nition for us working in weed control. Basi- ?ally, however, the word programming means ?what are we tying to accomplish" and ?how can we go about With the ask at hand." One way to do this is to list what the problems tight be in regard to the type of aquatic weed ?problem? On have. "Problem" would include not only the species that ire present, but which Species you would like to have present, if perhaps what is the purpose of the weed control program, to it drainage ditch, irrigation canal, farm pond, waterfowl ciuge or what have you. Other points that need to be listed; what are the rami?cations of your control program, is spray lril't a problem, is it a water Shetltarca, how about ?sh popu- ution, is the area used for swimming, irrigation or what :lse'g One factor that musi he considered is that you obviously :annot Use a tlill'erent material for each species present. There- IUTC. you must use a material which has a broad enough so that the primary weed populations will be etnoved. Perhaps the next year, then, the material will have 0 be changed to pick up the. resistant weeds that Were not killed by the ?rst year?s application. Another factor which may be important is ecology. After you spray one weed pOpulation, what changes can be expected in the population? And, of course, last but not least, are the economics involved. Of course, they are always important'but sometimes these are relatively important, sometimes they are relatively unim- portant when looking at the total program. in short, pro- gramming your aquatic weed control needs actually becomes very complicated when all factors of control are considered. Let us examine some of these factors in detail so that we can arrive at principles where these factors might be taken into consideration in programming our control needs. Per- haps the most obvious place to start is which weeds do we have to control or which weeds are our problem. it is not necessary to go into any discussion on identi?cation of the various aquatic weeds since these have been discussed in some detail before the society on several occasions. One point, however, that must be considered is the considerable variation in the time when the aquatic weeds are most suscep- tible to chemical treatment. For some species like the Arrow- arttm (I?t'lrmulm star.) the most susceptible period is during the ?owering stage. For Other plants such as the rose mallows, hibiscus species and cattails ('l'yp/m spp.) the time of_ greatest susceptibility is during the late llowering anti the early stages of seed production. Gianteutgrass can be killed most easily during the period of maximum runner growth, which usually 18521- AMDG 880188 riitc'nds about a month after the initial flowering period. .Vitlt the phragmitt?s tlte most susceptible period is at the in": of flowering or pollination, two to three weeks after llte Cattails are most easily when lit the late Ibw?ring or early fruiting stage. lit the south the tropical :attail often flowers about two months after the narrow leaf :attail. For this reason treatments sometimes have required to control both species. Farther north, however, he period between flowering of the two species is much better. in Maryland, for example, tropical cattail flowers thout one month narrow leaf cattail and one treatment as given satisfactory control of both species. The best time 'or treatment of needlerush occurs during the flowering stage ll?ld'lt'lSlS for three to four weeks. Regardless of all this, towever, Spraying can and should be done over a wide range if growth periods since satisfactory results can be obtained frequently less chemical is required because of the mallcr size of the plants. Whether the plant sites are ?ooded )r non-flooded can also play an important role in determining :ffective control from a herbicide. Aquatic plant control is also complicated by the need to :onsider the role of plants in different situations- Weeds are lescribed as plants being out of place. Thus, plants that are indesirable in one location may be bene?cial in another. fo the waterfowl manager a weed is a plant that does not )rovide enough food or cover to justify the Space it occupies. :or example, buttonbush is responsible for 70% or more of he coppice growth which is a problem in the marshes and .wamps of the lower Mississippi valley area. Yet in Mary- and, Virginia and the Carolinas buttonbush contributes to raluable waterfowl habitat. Phragmites also can have a place it waterfowl management. The root growth will protect a na luring storms. Aisu, the furnishes excellent over for both the-hunter and the hunted. For example, in last years it has helped to make the Thousand Acre Marsh in )elaware one of the best duck shooting areas along the \tlantic Coast. But solid stands are undesirable since landing areas are not available. Since water is intimately associated with aquatic weed ontrol'many problems are unique to the water weed control eld. Aquatic plants differ in physiology and habitat so sig- i?cantly from terrestrial plants that one cannot con?dently pply to aquatic plant control the information gained from tpericnce solely with terrestrial plants. Water quality may an extremely important factor. For example, work done The Dow Chemical Company shows the effect of pH on Jontail as shown itt Table 1. Similar results were also btained with potamogeton and alligatorwecd. Table II shows he effect of calcium as well as the effect of pH. Notice that he presence of calcium in the water. particularly at a pH of or above, improved kill of coontail. Water temperature my not influence the reaction of a chemical to a significant Cgrce but the aquatic may be in their most active r0wth at higher temperatures and thus would be more Contamination of water by herbicidal chemicals is of prime nportance. Naturally, all due caution should be exercised then using herbicides. lt is necessary to ttse those materials thiclt are relatively non-toxic to humans and fish as well as ossible desirable plant species along the edges of the aquatic rein/his thus very important to control spray drift; spray rift ?tis lit-int: lltat physical drift. which throat-.1! Pressure spray equipment or otherwise negligent use _of tray itt which particles of the spray material love onto desirable areas such as vegetables, citrus trees, home lawns, gardens, etc. Some of these problems catt be avoided by ttsing well trained and well equipped spray crews. Spray crews should be instructed or shown how to exercise care in proper chemical application. Materials should be used which have. a non-volatile nature. It is important to use low pressure to provide largest sized droplets that are compatible with the type of application and control necessary. The end use of the water should be considered. That is, whether the water is ttsed for swimming, irrigation, drinking, fishing; whether it is a water shed area, and some attention must be paid to this when selecting herbicides for weed control use. Practical considerations also be included in your choice of weed control materials. You obviously cannot use a different - material for each species you may ?nd along a ditCh bank or canal. You therefore, use a material which will control the primary species involved. This may require over a period of time that two or more herbicides be used if eradication is desired. It may even be desirable to make combinations of herbicides so that all the species are properly controlled. In this regard attention must be paid to the ecology, that is, the changing population after a herbicide application. in the case of waterfowl refuges, where certain plants are desirable, this can be made to work for you. Table shows the effect of two chemicals on the ecology of two plots before and after chemical application. Note that before application the plant composition is approxi- mately the same, yet after application, the plant composition is radically different. A farm pond presents a somewhat different situation in aquatic weed control since you have a substantially stable. water environment as contrasted to a ditch or canal. This means that chemicals applied to the water remain in contact for a long period of time. This has advantagcs in that to make the chemical more effective in weed control but has a disadvantage in that it continues the water pollution problem for along period of time unless after a period of weed control the pond can be flushed with fresh water. Ponds have an additional advantage in that construction of pond edges that drop off quite rapidly and fertilization which shades the aquatic weed serves as a reasonable means of weed control without chemicals. However, once weeds get into a pond, then chemicals must be used to eliminate them. Weeds may geriato the pond front seeding upstream or birds scattering seeds or a number of other ways. 'Water weeds often grow in water stored for irrigation. They clog outlet and inlet pipes, spray nozzles and irrigation structures. They also harbor mosquitoes and interfere with fishin". Many irrigation reservoirs are shallow and have flat bottoms and are subject to frequent draw-down and re?lling. In this case neither deep edges nor fertilization control weeds in such impound- ments because of the fluctuating water levels. in deeper reservoirs or those in which draw-downs are infrequent, fertilization and deep edges may be practical. However, in irrigation ponds extreme care must be taken so that waters which have been contaminated with chemicals are not used for irrigating sensitive crops. Lakes have similar problems and normally not being equipped with deep edges and not being practical itt most'eascs to fertilize, the problems are considerably ntag-niticd. Let?s discuss some of the chemicals that are available for control taking into account 50tth Uf llIL? prin- ciples and problems we have discussed above. I'm sure all of you have seen recommendations out by ill-Whitler and Lyle Weldon from lit. Lauderdale. One of the you will notice hardened in almost all of the aquatic wcetl 680198 Moo 16522 a 0 it The Dow Chemical Company nun of silves? as the propylene 11:; is not a new material. it has . rides for aquatic weed C01!ltr,l_ Karon herbicide at 5 qts/acrc the troublesome submerged States. Experimental tests in . of tlte country evaluated on several aquatic in 1958 and subsequent years nuance information. Karon con- in Table w. can be used. Emergent (an: Kuron at I gal./lOO gal. of emerged foliage as a thorough for the control of submerged :ane by diluting Kuron at 1 gal. - and directing this solution on or pumps are also often used_to and pump it to the boom which an over a wide swath. Uniform .- desirable to allow a lethal con? -me into immediate contact with auctions of undiluted formulations .1 on a limited basis with varying completely safe to fish. Experi- 's in several ponds have caused areas where high concentrations ?lications at concentrations of 5 ante ?sh kill in a limited number can no ?sh injury in over 99% Rapid incorporation of the spray associated with rates tn excess tc avoided where ?sh kill cannot '4 Jersey found that applications on oxygen content in treated with Karen normally decompose :n to twenty days are required decomposition apparently does of the water. This is a problem vhich give a rapid kill of weeds. "-trnents with Kuron showed no entltic organisms. Applications '1 populations of some plankton ?catment the populations were plankton studied consisted of ?terions etTect on large aquatic :rdes in treated areas. Proli?c it soon after treating aquatic fides. Algae growth does not four weeks after treatment trance of algae apparently is the aquatic Weeds and thus etc the water from decaying toxicity and presents a low '1 use. The Karon herbicide ll species attd the following 'ltou'n in Table V. Front that there should be no to the handling and list: :itle should he left where it. Cattle. sltcep_ swine, water containing period with no adverse effects as determined by water consumption, body weight gains and growth observations including gestation and par- turition itt sheep. These data indicate that foliage or water treated with Kuron herbicide as recommended should not present a hazard from ingestion. Skin irritation tests con- ducted upon rabbits have indicated that Karon herbicide and its dilutions are irritating upon repeated prolonged contact. in these studies there was no evidence of absorption through the skin itt acutely toxic amounts. The observation of reasonable care attd personal cleanliness practices should be adequate to avoid skin dillicultics. Karon herbicide when diluted to 1% with water or 1 gal. per 100 gal. caused no primary irritation or allergenic responses when applied to the skin of it'fty human volunteers using a repeated insult technique. in addition, the product was patch tested on a second group of ?fty huntan subjects at concentrations up to 50% without cutaneous reaction. Even when applied undiluted to the skin for two ltours it caused no skin response. Thus it may be concluded with a high degree of assmance that when used as directed, this product should cause no skin irritation or skin sensitization responses. Karon may remain in water for three to four months after treatment where no dilution occurs. Accordingly it is sug- gested that water treated with Kuron should not be used for Spray purposes or for irrigation. Thus Kuron appears to present a possible solution to a wide variety of aquatic weed problems. It has a wide spectrum of activity_on both submerged and emerged weeds, is rela- tively low in toxicity to ?sh and other aquatic animals and it has been exhaustively tested throughout the years. The scientists at Ft. Lauderdale and other places around the United States have had Kuron in test. in the laboratory and in the ?eld. The Corps of Engineers has put out a large scale. ?eld test for the control of alligatorweed. Since Kurott does have a wide spectrum of activity it is very useful where minted stands of aquatic weeds occur. For example, in areas where alligatorweed and water hyacinth are intermingled, Kuron offers a solution for control of both species. Many chemicals such as and others will control water hyacinth but will not appreciably atfeet the alligatorweed. Karon offers economic and ef?cient control of both. For the control of aquatic artd ditch bank grasses a material generally recommended is dalapon or the Dow trademarked product Dowpon or Radapen. This material, like Karon, has been extensively ?eld tested in a wide variety of locations and species. It is particularly useful itt drainage ditches since grass and eattails can seriously reduce the flow of water. Cattails are particularly troublesome. They interfere with the proper utilization and maintenance of drainage and irrigation canals by reducing the velocity and volume of flow, and by causing deposition of silt and debris. Safety can also be an important consideration. In weed clogged drainage ditches water. is _held for a longer period of time after storms, itt- creasing chance that small children may tumble in and drown. reservoirs, farm ponds, marshes and lake margins eattails waste large quantities of water, crowd out plants which provide food for wildlife and often interfere with ?shing, boating and other uses of tltese bodies of water. An excellent bulletin on this has been issued by the U. S. De- of Agriculture, July 1963, entitled ?Studies on the Control of Common Cattail in Drainage Channels and Ditches," These studies indicated that Uuu'pon herbicith was extreetzely elfeetive in controlling cattail. Additional work has been reported in Michigan, Otegon and other states which shows the etl'eetiveness of Dowpon itt Cl?- a. CD .1 16523" TABLE IV Aquatic Weeds Controlled by Karen at 1.25, 2.5 and 5 Qts./acre foot. tails. Ted llall ol the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service reported the results applying Dawpon by aircraft in the southeast. In this test Dowpon was applied to control cattail, ntaideneane Md giantcutgrass. All showed good response. In addition, .VPOH is non-toxic to lish and wildlife species as well as kcroniestic animals. Brusli control can also be important in certain cases of aquatic weeds, particularly in ponds and ditch banks. Brush control has been done by or combinations of both. All of you are laniiliar with these results. Recently The Dow Chemical Company has discovered a ncw'brush control material trademarked Tordon. Although this material 1.25 quarts/acre foot or less (05 ppm) White water lily 511p.) Pickerclwecd (I?onrerlcria ('urdum L.) 2.5 quarts/acre foot or less (1.0 ppm) Yellow water lily .-.. (Nap/im- rpp.) Mud Plantain --Il 5M1. Water inilfoil 5 quarts/acre foot or less (2 ppm) is not yet in the marketing stage for aquatic weed control, (Utrrculnrm 5pm.)? excellen brus control results have been obtained on utility (Balsam ?'hmbe") rights??way. The material is also currently?undcr lest Coontatl dentersmn)o throughout the United States with aquatic weed workers. Fanwon (01130"le ?3 Walerwecd -. (A nae/tarts mnudensrs) In summary?remember that a uatic weed control is . . Variable pondwced (Poramogcron drrersriolrus) perhaps more complicated and has more rami?cations than terrestrial weed control. Be sure to take into consideration (Patamogcron umplt'lolius) all the problems and possibilities of problems in controlling Najf?d -- (NON-Y aquatic weeds by chemicals. The chemical companies are Spll?c ?15h aware of your complicated problems and are constantly striving in research and development to offer better solutions watersmr?m? spp.) to those problems. it is up to each of you to be aware not Soflt rush - I (JUNCHJ only of the problems of aquatic weed control but also the latest solutions to these problems. (Sparganmm spp.) TABLE . Effect of pH of Water on Silvex Effectiveness ??50 Value-'5 Silrex Kill I . - no rating Animat . F, 5 0 0 0 Species - B?s/kg 7f 0 Rat 1070 0 Guinea pie .. 850 5.0 3.5 - 10 Rabbit 350 7.0 3.5 3 Mouse 2140 9.0 3.5 3 Chicks 2000 TABLE It Bibliography Effect of Ca and pH on Response of Coontail to Silvex a! 2 5 1. Bull, Edwin, "Results in Applying Dalopon by Aircraft to Pest Plants in Waterfowl Area: of the Southeast," DOWN TO EARTH, Summer, l958. Ca Kill 2. Day, B. E. and Stirezey. A. W., "Control of Phragrnites with Dolopon," pH rating DOWN TO EARTH, Spring 1956. 0 5 3. Goodrum, Phil 0. and Gray, Charles E., "Experimental Control of Giant 0 7 7 Cutgrass in Eastern Texas," DOWN TO EARTH, Winter I958. 0 9 2 l. Grigsby, B. H., Reimer, C. H. and Cutler, W. A., "Observations on the 5 control of Cattail, Typho Spp., by Chemical Sprays," Quarterly Bulletin 250 7 9 of the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, Vol. 37 (3) pp 400-406, February l955Heath, R. G. and Ruch. L. C., "Aerial Control of Cattoil With Rodopon," 500 5. 10 DOWN TO EARTH, Winter 1957. 500 7 9 6. Pierce, M. E.. "The Effect of the Weedicide Karen on the Flora and 500 9 8 Fauna of Two Experimental Areas of Leno Pond, Duchess County, New York," Proc. N.E.W.C.C. l2: 333-343, I958, l" 7. Pierce. M. E.. "Progress Report of the Eflect of Karen Upon the Biota Ptant Composition as Affected by Chemical Treatment of Long Pond, Duchess County, N. Proc. N.E.W.C.C. M: 472-375, l960. not I Id": All" 8. Steenis, J. H.. "Aquatie,Weed Control," Proceedings Forestry symposium, Before After Plot 2 August 30 and 3i. I960, The State University. . . r' r? 9. Timmons, F. L. et al "Studies on the Control at Common Cottoil in "9313?th 1% 95 207? Drainage Channels and Ditches," USDA Technical Bulletin l236, July 3% 3% 70% I963. )oct-z-o 939;, 2% IO. Weldon, L. W., Summary Review of Investinotions an Allinnloweed - . and its Control," USDA, Corps ol Engineers, CK 33-60 September l9ti0. Jill?s Trice '1 race 2% . . .. . ll. Wiltse, M. 6.. "Annette Vegetation Control With Kmart. Presented 5% at l960 meeting at the Weed Society ol America. 18524 - I - . I . . ?unin.JIno.-.. . - J'rrgv cn-"I-h-.- sy??h-g' - - - . - ..nllb .. 0-.-- . . adve.ruinpr- 4:..- aunt-co? If-..4,125.-.. .. - .. I.-- - .Lf??Il?v '42 .- i OFFERS A CONTROL FOR UNWANTED VEGETATION IN AND POHDS HE DEFINITION-OF-THUMB says a weed is ?a plant the chemical must have a wide margin of safety to out of place.? A weed can be out of place in a birds, animals, ?sh and humans. 3 garden, in a lawn, in a farm ?eld . . . or in a lake. The recent acceptance of Karon as an aquatic Finding suitable methods of controlling unwanted weed control agent marks a big step forward in this aquatic vegetation has been a goal of agricultural ?eld. Karon has been known for years as a brush chemists, conservationists and water Sports enthu- killer, eSpecially effective on hard-to-kill species such aiasts for years. as oak and maple. The new use registration has been The nature of aquatic weed problems depends granted by government regulatory agencies on the largely on one?s aquatic interests. Odors that ac- basis of performance coupled with substantial safety company excessive aquatic weed infestations are in use. offensive to sightseers. Vegetation can jam boat The story of Truesdale Lake shows the possib'ili- propellers, trip water skiers or ruin swimming spots. ties for Karon in this new ?eld. Anglers know that excessive vegetation can deatroy Truesdale Lake is an attractive body of water in ?sh spawning beds or unbalance fish populations. New York State. The lake is ringed with summer And to industry, excess aquatic growth in cooling homes and was a popular watering spot until it ponds can interfere with circulation ol'cooling water. became choked with weeds which virtually ruled To qualify for aquatic use any herbicide chemical out swimming, boating and ?shing. Members of the mufnmeet rigid specifications. First, it must do a Truesdale Lake Preperty Owners Association faced got. Job of controlling aquatic plants. Secondly, decreasing fun and declining property values and . .- Ropnnted from Aprll I959 Dow Diamond: .1652, ol irueadala [pl-o in-New York before treatment have veqel'olion. The lake has an area of 88 and ?future! are populated with summer ham". 1. pam several year! weed: had interfered uaiingty with boating and ?itting Treating the lake with Koran to remove vege? totlan. A mixture of the chemical and water we: applied as a coarse spray over the tur- face of the lake. Karon formed a white emul- sion in the water, persisting for about 20 minutes and eliminating the need for marker buoys. Kuran is effective in controlling some of the mall obnoxious aquatic needs when as little as Iva part: per million are applied in lake water. The treatment was made by Robert Sheridan knew that something had to be done. ?Something? proved to be a big order. Various materials were tried with discouraging results. When association members heard of successful tests in New Jersey using Karon to control aquatic weeds, they deter- mined to try the method on Truesdale Lake. Necessary arrangements were made with the City and State of New York to make the application last summer. Since the lake is a part of the watershed serving New York City, special arrangements were made to measure chemical concentrations in the water. The program was conducted under the general supervision of Dr. E. C. Haney, professor of fisheries biology and zoology, Cornell University= with assist- It: .- - I .. a-n?tau?'rt-ue-I-ance from Roy R. Younger - of the New Jersey Department of Conservation. Robert Sheridan, 3 custom spray operator from Dover, New Jersey, was engaged to make the treatment. The entire operation came oFt? with no adverse effects, save a minor kill of ?sh. This seems almost inevitable in aquatic vegetation control work since decaying vegetation ties up oxygen in the water. However, Karon kills aquatic plants gradually, hold- ing this problem to a minimum. At Truesdale Lake. cottage owners were glad to overlook the slight ?sh kill in favor of greatly improved ?shing conditions. And this past summer, for the ?rst time in five years, boating. swimming and ?shing were possible and pleasant in July. "my?1:2! . 'h a-i: 52-w- "990168 Mo Four weeks after application thalalte had become IO clear that the bottom could be seen in many areas. Observers watching the operation re- ported a gradual kill of we- tor weeds. in about a week after application plants be- gan turning down, with man .67 . e. at? 2,1? 1 .r . 1-: -. ?gov-?run-:- Hi". I) f. *Fr.Qf. zi't?Wu-hen ?d-?cuew . . uni-ubweeds going to the bottom Move-ks or so after appli- - I: I cation - - - - 1-5743??atHu?urb'. when far superior to the Ll)? are ad- 111111151rre1l). and high potency as an enzyun- inducer suggest that this could he of a casr'ade-type involving a series of lnochrmical lesions. We have therefore investigated the effect on the enzyme equipment of rats intoxicated with so as to define the targets of this biological damage. Wistar rats (111,; and 1012) weighing were given single dose of 111 1111:: of (?Ike in olive oil by intra- peritoaeal injection: the controls (111.3 and 1119) received the Solvent alone. Both treated rats and controls received a normal and water ml 11111111111. After 111 days, blood samples were taken by cardiac puncture and the levels of the follou'ing serum enzymes were measured: glutamic oxaloacetic trans- (15.0.1) glutaniie pyruyic transaminase ahlnlase lactic dehydrogenasu hydroxyhutyric dehydrogenase alkaline phatase arylesterase and cholinestcrase (ChJ-i.) (111]. The reSults, analyzed statistically by Student's t-test. are given in Table 1. aide Effect of on serum enzyme levels Enzyme SexS Controls Treated o? 9 65.213; 4.11) 344431-4003?1 S.G.P.T.- o? 3233': 1.55 43.6-1i 3.117? .1111.I a 9 27.433: 1.74 ?29.3ni 2.35e s? 9 473.601; 31.73 716.33i76.S-1d llb.DH.? 9 250.44 3; 23.111 339.921.11.021 .5 9 1.22 17.143h 1.20e A 333.2oi19115 <2 316.3011-130 213.60i (1.73? Ch 2.13 moi own1 9 13.433: 1.61 3.2233 0.35cl Expressed in Expressed in Bodansky units. ?3 For results expressed in mg of phenyl acetate hydrolyzed in 1 by 1 ml of serum: for L?h.li., results expressed in mg of hydrolyzed in 1 by 1 ml of serum. *1 Statis- tically highly significant. Non-significant. I Separate figures for 0? and 9 given only when there are statistically significant differences. Table 2. Effects of (I) on blood serum components in rats (6 and 9) Component Unit Controls Treated Glucose g/l 1.17 0.04 0.68 0.03? Cholesterol. (:11 23710.1 2.65 3:015b L'rca g/l 0.3-1 ?0.02 0.43i0.03? Total lipids e/l 3.79:0.15 6.25 $0.43? l'l?ult?ln till S7.?l 1.95" lhhruhin Ineflouml 3101-11.} 23.57 14.59? Sodium mliq/l ?1-10.11 2.41 130.25 3.31? Potassium nil-311,11 4.57 3311.31) 5.42 :11; U.-H '3 Chloride mlitu?l 102.4 10.71 99.6 g; 1.5? 3 0.11111. Non-significant. 1? 0.112. ?1 Highly signif- icnnt. It is evident from Table 1 that ?dioxin produCes deep perturbdliulh 111 aL'VL'fftl enzymatic systems in rats; the dis- turhanCe may he :1 decrease (particularly remarkable in the casu of choliui-sterase) or an increase (particularly considerable in the case of Table 2. nhich I't-u-rds the effect of on the main components of blond seruIIL shows a profound disturbance in the lmmemtasis indicating, 11:111. that the live: is .1111: of the main tutu-'1': 11f "dun-1111" intoxication. llistopatltohu-Ic .t-vnlenu: of this damage to the and to other target (notably the thymus and heart) will be piese1:te1l in Separate paper. ?111?: Received January 17, 1972 fluu-ll111_ N. :1 111.: (LR. Acad. Sci. (Paris), Stir. 273, 7115 (1971). (2, m. 22.5 nail?: in the rat, in: liffeet: of Man and the Environment. l-leanngs Knrze (lrigin' 'mitleilnngen -qmwaewlg; ?1 5111111151111? 11 [if --1. 1" of the ('nntmiltI-e 1m l't11111nr1..1- (US. 51:11:1111), .\ Ifll 7 and 15? 19711. US. (inyt. l'rintinu (Mine, \?l'ashinetnn, ?funny?, (1. 1911. Nature 220, 7112 (111115). L4) llnu-llui?, N. 111.: Cit. Acad. Sci. (l'aris), S?r. 272, 5.: Amer. J. Clin. Path. 28, 5(1 (1957). Shapira. (L, :1 Sem. Paris 29, 11117 (1953). Wrohlewski, r! 111.: I?rnc. Soc. lixper. lliol, Med. 90, 2111 (1953). ltosalski, S. Wolkinsnn, 11.: Nature 188, 11111 (1961)). (9) lindansky, 0.: J. Biol. Chem. 99, (1932). [10] Vincent. :1 121.: Ann. Biol. Clin. 13. .1139 (191311). Organs as Targets of ?Dioxin? (2.3.538- Iletra- Intoxication u-Hoi?, Pham-Huu Chanh, (Miss) Sesque, M. C. Azum-Gelade, and G. Saint-Ruf Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Paris, France In previous papers we showed by means of enzyme studies that the liver is a main target of intoxication by the extraordinarily potent toxic and teratoeenic agent "dioxin" The present paper Supplies anatomo- and histopatholoeic evidence of damage to this organ, and to other organs which we have also fOund to be profoundly affected within the short duration (10 days) of our experiment. Wistar rats (10.5 and 109) weighing 2101-20g were given a single dose (10 mg/kg) of by intraperitoneal injection in olive oil; the controls (105? and recaived the solvent Only. All' the animals received a normal diet and water ad fibilum. The treated animals lost considerable weight as from the rens: 732' ?5511' - . use?. sate-?11 A. . 5.. I 1-11- "5"1?0 n't' Fig. 1 :1 and liffect of "dioxin" intoxication on liver and thy1nt.s. a) llepatuct'te deterioration: stmtusis, voluminous plasmodial forum (x 2511). b) inverted picture .of thym?nistjuctnre x1115) january 25. 1972. i .. d. . .t 16521- . sit-:19the i-spt-rnm-nt, and luth day thev wriehcil hiss Ihnn .il the sl..rt, [he controls had gained f-tI-IHg. examination shunt-d a highly signif- icant increase [Student's l-ti'st) in the liaematncrit (controls: treated: 2 37), sienilicant increase in the leukocyte (?nunl 5912;: treated: 73151-45? uith a decrease at (controls: 79% d: 1.04: treated: 3 II) and augmentation nl pulynuclcar neutro- phils treated: Hawever, no significant ellt?ct was made on the hone marrow within this l-rit?l Pt'rinil, All the treated animals had lie-pan: lesions, the females being more severrly allected. The lubules were reshaped by im- portant centrilu-liular stasis the llenincke trahe- rulae (pronunnCt-d anisukarvosm, frequent hinucleation, cyto- plasm loaded vacuoles and hyahne inclu- sions]. and a focal hyperplasia of the l\'npller Cells: along- side the lainucleatetl voluminous plaslnodes were often present. These ?ndings were already prominent by the 6th (Fig. la). Apart lrum these he Iatie lesions, which Confirm the biochem- ical findings rrpt-rtei I. no other oreans manifested con- siderable im'u-leement. The modifications sustained ll): the ranged from ditluscd P}'kn05l? ol the thymocytes to an inverted picture of the structure (migration of thymocytes towards the medulla) or total involution; these lesions wure manifest as early as the 5th dae (Fig. I This thymus involve- ment explains the particularly pronounced toxicity of in young aniniaL-i. The third ore-an to undergo considerable change was the hrart, the animals presenting a valt-ulitis with erosmn Buchbesprechungen Buchlnesprech-I-ieen I75 ol the endneardinni on the ventricular l.u:i- nl thi- valves, lilirinniil and oedema nl thi- ?huh ?t'fL' thickened liy lilirnlilastn: prulileratiun. Focal li-smns lncatud deep in the were also ?list-reed, with a dis- appearance of myolilirillae and interstitial in- liltratinn. the same time, ultra-arterial lilirinu-leukucyti- thrombi, periarterinlar lilirohlastic reactions, and loci of alveolitis were seen in the lungs. These target organs sullered qualitatively the same damage when a considerably smaller dose. ting/kg, at was administered. The pathological deterioration observed in the liver and heart, and, to a lesser degree, the lungs, of rats, is Similar to that reported by Allen and Carstens in an experiment with monkeys on a long?term diet which included a toxic lat con- taminated with a "chick edema factor" was later found to contain chloro derivatives ol including (1) not included in their study; vain-s "Ne thank Dr. s. s. Epstein, E's helpful dis- cussions and advice. Received january 13. 1972 N. P.. at CR. Acad. Sci Sf-r 272, 1447 (1971). Buu-lloi, N. 13., c: .25.: Naturwissenschaltcn 59, 173 (1972). Allen, J. L. Amer. Vet. Res. 28. 1513 (won.- Lab. ant'SL 15, 970 (1900). Higginbotham, G. lt., .11.: Nature 221. 702 (1903); Cantrell, j. 5.. :1 51.: Acta 25 B. (1969). .- Otto Hahn lEine Bildd-Jkumentation. Von Ernst Berninger. Manchen: Heinz Moos 1969. ?165.. I37 Abb.. Das Each is: ein dokumentarischer lien'cht ?ber einen auBerge- wohnliehen Jlensehcn und sehr erloiereichen Forscher. Die bebilderte Biographie ist in sich rollstandig und es auch zu beldazen ist. daB historische, wissenschaltlieh interessante Doitumente und ein Teil des Schriltwechsels ini Arbeitszimmcr Otto llahns durch liriegseinwirkung ver- nichtet ?'orden sind. Hahns Charakter, scin Charme. seine Klugkeit \\'eisheit sprechen aus dent Buch, wie wir, seine Schiller. ihn kannten. Ein \X'issenschaltler hohen Ranges, 54':th im chea and seiner Umwelt Stehcnd. kontakttreudig uod heitcr cr uns als cine die in ihrer .\rt anneal-ti: uar unit lileilnen wird. liin interessantes Buch uber einen auch fiber cine verganecne unil rielseitige :Lpoche der hohen Zeit der schalt in W. Seelmann-Eggchert (liarlsruhe) elektro- Konstanten und nichtlineare s'on iiristatlen. \'nn lt.l$echmann. It. S. llearmnn und 5. K. linrtz Nelle Serie. lid. 2. llrsu. und A.M. llellwegi-l. Berlin-lleulellierg-New York: Springer 196?). 232 5.. wt. Abb., 37.4?. Nor 3 jahre nach llt'm des 1. liandesder Gruch ..Kristall- und (Ni-m- Berle) hat: sich ein lirganZungshand als nutm'ndlt: erwit's?en. lir Neillie- sliinnuinuen und lireamnneen zu den elastischt'n. piezo- llt'll. Ill?lil eli-ktrimplischi-n Nlull' zn (la-ren 'lt-iulu'rnlur- unil Die LiIi-ratur ht liis etua Inns erlatlt. lh-r Han-l Ist auth-rilem erin-itert tiller die dritti-r (lrilnune, ulier die uptistlu-r in liristallt-Il (unit-r einzelner sI-hr eeuanrr Messengen t-un llrechuiiesinilin-s) und hlx'r Hun-ztanten zwt-iler Urdnung. Die liapilrl werden gi-niacht durch klar alIeelaUte liinluhruneen. die aus der ersten Ausgabu sind. Der Zusammenhang zwischen den kristallogranhischen Eigenschalten wird (lurch \?iellache Querveru'eise hertz-?stein. Ein eeineinsarnes. nach ISruttolormeln alphabetisch geordnetes Sumtanzverzeichnis und ver- bintiet den inhalt belrler Bande. Leider sind hierin keine Hin- weise and die der nachge .wesenen Daren enthalten. lieidc Bands ge'noreu zusammen und :ollten in keinem Institut lehlen. das sich nut oder Kristallographic sei es grunrllagema??ig, sei es hinsichtlich der Entwicklung ncuer Bauageregate. Cerade die neu zugergten lx'apitel sind in diesem Articitsbereich von bcsonderer I A. Neuhaus (Bonn) Tlteorie unit praktisehe Anwendunp, von nern. Analyse ir'. Ciienue, lid. 9). \'on F. Unilaud. Jansscu. D. 'ihlerie und 0. Frankfurt] Main: Altademische s'erlagsgeseliscialt 1971. 76o 5., ISU. This treatise has 14-)7 rciL?a'Cl'lCCS and offers an extensive discussion of complexes. mainly with inultiilentale organic ligands, in ernviinetric, volumetric, photometric and llnoro- metric quantitative analysis of virtually all elements. The theoretical introduction is rather weak and rum-5 on the ar. chaic hybridization theory; thus. on page 13, the possibility is left open that square-planar (this redundant worn ought to be "quadratic") copper (ll) complexes contain one tron. On the other hand, the general description of what ligating atoms are pretercntially hound to a given central atom is quite instructive. The text contains detailed prescrip- tions for a large number ol speculic methods, and highly useful tables. The Sources of errors and interference are carelully discussed. This book. a tremendous amount of critical study of the literature, can he recommended to everybody interested in inorganic analytical A specilic aspect is the discussion of derivatives. C. K. jnrgensen (Gent) Colour Chemistry. By R. L. M. Allen. London: Nelson 1971. 330 5., f. Uneeachtet der lawinenartit: zunehmenden liedcutune der bleiben die technischen l-?arbstolle ein wichtiges. memo lill?i?? 16528 -.-- cue.-. sue-w ivl. F. Hoiick. J. E. Frommer. S. C. McNe' . M. Richtand. J. W. Henley.J. T. Potts. .. chem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 76. IO U977). 2. Holtck. N. M. Richtand. 5. C. cNeiU. S. . Holick. J. E. Frommer. J. W. Potts. Jr.. Biochemistry 18. 1003 979). J. M. F. Holick. J. A. Maanughli J. T. Potts. Jr.. R. R. Anderson?. I. H. Blank. J. A. Parrish. P. Elias. Science 10. 203 (I980). 4. T. Okano. K. Mizuno. . Matsuyama. N. Nobuhara. T. Kobayashi. Reel. Trev. Chim. Pays-Bar. 98. 253 (I979). 5.. J. W. Melski. L. Tanen urn. J. A. Parrish. B. Fitzpatrick. H. L. ich..i. invest. Derma- tol. 68. 328 (1977). criteria for patients with skin types I. and IV. generally of European extraction are based on the history of the usual reaction I the that hour of full sun ex- posure in early su met. Skin type generally includes patients of Asiatic. Anterican Indian. Mexican. and crto Ricatt extraction. Skin type V) gene ly includes patients of African extraction." 6. l. H. Blank. . D. Griesemer. E. GouldJ. in- rest. Denna oi. 29. 292 (I957). 'l R. Belsey. . B. Clark. M. Bernat.J. Glovvacki. M. F. DeLuca. J. Potts Jr Am .57.50ll97d). 8. D. cter. D. V. Kimbcr. l-I. J. Pit rial. 200. l263 Male weanling Hol an rats were fed a diet de?cient in vita? min but containing 0.47 percent calcium and 0.3 percent phosphonts for 4 weeks.SIM refers - . M..B. Clark.? to the ratio at "La on me inside ut (scrosal side) to the incubation me um on the outside of the gut sac lmucosal dide). There were six animals in each group: values are reported as the mean standar error. 9. W. F. Loomis.$cienre (I967). F. Daniels. Jr.. P. W. Post. . E. Johnson. in Pigmentatian: its Genesis a Biological Con- trol. V. Riley. Ed. (Appleton-Century-Crofts. New York. I972). p. 13. H. Al the time that Loomis proposed this theory. it was not known that during exposure to sunlight. vitamin D, is not directly formed in the skin ll- 4) and that vitamin DglmuSl undergo a series of regulated metabolic hydroxylations to 1.25- before it is biologically ae~ live (12). l2. E. Havinga. Erpe entia 29. ?81 (1973). I3. M. F. Holick and?J. T. Potts. Jr.. in Harrison's Principles of Infernal Medicine. K. J. Issel- bacher. R. D. Adams. E. Btaunwald. R. G. Petersdorf. J. . Wilson. Eds. (McGtaW-Hill. New York. I 80). l4. 5. A. Levi ohn. Am. J. Dis. Child. 34. 955 (1927). IS. Internatio al Commission on Illumination. CIE Publicari '11 Na. 1972 (Paris. I972). 16. We th R. R. Anderson. J. A. Parrish. and J. T. Pot . Jr.. for helpful advice and assIStance. and 3. Fred. J. S. Adams. and S. A. Holick for ttorial assistance. Supported in art by a NA A grant (NAS9-15205) and NI grants (A 25395-0] and 8 July I980: revised I OCtober I980 2,4,S-Trichlorophenoxyacetic Acid Causes Behavioral Effects in Chickens at Environmentally Relevant Doses Abstract. Administration of the herbicide 2.4 .5-trich10rophenoxyacetic acid to in- cubating chicken eggs alters behavior after hatching. Single doses, with no morpho- logical e?'ects. retard learning (lowest dose, 7 milligrams per kilogram of body weight) and increase general acrivity (27 milligrams per kilogram) and jumping (13 milligrams per kilogram). Day 15 ofincubation is the most susceptible srage ofdevel- opment. As far as we know. there has been on- ly one earlier study reporting tcratologi- cal effects of 2.4.S?I?chlorophenoxyace- tic acid on behavior (1). Admin- istration of. (100 mg/kg) to- pregnant rats produced no morphologi- cal del'ormities in the but it did cause them to have learning de?cits and to exhibit increased activity in the open ?eld. We have shown that even lower doses can produce behavioral abnormal- ities in the chicken. A single dose of 2.4 .5-T [Sigmaz containing 0.03 part per million of dioxin (TCDD). according to the Austra- lian GovernmentAnalytical Laboratory] was administered to the chicken egg on either day 8 or day 15 of incubation (2). A third group received 2.4.5-T by intra- peritoneal injection on day 2 after hatch- ing. The was suspended in a 0.5 percent solution of gum tragacanth made with Sterilized. distilled water. Control animals (matched for each Separate hatching) received the vehicle alone. ?Doses were calculated according to the weight of the chicken or eg at the time of injection and ranged from 7 to 53 mg/ kg for eggs and 75 to 225 mg/kg for chicks after hatching. SCIENCE. VOL. 21!. 6 FEBRUARY l98l 'The median lethal dose on day 2 after-hatching was 200 mg?kg. and on day 15 of incubation it was 53 mg-?kg. There was 70 percent hatching in eggs given on day 15 of incubation at doses up to 27 mg/kg. Some 5 to 10 per- cent of the hatched chicks, irrespective of dose. showed abnormal leg develop- ment: they either dragged one leg or held it off the ground. Approximately 5 per- cent of the treated chicks showed depig- mentation of feathers and dovm. Both of these effects have been reported (3). No di??ercnces in body weight gain were observed in chicks receiving 2.4 .5-T dur- ing incubation or at doses less than 150 on day 2 after hatching. The chicks without apparent morpho- logical dcforrnities (after doses shown in Fig. I) were given behavioral tests in week 2 after hatching. The tester was un- aware of the treatment that each chick had received. There were 8 to 20 chicks in each group tcSLed. We measured the activity in an unfamiliar environment on day 7 of life by placing the chick in a gray-walled box (walls). Cumulative activity for a 3- minute interval (?general activity") was scored by an Animex aetivity meter. and oorssorssHome-0593500500 Copyright 193) gut 54C number ofjumps made was counted by eye. We scored ambulat' tubs-,5 groups by dividing the ?oq?o?D?-?ox into quadrants and counting the number of times the chick crossed into a new quadrant. We tested visual discrimina- tion learning on day 9 oflife by using the ?pebble ?oor" test (4), which consists of a search for grains of food scattered over a background of small pebbles adhering to the ?oor. Within a 60-peck trial. a measure of visual learning is generated 3: by recording the number of incorrect re- 2 Sponses (peeks at pebbles) within con- 0 secutive 20-peck intervals. - U1 General activity, jumping, and visual learning rate were altered by 2,4,5-Tu treatment (Fig. I). Since the same doses were administered incubation, these data could be exam- ined by a two-way analysis of variance (that is, dose, age. and their interaction). A one-way analysis of variance was used for the data from day 2 after hatching. General activity scores conformed to a parametric distribution, but jumping and learning scores required logarithmic transformation. Jumping behavior proved to be the most sensitive parameter a?'ected by For those treated on days 8 and 15 of incubation, jumping showed both a signi?cant dose e??ect (F 2.78: d.f. 3, 90;? .05) and signi?cant interaction between age and dose (F 3.33; d.f. 3, 90: .05). Comparisons of the groups given the two highest doses with their control groups (t-test) showed a signi?cant increase in jumping in the groups treated with 13 (P .05) and 27 (P .01) on day 15 of in- cubation. but there were no signi?cant differences in those treated on day 8 (see Fig. 1). There was also a signi?cant dose effect for jumping in the groups treated on day 2 after hatching (F 4.06; d.f. 2, 20: .05), and a Nest of data for the control group and the group receiving a dose of 150 revealed a signi?cant increase in jumping after treatment (P .025), this dose being tenfold higher than the lowest dose found to be e?'ective on day 15 of in- cubation. General activity, which includes mea- sures ofjumping, ambulation. and other movements. shows a similar tendency to increase after treatment on day 15 of incubation and day 2 after hatching (Fig. 1). Analyses of variance just failed to reveal signi?cant effects. but of data for the control groups and those groups that had received the highest doses at each age revealed a signi?cant elevation of general activity in the groups treated with 27 mg/kg on day 15 18539 .3 -. museum. \r .uu and those recetv-' ing i150 mg/kg on day 2 after hatching (P .025). There were no signi?cant ef- fects after treatment on day 8. 'A'mbulation. the other component of - general activity that we measured. did not show any dependence on dose and 10 signi?cant di?'erences were found as a? result of examination of the data by t- tests,? even though there was a tendency for ambulatibn to increase with increas: ing close after treatment on day 15 of in- cubation and day 2 after hatching (Fig. 1). Thus. as found in rats, has long-lasting e?'ects on' activity, but in chicks the most sensitive parameter con- tributing to. the increased activity is jumping rather than ambulation. which may indicate increased fear responsive~ ness to novelty. There was a signi?cant dose effect for visual discrimination learning in those groups treated on days 8 and 15 of in- cubation (F 4.19; d.f. 3, 86', .005 .01) 'but not for those treated on day 2 after hatching. Comparison of treated animals with their controls' at each age revealed a signi?cant slowing of learning in those treated on day 15 of in- cubation with 27 mgi?kg (P .001) and 7 (.01 .025). but no signi?- General activity Day Incubation it 200 Day 15 incubation ?00 ?iit?ill-?Wai?Day?! alter hatching ,l 100 Dose (mg/k0 cant e??ects were present after treatment at the other two ages. Day )5 of incubation appears to be a stage of maximum sensitivity to the be- havioral effects of Neuronal cell division is at a peak on day 8 of in- cubation and is largely completed by day 15 when synaptic proliferation is occur-- ring (5). Synaptic proliferation is com- pleted before day 2 after hatching (4). The brain therefore seems to be most sensitive to 2.4.5-T at a time of maxi? mum synaptic formation. The fact that caused adverse effects at lower doses than reported previously may in- dicate an extreme susceptibility of the developing nervous system and hence behavior. This is consistent with one re- port of the possible adverse e?'ects of in the human Species (6). The extent to which our results are due to or to very small amounts of its highly toxic contaminant. TCDD, remains unresolved. However, it is im- portant to remember that in this study we used of greater purity. partic- ularly with respect to TCDD content, than that available commercially and sprayed in the environment. Based on the concentration recommended in Aus- tralia for Spraying blackberries (7). Ambulalion Visual learning - nitrate: ?t {mittwhich is 2.8 liter/ha of commercial 80 percent 2.4.5-T (weight to volume). m1 would receive 224 mg of 2.4.5-T. Since the surface area of an egg is approxi- mately 50 cm?. the dose of 2.4.5-T re- ceived by one egg after spraying would be 1.1 mg or 22 mg/kg, which is greater than the lowest dose found to be behav- iorally teratogenic. As 2.4.5-T has been found to pass through the egg shell (8). it may therefore present a real risk to bird species. It is questionable whether there is a dose below which Can be said to have no effect since some individuals appear to be highly susceptible. At all the doses we used. morphological defor- mations were seen in some of the treated chicks, and. as the raw data for jumping in Fig. 2 illustrate. some individuals with no morphological deformations were highly susceptible to the behavioral ef- fects of 2,4 even at the lowest dose (7 mg/kg) that we administered. There is considerable Species variation in sensitivity to the toxic effects of2.4.5- T. At present one of the best indicators of interspecies toxicity is the rate at which 2.4.5-T is metabolized and ex- creted (9). Based on such measures. chicks and rats appear to be of roughly similar sensitivity whereas humans have 52 a I mom day 15 hwbation . 0-1 00-0.. 000.04 00.. I 0 7 13 27 Dose (mg/kg) Fig. (left). Plots of means and standard er- rors for four behavioral measures after the ad- ministration of 2.4.5-T at the doses indicated On day or 15 of incubation or day 2 after hatching. Behavior has been tested in week 2 ct" life. The ordinate scales are as follows; for general activity. counts on the electronic ac- tivity meter in the total 3 minutes of scoring: for jumping. the number of jumps in 3 minutes: for ambulaticn. the number of times :he chick c" "-cd with- both feet into a new quadrant of the box: and for visual learning. the number of errors (peeks at pebbles) in the last 20 pecks of the .e-?oor learning task. In the latter test. a higher en'or score indicates slewer teaming. Th: asterisks indicate signi?cant di?'erences from the control groups as determined by .05: .0): and .DOI. obtained during 3 minutes in a novel environment aftertreatment with 2.4.5-T on day )5 of incubation. Ea..h point represents the score for a single individuaL The fact that some individuals are highly SUSCeptible to the behavioral teratological e?ects of 2.4.5-T is demonstrated by the that. even after treatment with the lowest dose (7 some individuals show a marked Increase in Jumping. 59-1 Fig. 2 (right). The raw data forjumping scores SCIENCE. v01; .l 00 1 1 SESEZIZ at mm ?a threetotd greater sensitivity Our ?ndings therefore imply a risk to the human Species. C. A. Smoensou L. 1. ROGERS Pharmacology Department, Monash University, Clayton. 3168, Victoria, Australia I References and Notes 1. P.-O. Sjod'en and U. Soderberg. Pin-rial. Psy- chol. 3. 175 (1972): in Chlorinated Phenoxy Acids and Their Dioxins. C. Ramel. Ed. (Swed- ish Natural Science Research Council. Stock- holm. 1978). p. 149. 2. J. McLaughlin et al. . Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 5. 760 (I963). 3. H. Lutz and Y. Lutz-Ostertag. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 27. 127 (1972); J. F. Dunachie and W. w. Helcher. Nature (Landon) 2?15. avail. 4. L. J. Rogers. H. D. Drennen. R. F. Mark. Bram Res. 79. ?974). .5. B. M. Freeman and M. A. Vince. Development of the Avian Embryo (Chapman and Hall. Lon- don. l974): J. Sedlaeek. in Advances in biology. G. Newton and A. Riesen. Eds. (Wiley, New York. I972). vol. I. pp. l29-l70. 6. 8. Field and C. Kerr. Lancet 1979?1. (I979). Vermin and Noxious Weed: Destruction Board. Keith Turnbull Research Institute Bulletin 35 (Department of Crew-n Lands and Survey. Vic. toria. I977). 8. N. Gym-Hansen and S. V. Dalgaard-Mikkelsen. Acta Pharmacol. Toxicol. 35. 300 (1974). 9. F. J. Koschier and M. Acara. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Titer. 208. 287 (I978). 10. W. N. Piper. J. Q. Rose. M. L. Leng. P. Geh- rinz. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 26. 339 K. Erne. Acta Vet. Scand. 240 (1966). Neurosecretory Granules: Evidence for an A ing Process Within?the Neurohypophysis Abstract. When cysteine labeled with sul?tr-35 is in eCted into the third ventricle of the rat brain, it is ?rst incorporated into only one secretary granules that can be isolated on an isost otic gradient. The second popu- lation of granules is labeled much later. Stimulati of hormone release fr0m isolat- ed labeled neural lobes and subsequent isolatio of neuroseCretory granules at dif- ferent times after the injection of labeled cy decreases in only one population of granules. One of the fractions of the gradient represents the granules found near the relea site; the second population is prob- ably located deeper in the nerve endings rophysins are found in both populations. one. Thus it appears that neurosecremry armies undergo an aging process and that isosmotic gradients can separate the ag granules from those newly formed. Neurosecretory granules (NSC) in hyporhalamo?neurohypOphysial tract re 20.000 daltons), which pre umably is packaged into granules. Th contents of the granules mature durin transport to- ward the neurosecretory nerve termi- nals. When the granules ach the neural lobe. almost all the pr ursor has been converted into proteins of 12.000 2 2.000 daltons, neurophysins, and pep- tides that may include the hormones oxytocin and facopressin (2). The neurosecretory axons in the neurohypophysis can be subdivided into three compartments, all of which contain NSG L3): undilated axons COntaining few NSG. nerve endings characterized by the presence of microvesicles. and nerve swellings containing secretory granules but few if any microvesicles. We pre- ?Wiously 'showed that the mean diameter Jf NSC: in the endings differs from that of N86 in the swellings (4). Furthermore. we showed that fractionation of N50 from the neural lobe of rats on an isos- SCIENCE. VOL. Ill. 6 FEBRUARY [98] the nerve endings. whereas the mean di- ameter of the osmotically sensniv NSC. resembles that of the granules in the swellings. In this report we present evi the osmoticale insensitive gr newly formed NSG (NF-NS that have recently an'ived at the neu lobe and that the osmotically sensit' NSG are probably derived from th former. Fur- thermore. we show that NF-NSG are located to the nerve en ings. whereas most of the aged granul (A-NSG) can- we ?link (1 Bentley and cuacn for not immediately releas their contents valuable advice. and are thus likely to be found in the 23 July 1980; revised 29 September 1980 swellings. Protein 5pc ms of a molecular weight louver than th of neurophysins can be demonstrated the A-NSG. This suggests possibl% postmaturational cleavage of intragr ular proteins. Albino (Wistar) Inale rats Weighing 250 to 300 were one hetized with ketamine chlorohydrate (1 mg per 100 of body weight) and giv intracisternal injec- the two populations of neuro- tions of [?S]cys cine that was obtained from the suppli (New England Nucle- ar, 500 Ci/mmgle) or by reduction of [3?S)cy51ine (47 Cilmtuole) with 10 mM teine shows that the radioacn'vity dithiomreitol i 0.1M phosphate bu?'er (pH 7.0). Eac rat was injected with 10 ,u.l of the ?nal olution 1.50 ,uCi of radio? in the nerve sit-ellings. Whereas nEtt~- active cystein The rats were decapi- naller proteins can only be detecwd in tated at differ 1 times after the injection and their neu lobes were dissected out .in less than minute. Immediately after 1 their isolatidn. ten of the radioactive motic gradient yields two populations of lobes were/ homogenized in 1.0 ml of N80. each of which contains ncumphy- 0.3M sucrpse bu?'ercd atpH 6.8 with 10 sins, oxytocin, and One [Tl/9'1 Hep-s, and mixed with 20 non- population has an isopycnic density of radioacu neural lobes homogenized 1.13 glcm? and is insensitive to osmotic under 1 same conditions. The N86 changes in the surrounding medium, were is ated as described by Nordmann whereas the other sediments ata density et al. The gradient fraCtions were of 1.1] g/cm3 and is much affected by the collect with a Buchler device, and a osmotic pressure of the surrounding rne- portio of each fraction was kept for a diutn. Furthermore, the mean diameter detcmtination of density. Scintillation of osmotically insensitive NSG after ?uid was added to the fractions and their ation is very similar to that ofthe NSG in total radioactivity was measured with a Fig. 1. Time course of the appearance of ?5 [35S]cysteine in NSG fractions isolated on 2 a sucrose-mentamide :3 isosmotic gradient at different times after 3 the injection of the 3; isompe. The radioac- tivit_y in NF-NSG (0) and A-NSG (O) was measured and the re- 1; sults are given as the . percentage of the total j, radioactivity found in . . . both fracu'nns_ Hour: Day: ooseaovstsuozoeos-tssoosoo Copyright 9898212 tint] Time alter intecuon ol 3 .595 "gm-L. - New Scientist 12 February 1981 MK. 1 2 l? Herbicide is ?real-risk? to birds and people C: Human beings are at risk from the con- troversial herbicide according to two Australian scientists writing in the current issue of Science (vol 211, 593). The Scientists are seriously worn'ed by the results of a recent series of experi- ments in which they found that eggs exposed even to small doses of the chemical often developed into chicks with impaired learning abilities. As expected, the chemical killed some'of the embryos outright. Humans are approxi- mately three times more sensitive to than chicks. Previous research on trichlorophenoxy acetic acid) had shown that rates in the uterus given fairly big doses?100 milligrams of the chemical for every kilogram of the mother?s body weight?were more active and learnt more slowly than other rats. These doses are higher than those that are likely to occur when farmers spray crops or pastures with the herbicide. 50 C. A. Sanderson and J. Rogers of Monash University in Australia set out to dis? cover what happens to chicks given smaller doses before they hatch. The scientists gave single doses of (containing 0-03 parts per million of the highly taxic contaminant tetradilorodibenzo-para-dio?n) to chick eggs at two points during incubation: the 8th or the 15th days. The doses ranged from 7 to 53 mg/kg body weight. These (105% were high enough to kill some of the embryos: for example, half the chicks given 53 mg/kg on day 15 of incubation died. The herbicide caused birth defects?such as depigmentation of the feathers or abnormal development of the legs?in another 10 per cent. Sander- son and Rogers tested the chicks that were not obviously damaged to discover any effects the herbicide may have had on their behaviour. They found that a?'ected three measures of the chicks? behaviour: their general activity in an unfamiliar environment; the num- ber of times they jump; and how well they learnt to discriminate visually between food grains and small pebbles. The herbicide hits chick embryos hardest when their nerve cells are beginning to link up However, the exerted these terat?ogenic e??ects on behaviour only when the chick embryos received the dose on the 15th day of incuhan'on?giving on the 8th day of incubation had no statistically signi?cant eflect. On the 8th day of incubation, the chick embryo is rapidly forming its nerve cells. By the 15th day, this process is nearly com- pleted and the nerve cells are making connections?synapses?with other nerve cells. Sanderson and Rogers say ?the brain therefore seems to be most sensi- tive to at a time of maximum synaptic formation". The scientists admit that they do not know whether the il?a or it; dioxin contaminant causes the amage_ However, the they administened contained less dioxin than commercial Australian (But not British which cannot. by law, contain more than 0-01 of dioxin.) Spraying Australian on blackberries at the recom mended rates of application, the re searchers say, could expose the eggs 0: wild birds to 22 mg/kg?higher than tbi smallest close they found to damage the unborn chick. As the chemical passe: through the shells of eggs, Sanderson and Rogers conclude that ?it may there fore present a real risk to bird species"; Because the formulation of 2,4,5-1 sprays in Bn'tain is different, doses to the eggs of British wild birds from would be smaller?about 2 mg/kg. But the Australian researchers point out that Some individual chicks were eSpeciall) susceptible to the herbicide. They believe that humans may be at risk too. They cite previous, inconclusive. research by Barbara Field and Charles Kerr of Sydney University which showed that the yearly birth rate of babies with defem in their neural tubes in New South Wales correlated well with how? much farmers used in the previ- ous year. What is more, the highest rates of these abnormalities occurred nine months after the peak spraying periods in the antipodean summer. This evidence ?together with the rough estimate that humans are three. time: more sensitive to than chicks and rats?leads Sanderson and Rogers to warn that ?our ?ndings therefore imply a risk to th human species". A plant cell that can store electricity Biochemists at Ohio State University have combined "living" cell components with biochemicals to make what is e?ectively a giant specialised leaf cell that makes and stores electricity with an ef?ciency approaching what would be practically useful. Chemical and biologi- cal systems cooperate to make the new cell work this way. Elizabeth Gross and her colleagues at Ohio ?rst made successful plant-based photocells from particles carefully isola- ted from chloroplasts?the organelles re- sponsible for inside liv- ing cells. New Cross, Rong Pan, and Ravindra Bhardwaj have used the same chemical support system to drive cells based on whole chloroplasts, whichare easier to separate from the rest of the plant tissue (Nature, vol 289, 396). The researchers deposited the chloro- plasts onto a micro?lter membrane sep- - arating two solutions. One solution con~ tained an electron-donating chemical, and the other contained an electron ac. ceptor. When light is shone through the acceptor solution onto the chloroplasts, both become excited, and electrons flow 2 Cell plasts into the acceptor solution. Because the acceptor molecule that they used is sensitive to light, the scientists found that their cell produced a voltage even when they used dead chloroplasts. Taking into account the proportion of the total membrane area covered by chloroplasts, the researchers calculate that a maxi- mum of about 3 per cent of the total light power is converted instantaneously into electric power; the chloroplasts supply about two-thirds. There are two important factors which make these ?gures a rather poor measure of the new cell's performance. First, it is dif?cult to measure exactly how much the chloroplasts contribute to the cell ef?ciency, because the biological and chemical systems in the cell probably act synergisticalIy?that is, the whole is greater than the simple sum of the in- dividual contributions. Second and much more important the cell also stores large amounts of the light energy, so that instantaneous power-conversion ef?ciency measurements are misleading. Gross and her colleagues found that after about half an hour's illumination, the cell went on producing much the same voltage in the dark for another hour. Cells that can store solar energy in this way are obviously much more usaful than conventional photocells which only produce electricity when illuminated. Cells based on whole chloroplasts have been used to 'convert the Sun's enefgy into electricity. Port of a chloroplast, 72 000, is shown. The plant?s use of light energy begms in the thin 1.33m v. l2-March 1982 Volume 215, No. 4538 i- . - I . . -.-. . u: LETTERS Nuclear Weapons Materials: T. B. Cochran. M. M. Hoenig, W. M. Arkin: Assessmg Agncultural Research: W. W. Kan/tie: Transamazon Highway: Impact on Indians: D. C. P. Grossman; X-ray Holography: D. Sayre; The Cray-l: W. R. Smith; Vaccines: H. Langbehetm; Damaging Stereotype: B. Hansen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1344 0 U1 EDITORIAL Energy and Chemicals from Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?w 1349 I ?13? - ?we -- 'r AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF. SCIENCE - -- - - - n-?-I-hle . .-. . - am?. (A) REPORTS Recent Volcanic Activity at Glacier Peak: J. E. Beget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1389 Kinetics of Deligni?cation: A Molecular Approach1390 Dating of a Fault by Electron Spin Resonance on lntrafault Materials: M. Ikeya. T. Miki, K. Tanaka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1392 ag-Adrenoceptor-Mediated Hyperpolarization of Locus Coeruleus Neurons: Intracellular Studies in vivo: G. K. Agitajanian and C. P. VanderMaelen . Oxytocin Receptors and Human Parturition: A Dual Role for Initiation of Labor: A.-R. Fuchs Rapid Electronic Auto?uorography ofI Dimensional Gels: J. 3. Dr" Human Liver with . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1413 -uect on Life-Span and R. L. Walford . . . . . .. 1415 -cu Retinotectal Projection During Chick _.L00n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1418 steroid Regulation of Muscle Degeneration in an Insect: M. Schwart: and J. W. Truman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1420 Technical Comments: Jumping Chickens: Relevance to Hazard in Humans: M. L. Leng: L. J. Rogers and C. A. Sanderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1421 PRODUCTS AND Personal Computer: Cell Culture Chamber: Refrigerators: Sample Preparation: MATERIALS Human Cell Growth Factor: Infrared Spectrometer; Literature . . . . . . . . . .. 1424 Jumping Chickens: Relevance to Hazard in Humans SCIENCE. VOL. 215. 12 MARCH l982 Sanderson and Rogers have reported the results of a study on the behavioral effects in chickens given "environmen- tally relevant doses" of phenoxyacetic acid and they postulated that humans would be three times more sensitth to this herbicide than chicks (I). The conclusions drawn from this study do not re?ect a va.id Copyn'ght 0 1982 - evaluation of the data because the doses were not environmentally relevant for bird eggs. much less for humans. and chick embryo data are not a suitable model for safety assessment in humans and are not used by any government agencies for this purpose. Recent studies by Lavy et ul. (2) have shown that the maximum exposure to 18533 2.4.5-T likely to be encountered in hu- mans, is {About mg per kilogramor body weight. which is orders of magni- tudes less than in the chicken Studies. Furthermore. such exposure would be likely to occur only in applicators who are using knapsack sprayers and wearing contaminated clothing or in mixers or loaders who are not careful to avoid contact with the concentrate and spray solutions. Measurable exposure to 2,4,5- is extremely unlikely in bystanders or the general population (3). 1n the study of Sanderson and Rogers, the doses ranged from 7 to 53 mg of 2.4.5-T per kilogram of body weight in- jected into the yolk sac offenile chicken eggs incubation. and from 75 to 225 mg/kg injected intra- peritoneally into chicks on day 2 after hatching. The 2.4.5-T contained 0.03 part per million of the highly toxic con- taminant dioxin (TCDD). which is representative of the level in 2.4.5-T produced world- wide today. "Environmental relevance" was based on an estimated dose of 22 mg/kg for an egg contaminated with 1.1 mg of 2.4.5-T over the entire shell surface (area, 50 cmz). presumed to be equiva- lent to Spraying an 80 percent 2.4.5-T product (derivative n0t speci?ed) at a rate of 2.8 liter/ha. The latter is equiva- 'ent to 224 mg of (or derivative) per square meter of horizontal surface area. not the entire egg surface. and 2.4.5-T is generally applied as a 2 to 5 percent solution in oil, oil-water. or wa- ter emulsion. Injection of2.4.5-T into the egg was also assumed to be equivalent to contamination of the shell surface. How- ever. only a small fraction of the herbi- cide applied to the surface of an egg penetrates the shell and reaches the chick embryo (4). Sanderson and Rogers concluded that humans would be at least three times as sensitive to 2.4.5-T exposure as rats or chickens. This conclusion was based on Studies by Piper er al. (5) and Erne (6), although neither study implied such a relationship. What happens as a result of the injection of a large dose of a chemical into an isolated egg is not representative of what might happen in a human fetus connected to its mother?s ef?cient detox- i?cation system. particularly for a chem- ical such as which is rapidly excreted in the urine of humans (7). Even more questionable is their extrapo- ?ion of effects from the injection of a I422 nearly lethal dose of 2.4.5-T into newly hatched chicks to the potential effects from low-level exposure in adult hu- mans. Unfortunately. reports of such studies done under highly exaggerated conditions continue to add to the confu- sion surrounding the use of bene?cial agricultural chemicals such as MARGUERITE L. LENG Health and Environmental Sciences. Dow Chemical ontpany. Midland. Michigan 48640 References and Notes I. C. A. Sanderscm and L. J. Rogers. Science 21!. 593 (I981). . T. L. Lavy. J. S. Shepard. J. D. Maltice. J. Agric. Food Chem. 28. 626 (I980): T. L. Lavy. S. Shepard. D. C. Bouchard. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 24. 90 ?980): T. L. Lavy. paper presented at the meeting of the Weed Science Society of America. Toronto. Canada. February I980. 3. M. L. Leng. T. Lavy. J. C. Ramsey. W. H. Braun. in Pesticide Residues and Erposure (Symposium Series l82. American Chemical So- ciety. Washington. D.C.. 1982). pp. 133-l56. 4. J. D. Somers. E. T. Moran. Jr.. B. S. Reinhan. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. ll. 5? H974). 5. W. N. Piper. J. 0. Rose. M. L. Leng. P. J. Gagging. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 26. 339 (I . K. Erne. Am: Vet. Scand. 7. 240(1966). . P. I. Gehring. C. G. Kramer. B. A. Schwetz. J. O. Rose. V. K. Rowe. Toxicol. Appl. Pharma- col. 26. 352 (1973). 30 March l98l: revised June I981 IJ Several aspects of Leng?s technical comment require correction. We found that. for chicken eggs. the sensitive period to acid was day IS of incubation. when the injection of as little as 7 mg per kilogram of body weight caused subse- quent behavioral abnormalities (1). This amount does not cause marked morpho- logical abnormalities and is well below the LDSO of 53 (the dose lethal to 50 percent of the animals teStedi [see (I ll. The question of the amount ol? absorbed through the eggshell is. of course. controversial. If we accept that only 30 to 50 percent of an egg may be covered by the spray and if we use the concentration recommended by the gov- ernment of Victoria. Australia. for spraying blackberries, an egg would re- ceive 7 to II mg/kg. Even ifonly some of this is absorbed. it is still uncomfortably close to the amounts that caused behav- ioral abnormalities in our sample. Leng does not allow for a safety factor. At- tempts to extrapolate from these results to the calculation of the ?no-effect" dose in humans are complicated by individual variations in sensitivity to 2.4.5-T [see ourjumping data in We used the acid form of 2.4.5-T, which is less toxic than its esters. usually used for Spraying. Moreover. we gave only one dose to each egg. Repeated dosing may well be toxic at lower daily rates of administration. Leng quotes a maximum exposure to 2.4.5-T of mg} kg for knapsack Sprayers but fails to say that this value was calculated for one Operation lasting 180 minutes. Most Sprayers are repeatedly exposed and for longer periods. The maximum exposure measured by Lavy et al. (2) was actually L85 mg/kg per Spraying operation. and this did not include spray inhalation. which is probably a more important route of exposure. particularly in the vicinity of aerial Spraying. We agree that other species must be tested with 2.4.5-T. We have in fact shown that the orai dosing of pregnant rats with as little as 3 or 6 mg/kg on day 8 of pregnancy causes behavioral ab- normalities in the pups tested several months later (3). This dose is one-hun- dredth of the L059 in this species and one-tenth of the lowest dose reported to cause physical deformities (4). Phenoxy- acetic acids themselves appear to be able to cause these eti'ects; we have found similar e?'ects with 2.4?dichlorophenoxy- acetic acid which does not con- tain (TCDD) (3). Our statement that humans are likely to be more Sensitive than rats and chicks is based on deductions from the plasma which tor an oral dose oil-1.5- of5 tag/kg is 23.] hours in humans and 4.7 hours in rats (.5). The results for chicks appear to be similar to those for rats (5). We therefore maintain that 2.4.5-T (and 2.4-0) may present risks to brain development and function in hu- mans and other species. L. J. ROGERS A. SANDERSON Pharmacology Department. Monash University. lay-ton. Victoria 3168. Australia References l. C. A. Sanderson and L. J. Rogers. Science 2l 1. 593 (I981). 2. T. L. Lavy. S. Shepard. D. C. Bouchard. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 24. 90 I930). 3. At. A. Crampton and L. J. Rogers. in prepara- tion: P. J. Booth and L. J. Rogers. in prepara- tton. 4. K. S. Khera and W. P. McKinley. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmut'ol. 22. I4 (I972). 5. P, J. Gehring. C. G. Kramer. B. A. Schwetz. I. Q. Rose. V. K. Rawe. ibid. 26. 352 (1973): W. N. Piper. J. 0. Rose. M. L. Lang. P. l. ibid.. p. 339'. M. W. Sauero?'. W. Bruun. G. E. Blau. l. E. LeBeau. ibid. 37. Iin (1976); K. Erne. Aria Vet. Scand. 7. 240(1966). 23 Noyembet 16534 SCIENCE. VOL. 2l5 sou 2898' lZ EPIDEMIOLOGY OF SOFT-TISSUE SARCOMA AND RELATED HUMAN RESEARCH (as related to herbicide exposure) LAWRENCE B. HOBSON, M.D., Deputy Director Agent Orange Projects Office Veterans Administration March 1983 ?mmeu ?org ?Aerknude SOHI h?si S?mrcam 999azo?n BVQUZIZ ?00? 16535 EPIDEMIOLOGY OF SOFT-TISSUE SARCOMA AND RELATED HUMAN RESEARCH Initiation of Swedish Studies of Herbicides and Cancer In 1972 Swedish newspapers published rumors that rail- - road workers were dying from lung cancer as a result of exposure to herbicides used in their work. The National Board of Occupational Safety, as a result, requested Professor Olav Axelson, a specialist in occupational medi- cine, to undertake an epidemiological investigation of the matter. The results of this investigation have been reported in a series of four papers, 174. Another series, 5-7, was prompted by criticism of the epidemiological and statistical methods employed in this and related studies. Attention in the United States has focussed on the pre-publication manu- script of the 1980 paper by Axelson, Sundell, Andersson, .Edling, Hogstedt, and Kling, i. This paper dealt with two aspects of the study of rail- road workers. The initial phase was a cohort study of 348 men who had been exposed, individually rather than as a group, to herbicides for more than 45 days during 1957 to 1972 and who were followed through October 1978. Exposure information was incomplete but the workers were divided into subcohorts with exposure to phenoxy acids (which include the ingredients of Agent Orange), amitrol, or to both herbicides. The mortality rates for these exposed subcohorts were com- pared to the age-specific national death rates for Swedish men, the latter serving as the control cohort. Overall 49 deaths were expected in the exposed cohort; 45 occurred, a result attributed to the "healthy worker effect." There were, however, 17 tumors found where 11.85 were expected. Among the deaths occurring at least ten years after the first exposure, 6 cancers were found although only 1.78 were expected. Dr. Axelson, 8, later increased this to 7 tumor cases. Each subcohort had an excessive number of tumor deaths, the greatest being in the group exposed to both phenoxy herbicides and amitrol. Although initially, 2, amitrol was associated with an increased tumor mortality: somewhat different results were found in a second phase of the examination, described as a case-referent study (identical to a case-control study). data indicated a "statistical association" of phenoxy herbicides and excess tumor mortality, 3. Suspicion was increased by finding that workers exposEd to phenoxy acids The 0990212 H00 16536' alone had a "statistically significant excess of stomach cancer", specifically 2 cases compared to 0.33 expected when this type of herbicide was used alone and 3 cases as compared to 5.1 expected Jincreased from 4.1, 8) for all workers exposed to phenoxy herbicides, alone 6: with amitrol. The series of papers on railroad workers has been criti- cized on several methodological grounds, 9, and Axelson has replied to these criticisms, 6. Richard 5} Remington, Dean of the School of Public Health, University of Michigan, re- viewed this and other Swedish studies for the Office of Tech- nology Assessment. His evaluation, 10, was that the Axelson investigations had been "carefully and "well re- ported." He pointed out the limitations of the statistical methods used and found that "the numbers available are inadequate to permit definite conclusions" although "the results are suggestive." Of interest in connection with the question of soft- tissue sarcomas and phenoxy herbicides is the type of tumors found by Axelson's group, 1, One case of Hodgkin's occurred among the eight tumors in men exposed to phenoxy herbicides alone and no soft-tissue sarcomas or non-Hodgkin's was diagnosed among the eight tumors appearing in workers exposed to both amitrol and phenoxy herbicides. In other words, no sarcomas were reported for the total of 207 men exposed to phenoxy compounds, 2. A reticulum cell sar- coma and a Hodgkin's were?found among the 7 tumors of workers exposed to amitrol alone. Thus, there was one soft?tissue sarcoma reported for 152 men exposed to amitrol, 3. Another 28 persons described as exposed to "other herbi- cides and combinations" cannot be idenzified as to exposure to specific herbicides but apparently none developed a tumor. 1990212 H00 Axelson's work is directly related to the later work on soft-tissue sarcomas and by Lennart Hardell. In- deed, Axelson suggested to Hardell in 1976, that he conduct a case-control study of soft-tissue sarcomas and has actively assisted in Hardell?s work since then. Swedish Investigation of Soft-Tissue Sarcoma That work began when Hardell admizted for treatment 3 patients in the autumn of 1976, each with a soft-tissue sar- coma, and a history of exposure to phenoxy herbicides. He then found a total of 7 patients with 'malignant tumors" (soft-tissue sarcomas) who gave a history of having worked with phenoxy herbicides 10 to 23 years earlier. The cases were among 87 patients with soft-tissue sarcomas, 55 of 2 - 16537 whom were men. Of these men, 9 were forestry workers, 6 worked in forestry and on farms, and 6 were employed in saw mills or pulp plants. Another two tumors appeared in men whose connection with forestry was less direct. The malig- nancies found were two leiomyosarcomas, two rhabdomyosar- comas, two neurofibrosarcomas, with one each of fibroid liposarcoma, myxofibrosarcoma, and polymorphocellular Following Axelson's advice, Hardell began a case?control study that was published in two journals, 13, 14, a common practice of reporting in Swedish with an almost?identical paper in English. The second paper in English aroused much interest in the United States. Hardell and found 21 living and 31 dead men who were diagnosed as having soft-tissue sarcomas in Hardell's oncology department in northern Sweden. They were matched for age and place of residence, as well as date of death for the deceased, with other men selected from the Swedish National Population Registry or from the National Registry for Causes of Death. Each living patient had 4 living controls; each dead man had 4 deceased controls. Ex- posure information was sought by the use of a mailed ques- tionnaire that has never been published. It contained 130 questions, including 16 about the use of organic solvents, 4 about plastics, 3 about glues, 4 about drugs, "several" about smoking habits and an unstated number about exposure to phe? noxy herbicides and chlorophenol as used in the lumber and paper mills. This questionnaire was mailed to the patient or to his next of kin if he were dead, 12: When the answers to the questionnaire were less than clear, a supplementary interview was obtained, usually by telephone, with the interviewer unaware of the health status of the person in question. Employers, neighbors, and others were consulted "if necessary to verify and monitor the accu- racy of the exposure information," 2990le H00 Using the criteria for exposure established for the study, 36.5% of the 52 patients and 9.2% of the 208 controls had been exposed to phenoxy herbicides and/or chlorophenols. The "relative risk" of developing soft?tissue sarcomas was calculated as 5.7, i.e. men exposed to the chemicals had almost six times as great a change of developing a sarcoma as did those who were not exposed. The relative risk was 5.3 for the 46 men exposed to phenoxy herbicides alone, and 6.6 for the 40 men exposed only to chlorophenols. It was thought that confounding factors had an insignificant effect. 16538. The authors concluded that "the investigation showed an increased risk for soft-tissue sarcomas? but ?a Specific evaluation of the effect of separate chemical substances was not possible," 13: The study's methods have been criticized and doubts have been expressed about the 100% response rate to the question- naire approach, 9. (Actually, 2 of 208 controls did not answer, 15:) The statistical approach was described as misrepresented and a major criticism was leveled because of the possibility of "selective recall," the greater tendency for an ill person to remember a supposed "cause" for the illness than a well person would have to remember the same "causal" event. The criticisms evoked several replies. Axelson defended the case?control design, the objectivity of obtaining expo- sure data retrospectively, and the statistical techniques, 5. He concluded that the use of interviews for determining ex-_ posure is justified, 1, and defended in principle the treat- ment of confounding factors, 16. Hardell recalculated the 1979 results and his subsequent papers to substantiate his earlier findings and performed a separate investigation in support of his confidence that "no substantial observational bias could exist in the studies," lg, Remington, 123 expressed the view that "the findings of this particular investigation are suggestive'I and that "a relative risk of 5.3 for exposure to phenoxyacetic acids must be taken seriously." HOwever, "case-control studies are uniquely susceptible to hidden sources of bias" even when the investigators are "unusually careful" as they are in this "excellent investigation." EQQOZIZ MUG Hardell's group also undertook a second case-control study of identical design in southern Sweden which is more devoted to agriculture than to forestry, 11! lg. In this investigation each of 72 living and 38 dead patients was matched with two controls. Among the 110 cases, 22.7% reported exposure to phenoxy herbicides or chlorophenols and, among the 219 controls, 5.9% were so exposed. -This gave a relative risk of 5.1 with matching and 4.7 when the matching was dissolved, i.e. when sorting by age was ignored during statistical calculations. The relative risk from exposure to phenoxy herbicides was calculated to be 6.8, and that from chlorophenols to be 3.3. Exposure to more than a dozen other noxious materials, e.g. asbestos, smoking, DDT, and lindane, were considered as possible confounding factors although none was found to be clearly associated with an increased risk by itself. 18539 The reports list the diagnoses of all 110 cases of soft~ tissue sarcoma as: leiomyosarcoma, 33; malignant fibrous histiocytoma, 19; liposarcoma, neurogenic sarcoma, 11; angiosarcoma, 9; myxofibrosarcoma, 7; fibrosarcoma, 5; derma- tofibrosarcoma, 3; atypical fibroxanthoma, synovial sarcoma, sarcoma NOS, 2 each; Ewings's sarcoma (extraskeletal) and rhabdomyosarcoma, 1 each. No statement is made as to which of these tumors was found in the 25 cases with identified exposures and no histological diagnoses are reported for the northern Swedish series, 11, L1. The authors of the southern Swedish study conclude that "exposure to phenoxy acids and chlorophenols might constitute a risk factor in the development of soft tissue sarcomas," lg. The investigation has been the subject of the same criticisms and refutations as the earlier study. Remington concludes that "the results are consistent with the hypothesis that phenoxy acid exposure increases the risk of tumors of this type" but adds that "case?control methodology is intrinsically susceptible to subtle and un? measurable biases." Swedish Investigation of In May, 1978, Hardell was prompted to a new study by a patient with a malignant histiocytic and a history of "massive exposure to phenoxyacetic acids." All men admit- ted to the oncology department with this type of tumor during the first nine months of 1978 were asked about their occupa- tion and possible chemical exposure. Of 17 patients, 14 re? ported an occupation consistent with exposure and 11 of them had had contact with phenoxy herbicides or chlorophenols ten or more years earlier, 12: 11990212140? These observations led to a case?control study, the report of which in 1981, 31, differs considerably from that in 1980, 20. The earlier report was commented upon in manu- script de?'by various experts but.the later version will be used here.- The investigation, in collaboration with Axelson, included both Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin The 169 cases consisted of 60 Hodgkin's disease patients predominance, 20; nodular sclerosis, 3: mixed cellularity, 27; depletion, 10), 105 men with non? Hodgkin's (follicular center cell (FCC) type, 53; non?FCC type, 52), and 4 individuals with unclassifiable 'Each case had two matched controls, 338 in all. Of the cases, 62 had died as had 124 of the controls. 16540~ Questionnaires and interviews were used to determine I exposure to phenoxy herbicides, chlorophenols, organic solvents, or medicines and to characterize jobs, hobbies, and smoking as they were determined in the soft-tissue sarcoma' investigations,_gg. All cases and controls were from northern Sweden. Cases in which exposure was reported to chlorophenol, or to "mutagenic" solvents (benzene, trichloroethylene, perchlo- roethylene and styrene) were divided into high-grade and low~ grade exposure groups. Continuous exposure for a week or less or repeated exposures totaling less than a month were considered low?grade. Analyses also divided cases into two groups depending on whether 5 years had elapsed as a latency period between the first exposure to the chemical and the tumor diagnosis. Of the cases, 36.1% had been exposed to phenoxy herbi- cides or chlorophenols: 9.6% of the controls had been so exposed. The relative risk for these exposures was 6.0 with matching and 5.3 without it. Phenoxy herbicides gave a rela- tive risk of 4.8 although it was greater if exposure was for 90 days or more. Chlorophenols gave relative risks of 8.4 for high?grade exposure, 2.9 for low?grade. High- and low- grade exposure to organic solvents gave relative risks of 2.8 and 1.2 respectively. On the other hand the few cases with both phenoxy herbicide and high?grade organic solvent expo- sure was calculated to have a relative risk of 11.2 and some other combinations also gave large relative risks. The length of the latency period, however, seemed to have no effect. The authors conclude that "this investigation suggests that exposure to organic solvents, chlorophenols, and/or phenoxy acids constitutes a risk factor for malignant lym? phoma," 21. Dr. Remington commented that "a substantial and statistically significant relative risk is found for this group of tumors. And again, pnenoxy acid exposure is specifically incriminated." He continues, however, that the limitations of case-control methods have to be considered as well. 9990212 mm Swedish Investigation of Carcinoma of the Colon Hardell undertook to answer doubts that his question- naire and interview methods allowed observational bias in assessing exposure by conducting a case-control study of "colon cancer." The condition is not suspected of having any association with phenoxy herbicides or chlorophenols. In consequence, if the previously used exposure determination 6 16541 resulted in a relative risk of 1.0 or near it, there had been I no observational bias in the questionnaire?interview procedure used in the earlier studies of soft-tissue sarcomas and Of the 157 men with colon cancer all but 3 answered the questionnaire. The controls consisted of the control groups from the soft-tissue sarcoma study (206 men) and the malig- nant study (335 men). In all, 41% of the cases and 45% of the controls were dead. Of the cases and controls, 11.0 and 10.4% reSpectively had been exposed to phenoxy herbicides or chlorOphenols. For phenoxy herbicides, the relative risk was calculated to be 1.3 and for chlorOphenol it was 1.8. Neither was significantly above 1.0. The con- clusion was that "the previously reported associations be- tween exposure to phenoxy acids or chlorophenols and soft- tissue sarcoma and malignant cannot to any essential degree be explained by observational bias," Later Criticism of Swedish Studies There remain, however, doubts about the practical significance of the Swedish epidemiological studies stem- ming from several of their characteristics. The main criticism is the reliance on recall of the men or their relatives, employers and associates for undramatic events years earlier as well as the possibility of unconscious bias on the part of the interviewer, the "observational bias" discussed above. Coggan and Acheson point out that the positive association between exposure to phenoxy herbicides and the development of several or many soft~ tissue sarcomas, Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's may indicate "a serious undetected bias" even though the explanation has been offered that all these tumors are embryologically related, 32, These authors conclude that "it is as yet impossible to estimate with any precision the risk of soft-tissue sarcoma due to phenoxy.herbicides" but add that "there'is suggestive evidence of a biological association between phenoxy herbicides (or their contaminants) and soft?tissue sar- comas." They feel that there is weaker evidence for an association between herbicides and 9590212 M00 Hardell and Axelson reject the idea of observational bias, citing the colon cancer study as evidence, 31. They also defend the aggregation of tumors because of the "so?called addition theorum for chi-square and Poisson distributions" as well as the embryological relationship -. of the neoplastic tissues. 16542 American Support for Swedish Conclusions Support for the connection between soft-tissue sarcomas and exposure to phenoxy compounds has been reported in several papers from outside Sweden. The data most often cited as favoring the relationship are derived from observa- - tions in the American chemical industry.* The first was a note by Honchar and Halperin in which they pointed out that of 105 deaths in four exposed industrial "cohorts" 3 were due to soft-tissue sarcoma, whereas only 0.07% of deaths among adult American men are so caused. The three cases were malignant fibrous histiocytoma, fibrosarcoma, and liposar- coma. The authors felt that these ?suggest a common pat~ tern," 33, Cook added a fourth case, another malignant fibrous histiocytoma and noted that all four were smokers and two had Moses and Selikoff reported a fifth case, a non-smoker, with neurogenic sarcoma (malignant schwannoma). They give the total annual incidence of soft-tissue sarcomas as 4500 (less than 1% of newly diagnosed cancers) in the U.S. and quote 4.9% of soft-tissue sarcomas as malignant schwannoma, 26. Johnson and his co~workers briefly described a young man who died of fibrosarcomatous mesothelioma some four years after first being exposed to phenol. His father had a liposarcoma after "prolonged exposure" in a plant manufacturing chlorinated phenols among other chemicals, 27. Hardell and Ericksson accepted the two additional cases to total 7 deaths from soft-tissue sarcoma among 105 deaths among American industrial workers, the expected number being 0.07%. This would "fit in with" the Swedish investigations, they believe, 3g. ZQQOZIZ mm To date no critical review has been made of the cases and the industrial population in which they were detected. The reports have been brief "Letters to the Editor" and each discusses one to three cases. The total of 105 deaths used as the number of dead workers has not been kept current as new soft-tissue sarcoma cases were added and the total number *Data given by Honchar and Halperin, Cook, Moses and Selikoff, and Johnson et al pertain to workers at Monsanto Company and Dow Chmical Company. For details -of studies of these workers see 24a and 25a. 18543 of exposed workers has not been given. No use has been made of controls, even in the form of a retrospective cohort comparison. A case report without statistical data briefly described three soft?tissue sarcomas among Vietnam veterans who re? ported exposure to phenoxy herbicides in that country. One man had an inflammatory histiocytoma, another suffered from a fibrosarcoma, and the third had a leiomyosarcoma,_gg. European Suoport for Swedish Conclusions - Barthel determined the frequency of malignant neoplasms among 1791 pesticide sprayers and agricultural technicians in East Germany during 1976 to 1979. He states the retrospec- tive cohort study used police as controls but gives no data for them. After eliminating "on statistical grounds" 133 cases who died before 1970, be compared the mortality rate and cancer incidence with corresponding figures from the death statistics and the cancer registry of the Health and Social Welfare. The "case" group had multiple exposures ove: the years to fungicides, insecticides, and herbicides in- cluding phenocyacetic acids. Among 169 malignant neoplasms in 1658 exposed men were 1 3 plasmacytomas, 1 described as a malignancy of tissue, and 1 of soft- tissue, not otherwise characterized. Bronchogenic carcinoma was the most common malignancy with 59 cases, double the expected occurrence, although the cases had smoking habits like those of the general population, 30. A brief report describes a case of non-Hodgkin?s and a second of malignant among 158 workers with pentachlorophenol. This type of neoplasm would have an expected occurance of 0.28, E. Studies Not Supporting Swedish Conclusions In contrast to the reports of an association between phenoxy herbicides or related compounds and soft?tissue sar- comas and malignant some investigators have found no association. Some of these investigated a possible rela- tion, others were "follow?up" studies of industrial workers in whom no sarcomas or were found. Dr. Riikimaki and his collaborators have completed nine years of mortality study following 1,926 persons who worked with phenoxy herbicides in Finland during the 1955-1971 period. All had at least of the men totalled eight mortality rates among the national death rates. As weeks or more as of 1971. The workers were compared with the of 1980, there had been 82 deaths two weeks of exposure and a quarter- 85902121400 167544 . of exposed men as compared to 91 expected and, of these, 17 were cancer deaths with 18.4 expected. There were no cases .of soft-tissue sarcoma nor of although 0.1 and 0.8 would have been expected. The authors believe that "the investigation cannot be regarded as a conclusive negative study" but point out that the "results do not confirm the association between mixed herbicide exposures? and cancer risk, 23: Hogstedt and Westerlund compared the mortality rate of Swedish supervisors and workers in forestry. The supervisors were fewer in number (142) than the workers (244) but the former were judged to have been more heavily exposed. The relative risk of death was about the expected but, after a 10-year latent period, the relative risk for cancer was about 4 for the supervisors and only about 0.4 for the workers. The fatal tumors were of various types but there was no soft- tissue sarcoma or - Two case-control studies in New Zealand have been initi- ated by Smith et al to examine the association suggested by Swedish studies of phenoxy herbicides with soft-tissue sar- comas and malignant In the first investigation, 102 cases of soft-tissue sarcoma have been identified in men from the New Zealand Cancer Registry between 1976 anmd 1980. An equal number of matched controls with other forms of cancer were selected for comparison. The sarcomas are fibro- sarcomas, 25; liposarcomas, 20: rhabdomyosarcomas, 9; leio? myosarcomas, 7; malignant histiocytomas, 6; other types, 22; and unspecified, 13. The preliminary report compares cases and controls as to the occupation shown on the Registry en- rollment.: There was no significant difference betwen the groups as to the number of men working in agriculture, fores- try, and fishing, the occupations with the greatest likeli- hood of exposure to phenoxy herbicides and chlorOphenols. The only occupations associated with soft-tissue sarcomas exclusively are blacksmiths,_machine tool operators, electri- cal fitters, and electrical workers. The investigators are now obtaining work histories for cases and controls by tele- phone interviews and warn that later results may change their conclusions. The data at present "do not give evidence for a relationship (of soft?tissue sarcoma) with occupational expo- sure to phenoxy herbicides and chlorophenols" but "should not be taken as substantive evidence against the hypothesis", 33, A second report by Smith et al includes the results of the telephone interviews regarding 80 cases and 92 controls already completed. Probable or definite exposure to phenoxy herbicides for more than one day earlier than five years before cancer registration was found in 17 cases and.13 con- 10 5590212 H00 16545 trols, giving an odds ratio of 1.6. This would be expected I to increase when the exposure criteria were more stringent but, when exposure was at least five days and more than ten years before registration, there were 13 cases and 12 - controls included reducing odds ratio of 1.3. Neither ratio is statistically significant and there have been no soft?tissue sarcomas reported among the most highly exposed group of 2000 aerial and ground sprayers. The results, the authors believe, "do not generally support the hypothesis that exposure to phenoxy acid herbicides cause softntissue sarcoma," 22. A brief initial report by Edling and Granstam compared the causes of death for 375 Swedish forestry workers, aged 25 to 69 years, who died during 1968 to 1977, with the mortality figures from the Swedish national statistics. There were 75 deaths from all malignant tumors, as compared to 86 expected. Renal tumors killed 8 with 3.84 expected and "tumors of lym- phatic and hematopoetic systems" were responsible for 14 deaths with 7.5 expected. No deaths were attributed to soft- tissue In addition to these studies, several small industrial groups have been followed well into the latent period for solid tumors. None has been reported to include cases of soft?tissue sarcoma or malignant Hay examined 41 of 79 workers who developed chloracne following accidental exposure to trichlorophenol in 1968 at the Coalite Company in Great Britain. Another 54 employees were possibly exposed. None of the workers had significant changes ten years after the accident and neither death from nor evidence of neoplasm was found, 37. Jirasek's group has closely followed 55 men who were intensely exposed during the manufacture of 2,4,5- trichlorophenoxyacetate from 1965 to 1968 in Spolana, Czecho- slovakia, and who developed evidence of acute intoxication. Two workers died of bronchogenic carcinoma 5 to 5.5 years after the first exposure. There was no other evidence of malignant neoplasms during a ten?year In 1963 an explosion at Philips?Duphar, Amsterdam, ex- posed 106 workers involved in manufacturing 2,4,5-tetrachlo- rophenyoxy acewtate. Among the 93 workers followed to 1977, only one death 14 months after the accident was due to cancer and the pancreatic carcinoma involved was apparently symto- matic before the explosion. No case of soft-tissue sarcoma or malignant was reported, 22: One study is often cited with the Swedish studies al- though it did not deal with soft?tissue sarcomas and malig? nant 40. A more recent review by Thiess et al reports that elf?74 exposed persons are still being followed 116545 after 26 years. There have been 21 deaths, about equal to the 18 to 20 deaths expected from major comparative popula- tions and 18 and 19 deaths expected among matched unexposed controls. Cancer was responsible for 7 deaths as compared.to 4.1 expected from the comparative populations and 5 in each internal control group. Gastric carcinoma in 3 exposed persons exceeds the expected 0.61 to 0.70 expected cases. There were, however, no soft-tissue sarcomas or malignant among these chemical workers at BASF, 41. A number of other industrial exposures to phenoxy herbi? cides, their precursors or contaminants were reported before 1973, 42. The pOpulations were small but generally heavily exposedT Unfortunately it has not been possible to locate late reports on the exposed populations although ten years or more have elapsed since exposure. The accident at the ICMESA factory in Seveso, Italy, in July 1976 exposed many people to trichlorphenol; more than 5400 adults and children of,both sexes are known to have been in contact with the chemicals for several days, 43. Although only about six years have elapsed since the exposure, the population has been under surveillance and the rate and causes of death are being followed. To date no soft-tissue sarcomas or malignant have been reported. Another less systematic observation bears on the situa- tion. The phenoxy herbicides have been used frequently and extensively in agriculture and forestry in the United States since the late 1940's. They were used on lawns in cities, as well, for most of that period. If the relative risk of de- veloping so distinctive a group of tumors as the soft-tissue sarcomas and the malignant had increased by 5 of 6 fold over that before 1945 as the Swedish studies would pre- dict, it almost certainly would have been evident to clini? cians and pathologists, especially in the rural areas, even without systematic studies. No such increase was noted. Critical Evaluations The Swedish investigators have been cautious in inter- preting their results. In his medical dissertation based on his epidemiological studies, Hardell judges that the similar results in the two case~control investigations ii, 16) "seem to increase the confidence that the observed asso? Eqation of exposure to phenoxy acids and soft-tissue sarcoma was not spurious" and did not believe that confounding fac- tors "could acc0unt for the observed relation." In summary, he concluded that "it is suggested that exposure to phenoxy 12 IQQUZIZ HUG 16547 acids should be looked upon as an occupational cancer hazard,"lii. Other reviewers have been more skeptical as to the sig- nificance of the work. Remington's overall opinion was that "in toto, the Swedish work is'credible if not fully conclu- siVe. Certainly this work would seem to justify further investigation," 15% 'Coggan and Acheson, after reviewing other work as well as the Swedish studies, state that "on the present evidence it seems possible that soft-tissue sar? comas have arisen in association with exposure to phenoxy herbicides" but continue that Fit is as yet impossible to estimate with any precision the risk of soft-tissue sarcoma due to phenoxy herbicides." They conclude that "there is suggestive evidence of a biological association between phenoxy herbicides (or their contaminants) and soft-tissue sarcoma. The evidence relating these products to the occurance of is weaker," 22. An unsigned editorial in Lancet commenting on the Opinion? of Coggan and Acheson seems to agree with their conclusions with regard to soft-tissue Hardell and Axelson disagreed with both the Coggan and Acheson's opinions and the Lance: editorial, 23. They have been at some pains to counter charges of-"ob- servational bias," lg! but have not convinced everyone that faulty memories do not result in significant errors in evaluating The causal connection between phenoxy herbicides and soft?tissue sarcomas would be much more likely if there were a unique preponderance of one type or even of a few types in the exposed men. The Swedish reports never compare the morphological types or location of the malig- nant tumors in cases with those in controls, 52. Their only justification for aggregating the types, and presum- ably for omitting the data from their reports is "the uncertainty of relations between the various histological groups in terms of causal mechanisms" and "the so-called addition theorem for chi-square and Poisson distribu? tion," 23. The uncertainty of causal relations is precisely the reason for reporting the groups and the addition theorem cannot justify the aggregation of unlike has been suggested as the principal carcinogen in the phenoxy herbicide and trichlorophenols but this has been disputed. See 22, 23, 46. The controversy is not considered in this discussion. 13 3990212 mm 1-6 5.138 entities unless significant common factors have been demonstrated. Scientific results are strengthened greatly when independent investigators substantiate them. The Swedish studies have been said to be independent and confirma- tory. The two soft?tissue sarcoma investigations do support one another L12, 13, 14, 16) but they are the work of the same group of_ihvestigators. The investiga- tion of malignant histiocytic was also conducted by the same group but was a case-control study of a separate entity, Axelson's work on herbicide exposure and cancer was not truly independent from Hardell's efforts since Hardell has recognized his in- debtedness to Axelson for his assistance in the first case-control study, (13, ii). More important Axelson did not associate phenoxy herbicides or chlorophenolic com- pounds with soft-tissue sarcomas nor with malignant lym? phomas among railroad workers, 1-3, The reports of soft-tissue sarcomas among chlorphenol workers in the United States (24-27) have been cited as supporting Hardell's conclusioEEZ?2l, 28, 44, 46. The data have been reported piecemeal without.a?Elearly?Ehumerated total population from which they were drawn. The comparison- was made to mortality data for the general population of the appropriate age and sex. The type of soft-tissue sarcoma is known for each case; among the 7 men were 2 malignant fibrous histiocytomas, 2 liposarcomas, as well as one each of fibro- sarcoma, malignant schwannoma, and fibrosarcomatous mesothe- lioma. As before, the tumors are not of a uniform type. 8990212 H00 Coggan and Acheson comment that the Swedish studies and the American reports taken separately do not "provide con- vincing evidence that the incidence of soft?tissue sarcomas is increased after exposure to phenoxy acids and chloro? phenols, -- Considered together the whole becomes more persuasive." They add that "it is surprising that the asso- ciation should apply to tumors of such a variety of tissues,?I 22. The Lancet editorial finds only that "the number of deaths due to soft-tissue sarcomas [in the American data] is disturbing," ii: In addition to the American experience, the British (37), EurOpean (30, 32, 33, 36, 38-41) and New Zealand (25? 337 medical and scientific-writers'haye studied populations fiye years or longer after exposure to phenoxy herbicides and/or chlorophenols in a variety of situations, some intense and acute, others prolonged. Only one observer (39) reported a case described as a soft-tissue malignant neoplasm without 16549 14 further characterization. The same report included a a malignant neoplasm of tissue and 3 -plasmocytomas. No other study found a soft-tissue tumor. In summary, the'Swedish studies of soft-tissue sarcomas cannot be considered to have proved that exposure to phenoxy herbicides is the cause of one or more types of this varied group of malignant tumors. There are no fully reported systematic studies to confirm what the Swedish investigators describe as an association. There are an epidemiological study gig) and observations of exposed populations that do not support the finding as opposed to uncorrelated American observations and an East German study ?19) that do strengthen the case for such an association. At best, the Scottish verdict of "Not proven" seems most realistic at this time. The Advisory Panel on Toxic Sub- stances of the American Medical Association says that "while and pesticides (phenoxy herbicides in Agent Orange) have been used in agriculture, forest management and residential landscaping for over 30 years, there is still no conclusive evidence that they and/or TCDD (a contaminant of Agent Orange) are mutagenic, carcinogenic, or teratogenic in man, nor that they have caused reproductive difficulties in the human," 32: 3/5/83 L. B. HOBSON 1: - 16550 10. 11. BIBLIOGRAPHY Sundell, L., Rehn, M., and Axelson, 0. 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Lancet 1982 Phenoxy acids, Lakartidningen Hardell, L. and Axelson, O. chlorophenols, and cancer. 1981 Council on Scientific Affairs' Advisory Panel on Toxic Substances (American Medical Association). The health effects of "Agent Orange' and dioxin contaminants. October 1, 1981 8 16355 2614- -1- AND HUMAN HEALTH During the past decade, considerable controversy has developed over the human health effects of exposure to TCDD, an unintentional contaminant from the production of some herbicides and antibacterial agents and a substance created by the process of combustion. This controversy has been fueled by reports on the effects of Agent Orange exposure on returning Vietnam veterans, the Love Canal situation, the explosion of a 2,4,5-trichlorphenol plant in Seveso, Italy, and, most recently, the buy-out by the U.S. government of Times Beach, Missouri, a town contaminated with dioxin, During this time period, much speculation and misinformation regarding this issue have been generated, with resulting confusion and apprehen- sion in the public mind. It is the purpose of this paper to state the facts regarding TCDD and human health and to place the issue in its proper perspective. This paper will document the following key points: C3 Certainly is a potent and toxic compound that can i?C cause a variety of ill health effects at relatively low doses in laboratory animals. We should be concerned with reducing any unreasonable risk of human TCDD exposure in our environ- ment. Based on the preponderance of scientific studies, the trace environmental presence of TCDD does not pose a health co hazard to people. - a: FQ There is a wealth of epidemiological data supporting the position that humans are far less susceptible to TCDD than several of the animal species which have been studied. The mere presence of TCDD in the environment (soil, water, fish, etc.) is not proof of contamination from industrial chemical sources. - The scientific evidence does not demonstrate that TCDD exposure causes cancer in humans. There is no valid epidemiologic evidence linking TCDD exposure in humans with a higher-than-normal rate of birth defects. 16556 -la- TABLE OF CONTENTS 0 I I I I I The American Medical Association Report . . Epidemiological Studies . . . . . . . . . . Soft Sarcoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Dow Mortality Study . . . . . . . . . . Birth Defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Toxicity of TCDD in Animal Species. . . Environmental Hazard Evaluation (Soil/Fish) ReferencesAUG EBBEIIZ 1655?, -2- What is Dioxin? The tenn "dioxins" (or more scientifically, "chlorinated dibenzo-p- dioxins?) refers to 75 similar, but different substances.1 Each of the 75 dioxins that has been studied has its own unique identity and toxicological properties. 0n the basis of animal studies, (TCDD) is considered to be the most toxic of the dioxins, and it has been comprehensively examined for its toxicological effects. This report will generally address the health impact of TCDD exposure. TCDD is a highly toxic compound that can cause a variety of ill health effects at relatively low doses in laboratory animals. We must be concerned with establishing safe levels of human TCDD exposure in our environment. TCDD is formed as a trace unwanted contaminant in the production of 2,4,5-trichlorophenol from tetrachlorobenzene. The herbicide 2,4,5- trichlorOphenoxyacetic acid other trichlorophenoxyacids, and the germicide hexachlorOphene are from 2,4,5-trichlorophenol and may contain trace amounts of TCDD and other dioxins.2 Dow has not produced the herbicide in the United States since 1979 due to reduced market demand from an Environmental Protection usesnnz Koo 16558 Agency (EPA) emergency suspension which restricted some applications of the product. There are no manufacturers currently producing in the United States. A Dow joint venture company produces in New Zealand. Dow currently supplies from inventories for the rice and rangeland applications presently approved by EPA. The trace amount of TCDD present in Dow-inventoried is less than 10 parts per billion. TCDD can also be created by combustion. Data indicate that chlorinated dioxins may arise from the combustion of most types of organic material, and suggest that chlorinated dioxins result from trace chemical reac- tions occurring in fire.3 Many chemical reactions occur during combustion at very low concentra? tions -- parts per billion and lower. With more advanced analytical capabilities, scientists have discovered numerous sources where various dioxins have been formed, including TCDD. SB8EIIZ K00 Some of these sources include refuse incinerators, wood?burning stoves, gasoline- and diesel-powered automobiles and trucks, fireplaces, char- coal grills and cigarettes. TCDD and the other dioxin compounds have been entering the atmosphere via airborne particulates from these various sources and settling on soil and in bodies of water. There have been a number of industrial incidents throughout the world where people have been exposed to TCDD. Epidemiological studies have 16559- -4- evaluated these incidents and all of the evidence so far tends to reduce the initial concern about the health effects of TCDD on humans. An overall look at the mounting data has been undertaken by the American Medical Association. These findings and conclusions are of interest and bear mention. The American Medical Association Report In 1981 the American Medical Association (AMA) published a technical report reviewing the medical evidence regarding the toxicity and long- term health effects of the TCDD contaminant in Agent Orange*. (D The report's preface stated: "In spite of the voluminous is still very little Lu Substantive evidence for many of the alleged claims that have co been made against these compounds (dioxins). The most serious as of these allegations assert that Agent Orange, or compounds of cm a like nature, have caused malignant tumors, spontaneous abor- tions and birth defects. Although data from studies on experi- mental animals tend to support some of these claims, it is not certain that the animal data are extrapolatable to man. No laboratory animal can fully substitute for man; we must, therefore, depend on the results of ongoing epidemiological studies on persons who are known to have been exposed." *(Agent Orange was a 50/50 herbicide mixture of and pro- duced according to Specifications set by the U.S. government for use as a defoliant in Vietnam to protect American troops from enemy ambush.) 16580 -5- A close look at the summary of the report gives a clearer insight into what the AMA's Advisory Panel on Toxic Substances found. The AMA Panel reported that, in addition to the marked variations in the sensitivity and susceptibility of animal species to all toxic substances, there are significant differences between some of the toxic effects of TCDD in experimental animals and the human experience. People appear to be less sensitive to the health effects of TCDD than some of the animal species studied. One of the more pronounced biological effects of heavy exposure to TCDD, as well as a number of other chlorinated aromatic compounds, is a tendency to cause chloracne in certain animals and humans, the AMA Panel reported. Egg This particular skin condition is regarded as the clinical marker for hd TCDD over-exposure in people. The Panel noted that human systemic dis- orders from exposures to TCDD are unlikely to occur in the absence of z: chloracne. Such findings as impaired liver and kidney function, gastro- ff: intestinal irritation, muscle and nerve disorders, and depression and irritation of the central nervous system have been reported after expo- sure to relatively large amounts of TCDD. However, these disorders have not been progressive, and they have disappeared with time, the AMA report stated. In short, if there is no chloracne, there are unlikely to be other persistent toxic effects from exposure to TCDD. The AMA Panel also reported that other toxic effects of TCDD, when experimentally produced in test animals, appear as pathological changes in the liver, and epithelial tissue. 18581 -5- TCDD is a powerful enzyme inducer. In addition to altering normal enzyme activity, it may potentiate or inhibit the action of other toxins. The AMA report stated that TCDD may act as a promoter of carcinogenesis in some strains of rats and mice. For cancer to start, it must go through several distinct steps. The first stage, called initiation, is produced by a carcinogen (an initiator) and probably involves irrevers- ible mutational changes. Subsequent growth and development of an actual cancer may require promotion, which may be the result of additional applications of a carcinogen, or of other, non-carcinogenic materials. CD Promotion may involve additional unknown processes which could aid the C3 growth of the cancer or reduce resistance to the developing cancer. TCDD is among the group of chemicals that may secondarily influence the formation of cancer by promotion. The carCinogeniCity associated with CD TCDD in laboratory animals is typically accompanied by other signs of systemic toxicity in contrast to some other chemical carcinogens for which cancer is the only observable toxic effect. TCDD has reportedly induced genetic changes in some forms of bacteria, but evaluations in rodents and humans do not indicate that these mutational changes will occur in higher animals, let alone people. The AMA Panel made clear in its summary that the extensive information collected for more than 30 years provides no conclusive evidence that 1658.2 and/or TCDD are mutagenic, carcinogenic or teratogenic in humans, nor that they have caused reproductive difficulties in people. Furthermore, the AMA report stated that undergoes relatively rapid decomposition in the soil. However, TCDD does persist in soil longer than but, in general, the half-life of TCDD in soil may be no longer than one year. TCDD exposed to ultraviolet light is broken down rapidly when present as a thin film on plants, water and the surface of soil.4 Seveso The most well?known and widely studied incident of community exposure to TCDD followed the July 10, 1976, explosion at the ICMESA trichlorophenol plant at Seveso, Italy. As a reSUlt of that accident, approximately seven square miles of the were contaminated by chemicals, including TCDD, exposing as many as 30,000 people.5?6 The heaviest con- Beasllz'xoa tamination involved an area of 180 acres (Zone A), occupied by 736 people. TCDD was reportedly detected on soil at levels in excess of 5.5 parts per million (ppm).7a5 In general, little effect was noted on plant life, but wild animals did die, particularly in Zone A (nearest the chemical plant). About four percent of the domestic animals in contaminated zones died, and virtually all of these were small animals.5 Some of these deaths may have been due to other chemicals released at the same time. .. 10563 -8- Chloracne, which has generally been regarded as the hallmark or sentinel sign of TCDD exposures, was observed in this population, although at generally low rates and primarily in children.9:10s5a5 The highest incidence of chloracne reported was about 13-14 percent among elementary school children in Seveso, and this was generally mild and rapidly resolved in most affected people.5=5a11 Other than chloracne (of which there were ultimately 100-200 cases), nausea, vomiting, itching and head- ache were the most commonly observed readily attributable to the exposure which may have involved chemicals other than TCDD. Head- ache, stomach and intestinal upset were more commonly noted in individuals with chloracne.9a6 CD Bisanti12 concluded that no "major event? had taken place with respect ii: to birth defects, miscarriages (spontaneous abortions), births and no deaths. While this seems to be the consensus, changes in birth defect gig reporting and in the reporting of "spontaneous" (sometimes "thera- :3 peutic") abortions have obscured any small changes which might have occurred.13:5.5.14:11 Data on reproductive outcome are limited in number, but Reggiani11 reports that examination of fetuses in 34 cases of medically-induced abortion revealed no evidence of injury attribu- table to TCDD. Pregnancy outcome in the years following 1976 appears to be comparable with Western experience.5 Of particular interest is the fact that no birth defects were observed 0 during 1977 among the 70 births in Zones A and 8. Only those pregnan- cies coming to term after January 1977 would have been relevant, 165364 -9- those in which July 1976 maternal exposure would have taken place during the critical period for the developing fetus. Many factors are known to cause birth defects in humans, which occur in three to six percent of live births: viral infections, genetic predis? position, smoking, alcohol, and even medications, including excess quantities of certain vitamins. Epidemiological Studies In recent years a number of investigations have been conducted concern- ing the human health effects associated with exposures to TCDD. The following brief review of the human exposure experience with TCDD and the epidemiological studies of those pepple are taken from a recent report by the Advisory Committee on Pesticides, which is charged with making recommendations concerning the safety and safe use of pesticides in the United Kingdom. 121 workers were - Monsanto's plant at Nitro, West Virginia: No apparent followed up for 30 years after exposure to TCDD. excess in total mortality or in deaths from cancer or diseases of the circulatory system was observed. - Coalite plant (1968) in the United Kingdom: Chloracne was initially seen in 79 workers and some had initial abnormali- ties in the liver but these returned to normal limits within 10 days. No clinically recognizable disease has been demon- strated. There is no evidence of liver or cardiovascular disease.1 ?00 18535 -10.. - Dow Chemical Company workers exposed to No adverse effects have been noted in an epidemiological study in these workers (mortality was actually less than expected).1 Vietnam: Exposure to Agent Orange is blamed for a host of illnesses. The U.S. Veterans Administration found that no cause-effect relationship was established between TCDD exposure and alleged medical complications.15 Finnish railroad workers using and other phenoxyacetic acid herbicides in forestry and on roads and railways: 1,960 men were Sf?died_an??no increased mortality from cancer was demonstrated. There were no deaths from cancer in forestry workers although six deaths would have been statistically predicted.15 Soft Tissue Sarcoma The most persistent hypothesis deals with the possible causal associa- tion between TCDD and soft tissue sarcomas. This hypothesis is derived 3 from the epidemiological work done by Dr. Hardell and his associates in no Sweden.16 (A) cc: Soft tissue sarcoma is a generic tenn for a group of lesions that rs: include more than 100 different types of tumors.17 These tumors are relatively rare; thus few pathologists have been able to achieve a high degree of consistency in their diagnosis.18 Most experts believe that if TCDD were acting as a carcinogen it would cause an increase in one I type of soft tissue sarcoma, but would be unlikely to raise the risk all across the board. One of the reasons vinyl chloride is accepted as a. human carcinogen is the specific way it acts. At high levels, it produces a single type of cancer: angiosarcoma of the liver. 18566_ -11- The question which arises is: If there is a common exposure link between various reports of soft tissue sarcomas in occupational groups, is TCDD the link? The exposure documentation differs from study to study. In some, based on detailed technical knowledge of the chemical process, analyses of reaction contaminants, and clinical evidence of excessive group exposure '(such as chloracne), there is evidence that TCDD is at least one of the common exposure links. In other reports, the evidence is more presump- tive, and in some cases it is totally lacking. Epidemiologists from Dow Chemical and Monsanto have reported on the soft tissue sarcoma cases occurring in their occupational groups presumably exposed to high levels of I ax: In 1964, a group of Dow trichlorophenol production workers experienced (L: c: Cx) an outbreak of chloracne. Sixty-one workers were identified as being involved with the trichlorophenol process. Forty-nine of these workers developed a rash diagnosed as chloracne. Epidemiologists followed up on the status of all 61 men through 1978, 14 years after the incident. Statistically, 7.8 deaths would have been expected in this group, but only four had occurred. Among the causes of death, one was from cardio- vascular disease when 3.8 would have been expected. Cancer was idehti; fied as the cause of three deaths when 1.6 were expected. None of these findings represent a statistically significant deviation from the expected experience.20 One of the cancer deaths in the Dow group was 1658? -12.. due to a type of soft tissue sarcoma called fibrosarcoma. In 1981 another employee in the Dow trichlorophenol worker group developed another type of soft tissue sarcoma, malignant fibrous histiocytoma, one of a multitude of tumors which comprise the soft tissue sarcoma category. The employee died in 1983. In the 1978 Monsanto study, no link between exposure to TCDD and excess deaths due to cancer or other causes was found among 121 current and fonmer workers employed at a plant in Nitro, West Virginia. The employees who participated in the study included workers who developed chloracne as a result of over-exposure to TCDD in a manufacturing accident in 1949. Among the Monsanto workers studied, 32 deaths were reported versus 46 which would be expected. Cancer accounted for nine deaths among the Monsanto group compared with more than nine deaths expected. One of these cancer deaths was attributed to soft tissue sarcoma, a malignant fibrous histiocytoma. 11068112 #500 A second Monsanto study evaluated the mortality experience of male hourly workers employed at the Nitro plant during or after 1955 and followed through 1977.22 When adjustments were made for prior exposures to a known bladder carcinogen, the observed deaths due to all causes and due to cancer were less than expected. Among the subset of employees I who had worked in production, the preportion of deaths due to cancer was lower than that found in the rest of the plant population. In this subset one individual died as a result of a soft tissue sarcoma, a liposarcoma. 153538 -13.. These four soft tissue sarcoma cases were summarized in the literature in 1981.23:24 All four had occupational exposures to trichlorophenol. Only one, the second Monsanto case, had also been exposed to Three had frank chloracne and the fourth, a Dow employee, a facial rash during his assignment in the trichlorophenol plant. All four had a history of cigarette smoking. It was suggested that the hypothesis of soft tissue sarcomas being caused by heavy TCDD exposure among cigarette smokers needed to be tested. Three other cases of soft tissue sarcoma were also reported in 1981.25:25 Exposure to trichlorophenol or TCDD was not well documented. In one case, the individual was considered unexposed until his disease The other two occurred in a father and son. was discovered. In a group of Dow employees (none of whom had chloracne)27 there have been no cases of soft tissue sarcoma. At Dow, the mortality experience of 204 persons exposed to during its manufacture from 1950 to 1971 was studied through 1978. No adverse effects were observed with respect to occupational exposure to either or its feedstock, 2,4,5-trichlorophenol. Mortality of the studied workers was favorable compared to that of U.S. white males. There have been no cases of soft tissue sarcoma reported in a DASF worker group, many of whom experienced severe chloracne. Seventy-four HUG SDSEIIZ -14- members of the BASF group were exposed to TCDD during a 1953 accident in a trichlorophenol production unit or during cleanup and repair following the accident. Exposures were heavy. Twenty-seven years after the accident a mortality study of those exposed to TCDD in the accident was undertaken. Overall mortality did not differ in this group from the rate expected in three external reference populations or from that observed in two internal comparison groups.28 Dow is cooperating with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) to prepare a study of more than 4,000 industrial workers potentially exposed to dioxins. CD CD Swedish Epidemiological Studies ex: Dr. Hardell's work, which has lead to the question about soft tissue cg: c: sarcomas, uses a different methodology than in the foregoing studies -- CD the case control approach -- and reports on different patterns and levels of exposure.15s29 In his first study, he reported a five- to six-fold increased risk of soft tissue sarcomas for those presumably exposed to phenoxyacetic acids, predominantly and chlorophenols (?pre- sumably" because the exposure information was subjectively reported by the study participants and/or next of kin). Objective records were incomplete and were difficult to interpret. In the second study, he also estimated the risk associated with exposure to phenoxyacetic acids not contaminated with TCDD and found the same magnitude of risk. -15- Some epidemiologists reviewing the information find this confusing. The justification for combining chlorophenols and was the presumption of a common contaminant, TCDD.39 If that were the case, increased risk would not be expected for the phenoxyacetic acids without this contaminant. In both of his studies, Dr. Hardell first administered mail questionnaires and then followed up with telephone interviews on a selected subset of subjects. While the questionnaire was designed with the idea of masking the intent of the investigation, the telephone inquiry Specifically focused on the exposures of pertinent interest: phenoxyacetic acids and chlorophenols. Interestingly, in his second study, Dr. Hardell reported the frequency non of the various exposures among both cases and controls and most of the risk estimates were elevated. The risk from only one out of 15 chemi- cals, sodium chlorate, was not elevated. Nicotine had a high risk. [058112 Unfortunately, the risk estimates derived from the questionnaire alone are not known, nor is it known what the risk estimates would have been. for other agents, if they had been probed in the same depth as were the phenoxyacetic acids and chlorophenols. There are a number of other concerns relating to Hardell's work. The accuracy with which exposure to the chemicals is determined is of vital importance, and the memory recall techniques Dr. Hardell used are subject to error. Workers are unlikely to remember with accuracy the chemicals they used some years in the past. It is also extremely difficult to estimate the extent or duration of the exposures. Furthermore, the -15- identification and classification of the various soft tissue sarcomas have not been consistent. The diversity of tumors is particularly difficult to explain. If all the tumors had been of a single type, the data would be much more convincing. Furthermore, research currently underway does not support Hardell's hypothesis concerning soft tissue sarcoma: - The U.K. Government Advisory Committee on Pesticides noted in February 1983: "It is our view that the procedures used for establishing the Swedish study groups, and some aSpects of the collection of the exposure data, were not reliable." Smith and associates30 are conducting a case-control study in New Zealand. Herbicide application is a registered profession in New Zealand, and phenoxyacetic acids have been used in bulk since the 53 late 19405. In a preliminary report presented at the 1982 Inter- ?45 national Symposium on Chlorinated Dioxins and Related Compounds, Smith noted he was unable to establish an association between the :3 use of phenoxyacetic acids and soft tissue sarcoma. In fact, not one of the soft tissue sarcoma patients had ever worked as a (J) licensed phenoxyacetic acid herbicide applicator. a: - Milham31 explored this issue in the state of Washington using death certificates. While there has been considerable exposure over the years to phenoxyacetic acids and chlorophenols in Washington state, occupations related to their use did not show consistent patterns of death due to soft tissue sarcomas. Surprisingly, the two occu- pations with the highest proportional mortality ratios were marine engineers and bankers. - hnong the deaths in the U.S. Air Force "Ranch Hand" Study, none were due to soft tissue sarcomas.32 Riihimaki studied 1,960 Finnish herbicide applicators and found no difference in death rate from any natural cause, including cancer, conpared with the total Finnish male population. There were no soft tissue sarcomas reported in this group of workers.3 F. - The Michigan Department of Public Health (MDPH) is investigating the possible relationship between dioxin and a small number of soft and connective tissue cancer deaths among women in Midland County (where Dow has facilities).34 In a recent report (May 1983) MDPH .16572 -17.. did not identify a specific association between any environmental factor and the reported increase of soft tissue cancer in the county. While overall age-adjusted cancer mortality rates in Midland County were below the state of Michigan average, soft and connective tissue cancers among white females in the county were elevated. As part of the initial study, MDPH reviewed data for 28 other U.S. counties in which TCDD or other dioxins were likely produced as a chemical manufacturing contaminant. They found no increase of soft tissue cancer in these counties verSus counties that did not have industrial manufacturing sources suspected of generating such dioxins. Various animal species did not develop soft tissue sarcomas when fed TCDD during laboratory experiments. Additional research is under way in the United States and elsewhere. The results of these studies should offer a better perspective on this issue. But right now, the preponderance of evidence does not demon- strate a link between TCDD exposure and soft tissue sarcomas. The Dow Mortality Study 6068112 tog In 1976 a research study was published that summarized the mortality experience of over 8,000 men employed by The Dow Chemical Company. The population of interest was defined based on a March 1, 1954, employee census of the Midland, Michigan, manufacturing location of the Company.35 The study originally developed background mortality data on the Dow worker population so that findings obtained from smaller groups directed at more specific questions, questions regarding particular chemi- cal exposures or processes), could be placed in perspective. The observation period for mortality follow-up was 1954 through 1972, and "18573 -18- comparisons were made to the mortality experience of the corresponding United States white male population. At that time, mortality among Dow employees was found to compare favorably with that of the general U.S. population. The objectives of the most recent update of this group of 8,181 employees were to extend the observation period through 1978, and to include comparisons with a community-based group of employed men not engaged in chemical manufacturing activities. In addition, the effects of cigarette smoking on mortality were investigated. The Dow group consisted of personnel from research departments, the corporate headquarters, and a major manufacturing division of the Company. It has been estimated that as many as 500 distinct chemical woo processes ranging from small batch operations to large continuous and highly-automated production units have been onstream at the Midland manufacturing site, including production of trichlorophenol and related products.36 For the most part, the men in the study represent long-term Company employees. Some were hired prior to the 19405. Cause of death was obtained fran death certificates for all but nine of the 1,932 deceased members of the study population. . 118574, -19- Overall mortality in the Dow group was 19 percent less than that expected for the corresponding United States population. Expressed in another way, a Dow worker of age 25 in 1972 could expect to live 2.2 years longer than a non-Dow worker of the same age. There were no statistical findings of excess mortality among Dow employees for any cause of death category. For total malignant neoplasms, there were five percent fewer deaths observed than expected based on the United States white male p0pulation. Significantly fewer deaths were observed than were expected for all categories. Presumably, if low-level TCDD exposure caused a variety of increased illnesses, the opposite from what is stated above would have been found. Comparing the Dow workers with a comparable employee population in Michigan, the overall mortality risk was about 10 percent lower in the Dow group than the corresponding non-Dow group.37 IIBEHZ M00 Birth Defects Concerns that TCDD may cause birth defects are not substantiated by epidemiological science. A brief review of some areas of concern and the corresponding results, and a more specific look at the Dow situation' in Midland, Michigan, are presented: a Aerial Spraying of in Oregon: Claims of a link between incidence of miscarriages and herbicide could not be established when all the data were available.15 -20- A six-year study of agriculture and forestry workers in Hungary exposed to Data do not suggest that there has been any significant increase of birth defects.1 New Zealand workers exposed to An alleged abnormally high incidence of neuraT tobe defects (such as spina bifida) were chance occurrences, and there is "a very high assurance of safety in normal use" of - Australian worker exposure to and Claims of high incidence of birth defects were investigated, and available information revealed no evidence that the birth defects were caused by exposure to these two compounds.15 Facial cleft defects in Arkansas: Study of exposure to from 1948-74 reveals these defects to have no association with About five years ago it was reported that the birth defect rates in Midland County (Michigan) were three times above those for the state of Michigan. At that time, the Michigan Department of Public Health (MDPH) examined this issue. It found an increase had occurred between 1971 and 1974 due to additional reporting of minor congenital malformations. ZIEEHZ M00 Before 1971 and after 1974, the birth defect rates in Midland County were either at or below state rates. If wideSpread chemical contamina- tion of the environment was responsible for birth defects, the rates should have gone up and stayed up. They did not. The changes may have been due to reporting techniques, not additional cases of birth defects. It is very important to note that the numbers of county births and birth defects were small, and thus, rates calculated from them tended to be more variable from year to year than the comparable rates for the entire state. The MDPH recently announced (May 1983) an updated report which I concludes that the birth defect elevations noted in the early 19705 were not unique and that no additional studies are warranted at this time.38 In 1982 Dow scientists published a report of a survey of reproductive events among 370 wives of Dow Michigan Division employees exposed to dioxins.39 They analyzed the associations between exposure and spon- taneous abortion (miscarriage), stillbirths, infant deaths, and several categories of congenital malformations before and after controlling for multiple confounders sources of error or confusion) independently and in various combinations. They did trend analysis to determine if duration of paternal exposure was related to adverse pregnancy outcome. There were no associations between any exposure and adverse pregnancy outcomes. These findings have recently been confirmed in another study conducted by Australian scientists40 who examined the impact on birth rates involving Vietnam veterans potentially exposed to Agent Orange. The Toxicity of TCDD in Animal Species There are wide variations in how different animal species are affected man by TCDD. For example, the single oral dose L050 (the amount that it would take to kill 50 percent of the test animals) in guinea pigs is 0.6-2.0 ug/kg (micrograms per kilogram or every 2.2 pounds of body weight [a microgram is one millionth of a gram; a kilogram is 1,000 grans, or 2.2 In hamsters, however, TCDD is much less toxic, with an oral L050 of 1157-5051 Therefore, the guinea pig is approximately 5,000 times more sensitive than the hamster, although both species are closely related biologi- cally. The direct relevance of any single animal experiment to humans must be evaluated with respect to all other available data. 16577 -22- In acute and subchronic studies, liver toxicity is a prominent component of TCDD toxicity in rats, mice and rabbits, but not in monkeys, where effects on the bone marrow and epithelial tissue are more prominent. Thymic atrophy in early toxicity studies suggested that TCDD might decrease the immune response. In laboratory animals, scientists can induce immunotoxic effects with high doses of TCDD. However, as the Seveso incident shows, these effects have not been demonstrated in exposed humans.45.45 Teratogenicity/Animal Species 0f the various toxic responses of animals to TCDD, the potential for nag teratogenicity (birth defects) has perhaps received the most attention. Teratogenic effects resulting from TCDD have been realized only in mice, which show an increased frequency of cleft palate, along with an abnor? mality of the central collection system of the kidney. It is well known that many factors can cause birth defects in mice, including the stress of being transported by air during pregnancy, or being deprived of drinking water overnight. In both rats and mice, dose levels of TCDD have been identified at which these effects do not occur. In rats, TCDD does not cause a teratogenic effect but sufficiently high? doses can cause embryo- and fetotoxicity. 18578 -23.. Many of the studies with TCDD in monkeys have been conducted at the University of Wisconsin. In experiments where the high dose level of about 0.011 ug/kg/day TCDD in the diet was given to the monkeys for up to 9.3 months, there were substantial toxic effects.47,48 A preliminary abstract of a follow-up study49 showed that monkeys given diets contain- ing approximately 0.0017 ug/kg/day of TCDD had only slight toxicity. There are studies currently in progress at the University of Wisconsin at lower doses. In a three-generation reproduction study50 of rats at incremental dose levels of TCDD in the diet, high doses caused decreased fertility and neonatal survival. The intermediate dose level caused decreased fertil- ity and other effects in the first two generations, but not in the third. At the low?dose level, there was no impairment of reproductive capacity through the three consecutive generations, indicating that SIBEHZ 3mg 0.001 ug/kg/day was a no-adverse?effect level over multiple generations. Mutagenicity/Animal Species A number of mutagenic studies have been conducted with TCDD. The major- ity of the tests have been negative or uninterpretable. Only two of the tests were positive in one strain of Salmonella bacteria, showing that there is low possibility for mutagenesis with TCDD in bacteria. In studies45,51:52:53:54,55,55,57 with rats or human cells, there is little indication that TCDD elicits a mutagenic response. 165? 9. -24- Thus, while a few positive or questionable mutagenic responses have been observed in certain plant or microbial test systems, there appear to be no definitive correlates of mutagenicity in higher animals or humans. Carcinogenicity/Animal Species Carcinogenic studies following ingestion of TCDD have been conducted in rats and mice.58a59:50 Review of these data indicates good correlation of the results in rats and mice, with a carcinogenic response associated only with lifetime ingestion of higher dose levels that also induce other toxicity. The liver was the primary target for cancer in both E: rats and mice. No cancer response occurred at dose levels of 0.001- 0.0014 ug/kg/day in the rats and 0.001-0.03 Ug/kg/day in mice. ?2 cxa cc: TCDD does cause cancer in animals. However, it is only at very high dose levels dose levels that are higher than those that elicit other kinds of toxicity. Cancer induced by exposure to TCDD would be preceded by substantial signs of toxicity. This toxicity (which is reversible when exposure st0ps) would act as a sentinel, or warning at dose levels below those that might cause cancer. Environmental Hazard Evaluation Soil Potential human exposure to TCDD from environmental contamination concerns many people. The following factors should be considered when evaluating potential human health hazards due to TCDD in soil: -25- TCDD is tenaciously bound by soils and other materials (carbon, charcoal), and studies have shown that plants grown in soils containing TCDD do not accumulate or translocate the material. The amount of material absorbed depends on contact with the skin, or ingestion. Soil binding of TCDD reduces the amount that can be absorbed through the skin or internally from ingestion. Animal studies show that only a small amount of TCDD is absorbed from contaminated soil. In animal studies, when such soil con- tained about 500 parts per billion (ppb) TCDD and when the soil was held in contact with skin for 24 hours (covered with aluminum foil), about 1/1000 of the TCDD in soil was absorbed. llBEllZ you Estimates of absorption from the Seveso incident suggest that people would be expected to absorb about 1/2000 of the average amount of material present in 1 square meter (approximately 1.2 square yards) of their environment each day. If one uses the laboratory or Seveso data, one can estimate that 100-1000 TCDD in soil could result in human absorption of as much as a dose equivalent to that which produced no effect when fed to laboratory rats for a lifetime. If one assumes that soil is eaten in signifi?' cant amounts by children, the permissible level is less, perhaps 10 ppb. 10581 -26.. Based on the assumptions and calculations presented here, (particularly those based on the work of Dr. Kingsley Stevens),61 it appears that general environmental soil contamination in the range of low parts per billion would not pose a health hazard to the general population, including the unborn, children, pregnant women or the old and infirm. For the general population, excluding children with intimate soil con- tact or those who ingest soil, a level of 100 would still pose no hazard. In occupational settings, where workers are protected by standard industrial hygiene practices, higher levels of contamination would not be accompanied by greater exposure or hazard. Dioxin and Fish Rats consuming a diet containing 22 parts per trillion (ppt) TCDD BIBEHZ H00 (1 nanogram-TCDD/kg of body weight per day) for a lifetime showed no adverse health effects due to TCDD. Rats consume about 10-20 percent of their body weight in food each day, while people daily consume about 2-3 percent of their body weight. Thus, for a given TCDD concentration, rats will ingest more of the compound than people. A person eating about 2-3 pounds of food per day uniformly contaminated with 25 TCDD would ingest about 0.5 nanogram/kg body weight/day or about one-half the dose (weight of TCDD per unit of body weight) shown to produce no adverse health effects when fed to rats for a lifetime. Again, this is true because people eat less food in proportion to their body weight compared to laboratory rats. 18582 -27- The dose received by eating contaminated fish is much less. Most people in the United States (99 percent according to U.S. government figures) eat less than 0.6 pound of fish per week. Nine out of ten people in the United States eat less than 0.3 pound of fish per week, while the "average" person eats still less. Since fish is such a small part of the Anerican diet, 99 percent of the American public would receive less than 1/70 of the amount of TCDD shown to produce no effect in laboratory rats fed TCDD daily for their lifetimes, if those people ate fish con- taining 25 of TCDD. 0r said another way, a person could eat nearly one ton of fish per year containing 25 of TCDD and not exceed the no-effect level established by laboratory animal experiments. The fish consumption guideline of 25 established by the Food and Drug Administration assures an adequate margin of safety to protect people from overexposure to TCDD.52 5159112 H00 August/1983 (6) ?Wl658& 10. 11. 12. 13. -28- REFERENCES Kociba, R. J. and Schwetz, B. A., (1982): Toxicity of 2,3,7,8-Tetra- chlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). Drug Metabolism Reviews, TCDD Toxicology with Particular Reference to Garattini, 5., (1982): Drug Metabolism Reviews, Seveso: Introductory Remarks. Bumb, R. 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McConnel, E. E., et al., (1978): TOxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 44:335. Olson, J. R., et al., (1980): Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 55:67. Henck, J. H., et al., (1981): Tbxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 59:405. Homberger, E., et al., (1979): The Seveso Accident: Its Nature, Extent and Consequences, Report of the Givaudan Research Company. Reggiani, G., (1980): J. Toxicol. Environ. Health, 6:27. Allen, J. R., et al., (1977): Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 41:177. Allen, J. R., et al., (1977): Food Cosmet. Toxicol., 15:401. Schantz, S. L., (1979): Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., Murray, F. J., et al., (1979): Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 50:241. Green, S., Moreland, F. S., (1975): Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 33:161. Green, S., et al., (1977): DA By-Lines, 6:292. 82581 13 H00 Hassom, J. S., et al., (1977-78): Hut. Res., 47:141. Khera, K. S., Ruddick, J. A., (1973): Perinatal Effects and the Dominant Lethal Test in Histar Rats?, in Chlorodioxins - Origin and Fate. Advances in Chemistry Series, No. 120 (Etcyl H. Blair, American Chemistry Society, Washington, DC. Beatty, P. H., et al., (1975): Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 31:309. Tenchini, M. L., et al., (1977): Approaches to Examination of Gene- tic Damage After a Major Hazard in Chemical Industry: Preliminary Cytogenic Findings on TCDD-Exposed Subjects After Seveso Accident, Special Project of Investigations on TCDD?Exposed Pregnancies (Prof. G. B. Candiani and Prof. L. DeCarli), University of Milan, Italy. Rehder, H., et al., (1978): Schweiz. Med. 108:1517. Kociba, R. J., et al., (1978): Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 46:279. National Cancer Institute, (1980): DHHS Public. No. NIH80-1765. 18587 60. 61. 62. -32- Toth, K., et al., (1979): Nature, 278:548. Stevens, K. M., (1981): Agent Orange Toxicity: The Quantitative Perspective. Human Toxicology. 1. PP. 31-39. Cordle, F., (1981): The Use of Epidemiology in the Regulation of Dioxins in the Food Supply. Regulatory TOxicology and Pharmacology 1, Academic Press, pp. 379-387. August/1983 (6) Hug a: Environmental Infomamn I 2815 For Further Information Contact: R. N. (Bob) Charlton (517) 636-9303 Health EBszuNh AND HUMAN HEALTH Executive Summary The issue of dioxin in the environment and the possible human health effects of this compound has been the subject of much Speculation over the past decade. This paper discusses scientific research and makes the following major points: The word "dioxin" refers to a family of 75 compounds of which the one called is the most toxic based on animal tests. Dioxins can be produced as an unwanted contaminant of some manufacturing processes and through some combustion sources. An American Medical Association review of available research has concluded that there is no convincing support for allegations that TCDD causes cancer, birth defects or other reproductive difficul- ties in humans. Studies of some 30,000 people exposed to TCDD after an industrial accident in Seveso, Italy, found a chemically-induced acne that occurred in approximately 200 people and no persistent effects which could be verified. There was no excess of birth defects, abortions or deaths in the population. A number of studies of workers accidentally exposed to large amounts of TCDD as long as 30 years ago have identified cases of chloracne in some of those workers. However, no long-term health effects have been demonstrated among this worker group. The studies have looked for cancer, heart disease, liver damage and other ailments. OBBETTZ hood. The work of a Swedish scientist who purports to find a link between TCDD exposure and soft tissue sarcoma (a relatively rare cancer) is not consistent with other studies. This research is not supported by the bulk of studies of exposed industrial employees, herbicide applicators and others which show no excess of this type of cancer. A study of 8,000 Dow employees in Midland, Michigan, where herbi- cides were produced, found their death rate to be 19 percent less- than the general U.S. pepulation. There was five percent less cancer than predicted. 1 18563- THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY 0 MIDLAND, MICHIGAN 48640 Investigations of herbicide applicators, forest workers and indus- trial workers and their wives found no link between TCDD exposure and birth defects. - Studies of animals exposed to TCDD show a variety of adverse health effects that vary widely from species to species. In most studies, safe levels of dioxin exposure have been identified. Cancer occurred only at levels where animals were suffering from obvious TCDD poisoning. A review of the scientific literature suggests that humans are less susceptible to TCDD than various animal species. As is the case with other toxins, TCDD exposure should be carefully con- trolled. The scientific evidence to date does not warrant undue concern about individual exposure to trace amounts of TCDD presently measured in the environment. Government environmental guidelines currently provide for more than adequate margins of safety. 1400 1888112 ii 185301 Analytical Studies for the US. Environmental Protection Agency VOLUME Ila Decision Making in the Environmental Protection Agency CASE .ZUSllt?lUleOU Prepared by Robert E. Burt, Nathan J. Karch, Raphael G. Kasper, Richard W. Lowerre, Lawrence E. McCray, and J. Roxanne Arno/d for the Committee on Environmental Decision Making Commission on Natural Resources National Research Council NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES . Washington, D.C. 1977 - . 165291 EXPLICIT CRITERIA AND PRINCIPLES FOR IDENTIFYING CARCINOGENS: A FOCUS OF CONTROVERSY AT THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Nathan J. Karchl CONTENTS I. DESCRIPTION OF THE DECISIONS II. INTRODUCTION A. The Nature of the Disease B. Cost and Extent of Cancer C. Environmental Origins of Cancer- D. Strategy for Control: New Emphasis on . Prevention CANCER PRINCIPLES Identification of Carcinogenic Substances Early Development of Principles Statutory Framework Use of Cancer Principles in the DDT Cancellation Proceeding Use of Cancer Principles in the Aldrin/Dieldrin Suspension Proceeding Use of Cancer Principles in the Heptachlor/ Chlordane Cancellation and Suspension Proceedings 1. Magnitude of the Cancer Problem 2. Uncertainty in the Mechanism of Cancer Induction 3. Establishment of Carcinogenicity and Assessment of Risk . 4. Problems with Experiments in Animals Use of Cancer Principles in the Mirex Fact? Finding Proceeding Use of Cancer Principles in Rule.Making Origins of the Cancer Principles 1. Extrapolation from Rodents to Humans 2. Can All Chemicals Cause Cancer? 119 121162 164 IQESZ IV. VI. 3, Do Benign Tumors Characterize a Carcinogenic Response? . 4. Can "No-Effect" Levels be Set for Chemical Carcinogens? J. Organized Opposition K. Attempt at Peer Review CONCLUSIONS A. Nature of Controversy - B. How the Controversy Might Have Been Averted NOTES APPENDICES 120 165 168 172 176 184 184 186 188 204 BBSUUOZHOU ?8583 2 (f many scientists in OPP had extensive toxicological experience in industry, USDA, or FDA with substances that induce reversible effects below a certain "threshold" of action. Thus, they believed "noeeffect" levels should be set for carcinogens as they are for substances posing acute and certain other chronic hazards. Furthermore, many in OPP believed rodents (mice eSpecially) were inappropriate animal models for cancer testing. Because cancer is such a poorly understood disease, there are no unequivocal answers to a great many questions. The principles were an attempt to summarize reasonable presumptions concerning the design and interpretation of studies to detect carcinogens. They sought to present in simple terms the thinking of expert committees that had addressed the problems of carcinogenicity testing for over 25 years. Not surprisingly, many scientists in OPP opposed the use of the principles, and COO took the lead in preparing the scientific and technical basis for the Agency's position on carcinogenicity in cancellation actions. Under other circumstances, OPP would have had a large hand in the cancer issue during cancellation actions; OPP and other Agency scientists testified on many issues other than cancer. U?snvoznou I. Origins of the Cancer Principlele9 Although it is not the intention in this case study to evaluate the scientific validity of the cancer principles, it seems appropriate to examine in detail some of the underlying documentation. For this reason, some of the reports and articles that were entered into the record of various fact-finding, cancellation, and suspension proceedings, and that form the basis for the principles will be discussed. The following discussion is irtended to illustrate the surprising consensus--short of unanimity--on the concepts embodied in the cancer principles and is limited to four such concepts: -- It is necessary to extrapolate from animal studies, particularly in rodent species, to humans in order to evaluate the risk of cancer. Not all chemicals are capable of causing cancer, even at maximum doses of administration. Although a distinCtion can frequently be made between benign and malignant tumors, for the purposes of establishing the carcinogenicity of a substance, they should be considered synonymous. 161 isas? . - There is nc practical method for determining a "no- effect" or threshold exposure level in humans for carcinogens. 1.. already been discussed earlier to some extent.? It should be recalled that the various expert committees agree that reliance on animal studies is necessary because of the practical and ethical limitations in reliance on epidemiological studies to identify carcinogenic agents and because of the evidence of the validity of studies in experimental animals as the basis for establishing the carcinogenicity of a substance. Extrapolation from Rodents to Humans The first issue of reliance on studies in rodents has 159? WEI-IOU Discussions by expert committees of the optimal conditions for carcinogenicity testing has included consideration of appropriate mammalian species for testing. After a thorough review of carcinogenicity testing, the Mrak Commission reported in 1969: The species most practical for testing are rats, nice, and--as more recently shown??hamsters. Strains and colonies should be selected to provide adequate sensitivity to tumor induction, as revealed by positive control tests with known The use of nonrodent Species, recommended in the earlier reports, has now been substantially dropped. A suitable, practical nonrodent Species would be useful but it is not available at this time..-. While dogs have been employed for tests of carcinogenicity, with noteworthy success in selected cases {bladder carCinoqenicity of aromatic amines), the requirement of lifetime feeding makes this Species too expensive, in terms of time and funds, to be employed routinely.11? Again in 1975, an NRC committee confirmed the views expressed in many of the earlier reports: Rodents are the animal of choice for carcinogenesis tests because of their convenience, comparatively short life span and proven susceptibility to a broad range of carcinogenic agents.?1 Another NRC report published in 1975 concludedi carcinogenic risks, and other health hazards, of pesticides require continuing evaluation by testing with laboratory mammals; the problems involved in translating 162 .-. u. . - . - . inif!? . s! Fr -- . 103 lbid. 10? Federal Register, Vol. Q0, (July 3, 1975), pp. 28296. 105 Ibid., p. 28256. . :3 106 Ibid-, p. 28257. CD 107 Ibid., p. 28263. co c: 108 Bob Wyrick, Officials Devised Cancer Tests on 4* People," Washinthn Post, Thursday, June 23, 1977, p.4> PrOposed Carcinogen TeSt on Mexicans," Ibid.E: Wednesday, May 11, 1977, p. A1. 10 I wish to acknowledge the contribution made to the writing of this section by John E. Bonine, Office of General Counsel, EPA. Bonine gave me a preliminary draft of a paper tracing the term "principles" and reviewing some of the reports of expert committees. 110 Mrak Commission (1969), supra note 37, p. ?65, text and footnote 2. 111 National Research Council (1975) Evaluating Chemicals, supra note 37, p. 150. 112 National Research Council (1975) Pest Control, supra note an, p. 66. 113 Mrak Commission (1969), supra note 37, p. 11. 11M National Cancer Advisory Board (1977), supra note 31, p. 863. 11S Tomatis, supp; note 37, p. 1. 116 0.8. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, ?urvey of Compounds Which Have been Tested for Carcinggenic Activity, Volumes (197d-1976), (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office). 117 The study was performed by the Litton-Bionetics Research Laboratories under contracts PH u3-6u?57 and PH u3?67- 735; see 0.8. Department of Health, EducatiOn, and Welfare (1969), supra note 31, pp. ?61*506; J.R.M. Innes, B.M. Ulland, M.G. Valerio, L. Petrucelli, L. Fishbein, E.R. Hart, A-J. Pallotta, R.R- Bates, H.L. Falk, J.J. Gart, M. Klein, I. Mitchell, and J. Peters, "Bioassay of Pesticides and Industrial Chemicals for Tumorigenicity in Mice: A Preliminary Note," J. National Cancer Institute, Vol. Q2 (1969), pp. 1101-111U. 198 .16696 (W 2626 SUMMARY OF RESPONSE TO RISK ANALYSIS ON THE USE OF HERBICIDE compiled by surgeon? Marguerite L. Leng Product Registrations Health 6 Environmental Sciences THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY Midland, Michigan USA February 1979 Excerpts from Volume I of Dow risk rebuttal and from Dow legal brief submitted to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on August 4, 1978 -??z?212 H00 18537 $5231 M. it Wm?, 23 zen/Ira . U. ALu?-dwei 5 ?104 am; 7 ?lm 7/5/07 Wn?aq?r APPENDIX II 7% - 'Ma, ggxuzsf o~014 .anmaqn?aum?lan Lutturu Submitted to EPA In ?ghponuu LO Nu Ill Effocte from Huqlgturcd Unuu. EPA I Name of . Egan gaggpatlon I 'Yunrs of use 5 Jumus Hruln Husehnrg 0n Sucrutary, Stutu Sprayura 400 man yours 6 Mack L. Little Lufkln TX runchur/aprayur slncu 1958 7 C. Eddie Muuku Thumnatun an County ugunt coup uxtunulon 1] Donald H. Cuutullnu Huncuw ID pcut control consultant 20 years 10 Huwurd G. chouull I Hlsnoulu MT Exec. V.P. Inland Forest Resource 20 J. r. Howell Clnrundun TE rancher yearn 34 John N. Grunt County MN County extension agent yuaru J7 Frcdurlck Drummuud Puwhunku 0K uprayer/ranohcr yearn 4] Hm. J. Lubbock TX t?uucarcll and tango manngor JO yuuru 17M A. Hu?ougul I National Cuttlomnn'? huaoc. . (280,000 profonslonnla} D6 James L. Colo Leavenworth In small ranch and uuodu nvur 25 yunru llnn?y Hahn: (2A numagur, uoudlmulu rnnuarch yearn 9l Jumun H. Floyd lenrnl KS nurlul 200.000 acres 9] Patrick J. Runny Huutborough MA New England Power Survlcu Co. 20 yearn 102 Hunnld A. chhlell D.C. Exec. Director Publlc Lands Council . KOO IJOHMJ I TRANSLATION - --.I C: GERMAN Publication 9/979 nut-Il? 9 on Period April 29, 1981 z: 0 Lu mm OD of.the Federal Government c: to U1 the inquiry of members of the parliament, Frau Dr. Hartenstein, Schafer (Offenburg), Catenhusen, Duve, Jansen, Kiehm, Dr. Hub er, 1 Marschall, Frau Dr. Hartiny-Glotz, Reuter, Dr- Schwenk (Stade) Frau Weyel, Hitek, Frau Zutt, Ibrugger, Bargerowski, Engel? hard, Dr.Hirsch, Kleinert, Dr. Hendig, Wolfgramm (Gettingen) and the parliamentary groves 3f SPD and EDP Publication 9/292 gh/yl - /4x4 a%%2?mf j?amazlasu a254;?( - I The Secretary of the Dept. of Food, Agriculture and Forestry has.answered the inquiry on behalf of the Federal Government by letter of April 14, 1981, as follows: The Biologische Punoesanstalt Jar sand? und (BEA) and the BuneesgesunuheitSam: CA) V?lch are responsible for the registration of pesticides, have repeatedly xpressed their expert Opinion on the herbicide 2,4,5?1. It was established in a joint statement of the year 1975 that a hazard does not exist if it is used properly and according to the regulations. Necessary restri?_ tions for the use are ruled by the decree about prohibitions and restrictions of the use of pesticides, dated December 19, 1980 3031. p. 2355) or by requirements 2,b,5?t containing herbicides as registered in the Federal Republia of Germany today, cannot be put in a relation to the "agent orange: which was used as a defoliant for forests in the Vietnam war. Thesr products were contaminated very much with the toxic TCDD (Dioxin), which also reached the environment during the accident.ofjseveso, The defoliant used in Vietnam contained up to 5000?times more TCDD than the formulations registered in the Federal Republic of German; today. The EBA has required from the manufacturers in the registrai that a TCDD content of 0.01 mg/kg is not exceeded, i.e. 100 g/t In contrast to this, the guideline level of the world Health Organization amounts to 0.5 mg/kg, i.e. SO?times highc than the German guideline level. 1635 ?g 2 2832:} .- serge-er a re Jr.? .I-I A symposium sponsored primarily by the American Chemical Society's Division of Pesticide Chemistry, with the cooperation of the Committee on Chemistry and Public Affairs, and the Divisions .of Agricultural and- a Food Chemistry, Chemical Health and Safety, and. Professional . Relations. Held on 1980, in Las Vegas, Nevada, during the 180th national meeting of the Society. American Chemical Society 1155 16th St., NW. Washington, DC. 20036 2644 AIEEHHIEX C. PROPOSALS FOR EPIDEHIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF HORBIDITY ASSOCIATED HITH HERBICIDES The assessment of the available data concerning a possible biological association between exposure to phenoxy acid herbicides and soft tissue .2 sarcoma has led to the conclusion that there is a need for further research 4: to permit the confirmation or refutation of this suggestion. It has also been noted that a number of studies are already in progress or are about to be initiated in several countries around the world using data which are available on both a national and international basis. These include systematic epidemiological studies of both a retrospective and a prospective nature which constitute the only appropriate methods available for this purpose. In view of the known temporal and geographical yarintions in the incidence of a number of malignant conditions and of the importance of the phenoxy acid herbicides to agriculture and forestry in this country it is considered advisable to investigate the situation as it exists in the United Kingdom. Appropriate information is available to enable epidemio- logical studies of both a retrospective and a prospective nature to be carried out. In addition to being the only way of obtaining information of direct relevance to the UK workforce it should be possible, from the data available, to obtain evidence which is less open to the criticisms that have been levelled against some of the reports that have been published so far. There would also be an opportunity to extend the scope of the investigations to include aspects other than the occurrence of soft tissue sarcoma and the possible involvement of other chemicals such as the chlorophenols. Retrospective Study This would examine whether patients suffering from soft tissue sarcomas (or other specified malignant conditions) had an unusual history of exposure to phenoxy acids during their manufacture or use as herbicides. The first step would be to establish a group of sarcoma patients and an appropriate control group. Since comprehensive cancer registration data are available covering the whole country, basic information eg age, sex, type of malignancy, when and where registered, for all identified cases in specified categories of soft tissue sarcoma is readily accessible. However, these are relatively rare tumours, and a decision would have to be taken whether to study all of them in relevant age groups, or only those in parts of the country where herbicide use?is likely to he more common. The control group, which would have to be matched at least by age and Sex, could be cancer registrations for body sites where there are no reasons to believe that tumour occurrence could be associated with herbicides. The major problem with retrospective studies is in obtaining the history of herbicide exposure. For most patients the occupational exposure will out have been documented precisely, if at all. Hemories are notoriously fallible, even in the short term and recall concerning events many years 16601. previously will probably be uncertain. For patients who have died recourse might be had to their families to obtain the history, as in some of the published reports, but this would be even.more unreliable. Furthermore, whether obtained from the patient or a relative, there is the possibility of a bias in the histories of herbicide use from cases compared with controls because of the publicity on possible hazards. A retrospective study would have to be conducted in the eXpectation that only in a small proportion of cases and controls could the histories of herbicide use be validated. In such an investigation particular attention would have to be paid to ethical considerations. Information in cancer registries is confidential, and a proper procedure would have to be? established before any approach could be made to consultants, general practitioners, to the patients and their families, or to any other source of data. Despite these drawbacks a retrospective study has certain advantages. It' I can be mounted fairly quickly and is relatively cheap. It does not take long, the duration being governed largely by the time required to obtain occupational histories. QHZZIZ ma Prospective Study In this study a cohort with known exposure to herbicides would be identified and monitored to determine whether they suhsequently.3uffered any excess of soft tissue sarcomas or morbidity of other kinds. There would be a need for a control cohort comprised of individuals not exposed to herbicides. The subsequent morbidity of this group would be recorded in exactly the same way as for the herbicide user cohort. Since reliable information concerning exposure is of paraaOunt importance in such a study an essential pre-requisite is that there should be good documentation available concerning herbicide use. Organisations such as the Forestry Commission or commercial sprayers who keep rOutine records should therefore be selected in preference to farmers whose occasional use of herbicides may go unrecorded. The documentation system would have to be reviewed to assess the need for possible changes to ensure that complete, uniform and appropriate data are obtained. The essence of the prospective study would be the collection of morbidity information in cohorts defined as either using or not using herbicides. Leaving aside the choice of the control cohort, the non-users, there are different problems depending on what aspect of morbidity is selected for study. The extreme event, death, could be readily ascertained, even if members of the cohort moved or changed their occupation, by tagging their entries in the was Central Register. Cancer registrations, as well as deaths from any cause, are reported to this Register so that the cancer morbidity as well as mortality can be obtained for the defined cohort. Other expressions of morbidity, leading-to consultation with a general practitioner, out-patient referral or admission to hospital, are nut obtainable from a central register. If there was a case for seeking evidence on anything besides general mortality and cancer morbidity, Lassa 10 11 12 ag -on liver disease, this would need a separate organisation such as a questionnaire to the patient or his doctor to determine whether there was any episode of illness worth further enquiry. It would add considerably to the cost and complexity of the study to extend the_range of outcomes in this way, and there would need to be a strong case for such addition. HUG It could be difficult in a prospective study to establish a satisfactory control cohort. Ideally it should comprise individuals of similar age, sex, and social class distribution, and probably from the same areas. In occupational studies of this kind it is sometimes possible to find groups within the same organisations, such as administrative and clerical staff, who are not in contact with the process, but their numbers-may well he too small in this instance. It is always possible to use national or Regional data on mortality and cancer registration as a standard of comparison for the cohort of users, and this compromise may be a reasonable one to adopt. SHZZIZ The main disadvantage of a prospective study is the length of time before sufficient events have occurred to warrant comparisons betw users and non-users particularly where rare events such as the occurrence of soft tissue sarcomas is concerned. Furthermore, the cohorts defined initially will not remain 'pure' in the sense that additional exposures to similar or different agents may occur. Nevertheless this type of study is more likely to lead eventually to a valid measure of the risk, if any, of exposure to specific herbicides and should, therefore, be given serious consideration, although the difficulties which have been Outlined above should not be underestimated. A cohort, prospective, study set up now could provide evidence only on phenoxy acid herbicides currently produced. However, there may be scope for conducting a cohort study retrospectively. If in selected organisations, such as the Forestry Commission, it was possible to prepare nominal lists of all employees in some period in the past, say the decades {945-54, 1955-64, and to categorise them by pesticide use, their subsequent experience up to the-present day of mortality and cancer registration might be retrievable. The aortality picture could be virtually complete, but cancer registration was not fully established in the earlier years and would be reliable only for the last 10-15 years. The study would not be easy, but might be valuable because it would provide information on exposure to herbicides with a relatively high'dioxin contamination. Unlike a new cohort study established now, some measure of the outcome 20-30 years after exposure could be obtained relatively quickly. 166-03 SUMMARY OF EPIDEMIOLOGICAL AND CLINICAL STUDIES CONTRIBUTING ORIGINAL OBSERVATIONS CONCERNING A POSSIBLE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN CHEMICAL 2645 EXPOSURE AND SOFT TISSUE SARCOMAS if: . .Origin CASE CONTROL STUDIES Study Population 52 cases of soft tissue sarcoma and 208 latched controls from Northern Sweden 1 'Suedsn A. C: CD he Summary of findings ?d LO CD Exposure to phenoxy acids reported by 252 of cases and 72 of controls. Exposure to chlorophencls reported by 132 of cases and 32 of controls. Relative risk* of developing a soft tissue sarcoma associated with exposure to phenoxy acids - 5.3. (Relative risk associated with exposure to chlo 'whenols - 6.6). Chlorinated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans possibly involved. *Relative risk is the statistically derived expression of the ratio between the inciden of exposure reported by cancer patients and that reported by the control group. 110 cases of soft tissue sarcoma and 219 matched controls from Southern Sweden. 2 Sweden 3 Sweden 169 cases of malignant (60 Hodgkin's disease and 109 non-Rodgkin's and 333 latched controls. 4 Sweden 15? cases of colon cancer and 5&1 unmatched controls. (Supplementary study to l, 2 and 3 above). Exposure to phenoxy acids reported by 131 of cases and 3.23 of controls Exposure to chlorophenols reported by lOZ.oi cases and 3.7: of controls Relative risk of developing a soft tissue sarcoma associated with exposure to phenoxy acids - 6.8. .(Relative risk associated with "exposure to chlorophenols - 3.3). Exposure to phenoxy acids reported by 242 of cases and 73 of controls. Exposure to chlorophenols reported by 301 of cases and 10: of controls. Relative risk of developing a associated with exposure to phonoxy acids - (Relative risk associated with exposure to chlorOphsnols - 4.3). A re-examination of the data presented in l, 2 and 3 above confirms relative risk factors of 4.2, 5.6 and h.l respectively for an association between the develop- ment of soft tissue sarcoma and malignant and exposure to phenoxy acids follOUlng a 5 year latency period. No association was established between expGSure to Such chemicals and the development of colon cancer, relative risk - 1.3. Ref Countrv of Origin 5 New Zealand 6 7 8 New Zealand COHORT STUDIES West Germany Finland USA Study Papulation 102 cases of soft tissue sarcoma_ first diagnosed beLvecn 1976 and 1980 and 306 other cancer patients as matched controls. 80 cases of soft tissue sarcoma and 92 other cancer patients.as controls. (Further data fro? the study reported at 5 above). 75 chemical workers involved in a trichlorophenol plant accident in [953 L971 herbicide sprayers (Railway, forestry, highway and electric company workers) 61?chemica1 workers involved in trichlorophenol production and exposed to in 1964 - '6 due to cancer (4 expected). PEPE-.1 A. Summary of findings Preliminary report. 0n the basis of Cancer Registry Records there is no evidence of an excess of soft tissue sarcomas among the occupational group involving agriculture and forestry. Further preliminary report. Exposure to phenoxy acids reported by 262 of soft tissue sarcOma cases and 212 of controls. Estimat. for the relative risk of developing a soft tissue sarcoma following exposure to phenoxy acids varied from 1.3 for potential exposure of more than 1 day at least 5 years before cancer regis- tration to 1.6 for probable expostg; No soft tissue sarcoma patient had:; worked full time on phenoxy acid herbicide spraying. 42 cases of severe chloracne associated with exposure during the accident or subsequent cleaanE uork.? By 1978 17 deaths had occurred (11 to 25 expected), EHZIZ The incidence of stemach cancer (3 cases was higher than expected. There were no cases of soft tissue sarcoma Retrospective study 1955-1971, 49 de occurred (87.8 expected), 13 due to cancer (16.4 expected). Prospective follow-up, 1972-1976, 62 deaths occu (92.9 expected) 9 due to center (18. expected). Prospective follow-up, 1977-1980, 82 deaths occurred, (91.1 expected), 17 due to cancer, 18.4 expected. No cases of chlurucne. Hg cases of soft tissue sarcoma. 49 cases of chlorecne were -rted ranging from mild to severe. by 1978 4 deaths had octurred (7.8 expected), 1 due to cancer (1.6 expected). One case was a soft tissue sarcoma (fibrusarCUma). bL'l 11 12 13 14 15 16 222513. Origin USA USA Sweden Sweden Czecho- slovakia USA USA Study Population 20? chemical workers involved in production between 1950 and 1971 121 chemical workers involved 13'! trichlorophenol plant accident in 1949 142 forestry workers exposed to phenoxyscetic acid herbicides between 1954 and 1978 and 244 forestry workers not so exposed 348 railway'workers (herbicide sprayers between 1957 and 1972) 55 chemical workers exposed to over a 10 year period during the production of 2.4.5-T from trichlorophenol Review of 9. 10 and 11 above plus additional data on chemical workers involved in the production of from trichlorophenol Supplementary data concerning the cohort studied at 9 above APPEIHIEX A _Sumnary of findings No case of chloracne. By 1976 11 deaths had occurred (20.3 expected) -only l-due to cancer (3.6 expected). This was not a case of soft tissue sarcoma. A11 menbers of the selected cohort exhibited chloracne attributable exposure during the accident. By 1978 32 deaths had occurred (46.6 expected), 9 due to cancer (9 expected). One case was a soft tissue sarcoma (malignant fibrous histiocytome). The pattern of-deaths among both exposed and unexposed cohorts is in accord with Swedish national aortelity statistics. However among foresen, the cost extensively exposed workers, there is an excess of eortality (8 observed/4.1 expected) due to an excess of both cancer (3 observed/1.0 expected) and cardiovascular disease (4 observed/ 1.9 exported). There were no soft tissue sarcomas. No cases of chloracne. By 1978 45 deaths had occorred (49 expected), 17 due to cancer (11.9 expected). No specific type of tumour predominates and no soft tissue sarcoma was reported. 52 cases of chloracne. By 198? 6 deaths had occurred, 2 due to cancer.. There were no cases of soft tissue sarcoma. An additional case of soft tissue .sarcoma (generalised liposarcoma) is reported in a worker involved in the production of from trichlorophenol. There was no prior history of chloracne. An additional case of soft tissue sarcoma (malignant fibrous histiocytoma) in a trichlorOphenol production worker is reported. There was a previous history of chloracne. .1668? 18 19 20 21 22 23 Oodntr of Origin United Kingdom USA USA Study Population 126 chemical workers involved in a trichlorophenol plant accident in 1968 Retrospective analysis of mortality data - Hashington State (1950?1979) Retrospective analysis of mortality data - butchers end slaughterhouse workers (1965-1980) CLINICAL REPORTS Sweden Sweden USA USA 7 cases of soft tissue sarcoma (included in the case control study reported at 1 above) 17 cases of malignant (included in the case control study reported at 3 above) 1 case of soft tissue sarcoma in a chemical worker_ 2 cases of soft tissue sarcoma in chemical workers (father and son)' .APTEIIDIXI.X Summary of findings 79 cases of chloracne were reported after the accident. By 1981 no deaths had occurred nor had any case of cancer been identified. No abnormal biochemical or clinical effects attributable to exposure. In occupations with exPosure to phenoxy acid herbicides or chlorophenols ?9 soft tissue sarcomas were observed (41 expected). In those occupations with the greatest excess of deaths from soft tissue sarcoma there was obvious association with exposu to phenoxy acid herbicides or chlorophenols. An analysis of cancer mortality aoong butchers and slaughterhou workers revessled an increased risk relative for soft tissue 0 re 56 sarcoma of 5.6 (1 observed case/ 0.13 expected). Exposure to reported in 5 cases the and heavy. phenoxy acids is all 7 cases. In exposure was direct phennxy acids, is 8 cases. Exposure to reported in A case of retroperitoneai neurogenic sarcoma is reported in a truck driver and maintenance worker in a chemical plant producing trichlorophenoi or Ho history of prior chloracne. Two cases of soft tissue sarcoma are reported (a flbro-sarcomatous mesothelioma and a liposarcoma). Both individuals had been employed at a chemical plant producing chlorOphenois. No history of prior chloracne. as? IHZZIZ l. 3. l. 5. 6. 9. 10. 11. REFERENCES Hordell, L., (1979). British Journal of Cancer 32 711-717 "Case-control study: soft-tiesue sarcomas and exposure to phenoxy acetic acids or chlorophenola". Eriksson, H., et a1.. (1931). British Journal of Industrial Medicine 2??27-33. "Soft-tissue sarcomas and exposure to chemical substances: a case-referent study". Hardell, L., et al., (1981), British Journal of Cancer 32 169-176, "Malignant and exposure to chemicals, especially organic solvents, chlorophenols and phenoxy acids: a case-control study". HUD Hardell. L., (1981) Scandinavian Journal-of Work ?nvironment and Health 1 119-130 "Relation of soft-tissue sarcoma, malignant and colon cancer to phenoxy acids. chlorOphcnols and other agents?. Smith, ML. et al.. (1932) Community Health Studies 3 114-119; ?Do agricultural chemical cause soft tissue sarcoma? Initial findings .of a case-control study in Neu Zealand". Smith. A.H., et a1., (1982) Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Chlorinated Dioxins and Related Compounds. In Press. "The New Zealand soft tissue sarcoma case-control study: interview findings concerning phenoxyacetic acid exposure". Thiess, A.H., Frentzel-Beyne. R., (1978) working paper, quoted in Internation Agency for Research on "Long-term hazards of dihenzodioxins and dibnnzofurans? Internal Technical Report No 78/001. Lyon. "Hortality study of persons exposed to dioxin after an accident which occurred in the BASF on 13th November 1953". Riihimaki. V., et al., (1982) Scandinavian Journal of Hork Environment and Health 37-h2 "Mortality of 2,h-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid herbicide applicators in Finland". Cook, R., et al., (1980), Journal of Occupational Hedicine 33 530?532 "Hortality experience of employees exposed to dihenzo-p-dioxin Ott, HG., et al., (1980) Journal of Occupational Medicine 5; mortality analysis of employees engaged in the manufacture of 2,4,S-trichlorphenoxyacetic acid". 216k. Suskind. R.R., (1980) Jaurnnl of Occupational Medicine 3; ll-lh ?The mortality experience of workers exposed to Lutrachloro? dibenzodioxin in a trichlorophenol process accident". 18608 12. 13. 16. 15. 16.- 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Hogstedt, 6.. Hesterland. 3.. (1980) L?kartidningen 12 1829-1831 ?Cohort study of causes of death of forestry workers with and without exposure to phenoxy acid preparations". Axelson, 0., et 31., (1980) Scandinavian Journal of Bork Environment and Health ?_73-79 "Herbicide exposure and tumour mortality. An up-dated epidemiological investigation on Swedish railroad uorkers". Pazderova?Vejlapkova. J., et al., (1980) Pracovni Lekanstri 204-209 ?Chronic poisoning by Honchar, 9.1., Hnlperin, 3.8., (1931) Lancet 1 268-269 trichlorophenol, and soft-tissue sarcoma". Cook, R.R., (1981) Lancet 1 618-619 "Dioxin, chloracne, and aoft-tissuq:3 sarcoma". - '1 . May. 6., (1982) British Journal of Industrial Medicine 22 128-135 ?Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin: a survey of subjects ten years after no exposure". - . ho Hilhau. 5.. (1982) Lancet i 1464-1545 "Herbicides; occupation. and cancer". 4r (.0 Johnson, 3.8.. Fischean. H.R., (1982) Lancet 1 913 "Cancer mortality among butchers and slaughterhouse workers". Hardell. L., (1977) L?kartidningen "Malignant tumours and exposure to phenoxy acids - a clinical observation". Hardell. L., (1979) Lancet 1 55-56 "Malignant of histiocytic type and exposure to phenoxyacetic acids or chlorphenols. Hoses, H., Selikoff, I.J.. (1981) Lancet 1 1370 "Soft tissue sarcomas, phenoxy herbicides and chlorinated phenols". Johnson, al., (1981) Lancet ii 3&0 "Soft tissue sarcomas and chlorinated phenols". l-J man-L?E' - 13th Decenber, 1982 Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Whitehall Place, - London SW1A ZHH. The Rt Peter Walker, LEE, MP, Hm Dear mister 1. In your letter of 3 May 1982, you sought the Advisory Ccmnittee on Pesticides' observations on new evidence concerning the safety of herbicides, with particular reference to a review article published in the Lancet on that ?ne date. We have now reached a point in our enquiries at which we think it would be helpful to report to you and the other Departmental Ministers with an interest in the safety of these herbicides. - :400 Background to rStudy 2. The Committee decided that a panel of independent members should be set up under my to consider the latest evidence, and the advice in this letter reflects their detailed examination of all the relevant studies known to us which are sunmarised in Appendix A to this letter. The panel included all areas of expertise needed for a study of a postulated association between use of a herbicide and a particular typeof cancer, and consisted of:- 11912212 Professor C.L. Berry Dr R.L. Carter Dr R. Goulding Professor .3. Knowelden Professor R.I. McCallun Professor G.R. Sager 3. Before giving you our conclusions, I think that a. brief review of the evidence we have considered since publication of our Deoen'uer 1980 report might. help you and your colleagues to assess our advice. You will recall that much of our 1980 enquiry was concerned with the question of whether the use of herbicides might be associated with miscarriages and birth deformities among humans and animals, and the evidence included a umber of specific cases in which such an association was claimed. Each of these was investigated in detail by the appropriate Governnent Departments and the Health and Safety Ebcecutive in consultation with the general practitioners, hospital consultants and veterinary sn'geons concerned, before the Cozmittee reached its conclusion. Our examination revealed no evidence linking any of the cases with use of herbicides: and we could find no other evidence which established any association between use of these products and harmful effects on humus, other living creatures or the environment. We were thus able to conclude that: herbicides can safely be used in the UK in the reconmended way and for the recomended pun-poses". 4. Our present enquiry arose out of a separate and specific question - that there might be an association between exposure to phenoxy acid herbicides, chlorophenols or the contaminants that may be present in these products and substances, and an increased incidence of a group of manure classified as soft time soreness. The term soft tissue sarcanas includes some 50 varieties of tlmour. As a group they are rare, in that they represent approximtely one in every 1500 indiViduals who die each year, and three from every 1,000 people who die from cancer each year. Obviously such a low overall incidence makes assessment of changes related to possible causal agents a most difficult exercise in statistical significance. IT @8510- 5. The evidence we have reviewed is based on studies of two quite distinct types of populations. The first is of users of various herbicides and wood preservative products, and the second is of factory workers engaged in the production of chemicals. The ACP is concerned with advising on all risks that may arise the use of pesticides, as distinct fran any risks which may arise in the course of manufacture, and which are strictly speaking outside our remit. We, therefore, concentrated on the first type of population - pesticide users a- and our advice is based on the weight of evidence emerging for this type. Nevertheless, we also examined factory studies to ensure that no evidence which might have a. bearing on our task had been overlooked. Discussion of Evidence - Herbicides and Wood Preservatives 6. Studies of pesticide user groups have been undertarzen in various countries and consist both of case control and mortality investigations. The case control studies involved a canparison of individuals with soft tissue saroanas whose exposure to herbicides and wood preservatives had been assessed mainly by memory recall, with control groups who either had no cancer or other types of cancer. In the nortality studies the incidence of death among groups of workers largely identified on the basis of occupational histories was canpared with national or regional unrtality statistics. - HOG SEIZZIZ 7. For users of herbicides and wood preservatives, a positive statistical association between reported exposure and soft tissue sarcums had been sugested from two studies carried out in Sweden. Successive reports on a similar case control study have also becane available frun New Zealand. These showed no correlation between exposure to phenoxy acid herbicides and 'soft tisme sarcomas. It is our view that the procedures used for establishing the Swedish study groups, and some aspects of the collection of the exposure data, were not reliable. In that country, separate case control studies were undertaken in Northern and Southern SXveden following publication of a previous clinical report in which 7 individuals with soft tissue sarcanns recalled being exposed occupationally to nhenoxy acid herbicides at some time during the 1950's and 1960's. I should explain that whenever clinical evidence of that kind becomes available in any area, it is normal epidemiological practice to follow up the findings by means of investigations anong totally different groups, thus preventing the possibility of bias. In the follow up study in Northern Sweden, however, the 13 cases in which exposure to phenoxy acid herbicides was claimed a total of 52 cases of soft tissue sarcanas) included the 7 cases identified during the earlier clinical investigations. 'u'e consider this to be unorthodox epidemiological practice; if these 7 cases are emitted from the study, the relative risk is reduced to within error limits. r[his was not the only defect in the study. For example, patients and controls who reported exposure only to chlorophenols were excluded from the calculation of the relative risk factors associated with phenoxy acid herbicides while the control group excluded patients with any malignancies. The relative risk factor for chlorophenols was similarly artificially raised by excluding patients and controls who reported exposure only to phenoxy acid herbicides. lbreover, that study, and the further one in Southern Sweden, were conducted at least one year after a publication drawing attention to the possibility of the suggested association from clinical experience. BeCause public awareness of alleged risks from herbicides had been acute for sane years, there is a probability that a bias from exposure recall occurred in both studies. . 2 ?18811' 8. Although. they may be valuable, case control-studies are not a precise tool for establishing a causal relationship. They can be very unreliable and misleading unless supported by sound demented infomtion on exposure. Such information was not available in either oftheSuedishstudies, mere itwaslargelybasedonthemmry recall of individual patients or their relatives. We have, therefore, looked for corroborative evidence from mortality studies of cohorts of herbicide users. We have found none. The such cohorts have been studied in Shades and one in Finland. A total of 2,461 individuals were included in them. There was no overall increase in deaths Iron all causes or from cancer. No case of soft tissue was identified. Similarly, t: - no correlation betveen soft tissue sarocnas and ocmpations involving the use of phenoxy acid herbicides energed a study of deaths in Washington State between 1950?1979. We content further on this study in paragraph 13 below. 9. Che feature of our 1980 enquiry again became evident during the current one and has already been referred to above. This is that much of the evidence depends on personal recollection of what took place well before the association was claimed, and that recollection may have been in?uenced by later publicity. In our 1980 report?ue argued, in relation to miscarriages and birth deformities, that it can be relatively easy to select sane products, or other factor, and without enquiring very closely, to assure sane connection with family unsfortxmes of that kind. 'Ihis tendency has again been illustrated by a recent publication in this wintry ("Portrait of a Poison: The Story") in which two deaths were attributed to soft tissae samcmas developing after alleged exposure to herbicides. We have enquired carefully into these cases, which have been given some publicity. In addition to the lack of reliable exposure data, we have established beyond doubt that in neither case was the tumor involved a soft tissue sarcma?. Conclusions Herbicides and Wood Preservatives - 10. In summary, a umber of factors have emerged from our analysis of studies of user groups that are relevant to the assessment of the safety of herbicides in this country. none of the reports we have examined is concerned only with use of formulated herbicides, or indeed, only with production of These studies relate to the phenoxy acid of herbicides as a whole, as well as to seed preservatives. In this country, use of herbicides constitutes only a fraction of the total use of all these products. Secondly, deficiencies in those studies that gave positive results are such as artificially to raise the calculated relative risk factor. And thirdly, we-are not aware of any instance in this country where an individual has used herbicides and deve10ped a soft tissue scream. We conclude that there continue to be no grounds for changing our previous advice that foundations of herbicides as presently cleared, or, for that matter, other phenoxy acid herbicides and related wood preservatives, do not pose a safety hazard, whether used in agriculture, forestry, the bare and garden, or elseuhere. 11. Hmever, it has always been our nor-ml practice to keep the safety of any pesticide under continuous review, and to take account of any additional relevant evidence that may becane available. In the present case, we believe it would be practicable and desirable to pursue scne further enquiries, based on available UK cancer mortality data, in order to establish whether there has been any change in the incidence of soft tissue sarcomas over the past 20 years, and whether there has been any correlation betw?en such sarcanas and particular occupations. This will take'a little unre time, but without such an analysis the summation we havemde of all known relevant studies would not be conplete. We will, therefore, be reporting further. 3 1651 12. Separately from this we suggest that the Covenant should consider arranging for systematic and canplernentary retrospective and prospective case control investigations to be undertaken as a contribution to the work being done internationally in this area. To this end we set out, in Appendix B, details of the kind of enquiries which would be appropriate and amnent on the problem involved in setting them up, and on their potential value. . . Discussion of Evidence - Production of Chenicals 13. The second type of evidence we have reviewed (paragraph 5 above) comes from mrtality and disease data of cohorts of chemical workers in the USA, West (lemony, Czechoslovakia and the UK. Whereas in the last three of these countries the findings were negative, positive evidence has emerged only ?rm the USA, 1where 7 individual cases of soft tissue sarcmzas have been identified in various studies. Three of these cases were the subject of individual clinical reports where neither the size of the exposed population nor the nature and extent of exposure, if any, of the patients was established. Another case occurred among an undefined group of chenical production workers. ?the remining three cases, each of which had a prior history of chloracne testifying to the fact and intensity of toxicologically significant exposure to dioxins, were drain: from two cohorts carprising a total of 182 chemical production workers. Exposure to chlorophenols was ccmnon to the latter 4 cases. Other cohort studies in the USA and elsewhere among workers similarly encposed to chlorophenols have revealed no cases of soft tissue sarconns amng a total of 460 workers. Two further American studies, involving the retrospective analysis of mortality data, did not establish any association betwen the incidence of soft tissue sarconas and likely occupational exposure to either phemxy acid herbicides or chlorophenols. Of] ZEIZZIZ 14. We do not consider these studies to be relevant to any assessment of the safety in use of the phenoxy acid group of herbicides, because the nature and extent of possible exposure differ greatly between the factory and the field, the forest or the garden. The studies of cohorts of chemical prediction workers which we have examined, and which identified the occurrence of chloracne among sons of the individual cases, indicated that exposure was to both a wider range of substances and to higher levels than was the case with users of fonmlated products, and that it included ezqosure to contaminants which have now been virtually eliminated fonmlated products. There was no such evidence amng the populations who had merely used the formuated products. Conclusion - Production ..of manicals 15. In this country, chlorophenols are produced and used in many situations outside agriculture and wood preservation. A few have limited use in their own right, but the unjority are used, or have been used, in the production of a wide range of products such as adhesives, dyes, paints, inks, disinfectants, wax emlsions, cutting oils, extinguishers, ropes, tents, pharmaceuticals, toothpastes and cosmetics, as well as in the leather, textile and paper and board industries. The evidence we have examined concerning chemical production workers leads us to the conclusion that it would be prudent for the Government to undertake further relevant investigations in factory situations in- this country. Neither the factory processing of chlorophenols nor the safety of the predicts and practices described above is within the remit of the - Advisory Cannittee on Pesticides; but we would .wish to be involved in any such wider investigations in so far as these might relate to the specific area 2; the. production of herbicides and mod preseryatives. Yours sincerely, Robert Kilpatrick Chairman Advisory Committee on Pesticides 4 18813. pm 2849 DOW CHEMICAL USA. ROUTE 1. BOX 1313 August 28,1980 DAVIS. CALIFORNIA same 915-753-5500 J. B. SWEELEY . W. E. MASONITE CORPORATION . cc 3. H. 3:35:5an WESTERN WOODLANDS DIV. D. D. Hunt P.O. BOX 97 M. G. Norr' CALPELLA CA 95-118 A. J. Watsc: Dear Jack, Regarding your letter of August 12, I just returned from vacation hence the belated reply. Based on our knowledge of and the claim or insinuation that these materials could cause any adverse effect on humans or animals at the low exposure levels resulting from applications several years previously is spurious. Hundreds of water samples have shown that the levels im- mediately below the treated area are less than 10-15 ppb. Data from Norris and others indicates that the levels are reduced to non-detectable ones in )5 mile or so There is a tolerance for in potable water for 100 ppb. Man At the rate was applied, there would have been very little in the water immediately after application and only if run-off .0ccurred in the spring after treatment. If there was some TCDD in the it would have been decomposed mostly by sunlight and if it did get to the soil or duff it is so insoluble that it would be extremely unlikely to get to the water by run-off. it is interesting that workers in the Dow plant have not reported chloracne during the 25 years of operation. Chloracne is the earliest ex- pression of reaction to TCDD. Nor have any adverse effects been reported by workers in the plants?. These groups have been observed very care- fully. You may want some references to support the above statements; a copy of the CAST report on Phenoxy Herbicides and several others concerned with phenoxy herbicides that may be of interest are enclosed. Since it is very unlikely that the "itchy back" resulted from exposure to the forest herbicides, we can look for other causes. If Mr. Johnson "swims" in the creek that is too shallow to swim in, he may be exposed to poison oak or a number of other plants that can cause skin problems. Of course, many other things, like soap, cleaners, oils, etc., are known irritants. ft m: AN OPERATING UNIT OF THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY 18814 J. B. Sweeley -2- August 28, 1930 It seems odd that the "itchy back" has only now become serious enough to cause a complaint 7 years after the last application. You may recall the Seveso incident where 24-4 lbs. of TCDD was distributed over 200 to 400 acres in Italy. Children and adults were not moved out for 2 weeks. Many cases of serious chioracne were treated, but after 12?18 months all cases had healed up; there have been no other observed adverse effects above those in the surrounding populations. The may last for 2-3 months and the about 1: to 6 months. It's quite impossible for these materials to last more than a year or 2 in the trees and it disappears in 2- ll- weeks from soil. The spring treatments would have allowed these or faster rates of decomposition because of warming conditions and good soil mois- ture. The previous treatments should have enriched the microorganisms and enhanced breakdown. I will pass this on to other members of our staff who may have added comments of value. I hope this analysis and the reports will help refute the allusion of Mr. Johnson. Yours very truly, . E. Warren Agricultural Products Department Technical Service and Development Enc. cc: 3. Jones, DOW CHEMICAL U.S.A., Sacramento. Matt Anderson, CFPA, Sacramento Norman Parker, Western Helicopters, Newberg, OR. kim if?? 18815 . Dowzosonnl 2550 I Dow Chemical Cd; EPA Hearing Submissions He: Cancellation - Volume 2 16. "Petition for the Establishment of Tolerances for the Pesticide Chemical, on Raw Agricultural Commodities?, Sec. C: Full Reports of Investigations re: 12/8/67: (1) Summary of 11 tests on safety of below) (2) Conclusion: I ?more data on than is available, but indi- cations are that two materials are comparable; acute oral toxicity of both in lab animals is in same range, 300? 1000 mg/kg. a -long history of usefulness not produced evidence of unusual toxicity. A. "Acute Oral Toxicity of to Rats, Mice, Gu'? I I Chicks", Rowe, McCollister and Spencer, (Dow, 19 (1) Single oral doses (administered by stomach tube) of S-T as a 10% suspension in olive oil, to mixed sex group I of rats, mice and guinea pigs, 3% solution in olive oil given to chicks. (2) of poisoning ataxia, myotonia; death at highest dosage levels; doses ranged from 0.1 1.0 grams/kg. (3) LD 50's: rats 0.500 grams/kg. mice 0.389 guinea pigs 0.381 i chicks 0.310 . (U) significantly more toxic to chicks than to rats. B. "Toxicity of 2.H-D and a report on their acute and chronic toxicity in dogs", Drill and Hiratzka, 1953. ("There have been no the toxic prepertie: of (1) Experimental Procedures: adult mongrel dogs of both sexes 1 18816 used, fed "Friskies' used, DOHZUBUQ commcuwxial 2 ?single oral dose administered in capsules. autopsied after in days (acute studies). Results of Acute Studies2,u_D: 12 I . ,n?D and 2,n,5_T Survivors ?oral administration in capsules imbedded in gram piece of commercial canned dog food, 5 (chronic studies). days/wk for 13 weeks mg/kg caused death in 2/2 dogs in 2?3 days fol? lowing administration. -250 mg/kg ?100 mg/kg - 25 mg/kg ai?i5-T= -HOO mg/kg -250 mg/kg ?100 mg/kg mg/kg Oral LD50 death in 3/3 in days 100 mg/kg or higher - 2/u died in 9 days, 2 survived to luth da - no deaths, all 3 survived to day in 1/1 died on day 2 - l/l died on day 3 l/H died on day 7, 3 survived to day 1? no deaths, all survived to day 1? for approx. 100 mg/kg; for Body weight decrease with larger doses of both and these animals developed anorexia, those that died refused food towards end. ataxia, stiffness in hind legs, myotonia 18817 (3) DOHZ UBUQIB gastrointestinal changes redness in Email intestine, Some necrosis and inflammat' hepatic necrosis, mild renal tubular degenerati- deaths due to nonspecific changes hepatic con? many cases of death due to pneumonia. Results of Chronic Studios: m) Mortality - ?2,5,10 mg or 90?day test period -20 mg/kg of compounds: Body Height only in those animals that died - survivbrs were free all dogs survir all dogs died during 3? loss in weight occurred significe of any both and dead, weakness, leg stiff. difficulty in swallowing food, bleeding from gas Blood Count - only change obser in 3 animals that Organ Heights - no change in su ved fall in c: ied: rvivors; in 2 of deaths, slight increase in heart and kidney similar change in 2 of deaths. Gross Pathology - dogs ness in duodenum; 3 reddened duodenum and jejunum, a generalized ieterus. Microscopic Changes 5 cases 0 liver (not_related to dosages significance). Some duodenal infiltration of cells in the mucosa. .serosa were normal. Slight inc in kidney sections in some dogs and of doubtful significance). showed areas of one dog showed dif. another demonstra focal necrosis or death, thus, Yperemia, some 9' Submucoce rease in of ca; (unrelated to c; 18518 - (H) Commeqt: OF not as severe as those of in acute studios. ?delayed dcath in chronic studies with may indicat a cumulative effect of ?signs observed in dying animals in acute study differs: from those in chronic study. (5) Summarv: acute oral LD in dogs 100 mg/kg, doses 50 .: - f~ at this level or higher produced a definite myotonia with anorexia and weight loss. r. acute.oral LDSO in dogs 100 mg/kg or higher; such doses produced only signs of a mild Spasticity. [a Death during the repeated administration of 2,u-D or 2,b was not related to pathological changes in the liver, kidney, or other organs examined. 0.. "Summary of Toxicological Information on and Type Herbicides and an Evaluation of the Hazards to livestock associated with their use?, (Rowe and Hymas, 195?). (1) Early in 1950, Grigsby and Farwell published results of experiments with and 2,u,5wT involving domestic livestock, concluded "it seems that the farm use of these materials for pasture weed control is a reasonably safe procedure." (2) Commercial Herbicid.s - formulations of active ingredients appearing as a or an ester (soluble in 011); most formulations also contain a dispersant, a solvent, a wetting agent, perhaps a diluent (usually con? sidered inert ingredients though they may affect herbicidal effectiveness). (3) 0ral_Administrati3n_of Sinfle Doses: test materials administered primarily by intubation. Or olive oil or corn oil, solutions used (C) - rats 500 mg/kg 375 mg/kg mice 389 mg/kg 368 mg/kg guinea pigs 381 mg/kg H69 mg/kg chicks 310 mg/kg 5H1 mg/kg dogs 100 mg/kg 100 mg/kg toxic of include loss of appetite, weight loss, depression, roughness of coat, gereral tenseness, muscular weakness; post mortem findings - stomach irritation, minor liver and kidney injury, lung congestion. Oral Administration of Repeated Doses of Rats - fed 5 times/week by intubation, in olive oil solutions. Dosages were 0.0, 3.0, 10.0, 30.0, 100.0, 300 mg/kg. 1n Results no edverse effects ?t 1 mg/kg levels; l;g mg??g group - gastrointestinal irritation, swelling in liver, depressed growth rate; 300 mg??g group failed.rapidly died, severe gastro- irritation observed. another Rat Study - fed for 113 days at levels of 0, 100, 300, 1000, 3000 and 10,000 ppm. 1 ?n J, .Lu, Ju Results - no adverse effects in control, 100 and 300 groups; 1000 group suffered depressed growth rate, excessive mortality, increased liver weights, liver swelling; 3000 and 10,000 groups were destroyed after 12 days since they were not eating and were losing weight; examination revealed increased liver and kidney weight, 1. and k. patho? logical changes. Chicks - fed for 7 days at levels of 0,500, 1,000 and 3000 ppm. Results only adverse effects in 3000 group reduction in food intake and retarded growth_rate (no histopathological exams made). 18.620- U1 lI (5) Qg?l??dministration?te Steers (experiments performed to see if extrapolation of data on small animals to larger animals is Justified). "Esteron Brusn_5iller? used (formulation of esters oi and administrations made by intubatio' ?experiment 291 kg steer given single dose of 1000 mg/kg no toxic v-experiment 295 kg steer given 1000 mg/kg esters for 3 days. results: general depresSion, decreased food and water intake, decreased rumen motility; animal died on 3rd day after last dose (death was undra matic). Necropsy revealed dry rumen contents with strong smell-of esteron, abomasum was im? pacted, intestinal contents entirely fluid, con- gested mcsenteric vessels, spleen dark and shrunken. ?experiment 295 kg steer given 500 mg/kg for 2 days; results: on 3rd day, animal was off feed, rumen motility ceased. On day, steer appeared _perfectly normal, no discernible after?effects. ~experiment 336 kg steer given 500 mg/kg for 3 days. . results: no toxic observed, animal remained on full feed. ?experimcnt 250 kg steer given 100 mg/kg for 15 days. results: outward appearance normal. Killed H8 after last dose for study. Duodenal hemorrhage, abomasum irritation, hemorrhagic necrosis of liver, fatty degeneration, slight edema-and congestion in kidneys were found. 15821; r? (6) "u "Karon" used in another experiment: 250 kg steer given 100 mg/kg Karon for 15 days. results: outward appearance normal. Killed NB hours after last dose for examination. Very slight edema in kidney, but this is frequently observed in untreated animals; its significance is questionable. Discussion: Dogs more susceptible to and than other species studied; chicks appear tolerant. "Inert" ingredients in commercial formulations have no effect on toxicity of active materials. and can be tolerated without adverse effects in doses only smaller than those which cause toxic effects when given only once - these mater- ials have a low degree of chronicity, therefore. There is a similarity in susceptibility of cattle and small lab animals to these herbicides. If esteron were applied at the normal rate of no more than mg/sq. ft. (or 2 qts. per acre) a 350 kg (770 lb.) animal would have to consume all forage on sq. ft.to acquire a 100 mg/kg dose?of herbicide, a level at which ill effects would not be eXpected. . . there is little, if any, direct hazard to live? stock or wild-life foraging areas treated with herbi- cides of the type described herein. This has been con? firmed by the extensive use of these materials over a number of years without any proved cases of adverse effects." - Spraying of certain plants with can increase their nitrite content to hazardous levels, but some of these plants were sprayed accidentally, and others are not ordinarily eaten by livestock. Toxic amounts of these materials can be obtained if animals have access to spray tanks or other containers of the material. 18822 DI 00H2060M8 "Results of Toxicological Tests on Dow, August 1950. (2) (3) (5) (data submitted to FDA Hearing on residue tolerances). Because of similarities between and residue tolerances for both should be same - 20 "would provide a wide margin of safety.? 10% solution of in propylene glycol introduced into rabbit caused pain and irritation immediately, severe conjunctivitisand moderate corneal damage apparent 5 hours later, continued for 2 days before healing began. 10% solution of in butyl carbitol acetate applied to rabbit ear and abdomen caused slight irritation. is moderate in acute oral toxicity for the four species, rat, mouse, cavie, and chick (rat more resistant, chick most susceptible); Handling hazards and precautions: -swallowing, although unlikely, could cause serious ill Effects; induce vomiting. -avoid contact with eyes and skin, don't wear clothing or shoes contaminated with materiall ?no inhalation studies to date, but doubtful that toxic concentrations would be inhaled due to irritation it will produce in upper respiratory passages. "Toxicity tests in NuAmine Report to Diamond Alkali Company by Hazleton labs, February 1962. (2) Nufmlne 1,3 - propylene diamine esters of and -- Acute Oral Administration NuAmine given to Sprague? Dawicy rats (6 groups of 5 each) by stomach tube, either in water emulsion or undiluted dosages of lO,3l.6, 100, 315, 1000 or 3160 micrograms/kg body weight. Concentra? tions of material varied from it, 10%, or 100%. Observa- tion period of-lN days following dosing. C: Pa 6% $9 $0 4 '0be a shortalitv: After 2? hrs., 2 in 1000 microgram/kg group, and all in 3160 microgram/kg group died. On day 12, another in 1000 microg?am group died, and another on day These were only deaths recorded. Other Effects: appearance and behavior, increase in body weight, no patholOgical findings. and 100 micrograms/k: groups: normal -316 seemed normal, 1 was depre. on days lE?lH. Slight increase in average body weigh 2/5 showed congestion and hemorrhage of lungs. ~1000 normal at first, 1 showed and labored reapiration after hrs. 2 died after 2? hrs., survivors showed depressio: and labored resniration. After 48 hrs., all survivor: appeared normal; at 2nd week, all showed unthriftines; depression, labored respiration and ataxia. 2 more died on days co.3e ion, kidney and stomach hemorrhage, hematuria, intestinal inflame- tion, discoloration and/or reduced size in kidneys spleen and liver, stomach inflammation, congestion of fat around tests. - .- I, 1 AutopSies shemed lurg ?drone- ~3160 normal following intubation; depression and ataxia after 1 hr.; pros? tration, ptosis salivation, labored respiration, poor reflexes after 5 hours; 1 death at 5 hours, survivors showed hematuria. Total mortality by 2? hours. Autopsios revealed congestion of lungs, adrenals, liver and kidney and stomach mucosa hemorrhage intestinal inflammation; bloody fluid in stomach and urinary bladder. (3) Acute Application NuAmine applied to eyes of 3 albino rabbits (left only, right served as control). 16524 (Ll) UOHZUBUAZU Single application of 0.05 ml of undiluted test material made into conjunctival sac. Periodic observations for 1 week. Food (Purina rabbit pellets) and water ad lib. Results: Animals seemed normal throughout study, slight decrease in body weights in some. Eyes showed erythema, film over cornea, slight vas? cularization of sclera and nictitating membrane, lacrima? tion, edema of lids (obscuring and preventing thorougi exam after a few hours), exudation, corneal opacity, and corneal lesion (1 animal). Acute Dermal Application - albino rabbits used; single application of 50% volume/volume aqueous emulsion of NuAmine at dose of 0.1 mg/kg body weight, and single application of undiluted test material at doses of 0.1, 0.5, 2.0 ml/kg.- Test material applied to abdominal skin. "Purina Rabbit Pellets? and water ad lib. Results: 3 deaths at 2 ml/kg level, no deaths at any other level. Estimated acute dermal L050 of NuAmine for albino rabbits 1.2 ml/kg. l. 50% emulsion: application(0.l ml/kg) produced no signs of systemic toxicity, no pathological finding 2? hours after application - moderate erythema and edema. At fourth and fifth days, erythema and eden subsided, but animals showed slight or moderate atonia and desquamation. By 12th day, almost all Signs of irritation gone. 2. Undiluted: -0.1 ml/kg - normal appearance and behavior. Autopsy showed kidney congestion, mottled and blanched?livers. -0.5 ml/kg - normal appearance and behavior. Autopsy showed kidney congestion, and granular appe; ance of liver. 10 18825 (5) ~342mmjz?? - 3 deatls at this level, on Nth, 5th, and 7th days of observation. 2? hrs. application, 3 animals showed depression and laborc respiration, seemed normal. Toxic signs gradu? ally became more severe: depressed reflexes and coordination, labored respiration, ptosis, ataxia, coma phonation, salivation. Autopsies showed con? gestion or hemorrhage of lungs and kidney; bloody urine in bladder, bright yellow urine in another; liver damage (blanching and discoloration) and toughened liver surface; spongy brain tissue with ekeessive fluid in skull; extremely congested or hemorrhagic appearance of skull cap and bone marrow One survivor was sacrificed; showed congestion of kidneys. Subcutaneous edema, damage to all layers of the skin. ger??leffeots 2? hrs. after application, skin at all dosage levels showed edema and blanched areas surrounded by moderate erythema. In 3 animal that died at highest dosage, dermal irritation was relatively unchanged at time of death. Survivors in all levels edema subsided after 3-5 days scab formations or marked desquamation, atoni coriaceousness, and fissuring developed to en observation. (1. I.) AP UL Repeated Dermal Applications - albino rabbits given 1 ml/k NuAmine in varying (A, 12, 20 oz./gal. aqueous emulsions) 5 days a week for weeks. Results: each group showed moderate degree of dermal irritation erythema, edema, atonia, desquamation. Several in 20 oz./gal. group showed fissuring. One animal in each of the test groups died, all showed systemic toxicity depression, labored reSpiration, Sprawling of limbs, weakness, weight loss. Horibund animals also showed prostratlon, poor coordination, depressed reflexes, clonic convulsions. Abnormal blood and/or urine findings in each group, severe liver, kidney and skin damage in and 20 oz./gal. groups. E-l ?MicrosCOpie examination of bone marrow sections" from Nunmlne study, Hazleton Labs report to Diamond Alkali Co., 12/16/65. - supplement to report of 2/23/62; tests on bone marrow taken from rabbits receiving repeated dorms applications of NuAmlne~D/T. 'll . VF. Results: No distinctive effect on bone marrow at 2 concentrations (H and 12 Higher con- _centration (20 oz./gal.) group showed somewhat atrophied adipose tissue. A possible effect - mega- karyoeytes (in 20 oz./gal. group) underwent degen? erative changes, more so than in controls. "Results of 90?day Dietary Feeding Studies of Dowanol 978 (ester of in Rats", Dow, 11/27/61 (H e) (3) Dowanol Q78 ester of is an agricultural herbicide Tamper liquid) experimental procedure: 5 groups of 20 rats were maintained for 90 days on diets containing 0.3, 0.1, 0.03, and 0.01% of the ester. Food (ground Fame Laboratory Chow) and water ag_lib, - Results; 0.03 and 0.01% levels: no evidence of adverse effects increase in average weight.of spleen in males, increase in body weight of females - believed due merely to chance. 0.3% level: growth retardation in males, liver and kidney/body weight ratio increased in males. and live: were large and light in color, some swelling and necrosis. Some swelling in male kidneys; female kidneys appeared greenish, some swelling and necrosis. Increase in serum alkaline-phosphatase determinations in males. 0.1% level: livers (m and f) showed some swelling and necrosis, females showed hypercellularity of glomerular tuft, swelling of renal tubular_epithelium. Increase in average male kidney weight: Qg??l?ilg??: the Dowanol 97B ester of is moderate in repeated oral toxicity in 90 day feedings. Levels of 0.03% and below were tolerated without evidence of adverse effect. Male and female rats showed some injurious effects (liver kidney-patholog\) at levels of 0.1% and above. 'Long?term dietary studies (2 years, with rats and dogs) may be required ifester is found in significant amounts as residue in food. G. "The TexiCOIOgie Effects of Certain Fungicides and Herbicides on Sheep and Cattle?, Palmer and Radeleff, 196? (n "In contrast to insecticides, organic fungicides and herbi? cides (with only a few exceptions) have generally been considered to provide comfortable margins of safety for grazing livestock when the compounds are used according to directions." 16827-. (2) (3) Sheep and cattle maintained on grain concentrates with hay supplements. Commercially available formulations used, as fluid . dilutions or in gelatin capsules, number of doses varies. Results: (1) (2) a) 2 Fungicides a) lgantan?: sheep are regularly poisoned by doses of 250 mg./kg or higher; reduction to 50 or 100 mg/kg permits animals to eliminate most of material without being harmed. Cattle more tolerant of Captan than_' sheep. Depression and anorexia,'tendency to stay away from group were only toxic signs in sheep; in one heifer, diarrhea and abortion observed. At necropsy, hepatic and renal changes noted but not remarkable. b) ?gingb": Single doses of 500 mg/kg. tolerated by sheep and cattle. 90 daily doses of 100 or 250 mg./kg. did not poison sheep. In single poisoned sheep (15 doses of 500 anorexia and bright yellow diarrhea observed. Necropsy showed congestion-of the lungs, hepatitis, and nephritis. c) "Ceresan Sheep fed 1, 1.5, or 2 lbs. of treated grain per day. Lethal to all, at doses of lb./day 33 doses, 1.5 lb./day 22 doses, or 2 lb./day 6 doses. Signs of poisoning included anorexia, diarrhea, weight loss, nasal discharge, stilted gait and lameness. Necropsy showed lesions characteristic for mercurial poisoning. (Ceresan contains mercury). Herbicides administered as alkanolamine salt and as prepyle: glycol butyl ether ester to sheep and cattle.' Very little difference in toxicity of 2 derivatives. ?Remark- able tolerance" of ?81 daily doses of 100 mg./kg. by sheep indicates little probability of acute poisoning in normal applications of the compounds. Toxic signs in sheep - anorexia, depr=ssion, weight loss; in cattle muscular weakness, ataxia, dry, cracked muzzle, ulcera? tion of nasal mucous membrane. Necropsy - lesions varies usually liver and kidney degeneratiOn;rumen stasis with bright, undig.nted ingesta, hemorrhages in heart and_ excess of pericardial fluid. 13 166328 I b) c) (3) ??mm'ddwid?oeza anhnir:lsia:rc