"il'i Itl- (?H"Im?dmml Nan-w l?nlu (U) Confidential Human Source Pulley Guide (U) Federal Bureau of Investigation (U) Directorate of Intelligence (U) 0835PG (U) September 21. 2015 CzarsM?IF-r? Eu, If? J- E's-rue: Hunt-(m? Tar-ma tie-Cissy?) ?33" 30 3016 SEC RET NOFORN (1mm than Gib. (mi liar?.- (UlQu-?unnm c'tmmu-Iismmlo hpoiry??rn-hrm? (If; huh-.11] 191m of My?: ?twin [Humili- (IUIhmmnI .xmnmumm ?i??hunf hr! 8 :me um I) 'I?fus dm'llm?? mgr-mm 1hr fulluwmr - (U) i - All 11mm ??de In lawns". mm? mm prim tn thr- [mhhranrm of tins. pain-1.: mi luring! (U) Sermons of tins 21nd? rams?: gm: darn Ef'13-ff113'12? Tm m- 7-11- arm Sit-chum 4-331ncmatrthe rum-m rmfidmm 2. gm?. .I - . Sun? - Inward Septemb? 900? bu! um um rn'ian- v- w: a: La: war-w and to re??ct 3' 2 *Fr Err-x7 .r .21. and Op?mmnm Grad? Hus pnhr': made 31f 'Ignia?r'rd 11' 21.32:: P.- *wxm cml?dentlai human 501.116? and damn-m" 1?1. '5 'L?r?ae?rra: but. some?: ominous 15 ?nahzed .- (U) T1115 domem and 115 cement-'- are the pic-yr?. - 2.1 fir ir?zrzt 2T L5 Tm an? wouded to an age-um and torrent . "f i-a-?nrutd Maui af?x age-net: wnhom the Emma} permem 0f be 113' 21.39;: ;wr the pain melemematmn gmde (U) Tins pohm gmde 15 solely ft?! the purpose of Lair-rm} F32 22-3351 1' :1 1* I: does not- and may not be relwd upon to rte-ate {1:31; :1 ptcuzcmral tw 131?.? b? any" part? 11] 9111*; Hum: {211] 92' 5-3: 1? gm": m: 12mm Ell lawful mt?ngam'e and lmganz'e of 1hr Erratum: 3571112: 1:1 the FBI 0106 Fiona-?m No pohcv or pohcv 31nd: may comradm glue: or stir-mm sniff: a: db DIOG quucsts for DIOC: W?caums can be mad: :0 the in?rm Pain-F (IND pursuant Ic- DIOG subsection 3 2.2 paragraph FBI. 31:! 11 $11 BET Tim semrxmoroan (U) Table of Contents 1. (U) introduction 1.1 (13513392..-. .. . . 1.3- unintendedhurhm l4. . 1.5. (IDApproval levelsand?elegations. 1.5.1. (U) and Exceptions and Dispute Resolution 1.5.3. (U) and 0106 Exceptions and Dispute Resolution 1. Roles and Responsibilitiet 2 1. (U) CHS Program Management and Oitrsight (U) mistanr Directors in Charge Specml Agmts In Charge. Assistant Special Agents in Charge 5). and Supen 150W Special Agents (331515]. . (U) Department of Justice Con?dential Human Source CoordinatoL .. .. . .. . (U) Case Agent and Co?Case Agent Roles. . 1 (U) Task Force Of?cer as (of ase Agent .3. (IDNon-Agent Staff . . . . .. . . .. (U) on FBI 1n the Identi?cation Et'aluatiotL and Recu?tnient of and the Development and Operation 2.3.1. {moms .. .. .. . 3. (1'1 Identi?cation E1 alumina. and Recruitment of t; ori?denrial Human Houl r95 in Tips lawssments? . 12 3.1. .TOUD) PCHS Risk'Bene?t 3 2. PCHS Operations. Introduction. . . 3.3. Midenli?cationl?hase .. .. .. 3.3.1. (U) Opening the Type 5 Assessment in the Identi?cation Phase 3.3- 2. (U) Morti?cation of the CH5 Identi?cation Plan . . 3.3 .3. (U) Transition From the Identi?cation Phase to the Er. aluation and mm . .. . 3.4. . . 3.4.1. Evaluation Phase SECRETIFNOPORN .12. (U) Con?dential Human Source Coordinator (CHSCE?s-4. 5. 1?1 . - 3.5 MINI-111 .. .. 21.211231; 3.10 (UMFOUO) Dilation and (311151111: of a T111: 5 mm 5-1. 5-2. 6.1. mm 3.4.1- . 3-41 H- 351.11nmumn1wwm. 01 3.6. 3.1. . . 3.71. .. 2.1, 37-2. @W?wm.-.-22 3.8- . . . . .. 3-9. .- -.-- 3-9-1. 3.9.2. 111131111: (U) File WM: and Disposition . Opt-Bing and Reopening 11 (01151191111111 Human 81111111- .. .. 35 4.1. ofthe CH5 Prugam -. -. .- 35 4-2. MayBeTask-ed .. . . . .- .-. --35 - 4-3. (IDStn?ce-Opu?ng Commutation .. . . . 35 44. (U) Additional Background Infmmaticm and .. . .. . 4.5. . . . 4.5.1. ['U}chucst to Reopen CH5 Hex-11111151110135.1311 gm Cm .. 4"?52 CECE. .. . ?1?01. 0} (un?den?al Human $011111? Admonjz lune-ms. .- ?li? 1: 5.3. (11111111111111.1111 W15 .. ,1 5.3.1. (U) 5111311111 11111315111111? Cum-.1 11911111111151.1191 -- 1.- 11:; f: 5.3.2. (lDEmployces ofFinmciaihsliMm.- .. . . 5.3.3 @Eumhyees 11311111311013 11111111110111. . 5 1.4. (1110111111111 - . 11.111111111111111 01m 3111111 . (U) Hun-n 8mm! Pointy (and: (U) am 6.1.2. Hal-Jamel 6 I .1 (U) lM-u?ml Ulnar: 0mm: (THE- E. I 4. (UHFDUO) anikmd L113: G. I .5. (U) m: CHIS: 6. Lung-Tum (?Sn 6.2. Rem-w for CH5: Requumg Dill Appnwal 6 2 l. CH5: Reportmg rm Nanorul Serum)! and Farr-rpm 6 2 2 (U) CHE-15 War: on biannual Sommtv mvesngatrnm?. Fur-rpm Mamet Caller-um (ou?dential Human Home? Requiring .Midimnral kppl'm ah l. Federa} Rabat-anus. Parulees and Superx?rsed Releasees 7.2. (U) Prim Under Bureau of P1150115 (BOP) Snpermsrun or In the ("urtodv nf?r Umted States Marshals Saute (USMS) . . 7 BOP and USMS Approval (U) Stale or Local Pmmers Probanerrers. Pamlees and Supemsed Reieasees 1 (U) Approval to Release a State or Local Pnsouer From {Customr .. 7 4. (U) BOP Permunei 2' 5. (LT) Stare- Lora]. or Cmtract Prison Emplm'ees . . 6. (U) Swan Law Enforcement Of?cers Employees of Federal. State Local. or Tribal Agenmes 7.8. Under the Age of 18} 19. (U) Corn?elors. Empleyees. and Patients 11: Substance Abuse Treatment Programs. 7 10. (U TOUO) Union Of?emls . 7.11 (U) Department ofEnergy (DOE) Persomel 112.. (U) Perm! Af?lrated Va 1th the Department of Defense (DOD) (Not hrlurhng Jam: Operator-rs DOD) . 112-1. . . 1.12.1 (Emmet Reqmrements . .. .. 112.3. Coneurrenee Procemrres . . It}. 7.1-4. .. 715. Mfume: FBI Empkwees andPersomWim a Presenter Former WW?hmF?lEmpl?yee_ . . ?al-J? HI, smfuir'mul Inn-mm PM: that I If: (I lmm? rpmh: Ur 'mrm?-w Hagan 1; a? .1 Mr-mlrt'. and Hr" 'ru?u IH fl); Winn Hrnu Pmumml L: i (I Nu lmrirja ??ww mm. In?rnrn" 3 ?Jim mil Pruglun '43 II luumfs.m--1: Elam! LII 12w 1,1 7} Tr-r- F. If 111'. 41L?llEmmi]- :3711 ir- I1 '1 fem'14 't-Hi'll'it? 1 L1 3 IT 11-; I 11'? 1 51' F0114: 11.13; 1? 1 . r. if]: EJEzrtra'?r 1' 6:135:11311332121131 Firs-51:5; "h H) 4 IT- 11.150911: {liar-.1: 72" '15 10 Ci FEFTJEI- Alia: 131:6 13311131 -T?(11tzramg F?ttaim; Charm 1 mitt? 11m sic RU 30mm: 10.8. {111115011111 Us: of I HHS Ammd With a Win: 11: [11111111111113 Stunti- Milan 1119. (U) Elected at Appomlud Gunman 0111:1115 111-10 (U1110110) Explores ofFimnnal 11151111111013 10.11. (UHFOUD) 13113110312115 of Educational 11151111111015 10.12. 11f: Sub-Smnm.. . . .. .. 10-13- (U rmuo) U11: off-HS Infmunnon 111 a Furt1g11 Iiilelhgeiice Surveillance ActA?davit. .. .. .. .. 10.14. CH5 Primitization System311511111 Noti?cation Require-111111111 30 11.1. MNati?canun Dengue-1; .. . 11.2. (LUNon?caunn 111 nfUnauthon'zed Illegal 151.1:113 (U) Non?canun to DOJ 111'th Investigating 01 Prosecution ofa 11.4. (U) Nu??cauen 111 Regarding Cenam Federal 1111;111:1111 Proceedings. ll 5 (U) 111 oanmlegt-d 111 Exculpatmv Informatmn. 11.6. (U .TOUO) Noti?catiuu to 1301 Upon Naming 3 (HS as 1111 Intercleptee or :1 Violator 111 an Electronic Sunmllaace .. 11.7. (U. 1131101111112; 10 Requcsis From FPO Attorneya Regarding a CBS . .. . 11.8. (U) Exceptons in the Noti?cation Requirements 11.9. (U.- FOUO) RmnewnfCI-IS Files12. [1'1 Human Snm?m Participation in [11111111111112.9111 1111:3111 12.1. (U) Non?cation Process. 12.3. (U: Request for Appmuil of the ('111111111161'1 0116121111111 of :1 CH3. 12.3 SECRETHNOFDRN (U) Cun?dmlial Hm 501111111 Policy Guide (U TOE-TO) UIA Iii-511.111.1151 From 111111111111111 of the Authorization for Illegal 13. (YTOI 01 Con?dential Human 211111119 Partinpnn'rm in 011111111119 [11113.11 Activity . . 85 13.1. 13.2. 13.2.1. (U3P111h1b11edActivmes13-2.2. (U) Tier 101A Authorizatmn. 13.13 IFOUD) Tier I 01A Emergencv 0111.1..111111101'121111011. 13.2.4- . 1111..86 SECRETIINM (U) Cum Hum SHE: My 131 (lD'l'icI?OlA .. . 1331 131?. (lDCooIdnmionW?hFPOAmlry .. - .K 133.] (U)Tit.t1101A mecyOrzlAmm .II 1314 . . 13.4. ll 13 4 1 (U) Precauuonzy Mommas 13.5. 13 .6. (U) Renewal and Expansmn of 01A 90 13.? (U) Suspension 90 13.8. (U) anocation of 01A Authorization 90 13.9 (U) thordketpmg Procedmcs . 91 H. Operation of Human Smurfs-z 1m oh mg 011:? federal. Slate. Local. and Tribal Agenda 1 Bl 1 WM 9'3 14.1. (U) Joint Opezmtions of FBI (1-135 With 0111a Age-mics 92 14.1.1. (SHNF) Joint Opa'ation With (14 USE OR. to Ark-amt Hallo-ml Seanity Objecnves . . 92 14.2. (U) Sole Operation of an FBI CHS 12w Another Agonc? 92 14.3. (UHFOUO) Join! Field Of?ce Operation or 3 EH8 Waiting J. {.1111} Am FBIFieldO?icc . . . . . . .. .93 14.4. (UHFOUO) Operation of CHS's L11 Anette: Fit-1d O?iqe a Tammi; . . .. . 93 IS. Diitlosui'? ofa Con?dennai Human . lrh-uno . . .. 9'5 15.1. (U) Principles of Con?denlialiry. 95 15.2. (LDDisclomre Au?ionty . .. . .95 15.3. SAC ObJE-cnon to Diaclosure . . -..-.-96 15.4. (U Record of Disclomre of (HS Ida-nut: . .. .. 96 16. Adminim'ation ofCon?cIE-unal Human "Jill"?- .. 9* 16.1. .FOUO) CHS Files . . . 97 16.1.1. (U Creation and Mainienmxe Flk?S 16.1.3. (U FOUU) Emil-lotion? From (mama and Mamtcnancc Film inDeltaH . .. . 115. 1.3 (U Opening the CH3 on Pmoi For Dem 99 16.1.4. (U- POUO) Managing the Paper File. Pot Doha 16.1 s_ mar-om) Filc 5mm and Commuw SE 16.1.6 16.1.7. 16.1 I. ?16 I 16.3 16.4. 16.5 16 6. 16.7. 16.8 16.9. 16.10. 16.11. 16.12. 16.13 17.1. 17.2. 17 3. 17.4. 17.5- 17.51. 17.52. 17-6. 17.6.1. ECRETIINQEDRN (U) Comm-l 11111111111 Smut Policy Guido thuly?mifying CHE Infumn?m Film. .. .. 01mm 1C Slop Nouccs". Operate. .. .. 102 .. (U) Solute Report . .. 103 .. 103 .. 103 .. . . (U) Doummting CH5 Doro?lory . (U) 0111:! Related Dccon?icuon Checks. (1110:0110) Transpon of CH3 F1115 and Access to Delta Files 6y. Another Field Gf?ce or FBIHQ (U) Whoa a CBS 15 lojmedm or Killed ([31:01. 01 Con?dential 131111111111 81111111? Financial 3111111111: 105 (U) Payment Prohibitions . . Field 051:: Funding fur . .. . . . (U) SAC 131111111111 Pamnl 211111101113(IDCHS Pagmmn Categmes; Sui-Wicca 11111151111111.5155 .. CU) Smuccs . 103 (U) Rules Regarding 1Expcn5c5 for Moals,Veh1c1es.Mcdical Costs Housing, Equipment. and Relocation. .. GDMeals Associated With CH5 Debnc?ngs-. .. .. . 17.6-2. 17.6.4. (U'JHousmgm 17-6.6- .. 17.7. 111 SECRETIFN 1011 100 101 10? 102 1021 102 103 . 104 104 105 .. 105 105 101I 103 108 ..109 ..109 .. .109 111 112 113 115 SH "Rf, l'h??l If 0? (1 'nnfidmhal ?ll'lli?] imam-r Pz?-rzy nub l! I l'awmn Rump-tit 111mm ii?; V?ukn Hrran-s 116 i Pawrnn Ammwah I 31', (U) Altair? rap-puma] 115 HH '2 (ll) rm 1 will U?f?tr Amnrwal 116 3 1 (U) Adwmm 11:11:11? Pawn-mu HO {Ujl'umn?af'li?i If] I?ln?nrml 11min ra?h'mrmn i 1 i (U) rtcpiahlr Hat-r, far I i? 11' 1 MOdIflt'??IIrm fi?jnIilem R?r?mi 3131 Hit-13H" 12 (U) to CHER 1m UThr-g 13 (51m 11'] 1.1m of 3:10:19131 .- Psi-mm! . 1 14 (U) Lump-S um P3 16111.: (DUEL-wand?; 1?3 1 Reward-3' Uff?f?d h? 111.711:- ?f 3: IS 2 Reward-3011919113} the l? llii Forf?ture Awmda . l? 17 Prmect?Cu?mated imam-1?: 1.. 1? 13 {Uj?mds {31-6611 to a 7. l: ?4 111.01 if 1119.". 11.20 (U) Paamenta a Cloned H3 1; 17 31 Clue-Tune 133211161: 17 {U1PafnnE-ma a Tim?C "7-5713?" 1111 Ira-1mm;- :1 1:11. a 3 13 1 (U) (1051119 C'oumlmucanon 12:3 13 1 General Reason;- for {105111; 3 CHE: . 1313 13.1 3 C'loemg :1 CH5 I131 [11136 . . . 139 13 3. C'lesmg Procedute .. 1333' 13 2.1 1T5: Delayed Noti?canm . . . 1&0 18 3 Pump: ontacr :1 10533151 . . . . . . 130 T. SEC RET SOFORY SECRETIINOFORN N) (211111de 1111111111 Mm Policy (3111111: 13.4. MWWIEFPOAHM .. . . . 19. 0901111005.. 132 1'9 1. ((DNah'ml Seunity woos . 19. 1.1 (U) ET CHS 01111311011 :11 SW of: 19 12 (U) [inhibited ET National Stanly CHS 0110111110115 192. (U) 1101111111111 Approvals and 11011110311005 for ET CHS 5011111113: . 19.2 1 (SIM) ET 01A by 11 C118 11:1 Support 0fa Nahum] Secunty Invesugalmn 19.3 (U) (2111011111 Inveshgauons . . 19.3 1 (U) ET CH5 0061111005 111 Support 0fCr1111mal [11005119110115 N01 Involving Sens?we 11010115130005 . 19.3.2. (U) ET CHS 0131111110115 111 Suppon 0fCr111111131 Invesuganons [111101111113 501151111110qu . .. .. 19.3.3 (U) Requlred 51001003150111?! Noti?cations for ET CH5 (?11111111111 0110111110115 .. .. 19.3 4. (5 ET 0111 by :1 (HS 111 Support ofa (311111111111 [11011511351000 19 4. (U) Appheable 10 ET HS 0111111110115 10 Support of All Twes 0f 11116119110115 19.4 1 (U) Documentanml Reqwrements for .1111 C. HS ET 01101111101131 and omnnmicatmn Requests . 19.5 (U R0105 0fthe FBIHQ 0110131101111] 1311111101.. 19 5 (U Role of the ?01111131101131 [110151011 HUMINT Operatmm CenIer .. . 19.5.2 (LIN-FOLIO) Role of the FBIHQ 01111111110113] U011 19.5.3 (UH. FOUO) Role of ?le Duectorate of Intelligence HUMDIT 00111111211011 enter . 19.6. (Us TOUO) Role 0f the Legat 11:1 ET HS 011611110115 19.? (U. R010 0f the 11110111311000] 19110111110115. D11151011 111 ET HS 01162110115. . . 19 7.1 (U) 10113111111003! Operations 011151011 Approval and Management Role Over LEGAT- 01 MAT-Aengned ET CHS .. . . 19.3. (U) ETCHS 000111110115 by a LEGAT 01 311 ALAT 19.8.1 LEGAT 01 ALAT Access to a Field Of?ce File . . 19.9. (U) Employee Travel Related 10 1 CH5 Operatiun . 19.9 1 Special Agent Undeclared Travel .. . 19.10. (3/3111?) . . 111 SECRETNNOIORN I10 134 H4 135 I35 I37 I40 .l40 . 140 . 141 143 ..145 .. 145 ..155 1515 157 15162 163 mm 1911 19.12. (UHFWO) Pm? .. . .. 19.13. [UfwamEmwaTmm 19.14. mmuETommumunmI-m 19.141. . 19-15. (lDExmpliontovaidelcgale may? 19.16. 19.17. . 19.111. 19.19. . . 1919.1. 19.20. (31114131111311th land?lls. 20. Con?dential Human Source \alulanou -10 (U) List of Appendices Appendix Final Approvals . . .. .. .. Appendix B: Sonnet: andditianal Infmmarinn .. 3-1 Appendix Contact .. . . . .. Cal Appendix . . . . .0-1 Appendix E: (U) CBS Repm?ngm .. .. Appendix Sen'ite Agreement . . . SECRETIINONJRN (U) Continental Hm 5mm Palm (31nd: Introduction - 7.4- 1.1. MW Tl:- Fedu'al linen: n! Investigator (FBI) recruits and operates ctm?dential himnm (GER) to obtain intelligence. whorl: Wilt? owlrgalwe prom am mmhes, and FBI mtelligume ?mutt-merits. and. (tunnel: cumula- uhjuztim of the [linked States gummt?s intelligent-.1- and law enfoirrnmit (LE) The Dominate of (DI) ruminants responsrhihtv for these activrties mare and oversight of the l?Bl?s program This [toiletP guide (PG) applies to the use of the (.115 Program l? all investigative and intelligence collection aetmhes conducted by the FBI in the Urnted Slates, its territories outside the. mutants of all and in foreign commie-s - (U) The is for internal gindance It is not intended to create an enforceable legal or a private ?ght of achnn by; a CH5 or any other person Any conflict trlween these gurdelmes and ?le??omg Qwerty! f; thqdetuiea Loam; Regaining the titer ri't'B! 'on?demtnt SewnJAt??ti 1:151 or the -_ttrem.o (Permit Quantum-'4? lit-motto ?it {attention Lotti Quin} must he resoh'ed to favor of the AGGs 1.2. Purpose (U) The propane of the. PG is to standardize CHS Program so that they are and infant]? embed. to the extent possible. in all FBI investigative pregame. Will more compliance With relevant AGGS and facilitate the development of ?1185 to engage in crass?prom WHILE The mom] components of the CH5 Program addressed in [Ins PG are as follows: The roles and remonsibllities of FBI personnel and task force of?cers with regard to CH5 Program activities The identi?cation evaluation and recruitment of potential con?dential hinnan solutes II (Ui- FOUO) The and operation of (His swpornng any of the FBI's investigahw programs and. or other authorized information collection activities (U) This PG also emphasrzes the importance of oversight and self?regulation to ensure that Program mm are conducted within Constimtional and statutory parameters and that cit-'1] liberties and prinac?j.r are protected. 1.3. (If) Intended Audience (U) This PG applies to all FBI employees. TF05- FBI contract employees. and FBI detailees L4. (If) Authorities The prmsions in this PG are governed by the authorities set forth below I Md?omq Cami Guideline; Regarding the ("rtrr?demmf Harman December 13. 2006 I (U) Gorge-1'5 tdettnarfor Domestic FBI onmnons. September 29. 3008 smuwm (1716mm lm WM '7 (U) Dan-91x manner. and mm II. HI I (U) Mum Gent-Ill am No 1019 200! 11111611111111 Rngamh?nr (in UN off-'5! PM it? (agar .1 (Md-11m: [of 017mm (UHFOUU) (Mm aulhonuu 1111711 :1 mm mm arm (FIJI) mph- manning aftndu?ming (M11115) mint-mm 1. hi PG 1.5. [11717011 and (U) [Eur] to a de?ant 111111-55. qru?rally plohib?cd 11:? PG ?r bl: I 17711111111, 11111117111 spcufy 1:21:11 31.117117? or task mm and ij7 av. 5151mm 7.1111117111111- approval 7111111011117 15. rick-W 71131111011717 ?111 an un?t-1 A ?eld nf?u 16111111117 3 than .1 of 311111011117 1111151 ?le that of 3111111111717 7.111111771111111111. 111m 1111- hora! PU 7777 777777- 7777-.- 7777 77 1 (U) All 5111113171er .?iutltlol?ltj:r [or 31111107173} of 111. 217-1. 7.117771 111 71711! PC: 11.1.77 b! gun! EU a 111113.7 31111101121711 3111113 51111711115171 711 bu- 1 11111771213777 712.25.71.- 1:77.271. 7112311117 "hm 111 {mg PG (U) Refaences to me special agent 11: 71113171117911; $3.117 31% 17111111111017. 7h- Fl} 111 charge 111705111171. 77. 7-1 :f 7.7? :77 .5153' 1.5.1. fl") and [1771171011 and [1717111175 Ewan? an FBI 155171111111 11117777112771.3217} 7.7.7 1174277 ADV. mam 11105711111111 1' (FF). 111 1115 7:11 117:1 11751171721111 71171211111611? 717.7117: 77:7 31.1 that ?rm an EXCEPBW T0 111"! PTOTEIOH 01? 7 . :77 hem-17:: we I a WEED 01 mg the FBI and amt-1 DIE-paw! 1f 17.7.17 7: DOT 7371;991:771 re?ning in? AGG- must be frank?<17 71117 11717.; 1747 1.. -. :17 19.713131 Eva?111: 5 35515131113111111111. gait-13117519161111: 1117: 717.7 ha 71.62.1117: 1.7.7117 -7 1mm Dragon uh- Natlonal Sccunff- 111111111". 7:1: 117-1713157111: FOUO) Whenewr 1117:11- 15 11 1115111117: 7217: ?11.12- f:7-1 7.17311: ?r (17mm? Dunn I'm ofthe 1301 the 11151111117 1111151 he 115017.111 by 11:1: dcpur. 111117111137 17121-1111: 171.371.6701 tutu kl ?51m. (U 1511177 departure from 2 1111111511711 713' the 11115? be 1? a! acmrdance 7.711111 D106 ?36th 2 (U IFOUO) .5111}: 7:111qu to :1 11111171511711 ofthc 11115: but mm mm (EC) 17111111111111 31271117117121 of the SAC and 57:11! In ?11) ?rm In? 111117.11 (Dc-11111131: the request for me exec-111m 111111 1k EDI (U FOUO) The ace-punt: granted or um-ummt 1.5.1. (1111151773 and 111071. When-11711211 mum Emu-m . mm 2.111) Roles and - DEE - "b 2.1.1. (U) Ankh-t Again-Chip (ASACI). .l - mks. I?m-m thoseeontamedinmisPG Ahhw?rhSACuWw??Mth special agents (3A5)operatingthoseCH.Ss proyammanagement maynotbedeiegledmm ?m intelligenec do however have critical mung: Identi?cation Evaluation. ami ofCon?denml Human Soiree; Type Assessments?) 2.1.2. (U) Con?dential Human Some Coordinator (C E1811 3 sen'mgas the ED 3 full-time CHSC ERG-15C is responsible for addressmg all clinics and ibilrtics of the CHI: The (fl-EC il-l brat-thyme?: At least one alternate CHSC. who neednot be agaigned to the a The SAC- mayhzvemm assigned to these (113115.35 appropriate (U) The CHSC is responSIble for overseeing ?re F0 3 (HS program. arm of CH5 ?les and assocrated domnnematwn Because of ?rst responsibilities the CHSC 111151 not be assigned as either the case agent (CA) a ctr-cane? (co?CA] for an} CH3 assigned to the F0 This restractim does not who: ?mm- However- when the alternate CHSC 15 marking m?m cannot: be or sham:- aim-y generated for or about CHSs for which the CH9: :5 the A at co?CA 1h: eomnnmieations must be forwarded for mien to the and tit-SSA uh) the .. v.7. Each CHSC 1mm magma a Spaee ?1mm: mama: ?reman-mutual: 51." CH5 information onlypersonnel . 7: . m. mean-mm ?IWuanduan-nmngom FPO my v, umwmumocm mung? mommutmmduthr and tummy mum Each twat stabltah and mamtatn contact meanwhumm ?hummer: 1.1. CBS Operation 2.11. (11} (Tart!I Agent and (To-(Case Agent Roles (IBM) 111' CA of: PCHS or a (.115 must he an FBI SA Each SA. with the exec-pooh of the CHSC, has I can: whiny to create and mamtatn a CH5 base to promde Vital Information mating FBI unreshgahve ml nahonal Intelhgence pnonhee The SAC may grant an Warm this lespms?nhty when an SA Is to dunes that logically preclude CHS Memephoumt marten EC maratamed mthe F0 mmgenm ?le In addrum to an CA. ever,r must have a co~CA asmgped and A (to?CA has all the. same {tunes and ?le access how there are hnutahons to or he dunes as set forth in guhsecttoo ?1 ?fat Fame Of?cer as Ctr?Case Agent"'1"he Emmy mm theco? CA meets MCHS is dehmnedhy the magnet and srgm?cance the CHS's reportinghas investigam. Ifthe CH8 contributes to an FBI Investrgatton. the cofA must meet the CHS one frequently. The ?equency that is coomd?ed appropnate should be Why he CA {to?CA and their SSA but. 111 ever}.r case. the co-CA omst meet with the mailman may he met through the doctrine-Matron of a CH3 program? ?relate.d actuary through whichthe co-CA 5 wrong with the CH5 rs evident for example. a source reporting donunem mm form orapayment 5 name (tram) Iftlae and coCA are unavailable. the SSA mav de51gnate on a tat-orphan??r has-15. mm oo?CA to handle PCHS matters or operate a CH5 Regardless of such temporary ?Mona howem the CA is responsible for the nmmtenance and accuracy of PCHS or HS ?has?gndtohrmorhu (UHFOUO) No 11th of?r FBI's management sta? may serve as the CA or c0405.. The onlyr I WIIPUIIO) Legal attach?s (LEGATs) and assutant legal attaches (ALATs) are to operate (This as CA5 murder a nulli?ed approval process. as set forth Secuon 1:0. imam- muf?e In?ow" m- Umted Statue Attorney's O?iee the Cnmmal ?hm; all ma?a WNW ofD?] and: author-try to prosecute Eden! annual o?'uuez. -m Cull Danton C1111 Rights Dry-mun Environmental and 5 SIZCRETNNOFORN Hum-w . Wudtll??ATthem??CA?w? . aMUlSun?nwml?l?aya. ?m wim?urASAC denim. A?a km HIHSsandf'HSs hamm_ Imwm-I??p have ?amed asdt?nuianxapmt by?mh?i?t? 2.2.2. (U) ask forte (Jf?ur as (.9 {1w Age-:1 (UHFOUOJ Altimugh 11131: are run-awn pram] who haw Famed be clearances to be deimled on an FBI ml: form may be ?i?lg? as; wt?s {at sums; An SSA may assagn a TFO .1 CLO-CA by wane}! rm. in w: PCHS or 3 CH5, which the TFO 15 named as. the to (SA The a wand aha a! the au?mnty to disciusse PCHS It. or CH3 '5 16031111.! in the 3554M (UHFOUO) Any TFO assagned as a era?CA mum be amused of and 16W #3 rek?r? pohues regarding the evahmem. and teaming: af Hi the sit-m and opemtmn of opened CHE-5- as. dreamt-d :13 ?ne. PG and dist: seiez?m' mirri be 311d the 12.? 93'; (UHFOUO) A TFO CID-CA has the 531m Mien. 2131- MICE: ta fhe RC H3 05 CBS ??ur as the CA- except as described beluw. The TFO mar mg: 33-3: HZ- magi; mm I subsec?tloui TL. (Methods oprpreaeh"; meer .utb admixrfae apex ?it unaccompanied b1: 3 CA- provided that tad; (creme. -zfu? Mme-?ied the TFO aim intbf?le oflhe PCHS fans-hon; the ITO he: ed 2 tic-C .3: (UHFOUO) A TED co?C?. 15 um pemntted 10 - (UHFOUO) Open 3 5 asae?amt I Prepare me mmeewmng open 3 ?sh - (UNFOUOJ Provide 3mmgleam as a am when are rex'ie'wed math 3 CHE however. the and pravided an SA. - Pay 3 (HS. unless 311 SA :3 pram as a amt-s: when ms pap-em It made. All?mam be Elm-321W b? in SA 2. 2 3.. (If) \Iun- Agent Investigative Sta? (U- FOUO) Nan?agent FBI miesnganve sta? axe elm lat-muted 10 be mm :5 CA: at far and CHSS- Imless sped?callv Stated Maw :11 ?es A Wily. assign nonva gem investigative sta?' Sentinel case mm dull: ulteraction with a PCHS{1 ll Kan-Agent Linguists (U FOU01Non-agent hnguists are not permitted to be new an Chumshm and Non-am FBI linguim are alt-a pmhibeted?m Mamna 5 . secenimm ?45: n: . s5 mum ECLIh?amn I by mat-ammonia; i (UIMUO)Athsr:ription of?: requested saunas I (Klimylhe mount investigating beingsupponed mimimmumm shouldbe cmsidued prior to ng a request - of the sauces I (UM-DUO) The potential operational or personal security risks resulting ?ow the non- agem linguist with the PCI-IS or and the steps to mitigate any identified risks This written request and wntteri approval must only be retained in the CH5 mam ?le. Intelligence (Us) (IMFDUO) are not permitted to be assimed as CA5 or covCAs for CHSs A siqieririsor may only mg: 1.45 case management or case participant responsibilities that do not reqmre in?ection with (UHFOUO) 1A5 are prohibited from contacting CHSs the presence of a CA a or at TFO whom been assigned as a eo-CA. A CA or a cor-CA may request. in writing (eg. entail- EC). that an accompany him or her to CH3 debue?ngs The SSA ofthe squad CH5 owesight and the M's stipendsor must respond to the request. by or denying it. in mm (UHFOUO) The following information must be included in the request: 1- A description of the requested sermces I The speci?c investigationts) being supported The following factors should be considered prior to approving the request: I (UIIEDUO) The length of time the services will be needed - (UHFDUO) The of the services I The potential operational or personal security risks resulting ?rm the LA interaction with the (HS and the steps to mitigate anr identi?ed risks This written request and written approval must only be retained the 5 main ?le. Mmi?anybeassigmdas acase participant or a case manager to identi?- and a part ofa Type 5 assessment Section 3 Identi?cation. Evaluation and - -f secmrmomtm :Jruv Wya"?_ a, . w& 111-41 ma?a-amt? - . .I . Ma} mmauwaww 3" Maul-lam shall?! 5 "i 1.3. . 1' PCHS ?mam-mammal-nan 1'35 docm?edm?xmmn?k' Mil .53 :4 Manx-am used. ?t obhgat'mm r: I employee sspomc. mgm?camo?n reiztm: unhm?nmil employeecu?dcrwe?rmmofapumumm . (J I magma-mm -3 operationalm. -, . 7 - MWUMaCHSuamaaymw 1 II .-- .. muumn_ - mmomm MW Mam-nematode 111.1,. ?Payout Roam Mia.? II nbutgg?jj, MAMIGISuamlm?mmcoumn?eg. illegalihugsm stolen (lDAu?mi'zeaCHStoparticipate obtain information 1hr the FBI that milaw?il ifomilirtoil by law enforcement of?cer (LEO) (eg. breaking ?Milkg?mmapping, illegalopeningor tampenng muting to illegal search} (U) Inmfuc wi?i. in?uence- or impede any criminal investigation. arrest. prosecution or civ? action in which the CH5 or PCHS is a party or 3 matrices. However. an SAC may submit a letter ?Blaming facts regarding a relationship with the FBI to a [Inset-mini or a train for connderanori Disclosures must be documented in accordance with "Athninistration ofCon?dential Human Sources (U) Make any rumors: of to a or a PCHS: make amr commitment limiting the use of any audience by the gorermnent. oi give the impressron that he or she has the authority to do so However. an SAC ma}.r provide a letter to the prosecutor or court stating the facts regarding a relationship and assistance to the FBI. (U) Disclose FBI miestiganie information to 3 CH5 ot a PCT-IS information relating to electronic Sim-'eillance search nan-ants. indicmients and other clinging documents- or the identity of other actual or potential SUbijl'S or or CHSS). other than what is strictly necessan' for operational reasons. (U) Reveal to a HS or a PCHS an}; information relating to any federal. state. or local pmding or closed investigtion ofthe CH5 or or 1115 or her ?'iends or relations. including con?rmmg or denying the existence of an investigation unless authorized her after consulting With the SAC 1n national security matters. the SAC or his or her designee must consult with the awropnate operational division at FBIHQ and :3me authmzatiori (U) Exchange gills with a CH5 or a PCHS. except as provided for in subsection 1 3 . (U) Ptoi'ide the CH3 or PCHS With aim-?thing of more than a nominal value. except pursuant to an wowed CH5 payment. as authorized hi: Section "Confidential Hanna: Source Financial lulatters." or pursuant to a Type 5 asseasnient expense. as Wired by Section 3. "Identi?cation. Eialuanon. and Recmitnient of Con?dential Hm 30mm in Type 5 W5 (U) Receive anything of more than nommal value from the CH3 or (U) Engage in any mane-55 or ?nancial transactions mm the CH5 or PCHS 9 SECRETKNOFORN mm 31 elmmlullhacuanmdbuhthm "?ir 4. WEED Max:519?; 2.3.1. ('U)Gifts (U) GiftsO?end ICES OIIJMFBIMHCA. 3" Tug-nit apphesbecaus: amongo?nssm af?liation acceptarxc ofagz?mav (UHFOUO) In sum: hunted mummte arrcpuw a gt? from a PCHS a ICES Justi?ed The CA 5 SSAmusl ammu- the acct-5:23am:- of such an Iranian: ?rth setfo?hmthismman If acceptance of me gm [5 necesaar.? and for sperm m. re?lsal ofa gift womd meparably damage the atxheopzaz: ?r ?Emma's PCHS or a CH8 In coop-crate or cmtmue amps?rate an SSA may am oft chief division tmmsel (CDC) {congldermg the legal and ethical 15m 35m the gift). amhonze the CA arm-CA to Kitp?i gift The SSA acceptance ofthe the resuitg of the commanon mm ?r CDCthe justi?cation for 115 acceptance must he den-wed In the PCHS 5 ?le ct it (35?s ?1 validation sub-?le. The SSA must ponds aumonzatim 11: 3mm xfme CA a ul- . 1 mlla??eragx? man-me . 'j-ff?IIT? shasidbevmwdocmkw?Id?h gn? (dascussed below} and the rum why that method must f. tuck-nee. . I (U mthdocmneulahmnc?ngmemlu?l ofuhy?r?unwasks?uyed 10 - . szcunm - 'r SECRETHNOFORN (U) Cun?drnhal Human Smurf Palm? (Etude (ERNIE) ?the gill Is not pmsluhle and ml Ix- tlralc'd as math-nut CAunm 5mm? II tn the CPR lab: mmlanwd as part {.118 ?le [g . Ilr pm mm; bl: plattd phwic?ly a mallard 1A a [511" sub tile. ran be mated ?mu It:- mam ?le) fm 51m ago 11', nn :1 law. Inn-Mimi. pjl'l nteds tu be mm at 5110111110 the HHS 01 (THS so as nut [u rrlalumahlp dunng a substquml mularl thr- gi? Imus! hr n?'lrlally (1131 {zed out of the ?le Upon 0f the CH5 umtmg. the anti mus! br- rhargc-d back mm the (1?1 IS ?le Upon d?smg the (HS ?le. Ill?: [1111 [b?ow the Nalnmal Alrhwes and R?fm'ds. Admuustmhon (NARA) 311]]de ?nal sulwdulr I'm the (HS ?le If 1hr gl? 1510b? muted as It must follow the 53111:- MESS :15 am other mem- Set- the If an FPO 15 pm?ripatmg an or a prosccm 1011 115mg the CBS wn?en mutt must be pmmded to me FPO atmmev?In advance, wilt-nova 1105511316 ?If an SSA waves the acceptance of a gi? A cup}; of the FPO nonfat anon must be {?amed In the vandalmu sub?le (If) Gifts Given lo (H55 and Gifts offered :0 P1211553 and CHSS may be accordance With if? ?Evaluatmn and Rmutment Phase Fundmg." and "Gifts :11 LIEU of Monem Payments ll Sill (midterm! Hm Smart My Gut 3. (U) Identi?cation, Evaluation, and Recruitment a! Calm Human Stu-?17? in fret 5 3.1. (UNFGU01PCHS RiskJBenefu Analysis (UHFOUU) 'lhe FBI has vetted and recruited (.1155 WI. A CH5 '8 trachtronally, and ?.1111 Lt. o?en identi?ed during the cm of an ongoing am or predicated or through router! liaison As oflhemlrer 2003 MM II iniplernexned by the UIUG. proudest an addrtumal tool team: as ?r "Type 3 M- for the identi?cation, evaluatton. and of CHSS ht attrition to the the In with Benton 3, "Role. and govam the some: role: of and [As in the identt?eation evaluation md ofPl?fHSs mar the type 5 subsection 5 6 3.4. however. In the event ofa con?ict the 05001.5 It: mm (UHFOUO) Inherent 1n each ype ?3 assesm or prior to any CH3 :5 a: of determining the potential bene?ts to be gained through the rebuiu?ranon nahntroo recruitment of the PCHS. balancing them against the ope-rational Ind other costs associated With the PCHS and ensuring that the bene?ts @111th the osts grant the known information and the crrenmstanees involved If a PKHE ultmlatetv rm he or ?rm into a relationship with the FBI and that relationship will fore-nu affect the life of that Mam: The PCHS be either an mince" or a former FBI souree and in Pun his or her conductor misconduct will re?ect on the FBI fault or mutant;- the 1:312:11 be timed to the light of that re?ection Therefore 11 rs important to retnteraze that 'if?fj?si-Q?li and activities unde?alten in the identi?cation- evaluation and pita sec. are exert-arr; in risk management. (UHFOUO) Once the rs open. he or she is subvert! the gmdance pronded tofu?115;. "Con?dential Human Source Validation Prior to opening each PCT-IE agens. 2nd 31:31:35 mutt be aware of the need to assess and oeigh the Halo. assocrated 21.1211 the There is a number of factors to be comrdered dining the idenn?eanm calm and recruitment of a PCHS Doe?tmiented past actr. me: me! obser? able characteristics can preside insights- that pornt to ?JIure control or handhne 153115 problems or bet of credibth on the part of the PEI-IS 1.111161111365136 a beliefs allies and a?egtmces reveal motivational platforms that enhance existing bene?ts and are CTIHCZI cute-era for he aged and analyst to de?ne ?iroughom the Type 5 assessment These factors as outlined tn the st: bullets below. should then be assessed in then totahr?s against the backdrop of each of Ill: ?ve critena to whether the 1n ultimate}? remitting the HHS sauce is low. medium. or high. and what steps can he taken to 1denti?ed risks A smlar em should then be conducted on the potential bene?ts the is reasonable moaned to ?Haven The ?nal step is to determine whether the potentral bene?ts outnu? the petunia! nets and act accordingly (U FOUO) The factors below must be used by; and agreed; to weigh the nits bene?ts involved during the evaluation and reenntment of PCT-155. Each of the new all '31 tom the CH8 criteria. cannot be weighted equally" smce. for example. 3 P1313535 no relevant intelligence or infomiation may; outweigh a partinilar? suitability or mm, especiallyr if such concerns can be adequately mrtigated. ?hen Em mm. . .?Ih 12 . SECRET NOFORN ."ft'i ?75; mentor-oar: h?nmwm. Wmhemduemi?ude - I in the m. - (WM) The likelihood that my revelation about me. interest in the. Pitt-IS Will have 1 Minimal adverse a?oat I The likehhood tint the intelligence or Information not] be lost. I Whether and how a risk can be mitigated I (UNI-DUO) Whether the FBI Will be able to control the PCHS through existing handing promrhires and verify the trustworthiness of the information provrded through the mating validation princesses (UHFOUO) The PCHS cntma are - (UUFOUO) Access: the inrhvidual 's placement and sustained ability to acquire informatics] of operational and?or intelhgence interest (In some instances. this may,r be a matter of potential access to high?value information I Suitability: the indivrdual's character, intelligence, and competence as {116}! relate to his or her potential to provide authentic. accurate and reliable information Tins helps to answer the question "Does the indiudnal have the appropnate attributes to 13th as a I (U UFOUO) Susceptibility: the likelihood that the nidividiial will accept recruitment as an FBI source andproside information on a con?dential manner This aspect requires an analysis of possible motivations and biases. life experience. and other factors relevant to the willingness of the l?dt?v?ldllal to become 3 CH8. I (UHFOUO) Accessibility: the FBI's ability to gain access to the individual for the pilpose of assessment and evaluation as a means to move toward recruitment. I- (UH-TUUO) Security: the FBI's assessment of operational seeurit')r and counterintelligence risks associated Will] the PCHS This means evaluating the individual and the qrerational Circumstances related to the following questions 0 (UNI-DUO) What if the individual rejects recnutment by the 0 (UHFOUO) What if the mdivrdnal becomes aware of the FBI interest and objectives. but his or her loyalties are elseuhere? (UFFOUO) Are there possible lifestyle or professional vulnerabilities that might create reliabilityr issues or invite exploitation by {shit-rs?r 3.1. (UHTOUO) FEES Operations: Introduction The Type 5 morn! consists of three phases The identi?cation phase is opened a mi?c. named individual. for the pnpose of identifying persons With placement and 13 SECRETHNOFORN (U) (Euclidean! Hana Sale! My Thmnuqudaawh.? trim mime planned and area; It: of? mfmmamm {chem-I maimnurmr Mm M'rpulnmy in Warren}; 2 (INS The new?! ?at. I emtmuatxm nl'tlr. evaluation phase. far SM. mvoim Ir diam all. a M. named Murine] Hymn-mm arWn?hkF?llo?uhm mammal amsmte andfu lambs-pure 'l?bur pluses mm am II be lhal fer-?aw (UNI-DUO) 'l'hr ?m1 magnum mmdmalm be 15mm :5 use In every I we (UHPOUO) A 'l'ype 5 19mm In any phase may not be on a of a FBI predicated mvemgatwn In a premously (mu-d ?H?u may not be cup-emu a a Type 35mm! 38:? (Tlam?ed Amy-min. fm a ml?r ?reman to his new 3.3. (If) Identi?cation Phi-re The purpose of the Menu ?ralrm phase of the say-mam to 1m; in PCHS With placement and arrears ?rm] a p00] of unk?u'xn Martinis Opening the Type '3 Asseumeul In the ldmli?ra?an Phi-u The wow] reqluremerm to che-n a z" 11.? 'be ninmfxanm rims: are Spen?ed 1n 'subgeelnjruj Baa", Approx 21 31;] E?hair The ?3 we tram relenn?eation phase 15 unrated mm the auburn-I rr-r; r" L?il?r'zr- a'zur. plan atlzh um SW 311 emtmg predicated mz'eslrganun LII The 1213:. mar-7.! he iti?umrmed an EC (or a successor Delta; name the argue-rpm? The idenn?catmn phase may be bf: an sear-arr: wire". a ?173le mveshgatwe squad- or be an IA aaergned To '11} Fr} 3: hi EbCel xi. when rc- 391-1: 3 Type assessment 1n the idenn?earmu phage Thee Ele- we rammed 0min EL ladlAa The 319 classr?eanm eonsms ofrhe fo?oumg :e-tn egg-4.3- xabiil: bp?rf- the sperm pragram area to be supported the CH9. pm. FOLIO) The contems of the Idenu?cauon plan E1: new we lude the {0110!ng I Case ID: the desrgmor for the apgopnare-classe?eanm - (U Title: CH3 ldemr?eatmn Plan I FOUO Synopsis: the aurhenzed purpose and death: de?ned We} GE rdennfreanon plan (U Details: 14 SEC RET NDPORN WNW melt Hm Policy Guide. to mug? FBI tI lurking I with Inch pil?ll'm and arms The. will!? the and hunt!) of?r mite) or Wail) the Type i nqiportl MM) Chum chalctuilttu a tenth mm: of trim to have for sell-rammin- Million in with criteria 'l?here ml he an articulated ream: to that ill! Mathematics and south criteria Will yield the nidivrrhials likely to tile! til! rhiml placement and access. and the selected characteristics must not be hand may on race. ethrucity. national tllg?l?. actmties protected under the First Amendment. or a con?rmation ofonlir these factors a 111'. mveshgahve methods the or SA anticipates using (c p, . database and mime search-s. mullmee locations. or attendance at par ticular emu. only as authorized in the D1045) and the reasons why ?ies-e investigative arthritis are expected to yield persons who are likelyr to have the needed placement and access assrriated With the common characteristics or search criteria set forth above [n ?taping the identi?cation plan. the focus should he to understand the activities associated with the threat based upon existing nitelligence or information received. and the type or characteristics of people who logicalljs,r intersect With those acnwties From this group. characteristics or search criteria can be re?ned, and investigative methods identi?ed. to yield sptti?c persons With the appropriate placement and access 3.3.2. Modi?cation of the ("115 Identi?cation Plan [fan LA or an SA seeks to utilize additional characteristics or investigative methods that were not donmiented in the identi?cation plan EC their use must he requested in an EC (or a successor firm in Delta) addressmg the followmg I Clse ID: the designator for the appropriate-classi?cation I Title: Modi?cation of (HS Identi?cation Plan I (UJFFOUD) Synopsis: "To request modification of HS identi?cation plan created to [restate the amhonzcd purpose and clearly.r de?ned objectiv?s} of the original CH8 identification plan]" I Details: the additional characteristics. the reason for selecting them and the additional i??L?ESllgaltVE methods to be used. With an explanation of how these methods are expected to yield persons with the characteristics speci?ed For more information regarding the de?nition of the individuals and groups that quah'fy as smsitiie it is important to also refer to Section ?5 of the DIOG on Type and Section if} of the D106 on sensitive investigative matters (SiMs) in Type :3 15 SECRETNNOFORN 3.1.3. (WMJUO) HICKS Ina unlimited-mm? whom - an?. momma-1'54 I as 3 :11 realm:- will: 'm 4 "de1 (Im?mmhal?mmre ?wov?e?hkSAhekm?kMi amiable ?rmmlagmlohrarf?s MWanbh Cmm?nnmdaysofmmg a (UNFOUU??IrSAma-yopenalype? Walkman!" phase (to aeeordamce with subs-Ethan 3 1 below; Indium-mu! mm a! efforts beyond?) day-5 are inclined 3.4. and Recruitment Phases The woval to 011m 3 Type 15mm 1.5 the mm rmmlem phases. whleh focus on mutate mam-612E at sperm vie-933g. Approval: All Phases These mdwuhuls may come to the Mn: of 1.25.1. and SA: in: due: of ways. mehu?ng the idenn?cmou phase of a Type anxessmem maze-d mm methods used by 3A5 :13 othej 1555;111:1115 and predzeawd newsman; and {met historical infomehon unsung records. as set forth an era 'A-mm Investigative Memods 111 Type Assessments Mil-M13133 3.4.1. 0170) Phase The pmpose ofthe evaluation phase of the Tape amount! as 1-0 atlas hackgrotmd mfomuuon a known mm ?oe?e: mm 115 he: pm access- seam'ry risk. smtabihm and or to Examsused by [As and 3.115 asagned to HUMBT or aqmds am b?f" L55 align-.11 in FED-IQ 5A5 may be 2551M jointly with Lies to Tape '3 1595M ?ns phase A Type 5 the evaluation phase LS 1101 a pie-remnant 1e- cup-5mg in I I tamer. the Type 5 proudes additional tools 15113? me be axed 1e- taint PCPE Al SA open has melee: knowledge IO behave in he has access to valuable mfoimauon Elliefli'pn'blf to beecmmg a CBS. ninth given admonishmum ?1mm 90 def-rs of open-1mg Hem-erareqlmes more than 90 day's to enhnte the gamma ?mm-ac mvesugatm methods to fmhel evahnte the mammal :1 mm pine -il be and (U- his and 3A5 open mailman-phase Type 5 Miami? whether the Mam was idem?ed an uni?cation-phase Type 5, . throughotlmmeaus 16 SECRET- (U) (We! Human Source Gunth- he mated, the IA prepare a solute tdenh?eatum package (SIP) fol use on the mm mdivithal by an SA on the lttIMJ'N'l? ot met-stagnant- squad A SIP tide-?ned as I product drilled for the pup-ost- ofptoetdmg Infonnalwn ?panting an unlinked will he med to to detemmn- or relay the unhudual?s [mu-mu] a [5 Dating: SIP ten-commuted hut notmandalory. Manse However- as stalled above. an evaluahon plume Type assessment must he Wilhelm: a SIP may be dialled. even 1fthe utfotmatton used Tot dralhng the SIP was chum plum to at] aheadvqten ptuhcateatl case on the befote the focus on or her was as a PCHS A CH5 taunt-mtg package ts a SIP. however. the tule SIP must be used Instead ofthe targetang package 111(1de to proude- across the FBI (lure the SIP :s cunplelnd, the Type 5 mt {In the phase) must be reassigned to the HUMJNT or sepud fot (UHFOUO) Ifthe mfomntlon developed dunng phase mdtcates that the should not he mutated as 3 CH5. the Type 5 assessment must be closed accordance Will] the DIUG and we]; 3 ID . ?Dm'atton and lClosure ofa Type 5 Assessment 5.45 may open evaluation phase Type 5- assessments on mdmduals Identi?ed through Type 5 assessments. ptethcated Investigations. ot other means. but have the author-1w to engage 1n remunnent aetmnes tmdet the reennmtent plmse ts descnbed below 33.2. Recruit-eat Phase (LWFOUO) The of the remutment phase of the Tvpe 5 assessment is to ohtatn a PCHS's agreemm to 'eolut'ttanl}r enter a with the FBI and opelattoual audios mtelhgence Only SAs assigned to tns'esttgatn'e or HUMINT squads may engage 1n the phase Non-agent ptofesstonal staff may be requested to assist the reentitment phase in accordance gullsectmn 341.1, ?Non?Agent lnreshgatu?e Staff [f the tecnutment 1s excess?tl the Type 5 assessment must be closed 111 accordance ?1th the 9539:. and the tndtudual must be opened as a 11] Delta The Type 5 assessment must also be closed If the remntment 15 not success?ll. either because the deelmes to become :1 or a deciston 15 made not to conttnue the recnutment 3.4.3. (D Opening the Type 5 Assessment in the Evaluation and Recruitment Phases (memo) A Type 5 assessment tn the evaluation or ffT?tlUDt??l phase must be opened wuh an BC (or a messes: fonn tn Delta} the appropriate - ?le numhet The - - 15 a set of restricted ?les of numerical classt?canons conespondmg to speci?c program ?eas wluch the based upon placement and access to mfonnatton on a poteunal at misting thteat. ts expected to suppon 1f opened as .1 CH3. These ?le class1?cattons are set forth in the following table: (LU The contents of the mug EC must mclude the follou'mg I Case ID: the designator for the appropriate-?le i 7' SEC RITE WINTIWM (U) Hm Whey I (UHHJUU) Title: the am oflhe - Synopsis: the Manned at! daily do? Details: (UHFOUOJ File. nhm?clu?s} (I aim: [Haitian (CH) mi)? op?atmnal {Hogans that the. PCHS I expected to man r. name data- and all our: ?a Synopsis of any minimum colleen! ?ghting. PCHS hi Type 5 asst-m or a pillar 0! mm Investigator] the PEI-IS was normally Identi?ed as a shed (UNFUUO) The mfomunon for wind: the PCHS has placental all real. i uh such a CHS would be of value to the FBI 3.5. (I) Basic Approval: All Phases (UHFOUO) A Type 5 for any phase mam he apptovcd by the and opened w?h an EC (m a smcessm form Delta} any all: I the BILL, a Type 5 assessment cannot be opened based on oral ween! An SA a 5 assessment must Obtain SSA wosal an a Type 3 mm" approval from the 31A and the SSA on the Hum or nave-sugars? upad which ?lid evenmally recruit any 1nd1udual tdmn?ed as a PEI-LS 3.5.1. Additional Approvals (UNFOUO) In to the approvals set forth an nth-section 3 3 above are required If. during the Identi?catmn phase at least one of the mm 1n it subsections below Is bung used to identify maln'tthlals emit placenta! access Type 5 assessment naiuanon or reamm pins: are presented according to the approval levels reqtmed. (DC Review and SAC Approval for Sensitite FEES-s Sensitn?e be treated tn aceordatxe With D106 5 CDC and SAC appwt?al ate reqmred before a Tspe 5 am may he opened on a 01' 1L dunng the tdenn?eanon phase. a We charm It 3 least one of the aspects bung used to Idennfy mdn?tchsals ?-1111 putt-amal 91m all mformanon of Interest Iftt 15 determmed. afteI openmg a Type ?3 155551135411: 3 P55 5 sensun'e or that a characteristic must a! ?111 be aided to the PCHS h. the assessment actuary may but the matte: must be docmnenSed In in El: to! a successor form :11 Delta) and renewed by the CDC and wowed by the SAE an more than ?ve bustness days after the deth ts made} TOLD) Sen-stove I and sensmve Enchanted as 1:31 of a CHS Identi?cation plan] Include: - TOUG) Dome-sue pubhr: of?nals {odzer than ofthe 13-5 Cm White House staff. who require 111% m1]: ultimate?nae 3-5.1.11. 3.5 1.2.: below] - . summesoeoas .. IN (U) (?11115151111131 Human 50111111 l'ulu?v 1 Emile I 30) Dunn-1111c pollhral euulldatrs I (UHPDUO) h1d11ndnals an 1111111111111? 1111111111 Il'l 111111115 111 mum-111.1111.- - who am plummem 1111111111 dim-rim I {1111130110} Memhrm of the news Inc-(I13 I OJNPOUO) Membns 11f 1:11 31111111115112?an nl?mllepe? .1111! 111111er 1.11m. 111 the Unwed States SAP and Executive Maxis-411111 Direrlor (LID) M'ten If 'nmultn?un ?fill: the of Ihe (5.911111 11] II 'ouusel ((11.11 ?1 fl?; ?111111 House and amnilmaie FAD mum-:1] :1 ?rm: the Ate remitted to open .1 11.111.- ?1 assume-11115111 n1 1.1111111 1' Hnuse staff ?3111!. 1? one nfthe elmn?ed 111 the (HS tdelmfle anon plan plume} - (UP-TOUGH A memb? nfthe ?Wlnte House qtn? 11'1? he ex'aluated 01 reennted 35 :1 {n?aluanon and teenuunent pluaea} (If) Members 111' nug1 eat. and Their .9th SAC and appuopnate EAD 3131110131 1111.11 :1 f1 0111 the OH and p110: nuance tn the AD. Df?ee of C'mlgreaamnal Affmra A.) are 1equued to open :1 vae fr assessment 111 ?inch - Status 35 a 111en1be1 of ongress 01 .1 11.111 of .1 member a staff 1-. :1 speci?ed charactensnc 1n :1 CH5 1denl1?e 31113111 plan phase-'1 - A. 111e111l1e1 of Congest, ?:11 :1 p.111 nfa 111e111ber etaff mil be evaluated 01 recnuled as. a PCHS (ex'alnanon and reenunnent pluseal SAIL and Responsible DI Depuh? D11 eeinl' (DU): Rte-111111 and Approval SAC and the approval nf the DI DAD 11.1111 HT I prom are reqnned for: plane and .1111! mutant-phase acnvm' that n11'nl1'e 0 The of an apparent 01 actual Innmeas II "71:01:50) The name of employment sttes '1 acnutjv' winch nught here .111 adverse legal unmet on .1 thud p.111? Followmg SAC apptm'al. the re ueal to a rare .1 (HS 1dennf1catmn inn far one of m: be .. mu 111-1111 a cop)? to the approptmte -un11 to he presented to the DI rermx e011u1nt1ee Department of State Approval (SIM) to de? 1 9 SECRET. '35 OF ORE RI rmluirnml ?mun 'vulrr Pub: 1 _1 If the SA cumin: tum Lin-'- 1' Hr tr 1mm hF'ii' Eih'i'n rulnmmir .1 _m x, ?In; '?lililnf fir IIHPI In ?hm? Ifm!? .3. r2; 3" agar-?5149 'Walwmi mu] cm ?wk-'5 .mp1?: Hi Imumnm 77'. I I'er Lari - - I [hr mm- 113an I IS 74% Harmdlilutml . 11' ff: I NF A [1.9 311F111 win. 132' $.36 and if it 01 gmumihmsl it; . '21.:311- 23" ?rs-2; PC deacnprurm r-fL-s ?but? 22-1.1. E515 .I "A?HethP-r the mph-1Tm? Tamer Hydra-J Itilzri'zt. TizF' I Elgar-"TEE t: rater7-H, I .- 11' 131021. 11 ?Eh-when fir: Pf: lair}: 7.. ?.1163?- Hf? Ti 1 The JIMHJJ Lunr min: Ur:- ?Er 21:. ?it DDS 123v." .15 the umml naive-awn 311. II I 129d luw~1tignme 31th 111 hp? .im?v-mrmi All AH 561? forth [hf - 01311. the 133'. Bing-311'. i? uric-d- iz-ait?j 'Thric'w m: EH: 1rd 5 a Tip? hafawm?ll? whe?'m In 1516- Elem?: 'mc-n 6-1 aimnoa .31 13hr-lqu LIIE 113'. $915351". :5 1116:1131; be aged Eu-?u 1-1: an 12's: Elli? fur first x1); mremganz I L?s-5 0? pump: II TOLD 1.1.6- or. FBI 3116.913} altar}: :1 m?mtwn 1- SEC RET NOFDRS MW that Mary I Ir MW) vullIl-Ihv pmuhlhy?wumnmulm lmulr mum I of?u??lw Idmtl?rumn du- I?m- I ,1 "Ur of th- fm'ni Ammrh by IA: Au rsuhlr Wetmu- thump, .u-lmw a Type 5 0 PIES us:- and ?Summit? It huh-sum ufm Inputs fnu mfmuumm ?nm 1hr pnhlu and pm'au- 1-"th F'hwral ?l'??lnm?r {ml .1 mm! with} I mama) txmmuhmu I Flash row-u (I ?st-3.1mm do ml Irqunr a md? SSA wow! Ind (msuhahm lo nun}: Hus 1w DEUG minimum 18 6 ?~11 [In his mum-d El?n arc .u?hmu'rd In pnfunn In MUD) lnx?upmw nit-that usrd dining lawsuit-mt. that may trquur lupin-1 H?u? art st! ?rth [1106 W11mn 18 ?x In addition. as spn?l?rd durum Pb's. tin-fr am: he amt-mm? it ml- addmmul ?mum And approval mm rmam (UJ $01.10} In cm of a Muted uw?ngauml an agenl max' um um mn- Wm .{m?gmq 5 gaudvmu-L': imimm Hwnr.? With the sprn?c uf nalmnug 01 Th: agrul mum open 3 T's-pt ?i and operanmlalh' will: and mumv [used upon the may arc-k apprm-a] to nulm- lb:- curt-11 wind: The follawmg [Human-s tins mm! {17? S?nl?o: Dunug a pinhcatrd ant-5111231101] of; x?mle'm nun:- gmup the FBI CA I?um?? a person asmulcd mill criminal gmup who mm: be .1 HS Ban-11m tins me CA decides. according to the to me 11pm "?ve WU Kuhn? comma With the PCHS as a Int-am lo ex 31mm the pus-nan as a PCHS Response: Tim. :5 not A i mus: be opened and wan! to unhzr the cow-n maul: cm ht sought {are for approval I: {aim walnut- and mm the The pmdacased my: cannot tu- used as a ham ft! Wu?! Elm?; related on contact with that pcnon. 5111:: [but scum] pmposc for the 15 In (valuin- and Walk term! the perm as .1 HS rath? than seekmg nth-um to a fade-ml crime at maul secmn threat 3. i SECRET NDFORS . 3.1.1 (l?l??l??lhmg?rmuuah'?de? amn??rdem, ?mm-um (but 1nd: b?ltf??mm i unlit-and . @mM?m?mw??WhhM?f' bemmatam?n :13}me 1mm. ?My Win me?sm?il??M W: 1 THEM ?mm taskad collecting We at (UNFOUO) lnaddum hmufapruhcud anwm - mum mdermvc: . purpose urinating amip?? Mam.? Sa_m3. 312i. - .1111. ??tmh?lu?? f. (U Scenario. . - g. dacCAdeudts. Hmmh? - - PCHS ATipt?m?hk .I .. . PCHS. Em ??aky? hmm?rhmh? va?rmaammhh?m 3.11.4{0 Methods of Wrath (11" 535m . an} afme wax-hes Mimi xf?r Sui. E'aluaummd?mm?utm - 3'21 Saute Hutu? (Etude (DIM) Au 3A (Mun the using the mm?illml nu rum-ll nun-m II Ill fled fl! With the I5 lu emmr that [lime In?ll? the 0f the 't met-?mull (I that u?ltuntal muu?illatnl a [Immi- useful and Init?hl min the 113 a? r? mutalullw WHEN, and [tumble npnahuul m'tulw hem-1+] (WWII) Damn I Type '1 We. the SA ttuv enlln'l mfnumtum that vultmleelnl at [anti-Milly be [he PCHS relates In an {31:14:1ng asst-emu? alrtl Wm mil-cram min-1 ?pert of the a I'll'l'i'il?? the RA must this Ill tm- ?led the ?ut'??lull' Illt't??il?allu? Me an well an ?le (at a SIMS-WEI ?le It] Helm} l?he 52.3. mm, all.? ask lelated In one mien-1:! tn the l'vpe .5 awe-?aunt! tin the ul the awe? and met-tutu- enuretmj SILL Af?liated \ppl'uarll (11:11:01 1(1) In the af?liated untimely the 5:1 l1 {him-Imam 1w. lit-1 athltalmn With Ihe In the the 5A cu has the mum: of nut tetealmp the hue pummw the tn the In the: af?liated the 15 [nut-trial .1 team? In! the WI othu dun the FBI 1-. emf ,tsaeaamp, the .1 Pt l?x If the hue ptutmw ul'lhe (mm :5 not revealed the SA en [Tl] mum emme that the ptulmtted pmpow llN-E?d would not trambh' be expected to tmlale the Tlt?llS dmupe the leputanmt nf 9915011 and that the Wed muse does not unplx- that suit ene legal mmequettcet. may [allow to the Pt '1 l'w {a ape-mm close to the Pt 1f the derimee to With the or 1:011}! Applet a! for Af?liated Appl'nneh (17"?0U0?t Ne- 1a teqtmed fen name the at?hated .lppt 0.11311 Neual'f'tljateil .kppmach In the ma?llated the 5.5. dew nut mltuneet tu the PL HS that he 01 she is ?loved the FBI or Othet LE. en mtelhgem'e .teenct' and 3 TH) duet not that he a she 15 ht; the lament LE 01 uttelhgence agencx the palm 1th FBI entitjt' mm as .1 Jam! Task I-mce Hmwetet the HA 01 TFO doei. not me an alias and does not alftmutn'eh? dent .tf?ltatton the FBI nth? uttelhgettce agenct when usmg this t?'?mutn'e tit-111.1] couat?tmtes the use of the cm'en approach and mimics the use of apparel o: (e weamtg .1 pltuuhet 9 mutant} er dnt'tug a ahle to Intenumally the SA 5 TFO af?hatmn truth the FBI 01 other LE 01 agency An SA 01' TFO ma? mthhold FBI a?'?tanmt 1f [waged upon the ope-13.1mm] Wes. the titthholdmg 1% necessmv cu advantageous to aclnet'mg the ohtectn'ea of the 3mm! The SA may cmtmue to make emtact tt'tth the PCHS u'lule thing the untm?'tlmted mix as long as the eet forth below for numtaumtg 110m f?llat 1131] the Pew 15m are met Ifthc PCHS asks whetbet the SA 01 TH) 15 employed kw the FBI or: another LE 01' MW agate. and the SA er TFO af?nmm?eh' demet the the SA mm; the no additional authmn' If the SA Intends Mule-119mg true scene to cuntutue to make that 1n the next contact tuteauutg contact that not nude ft! ll:- pmpoae of at Iehted t0 schedulmg the ?ex! meetmg t. the SA must tint meet the set filth in m'en Approach L'smg True Rune If however 1" SECRET NOFORS (U) (W HA mlmda Io a?ilmr dumg [hr and rm, ?ll! (11mm law In be (UM UIHJ) lulu-mu uultmig the mm append! ll ?Win magma! [hr ?1mm ml}: the H5 {1 t- ?latafm?rww? 2 KENS) the standards ?n thr- usr uf?rmxuf?hm wand: diet). ?n 1hr HHS - If); - rum-rmm Would not rmmd??y be Purim mm- Er nan mt: rte-{mumrm of mm?w prism .- Dm-s no! amply lim advnw lrgal rm my {h dermws In apt-ah ml}: SA Hi! zf?hzman MW) Mai; Km. 1:0 wnuld not mammal)? bu:- rxpe?rd to vmlatr Iht' ngim a: dung? ?r aim pawn 01 mm}; 01 have a I'rawublv mammal-d ad?t?t legai mm: Apprmal for Nmf??at?l Approach Nu approval as muted fat Lzuhzmg ?r nom?ihmd wad: However ach1n?mg the 39mm! any tab name md make 3* the PEI-ES. the .5. mun! 051111212111. uranium: ?r new 11:: 3.71.3. mart .{pproarh I sing Tm Nam TOLD The covert appmarrh usmg nan: uremia .contmue comm With a PCT-LS dln?mg the animals!) and-{I ream ?nals- and upon an ammlated 1135.15. fm' dam; so ?1111: Mg 3 ??lmed n! a bag a the af?ltalmn would um be CW 10.1013: (I repulanon of media pawn or enlm' or hm: a {twirl}. Imam lira? kg! cm There may also be cums-Wes what] an plan In advmce :35: 1h! pact to contacting the HHS In min-1 ofthe above cummes {he rug-mm in am; thew 1Mth true name mustbenm rscle nth-semen 3. 2 El brim. [fused tinge-mull?. Win Mm the hlsurh?tmem her employment With the FBI bu: rathcf ml! hand Ea moths: SA hh?u ?nluanan and an af?liated 111th wm1m?m Id It 1 SA. usmg the cove-11 approach With my: name- maj. 1m hj?' farm at be: m: employment Lf domg so W111 not ham or unimmnc the Item huh with k- m. ?i 1t 15 conusteul With 03:59.2st 1 eat aMm 3 4 - Tmmt? .I . C'm'cn Approach L's'mg True Fame to the A?ihxcd - 1 Caren ['silg Tm Saw I . 55..- . . ?5 If. that contact to represent Either af?rm-r117 a hang}: and - :4 1.1-- (Ll) (?ot?dentml Sotnee Pulley (turtle ts Bandung other than art a LFO or a pawn a comparable [1051111111 tn the It? In tins ?rst mutation. uttettds to continue to make these tept esentauons the next 5111mm?: cram the FA obtatn prim approval lot etmlartu through a mum: requxst. as set forth to subsedton 2 3 2. below In arldilton the SA have ?iut?t?i??s?full?f carried tilt??I ?Futile-1? mum?! [lemma entree Olin-rots: the SA has the optton of a?'tltatntg the next meettng Will] the mutating] or PCHS or haodtng offthe PFHS to another CA for ?ndter et'aluanon [[15 The second smuuon tn [1115 I5 appt opnale IE when the CA plate; tn advance to use tins approach pnor to the ?t all contact the mdtt?tdual or In Stutatlm. the SA must reqtml and obtatn 1Ia?rtrten approval according to the procedures set forth to anbsecnon 3 3 9, below In the SA must have qtu?cessfullv completed the .or an -approved tranung conrxe Request to ['se the oven Approach l?sing True Name A rerptest to use the covert approach usurp tnte name tune-.1 be for approval na EC (or sneer-51m form tn. Delta} aa detatled below lfthe SA the need for the approach before the Tvpe 5- aases'arnent IS opened. the request for the approach Elt?ttld be tncluded tn the Type 5; opening document Ifthe need for this approach antes later. tlte request [111151 he nude to a wparate EC {or successor form :11 Delta) For example. the; circumstance ought occur tf the SA unlues a notrtf?ltated approach tn a Tvpe 5 asseasntent hut. durutg the contact ?nda tt neceasarv to represent. ettlter af?rmative] or through dental that he, or he: enmlovment mntetlung other than as a LED or a peraon to a comparable poutton With the L'ntted States Intelltgence ontmtunrv (USIC The teqnen and EC must on the 5111mm?? I [13' a-?I the use of a less method. melt as an af?ltated approach not feastble and the covert approach ?511]? tnte name better avast 1n evalttattng the mdt'.'tdual '5 or Pf HS a placement acceas and to a (L 1-15 and potable concern-3. I 1301.701 An explanatton of the level of tophtencatton of the FEES. the that the tvtl] be able to utdepindentlv the RA n. FBI af?hatmn and the Ital: that such a would came to operattonal If anv A ofthe proposed HS tdentt?catron. evalttattott or recrtutment strategy: the plan to nanntton the telanonalnp to another and remove or dtstanee hrrn- or herself from the or W. (Note handcuffs mav occur donut; the evalnatton protest. The offer of however be made hv an SA who has fuIlv af?ltatetl lumselfor the FBI '1 IF IT: dates of the at rut-o: an .1pprovetl course t1? FOITJI App: oval for or 911 ~lpptoaurh [king Name $01."th Poor SSA appmt a] as for the the ot?tlusr approach Transitioning from the If; ovett App: oach l'ttug Name to the .U?liated App] oar-It RE I SECRETIMWIHN (U) (hu?deuml Hm ?own Policy? I The reasotis} why the SA believes Milan. in to the or PCHS to SA, rs Mun! It! ml not conmonnse the PCHS effort - The plan to al?lute I (UHFOUO) The Shis level (UHF-DUO) The comm-ms regrochng the Mt to meso?rlly a?lnle tn the parhcular CH5 rdentr?catton or evaluation and remotment scenario (TIFF 0170) Approval to Transition From the (overt Approach [hi-I? True Nan to the Af?lizlted Approach SAC (uondelegable) appronl to af?hzte after ustog the covert appeal: true name ts required (UHTOUO) Cos'ert Approach The cove-11 approach allows an SA to employ 3 tdenn?canon Hm andfor strategyr 111 which the SA does not reveal or her true Identity at! etther af?rmatively or through dental. that the SAS employment 15 soul-113mg Dill: that with ?ne FBI. For a TFO, the month tnvolt'es not revealing the TFUs true Identity md tunnelling. etther af?rmatively or through doors]. that the enmloyment ts 5011:111th otlrr Gm Unit the parent LE or tutelhgence sgertcitr or tlte parucular FBI msesttgause emu). such as I In order to protect the and any MID. art SA or a TFO usmg the comet approach must not af?liate by or her true Identity or actual transom will It! FBI or other LE or uttelhgeuce agency. but tnsteaud must butt! off the PCHS to mother SA for further ecaluatton and an af?hated recrtumtent A11 SA or a TFO to omen stints may be pemutted to af?liate only 11] extremely rare cucumstances and umh appropruu- woods {see ligif From Cotert to Af?liated Approach"? The covert approach entarls the use of an BI?rssued therefore. It was :t well?classed opersttonal plan to protect the and use It effectuels while ?term to use agotnst less Intrusive tot'esttgutrt'e methods to achieve the W?s} The factors to wlule craftmg an operattotul plan tuclude the level of sophistication of a green target; the known or prestmred reluctance of PCHS to talk to the FBL a maker of other LE ageuctes. or the USIC. and the hkehhood of extended contact With and. or mm by tlurd parttes at a tow planned nteetutgs the PCHS The covert approach used to .1 Type 5 assessment rs not wondered to be mien-m that re? to the prot'tstons of DIOG 18 6 13 The. host I authorized purpose of the Type ?3 assessment- ts to seek ut?trmou to tdemfv- am and recruit as By; contrast. undercover mcludes the me of a false rdenhtv to ohutut mtelhgertce or endeuce from a subject or other per-son of Interest AM. the to. meeting rule opphed to LTD 15 not applicable to Tvpe 3 m. 2'6 Slit (U) {ftmfulenhal lithium Sum-e Pulley Emile (UFWIKH Inhm-nt ll'l the event net unrealmp, line "He ut'the cm Individuals mtt?lnll'ltd with a Ith?llh?ralmn plan [It a 'l (I the plum ufldenn?nng evaluating the lit-1mm as 'l'hetefme the SA must ensure that the tantalum-d pupae:- used [at trimm'mtg the PCHH I 10] Is pltumhlt' I (ll-W701 I0) Wuuld not teatimubh' he exlreted tu unlate the name at the mutant of mothet [Hull] at e-ntmr - Does not unph' that adt'ettae legal tomequem?e? ?my In?ow to the mt]: ?dual or PCHS permit; elme tn them] If the derlmes to speak the SAMTFO vaet. the cut-e11 wealth IE huh: lfll?l?f! It It?. theimublv expected ta advent-h after! the nght: danupe the reputation nl'anuthet person (e p, the PCHS at other thud pane-s} to hate teaqmubh' mhnpated ndveme legal ennsequemte. and In; use must furlhet the nhterm'ets'} of the Tt'pe sage-3mm? {ere-I1 .ippraaeh Requiremeuh appmaeh teqturements must he met when an SA plate: 111 adt'attee tea use the approach. to emttaetmg the uttht'ldual C'm-ett amnozteh teqmrementa mm.r he mgg?ed attuanmls where a CA. ?11] 1e not lm at he: tnte dunng contact With a fwd"? It to Et?i? UI dental, that the ("Ad employment 15 othet than wuh the FBI and ?ll-Eff the 11.19 uaed or uni] use an AHD For a TFO. this means that the TFO whtle 11m revealmg Inc. or her true [dentin (11ng W5 emttact. ?nch. 1t nereqamw' to repreaeut euthet 01' through dental the 1% other than the patent LE or Intelligence agency or the pathet?at FBI Investigative entm' melt as 3 JTTF The TFO [1115 has used a! will use an FBI-teatled AFID In either of the ?bot'e 1f the SA 01 TFO attends to to make theae represeumttona the next substantive contact ?meaning. :1 contact that not nude for the Items;- of or related to sehedulmg the next meetutg] the SA must obtain Jppt??t??l [In mtg?1h a ?mum request .15 forth subseehon 1' 4 helme (U. In in ?min to use the carer! appmaeh the 3.3. TFO must hare smeess?llh completed an adt aheed DI- HLZKIDTT {muse [1e - Leas-nag emnplettmt cl equu !ent name prouded In uthe: ageueteg mil he cons: 3515 and approx ed b1. the- The entral Agenct (CLAW 15 equn silent ttautmg and doe-a Imt tequue FBIHQ metal A request fut era] of equn-?alent tnumng must utclude the name of the agency providing the trammg. the come name. and the and length of the course and It must be to attention of the -fm approx-:1! State use of an AFID Involved. the 8A 1mm 013mm the AI ID 111 accordmtee Iunth mm the? or mecca-sol PG Mmem'? an? AF 1D utilized dunng the etuluatmn and reenutment protege. :11th he of?cml. FBI- RET NOFORN (If) (Ime "mm Myth-(Ir m?npmued, lm?hmpped, mud durum (in! II rm ll! a! H. lbqunl In If? the (men Amulet A In [use the mare-1t avoidDelta) for as Mala-d below ?the SA mm ti? mm mead befmr the Type 5 25mm l9 Wd line fat the war}: shat? hue-mew I Type 5 ?mam-m (mmg quun! ?the med fur thr- rme? wand? meet [in ?it mum he made In a W?ilf 1211' ft]! snares-0! farm Delta) Par lieu am might our-1n when the SA unluea a mmf?lumd wear]: a Type 3m in. dunng the nmtart ?nds le- uuhze AFIIJ and to either may or hon? I denial martin-SA a UquWnaW 1305111011 111 the If. The qum?t mt ?Elude - (UHFOUOJ The why nae ofthe a?ihzwd or mvmf?hamd winch wail? be feamble 1n that Lde1n1?r3nan n'aluzlmn 0! ram he mammal need to me an FBI mused and MID arose dung ?le open Type '3 assemment and the SA found :1 megs-.31. to reprewn mine-r at demal. Somethmg other than an 31111me With LE (01 IC equaled) ?r SA the rum?mr? ?nal wewmed that. me of the amen Wm at! why but 5111151311111? contactfa) by the SA axe feasmle and cm With it pup-use and ob] ether-{SJ of the assesm . explanauou of the pregame-d rhu?cmm, realm. reem1m1ent strategvope-lauoml plan for usmg the carer! warmth and hair mug I 335151 with ?n?ther ex?alualmg the 5. CE PCHS place-unit. news. sum to becommg a H5. and possible germ? (once-ins Friars 1112 be wandered and addxessed as BPIJKJIPIHIE melude the here} of MW of a gem target- the Imam; a: p-resmrd relme of: PCHS no talk to the 3 member of meme: LE 01 If agency and the hkehheaod of unaided Mint m?erhearmg by thud pane-.5 a! a any planed mugs With the PCT-IS A of the SA 5' plan to Hangman the rm I: SA and remove or distance hlm- or herself ?ow the Mama] or PCT-LS. Time Mm handcuffs mav occur durmg the evaluauan process The o?'er of ream hour-m. must be made by an EA who has full? af?luted hmexplanaucm of how the AFID ?111 be used (hung cal-act the uldn'ldual or and whether the PEI-LS 'Wl? or has observes} ?e AHD The classesadvanced- Dlism?ed cams-e [m a DI?Jppf?t?ed 113mg eqmvaienti. as speci?ed In nil-seem 2' 4 over! Approach I FULTO) The dale of WEEK-H ember?: cm dimmed wide-mover aenut)? 15 not permitted If! an asses-mien! and the cm 15 In eunuch-red as such expenence 15 a rein? farm to cm in in pl Tori}! Approval lo [?59 the over! Approach 23 SEC REY SECRETHNOFORN (U) Cm?denhal Human Sauce Policy Guade- (comm) Requests to use the mt mach must be nurtured by the (non deli-gable) Transition From Covert to Af?liated Approach (WM) lnordato protect the covert approach. especiallyr me an AFID 15 involved an EA hisot humidenhwm random to the nadwidual or Instead. the. SA should develop a relationsluri with the Individual PCHS to 5m?? mm the placement. access suitahtlity. Wbihty accessibility and operational secuntsI concerns- to the point where that can he unmanned to another SA?or Sits If more than one lwuio?is deemed opuationally ?easible?for an evenmal af?liated reumnnent A rare exception In the reqmrement to hand off the PCHS when usutg the covert which Is If It becomes operationall} necessary,r to do so. and no other viable option crusts to mill?): rm! the Imhs-?ldual or PCHS This circumstance should rarely anse and. because of ?re sens-irony assoctated With the technique. the request must be glven heightened sucruunsr by the approvmg of?cial. (UHFOUO) SAC (nondelegablel approsal to af?lrate from the covert approach 1s required. Tlus approval must he sought whether or not the AFID was presented to the individual or PCHS. The a?ihation request EC. dtrected to the SAC. must address: I The reason(s) ssh}: the SA heheves that af?hauou. as Opposed to minoning the PCHS to another SA ts operationally sound and will not compronuse the etaluanon or recruiunent effort. I (U:f The Circumstances of the cover! approach (A1: 1D) used I The type I #0130) Whether the AFID was actually presented to the or and. If so- in what form and manner. I- (UNFOUO) The SA's plan to a?ihale - The SA's level of or other relevant operational Irauung. Ir The comments regarding the SA to success?tllv a?lliate ill the particular CH5 identi?cation or evaluahou and recrumnent sceuano. (UHF 01'0} Approval to Transition From the (overt Approach to the Al?liated Approach SAC (non-delegahle) approval 15 required to af?hate from the coven approach Use of the Covert Approach by L-ls on Publicly Accessible ?eh Sites During a Type assessn'Jsent. IAs may access accessible Web sites Wlule accusing these Web sites. an 1.51. need not always a?hmanvelv dais-close FBI af?liation or reveal his or hu' true identity g- use 31 31135) Ifregistmuon is requued for access to the available Web site. the IA may use the covert approach to provide the nmmuum amour? of for registration Widtholdmg a?ihation 1s peruutted onlv 1f domg so 15- not My me! to moist: the rights or damage the reputation of mother person or to has fm?bly Wind adverse legal consecpiences 29 SECRETNNOFDRN (U) (am?demral Hm Saar: Pointy Fund: An m- asargmd IA -.-, use of the omen wink mm pubhcany arm Web sites requrres pnor ASAC or my Mum; analyst (55M) WM {no delegable.) Use of the covert woach wlule lurh Web by 1A reqtures pnor Imrt elm-f (UK) wow] (non delcg?rle) In addition. to me. 118 Hi other assmrated alias rdentr?e anon urformatnm must be waved by the 5 a notr?eatron of Its use pmmded to the train; and deema?rt tron 11111110585 I'he request to use the covert wood) must be haunted by EC or a fmanelta. 5 momma: subsequent EC The EC must melude the twirl?matron for usmg the want winch. with I (UNFOUO) The reason(s) why the use ofa less rntrusrve rne?aod for Information or conductmg the onlme admit? 15 not I Details regardmg the aims to be used by ?r L6. - The 1A3 smeess?rlly rortpleted on the use. 1:!me systems If relevant The Type 5 assessment the eaten approarh ml] be used to await If?ae request ts made subsequently to openmg the Type assessment ?31. separate EC 15 tequued for each Tvpef assessment to whreh the costrt mm}: 1.1.111 be used. esen 1f the approsed AFID rs the same for more than one 35565111113 For examlae 1fan 1A would like to use the ?ame Jane Doe ennui atklress gdoe'ftemarl com :5 an alias In more than one Tape 5 assessment. the LA must request appronl for use of the covert womb In each of the Type 5 assessments aratelv For gurdance regardrn . nusamabmable 1mm m? L355. may not Interact u?rth myone onhne he by that room. to solrertatrons. or prot'rdmg feedbaek} In other words [As may only~ passively observe as'arlable Web srtes may requrre howea?er. tins does not make them restricted?access Web srtes [fans-one In the genera] pubhc my new and set up a usemarne and password. the Web srte rs consrdered publicly available. and thaw, may access 1t during a Type assessment after obtammg cow-rt approach approvals- as speerfled above Fluthermore. Lf a Web srte requires the pmchase of access. 1t :5 cmmdemd puhhels at: :ulable if one one to the general pubhe tan pm'chase access Banner. on. IA any n: access 3 Vs- eh site If It 1s on'.necl operated. or run by. a when ofth! We: predre atecl n11. estrganon. as ma? be consrdered undeteoser acm?tts' ts mm during an assessment L??ss may, I1. EFL atlable soeral nettsorhng Web Sites Hm IA: my not pronde any cot. en Identr?eatron mformanon bevond the rowed fa {e g. name. e- 111.111 address. and physical address) Proudmg addmoml mm le g. Interests. photos} rs more than mere registratron and 1s not [alarmed for 1A5 thing a Type or assessment If a Web site resmets to only? friends at ha other mm 3.. only persons from a eertarn school [nas- regrster). then It 15 not undead and access rs not pemntted durmg a Type assesm 1A5 mast a? "?tend" or smuLar soeral network contact requests dunng a Type 30 SECRLETHNOFORN .. I .ll . . . -u MWIMM Hat-armada W) It mm mm mill glam! I ?le In!" my ?mun?- ?phi ?my Wanna-v [and mm!? mail-slim by "Mum-w sum-nu I [Mink-Id} El? ?x I um! [hr Ill?lhf'u'llumpIulr Ihr _?lr In I .5 the walm and Imn?ni?l? [rim-t ln ullnum In all D106 Ill Fm 111mb must hr ?In Ifu I ?llth- lck-nu?r mm phan- ?lr Int-1.1m mm! Mr? 0 Win Int-?unk haw [m nut-d pl nix-1h (sn- mm I) "Au?nm-d lm-r-umanw 111 Fun- ?s All Plum ?1 the ukuu?t'unm plan my. lunuw?l ?rld a punl of Indn'uhuls who luv: amqmatr and an as Martin-I I'ruuhurublr apt-wart. mnulnl by an HA. If :uw urn- au?Imunl [sn- nun ?1 I IdnmfIraIImI Hus-r Purina") Win-{ha 1hr [momma mad: ulnm?rahmi 111?.?le fm an 90 dam {m 11.1? for {unhaumum' Minimum :5 (heard ll??l?l?d. MA 01 SSA mus! donunml I119 fm hepmg liar 0pm I [13 FIJI at mam?! the n??uanml and phasn the ?le adding-55 :21 ?Mm amhomled ?rmed-.5 haw been mad prom]? c? Wire-the: apt-mm mrun rd 1w an SA if am- were {ramble 31d prope?v authmued c. a ?as tasked to prondt mfmnutiml 01 war. paid fm lua {31 he: macer- ar (U Whethn a can a should be required Twp: 5 laws-innit should for: an addmom] 9i) day's (60 divs for prohanonaix' If commutation 1s drum-d mm?ed. the SSA nus! document the Immale for keeping the Tvpe saw-9.5111911! opt-n 3.9. ?'f?JFOl?01fulding T5131 5 [5 available to rcasanablc costs dlrectly smrpo?mg the 1d?lt1?canou William. aid ?manual! phases of a Type 5 asses-mm}! as drimlecl the subscmons that fallow Fat the tdtnu?canon phat. SAC payment :unhonn' 15. $1 000 for each Jake-5mm? w. ?x liar. Hm 11d plume SAC pavmnu anthantv 15 55.001} {01 each opened. Urddce mxmupmr fundmg paymt authmn' for Type ?1 :15 mt Wally renewed at the begummg of each ?scal vea: 1:05 Mum-1y seek Wan-11 as set forth below 0 I3 3 1 SEC RET - q: 4- .: . j. In ?Ida a: may mm ?rms um -.. Egg - (?#14an Tm *5 tha?m??q-ig . . 5 j; rumma- lining! (Hf) ?mlw . ?nding I . 3.9.I. {'le Pinto (um-'nuo; In {ht phat waprmt We: my mt: M?s tau-dad rm. associated With 3:1 mm or roufucmzr I ninth :1 SA. apeci in phremml and after? Wld?l punt ASM. wm? laugh [dim {at a this phase maybe wok-imh?ul?l Include attr?mublr to ?r SA {muh at until; and um cm ?lm-sews) daiu'?v 3w thr- CHS Ink? EM (UHFOUO) Ha H.115 u. durmg the :dm?mm phase Mun glut ?q Will not raw-1 rural and mm PKWEIS mutt-d Ind: ?r 53? mm [munml acm'mc-a In order In: that ?mdmp mix mad:- nuizhir shamed-m Phase 2 sic-pam- 5 mm In thin-hm and phases must be opened As noted In 5M3gqg. ?Flushing far 5 SAL authuntym 000 fl)! Pachmapaxd WWI exceedmg $1.000 fm am 1dtuu?rauon rims: also but wowd In NH mhmxemlrequ?t 15 for aType 3.5mm {hm put-{healed mve?lgaum och-:1 than a PFI. dam [manic-11?. conducted by a rim?{wind MWS maWaamm the request must he sent 1'12 EC. lathe 3.9.2. (D Evaluation and Phase Ell-ding Once a Typi- 5 35mm ts opera! all a mm a Items! recument phase. ?mdmg may be used to core: reasonable um.u Mb duct: mppon thhf: nahmm or {mm ofthe my alarm reasonabie travel expense-s SAEMEIE remnant-m not. relate-cite trawl 6113mm Ottomakesenmce 931m . full? opened operaumulCl-IS As noted :11 mbwc-um 3 9 "Turing for Type . - anthem}; 11131-1101 exceed $5.000 pun 355cm mi. Ef?q? - . Mum} Pi?r'm?lt Iflhe whaacem :13qu uh 1 I159: SMMJ 32 'm SECRETHNOFURN (U) Cmt?dentul Human Suture Pulley (turtle in?amed by an operanoml squad or awaits a [nudu'atrd meeting-anon other than a PM, the whmemem request must he sent to the womate opt-I 1111111131 11111! If the request 15 for a Type 5 assessment cot'uhu?ted by a l?lh?NT squad that supports an umt (UHFOUO) Gmuallv- expenses in the evaluation and tecuutmeut pluses no" he fol meals and tum-rm Incurred In the of a If 1t 11-: not feasible to ohtam an advance of?mds to cover these macs$100 thump: the '1 assessment pnor to the draft request The drall request must he suhnutted wltlun ?ve Glenda: days when the $100 hunt 15 reached (UHFOUO) When an SA pass for a meal 111 the course of recrultmg a PCHS the full cost of the meal may he covered. prot'tded that the expense 1s reasonable under the circumstances Govenmaent per them rates may be used as a gulde fol reasonahleness hut me not deteuumatwe Expenses for the SA's meal must comport with gos'emmeut per (hem Iates ASAC approval 15 reqlmed otde: fot the SA to exceed the gos'emmeut per chem amotmts (U l't'FOUtZt) A gt? to a may also be allowed If 1t 1s deemed operatlonally apptogmate The gl? may not exceed $50 and requues SAC apptoral The acceptance of g?s by an SA Born a PCHS 15 gamut-d b1" autumnal). I . ?Gifts (U) Eraiuation and Rermitment Phase Funding Requests (U017 5A5 and SSAs must use d1scret1on and exerc1se ?scal In what type of ls Approprtate 111 a parttcular recnutmenl scermno. In deteununng whether a expense Is an approprmte use of resources and 1s operanonalls? sound and effectn'e the requestmg EC must address I 1ll?hether the SA 1s usmg the af?hated. uouaf?hated. covert usmg true name. or covert approach I- TOUU) The impact that the expenditure 1s ant1c1pated to hate on the SA ahihts to interact effec usels? wuh the PCT-IS Eapmses that do not enhance the SA abihts to evaluate and des elop a relattonslup 1mth the PC HS should not he approx ed (U Each request for funds must receu'e pnor approval The request must also reference the assessment or predlcated 111s'est1gatton used to support the openmg of the Ts-pe '3 assessment (eraluahon and recnutment phases} or the threat program and CPI codets} the may support upon successful recmmueut 3.10. Duration and Insure of a Type 5 Assessment The effectu'e date ofa Type 5 assessment 15 the date on u'lnch the lnghest level of authority reqmred approx-"es the openmg 12C {or successor form In Delta A Type 5 assessment may connmte for as long as necessary to acluere 11s authonzed purpose and clearly de?ned Weds). as set forth in the three phases above. or when 1t 1s detemmied that the named mbjf? cannot or should not be recruned as 3 (HS When closing Type 5 assessments. the follou'mg language must he mcluded 1n the synopsis scetton of the closmg (UVFOUO) Type assessments closed on a named 111d: ?dual who 1s then uprated as 3 CH3 n1 Delta (Note All documentatlon related to the recnuted 3 3 SEC REIGN (ll?OR}? (10(ka ?mm Soucr Myth-1k must he transferred nut Fir-nuns! and plain?! liar! ?lr] "The tins mat must he Warned 11: Data I All ?the: Type asm?mm 1m.- 1seeusmemdrd um warrant li??m rmemgmve 65:11 I that In: Any drewmrutmn ?rm} a elmed we ?3 awe-5m be con?rmed aeemdanre (insemination rm (7H3 ?ll-3 md {In-mm With the [arm dry-ussed in Her tum 3 Ihu'lmme of; (Trm?derml Human Smut: Identity Hle Maintenanre and l?spu?h?on {wmum lmarrmeh as Delta 15 the uf?eral ru'mdkeernnp 5mm; ?x FBI CHS rm. (THE-related drmunentalrm: must be ?led Delta spem?ed My: first {m 115?. of Human Wee-s Hummer mm] Type. 5 35:55:15: Eh can be managed 11] Delta open and rinsed Iegarv paper ?les or retards maimed min Sm be the or safeguarded 35 ?les Senna-e] Retard; Idling to that are the rdentr?ratmr} evaluation. and phases are ?led no the ?k mam-m the (L7) The drspoqman of closed Type ?3 legit? paper ?iea 1.5 as folbws I File-9' for Type 5 assessments the Idenh?eanm phase must! be destroyed free veers after the ?le 15 timed I for Tvpe 5 aaseaaments the evaluation and rem phases rum be destroyed ?ve years after the ?le 13 aimed The approved tbsp-mum for records ?led under Cl?sar?eatwn -rs_ - I TOLD) Once a PC HS has been atweeasfu?t' reenuted and has or her records have been muged. veri?ed as complete and accurate and plated :11 Delta tmder a somee number all hardtop; records related to the (HS ?led under the be destroyed Retorda related to a that are created In Sentinel are not unharmed for (119130an at this tune and 1mm be remed unul a drsposmon Khaki: ts menu! in theae records 34 SECRET. moron): (U) Cm?dmtill Hm Saute PhlIt?? nude I 4. (U) Opening IE1 _Conl'ldentlal Human Souree 4.1. mma?g?sh?mucmu (U) Ally milieu-hi] who II believed to be pounding nae-fa! and ?edible In?unutmn In the for my unharmed amoral-tum eolleetron Iehwtv and ?our whom the FBI experts or Inland: to ohm Iddluonll useful Ind tremble mfommtaon the future and whom Identity. or rehtroushtp with the FBI warrants eon?dentml handling (UNFOUO) Use ofthe (THE program should compo" tlus de?nition and he [Weed on the follow-mg mtuu. - (U) The FBI has established a an mdn-rdual who I5 aware that hem ?ll? 15 wmhug a remesentatwe of the Hill and the FBI intends. the to be I (U) The FBI valuable from the Indrt?rdual on a reetm'mg base; In tampon of an FBI asses'nrteut or predteated mvestlgatrou. whether in reepouse to or as volmtteered mfonnatlmr I (U) The relauonslup 111111 the FBI creates a need for con?dentlahw (U) An SA must not open an mdu-?tdual as 3 If there 1.5 no logical reason for emt?denttaltty or Lflhe holds a that would nonnalh' compel hurt or her to provide the Won In addmon, sworn 5 may.r not be Operted as CHER The ooh,r exeeptton to this rule 15 that the SAC may approve the Operation of a sworn LED who has ageed to report on matte? Involving c111! ?ghts or public tntlun 1115 or her emplojnng entity Smularh'. crme netting germally should not be opened as because thetr 19 hunted Lu lET?l': of time and the nature of the the? 11111 pt??t'ldf 4.1. ?11m in May Be Tail-ted A CH5 may be tasked to collect mformatron. ultelhgeoee. and e1'1de11ee anchor proud-?3' other only ?1181] all of the followng have been The ope-mug has been approved 3 (UFIFOUO) All reqursrte approvals. Including (If those from agencres outsrde the FBI have been obtamed 3. (UNFOUO) The CH3 1135 been prouded the appropriate ndmomslunents regarding the mime and parameters of hrs- or her wuh the FBI (see ?g?grg . ?Cou?denttal Human Source Admomshmenta 4. Requued approvals. for the speerftc tasking {e 3. otherwise Illegal :Ietn'm' or conseosrml nmtorrng} lm'e been obtamed 5. (UHFOUCD The CHS has met with the 4.3. Source?penlng (UNFOUO) Be?are an SA prepares the source- opt-mug eomrmuneatron- the F0 moat conduct .1 query to detemnne whether the mdindtul has. 3111?;th been opened as. .1 HS or mother F0 or legal attache (Legal). In additron the SA must do a dee on?letroo search In Delta 35 (U) (Eun?dmd Hm Sou-1:: My lonmnr lhal the Individual In minimum ll- ml rmallyopm (man-d as 2 (THE 'llus afar}: mun manhunt-d wind! ["05 an- :lno emu-Ind In rm [oral ml cm as and In thi- [nulls In mrx- mm, I 51'! fm?l Ifthr (.113 was pit-91mm? upmrd, [hr opmmg am an! in why was rinsed lflhe (fl-L5 was. r'Jmcd for unit, either by FBI a m: w. addILImaJ annuals and 1mm ml] hr fat-r iubwtmu 4 i. "Km to I (Slim-d for (fans-r and why-rum IE 1 . Tutu"! Comm nut: (M lftlu' was rant put-womb opnrd tin: {timid Imp"! rrquurd drmn?u?lum was Wm:- Irwin ()nlv an SA (FA 0! to (A) mayr 1hr mutt?m rm A assigned as a :5 no! pummtd In pn?pil?' tin- Th: SSA ml the and delumur If the Indnm Mild hr opt-and a 1 CH5 HER SSA the cmnnunncahon. of 1hr. opening [mm be to the woman -1qu approvals audio: non?canms drunk-d ?at-what In PC: Inch 3 that must be nude by the at 01111?! ag?m? ma? aim but rammed The Delta source-owns! romumrauon mus: (1mm The CH5 5? bmgtapluta] mfg-1111311011 ins or he: . Full tram. am" relaxant Information rebut-d to has 0: ha nan: {c 3 (11mm mum-m: dmiglatmsj. and am; known 211m i Dale of birth - Place of - mcludmg sex tact. hnghi. wag: Mush a: calm. arm's. nutty-3. tattoos. and am' ara?abk minim. I C?lmmt l'?ltk'?CE .- Contact number-3 {e hour phour cell phcm?. pager} I- 30:21:11 semxn? mmlb? 1? 3 - Daren-'5 numbtr state what- new-d (e Virgina Scull C?amlma). and date - - Alien status If apphcablc {c 9 ?am. W). - Current and occupanon employer- work dim. [but m. job nth.- and 113nm.- ij?b. If mem Photograph {prim or tlccuomcl Infonmnm on the prawns 1913:0115th wad: ?r FBI and mu: and agmcies mcludmg: Id 35 3.5% (U) cam-1 Hum mum Palm! (handl- I W) 1hr manly In; a Will? Ind. a "1mm mill mm 1.8 will? WV ?1 ?If Involved lithi- ICES who my dead by will! awry. mun-hil- r?inu durum hr II) CNS cloud, thr- mum llul mam II thu- Sh autumn: thal pnum wan by ?n I Illa! and" pnlu?y would I'm rmur, d5 ?mall lad an? "quill-1 (1m- min-1min 1 ?ll Km I ?inn-mm i "I?Illulr {'mla'l With a ('Itml 15 Th 51!. thumb the tummy. mall-[w In hr ward In mm: my mm [Kurd 1w operating [hr (115 (SIM) Thr- alnwr 5 :an may :mmul unsung Il' zit-mun! WW I ?Nb-1hr! wm [Inwmh 01mmthe 115 was I'm must In.? FBI a when agmw mural-a and fr?L'll'? hr [mum-d {Farr mutual-1 1% I'm a (HQ and xuhwrlum IH 4. ?I'utulr Cm! With a ?nned (115 Anv plums? [rm-?ts Ihal lure hr?l saw-n In the ?H?s In, Ihr PHI FPO (I am? ollrl {unset-mum ag?lcv {1111101511 H'I-I'i-Dtmbif' and tin- lcnus. of such plmum bt-ne?ls. Infonmnm whit-d memg the (113. uu'ludmg I T11- lm?hgamr mxi'm ?ue-31 on whirl; the put-{mu Is. apt-(Ed mfmnuhon and [ht n'pc uf mllmulmu he 01 she 13' Expl'f'l?f'd tn ground: I The penguaphlca] areas of?p?mml {f L?munnes slates up coda} what- the could he used I Th: subjr? a: group on whom the CH5 :5 expertrd to ?13011 I (U The CA and co-( A 5 names The EA must start ?he-[TFO af?u- ro 15' a TFO the opening cmlmumzcanml must 1dent1fx' Ihe TFO manner and minute ?11th that again blouglu [hr CH3 the FBI I that the A has met the. If tins inc-rung hat. not 31'! Grant-cl when the CH5 :5 1 must take place before the HF: 18 tanked and be hunt-m?! 111 lb: [113.111 flit The may he dcmunnued bv :un' mutation Which that: can A's murmur. 51.11511 as .1 CH8 repomng! (loam payment mum. mmshumra I (05mm) The F0 and mad cur Legat that wall apex-ale the (H5 I pram: name {see- 5.9me it) 'Pavmmt Num- I . m1 fm cod: mm: if needed for double agents non-Dru til-fetus rmun?m?l?place unusua?v 54115th H53 {at Ted:- Nunc"} 3 SEC RETI NOTORN . umm .huuld be lam-J, mun-dam ?hawk?. .- ??W'mw?f?il? .. rmmdaanm my pimmar's cilia . ammo; Th: p?um?u aim to ?r man-m hc or in lama-m . {um um!) Win-11H wank m- In: ?rm! ?to? ?Lunar: Seamus Rmimg [In-perm 911m: WM in It) lrad 1mm he and thr-Io ?rmly ?r Hum Smut mm 4 (If) lit-.1125 the cuss I handgun-:1. atrium. - Wink? thr- EJIS Im a My 5 ram ?kirk mined at [alga-t of alumni ant-nation. made: mist, (I In? dun In a [.n-ndmg - A mqurst for a (TM [um-r ?if! 11' lb:- CH8 I imam Hum-15. hauls My man than he hill! unify at In- new a fort-191113110112] (?man or form cm. at am SA (mm diam the :11me 019': an? check and notify lhe Legal afar-119mb? WW I (U) himngranon and chart:- ?x (HS nationals I- (UTEIUOJ A mopsn ufposmw scan-h franks oft 'mcrsi 1 :ch {L?Hh?it Watt-m used for cataloging whats mm. Hm mciudc a status-arm of commun- face 5mg? ii mm and (mimetic: to Opt'lef - A SW5 of posmve tic-mks of {dad - A 53mg of peeim'e search results of 111: Cm m. (mm and local taxman! luster; chuck.? Ema 312M ami concurrence fa: the relm?mt F0 or again fau- mm ?111?:ka and Emma-rams to Opera - Any rclauonshIp [ht person 1135 Will: my FBI We itg. m. moths: puma-(TI 4.4. Additiunal Backg-ound and Recent. (his The Informanon 1.15ch below. 1f tractable to {sham m1:- Mh?e the (11515 tasked . - Past Drag-311mm mam 5? :7 and 113an ofjab. 7 - Language lblh?? iwokamdn?ml?hw I Shuts and 11.0bean . am his} 18 SHEET-WW SECRETHNOFORN (U) Con?dential Human Stanton Pulley (Etude mm Email and mltne identity (UNFOUD) Noun of lz'amrl? numbers (e spouse northern. father . Mothers, stem. children) (UUFOUO) Past (UNFOUO) Educational level and, if applicable. current student ?ame: (UHFOUO) Secunty clearances or other accesses held (The person man,r dl?t'lt?l?f that he or she a clearance but may not disclose the level of the clearance (U) The records checks listed below must he made If deemed useful evaluating the indivulual?a hackgt?mmd or al'IlICIpatt'd operation "l?heyr include 45_ (SIINF) DOS records checks to obtain niforrnanon about foreign nationals who have trashed for a S. Visa or citizens who have applied for a passport. If the mformahon cannot be obtained locally. a request mar he to the Field Of?ce (WFO) This request should include identt?nng nifonnatron about the queried Requests to Legats for backgonnd checks for H35 1who have foreign citizenship or who hate spent a substantial amount of time 111 a foreign country If information can be obtained unthout comptonu?srng the CH5 relationship Will] the FBI A name check for a CH5 who 15 a foreign government of?cial or employee Will ahnost certamly result in the CHE-F's compromise The Legat should be consulted to deterniure what information may be available Without noti?cation to the host country. Other database inquires 31.. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Lexus Nexus. Treasury Enforcement System Requirements for Reopening a (1-15 (UNFOUO) In order to reopen 3 CH8 who ?as pret lonely closed. the SA must generate a reource reopening Much must 0 ?ning] the CH5 his or her pot-none (st-inbol} number in Delta. 1f the HS was prenonslv opened pnor to the implementation of Delta. the (HS must be opened to Delta. citing the ?le number from the legacy ?le Satisfy the requirements of SllefCl?lO? 4 3 ?Source-Opeimig Comanmicanon Indicate that the CBS 1?5 bemg reopened and provide the reason why he or she was promoted?;r closed. If the wa'; ever closed for cause during any prior period of operation, then both the reopening procedures and approvals. set forth in ?subsecnoh 4 5 1.. "Request to Reopen a CH5 Previously Closed for Cause." and the prm'rsrom In ?mgm 18 - "Cloonig a CH5 for Cause-" apply The moral levels for reopening a CH5 are the same as. those for opermrg a ?or?l: ?rst time. unless the CHS's status has changed so as to requrre additional approval {see "Con?dential Human Sources Recruit-mg Deparnnent of 1?15th Approval for and W. "Con?dential Human Sources Reqtnring 39 SECRETHNOF ORN .. 't-"ir a? 5:1 HHCHIWM rlemrm?rwavahmfm?lm?m??l fort?amr? apply Rogue-5 In Real? I (YES Pretrial-sly (loud Cm (UNPUUO) Befme nutmmg am with or [moaning In em: in 3 fat cause SSA wow] mum be nbtamed :11 mm m_ mm Will] a Closed CHSS A quml to open a (313 plevmly closed fat cane and Include desalbedmsubseeum/I '3 abmre A?m? mgtlut?rCHS um ch?hm??~ rem why he 01 she was rinsed the followmg addluaml all: hem - wacksed?xmuedd'?til??m - (IWFOUO) Details swung each dream to time the CH5 Intent - MIS 119321ng The .1011an use afthe CH3 Jim and - The reason why the use ofa dI??c-m CBS Mo! would not be as effective as the CH3 1n adu?mg ?at Eat the CI: - (UHFFOUOJ Controls will be placed on the me afthe CHS to he ?lial harm to (Idlers or to the Investigation A request to reopen 3 CH5 prawns]? closed for cause mm: but mom-ed by If. SAC (nondelegahle) and by the AD. DL [nondelegablei ?hose deuszon urbaniz- a ?in II whe?ler the bene?ts of reopemng the CH5 Weigh the ?sh dram ?t AD apprm'al has been grmted Wham] tesnng reqwemum be con?ict-d by CA accordance with Human Sauce Validation 4.. 2.117) (Inset! Reopened by AMortimer Field Of?te (UFFOUO) WhenaclosedCHS ?omoneFOI-sreopenedmmanO [Inst though Delta Amp}. ofthe entue ?le mm 1 addiuon. the new 00 must be {301% 141111 n) mam upon the rehzb?ity' of the CH9 $1:er HECHTIWOIH (MW 1111mm Santa MM admtmulmm hurls-en at the Mum 10?} 1111-. rmtent and 111:2:an of ?it ??lomng and 1211110! [1111111151- at ages: In my my?: pttmuhun 1:11 0011-1 {Lulu-[mm by in FPO a at local W. at It? I ext-hang:- [at the (THE 1; rmwahm lat-rm the cinnamon (mitt It? ?lth unthm the excluswe of the plenum and ?le cult. W. In I. remade: (but 1111-! act qm}adv111mg the WW pm ark and extent of the 311518121113: to the FBI (This mm should be {in I any 15511:- of 1111111111511 ll?mhty 01 penalty} (UHFOUO) Unleqs swrt?ea?y :m?amwcd by the FBI 611-13st 1% 1:0! mm In engage 111 any enmmal Nutty and has no Immumty from proscenium in my unaudmnzed 121111111121 actw?y (Thu; mum 15 not mmy in! (.1159 who have Id! authonzatmn The msu'umon 51th be 2,111.15] 1f the (SHE. IS mm! of CM tmthonzed Illegal See 31-4-th emfmm Hem Pa?mmatum 1n Unauthonzed Illegal Amway and ?page .13 Hm Soutce Pmletpatmu 1n Otherwm- Illegal Aeuuty :1 (UHFOUO) The (HS 115 not an enmloyee ofthe USO and may not reprem Im- at herself as such. except nude: cucumstanccs wine the CH5 has manly hum. ml communes to be. othem'me by me USO The may not cute-1 11110 any cmttaet or mew any oblzg?m on Md the USS. except as spec1f1calh' 111mm and apptmed by the F3111 axle: Clreumstances. where the CH5 1s Otherwne authmmed to elm-1 a calm at a ubhgahon on the behalf of the {.7th11 States No [1101111153 or caumutmems can be made except by the Dept? of Homeland Seeunty the mmguuon status of any plum at in: nan of any petson to entet 01 remam 111 the L'mted States {Titus 11151111111101: should he Fan? i there 15 any apparent 15:11.11: of Status that relates to the CHS The FBI cannot guarantee any rewards- payments. or other com to the CH5 fl") Subjects Repreyented by nun-Eel or Planning Legal Defense (U For admnonal acknomahmems related to CHSs whey are In pom to (than mfmmatmu about a subject's pendmg charges or legal defense plans. see 10 . "Obtammg Monmnm About a Pendmg Charges at Legal De?ant 5.3.2. Employees of Financial Institutions These 111d1v1duals 1111151 be adused that they 1mm to ?le Wd'k Rl?ll to Human] P111: an; Art and must be adused that the FBI ?ll am My temp 111fo1111at1m1 that Holmes the 111011510115 of the act T1115 adusemcm ?11111: be (how I: it ?ll? 42 SEMTIFNIJHHIN (U) (mall 11mm Smart minty (hulk 5.35. (U) Employed-I at Eduu?m-I Immunity. MM) Thur Willi]: must be that Ihl'V "mam In the pmwumml uf MW Right: and Filmy Act of 19?! (Title. 11min] Sun-st Tudr 5; I [23213]) calmly as the Buckley This alalulr [rem-.1 ally . [Inhibits insumnms and {mm mm- dun [my ?nm 6m (hay minimum on who $1er on haw- [lu- uumlutlml ?Ir-Ir 1:1:qu the statute Fm 313(le does not apply to a fill'l?ll? pulutr retard Ihoul ammnl activity the CNS of the plumumm of that law 15 nut [equurd If in?lmahm the CH5 is prundmg 15 to his 01 ha This be dtrummted ?If ?ie 5.3.4. (U) mum-?m Illegal Activity For addilimial related to who have been app! owed to nlgagr in OH an: I 1 Related to 0m 43 smu'rrmm "if; 6. (UHFOIJO) Con?dential Human Source: gm ?ap? . 0! usllre Approval for Opening a r} "l ?m at (THE "at man our Award The (.115 Inn-rung nut be rWlIIWh'?m. Inger? until pursuant lo lithium ?a 2 far (1 [Sq IJUJ Approval liming the and animal m. be qrraled 1n with this PG (ill. Fro-him Leadership The dr?nrum of: 5am: 1mm {3'15 14 a: blow: A (.lrm?drMIll Hurrah Source who 13 I pram deuteron-mm? maximum;r ewe-r or murm- mung!- and dam"! at of the a group as ?mantra: Involved II mind-1 tear-lies a- It uatmuwrde ur mlun?wml srupl' or 3; deemed u; be of?ng!) mm he m. emrunal mee-rtrgaiwe even If the unlawful travels-1. am! local or I scape Surh organmtrous shall mrlude but or)! in?ated to IT LI Family Eurasian fhpinmd (-nmc Group at Arm ?rm! ihd I recognized by FBI Headquarten and my dame-nu or In? Organization 15 by 31 Headquarters 6.1.1. High-Level Gmemment A level gm'ermnem (HS 1.5 one who rs a?rer - In relatron to the federal gm'emmem or state govt-rm 04': in: government. the chref execuuve or the o?inai next arm to the :1th I TOUOJ A member ofthe federal. state or tribal 6.1.3. (U High-Let el ['nirrn Of?cial HSS (U A hrgh-Ievel umou of?cml HS 15 out who 15 a presnicrl mam. nee presrdem?fan mtemanonal mammal 1313mm mkmm?a?uwa?usdl Subordmate regronal mm? of an mmronzl or national labor mm. A mince-u melude a local 11111011 or a group afloeal norms. arch as a dream: emal Mum it the pmpose of cunduetmg collective bargatnmg ?1th mplm?s Ere: also gm 7 19 . "L'rucm Of?erais 6.1.4. Prir?eged (ESE A pn'r?eged 15 one who 15 under the 013th (If: kgal ?nale; of cou?dentjahn State 1.1m gene-ms the scope of legal pm?egm :ud anthem-fa mm TheS SA mus! care?llh? rent? each ?1th punhgd CHIS If ?lial: questions. regarding the prorecuon cf pm?eged it PM Fi?. ad 51:. Amendment rights. the CDC ([1115! be consulted waceeplm?nm?omaCHSifimis (01111111111112.1me Hammer. the use ofpl'nileged srrummns rm 011mg a parental 1055 ofhfe physical my aim-[iw . 3 substantral value other sermrs or ?hit ?SECRET. :33th SECRETIFNOFURN (U) Con?dential Hinnan Sumo.- Policy Crude anion: dint. [Earth a ?ltration develqas, the SA must notify the CDC and F110 attorney (if one mocked) The main ?le must contain tlmrougji docummtahon of the densron to use privileged in?ltration. (U) Attorneys The of extends to admitted to practice law and who are enga?d in the practice of law The attorney-client pnvilege protects certain Wont. between an attomev and a client In addition. dependnig on the facts and the law of the jimsdicnon. the privilege that.r extend to those acting on behalf of the attmney. such as a paralegal. The CDC must be consulted ilthete are air,r questions as to whether certarn mfamahon may be subject to the attorney-client pnvilege and the extent of the privilege (U) Phs?cians (UHFOUO) The pnvdege extends to any doctor of nicdicnie (MD) or doctor of osteopathy (DO). and certain may extend the privilege to other medtcal The CDC should be consulted regarding the extent of the privilege to each (n Clergy (UHFOUO) The. pns?ege of con?dentiality extends to members of the clergy. as detetmnied by state law. The CDC should be consulted for the extent of the pn?lege in each jurisdiction. 6.1.5- fl") Media (HSs The de?ne a media as one who is af?liated with the media 6.1.6. (URI-TOTO) Long-Term (U) A long-term CH3 is one who has been open for more than ?ve consecutive years. (U A CH3 not repornng on national security investigations or foreign intelligence collection matters must undergo review at the ?ve?sear mark and every subsequent consecutive period that he or she is open. A CH8 reporting on national intestigations or foreign nitelligence collection matters must undergo DOJ NSD review at the ?ve?year mark and every subsequent consecutive ?ve?year period that he or she is open. See subsection 6.2.. ??1301 Review Procedure for CHSs Requiring Approval." for more detailed gutdance regarding the HSRC and NSD approval processes. {Cf All long?term CHSs are subject to the approval requirements in subsection 6.2. The continued handling of a long-term (HS bv the same CA for five consecutive years and ever}: live consecutive years thereafter requires SAC approval. This approval may; not be delegated. and the SAC may only approve continued handling by the CA for good cause The SAC apfxosal for continued assignment of the CA to the long-Icon CH3 must be documented prior to submission detailed in subsection 6.3 (UHFOUO) The SAC. may consider the following factors to determine whether "good cause" exists to continue the CA assignment: I (IJNFOUOJ Whether the CA has a unique role in an investigation supported Irv the (1-18. to the extent that the investigation inajt,F face mtpediinents due to reassigmnent of the CA 45 (U) (MM-mu] Hm Satire Policy (Rule Whetlm Imogen-at trl'the (IA mm the that: mfmmahtm In a reliable due to the or techie]! mo of CHE reporting and the knowledge. but of the (LA - Win-the: the-re are othu room 111.?! ?ied the mum of the (EMS. umlmittlg the again With the requisite mm a! capability to operate the (UHFOUU) worm] rs reqmreti for the 1551mm of: prohim?y SA to (spate 3 long term as the 11115 approval only mt be delegated 6.2. (If) DOJ Review Proredure for (Hits Requiring 00.! Approval approval rs required for the operatrm of any CHE: who Mk no the categories [15th subsections 6 1 1 through 6 15 unl??j the FPO surname-v has caning otertught of the (HS because the IL HS has agreed to testify In a federal criminal prosecmm See paragaph I for the defmnton of FPO wow] 15 required for all long-tenn as de?ned In 1 regardless of whether an Pm aunt-y ha of the HS The procets for obtzutung DUI apprmal 1?5 dt?crertt for CBS-s reponmg on national seemty or forage} mtellrgenee and repomng on (1W m. 6.2.1. (1155 Repol?ng on National Secutih' and foreign [In-?gure (UFIFOUO) . NSD must approve the continued operation of all CHSE requmng approval who are reporting on uattonal security mt'etthattons or format collection. except as provtded tn subsectton 2 above Upon openmg. the CA or co?A mutt document the 5 statm as 2 CH5 requtrtug approval 11]. the source ?ope-mug comrnumcauon and dextntent the the Fteld D?ice Annual Source The or co-C it must also emine- md whim the The form may he aubnmted :11 Delta to the :1:er In accordance ?1th gitrS-Ci??m' - 2 Ethane-d Ret'rew the (1-155 1111.151 an er?tameed tenets by the appropriate - If the - approves the commuted aperaoon of the CH5. the -must protest nottce of that approval to NED u'tthm 60 data of the approval. "the-ants! make it t?alidatton reports ararlable for remit-w be the NED attornev at FED-IQ upon request. Ifthe t'altdatton report's do not penmt the NED attorney; to conduct a nranmgful ambus- of the continued use of the CH3. the NSD attorney may 35!: for detmls The Idem of the CH3 must not be draclosed note-:the FED-IQ date-Jon the CHE deternmtes that compelling reasons enst to warrant aueh disclosure. The AD or DAD unlit consult truth the SAC of the F0 operatmg the CH3 to determe whether coupe?mg reasons to warrant exist With the excepnon of a request for the of 3 CH5- all rm EN NSD for ?n'ther utforutatton to a H5 mutt be sans?ed a reasonable period of tune. Failure to pronde requested ntforntatron may be grounds for the NED to reeommd till the DAG chsapprot'e the continued use of the CBS The FBI may" continue to operate the GE the resolutjon of the matter For addincma] Information about DUI mm the further appeal-1:. procese see the AGQ-C HS paragraqah 4-6 SEE RET (l (?mt?tk'nhal "tum" Smm'e l?nlu'v (tutti- (U) [fa [tumult-t opened (115; In: a rhyme nl status that mum? DUI qnmwul the A CA mt numbn- and the a statute as a (1 IF. tequnmp Ill] .nmnmal mt the ?md thn'tuuntl the ?hum the See when nun "I?ntmlu' Im mt n-pm'tmg on Immul m'unlv and IIHPIPJI uttelltpeth-e 1. ?llet tum matte? 6.2.1. Nul Karenina an National Met mih I eign lnlellig?enre 'olln?tian which ti. and .tmmu lhe I optimum at all amnm .tl whu .ise nu mutuml nerutthr u: l?l?lnt?K ltun eu'ept hm at. In 'utll'u?l tum ll Renew l?weedlue {at 'ti?xx Requume [10.1 in?ux :tl Itmn tut-mute the 1.1-1 Inn-.t dm'tuueut the (115 sums a i 'l mlqumutl the want I Mum and litnmtent the #1311? tn the the A A mun! .tlw I. and the and the queanmunute Ihe [011an be tn the Helm In .It I. unL'uu't' utlh IIHII f0 7 . Ret'teu thet H?t tutu! H?L't?l?t ed In the- lfa plex terukh' ?p?lt?ti 1" ILIR .t hattee u! auttr? that .tpptut .II the 01 en and Hltl?l?u! the nhmeed Hex text Requent tnnu .1111! the HHRI the t- A (IX .tlw tim'tunent the a 11.11th at" hth'tta the t1" T?l't?l?t the .mp1 111ml xeeh HRH-E wntteu to: the t-e-ntuuted 01's who u'tlhut the atthaet [1011? I I dates thhe 2 openme In the cane temtt H?s? .ta de?ned In the wopnate Tum-t meek [m the upeultutt. u! the (. HE upmt uni?the enhanced tex'tett The ptnude to the telet'mt Iutmnutmtt ememung the me Ufthe t. 111:. Iudmg Jun .?tmnul 1. It?p?lh the t. hie-11m". hmtrevet. nmat not be dude-keel the mu of the HHRL detetmmea that reasoni enut te- tt. an .1111 am. it .t dtaeleatue [he .11 more? he campl?ed 111:! late! than 4? dam .t?et the hm the t'et'lueat fm continued opemnmt of the The nut: commute to he npemtet'i {in?ll}? the tet If?. pnxess 4t SE1: REY ?fm?gn sum ?mm . 112? a; (mrm?dum?lhm Mama's: 7. (UHFOUO) Jnn?denlla] Human Spurn! WW App: (E 1er nun) me ??55 hard 11'?th Wm hm- dam that laughs lamb aplmwal (II) l-wdwal Pruhaliunpn, Farah-es. and Supt-I'M We: If an as an 11me In Which FBI such 1 who Is a [ulna] ultimatumFPO asmp?rd In matter and di?'ll?m 1h!? Ml?fj?m the mm mm (UNFOUO) Re?ne Edna] pmbanmm pmolrr, 0: mm [ck-axe: my be used I 1C3. the must [hr of a fade-ml [wok at 5:153:35?qu the am will] 10 3 :mt Eur}: {1811111551011 must bf dorm ?t GEE nu ?le IS grained SSA may move mr mag (mum If p?masum Lo use 3 (HS 15 dtmed bv {antral probation pick. or release o?kml. or 1ft! :5 fm (4365:311an ream In sod: perm appropnale uf?cml the ASAC fnm-delegahlc; may antitrust ?r CA to seq.? ii opn'auon ofthr ?rm) the mun reapcmsihk for the CH5 5 panic a Ielease afte: consultmg the FPO for that 7.2. Prisoners I'ndH' Bureau of Prisons (BOP) 5mm or in the Cn??ydfh L'n?od Slates Mar?hals Sen-ifs {[8118} (Iii-$0150) The approvals? and pro-cedwes addressed :11 {bu nib-section am My In pnmnera umnaged by the BOP. but 3190 to mu.? and local mm; boas-ad Bil-ll ?lthy and to any pnsonera housed a state or local {satin who are under mm an custody 7.2.1. FPO. BOP. and [.5115 Approval The openmg conmuucanan umst dorm 13mm to ?r FPO my a?alg?led to the matter 11] wliuch the CH3 ml] 395151 II am also the pm obtamed by the F0 from the wopnaxe authority 11housed a BOP mailman the lethality]; is: waxdal. . If the CH5 is heme-:1 u] a BOP halfway hams-I? 15 made: BOP hm 15 bang momtored by BOP that mm 15 1h: WP connumnr?.? COITECUDIJS manage: - 1:01.011me appropriate o?iqai 19 the ?lm-Mug CELE- a?nal If 15 denied or 1115 W- ?r mm. mm&- . appropnare BOP o1: of?ctaL the opening mum&m ?y - why approval was clawed or not 501.:th Upon committal: ofthe abow- the CAM mm Mi? proccdures 5c! fonh In App-cmhx 11115 pita-teas Wits 48 SECRET: Norm (U) 1111111111 Sumner- 1111qu (hurls.- rpulimal 111111 and the WWII-111111 and mum] of the (IHS's run-111111111111 11111- by DOT: Of?ce of Enforemm Opal-rations (OI-30) 7.3. (U) State or Loell Prisoners. Parolees, and Supenised Heir-11111111 Prior to opening 11 state or local 111151111111. urbatroner. parolee. or super vrs-ed releasee as a CHE. SSA must 1111161116 uohzmg that par-rm In this capar?ttv would Vlnlate terms and (1111111110115 of the person?s mcarceratron, 11111113111111, parole. or supermsed release If the SSA hm reason to beheve that the 1nd11r1rlual as 11 (?1'15 would 1'rolate these terms mdcurlmons, ?le SSA {or his or her deSIgnee, who 111:1}: he the (TA) must olrlrun- pnor to the pasta as a CBS?the nfa state or local pnson [11011311011 parole, or wsed release of?ctal Will! authors?: to go out 11511115111011 T1115 111111101 123111111 must he docunemed 1n the CHS's ?le If ls demerl or 1t rs mappropnate. for operatronal reasons- to contact the Wile state or local of?cral. the SSA (or desrpee) may seek authonznnon to use the 1111111161131 as :1 CH5 from the state or 10:31 court the-11 for the n1d11?1dm1l's tumour]. probatrou, parole. or supernsed release 1s granted. .111 SSA [11:11! move the ope-11mg of the (1311170130) It should be noted that the use of a state or local prohatroner- parolee. or supervrsed releasee as :1 CH5 11111 likely 1ctolste the condmons of 1111 or her stams (U-VFOUO) If an FPO IS 111 :111 nrs'esn gatron usnrg the CBS or would be workmg with the CH8 connectrou 11'1t11 a prosecutron. the CA must notify the FPO attorney :rss1gned to the matter poor to opemng the CH5 and must document the notl?catron the (HS opening (TS) Approval to Release 11 State or Local Prisoner From Custody A request for the woman or pemtarlent release of :1 sentenced state or local pnsoner custodv to 355151 the FBI requrres appro1 :11 from the SAC and the appropnate prison o?cial or court If an FPO rs 111 :11] 1111'est1gat1on 1.15ng the H5 or 11 ould be working 111th the 111 tonne-?11011 1111b :1 prosecunorr the CA 1111111 the FPO 3111111113}r assigned to the matter prior to 115mg the (UNFOUO) The mtena that must be addressed 1n the request to the SAC 111clude. '0 The length of tune on the pnsoner's sentence I (UNFOUO) 'Ihe signi?cance of the 1111'estrgarron for which the pnsoner's release 1s bemg sought and the onpmtance of the pnsoner's to that 1111'esn gatron (UHFUUO) The pnsoner's criminal porncular, whether there 1s any lustory of violent. came?and has or her record durmg the penod of nrcarcersrron i (UNIFOUO) Whether there are known Identi?able- or potential 1'1ctn11s of the pnsoner. imludr'ng trial wimeSses against 111111 or her or others agamst 11110111 the pnsoner 11:11 nude #138 and. 1f so whether warning those mdinduals 15 11111-1} to compronnse the on 111 which the prisoner rs errpected to parucrpare.(Not1f11ng 1121101111 moans. or potattutl victims that the pnsoner will be released 111:11' be reqrured unless is likely to compronm'e me 1111'est1ganon Consult the F0 1 111111111 11 1n1ess coordurator. 1 '49 mm 11 .L gamma-um? - . . TthACmMVu-m?mm midyof?uCHB'ndeae 7.4 (U) 301? Format! (UM-DUO) A mquul to opuak BOP uplayu to may.? mfmmanonpammgloandyunmaBOP wow] Isnotrcquuedmcominrmm Winfwmab?lu wov?mma?opcn?ayuaa?isumn?n (U?u?lq? ?(stamina-HE, mthw?m?a??h??w theOEO. andnoufytheFOOf?rOED mummy-chi: . . - ofthr . Investigation. Including alternatin- fa ?5 Specially. themthe actiwty . I (UUFOUO) That: way the apphcable (U ?FOUO)Thenanr. 13mm 66:. Stan- Lucid. at Contract Prim a? 6m. fin: a M. WmU?l?Omyhcopme-dasaCHS S. LEGS departments of 7. eqlojt'ees of Federll. State. Local. or Tribal Agencies Meow} {fan employee of: federal state local or tubal agent'sr has a duty to share mfurm?ion With LE :5 part :1de terms of but or her employment the tndtudual should not he opmdasaCHS mletsthattheSAC mayapproseoperanon ofan umber: of a federal. state local or tubal agency who has agreed to report on nutters or?! rights or public the mdn?rdnal's emplosmg ennry. 7.8. (U) Minors (Indha?duals Under the Age of 18) SAC anthonzation (cannot be delegated) ts reqmred to open an mdn'idnal under the age of 13 as a CH5 The ope-mug must I ?Whether the armor resrdes with or her parents or rs legally emanupated. as de?nal by state last I If the rumor rs not enunctpated. whether parental or legal guardran consent hm been obtamed for or her use as a (1-15 I (U lfparental or legal guardian consent has not been obtatned. whether consent can or null be obtarned If at is not feasrhle to obtam consent from the parents or legal gnardran. the opemng must prot'rde the anon for more the minor the absence of such consent I The potential of harm the proposed operatron poses to the minor. I TOLTO) The minors criminal record. if known I The minors dam: to the sthectts} of the mt?estrgahon. The CA must consult the CDC if there are questtons re the crttena for legal emancipation. [flirt minor 15 emancrpated or the SAC has approved the use of the l?l?Of mthout the Cm oflus or hu parmts or legal guardian any" sernce or expense payments must he and: directly to the motor. However. 1f the parents or legal guardran have prot'tded consent. any sauce or WEE payments must be made to the patents or legal guardran. and they the payment receipt. 7.9.(17) Counselors Emplm'ees. and Patients in Substance Abuse Treatment Programs (Ill/F330) SAC approval be delegated} 1'5 reqntred to open a counselor or patient in a ?We abuse treatment program as a HS regardless ofthe nature of the CH3 5 reporting A court order ts required before plactng a (HS 111 a substance abuse or using 51 SECREIJ (U) Tm?dr-mu] ?mm 50mm Potty (31nd: an mlpluyee a patient at a SIMHE almsr tithe to [uuwde m?unutmn tm the ?rmluw?; of n! pant-rm 111. such a pmgram (see I (Lode of Perk-HI] '2 If mdwuhul Is hemp, apart! to aim whim ?filed to hl? at he! empluyment pant-Ills. alum: pagans. a rut." mtl? nut The type of In?n?uumi the ?5 be {Mind to drill]! be (kl'L?l??nlt?d In the a mum file (mum; l?niun ("?riah A11 SSA nay appmve lhe Upemnp of: unum af?rm] I. 2 thing: HSRC mural n1 lt?k'lt'w may he teqmred lfthe af?rm] :5 hm]; level (see .s?r-rnm: ?2 I Hip]: Level Ulmm ()f?nal (1155 and win-W nun (- - DUI Run-w F?Irxethue for Cl-i?yi Requmng Amnm'al If; t3. a mum. aft?ma! [If any rank the 3A must advise the that the Sl??f?t?l? tn the 1:110:th thorium?. Hf the R?umrn! and {mm 59111111? Act (ERJSA) uf 19 i4 and must not operate a that adversely affects mim- af?lmted [11311810115 welfate and Imle?ta Uf?ft?JS ate mettl?-c chitin lid Obligatl??llh {Hid-El ERJSA dunes Ielaled Lu tetuemem thief-11:2 01 other man: bene?ts of union 111611113615) DEPEII tmeul of Energy requuea the FBI to album pnor apprmal from [he dltt?f [01' of D?ire Of C'mu1teru1te?1ge11ce pum to usulg a DOE employee .12 a f. 111 a fountenntelhgence ult'estlgatmn A DOE contrarctor 1113'; be cc-uud? ed an emplowe to the extent that he or she affects DOE interests or aetn'lties The t. rung rel: nest must be appmz'ed hi the ASAC and ?m rm mm and we re ferm'arded to euf the deelsmn The quue'sr the DOE emplm'ee a - Hf} Full name Date of {?fth - Place of b11111 Job title . [1'1 DOE seem?; ofemplm-mem . Dim Iceman 11ft The mm: also ceutam - TULTUI of the uneangatmn and [he news-3m- a assmanee - ITS A of the CH5 '5 autmpated summer, If} Pel'muuel Af?liated With the Department of Defeme [1)th (Not Including Jeiut ?'ith I'l? ?le lumen Benn-en FBI el- pvt)" {June JU 1?3961 tequu ea the FBI te- emrdnute With the approptute DOD alm'rrm' the use 01 DOD penmmel 3L. mulateml opemuc-us mot 1.31m mama tuth SECRET XOFORN Slit TRETHNOFORN (U) Human Sartre Whey (Etude mtm) The degree of eardrum teqrmul, It: set forth below. Wt" depend the man of the FBI Wishes to open 115 and whether the pummel-d use of the new based 1pm or [third In: or ha actionatron nun (?um-tom) The India (KT should he consulted In detemnne whether the cumin-1:1 use of: nnhtarv mnbu wordcl ush ?ohm-p, the Posse ('ottutalne Art. 13 5 1385 7.12.1. De?nition: (U) The Mowing de?mhom app-h.ir to line semen I (UNI-DUO) personnel: Def) active and related pelsmmel uttplovees contractm and then mmlowes, artwe and marine Nattonal Gumd numbers. ferrule members of active duty" and 111111 an personnel. persons; on or hat-1113 of?ng] mess to DOD fanhhes. person-s 1 :th C?tl?tdt'latl?ll for DOD .md former DOD emplovees and contractors - f?nnenrrenee: The SA seeking to open :1 DOD-af?liated person a: .1 must request. 1.13 an SAC-amoral EC. that the -5eek the and concurrence of DOD pnor to operatmg the ntdn?tduai :15 3 (HS The nun: not be operated 111m] :uw Identi?ed obgeenorts be DOD have been resolved I- I'tl?itarjr Department nuntertntelligenee Organization (MIX Army Cotmt?'tnte?tgence the Naval 11111111211 Sernce (NETS). and Arr Force Of?ce of Specul htt?esnganons 112.2. Requirements DOD commence is always reqrured for actu'e duty m?1tm?pet5mmel resen?tsts on acme duty and cm'han For all other Do?af?hated personnel I (15' DOD is. requned whenever the proposed FBI utthzatton of the Indn'rdual as :1 CH3 :5 cormected 111 came {demon with the tndn'idual's af?hatlon . ?irt-DUO) concunence 15 not reqmred whenever the proposed FBI unlrzanon 15 not connected to any way truth the mdn'tdual' 5 affihanou Hon-ever. 1f facts artiste 1n the cmnse of operating the that reasonable Indicate that the FBI of the mdrudual as 3 (HS 15 connected 111 some fashmn tenth the a?ilianon. opentmn of the HS may not until [301) concurrence 15. obtained 7.13.3. Concurrence Procedures The SA must nonfy the -of the need for DOD concurrence 1'13 an SAC?approved EC mg out the cncurnstances of the request to operate the DoD?af?hated person as .1 (HS The EC 1111.151 contmn the follonmg - (U) Full name I (U) Date :1beth (U) Place of he'd: (U) SEN 3 SECRETLNOFORN SECRET (U) (MM Hm Sale: mm . (U) Hallmark! I (lDlhuy pct-3mm: - (If) Duty 013211123le I (U) l.)ulylm3h1m (U) Duty title-plume number - abrrut the miner-t ofthe awe-mam melt-aha; 6: Mark 5.71qu and any or 0dr: af?liation {e g. and: and the like) U) The (5H5 mantles and admit! - (U) The results of the CH8 5 convicted bar}. ground rns?esugimu - (U) The FBI FDIC and or her phone number - A statement ofwhether the CH8 ?:31!ch ume oft CH5 mustbemeludedj (UHFOUO) The -mw;l seek centurterxe from the WW DOD any I eel ht helm! (UNFOUOJ When the (HS 15 a?ihated ?111] a rmhtarj.? (e adme city sen-teemember. a dependent afar aeme duh- sersrcemember or Humming support ofa nnhtan deparmtentj the -rtru-;I contact lite mount me {a department p110! to turnatmg operatmrul use of the me]: ?lull The -rnm pram ll LEM to the DOD that eontams I (If) The results of FBIHQ mdrces checks I (U) A request for DOD commence for the use ofthe CHS - TOGO) A request to be adnsed ?hem the woman- army was to partrerpate 11': Interviews or debrie?ng? of the CH5 and- If so to than a W. A request lrfdeemed approprme} that the our} records cheeks on the (see sub-semen 13 .3 1 Reqirst Err Check") The umst adnse the CA oftbe DOD respome The CA mm: lira Wilt results and an}: re doamrenrs to the CH3 ?le 1:01:03 When the (HS 15 af?liated With a defense amen! than ts ant min mix m?rtan department (e a enihan enmlmee of: dehse @1me of such a ernhan emplmee. or 3 centraeter enagnedrn weer waf?e -must contact the eompcmerrt 5 of?ce of earmm?rgeme ad'ar my a? The-must prepare 3 cover letter to the DOD emu?; that The results latices checks . . . 11 armtt?mwt?m?ewMWm. 123ml Maw). :34 SECRET {?3?me SECRETINOFURN (U) PM Hun-n Mun.- Puhry (and:- MW) 11' 1h! FA ul'the Dnl) [rum The (TA nmut Ila-n Iqllmul [lu- man-nanny: 7. 11.3.! (115113110) Man! For non Records MW) ?Rim mum fut nm'lmm In 110131119 -may mu! In the lhl] a mm unfunny- other an In and meek mun-ail [r p, hn al and o?cul pawl ?les) 10 mum du- rush-me of drmgamlv In?nmauun an the CHE wind] night mhannhealr mag:- nl'tlm nuhmdual as a IS All Do!) ?lmy duel. Eli-11mm In the-mam he sent In the SA and mus] he senalurd Into the CH5 ?lt- TJIJJ. Adjudication Pawnlures ?Jimmy In the arm of; (hsame?lmu Ell-tween the Dun renal mn?tnlum -must make n'?v etfnn to resolve the :hxagieemenl at the luwexl level sti?ing a to aclune mhsfarlm tesolutn?rn 0.1th0} In the event thal a temlutmn not alrhlevahle the -mmt nnufv 111) of the DL who mus! With the due-elm ummund? of the Imperuve MIXU wuhm ?re walking day?s oftheu Irnbihn' tn Ieaeh a sandman? In the event that the ma?a 15 not marked at the AD level. the matter he re?ned unthm ten day's J?et unpasse lo the rude! Senetan' of Defense fm hatelhgenre and the EAD Intelligence 1313111211 The hlle?igenee Branch EAD 11.1% ?nal denamn-makmp, m?hmh' on the matter. mciuduuz caveat!- placed on the DOD af?hared mam: opentmn .19 .1 CH5 11"] Fugitives A fugltu'e 15 .111 individual fen whom I 11" $0150} A fed?al. elate. or local LE agency has placed a wanted reem'd 1n the FBI 5 NCIC {othu than f0: 3 traf?c tmlatmni OR 0 (U A federal warrant has. been tamed AND Ir FOUO) An LE agenn' 15 w?hng. 1f to seek extradu?mn to ]llf1'3dlCT10D (UVFOUO) A fugmve mm: not be opened at operated known to have become a fugmre must be closed An 5:1 mm" a fennel who 15 a fugmx?e 01111; If e1t11er (U The comumcauon :5 apprmed In adx ante bx the 83% a supen 1501 of .1111? federaL state or local LE agency that has. a u. auted recmd for the win ldual the NC 1C mdthe F90 the 155111114; drama Ifthe mam 1? federal . (UHFOLB) The manner. 15 not approved advance. but was uuhated by the fugitive at is par! of a legitimate e?'on to arrest the fugmve eom'mce the fugitive to tum him- m? herself in. 5 SEC U1 ?11st111111 I imam Pair"! 1' sub- Jm-ul 11]} All 3111 1111-1. with 21 [11911]}? :11 hf 9w 11111111111111; 11-11-1111 Ilu- 1.111111111111111 14111111 [111 11111? 41d 1hr wrurm ?39131! date? at Rani 11111-111 3111111! .1 1911111111111 ifdi?n?lmmj 111 lb? i'ru' ?115.11?! $711?! I11 ?t I IS L1 111.1111 hit- 1hr 11 11111111111111 111111111 i?hr NH 1111er rL-. 111m 111111111131 ?r at: nuimlml annuwln e??mmwi 11111 a fiat 111?; Lari? and 37; 11111111?. In whuin liu- 1 11111111111111 alirm 19.24:. fl.) ?Ivan! .L?Llivu: fl - 111:1.- 111111111!) 311L111 fl 1 1111le Hi] I mph-1191?: and P1113011: 1111 a P1 var-rm farm 394mm ??ll an P1111: In 1111-1111111 :4 {111m 111*: 5' 11111111: .11- LJ: :1 {aw-Hf: 1'1: {211111 ?.lpl??f?t ?11 31-3311?? 1111111 1111111 [1511.11q1l11111-1L L114 i' [hi 11111113111132: 1-11-1311! 1* (#11311? 11:19:: pawl-r11 1t; [1111? HIV. 11111! dry-1111111111 111 111? J53 {qr-111.111: . 33.1.1; .4 Mari T11 .er 491 1'1 ri?xcrq 1111? 111d1'.1r1'1111? 111111111? 1h? Hji' . 51:19:37. 4.56111? Lam in? 811113 1111111111111] Mn '1 3111111113} lvquu 11:11-11! 11111 . 1.1.1I 'ur #111721?: 11.1: [111111111 and UHF 31111111311. 1111111111.: 1'11: 11' 112" Mir} 3% (I t"2511531 appmt'm?l 113'1'11115111' 11: .1111 :11d1'. 1111111? "171?? :21 111111: 6511111111 1:1 11311111111111119111'1 f0: tum-?1. 11. 2.11.5111" 22' and rf-Irn'nnmr expenaea 1111121111211 3111'} 111?: 841111. fa! 21:11:11 11L. 1' HSL 111:11p 3.1111 1131;111:111 1.11:? 2,111.1? :1 1113111131 ht? (151:131119111 If r11: 9:3: 21:13. ?ff 311?; 1:113:15 1.111911% 1 of [11? .:11131? 13:11:: 3910131119111 3110111 '11? 1151?: If. .111 17.41; 3112111?. pa?' 1? 111113! ELLE-311151311151. 1:11 1- Ff.? 011911111? 11f011'11F-r PST 2:131:13? 3-1 :1 311?: '1 2.3.: 1:111:1- :"1'11111. x11: 111111114131 111 {1!116'1 1'31 1-1: 1111-. 11:11 9:11:11: 1.1121 11:11 1:1? forum: FBI 11:1 311:}: :11 11:11111'1'11? tr: . :31; 1r. 1.1111111101111011 1L1 .1111; 111.1 pee-1111.1 1.11115: "r-i 1111121111.. :15; . :1?1 1: 3: 11111111111111 15.1111 1.11 111016 - 1 1-1 11"1( 111111111131 1n the W'uiih' P1 again 1?11 SF: 1' - See i 511' :1 1" 3111911 J?f FL-TLELLET P?aa'?srant 3?1. 3 hlemlm'r 11f (01131 11nd T111111 Staff? .131 61111511 11:1 1:11.161: 1 membe: at: 11:? ?5 {Ir-1'15: :1 1 1' 2132;531:111: 31E H'hi?l??b? .13 .1 HS 19111111151111? 1231311111; 11:12:: 1E1 111"? -1111" :10: :11: :16ka It'd and 11011111311011.- SAL 111'1d 11161111111131.1-41 .1110: 91;} app: :31 man-.3331 {13111:? .. LAB- W?s-11 110111'1c111101113 1. ADJ-11C). 311d 11011133111211." .111? :13: (HS: 111mm ed 1111? U?f??i??ii 0.11.131 -: 311.1- 3131191111 Saw-11m PENSM 311111311122:- 113-1311111111; 1'11: Spa-ed: 1'11 361.131. 1. 1.11111? .Lrs SEC R-ET Hill: 1. Tl?. {l?l ?'hilr Ilnmw i-"Tl 'U?r '1 In ultra .m nl r. .11 'I'm It?qlliu?k NM. 3.11511!? .11 .uul nun?: 'Illml. in nqn'nhmul un I my? mum ll ilu Inlnn All equnuutv qu'lmlmu? .uu! IJH i HII ll) nth: ml 1m- qm?atmnx 01 um; um Illt? (i'lH'I HI Ilu HH Ilt? I'll ulnr ulmuM nut In war-hr 1hr umr any-1m .uI nut. in [h nun-.1 (I '1 \u I?uln llull Niall-mm? Hf} RI 1' VUFGRK RH NOFUHN 4?1 m?drnual Human Return? Polar? i ir'lHdI,? ??imoss Securitx Prnuram I . rpm-?it? ?all [ill Hf! KI IHNIHURN 7} 1' i'rill'ld?lu? Illmun Hum: l?nlu'lf 1"!an RH \ni'UR?i SEC (U) (Tm?drnnai Iltmun Smut-e Pulley (Etude 9. (U) Immigration Matters 9.1. (This in the United til-let Illegally The FBI must mmate pmrt'dmeti to the Inning! anon status of a IS who 15 brown to be In the United States illegally 11115 'il?t'llml details the lot 111111111111 and elosmg CHSS known to be 111 the United Slater; Illegalle and the available the ICE and United States and 1111111th anon He: ewes {l and through the fol acquiring legal status for the {It-tnnlatlou oftltose ISH 9.2- Requirements for thymine. (morning. and (losing, A CA may open and qmate an Illegal alien as a lH SKA amnnval However. the umst request an adtusutleut of the CI [8 5 through one of the ltl?ot'edtu es' set forth 111 subseetton 9 3 below - no more than 90 calendar days alter the detenmnes that the IS 111 the United States 1111113311]? 'I'ltta more? also appltes to a prtet'tomltar opened it; who loses l'llS or her legal status The teqll?l for status adjuatment "that he tlm?tuttented the CH3 mam ?le Although an tllegai ahen new be operated as. a while .1 request to lf?F. to adlust 111% or her legal status 15 pendmg. the must he eloaed 1f It 'li themes. the request The CA new request the ?to Intereede tt'tth ICE headquarters to reeomrder the dental. but must not reopen an operate 1e noti?ed by the-m wntutg that ICE has. agreed to ad?tst the (HS 9 1111111th anon Hams ICE 1; deetaton must be 1.11 the ?le If a detetmmanou 15 tirade to close the (HS and haa not requested legal status on behalf of the then the (13. must refer the matter to ICE to coordinate a IE'SDlulml] of the ummgrahon statua {e . deportattont If the CA haa alreadt? mutated a request to obtain legal status on behalf of the the CA 111115! contact - wlueh must contact ICE to coordinate tlte temtu?latton of those proceedutgr. TOLD) The spousortng 15 reapou'atble for who hate legal ututugtattotl startle The CA must make reaqonahle effortc; to ettaure that tlt?e ('H?aa do not rtolate laws while they are the L'mtecl States If ant: Illegal ahett (HS 15 deterntuted to he mereltahle or no longer for me as a CBS. the CA must clo?e 111111 or her and nottft' the -111 of the '5 Hams and locatton The .muat notify ICE headquarters to ternmtate the (HS 5' Itd?lB'lIne'?l of status. as The CA must also notify the local ICE of?ce of the CHE- 5 status and If the CH5 5 loeanon 15 tml-mown- the CA must work ICE to locate the utrht'tdual. 9.3. Ataiiahle Programs for Acquiring Legal Immigration Status for a HS and Delaying a Deportation Prior to mutating any request to obtain legal mane. for a the ("9.1111151 contact the -to whether the HS 15 eligible to ohtaul legal eta?ms and. tho the best process to employ (CI Signi?cant Public Benefit Parole Program The Signi?cant Bene?t Parole 18 a temporary use-:1 to support LE efforts by prondmg a legal for or depot-table altett If H31, tt'ttnesses. subjects. and defendant?, to be present 111 the [fluted Statea to ?SSl?sl ongoutg SEE REY NUFORS SH Et'tmm?m {Lon?dmbal Hum Salt? My (hunk amd [mm-nun? mange In mm mm to Had ?y The pamlr aths an alien in um remain Ill it UN ?in ?a [mm-(l and upun retina-9st. [my allow the manure of math Wm HUIhamlet raid (IKE), this [all he (?Wad fill We I?m wne 'Ihe SHIP ml] m: :1me any slams on trust-medal:- aim The IJIIS. lluuelmad Fit-?why lnvequrxm law PM flmezltr't left-"rd to If .11) Is the mthormng my Em the ?5!th (we nulrm tum *1 lite-fennel ngum )ptmamu. for all U903 Jay-urn all I: ?IWHI'lt'tl he law 'lrtle 3 (jlei- affair-1'31 Rem 212 5 Pankd Aliens mm the Umtetl 'itatrs Flarthtam the (alderman: batman h- ICE l0 laminate all Sl?lil? and deft-1t at'ttrm on behalf of ti: PHI 'Iu mutate an QPHP request amd dell-1mm the type of is quali?ed and the mm'edtuea tit-ream? the f. A shat? {mu-w the apl'theatum prm-edmes and t'tmL'it?t -unth any When wltelhet ten an HPBP request the A thould be aware that: a (.1151, am rermt?l espertallv [I'll uu?hldes (?tune-5 hf emlenrie may I auxe lf'l: tn Ill-rm a olr?orihxh?r it: An HPBP teetpteut e. the of the awning H) The (A take reasonable meastues to ensure that the 11 HS fin-ex. not awlate any laws wink hung It: ?t limited States If the f. A reasonable heheu? that the HS has 319.2% LIA. the (A unit nuttfv- and -muet ICE to detemnne what aetmn mus: be when the (1-185 to the F0 has been rmmleted the .5. met melt; and local of?ce and Will} If}. to locate the CH3 II the (A ohm legal atatus' fat the folluwme he. or he: l??wlmt" the (A mud (smart .0 deternune the and entena that pit-mm Ellis to new: See altar; giwwgifj V183 Program and whiting ?if j, Puhhe Lav.- ll? Program. It (one and 0t 031's Eligibility (15' 70170} If the ahen not 111 the L'ruted Statn and 1% otherwise inadmissible the qapbcdak ummgrattm} pmgtam 15 the SPBP che ahen t?i ementlt,? the L'mted State"; Without legal sums ml] apply Ehgth?m' fee SPEP depends 011 the 311911?: mention record and how he or she antral mto the L'1uted State-c. If the alteu enteted \?n??llOU?l mspettmn and ?as never mbject to realm-d (1e deponatmut proceedmgs then the ahen :s for an referred to as a parole an place under u'lueh the alien IE not tequned to leave the countn' md teemet The ahcn Tull 1115 or he: 1-94 {the form used to track arm'ala and depart-meat from the local ICE of?ce I [f the :then 15 eunentlv rue-menu] or has eve: been pit-twat}? the agent mutt apply fee deferted aetmu che ahen ?as pret'touslw legallv to til: L'mted States. but 13 new mthuut legal Emma a matter 115.1 m?e?ux?t the agent mat pph' for defen'ed actmu TOUCH The altenutn?e te- defmed amen 15 to have the Ellen t'ohmmh? dept-1 the United Statet and ft}! the agent to apply. fm SPBP to hate the mdaudml paroled back who the cousin 1 pan pamle applet. a] the pare-1e trawl can he chimed ?'um the K15 at the 10:11 consuls: o?iee and then the alten can meme: tin-Um Stiles .il thepad of enm apeethed Ll] the SPBP fonn 64 SECRET NOFDRN (U) (?m?dmml Hum Scurr- I?nln-y inn]:- I.3.l.1. l'omidm?nm (If) (?ontrul Anni MWIRI) ICE refers tn ?r 311cm ml?r I'm [hr alum as "nmunl mun I?m [In- of?us the mural Is the. [118 Inna-slung Ilw I?ll drl'rnrd m-lnm all can be a! my um!- m? then rmufv It n1 1hr (UHF-DUO) Under both the and deft-1111i when: [mun anus ll I?i Im llH? Isl-m to Hindustan! his or her ?lhr mm! uln- u-aumahlr In munr llul the alum IS nut Violating 1111' law {hr anon! must any 3.11951 nl 1hr Illa: to and rmduulr until for I'm an Inn autumn! 1111? alarm nnv-I Exercise (hit 6mm lo ensure that the alum nix-pans the Stair-a n. Emil-Ind to ICE. a! the and of (hr altrn'xi Hunk-1.1mm [ntn'e-s 10) A wln?thrl an mn?ranmml fur lln- alum Iraw the forum? and til-emu In lhe SPBP pmmarn. an awn! mar that pamlt-r he multiple names mm the {311ch State-a dnnup 1hr par-19 psi-nod In the dc?'nrd ar'tum pmgrarn an alien IS not rm mm the Matt?s ll Ihr aln-n the limit-d mate-L; Is not for an SPBP parole 111 place. but nerds multiple mm'IH the agent should ?lung f0! SPBP With multiple Film? and have {17?a aha} lean t' and lt'?ll? at a demgmt-d pan of mm Dependants and family Member". (U T0170) Farmh' memben [?1191 (1 derwam'es} mav be paroled 0:111; undm exu?am?mma' Sill-Ch as lepmnatr pllnical tine-arc. to thaw mduadlmla 1116 must he clearh? ht the (3:11 111 a detmled ducal An example ofa threat assessment 15 located on Mulnple mmea are not apically granted to farmiv memhera or df?p?l um 01 para 993 . ?Eli?s-E drew are generally paroled on the basrs (1de [hm-at asst-551116111. and leaving that L'nnrd Statee 1r. uncon?rst?n mt]: aal?en' unite-1m are parents spouses and [unnamed children [Uld?' wars of age Oth? fannly numbers such 35 nun?wd Childff??. mares nephew.? uncles. aunts. bradlern-m-lau mmhem 11} law and fthEIa?m?lau not be by ICE for parole T116: r?lnuements for dependmta 5661-: legal status. the Fluted States an: under the 1.153 program Employment Aulhmuation An ahen gamed SPBP or deferred afnon 1?5 Ehpble to reserve an emplonnent Warm document allomng 111111 or her to work legailx' the L'Iutr-cl Start". and finally members are also for The 1nd1canon of a need for anploymt authorizatmn should he ulcludcd 1.11 the unnal SPBP or deferred acncm reqneat and in any subsecpem extensmn Upon approval of the parole or deferred actmn the control agent nus: suhmn an 1-?65, for Employmmt to lus or her local 18? of?ce will: the or deferred aclmn letter and the cmeapondmg the must be [.131de the CH5 Agents 5.!de contact -for [Ins pn'oceaa 1f needtd {17; T0150) Con?dential Human Sonne- IZ ourdinalo: 65 NOE-ORV ?El (U) (harri'ithm? Hm 8mm: Policy and: The With (THEE In or Mai :wllratum [in Sl?lil' or deli-?ed artum In Mum; the (SPEC Mb: mwwalu, run-trauma, tnnumhrm merit: and my other Mr! in at": :11an 'l?lre. mt: line-mm at am 1mm FUITZ the Po mt!- 9.3.l.3. t'l bpu'lli Pub?: Pirate Peon-a Requeii request! an the (TA Hurst rum the SW pagan I assistmre mil] remote-1mg the SPHP window and to owe {add-Wide ?Emmi-M a; protocol and FBI polity ?the lamest due"; not one r'ntcru -Inl rem h- mm the agent and [mwrde the approprme (mu-r the 0W request Will he lin'warded to at tiff: Em wow] It twill? tin-s fax it.) 6* In -tu a deersrm: from If an emgenrjr? pad? tr fat my in II: United States home}, the would ermine! local rm md?ah PM (Tm to [anhtate the. abet] 5 entry {If marble) The SPBP request an: also he: Mil older to approx 3] for the alt-en to remain the. tinned Stain a?u only :5 MIN CBP .32. Apprm'al When ICE an Inmal parole request It sends a Home ome It the Drug Enforcement (DEA). the. [33-48 aid the F31 The ?nk: each agency that a parole 11:5 been rernjested for the Hith??dull ind rm exit eonduel database eheckt and concur or object to the parole Once ICE 1:53 ?rmed m. :1 makes a deterumtatton on the parole request am! Harm?ms: ?r requ?tmg agent of deusron After ICE approves an 3 Mandaton Tracking Mum my fem?- which contains. the details of the parole?ts sent to- The form til: of? term for which the parole is granted {rt-meal]? one year; and the warren! of my 0dr: such as employment authorization. parole and 51m paroles After wearing the MTR form -:m.rst pro'nri: the I'm to ?r {and w. The control agent should make several COPIES ofthe FATE ?rm berm 1! is media m. departure. arrest. and any other atoms ehmges The MTR also peroxides required reporting. All reporttog abould be seat to the winch at! In -?met1'ons as the sole POC for ICE there sir-mid not um [17. dtreetljr ICE will assrgu an Internattonal Af?ne O?iee {1:10} mania-er to the punk: AH future eomnuuneanom to FBIHQ regm'dmg the parole-e should reform: the L10 me if. winch can be found 111 the top hand corner of the MTR form This min ?55? winch IC tracks all parolees For parole-e5 outSIde the Untied State-5 ICE Will semi mm. the ICE attache 1fthere13 an ICE presence :11 that m' If?rn: 15 K'Epem country" where the parolee 15 located. ICE mil mm: that a tri?e um I) in: my? A epeer?ed the template The 3mm at cite be?. . A recen?e travel documents to enter the timed States 103 MB 3153 9:11an .. . memorandum to headquarters. and ml] then unify the Wwi?ym . . . 66 SECRET Name EEMTNNOFURN (U) Smnn- Guidi- MW non?? {If the nunr ufthr punlrr. thi- drummed [Int "funny ?*3thde MIJJ. (WE-DUO) Extrusion 01mm) If. ?nancial 9mm. {hr pamlrr Stall-s I fut It punk should but tu -u:uup, Sl'lli? [can In the ?nn?rlwn fol n- punk Irma-st. ant-m must [um-ult- muhtrd mtimmtum mum; tht' pllolt'r?s (ma?a! DWI the [wit wu and mlhmutlm alt-nut murmur-d ?my (tlns does not 1 :pr to punk fut thmulaum nl' Ruhr-eta that nut nut he nun-syn! 'I'llr Irqurst dumld br at hunt (lav-u pi In: In [hr mallet! dau- ofthe SPBP In allow unu- for It I: imam-a! hm hm? [hr nf mm mud Agent Respou?ihllitiva (w,?mm (.?hangn qf Emm- The should cumm- that the pamlrr ?llets the United Shut?. withm ?1 (13% of the date all the MTR fuml If mm' mm the [Tum-d States be delayed lTYt?Illt?l 10 days the A and all PUITR utdlc mug the new pi?IJp-cmrd t'nu 1; dale tor?must that Irwidl' the noti?cation to to keep the SPBP tuner-t Ahamt not: it: atmn Will tummale the pamle :11de navel dm?tunmta Will he .11 mlahle the parole? .11 the mum? pout Change Post 0r Parr Qt'Enm Ifth?c Is a need to than .r 1119 ?Stung p09! or the port nf Him; ll?tf" appmx'al of the punk. the CA mint notlfv e-matl and a lusu?ratmu for! the Change In addition. [ht- should calm! the Leg.? the where the pmnlee be arelmg to scam: d11- Lxgat (U FOLD) Prmm' M?ummrx punlec null be mung at .1 non-border port of entw the should advnc the puolce to obtain the au?mnzulg trawl t0 the L?mted Stan?L 15mm the peat Unnll?y. the Issuing post 15 that Embas?. (mania: Secnml. for the countn' {mm ?lunch the punk: :5 tram-1mg. The punk-r must hung font [335511011 sued photogaphs and Idem 1h; to that mtm'lew at the 155111113: post It Is unpo?mu to Ada-1w the paml?? not 35.1: the Causal: Section fat a 1153. he 0: shut should requeat travel documenta the United Stat? plum to a parole The travel Wilts (must of an [-2312 form I Authonzatmn f0! Parole of Aha] ml) the Umted State-5' or a authonzmp. the parole:- to board an bolmd fat the United Stalls After the parole: [terms the travel docmnenls. he 01 she must travel to the (lulu! Stats Milli? seven days as 111: travel expue sewn dare after naut- (Chm) [flaring at a land bord? pm {if cum' paroles does not navel 50m an 155?!ng post The parole-e must present [us or he: 1dmun? dot-1111161115 to the 6:319:de port of entry (mm; For! qunm (U5151133) At Il?u! port of entry. of?cers renew the partake". travel doctnnems. emu-1mm. and mm md stanza lb: [?94 forum 'Arm'al'Depmmr Rccord' The 67 law/m .. (Iowans-mm? (1A what-lard: (?gammy quo? 01m: 01m?)- (I mum; Min puuln ms the um m, It CA an. tin-yap? pamlrr run-[rd dr Umtrd Stain pi Inn: Ii rm a ?nd .773. 1hr ?mu-d sum ("hangar af .4ng '1 {um-nun) Th:- aprm rrqmunp 1hr pamlr Is by drink all "34 palolrr and all MIR "1:41:1an regarding (hr pad-3r ch'( A lull! in tn moth-1 apt-m Ir all sht- mm send it MTR [all h-ma chanpr of runlml .1ng Emmi. and Absrandmg As calm It Is the We 1W In cut-1cm ?mu ensure- tic-pawn.? cu rrmm'a] of the parole-r 1ft?: lit punk-t ha h! With the FBI If pavin- dt-pzns 2'0th ?r (and a? on the MTR form ?the reg-rd (ramming-H romdmatr Will] the lm'al Enfort'cmtm and Wu] (mam (E30) F0 [rm-ruler and thr- mduldual mm cm for tunm? pic-rm Th- non? the name and contact mfmnutm ofthe custodial ICE. agrnt ad Ir 4* db #5 4? rustod?. 0111119 MTR r4 lht? 6301?? to Iowa? Iht prola- md that It! pwok't has Th cm ?a 1 coordmalt' ?1th the hand ICE F0 to hau- an enr- ICE :5 TEES A Md that ?turn must be 5m! along With the MTR fann lo?Itl II change 111 Status HT FOE I'mfanan qf'rhe L-rm If a parole? Is masked at E: known to have uoltd h: LII v. not1?' -bs- muting an MTR form and: the nest a ?dam Th CA- also follows. the procedun: 11} 59111.3}: 'Cm?demzl Hm Sale: I. L'muthonzed Illegal Acnnh? If th: F0 apps!? (mil.- pad: a? ?a [awe-st of the parole I11 an LHM 1h: in: d? .- the cmet status of 2m prosmmou and 0f mutate: -mu.st norm ICE oftht men and gravid: d: mil-?it . . of ?ne parole-e Silent Plrole . - .1: and?m.? in?ll 7 (IDW Him 8mm I'hlu 1.1 thud!- mm. to law mum! on I A11 empla- ufm 11111111111111: 111an punk-111 win-11 mluw I ?11m?? . like) 1m: tuned In :1 when ulluawur I11- I (I ally In I'm-n- MM 111 he! [link-1 mm the limit-d Nun-u S1Iml 111-111 he the FBI I null. and I A11 amt! minute-I 111 punk innit] rum -[nl fullhn mud-KIT may hunt the 1111:- ul' 111111111111, MIHII plain 9.3.2. 01-an Adina Prom?: (ll/1901K? A: min-I an alm1 who Is ?menth- uni-1111111111, 111 11.11. eve: 11nd? 11.11111- ICEWVII 111 (kw-11mm lnm'eedang: 111 11111 ehmhle I'm :11 A11 alum 11111111 ruined the Un?t! Slur-s mll'l 11111111111111 hut Is now 1.1111111?! sum-s 1-1 1111111 11111 ehmhle 1111 .111 Mr. 111 (Mb In ??lr 1hr? 35 1 1.11 a mime? the 111ml leqm?sl .11 deli-med arm IVE in: tin! [11111111 The altntume 1-. In lune 1111? ahen 1?11111111411l1r' 11:11:11! the llmled Sm and week In 11-min 1111-1111 an SPRP (UNFOUO) Und? the deft-uni aetmn 11105513111. .111 .dlen 1-. 11m eh?lhle I?m l?'?llY .1?e1 havelmr mm- ?Umted States [bet :1 n1.? e1 league-111 .111 .Idrmn'e panell- 1.1111111 ?1111111? the alum [emu-1 the Umll?d Stale: 11' 11 1-1 opt-1 annually net-mun fm the 4111-11 In trawl maludr the Stan's The advmee puerle 11111111. he obluned 1111111 In the 111m 1111131111111 line I 911111111 Hiateu Also In all!? may be punk-ti when .1 .11'11011 has heen appamed 111' ICE If the alum mtemls to weak 111 the '1111ed '71! Men u-lule 11min defened 31111111 ll1e 1111M lulu-El miewmnl apple-1. a] 111 [he 111111.1I upplu alum .1111! 111 .?1111'1eqnestc. [or extension fan 111011- mfmmahm 011 the adx?mee pmole are ?Hm-111.111 1 Adx ante I?mnle Aulhorih' BIL-fund 31111111 15 an mmustmm'e remedy of the 1.1-1.1 want! In delay .111 311m tumval [run the L?mted Slates Detened 11111011 does not 1?m1fe1 .1111. 11111111133111)" 1.1311?. 11111111 1111 aim or an?: 3111' defer! 111 11111111111211011 hum-1 RM 3111' pumme I11 ncldumn defected 31.11011 dm?a nu! [rechJ-rlt ICE {11:11:11 conmrnencmg :11 .1111; tune 3122111151 1he .1I1en Fm theat- remms. drfmed 11.11011 should [14:11 he requested 1f annlhei 11111.? of 3.1111111115113111? 1'e111ed1' 3111-11 as the 01? an extenuou of mluntan' depamue 1s If det'ened 31.111111 11 gamed however If has the duerenem to grant the 211m 3111110112.:111nn F01. should contart 1}1e ?fm guuianee 1n detened 31.110111. 111 Request TOUCH ICE pohcy and pmcedme for dff?if'd .11?111111 dependa 011 sex e11] factms the ahen's custodul dams and the F0111 winch the .111e11 [9?11th If the 51111311 rs 111 ICE the agent should contact -fo1 the pmeedme 111d dmumeuta for pmcesung With ICE-EEO Ifthe 3111311 15 no! cunrutlv 111 BOP If eusmdy the deferred 11111:.1 he Wed and approved by the SAC ofthe local HSI F0 Bean's-e P01. use dim farm; and procedmes the A must contact -to detennme the mod: and gnoccdure Appl'?'fll When ICE-BRO wows a deferred 31211011 11 sends .1 lette1 to -11or1fxmg- ?he and ccmdatrmn ut'lhe defmed 31711011 The same lettet 1r. I?mumded 69 SEC REI NOFORN WIW In [111! {ER-(3113mm HI hem ??bgw .1 (ht-fared #1191: letter he [oral K11 EEO dirt em the alum unto the muted)! ofthe 1mm; Put may ?amed'WHd?m the-t A ?umthr l'Jlrl?iul . 3:95: (11111110131111..- alum l! mu luring mime! at the and any default mun-tum? - :31. mh?wm' the ptmtedme [at an entemmn vanes hunted-.9 I151 F01 and ESE-13.0 Them? -&n?rwaplm?xml?plavbtile (who! Agent .1 a; (UHFOUUJ Hepnr?ng . There I5 110 MTR fur 1M 9211: CW of? (I Wm Howevee the CA 15 5111] rammed to mundane? mfy-tf - The 211m wulatee the 111w If?ae F0 was!? to em: hm? theCA west and the cuneut status ufauy and panties? fur coutmutng the deferred 2mm must mu?r 1h! PO aflz are! pmwde the supportmg doem'nentmm and the reqtm to it - The allen's coopeunun 15 no long-e1 1111:1011. - alien 1125 o?z?wu?e aided 11:1. 01 it: coupe-11m ?rm. the cuuntw I The CA for the 311m has changed I Deparhee, Remmul and Abscondmg ?Then a defened action 15 teimmated or expires 11 the Mb . exercise due dihgence Hh?ni?? 1-. "3 Ut?tedStatestuimlunh theCAumsIm?fy-ofthedcpaunt Hh?u?nmm asrmuued. 11110 custody. 1.121111311101131 TheC-?t ICE agent and the date of the ahen"5 custody 1a the even! that the mutual.? d?1gence but cannot ensure the departure at remind oflhe ahen. he 25:: Halli";- e?'urtstulucatetheahenandthat -?nmmd? I .- HSIFOufthechange 1115121115 TucmqalnethereguedWm?t eueunmunees the CA 1111151 :1 deferred am new incite-? 3 Prm1de to the agent 311:1??39 9. 3 3 VFOI 0) Advance Parole "1:13 - . - {17' 11121, mememhmah?HWM? mt?ttpleentnes mmwuksp?MMri-wkmy Hun-1 51111111- (1111111- . I?l??whwm ?tudl?l?t'?? CA lath t1 (Ilium leg] 11-111: the (115 [11111111111111 the (113's 31111111111111? to 11! mm. the SA 111111 15) so 111 mun (see mtbm'mm 9 I ?t hut-hm, 111111 Willi. ?th law no hm?) ?1111- Program (U) Nature and ol the MM) The 111011-111 E?Itme (?111111111 Art of 199-1 nested 1111 notnnmupjanl 5 Wm law. known as an "5 111511" A113 1153 may he made 111'1111111111' to :1 111111 hunted 11131111111 01' 111111911 113110111111 who have 111111-11] tehahle 111111111111111111 that 111 nereemv I'm the WM 111 [rosettmm of 11 enmmal 11121111131111" utfnmuhon room-11111111 I 11111111151 Won The 1113 [11011111111 not tesult 111 1111 actual 111111 11111131111111! .111 F. status enables 11111 11111111111111 1% othenvew 11111d1111151hle to the Hunted State-1 It) mm tn the United States 1111 a [muted [our 1111 11111 11 not .1 ?11111111115111 to 11111111. 1111 ahen Into the United States and walnut he 11111111 to keep .111 :111e11 1n the United Htates I111 11pe1 1111mm] pupoees 0111c: Ill-1110115. such :15 the SPBP and'ot defnted .11?111111 11111111111 be used fot theae If waved to: 1111 1111.1. .111 3111.11 111:11' be to he law?tllv ptesent 1n the States In a 11011111111119.1111 atoms. 1111 1111 to thtee ream 111 ptaettee the 5' 1.11.11 11 not actually :1 115.1. mthn. 11 IS Intended fort thou- alreath? ptesent 111 the Fluted State's When wonng 2111 apphcanon fol an 111:1. the aenetary of the D113 wanes 1ele1':1111 grounds of that ought othernqse put-rent the pe?on f1on1 heeommg :1 law?tl permanent residual lfthe 1111-11 comphes 111th the 11311111 of 31111115511311 he or she 111:11' Imotue to ?1111131 lega] permanent restdenl 11111111.. .1111] pOS'?tl?Ilt' cmzemlup The A 1111151 (11111th 11115 111 detemumng 11111th to applv fol :1 pa?tculzu eand1d.1te P?not to 11111111111111? :111 11521 13911121111011. the CA 1111151 also cons?111111 that several wan 111111; elap?e lire-111 the time .111 ?1 1.19:1 11. granted 11.11111 the to LPR status 15 completed CLWFOUO) There me two tvpes of 11335 fot Much a HS 111.11 be 1pottmted Due 11. .111 WgIam (12551111211011 The 8?5 1153 may be tequeeted for .111 ahen who posaesae? and 11 ?1111113 to pronde anneal rehable mfomuttmt on a comma] 0111311111111011 to the LE agency and who 01111111111511- cpnh?es and-e1 Benton 1011111 1:31 of the Inmugmnon and Nationality Act and 3 Code ofFedeta] Regulanom 214 31111 The apptopnate -111111 1111151 {award mutations to the for untul 1111111111111. the D113 11131111111115 [111.11 approval anhontj' Under amenchnents to the Vit'tolent Come Control Act of 1991 :1 11131111111111 of :00 111111111. pet FY may be gutted 5-5 115115 The other type ofS 11511 15 an 5-6 {Issu?catton The 8-6 113:1 111.111 be mm for 31 3.111311 Who possesses and 15 1111111111 to provide mfonnauoo on :1 tert'onst 111mm, who 111111 be placed 111 danger as :1 result oftheu eooperanon. who 11 ehg1ble for :1 mm under Secutm 36131 of 1111.- State Deparhnent 31511: Act of 1956 12 U.S.C. 2708(1); and Who othet'mse quali?es under Sectlou 31:1 and under 8 (Zak ?fe-1km! Regulmom 214 The A must proude :1 11011111131101] lettet to the - {l1 behalfofthe CH5. mung the the CHE has made on behalf of the FBI (11.3.. mister] 111 [retailing :1 taro-.1151 act from taking place") For 5?6 oou-ummgtaut 11531 the 1' umnm murlml?rwmah? deIIAMH-uu?alh "milk-13km findm?m?lvm (WIWMWIW- In "lfp?l Ammv 5 Vin Prum . :5 An '5 was It?. mud hr damnation MM ml?lr '?rmu?lhm. halvuprutr- In hm?? 'I'hr 5lm?r314r rave-919,323: 3! 'Ihr um?rnr ofthr 1' HS 3 map-Jam 3 Th4- afthr request [or :15: am: Thu I: quantitative Eashm the based on 1hr CH5 5 of antsta rm'lmmn man-s 11:er It *0 If an '3 rrqm't ?r pm d'H lint-1113311011 should b4.- befort ultimatum! 1.15.: 4 Tb:- namrs manta-ax {at 31343:: :15: It MM ?3 An ex'aluauon of the to 111* 2114311 6 Hemmng grands of 1?ch cal-ml chm. I FOLIO) An UM from the FD SAC curinsmg I'm 8 hmAmAhW-I? Infommt?ccord :1":th Medial ah?ouszmI? ?lledou! Japphcable ?norm nundatm' for the apphc man to be accepted tn; DOJ 9 FOLTOI A separate and commit-ted form forth- sin-death memb? 10 11' A separate mun-m mm 30 days'lf?ii??c ham whereacrumml 1. .- ?4 mall-13' - .4 Jumcem?mwm 311611 and dernmn'n I: (U An '5 us: mink-s amm?u?l agreenrmfor 31131151st to ?ve years :1 ?z 3 3 (U) ?mun Salute Pulley (Etude l3 Fem: applicant Hull! nmuumnp, a rt and armature lift line alien anal earl: humlv when 11'. was 14 'I?wo teen?. calm ?nnlal mew [uranium [Il'lt't'l?h Im'klumnule I'm the gamma] alien and each fanulv Will]. ?tunes and alien ml llte hawlm ofdaephotos 15 Comes 0f pamts then mtuetv from and bark t?t?Wt'l'i aml all pages- blank pages] for the alien and Ins 01 her fannlv utemhen 16 (UHFUUO) Copies of an? drrtunents establishing {mule If the sinner nl'the alien I5 Inter] ml the amrlu'atum .45. 131111er member a rupv uflln- marmge Print-teat? l5 qututed (If-the futtlt'tpal alien was Iltzunetl .111th (if the thumee decree. ?mu the pram Itmnage almuld aim he mhnutted] If a nfthe plmerpal ahen 151 ltsted an the amrht?atmn a member a nt'tlte rluld 5 certi?cate :5 reqlmed A translanem mu-st accompany all tlenetuuentr. 3nd eertr?ealer. If wlteable [fun demunmtatmu IR at'mlable etmtnet the- [1'1 Internatinual ft'tn'el [or \?iaa Hm. The makers the ?lm! dear-tron .15 to whether to app! me an 1.19.1 If approved the 1:15;! docs not the alien to Ahmad require the tu trawl out?tde the Umtecl States For operattorml or 6112911! pe?mm] reamnr. [e farmlv death} the SA must '5?me a tequesl t0 the tuut for adt'anee p.110 1e 01 .1 forllpatal?e to enable the mdandml te- reeuter the L'mted States Adt'mee paroles are at'mlahle :11 reg hunted C?flml?tmlt'? to LE agenetet. for :tpphezutta when tn-ttel and need documentatmu to reenter the L'tuted States For queatmna regardulg anee parole ertterm mutating an nan err whether 01 net the th?ea far an nu. contact the wmate-mut HE- 5 \"im Autltolimtion Upon the Initial aubuusaron of the ?5 1.19.1 appheatzon tn:- the DUI. the A 111% requeat 3 authonzahon from DHS through the approprmte -umt The (HS murat pm; the (Oi-ta 33th ?1th the 1153 appheatrmt The FBI that not pm: or reunhtuae the teea as .1 (HS expense In adehhou the FBI cannot 13.11; or the CH8 fen personal heme expenses the approval pfOC?? 9.3.5. Public Law 110 Program The PL 1 10 Progl'alu the CIA protrdes permmleut render? :then status to certam alien who prm'rde Grant-learn 1n the uttereat of urine-11.1] seeunn' OI to ?n?the-r a rational uttelhgenee nut-51m] In the Nanette! Seeurm' Branch 01831. prm'tde exwphona] coolaerattern regardmg eountettermrram- eomttemttelhgettee. and mtelhgenee antlers may be ehghle for :1 10 0111?? .PL 1 105 a year that he apptm'ed for it? agencrea A CA mt ?eld a request for CH5 1 10 status he the appropriate -tuut u'lueh then must ?thh the DAD 0f the relevant ?p??tlml?l mm. the [301. and the CIA The CA. must the followulg ulformatton to the .111 Ir The CBS 5 true name and the names of 3117; muuedmte fmmh' members 1111: lulled the request t3 2 in ?mm URN 1' {Unfit In liltq-quhlr Al ?Lila I uulu' J?I'll Iain-I Phil!? I )l IIHIH H1 I nmln'mu-m I 1" ?mum'11! Jl'Fr'1.643" 1117'me .1 IHmnr LII 'n'uii'JAh'n' i' 5?3 .If' I ..Iluu I H, Idti?r?l II 43a?, Illhr I .Fu' I, rrlmir m? r; mm.? *l 4 (I ?mt-lama 'Ium I?n 1 v. -. 5- MyraIlmzumHnt T-lJT'ir .1 Hleu'M'aqu flzr?. 1.1% .-. I 1? 1r 111?. rz' 'r rr-r-uu?. I1 1117 fl if.? 4-[zr?t'uffn bunt-1:1 in - Vw - 1 F217 inhI-.11 . .. . . 3-1-1. - 1 7h:- :el?il?ll' Him 21.1:21 1. 4-. . . - --.. - . . THF "'er Tilr' '1 1' 1: .J: :?Ii - at" ?r 7.1 I'v'h uh- . -T E11111 .1 1 1 r- 3' Eli-?It? 7?1.: .12. 111411;. I 1? ELF-I '351? 'ji. T. 1.- .3. 11-3- RI 1' (U) (Tm?udentml [1111111111 Seance Horde 10. ott?ont'ldential Sources IBJ. (IWFOUO) (1181 Who May (entity in 11 ("111111 or ?lhr-l' Proceeding (UHFUUO) The CA. or co-C'A must doeument In the ?le :1111.r non?mtums, or In the. PG for (115 {1111-1111th :11't11'1t1es (e . 11111111111115. T111 1 and ?I'm 11 01A) that 111111: become an Issue In court [fit 11'. for the 154 11111-111911 (UVFOUO) It becomes apptu out that :1 111.11: have to tel.? 1n .1 court or other titted-thug 111 he or she-1s 115111111111? to the the W1. 1111111 ath?tse the and the adnsement 111 the 111111.? contact rep-mt 111111 The or co-CA should he 111.111? that the 11111111? 111 winch :1 11 tasked 111.11; stint-ct the CH5 to 11.31.1113 to tesu?'. et?en If the 1 lestummv 1s not :111111?1pated or deslled For mstance. tfthe CHE. ts tasked to gather pheslc :1l or doc 111111311131 1: et'rde-nce make consensual recordings. or engage 111 OLA. the CH5 111.11: later he tequued Io testlt't.r the CA or co?C?A must Inform the CNS of tins 1111111 to 1.1111111? the 11111111111111 111 tlus manner (U s1tu:111ons 11131. also nose that tequne :1 to testris e1. en though the has not prenoush. agreed to do so For emunple If .1 It" H?s? hecomes' .111. are ot er-tc ttlpaton mformatron or becomes the smple source oi tutortnatlon for use 111 a t11.tl 1t 111:1?1' he tlf?fE?iSW tor the to If there 1s :1 that .1 court null requtre the drs'closure ofa (HS 1 rein-111111 and the F0 ohtects to tins the or co- .15. 111.1}. dlscuss 111111 the FPO whether the cat-1e should be drsnussed [See H. 1 non of :1 orurdeutral [111111.111 Source 5 Honor}. T1 10.1. 11?} Electronic ommuuicotions ?'1th :1 H5 Esmarl. text message thcsumle. .111d other elecnquc connutuucattons between .111 5.5. and a CHE are chscourzteed because these methods are eastl'.? mtercepted and can compronuse the Depeudmg upon the cucmls'tances- 11.1 or to protect the (HS and the operatlon. constderatton must he green to the type of thee-tugatlon the CH5 1s supportmg. the spec1t'1c utteracttons reqtured 111111 the HS. the techmcal pro?crenct of the CH5. and whether tecluucal needs to he to the (HS. Overt FBI purchase ofequtprnent supphed to the CBS and the use ofot'elt FBI equlpruent to 111th the HS are not recommended. exc e-pt :11 ten hunted es Issues related to .1re contptex and 1oss1hle soluuons to 11111 dies encountered can be discussed 1.1.1. the Evian: numler for the? prograrn The use ot'sohttlons proposed be documented 111 the CH8 ?le In the above-listed electromc conunurucntton tools or det'rces dutmush the abtht'}; to the CH3 Consequently. the SA must exerctse c.111t1o11 111 usrng them. 1.11- persoo contact ts the preferred method 11'1th the ?1111'.? of the shore methods are used. then use must be docmuented 1n the ?le. In .1dd111on. .1 gents shouhd he aware 111.11 all With :1 testng (HS 1111]] [their he produced 111 dtscot'ers' Therefore agents must enmre that all eonnuumcauons are to operauons and profes 111311.11 1.11 content SSA. approval 15 required for all Interactton 111111 .1 1.1.1 h1te111et-l11sed or ell-strum: cotmnumcatton includtng. but not hunted to e?nmd. text. facsuude. soc1.1] hemorks for-111111.. cioud computing. and app-based connectrons. The. approval 11111s111e 1.11 emetic 7'5 SEC RET- URN ft 11111111111112] ?1111111111 5111111111.- (ind-1 thu'tmu-rlted 111 the (INS ?le ?11111111- 11111111313 Ill-mid an? be mad 11111-1 annually 111-1111111111 11. and 1 11111111111111 1111111111! be green In ope-rind m. 11111111111111, the 11-111 111'111111111111111111'11 Internet 11111311311111.1115. m: all AW 111111Lan11- 1111 [11111111 111111 unly 17111 he 11111111115111 by Hit-0 It); H111- 11i'the above elet 11111111 1r111111111111r3t11m Int-111111119 an we." a ldqimr 1-1111th 11 TI 15 1111111 11. uprated 111 11 ?ung-11 1 111311111 1.11 lithe-111.4511 ??nun ?In?aterntuua] (?r-1111111111111 {11111 11111111111113] 11111111111111 1111 111-111? 11111111 2 1' 3H8 1'11 hr prmuind bv ?at! I IQ d111111nns 111111 the 1111111111111 1113111111111 for _pmgn lit]. [1 mnemual Hen? 1111111 It); 1' '1111111-1'1111111l 1111111111111 11111 I111 11 1 HS mua't {marl-111111115 chef {1111111 116 Diff: 111115ert111n 13 (1 I 10.4. ['udeum'el {'Jpetalion H11 111 1111 :requuea the approt'?l nfthe and 1f1t 1s :1 I Uff??i?l twee l3 6 131} Upon apprm'al Of the UT 0 [111111-111 the F0 1.111] 111qu separate!) wm'r the spec-?e Rt?tlt-?lhf?? fen the (HS 111111111 the LT 1e :1 01A Milwd mm) 111 11'1th [1113 PG The UIA. must he though Delta In although the ECG proposal 111111 1111 estmuted 111111111111 11f f1111d1n11 tequzred for HS m'xes 11111.1 expemea asaoemted 111111 the 1 0 these pa meut: are not apprm'ed [111151013111 the ECG 111: 101 ered [11' [0 fundmg All 1131111111111 requecra far 1-. es and expmses 1n the (O be Juata?ed and 111 111:1: 11111311171? 111111 ?e .1: I ml?dentui Hutnm Saree Email Matters 10.5. ['udjsdosed FOLD: 1111131 losed p'1n1e1pat1e111 b1 t" HS 11311111 1701133}? 111111 the md Seetmu 1131 Alias False Iden??rattun fL' The FBI '1 tssuance of an to 11.1 1:11.111 allowed 111 extraorthnan' 1:111:111115111111:ea One of the few areas 11'heIe AFIDS for H81 haze been granted 15 MIL-tiara fraud1111'eat1er111e1115 11'11e1e tanner FBI emplm'eea meenug releunt age requn'ms 3:11- wand H51. Former FBI Emptm'ees and Fame ?11 1111 :1 Present (It Former Relatmnalup 111th :11] FBI Emplm ee 1 .JLFH) 11.121 not be sane-d re :1 CH8 for them of 1:11 1:11 1111119 1011011111111 111-3 :11 her amp-111111011 The CA 1211? :1 1111131 use other 1111211111111 In prm'tde prereeuun sueh 111 1 lump- ~111111 pze'ment to relocate the (HS use-e 11mm; 1.1111111 8.11111 utd- '1111 11 1. Relocanou I :1 safe house 11 the 111111.- ?e1_jmg_?_ 'WHuess Beetum Ptegrmt 1 .11 1e1]11eat for .111 .11le for .1 HS 11111-11 imam compellmg _rusu?cm?uhlhg a of the propmed ope-1:111:11} ofthe PIS?and 51:21:13 whether the CH5 wall 131:: 115111; the .JLFID 1.111 :1 full-tune or part-tune 131515 111 the FD the rem must be med IN it 11min 1:1:11'er emrdumtor 11.121: '1 and the SAC The request 11111151 the-.11 be an! to the- with ml] com?dumte the .1 1:11:11 of?te re 111-151 by the 011:1] 11:111-. FBIH LTC . 11*.11 :11- ?1f1 SEC RET NOFORN RM 17mm?! um (U) (W 11mm simm- l'ulu'v {itudr Tb ni'lhr ?nll Mm In Ilu- and ha lineal the (us ?ll- (Wank!) CNS II. ward an 1hr H) Irsluumhlr [m Illa! II It ward m? ?nth Ihr? 1? karma. lin- mum only hr Inuk- .wmlablr In 1hr IS thump! npt'lill?l?il] rwulu .ou mm the FBI I?n mic-131111111] mar 'lhr mm! In- .m uli- Will-d WW minimal not 111 Im- Outlining Information khan! I Hulrjn't'r. Prmling I lumen Ingal Don-11w Plus If: 15 3 [109111011 tn ohm" mfmnutmn {mm .1 drinulgmt whu Ia I'm'uu! [ruling umnal gas fun wlm?h 1hr deli-1111:1111 ?4 Ruth tn runner! hm. ?had. the must hr msmu?tni null In mlhuml'um 11w :lt'lnuLmt Ihr changes A. illhm?'? 511th Anvil-(111ml! .mnt'llrw when .1 IH (I at a?u 1hr mutation of advnnanal [min-1:11 wilt-[hm lw way ul' .1 (and thing-c hraump. .111 :1 rnuuml .111 magnum-til} .1 nu?s' bf dun?it?d In Im'mnr .1p.1ax1u- Ilatt'nf'l 1(1qu hm no! what stilt-11111115 a deft-1111.11? alum! put-"dun: 61131539!? 01 uhum mfnmulmn ?um a 1%le about a matte-s that Is steps: 1hr mm a} pending 49,1111? the (lei??uhnt (U 1n (Imam cu?rmmum?ca .1 fmlt?fl 1.1.1131 .1 who tepwamted [w but agmml 11110111 $11.11 pew- not pending 111.11. he In Isn't. {we the Gum's Hem-cum Ac: (admit-d .11 3'3 '5 t? 1 103?! .1113 magnum! when .1 {'11?4 d1] t?t?l??i to haw contact With a panm 1.1110 I5 rep-manned In: an mmnm' ll 1% 191-1111111191}de the (1-1 comm: math CDC (LVTOLD) Fmalh'. (hr ('21 must 1115mm ?un 11m to ml?rt?e until [he {iff?ld?l? 5 attmnea' cluml Fm clamp]: the (HS shuuld no! nuke dupamgmg tenurks abmn the My or about the way 111 wluch {he mould ?Hi1 the monk-1' qmumn aboul the come?! of 1111?. auhsn?tmn he duertrd to the mangled AUSA on to F0 1701-0] IIW afa (BS AR?DCiill?d V1 a ?"1111 Elem Duh"; ?nite leitlel Bc?arc operatmg 3 (HS Who 15 eumim'ed [11' .1 um- 01 elatmmi cnuumuucatmm mu: prox?ndu or who mum on amt-ram .1 comprun' pl 01. such .1 sen me .1 (L 35mm math :1 uleplm swam or an urtmlet murder 1. the I: A co-f A 1mm mall the CDC to man!? {hat the use of tilt CH3 c. does not m?rmge upon the fun Amendment ugh: no Em- speech 1h: Elecu'nmc An 13111-5 immatmm on the mum?s access to records and tumult held bx" nut 01 hen W. tickling and companies nff?mg fac?mes ?r heme! Thus those [muons 111m: du- FBFs .1b111n? ohmdam: Emmumnmuom sauce prond? or who Guns at a tummy ptm'idmg such a 5mm: Fmthemmrc the meh Anmudmenl protects 7 7 SEC RET- NOFORS ?i?fw . MWhl-mh?ym - gum-1m tramway-nick? '51" 'r suhptm aNahnmJ attach mi 1hr (.11: Iflhur a! my? . Ir obiamrd ?nm surh a runphalr Huh Flat . . '3 10.9. (IT) Hutu! or Gaunt-ll (UHFOUO) The [-131 may 812(1)! minim rm alkyd VIM lb mam-ts Within {mm 0511* Th ID, i I (.1155 for the salt purpose of collu?tmg dam mung, pm 1571:? Inn" f?yn'g?i that body Fm?mmr ?r FBI any no! banning}? minus: a "a Mix? of: USU body unl?s 15 clone 111 fw?nan't of: cm pm . 21:1{6 mves?gxlum plans any ?nd my m?umrr I [153thde SSA, CA. Imam if consul! the CDC Additionally this ofacm?n?v my my: rum-w n! - "175: for mm aid mm: calmly wit 5&9 it in .j 16 mm. (11-47mm Employees of human [um . 6::de them-quantum. . j; 4 If" LSC was: ThmwohhukFE?uMkH rumdsofmvcanm?ma?m?ma?Idm?wm? as ?wants ?in? 10.11. (I ?1'01 0) Employers of Ethan-Ia! [m (L FOLIO) The Famh mama: mgim cstabhsh? hmxtatmns on lb: gmamun?s access to ?Isaiah Institutions taming medmmalmmummk; Therefore- magma-dunk mum arcumstanccs Putin-amt: S. . (U) Cun?deuhal Human Smu- thud:- IOJI. Use of a SIhSoume A sub-mm 1: any who threctly arqumes tlut :5 then plinthresult of the hemp, tasked fixanmlea nut sub?m, by de?nition, are as fellows I {Lyman} Contact: With whom the C115 has fannha] and wine:- mfurmah- he or she that shares ?W?h the FBI 0* (UHFDUD) Contacts With whom the has. hurrnesa related and whosemfurmahnnheot sbetthhan-s With the FBI - Aequmntanees at emttaets ml]: when] the has (marrow and where mfonnahnn he or she then shares truth the FBI CUHFOUO) 1n the CA at must not task. dll?'l or a rub met: through the CH8 Amt direct or written msmuthnu through .21 C115 to engage 1n tnfumatmmeoller'tion actuate t5 taskmg and 15 prolubtted dome-me operations. For information regardmg the use of a sub?source 1n (ET) (armaments. seal.- ?S_eetmn IE- "Extraterutonal 10.13. Use of Information in a Foreign Intelligence Suta'eillauee Art Af?dau't (UHFOUO) If an F0 has CH5 that supports probable cause for a Fnretgn Intelhgmee Smretllmee Art appheattnn. that may be used Wittmut revealing the Identity of the CH3 L'pmr SSA approval. the CA or must prende the FBIHQ operational umt the ?le the length of tune the mdtt?tdual har been :1 (HS. and a statement regarding the and whether the has been corroborated. All mfomlattnn prm'1ded tn gupport the PISA appheatrnn- meludmg the mfomuttnn. must be documented the CH5 ?le The (A or eta-CA. should also be prepared to prmade the follownlg upon request. to the operattnnal umt for to the D0175 NSD or for nee in the FISA apphcatton. I Whether or net the CH3 was nae general terms. so that he exact are given?fer example "the CH3 was patd a mode-at fee for - All against the I Brady Act'mmeaelmtent 10.14. (HS Ptint?itizatinu System The CPS is a tool ll] Delta that was estabhahed tn deternune based on the risk of operation. The tool 15 incorporated rate: the Sensitive tab 11} Delta, and the mfermatmn entered about the (115 must be updated on a quarterly barn. See Section 20. ?fon?dennal Human Sowee Validation-" for were It") SHIRETIINOFM (U) (W than: 50mm My (U) Department ofJuetk'e Noti?cation 7- J) 11:15 what] 5mm: lnvulvmg a CHE 1! of the teatime with the M015 Th- ext-(1111mm In mum-2mm a: set forth In I . "limb-? DOJ Ntm?rauml Requuemmls All uni?cation: distance! In alum ll 3 true-,1 be nude ll] wilting :md waved by the. SSA ll.l . (U) Noti?cation [Might-es (UHFUUOJ A11 and a (TI-P may designate ftfboti: (:01):qu resperuve of?ces to carry out the angled to than u: subsections 1 I 2 I'm to Illegal Activity ?nwgh 7 to Rape-ll ?ll FPO Attorneys Regardmg a (IHS and aub?ttrm I 9 001 ofFB'l CHS Files Hm f?HSs 11.1. {If} Noti?cation: lo 00.] of Unauthorized Illegal Activih' (UNFOUO) Fat netl?cattmI moredwes related to 1? 11-15 see f-leclxg 1_2_ Human Smuce Pa?tupatton In Illegal 11.3. (F) Noti?cation to DOJ of the Investigation or Prosecution of: (115 (LWFOUO) If 311 SA has leasonable gimmch to beltn'e that the alleged {Home's mm of: current or forum CH3 or IE expected to become the bane. of: pmsecmmn at Why an FPO. the SA 1mm Immedtately nottfy a DOJ (L the FPO mum oflhm mdlx'1dual's status as a current or form With respect to a form CHS whose felomours acln'lty 15. or 15 expected to heme-m the bests of: prosectmou Why I state or local prosecutor?s of?ce the or amped FPO meme? be noti?ed- but an]? 1f the SA has reasonable grounds to that the CH5 5 mm with the FBI :5 nmtettal to the prosecunm 0: Investigation Whenever such a uetx?cahon occurs. the 5 at the assumed FPO My reepmtalble for the The and FBI for (lee-115115}. cad: (Inf! must nen?? any othet fed?al state. 01 local. promote. o?cev a" LE my? 15 pamnpatmg 1n the mt'esttganon or prosectmon of the CH3 The m?canon In all: pretaecum? or LE must be documented the CH5 ?le The SA 5 noh?catmn to the CHSC at FPO am'm be talk an appmt'ed by the BSA. and umntamed the CHE. 's validation snb~?k 11.4. Entitiea?on to DOJ Regarding el'tain Federal Judith! mm 1? An SA must mmtedzately nonfs' the approptuze or the new FPO attorney whenever the agent has. reasonable grounds to believe that? - ITOUO) A current or femur has been called to by the hay federal grand jun: cu praceedmg 0 ll" The statements of a arrest or tonne: CH5 hie-them. Hull he, ?by the prosecution In any federal Judicial proceeding. 80 . 4.4: . 2' . 7&5. . - . (U) ace-1mm Him Sun!? (inkli- i (SW) F90 My Inland: 1mm: in I um I: pun Illa! a nun(?1mm :1 ulhn 111 am; am mum TIE m?cmm mull hr mil! ll! writing, wnvul lw [lu- SSA. and nmnumrtl In ?le valid-um nub ?le (U) manna? to 00.] Privileged or MM) FPO 'I'l ll'l [hr mmhu?! ul an I'll! nw?lmalnm that uhlmnu A CHE an worm wall I In imam Will! 3 [nmn'qum mm! 1hr FPO My named to the uu?n alum-r. win-1mm Inn-mhh- Il' I has. ?Humble ?mantis In [11.11 the (115 ?all chum pIm'ulr ml'ummumu In a ?ably mm to. a legal pnnl?tr of (?nn?dl'uhallh tn mnu'unr lluul llu' CH5. Illa! 1hr has bum nunk- lw llu- A [nu-.1 hr pun-ml the Delta ?lt- (UVFOIKI) meu an SA mum at traummhh- lwlm?ru that .I Inn-m lumm llh? has. Wm than] 15 rxrulpatmy .12. In a 131ng ?lm a llt?l?litu? 4 mm It'll?fl dl?l?nuhmt'} In a f?k'nl. stale, at local mangalnm en mar 1hr .aprnl mm! :hu?luw c'm-ulpalm Information to I'llhl'l the assumed FPO mummy Ill-M l5. pmurlpatuu! u: had panama-d ouidll? ?fth)! II?I?E??llgatnm to Ill?: 11)] 'Hu- unu?c'atum mm! he umlr In writing. wuwd by the SSA. and nuullauu-d 1 .llulatmu auh lilt- In turn, the 355.1le FPO anmnn? u: the 1?10} lk fm {hm-Imam mulpatmy' ?minimum to all fnlmal stak- mul Im?al In {In- H'Hil thal ?at disclosmr would leupadur 1hr wmln' uf?w snmush' mtupmnuw mmEmml. the FPO a?onrx' 01 INCH Imm art}?! the mam-I to the I'm mMm. except for [mum relatrd to an lit-1101mm at wnmn? mm This lam: must he to {ht- ni?lhe N51) lm designer} T116 haw. I'm [PR-mag the mattu In the the AAti of N81) (.131 drummer) must he uhu'unmn?d the [dual and placed mm the ?le 11-6- Nu??utinn In 00.1 I'pon Naming a If HR an an lulPl'n-plee a ?claim ill an Electronic Sun oillauce Application An SA must not 11am:- 3 (HS as an 1:11 .1 YlulAlDI u: :11] af?tlax 11 suppon aim ?button {in an ELSUR order made punuant In IS 1' gi .7510 m?caa SA Irlwwa that I (U?EOUO)01mtung name- nf the [111111 the J?'ldnut Would emngel the c. hf! otherwnt 1:09;: an mwsuganmz I The (1-15 15 a ham ?dr 511111th of the un'ruhgalmn based on ?mmIllcgal Atmm' If til: CHS is named 11] an ELSUR af?davit the SA unis! mfonu the? FPO mamas-v Mug the calm and lb: com?! to which the application ls made of the HS 5 acnul status Th SA to the FPO name}; must be and: 1&1ng approved his the SEA. and in the main sub-file. 81 .71" .- . n7. 1' For wapn?r 1"me mw-ummuhmGEI-hm Tum?din am has an abysmal: amend-g I. Min-lat? mnMnofdu-rm . ?Md? fixrq?uns and Ihqn?r erluuon Mia-Ow . 2 I1- mwumumwut Identity position a: THEIDVC whom] ?may reams Any SAL mlbeWbyh?AuraCAd-u~ 5mm El:- awrorm no.7 Rum ?(775 Film In: N.- Inn-nu C.- .535 -. v'?fl In'lcw ThSACl?dh?? ?Jvr?f hunt?adu- .. 5 1.5.79 . (U h? rum-w made-mm hWo?m mums} (U?FOUOHhL-resoluumoin' mama-3M Waning-am!? ammAco-D-m mxmmobmofm 4 (U) Con?dential Human Policy (Etude. 12. (U) Con?dential Human Source Participation in Unauthorized Illegal Activity 12.1. (U) Noti?cation Process (UNFOUO) According to the 595;!- ?113. if an FBI agent has reasonable gonads to believe that a CHS has mgaged in UIA (other than minor traf?c the CH5 must be closed. unless SAC approval for continued use is obtained (see subsection 1? 2 . below) The SA must [Ir-uni]; notify DOJ's CHSC. or the assigned FPO attorney oft-he UIA and the reasonable grands 1mm Which the FBI believes it has occured. Reasonable grounds exisl- for example. an SA has Iniowledge ofa pending state or federal investigation of the CH5, pending criminal charges against the or an from the CH5. or ifthe SA has information ?nal two or rrnre independent somces or from one credible source. that the CH5 has engaged in illegal activity. The SA must make the noti?cation area if the CH5 Will be closed as a result of the illegal activity. The noti?cation to must be made in writing- approved by the SSE-L and documented in the CH3 main ?le. If the continued use is desired, approval must be obtained in accordance With subsection 12.2 (UHFOUO) After being noti?ed by the FBI. the [301's or asmgred FPO is responsible for notifying the following FPOs of the criminal article},r and the individuals slants as a HS: I (UNFOUD) The FPO 11] whose district the criminal activity primarily occurred. unless a state or local prosecuting of?ce in that district has ?led charges against the (HS for the criminal activity and there is no basis for federal prosecution in that district - The FPO attorney. if ans: who is participating in the conduct of an Investigation that is utilizmg the CH3 or is work-mg with the CH5 in connection With a prosecution 0 The FPO attornes- if ans: who authorized the CH5 to engage Wmes'? these noti?cations are presided. the CFP and the SAC (or the individual to Whom ainhority has been delegated in accordance With ?ag-g ?121 "Noti?c ation Designees"). With the each others concrurence- must any state or local prosecutor's of?ce which has JLn'isdictiort os er the CHS's criminal activity and ssliicli has not alreadv ?led charges against the CH5 for the criminal activity. that the HS has engaged in criminal actis its. If the state and local prosecutor?s of?ce is lmoss'n to alreads be an are of the criminal actis its- then noti?cation by the and SAC 15 minecessaijs' The and the SAC ts) are not required to. but may (with each other 5 concurrence) also notify the state and local prosecutor's o?ice ofIhe person's status as 3 CH3. These noti?cations must be documented in the CHS's main ?le. 12 2. (CHI-OED) Request for approval of the Continued Operation of a CH5 (LWFOUO) When a A has reasonable grounds to belies that a HS has engaged in but Wishes to continue to use the (HS in addition to reporting the to in accordance 1s itli arbitration 12 Woti?cation Process.? the A must submit a request for contained operation to the SAC (non-delegable) for approval (see subsection 18.1 2 . "Closing a CH5 for Cause 83 SE 0R3 . . . . mfmouo?hcma?md?h?l?m WWII: cm hummiimn than actimy(UNFOUO) um Resulting Fm ?inhuman-am air-1n mnhmizauon furpartidpatmngIA, - I: . . . SECRETIINOFORN mm lu- (IIWFOUO) Con?dmtinl Human Source In map! Acth'l?hf 7, cm dammed In this art-um. a CNS may he mtlumzml to Will cut-m llh?pl may "canal to ?odmumr 3:11th Ill (It-?ned an mm?w?dtmm ?OI-In?ll fednal. stair. loud law If: [mum mm Ill II when! Won The OLA mm! In ?mam.- uncln lb:- Ill: taupe. WP I'l'l, and dunlum ofthr unlawful a?wuv (U) A?i??rs MW) Arman In 1hr AUG 1hr Fm must urn-t authmur a (115 In II (UHFOUO) Particulate In any at! of null-m. art-pl that du' 15 may" lake wanmuhlr of self?fcnse In an to protect hm 01 lm awn lift Illr Inn"; of mild: against mmg?d [cure- I (U3130110) an an obtmn mfonnahnu ?n 1111? 1413] um! would he unhw?ll 11'chth by an agent (a Inmlunp. and tilt-gal win-taming. illegal apemg or mummy. With mm] trespass. amoumlmg to an watch) In addmm CA1 to? CAS. and SSAE must msurr that any dang?ous ?an (such as: a {ileum body 21mm. exploswes and the 11kt} does no! [rave 13 (LE) control' and [hit chug; do not leave- LE cont nl absent spen?r amoral ?mn the af?rm] 13.2. (V) Tie-r OLA 13.2.1. (11 rm I on De?ni?uni landmine! 0! felony? state- at local law mgaged by a pe?rm arung Without and which mvolves am' of the followmg acm'm' I mmsmon or I?ll: signi?cant oflht 0t am an of 1:1de apcmon WW5 0111:: than the (HS - (UIFOUO) Thu.- cormpt ccmducl- or the Signi?cant mic of corrupt conduct. [w an elected public o?icial. a public o?inal a lugh?In?cl pomtmn Ln Fulani. m. or local :{lDFu nu mnlrolled. transaction. the 1!!me m? be nit-tutored ?le realm of that tramcuon lb! (9me ?Manon: gem-1:113 does no! mciude pmennal of ?nal mm m. ml: II the Mov- listed 51: factors are nut-11. unolved FBI pucncu- t0 treat mud m1 ?shnet: II Tua- 1 ?cl-nous tin,- tppronl of the AD (onmzertenomm (CID) allot it. 001 uwwy mu! ml}. or 3311511151113 controlled bx organized mane otdmar?x ?hm? maths This fut mic. when have I ?nmcul ?nth A mud-u cm mica-me Iranians ox nsomm ofcrguuzed mm;- to mum their ?how-I'M mm mums: . ?91mm mi of mum ad would therefore an morn-1m as - (tumult!) 112 mu mutated my at - 19* - 53"" - mmel - Its Immuyby the FBI 1.3 Tier 10111 Authorizatio- "l Procedmts In cnmmal the SA. am my Mh~ms._ FPO mvolvcd 1n the to obtain ?r CFPWI - the CFP who: - (UNFOUO) Would have my [Emir federal law. on - Is when: the 01A 15- In occur (UNFOUO) For nauonal mm mm a" mm mm and WSACapprm'al. '??gaam a" r. 1301433] 9.13.5:th; SAC mt?smtnoh?nFBH-IQWABW?? Ipptm?nlmlutuityum . .4 - ?Fw1?4 SECRETNNOFDRN (U) Con?dential Humm Smut-e Policy (hurtl- It! the 01A thereafter, the FBIHQ tspemttoml uml must l'tawatd the AI) annoyed must. in a notable fut to the glutamate authority for Il? ?the FBIHQ openmtmal unit must then notify the requesting ma Iit?. um approval or {lanai ofthe request A ("otterr of the ahmre 01A related tlm'tmu-nlatum must he ?led to the (IRS 01A sub- ?le (UHFDUU) The wanate CFP for national Smarty and fmelmt matters to the MG oflhe N81). or his or her destgnee This; di?Sllet't? mayI he an FPU attorney, however. the CHSC [mutt venf?v that the delegation has taken place wrtluu the televaul If the CHSC l5 unable to Identl?' an NSD desrgnee. the F0 shouhl tequexl asstutam'e hunt the operational mat at Act part of the approval process. the SAC and (11? authonnug Tier I (lift must nuke apt-a?c ?ndings- set forth In cult-sauna -t "Doctuueuted ot'Tter I and Tier II 0111 Apprm?s.? regarding the pic-[msed illegal arm-aw wlu ch aunt be doctutteuted It] the responoe to the 011%. reqtlest. Tho?. doctuuentanou 111115! he maintained to the f'l?l? '9 01A rath- ?le (l?ir'f'Ol?Ol Authorization for Limited Related to Material Supltort of Terrorism in National Security lnrestigatious CUE-TOUO) For guidance on this authonzauon see DICK. subsection 1 6. OLA Related to Material Support of Terromm 1n Naomtal Secunn' l?t?t??ttgattm?ls 13.2.3. Tier I Emergene} Oral .ttuthorizatiou Those authonzed to approve Tier I :11 accordance whyegtrou I "Tter I OLA. Amhonaattou-" may orally" authorize a CBS to engage Tier I OLA w1thout advance arrow doctmrentauoo when the? each detemune that I A lughlt' stgu?cant and tutauhctpated oppomuutfe would he lost if the BIA wntteu authorization procedurei. were followed I These cueumstaucea would support a futdmg to authonae the CIA pontoon to subsection 1} 4 . ?Dociuuented Fmdutgt- of Tier I and her II In such an event. the donutteutatton reqturemeuta. mcludmg a written for the oral authortzahou. must he completed as soon .15 pracucahle. but Witluu .72 hours followmg the oral approval at Delta 13.2.4. Tier I Duration Tier I 01A authorization 111115! be set for a speci?ed penocl not exceedtug 90 days An exception exists for national security mt?esngatto?s or forergu Intelligence collection. fol which the CFP may OIA for a period of up to one rear. The Tier I 01A au?lorizatton period may be extended. accordutg to the procedure-5 set forth to subsection 33.15;. "Renewal and Eapmsrou 13.3. Tier II 0L1 According to the TIET II 01A 15' an? other that 1would commute a Wm or felom.r under federal- state. or local law If engaged I11 by a peraou actutg u?tthout mhadzation. 87 SECRET . numerrmm - {mtlm?dum?lhnm?mxmm (It; rm 01A Action-tram (UHFQUOJ Tut-.1 It rf'qull? thu- admse mum-n wow! (m a in ml?mrwaurm ar'emdanre w'llir u?mwm i 4 ?Tta [him'jofh Th- "and curtain memfu' ?ning! rem in: as set forth In mbseehm minu?wn It ?1 "1th PM aleu l?T? I Annrwen and nuns! he the (.113 UIA nit-?le In {mm Iltan our party run-amt tn memd OM mud ht rm I aremdanre ml}: lNUh $11119?:th 18 If: I I112. With Attorney FPO 15 not requued {or 1 type II 01A. Hawn'er rfiln FPO ms assigned to an Inves'trgatlon In wine-h the (SHE IS and the CHS ts ripened In 1:115] (TA must meme that the FPO attorney 15 mnde adw'mzc nfthe 01A 31: (IA request must the F0 written or oral noti?cation 111 Beta 13.3.3. Tier [1 01A hangs-net Oral Authorization (UNFOUO) In extraordmary an BAIT. may malty animate: 1 CH3 In It Tier II 01A Without advanee dcrtunentatmu after that a hl??y 5191:5121! uwestrgatn'e opp-crummy would be 10-91 1f the F0 were to follow the OLA procedures 111 511th an event the SAC 1mm complete the docmm requirements Including :15 Written Juau?eatron fur the oral authortzatwn. as; soon as film but wrtlun hours The (.113 OLA 5.111) ?le must document this man! comm. 13.3.4. Tier [1 01A Duration Trer OLA. au?jorrzatmn must be set for a spea?ed penod ant exceeding 90 day! The "her [1 01A autiwnzahnn penod 1113? be extended. accordmg to the patches set forth 11': subxectmu I 3: . "Renewal and Expansion of OIA Amhanzam 13.4. Documented Findings of Tier I and Tier OIA Apprm'ers In accordance I. and sutne?ion 1 on 01A Wm thou-e authonzed to approve ?her I and II 1mm document 113 the (IRS 5 01A nir?lc whether the bene?ts to be obtained from the CH8 a. paint: tpatmn the Illegal the rial-:5 Involved and are etther I Ohtam mformanou or et?rdence that 15 {animal for the since-55 of It mt'eattgatton and 15 not reasonably at'a?able Withom such zcm'rtf-z arming Illegal aent?m' to numtam the CHE-1's crechb?ln' and thereby obtmn the in?rm or OR I {Ur Prevent death. (genome buddy m?um' or am?cmt dung: to TOLD) In 111:1}ng these the appmvers must Wanda 1' I L7 The importance of the mt'esugatrm - (L7 1:01.70) The hkehhood of obtammg the or evidence - (LT: FOUOI The ?sh ofthe or am the may: ufhsu?h!? 33 a. . e. 1 .1ng SECRETHNOFORN (U) Con?dmhal Human Scum: Pulley (Etude I (UWEDUO) The ofthe paractpahon In the BIA I (UHFOUD) The nah ofthe FBI bang unable to MIDI the ?5 pathetpatton 1n the BIA I CUIFFDUD) The of molt-nee. Imunr. prop-aw datmge, ot fummal loss to the (HS at others. I (UHFOUO) The us]: of the FBI bung unable to ensure that the does not reahze undue pro?ts or he: pathetpanon tn the CIA 13.4.1. Pncan?onan' Measures (UWDUO) We: an SA has obtamed authonzatton for :1 to engage :11 01A the SA must take all reasonable steps to Momtot the activities of the CBS elo'seljtr the adt'etse affect of the CIA. on tnnoeent persons. and I (03170150) Ensule that the does not teahze Lutdue pto?ts ?om [us or het parnemauon tn the BIA 13.5. Admonishments Related engage to 01A. two SAs-?ot one SA and one of?eul as a thesa?must ret?ten' written admomshments truth the that rdate at a that The 15 authonzed to engage onlv 11] the apeet?e eonthtet set forth to the 1arntten autho-nzatton- and not an ant.- other tlleeal aettun? {the f'FP's wntten anthonzanon should he read to the m?ess. dontg so 1?5 not tenable]. 1' The authottzatton 15 hnnted to the tune pettod apt-et?ed tn the 1rMitten anthonzatton - (LT-TOLD) Under no eueun Latance may the T0130) Palmetpate to an art of t'tolence {except n1 self-defense) (LT Parnetpate to an aet deqtgned to ohtatn mfn?'l?l?ltml fot the FBI that would be unlawful 1f conducted by an LE agent [e g- hteaknlg and entettng tllegal wnetappmg tllegal openmg or tantpenng ?-1111 the mall or tie-span; amounting to an tilt-gal Search) pantelpate to an art that rottettmtec. of 111ahee te . pie-Inn: WItllE?S'i tampenng wnnesa entrapment or the t?ahttcatton alteration. or destmetton ol?et'tdenee} '5 If appheahle. mutate ot ntattgate a plan or attategw to eonutut a federal lmate. or local offense 0 (U3130150) Iftlte CH3 asked ht; an}: petton to pmttetpate 111 MW Illegal othet than the spem?e conduct set fonh tn the WI'I?t?ll or learns of plant. to engage to such Illegal aetn'tw the mus-I nmnedmtelv moon the name: to the FBI CA or eo?(TA. 39 (U) Con?dmuzl Hum Senate Mir)! (kale - 1(1) to any Illegal other than the grail: contact set the Wil??l antlunnranon {retold when! the (MS to animal prosecution (UHHJUO) l?nll?dlillt'l'f aftu went-?mg these mm: the CH3 use hi! at It! pawn-ml name to Sign (or 11111131) and date a ofthe mm (It! Htlh??'t?llt?l If) "Pawn? Name") If the CNS refutes to mgr: or natal tlus mm the SA and witness who ptesented the must that they: mum Wt'lt' lewewed the and that the (HS aebnwledged 1115 at he! underway, ofthun An SSA must ll'VIt'W the 0M. athtumtslunmt thrumentzuon and meme that II mm tn the 01A. tub ?le {see Ruled-17110" I 9 "Reeotdkeepmg Proeedur? 'j 13.6. (I) Renewal and Expansion of (HA Authorization (UHFOUCI) If an agent seeks to teaulhonze 31w to engage 11} 01A a?n the expumou of d! authoneed tune period or teeneatton of authot Lennon OI to expand. at any matenal my 2 anthonzanm to engage 111 01131. the [Eque-Etlng agent must ?rst comply.r Willi the ploceehn?es sd fotth 1n snhseenon Tie: or [1 OLA and subsection-3 I 4 Ole? I and Tue: 01A Apptm'm") and !3 :3 ("Admmuslnnents Related to 01A 13.7. Suspension of (HA Authorization 311 SA emnlot comply- With the preemnonary theatres dumbed above tot legmnule tensom that are lunelnted to the fonduet fe the (A 15 unattainable) the tnuSt nlnnedtately . Suapend the 5 authonmtton to engage 1n until the SA on (mph! 1mth the precautionan' measmea 0 htfonn the (HS that Int. or he! authottzantm to engage 1.11 am.? OIA has been suspended until that tune - Doetnnent theae aettom the HS OLA sub-?le 13.8. Revocation of OH. Authorization [fan 3.3. has tenaon to believe that .1 has failed to month" ?1th the term ofthe 01A the agent mnnerhatelt? I Ret'oke the :mthonzanm] to engage 111 (HA - $0170} hafonn the that he or Sllt' Is no longer authomed to engage Ln mt? OIA - I C?onmlt' the noti?canon teqtnrenlent described below Ir $01.70*: Detemune nhethel the (HS should he closed to ?gx_n_onL8 ("loamg :t tj'on?denlml Human Source - Doemnent these :n'nons 1n the 01A sub??le after the ('Hb has been utl?onned that the mdu'nhtal i to 1n h-Ilk been {evoked the CH5 must nee his or he: paunent name to mm and date .1 wnnen acknowledgment that he or she has been tnfonned fact the CH3 re?nes to sign the acknowledgment. the SA who tulbnned the (HS must document the when] and Wllt?ll'tt?t the (HF. acknowledged receipt of the ret?oeattm The SSA. must mm this 9'0 RETINOFORN .HII Rl I unlulrnh 11 Ilunun Hum? Phil: 1. hmelu Alum min. unwnuhun JR mun .u In :hlr mu! 1 1mm H: II I- 51h: . min line I t? mh uh- 0 Him Pill" t'x *Il H11 ?.th HIIMI ?If nn?Ih-nliul Human [nudging t" '11! llih?l in, lipid InmI I I i'uih I II I I I 43.3. 4" r"I l' IrwinIuml Inn-1.1mm I I II II . "52.415.a?l'sv? .I I: up.351..l'i?I -Iz I 1'52Icy-Ir7.Ar3r-u.-1: Augl-Iu- - I. I'll I: I - a? a Ii1.muf?n}. SIX TR ['11 (U) t?tlt?dentml llmrun Stutter- Poltry (Etude (slum {run the other agar-y attendant: (THE tumor-Hts and any mlinnratnm the other on the and 11115 Information man he Matted In the (115's valtdatton ?rth-?le (UNFUUD) Joint Field Of?ce Operation or I liner-ling W'itltirt Another I?ll] Field Of?ee A mm; ?at two or more I'll] If the truth"; In names; to or In mailer FO's tenrtonr the n?iee of ortgm [00) nut-ti the EMU (or tlesuntee) and all other Involved FOE of the CHS's opt-mug. the (It) l't'lU'il also mmry the HE ofthe area of mhup?lted Willing. and the nobht?atron nttett he the [)elta ?le The :11! co may be located or different of?ces 1f 11 ml! enhance the opt-tattmtal c?'etruvntess The 001.1; for the ?le. and 1fthe (HP. 1.1. jointly wanted. the other F09 tnroh-ed tn mature the (118 must ?le all reports of tnfotrnatton renewed from the :15. well as atw reqtmed {e ntfortnalton and therapist). to the ?le Sutulatlv both oll'tees [lull-1! keep the other of tnfonnatron affecting the tnvesngatrve remnant: and am; changes; 1n the 53 atatus To nuke a payment to 1 CH5 on behalfofanothet see I Pawn}; 3 lo sttuattons. where the 00 has. temporartlv turned over .1 to another F0 for operational use In that uttesngahon. the F0 using and taskurg the 15 for crummg that all pertaunng to the operatron [e operanona] requests pmntent and valtdatton related are entered lIllL?t Delta CHIS payments trade by another F0 are addressed sultaevtton 2' . "Pavmenta to (T1155. lav Other Field Of?eer. The F0 taskmg the must also keep the 00 advtsed of am: mfmnanon tr obtanrs from the HHS that would affect the 00 5 urvesttganve progatm Dun up. the other mac-tattoo of the CH5. the F0 taskmg the (HS must eontnhute to the 001. preparation of the CH8 QSSR5 and and 81151113 conqrhanee With other reqlurements. Includtng mutual records checks and [fthe other FD tasking the CH8 ha used the CH3 exelmtvelfv for a quit?month perrod and 15 hltelv to [1115 the the 00 rote-n the CH8 to the other P0 14.4. Operation of [155 in Another Field Of?ce?s Territory This tuhseetton eoneerm domestic-operational travel. in ninth a I: HS travels from mte F0 AOR to another F0 ADR or {team a foretgn to the L'tnted Stan-r. to elperattonal actuate. Ilns type of travel 1111;11th for example :1 CH3 n?avelmg from Ins or her assagned F010 another F0 to support an mr'eqttgauon a Legat?aastgued (HS travehng to the Carter! State; to an F0 lut'?ltg?tt??. or an who resrtles 111 a forergn ?Forergn-Based CH8 Operanoml Travel to Unttecl Statea IDonteetre-Operattmta] Travel) An SA seekmg to conduct 3 operatrou tn another 130's terrtton' must ohtam prior concurrence from the SAC (or desrgneel of the other F0 :11 Much the operatton 11'111 occur. if mmcable Ifnot practtcable. the affected F0{s] mutt be notr?eel as soon as but no later than ?ve bustnees days from the date of the operattonal actuary The Travel-ET Request Fomr almond he need to document the terror concurrence or post-op?atxon noti?cation of the affected If the form 15 titted. an mforttutton-onlv lead 15 sent to that- reenung F0 for waterless The use of the?does 11m merino: tufortnal oral or contact between F09 to eoordutate the 93 SEC RITE NOFORN ?Maul(new MMUDMWMIM film?. Wuhan-?B SECRETHNOWRN (U) Con?dential Human Saint-i.- Policy Grade 15. (UMFOUO) Disclosure of II Con?dential lluman Soiil'ce?s Identity 15.1. (U) hintiples ot Con?dentiality (UHFDW) Pmtecting a ld?l?l?v and relationship With the FBI is Vital to the success of dial: relationslup aid to the integrity of the FBl?s CH5 program Consequently, FBI pummel have an obligation to maintain the ofanir CH5. which includes the (118's ind infatuation received from or regarding the CH3 that tends to identify the This obligation continues after the FBI enmlovee ends his or her employment and after the (7H5 cones be 2 CH3 (UUFOUO) Disclosure of a identity. which includes the rhssemniation of infonnation mused from or regarding the H5 that tends to identifsr him or her. should be approved only it is legally required or absolutely necessaryr to aclueve unportaiit investigative. public policy. or safety objectives This principle must be at the forefront of every disclosiue decision even With regard to prospective disclosures Within the and among task force partners 15.2. Disclosure Authority (Ut Approval of the SAC from the of?ce where the is assigned is required to disclose the identity,r of 3 CH3- unless I FBI personnel disclose a CHS's identity,I to another FBI employee. who has a need to knots the identity of the CH5 to perform his or her o?kial duties I FBI personnel make appropriate disclosures to the when 3 CH5 has been called to testify in a grand iursr or Judicial proceeding. -- . - . - (U3370150) FBI personnel disclose a CHS's identity when required to do so by court order. law. regulation the or other D01 policies (see- for example. subsection 11.? . "ReSpondmg to Requests from FPO Attorneys Regardmg a The SSA may approve the disclosure of a identity in response to operational or admimstratis'e requests that by their nature require disclosure of a CH5 identity. including those related to sm?eillance plans- arrest plans- requests for linguistic support- joint operations of CHSS- NFPO requests- requests to DHS for nunngration status. and requests for DOS information. Prior to approtong a disclosure request. the SSA ui discussion ?Till the CA. should consider the necessity of disclosnig the identity. its potential for undermining the con?dential relationship developed. and whether the should be niformcd that his or her identity ?Fill be shared as part of an operational or adimnisnatis'e request. 359:. approval of the speci?c operational or administrative request serves as the audiorrzation documentation to disclose the identity. No separate documentation is required for disclosing the CH3 's identity in such circumstances. (UUFOUO) No individual to whom disclosrne has been made is authorized to nuke further ?sclosures of the {Ti-35's identity without SAC authority. except when required by court order. law. regulation the or other policies Ans-one nialcnig a disclosure has the responsibility to advise the recrpient of the information that further disclosures or contact With the CH5 is not audiorized Without the eapress consent of the FBI (UHFUUO) All approvals to disclose CH5 identity must be documented in the HS mam ?le 95 SEC (U) [in?dem? Hm Sam: WIN 15.3. (UHFUIIO) SAC Objatuon In CHS Dildos!? (UHFOUO) Willi regard tn 3 Irqm?ed Ill! SM 1 amp ushpocna mun mdn: lf?qlm? buying on (hr Ichm?cdmu of: (IRS In mini mum nalwnal and 011m 511113110115, 3 mqucs! my be. mad: to have it ?le I- rma m: pant:- by a as In cum ?mustang: be 1-13] may win: ?g disclosure 0f cilia: the '5 Identity Infammum growled by CHE Thu; mitt result ufthr pl??f??lm and um! he mm and: WW uf?mlls FPO Any d?il?l?n lo m?'lhold (.115 in?rm? and he mm will it PPO and the 15.4. Record of Disrlosure of '{fo5 Identity (UHFOUO) of: 5 0r rclmonshm wail tint FBI as ?ned above ht and rammed T11: men?c mfonnmm to be (e 5 can: and m; Ir The 11m. title. and agency or (it-prawn! ofall Mum win Will have access to tile mfmmanon . The spea?c nature of the momma-s. reqmt dema?. or aide: 1h: gen?ated the disclosure request The SSA approval of a speci?ed opeianonal or mamma- reqirsl mm a: {it docmnentanon to d15clmt' the zdentm' No 54.1mm (human: 15? required. See subsectmu 1:3 3 . "Disclosure Authonty." 96 SE .1 (U) Con?denhal ?11111211 Source Pulley (3111111- 16. atiou of Con?dential Human 511111111111 16.1. (11' #1701 (115 Files 16.1.1. and hhintenanee of (THE File-.1 in Delta (Ill-F0113) Delta 111 the F311 automated case management 11111111111 Fm all (THS term (It; All regaidmg the CH5 Intuit he euteted 111lo Delta. tullt??li 11.11 exemplton 15 authonzed 111 accordance ?1th subsecnott to . below 16.1.2. {17-11310} Elemption from ("re-11111111 and Maintenance of (HS: in Delta til." T0150) Exempnons from entenng conmttuuc 31111115 111111 Delta 1111111 he 'ittpp?l?li?fl he compelhng cucuntstancet. and approved 111; the SAC. the AD ofthe d11'111o11 11111111111111; the [1111111111 [11111113111 the CHS supports. the AD of the DI and the Deputy [hector None of these .1 1111112 authortltea 111.11; he delegated .3111 EC 1eq11e-1t111g .1 Delta use exemphon 1111111 11111121? and 1111111 prot'tde the follou'utg 1.11tho111 mending 3111' HS 1dent1f11111=1 01 claa-ai?ed mfonnanon 1.1cld111onnl g111da11ce o11co111plet111g the request EC 111.11; be sought from- I [7 ?hat mfontutton 11 to he exempted E1o111 e11t11' 11110 Delta 11 TOLD f1 \Vh?c e11tr1' of the; 1111?o1111.1t1o11 111to Delta would hkelx' co111pto11111e the o1 Jeopatdtze the 1111'e111gat1o11 due to tl? TOLD) Se1111111'1t1'of1he CHE t'Ll Sungulann' of the the 11 ptot'tdmg -: Degtee to 11'luch the CH8 11111.11 1113111111 11-. to the succega of the unemgatlon i ll: How entry of the 111]] -: "1:01:01 Came 1111111ecl1nte harm to the 111111111111 aecunh' of the l_'111ted States; -: 1:01.701 Cause 1111111 to the FBI 1 to 1ecr111t .111cl opemte other of 1111111111 cuctuustahcea Impede the :1h1l1t1' to collect for both the '1 and the 1; mtelhgettce requuemems - How uttelhgence collected f1o111the CH8 1.1.111 he et'ahmted 111d d131e11111111etl to othet FBI cmnponents or 13111111516 the FBI that 11 when] to the F811 1111151o11. 111cl1 .11. thtx'amng a te?omt attach o1 othe1 1111101111 e111e1ge11c1' The EC 1111111 aeta 1lead to - DD 111111111 .11 for the er-temptton reqmt 11 for notth 11111 the .11 ot the apptot' 11 111 dental ot the 111111le It the request 11.. 31313111" ed. _15 1e11th of mm Final Approval 1 SEC RET NOTORN . .121: 2:1311?13' 2 ., 12.611 1"1.66.'iL-r 2 962211. 1:22.111' Q1122 -. .1221. 21.131113 4.11:2} I?ll llz'I 1 :73? u? 2? 626 126.22,- 2262 2?2 ?Uri?? ?D?a 5i} 1' URN (I :mfulr-nlml Hlmunr} Pain 3: (null:- I (I f?umarl lnl'nrmalinn Din-?oral: of Main-u mas-um? DC 20535 I m! 1' hit-f Puinl ul'l' untmt (-1 SH KIT NOFORN SECRETHNOFORN MCan?dm?aleS-mtmel?uhtym SECRETHNOFORN MG mm Mygumi n?u-actiun report AC5. Automated Case Suppmt AD 2551mm director ADIC assistant director in durge AFB) ahasffalse identi?cation AFOSI Air Forte Of?ce of Special Investigatmus AG Attemey General AGG Mame}; Generals guide-lilies glinxgaggi;:eneral ?5 Guidelines Regarding the Use C?mg?dsm?at The .Momqt' General ?5 Domes?? FBI Operations AGGUCO Federm' Bureau AHOC Advanced Operation Course AIAT assistant legal attache AMU Asset Management Unit ADE area of responsibility ASAC assistant spec-?131 agent in chasge AUSA assistant United States attorney BAT Behzt'imal Assessment Team BCC hordes crossing card BOP Btueau of Pnsuns CA case agent CBP and Border Patrol CID Cotmtetintelligenee Bit-?151011 CDC chief division counsel - case W5 13-1 CFP SECRETIW (U) Contact]! Hum Sm Policy Ouch -- chief Eden] ploloa?ot Potty Guido HE cm?dmo?EIt?mm - CHOU 0516mm! Unit 81?; con?denttal 111m; gouac- (SI-ISL cao?ci-ontul hinmn source roommate! Cl .?oo?tmtennto?tgm CIA Gonna] Intelligence Agency collection management OM chicf of COS chief of station CPI unm- problem mdlcatm CH5 9:1me System CRJM cn'miml CTD Countertmoriam Dttriston CTS Chuntextmormn Section CYB cybet Cyber Dr'u'sion DA double agent DAD deputy assmant director DAG deputy attorney general DCID Director of Cootml Intelligence martin DD Deputy Dimrtor DEA Drug Enforcement HUM Collection Count DHS Department of Homeland smry DI Dimctorato of Intelligence DID-G Domestic Imres'n'guoous and God: om Ink-grating and Vmulizahoo'Sym Iii?2 53:33::me . :51" SECRETHNOFORN (U) Hunun Sm Policy Fund: .m anuinml mum Dal) DUE owagy D01 Dcpamrm ofJusucc - DOS Dcparmrm of State - W1C tam BAD :11:an assistant dm-ctm EC ECG elm: (lemme ECPA The anacy Act ELSUR clc?mmc m'e-Illancr E0 ext-mum: order ERISA Employ? Ranienrnt and Income: Security Act BRO and erm'al Operations FAME FBI Autonmed Messagmg System PEI Fedaenl Bureau of Investigator] FD Fm:- Bunion FDR ?01819] dlsseuunauou request FIG Field Inlelhgence Group Emu! (?nmrs Network PISA Fumgn Sm'ex?ance Act F0 ?eld of?ce FOASR Plt?ld Of?ce Annual Somce Repon POUO For Of?cial Use Only FPO Federal Pmsecuung O?ice F50 foreign smite of?cer - FTC FEM Tradecrafl Cams: FTP. Federal Travel Rrgulanon SECRETNNOFORN Hliz'i'l' INOFURN I I) (Tm?dnmal ?1mm Smart Palm {hudr (?mudxmum (Jana HUMINT madman} and Assn-mum '1 HUMINT [Wanting Fem-? HQ llradqummh -- Honi?land mammalian Human Smut? Rrwru. (Immune? - we; Validanon - IA gal?argt? . FAD ?ltematmnal Affau's Of?ce . [uteih gente- ICE Elmira-1119111 I mfommnon re-pmt hIIhiF- Inimmumml Mani-sun Fund DIR Emeau of and Rewarch ID 1111611: gar}: 0111661 I IOB Intelligence Ovemght Board IUD Opt-{3110113 131115101: IRSLT hltelltgence Rewmch Suppo? [fun ?r IT mtenutmual terronsm JTTF 101m Tmonanl Task Force LE 13w minimum-:1! LEGAT legal anaclle Lposmom Legal legal attache {of?ce} LEO 1m mformne-u: of?cer D4 SEC RET- NDFORN (U) Balm Mm; (hulk LIN A A 4 Mm than .Miami Amhmm Inn-m1 Arms 1 armin- Ikpam( Eh - Mohair Enhumon {ram Em ?4 mun-dun of uni-1113mm: - Mariam? Tran. hug anrw m? -- A 1?Mahatma! A11 huts and Rand's Admuustlahm Nahum! lnfm?nunonli rim-1 NUS 4 Han! f. nnmul i No Forum Pohn Oblecum Wm* 3m; mag?r 11mg? Dam 1 nLEE?Euh?gpL Numb-41:" mg ofrequ?t -1 NSD Nahum] Sewn? Dmslon - I- - -- H- Mariana! Semnn Informant)" (E'so?mnon Guide ?851. i Nanoml Setmm Lem GCA Of?ce of Affms I 050 Of?ct of Enforcmt Operanons I 051:: ofthc Cm! 4 (I8 tilt-gal minty OD a??rt ofomnn om: omefrsuana! rm . Technology [hm 1 13-5 SECRIEFNOFORN SAC . "?nT?g?s i hk?u?? 'Il V1.1: ?up-rd! ?If. ?1 id LL[hammer Wow: Safeguard Um! Uni?ed Financial Mmgumm System Wad 1'!ka scanty NW WW mam-5mm Of?cr that! 5m (3m :31! Mammal: Samara me; l_tL(_ (U) (?m?drnual Ilium Smurf l'nIu-y (Buulr. 52992929410. (ins Rum-runs. (U) Oval-?aw of - the FBI [trad min? In m?rmmlum mpmted by 3 C115 that mum he mitgmized Top Send (T5) at [[1me (SCI) -Imt?d wnil lkiia. all FRI {Haw TS and SCI mfmuuhnn ?lm] in CHS w?h [hr capability In (Infant-m, aunt- and access ihc mforma?m Requirements and for the 175:1 of - he ?him-d In donumnl and ?ute TS and ohtamed CBS The pmcedmts for ur?mg stress tar-and numlauung In the- svstem are [um-1M on 113g: Requirements for ('Imiug a (Ti-?5 File-?Folder ill - When :1 IS closed. hl? 01' her-folder Will be I?ll?lkfd :13 closed. and details about the closurr of the w1ll he nlt??ed 11110 -Tht'-somce folder w?l be marked With an elecu?mif ?ag Ill-Mid 3110th lncatmn Within _w11] use a Sharernl-based to store (lewd somces An}- mmce folder for a clmed mm [must be unwed to the-Share Pom! mtlun one year of deactu'atmn The IS responuble f0! ensuring that dearm?ated SUUICE fold??s 3113 moved to the RC3. HPMU Will mnduct a biannual renew E-l SEC RET. EDITORS smnmorm i 193:5, a 7: Appendix F: (U) Service Agreement - language; SERVICE the Fork-ta] Bur-an oflnvemganon, tut-ma?a tcfmodtn as ?le FBI, um: lawful Investigatxm regarding on the pit ofmdn?nls lull Md various United States {mt type . mama!) mm Wheat-as (CHS's payment name) Is In a position to and In White its Investigation and Whereas the parties hereto desrre to rewrd them new? mm and ohm Now. ?mefote. the parties hereto agree as follows RESPONSIBILITIES OF PARTIES [n ?trtherance of the goals of the aforemntumed Investigmm. (CH3 pay-m m) a" provide mformatron or: the (Insert prom l?l??m of sm (Ila! [we ofcase?eg . wtnte wemacy anda?or drum-stir subjects) (CHES's tmtlals) ml] not parttupate any Lullawful arjtwues. except mil 3 5): FBI determines that such panicrpatron Ls neressary to this and lit FBI directly anthonaed these acts. It is tulderstood that an}r such stolatrons of ?at law not currently authonzed by the FBI may result In the prosecution of (CI-E's payment Battle) Th: FBI $35 nu have au?'tOHW to make any pronuse or (:0an that prevent the g??m EDIE prosecuting for ?legal acts which have not been speu?cally and express}? am by d: FBI tmttals) ml] not inmate amr plans to conmnt cnmmal acts, not null he or it: In any acts of crolence Ifhe or she 15 asked to any act ofs?tolence or term afmch plans. he or she attempt to dtscom'age those plans or acts and pronqxh' unify FBI imtials) is not an enmloyee partner. member of a 10m! ventme. Mile or agentofthe FBI. he orshe 1&1:an th? or Otherse?'uutmk such Notw1thstandmg this prousron. murals) may be con?dent! an We uftht Halted States government. as. de?ned 28 Umted States Code (U C.) Section is) 26714 pmpose of defending civil chums ansmg out of allegattotls of throng?ll OI am related to an? acnutj; by 5 pajama: m} 111 ?lm: 01-h aforernennoned mr'esnganon pay-11mm name) shall have no authority- actual or umbed to obhgaie amb?or but FE to an}; contracmal duty and'or obhganort and any obliganons so and: are the an}: d3 payment namemlderstood that the FBI at its sole discretion ml} control 2.1] mm mm an}; decrston to termmate this totem-um 01? PARTIES It 1s eapresslv tmderstood that the FBI assumes no respons??litv a liability in no? name) for an} income loss. harm to professional rcpmatinn or MW at my? personal damages prop-arm damage or losses 17-1 . I SECRETFINOFORW . 3g SEMTWNOFORN (U) Con?dential Souroe Perla-3,l Grade ?lm-[5 5 mm mine) prowling voluntary emporium in ?uttmm at the aforementioned I payment ?1:3ng to holdhamrless the 1111 rt: agent-t slim ?x any and all liability ?n damages resulting directly or indirectly there [tom as set ?lth in this manual. This [trunnion slull mm.- the expiration or tertmnatron of this agreement in of the investigation- Tl: for any negligent acts of the FBI and rt: agmts. erquloyrees, and contractors Will be home by the FBI. The '13th for any negligent or willful acts or orurssrons of((1HS's pamrenl urine) is the sole of pay-Inuit name) However, ((?llfi?s initials) does not wave tinny]! or claim to which (CHE-Ts payment name) may be Linda the Federal Tort crane Act This mansion shall smwe the. eaprtatron or temnrtatron of this agreement or of the mungatron payment name) Will in no way reveal the con?dential and semitrve nature of this Investigatrm or identify any FBI agents to any unauthorized person or permits, and funher. will not undertake any publication or of any utfonnatrorr or material that results from this mvesugatioo Without the pnor express written authorization of the FBI This provrsrou shall smut the expnatron or termination of this agreement or of the un'estrgatron DURATION OF AGREENIENT age-amen! shall commence on the date of acceptance by 5 payment name}. as ugm?ed by of has or her rsignature hereto and shall eonturue as long as the FBI deems that the senaees of payment name) are required. however. the ageernerit shall not exceed twelve months from the date of acceptance. tune period such as 9D day's or 6 months ?rm the date of {Cl-15? 5 payment name) Signamre may be added- if a shorter tenniuatron date 18' domed} This agreement It subject to a sot?month renew and determmatrou for continued names This agreement may be termniated at any tune. by either party. and for any reason by delivery of a written notice to terunuate. If either partv rs unable to provide written notice of Winn. oral notice of termrnatron may be given to the other party. provided that after orally terminating the agreement. the part1; creates a written document detailing the date- tame, and reerprent of the oral termination. (11) the method by which termination was Cout'eyed and (or) a my of what was said to terminate the agreement. Tins douunent the full and complete agreement between 5. payment name) and the FBI. Any and all prior agreements. whether written or oral. express or implied. are hereby rutdered null and void Modi?cations to this agreement hare no force or effect unless and Mil Snell morh?eahon [5 reduced to writing and Signed by all punters thereto The representme for the FBI contracting of?cer in the; agreement 15 Special A gent [1115911 nine). (msen drtosrnn). A??eable? Loam is swung a UCO. add language the role the 11.31.13? to the CEO The FBI wall reunhtm payment name} for expenses incurred ht or her which are doum?dby the FBI to be reasonable and in fretheranee rm estrgation pannent me) lattes that. 11101 to hunting such expemes he or she consult urth the F315 mauve as to the nature and Justi?cation for mounmg rmeh expenses HS 5 17?2 sunnmorm 'ff-j numb) agrmtupmwk Inmate's mm the Fur The P151 ban the my: to and {manual may.? record ml] hethc ?nal arbiter Set payment amount: 'I'heFlil ageestopay?ill?'spaymmt name) (Insatdo?z sauces related to thl? mveshgattou. The FBI has Mammcd {m1 M8 M)pl month 15 cuntnmurate with the value nfthe tnformatmn or assume mat-e) P'Btdetanm?mdr?mlemh?tm of mforntattnn or mattrded by (CHS 5 payment name} to line FBI II not thit (insert dollar mt) per the FBI shall 11-11mm a! motif)! this of these funds 15' contingent upon With the obligation nfcm?du?ahty aspects agreement payment name) acknowledges that these payment at: m? futpaynrmofa?apphcablehcal idealifekd taxes Payment amount up to designated limit: The FBI agrees to pay payment nanr) uptn (men dollar mm) pa ?lth"! her sentees related tn this investtgattnn The amount of their mlhiy payment Will at the sole diseretmn nfthe FBI and mm! be emanate With thesis: of? or (Cl-15?s paymmt name) prmades to the FBI Recap! of that ?nk I upon compliance the Dbl] gatton of con?dtnnaltty and at] aspects of In: agreement (CHS's payment name) that these pm are taxable ad that he or she 15 for payment of all apphcable local m. and federal tau pawn-at name} agrees. at the duet-tron and under the mum FBI in? With designated and agrees to make or have made tre recordings of such meetings and related telephone ca?s. 1f tie-tanned In be safe I: so both patties Further (CH5 5 payment name} ml] pron-dc written album to II: Fl to momtnr and record such and com etsatmns prior to and: rimming a: 5 payment name) agrees. when detected by the FBI to temfy and ?nish a! m- or her poseessmn. custody or control. he at she has recened dung the aim? related to mt'esttgatton payment name) tmderstands that If}! the mini?! ?y mutt proceedmg. In; or he: may be ?t?v revealed and has or her cmw?h?c FBI to the public and the subjects of the 111thng The FBI does not have the to rethtee (CHSS payment m) sentence. and in: makes no guarantees or to 5 Inmals} regarding I MI .. the 501i.? discretion ofthe FBI. the FBI ntayaduae the grape: mwama [if pavment name) and . if .1 theparttes hereuuth abtdt- bv the foregmng statements F- 3 SE cm NNOFGRR had-P? 4 I