(In-Inna Hm;an - O?t?l *1 aw unh- mum (In. 5116) LABS I Kl) I I FOIJO FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION lieuhun?cthunnuudc?Uon Title: (UXKFQUO) Guldancv Date; Step5 f?nt Guardlan hamasamvma CC: (Route) Atln: DADA, Slf?, 11(?14 FIELD OFFICES (Route! httn: ADICR, CF ASAVW, CT PVURH, VT SEAS, Guardxan Cuordlnatmr (th?ute) Attrx: NSZH TNTELLIGENVE DIRECTORAFE (Rnurpi Artn: AD INTERNATIONAL OFFRATIUNS (Rnute) Attn: Ah LEGATS (Route) Prom: DCWOPS SUPPORT XTS SMV Contact: Approved By: Drafted By: Case ID I: COUHTEFTEREEFISK DIVISION '13 VA DEAN THREAT TRACKINS TESAEM: ARE I AN I Synopsis: IVE FCUG) T: :Lar;fy :u;iance the requlred greys ?Lr Pgardlan ?335 5 . Detalls: Over the peat several Jeals, rke ate:= :n?ez?azen LLFJ Guardian Assessments have vcxled ~;delj, e3yec-a--y t%1W? 3f ?atabasesfres-Jr'es ?Znsultea av? ?ne manna; vn-'h ?h reeLL'S were accum=ht93. In :rder t: 5?3rjerlee the Steps undertaken LR B?axa;an Asseaemerte, this E- -:rt3;hs 3 Ll:* ?r ll "'lmll?ld?mtzl' ?Ix?if]!!qu $1191.nas 11:16: investigative step: which In Guardian Angelina?. In which must be checked and the Huang: in anna- int documented. The guidance contained hertln contour: to investigative activity using the ?lealt intruaive information as required by ExecutiVE Ordet'iza?i, tin General?s Guidelines for Danest1C'FBI Investigation: and Investigations and Operationa Guide (D106). gpunxzs . .?j5 EFFECTIVE IHHEDILIELY, HIHIHUH, SEARCHES OF THE FOLLOHIIG 1. Databases/Resources: 0 nIvs 0 NCIC . . '1 NICS . 'Guardian (for deconfliccion) I TIDE I - a3 . Telephone Applications . ."-2fE35f; . Clearwater . ?":mfifg .BaseJumper . He: Talan.necanfliction Bit?hgl?:_ -,iU3r I. lens checks with the Field . 2. External LEO resource:& Department of Hmtar.VEhicles ffij Businegn filings (State)~ ?hqaesaagnta: . '1 . - .ILJF. :f?itl?j?l?y?w.. 5 Elgar; . w?f?iKW??a?W?i??hw9?K$E?3? . I q? lk?f 31?} '1 -. 'r .5 ?ght-imd?m?w . -I. I--, II.I ll IIgullI?.?S?rI?bI?jem gum; Spawn emu, . egg; Flight and"7 . . . JIWLch??ka of the~follnwing type of 7.?th suggested durinc Guardian Assessment? 1 ?-I?gghhoards, EET??Q??ai?ta?atibicoEI Kurrent1y?com, Manitter.com, YouIOpe?Book.0rgI .allIdntabaselIESOurce queries; thE substantive regultanf ii shauld he itemize? in the Notes Section of the GuardianI in; documantation for each query must contain the I;ije regulta of-th? query, not just a concluSion that the F0: examPle, results should be listed .V. ?17,?I'ljl?jg"? N, "in? I .ifl 4.11 i. 'Title: cur/rota) guiding; I p. a I Re: JIBTe?eskld?7607?CfD, infra/1013*: the Guardian Incident in the non~subjects can be documented in the lbtei Incident. It interviewing a subject is not teatime, not conducting a subject interview must be :17" Section of the Guardian Assessment. For ?Ennis, an . 3? u?r . ?fa' I be feasible if the subject is deceased or it a host unm- a granted approval to interview an overseas subjecr. . Section 5.9.1 of the 0106 indicates interviews or requests m; in. 4- information from public or private entities may be conducted in; through 4 and Type 6 Assessments. Section of the . f?73a73_ indicates ?an interview is the questioning of an individnal a subject) in order to gather information that is pertinent to and~ within the scope of an authorized Assessment or Predicated Af?ffg'gi Investigation.? '31; OTHER INVESTIGATIVE TECHNIQUES ?7?3Lg~ In addition to queries of databases/resources and interviews, consideration should also be given to utilizing Other methods authorized in Assessments, such as CH5 tasting and physiddeLf?Emn.surveillance, when appropriate. The point-of?contact for this matter is GNU Unit Chis! i?fgij] _l - J. Ad? ..w:ahr. . {69"Jr. {Jul1-4" .?qf .Ire" . . .1 . I?W??w?f?r galmu- anon?: 5.1.