HI Dpy 2 TC 3?3 HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WASHINGTON 25, D. 0.. 21' October 195? No. 3~3 GB AMMUNITION REQUIREMENTS FOR . ARTILLERY WEAPONS SECTION I. INTRODUCTION Paragraph Purpose I 1 Scope 2 General 3 II. PROCEDURE Method 4 Target data - 5 Weapons data_ - 6 Delivery methods 7 SAMPLE PROBLEMS Problem 1 8 Problem 2 9 Problem 3 10 Problem 4 1 1 Problem 5 I 12 SECTION I IN TRODUCTION 1. Purpose. This training circular is published as a guide for commanders and staff of?cers concerned with toxic chemical warfare operations and training. It presents a simpli?ed method for deter- mining nerve gas (GB) ammunition requirements for artillery weapons. This is an interim publication to be used pending incorporation of the information into appropriate technical manual. 2. Scope. This circular describes a method that can be used for calculating GB ammunition requirements for the 105-mm, 155-mm, and 8-inch howitzers, and the 4.5-inch rocket launcher. It considers the elements of weather, terrain, gas discipline, and casualty level in? the determination of ammunition requirements. 3. General. - The tables in this circular incorporate the latest information available at the time of publication. Where test data were not available, extrapolations were made. It is realized that the downwind cloud travel effect and the residual contamination of shell craters are of concern to the commander. However, no evalu- ation/has been given to these effects in this circular. Information on these subjects will be included in a technical manual. The ammuni- tion requirements determined by the method discussed in this circular will serve as a guide in planning combat Operations, maneu- vers, and exercises. In actual warfare, ammunition requirements TAGO 2402B?Oct. 440430??57 2 will probably have to be adjusted on the basis of? experience. See FM 3?5 for additional information on toxic chemicals and effects of weather and terrain. SECTION II PROCEDURE 4. Method. The method used in this circular is based upon the weight of agent required per unit area to obtain heavy casualties (40 to 80 percent) under favorable conditions (that is, wind speed less than 12 miles per hour, stable atmosphere, level or rolling terrain, and sparse vegetation). The relative ef?ciency of ammunition has been considered in arriving at table values. To compensate for other conditions, correction factors (see notes in table I) are provided to make table I more ?exible. Some of the required data may be dif?cult to determine and, in some cases, it may have to be estimated. 5. Target data. Before selection of a weapon for the mission and calculation-of ammunition requirements, it is necessary to determine the target data described below. a. The target should be de?ned in terms of? (1) Size in hectares (IOU-meter squares). (2) Type of terrain. (3) Type of vegetation. (4) Available cover. (5) Availability of protective equipment and degree of gas discipline of enemy tr00ps. b. The following weather conditions expected on target area at the time the mission is to be ?red should be determined: (1) Air temperature. (2) Wind speed. (3) Air stability (temperature gradient). 0. The number of rounds required for the speci?c target can then be determined in a three-step process as follows: (1) From table I select the amount of agent needed per hectare with respect to temperature, method of ?re (TOT, 30 seconds, or 4 minutes), and degree of protection. (2) Multiply this ?gure by the size of the target in hectares and apply the appr0priate correction factors (notes 1 through 7. in table I). This product is the total weight of agent needed for the target area. (3) Convert this total weight into the number of rounds of speci?c artillery ammunition by dividing it by the weight of agent per munition given in table 11 (see sec. for examples). TAGO 24023 3 6. Weapons data. The weapon for the mission should now be selected. ArmnunitiOn requirements should be determined for several weapons to achieve greater ?exibility in operation. Before selection of the optimum weapon to accomplish the mission, the following should be considered: 0. Availability of weapons andammunition. - 6. Range and positiOn of weapons in relation to target. 6. Size of target. d. Rate of ?re desired. 7. "Delivery methods. The method used in this circular allows the commander maximum ?exibility in his choice _of delivering the toxic agent on the target. There are several considerations for employing nerve gas that will normally produce maximum casualties with a minimum expenditure of ammunition. The following should be considered: - a. Gas diaciplim of enemy (table I). (1) If gas discipline is expected to be good and protective masks are readily available, the mission should be ?red TOT to obtain maximum surprise. If suf?cient artillery Weapons are not available for ?re, the mission must be ?red within 30 seconds and willrequire more ammunition than TOT ?re. (2) If the gas discipline is poor but protective masks are available, the mission may be ?red within 30 seconds. However, if weapons are available for TOT ?re, considerable ammunition will be saved. (3) If no gas protection is available to the enemy, then "the mission may be ?red within 4 minutes. However, an in- creased savings of ammunition can be experienced if 30- second or TOT ?re is placed on the target. 6. Characteristics of weapon (table II). (1) Large-area targets can be very ef?ciently engaged by 4.5-inch rocket units. rocket should not be employed in less than one battery (12 launchers) because of the dis- persion characteristics of the rockets from each launcher. (2) The 105-mm, 155-mm, and 8-inch howitzers are well suited for point or small area targets because of their range and accuracy. Massed artillery ?res should be used where possible on large-area targets. (3) For very small targets, such as a point target, ammunition requirements depend on the aimability of the weapon used.- It may be necessary to shift aiming points somewhat upwind or to frame the target in order to obtain required coverage. TAGO 2402B 4 A minimum of one battery of the howitzers should be used to engage small targets. c. Target coverage. Basic artillery techniques regarding target coverage should be used in proportioning ?re units. For example, if - the ammunition requirement indicates 10 rounds of 105-mm TOT ?re on a target to accomplish the desired mission, at least two 6-piece batteries (12 rounds) shouldbe placed on the target. Assuming that, as with the case of conventional artillery, desired results are not obtained with the ?rst ?re mission, the ?re mission could be repeated. The desired element of surprise and the protection available to the enemy will have a bearing on repeating the ?re missions. Table I. Pounds of GB/heciare delivered on target for heavy casualties Pounds of GB?aeetai-e Degree of proteetltm Temperature over 50? F. Temperature less than 50? F. . TOT 30sec 4min TOT 30sec 4mm FullprotectiOn,excel- 33- 41 Not recom- 50 63 Not recom- lent gas discipline. mended. mended. Protective masks, poor 25 33 m? 38 50 - gas discipline. mended. mended. No protection 17 25 33 25 38 50. Notes. I. For moderate casualties (2070?4095), multiply by_0.4. 1 2. Rugged mountains, multiply by 2. 3. Heavily wooded terrain, multiply by 1.5. 4. Deep forti?cations, poorly ventilated, multiply by 2. 5. Very low temperature, less than 20? F., multiply by 2. 6. Lapse condition, multiply by 1.5. 7. Wind speed over 12 mph, multiply by 1.5. Table I I . Pounds of GB/shell and weapons data Capabilith Lb onsjbat as! Rounds! 011D. eamn rifleng ?ap my battery battery 30 sec 4 min. ??105?mm howitzer 1. 8 11, 300 24 96 155-mm howitzer Mtg-in. rocket 3. 2 8, 200 12 launchers (25 300 900 rude/launcher) . dais-in. howitzer 15TAGO 2402B 5 SECTION SAMPLE PROBLEMS 8. Problem 1. How many 105-mm rounds, GB??lled, would be required to produce heavy Casualties (40% to 80%) in an Open area 400 by 500 meters? The following information is given: a. Gas discipline- poor, masks available. 6. Temperature 40? F. 6. Wind speed 8 miles per hour. d. Temperature gradient. neutral. Terrain level. Vegetation sparse. 9. Personnel covers, open. It. -Firing the 30 seconds. SOLUTION: (1) For a and above, table I gives 50 GB/hectare. (2) To solve for number of hectares: T?E?Xf?gg=20 hectares. (3) Multiply number of hectares by of GB/hectare. 20 hectares 50 GB required for mission. (4) Check notes 1 through 7, table I. None of the factors apply to the given conditions 6 through It; therefore, the- require- ment for the speci?c target remains 1,000 GB. (5) From table II following across the 105-mm howitzer line, it is found that the shell contains 1.8 GB. Dividing the total amount needed for the mission by this number yields: 1 ,000 GB m=556 rounds 9. Problem 2. How many 155-mm GB-?lled howitzer rounds per hectare will be required to incapacitate 80 percent of personnel by a surprise attack in an open area? Personnel are assumed to be at rest. The following conditions exist: a. Telliperature 85? F. b. Firing time 30 seconds. 0. Temperature gradient inversion. d. Wind speed 3 miles per hour. e. Gas discipline poor, masks available. TAGG 240223 TC 3-3 SOL . 33 GB/hectare__ Mesa-,1 rounds/hectare (155-Inm) 10. Problem 3. How many 105-mm GB??lled howitzer rounds will be required to incapacitate 80 percent of the personnel who are engaged'in moderate activity and are deployed OVer an area of 200? by 500 meters with open slit trenches and foxholes available? The following information is alSo available: a. Expected ?ring time - -. -- _30 seconds. 6. Temperature gradient-I - - -. lapse. 70? F. I - d. Wind -- 12 miles. per hour. 9. Gas discipline - - poor, masks available. SOLUTION: I 33 GB/hectare '10 hectares 1.5 (lapse)_275 rounds 1.3 GB/round (105-mm) 11. Problem 4. How many 4.5-inch rocket rounds, GB-?lled, would be required to produce 60 percent casualties in an open area 400 by 500 a c. e. 9 meters? The following information is furnished: . Gas discipline - - poor, masks available. . Temperature 40? F. Wind speedmiles per hour. . Temperature" gradient- - neutral. Terrain -- level. . Vegetation - - sparse. . Personnel - - Open. Firing time 30 seconds. . OLU TI 0N 50 GB/hectare 20 hectares 3.2 GB/mlmd =312.5 rounds (4.5?1n. rocket) 12. Problem 5. How many hectares will 200 I155?mm howitzer rounds, GB-?lled, cover if heavy casualties on personnel in hasty ?eld forti?cations are required? The followinginformation is given: Rash 9.5: are Gas discipline- -- poor, masks available. . Temperature - - - 80? F. Wind speed- 15 miles per hour. . Temperature gradient inversion. Terrain rugged mountains. . Vegetation -.- heavily wooded. TAGO 24:02]} SOLUTION: 200 rounds 6.5 GB /rOund 331bs/hectare 1.5 1.5 2 353 (28 Aug 57)] =8.7 5 hectares By Order of Witter M. Bracken, Secretary of the Army: O?ieial HERBERT M. JONES, Major Generat, United States Amy, The Adjutant General. Distribution Active Army: CN GB (3le0 leC Bd USCONARC USARADCOM OS Maj Comd MDW Armies Corps Div Brig le Gp Engr Gp FA Gp Inf Regt Armor Regt Gp le Sep Bn Engr Sep Armor Sep Bn Sep Bn 01111 Sep Co Ft (3: Camps USACGSC MAXWELL D. TAYLOR, General, United States Army, Chief of Sta?'. Colleges Br PMST Sr Div leC Units Gen Depots Cm] Sec, Gen Depots le Depots Trans Terminal Comd Army Terminals Ports of Emb (OS) OS Sup Agcy PG Arsenals leC Proc Dist Mil Dist MAAG Mil Mis ARMA Units organized under following . 3?32, Hq (it Hq Det, le Gp Field, Army or ComZ 7?14, Inf Hv Mort Co 7?15, Inf Bn 7?17, Inf Co NG: State units?same as Active Army. .USAR: None. For explanation of abbreviations used, see AR 320-50. TAGO 2402B ll. 5. PRINTING OFFICE: