PAGE 5 5 FEB MISCELLANEDUS TEXT RELATED TD A REPORT, SCHEDULE DR ITEMIZATIDN Furnf?shedule: F1 A Transactidn ID: The sen'lrnittee has changed its name frdn'l ?Step Hillary te ?The Cemrnittee Te Defend The President." Furnf?shedule: F1 A Transactidn ID: Ednsistent with the stipulated judgment in ?are}.r u. FEE. this ddn'lrnittee intends td establish a separate bank aeseunt te deposit and withdraw funds raisedin unlimited arndunts individuals, lab-er drganizatidnsI andi?dr ether pelitieal demrnittees. The funds maintained in this separate aeedunt will net be used In make sentributiens, whether direi:tI in-ltind, er via eedrdinated enrnn'Iunin::atidnsI dr seerdinated expenditures. te federal candidates dr