Ti! I I I .1 h, 911.5; GOVERNMENT manna omega 1m at- qua-? . 2.. nu p?uw- cwnomnono asussn son THIS mmwram steam) ANYAUERMIONSIN HA so IDENIIFHZATION sarmuann 11' AREAS RENDER son vor? rum HIE GUS muons minus OF o: DISCHARGE LIV 21? r) VLIJHM FROM OUII hm .. - In?ammcomonem moumca . Eamon, STEPHEN KEVIN NAVY - USN b6 ?ghts-7' . mutant}: . a. me: 01: Exam INFO acme paw 22m -.-. .03.: .- b6 v12 7: us: nun ?swam: mu mm momma a. sums mm sammn OPNAV, WASHINGTON DC . PSD CITY DC 20371 . IO. saucave b6 NRPC, NEW ORLEANS LA 70149 . ma mama . Izmcouoorsnm. mm sac-Mrs) puts) gwmiggm?f?v ?man: and uh talln'imcrul??fhls 77 01 5.1'8 MONTHS anrgl Sutk. :II:I?uio:l (812. I 04' 33 OFF 18' MONTHS Sm," na- 04 134' ass?: TO (1120 34 MONTHS . I. - 2. 00? 03- 2:2' . x- 1E 002 .00? - an ?ms-iam- nai' .- I . I '31- 01? . 3.1353113. I3. DECOHIIONS: MEALS. cantons AND MAKER Imous awagDED ouumomzo (?periods crumb) . SERVICE l4. EDDCAIION (come 2% month - .- SURFACE WAREARE. OFFICER. BASIC. 2 FEB 78' 20- WEEKS - .2 .-..x5?" .I . 2 II Is.mncommulmlo b6 ll. HIGH. I a ummn lam-ruccuum 2. vammummuummnocn b6 I. Piaf?: . 0 - t! :55. b6 - It. be; :2 1.. 2232 22.22222 272?. 1? 2 3 ?9 3'22? .3 1- . mum scumbag-2;: u. .2. :3 a 2.: -sam b6 ?335; mus. .tsl. b6 I - i -rzwamm?W. Riv-.50 '55;-i [bu-2% ?533?? ?f - ?uvial-2 I: .I . - 5 2 3 mm ISMIWTAM among 5? :Mnmwuom . - un- tuau-nur usua- mm m; lg.? lg. ?n - . 03" 333333: 3 b6 b6 3. CWINT AND am. ??ll OI .- NAVY USNR OCUIE 65?" 77 FEB trues-w: slaw-1:: nut-tun me: was. m. 6117. 8731'- 11'? ?q 0F RIQRD flit if amt: b6 ll 0' I. OI DISCHARGE NEHPORT: RI 6. ?than.STUDENT - NETC NEUPORT: RI 825?"! i I-UID ll. can: le?l DIN: 0' I?ll?! Ill. NA ?If" M6: e! um "no emu! mm mm ?mammalian-J I VA can Imam gem: 331'! mil mm VIGR FEB 1? Human mum" nun-'3: no 3 mm ?In ragga 3.0.1" mu man or mm: 5mm? mm um: Will? my: mac: 11m anon mm mm: an 91}? an mcluw million an a gammgm ?swam m? mm . BB . 13". l? and: lunar; - 03 to) snow. smut Iran rm fc+dJ 11 a) roman ?a ?l1? an mutant: "(mums on ?can Irma: mac: hum I. not snowman um. mutant.? mm [In You?: DU Ib6 b6 II. Di? ace-um umm ?lam- urx um I um luv lag. PERIOHNII. SECURITY b6 um: can mama b6 PEBD OCT b5 b6 u. 'umunu A nu 8MB uvm'rlon (Iron. RFD. my. m.mmanmr Liv?u Pans arr: BY may b6 are. ?23m '61 unman?ag. .5. . . Wm! til cull-am am rum um. wwa?u?n?u?rmm-u-m?u- . {1801 . enusmsm coma?; . aman FORCES or?. me 31mm: sures pm, mm,? :?Ako n) {a by dP?EfN-i' :3 Rh :ndudm ?M'fumg as a mum: 12m. Idmx (hm; {at Hudg? 3mm? m}nrmd?mn yummy: - ?awn.? -. mug: (34:51:. T: 5 us: Mme: - 519$? mu. run-l" u-?Muu' I an: .3 . - b6 ocsa 3 1:53:52 BANNON STEPHEN r; .Fi?f?g??laii?m ?Em: of at. .M'mc inf. usm?tt??h mu Sutacf-?OH lat?. l? ryrm?wron m- Nte?fhll?drrintn.? 009 mm cum: _oF_ gaff-35.319 I- 2'.3933?, :2'1?353?33 3,3. 3 N3.VCRUITDIST - 3?333. 19 tn.) cog?w? QaJYbe-wr-A' 75 T113120 b6 NA - I (an: mm,? 2: Pza??Eu? rims mu.- (puny); (braved?! b6 NORFOLK VA . - - manommwnuwm'mmom? FFT mi 1IE~1thfh '23 awe-r 1'26 not 1 NA - NETC NEE-PORT RI . 30 .39 or: {a??atl? Jr- Mr mm mom? 32' 33 ?at at at?? utsfumoe i I 3J9: f: "air-I'M315. :58! 3:5. EEC-{chm can-n; no 3G . aim-ac: aha-cfEver ssaso-?nua in To?? arr-yr, rcagnmu'EEFE?j Ham-1 mc'gmge urn- u-n-oh? . on 199.. [91: "9.9m 9.9M Alma?; be )m if? Inn-.3 arc-IA; MENIAI smarts 7'6 I 1.0 I 20 MOD as.? wuocmswo atom91:01: salute - I I same?. 3.: cussfi - - - . Em. out: a: GRADY.) . :3 1, i .9 T=th amt-:0 Fem-:25 i mo..qm, {115(7th :53: . nut ?:5?35?4ic i 3 . I: 1 . com-omen: 55*" mo on RELEASE on HANK or - i 3113 9:23 3; 3 1 Mun- 5E1. I know {has it 3551.. my chilnmem by mean! of an fail: Hum-neat. wii?ul or ??irc?lm?ll 3.x to my qu Huh-3:156:12: {or I am imb' -: mul by calm martial or discharge trautluiem callurnem and that. 1: {21(3th imam-r? a! my .numxalul?lcawm Imn'm: awn mammalian{at-nigh?! return alumnauua :0 place I am of we Inca! 1:3: to I have. have: awaited from 1nd 1 am no: a numb: Mfume-1 Form or the "mm! News. tho [?53 Cam: Guam or any Reset-w then-at; 3 hav: new: been dismal-gm (mm the ?rm-n Marcos nr my new: nfcivnihn ?mpioyrem Um 133mm Sum or am?- other rmmiry or: account a! disability or through ?of thin ?3'21an or many-t;- mot-1? unlm by me In 'chunr?ks' 3.: thin ?mum I am not new thawing rented pay. a pm?un. momma? rr dimming;- {mm ?at Ire-End ?um. .1 1 51 SECTWR ?533 OF TITLE: :0 01* THE SKATES CODE ll GWEN: The Sea-Islan- of the ?rm-v mi? ?Js Rngulnr navy and 3M manna Guava line a! war at in ?rm- national emf-fame? 2w ronaidu? in mi! puh?Jc Each membn who- wuliilment ls Handed until-r lb! 8 502mm shall he m-a nutm- 5-11: months nits-r 1111*. cm! a! the: war or rm! animus he volumur?h' extend.? HI ?I?ht? gut-1mm? ?Fr anal: he Includni ?what! a! nae-la {Demon ?mama: in R?ml?" or Ralf-?1?3" ?34?23? Comm" 5! .5540 OF TITLE SI) THE UNITED STATES (?008 II quolnd: ?z?al The act-mm uf?uur rew'su mime: know: mam.- ahali mend :13 the United Stam- er transpumitlon in mm: In pausblc each emislcd MIN naval. 5min: who mg mum? ?m8. Whose term of rnlimacm Emu my red. am: ?In: in mum In thy {Pam-r5 Slates. Hamel-r. when thy smim gamer pay-m 33am manor? 1: mvn?nl 10 3h? puhna Inwrut? hr may: retain such :2 samba! an active duty unlit the: was! whims IQ {iw Hutu; Male: mg 3. member rammed under ihii ?ration mu} mm by ruse: ward um Mitt than 30 days am: his urinal in 11w Elmmi yum-s; um! arm! in arm of war 35 mum-d in am lacs-cam tn bush: pay at :15 perm-m. (c1 'I?ht or an: ?anion shall be Ind-Him?! 3-..- eualisatmeai pl 92mm mama?; rem-[ref . '3 3. 1 understand that. m-m- Hum-3m: a of the Armed Fumes of the {Ink-d Shut?. nr upon or uwn 3.1. 3 mm: endured mm :uw wirhnul my mesa-at -. in: the duration of we: :r nuitm n1. mils-myri- {Sm-lured 133' Lemma?: am. far sh. rr-am'lw shuntlm. nr :m {a wk. . 2.3 :mnnm'ullec munuu during a pcdod of asthma! ducmru-d by me Presilif?u' 4r Un??r mix?! ?itions and far aurl: {4 mm or eimr at: rm' ?ne-any humu?or 13'- by law. I fusible! and-'uhgn-L as Ii obligated ?13,3133." .-. R?F?cn?t "131?: at lam no. {ant-d pnnictpming ?(suntan-3' In. .-- uni: o! the mange tin-'3 have new?! w- 3233?:- Im- 9 mm 24? months. 1 mm? '43 10 duty without my cwmt?m. urdm' 9? ?31? P'H?M'mtr m} an Imliwr rim? 'quv-lau 243 months. serum. of my mtnaent nolwwismm?fing- - 99 FGRM 4. REPLKCE: ac. FORM 4. an?. ac. mum-3 :9 crawl-I: WWL mm mm ?immunit- . Salli-RM comma lullv ca: Ialncd to rat. I ll. mu certify that no manna: a! any kiad has lawn ?33.43 kc me cam-um In; to duty, rambling. 392cm! programs, nulamwm of government quanta, {rampart-man u! dependmu mumps a: mun-rated MVPERS I new or ?rim: 11121.1 the (or mug ?atness-nu haw. been 9:36 to me. um my has? hum unreal; mama! and mu true nil warped?: a: x?nsu in ms condition; and? which 3 5m enlisting. b6 gac?mu: b6 ENLISTED 1N THE NAVAL RESERVE URDER TITLE 10, USC, 511(a), FUR SIX YEARS. hr 1- :22 ?35 (For semi-tr: in Regahtrear Henna: Campunm: aim: Form urn-p: alumna! 0?11?sz 3: dz: Nahhmn' Guard; STEPHEN KEVIN BANNON (Fm: Numr - Mamie Name - I 20m m, ocmr-?ER 76 U- 5- NAVAL RESERVE hereby :lcknuwlulgr tu have valutuanly cultured and? she rmirlulmis . 1n the fur nurtml o. ?meb? "yearn unlnm mane: by proper uulhnrity: and I do New or in?rm: than i will suppun and def-mu {he {tunaditutltm of like United Elmira all enemies. full-alga and demonic: I will bear two inlih and allegiance la the hump. and I ?gill nbcy 12w m-zlers a! the I?R?Vidl?ni of me Emmi 5mm and 1m;- otders at the glitter: appointed over me. awarding a: mgulahom. mu! Lnifaarm (Iodcnl Mining Justina an help rm: God. b6 mm! or far Momma: Guard; 1 do basil?; neknawicdge to hem: volunturny enlistm? day of. . u: zht: (Ann). uhr} Guam us the Sum.- and an 3 [Insane at the {Army} Form with ?w Nahum: Guard of all: United States; [Au Nahum! Guard n! the United Sales) for a paint! 9f . - under conmslam by law. unless umncr by Proper authority. l. . do mummy wear (or "(firm Rm: I will nuppun and defend the (St-m1: {Fir}! 39' M:r?tl?l: .?uuiw Lax! Nana?) . mama's, imam.- ilm: tlum?lh?. um: I wlu hear 1m: 5:33:21 mm Illugiantc In them: and that I will obey the order: a! alu- Pruldtn: a! l'nilcd Sum-q .id tln- or mum: 0: :he [mm-.1 Stan-a and ?fth:- Stun: ca! and me urdnn n; the 0mm: over me. auturdnm :9 mm. regal? ?mukw . 13cm: and the Uniform (led: cfh?lizary Junie-a Fm heip 13ml. I n- - .. ?u-I-ln? hull-?- '5?9 CONFIRMRTION OF ENLISTMENI The above anih as subscribed-1nd duly wort. to hmrru nus: EHWZOTH day 0! FOCTJEER .26 . TI: 211:: but of my 3: lam-:11: and belief. mum: hum}; all legal mquimmentn. and In znlming this I haw: +11%:in uhmu?cd .51: regulmiam - ?zwemmz such :1 :tmcm. Th:- .xbm-e oath, named m. was read to the prior Ia subucrzbin?' Rheum. ?Pm Nim- Ir raw. Anum.-ej . ?1 3 SRUITDIST RICHMOND VA g; . - a a- v. . cur,? a nun-u u- (H103 wam?? ?5mm .1305: (xiv. h-w! mm uh' ia wan. r? I in. dust rail In :51; {91$ In his own 2. All ?yvx"nusuvts ?u"5flr? ?mminrttu .: ma! mus: .nH nun-cfu?ms. mnsl? bt- cm-funiwf {ulfy HmIr-r tumulm. .ran',nmu Jbe a Mr nu; u1 lunr gnu can: hum maJurd" l: tn- 11H. IsbunR hill! as!" . BLE{Manta-r. u] uluiu-Iuh'ntu 1 . mlr- *li-e-J. 11 Ma.- ?wau a nwlums-l?fnuiaw" {If unsavr In 9 n: I clan 1? ?yrs." :ndicatc undcr"rtrurka" bu date and planv :dvnl:- ?u rvql? rhat sr??rvd divorce. legalsaparntton. oanzamuny derree as gpgigyfsarv.; n'ua- 5?0? [s'auy cuurt supparL {archxidrcu ornlimany yen? "axe ww unvuhf other than chzidrcn tolely or ?lrtially dependent upon yuu? (If rdenz.!y nude: name and mailing - tMlau'eh?JNl Harv van uvvl h?rn rmployed by a foreign gavcrnuent* Hump yuu rte! hr?" rrfused fiduulnrv band )n connection wiLh an? ampluymenm7 .1 AM: ?lkil RECORD - cum-- .-..- II ?4a bran uf anf.nffonse, nr a youthful offender or Jn\vnale dvl1nqarnn? u! ordinances and moving :raffic viafarsunx 3 r?r:?r pPIQn?nnI ?nn?ld?r only pvr:ut since fast autrvo 3 . . 11 . . nun-v il.ne 3m: ht?I-c: Jrr?ni?d. thal?grd, or 111111 Federal, Si ?Ln, or Luv Enforcement Au- Inf nwy Manicupa n: Prlu: werrlau persunua! consider only period alnro Inst active th~ wu?nkluh mutt h? anuanrcd nf any advace you may ha1n Isa: an) P?lhnn In d-?hn32ly Ln th- affect that you ?nd nut htve tn rayo't a paylicular urznuu 1n Eu: or La enLer surrtnea. (If you: answer Is prasn nudv; ?rw?nrkx "?:v1nx a n!aiu language statemvn! of what you did. approxrmatc n: In?ll narxun. numr Jun :ucation of cnurt. and action taken.) . . . ?mun-w Hh?? . . . mgu?u-tu?u --.. 1 . Luv 5m: - lulu: nmirr senlJ?nCtHnu- all mm: In: unawagird a huaprndud ?valance. unsuporvfno= \In yuu mun un6Ir any of the {are n1ug.or ainikzng any Fuqnlahurgvs against ynu? A. nl?-Iu -- . ?ax? wan "urn Puntiklrd. or Imprisoned fur an} cIlmc undr: Inns nf in! a ll'i?. 1?ruljll! rmi Tu: {?9?38fl'ut?l recrlistmt'?tx} yru r-.r.l4ru and-r t.e an. of a n2 p?ychuluutaIT ~qh a Hut fbgmalfy nommiftvd} d??htru 'rratqwn< ninrnlul, "-nvs- v.1 a r: rlu- pus-.l En-? year:- we! I he. he'd" 0 nil-UF?l?J?Hut-H?.p .u r\tr In \rxnn} urtt\1Ly riLh another persun whu as the bum?Iv yuu al:l4?ltd svnuall? ur do yuu deaare any sexual Ictiklty wah 97 uamr aw. uh: ju'Mum-t In I o: Induw :5 ?yes? jmhcafc under "remarks" that drugs mud what ten-tit. tun-amend a! may, mm are nun.- ving ?r did ret?exve?) nun. . ?nu-n. ?at" ya" r=wr ihkvn narru-It substance. xttmulaut tranquxlxrer dwuaw. or aicnnal:. hvx?lagca In vs.eaa? {If "ves."sol forth dude: ?remarks.? If" a?mhm} 911mm?" trams. taken. and pd?rl'nd over which hilt-tn) . . ..- A-h? . . ym: mm: stth-d 3hr.- tn he?! ?Holt-ed in the Im?irsz?u? ?r "1 m?zygnand, or any other hallucznogena. ?ypnotzcl. stimulants or other known harmful nr drugs andrar . ?can hu- - . Hawk an" c901 nuduagunu tzvatmrut caused by in tlcohDIEr beveraKCh? m?u. . Hv? ovum-u. yurncvet ?and. ur a?hnLifned by. name other than whack thin uppiasu?:bu Is hr-ng mudr? state in "remorkaR'J . up. nI?tt-w?l?wu .wu?w-n?a?n - Have you repart {or ?nduction? 1w? HM applicnm for enlistment or .inducaignm t'm: Mun-'4! Far-'03? wh.exzr- :hro. Officgf; 3: In +25. a? - '7 1?11. Buffing . . congratuhticnl..?ff {ngfim I . i'c?gv .. 1.. .1. . -.-- z. ".415? u" . . . 93-331urnaav-IWM-sab- ?um un .. -- $717735}- wuss-e ?any; .1: "w .31w?if?g?jl' :ii hour out. mtgEat MIC: OFFICER APPOINTMENT ACCEPTANCE AND OATH OF OFFICE 77w"!- KEEN WHAT SCENE i- EDUCATION ANA TRAINING EENTER EASE I CODE VIA: OFFECER ls. b6 6105185 i I 8. ENL.SERVIGE NO. I: anal-ii whim lub9.53;? ?ips-EAT: [?5th lBW?a?f?a 10m: Daft" OF A OHM . 25.USNR IS, 0. 2L g2. I 25. HACTWE . IDNFIRHED AD "25 AUTHORTTY 27.PLSD I 2?3. SUPERE USE ONLY 13 USC 513 THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES HAS APPOINTED YOU AS AN OFFICER IN THE US. NAVY UNDER THE CONDITIONS INDICATED IN THIS DOCUMENT. IF APPOINTME b6 MUST COMPLETE OATH OF OFFICE. IF IT IS NOT ACCEPTED SIGN AND DATE DECLINATION. N-ACCEPTANCEs AUTHENTICATED: . CODE 0A rH OF OFFICE 9mm STEPHEN KEVIN BAHHON To: Secretary of the Navy STEPHEN KEVIN HAVING BEEN APPOINTED ENS IN THE .S NAW UNDER THE CONDITIONS INDICATED IN THIS DOCUMENT DO ACCEPT SUCH APPOINTMENT AND DO SOLEMNLY IOR AFFIRM) THAT I WILL SUPPORT AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES AGAINST ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. THAT I CALL BEAR TRUE PAITI-I AND ALLEGIANCE TO THE THAT I TAKE THIS OBLIGATION EREELT. WITHOUT ANY MENTAL RESERVATION OR OF INILL AND FAITHFULLY DISCHARGE THE DUTIES OF THE OFFICE ON I AM ASOUT TO ENTER, so HELP NIE GOD. Copy to- b6 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS J. til1.34-.52.Eb} [36 213.: 312: ,m ISICNATUREAND GRADE OF- q?u? nun?m.- ?mu?nu??m? DECLINATION 0R DISOUALIFICATION . I 1n b6 NOT OFFERED {Tani} 1259032 CODE 12 I ICDM NOT ACCEPTED IAPPOINTEEICC 1MANDING OFFICER SIGNATUREI . IDATEI REASON NAVCRUFT 235} 5? Tn rnnI: n. I- - <3 REPLY REFER TO uugoordbn:jeh 1H21 2 July 1979 Frorr. Commanding Officer USS PAUL . FOSTER To: ENS Stephen K. - BANNON, USNR, ?/1165 Subj: Temporary appointment to the grade of lieutenant (junior grade) pursuant to the provisions of: Title 10, United States Code, Section 56652 57814 Title 10. United States Code. Section 5910 - Ref: (8) SECNAV WASHINGTON, DC 2619302 JUN 79 1. Having been found qualified in accordance with reference you are hereby notified of your temporary appointment to the grade of? ucuu: ml (junior grade) with date of rank and effective date of f] 9 2. You indicate by endor?ernent yhether you decline this appointment. Signature b6 FIRST ENDORSEMENT Date: 2 July 1979 From: LTJG Stephen K. BANNON, To: Commanding Officer, USS PAUL F. FOSTER 1-. I acknowledge receipt of notice of temporary appointment to the grade of lieutenant (junior grade). b6 2.. I do not decline this appointment Signature STEPHEN K. BANNON SECOND ENDORSEMENT Date: 2 July 1979 ?From: Commanding Officer, USS PAUL FOSTER To: Chief of Personnel (Pars?3721) 1. Forwarded. b6 Signature .m Chief of Ne?xai Personnel (Pets?3721) Department of the Navy {Form may be miter? in Washington. D. C. 20370 a window antelope) NAVPERS 1421?2 inr-?U. sum the mm.-r .1: I - v-l? 1' f! . mid-3?: nature I 0 O. 6601- . 2000 From: Commanding Officer 1 I . b6 To; Lieutenant (Junior grade) Stephen BARRON, USNR, 1115- -, - . ?Sth: Appointment as Cqmm?hd Dufy_??fjcer i?-Pnpt ta).U. 8. Navy Reg?l?ii?hs.1973?l?? (C) As-anthofizeq ip'r??ef?n?e hereby appbinted aS'gommand :foD?sad); in Dugy*0ffic?r In Port. _The regpon?ibilijgs are_get forth .1n arti?le -In my absencw yand the abs?nq? d! ?he fact, in charge . o? the ship-ongy?nr-day pf duty; thusl you have_tpe?nuthority to take en?ui? the'Safety and $afe operations or the Shipc? DO not ??sitate to ?ake.any actions requirnd prop?r 7 24?-It has been a distinct pleasu?e to dhserve your p?r?ormunce ovvr_ Lh?-past months and.thds letter t?uSt in ydu. I.?xpect.you to con?inn?-thg ou?stand?ngiperformance that you have ?hown meThis latter will be madh part of he noted in your next regular iitgess .- - .4. Congratulatidhs and gonef be 'Cn to 'Service reward .uss - . 7 the? ?equi?r??a Round? .??inmon i Sense $11313 1? S: jreach me. . a: . 35ft; (m5 964):- . ?07 0 SAN 966m 331600_ . . . Sor: Inn 9 APiimw Commanding- {ifficer Stephen K. 13,12,ngqu 153m,? {"118 9' 5Ub3= Appointment?a3_?0fric?p of'th? Dg?kV Refz' 1973 a . (9)1 . 1. ?You are hereby appointed alefficer of the Deck. (Underway in the :?6u arg.t0 fami11arize yourself with?r?ferences T9 obtain_thi3 qualification, which is a significdht mile?tbne-iu the career' .of have ?gmom91r??ed to mgtheq required squad judgemgnt; that-igxrquired of y?gffovpebfpr?ithg'many dutie?gdflanzofficgn qual?fidation? is_great; igdn a?gi?ih cha?gega?:th9 Ship wh??gyou-are standing ypur watch as the 95fiben_o? th? with-this respohsibility, I kant.you.to c?mpletelyjuhderatand-that you have the authority; complete-authorityj'to take whatever actions are_necessary and appropriate or nebeSS?ry'bquuSg you cannon It has_h?eh a distincf pleasure to on.the bridgw during the variqus evolutions that you have Efficer qf?the.De?k i? the past ngenal This letter cap- tifies my trust_ih you of the actions that yam have-take? in the'past.- I expect ydu to cantinu? the'high . . 9 performance that you have Shown_meg 31 ?Thia?letter will be made'a part'of ydup.official record and will be noted in yquv_next regular fitness-pgport, u. .Congr?tulationsl b6 Survice vamrd ?5 2. Congratulations .- . .. -FEDSTER (DD 964} 59 3 6 m- RSI 1.1- n6r RA 0500' 96 . . . ?Ii?06": Mia-- 1 Sort 17} 1? Cammanding Oliicel II . b6 Lieutenant (Juniur grade) .Stephe?n- BANNON USER . Combat.1nrormatiqn Center Watch- ij'icer: dusi-gnation _ui QPNAVINST 3120. 32 (302M) 1., Having demonqtratvd _your abilities ovnv .thc past harvh designate you. a qualitied Cgmbat Informatmon Gin tor Watch Oflitmtl You will be gui.ded in- your dutv By_ Referunco and any othvl' per ti.nent material? from competent authoritv.;j ?56' . . Copy t_o: 3ervice Record 07 Ill IHLY am TO . ~I-211July 1981 . From: Commanding Officer a. To: Lieutenant Stepl' en K. Bannon. Navy b6 311ij Temporary appointment. ueuvcry 01 Ref: ALNAV 0133/81 DTG 0113392JUL81 U.S. Code 10 5769 1. Your temporary appointment to [3 Chief Warrant Officer, W- - nLieatenant - LieutenantyComrnander Cl Commander Captain with date of rank and effective date of 1 July 1981 promulgated by reference ta) pursuant to the provisions of reference tb) is hereby delivered. 2. You will indicate by endorsement hereon whether you accept or decline'this appointDate: 21 July 1981 i From: Lieutenant?Stephen K. Bannon, U.S. Navy To: Chief of Naval Personnel (Pen-483) Via: Commanding Officer t. ?iaceept decline the temporary. appointment authorized by reference at.? 3. VOLUNTARY OATH Ste hen vi . do solemnly reaffirm that I will support and defend Constittiteton a the 84%: States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic. that wiil continue to bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution anti the country whose course it directs. and that I take this obligation freely. without any mental reservation. So help me God. SECOND ENDORSEMENT Date: 21 July 1981 From: Commanding Officer To: Chief of Naval Personnel {Fora-43.5} Port. 71313 ]b6 i; b6 ?1 ans-Edwin? -- -- 02's 4:83) [Form may for mmird in Department of the Not, -. Washington. D. C. 203% PART 1 005 DEPARTMENT or THE: NAVY f) '7 THE CHIEF OF NHVAL WASHINGTON. DC 20350 RIM-Y 1'0 2? September 1982 From: Director,.Navy Program Plarninv .To: LT Stephen K. BARRON, USN, b6 /1110 Subd: Permanent appointment; delivery of Ref: 1426 of 12 Aug 1982 10 USC 624 1. Year permanent appointment to the grade of Lieutenant, in the U. S. Navy with a date of rank of 1 July 1981, promulgated by reference pursuant to the provisions of reference is hereby delivered. 2. You will indicate by endorsement hereon whether you accept or decline this appointment. b6 . I the $3.158?; Planners. .. FIRST ENDORSEMENT 27 September 1982 From: LT Stephen K. BARRON, 3/1110 To: Chief of Naval Personnel (Pers-48 3 90?223) Via: Director, Navy Program Planning 1. I accept the permanent appointment authorized by reference 2. I desire that my commission be forwarded'to me at the following address: b6 b6 SECOND ENDORSEMENT 27 September 1982 From: 'Director, Navy Program Planning - To: Chief of Naval Personnel 1. Forwarded . b6 - MMLD 21m Execdtive As is Int to the .011: ec tor, rogram Planning 5m I .. #165 AGREEHEHT .. OFFICER SCHOOL {005} . {Formerly HAVPERS OIIJ-itl-Oz?o STEPHEN KEVIN BANNON b6 or run: (of! our] . (aerial 8!?!in Ruhr) 1. Haring volunteered for training in the Officer Candidate School Program of the United States Naval Reserve. I hereby acknowledge: a. Commander. Navy Recruiting Command. (If entering the progrnm from life] (ii That upon opprorul of my application. I will be required to enlist in the Naval Reserve; and that. in the event I fail to complete catioftctorily the requirements for appointment to commis- sioned grade or reqonnt disenroilnent from the Dfiicer Condidete School Program prior to acceptance of a commission, I any request 2 year: immediate active duty in enlisted status. If this request i by the Commander. Navy Recruiting Commend. I oili be discharged from the Novel Service. e. (If entering the?progrne from on enlisted status} That in the erent i faii to complete the requirements for appointment to conninaionc grade or request dieenroilment from the Officer Candidate School Program prior to acceptance cl 1 commission. I will be required to complete my enlistment contract. including any extension thereof. a. That i will receive orders to the Officer Cendidnte School. Newport. Rhode Ininnd. and I do hereby con- sent to serve on active duty in an cnlietod status for such period of indoctrination in the program as may be prescribed. e. That upon notioinctotr completion of all requirements. n' qu? no commissioned grade as .1 Reserve Officer in the Unit-leg 96!.ch Rot-y in the RI r? trim with designation as 5 if such a eocmiseion is tendered to me. and upon will be discharged from my enlisted status i. That: 3 comoinnion no a Reserve officer in the United States Navy is held at the pleanure of the Preci- upon acceptance of conoisnion. I will be required to serve at least six years as Henerve office in the United States ?ne? from date of appointment to commissioned grade; any portion of this six-year period not served on active duty will be served on inactive duty: and resignation of my commission on Reserve officer submitted prior to completion of this sixvyeer period will normally be rejected and. after this period-.? may be accepted or rejected by the Presi- dent, on the needs of the nerrice any then require. . 5. That nections eiib of title 10, United States Code. currently provide as follows: ?67in. 'Renbers; Service extension during war. Unions terminated or on eeriicr date by the Secretory-concerned. the period oI active nervice of any member of on armed force is extended for the duration of any war in which the United States may be engaged and for six nonrhs thereafter.? . ?67in. Iombere: Service extension when Congress in not in session. ?fa; Notwithstanding any other provisidn of low. when (be President determines the: the notional interest so requires. he may. if Congrers is not in session. having adjourned sine die. authorize the Secretary of nefenoe to exrend for not more than six months enlistmente. appointments. periods of active duty. periods of active duty for training. period: of obligated service. or other military status, in any component of the Armed Forces of the Unired Stores. the: expire before the thirtieth day after Congress next cnovnnc3.0r reconvcnos. An extension under this section continue: the aixtieth day otter Congress next convenes or reconvenes or until the expiration of the period of extension specified by inc Secretary of DcIenre. whichever occurs earlier. unless sooner terminated or Inn- or Executive order.?- - h. That Fedcrn! statutes and pertinent regulations-applicable to the personnel in the United Staten ?ery That final approval of my epplicntion in the Officer Candidate School Program will be determined by the may change without notice and that nuch change: may affect my statue or an Officer Candidate or conniov sinned oificer and ohiigntion to serve on such. b6 .. . .t32?) 2- I cement to serve on unit.? on officer for peri?i.? - wears {3 or 4 years) it tread by the Chief of Novel FOUR (3 or 4 yearn)? I must notify the Chief of Hotel Personnel vie my Commanding Officer of this deeire at least six month: prior to the end of :3 obligated sortiee. I understood; further. that failure to to notify the Chiei of Novel Personnel of or desire to he relented from active ?uty six nonth: prior to the uni of my obligated service constitutel a desire on my part to be extended on'octive duty'for an indefinite period of time, in which etont I will fall Iithin the provision: of SUPEBSKAN 3820130- froa the date a! appointment on} sooner released to ineotive duty or d5 9etsonnel. . 3. I under-tend that to effect felons! {roe eetivo duty et the end of this Year period. 4- I have rend end obnpietely understood the oeenint Ind cantent of the above. No either'written or are} hete been nude to me in connection with my application for enrollment in the Officer Candidate School Program, except at specified above. I acknowledge receipt of copy of this document. IDS b6 b6 . . STE?usn KEVIN BANNGN "if? '1 I ?l"f b6 20 October 1976 Wit} No. of Ittuu is; Officer} . (Dore) :1 . 324 . - v? anml?ismnve ammo - as: sarcasm meal U. S. NAVY-RECRUITING DISTRICT, RICHMOND, VA 23229 20 Oct 76: Enlisted this date in the Naval Reserve in the Special enlisted rate of OCSA (Officer Candidate Seaman Apprentice), 11659 under Title 13, USC, 511(a), to serve for six years and iSsUed orders to report to home of residence. SHIP OR Sbk'rlON b6 Home Address: mocaa 2? Sep 1976 b6 By direction cf the Commanding Officer 2 20 Oct 75: selected to attend Officer candidate'School (ODS), Newport, Rhode Island . with a designator-of 11650 Class #7?03 which convenes on 19 Feb 1977. Issued orders to report to the Commander, Naval Education and Training Center (Bldg. Ke?l}, Newport, Rhode Island 02840 on.19 Feb 197?. . b6 - AUTH. of b6 20 Oct understand that I will be temporarily advanced to pay grade while undergoing Officer Candidate training. I further understand that if_I fail to successfully complete the Officer Candidate training phase, I will be reverted to my former enlisted pay-grade held or pay grade E-Z, whichever is higher, prior to my discharge from the Navy or'executioe of orders to my new duty station 56 RUTH: CUMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1110.1A WITNESS: BANNON b6 mu: mammal-ma; . 55 b6 - lemma mm cuss Stephen {gain a - aomsms?renwe neuaexsw Reopens 111701613 mew. 3-731 5m .3 DJ OFFICE: (36:33" E56 . .. . 3 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY Fro sen us. . i ?131:" 1200 Ser 33? 21 Novembvv 1980 From: Commanding office: b6 To: LTJG Stephen K. BARRON, /1110 Subj: Appointment in the Regular Navy, delivery of Ref: secmw use usmzoz see 30 (Annex: 081180] 10 use 5573:; 1. The President of the United States has appointed you in the Regular Navy in the.temporary grade of Lientuenant (junior grade), date_of rank.01 JuEy 1979. as promulgated by re?erence pursuant to the provisions at refenence lb). . 2. You will indicate by endorsement ?ereon whether you accept or decline this appointment. b6 21 Sovemher 1980 ENDORSEMENT From: LTJG Stephen K. BARRON. USN, _1110 To: Commander, Naval Military Personhel Command via: Commanding Officer. USS RAUL F. FOSTER 1. I accept the appointment authorized in reference 2. I certify that I understaea th rence . S. K. BARRON n-nmu? A-.. u-uunun?nu?u?n- 21 November 1980 SECOND ENDORSEMENT From: Commanding Officer, USS PAUL F. FOSTER (DD-9541 To: Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command b6 l. Forwarded. AI- FINISH FILE 2&4} REPORT BF H8346 OF RECORD AND PLACE FROH HHICH ORDERED TO A TOIIR 0F ACTWE DUTY IHSTIUCTIEI-IS t. Gaunt. 1n otiictm are entitied to receive travel and transpottetlen allow- ances tar ttovnt portage-i or to be performed under competent artists upon appointment. or call to active duty. from home or iron: the place iron which ordered to active duty to that duty station. and (2) upon separation iron the service. open the temporary retired llat. reins: iron: ac- tive dam or retirement. from loot duty statton to home or to the niece tron which ctcett-d to active duty. {Sec article 342%. BUPERS Malawi-.1 This {arm tn used to: the purposes at determining entitlement to oliawoncee under these attentions. thcreIoro critter-no cote :ntrat bo- ueed to preparing this occur. went. ?ne: prepated. entries hereon may not be chance& corrected unless nyecmculiy by the Ctrtai 0! Ravel Personnel. This ton: in for one only by those individuals appointed to otftcer status or who tenor-tea to: active: duty In on ntatun on and after i .iommr'y 195?. 2. Preparation. a. Prepare one! sign In duration? (as Indicated} lot tract: or Reserve. upon: - .t Appciatment to status in: Immediate active duty?- complete 911 items. Appointment to officer status for Inactive service-completed! item except the two captioned 'Place Front Which Ordered to Relevant Tout oi Extended Active Duty' and 'Dote of Entry on Tour of Extended Acttvo Duty.? 11mm J"that Apoiicabte" in mese iternn. Each reporting tor a tour at extended duty iron. on lnoottvc- duty status-complete all items. i. 3am: at Recent? and ?Place mm yum-n ardent To Relevant Tout oi Extended Active Duty" entries shall he ?erenntned by to the GUIDES . provided on the tavern at this tern. c. The Cit-tithing shall be the concluding olftcer. executive atti- ctrr. or other ottlcer designated by the Signature shall he aiitxed in accordance with 1508. U. 5. Navy ?egulottono. 3. Dinultlon. e. permanently In Setvlce Record {tinePets 1021). it. Ocpiicotc.-Tn BuPers. 25. D.C. {Altar Pore II. My home of record. and the pince Iron which i was ordered Into the tour of extended active duty {or which I on reporting. are: noun or RECDRD {Give unplea- udder?) b6 b6 ,tf/Jr. 310M OEDCRID 70 {Give citywide aging") b6 ?ll-Evil!? YOUR b6 DATE OF ENTHY OH TOUR 03mull: (but. ?at, at! fr] . . KEVIN ENS TU rang on? mat. ND. b6 WBNATGN Haas" tarom {2-611} {Fundy 262} mo w? 1- '3 #1332" 8'11 . . .. REPORT ON THE FITNESS OF um: um. 2 .-.. . . 2 37'1? 1 15112115: 11?11?51? Fii?isr :1 ?33133? -- 2111111111.. 31521151: 11121111: 3- 1:11: 1 13.115? I I 156"" 1a 1151561112111 If .1 1 311.10% L3. 3 2119.51.91.19?! "?rt'i LDKOHABU 5912.111) 1' ?Sth& i 201:1"115 ,3 1111110625111:wa I :11 mm 11.1 13:11 211'. or :11: 05111011112111 3 - 12 3"]13. i= 11:11:11: 1 115901111111332111011 {j 3135? I or arr-1cm '1 :3"ng25 7331333313133 3' o5 X3 1111 11123- 3 11? ""115 1:011x329 mmE I 1_ ?111.111?! 1 11. ?11111111111 HI 211 FLOSEL ausm' .1 oyhauxi 1 1'1mi10mg111 05151111110 10.211111111111513 '01: 112111.10. 1151'5111111?11111111 3'3" 5'5? 'bms' :51? 0011-; TO PEEFARE LINE QFFICERS FOR . 3'61 115-1101411110 1.111110111111111 111111631 11ii1' .11.: 113111: -. as '21? 3531's" Jbe 01? ?b12912 1103 lb6 i 1111 111111125 AHQGMO manna?ia'o'?z?'??izk?'fs?' 31115122312531.1355 E53331: '3 "3 .-. 3 i" hilt-{FARE OFFICERS b6 9111.22-11, . 1:15:11 ?Jldwuz-V?uu: :3 - . . W?lv ?m ammomsm air caumnnic?nuna'wi JUNIOR assxauntuvs In SURFACE Ann.PRovans A squnnwaen FOR 0F QUALIFICATIOH.AHB suassauamr [mm DESIGNATION as SUEIFACE mama: BFFICERS. as names ?anges {communal '3 b6 f;?guer 1n Charge ?urgare Warfare Officers School Lamm?nd Detachment Coronado San Jiggo. Caiifbrnia 92155 mam 3" 1 REPORT ON. THE. 21mss?m= FFICERS -L?imh :i '12 Efm??' ?12703950 2225 21 {'11 E23 M1 L320 5] b6 . Ii Jammie 32:22:33; i i 13g 22275 :1 22 2222?. 2 23 ngsg2 2225203 3 ?3202222222: $025. 29' ?32 napti?i? L. W- *2 220.- i' g; DEMCHMERT a: 02:: m: GFFIGEER [i 1 IYFE 3r . .. 'Il? 1.23:3. . ..- .4 .- 222 "1.29m .. ?-20 20:: Hr. 023' Fr}; 3""th 22 2225 2w: . . . cm i .3: can: "2035: ?0022;: Jam: 21223:. {Svaiam' 0% 202-2220 :Edii'rmuw '02 1352:2022" 2:32 02' hiss-020 002'?) 222 223222: 2221? - 5 -1 62200231 530' r: Mi' "2'21: 219i}: i" -=1b6 2:9 51:02 :lim jha. :2 2023' 222252 '02" 2222222 SE02 6'22 mEIra?b'?'ob?' "h i" . i -w?n qua-q. I l; 2 {22 0222 535' Emil-1" h. luv-an! b6' 1511!? (RES. 0109-l3m-3H3 COPY 2: or ?OHMANEIracatumwdi 1112 l??-I??II-nlln . . 23 Bums Assuum?. :68,?th n. b6 e. 31195113 time out? -ww- . 1 When!) 0 Sarina use GNU: REPORT on ma- amass 0951172115 a canoe .Ia. nasua. fem-1mg: erratum 1:an I 55m 3 1.11%: 1'06 Layaway 0.1716: 2 7.31417415014 I 1 I 4 a one-5590mm 1 a .1 II 525575 I 1111 ?11.11. us: PAUL FoerR I 77.1mm -1993431071 50mm? 1511100 OF REPORT a *1 221321.11111197 "3751:7117 ?mum II mam? f7}: 71' IS 153: 09.311071 .1 I111: :51; 111 21:; 712:: 21:11 I IL :12; 21 ma??mm or of: animate Isms or RECORD com or scia- 119912.. FLEETEX are? . II. 71 musgame 26.08816 . gb6 to c117: 33115515829 {care-11111120014 REVERSESOE or mc?nncom b5 AuxnnRIEs OFFICER {211 JOOD b6 - mm?; mm (mice-1.2; .1 .h?c?ao cow 3 a i 15. OUTEES $551685!) {Continue?} b6 ?9 c-u-v- . .. .H. ?w wuu qu. at? 5154:3215 USE Chit1:23.531: I 25,31 5:523:31 1 ?nu-:2 1-1 . . I WREPORT ON THE FITNESS 1. 222202. STEPHEH K2212 . I rl'?fudu or 222-.pr1? 2-. PC1212 1o er 1112;12me 1 11 05711012914512101321;: 1 . . 91112092231125. 52:22:01: or arr-scan a'ifi't'J-H' ""5223. I :19 2115- W11. 1 . cost? E..- '22 tar-2122.122? 23202122212215 2.1223251 11551- 05131222132132 511.12 or a?cono 5113531 122 12.2230219021 I TAS GRQUP 0932 1' Hm? I - 221 22-: 21215122531222.1'1'; 2111-2? 1111.12. (?1.335202 122's" "52516" . b6 co LII {22 1123 1 . '2 2.21 2211212212121.ng swanmuen 0.112211152136315? 62112202222321 -. HAUX IARIES DIVISION ~3 - 2 2212126 3 o: 516 1; 5211122511121012 22) 011mm? 11:11.1) 2222. USS PAUL 202122 vafa 2.13 - ?aw-u- {11221210205253.9110 ;115 595- r?fr'" 17 012511): 11211-122 1111211153 2 $02092! if.? b6 921129an 1311?! 1922.212: and 1119-1221312: 312.2 rrmu *5 Cr i?jlrh?i?chi TYPE PGRT VISITS: AND TRANSITS ,m1' . . L?'lM-l' . . a- FOSTER FRANCISCG 9558} n. -. -..- .. Wan-v . p. 3-33. I: 1 3'3i153 Mk5 ILAST $3351.?! 0L. 3" zos?ae STE HEN. KEVIN :11}th ED ASA ?b6 - Um Inns Airs-1.. EM I r33 uvI? OF THE 35$ TH FLEET 3 f?St? IE Iv i Ifn'fntba'f'? I a 3333:? 3 .. .- .. .. i'w f?n?iTF a Ev3?u 99 ?hq USS _Iar?rtund ?l - I - I . {in I'cm' I'It'si?rgma:- 0F . :51 auacmsm . I ?5qu I- ii'??ic Isrman (spun-15m mm?: . ?a #315 at}? imamIrma :2 ans :13 3 Fil?- i JG Isms-i . ?13DUE-NT . . . ET H. 331': ?lm? EHUEB (an if}: 5101-. (F ES 05D bu JOGD "nu-a mm REPORT 9N THE FITNESS QF OFFICERS 1- 3 Eu HEW-I ESE 3101'. mu {33131-- 1 I 5 b6 - .npu my!) RECORD 2: {tasrekmwn aConlmMI?? 3--..-.- mun b6 USS PAUL FOSTER FPO EAR FRANCISCO 1533515 USE cm: 1.x 1 (mans-035 ow: 383 1 I 9153f 1- . E33 .. ?lm-SS3" -- ON THE OF OFFICERS PIHLJT Hindu; '13" "?15 mnfo'? nannonL 33rpaz? Kavzu SI Ens. HIlth ?aunt: . . a one 3390mm 5 i I- 33535 I PM 1 1:33 Pm. {03753 Paraspam Ircc: L35: m: an Ragga; 6f" ?emar ?r I. ma SS ?a oamcuu?mor 5 . BETWHMENT 0 3.55.: 11333-1. I swan. as ?mcm L?i?t??'cal I?M?Iiiq' JU 4 03-13353: . - . . "I3K?sxs ma" ?0'3 Erma ?ow . . -3- Sun. 595. Ir :3st :18 S39. Fae jr? ?:25 surna- - ., .Lan awn-v.31} ?cm. one 13:} event SS- 005m 52.1?: .miei?si? S'Semuwama' ?magmas was or com ?2 gi?rs 6Fcc'iu- we ammo ELSTPAC MS I . m. 195" aim in Sti?: I 126 95516 i S9: 35h: am .an Sl? ..-I- 5 3'3 ?53. 1mm.? 0-H 30E 0? COPY) IALIXS- QFFICER {?331va b6 ?was 3m 5m aprnon (Snow 2: E'MnLomsu'r 0F commas {canllnuedi 002 mans-9?. ?8 ?ll?llES b6 USS PAUL F- FOSTER FPO SAN FRANCISCO . . - ?Li. 1 i: REPORT ON THE FITNESS OFFICERS 51:11.11: 11.113: #1113? 1111113151" 111. 1111111111. 3151211151 111211111 i 1 1.115 1 1? .11 11 171313.. 1:1 'mr- "15? ?111 11.311114 ""751? 12" ?11- nema?wnc I if?; 11111.1; 111151111? 1131? 1511111. 1? 1-11:: 11:11 11111111 1cm as? 111290111? 11 1131 1 11;. 11 1113111111111 [[31 31111111111 ?1111111111, 11111111111 ff? ?tie'?cir'? 11.115 FOR 15% ?355" 1r 111 SPE- 11 093:1? 111.5? If? 72111115851L- ..1 cm: mews 511151171 1. 31121111 21 51111163111511? 11:013111111511 011315112115? 51512 61711120051560 :1 113?? 1311712011: UNIT OF 7TH FLT INBIAN I . ?Tm can . 1 Niri?. Pi. '11: i2'c "ims L125 1? 11131: I 26. ifa? "l :1'11 bilriss' 1159113111511 1501113111111": 1111' r31"- ri?'cor'i?' 51111311 NAVIGATOR CDO GQOOD {In} DAPA {1113} b6 19' 1 . Ilium-con 11.995111?: nm?-l?-n?-SHE .. 1121:0110 Cop?- A gnu-v I f? :1 in urn] ?bf; . . b6 RWERS (ESE ONLY - n- an. - ?g 1 ?31111 "[th'1 111517 1 STEPHEN KEVIR 1. 1 - g'lf'iac 95R i' X: umc mars HIE: ?1 aT??i 1:11:11 1111 IRIEPORT ON .THE OF OFFICERS .I. mm. 313515 5 ah. p1111? ?1 25 1930 mkii? I?qus I 1? $11le5 ITAIION 11 1113I1ss P11LI Fos In 13mm: I 1 1:41 namesmm: 11910111146 31:10:: or (Imam mm? j? .. 13 :Isrzc 1; 1" 515: i? if 21?. 095 . I111- 1m. I .34 can AME. M11 UN 96 VERSE 8?95 OF RECOR5 m;n_m1UTcgwa? :11. 0FFICER SECRETARY :24 I i EjjI co 4 .1 II 1115 [I?m I 1 ?0111]? LI: I OF ON 5135 OF EEC-0153 I IOF 7TH 9P3 SOUTHERN 11.133101 =3 0:351:31 [mop?a In T153171I 11231615 bi- on edgsaanjiou' 0:516 [1 111a 1w rat:- 11.301121111ml 1a.mw 0F GOMnurses mm new. 5.17; sm Iowa-191164110 . RECORD COPY - moth?rug- - a! o: commas!) u. -.. .. htmazurn H. n! {43 ?33915 'bs USS PAUL F. Fos'rER FPO 5w FRANCISCO, CA 96665 inmmv 000.3.? . I - ULSE REPGRT ON THE FITNESS OF OFFICERS 3 um: ms" mass mam-fa name :3 s'si: enavs .I uss PAUL Wan} fIf ?arsana I or wi?f??m -. ma . 1r.- same. Lyn-N: .3 ?25? .I I In I I (If; afi aagc 1'5 hymn/.2- .. Ham's rim ?riSm?gnI'u'lls 3.1.364 Hers, warm: as .aLr on ii mans: ssur L1: 0: LOCM 093 Lona BEACH NAVAL i I .2: w. :Lr-{mam L36, co cw [Ema LL-L a: QFFICER 9.35.355.an FEUTM I LT 111111- a {jb? . #Cl?fk??3(5?031?9 . sung I . b6 - . . ?013? - ?5.99! (C. v?l?tnuedl 00.10 23 is Kant-mod: AFEAIRS OFFICER (4 . mun-o- b6 2 03 .. I if. 21111 1 El (3135 I nupms 1385 ONLY 2 (U 12:11); h! REPORT of? WE 12711531395 Orr-mess an.? :11: 2 .. 6mm ia'uesfe 2: 111101. KEVIN LT ili 1110 b6 a 11.29: . :L-sangu ?3 91719223013311) 1 68991125 I 5 EMSHINETON DC I . :51: units" . - I?Emsmr? Ri?a?r 1 ?2 :22 2:22:22: ?2 22-21222 25-12mm . ?nausea -.: . 1:15.25: 2221 me??riffu2-222 3 2 2.2.2, 1 - ?.10 9? 11 ran um . sue-tin,? C??naa? a? 222 THE 1121 ?1f922 1 .. .19? I op~naui ?1.?2222 .231! ?in? .?32 $2036.; GE: 2222 12? H1311 22 22201vcno FOR 15:13:01 c01311117101~22 b6 NAVPEHB 1611!! IEEV. 3m 51 ems-611mm ?Frag? ?rst)? c? mmso~113m81 b5 016 HUI {If 053' tw'mvwm 0F {li?JMMav?iD mama-mum -- . . .5 mm, T0 81AUGEO .o .. s. v? .. .m --.. w? and transit 'b6 . . Reporting Senior?s Mailing Addr?ss Commander Seventh Fleet San Francisco 96601 {at ?u-u ?tapeworm-r. - re?t" - "name: -- wag-1 1 . x' a .1 ?uff-3'4 r. . I ., 5.- woman Met; . :51 sic?: era-15.12: 3r #3265 - N: "f u. F?ef ?a I ?lb; DETAGHHENT 1551 ageoanua sen _ncj kart-f 21.; eunomr _or' {swim I. 1" VW Gamay; '65 a'EveasE cor-w" 3741337: In' . .- _'zmas assnsaeu moumgy: {2r? dJo?u 135?? 'at-?JS mg?; f, .. d" N-LF- 394%.: 9.34?: 915.1%" a -5: 2 .i i - 3, or coummu MNNOWI if: b6 4J5- ?333N01?330c130 ?s;b6 OCT b6 DIRECTOR, NAVY PROGRAM PLANNING (op-990) WASHINGTON, no 203 50 v'Hl'mH'" .n .u w" ., .u?uau .u merr- mas osmium -- - *2 mam?? ., [rpmul . if"? C4 . w- u? REPORT 65': 11-15 thhE'ss' .omcaas gamma-typing moms) -T2. anane' I 11530051515BREE HhPOI-iaf: 1 gi-?r Tamas g, :prg?f?zr I --. ?pm-w; sari 2416,5190? ii 313'sTdn?m? ?2 a; wannao or amamrasm or . - .n smasher-:3: i _3 or: {gr-guy; 1a ,5 100:3 semen i . OFFICER .11?: REG 1.34: . :3 595 i ops} l? its auras; . .51! mm .- cm. i .1 can; CLosel 005m auumg :21 Embwis'En 0F c?miaraa lcon'nlwdeo wusvzasr. sun's 6532233530 com} 52:3 'onurrs. SF 509'- I. - {am-fr; :1 nw 0F Trigwas: ?as .4 . :24 ?fl-lam-.22-F.- Fang-:7 'm {rim-mt. rarrj'FFCF awakens 1511'! 32:22 serum camu?zmzm . - R?ft'mi?) {4 mmwmammwa} BANNON k? 1 - 0&9303 . I I . . 26 DUTIES (1551034?!) [?nalmmn - "no alogwnaq SERVED ?nnER INTERIH nmson b6 DIRECTOR NAVY PLA-NMING {op- -BHBI ?nvv DEPARTHEHT . I 2935B an?. . "Hm Wr? Ian?- Magi?L'? HE 1 Jar-2H as a: aid 73i )Uij_ REPORT ON THE FITNESS OF OFFICERS ?Walks-j? rug-3': 51:00in i hkiw?wa i? *3 1mm I T1 I?d-Ell?? 11} .41 IoGuam; TILT no.0? ?n um . npvav, H??ul TsTor 9: HJ ll .. 1??.., ?W?mi? .54 . g. .. .- 'Er Iu? ulr {His awn-xii .J (.DR u. 2; a! HH Hug-nus: 5.1x Tu: we; onumraui] . nu- r-?nuv[lep-;qng Li, 1, :1 l-?Ji?hri? 5! "If LUMI . I I 3 Beam 1.3.3 I: J1 717mm: 0 'ur; mm? FROM ah)? 1:3 '1 {21.2 CGVFAFF 0F FGPCES 9F THE 32-; 69:5?? u. T'nmmu ATSITTAMT To FOR DECISIOQ 6? I IT 135"? lTsuan {22:11:41 -. i l_ gaz- ? E]b6 ?1 J. 0 83 b6 ?was 151:}: mm cm. 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