Statement an the Appnintment {if Dana Enente as Acting Atturney General The acting Atterney General, Sally ?fates, has betrayed the Department ef Justiee by refusing te enferee a legal tit?der designed tn [rm-tent the citizens [if the United States- This rirder vvas apprtived tn Fin-n1 and legality by the Department ef Justiee Uf?ee at Legal Ceunsel. Ms. ?r?ates is an ?bania Adniinistratien appeintee whe is weak en berders and very weak an illegal immigratinn. It is time In get serieus abeut preteeting eur eeuntry. Calling liJr teugher vetting l'er individuals travelling freni seven dangereus places is net extreme. It is reasenable and necessary te preteet eur eeuntry. 'l'enight, President 'l'mmp relieved Ms. ?r?ates of her duties and subsequently nanied lJaIia Beente, U3. Alterney ibr the Eastern Distriet el' Virginia. In serve as Aeting nltemey General until Senater .letl' Sessiens is ?nally een?nned by the Senate, where he is being wrengly held up by Denieerat senaters fer strietly pnlitieal reasnns- ant lienered te serve President Trump in this rele until Senater Sessiens is eenlirnied. I will det'end and enferee the laws ef eur eeuntly te ensure that our peeple and nut nation are protected," said Dana Beente. dieting Alterney General.