I HNHI URN (U) Counterten'orism Policy Directive and Pollcy Guide (U) Federal Bureau of Investigation (U) Counterterrorism Division (U) (U) Published Date: April 1. 2015 (U) Review Date: April 1. 2018 Firm to Pt I. ?ll' (U) Note: This document incorporates the Policy DIFECTWE and the Policy Guide. .a email?: ll i" Hf! Vt}! URN an In MNUHJHH umussmm um If mm r. I WI i1. I'nrluwr [Halu- .r - II I Iii-Hivv Imlu, I 'z rd ann-w lqu Ulnjm Hun 2m Jif.? 4' I if. [Jurunsn- fI-Ja . H. Pnin Ill-'Rules and 1 RII \llifUR} - ?iradiw (PD) 0494!), Policy Guido, and the . Units and Poms5141. Investigations and Operations 3.: Wm iterations. 5:2. Mourns 1:11.11. AD: mm director Guide (9106) dated October 16, 20] and any .. 1.2. Fur mum-m re?nances. key words, and links. ptease see the CW6. 14.2.2. Attorney Gent-tars Gmde?nes for Domestrc FBI Operatrons 4.2.3.. 4.2.4. Policy Gurde 1_4.2.5. W0: division polucy of?cer 15.2.6. executive amistant director 43.1. FBI: Federal Bureau of lnvestigatian tune: Internal Po?cv Of?ce mm. PG: m?cv auida I ?vl .lel?oms. De?nitions and AcronymsHallie: inhaei B. Steinbach LI Tine: istant Director DWIsion Name. ohn Giacalone I xecutive Director, Tittle auntartarron'sm Division - ?u j? UNCLASSIFIED "rl l? J't-Ir ,r and? (U) Palm-,1 Guvde (U) Federai Bureau of Investigaton (U) Counterterrorv'sm Drwsaon (U) 0775PG (U)April1.2015 IRN ?Itli'l HNI (U) l?ulu-v iuulr {.eueral lufm Inatiuu (In Qm'smms 1301131111?? in polu'v 1 an ht' dunk-d In 11011)] ink-ml uf 1m tslwallun Hemlqua?nk Din-mm I ?1 ut-lht' Amatun Durrlm D11 mun palm Uf Lmilat'l l'uII (huff Pulnjx and i mu 1 'ml .?u't'raslhle a \uupol' In fm?m? rim] Thu puth gunk- aleru?k-s 1hr Pain} (rump Indus? e? {fl?19417} .md the ('a-unn'm-m rim-m {:miy It'll-194111] 1L3 Hus document and In (0111:1115 an: 1hr pmp?h' oi'lhr BI 11 the dufunmn (011mm an: pended in rm outmdt? Jgencx and contents. arr? not to he dumhuted DllT??ld-f? of that Without the Immune? of 1h? mm 1min 111113112) hated the whim)? of thy: imhcx' Elude Sill RET NOFIIJRN .3. .- 99?. as HHS?luau: Galena8E5??3?E?ll?i .. ow?nrbqiqao?mug sun? . .. Inf" Eg?ggigagmg?aitgigs?ugh E?ocov . a Banninginc-as.dv??vhui.? 9.4 SECRETJINOFORN (U) Pulley Gmde all mlhd?ll. collection Will help In I of Bach): ??lm ?am are nn palm-uh: null: mt called by collection may also he mllet?tetl tl' legally [natural and Idem tn Ill! Won Bast-lute collechm Ilsa mu?ves rmmd?atum of the t1 ol' the mp'nll mfumahm at nature nf mfomunml. In l??E of medication lfthe of the tl'l?ll?l We!) a! settler [ti eve: mb?antullv cplesumled, any lintlIe-I Invesllgatum hast-(l men all! mfamatlm OI mm mm! be mahmrd to determine whethel to am No measugnnve method Will he used Ifutfmnutmn ts develtmed that sq?u?rantlv manna: the pupase of the or ?we-sugath Thus standatdued approach to all (T mvesttgaumts alluw (TI) and F05 to mate c?uchvely and ef?ctcnIIy "tillage (T mamlam an open dlalngue all FD (71' mpenuon ordet to Month; mtelltgenee gaps pumde glutkmre and Mums. and ensure all 31 aliahle (TD tesmures are appt Inmate-1y Path mwsugauon 4.3.1. fl") Assessments (U1 In (T Type I 5: un'esttgatms may when televant t0 the ptupose of the assesmt. called the mfurtnatlou that 15 necessmv to gust-vet the delmled below in Cmm' A {tefet? to oftlus PG {01 .1 list nfauthm?tzed methods) The amt may continue unnl factual utfmnuhon ts developed that wmants opt-mug a mwsugatlou 0t mm] 3 30691119111 can be made that the target does not pose a tenonsm at cnmmal ?ueat Assessments may not {mum open solely to collect more 1f the purpose of the assessment has been athlE?VEd or tf the Is not necessary to scheme the purpose See Semen for addmonal mformmon tegardmg assessutmts In Type 1 8: 2 assessments. there are also spec i?e. mandatory baseline collecuon reqmrements Refe: to Pulley Dueetn-e (PD) UMBD. 5359i: (I Q;ng Assessments for a and 11st of these requirements (U) Cate-gory A Questions (UNFOUO) To mate: the Categm' A aecmatelv database dlecks Will be necessm' T1315 infatuation 15 to be collected. If It can be done. Will] the methods dunng an asst-5mm! (U) Note: Nahum] senmty letters SI.) and are a?fhmiaed dunng an assessment Stand Jun; sub-pom.? (613] are hunted to mfmma?on fm? Type 1 S: 3 assessments See mghge?tgujig. Investigative Grand Jury Subpoenas - prowdefs of electromc sentces or Innate eonmuung services for 01 mstomet Categcry A questions ate 1 (UNI-DUO) The subject's full. legal name and aliases. if any l4 .NOFORN 8 (U) Wm? (mm mmumaamwmu.wd (want 10) The subject's and rm aim (um-mm) A om: ubpct'n um Stain pm am? ii In Mun-tits ti: alum-1's mutt-1ft} and can, oft-ma 'l'hr 5 mm! county umber (3510 (HE *6 I I any other umun ?aw mm and haunt. rumba) (UHFOUO) The autumn trieptm an] MB). .91! man: main uuhznd by th- when The subject 5 may ?rst aid any plat Mes). M?l watts that the subject tea-nth! relocated It wall actually be mum addtess? more than ?ve years old The what 5 cum}! place of mm and positron What available tdcnufymg Infant]me has been chanted It any be '61wa the checks acct-5mm answer the followmg arm-mom Tira- all (T Only mfotmatmn about the when that 15 felt-val to mug he questions DI othemrtse tesaltmg the 15mm may be dormant at P31 Eb to avoid (:01le or 516500.21 mfommw thou: hab?hn?nk?h the 3113' Work! ?maximam [cast 111111.15?? means. item}: bat-ed the momma mandated to me: each quamon ?Tak- sonr databases in open mfmmatton 9. 10. Has the subject ever been the target of. or bum referenced min?! mvestigatmu" Query the FBI's central retortkecpmg swam .9. Im'cstt gam'c Data Warehouse CI mitt FBI [IL-cam Has the subject's current or place ofwuk been m. FBI mwsuganons" Quen' the FBI's central realm m. t: ?rm recordkeepmg systems Does the sub?ct have a manual mmta comm aunt)?. relevant to the 2155:5511th mimosa" cunts a hi. id. and dealmg LUJCII amounts may be as relevant to 3 (T as mad? and/or Erratum uolattons Ami m1: arc-st warm be at federal- state. and local manila? mfurcemul at at? (litm- Infomanon Cutter (NOE). sue Wall-WV? oth? local system. 15 (U) (Immtumwmn Pulley Guide 12 MIFOID) In their mason In lac-lustre that the when has hem Iejmlume emttart wuth of (Illa FBI If so? ?more the telewmt data mneu mnp, the subject's humble: ?nth FBI datalnsen. and. as mnupuate, conduct Willi? Query Telephone Mutilation IDW. Polatml't?leatwatn_ Dill: System (DWS). and Data loathng and nutrients System (Dal AS) 13. (UHHJUO) Is there reason to believe that the mhll?rl has been tn nut! roman sawed! of o?t? FBI Investigations" Ifso, commre relevant data centretnmg the subject's e-nml aeemm?s} with FBI databases. and as conduct analyms Query IDW. Polaris. Clearwatn. DWS, tutti Is that amt reason to believe that the subject has access to hazardous or explosive materials" An Indication of such Include any special licenses or permits (e . contort-ma] dnver?s license mt]: a luxurious materials [Haznnt] that authorize the subject to obtam or possess exploswes or other dangerous mate-11.115. IS (UVFOUO) Is there any reason to believe that tile mtbjert has purchased or licensed to possess ?rth or other weapons" lfso. nut chedts audio: contact local Bureau of Alcohol- Tobacco. Firearms and Explosu?es or any available state database 111 the relevant Jurisdictmn to collect responsn'e records and mfomlatton 16. (LUTOUO) Is there any reason to hehete. consudermg the subject?s background emplot?mmt instant. and Crmunal Instorv that the subject has recewed spec l?llZEd or experience or has knowledge that IS relevant to the unemganon g. saxwe. law enforcement- ?rearms- explosn'es. pdotfananon. scuba enganeenng architectural. computer sctence phmunceuhcal- chemical. biological. nuclear. or Similar sub] Witbm the past year has the traveled abroad to a (Otm??fy?fl?) 1116311! to the assesiment" Qum' the TECS. Airlme Reporting C'mporanon DOS '5 Consular onsohdated Database andx'or a DOS 1.1319011 requestmg an USPER subject's passport below 18. Does the subject live alone or until another minim)? If the subject lures oath another ?uids). [5 there any reason to beheve said admins] 15 involved with the matter under assessment? 19. For a Subject with an mtemnnonal nexus. does the USE have any relevant Information about the subject" Query the 5 central recordkeepmg system. IDW. the National Cotmterterrorism Center Onlme. a DOS hats-on {non- USPERS only). andt'or othu USIC databavses Note: The wmate (TD program nmnagement can tn seekmg mfamation from foreign Intelligence-121w enforcement agencies Contacting foreign agencies is a relatively mhusn-?e etep because it reveals the 5. 1n the If that subject may travel to that forelg-J country 111 the future. 16 SE1: RETWNOFORN 4.5. (U) Connterta-m?m Disruptions - mien fox, 4.5.1. (mum p?on smug w/fFQUOJThelmng-godofaBIum? - ., cur/Fouonfdaeuskam-pm am the,? did.- :nff'r ?once? Mmhunw ism "In I. mmcomamanm.5 (U) (mummnn Pom-y Guide. my clam the Will of I gum when as a unusual Any af?ne lhal mks; thmt?ltu?edim (r saves a wan-mm conduct: mtumcws) my damn Minimum We as autumnal In 1hr awn: F05 dlsaycc as to minimum mum for mutation and deusmu A successful snug): may unpluv a range of tools to possle Include. nests. mews. or mew optimum lo c?'ecm'elv disrupt a subject's As a best prance. all subgt? 111mm sprn?tally the subject's Imam-s and pmual Irmnm'lent as 3 CH5 Examples actions. shun of 1 annual (Mgr. lint could dump? a sublets! Include" - (1111mm) A mtu?ncw of 11:: Subjef?s)- I Sewn?directed amnnes (e g. disinformanon) I (UUFOUO) A medaa camping-n to pubhnze arm-mes, accordance With Of?oc of A??mrs (GPA) pohnes I Ranking an Immigration nsa I Th: 5:121:11: of ?nan?al assets 4.5.3. (U) Disruption Reporting Superseded by PD 052313, Gmdam'efor Immngamv and hmihgmu?e dam-d 6130/20 12? SECRETIWOIN (U) (nun-rm Polo? (Elk .5. EQI) (Iouuler?terrarlsm Assessments (1.1) Purpose of Counter-terrorism Asa-ennui: (UHFUUO) For the pohcres and rules regudmg the cm of rein in Suntan ?5 (UHFOUO) A (hurdm entry must be completed on 21] m. and! a a threat repent): SAR. even when bucmm; predtcated matter (PI. 1111] or ED rs opened a of gated mformauon regardmg the matter mm! be. entered mm Guardun ad that the (hath: lead my be closed for the pmposes of opanng the mvmg?m 5.2. (U) Types of. and Basic Rules for. (T Assessments (UNFOUO) F05 and (TD one of two models when (Mg CT I Guzman?based {Type I cit: 2 assessments; 2 Assesm Investigative ?le?based (Type 3 and Tvpe 4 W) Guardian-Based (B119 1 5r 2 Assessments; Although Gluidlml ant an mt'e'sttgain'e ?le mgr-1m system 11 docs track and manage threats. and durmg the mfomuuon collection and lead manor; pared. a well a allow for the often-:15 and patterns of threatt and runty F05 Legas at! other FBI entrues must enter all reports cfactual or potermal terronst threats and Weird ten-amt occumng the Unrted States or agama smart-its abroad no Guardmn Generally- 1tem5 entered mm Guardian are those or (mcludmg eruzert complaints) that man; have a nexus to Imam and rna?.? be to detect obtain utformatmn about. or prevent 311d protect 331211151 federal {nines or threats to them security tL'r An F0 must create a Guarchan record to we the name of all team related threats and'or SAKS If the PO opens a predtcated mt?esuggnm urbseqtm to lit (3th entry. the F0 must Update the Sudan retard the 'Dasyosr?on? tab Ill Include the predtcated un'eqttganeu ?le number :11 the dosng drapes-um The Guxthm recall must also be senahzed mto the FBI 5 central recordk swrem mt'esttgame ?le ?x the pft?dltal?d mt'esugahon Alger. rf the F0 sends an the Sugar quornmton and Opwmnom Center {5100. CT ?inch and the anus-pane program management unit regardmg a terronsm?related threat. the 1:0 must enter the even: I: am actl?L?tW mm Guardmu [unless 1! rs already part of an open mt'?ugahm and or was ?amt; 111m Guardtam {1"1 All uses of the word ?assessmuf mat.- he p?l?h?t?md to mean an level of unless unheated othemase For further context ea magi. refs 12 29 SECREI It ?lh?l'IH II II ?1?1ll -IHI. I II- II I -.1I. I I II II HUJII I.-.IT -I.I i . Innl II.IF IJII u. Mammary-?ltzw- I . (hum Pmm? I mmamea-umu?ug. .- - ?GMd?wmhm?m?_ (umuuonhemohakhm-m?nh 5.6. (U) than: of a CT AM 4- (UMFOUOJPnumclomlGn-?mwmiu?l?h?lg? da?mm?r-ua-uhm I annual - (U) 1 th FVEY) program manages unique CT Intanet investigations that use aWeb Silt orouhne network ofmdiwduals is the of?ie investigation or what Internet IS the primary investigative method CT Sites 0: {mums to engage in the spread Ideology Coordination with other CTme management units will occur. as to dauntin- the appropriate program mmagement responsibilities- based on the alien?- hm actiwties sue oronljne network 15 Mod a sensitive method. Therefore. any meImihO? regarding the mgetmg of such Web Uh. hm: disclosure of which would reduce the e??ectivmess of the method, must be TO USA. in attendance with citation number INV- Whpu?hnsbemo?m?yacknowledgcd. mu. (um-"mm In?; of own investigations In,? . when a determination based 1 TO USA. FVEY) Extremist Forums and Chat Rooms - .. chat rooms. bulletin boards. blogs. servers. and Web 1:1 audiences mWestem nations. - d-Qa?ida and its Sum: af?liates are attempting to tech non?Arabic- i - T: "hm Wm speakers. Web sites and fomms espowsmg Pt tin (?nalization process and ?dlinte the recruitment of 4 adoells. Save-y: 01'th forums have - cells entirelywithinthe v. '37 . '15sanlmm (anmM .559;- Indus of Walnut: 11mm: tl-m at hugely arm? Hadmtuml aims-d T0 USA. FVEY) Adm-? USA. FURY) (131m: mw?m my bf Wald an l'umms lhal arr. bring use-A to balm Manama! lawn-I m. an mveutlgatums haw dmmuated the Mm: of mm an: by mdun tmunsl armym The Walrus In mills! wt Mail?: and animus, as well as the may lea-thump charms! mm Fm may mimic who mate dun rm. bullm boards. bio-p, sum. Wain? TO USA. MY) l'nmln Particinlh (SHREL T0 USA, WHY) An may be: Med ?in whil primarily based on a subject's 011111! 111qu Md plum ch mums. bulleun boards. blugs genus or Web mes. Fonun warm mm whose pram? actuary Elude-s the developmm of m: actmg as ?Virtual comm" for intro-ml 0191212211115 by pang MW among membas lead?shjp Other mzmu nu! mix; ?rst anal: bi through the mvemgan'ou fontqu at (mime marks be 9pm ?r program mgemt by the Wm: CID prugam magi-mam 1d and F0 (U) [?59 of Online Method's TO USA An zm-?emgmou may be committed a: calm: mm uses exploitation thh? hut-met as 115 puma-y method Wu Examples of such methods mclude the use ofonlmc (1-155 (Jain mm cw (M). U- the electrumc of lam-based (U) Joint Investigations (sum TO USA. FVEY) An investigation may be mandated an min uln- openedatthe rapwstufaUSICma?ied H?hm As the majority 43de world's Internet mfrastrucnle (mining W'ch me [Audit United States- 1t 13 annapated CID mil pursue for PISA toilet? an US. sewers when requested to do so. and when :1 us. Wop-match- praimed by a LEI: a? foreign pawn-I. (SHREL T0 USA. FVEY) Multiple ofdr the CIA and In: rial-uni Security Agency have robust ?ats to mm me ?hit m. (TD actively mgzges these mm the :3me and contacts to enhance FBI mx'esuga?ons against cm agar; in mt: exchanges and Ievmge 31th develops ?1th alhed formal Intelth and law ?an hawking use of the Inn-met S3 (U) (.?mmtu?te?lmun Pulley (imtlr 9.8.2. Unique Wood's Mether l'nl' FINA allot ?an the "Ul'mill ul'the at PISA t'?llt?l?ll?? the Hit H. and 5 ?fth? PU. the thth; I?un'ethues must! he lullnwetl what 3 (TH) nmged. palm FISA Weber hemp, t'm In the 1?le I (SHREI. TO USA. "lhe FBI tin huant United"? .1 SSA) f?t the package gmmallv t?'ft?t?t? the [methane v1.1 the nf nutmeg! 'l't?lt? SECRET .3 T0 USA. 1'1" The ant must tet'lew the pm'katte nutqu the spent-Ir pagea?ut?mtutmu tetated In the Ft} ?Haunt-?hie I'm the and send a 1% email to the It??pt?t?l??t' F0 requesting 4 hunted meix t'mm ?n the ?tk't?tflt' papa-infatuatth emttamed the purkape related to the Ft .1 mtelhgenee?uttln'nutmn .3 TD 'Ihe Ft.) let'tett the ?ip?'l?t?ti Imam-"Informantth t'ent'v that the ?aets :tte .acetuate. and t. a binned Wants, stating the page I1th!er and the weed]: and?m tent-ted 'lhe hunted Wtde form subsequentlt' he 'sent In the (Q ["113 declatam 4 T0 USA The tieaenhed above must he the FISA Arnuaev uuh?ie estahhahed for the t'aptmned whete the was dem ed The must cantam a notatlrm mt wlurh PISA parka 2e 1t ven?es Upon the four steps above. 1111151 I T0150) the e-nml tequeatmg. the hunted I the qpen?e pages'mfommumt from the FISA package I TOUO) Attach copies. of the doetuuents tbs-eel to the the H83 package I Attach the segment mtguml Woods fonn I Forward the package to the (7 HT ?Em mil arrange warrant:st to DOJ of Lntelhgence ?011 9.3.3. Joint (TD (1139:- Din'sion tfer} Int'estignriom TO USA. Due to the potential for arterial: tegardmg Luge-tut? tut-Irma: use of the Internet TD and C3D have mmlemented the fallen-mg procedtues I REL T0 USA..- An FD cyhe: squad must umnedmtelv ll?l?lf?.? the Ft) won mg a (Grimmer Inn?usmns - Intematmual Ten'mtsm (388] mt'esttgatn'e classt?catmnj P1 or full tnvesttganmt The aquad SSA. Wt? 1dmtt?' a spemal agmt (SA) to mutate an apptc-pnate- parallel CT un?eattgauon and to came an .1 The 54 $11 mgnmuwdamm?? mm - (gm-mmwmuamnquhw' . mwaammaMm-ghc?u? . . 1:11.191:mequ U- I (SHRELTO 4. .2115113? . if, Cyba D1me CNSS 9.3.4. (5mm TO USA. n15?) our and mm I I (31mm USA. alth . National ?1 -.-. ?cf-E thezrforcbca?rmmIUCO ([DDecon?ctial . (5mm. TO USA. Dung an mm: mm a an 3?431; 5" -- .- 5w Inueascd reduce the problem 0?45?. SECRETIINOFORN (U) (2mm Policy Guulr. 9.3.5. (UHFOUO) Net Talon Nathan] lnitiatiw (5mm. TO FVEY) In May 2003. till: was by the (TIT) The NTNI 15 an mutt, mdumwr? mama! Initiative committed In suakgically for.an (115mg UCEE, tum tamals' use nfthe 111mm. (UHFOW) For ?rthu drlnils mgardmg the Net Talon Plugmm 11-ch Scrum l_ I PG ?36 SEC RETIFNOFORN Tm of Oahu Inm?ga?ols . h-mmt. intodomeslic . 1. I 01? - - luv: dune-unrated the of ll.? i- a; mvmunban tug (UHFOUO) Fur-ll PM . identi?ed through the af?rm ?rm at diam. . 13': .J Jar" Fig.3. (UHFOUO) An magnum my be considered an ailing . 3.5 :34. methods inn-hide the in: nfanlinc sauces. UCEs. or of? Ali-?i: facilities. I 1.. 10.6.2. (UMEOUO) Jnint Investigations - (Ulmouompmmopmgafumaacmnum-mrm (238K I 7? .. r-z ft)" if?; . (UHFOUO) If a DT squad dam activin and: In 3M ,1 SSA must contact SSA The cybuSSAm?Mupac?uw.. 5-7; POC. A?ucn?abmating, the . investigation involves tie-norm acliwty, ndapmalsquad may request that the. cyber squad open a 2836 (fuchsia! i i investigation. ?g i" - All 288G and 238K include in the distribution: Calm Am ?-thr h' - NSCU. 1' 10.0.3. (WEDUO) Onllne Undmm'er and mm . . mm set for?l tumor -- i op?ations apply to all antinc DT UCOs. . --.- -. 4-: . I in muf?n PG?rmuinfmmatiuhm?mNetTalm 11. 11.1. -, Mmeu?mumm=Wu?W?T (UNFOUO) Th: USG's conmlidled um newactivities 6131113111: 3?7. .4213 - .I . . I 11.1.1. (mule Terrorist Scmning (3'th . -. (um-0110) The TSC was established in 2003 by Homeland Sen-aw which directed?lcestib?shnm?m =3 - A - . (1115000) Providmg for the woman and 1111611 us(UHFOUOHM mmng' cansohdamd.? . - I fUHFOUO)Conductingthesc mdapplicahlc TSC personnel review individlul TSDB retard: 5 . II ?Ir 11. bmmt'lhnitedtojidm?meofm?mm. . 1- agent! (U) Whitman Policy Claude (nth: .m?ulinl mm and (1) dined? from the FBI drum-sue mill: metal: MW unfurniqu such a date nfbuth (DUB). Place of bath, SEN. a human: infumnhm web a cu Eugen-mt: The Idmtt?nu nf ?ulp?tltd main huh: an: dented ?Fm Of?cial Use Only" (170110) and am- for truly. 11.1. (U) Civil Liberties To [rated civil hbutte: and my. my must meet the wmhlilting (mfu i of the PG) ??le of mdiwduals based Eddy an Indium muted by the First Amendment. at} the tare, edlmetty. national unguL DI rehp?on ofthe at ?n polthcal at tetahatnrv [Jimmie-s Is Any ptoposed Wm ft! watt-Misting that Involves a SIM (re?t! to the section an sensnwe WW mate's) val] be biting]! to the attention OGC. and uf?culs. as Wale. FBI personnel must stnve to ens-me that the data ts accurate. thomugh. and mud Also. pert-mule! must ensue: watehhst reemds are updated on a unit-1y [1115an to hunt my adverse emsequences In tndn'tduals and to reduce the potential for USPER Status (UHFOUD) A subject's USPER status does not parent the subject ?5 uommatmn fm entnr Into the TSDB. In accordance With the T3: '5 .19} j. 3.15 mutations of USPERs must be made based on mfmmatim of known rehabdity 01 where there mats additional conch-matter: DI context supportmg reasonable susptmon To meet these museums. all FBI nonunahous are tenetved b1; TREK and TSC. which con?rm that the standard has been met Wlnie TSDB Includes USPER subjects. US PER slants may a?'eet a subject?s export to a pameulat system (U) ?'ntehlis?ng Standard (UNFOID) In order to a subject for entry into the TSDB and all eligible supported the FBI must have a reasonable suspteton to believe that the subject 13 a EST or an To meet this standard. the FBI must have "atheulable" mtelhgeuce infuematwn which based on the totahty of the facts. and taken together rational mfetences ?um these facts. reasonably walnuts a determination that the subject 1s known or is suspected to he (at has been) knowingly engagd conduct Lu preparation for. and or related to. 01' teams! aetivmes There must be an oh1eetn-e. factual basis fm the mm to heheve that the indtudual is a KST Mere guesses or "hunches" are. not enough to a reasonable that an Main! 19 a KST For demled mfemtatmn standard. refer to the TSC's Gum'anre. 3013. or 115 The DIOG Wars the unhatien of: PI based on any "alieganon 01 mfmmahon" activity or threats to nahonal scanty In order for PI subjects to be at mfomuttun used to piedtcate. the mtesttgatlmt must also meet the Md ?x The 13106 authenzes the unnath of a full 73 II 337? UIIFOUO Sumtulrmm NW may not be baled on ?land ?9:36 mm,wmmn?w m,?e?l . I . LL -: 2-72-53 . (urrmUO) AW 1! mung cm known It: the st: hul- u-iu - Hunts. - . 1' II a 315-. - (UHFOUO) Repealacd contact w?h mdn?nls by in us: a - espousing Ideology tin! mludcs drjm?cm all: I: :Tgf?jt: Mum-5:11 . 2d - . activity. .3 12' (uxrroum Additional gum and ?11:05: meme-unis in In. if. 11.3.1. (U) Exceptions I, ., .- whodocs not man the m1: mom (5-.ij (rc??ok?'h??mm unis! madam With TREK to demuin; that's: exceptions. 11.4. {In T508 and Supported 5m a Widen]. sue. I '5 1 TSDB datam several systems. 1 mun a. .j I. .K- huniyhamumvlulun Gang and Tammi - I- I'amped a handling code. I: Elm. +le annual-Iced. 1 Pam File. The mint mmlbel mt be the ?ne! is rambling! Will] Handling Code I and the arrest warrant becomes ?rm Ipdat: the record. The inlet: EST 51!: when a 1 mmuntcred; :33. i; mum SENSITIVE Lg.- -- . - APPROACH WITH CAUTION - Emma}. 13 ASSOCIATED WITH TERRORISM AND IS THE SUBJECT OF AN . mum. ALTHOUGH TEE WARRANT MAY NOT BE RETRIEVABLE VIE ?h IN SEARCH OF NCIC, DETAJN THE 11-413mm]. PURSUANT TO . . -wmm~rr's PROCEDURES FOIL HANDLING AN OUTSTANDING AND WET THE TERRORIST SCREENING CENTER. AT DIRECTION. Ewmwm FORTHEINDNIDUALIS NOT RETURNED. USE CAUTION CONTACT THE AT (366} FOR ADDITIONAL . EXTENDING THE SCOPE DR DURATION OF THE -. 3 aw YOU AEE BORDER PATROL OFFICER CALL THE - witrrm 3mm OT TERRORIST MOMTION Dayna! ADVISE ?nus MNIDUAL THAT THE MAY BE ON A Lt, INFORMATION THAT nus MAY BE ON A .. 13 mat-EmFEDERAL RECORD . 1 THAT MAY NOT BE DR USED IN 4 .6 - ADVANCE AWERATIDN OF THE TEE. I . 1m . hm?aithncaeagentmustmodlfy?lf I. vL-rj-(mun) :3 harm" it?. A - human-amude tummy.) .. . mummwz THIS mmvmum. Is 0? . mama nomnowormmcoumm sin. . UNAUTHORIZED nmosuns mama warm magnum - TERRORIET Is PROPERTY (I THE 13c 4; . muw 11.44.13. m; Code 3 - - - I. . autumnal-3d: . . no ADVISE THIS mm mm 1E3 In! I warms: I coma-:31 1.1m mom-r scum momma mm In; 131: s. .. ?if . . I. . arm '11) mm momma DURING 11413 L1 v- . Wm more no: score on moon or .O - .. or. 19mm YOU moms TO AN INDIVIDUAL [on-mo 35 mm P0351313 ms TERRORISM. .DO NOT OBTAIN OR ARREST THIS INDIVIDUAL UNLESS IS EVIDENCE OF A MATTER OF FEDERAL STATE OR LOCAL STATUTES DISCLOSURE IS PROHIBITED THAT THIS INDIVIDUAL MAY BE ON A TERRORIST WATCHUST FEDERAL RECORD PROVIDED TO YOUR Am ONLY FOR AND IEAD PURPOSES THIS RECORD, AND ANY WNW CONTAINED WITHIN IT, MAY NOT BE DISCLOSED OR USED IN ANY mom THE ADVANCE AUTHORIZATION OF THE TSC WARNING APPROACH WITH CAUTION ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE (U) Handling Code 4 (UHFOUO) Handbag Code 4 is for who have been designated Military Detainees (MIIDETS). 'I'Irse mdwidmls have been vetted by the of (DOD) as persons detained by Coalition in Afghanistan Iran OI Gummamo and have bet-n shown to haw: no known nexus to lurorism These records must contam a ?rst nanm. last name, you The follomng banner appears when 3 Handling Code 4 15 encounteied. KEY SEARCHES ALL NCIC PERSONS FILES WITHOUT LMTATION ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE DO NOT ADVISE THIS INDIVIDUAL THAT THEY MAY BE CONSIDERED A PERSON 1WHO MAY POSE A T0 NATIONAL SECURITY. CONTACT THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF WSTIGATION (FBI) AT {366) 373?9001 DURING THIS ENCOUNTER. IF THIS 1WOULD EXTEIID THE SCOPE OR DURATION OF THE ENCOUNTER, CONTACT THE FBI IMMEDIATELY THEREAFIER. IF YOU ARE A BORDER PATROL OFFICER IMMEDIATELY CALI. TI-IE ATTEIUIPT TO OBTAIN SUFFICIENT INFORMATION DURING THE WITHOUT OTHERWISE EXTENDING THE SCOPE OR OF THE ENCOUNTER. TO ASSIST THE FBI IN WHETHER OR NOT THE NAAIE OR IDENTIFIERIS) YOU QUERIED BELONGS TO AN RIDIVIDUAL IDENTIFIED AS A POMR MILITARY DETAINEE DO NOT DEIAIN OR ARREST THIS INDIVIDUAL UNLESS THERE IS OF A VIOLATION OF FEDERAL. STATE. OR LOC AL WAUTHORIZED DISCLOSURE IS PROHIBITED. WHOM THAT THIS INDIVIDUAL MAY BE A PERSON WHO MAY POSE A TREAT TONATIONAL SECURITY IS THE PROPERTY OF THE FBI AND IS A FEDERAL RECORD PROVIDED TO YOUR AGENCY ONLY FOR NIELIGENCE AND LEAD REWRDI AND ANY CONTAINED WITHIN IT. MAY 1301' HE DISCUSSED OR USED IN ANY PROCEEDINO WITHOUT THE ADVANCE OF THE FBI. 5:31] 32 .- - SECRETHNOFORN anal-ammun- NCICm?mrm?ngaKSdefme .. .5 i f' following: . (5mm Th: subject of the a an my: arm. week (2417) physical manner. "i .F summations- TL - ?1 W5. . mun-3' ?Ema 33 . . . silent 1mUSPERS to (B) General Transportation ,32?: inclusion ofan individml an the TSA's No Flde ?j?il A effectively Flylist and - (U) The ?ve genenl guidelixm an!? a. . ?l'fr'x . contains Seam "veSmny' Iain?Inn" No pm of?na mum! my be dualism?lam i 1520. nkaIl-?Iiilhih, j. - i" pxhlic disclaimers gum-Indij 511.513. undamagfil?g q? 4 at: SECRETNNOFURN (U) Commits Policy Guide 1. (Bi- careful animate. 2. for 3. (UHSSI) The propose of the No Fly List is to protect against acts of inclusion on the No Fly List has consequences that are operational. legal. economic. and diplurutic 4. Except for expedited nominations in accordance with watchlisting guidance. the daemon to include a person on the No Fly List or Selectee List must include substantive derogatory information (refer to subsectionsiIH-tj? and of this PG) that satis?es the criteria and justi?es inclusion on either list. In investigations where nominations curtain no substantive information or contain insuf?cient substantive derogatory information or insuf?cient identifying criteria- the individual will not be included on either the No Fly?,r List or Selectee List 5 (UHSSI) In accordance with watchlisting guidance. the White House may. on a tummy basis= (Erect the TSC to place categories of inditiduals who do not meet the established criteria on the No F11,r List or the Selectee List. when necessnated by ear gent circuitstances- in response to credible intelligence information or a particular threat 51133111. 6. Under exigent operational when derogatory information Ina)" not be widely disseminated or stored in TIDE. individual watchlist status determinations can be made by the Director of the TSC- in accordance the relevant criteria. 11.4.3. ISA No Flt~ List (UNFOUO) The TSA No Fly; List is intended to prevent potential terrorists from boarding any aim? traveling within. to. or through US airspace- or from hoarding any ?3 ?ag carrier regardless of origination or destination. Inclusion does not provide grounds for arrest. detention. seizure of propth or documents- or referral to a foreign government for comparable action Inclusion also does not aim the fundamental right of Citizens to return to the United States. FBI crrqilm'ees may not state or to watchlisted individuals that their ability to board an aircraft or United States is contingent upon their cooperation with the FBI or USG (refer to 3551) Individuals, regardless of citizenship. who pose an}: of the following threats. may he placed on the T5151 No Fly List: II (UNSSI) A threat of committing an act of ?international terrorism" or ?domestic {as de?ned to 13 t} .1331). 1with respect to an aircraft [including a threat of air piracy or a threat to airline. passenger. or civil aviation secmity}. or 84 mm. . - (UHSSI) Atbrcat . - USE amorous-hymn - operationally capable of doing so. (UHSSI) An indiwdual is ?emotionally If. based on uodhk ha in terrorism, consistent With 13 SC ?2331 or 18 SC. 2332b. Fort-Izaak. WI. obtain an Improvised explosive device (IED) would :1 individual a My capable of committing an act of terrorism However. con?ning retold: cm would not alone be suf?crent witbom adthumal mo cu in combination with other far:th scouting ?nancial targets or traveling for no capable ofusing an IED. might also indicate an individual is mona?ycq??eafm an act of terrorism. In determining whether an indivichial is ?manually warble." cm be given to the following possible indicators regarding ability. hiawlodgr. spout-?y Illa Intent: (UHSSD including receiving military training by a deszgiated terrorism gmup. - anattack; - (UHSSD The subject has expressed a closure to martyr husclf. I The subject is in repeated contact with a brown facilitates travel of operatives: - The subject is an attack either alone or as part of: m: I: I (UNSSI) The subject is associated with a terrorist group or cell and is weapons or explosives. Generally. in order to be inducted on the No Fly at Sciatic his (mum two preconditions must both be met: 1. (UHFOUO) osmium identifying biogapbic mmsecurrmm - . I . a" A 0 IL:352 I'm: . . U?'deutbcd above. the angled t] hauhmd?ufdr hmm?munau?mdmmux willuu :14 11M TBA Saleem List The TSA Selectee Lint 15 mtuuied to Invent a potential lenmist from passmg though at 15A without maturing a My mung The sereemng ofTen-? by select-e mm 111 solely to search for ?up-ms and elite: dangemus Items pnm? to boardmg an mruafl It 15 Ital a designed ID gun mfurmauou through pocket litter. addtess and the lib. An indium who does not nret the (men: for melusmn on the No Fly [.1511 regardless of maybe. 11mins am selecteeiftlu- 1511111113 1 A munbcr of: fan-lg!) or down-she tenunst mganmat1uu(meiudmg a "foray mu orgamzatmn" demgnated 1111113113111 to statute or executwe under) 2. (UHSSI) Assn-mated With 121er (as such tetm 15 defmed 1n subseetmn Of?l?' [11111119111101] and Nattouahty Act [8 unless infonnatmu exists that detuunstrates that the appheatiun of a secondmy sneeumg to such a person 15 not In which case such persons may be excluded from the Selectee D51. WIFOUO) Subject matter expat asmgned to the detemune 1f utdmduals unnumted as selecm meet the criteria for this 1151. TBA pdsomtel regularly rem-1m selectees and any with: or remove a subject from the Selectee 1f current mtelligenee shows that the subject et?tel mm or does not meet enteri: and 2. :15 listed above ISC and?m TREK w1l1 1113111? the cue agent af any changes to the selectee Statan of the subject (11121150110) The mumumn hmgaphmal mfumnnou needed to uommate an individual to the and?t?dateofbu'th. 11.4.5. Consular Lookout and Support System (CLASS) Subjects may be meluded 1n the DOS ?5 LASS database LASS 1135 two W: and LABS-V153 is used by DOS to screen 11011? ?ning fat visas to enter the Umted States (USPERS are not included 111 CLASS- Visa). CLASS-W1 is used by DOS to screen USPERS applying for US. passpons. H.115. (UHFOUO) TECS System (117MB) Indivithuls may be meludcd in the DHS TECS system. serves as the pimtary W11 Wm mil}! available at US ports of entry. DHS uses" TECS to screen plane seeTSC's 2013 Guam. 3.11 1 36 SECRETHNOFORN ?bod) mm and mum(1mm) For .- . mbephcadMIKSdefwapu-m?omwn?mm?m?nm?bmm . "4 1? dulml?sum?w?cm?ukm?h . pumgaua?am: I - - as ?Explosivcs Expu?u.? ?Euclid,? or "Maud g? - I (UMES) Be 3 Hana! States Pawn 11.4.7. (UHFOUO) TIPOFF United Shin-Canada (UHFOUO) 3 - . basis. Canadan :1 a. .. 11.4.3. 3531;3- I. (UNFOUO) mm: saw my hembasis. Amundme -- 3 . - .I walnut. D's . Women (0) Wm Policy (hide THC. TSDB, also make: mortal accessible. to other ?noun-cm. Other supported The TSC also the F131 and curtain mdkerpmg system Ihe FITTF durable. and the Of?ce of Transportation Tlnrat Assertion! database. 1- (UHFOUO) Cert-tn foreign governments. The. TSC prowch subset of the TSDB to certain ?xeigu perm: in exchange for their tenorism screening information 11.5. (D) CTD Nomination Policy (11150110) Cane agents 1mm Submit watchlist nominations to TREK for all subjects of 266 or 415 i?Wm to with guboecnor; with the. exception of investigations [rationed on a wctim. organization activity. or comparable unidentified entity for which is ineffective Subjects of other CID-managed investigative classifications should Finally he mlns?ed to 2615 or 415 if there is reason to believe the subjects not the watchlisung standard (refer to giggly; "1 Predicated subjects not opened as 266 or 415 mbjects may be wondered for on a case?by?case basis, but in all com must meet the watchlistmg standard (UHFOUD) Subject matter experts at TREK must evaluate each nonmalion to ensure the Whiting standard has been met and suf?cient identifying information is available. TREK 1min notify and provide gmdaoce to F05, bv e-maiL of subjects who will not be subnutted to the millist 11.6. (C) Watchlisting Submission Standards 11.6.1. Subject Nomination Will-70m) Case agents must nonunate indu'iduals for mclusron in the TSDB. :15 tequin by the mutilation policy for the applicable investigative program by submitting a watchlist request- in We with subsectlooill of this PG. A case agent 15 responsible for ensuring the request is unburned in accordance with the timelines established herein. The request must be submitted ?lm business 1131's of the date created In FBI 5 central recordkeeping system to open the Hm will include all available subject identi?ers. to Include photograplm (rather available biometric information If?ie subject it. being nominated die umst be submitted by the nominating of?cial within 14 hours of receipt of mm quali?es the subject for the No Fly List. TREK most process No Fly List within 14 hours of receipt [filtere- is a determination. due to an exigent or direction. that to be submitted we quickly, F05 rmust contact TREK directly by and the watchlist wt in accordance with tuber-coon 1 I 7 of this PG. 38 SECRE TINOFORN a EA 123 .1311? - .- Lift" ,5 r. (Iimwm' (w banana-h.? ?In . I mm Wm [141.2 af?Iis I . .D . - mm??k (UIIFOUO) Note: As a best practice. 1! milieu: inform a hon I: m' mes?g?wnuapund. mw?mMM'hpq?nl (UHFOUO) TREK process mum umbin bm request. 11.5.2. (U) Subject Modi?catinn . request informa?m A - all tcmm'sm investigations. When adding, antifying. ?Minibus ..- [centered . mirrouo) Modi?muns may add as Mariam If: liltf?lm I ?nmthe day the determination is made no change a subject?ul.mmn ti, I. Mmuj. ?rmwares? Wm modi?wims of 21 hours of Whammy oftbe case agent leaming ofthe subject?s arrest. (WW) II: subject who has been watchlisted moves to another FO's jm?isdiction, the rennin watchlisted imtil the receiving of?ce opens an investigation unless the watchlisting standard is no longer met. The closing F0 must set a lead for the receiving F0, not-?ring it ofthe uni?ed": relocation and requesting it to open an investigation. The receiving F0 must submit a walnhlist [1111151 for each whjec?t. updating the TSDB record with the new ?le number. case agem?s name, and any additional identi?ers (such as the subject?s address and (hitter 5 license masher) resuming from die move. The receiving F0 must submit the watdilist modi?cation request within three husmess days of the date created in the central recordkeeping system In open the mire-sum. If the receiving F0 believes an investigation is not warranted the nutter must be refured to CID. in accordance with subsection 4.10 ofthis PG. (UM-70110) A watchlisted subject who naive-s the United States and continues to meet ?r watchlistmg standard must remain in the TSDB as long as an FBI mvestigation remains open 11.6.3. (U) Subject Removal When a predicated IT or DT investigation is closed, a request for removal of anyr watchlisted subjects be submitted. absent the criteria set forth in subsections or 11.1 1. of this PG. (UKJFOUO) Upon closing an investigation (Le. a P1 or a full investigation) that has a watchlisted subject, aremoval request must he in accordance With subsection 11 of this PG. within three business days of die smitten approval and notification to (TB of the investigations donate. The timeline starts on the closing date shown the FBI's central m?nepmg 535mm and stops when TREK receives a conmleted removal package. (IWFOUO) If an exigent circumstances exist or directs. FOs must contact TREK directly via tek?ime. and submit watchlist requests in accordance with subsection 11_ 1 of this PG TREK [mm process removals within ?ve business days of receiving the watchlist request (WW) Ifa subject pit-uninieittl3:r moves abroad no known return date to the United Stats, and a determination is made to close the ms'estigatiort the F0 must submit a Will reqtiest TREK, as provided above. If. however- the F0 or the (TD program mil determines rational of the subject is not warranted because the investigation is and the subiect continues to be reasonably suspected of hemg involved terrorism 90 . Wimof?ummd-huammwj - ngECm (Damnedmn?xmumuhu- . motha mute}. :7 - mappropnateacuonleadtoTRI-X mhm?mWMM?m? 1, cluncn?s). a; - "31} 12.3.] if; 1143,13(UNFOUO) DT Program must verify and vial: width ?ir fmwald subjects who meet the mind to TSC far inlai- ?1 . (IMFOUO) mus: continua a short, including turmist gimjp with ?much 1h: subject is Matti audit ?7 (Bug, ?nancier. trainer. or met). TREK mm accessla TIDE, MEAN must not include mfomntion panning In PISA collechm. No Fundy: :6 Conan} (0C) dissemition annuals- Identity? Eli . I informatim Suspicious Activity qun (EAR) and cm Ins-cin- 1' infmnatim . - .. mcludcd. but dca?y marked. 3'5 - justi?cation for watchlisting, FISAM I marked that they .- 3 -. - 1 a I it{flv? .3 P: f?Ilrr hum-um mm a - Soul! sec-mu number It Olin llmqir Ir Telqahone nu:an (unclusz?cd only) II E?nnil (mela?i?ed only) 11cm plate ?mplauc ofbirlh from cam?yafcilizmship 1960]; orng 1960?1965l) Fillman (113.. patent, spouse, Sibling, orchild) 3mm hash;me .. ?mm Fun-Mme, all available ??hme?umhmmamam . my41-. . ,f??gt --. 1. ?h Min-m [h mum! In I: TIM (Uf/FMWriarbuy-idm . - . - - (Utmoummwmorummi??f - - - Wmmwe?hmmh?l 9" - n- - MWWMIWMIW 11.3. (U) Expedited Non-nations - Operations Cenme (mm mumle uni mbject?srecm?w?lhecxponedmz?ww A 1 .. pmwded in the odng up hew?hf :t A - 553mm; :r I ?Dmitrth them u?c'tll lu?'iumt Monetary mfotrrtatron throng: the 1.13. (U) Ame! Walnut! and Intel-pd Nation for Watehlhted Individuals (WW) [fir letter: federal arrest man! earn: in the NCIC Wanted Persms File for a the use agent must suhmrt a request for utmunatrm to (Jude 1. The docunmting EC and request must the warrant number Wanted Palm File record number) In the mvestrgation of a cure-ally When new! include all brographrcal. or cautionary Information about the when has not already been urtered tn the TSDB TREK Will renew the ?uentry tnto the as [farthsequem to entry as 1 H311ng Code I, the federal arrest warrant ceases to be. active hr the NCIC Wanted Persons Frle (e - the arrest warrant has been served or recalled by the the FD must submit a notr?catron EC and nrodt?catron request wrtlun three um days to change the subject to Code 3 TREK must suhmrt the modr?catron to NCTC for entry into TIDE or ductile to the TSC. as appropriate. (UNFOUO) In rare cucumstances, such as a sealed federal where a subject may not have I Wanted Person Frle record number necessary to keep mfonnatron concurring a pending federal arrest warrant out of the 181313 In such Circumstances. the uni?cation: EC concenmrg the warrant must pror'rde a reasonable and detailed Justr?catron for tin exclusrm (refer to s_t1h_v_se_ctron_l_li of If encountered by law enforcement. and tn order to enmrre that the subjed rs detamed long enough to allow the indictment to be tmsealed and an arrest warrant Issued and served. such subjects need to be as 3 Handling ll 4 PG) (UUFOUO) If an actrt'e federal arrest warrant crusts for the absent the case agent may apply for an Interpol Red Nonce. Interpol these notices to mrher states so that If the 513th is found. the subject can be arrested and extradited to the country the warrant (UNFOUO) Ifan Interpol Red Nance rs ?led. a nrodr?catron request must be to TREK With the Red Nance number 11.10. (U) Subjects Arrested or (omitted of Ter'rorisnr?elated Offenses (UIIFOUO) All hroem terronsts must remarn (refer to Myeth of PG for a de?nition of ?mn inform"). If an F0 closes an urvestrgatron of a knot-.11 terrorrst after the amnion! rnrestiganon has a modr?catron must be snhnutted era the H3330 Database and the closing EC. the Jusn?catron detarls attached TREK must then mt: request to the TSDB record- tn accordance ?th'll subsectron 11 I 1 PG (UNFOW) [fan t5 acqurtted or charges are for a related to the suth must be ?rm the unless the subject contrnues to meet the watt-airbag standard {refer to subsecno_n. 11.3 I). Terrorism contacted of nouterronsrn 94 SECRET-TNOFDRN 11.11. (mm-slid-2 Ifh?dhb?a-Igmi?tm?. . I #5191; . I 2 "n Inns-115211911 91- th: FBI album thcm?dad fawn-.th Hr}; (UHFOUO) opu'ations CWMDODMW ?1,14% DOD. *x'fp?l 11.11.1. (U) a, (UHFOUO) Any F0 or Legit and: inhuman [cg-?g 251? follawmg procaines. 1-1.521. . - I. - 1-'l,11.11.}. (T) Rt??t MTSC?isrc-qnm??c' .- 5? .g - 1: :3'run11,155.? 1'3 i? a" ll . 4_ q-v? .. 4 nmcamnm a '4 sum-r:me (U) Cancun-inn Policy Guide . . I. I I mama:th status TREK mm the team! with any newr trientt?en developed. If: ramsubpect rs F0 for Whiting)? the subject fromthe 11.11.}. (U) Nousubjeet Noatinn from DOJ Components (IWFDUD) On October 3. 2008. D01 designated the FBI as the central nonmtator for all mounts brown or suspected tetronsts developed through Mgatwe mus ofthe DOJ (e the ATP- the Drug Enforcement or the Unrted States Marshals Sense-e ts passed at the EU level through relationsth the FBI The or the (TD program management unit It the recipinn of terronsm mfornmrou when pronded at the headrmarters level. Ifthe FBI does not open a: but the mdnidnalts) meets the nominatron cntena ltsted in man 11 ll .thc FBI recipient of?ns Information must proude- tletarls to TREK as In subsecuon II II TREK must ensure the melmdua?s) 15 prole We Will] subsecnon 11.? Ifthe United States Nanonal Central Bureau obtains terrorism?related MW, it Will prm'ide the mtemgence to (TD- will review the mtelhgence Will genome Guardian assessment leads for mvestrgatton. as appropnate If a terrorism investigator: is gunned as a result of the Guardran lead. the subject Will be for Mummemm subsectton 11 PG 11.12. Foreign Government Inlot'mation (PCT) Forergn governnt preside mfomtatron regardmg who are under mvesttgahon In for cnmes related to terronsm or Ms who are reasonably ampected of engagng terrorism or terronst activity. Those matting speci?c d?ogatory information of only mdrriduals may submrt these ?r The receiving o?ice must also seek and collect at?arlable identi?ers him? (13.3.- monographs and as appropnate. If such FGI is provided established or formal shanng relationship between the Umted States and the fore-191 Ila: mahle Sits-{nuns} is The reasonable suspreron standard. me, am he rm! when tn?xmanon 15 not received under an established formal or When PGI is plm'ulled by a foragn agency a terronsm screening Information mum the TSC. Legit of?ces must cletemnne 1f the H31 was ?Wagons? to the arrmgement. Each arrangement de?nes a untque 96 SECRETINOFORN - '51" 13Mfmm? 11.121. (WW?rh?s?nlqurl?llJu?uldor?MWW [nor-In?a- umdmed agreement (Mar-ll. mfmm?m4hrmg rmb??y 1111511111131me I?Glbn?m' anmnualrewcw. ?Hm dd??lmnIEWhe?rIco-nhnucd mm (UHFOUO) If: ['01ng got-am pm'ndcs records lint Elude a arm Mensa]. betwecn the cnmmal. mm and othcr Extremes ofm?, lunar-l theme Inaddmm biometnc 1510115111 11.112. Waich?s?ng at Legit-Derived Information Legal in? requeststoTREXnalthREXFD?930W- mwm?tdmb?m dacTSC. threw-m ale-arms) Upon race-1m af?x- Legal Manama-Md r! a 51.1.me 15 mcoumHed. the nonml TSC mam process can: be ?lm-ad All!? 1dcnufymg mfonnahon must be prondcd to TREK. ma?fy Ir dyes?. 3 T163: . mih - - I me?ftmdattsm?xinformalm ?nal. inme um um TIDE and the T508 mm: mu not mouth Mme! af?ne math, unless add-[uni mfmmum Is [landed In; mm a It mm mm 11': legal obtains addnunnl Idenu?ns, or m: to tame: ?um TIDE. the new mtelIIge-nre mum be sent 1151. which will fund this m?lmahon to The antenna] of Hi] Illa pawl: md hogaptne Information to (HS. 11' available 11.13. (U) ?item of Deceased Individuals The TSDB may not td?mty tufomunon of known: 01 impeded the It con?rmed duel tulle-55' II (UHFOUO) Thu I5 Infolmaum to suppo? a returnable suspmon that an existing known (I unpacked tumult 15 Imng that Id?th 0 (ll/{F0110} A retrogrqu mgmzanan collects blown 01 suspected tmonst My Inftima?m for use by Its members ptepanng [at eonmuttmg tenomt am the tnvel doammts related to the deceased know 01 suspected tm'tmst lure not been: ?scammed (UNFOUO) Note: A classi?ed lust of recogmzed lemons! mgamzaumts that are blow] to reuse tumust Identity mformaho? l5 nmntamed on the NCTC Cunent SHE. available on the Mr mnparunmted Mmhon Opt-rattan] Network (SCION) 11.14. (C) Exclusion [rum 1 Supported System mamas) In rare chemmtmees. the of an mteshganon any be excluded from a plum svstem If a rumble and detmled operatmna] gusu?cattmt ts An F0 that mshes to exclude a subij from a supported system must afaculate the :3 pan of the request andr'or EC Note: The mstence of local 0! state public laws are not suf?ment 11m fat Subjecl experts In TREK re'tuw Justl?catlms for from systems md detennine whether the exclustem 1.5 warranted TREK must nonfv the Mag F0 as not wanted. 11.15. (In man-55 (WM) In?vitinls may seek redress for travel delays and other umonvemences they: (in to ?attening and/OI 15m. real or pace-wed An interagency an Imus: ?'atehimme Redress Prm'en?ures between the tithe! relevant: agcnnes is piste to address how each agency mu respond to such it A5 MIL the TSC may request additional mformaum due-ct item an FBI 98 11.16. "?14;1 . . . MM with?11Whamw?ryn?umwd?mf?? .L. ?gmm -. [?lth -V Th k? 4 .Il'n I lr? - .. SECRETIINDHIRN (U) (Winn Pol-qr (hull! .12. Q?jnws?g?yq Maillng W113) Thu I: not nut-nth! In Ir an (hm-115510? (If all avaslahlr methods. but lathe! of than umqur to I?m a mum (lian chi} avails-bl:- Inn-at:ng mrthods In [In- 1mm (U) Nun: Trim A name tract 15 a Yuma] lulu-est to govnummt agnu?v In a war}: ofm wards for m?matlon l??td?lg a Winn"! Bf lute-It?s! Requmls [m [unu' liar?? WHY handled In; the pit-[yum mum-11ml um! ["05 In mu 3 "arm harr llbl?r' Band EC With a lead to tlu? {Ingram ?magi-11ml um! mrludmp, 1hr 'illhf?'l r. and all ?hunting. Anthonlzui Investigative Arlh'ily have; an autlmiumi 111 both and 01' hummus at all lt-wls ol' it'me (11? L-l. Name Tran?: ?ir"mL70) Remit-sis to 1hr CLA fm gums] mfumulmu mt- uulmum-d \?13 the- Emma} Name Trace Svstem CENTS I'?'pl??it?i 31c handled bv (IA 5 External Inqum can be arc?wd rm the SCION 53.319111 at the folluwmg address am new to 1H when map-Fried of tcnonsm ut en:- 13 n0 blown gmup 0t network ?1th ?luck: the subled 15 af?liated 0591:0130) If their a blown group ratlm than using the CENTS SWlf?l pummel Will suhnut a nice Icquest Cable the l. lo llh?: ?ppt'opuule that handles that group Within {?lm (C has to 5m: data that L5 no! armlable to EIB winch may a fullt'I trace teapome than what 1's audible through CENTS ?111 (ml? a Hate of 3 511111 em who has a lamina group if?lulmu 12.1-3. NBA Name Trans Nam to the NSA are aim sonrtm'n? called reqlw?ta for mfmnutmn (RFD Legal constraints from conductmg trace H?qllf'?l?: regardmg NSA also has spa-cu! regardng a c?mrn Ufa 15v. {3 maulm mun?): Thus. It Is unpanam to knew the nauomhn' of the Hare target and 111Cle 11 whenever pogmhle An NBA rained on be mad: by on: oftwo nrthods elecnomcally 115mg NSA Custom-91 (3mm; system or (2) 11:1 an EC 1' mm?) mung the SCION system a 2 EC method An 111.37.331.50 be used In sulmut the necessa? mfommnon to the Sana! representative in the FBI who wull than fomard the mfomunon to the I GO SECRET NOFORN 111. Mill-nint- . as Summit 1:3, (umnuowmrmandmmumd?umguhbmwi;t 11.2.1. (mm-Mind Inn-Mom mm mm 12.1.2. (WORM (UNFOUO) An FOInul?t mm mung mhjectofaptedicaltd mummiomc?rm'dlmw?? I . Investigative ?lcmadvm ofch 5.1 mamgunnJIumt . 1.: 73-? - .. planned m? . . - ?mmwmuam?a?huh?am?q ingot-citier . 3,1 :1?1?3 .. In a a 59.5 V. . w. Eaton? Beans, . . .. .W (U) Policy (and: 17. (LVIFOUO) Talon N91113an TO USA, Tammi use af?r Inland has plumled the FBI, [lu- USIC. In Him, aid 5 1111:! With 3 animal challeng- 1111- [5 a pmmpal tool fa tenonsl ?mum: dispersal and brought on by 1h:- Amerm Ind allied ?spam: to Rh: Septuan I I, ?3.001. mm ammyuntv. amnty. Ill c?icm of calm rmumuuranmls haw stunned 1hr attrulmn of monsls. Ihcu Mum, and then The result has been an explosive of 115mg the hunt! for mumcauom, pmpagmda dissmumtmn. (me-Iatth training. and 1550115 mvcsugme, exploit. all disrupt mat artworks bung by the rapid 131:0th! of use of the hut-met In May 2008. the NTNI was wot-rd by (TI) The NTNI 15 maleglcallv litmus Optimum targetmg use 0f the through OCES. UCEs. and CHSs Note: (UUFDUOJ Not all Group I UCOs be mm lhc- Each lawman wall be nulde on an mvemgauon bv- I?t?t?stlgatlml hams. and a damnmaunn made ham-cl upon scvaal cute-nan. mcludmg scope. goals. and Objt'dl'k'? Net Talon Goals To USA The goals of the NTNI are I (SHREL TO USA FVEY) To detect- penetrate- champ! and dismantle onllm- tmorist networks I T0 USA. To know- monitm. and target an admr?saw's onlme domain Ir T0 USA. To 1drnt1fy. dim-ct. and recruit the most appropriate FBI 01111119 resumes to target adversaries and then onlme dOl'l'lEIl??S II T0 USA. FVEY) To develop and nunage oulme res-mums to 111311111129 mm mm onlme teams! networks II I131F414 T0 USA: To 93131311511 and mppon standmd ope-Iatmg prCEdllIE'i for Group I UCOS targeting use of the lute-met - (SHREL T0 USA FVEY) To establish standardued traunug for appropriate pummel 17.2. (LUKE-OED) Net Talon Objectiws 17.2.1. Effe?ive Tasking ul' l?ndercm'er Peuonuel TO USA. The establishment of the allows ?51'3th mm the oulme activities ofall OCES. and H55 targetmg 1T subjects and Wonder. 3 progam to manu- t?hcy at tasked to am: Skill sets and workloadg The use of and CH3: 15 when it is prudent and nus-accent}; to pron-1d:- support mul?m assmance to mlgomg W005- 126 SECRETINOFORN mwmorm (U) Wm Petey Guile (U) Centralized Duo-Hello: {mar-LI. T0 USA, FVEY) The mm mum ammuu?h?n drcm?m cumsmfmmatum, Iefe: msubsem f: af?ln?im?ng?FHT?IM 17.2.3. (MM) Joint Operations with 1mm and [am PM (SUMO To med the FBI '5 mum: of nan-mm collection at! {wand In prawn] pnunues at national indict Irwin. we"? Br ?2 PM In?! 10111! 0115211015 Wl?l the USIC and um pm; The will m1 harm m?lmm?lms the the result-u mMMuum and ultemaumnl painters 17.2.4. (U) Forused swam; and 'l'aetieal Analytical (mm T0 USA. FVEY) A signi?cant (W :11 newly every IT mm It? enough tesmuces In malyze and the dam collected In in theseresomees werelumtedto the annual ofpusmw] m? sets The creates.- snge of contact wniun Ihe re "em ofw ?x a 13:36! 5d at pln?xm (5mm TO USA. These semen of expertise help to pwdme in alliance the knowledge of Worms use of the Imam. dn'ekp tools ?01 lid dismantling onlme turonst networks. and share trends an tunings use ofthe human I I understood that tinge-ts may cross team of expanse such. 15 blind ensunng decon?Jcnon Wm the centers of expanse and for culmination of 1:531. (SHREL TO USA FVEY) The centers the FBI USE. partners the ability to draw upon the knowledge and matures of the in mvesnganons analytic products and reporting are dim 10 lb: FBI L532, mtemahnml partnets. as zipping-lute 17.2.5. Identify and Address Intelligeuee Gaps T0 USA. HEY) The NTNI addresses known lent-111m an! nth-?n uh: tenonst networks In a cemnhzed W. comstent With due and DIJG Th imuahve '5 cohesn'e analytic tqaabxlmes allow for snagh?md mm of gaps and comparwon ofnewly estabhshed threats. 1 of? e??ecnvely addtesses those mte?Jgence gain 17.2.6. Establishment and Sharing of Best Practices TO USA. FVEY) The cm??rzmg nature of the NTNI kills {Elfin the discovery and promulgation ofbestpicnces In them. hes: are: smgle F0 or slum-d only mfonnal damsm mm. ?dim. NTNI capnsres. dlssennuates. and shut-s the tools and minds mm useful Ln ms'esngaung tenonsts' use of the Internet These has! ?nal formalized trammg. gmdanee. and eminence! (heur- 2 7 SECRETHNOFURN (U) Cotmtutmru-ism P111117 (31nd: 17.2.7. (U) (blinked Intel?genee Dissemination (SIIREL 10 USA FVEY{1111mm 1n; :1 for all FBI regarding ?orists? use of the Internet and the. collu'twe response to the ?nals posed Wong from opuunons 1:11:15 sent to mum-mus 1111115 unthm (TD ad The. result of that system was med Intelligence and an inability to see and a new ol'terronsls? use of the lute-met (SHREL T0 USA FVEY) Undet intelligence. {among on the ten'o?sts' use of the Infant can be cen?alued und? CITU. wlueh approptmely cmdmale oath olhe: 1111115 within the FBL as well an: oath USIC and 111Mnanonal partners T0 USA When an F0 detemuoes that tofmnanon from any UCE. author Giuup I UCO undet the NWI afferte. n1vest1g3nve matters 111 another F0. the appropriate FEE-IQ unit must be noti?ed. and the infomtanon fomraided to the othe1 F0 undet that of?ce's Invesngauw ?le All must be ptope?y uploaded to the pemmnent system of terrords. unless extraotdmary' cunmntanet-s 11ecess1tate an exeep?on to tlus requnement and the execpnon 15 approved by? the Depum.r Dn'eetor (DD) 17.2.8- Centralized Resource Identi?cation and Tracking TO USA. FVEY) A tecunmg bene?t of 1s the management of mfmanon and resomee? 1th the of thus m1t1auve. and are the central authonties over resources amiable to target- malyze. and explott potentml terronst onhne. Addmonally NTNI has eotahh shed tools and methoda? for hackmg the allocatlon of such tesmuces 17.2.9- (U) Standardized Admmiatmth'e Ta?ks (SHREL T0 USA. FVEY) The NTNI standardues the tasks. :15 well as pohej.r and gmdelines of Group I U005 m1 getmg tenonsts' use of the hue-met Standardmed 131191111211- 11-111 be created and ut1l12ed 1n docunmntahon relam'e to (T online 112.10. (C) Consistent Backstopping TO USA. Central to all onlme UCOS 1s numlaunng the seetmry of covert operations Protectmg the true 1dent1ty of any DICE. andor 1% always. the concu'n 1n any demswn related to these operanons Thus extends even to the (113121510115 to dissemnate the ident1t1es w1tlno and among JTTF partners. The standmduea the hacksan process and procedutes for Gtoup I mgetmg terronsts use of the Internet P110: to deploymg ouhne resources. all NTNI Group I et 111111111111111 backat 111g ements. in cont 1 111111 and (THE See the f0! 112.11. Net Talon Ol'gnnil?tional SH'uttul'e (SVREL T0 USA FVEY) The series as :111 orgmuzatmml tool to amulet CT Group I UCOs targeung ten'onsts? use of the [meme-1 under the program 111311312131an of exploits mtelhgence to Hack current trends of tenonsts' use of the buemet. as well as 123 9" -. .. - 333malt-vim HIxiv?. 1" Figun l. (UHFOUO) NTNI Organha?aul 17.3. (UHFOUO) Net Talon Roles and Function! 17.3.1. (U) Comic-Iterer Intense! (SHREL T0 USAFVEY) - gln- (SHREL T0 USIL FVEY) Be melt-saith I, mg- g; and with intunauoml paws to - Internet "n if I 1 tame (U) (7mm [?0le (31nd:- (SIIREL 11:) USA, FVEY) Deploy. manage. and Iwnmn the Net Talon Dauhase fur the decon?lct'mu and mum managuuml of resources (SIIREL T0 USA, Cmufluct routine welds to ensure all pm?le and pelamu minimum In the Net Talon Database 15 Current and arm: ate TU USA, Renew. lasagn. and back [equesm to huge! (TD mm subjects and: an Internet neam: T0 Penodlcally canduet an nvemll FBI strait-g1:- teen-w to determine when new mveshgahons mgeung tenanste? use ofthe nerd to be opened. Validation an process to momma. renew. asaeaa. and evaluate an FOP CITU will unlue reasonable methods to valldate the and nussmn of the POPS and ensue die}: are pnonnzed enthm the goals and nlwleetn'es of (TD TO USA. Ream we and review mtelhgenee dlsseamnauuns for FOPS. 505 OCES. UCES. and CHSQ to TO USA FVEY) Exploit Intelligence to track eunen?l trends often masts" use of the htemet T0 USA. FVE Y) Renee.- and analyze to mleuvet huts hem-em emote; l?E?HIlgatl??S. and provide tlus to the eunnee 5130130) Comdinate 1mm to ensure all and UCES are proper l1; cem?ed. trained. and safeguarded pnm? to lac-mg operational on any of the I Nl's operanous CITE also ensures that trauung and CHEF. See the and the mnu?un (UHFOUO) Assmt (TUE the development of naming Review and apply for 01A at; necessary. for FOPs. C'omdmate With POPS to ensure the language and scope for 01A authorities that bene?t the entire INI are optmzed All OLA {equests must be sulmnned to NSLB for approvaI (UVFOUO) blauage. tram. and prm-?zde mfemght of the use of OLA authorities C'olleei 01A authority usage from POPS and proude the pmper Ieponmg to C'mmte?mon?m Se?lon {Cng regardmg the BIA the ?il??lt'd tune frame fm addnmual Propose. manage. and allocate budget funds 111 5111313011 of the Investigation in the preparalmu and preamtanon of LTD :mnatmn and renewal paperwmk tn aceonisnce with NSB undetem-er pulley for all that Will fall under the pmgtam magenta! of the 130 SEC RETETNOFORN 17.3.2. (U) limo-H: (erpoum Work mm owe to dam was 4 {:11 so mu ammo an mp - . OJWDUO) Fraud: ?ne mm: and aim cm collection. mooning, and deem (UNFOUO) Kraut and um OCEI, UCEs. undam- . (UHFOUO) Coordinate FOP: on all mm (moaning ?x 1.35.: with? NTNI. . (UHFOUO) Coordinate mammals and mdhgume chum Emil FBL USIC, and ?1mm paltnu's for all FOP: ?dammit! NTNI (UHFOUO) Cm out ELSUR procedures- as drummed by the DIOG, Technology (mm Data Insane-pt Technology Um (mm ELSUR Opt-anon: Unn. - 5 {17) (Jauntenermrism Division [?ndacowr 0pm Uni (UHFOUO) is rap-crumble for the magi}! and MW afa? [300? in i" I. the scope of the NTNT and must spcu?cally 17.3.3. CITU Gilliam? Inaddmm CTUC 30 Will transmm} into an FOP (UHPOUO) Coordmalc CH1) and NSLB to submit any pupal Parka-wt . UCO revmw by the Nmoml Sammy Undumu Raw Cm obtain approval by :11: AD. cm. to mm; mm Mill-m (030715). 5, all politics and prooedmes ofer necessary. to to standards {Urn-?om; Coordinate and: cm: to ocss and UCE: an.- [Si '5 - .hh? um (UMPOUO) Work in comde with cmz. rap. and in can'- Franchise Operalions its own operating lmdget. winch - mdim hull! Ill a UHF. the me up? ?ll" the POP Mull: will: on all rumma- mum Ct?l?dlnl?' wall CITU. CTUC. and othn nanny): mime: regarding the NM stingy tn he mplemenwd by the rmtael agents, (X'lis. UClis, and [59 whom line FOPdiredly operates and mges (UNFOUO) Ensure that the puedleatwn fol all mvesngauve subjects [carpeted though the POP Is mf?umtly Mandated In the quule FOP documenls (UHPOUO) More the. usage of 01A fen DUES. Ut?Es, and The FOP the usage of 01A and leper! to CITU, as stipulated in the cur-crating 0m Fu?lmr, the. FOP 15 responsuhle ?n emaumg all [eponmg [equal-urine; are met (UHFOUU) Momma all UCEs. and CHSS to ensme they me operating :11 emu-Aimee all applicable legal and pulley :equuements and du'eenou (UUFOUO) Handle requests for or other resources from contact agents. OCES. UCES. and CHSS (U3WUO) Disseminate mtelhgence from OCE. UCE. and CH5 tepm1mg, ll] oomdlnaum ?nth Recnnt develop. and tram OCEs. UCES, and coordination with CITU Exit?! and updale OCE, and CH5 mfmmation In the Net Talon Database for Merton and progam Immgement pmposes. Conduct roulme audits to ensure all pro?le and persona mformanon the Net Talon Database 15 eunth and accurate (UNI-DUO) ?fate and subnnt Gmup I UGO proposal-sfrenewals to CTUC and Draft paposalsf'renewals Will be subnutted l0 and CITU for renew phat to local sigmnues. (HI-TOUO) Diem-1111mm rep-011mg to and the appropnale F05 In addmon in any wow?: mvesugnuve ?les. FOPs ml} ensure all DEE. UC E. and mutations are captioned to the 3531ng sub?le under the I NI investigative ?le. (UHFOUD) Ensure 111a: reqmred backstopping 15 done for all UCEs. and CHSS involved in an operation Cuneuns regardmg OCE or UC persmmel must be addressed CTLIC. CIIU, and the contact agent I 3 2 SECRETHNOFORN who?ll-FOP17M. (ms-mm? ?m?ngofmmFOP SO I hWI?d?m I 0 fat: mu.- an Instant was: sock-um. If; UCE. Iran . - - . wllFOUO)Cmmwi??rPOPm?rmmbic' OCEB17.3.5. ECRETHNOFORN mm Policy Glade (UHFOLD) Initiate appropriate investigations of target: of interest that are. within the scope ofthe SO. the direde of the POP, and (TUE. draft and obtain local Interval ?naGmImIUCOtohecnme-anFOP. aspmtofthe'N'l'P-Jl (UNFDUO) Conduct mun: audits to ertmre all pro?le and persona Information] in the Net Talon Database ts ?uent and accurate. (UNFOUO) Work Ill coordination With CTUC. and In rennin CHOU or L53, to recruit. develop, and tram 11025. and CHSs The SD utilizes reasnnable methods In validate a ttk?l'llY, infatuation, umtivatinn, and access Once maimed. the 50 as required to With the L?uzy?demmi Human semi-g @1111; on all ?utters regarding 3 CH8. (U1 Address concerns regarding (IE or UCE With CTUC . the POP. and the muted agent. (U) Contad Agents (UHF-DUO) The contact agent's primary is to manage. OCEs, Es. 311d CHSs by acting as an intermediary for all commutation from the NTNI and F05 whose investigations are bemg supported by the NTNI. Speu?cally. the contact agent must: (UNFOUO) Ensure that OCES. UCEs. and (TI-155 have proper backstoppmg and tranng for the tasks are asked to complete full compliance ?nth the required paperwork for the partieipatmn of OCEs, and in the I I. Proude gmdm'lce to OCES. UCEs. and (1185 for the leaneutation of the targel?g stratng and legend building. See the?fnr more Information. Monitor all (ICES. UCEs, and to ensure they are Operating In With applicable legal and pellet,r requrreinents and direction (UNFOUO) Renew 0C E. UCE. and reporting documents for through the NTNI F0 reportmg Chain. Ensure that threat information is mnnedintely dissenmlated in the approrntate form to the proper parties Address {renews regarding 0C or UCE personnel with and the case agent. {1:01.10} Ensue FOP With the case agent concerning the being targeted by the 0GB. andr?nr 34 SECRETMN OFOIUI 17.3.6. (U) A mpmib?ities. With regarde mas in?ow: - 1 -e community: from all af?ne much'cd F05- om?FOsmd?mgwannmagnm?m?rmE, (UHFOUO) (UHFOUO) Enwrcall OCE, UCE, unlit: mama responsible. - . A f? incoordi?a?un wi?l?accascagmt Erratum 17.4.4 (UNFOUO) Be familiar with. and(LWFOUO) Under: our Emluym . . .- C__?ion . '41" validate 011m: who my be reunited CHSI oil. ?1 jg?? (UHFOUO) OCEs. UCEJ. and/or c115; an: (UNFOUO) coupler (UHFOUO) Follow taking and gifts: Run ll; ratheFOParSO. RH HI: I (l "i l'ulu's? {mid-P I all Input-uh [an "iUhlt'?'I Lu grimy. 1hr (mum! Hum" whu Lht'n rmmiuulr ?11.11 l5 R111. [0 FHA linmur null?? zuc- mm the N01 Hatahasr Mid ?palatal AH lint-mun 11' 1-011?! ?(1111? r?tl?c?d l'L'lis may umk .m mllnu' Ill-?. also Imu- {he It" handlr fan:- ln {am plnua'al wmid mmatmm agramat 1hr wulurt?th ui 1h? -. I (H Oll?lli? HI Ian ii? :11! (X r?pmmbiluwx ?1th 1:151an" leqmtt?d to 1. nmpl?e almellzed ?Alum? IWIDPHJIF by (TH and ('11 1 Ln 111:" aLuuLml (I [Lutan and {311141111111 ham i119 runny I 399?! ulm hm? 'hcrn mammal In; the RU I- TU .Bsi?d'wi Lalmni?'mn 3hr? untalnhl?k' 01' Am! HH- {minn- ELI. TO I. Y: He 11. .ulahir In nauti- 1hr UL E: a ant-H arm mm It emf-a Hidit??lh? Elm 11m: Pf? Ind? Iii-c In Lu 9r! 1' T.-. Wilt?GI 1m: pinyin" .111 minim! TPLIHPAIH Ihv JHHII 1.5110 null w?ld If II FIE- TU Luann? .111 02111116 Ith?THI'Flf'n 1 (rm-"1rd um: 113-5? Talon Mari-11 Gr: {Irrgnul .md IqadJlEnl R. I (H Hum-m ?yr-m mu 2 T119 px-lr'rf-c- mm: I'nlinwm'l 1.1; 133?. HH [Huncuultmn 1n the u: :uiz'lannj-n to Tim amt-ml f' mullme EhTHE Th? 'rHIth--. ?Kn lU in ail-cl FBI TULIU: IIlIrfnli-?fri?hlfr? chili-chm? tram H?w man pimp-1'1 gmw'?itum ml 1hr and LN. :1:le ud-?lm wu'rgiu'm Th? I .Inai mini: (?Illt?tlt alar- 11'; 1 SH HI I 17.3.9- i? (U) Potty Gib I A CHS will coiled We?: NTNI Wm,u? ?Intangible [kindling again mustptatnd 1hr dentin ofall cm: fat-hunky? may of?ropam (Sm Agents 015:1]:de Targeted Through case agent ofa wbjecttatgctod thong] mm mm Moi all aspects of an Investigation that anneal. wl?ca?y 17.3.10. (UHFOUO) IflhecmagwtomeTNIsubyecl [teak WWII: appropriate FOP. hcot she maycootactCl'TU ofcachFOP (UHFOUO) To request 3555mm- the case agcnt oftht 5013,2131 cm! with t1: can agent ofthc FOP and subnuts a foam] as tumbled by FOP Th:- case agent of an subject [130?ka the POP with Will! in! the sable-rt and pamupatcs the detriment of an openhoml (UHFOUO) The case agent of an subject 15 for prancing :11: will feedback regarding the use??ncss of the teporhng generated ?'om tho tow-sum (UHFOUO) The case agent of an NTNI subject- to coordmatwo With the: PCP- a. responsible fox the garnich from the mm of in: FOP that are pertinent to fl?) Other Got-eminent Agent}: Partners T0 USA. FVEY) Recent FBI 1330115 to Was us: of the We! have yielded on: client 1913110115th with USIC gunners and ham: resulted In the claim of numerous Joint operanons w1Lh OGAs or mtumtmnal palms. Upon request. the my In: uuhzcd to support OGAs. both mtenntsoml and dorm-sac The folkowmg factors nus: consldered when whether the FBI ml] 355151 number goxunnm agency the . 1?14 Situations which FBI or the other agency mm as the mm of contact With the OCR. UCE. audv'or CH5 the mwslipum The degree of contact the OCE. and-?or CHS with FBI audio: the 061?. The pnontv of the target Summons which the FBI directly tasks ?r OCE, India GE. 13? SECREWNOEORN . Warm 3. mainly limits-walk FBI meduubjmw album: mine-3? when M'ruuv. the must Frog-m 1'0 USA WHY) 11nd)? ISMW 8cm?! ?mailman (hilt-I (1311') mun a ?will! of I??lg?ll?l am! to the and relau-d by mm is 3: ()(Tbs 17.4.1. Wm; linguist Support (Sim '10 USAnerd fat humus! to act as an him-1mm the use mm mmil roman ('l'l'lJ and ?n an mum chum and an mum of the teqmt he mmnulmi In,- HIP 50 CITU and (TUC ?all (hm millmt the f0: lhe opt-laumt an the I'm museum-e Mmm)1311? 1"le nude: to detenmm- the availab?ttv of linguists the language and sul'nm mam-I skill Sets to support meh a wqursl [511' Will that pmwde CITU Ild truth the nil-nets) of the Idmu?ed Any mange: nmth?ramms to ?le usual request for suppon [must be cleared the LSTC to meme thal tap FBI mm towed 17.4.1. (U) Twining and Safeguard Just-?went ng'mst leqmred to meet all and safeguard .lh??h?l?ll Wars set forth In subgt?lgn I 9 muf?ns PG 174.3. (W Q?alih' antral war for the FBI axe sabre-c! to a qualln' control pro-tress (rt-ft"! to and are requued to have samples of then work renewed. In 15 p0 1:115 Quahh? control pmude an addmmul backstop to me that cummin- and come-c1 mfomulmn IS- bemg mnvevcd to the Net Talon case agents Gnu the mint: mum: of the UFO nuteruls. quI coordmate ?nth the Manual and Smtdaxds Um! L55 to ensue that appropriate work samples are mm by du- agent In coordmmum mm the case agent for quallh' control renew In a Muted tune ?ame 17.41:. (C) Required feedback on Linguist Performance In ode to effecm'ely gm: feedback to hnglus't OCEs fcu progiess renews [um annual reports. and manual ?mt renews. the count! agent coordinatlml wuh he one agent may be asked to 15mm feedback 38 SEC REF . ?7 mu. . mahcmr?pouncnuwucnxzul-h-mch 1 v? (swam. T0 um. WHY) To aura- II: and a ?wand-tint: I, . ommnmiwummwu ?3 Ik?mdh??wmg?' 17;: ?mutumdyuewmdpudmu - - 1' - 17.5.1. (I) (s?mELTOUSAvaThemmamIm-am-ph I (ymmum ?Email-Minna? i?l' - Symbol nun-bu - mun) Type (cumummy} Cm up: (an: aim?.- 4 (U) Mammal: Pulley Gurde Mm) Ase "use (WW) (3de (IUFPOUD) sets (e 3. languages. cultural knowledge. rerun-ml knowledge, educators. hobbts. religion) mitts}qu Ethnic. background mffFOlKJ) (UHFOUO) Expenence (e past employmmL education. travel) lnsestrganom (?le numbers of mutant and prevrous mvesttgatrowt on wluelt the mloyee has worked) (Sim TD USA FVEY) lnfomntton relatmg to the. onlme ld?l??t?s assocrated With the OCI-L. UCE. or CH3 must be entered Into the database as persons This utformattou ts lmlted to the pro?le page and will utclude the followmg Persona name Legend tw? T0 USA. FVEY) Fac?rtres {type [e . marl. mstartt message (1M). blog]. screen name. legend. creation date. deaths-anon date) Creauon date TOLD) Actrt'eftnacure Deaetusttrort date TO USA, FVEY) When as'arlable and forergn partner oultne informaltort ts uttered mto the database. (U CITU will have the abrhw to add selectors to allow a more accurate IWIBIIOH of the and charactenstics of the pro?les and personas. 17.5.2. (U) Levels of Access The. Net Talon Database allows F0 mt'estrgators two levels of access dependent upon then a tlurd level of access resen'ed to program management personnel Level 1 - TO USA FVEY) Access rs at'atlable to all users With access to the FBI Intranet. and does not necessrtate a user name and password It allows for sample. lmnted queues ms'olvmg source rdeotmes. Including onlme screen names. momlcers~ and e~marl addresses. results ml] be noted. but not detar led. and only a poutt of Contact for the ?coofheted somce be protruded Eel .2 - Access allows case agents and selected mt'esttgatrs'e persormel the same as Level 1 access With the added to edrt and add data Users are only able to access records that they hate created or to wind: they have been delegated aecess. 140 URN I) Pair]! Knuth I 1 I0) Arte-5'. lm (.ITU pn?ml ?y [mums?nhly ul' [hr un?mty and army]: 3? of 1hr Wau- f?m-e ?rm allnwa (TH Iiw airllm,? In Sufil??h winme and 111111;.- rrvnucrs dam zit "th a panu'ulau I753 (I and pdaling Infm Incline {Hfle-J. 'l 0 USA, All Uf?hs. Ur iv. and H'v. sans-runny 1'1 m'mwi'mm arr tn harr inn?lm 1hr? [maran I Imm1?lsur. IH?J-lh?d @3115: lhi? vu'w nit-mm: um}: an (X1: 3 a ?113 II msr'mam ht Hut-19d 11110 I110 (hamlmw wht'n [he inu?lr- Midi)! HIE-nutUWQ Hunt: Mu Futiler all pro?le and mama 1'1 ruin-n! and a" Inau- 1hr- t?tmult {Wtzii?hm?o fm that all ww?lt? and mum; as and prriAx-d 111th? a {2.5131011 Is Lil? of tin" {us-P 17.5.4. ?j Requo?ting an armqu TU USA Univ men who am wquu?rd 11- ?$114.91 mfmnunrm mm Will need an a: min]! To an (mm urn/:1 All mm] tn the - 532ml? Hint 1111(1le Inmaj 13-51: 'I?nlom' - n'pe 4? agi?ut armifm r' {311113.131 1113mm other; i 3} 01(0) Supra 3 1131:}? I I I, )1 Phone 111111th - [If Jusn?c 711101] for needmg an 17.6. (I '1'010101h9rM-1 Talun P?nljrim T?l'g?i?g Prim'ilie? 1FBI The allbyecta ofrhe PM I ml] be actonimg to 51:951ch zref? to of?m PG) and (?lm 1-316-ng ~11 arr-r.- md obit-cure szf?' to Subjects Tm gala of the l5 REL. TO ESSA The target of rm RTE-T mus: be the 1216111153195. whim of :11 0119531119 IT PI or full IS R151. TU LEA Y1 In orderH.511 fanlmes and) as 3 We!) 51161116555113? fromle blag: or hirerfo faulxtj.? tin! 36111113 mm: be Irin'm: to a for the purpose of whammy: trident: an a 1-H EEC REF URN s. i. . [idea mica-(X11. a in CHS other unblock passive rimming or active Web (9mm. in USA, FVEY) Germination: With a mum-(heated Inditndual cannot be designed ti edited iildligmce on that medicated pascal. If. through building bona ?des. or collecting a pointed mbject. an OCH. a UCE, or a identi?es an intimdua] who In?ammatpedkatcthatpomnasm a full mueshgalron must be on that nulividual to continue inductive: contacts desrgied to collect intelligence or evidmce on that (Silent. TD USA. FVEY) UCE, and CI-IS reporting must state the reason for un- mutation (tag for building bona ?des or to With a predicated subject or an of a predicated sume of an investigation) and how the commutation is relevant to the imestigatim For example. if the rem for the communication is to build liona ?des. the reporting wall include language Similar to the following: ?Onlme activrty conducted for the ofbuildmg the or bona tides." In tins example. this statement include how the comnuinicalion built bona ?des and may not be a mere conclusory statement. TO USA, FVEY) 1f the reason for the couumuucauon 15 or timber supp-011 of the captioned invesugation. the reporting Will include language to the follomng: "Online condth with the purpose to further support the captioned T0 USA. FVEY) [fatty indmduaKs) targeted onlme is con?rmed to be located outside the United States, notification be provided to the Legal and the CIA This noti?cation mu be coordinated through T0 USA. FVEY) Under certain circumstances. OCEswith individuals who are not the subjects of predicated investigations (such as for building houa tides). In accordance With the D106 (see the subsection on authorized investigative methods in assessments and predicated nis'estrgauoust mtenteu'mg and requestng information from members of the public and private entities). in order for an or a CE to engage an individual for the of acquiring substantive ultelligencer?information about that individual and that individuals the F0 must ?rst open either a P1 or a full investigation on that mths'rdual. This reqmrement does not apply to In accordance With the DIOG section on the use and recruimieut of human sources- CHSs may initiate ouline watts With sublects of assessments for the purpose of acqurrnig intelligence about those and their activities The specr?c authorities of OCEs. UCEs. and CHSs are outlined as ??tows: (U) OCE and EC Authorities II When the purpose of an or urinating With an individual is to acquire substantis?c intelligence about that individual and that individuals mm the 0C or UCE 15 mgan in "undercover activity.? and the F0 must ?rst open a [Indicated mttestigatrou before the 0C or may engage such contacts 143 INDFORN .. 433.3 $359332 u?u?a . - gigging?Nagging; . inalamuauamuoi?gsag?msgd?? w. . iigag?g?a?gnsg uh.? . .. .iliai?iug?n 0533 Ea?: ?igiiubg?u?gii? iiaig?g?shgoe? . . Willa-3833.88 .. nan?If! LEI. pr. Times is net: Tameusthe Tamman- i'nll mlbject of an ?bled Elf]: (e 3, mm. thud mt. mil-Ewan . patty)- Came! mobtam Mm about the No No Yes ?Ft Contact tamintain ?mmw Yes Yes Yes only. obtain unz?igcnce- Contact to obtain Ame I Drama?. Yes 395 les 1 "3 full insmugatmn ?1 Tau! TD USA, ?In: Unline Undercover Contact is Authorized {or OCE or a CHE Authorities The teml ?undereuves does not apply to the schemes of CHSs. The Mon of the DIOG on authunzed ms'esttgam'e methods assessments and Matted Mga?ons to use and remut human smuces penmts the taskmg of in the curse of authde Therefore. because HSs are not under the same as FBI employees with respect to the that a predicated be initialed ptim to targeting an individual. :1 CH8. unlike an at a UCE. may be tasked an asseth to acquire substantwe mtelhgenee about an mew and the mdn?tdual's Howe-vet. before an F0 may target an and task a (TI-IS to acquire imelhgence emeemg that inditsdual. an mt must be inmated for an authorized purpose pet the DIOG {see the semen on pmposcs) Once an assessment :5 opened on an mdiudml. 3 CH3 may engage 1n assomtes of that subject for the purpose of 3:2qung mtelligence or ends-nee on the subject. unless pro?lb?ed or I'ESil'lCtEd by law, er policy. (WW) Hm. if the CHS subsequently develops minimum regardmg the Emma! permits at least an assessment to be opened on the associate, and the mow-af?x Woes u; to gattw or evidence on the assocute. the mum become (at least) the subject of an assessment. punt to the 144 Pl gf-uiih r?l . . ?Ii' ,gnr: u?r. {Hr Io" 'rpri. n- . [I'll I i ?Il-If' .I 4 qui'r I, j. 4 gill?! It-rile: lfll- I I I. . 1 jliil .I-n11?u iv. 1m I -II?IILug? 12:1}. Iflilr ?1illrHunk:- NH IUMH URN I?ullw Hunk ?Iv-gal .h?tnm 11.7 1TH 1n I?U?'ldl'll??lml u'lth NHl?l I. I 'l?w and ?Ir N?xl mthmumnm f0! .14? Hle Tllt' Nl?n I l?W. .ur Ilul f. m. {1th 1w llnu If. ll?. u?h 1.2.1115 nutllini In I'li' (TH 12. I'm .umlul H-m'u u! HM 2?le UM ant-w .Il [hr ni Ilu- unva Ihnr rm?innalmu tlul :11: NH hat t'tm'nh?d ihllmunu up]! lw in; tin- 19341.1 In OH RH 1 ?4:1 .15 mgutmi 1w Hertan Hli TN.- L?l't. ml! .Ippinrrl'nh? an .md Ht in: put? Ipulnm cuumnl I'm Lunhunxrd 1w [hr HAL fm :11] H?lk nn'ullvd to r? ilk-1: I 1 1" Ha lint t1 :Iu'qlmn ?Uilfll?b' unlmc In [in- tn Lin: mn 16.3mm? 01:1 amtnah' [mm tlu' laLvaI {.1151 In prm?l 1hr ~?l~1lu? Illrtimd of Lu .rwlm-J nulme lpplit atinn nun-u II '1 1 .mdimm' mush! 1w ?1111 {f and wiau work 111': NED i' IR 10 mlrtam ll. Tun-1" *3-?511 ELI-3P 1? 111w agent 1mm l'olirkun?ltlv fm 1hr:- nL-l. .uuhantm tunic: {hrs The PUP mil .anlw net-d In H??il?f?h' I'm links-.4 anthoulws that .319 um :HCIn-i?i 11': the LIL-X 0 DH ml] lwnelit c'nluc? 111ml 1w With 11' and Ti .31 nl.? I {an 9mm .ll Inn-?T he handled u] with (11% I?m [Bl 111d m: [he 1111 1526- mid a'af I111 Mud: 11w 01:1. Ma appIan-d the cum? Agent mum {mat Jam m- mm} uni-l m] rou?nmuon 1h prr?. vie-:1 1v." l; TIT DLX Em. hem muf?ed Without unnm tint i lL-i. 11.121 I?wsen .mlI'u'ulzn?d f0] .m idtihlmnill p?uxi cm the in tin: :nnlam$111011 811-12. [214: x21 39611: Imat amid u'nrten coufmmhun ITT 15m 311 amu'ums 101 [winch OIA 1a haze Viv-ed (1'1 Repm ting Emmi: Fl?f?llh Belmr .119 Line 161301113? Immuau?ma 11:: Hit? 111:} ?11' I?m? 551341 0 i1] Hell?re 311 FOP .uzrlm11rm? the .1 95-11! mm! smut": i' 1T1 Ni: ?U'tli-E'! Halon ml] be when mm! pram 1min ThrR11 fofFOUO)B-claw arch 17.6.5. 3i (utmymay?mm?wd? a. t: .. . 327., stay?; .- mnnbu(UHFOUO) CITU Was 01wiihmopadocmmna?ono?humam'hh'w wimouomnpa?cipammommhehmubmm? AGG-CHS. (mu I. '31NSICG. This includes, hm is not limited In; the mantra. Mahdm??: mrm000)m1m,mmw - mmwam. A (unfouowahmmamm 1.;1 . . i at . I mom I . (mmat.? MWMM 11.5.1 (U) Gena-a] Ere-pum- All m. Ill FOP: "quilt-d lo uhtam the deptml of fluids AU MW CITU and CTUC Additional AG mammal] applicanmw must hr mm will CITU. CTUC. N313, and (TS Rtfu lo the. ("angling mm (mm) mm (U) Tami-g All OCEE and UCES for an FOP an- to meet With the F0 ASAC any at: months All and Uf?lis are required to pass the safe-guard and the We OCE or Uf?li course beforc becoming opemhrmal (131mm exceptional a OCE on be used atromll as part of the NTNL accordance With the that-? Select pusomrl. Infludtug each NTNI FOP case agent. are required to attend mm] NTNI tranmng sponsored and hosted by As necessary FOPs Will be requrred to pmvixk ml for naming (?ourer sponsored by CTTU and (UNFOUO) It is that oath FOP schedule a trammg conforma- for Its persormel Wh? so: months a?or the annual tramng At tune. and ofthe FOP 1mm [mug all of then UC hardware to the for mvmtory 9111po An?ldance at these traanmg conferences USA. HEY) not be alloth to attend the courses and conferences for opaatronal reasons As addinonal traimng becomes available, Contact may be asked to a?rnd those trarmng (mines and and brief (2355 the host for onlme targetmg For then partcipatjon NTNT Wrens. then calm-3 activities any be corroboraled by checking mformatlon they pronde vi: OCE or reliable CHS vm?cauon andfor through open source and FBI database checks. 17.6.9. Safeguard .usessments (UNFOIKJ) A cram]! safeguard 1951-5521an as requrred for all OCEs and UCEs prior to Morning operational or accordancr the PG while opt-muons] arr also required to con?den- a1 annual safeguard 3551355811311! UCEs. wlule operational. be required to multitu- 3 Wm] assosmmt 17.6.10. (U) Consensual Monitoring and ELSIR Collettiou For haw: rules on cansmsual momtormg. refer to Sectron 18 of the D106 Below 15' Talaangnm MW) UCE5 or OCES must complete the consent forms according to the listed the consent forum accordmg to tho mstruc non-3 hated below. unless Won is gun: by the which case. the must be followed. 148 sunmuorm (Wm My? - (ll?l?llfl) T?hr Imr nan"uni-1 thr- anlmr aim at syniml main 5 and - mm! aim mm 1hr min 100:1 a 0151 add a rat l: ?rm: In: Idmufu 2mm plum - (um-nun) In 1hr ?rld Eh:- lam when! du- whim-hunk? - If) USA. Um] sud: umr till 47;! hm: mm. primmng In Lima} 1hr (salad aged Wm du- [hr of ?Hr individual awn rm lat (w uflm 0! hr: annmn In mrludr and 1mm m? Wt!) Wk. pushing plural: llnsa?mg and Val? '1 0 mm 1-way) all 0: 1-, mi}; and ms roll??m Image (W by must! umd tn sullen 3? 97mm dams ault mm and Web w?wzr is mad lg) rolled mall may raan lot ?uidly. 1? forte-mm;- [hr appropnzr what USA sz?t?} DIM: sauna 18 ?air-s Lin! all "er puma: to fit?? lr stated hlfuIIR 'l?h?rfmr all mu- une- wnm