Executive Ordeerstablishing a Government-Wide Initiative to Respect Religious Freedom EXECUTIVE ORDER e-Govemment?Widoh1itiative to Respect Religious Freedom By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws ofthe United States Of America, in order to guide the executive branch in formulating add itnplementing policies: with implications for the religious freedom of persons and organizations in America, and to ?ll?th?r compliance with the Constitution, applicable statues, and. other legal authorities it is hereby ordcred: Section. I. Polic .7 The United States Constitution and protects the'?mdemental natural right to-relig?ious lihezty. This Constitutional protection ensures th:Meric&S and their religious organizations will not be coerced by the Federal Government into participating in activities that violate their conscience, and will remaht free to express their viewpoints without suffering adverse treatment from the Federal It shall bathe policy of this Administration'to protect religious freedom Sch. '?e?nitionst For purposes of this order: ?Persoh?lshall have the same de?nition as ?persoh? in} [1.30. 1? ?Religichs exercise? includes all aspects and pradioe, as we}; as" belief, and includes. any set or any re?lsalito act that is motivated by a shicerely held religious- helief, whether or not the act is requi?redos compelled. by, or central to, a system ofrelig?iou's belief *?hciigieue otganizstieh? shall be construed broadly to encompass anyiorgahizatiom including easely held forepro?t corporations, operated ?srareligious purpose, evm-ifits purpose is not exclusively religidus, and is not liznited to" houses of?worship or tax?exempt erganimtimis, or otganizetiens controlled by or associated with. a house of worship or a. convention or assoeiation of churches! . Freedom Princi lee and?oheyr_nakmg Crrteria All exeeutive branch departments and agencies (?agehoies?) shall if? the dc zest extent practicable and 3381? ?tted by law, adhere to the fellowing principles and itcria 11:; ?rmmatmg and unpimneming regulations, actions, or policies: Religious freedom is not. con?ned to religious organizations: ori?mited to religious cxerCise that takes place in houses ofWership ot?the home. It is guaranteed to pet?Sonsr'of all faiths and extends to ali- activities ofllfe 03) Persons and organizations do not forfeit their religious ?'ee?om When previding. so cial services, education, or healthcaze; seaming a living, seeking- a job, or employing others; receiving gaVamment grants at assistants; at. otharwisa- partiaipatmg in the public sqasra, as interfacing with Federal, State at ?best gaVernmants. Ea) As raquir?ad by religians ?'eedam- laws such as the Religious ?Frsedom. Restoration Act 42 at sag and the raligioa pravisians of Title VII of ib'a CiVil Rights Ant af 1964, 42 U- S. 2090:: at. aganaias shall faith?l?y discharge their duty ?in mannadate religion of fsdara'l and shall nut promulgate ragulations, tales sciioas, ar enact that substantially burdens parses or religions? argamzatlaa religipns. asstaisa unlass the ?represents the Eeafst Immense maans af? ?athariag a campallmg gaVatnmantal intaest. Regalia-inns, nations, ar poliaies shall not. be? daemad ?osmpelling? simply ?by value- of their having been spplisd spatially, bsaale, at amass the Federal GOVerament- Sac. 4,8. spills A and RES annihilitiastaAVnid Enteritis] Viplatious afReligiansFraadom Tbs? Secretaries sf Health and :Hnman Labor, and shall mammal}? Lssue an intarirn ?nal rule that attempts ban: the praVantiVa-asra mmdata sat forth a: 42 U. S. 3019 gas ?(3944) all paisans and rallgidns organizatians that. abjact ta with the nandata tar magmas or moral reasons Eb.) The: Secretary sf Health and Human SerViass shall take apptap?aie actions, tbrangl: mechanisms is mature asmplisnea with assisting. staining? and other protections, if to ensure: that any mdimdual purchasing bash]: insurance the individual markst (whethar though a federally): facilitated exahanga a stataspansorad haalth insurance exchange or atharnusa} has may in purchase health mammals that daas ant aaVersga far shaman and dads" ant subsidize plans that d0 provide anal: aa-Varaga The Searstary nfl-laaltb and Human .vaiaas shall take all appropriate actions to assure that? the. Federal Gnvarmnant shall not as take any astrsa satian against a tahgiaus that praVidas federally-marina child-welfare seaViaas, inaluding prompting or; provaimg adapting instant in: family sandman for: uh?dran, oI snails: sarviaas, an the basis that ma .daelmas to praViCls laminate, or refer such salaries due: to a ?con?ict with the argnaizstian ?s religiaus beliefs The Sacmtary of Health and Human Servings 3113]], what's by law, praposa for notice and abutment new regulations consistent- with this policy: Ed) All agencies shall, nithraspeat in. any. parsed-?bananas?: warship, asrsliginus transplant-tan that is recipiamaf ?at .3 Federal GoVarnmant candida: subcontract, giant purchase nrdar, as mapeaatrVa agreement, provide protections and asaarptiaas eonsistant with aac?ans 792Es] and oftbe Civil Rights Act? of 1964 E42 is C. 2?60a-1Ea) and 2980a?2EaD and marina 203813 or tha Americans will: Dis-abilities Act of 990 {42 S. C. 121 'I?bs .Saermary sf . Labor- sba?, where anthansad bV law propose for patina. and new regulatians of as shall ensure thelbapartmant aftha Treasury shall not impose any tax or tax penalty daisy or dsaV tax-exempt status or disallow tax? deductians far. mambunaas ?made under 2:6; Sill a: otherwise make unaVsilabie a: deny any tax ?benefn to anV person, shin-ah, synagu gas, house (if warship or other. religions organization, (1) on the basis of such pet-hon or organizationslaealcingcn inertia-r political issues from a religious perspective Where religious speechof shnila: charactcr has, consistent with law, mt as an intervention that political campaign by the D'epamnent ofthe Treasm'y; er . (2). 011 the basis that 8.11033. person or organization he?eves, Spam, 0: acts (or declines to act) in accordance with the belief that marriage is or should he reccgniZed asthe. union of one than. and one Woman, sexual.? relations are properly reserved tier such a max?age, male and female and their eqmval?ents refer ta an indivilcl'ual?e Mutable biclegical sex as objectively determine-(thy anaemia physiology, er. gahetics at'or before birth, and that human life hegihs- at conception and merits?protectihn at a1} stages oflife The Secretary ofthe Treasury and the Commissioner oflntemal Revenue shah, where :authhri'zed by law, promptiy hropose for notice and commeht new regulations consistent with this policy. No shah}, to the extent ralletved bylaw, act recognize any decision or finding-made-hy any Zfederall?yarecoglized accredithig body that wakes or deniw accreditation to, or cthemise disadvantages, a religious organization can-the basis that such orga?ization beheves, speaks, hr acts (or declines to act) in acce-rdancewith a heliet? deserihed 111 Section of this Caz-det-? No shall? exclude or otherwise make uhavailabie er deny-any parser: or teh?gihm org-wiza?onadmigsich or access to charitable ?mdrajsing campaigns on the basis that such person or organization behaves, speaks, or acts (or den-lines tc act). in With the-beliefs described in Section ofthis order. No agency shall take a?Verseactmn against any-persen hr rehgihus organization that is a Federal engjloyee, contactgr. q: on. the basis ofthcir speaking or acting in accordance with the beliefs. de?mhed?ih hectihn ?63(2) of this order While outside the scope o-fthcir employment, contract, or grant, and shat] reasonably accommo??ete such speech and aetihn whet; made Within the course of their employment, contract, or gen-1h This proviSion shall not he to diminish or otherwise limit any other protection pfmtided by this order.? :1)'The Attom?ey General shah establish; within the'DepeItment a Section, or working group that will ensure that the religiohs'?'eodom ofpersons andreiligio'us organizations is. 'prctected throughout the United States, and Shah iovcstigate and; take or coordinate appropriate action under applicable religious ?esdom laws. Sec. 5. General Prhvisions. All agencies shall 01' resciia?dghy'mlings, directives, regulatiogs, .sttirtns. cr are inconsistent-with this order to the oftheir {b}.Thc gyrovisions ofthisorder shell preva? in cases of cah?ict M31 any existing executive order and with-any ?lm-e eXecutivc order unless such .?ltm'e order explicitly refaze to, and limits or excludes, the apghcation of this order. Nething in this artist shall he sensitized is hepair er otherness a?ect the authority granted by law to an agency, er the heart thereof, or the theatisns ef the OMB Directs]: relating to budget, ,3 administrative, er legislative ?girepesais (ti) This order Shall be carried 0st. subject to the availability oi appropriations. an?iio the extent pstmitted by last (e3 This state: tines net stasis any right er bene?t, substantive or ptsc'etinrai, enforceable at 133W e: sqni?ty by any party agsinst the Uniteti States its departments, agencies at instrumentaiitiss, its o?eeta, emphyens er agents, or any other parses.