'm Imnact Statement lfyou need more space to answei any or the following questions, please feel tree to use as much paper as you need, and simply attoeli these sheets ofpapet to this impact Thank - State of Oklahoma vs. COURT JAN 6 2014 ctr-301mm ssistant Disfiict Ammey: I SALLY ~qu Dd l, 3 mt: new. "fagucmtt - Name of Victim: e0 amly em 51' 1m is deceased): If Vlctim is aMinor, Name of Parent/Guatdian: 5541 - Relationship of Victim to Offender: DDM - As a result of this crime. were you or your [amin member physically or emotionally injured? If yes. complete as many as apply: - lneuned the following physical injuries: HL 40414 Kt'aua 549ml - Was hospitalized for days. - Incurred medical or counseling expenses 500nm cw MA Sf]: - Anticipate additional penses of For: - You may want to write about how long the injuries lasted or how long they are expected to 1""7m 31971 wish new lira/l [4174. - Has this crime affected your ability to perform your work, make a living, run a household, go to school or enjoy any other activities you previously performed ni enjoyed? lrso, please explain how these activities have been afiectcd by this crime. moan/nix; watka 077 5m <How has this crime affected your lifestyle or your family?s lifestyle? Please feel free to discuss your feelings about what happened and how it has affected your general well being. Has this crime affected your relationship with any family members, friends, co-workers and other people? I 3M 743 ire mm Siva/Z3? thing/Ll {3?th tom/L12 zit ?f f7; or? 7409/: 40/: 2 WdeM - 17791 243:, at. AgegM?fr @711 $0 ?0065 {1910an Senter??g?commeiggl ?g?f i hment (If an) .. 7712 wi?m ?(15/023 5 ??rmly; 094/0596 Suit 54,11 . b2}? ?5 50o @{Dloar??on we} MUM Men?Wee Wow?to me Clown/n Thank you for the thoughts and information you have provided. Signature Win/7? Date Please return Victim Impact Statement to: Gayellen Johnson - Victim Witness Center Tulsa County District Attorneys Office 500 S. Denver, Suite #860 Tulsa, OK 74103 Direct Line: 918-596-4918 Fax: 918?596-4923 gjohnson@tulsaeounty.org