?DndJeffer?on 'Eafgipfi?yjfg.Nf.OTO?42239l I . highway..- tj??gihs'jq. 2 Pienga . ,lO(Edda o?WdabuR MASS . . . Ewika Rm: . Dam: Ms.?O?Br1?d mid 'Regpic?ig: .g Eucrn?g?ipr?ase?na R?ies?sjeiw?m?ntw?t??s to 1,149 [Emmi we. '?bjen?v?ai?h? mam Fh? .dtsmiz??o?i hin 11;? ?s?nial??'bbds?h? . includjgg?ie arid gathnatgs qf-ghe s?hegiulq ing ?lls.w?irk.?giyen availabl? informationwt: hm?" rug-11319? ??sumpli?n'? uriwrt?in?es'i? th?png?ng discuss}.an with the Tawnqu-Hanpvq?r . i'?l?iiv?'ld?i? El?ndli?ai and ii?? iw?m'?istqvared' Eu'rl?gihb': RAMs,und the ,cagt-tjr?thatss?pporg establishing a vermin. 10 be. abla to I . r?imbursq ths?: Townhf Ha?o??oj the silppm ofihchiq? and, 5i Request the Hah'tr'v?ri Cpn??rv?tiw actl?tias the .qut'Wazste Area and pot?'?tia?j' T?st Rangd-?Am?a bdrm. Dupcos'f' ?ea?rpat?.i$ 11m qpotatipn'; {inm'thb cu?digl?te: vendo?f jar Formal - 3 516mm qf-thd's'pwT151115 m, 53? pm??sa? 'ta ta: ,??rf?rm?igi mac: t1); ?f?ueri?; Reimbursb'l'heqt?lfP?imgnt Trbri??: l' The hair}: b?eu'dg?glopefi'hi?s?d' dui?is?hssibn?' Wit! Wake. bot?r?ial mid ?nlosl?ibs'sifs?nc?mlMC) .fr?mhe Farm. ?Te?F'Rans?Atea'herxn?nd the a't die. 91mm are of. is 1th @3113an signi?cam r2315; ht-ths; twp, ?itesty'iquqving'th? ..snrfa?e lanci?ubs?uffag?mefal 11m: 'miy Mat?gial an. Elm-?e H32 .. n- . r- ?zala- Fax 5179313430 soil and debris) and the Cold Waste Area excavated in a separate RAM roughly 1,100 CY of soil and deb Allencavated soil and debris will be screened oil-site to remove the metallic debris (both related and unrelated to the operations at the Fourier Test Range) and inspected for the presence of MISC or MPPEH. The debris- and MEG-freesoils will be stockpiled and samples of each stockpile will be collected for disposal characterization, including lead. mercuryother metalsg'land explosives compounds. Soils meeting the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MOP) Method I soil standards will be reused tin-site. Soil not meeting this standard will be sent for off-site disposal. Con?nnatorv soil samples will be collected from the escavations and analyzed for metals. the constituents previously found to contribute: to potential risks at both areas. Results from the - subsurface investigations will be used to determine whether further action or a condition of ?an - signi?cant risk" (NR) has been achieved for these sites. - generating The ?eld activities for the RAM project include site preparation. access road clearing and set-up. surface and subsurface debris removal through eacavation and physical screening, incitement- assisted inspection of the excavated material for MPPEH, initial MPPEH classification, sampling of the separated soil, disposalfrecycling of non-range related debris, safe management and disposal of I material documented as an explosive hazard (MDEPD and MPPEH, back?lling and re-grading the areas, and site restoration. Each of the two proposed RAM projects has been broken down into. three majdr taskslater? ns 6 De?ning the Scepe of Preparing the Work Plan (assumed one Work Plan coverin both We): Updating the relevant Field Activityr Standard Operating Procedures and Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan. Subcontracting with an analytical laboratory; Procuring the reunited ?eld equipment and supplies: RDA Filing(s} 'tvith the Hanover Conservation Commission; Verifying existing access agreements relative to the RAM activities; Meetings with Town of Hanover Representatives (including the Conservation Commission); and Project Management for the overall effort. Task 2; {Eield Quotations) Mohilirntion and site preparation; Access road-clearing and tree removal from excavation areas; Fence removal at the-Cold Waste Area; Former Test Range Area betrn Excavation; Cold Waste Area excavation; Soil screening and stockpiling: MPEEH classi?cation;- I - . Material doeu'ineitted as safe (MDAS) demiilitariZation; 2 Soil stockpile sampling; Nonsrangelreiated debris management; i. .Data Management; . . di5posal Site restoration;-and- I Demobilization. Iaska [a 5 in Completion ReportS] Potential explosive hazards minimized through the use of trained and experienced staff, - safe Work practices, engineering controls, and adherence to prevail procedures. Safety is the priniary concern during activities in which items potentially presenting an explosive hazard could . he encountered. Peisonnel engaged in these efforts will adhere to'the provisions of the BASE. The Senior Utiexploded ordnance SupertrISor (SUXOS) wiil have overall and accountability for all munitions?related items. Only UXO-trained personnel will be responsible for identifying. classifying. handling, andforremoving munitions-related items in accordance with the approved plans. .. - - The exCavzitcd soil will be managed _in compliance with the in 310 CMR 40,0030. Speci?cally, the soil will be stored on-site in conformity with 310 GMR 40.0036 (Management Requirements for Storing-Remediation Waste) and required off-site will he conducted pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0034 (Bill of Lading' Process), The soil willbe pro?led with a sampling and analytical testing program to determine if it requires removal from the site, and if-so, where it must he sent for diaposal. of each ofthese tasks is presented below. sampling activities proposed in this 80W will he performed consistent with Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Policy Compendium of Quality Control Requirements and Performance Standards for Selected Analytical Protocols. Conformance with these protocols will result in analytical data' with ?Presumptive Certainty" status. All data generated will be assessed forit's- usability and representatiueness in comparison, to the project?s characterization or cenfirmatidn objectives; The work in. these areas has been proposed as two separate RAMS, despite there being many similarities in the activities and required staff and equipment. This is because the work at the Cold .Area will like! - uire theap'prdvai of thelHanover conservation Commission .2 73,3 -- i '53" I and the possibility that the time needed, to . address their?iequirements could result in t, hold work for one being performed before the winter season? sets'in and the other RAM work being performed in the spring. Howeuer. it would be more ef?cienf to perfohnithe'two RAMs in back-to?haek succession, starting with the Former Test Range Area berm. Task Preparing for Field Operations This task addresiies of a draft and final 3031} for the EMS and a RAM Work Plan. The Work Plan will 'descri the activities to be performed relative to each of the scope areas 3 identi?ed above and the project schedule and cost estimate. In order to preview potential requirements under the Wetlands Protection Act and the Hanover Wetlands bar-laws. Tt communicated a general approach for the RAMs to the Town's Conservation Agent on September 26. 2016 during a site walk (in anticipation'oi' a formal filing). T: will prepare and an RDA for the CWA- site. will present 'at a hearing of the will respond to questions. It will review. the Conservation Commission's written decision and either accept an},r approval conditions or ?le an appeal as directed by the Cooperating Parties. Under this Task, Tt will: . - Correlate the proposed excavation locations with property maps and confirm that the access agreements for parcels in Hanover are already in place (It :is. believed that no additional access agreements will he required}. 0 Attend and provide support for an anticipated meeting with state and local of?cials of the Town of Hanover. If requested. Tt'will prepare supporting graphics and hand-outs and update the Project Fact Sheet. Tt will conducts-ray required ?eld work coordination follow- up needed with the Two. 0 Update appraiser of the SOPs that are relevant to the soil excavations to reflect current. practices and conditions. These SOPs will include: mobillzationldemobliization; site access; munitions management and handling; soil excavation, management, and disposal; soil stockpile sampling; sarnpling equipment dacontamination; site security; and sample handling. packing, logging and shipment. a Identify candidate certi?ed chemistry laboratories (presumptively Test America for project consistency], specify methods and maximum acceptable detention limits. and specify the numbers of samples and required analyses for the chemistry laboratory. The required quality control and samples will be identi?ed and the required QC hacknup documentation to'be provided by the laboratory will be specified. The required turn-around time (TAT) will be established separater foreach RAM, as will fees associated with sample preparation at the laboratory or excess sample disposal. Sample shipping to the laboratory from the sites via overnight service and laboratory courier pick- up options will be evaluated. - Identify the list of required miscellaneous equipment and ?eld supplies that will be needed to implement the RAMs and arrange for their purchase or rental. Quali?ed providers will be identified. bid packages will be created. and quotations or prices will be obtained. Providers will be selected and Purchase orders will be created. Most ancillary ?eld supplies will be pronur'ed through Pine Environmental of wobum. MA. Tt has an established agreement with Pine Environmental that will expedite the procureme nt ofrnany of those required items. 0 Update the site-speci?c HASP. This update will include a review and revision. as needed, of: the site description; summary of primary field tasks to be performed; the project organisation and role responsibilities; the Activity Hazards Analysis the proposed exclusion and support zones; and the Emergencyr Response, Plan. This Emergency Response Plan tvill re?ect the discussion held with representatives of the Hanover Police 4 .4. I ?usetts State Police Bomb Squad that was held on September 26. 2016; L. - 0 Perform internal technical review of the updated .SOPs and updated HASP. Based on this review, the SOPs'and HASP will be finalized. Asiestablished ptreuvittualjtr with relative to work at the Site. the updated SOPs and HASP for these RAMs do not require review or approval by a - . 6 Provide overall Project Management through coordination, communications and oversight of activities needed to ensure the smooth and effective performance of the other technical tasks. Provide communication with the Town of Hanover Police Chief. Fire-Chief, and State Police Bomb Squad. Formal and inforrnal communications will be maintained among Tt, the Cooperating Parties (CPS), and Initiate regular communications with all parties involved on the progress of the work and signifith ?ndings or iSSues that arise. 0. Perform project controls and cost and schedule tracking. Hourlyrates will be consistent with the prevailing rate in I-the community,- taking into account the- experience, quali?cations and?suitability of the individuals who perform the work. A preference has - been given to staff with previous experience at the Site. The labor rates provided in the SOW are inclusive of all direct and indirect costs. All invoiced costs will be documented with sufficient detail. Documentation shall include at a minimum an invoice with costs to the Teak level for all costs and subcontractor and vendor bills, purchase receipts, labor time records, and other additional information. as required. Iris acknowledged that any overtime will require prior approval and a _change Order-submitted in .proper'fa'shion.- Field team oversight and subcontractor coordination are included under this task. Experienced and qualified individuals will perform all tasks within a reasonable number of hours in and Fire Departments and the Massth consideration of the work performed._ Task 2A. I Field Operations Former Test Range ?rea Berm RAM This task addresses the execution 'of the Former Test Range 'Area berm RAM, which includes: mobilization and site preparation; access road clearing and-tree removal; berm excavation; soil screening and stockpiling; stockpile sampling; data management; soil site restoration and demobilization. Under this Task, Tt will: - Direct trimming of branches thathciurrently overhang the access roads and limited brush removal to allow improved heavy equipment access to the Former Test Range Area berm. The effort also will include spot repair of the most signi?cant erosion gullies on the access roads to be used for the RAM effort. "z be used as the project ?eld we trailer Will not be mobilized to the site for vehicle for awide range of duties. A that i" these activities.? 9 Perform Soil excavation and on-site mechanical screening from the'designated areas of the Fomter'ljest Range ?reaberm to remove the metallic and larger non-metallic debris items. This soigland excavated ?material will also be screened and inspected for the presence of 5 MPPEI-I during the' debris removal process. Any MPPEI-I will be inspected and classi?ed .for' handling and disposal by quali?ed personnel. . 0; Segregate, stockpile and sample the excavated soils so that any required disposal volumes . can be estimated with greater precision. Based on past samples, these samples will be analyzed for mercury, lead, metals and associated explosives compounds. The proposed sampling includes the requisite QC samples and samples for leachability testing and waste disposal planning. Results from the investigations will housed to determine whether further - action is necessary for this site. - 0 Provide the necessary on-goin coordination and communications between the Tt chemist, UXO ?eld support, Field Lead, and the subcontracted laboratory. Activities will include oversight. of sample preparation and packaging, coordination of shipments and courier pick-ups, and, monitoring chain of custody ?documentations. 0 Perform site restoration and demobilization by removing all equipment and'supplies from the area following the completion of the ?eld activities and performing a variety of general housekeeping tasks. This Will include: disposing of an}l contaminated stockpiled soils, disposing of Former Test Range?related debris, removing all remaining equipment and unused supplies, and removing any sampling program-related trash and litter. Upon completion of_these activities, Tt will notify and the Conservation Commissions that the ?eld work has been completed. Task 23 Field Operations A Cold Haste three CWA) RAM This task addresses the execution of the CWA RAM which includes: mobilization and site preparation; access road clearing and tree removal, fence removal; Cold Waste Area excavation; soil screening and stockpiling; stockpile. sampling; data management; soil site restoration and demobilization. Under this Task, Tt will: Dirac: trimming of branches that currently overhang the access roads and limited brush removal to allow improved heavy equipment access to the Cold Waste Area. The effort also will include spot repair of the most signi?cant erosion gnllies on the access roads to be used loathe-RAM effort, I I Cold Waste Area - -- i illbeused as the project ?eld vehici .- -: . cforawiderange of duties. A ?eld office trailer will not be mobilized to the site for these activities. a Perform soilexcavation and onvsite mechanical screening from the designated portions of the Cold'Waste' Area to remove the metallic and items. This soil and, excaVated material will also be screened and inspected for the presence of during the debris removal process. Any will be inspected and classified for handling and . disposal by quali?ed personnel. a Segregate, stockpile, and sautpie the excavated soils so that any required disposal volumes can be estimated with greater precision. Based on past samples, these samples-will be- analyzed?.for metalsand associated explosives compounds. The proposed 6 sampling includes the rethisite QC samples and samples for Ieachability testing and waste - disposal planning. Results from the investigations will be used to determine whether further action is necessary forthis site. Provide the necessary on-going coordination and communications between the-Tt chemist, UXO'lield support, Field Lead, and the subcontracted laboratory. Activities will include oversight of sample preparation and packaging, coordination of shipments and courier pick-ups, and monitoring chain of custody documentations. Perform site restoration and demobilization by removing all equipment and supplies from the area following the completion of the ?eld activities and performing a variety of general housekeeping tasks. This will include: disposing of any contaminated-stockpiled soils. disposing of Cold Waste Area-related debris, removing all. remaining equipment and unused supplies, and removing any sampling program-related trash and litter. Upon completion of these activities. Tt will notify and the Conservation Commissions that the ?eld work has been'compieted: Task 3 RAM completign Reports 2.0 Preparation of a RAM Completion Report for the Former Test Range Area berm as an MCP deliverable; This Report will summarize the work performed, the methods applied, the analytical and performance testing conducted, and the res'ults obtained. The Report will emphasize tabular and graphicpresentation'ot? the results. The RAM Completion Report will be prepared in Draft,- Draft Final and Final versions: Review and comments from the CPs on the Draft will be incorporated into the Draft Final version, and review and comments from on the Draft Final will be incorporated into the Final version. Preparation of a RAM Completion Report for the CWA as an MCP deliverable. This Report will summarize the work performed, the methods applied. the analytical and performance testing conducted. and the results obtained. The Report will emphasize tabular and graphic presentation of the results. The RAM Completion Report will be prepared in Draft, Draft Final and Final versions. Review and comments from the CPs on the Draft will be incorporated into the Draft Final version, and review and comments from on the Draft Final will be incorporated into the Final version. MILESTONES AND The major milestones asSociated with this SOW are: approval of the RAM SOW and RAM Work Plan; Follow-Up coordination meeting with the Town of Hanover Police and Fire Departments and the Massachusetts State Police Bomb Squad; - Veri?ed Access Agreements for the preperties; RDA Filing(s) with the Hanover Conservation Commission; 7 - Completed subcontracting agreements or Purchase Orders for the field work and analytical work and associated equipment and supplies; Public Hearing before the Town or Hanover Conservation Commission; Decisions from the Conservation Commission; Mobilization; Completion of MDEH. MPPEH. debris and soil removal and site restoration; Demobilization; and Completion of the RAM Completion Reports. The principal deliverables associated with this SOW are the: 0 MassDEP-approved RAM 30W and RAM Work Plan; and - . - RAM Completion Reports. 3.0 PROJECT SCHEDULE The full project schedule is presented in Attachment A. 4.0 PROJECT ORGANIZATION The Tetra Terih Task Manager will be John Scaramuzzo. P.E. He will be responsible for the technical quality and cost and schedule controls for the two RAMs, and its overall success. Dr. Ron Marnicio, RE. is the Project Manager and Mr. onathan Weiss, President of Tetra Tech CBS, is the project's Corporate Sponsor. Mr. Larry Kahrs. P.G will be the LSP of. Record for the project and oversee this effort. 7 Mr. Sc?aratnuzzo also will be capany supported by the following senior staff: - 0 Mr. Ian Young will be the Field Operations Lead for the sampling and ?eld investigation activities. - a Mr. Peter Dillon will consult on a variety of local site hydrogeology and regulatory matters. a UXO operations will be coordinated by Mr. Dave Keller. Tetra Tech?s UXO Program Vice President. The oVerall Project Quality Control Manager will be Dr. Lew Horzempa. TetraTech has proposed staff for this SOW who have worked at the Site previously in the past characterization work, or who have performed planning and implemented activities for other projects with a similar scope of work. - 5.0 ASSUMPTIONS AND UNDERSTANDINGS Task?speci?c assumptions and notes are included below: 8 . a One RAM Work Plan and?separate Completion Reports will be developed for the Former Test Range berm arid the Cold Waste Area; I A'Town of Hanorer Conservation CommisSion Hearing will only be required for the ColdIWaste Area. 6 One retina! of comments and responses for the work Plan and each RAM Completion Report. I - -- UXO Team will consist other personnel: UXQSup?rvisor, UXO Safety; UXO Tech and UXO Tech II in accordance with industry protocdls. Trimmed vegetation will beIchipped and spread cit?site. . Former Test Range Area berm excavation will require two weeks duration. COld Waste Area Excatiation will require One Week duration. . . Aggregate material placed for access 'road improvements will] remain in place following . the RAMsFormer Test Range Area berm' will be graded for stabilization and restored using on-site soils and plantingsCold Waste Area will-be hackiilled in grade rising soil from the Former Test Range I Area bermIthaIt meets MCP 5-1 standards. -- - I I 0 Costs for support from the Trivia at Hanover: Fire Department during operations to coordinate the initial required respt'mse of the Hanover-Pellets and the . . I Ma'sause State a'sed - costs hareree'n assumed ?forfthe'Hana'rEr'Police and the Massachusetts?tate Police Bonib'Squad.INa costs have been assumed. for' any additional equipment .costs forIthe Hanover Fire Department or the Polite. I a Waste characterization samples Will be collected for analysis at a rate of 1 sample for every - 500 tons [333 cubic yards) distill. I I .6 l0% of the Former Test Range berm soils and 20% of the Cold waste Area soils, by volume, will require off-site disposnl as non-hazardous waste. I - 5% of the Former Test Range bermIscils and 10% of the Cold Waste Area soilsl by volume, will require off-cite disposal as hazardous waste. I. I . 0 Former Test Range Area-related debris will disposed off-site as non-hazardous materials. on-Test Range related debris will be consolidated and stockpiled on-ysite for'dispesal by the Town or Hanover. - 6.0 BUDGET ESTIMATE The above SOW-will be completed at an estimated cost of $542,131. This estimate will be updated and submitted to following the completion of the formal work Plan develoPinent and procurement processes-when the cost of the work can be refined; The breakdown of this total identifying the proposeddahonti?d Other Direct Costs (ODCs) is detailed in Attachment B. 31'. Tetra Tech will??lf?perfoni1?thc projelqi'pl?'?ning' phase a; the wk,- m? son gk?avatinns', . . . . "We antiql??te ji?efq?qi??g for, {Ba ih?i?agea roles: I I I - $531 .is HIEJEDQEEDI "aha;1m;mantu?d?tiia?x??nf1W1: at: thi3i 5116):; a jPihe'En?ngnihh?t? 'fbdl?t ?nd squ?iy ?bril-01:" p?if?h?S?; . Gimri'ser' fariamial. (FEE) and. .s,uppli?s: anti . maps; activities (Notag' (310th has previously I Provided fdcli??d figld Subpontu Term Tech Sing). - I . - - Th6 gelentitin 01"- Su?cpnitaptori?i 'will b; guided by ?ttihir' ?u?m'isslionqu bids Lheir' sipqci?c?spcipes {if work as 'a fauna! procurement pfbceg's? We, hati? developehl .n'ur cost gitimate 'has?d?nrrace?t dammunicntidhs ain'd 'wi?j these T?tfg Tech;th ?iis?ing ?ontgaating"agigcmenjs-i? 91mg wimesmmeapgmand Pin! Envirbnr?rienml "Servicbs. T1 hits 's'e'curitjf i process with the: Town bf Ha?nmt? Payibegnd Eifa D?gpai'tmantisi Trig host '?gtimzite is? based on this; 'qssumprid?s prc'saht' herein' and the" quaagities=and j?nit costs' ihcoz?o?nt?? In me ?pgegdgheqis' Included n'sAt'taphm?m B. W: appg??int'e me contihule' 'to guppart'jmu - and impp'rtan; pro'j?i?. pmil?gt agit?l'?443?7??z?withj?ny q?pg??nSin?ergl? I 3th 'Sggix?fn?zzb, I Manager ATTACHMENTST.2 . .- AttaChm?nLA: and Cfitical Path Analysis- Lahomind ODE GosIt BreIakcIIcuwh by T?skJ'SubItask ID