Incident RBport- Submission Completed Incident Details Date lncidentUnknown Location of nknown Incident: lnciden as admitted to Walker Methodist 6/27/2003 and currently description: resides on 6 Gamble. She has diagioses which include Multiple Sclerosis and Depression. This moming she reported to a nursing assistant that a man had ouched her boob and told her it felt nice. During further interviews, - repeated that an African male staff member had touched her breast and told her 't was sofi. She was not able to describe when this incident may have occurred, her statements ranged from one week to quite awhile ago. She has not seen this man since but would recognize him if she saw him and would recognize his name if someone said it. She did say he was bold, short and average size. There were other inconsistencies in describing the interaction such as what the mm id and how she replied but she does believe this happened. -was asked bout each staff member that works on her unit on a regular basis, those who ve floated to her unit and those that have recently left Walker. She denied any of them were the one who did this based on name. She doesn't want to this man again but she is not afraid. -was pleasant and even laughing uring this interview, An internal investigation is ongoing Alleged Perpetrator Information Name: DOB: Addre Gender: City/SflZi - Relationship 15 there evidence of previous incident by alleged perpetrator: No to Resident: Nature of incident: the alleged perpetrator acility Staff Guardian/Conservator Information/Power of Attorney/Responsible Persons Work Phone: Name: -- Address Home Phone: City/St/Zip: Relationship ephew/ next of kin to Resident: Ants 'l/le/Zoll 5:24 PM