Medical Record 33 - Room (1: - ll FAUEMY men Page 3 at lu ASSAULT HISTORY Nm incluurng the sexual assault dust:er rn llus repunr when was your last sexual emnunkar teensensual otherwtu)? SEXUAL ASSAULT EXAM REPORT 5 naue >120 hauls that encuulfler and ether fluent encounters. have you used: [1 Condoms (brand) Lubncant (bland) Sparmiclda' (mamaelly Douche Enema Vaginal Suppna'mnas (brawni DURING THE SEXLML ASSAULT IN THE REPORT: gendlr' Female CI Omar Assailant's R363. Hlspanic Native Amenuan i Number of assailants Name Pf; Win/Vb (ll known) Appmx Hl. Aoprmc wt Wcfim's W1 5W: 7 flu 1'5 EMLW lamesseun ,mm at Max . A Body Brim>>: lrwalvea ln assault. fl Veg-net t:l Oral 13 Rental :1 Unsure 5. Did unilanus) use gunsure a Na Yes 7 mm (If known) Vaglnz' Iubrilznl (bunmi hamr'afly (blind) Douche (Mand)r ,7 Vagina! suapos'lor'es (bland) -- 7 c, Did penetrallen take plan? El Unsua Attempted Na jail/es 7K yss. describe DY D'lu ejawtat'run occur? fiansurs a No a yes 7 lfyes. spedly where E. mu (he mouth oltne ll-ye canted wi|h any part at your bum/7 Unsure We 3 Ves 7 ll yes speclly Fa mu your mum me Contact mm the may of [he assailanfls)? unsure Mt>> El Yes 7" yea. Specfiy ff (3, Were you sexually in any were Unsure 1m 1: Yes 7 tr yes. spacify i --V, H. Dlu stranguleunn occur? Unsure RfNo Dyss7lfyee, specify i 7 ,7 I, Did luhocafinn occur? I: unsure 064:: CI Yes 7 ll yes' J. Did esesllenlts) keep anyihlnu nelungs (a you? [i . clothing, jewelry. purse, underwear elcl Xunsum Ll No DVesrilyas' describe K. Did you scratch me assailantts) duflqu me mauh'l Unsure first: Yes 7 yes. whele' Did you lnrure assallant(s) ln any othur way? Unsure Bf Na El yes 7 desu'me 7 M. Describe any sexual ayslunuran renurtell a a premalure ejaultallm, dtfliclmy achleyulg and/or malnlaining an ensure/n, unable tn resell elawlalory phase, 5th live/m3 (We N. slnce assault, pattern slates mall sha/hl has Bathad showered zurlnated gamma Mad met mat/smart! W496. Mme/menu fiffimshed teeth/user: moulhwash fiWesnea bedding ,zj clothes MW 7 0. Were drugs and/or almhal lrwotvaa assault any way>> Nu Unsure El Ves - lf yes or unsure. FY other SAME 0,0,3- REPORT Medical Record a: - 'j - ASSAU LT HISTORY (continued) lanl'sAcDounl ennui-19m confirmed Mma/ 402m 56/: 1 11442921 row 12%" 441g WM--ew 1 2 1 W40 A212 "Ma: 7" 9412 mm cm In 46 ww@fl/tm/nc mad/7m. WW Wax/(47% MM WK 14/ Pages ma