From: Espinal, Stephanie Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 12:39 PM To: 'John Davis' Cc: Panama, ACS Subject: RE: My son Keith Davis Mr. Davis- Our legal attache informed me that the Panamanians did not do a final investigative report. According to the FBI, the Panamanians recommended the case be closed and there was never any final comprehensive report as would likely have be done in the United States. I am sorry I could not provide more satisfying answers to your questions. Stephanie Stephanie Espinal Unit Chief/Jefe de Unidad American Citizens Services/Federal Benefits Unidad de Asistencia a Ciudadanos Estadounidenses/Beneficios Federales Consular Section /Seccien Consular U.S. Embassy Panama Embajada de los Estados Unidos de America en Panama Tel: mi--