Participants Lance +19525940376 Conversation - Instant Messages (1) * ·B @I +19525940376 Lance 1/312015 11:56 :32 AM(!)TC-6) Here's an idea . Carry a 1911 mag in the empty pouch so you can reload for me after I kill the first 8 black guys \. \ EXHIBIT f /V\IL 3 Participants Lance +19525940376 Conversation - Instant Messages (1) *B ~ +19525940376Lance 1/ 15120157:33:00 AM(UTC-6) I just finished taking my 1911 completely apart, down to the last screw and spring, cleaning it, and putting it back together. It was pain In my assholes. That thing can be such a drama queen when It comes to putting all the pieces back together. Participants Lance +19525940376 Conversation - Instant Messages ( 1) -t( B ~ •19525940376 Lance 1/21/2015 5:35:44 PM(UTC-6) And stars and bars grips on your 1911. So that way you can tempt a chimp to chimp out and then you get to shoot him. Participants Lance +19525940376 Conversation - Instant Messages (1) f:r B (Qi +19525940376 Lance 1/2 1/2015 11:23:35 AM(UTC-6) For coolness , literally . That's how it is justified . And also the fact that It's highly accurate and I wanted an accurate pistol . The 19 11 Is a better reflection of my style than a glock, and if I sold the glock then I could clearly afford a 1911. Participants Lance +19525940376 Conversation - Instant Messages (1) *B !i;!; +19525940376 Lance 4/6/20 15 10:24 :00 PM(UTC-5) I also train with my modern holsters . I'm pretty fast with shoulder holster (as fast as that will allow , it's intrinsically a slow spot to draw from) but I can't seem to get my IWB with 1911 draw down. If I go fast , the gun always gets caught on the front sight. It see ms like the only thing I can do is "slow is smooth and smooth is fast' in regards to 1911 IWB. \ . \\ Participants Lance +19525940376 Conversation - Instant Messages (1) *B 9/13/2015 12:44:20 AM(UTC-5) <·.i' Incoming Outgoing .' ii ·1. tl ·::' !... :• "i1°:i , ·::r; 11:~ l \ ~I,! 1-:_' I" 1' .. .. . 11/20/2015 10:19:59 AM(UTC6) 11/20/2015 10:34:36 AM(UTC6) ,, .. "'~.. ,, J, :i;i • , , '· .' . 1453452047 1151731044 Facebook Messenger From: 1453452047 Because we tried to do the same thing during the protests by the thlrs pct where the based subaru of no Indictment plowed down those dlndus Facebook Messenger 11/20/2015 10:35:17 AM(U TC6) 1453452047 1151731044 11/20/2015 10:35:17 AM(UTC- From: 1151731044 I' , ,.:_, - Based Subaru. 2 dindus, 0 indictments. 6) 2. \ ' Timeline(2) ~~! ~t-S]f!~ C~~~::r:}~~?:f :i;r~ T. .,;.!J[~i~; .::~ i'-:: '?_: ;1~~~i~ :~:]µi~; 1f ~.t~~;~ 1~~iirJ i)[Jl:l~Fiii~;i: ;.ir~;;\: r?tl; ~~ ,... ..:~ -:~·.: Ja..:, -~:-~ .:~.:t._l~·~-~~·~ ._-:it·::!~ r ~,~;-:. 1 2 __~-·-r •,l ..,.:';• Chats Instant Messages 1 ·_. Outgoing l , ~~ u .: ..~,...~).ni·.~-.~.::.~·:t: ~,..,..,.~: :: :-..·t ..:~:.\·.-~,.f;,';.-dr-..z J1 ,1, 8/29/2015 10:42:50 PM(UTC5) 8/29/2015 10:42 :50 PM(UTC 5) .. ....-~~: ;~~{~ ! :,.::.:_.:...~:~·:-~~,-.~.-. il:.....<. Yes +19525940376 Lance IMessage : +19525940376 From : +19525940376 Lance Yes That rapid fire vid with the 1911 was me shootln~ a torso sized plate at 20yd, as fast as could. y I posslb Timeline(3) 8/29/2015 3:01 :24 PM(UTC- Chats 5) 2 Instant Messages 3 Chats Outgoing 9/29/2015 12 :58:48 AM(UTC5) 11/23/2015 9:14 :56 PM(UTC6) +19525940376 Lance +16124620822 From : +19525940376 Lance +1952 5940376 Lance +16124620822 IMessage: +19525940376 Loi I was en expert marksman before I was even In Junior high school. I learned how to shoot rifles In the Boy Scouts IMessage : +19525940376 1 Timeline(4) 1 Chats 2 Instant Messages 3 Instant Messages 4 Chats 11/4/2015 3:33:10 PM(UTC6) +19525940376 Lance +12182137737 IMessage : +19525940376 Outgoing 11/8/ 2015 7:15:08 PM(UTC6) From: +19525940376 Lance Think rrou ca n shoot better than those three shots n red? Outgoing 11/8/2015 7:15:2 3 PM(UTC6) 11/22/2015 9:09 :52 PM(UTC6) From : +19525940376 Lance That was me, a football field away +19525940376 Lance +12182137737 IMessage : +19525940376 1 Chats (1) iMessqge:+19525940376(1) Participants: ... +19525940376 Lance' (owner) StartTime:12/25/20141 :04:32 AM(UTC-6) LastActlvlly:8128/201511:05 :43 AM(UTC-5) Numberof attachments: 38 ... +12188500810 ~l!'~sey•••· ~a!' Source: !Message : +19525940376 Bodyfile:chat-1.b\~ L?~~ ~1 ;f~1. f.:i~ ~;·)]~:~:::. 1 Chats ·..rLr i:"Sd :"~i! c~l\}.~ i: ] ·Ejff~:J 12/24/20 14 4:07:09 PM(UTC6) 2 Instant Messages 3 Chats Outgoing 2/25/2015 12:17 :09 AM(UTC6) 10/27/2015 5:08:28 PM(UTC5) +19525940376 Lance IMessage : +19525940376 +16513562994 Strawberritas Musil lancescarsella@llve .com From: +19525940376 I mean, on the one hand, George Z immerman Lance Is an Idiotic buffoon , but on the other hand, he shot someone In defense of his life and was rightfully cleared of any wrongdoing . Anyways I guess It's cool that the gun Im getting has been proven to kill black guys In a single shot +19525940376 Lance !Message: +19525940376 +16513562994 Strawberrltas Musil lancescarsella@llve .com L\.~ I Chats (1) iMessage : +19525940376 (1) Participants: Start Tlrne:4/3/2015 11:28:25 PM(UTC-5) +195259403 76 Last Activity;4/3/2015 11:28 :25 PM (UTC-5) Numberof attachments:0 Lance ' (owner) Source: !Message : +19525940376 Body file: chat-1.txt i173J20 .f5iJT:28:25•P.M(UT@, +19525~0376 "{l'.aiiC!!l)@I~ Tell me that would be the most epic call for an officer to respond to Gang of 6 black men armed with knives and sharp sticks gunned down by man wielding two stainless 1911s akimbo Status: Sent Delivered : 4/3/201511 :28:26 PM(UTC-5) Read: 4/3/2015 11 :28:26 PM(UTC-5) L.l./6 Participants Lance +19525940376 Conversation - Instant Messages (1) *B ~ +19525940376Lance 8110/20158:411 :23 AM(UTC-5) So they gathered to commemorate his death but then they got mad and chlmped out and shot up some squadcars? Timeline (12) - - · •• J.~-::. .,:,·c:-1r1·.t7"~r -:r;-.~.'"Jr·-=-~ ..: ..:.. ~ ..-:1~;-·;:-~--;· :·_;.,.,· :---: - ·r·~-r.:: ; ~ -.·: ---~~:-; --.-- -::-:r:-:~~G ,-;:,.·:~ / 1~1•,:), , . ,11°1! ,,.~;•fl\• ,'.al, I. l,{1\i7i . , ,' • , ·, ,, ®',~,~•(•l!.-,il ··, .. , , , .. .·-,, t[ :'~')ff~ 1 "l!:~ii'I . L:i.r.:Ji,!ll!i( 11(i1,,.-,(·Till!, r.:-~·~··:::}~ ..._...:..~~ ~ .·L~=-~: .!/ .. ::1,~~ j~ ·---~~'jt~~..___:__1l.:·,'.:.:.~ ,~~: __. ~·-.::·~,J L_.J_ ~ ·_ ~ -~ ,_·i _.: _:_· .-· .~Jt: ~ ~ _· ..~;·___ ~ ~ -{:!L . ~~~t~;i ~<.r -~~-~~,-~~·: I , • ,., .L 1 8/10/2015 Chats • - ~· .. ; ._.:; ·~( - . -~ :. .. ·_: i>·~ +19525940376 Lance IMessage: +19525940376 Yes Yes +19525940376 Lance Ok wait Did you fucking here what happened In ferguson. Again As hundreds of people gathered to mark "Michae l Brown's" death gunfire erud\ted they shot up 3 squads cars 2 unmarke ) and It looks Ilka they killed a ew people as well ... IMessage:+19525940376 8:47 :28 AM(UTC2 Instant Incoming Messages 5) 8/10/2 015 8 :47:28 AM(UTC5) f, 3 Chats 4 Instant Messages 6 Chats 6 Instant Messages 7 Chats 8 Instant Messages 9 Chats 10 Instant Messages 11 Chats 12 Instant Messages Outgoing Incoming Outgoing Incoming Outgoing 8/ 10/2015 8:48:23 AM(UTC5) 8/10/2015 8:48:23 AM(UTC5) 8/10/2015 8:49:56 AM( UTC5) 8/10/2015 8:49:56 AM( UTC5) 8/10/20 15 8:50:21 AM(UTC5) 8/10/2015 8:50:21 AM( UTC5) 8/10/2015 8:50:53 AM( UTC5) 8/10/2015 8:50:53 AM(UTC5) 8/ 10/2015 8 :51:08 AM( UTC5) 8/10/2015 8:51 :08 AM(UTC5) From: +19525940376 Lance +19625940376 Lance So they gathered to commemora te his death but then they got mad and chlmped out and shot up some squadcars? IMessage:+19526940376 Yes Yes Yes Yes looks Ilka officers shot the main aggresso r Yes and killed him lol +19525940376 Lenee Th e media Is s~ ng as the new chief was making a spee they came "under heavy fire" (shots directe d at officers) and then officers returned fire IMessage: +19525940376 Yes From: +19525940376 Lance I wis h we could have been there to rooftop Korean Yes +19525940376 Lance iMessage: +19525940376 Yes M1 rifles loaded with apm2 ...those rounds wou ld fly thru about 7 people ... not kidding Yes +19525940376 Lance IMessage: +19525940376 Yes From: +19525940376 Lenee 777 Haha. More than that Yes Timeline (5) -:'I : .--:;.,j ! ~ -·' ' y ,: f',J_>: , , / .)-· :p __, ., '.' I ,:r,:1~' 1 ,; ! , . ...' ,£.. ~~\,":~ 1 Chats 2 Instant Messages Outgoing 3 Instant Incomi ng f\,:,:~l • 1 ;, 1,;: : I ' "'. ' "1(!11,~ ' )tj ' ' -, ·I ,· J' 1 8/29/2015 3:01:24 PM(UTC5) 11/23/2015 6:48:59 PM(UTC6) 'I l ~ I J~ ~\ ,. ! < ' ,, " - : ' . ' , ,f,j, ~ j {~ , r, -· -~· ,-·f"',~·tt !):) J; '". ., ' ' ,. ' .. + 19525940376 Lance +16124620822 lancescarse l/ /Messalle : +19525940376 From : +19525940376 Lance Sam's club Is packed with smelly brown people walking too slow Fucking mak ing me mad Messages 4 Instant Messages 5 Chats Outgoing 11/23/2015 6:55:00 PM(UTC6) 11/23/2015 6:57:01 PM(UTC6) 11/23/2015 9:14:56 PM(UTC6) From : +16124620822 From: +19525940376 Lance + 19525940376 Lance + 16124620622 lancescarse 0mg IJust died lau~hlng at thatll Well maybe since ey are at S Ms they should stock up ·. on shampoo and body washll Maybe they should Just gas themselves honest ly IMessage : +19525940376 w ! . .i ~'-- Extraction Report Celleblile UFED Reports .L-M $5,517.7? n?mnim gummy Ctjji jam .3 15? ?My 5 9/5/2015 ;1 54:24 So Rocco come practice for when we have to shoot black guys Participants Lance +19525940376 Conversation - Instant Messages ( 1) *B ~ +19525940376 Lance 10/ 11/2015 12:02:35 PM(UTC-5) It's a tank. It's an American battle tank and you could run over probably at least two dozen rioting niggers Participants Lance +19525940376 Conversation - Instant Messages ( 1) B "'Cl <@>+19525940376 Lance 10/1312015 6:55 :58 PM(UTC-5) "Black lives matter!" "1 % of the people in this country keep the wealth that the 99% create!" "80% of Americans have no healthcare! " "Weapons of war have no business on our streets I" Basically they're saying "take from everyone who has money and give it to impoverished niggers . Also everything should be free and ALSO take the guns away." Participants Lance +19525940376 Conversation - Instant Messages (1) "(:f B 191+19525940376 Lance 1/16/2015 10: 18:31 PM(lJTC-6) You know how cool it is to say yeah .... l cany a 1911 government. Not the commander. Not the 3" with the polymer frame. The fucking. King himself . EXHIBIT I 11\\L \ •.3 Participants Lance +19525940376 Conversation - Instant Messages (1) *B @I +19525940376Lance 2/15/20159:52:55 PM(UTp.6) This isn't an undue concern ; but I would argue that sliding on fabric is much more Important This is because in a scenario · that would require you to use this little buttholer to save your life, a bad draw due to poor rubbe r/fabric interact ion probably equals ur ded. The most important thing is a smooth fast draw and then you focus on dump ing that tiny magazine into an oily negro . Plus when are your hands ever sweaty besides the gym . Mine may get clammy but this is sufficient to grip even those plastic grips on my 1911. 1 Participants Lance +19525940376 Conversation - Instant Messages (1) *B !/;i>+19525940376Lance 2/26/2015 3:08 :52 PM(UTC-6) Our 1911 s were made to kill multiple people very dead. The Browning baby? That was made to kill one person just kinda dead Participants Lance +19525940376 Conversation - Instant Messages (1) "(:r B ~ •19525940376 Lance 3127/201510:10:32 AM(UTC-5) were at least as accurate if not Well I knew that but I'm just so Impressed at how accurate our 1911 s are out of the box. They barrel. match a add you if Improved massively is 34 the apparently although 34, Raj's than accurate more '.r Participants Lance +19525940376 Conversation - Instant Messages (1) *B +19525940376Lance 3/31/2015 8:53:14 PM(lJTC-5) Dude speaking of superb handgun choices ....those 1911s. I cannot get over how they are absolute tack drivers . More accurate than some rifles I've used \. Cl( Participants Lance +19525940376 Conversation- Instant Messages(1) *B (Q>+19525940376 Lance 4/3/2015 11:28:25 PM(UTC-5) Tell me that would be the most epic call for an officer to respond to Gang of 6 bla ck men armed with knives and sharp sticks gunned down by man wielding two stainless 1911s akimbo I ...lo Participants Lance +19525940376 Conversation - Instant Messages (1) *B ,Qi +195259403 76 Lance 4/912015 12:5 1:39 PM (UTC-5) I'm proud to say that the 1911 is my weapon of choice l. ,~ Timeline (2) .:r:.;i ·~::cr,,.:.·;;;.:::'~:.--:-::·~·'l'?.f/ "/f : ~ ::.:-~..-·-;--:-: .~-·:~-;--~,1T ,-·ml!':':J, -·\:-.·:_:---;-~·-·.-:-" w-:;:7!7-'::-J'-,---;;-,-7~:-'·:::,r-:_-~ ~~- ·--~ ,--r-: ~-~,J.:. ,-. . , . . '. .·,.' ,,·.:(.D)./,s11,Jt,,.,, · :: ".-: . _.:::; :,e1·1,; I·;\'•. : [ ,;,:~~>!/·;l ~"f t;l@)).,. ' ·• r,J.'!.;i ·..t;,)~~:):J<~)fr§~i'i_1, W11rc;i f i~1~a) ;-•.. 1(1!)[~~!.!U. ;_:•: ,:·,~ 'l'',. ....'t, / ••..,'• I J •1t. ,/ S:J~_:;,-Jt~,.:.i:· : ',,J• ~- ~1 .- "L'':_,/~,';,',.JL.u ·il.. ·?~ 1 Chris 2 Instant Messages Outgoing J,._.;.,....:.. r1,'' ,·,:•,•,••,;'i, J!r:1 ~:< ,.;~ .·, :~.'·,..:~-.., -...~ • ..~'' /' ·l..i,,;;.. :~.~r:1. :/1,.Jb_;,•,t' \ .. ~ ; .~ ;:.__ Yes 917/2015 9:15:57 PM(UTC5) +19525940376 Lance IMessag e: +19525940376 9f7/2015 9:15:57 PM(UTC5) From : +19525940376 Lance Yes Again , consistently , our 1911s were the superhero guns. We couldn't hit shit compa red to how well we shot with those I. I) 1 Participants Lance +19525940376 Conversation - Instant Messages (1) "(:r B 4;I;+19525940376 Lance 9/ 12/2015 6:50 :13 PM(UTC-5) When I want to lower the hammer on my 1911, I've never thought "oh I wish there was a switch I could flip that would do this for me" I just carefully ride the hammer down . I • Ill Timeline (2) --,--· -1r-- · ---- ,r:-~ ·.f.L. ,,~-~. ·:-·-----. :1§11t-~~it'Jii l ; -,~['1ir,r, ..,.-: 1 i,·,:...',: -;-f '•-- - ·-i;-; ·;-: - - _- ·1~:·-z.-,T•y-:::-·,; · !) - · . /11:tr~ , ., .,·, · ... ·. '1'~ t-1,;1 1'"' j n/mc ~.~~n1111 _11,\irctJ~/11 ,·1!: ~l'"- ...... .._,:~--i~ - - ·; · ..·.._!1[~ ~·--~~ ·.:/~;. ·.~~'_:_ 'Jt .:_i_·.l~~J[~: --~-;~. -- ._Lt ~~.2...: JL?3,.~-~--_..::.~ t :...:li,_r.~,~~..:.,J:~ 3 1 Chats 2 Instant Messages Outgoing 7/13/2015 8:49 :05 PM(UTC5) 7/13/2015 8:49 :05 PM(UTC5) lancescarse From: .- , ..- · .~~·~-r-:-7• t·--=-~?,_~ · ltl~~tJt,!:f,, .. · ·,·.,:·. t '"T ;_-':~-~: _:' ~· .. ,.:'.t"~. --~-t·.:! !Message : lancescarsella@live .com ,: 1 ."~ 'jf --~--~-~!~ Guns don't require any games. You Just put bullets In and you rock and rolll All they need Is a bit of cleani ng afterwards and they will serve you faithfully wheneve r you want. Yes Yes 1 Timeline(2) 1:!~'.~-11r;.ii~~i!~i ~-.-;:~c;;~J· ..·L·· ::.:-:.:_::~~-~·· ;~~ltf -.-:.·J;z,f; -·:. ~J~.-.~r-. (.~rl -1:·i~ f~~-::~i'T~~~~~ ?~·![J~~~-·~:~J!i 1 1 Chats 2 Instant Messages Outgoing 7/2 7/2015 9:17:30 AM{UTC5) 7/27/2 015 9 :17:30 AM (UTC5) Yes +1952 5940 376 Lance IMessage : +19525940376 From: +19525940376 Lance Y es It's not even that. The thing Is, a choice betwee n a pistol and a rifle Is one of utility, not of escalation of force. It's a lateral movement of force to switch from pistol to rifle. You use a rifle becau se It's a better weapon In aulte literally every way than a pistol In a Ii e or death scenario. Wo uld you use a butter knife to cut ~our bread? No, you would use a bread knife. ut neither Is particularly massivel y more effective than the other. 3 .1. 1 Timeline (4) :-. ~ •J •• '- :r. ,, "S(/'";;-.,,/· .. r-.,.'.:r . .., · ,..-,. • .:, ; --~-~, - .-t~':'l•'-, - . ·,, :· -- ·:·- ,- • 'tt· ~- ..---~-. - ,- •. -~ ~- ... -· ~-.r-·--- .,,--- ..-: :•..-i n·~~;:;~ 1tilJr:,·.< :. ,:--·.. :,._.··.~·,.JiW~0t41:. ·._, .. J---..ii~'i~ -·'·.;,1£Jim:~f; +f~i®' ~;i1~m0,,.i,-Tut 1Tu:;;fur 1w, ,: ii ,ifl;.11;:r ,.,':. :, :-· , :Jl~~•J)) :,_:_: -~· _~:_.__~ ~-JL.r_-_~: ..·c':·.-., >. .:;,··..:_:. ( ,·,-: J:~1C•,i!r;; . i_.; ;,- :-Y , l•J:, 1 . -f'!;tdi)',,'; ... @fil~ ii,~'wl.'1 f c ·:~ut,1iJ P~hii.ffiiiJ1 ,s/i.'; ~iit;:~ifil.ik•j .r~·,t:\ r ·,.l~·_.-it, _·_:~·'..:J ~ a ~,.--;,: ' • . · •• ., ~~ ~ ,·1,,_.~'._;__._ . 1.~_.:_ ,·_:.~ __ ~.::1..r _::,_-:.~ ·i~ ~:'_.I r ~ i ·::::_--:: ..... ~_ :\....,:·. .·.::.~: ·.· ~,.:.1, -:.... ,aj.~: l_\· t ...t:....~ ~2 ~~;, .~:..·~,L_,..:_ ::9 -~--~L ~~-~;.;_:.; ...~..~ ·. 1t_·i ---~±:_._ 376 Lance 1 Chats 2 Instant Messages Outgoing 8/19/2015 11:04 :07 PM(UTC5) 8/19/2015 11 :04:07 PM(UTC5) j +19525940 IMessage:+19526940376 Yes From : +19525940376 Lance And mine will shoot holes In a d ime and yours will blunderbuss full choke pattern Yes Timeline(3) 'J" "0:;;-;-!:;'i4'~F:+~W] -= ~-::-,,-::'°¼; ·rT' --.;;: ~ ~r:-~ ;·,;-1r;"':"':~, .._-;'. ;: ,-~·;:-·_ r--~·;'TT'"-, -~ -_·· : :-J"°_;:.-:;::~~ ,7;;,~, •.•,.fl~;-···:·.· ·;._..,:."::'•,(' . it, ~JF"'~ ',. ~-:r . ·-~TTN-0-:: .~,-:- . ··rr \~117'.:c·,r··. ' ,. "'i .-~.e•rillJiin " ~:riiifij,,_l)11jii· ,~, ,1.!;:l• c,_, ,' ®rli;tJf.l: ,· r.,'m,_s!,i)11r . t:<.1,. ,f.,1~~> j;; :'5~1..__ti._:;)~LJ --.,~.:-~\ '~t,~~~~~}r i!~it:?c ! ..i-~-.::•~ ..~~~~~:~.:. h~.,.J~ [: :;~)LJ\~jl~~~~~ ~ .1~_:.~i-~.~.i'-: l::J ~ ~~: ..j~:--~~..J.±~;).~Jl~~1:~::.1J._~ t.·:~ IMessage:+19525940376 +19525940376 Lance 1 ;~- j 1 Chats 2 Instant Messages 3 Chats Outgo ing 8/29/2015 3:01:24 PM(UTC 5) 11/22/2015 4:22:02 PM{UTC6) +16124620822 lancescarse From : +19525940376 Lance 11/23/2015 9:14:56 PM{UTC ~ 6) +19525940376 Lance +16124620822 lancescarse lla@llve .com I'm going to use my Garand with 220gr JSP Powerful enough to down any1hlng on the North American continent IMessage:+19525940376 3 ..a 1 Timeline(32) 1 Web History 2 Web History 3 Chats 4 Insta nt Message s 5 Chats 6 Instant Messages 7 Chats 8 Instant Messages 9 Chats 10 Instant Messages 11 Chats 12 Instant Messages 13 Chats 14 Instant Messages 15 Chats 16 Instant Messages 17 Chats 18 Instant Messages 19 Chats 20 Instant Messages 21 Chats 22 Instant Messages 23 Chats MIiitia Act of 1903 - Wlklpedia, the free encyclopedia 11/23/2015 1:45 : 14 AM(UTC 6) 11/23/2015 1 :45 :14 AM(UTC.6) Outgoing Incoming Outgoing Incoming Outgoing Outgoing Incoming Outgoing Outgoing Outgoing Yes 11/23/2015 1:46 :11 AM(UTC6) 11/23/2015 1:46 :11 AM(UTC6) 11/23/2015 1:46 :12 AM(UTC6) 11/23/2015 1:46: 12 AM(UTC6) 11/23/2015 1:46:48 AM(UTC6) 11/23/2015 1:46:48 AM(UTC6) 11/23/2015 1:47 :02 AM(UTC6) 11/23/2015 1:47:02 AM(UTC6) 11/23/2015 1:48:07 AM(UTC6) 11/23/2015 1:48:07 AM(UTC6) +19525940 376 Lance IMessage : +19525940376 From: +19525940376 Lance https://en.m .wlklpedla .org/wlkl/Mllltla..Ac L of_ 1 Yes 903 + 19525940376 Lance IMessage : +195259 40376 11/23/2015 1:51:03 AM(UTC6) 11/23/2015 1:51:03 AM(UTC6) +19525940376 Lance 11/23/2015 1:56:19 AM(UTC6) 11/23/2015 1:56:19 AM(UTC6) 11/23/2015 1:57:15 AM(UTC6) 11/23/2015 1:57:15 AM(UTC6) +19525940376 Lance 11/23/2015 1:57:25 AM(UTC6) 11/23/2015 1:57:25 AM(UTC 6) 11/23/2015 1:57:43 AM(UTC6) 11/23/2015 1:57:43 AM(UTC 6) 11/23/2015 2:02 :51 AM(UTC- Yes Yes +19525940376 Lance IMessage : +19525940376 Yes From: +19525940376 Lance Declares all able bodied men between the ages of 17 and 45 to be a member of the United States reserve militia IMessage : +19525940376 Yes I need to Join that Yes +19525940376 Lance !Message : +19525940376 Yes From: +19525940376 Lance Join what, the reserve militia? You're already In It and so am I. If you can march and carry a rifle , are a male citizen and between the ages of 17 and 45, you're legally in the reserve militia. IMessage:+19525940376 Yes The reserve militia Is responsible for maintaining their own kits and munitions, and also training themselves . So If you meet a man who does not own a rifle, a kit with a minimum of water, first aid, and ammo, and trains at least sometimes, then you have met a coward. iMessage : +19525940376 Yes .... he needs to die Yes +19525940376 Lance IMessage : +19525940376 Yes From : +19525940376 Lance People don~ understand how gravely serious It Is, the need to be militarily proficient so that you can stand up and defend the country when the time comes. IMessage:+19525940376 Yes From : +19525940376 Lance You almost can't blame them today Yes +19525940376 Lance IMessage : +195 25940376 Yes From: +195259 40 376 Lance The way society Is. It's the way they were raised . Yes +19525940376 Lance IMessage : +19525940376 Yes +19525940376 Lance From: +19525940376 Lance +19525940376 Lance Yes Yes Yes Yes 6) 1 ~ ..9 I .t 'l... 24 Instant Incoming Messages 11/23/2015 2:02:51 AM(UTC6) 25 Chats +19525940376Lance 26 Outgoing lnslant Messages 11/23/2015 2:05:14 AM(UTC6) 11/23/2015 2:05:14 AM(UTC6) 27 Chats +19525940376Lance 28 Instant Incoming Messages 29 Chats 30 Outgoing Instant Messages 11/23/2015 2:07:40 AM(UTC6) 11/23/2015 2:07:40 AM(UTC6) 11/23/2015 2:08:59 AM(UTC6) 11/23/2015 2:06:59 AM(UTC6) 31 Chats +19525940376Lance 32 Instant Incoming Messages 11/23/2015 3:15:40AM(UTC· 6) 11/23/2015 3:15:40 AM(UTC6) From: +19525940376 Lance We were raised In such a way that war will never concern u The smart ones like you and I...we are the prepared IMessage:+19525940376 Yes Yes We had to come around to realize this on our Yes own. We weren't raised knowinglhat It would someday be like thal Only the smartest and most committedof patriots realize this all on their own, that ultimatelythey lndlvlduallyhave a duty 1obe ~epared to wake up In the middle of the night, t up, run outside and hastily . Improvisea defense of their own block from a professionalassaultingforce Yes IMessage: +19525940376 Well.we will survive. Yes +19525940376Lance IMessage:+19525940376 Yes From: +19525940376 Lance It's not about survival. It's a question of have Yes we prepared enough?Are we mentalli ready? Can we maintain the pure grit to do w at It takes to defend our sovereignty? IMessage:+19525940376 Yes That Is fuci}•19525940376Lance 12129/2014 9:39:31 PM(UTC-6) all around his mouth....we look at each other, I ca_n just see us being accosted by some nigger with white powder smeared In the small of our back "wallets" our for reach to going just we're .... buddy sure laughter....yeah st1n1ng iMessage : +19525940376 (1) Partk:tpante : +19525940376 ... Lance• (owner) Start Time: 12/24/2014 4:07:09 PM(UTC-6) LastActlvlty: 10/27/2015 5:08:28 PM(UTC-5) Number of attachments:105 +16513562994 Strawberrltas Musn· taf~ Source:!Message : +19525940376 Body file: chat-1.txt nlf2/201671l;S.§;~M_CQIQ3!)~1~6291!½l{S~~.i!S.!!l you're not old Statua: Road R.. d: 1/12/2015 11:36:52 PM(UTC-6) !!LWOl 5if1: 37;01E_M(UJC'6Jfil !!§l.§9'10376I~ce}. Definitely racist though Statue: Sent Delvered:1/12/201511 :37:02 PM(UTC-6) rn1s T 1:37;01reMtOTc:a1~ 1a21·ase~99::1JSffitierfflatl,usni just a little bit I would say some kind of super racist because I'm sure there's worse than you Status: Read Read: 1/12/201511 :37:38 PM(UTC-6) 117,12/20~ 6iJ1.f37:'.ff P,M(UTcz.6) ~ ].'95259'10376:(l;jljce1, Maybe even like some kind of super racist Status: Sent O.r,vered:1/12/201511 :37:11 PM(UTC-6) L{..,LI 1 Participants Lance +19525940376 Conversation - Instant Messages ( 1) *B I!;!! +19525940376 Lance 1/31/2015 9:31:29 PM(UTC-6) work for every dollar we have .and we lift Doesn't that make you mad? Like here we are , honest hard working white men who salt of the earth . And some girls would the are We . masculinity of code a by life live and try and bodies our and take care of go hang out with a skinny ghetto ass nigger rather They . money much have don't we because us at up right noses their turn that deals drugs and steals shit because he can bring in thousands a month . Timeline(2) #;i :~]~}\\][" _7_r{f.3[Y\~:~(c}f::;:; -Jf,~~~lfi:1if?t~~;~W~~\{17~~l:;\ 2tJ[,~~fI·~ 1 Instant Messages 2 Chats Outgoing 2/18/2015 2:25 :30 PM(UTC6) From: +19525940376 Lance I could not continue the human race if it was up to me, and I had to fornicate with a black chick. Humanity dies that day. Yes 2/18/2015 2:25:30 PM(UTC6) +19525940376 Lance iMessage : +19525940376 Y es Timeline(2) Instant Messages Outgoing ,, 3/412015 7:20:56 PM(UTC- From: +19525940376 Lance 6) 2 Chats 3/4/20 15 7:20 :56 PM(UTC6) +19525940376 Lance I've come to the conclusion that black people should be mandated to have a permit In order to reproduce Yes These people ere foul. There should be criteria sat for obtaining a license for black people to have children. Well to do blacks will be able to get It, ghetto trash will not. Accidental pregnancies and Intentional pregnancies without a permit will result In crlmlnal prosecution. !Message: +19525940376 Yes Timeline(2) ;~"i "Y:f7:;~,-~:~;1r:-·;:.; -;-,'!. P(.::''.~J!'-~ ,' ·r,·~]. '.':;I r ~i Y?i~-:~ :~··.,,..:~Jr-;';"t;n:·-:;::,:::ir- ·~, :£:.77-''\:1:. '.\.,'f':j7-'/t7,T'"J[,;:f ~~ j/ ~:: · :::,-:x:.rr-::;r,i.'. 1,'.f!~~ ,:..c·;<:.,~, ":-P~l, , ·.·.,· ..;' ,,_ \' ;, :: ..:.:: -'/'. 'G{ J :, : _,:, [i.~,~'~ •[liY{~·-;,,.·:': G~,.i,.J ,,t,•r !ih!:.;,,~riJI~-. ~.:;J -1,. !~•,;) : ; ,ji,•if'l:,;~l !~ ·,i· 1:;i',t;,•.•r •~) IJ'Co-:·:-'>.'. ..:·•'.!.\J13 ~~ ~~:: ~~:...~t;:..::.. ~.:tL£.,,~· ...ti;:::;·Ll.!i.:~.J.:;; .t:·/.~~z-~:~·.£ ..~~~-;.&f)!:2~~J ~-;..l'~1i:::~:. ..t ~ ~~,~:'~JL.~:.1£~, s_t..i:.~ ..·::t~b>It:!·J~ Yes · t, 1 Instant Messages 2 Chats Outgoing Frorn: +19525940376 3/9/20 15 11 :23:20 PM(UTC- Lance 5) +19525940376 Lance 3/9/2015 11 :23:20 PM(UTC 5) You know what I hate? When black people rtde In the front of the bus IMessage : +19525940376 Yes L.{ .\0 1 Timeline(6) - , ---i·· - . r - . T'··, , .· If.. , j' .... - .- r , .. . ...·r·\_ ,.li,,, ..,,.. :, - .: . ,- .·.·:..:.-'l;'@k~-.1 ·;_ ;):.1: --r~~f~o1 .'_:.· H,~11,:,: ..t~ii}y;:..,~iimijl-1¼-;;,ru.'.iJi1 I·11 @~: :,,.:1w:• ·, . :_. ,/n1ii,'l- . _-_,.·,, :l""'w1~ :;·.~ ·__ · : ::':-:":\i.-:-,;,.-,<'!..-i1 ·< '_'11-.' ; -,,tt '..' . -:-J,TI,i1(;) _'.:,: !~'..-.. ~::'.,:-'L. ,.. ' ..,'" ._·..~<:_, -.,-_ •1l :: '_ ,' ; 1••0 ., 1 Chats 2 Instant Messages 3 Chats 4 Instant Massages 5 Chats 6 Instant Messages Incoming Incoming Outgoing • L,. • \, I • I •, _', :, 3/12/2015 9:35:44 PM(UTC5) 3/12/2015 9:35:44 PM(UTC5) +19525940376 Lance IMassage : +19525940376 Yes KKK Yes 3/12/2015 9:35:44 PM(UTC5) 3/12/2015 9:35:44 PM(UTC5) +19525940376 Lance guarantee. The KKK will help OH btw ...a black politician Is blam ini the KKK for the shootlng ...the shooters were lack men ... IMessage:+19525940376 Yes 3/12/2015 9:36 :37 PM(UTC5) 3/12/2015 9:36:37 PM(UTC5) +19525940376 Lance Dude ....Just the fucking stup ldlty It's the police officers fault.. ...what a (mostly black grand Jury) deliberated on an said It was m Browns fault... . Wow so they Just blame the cops and now 2 ransoms officers are gunned down IMassage : +19525940376 From: +19525940376 Lance Someone needs to go down there and make all those dumb niggers afraid to leave the safety of their own homes_ Yes Yes Yes U.1\ Participants Lance +19525940376 Conversation - Instant Messages (1) *B ~ +19525940376 Lance 3/12/2015 9:36:37 PM(UTC-5) Someone needs to go down there and make all those dumb niggers afraid to leave the safety of their own homes. L(., 12, 1 Participants Lance +19525940376 Conversation - Instant Messages (1) "(:( B Qi +19525940376 Lance 3/1212015 9 :43:06 PM(UTC-5) I'm done letting these smelly uneducated ignorant monkeys claim that shooting peaceful officers that don't pose any immediate threat to anyone Is justified . If they get to do that then I need to make black parents huddle with their scared black chimpanzee children in a dark comer of their house, hoping and praying that I pass them by without killing every firstborn black in the neighborhood . l..l• }J 1 Participants Lance +19525940376 Conversation- InstantMessages(1) *B iQ, +19525940376 Lance 3/13/2015 12:05 : 19 AM(UTC-5) Niggers. They perturb me. '-1.,JL.f 1 Timeline (2) r~ f;~ ~2\l' :, ·?·::-~\::l ···1:70'.'·;2:q::1F~; ";.,g )I f{:· J':Pt. ~~ ~/:;,.{~s.J.~ZI ~• l. ll,·l-~;-7::f.}/5·".' ·w:B :i~r:-:7,,;~ .:rlii," ~-.;·/:7;~~~~']~-:? ff9 ';J~f') tli-' ~J j 1 't,Y,il 1-: _,,.,,, i;.', He aoes sing about racism, yes Statue: Sent O.iwred : 11/3/20159:38:52 AM(UTC6) Read: 11/3/20159:40:31 AM(UTC-6) tl/312016ll~f1:00AM(UTC-6), .f16124620822 Haha is his what your listening to this morning Statue: Read Read: 11/3/20159:45:27 AM(UTC-6) 11@!>16 ~9:~j;19.AM(UTC;8), + 11!1i4ei~~ This* .. Stetua: Read Read: 11/3/2015 9:45:27 AM(UTC-6) :!113@rn!l:.~:31N,1M~> ••t:1.e§2~4~z!!{[j®> Nolol Statua: Soni Delivered:11/3/2015 9:45:31 AM(UTC-6) Read:11/3/2015 10:06:01 AM(UTC-6) ,lj!W£0~, .±1.952~I6 ldk cause moonman is hilarious _~i,~;;,,__'.'c};;i,~;1.:.JJJm ,2..{:)i:,'.,': .1,, ~iJ! J ·,s:t\'. ,'(';_,,'.f d~:::),i :i,~;:lpJ;~ ,s!J ..,;;.J] t.:l: 1 Instant Outgoing Messages 2 Chats 1 ,:~~-\ 10/6/2015 From:+19525940376 10:30:04 PM(UTC- Lance 5) 10/6/2015 +19525940376 Lance 10:30:04 PM(UTC5) tx~~r . 1 ~~ I seriouslyget so turnedoff when whitegirls have had sex withblackguysor havea thing for blackguys. Makes me queasy !Message: +19525940376 Yes Yes Participants Lance +19525940376 Conversation - Instant Messages ( 1) -t{ B ;g. •19525940376 Lance 10/11/201511 :41:44AM (UTC-5) Sh Sh The crown Vic will stand up to a feral assault from a pack of negroes . It will protect you from nigger ·barrages because it loves you and wants you to live. The new styrofoam cars will poof into packing peanuts when a drunk white girt falls on them . '-\ • ]O Chats (1) iMessage : +19525940376(1) Participants : Start Time : 8/29/20 15 3:01 :24 PM(UT C-5) Last ActMty: 11/23/2 01 5 9:14 :56 PM(UT C-6) Number of attachments : 23 +19525940376 Lance•(owner) +1 6124620822 ia!1~s carsell Source: !Message: +19525940376 Body file: chat-1.txt I!/2~..l§]i~ 39"PM.(UJ.~ ) ;:J'j_Q.~94037~MII~} So are you in class? Statua: Sent Dellvered: 11/23/20 15 5:56:41 PM(UTC-6) Read: 11/23/2015 5:58:56 PM(UTC-6) lll/23f201o6: 00:20 PM(l,!JySJ ;', + 1s124s2oa ~ 0mg I j ust died laughing at thatll Weilmaybe since they are at SAMs they should stock up on s hampoo and body wa sh! ! Slawa: Rood Read: 11/23/20 15 6:56:50 PM(UTC-6) i!JfmQ 16 6:65:1,f P..M,(l,IT~);~H 612filQP~ Maybe throw a box in there cart Slatua; Read Read: 11/23/2015 6:56:50 PM(UTC-6) ~ 1{1.3/g015 '6;~t f'.M!!IT~ );'+'1_filj,2~.J.~ :(!, Maybe they shou ld just gas themselves honestly Statut:Sent De0vered: 11/23/2015 6:57:01 PM(UTC-6) Read: 11/23/2015 6:57:27 PM(UTC-6) !!1/23/201~ 58:2-<~l[l"®J .::"'1612~2QIL~ 0mg !! Ok I like that better haha Statua: Read Read: 11/23/2015 6:58:47 PM(UTC-6) D)/23/201§.'~ 92l'MCQJ.Q:!!)::!]9~~~J7..Q]IJ!.noe) Fucking hate them all. StalUI:Sent Deliv,red: 11/23/2015 6:59:02 PM(UTC-6) Road: 11/23/2015 7:00:21 PM(UTC-6) ;3--;ll}_'lp4__EQ~~ i1W 3/2015 7: 01 :Q.Q_fM.(OTCl'.8) Loi my dadsa !d the same thing the other say. But he was like I'll keep the Oreos .. Haha Statua: Read Read: 11/23/2015 8:01:53 PM(UTC-6) 0..1ma. OJ§ -~?;Qj .Pl!l(UJ