Registry of Deeds 3/28/09 2:18 PM . •• 819 ~ 124 ~ II ,'"• '0 ~ 1, SVllIID ~. Dl~or III'd Set:N!\effllr <=t1£jes 0 thllt the IIo!u:"d of Dlrector!: ~ <0 l.llfmW/ u... co.pany ·at a aeet11\8 on UJe l~th of May 19'10 ildoptety ~ out (o,. IIert G. lle«:Zin, Mark A. Berezln, Stephe" L. Be.ez1", -t!! , -:1 .t ~ ",' ~ indicated "'" LoU: I an ""~""lat"". In<:. Civil ~l""er•• COnsultants 2 F_~jco Dr., PJttsfiel ... , Iiass.ochusetU 01201 1!t'<:>1<:et 110. 891~1" to said Se"""""". "ncl connt'Ction ttlerewith, 111"""1 /lor-lint: U l>erebr authorized to execute S!JC1\ ~ents and Instnoo e"t~ """""sary to effectual" UlI! " .e , which ~ent$ ~hIIll jrolude, rut not be 11.1tef I further certify th.1!t $uch ."""luU"" !$ In full £0,,", and eH"Ct ani has ""t <'>C and )lUI1'<: