SEC fhi?i-?URN mu Frequently Asked Questions A. Sentinel prompts users to complete the survey based on the entity/Entities indexed as the Subject of a Counterterrorism case. It. Wire can mutate the IW mm? A. [Ll/{mum Any case participant in Sentinel can complete the ill.? survey. Sentinel will prompt the user to update the surveyeach time aserial'rsuploaded to them. Q. What do these numbers mean? A. (SIIHFJ IMV applies statistical methodology and weighting to historical CT cases both those that mobilired to violence and those that did not. When a survey is completed. rm scoring compares the current CT whiect?s information to the historical data to produce an overall score indicating a likelihood of mobilizing to 1?violence. H?her scores indicate a greater likelihood of mobilisation. {Sim calculates several Scores, which are further cit-scribed below. on scale of?lm. Scores should he considered tools for case oomparison only and do not provide conclusive evidence that a mienwili take violent action.) 1. (SIINFI Overall Score - Calculated based on responses to weEhtecl survey questlons. Affirmative answers to questions deemed to be more mum or mobilization to violence will result in. a ?shermen" more. 2. (SHNF) Mohr'lim?on Store - Calculated based on responses to werghted survey questions.The percentage of questions indicative of mobilization to violence that were'a'nswered "Yes." Measures the subject?s level of mobiliaatlon or likelihood of ca?vllg out a violent act. relative to historical cases. 3. Rodicolizotrbn Score Calculated based on responses to weighted survey questions; The percentage of questions indicative of radicaliratlon to violent ideology that were-answered W?'lndicates the subject?s likely level of mobilization or Internal to a violent ideology, relative to historian cases. 4. Unknown Score -The percenta? of total questions that were answered ?Unknown." Represents the inherent risk of not knowing the answer to survey questions Questions amered ?Unknown" are not weighted. t3, Based on owsublect'sscorei. is he orsheat high rislrfor Minnow? A. F) Risk of mobilization is assessed based on several measures: the individual subject?s weighted score and comparison to other subiects' scores. Scores will marge each time the project?s is updated, and each time an IMV update conducted. To view the most updated data regarding how your subject compares to other Selim, access the Survey tirilldown" report in Sentinel. Q. IUIIFOUOI male? in. [Mil-survey results can he used by Case Agents and to gain an how their cases compare to other CT cases. IMV scores can assist decision-mailers with detenniningwhere to focus additional resources. The AMFC stresses that IMV sliould be considered a tool for comparing a given case subject to others who have mohlliaed to violence. High scores simuld not be viewed as condusive evidence that a subject will mobilize. Classified By: D63324521 Derived.From: FBI NSLC dated 201303G1 Declaesify On: 20401231 SECRETE ENUFUFE mill/{FWD} Howdolpoll reportson lmsurveyremlts? A. in Sentinel, click'lteporrs- under Counterterroriam Report's. select Survey Driildown' to view case; from all 56 Field Of?ces ranked by score. Select Survey Gwen-view" to View a heatmap of new data from across the country. Select "Ci Survey Reports? to view all CT survey results. All reportscan be ?ltered by Case Tm, Fold Office. speci?c indicators. and score range within Seminel. Reports can also be exported to Excel. What should I do about duplicate INN surveys for the samesuhlect? A. (UIIFDUO) Case participants should ensure that only one Stairway per subject is created. If multiple entities have been created for the same-subject. case participants should merge them using Sentinel?s merge loature. This will also merge the surveys. Q. is the MW sum dhcoeerahle? A. (UHFOUD) Ho. The IMV survey is comiciered a doment derived from evidence that already exists within a .case. Whydolhluetoconmim this additionaladminiatrati-ve step? A. has been designed to produce valuable data that can help inform and augment ease work. not take away from it- The that! survey began with over liltiouestions and has been reduced to 43 questions considered to produce the most relevant results. Q. (?If Will rm undergo updates? A. Yes. comprises a dynamic "dataset. and updates will be necessary to incorporate incoming survey results into the existing historical data. The Amines Fusion [ell will wort: with the Santinei team to conduct updates every month during the lira! Quarter of the rollout [Dctoher 2515 -December 2015), and every quarter thoreafter (January, npril, July, and October}. As u?ates are completed. the detaset will We larger and the weighting of questions will become more aceurate. resulting in charrgesto 1 !er scores; Can only?: use date to support {hushed products? A. (UHFDUG) Ho analytic products should incorporate IMV data at this tirne. Because the dataset will mange over time. AMFC requests that no ?nished intelligence products be drafted using this information until enough-data has been collected to ensure accurate analysis. CTD gu?an-ce will be forthcoming. D, I: we going to he stated with partners? A. {ti/{F0 Yes. The FBI will share anonymized data and information ahout its methodology with the Fm; partners. in return, FVEY partners will provide AMOTU with results from theirown similar initiatives. Collaboration with partners will aid both the FBI and our foreign partners with combating the ?nial CT threat I SECRETX INDICATORS OF MOBILIZATION TO VIOLENCE IIMVI QUESTIDNE tut oncxeeoyuo (51'th F) Mobilization: Has the subject mobilized? {mg hes the subject traveied. attempted to travel overseas to participate in vioience; has the subject been arrested in a terrorism charge; or has the-subjectconducted a terrorist attack?) F) Does Subject possess or have immediate access to weapons? ISIINF) Rediceiizetion: Does the Subject have a history of substance abuse (drugs. alcohoi? etc)? F) Radicalizetion: Is the Subiect a religious convert? (drop down) Lessthen 12 months ago; 1-3 years aw; More than 3 years ago. Radical izitti-on: Was the Subject convicted of a violent felony? {drop down) In?rcerated foilowing conviction: Not incarcerated fo?owlng conviction. Radicatizetion: Has the Subject been medlcally diagnosed or judicially ruled mentally incompetent? (SIIH F) Radicalization: Hes Subject been of?cially or legally enduded or disirwited from an organization for espousing 1uriolenIIm-i' (Le. being too radical) Radicaiizetion: Hes the-Subject experienced a recent-personal loss or humiliation, eithe: real or imagined? leg. doe-I31. breakup, divorce, loss of a job, petteived injury to status or self-image) Rediuiization: Has the Subiect ever experienced or been exposed to a utoient ?change of life" event? {to include abuse. Itriplenintt, assault. etc) 10} Redicaiizetion: Doesthe Subject have military or law enforcement experience? [check all that apply} Military; Law Enforcement Current; Previous. 11) (SIJHF) Mobilization: Is the Subject suspected of previousty participating in extremist violence oversees of attending training camps? Classified By: D63324321 Derived Prom: FBI NSIC dated 20130301 Decleesify On: 20401231 SECRET I NOFOFN 12] Radicaiizatien: Does the Subject asseciate with who have criminal records? 1m InsomGt 13) Radicalttatlon: Does the Subject held a belief or ideology that supports the use of violence? 14} Radicalizatiun: Bees Subject cite a speci?c signi?cant event er events as the cause at the Sublea's grievanceh)? 15} Radinlitatlan: Hasthe suhiect hamme more extreme in their beliefs specific tn uinlent ideology? 16] (Sff?Fl Radicalizatian: Has Subject sought or obtained religious justi?cation for vielence? Radicalizatien: Has the Subject articulated a desire to conduct violent jihad er ?achieve 13) Radicaltza?en: Is the Subject resolved that violence is justi?ed and necessary ta address his griewme'? 19) (SKINF) Mebilizatien: Has the Subject made statements related to er prepared ?statement" er farewell writings, ta include manifesto; videos, meta, inter-net plugs, or emails; etc? IUI RESEARCH AND 20] Radicalization: Is the Subjecta regular consumerr of extremist propaganda? 21} Mebilizatien: Has the Emmet engaged in or discussed tradecraft to hide their pn?ne activities contextually different tram previeus activity? (check ail that apply} IP Steganographv; Password-protected websites; Mis- email acmunts; Either. 22] Radicaliaatien: Duesthe Subject have an intense interest nrfascinatien with previnus bombings or violent attacks? 23) Mobilizatim'r: Has the Subject researched or attempted to acquire weapens er bomlHnaking material's? (check all that apply) Weapons; Explosives; Premrsar materials; O?ier. SEMI r? 24] (SUN Mobilization: Has the Subject conducted research {or target seiection. acquisition of technical capabilities, plann?mg and logistics? 25} Mobilization: Has the Subject conducted surveillance on potential targets? [groom 25} (SHNF) Radicaiization: Has the Subject changed his behaviors toward, or approach to. those outside of his "in?group"? (SIINF) Radicaiization: Does the So bject?s family. friends or intimates espouse or support a vioient extremist ideology? Radicalization: Does the Subiect have a history {whether actual or implied) of membership in or association with a group that advocates violence? 29} Radicalization: Has the Sublect been reported to authorities including lainI enforcement or religious leaders? by family members or associates? 30} (SHNF) Radical ization: Was the Subject recruitedftatgeted for extranlsm? 31) Radicaiizatlon: Has the Subject sought or received direct guidance from overseas extremists? 32} Radicaiization: Has the Subject attempted to radical izeirnobliize/laci?tate others to support'violence or extremist activity? 33} Radicaliaation: Has the Sublect sworn allegiance or bayat to a group or individual who advocates violence? 34) F) Mobilization: Has the Subject participated in gatherings where plotting Iil'iolenci.? is discussed? 35) F) Mobiliaation: Has there been a sudden withdrawal from the Subjects known life pattern? (ea. retreating to tern porarv quarters, being absent from wimout' explanation. failingto appear for appointments that are normally kept, etc) 36) (SHHF) Mobilization: Has the Subject signi?cantly changed his physical appearance? (Sim Mobilization: Has there been a signi?cant change in the Subjects behavior from that previous}? observed during the investigation? leg. he was a drinker and now IMPORN SECRETIINDFORH abstains, he was a drug user and now abstalns, he was religiously observant and now is TRAINING mo manner; 38) Mobilitatlon: Hasthe Subject sought training in the use of or explosives? 39] (WIMP) Mobilization: Has the Subject exhibited unusualfsuspio?ous ?nancial patterns? (check all that apply) Unexplained increasefdecrease in funds; Complex ?nancial transactions; Money received from overseas; Maxine credit cards; Either. 40} Mobiliration: Has the Subject sought employment, or is currently employed in an occupation with sensitive amass? (check all that apply) Airport; Either traIISportatlon facility; Critical infrastructure facilities; Law Enforcement facilities: Employment with access to facilities: Employment with a security clearance; National laboratories; Other. 41] (SHHFI Mobilization: Has the Subject increased his operational security or discussed methods of evading detection? 42] (SIINH mobilization: Has the Sublect participated in activities that simulate military or operational environments leg. paint ball, airsoft, laser tag, shooting ranges, campingfsurvlual trips; etc) 431 Mobilization: Has the Subjeet stopped his communications where previously he has been very communicathre? leg. postings. email, texts, telephonic, in person, etc}? 44) (SIIHFJ Mobilitation: Has the subject attempted to physically approach an identi?ed target or attempted to breach orcircumventlsecurity measures in a manner beyond previous surveillance attempts? IUI 45} Rodi-coloration: Has the Subject expressed a desire to travel overseas to engage in violenoe? 46) Mobilization: Dog the Subject have a passport or has the Subiect applied for a passport [either as a new application or for one being reported (check all that apply] Currently possesses a Applied for a new passport; Claimed previous passport was SECRETEINOFGHN SECRETXINOFORN 47) Mobilization: Has the Subject attempted to travei overseas to {mm in viuience? 4B) Mobilization: Is the Subject-aware of their watchlisting status? SECRETIXNDFORN