From: Linda Kayfish To: Premier Christy Clark Ma email February 15,2017 Dear Premier Clark, Four and a half years ago your government fired my brother Roderick Maclsaac, falsely accusing him of breaching British Columbians' privacy. Roderick was a researcher working with public health data. He was a co-op student pursuing a PhD. He was committed to helping the people of BC live fuller and healthier lives. He did nothing wrong. ln September 2012 one of your ministers held a press conference to tell the world lies about my brother and his colleagues at the Ministry of Health. They also said that Roderick and the others were being investigated by the RCMP. This too was a deception. A couple years later you took it all back, stating that it was all a regrettable mistake. The people responsible didn't have their facts straight. They messed up. They were sorry. It was too late for my brother Roderick. Your government had callously destroyed his future, his career and his reputation. He was prevented from finishing his PhD. His life was ruined by what your government did to him. Seeing no way out and no way fonnrard, he took his own life a few months after that 2A12 press conference. I'm still here though, and I still want answers and accountability for what your government did to my brother. Together with the other wrongly fired researchers I asked you to hold a public inquiry into what happened. But you don't want the public to know. lnstead your government passed the matter to the Ombudsperson and buried him in millions of documents to sift through; documents that suddenly appeared after the earlier government reviews said there were none. After almost five years there are still no answers. I am tired of waiting. You have worn me down. I lose hope. I understand how Roderick must have felt towards the end. Now I open my browser and read the news showing that you have learned nothing from the destruction your government has wrought on my family. Again you go making false accusations about fictional data breaches. Again you say it was unlavnful and going to be reported to the authorities. But it turns out it was nothing of the sort. It seems you and your government simply don't care how serious your slanders are or whose lives you might ruin. You just don't care. You continue to make inesponsible and damaging accusations then glibly try to pass it off as "inside baseball" that we should just forget. What good are your apologies when you repeat the same mistakes over and over? It is disrespectful, insulting and hurtful" More so when it comes from someone holding a position of authority, someone we should be able to trust and respect. This is the only government in my almost 60 years that makes me feel that if we, me and mine and all the citizens of British Columbia are not part of your elite club then we don't matter. Roderick didn't survive the scurrilous campaign against the health researchers. Now after four and a half years, !'m barely hanging on. I believe the people of BC have a right to expect better. Sincerely, CC: John Horgan, opposition leader 2