,Mx ?Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence." Abigail Adams The Council for Quality Education Board of Directors Lee Caston, President Windi D. Brown Smith Donald Pate Leila Eames Denise Williams Gina Dupart Brian K. Richburg, Sr. Lake Forest Elementary Charter School Board of Directors Agenda June 18, 2015 1:30 pm. I. Call To Order A. of Agenda B. Approval of Minutes ll. Report A. Academic Review 1. Results 2. Summer Enrichment Work (online and novels) 3. Rising 3rd Grader Summer Program (June 1-25, 2015) B. School Culture and Climate 1. End of Year Activities 2. Moving Preparations Ill. Director of Development Report 1V. Facilities Report V. Financial Report and Review A. 2015-2016 Preliminary Budget VI. Old Business A. New School Site Update Vll. New Business A. 2015-2016 Staf?ng Meeting Adjourned rAx Lake Forest Elementary Charter School Board Meeting Minutes The meeting ofthe Board of Directors for Lake Forest Elementary Charter School was called to order at 1:35 pm. on June 18, 2015. Board Members Present: Lee Caston, Windi Brown Smith, Leila Eames, Denise Williams, Gina Dupart, Brian Richburg, Donald Pate Mardele S. Early, Founding CEO present. Call to Order Meeting was called to order by L. Caston. He announced that a quorum was present. Previous board meeting minutes were submitted by Denise Williams. Motion was made by G. Dupart to accept and approve the minutes. W. Brown Smith seconded the motion and the minutes were unanimously accepted. Report Academic Review 0 Results I PARCC results from the Spring 2015 test will not be released until late fall of 2015. Although we have received and reviewed the science and social studies results from spring 2015, not having the ELA and math results has left a void in our year end process. We were able to pull data from our other internal resources to gage student achievement however; receiving those scores halfway through the next school year will not allow teachers to hone in on those skills that students did not master on the PARCC assessment. Ms. Early presented the Board of Directors with LEAP and score report. Kudos to Science and Social Studies teachers for all oftheir hard work. The students did wonderful on the state assessment and we are extremely proud ofthem. 0 Summer Enrichment Work . LFC students in all grades are required to complete summer enrichment activities. This includes reading a summer novel along with completing online assignments in Math, ELA, and Science. Students in grades Pre-K, and 1 will complete workbooks in Math and ELA All summer enrichment novels were available for sale on the last day of school and will continue to be sold throughout the month ofJune as a convenience to parents. We have sent several reminders to parents along with personal phone calls and almost all summer enrichment items have been purchased. 0 Rising 3rd Grade Summer Program 30 rising 31rd graders that were identi?ed as needing additional enrichment are currently participating in a "Summer Power Up? intensive writing program. The sessions are 4 days a week from 9 am. 12:00 pm. each day and will run the entire month ofJune. School Culture and Climate 0 End onear Activities . The PTO did a phenomenal job giving the staffa ?ve star elegant picnic. They transformed the library for the wonderful end ofyear celebration. Many thanks to Ms. Faulkner and Mrs. Route for their hard work. 0 Moving Preparation . All instructional leaders were instructed to get rid of anything that was not used in the last two years. We were able to recycle and donate most ofthe instructional material. Mr. St.Cyr worked with metro disposal to have large recycling bins placed throughout the school so that teachers could recycle any out of date materials. We also coordinated with VIETNO to donate all resources that we no longer use. Director of Development Report )9 Cocktails Blues 0 Cocktails and Blues will be held on Saturday, November 7, 2015. The planning committee is in full swing and we have already secured sponsorships as well as items for the silent auction. Ms. Gina Brown will be the entertainment this year. ?9 Community Hero Selection 0 Mr. Fertitta asked that all nominations for the Community Hero recipient be sent to him via email by July 15, 2015. Facilities Report Facility Report was presented by Director of Finance/Operations Bernell St.Cyr LFC has contracted a new vendor (CMC) for the operation for HVAC in building C. The maintenance team is in the process of cleaning and preparing the building to receive staff and students in August. Financial Report and Review There is a favorable variance in the ?nancial report. LFECS continues to meet and maintain its budget. Motion was made to accept the financial report by W. Brown Smith and second by board member L. Eames. Preliminary Budget for 2015 - 2016 0 Board president L. Caston called for a motion to adopt the previously submitted budget for the 2015 2016 school year. Board member W. Brown Smith made the motion and it was second by D. Williams. Lake Forest Charter School?s Board of Directors unanimously accepted the budget for the 2015 2016 school year. Old Business New School Site Update 0 Tentative Move-In Dates I The tentative move-in dates are October 21-23, 2015 or October 28 - 30, 2015. Substantial completion is now set for September 15, 2015 and we should have a firm move-in date at that time. Tentative schedule for development of back 8 acres I Clearing/Filling I Fencing . Parking Spaces I Lighting I Swimming Pool I Sports Fields 0 Clearing/Filling I Board of Directors unanimously voted to accept the lowest bid for the clearing and filling of the back 8 acres. New Business 2015 2016 Staffing 0 In anticipation for the increase in students at the new facility, there was a need for additional staff members. The curriculum office has excelled in filling all open positions early with quali?ed candidates. Board president L. Caston called for a motion to adjourn the lune board meeting. G. Dupart made the motion and it was second by D. Williams. Meeting adjourned at 3:34 pm. Certificate The undersigned Secretary of LFECS Board of Directors certifies that the above and foregoing are true and correct from the meeting of the Board of Directors held on the 18th day ofjune 2015 at 1: 35 p. m. with the Directors present constituting a quorum and having waived notice and consented to the actions take therein. The meeting adjourned at 3: 34 p. m. Denise Williams, Secretary