Document Number 138 Best Available Copy . Review: of invoices submitted by lie~ther Wilsonfo tANl, SNl. NSTec, and ORNL Title . · .To r~viiiw ~vents leading up to and during work perfurined by Heather Wils.on, induding source dcdiine~ts' . PUtl)QSe ...· .. ... ' ,..... ???; at Los Alamos National laboratories and delivered ta We~tern Region Inspection office, ;·. fro.;; •source · ·· •IANL invoices,.obtained -Albuquerque DOE-OIG'by . •. · (b) (6) (b) (7) (C) (b)(6) (b) u.dltoratDOE, Los Al~mos National Laboratories: ·. ··,' · . ··~, - ··. : ; · ~~i..contratt 905~1i.-+ask Order 7~54-001-09, with Heath~r:Uso~, obtai~ed fr~E ~uditorinlos Alarn<)s, NM .... · . :t.A~L ~ & 0 Contr.iKt. CiE-AC52-06NA25396 obtained on NNSA website: htt~:/;lrd;a:.p>< .·"'',"" .. · ·, . ;~ .. · ·~·· ~. ~. s:•:,~J' .:' ; i'·~Tt~7:~!"'.~: · ·-=·~ ~·~r: :"~·t<:·=~j~ ~ §~8~¥1m~·fr·i· ~ ~;~;)! ~'.~'~ · ··· . ·.···.··:·: ... . ··~~- .'~ :: .. / Best Available Copy / · To determine timeiiiies 01 i:Ontractlni effurts wi'tli Heather Wi!Son & cOmpany, Li.t from"LA:/.,h., SN~ iilsi'ec; ~-~ci oRNL to-revie..:Vinsun~s of-.Vork'billed; :. ·. '·~··: : -:to:differ~~'t lab•°,:r~torieifor:attendance·ata c:m:o~ me~,~in,g.,·.;···· .. ;·.. ·.. ,·•_.·...·. :.:.:/.?;>. .·':.'_. . :_;,\~. _·:>:h~f:;·~~':i';-?)!1::.It;?·i;;< '.. :_ •·.··. ·. · ' ·:·.'· . .M~thodologv --..·,·. ' ... ·We chfonologicallyembedded ;ind listed el!c;h invoke submitted to eac~ laboratory (Tabs: lANL; SNL; NSTec, and_ ORt:ll.J ln:ord~r~to:reitle~each invoice ·. . for FAR compjianc1fand·c\>mp1eteness. On Tab: "All MEETINGS" we tombined all in;Joites chfonologic~lly'fo'v\sually_l'iiVieY:i~~y possibility for '. . . "::> .. ,_':··: :., ::/''\,:.: ,.::-;. ·".'.·' i ' we ~vi~wed the'Stat~~nt ~f W~rk-(SOW) from contracts issued by lAN L, SNl. ~s're{and ORNL (~~~s: L\~{ soW.·s~l. sow; ~~Tec:~b\v. ORNL . ' ,dupfK:ationofe~.: ' SOW) · · .: ' . · to determine what workrequesr~d by Heather Wils0~ & tompari~ LLC had ·b~rl p~ff0rmed a~d doc~~nted i~ comp6anc~ ~WlthFAR ii..20S::- .· 33(f)(l)(3);·. : .-, . ' ' . .: .• ' ' ·.:< ..; ·(:'' ':·, :, ·.· :.:''J·? ·:'' ' :' . .<'.' .. None of the invoices submitted showed evidence of the n~ture and. scope of actual ~ervlces perhmned, other than siate'fu~nt~ o(attendance at specific .. ~eetings; as req~ired by FAR 31.205~33(f){2){3). All f~~ laooratory site i:o~tracts ~ntain DEAR references 970.S:fo~z a~(l97o;sz44-1; r~uiring . . adherer.~~ to FAR 3l.205-33(f)(2}(3). . . · . ,. - ·.. , ··. · · ·. . . . . Results ~(: meeti~g DC ~rid'·~iil;~ bcith LANL ~nd SNL full consulting costs. fees. not describe work . . 6/10/2010: Invoices LANL- 63 and SNl- 61, Ms Wilson attended the in Washingtoo both LANL and SNL~re.both bilied for their of the travel and full cost, $l0,000, of con~ultihg perfor~ed that was unique to each laboratory. . ' - ' costs share ' ', - ' ' • ·a/212010 & 0310312010: Invoices LANL ~-Han~ SNL- 71. It appears that two meetings(NDU Cyber Leader and Bipartisa~ Policv Institute meeting) were atteooed' yet this cari not be confirmed with limited information either invoice. . . on ' ' ' 12/03/2010: Invoices LANL ~ 90 and SNl-89. "Meetings in Washington DC' we~e attended on 12/03/201.2 and both ,lANLand SNL we~e b~th billed .for-their snare of the travel costs and full cost;:$fo,Ooo, of consulting fees. Invoices .do notdesqibe j)ertormed that,was:i.inique each ' work to . .·•... ::tt:.:1 &02/1o/2011,. •w<-< NST 98 ... NST~',. .,o-014; Stateinent Of W~rk, in~tructs pay~ent of $1..500 per day foratteii'' :,::_,·;:,;>;·: 1: /..~- _ ··, ·,. :· _ ·98·an 99wereapproved y (b)(6) (b) ;. ~· ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ '~ i . . •' :·~> \:-:: ._, '. ,;ilso'prov\ded .fOI' $2,500 iri travel.expenses.=; Effort c,11i.contra!=ts' 40901100~7 and ~108259 /ieve(tdblq'ilace.: L<;:o'~t!'ii:c,ts ~s· and :'. :: : . . . i . ' :~.';:!:\{.:i/.:.' :-·~~~?~~~. ~i~~t c~ntain <1:,?t~,e:~e'_n~_o.f.w.~t<::.~:~~-tr,i;t,,~-~t~~~~~-a ~~~.t~ti_a_l(~·esc1~~~:~:~~it~~~~~t;~:.t~·~~~r~tie~l~iil!~d'~~r-:. ~ 0 • •" .'t•,•"• ' • '< l' .,1 , ! "• - • ' I ••~ < • ' • * • • , ' I ' • I ' , , • • ' , , • ,• ' ' •' • ' ~ ••, ' >' ' , \,_:' ... ;.$ ..... • < ' '{<~11-','~'i?'t)f f. •Jf''fl '.\,.' • o ' • ~ '' ~•:i • ( • \' • '~ I ; , > • , invoiees : ·. "de1iiierabll!$; ·The for coritracts-4000098848,ani:l~000106437 ~<>Wed no:deli~er:ables'PfudUi:ett b'(M~ ,Wilson,t!Vls\ t.1s0rr-wii·fpilid $3.413:69 . i · ... :,;'-:~.' ":,.1>,f- :·_;'6n.1ni~iee'4ooms:54g ($2;soo fcir'Hon·~rali~~ ariC1_$~1'3~6'9't0f.t@-ki:expens~s):·'sili\Nas·a1so~id~.$s;ooo·on'f;;;;tf~ct'.4ocii:n'664.37)o/Ho', .' ~ , .. •. . c · .·,: ; ">';:.~'~;,~: ~ '. ·..:. ·:;. ·: • ki~~~TI~~J Best Available Copy .'·· invoices for'an ~ontrads·subtTiit~~d.byHeath~r.Witso'n and SIJb~equ~.fitiy appro~e(j_"by contr~ctlngsite~.were~ii6t"&tr!Pll~nt Wlth.FAlt3L_iOS.:33(ij(~l(~I. ; ciliidusiim · ~.~.·{y.:_;·•··':-:: ·~-. :·· '·• :· ·. ;, •·.· :• .:<: : . :,- • .: . ...., . ·: \ ·· · .seopeof the ~eivfce furnished: ·Ho'Yvei!er,'ret(llnei-'agree~ents ~eneraffy·hre ~-;,t based an,spedfic' ;h~..;;>;;.y_;:'. ; ·.. ·:· •.. ;.; ; / :::;: ...,·. ,·. . . . ·.···: . ·;; Pro/epOria1 "(f} FeeSJoner\Jices.fendered o(tf!Jllowoble .only when suf}ported by evidence ofthe'na_tiite.and. · f .<: .:·: ' ·:• . .;: .·' :-. · ~tateinents'ot~ork.· Evidence ~ecessa,Y to.determine that workpeiform~d is.'propetii'ml doe~n;;t: .....· 1 1 k · · '" . amoiint ofother ex,ienses. if any} With tfiti indi~iduals or organizations picwiding the se~lc~ ond .·' :' .?'. · . rij ~:~~;,;o;;;~;~;Z:;e~~ t~~~1:f r~quiremetits, iar;·~f c~~pensat2, ~nd natu;~ ;:~:. ·y : ,_. _.\]'i~ •·.·., .·._: /·: "·. ·. '' . :: ' -· . ~~rz~at.%!~.~~;,k~m;~,1:'.'~tlme*~'W,,t~' ':. · . .. . (3} Consultohts' work prOdu~ts and related documents, suth as trip rep~rfs indicating pe;~OnS "' ":; '. ·.·. ,.. .:.' : ' ·'.' . :: Visi~~d Ofid SUhjects dist~sed; ~if!U!.e: o/ med.ings, ~nd'.~o/lot~ra/ m~~Qfandd ari~ r~piJrts:''.> ... -.',,' ··<:.:: ' : ·.·.· .... ·.· · ..··..... ··. .Invoices' and ~tt~ch~d docliments do n~t provide details of actual services pn:;vided;'~r i~ fotmatio~ s~h ~strip reports.indl~th'ig persons vlsited and 0 ~- I (b) (6) (b)(7)(C) JU/1912012 .. .• subjects discus~~d, ininutes of meetings, a~dco~ateral memoranda an'dreports: I . ' - . '• . ' .. . " •'. ~ ,.· ·; . .. I Purpose: To provide a timeline of activities relative to HW subcontract with LANL; prepared Date ,CblC6l Cbl equest to LASO coC7l(C) Pnduding Mar 31 SOW, Noncompetitive 4/1/2009 Justification, approval of Mar 25 including that of LANLr)(6) (b)(7)(c) 4/3/2009 LASO CO sent 12 questions/comments to LANS regarding subcontract request LANS replies to questions (undated document) 6) .... 4/20/2009 LASO CO forwards background info to"'l(b... )(.... (b)""'(7""~(c""')---.INNSA HQ 5/11/2009 LASO CO forwards draft letter to HQ denying subcontract request S/12/2009l(b)(6) (b)(7)(c) ~mdorses LASO CO draft 6/30/2009 SNL Contract Purchase Agreement 905171, Draft Rev 2 adds clause for LANL LASO CO sends revised letter denying subcontract request but directing LANS 7/1/2009* to use SNL agreement, citing consultation with NNSA Service Ctr and NA-63 7/5/2009 SOW Date HW signs Representations/Certifications for LANS Solicitation/Subcontract No 7/28/2009 875054-001-09, faxed to LANS July 30th bvl~?) (b)(7) ~/25/12 Document Reference Activity l(b)lil!Cbl I LANS (7)(C) Best Available Copy I Date of Invoice (2) (3) (4} (5) (6) {6) (9) (8) 0394_001.pdf 0394_001.pdf HW Mileage from ABQ to LANL 8/12/2009 Consulting Services from Aug 1- Aug 31 0.1.2 9/5/2009 0394_001.pdf 8/25:27/2009 LANL TO No. 75054-001-09 signed with effective date of Aug 3 2009 9/1-3/2009 Meetings in DC Meeting in Los Alamos 9/15/2009 Consulting services Sept 1- Sept 31 10/15/2009 Meeting in Los Alamos DC Woodrow Wilson Center event 10/18-21/2009 Consulting services Oct 1- Oct 31 Consulting services Nov 1 - Nov 30 9/30/2009 0.1.3 10/31/2009 0.1.4 -D.LS 11/30/2009 l I DC travel expenses 12/16-17/2009 Consulting services Dec 1- Dec 31 1/7/2009 Meeting in Los Alamos 0.1.6 12/31/2009 1/14/2009 Meeting in Los Alamos 2/4/2010 D.1.7 Meetings in DC, CNAS 1/19-29/2009 Consulting services Jan 1 - Jan 31 I Consulting services Feb l ·Feb 28 0.1.8 3/2/2010 Meeting in DC, Bipartisan Policy Institute 3/22-23/2010 Consulting services Mar 1·Mar31 Consulting services Apr 1 ·Apr 30 .Q.1..i 0.1.10 Meeting in DC, "re OSRP' and OSTP 5/24-26/2010 Consulting services May 1- May 30 D.1.11 Meetings in DC 6/8-10/2010 Consulting services Jun 1- Jun 30 0.1.12 I Meetings in DC, at Pentagon and Blue RibbOn Commission 7/7-9/2010 Consulting services Jul 1 - Jul 31 Modification Number 1 change to extend POP through Aug 2, 2011 and increase 7/13:15/2010 ceiling price of TO to coincide with POP change Meeting in DC, Bipartisan Policy Institute 7/27-8/6/2010 Consulting services Aug 1-Aug 31 4/1/2010 5/3/2010 \ I .!Ull S/27/2010 7/1/2010 8/18/2010 0394_001.pdf !UM 9/3/2010 D.1.15 Consulting services Sept 1- Sept 30 10/6/2010 10/18-20/2010 Meeting in DC D.1.16 10/31/2010 Meeting in DC, Woodrow Wilson Institute 10/27-28/2010 Consulting services Oct 1- Oct 31 Consulting services Nov 1- Nov 30 12/1-3/2010 D.l.20 !U!Z. 11/30/2010 D.1.18 12/31/2010 Meetings in DC, "re Budgets" and OSTP ~ 1/24-25/2011 Consulting services Jan 1 • Jan 31 D.1.29 Feb-11 Consulting services Feb 1 - Feb 28 3/9/2011 0394_001.pdf 3/3/2011 Modification Number 2 termination of TO per HW request 3/8/2011 Announces Senate candidacy according to various news sources LEGEND: !invoices 2/11/2011 - ] Best Available Copy Work Activities HW Invoice Number 18 24 !Meetings, doc review, reports on discussion 26 Meeting I Meeting L-----..,,Meeting 34 40 Meeting Meeting 44 I l Meeting: CNAS ,_ Li,,C,, 48 53 57 re OSRP, OSTP 59 !Meeting: 63 I Meetings 68 !Meetings: Pentagon, Blue Ribbon Commission 73 77 81 IMeeting 1-------.... Meeting: Woodrow Wilson Institute 87 90 mm EH lnvocie Total Auditor Observations letter is date stamped Jul 1, the signature line is initialed with a written date of both a 6 (June) & 7 (July) 1st $ 10,101.20 (b)(6) HW signed Aug 25, Deputy Subcontracts Mgr CblC7J igned Aug27 Expense receipts show charges split between SK School & LANL, returned to ABO 9/3 10,557.09 Expense receipts show charges split between NSA & LANL, arrived DC evening Oct 18th 10,492.82 10,000.00 Expense receipts show charges split between NSA & LANL, arrived Baltimore Dec 16th Dec 17th parking receipt notes ''CNAS meeting" 10,337.55 10,884.34 Expense receipts show flight from ABQ to Baltimore Jan 19th returning Jan 29th, 1/2 exp charged to LANL 10,000.00 Expense receipts show flight from IL to VA leaving Mar 22 returning Mar 23, exp charges split between NSA & LANL I 10,159.42 10,000.00 E>Cpense receipts show VA hotel stay begins May 24, checkout May 26, charges split between BW, LANL, and for ABQ parking, NSA 10,276.19 Expense receipts show MD hotel being Jun 8, checkout Jun 10, charges split between NSA, SNL & lANL 10,140.50 Expense receipts show rental Jul 7 -Jul 9, charges split between NSA & LANL 10,233.96 • ~(b)(6) (b)(7)(c) HW signed July 13, LANL Procure men : ~igned July 15 Expense receipt of 8/2 notes "Mtg w/Bell Bipartisan Policy", rental receipt shows in DC area trom Jul 27 Aug 6 charging 6 days to NSA, 2 SNL, 1 LANL, & 2 personal 10,052.52 10,000.00 Expense receipts show VA hotel stay begins Oct 18, ends Oct 20 returning to ABO. charge 1/2 to LANL 11,500.83 Expense receipts show DC stay began Oct 27, end Oct 28 10,000.00 Expense receipts show DC stay began Dec 1, ending Dec 3rd, ctiarges split oetween BW (CIA}, SNL Bi. LANL 10,20759 Expense receipts show DC stay began Jan 24, ending Jan 25 10,773.51 I l'uqmw: rr1 pn" iitll S'\'L: p1·r11<1n·d b y 9 / 2 f > / l l llonwa·ut D~te 11\V ln•·uice Work lfr(,•1•e11t·.- lnrnicr Numher Activities Auditor Ohwrrnlit!ns N//\ N/!\ Nii\ Jtcvision upport for costs incurred. No consuhanl for work pcrtiirmcd. Q.l):l 7/1/2009 12 C(Jnsulti11g Ser-·ic~ 6 I • 6 30 ,'\nend Meeting forcGsts incuncrl for costs in.;urred. No consultant repsls inc111rcd. No consultanl repllft l(ir work pcrliirni.;d_ Travel f:;.;pcnscs o;;_; 1/20(1() 7/lJ~()(I<) ( \>11~11ltiug .ScrYiu:s ~ I - 5 JI (\>t"ttlting .Scr\'kcs 6 I - 6 JO Unkno\\'n 111ce1ings <> I - 6 5 Travel I: 'Ptl..,,,~s \V,1shing1011 Ill." 1rip (hol~I . car rcmal. rm~ingJ r~pmt No supprn1 7'.11 !200<) CLlllSU1li11)!, s~n l~Co 7 I -7 31 PJ)/. 7!} 1!2009 14 l)/:)/2(J(>9 l.'011'11lti11g Sci'\ ices 8 l -8 JI DJ.~> 9/S/2009 20/941671 Ccrn~ultiog Services 8 I -8 31 No support li'r C(>>I.~ incurred. No consultant rcpori for wor1' performed. •J.'.)()i2lJ{I<) ( onsulting S"n·i.:cs <) I -'J 30 Q !?§ <);Jll/2009 23/95:1068 Consulting Services 9 I -sts incurred. No C•Hlsulrnnl r~p;lr\ for work pcrf.,mncd. No support for rns1:; incurred. No cons11l1an1 report fnr work performed. No suppt~l for costs im;uned. No co11sullm11 rcphington 4 28 JO l 011~~.lltlllp. :.')~r\'lt.:t:S No .;upport for costs mcumxL No consul1i1nt report lLUl 513/2010 56 IAJ' M«ling in w~~'h111g10n 9..1.~l '!0360 61 Consulling ~rviccs 6 l · 6 30 .'\Ctc:nd Mcclings ND suppnrt fi1r cost~ i11eurrcd N(l C(ln!;ulta1U rcror1 for work p.:rfom1ed . 8/18/2010 (,(, Co11suhi11g Service.-; 7 I · 7 .'l I No support lor wsb i11.:imcu. No consultant rcrorl for work pcrform.:d. 9/312010 71 C1msulti11g Services 8 ! ·8 3 I Attend Meetings No support 10.. co:;Js incurred. No ~C111sultar1t report for work performed Consulting Servie<:s 9 I .9 3 No support fiir tosts in<:urTcd. N•l consulla~\ report for work peiforme~. lnrnic.; -;t<\l•'''. I fold and l':n king. li:c t. Rental Cal' for 6-10 111<.-cting,; l ),1.,..I· ~'''' •u,,I I '.,I, .:,;r Xii X12010 (\~1s111!ing •J/3!2<11 (l (\111Sul1i11g '.-.CT\'ices 8 I - K JI St1ntlia l/\l' lvkcti11g .~ llJ & X20 Air F;1ir. I lntd, Parkin~. Tu,i, l'<1r R.;ntal Car for 6-1ti1n~etini,:s Con~ultm!!_ )(),fr12(11<1 Scrvic<..':i 7 I •7 .l l ?2 C,),,33 S<::f\·ic<:s 9 I - 9 30 I told { 'hargc for August L·W M~cti11g Parking for Scplcmh..:r t\l' mcc1i11g l Q. ~ 'ot1o sup1}ort for cos ls incurred. No consultant report t\kClill(l in[)(" 10 18 • 10 '.'(I I0.27·21110 25°..;, .if I lotd charge 2Y1·C1 of Air ·r, avc.:l Chargi..· 1\~rpu.-1 !larking D.L::I!:. I 0127/1010 HO M~cti11gs for wnrk p(rformed. Consullmg Services JO I - iO 3 I .25<~.u 25'~';, Cab hli1·s I l/J\V20IO i 2/ll:20lil ('t111s11ltmg S..:r\·ic·cs 11 I · 11 .10 1. 7~ .lays for Di,;tit1gu1sl1cd t\d\·1>ory 1';111d •>ll 1'<>n-l'mliforatior1 ('.111,;ul11ng Services 12 I - 12 l I !Vkctin~s in I)(' on 12'2 & 12 .'l l !u1cl. ni' ! lnld clHng.1..• - \rlrnt ltt'IC:" rhis mcrnl'_' of :\ir l'rn\'d t'h~i ..gc: - \\'lmt JP..::' tl1i~ l1h:~111'! So suppNl for co,;t,; mcum:d. Nn ~<>nsultanl report D.L~? pl )8 I l.'J0/2010 12i3 li20t(J 86 89 C.lC Rc11taL a11d l'arkint( !'and Consulting Services l I I • I I 30 Consl1lli11g S.:rviceo; 12 I . 12 3 l l\kctings in \/ia-;hington DC on J 2/3 for work performed. Cnnsu!1ing S~rvices 11 I • 11 JO 1.7~ d<1ys Jiir J)i,tingL1i:J1..:d i\("ist>f\' Pm1d nu N.111l'folikr.ition - \\'hat 1h><·.~ Ibis 1111':111? No st1pport Ii" cusb incurred. No consl1ltalll report fur work p~rforn1~<1 hn·~,;(:i: noti:~ th:.H "m.1 da~·s d1~ng..::d :-.1wdfkall~ hi sul>gn>11ps". \\"hal tlocs ),,:;i 211 L201 I Consulung S,·rvic~-,; I I - I 31 0 -;;nsul ting Scrvic~s I I - l JI ](J(J Cn11sulling Scrvi~cs 2 I · 2 28 thi.~ ••~un'? No support for costs im;um:d. No cnns1Jlt<1nt report for work performed. No support for cost> for work ptrlhm1cd_ in~urr.;d. N" cumuli;mt r.:porl I Best Available Copy j l'urpose: To provide a time line ol activitjcs rclatjve to HW subcontract with NEVADA; prepared b r)(6) (b)(7)(C) - Activity Date Document Reference Date of Invoice HW Invoice Number Work NSTce \1ec1ing 6 17 Travd &4 NSTcc Me.::ting incorrecl. Nu ;11pporl for ineetin!,!,. including. consulting reports. h'...l ~~ 211 l/2(~11 Emails Travel expenses appear to have ht."Cn turned in 7/1110 Fxpt:[1sc,; Auditor Observations Activities Ol.4l 711/2010 ' 9/27/12 NSTcc \keting_ 2 9 2 I0 Travd Fxpc1~scs 211 lil I 9& NSTcc l\1ceting cxpcns~s appear lo have heen turned in ir1currec1. No ~·upport for meeting, including consult i11g reports. Travel Q}~} 211 !i20 I\ Travel expenses arc included on invoice 98. No s11p110n for meeting, i11dudi11g consulting reports_ E NSTcc !\-lccling. 2 8 2 9 TASK JI Travel Expenses 2/( 12011 99 NSTec Meeting Q;~:~4 5i2(1.!201 I I IS&IM "Trip" Travd Expe11sc; :'i/2611 J 107 llS & OTrip I IS&D/\ '"!"rip" -1 <> · -18 TraYd 5/2611 r HJ7-E llS & D Trip (,/2\)!11 110 NSTcc Meeting ')1311 () Sep-10 )J ..:1:§. II NSTcc l\kcting 5 19 Travel Expcn.~~s ')'f:\.'2\l l\) :\STei.; Tcsl Sile l';ind .\kcting 2 9, lmd Trnvcl expenses appear \o have been turned in incorrect. No support frir "trip", including cm1sulting wu~ n:jcctcd due lo lack of ~\Jflfl0l1 for work pc:rforn1cd. Mrs. Wilson rc-suhmiUcd invoice witil following handwritten comments; • I participated I strategic discus."ions on Apr 7 & 8." Invoice E~p<.:11.,CS fii1fl!:W f(M· rcrorts_ J.!.·1~ 7118/2011 mail notes thal NSTec meeting prcviomly been hilled on invoic~ '>R, yet n<) cwhmalion had been gi•·cn a~ lo '~hat happened. ilJ.'!7 NSTec Test Site l':mel ,\.lccting Tra"cl cxp~1tscs appear lo h~vc been turned in f\'o support for 'trip", including consulting reports. incorr~ct. Travd cxpcnscs uppear to lmve been turny r)(6) (b)(7)(C) I 'JI!~/ I 2 ll~lc of hl\.·okt: II\\' hwoi<'t· \\'1irl< l"utnber Acth·itits ]{1'(>'21110 400t.l0LJ8848 ORNL Mectifl£ .\ lhfiwr Ohsrn·a1fo11'.\ Trawl support included, ycl no supp<>11 7·?,'~011 !.U....l:J 7:1,.. 2011 40(1() 106437 A1lc1>:2()11 - /.7;2011 r.' i ~t 10't ]Ill I I CJ '>. :>1.J 11 (iSIJ S1\U \kclmg 7.'(>,]!Jl I. U;liwll098114H rioviJes $2,500 in I lonnr•rium I<• f\·1s Wol•un for anenJ~nce J1 on~ m a "'Mote11al i lko;;;1 iptinn" thal stal•"S: "S.ubconmict for the services off l~ulher Wils1>n ,..,lh 1he Oa~ Rid~<' Nution:tl Lillor~tory'>(ORNLi Global Sc"Curily DirccT<>r;ltc{GSU) WiL;nn will he traveling tn ORNLh> participate in the GSD Sm1leJliC !\J,·isory L'onncil u1e.1in~" ()-.ikridgc contr.ic14(10Cl10<>-l.l7 prt\\·1d;,s S5,000 in I lonorarimn lo M> Wilson for allen~ance at two mec"ling,. The conti:act tfo~ not .;onlrnn a Stat~mcnt of\'-,'ork. The contr+1..::l cunl4ll~ns a '"Jv1m~rial .-·Description" 1hat st~l'.!S. "SuOcon1rnc1 for 'ht! servkt:.s off !carhcr \Vitson wirh t"c 0,1h l{idgc Natioml 1.aborotor,'s (ORNI .) "101,,,r Scrnrity llircctoralo. Wilson will ser,·e "'a member of 1ho tlirectorai.:\ Stratci;ic Advisory r;roup. whicl1 prtwid"s insigh1 on fucurc ,111eciions ;mtl rcquir~ll\cnts f<'r sponso1i11g "b"'"' 1es." Con1ra._1, 40001 !0057 ~nJ ~OOOJU8:!59 wero draftC\I for I leJthcr Wibon, yC>I. She "'"s <1btl p:ntl $5,llOO 011 wmrJct HKIOI 06437 1\>r I lonornnum, for a grand t0mt of$8.413.1>9. All four concracts arc tlxc Repofting to the Associate Director for Threat Reduction, the consultant will advise Laboratory leaders.hip on the relevance and appropriateness of activities conduction in the Threat Reduction program sector in light of the F21:G21 mission and natlonal requirement>. > The con~ultant will provide advice regarding strategic directions for TR programs and related scientific and technical activities at Los Alamos. > The consultant will provide advice based on her experience and knowledge in the folt()wing ateas: 1. Threats from weapons of mass destruction and other emerging threots to the United States, its forces, and allies. 2. Detection and monitoring of foreign WMD programs, and compliance with nonprolifefatio~ agreements. 3. Prevention of the spread of technologies. materials, and e~pertisethat can contribute to the proliferation of WMD and other emergir'ig threats. 4. Federal agency needs for technology to attack er Sandia's Mission Execution Policy Area, "Prepa1·e for the Future" procedure (CPS MEIOO.I. l) the consultant shall advise Sandia Sandia's ability 10 contribute tn the secttrity of the nation depends on a comprehensive understanding of botl1 the strategic and operational context with Key inputs to Sandia Strategic Management Units understanding of context shall include: Environment Ss'..1n The corporate strategic planning process includei; an evaluation of the external environment in which the LaboratOI)' operates (i.e Corpornte Strategic Objectives and Thrusts The corporate strategic planning process results in the identification of corporate strategic objectives am Op<:rntional Constraints Without limiting innovative thinking toward mission possihilities. the operational constraints imposed on Sandia by external Risk Ma11a£,emcnt Guidance on to manage risk shall come from SMG/SMU VPs. CustornIT..Eccdback Anoth~r on-going source of input is the feedback that comes from regular and consisteut interactions between individual Sandi Capabilities/Compett.oncies feedback from Capability Owners who arc diargcd with managing our Laboratory's technical capabilities/competencie~ Q~L\P.~.JI: Description of near term and long term Strategic and Operational Context as input w the Sandia SMU/SMGs. In order 10 contribl1te to the success of S;rndia's Mis~illn Execution flolicy Area, Consultant will participate in the Distinguisbcd Advisory Panel for Ne This is considered an off-site contract as workspace, utilities, phone, computer, etc. arc not provided, however, Consultant sl1all attend on-site meeting Individual Firm Fixed Price task orders will be issued monthly and will contain wo1·k estimated at a minimum of51) hours and will be pl'iccd at $11),0(}j Task Orders shall contain a requirement for a del ivcrablc such a~ a Progress Report or statement of completion of work for the task order, and indicati, Consultant is limited to a combined l :200 compensated hours per year for work performed for Sandia National Laboratories and Los Alamos National Domestic travel may be authorized which will be negotiated at the task order level based on the Federal Travel Regulation5 (Vl'R's). Consultant shall i !'lo classifil'd work or access slmll begin lJNTIL facility cleanmce has been granted, in the form of an ap1Jroved CSCS and Notice of Determiri Clause OOISOW Revision 0 09-MAH.-2009 The Contractor shall fonction in an as (resp()nsihlc for leading and managing the Laboratory's Strategic Management Units) shall take an organized a. . the social. technological. economic and political realities that impact the Laboratory) and the internal environment within which the mission areas arc executed. This proc1 thnists, and specific mission and operational areas in which the I .aboralory will invest time and resources. The corporate strategic plan identifies leadership owners who\' (.Jvcrsight (laws. <.irders. policies and procedures from our co1·poratc parent, etc.), Sandia's own policies, procedures and support mechanisms, and the operating envelope em j ans and existing or prospective customers. Such input can serve as a "l'cality check" on the visions and plans for SMG/SMUs. : is crnical. Such feedhack shall he u;ed ;;s input to tl1e S:'vlL'~ business planning in order to b<1lance work commitments, and to sustain and invesl in future capahilities. u1-Proliferatio11 and Arms Conlrol llnd other ;1dvisory p