Office of Professm'nal Standards Complaint Register Number lam-13 Page INVESTIGATION Mr. Melvin Warren, the complainant, in his statement related the following in summary to Investigator L. DeLaPava, star 466. Mr. Warren stated that on 16 April 1986, between the hours of 1500 and 1510 hours, he was prcceeding west on Augusta. A green Ford Torino was in the rear and to the left of his car, and the driver was mak-- ing hand signs. The driver pulled to the right of Mr. Warren's car, and began making racial slurs. Hr. Warren stated that he could not hear the racial slurs, but he could read lips. The driver of the green Torino, new known as Ofiicer Reynaldo Guevara, Star {16345 motioned him to pull over and Mr. Warren cooperated. As he got out of his car, Officer Guevara be'qan screaming at him and xald 'Hhat is wrong with you nigger am". Mr. warren stated that officer Guevara repeatedly called him a 'Nigger dog", and verbally threaten- ed to tear his head off. As a crowd began to gather, Officer Guevara took his badge out, and again verbally threatened Mr. warren by stating that he Hould put the badge down and tear his 'nigger head" Off. Mr. Warren stated that he walked back to his car and officer Guevara on {he right side of his face with his fist. HZ. Warren then hit Officer Guevara on his face. According to Mir. Warren, he and Officer Guevara wrestled for a couple of minutes and Officer Guevara pushed Mr. Warren down in his car, grabbed him ail--our: his neck, and choked him. As Officer Guevara was choking him, he as ed Mr. Warren if he had had enough. At this time Mr. warren grabbed Officer Guevara hy his wrist and bit him until Officer Guevara re- leased his neck. Mr. Warren then pushed Officer Guevara back and 05- ficer Guevara chased ML Warren around his car, and waited until the other pollce officers arrived_ (Act. I2) The Arrest Report revealed that Mr. Melvin warren was ar- rested for simple Battery, Resisting Arrest, and Negligent Driving. (net. {12) . The Case Report revealed that Officer Guevara had been cut off by Mr. Melvin Warren, the complainant, while driving westbound on Augusta Boulevard,- and that Officer Guevara had motioned HI. Warren to pull over to the curb. When officer Guevara identified himself as a police officer, Mr. warren became verbally abusive and struck Officer Guevara in his nose, and H'hen foicer Guevara attempt>> ed to arrest him, Mr. warren bit Officer Guevara on his right wrist. (Att.