16:23 P. 01 Mar 25'! 2003 Page 3 of 2 Fax 212?832-9256 JULIUS BLUMBERG Divisio}: {3f mticns I i 3 Florida Department of State 2:11? Division of Corporatiens g5- C3 Public Access System q? . . . ?if an Electronic Fill?g (lever Sheet (33? 1 00 Nate: Please print this page and use it as a cave:- sheet. Type :11: fax audit number (Shawn belaw) on the tap and batten": 0? pages cf the daemcnt. 3: a :z C: 2% it") Note: DU NOT hit the button on your browsar from thigg ?7 page. Doing will generate simmer ccver Sh??i. g; 5:5 1-7: .5: a To: Diviaicn of Carporation? {8593265?0383 Fax Number INC. BLUMEERGKEKCELSIOR FOREIGN PROFIT QUALIFICATION MLA CRUISES, mac. 8 From: Accaunz ?ame Account ?umber 975350800353 Phone {2123431?5009 {2123431-1441 Fax Number Certi?cam of Status Certi?ed Co a 93 $70.09 3f24f03 JULIUS BLUHBERG Fax Mar 2:1 2003 16:23 {-7.02 i BY FQREIGN FDR AUTHORIZATION TD TRANSACT BUSINESS IN FLORIDA IN SECTIDN 54311593, FLORIDA STA WES. THE f3 SUBMITTED TO REGISTER .4 FQREIGN COWMHON TO TWSACT BUSINESS IN THE OF 351033134. 3 7" . I a m6. .vjr {Name of mrpen?on: must inciude {11: word ?comm?, waer or abbreviations ofiikc impor: in language as cicariy indicate that it is a carpormcm insmad GER j: natural person a: partnership if no: 50 contained in the name at present.) La 9' 2. Dciamm'c 3- i (State or mama-y under the law cf which i: is {amputated} number, if appiscahi?g?g Qt; ya" i? CD 4. December 26.. 26792 5. mammal (Data: of incorpcration} (Duration: Year corp. Wm cum to exist or ?mmpemal? 6. 13mm quaii?catim I (Dam ?rst transacted in Fiarida. Ifmrpora?on has nor: transacted business in Florida, inset-z "uan quali?ca?on.?) SEWONS 6011501, 6912502 and $17,155, 33.3.) Y. 1280 Fifth Street. Miami Beach. FL 33139 {Principal 9mm address} {Cum-an: minus warns) 3? Minna: 0f corporati?n authcriztd in harm: or county to be carried out in state ofFlorida} 9. Name: and uf Florian registered agent: (PD, Box or Mail Drop Bax Name: Want: Of?ce Address: 123$ Fifth: Strut W11 Flerida .. (City) (Zip coda) 10. agent'x Having been names: as re?nm agent and to accept service 11:: above stated carpom?on at the pine: d?ig?u?d in this applicatiam I hereby new! Hz: qpyaimmem as "sisal-ed agent and agree to act in (ids capacity. I further agree to campzy wizh thepmvisians af swam relative to the proper and sampler: pages-mane: ofmy dtt?aa, and I am familiar Wit and? accept 'gafions afmy pasftion a: amend meat. 5:er agent?s signature} 11. Attached is a certificate (if axis net mere than 90 days print 15 delivery oft-his application he the Depment of State, by the Smm?mry of State :31- ama: c?icizi having mated? of mrporatc words in the jurisdiction under the law of which it is incorpcrawd. JULIUS REFEREE Fax 3212?692-9256 I 12. Name: and business wax-asses cf af?nerx indium directs?: A. DIRECTORS war 2d 2003 15324 E3103 . ?a :5 ~11 Address: EE 911 5? #vg?i gm mm Vice Chlirman: rain its; ,4 cg Address: Director: We:th Address: 1508 Avenue. Suit: 300. Mass: Yurk. NWO Director: i Address: B. OFFICERS Pmsidcm: Mini-11g} 03th W55: 603 ?53; gygnug. 51mg 330. Egg York. 113025 Vic: President; Adam: Secretary: Address: Treasurer: Adams: New: {fa-26m 13. may attach an a?dmduzn the application listing sdditicm! of?ng: Indian" directon. 14. Micheal Cohen. Preeidpnt ature of Chain-nan, Vice Chaim or any of?cer {istth in :1qu 12 of npplica?an) (Typed or printcd name and capacity cf person signing application) JULIUS ELUMBERE ?ar 24?gena Mar 2003 16:24 HP LHSERJET 3255 ?773.2 fi??it Stare f1"! vm g: 1, HARRIET SMITH Gal ?my Is". 3? saangwaax a? 51322 3? TH DELAWARE, no caurass, Inc." :9 mg or ?g THE Laws or THE amArE a? ban :3 2w EDGE SIANDIEG AND HAS A LEGAL CQEPURATR EXIBTENCE so FAR as THE or TRIS OFFICE 333w, 2033. AS G3 THE TWENTY-EQURTH 33? 2002. AND I DO HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY THE BRIE Wig DH TEE IWEHTIETH DAY DECEMBER, AND 2 BO HEREBY FURTHER GERTIFY THAT FRANCHISE $3333 HAVE BEEN ERIE TO BRIE. 3605115 5330 330195076 a i ii: 2326721 HATE: 03?24?03