DETECTIVEDIVISION AREA FIVE 13 SEP. 1994 RD# Y-405585 5 DETECTIVES HOMICIDE/FIRST VICTIMS: DEGREE MURDER MERKES, Amy RODRIGUEZ, Jorge his Miranda He acknowledged understanding Warnings as they were read to him by net. paper. He agreed totalk with the R. GUEVARAfrom a pre-printed NEGRON, William detectives. Street Fairfield. ALMODOVAR Dragons he went He left refused night He admitted of the Insane Dragons being a member section at ~sta and to Gang and associated with the to being a good friend 2100 hrs. He went with fellow He admitted of nJ~R*;, Roberto He knew that a gang war was going on between the Insane . On Wed. night 31 Aug. 94, and the Maniac Latin Disciples. wake of a fellow gang member who had been murdered. to the the wake around to identify. but refused to disclose out partying with these guys all where Due to he was the late NEGRON,to permit at. hour lodged against William gang members, whom he hold to be conducted line-ups papers were Roberto ALMODOVAR and later On 12 Sep. 94~ at 1800 hrs. that day. a line-up was conducted at Area Five, (SEE LINE-UP viewed separately by gunshot victim SUPP.). This line-up was Kennelly SAEZ. Kennelly SAEZ had Jacquline GRANDE and eye-witness or William NEGRONprior n~c~tviewed any photos of Roberto ALMODOVAR Jacquline GRANDEand to the line-up. Having viewed this line-up, William NEGRON as the offender who Kzennelly SAEZboth identified, drove the car ALMODOVARas called out, and fired being the a gun. They both offender "Whats Up Folks", in the rear and then fired The initial prepared identified seat of supplementary on 1 Sep. of him viewing a line-up, the car who that was a gun. report 94, listed VELEZ, an off duty Sheriffs Deputy as an eye-witness. contacted and came into Area Five. He was asked possibility Roberto as this prior a Juan He was about report the stated identify this he got a good look atthatthehe driver and could He was mis-quoted. stated that person. Juan VELEZstated look at the offenders car and could identify this car he got a good that if he saw it offenders again. car, He was not able to see any of the faces in the and cannot identify anyone. The R/Det. contacted Felony Review and A.S.A. FARACI Jacqueline reviewed A.S.A. Pete FARACI arrived the investiga~five GRANI~E, KennellySAEZ and Juan file at.Area Five. and interviewed, VELEZ. JR-JJ 029656 RG 13310