Auckland Council 24 February 2017 Barker Associates Cl- Mary Wong Box 1986 Shorthland Street AUCKLAND 1140 Email: Dear Mary RESOURCE CONSENT APPLICATION ADVICE OF DECISION Application Number: LUC60067719 Applicant: Fiona North and Ralph Stewart Proposal: Removal of an existing building and relocation of an Edwardian Villa in a special character area. Address: 113 Vauxhall Road Narrow Neck 0624 Following an assessment of your resource consent application under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) and with reference to the Auckland Council District Plan North Shore Section and the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan, a decision has been made to approve your application with conditions Please take the time to read and understand the conditions of consent. Council of?cers will undertake inspections of your project to check compliance with this resource consent. For your reference, a copy of the decision is attached. It outlines the basis for the decision and the conditions. If you disagree with the decision, or parts of it including the conditions, you can lodge an objection with us or file an appeal with the Environment Court within 15 working days of receiving this decision. Objections should be addressed to the Principal Planner Hearings and Resolutions, Takapuna Service Centre. 1 The Strand, Takapuna. Information on the objection process can be found on our website (type ?objection process" in the search ?eld). Information on the appeal process can be found on the Environment Court website. A ?nal invoice will be sent shortly. If you have any queries. please contact Karyn Sands via email at Kamn? and quote the application number above. Yours sincerely Carmen Lottering Resource Consent Administrator Takapuna Service Centre 135 Albert Street Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Ph 09 301 0101 Resource Consent Notice of Works Starting Please email this form to monitorin aucklandcouncil. at least 14 days prior to work starting on your development or post it to the address at the bottom of the page. Site address: 113 Vauxhall Road Narrow Neck 0624 AREA (please Auckland Auckland Hauraki tick the box) CBD El Isthmus El Gulf Islands Waitakere El Manukau Rodney El North Shore El Papakura El Franklin El Resource consent number: Associated building consent: LU 06006771 9 Expected start date of work: Expected duration of work: Primary Name Mobile I Address Email address contact Landline Owner Project manager Builder Earth mover Arborist Other (specify) Signature: Owner/ Project Manager (indicate which) Date: Once you have been contacted by the monitoring inspector, all correspondence should be sent directly to them. SAVE minimise monitoring costs! The council will review your property for start of works every three months from the date of issue of the resource consent and charge for the time spent. You can contact your Resource Consent monitoring inspector on 09 301 0101 to discuss a likely timetable of works before the inspection is carried out and to avoid incurring this cost. 135 Albert Street Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Ph 09 301 0101 Decision on application(s) for resource Auckland consent under the Resource Management Co 1 unc' Act 1991 Restricted discretionary activity Application number: LUC60067719 Applicant's name: Fiona North and Ralph Stewart Site address: 113 Vauxhall Road. Narrow Neck Legal description: Lot 1 DP 51451 NZTM map reference: NZTM Easting: 1761000, Northing: 5923700 Proposal: To totally remove the existing dwelling from the site and replace it with a similar character dwelling. The proposal will also involve site works with an area of 600m2 and a quantity of 56m3 of cut/?ll material The resource consents required are: Land use consents LU060067719 Auckland Unit?aw Plan Operative i_n Part 0 The proposal infringes Standard D18.4.1 (A3), for the total removal of a building on a site identified as being subject to demolition, removal or relocation rules in the North Shore Special Character Area. A restricted discretionary activity consent is required for infringement of this development control. . The proposal infringes Standard D18.4.1 (A5), the relocation of a building on a site identified within the North Shore Special Character Area. A restricted discretionary activity consent is required for infringement of this development control. . The proposal infringes Standard E12.4.1 (A4), for works that require more than 500m2 of material. The site works will include an area of approximately 600m2. A restricted discretionary activity consent is required for infringement of this development control. Overall, the application is a restricted discretionary activity. Decision I have read the application, supporting documents. and the report and recommendations on the consent application. I am satisfied that have adequate information to consider the matters required by the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) and make a decision under delegated authority on the application. Acting under delegated authority, under sections 104, and 104C the application(s) are GRANTED. Page 1 1. Reasons The reasons for this decision are: 1. The application are for restricted discretionary activity resource consent, as such under $1040 only those matters over which council has reserved its control or restricted its discretion have been considered. Those matters are: Only those effects that relate to matters that are within the council?s discretion under D18. 2 (Demolition and relocation of building in the Special Character Area), E12.8.1. (Earthworks) of the and (Site Works) of the ADP (NSS) are considered in this assessment. In addition, conditions have only been included in relation to those matters. In accordance with an assessment under the RMA the actual and potential effects from the proposal will be mitigated and acceptable as: The existing dwelling has reduced special character integrity due to additions and alterations which have occurred and it is considered that the dwelling provides limited contribution to the character of the area. The relocated dwelling will mitigate the removal of the existing dwelling and will further support the existing streetscape and neighbourhood character and amenity. . The proposed site works will not substantially change the Iandform, and appropriate measures will mitigate erosion and run-off. - The overland flow path will not be affected by the development. In accordance with an assessment under s104(1)(b) of the RMA the proposal is consistent with the relevant statutory documents. In particular, the proposal is consistent with the objectives and policies for the Built Heritage and Character - Special Character Overlay Residential and Business Residential North Shore outlined in Clauses D182 and D18.3 of the Auckland Unitary Plan Operative in Part (AUP-OP) as the proposed replacement dwelling will provide a character dwelling which is similar scale to the existing dwelling and a design and character which is coherent and compatible with the surrounding area. In addition, it will maintain the building at a scale and bulk that is consistent with the planned built character of the zone and will not adversely affect the streetscape and character of the area. The proposed additions and alterations are considered to be consistent with the assessment criteria and the following objectives and policies: 0 E12.2 and E12.3 of the AUP-OP and relating to land disturbance. D18.8.2 and D18.8.3 of the and relating to the removal of the existing dwelling located within the Special Character area and relocation of a new dwelling to the site. While the extent of the infringements under AUP-OP, particularly relating to the Special Character overlay has the potential to have adverse effects, these effects will be mitigated by the replacement dwelling which is to be of similar character to the surrounding area that will further contribute to the character of the site and surrounding area. In addition, the proposal will not result in signi?cant adverse streetscape or amenity effects. The proposed dwelling will suit the site in terms of the bulk and scale and will not result in an adverse Page 2 effect on the visual amenity or dominance of the neighbouring property beyond what would be discernible as a permitted activity. The overall development is consistent with the planned buiit character of the area and envisioned for this zone. 3. As a restricted discretionary activity no other matters can be considered under s104(1)(c). 4. Overall the proposal 's consistent with the relevant objectives, policies and assessment criteria of the Auckland Unitary Plan - Operative in Part provisions and the underlying principles of the Resource Management Act. 2. Conditions Under section 108 of the RMA, this consent is subject to the following conditions: General conditions 1. The activity shall be carried out in accordance with the plans and all information submitted with the application, detailed below, and all referenced by the council as consent number LU060067719. - Application Form, and Assessment of Environmental Effects prepared by Mary Wong of Barker Associated Ltd, title 113 Vauxhall Road. Narrow Neck Assessment of Environmental Effects and Statutory Analysis dated January 2017. Report title and reference Author Rev Dated Ca?i??l?ti?'ri?? is? Design 113 Vauxhall Road, Narrow Neck 2017 Heritage Commentary Salmond Reed N.d Architects Plan title and reference Author Rev Dated . GU ?bung? -.. .-.- 19.01.2516 Location Plan, A101 GJ Olivier 1 19.01.2016 Site Plan, A102 GJ Olivier 1 19.01.2016 Floor, A103 GJ Olivier 1 19.01.2016 Elevations, A104 GJ Olivier 1 19.01.2016 Elevations, A105 GJ Olivier 1 19.01.2016 Sections, A301 GJ Olivier 1 19.01.2016 2. Under section 125 of the RMA, this consent lapses ?ve years after the date it is granted unless: a. The consent is given effect to; or b. The council extends the period after which the consent lapses. 3. The consent holder shall pay the council an initial consent compliance monitoring charge of $600 inclusive of GST), plus any further monitoring charge or charges to recover the actual and reasonable costs incurred to ensure compliance with the conditions attached to this consent/s. Page 3 Advice note: The initial monitoring deposit is to cover the cost of inspecting the site, carrying out tests, reviewing conditions, updating ?les, etc, all being work to ensure compliance with the resource consent. In order to recover actual and reasonable costs, monitoring of conditions, in excess of those covered by the deposit, shall be charged at the relevant hourly rate applicable at the time. The consent holder will be advised of the further monitoring charge. Only after all conditions of the resource consent have been met, will the council issue a letter confirming compliance on request of the consent holder. Prior to Construction The Team Leader, Northern Monitoring shall be advised, in writing, five working days prior to any works commencing. Construction All construction, demolition and earthworks activities on the subject site shall comply with the New Zealand Standard 6803:1999 for Acoustics Construction Noise at all times. The use of noise generating tools, motorised equipment, and vehicles that are associated with construction and earthworks activity on the subject site shall therefore be restricted to between the following hours to comply with this standard: Monday to Saturday: 7:30am to 6:00pm Sundays or Public Holidays: no works Erosion and Sediment Control All earthworks shall be managed to minimise any discharge of debris, soil, silt, sediment or sediment-laden water from the subject site either to land, stormwater drainage systems, watercourses or receiving waters. In the event that a discharge occurs, works shall cease immediately and the discharge shall be mitigated and/or recti?ed to the satisfaction of the Team Leader, Northern Monitoring. Dwelling Documentation A photographic record shall be kept of the relocation process for both 113 Vauxhall Road and 184 Arthur Street. ?Before?, ?during" and ?after? photographs shall be taken in order to demonstrate that as much of the heritage fabric of the building as possible has been retained during the relocation of both houses. Photographs shall be made available to Council on request during and/or at the completion of works. Chimneys 1. The chimneys of both 113 Vauxhall Road and 184 Arthur Street shall be recorded as follows: i) Provide close up colour photos of two adjacent sides of portion of the existing chimney which is visible above the roof. ii) Provide a detailed measured drawing of the portion of the existing chimney which projects above the roof. The measured drawing shall be a fully dimensioned heritage record of the existing chimney. Include height and width dimensions and dimensions of all corbelled courses, as well as drawings and dimensions of chimney pots. Page 4 Describe the different materials and different brick or stone colours which make up the chimney material. The drawings and photographs shall be made available to Council on request during and/or at the completion of works. 2. After the above documentation is completed, one chimney of 184 Arthur Street shall be replicated following relocation, as indicated on the application drawings. The surface of the replacement replica chimney shall be finished with bricks, and clay pots where relevant, salvaged from the existing original chimney. Advice notes Any reference to number of days within this decision refers to working days as de?ned in 32 of the RMA. For the purpose of compliance with the conditions of consent, ?the council? refers to the council?s monitoring inspector unless otherwise speci?ed. Please contact (09) 301 0101 to identify your allocated of?cer. For more information on the resource consent process with Auckland Council see the council?s website aucklandcouncil. govt. nz. General information on resource consents, including making an application to vary or cancel consent conditions can be found on the Ministry for the Environment?s website: W. if you disagree with any of the above conditions, or disagree with the additional charges relating to the processing of the application, you have a right of objection pursuant to sections 357A or 3573 of the Resource Management Act 1991. Any objection must be made in writing to the council within 15 working days of noti?cation of the decision. The consent holder is responsible for obtaining all other necessary consents, permits, and licences, including those under the Building Act 2004, and the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014. This consent does not remove the need to comply with all other applicable Acts (including the Property Law Act 2007 and the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015), regulations, relevant Bylaws, and rules of law. This consent does not constitute building consent approval. Please check whether a building consent is required under the Building Act 2004. 6. if any archaeological features are uncovered on the site, works should cease and the Team Leader Compliance and Monitoring - Central and Heritage New Zealand (09 307 9920) should be noti?ed immediately. The Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 provides for the identi?cation, protection, preservation and conservation of the historic and cultural heritage of New Zealand. it is an offence under this Act to destroy, damage or modify any archaeological site without an authority from Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga. An archaeological site is de?ned as a place associated with pre-1900 human activity where there may be evidence relation to history of New Zealand. Archaeological features? may include old whaling stations, ship wrecks, shell middens, hangi or ovens, pit depressions, defensive ditches, artefacts, or koiwi tangata (human skeletal remains), etc. For guidance and advice on managing the discovery of archaeological features, contact the Team Leader Cultural Heritage implementation on 09 3010101. 7. The consent holder will be responsible for ensuring all necessary building permits and land owner approvals for the proposed dwelling and proposed connection to the Councils reticulation Page 5 for stormwater, are obtained from Auckland Transport. See Auckiand Transport?s website govt. nz for more information. Delegated decision maker: Name: Hester Gerber Title: Team Leader, Resource Consents Signed: Date: Page 6