-t ,1'1/ Standard Oil Company INconPoRATED IN New Jersey NEERING COMPANY P. 0. BOX 215, LINDEN, N. JO ROCKEFELLER PLAZA, NEW YORK J. 07036 20, NEW YORK Public Re luti ons Department l/6 715-224 April FORAIR/WATER CONSERVATION FILE 26, 1967 API Public Opinion on Pollution and Pollution Control nd Survey as HENRYB. WILSON ,n Pollution. sults r:rease-n~= of this use within - - - "•'"" ..·e- N, J., recently ?rinceton, Lr and water) and pollution nary objectives: survey are for internal the petroleum industry. of and concern tffected be. HENRYB. WILSON LOUS by pollution industries vehicle about comcontrol the and what as a source exhaust of as a source ~ried out the survey in the fall of adult residents of the continental U,S, T~re spondents were selected to represent a nationwide probability sample. They were interviewed in their homes and at no time were they told who was sponsoring the study. The sample used is felt to be adequate for reli ab ly projecting the survey findings to the entire adult population within a tolerance range of + 3%. Several of the questions used in the 1966 survey were the same as those survey of public attitudes about pollution which they used by ORCin a nationwide conducted in July 1965. To some extent it was possible, therefore, to compare the results of the two surveys. ~ The highlights of the survey are ,Jvv presented in the attachment letter. FORUSE ONLYWITHINTHEPETROLEUM INDUSTRY to this I ~55~ J. F . KUNC a&.N IO .... K8CAACH A880Cl #6715-224 ~ TK , , • ..., ., . t ,,. • '. l I • - r :· , \. '.: _ 'l ~.~.-i 1r'tl) n '1 April 26, 1967 API Public Opinion Survey on Pollution and Pollution Control ? . f·.:. -- ·- I Mr. B. L. Br agg~/ Standard Oil Co. (N.J.) Pub lie Relations 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York, New York Dear Ben: The Opinion Research Corp . (ORC) of Princeton, N. J., recently pleted a public opinion survey on pollution (air and water) and pollution on behalf of the API. The survey had four primary objectives: 1. To obtain a measure of public awareness problems of air and water pollution. 2. To ascertain they believe 3. To obtain pollution. 4. To examine people's of pollution. how people the causes people's of and concern think they are affected of pollution to be. attitudes thinking toward various about by pollution industries about motor vehicle exhaust comcontrol the and what as a source of as a source ORC's national interviewing staff carried out the survey in the fall of 1966 by personally interviewing just over 2300 adult residents of the continental U.S. The respondents were selected to represent a nationwide probability sample. They were interviewed in their homes and at no time were they told who was sponsoring the study. The sample used is felt to be adequate for reliably projecting the survey findings to the entire adult population within a tolerance range of + 3%. Several of the questions used in the 1966 survey were the same as those used by ORC in a nationwide survey of public attitudes about pollution which they conducted in July 1965. To some extent it was possible, therefore, to compare the results of the two surveys. The highlights of the survey are presented in the attachment letter. FOilUSEONLY WITHIN THEPETROLEUM INDUSTRY to this P.I' 1 I J M' • I\ ' I . I\ I ' \ •\ \'\\ 1• , '1 \ ~~ . \ ' ::\ 1;,\\ ' '\' I~ , I' ,:\ ' •1 111\ 1\1'\ 1•,,11,11 I ' ,,, Ii I I, . I 11111 1-I 1•11\1111 \ 11,I \ I' \ I , , ' l 'Jr,7 '/ (, , \1\\1 II ,. I I\ I t ' I 111! \\)1) \ \'1 1 ,if h,,11\ n it 111111W l p l l•Pll11t l 1HI /:i 1tol ll1 t1 l1 l ' 111iltlll . 'I\, t, th c.> }<111· , 1c ~1L pt- ; 1v\ , t't ll \.1111 ,· i ,I '"'' 11!1 ,i t 111 111 , q11 ·i::it n t l f' I Pl'IPf'd I 1111 i I ti lll1 P 1 wl1n llv 11u 11111 1H II I' I 11 1111, /1.l'l I 111I I l\ l, j1 rl I I 111 1111y-, 111t· \1.\ll ti ll ' I . y 111il /i , .....,... _ JI' • JFK: I ~ l Atta hm n L T. L•l3art J. F. Mat hi s H. H. M r dit h , Jr . .rs n J. K. Pa A. w. Sitnrakl I' I Il l/ ' p f: I 111111 1 I 111• l 1a u 111,1 lll i 1) - Lht:: j n , rju P.l'l t: r, I rfe Lh d Page 1 of 2 Highlights of Survey, PUBLICVIEWSON POLLUTION ANDPOLLUTION CONTROL by Opinion 0 Research Corp. for API _ 1966 When peo~le are shown a list of community problems and asked to identify the most serious ' . air pollution· th f'f . is e i th most frequently mentioned. This from July of 1965 when it ranked level of mention has risen significantly tenth. ' o Public awareness of air and water pollution of the public have heard or read about air year. problems is high; or water pollution three-fourths within the past o With respect to pollution in their own area, over half the people do not single out either air or water pollution as a serious problem. How~ver, the number of people who do regard one or the other or both of these problems as serious represents a sharp increase from July of last year. o Two-thirds of the public say they are not personally affected by air pollution. Those who believe they are affected mention some kind of health problem most often. o Industrial wastes are the most frequently mentioned Sewage is the next most frequently mentioned. cause of water o Industry and motor vehicle exhausts are the most frequently of air pollution, especially by residents of large cities. pollution. mentioned causes o When asked to select from a list of thirteen industries the ones most responsible for local air pollution, respondents name the chemical industry most often. The oil industry and railroads share second place. o In regard to industries responsible for air pollution in other parts of the country, steel is mentioned most often, with oil refineries and chemical plants next. 0 Motor vehicle exhaust is believed to be a significant contributor to air pollution by over half the general public and over three-fourths of large city residents. 0 very few people vehicle exhaust 0 When asked who is more responsible for air exhaust, 32% name automobile manufacturers, both are equally responsible. 0 mention lead that pollutes Asked directly about mately six people out Most of those persons mention odors, fumes specifically the air. when asked what there is about motor pollution from motor vehicle 16% name oil companies and 27% say oil companies' responsibility for air pollution, approxiof ten either say it's not a problem or have no opinion. who do think the industry contributes to air pollution and gases -- mainly from refineries. FORUSEONLY WITHINTHEPETROLEUM INDUSTRY (Continued)