s'lLib AVIT elm o. I, KENNELLY SAEZ, do hereby state and declare the following to be true: 1. 1 am Kennel) 5322, date of birth --20, residing at -- Illinois 606% Z. I am the Kenneiiy See: who was present at 3919 w. Cortland on the evening of September i. 1996. 3. I was sitting outside with my Herkes, Jorge Rodriguez and Jacqi Grands. 4. told the pause at the pence station on September 12, UN in a written statement at 5:50 pm that I reccgnized Roberto Almodovar aka Joker as one of the shooter: for the shooting that happened on Septamber i, 1994. 5. I site spoke with an Assistant States Attorney, Micheiie Simmons and told her basically the same thing I told the police officers. 6. However, 1 really am not sure who did the shooting that night, because i couldn't see very well. It was dark outside, and I couldn't see faces. 7. 1 was also high that night, because I had smoked marijuana eariiez that night. 8. I had told the poiice that it was Roberto Aimodovar and William Negroh because believed it was them, but really i couldn't see. when the shots started. 1 hit the grass, and I didn't look up until the ca: had gone. 9. I iooked at photographs and picked out a person I thought was the shooter, but I was wrong. 10. picked Roberto Almodovar and Wiiliam Negton out a: the line up because 1 was mad because my friend George Rodriguez had been killed, and i wanted somebody to pay for it. 11. Roberto Aimodovai' and William Negron are facing very serious charges, and I am just not eure enough that they did it to any that they did. i came to Attorney Melinda Power's office at 2048 N, Division of my own free um. i have not been pressured or forced into making this statement. I'm making this statement to be sure that an innocent peISOn is not convicted. JR-JJ 029228 R6 12882 ~vJ~ Re~elly Subscribed Before of and me this March, sworn Ist Sa~z to day 1995, MEUNDAL~POWER ~~e NotdrY NolARYPUBU~ STATE