r· : JACKIE GRANDE '"April 6, ~-~3 1995 2:50-p.m. Also interview present: h at: Jewel Food nftnre, Amy Myers ~ on_J;incoln ~unr;L1A PUCZP;cc~ Cr,,~.r ~t.PCP~it CO·1C 3ACKIE: -- car -- started in -- Jackie front got shot -- didn't -- he -- in building up to said see what up, folks" witness said goes to begins light streetlights that was car didn't KennelLy shooting lots of -- from --- seconds before shooting inside "What's ---- not run Kennelly walk to -- -- 10-15 back see what got up to (3~ckie) (car) of shooting RWho's dark doing he did that" car and building out -- Jackie states she was not high that evening while in hospital: -- two cops came, showed her 6-9 photos -- can't remember if there was writing on the photos -- cops said HHere are the guys who did it* Is sure it is them because she had a good opportunity --- Amy was (Jackie) to -- see them couldn't (before or anyone her best friend said three people see/identify shooting) say were them Jackie didn't in car all hear any other conversation anything JR-JJ 029231 RG 12885