in 1 STATE OF UJJNOIS 12m? 35' Baum 3 or a 0 I Pig?gi cmcuu mum 3 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK CDUNTY EDUNTY DEPARTMENT-CRIMINAL DIVISION THE PEOPLE THE I 5 OF I I Case No. 9?-21325 5 v5 3 Before JUDGE LDH W. SHULTZ I JUAN HERNANDEZ MARCH 9. ZUUD Cuurt convenud pursuant to adjournmenL. Present: L1 HONORABLE DEUIHE. State's Attorney of tour. County. by 12 NFL. and H5. CARMEN AGUILHR, 13 Asustant State's Attorney's. appeared in: the People: MR. RICHARD EEUKE. J?d . SAM EHIH, appeared. Em: the defendant. Paul. P. Marzanu, CSR. REF. 3. folcial Caur'l: Reporter 265D E. California. Home 41:02 4 ?hicago. 1L EUEUB License trad-001739 i I I u; I: Transcript of Record Appeal 0- art-mu. Court of ?ljnois r1151 District Circuit Court No. 9? 2.32; Judge In: smurer Reviewing Court No. 03-1535 TIE I?um THE STATE BF V5. 41!? COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS from I EFFTII CIRCUIT COURT -- =01? i .r of STEVEN M. mm CLERK COUNTY CRIMINAL DIVISION mum 5 DE 13 (HIV. Per NEW BROWN. Clark ?(the Circuit IIMIIE Dcpuiy 1 1 a 3 DATE: 319.100 5. PAGES: 1 through 2? Motion to Bisque].in Defense . .. 575 WWI, PAGE 146 iThe following proceedings were had out or the hearing of Lhe jurytl THE COURT: People versus Juan Hernandez, 91-21329. Thia matter is a jury trial that was commenced and continued from yesterday. The record may reflect all of the parties including Mr. Hernandez. the dotendant, are present in court. Before commencing again with the trial, I understand that the State has a nation they Wish to make. MR. SHLIFKA: Ens. Judge. at this timer the State would be making a motion to disqualify Hr. Beuke as the defendant's attorney or record based on a conzlict or interest which we discouered last night and received more internation on today's date. THE COURT: n11 right. What do you uieh to state or preaent in support of your motion? HR. SHLIFKH: Judge. an I was discussing preliminarily the Lestimnny with Detective Guevara. who 57B involving some domestic relations problems. He learned today in chambers that Hr. deuce has also conferred with Detective Guevara regarding the potential filing of a libel suit by Detective Guevara against others who had apparently claimed some sort of police misconduct against Detective Guevara, and we also learned that there may be some legal advice dispensed regarding paternity issues. This is a relationship that we have came to learn over the last 15, IE. IT hours that has apanned apparently almost 15 years between attorney Richard Eeuke and Detective Guevara. What makes that very important in our case. Judge. is essentially starting with the tenor of the opening statement an THE count: Let me ask you a Couple of other preliminary questions. The tire: that you learned of Mt. Beuhe': relationship with Detective Guevara was in recent conversation you say over the last -- well since we adjourned court yesterday? HR. EHLIFKA: Yesterday evening otter HE adjourned. is a named witness and a ralatiVEly crucial witness in our case after we left court yesterday, Detective Guevara informed me that Hr. acute in his lawyer and has been his lawyer and that he has Mr. Eeure has represented him.on several cases. This morning, 1 spoke a little bit in further detail with Detective Guevara who indicated to be that Hr. Beuke has represented him in the past on the following matters: A child support matter which to the heat or Detective Guevara'e recollection was between and l992. a accident from 19?5. an accident involving Detective Guevara and a squad car sometime after 1955. Detective Guevara informed no that he was jumped on by several people and sued the persons responsible about five or six years ago and HI. Beuke was his lawyer for that. That Hr. Eeuke handled detective Guevara's wife?s personal injury accident approximately two years ago. Detective GueVara further informed me that he has dilcuered other matters With Mr. ?anker but was not retained, but did diecuee them as his lawyer to which eeuke indicated that he would find another lawyer tor Detective Guevara. those 1 believe THE COURT: According to Detective Guevara, when doea he recall the last contecc. legal contact to be with Hr. Beuke? HR. SHLIEKA: He indicated the last legal contact was recently. That was regarding a divorce matterv THE count: Did he give some time frame reference? HR. SHLIFKA: 5 don't believe he gave a time frame raterence. when I tried to pin him down on the last time Hr. Beute actually reproaented him in court, he stated it was actually two years ago. THE count: What participation or role does Detective Guevara play in the State's case? HR. SHLIFKA: Insofar as this case is concerned, Judge. Detective Guevara is involved in each and every identification procedure that was conducted in this investigation. He showed photographs to I believe five civilian winneesee who were out in the area or the 22 hundred block of North Hohile when the shooting took place, He conducted lineup: with there witnesses. What makes that crucial again. Judge. la JUAN HERNANDEZ TRIAL MINI, PAGE 147 the tenor 0: the defendant's opening statement in this case where he fully conceded that every witness was going to come in and identify this detendant as one of the attenders, but that it was an attempt by the police to try and place blame on somebody they Hare told would have. should have, or could have done this. That the police get internation on a particular day. but did nothing with it. That Detective Guevara during the lineup: would not allow the attorney who was then representing Juan Hernandez, Kent arody, to be with witnesses when they were viewing the lineup. obviously luggasting impropriety on the part of Detective Guevara during the viewing or the lineups. Counaoi Hunt on to suggest that the police had to get identifications in this case because they know that Hr. Brady was going to surrender the defendant and his brother that evening, somehow that the PDliCe are compelled to get some identifications. again suggesting the impropriety on the part of the Chicago Police Department and specifically Detective Guevara. There's no question that Detectiv: Guevara's credibility is going to be brought into issue in this trial. and the reason that that raises a 53D just smacks of a conflict hare, Judge. For that reason, 1 would submit that Mr. Eouke should be disqualified as an attorney. I would also point out that although vaivar could he a remedy in some situations, it does not apply here because at the timing in which this was brought up. also has a twofold problem. Mr. Hernandez would undoubtedly want the Iltnasn's lawyer to be his own lawyur because there's no question Hr. Beuke would know more about Detective Guevara than a witness who hasn't represented Detective Guevara. And the other problem we have here, Judge. is if HI. Hernandez is allowed to waive this issue and he is convicted, you know that first issue on appeal is going to be my attorney did not zealously represent me because he had a duty to that witness on the stand, that uitneas that was so crucial to the prosecution's case, that witness who was so crucial to show that there was no imyropriety conducted during any of the iduntification procedures. Judge. we are at a point e? an early point in this trial to bring this up. I do believe that the facts presented do present a conflict 532? Problem is Mr. Heuko has had a longstanding relationship with Detective Guevara, undoubtedly as he has had communications with Detective Euuvara which are protected by the privilege and that the dilemma that that poses 13, Ht. Beuka cannot serve two masters and because we are doing this, not in hindsight. but in foresight. He can?t predict what might happun. But there's the potential as an example that Detective Guevara could say something. could say something about police procedure, could say something about the way that ho handles cases which may be inconsistent with something that he may have told Hr. acute in confidence. Hr, saute, if he goes to impeach DeteCtiue Guevara on that, would be breaching the attorneyfclient privilege. I: he roluaos to impeach or decides to uphold the attorneyfclient privilege, he's not serving his client. Juan Hernandez. So. that is tho problem. That is the dilemma that?s raised here, Judge. You have an attorney who not only is attacking in opening stotomont his own client, but ho?a going to go after him on the witness stand. and it 581 JUA of interest. and what surprises me is it wasn't brought to anyone's attention before jury selection. I wanld submit that Hr. Brute would have to he disqualirled in this case, Judge. THE COURT: Ht. Beuke. HR. BEUKE: Judge. it I can begin by stating to the Court that thin was brought to my attention at about 10:30 at so this morning in a trio: conversation that I had with Mr. Shlifta coneerning whether or not I had represented Mr. or Detective Guevara in the past. when that Has brought up, my best recollection, your Honor, is that my representation there I actually went into a courtroom on behalf at Mr. of Detective Guevara was possibly oight. nine. ten years ago. Detectiva Guevara had a situation where individual woman were seeking support payment: from him In: children that they had. I agreed to go into court and try to remedy that situation and in the course at doing that. the situation was remedied, and that was concluded. I think, back in 91 or 92, your Honor. I guess I should preface this by l? ERNANDEZ TRIAL MINI, PAGE 148