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'I::::J ::'-jl:=.U~ Registrar of Corporate A'Ll~rB, oft~~a7i!:r~t~sjL. virgin Islands ,HEREBY CERTIFIES :j:;.:II=U::,~II- .' :,,:",,:';'i' pursuant to tbe .. ·~·-:""it=··;'· Internat:iol'la:~ .JL~.in~~Tt~• ..i~S'i!l~' Cap. 29~ that all : the requirements of tbe ' Act ~n I ; .':... . ,.::: ":::,11, ' ":,,'~. ~e~~~ ~"~CO~~~o~ '" '.::: 1I~:=Jt=1 ,.-, STANHOPE INTERNA·.h9~~HOL~.rhD. : "1-rn~1 I , _t. f::: /I:: 1f=1I= :.~;~. ,_I I" baving been gatisflsd. . : is incorporated in the Briti\s~:y~gin ~@ft! ag~.~;;'J;n7ernationa1. Business ... -!-II~'IJ""'I' ~~ , - --~l I-I ~ ·U':::II~ .. "- Company this 25th day of May" 2005. '- ~""J·-'I t' ,~ _" i '. -~. ~ !1i~ lA.. ,... lA. ,,,,;...- , " . '. " . _,4;1- ,- ..' , -~ " .11 il ., 'l - i ~.... I " ~ ':"'''" , t Gi van W1~~~,~p.1.~ p.~d-I~'md seal at ',I., ' ••, I . .. '. ",.-.. . . 1, ,.L, - j " 'I' . ,".~, ...; ' - - t~ -I.• -.... ddr, .. l. ,::...'<::":.. ""'-::.... ' t - ::: "'I}oa :- o~f _ J:1l.:"'l:;.~ ,......,..,... rl. ory ,. T~ . -I __11 ~ _I -!"'..L., ,.. f":. ,_. ,---" '. .~r~ tfish..-vfrgi.n, Islands --l._t.",:",~.."I. ':--;- ,~_,,:-1" 4.. "-". ~·"'1"_'f ........ r~1~ " ':"; b 0 f the t, j!i!'. ~;:;:FrkPORATEARFAIRS CRTIOo10 : : ":" : ~ '-..- ,~ ......J., Register of Members and Share Ledger Company: I Stanhope International Holdings Ltd. Name FUrrlessia Holdings Limited ProfeSSion: I B Church Slreet. P.O, Box 781, SI Helier, Jersey C,I, JE4 OSG Address le/Passport number I J I I NfA Nationality Compar.y number 81267 PI' _Name alltct ctn'>tum 1--- __ nan,w"l uila Mehlum ./ Ahasesl -~U~ual m&idel1jiaj add!'ess Monkey River Estate, Toledo, S$lize. BUSiness tlGC\lpatiOmpm:ies Act: Ilr tf'J sh,)!Y's. ,k'b: c.t>liga!Jun., or uther ~;>cufi{ie;, in the Company :Ire owned by ilny person T ,1in~ .. lms of the COfnp:HI: ;IT uulhOflll'd !o fix hy n:~(lhJti\)n lilt' des.ign(fktion~ or cach ('kiss tind sent'.'. nf shares lhul rll<; CDmpany is authOrized 10 1'i.';HC. Ht 11. All or tile Compuny's aUlhnnzed sharcs :ife to be is~ued as registered shares and may not he c.\changtd for hcma .shan·s 'I he Company mily a:n<:nd its Memorandum of A~S(~latioll and Artidc;, of As.S(x"ie our n:linc to Ihis Mcmonmdum on this 251h day of May, 2005 in the presem:c of .. ~.. Kcren Frett for Caribbean COrpOf'4k' Set"i"..'!> '.united Subscriher ! ! ~- Rna Town. Tonola British Vlrgln bJands , STANHOPE INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD. ("the Compauy") MlNL'lES OF MEETING OF THE BOARD Or DIRECTORS OF THE COMPANY, HELD ON OCTOBER 23'" 2005 NOTICE Notice ofthis meeting was waived by alJ persons entitled thereto_ PRESENT Ms. Tone Kvaestad_ Mr. Knud Hansen and Ms Laila Mehlum being the majority of the members ofttle Board of Directors, CHAIRMAN Mr Knud Hansen was elected Chairman of the meet:ng. SECRETARY, Ms_ Tone Kvacstad was elected secretary of the meeting TRANSfER OF SHARES It WAS RESOL YEO 10 tnmsfcr 0,01 % of the shares (1 share) in each of the subsidiaries to be established in Belize to ilrnntford Development Corp_ ACQl:IREMENT OF SIlARES It WAS RESOLVED to acquire 0,0 l % of the shares (1 share) in the company Traders Ilome Ltd_ ACCEPTANCE It WAS RESOLVED to ac-ecpt an appointment as director in the 2 sub~idiaries to be es.tabllshed in Belize, Al :TlIORIZA TION It WAS RESOLVED to authorize Mr. Den:'.k COllrtenay to appoint one or more representatiYes to reprc:-.ent lhe Company at Board !\·icctings Of issue Written Resolutions in the 2 subsidiaries. to be established in Belize for a period of maximum 1 (one) yot-ar in particular but not li mtted to the execution of the deeds. loan agreements and otber instruments in relation w to purchase of properties in Belize according to OfieI dated the 14 of October 2005, It WAS FURTHER resolved to authorize Mc Derek Counenay to appoint one Of more representatives to represent the shares of Stanhope International Holdings Ltd. in relation to appointment of directors in lhe 2 subsidiaries to he establjshed WAS RE SOL VEl) to authorize th.e company secretary NWT Dirt.'Ctors Ltd_ or Tone K... aestad for and behalf of the DirC\.,1.ors uf the Company lO authorile the law-yer Mr Derek Courtenay according to the above [t resolutions_ There being no further business the ~'leeting then tcrminated Wlb=- STANHOI'E INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD. ("the Company") MJNUTES OF THE FIRST MEETlNG OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMPANY, HELD ON 12'" OCTOBF£, 2005 NOTICE: Notice of this meeting was waived by all persons entitled thereto. PRESENT: Mrs Anne HANSEN. Mrs Tone KVAESTAD and Mr. Knud HANSEN, being the majority of the members of the Board of Directors. CHAIRMAN: Mn; Anne HANSEN was elected Chairman of the meeting. SECRETARY: Mrs. Tone K VAESTAD "'AS eleeted Secretal)' of the meeting. lNCORl'ORATION: Tbe Chairman laid before the meeting a copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company and presented tbe Certificate oflncorporation. DIRECTORS: The form of appointment of Directors signed by the Subscriber was produced to the Meeting. SECRETARY: It was resolved that NWT Directors Limited be and bereby is appointed Seeretal)' of the Company. REGISTERED OFFICE: It was reported and confinned that the registered office of the Company he situated at 3"' Floor, Omar Hodge Building, Wickhams Cayl, PO Box 362, Road Town, Tortola. B. VJ. SEAL: It was resolved that the Common Seal produced to tbe Meeting (an impression of which is affixed below) be and it is hereby adopted as the Common Seal of the Company. CORPORATE DOCUMENTS: It "lIS resolved that the books, records and minutes of the Company may be kept anywhere in the world. SHARES: It was resolved that the Company be and hereby is authOrised to issue, fur value received, share certificate No.t, in the name of Fumessia Holdings Ltd for 100 shares with a par value of USSLOO each. There being no further business the Meeting then tcnntnated. ~.... .._'.- Ann. HA. S .,N, Chairman STA!'.1l0PE INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD. ("the Company") MING,ES OF MEETlNGOF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMPANY,HELD ON OCTOBER 14fu 2005 NOTICE: Notice of this meeting was waived by all persons entitled thereto~ PRESE~. Mr. Knud HANSEN, Mrs. Tone KVAESTAD aud Mrs. Laila MEHLUM being the majority of the members of the Board of Directors, Mr. Knud HANSEN was elected Chairman of the meeting SECRETARY: Mrs. Tone Kvaestad was etected secretary of the meeting PURCHASE OF It 'AfAS RESOLVED to make an offer for purchase of land for we in Belize as advertised by The Development Finance Corporation on the 29th of September 2005. The land consists of Total 271 acres of land divided in 2 pat1s 200 acres and 77 acres The offer price shall be between US$ 380,000 to US$620,OOO (American Dollar Three Hundred and Eighty Thousand to Six Hundred and Twenty Thousand) The offer will be based on the following calculations: T ota1 277 acres with: 121 acres with bananas price between US$3,OOO 5,000 per acre. 156 acres US$loo per acre. 277 ACRES OF LAND: It WAS RESOLVED that the title holder 'hall be a subsidiary to be established in Belize. it WAS RESOL YED to authorize the company secretary N\VT Directors Ltd. or Tone Kvaestad for and behalf of the Directors of the Company to instruct the lawyer ML Derek Courtenay to make the purchase offer to The Development Finance Corporation and to negotiate the best possible price. PURCHASE OF 625 ACRES OF LMTI. It WAS RESOLYED to make an offer for purchase of land for sale in th Belize as advertised by The Social Security Board on the 29 of September 2005. The land consists of: Approximately 625 acres of land of land and buildings, erections and developments standing or being thereon including plants and equipment being theroon. The offer price shall be between lJSS615,OOO to USS1,OOO,OOO(Arnerican dollars Six Hundred and Fifteen Thousand to One Million). The olTer will be based on the following calculations: Total 625 acres with: 191 acres with bananas price between USS3,OOO - 5,000 per acre 434 acre-s US$100 per acre. It WAS RESOL YED that tbe title holder shall be a subsidiary to be pd~hli~hN1 in Rf'li7(' It WAS RESOLVED to authorize the company secretary NWT Directors Ltd" or Tone Kvaestad for and behalf of the Directors of the Company instruct the lawyer Mr. Derek Courtenay to make the purchase offer to The S(x"1.al Security Board and to negotiate the best possible price, ESTABLISHMENT It WAS RESOLVED to establish two subsidiaries in Belize with the OF SUIlSIDIARlES: purpose to be title holder of the total of 902 acres ofland and ofland to be tor sale in the filturc, It WAS RESOL YED to authorize the company secretary hTWT Directors Ltd. or Tone Kvaestad for and behalf of the Directors of the Company to sign all documents relating to the establishment of the subsidiaries in Belize including to authorize the lawyer Mr, Derek Courtenay to establish the subsidiaries and to issue and sign all documents in relation to the purchase of properties described above_ There being no further business the Meeting then terminated, Knud HANSEN, Chairman @~~~-~---~~ Tone KVAESTAD, Secret low STANHOPE INTEIUIiATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD. ("the Company") MINIJTES OF MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMI'ANY, HELD ON OCTOBER 14· 2005 NonCE; Notice of this meeting was waived by all persons entitled thereto, PRESENT Mr. Knud HANSEN, Mrs, Tone KVAESTAD and Mrs LailaMEHLliM being the majority of the members of the Board of Directors. CHAIRMAN: :Mr. Knud HANSEN was elected ChaIrman of the meeting. SECRETARY: Mrs. Tone Kvacstatl was elected secretary of the meeting AUTHORLZATlON: Further to the previous the resolutions of to day concerning purchase of 277 acres and 625 acres ofland IT WAS RESOLVED to authorize Tone Kvaestad to make the offer for purchase and further to authorize Tonc K vaestad to instruct Iohannes Grove~Njelsen to make the offer for purchase as she in her sole discretion thinks fit. IT WAS CONFIRMED that the purchase price to be offered is as of the previous resolutions of today There being no further business the Meeting then terminated. _.J STANHOPE INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD. MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMPANY HELD BY TELEPHONE LINK·UP ON JANUARY 25'" 2006 AT 1:00 P.M. Present: Laila Mehlum (In the Chair) Soercn Soerenscn Tone Kvaestad KnudHansen ArmeHansen The Chairman informed the meeting that an associate company, Traders Home Limited (the "Borrower"), was proposing to procure a term loan in the sum of US$2.000~OOO (the "Term Loan Facility") from The Belize Bank Limited (the "Bank'). The Chainnan explained that the Tern} Loan Facility would be used by the Borrower for the purcha"iC of certain parcels of land (the "Properties") more particularly described in the facility letter agreement to be entered into by the Borrower, the Company and the Bank (the "facility Letter Agreement"),and the acquisition of certain assets associated with the Properties. The Chairman further explained that under the terms of the Facility Letter Agreement, the Company along with its parent company. Fairbank Cooper & Lyte Ltd .• its associate, Brantford Development Corp. and the Borrower would be required to provide certain security documents in order to secure the Tean Loon Facllity (the "Security DocumeI1ts'l In this regard, the Chairman circulated copies of the draft Facility Letter Agreement and the Security Documents which would be required fmm the Company namely a first priority legal mortgage for the benefit of the Borrower and in favour of the Bank over the 1 share it owns of the issued share capital of the Borrov.w. After due and careful oonsideration IT WAS RESOLVED IlIAT: 1. the Company be and is hereby authorized to enter into the Facility Letter Agreement with the Bank and to provide the Security Documents to the Bank; 2. the Facility Letter Agreement, the Security Documents, the Guarantee and any future amendments thereto which are deemed necessary by the directors of the Company in order to secure the Term Loan Facility fmm the Bank be and are hereby approved; 3. any two directors or alternatively any aGe director and the Company Secretary be and are hereby authorized to execute the Facility Letter Agreement and the Security DOClUnents for and ou behalf of the Company and to apply the company seal thereto; -...J 4. any two directors or alternatively, anyone director and the Company SecretaJy, be and are hereby auiliori2'.ed to execute any other dQCuments~ make aU arrangements, and do all further acts and things reasonably necessary to effect the abovementioned resolutions; S. any two directors or alternatively, anyone director and the Company Secretary, be and are hereby authorized to issue a Power of Attorney to Apex Ltd. to execute the Facility Letter Agreement and the Security Documents fur and on behalf of the Company and to apply the company seal thereto; 6, any two directors or alternatively, anyone director and the Company Secretary, be and are hereby authorized to issue a Power of Attorney to Apex Ltd. to execute any other documents, make all arrangements. and do all further acts and things reasonably necessary to effect the abovementioned resolutions; and 7. any actions of any director or officer of the Company taken prior to this authorization, in order to effect the abovementioned resolutiom; be and are hereby adopted and ratified. __.rff~ __ Chainnan MINUTES OF A MEETING OFTRE 1lOARJ) OF DIIIECTORS OF TIlE COMPANY HELD BY1ELEPIIONE Ll~iK·1JP ON JANUARY 19, 2006. Present Laila Mehium (In the l' and the Term Loo.n Facilit}' would be used lOt the purehruw of' certain parcels of land more particularly dewci.bed in the fiaciU~ tetter agreement tu be entered into by the Borrower, the Company and the Bank, among others (the "Facility Letter Agtt;ernenf") and the acquisition nf certain assets IlSSOciated with the operation of the farms previously located on such parcels of land. The OIairman further explained that under the term.>; of the Facility Letter Agreement, !:he Company along with the BCUTI;)wet; Btantfut"d Devt!lfopme:rrt Cotp. C'Brantford") and FUflltml8 Holdings Limited (",Fumessia"" wuutd be requirOO to provide certain ~ documents in o.rde1' to sec:um the Banking Facilities (the "Sec\1rity Documents"}. In this regard. the ChaiIDllln circulated copies oftbe dnlft Facility Letter AgU!., ,I••••••• ," •••• , , ....... ~ - ~ " Anne H;mp.en. ,Chainnan :- . -. ,'It ..- . .... - ...-' .......... .. ~ <:.. ~ " .. ~-",,. .' ", , - .... ., ..... irec.ot A.. .. . . . . . . . . . .. Tone Kvacstad, Director MINUTES BRANTFORD DEVELOPMENT CORP. ("the Company") Minutes of a Meeting of the Directors of the Company held on the 29'" of October. 2006 as a telephone meeting. Present Anne Hansen, Chainnan Laila Mehlum, Director Soeren A. Soerensen, Director Tone Kvaestad, Director Knud Hansen, Director Cbalrman llnd Quorum Anne Honsen chaired the Meeting. The Chainnan stated that the necessary quorum was present. 3'· Quarterly Laila Mehlum presented the 3'" Quarterly Management Report from Managemeut Report from tbe subsidiaries the subsidiary Traders Home Ltd - copies of the main conclusions of the report were provided to the meeting and fonns an integral part of these Minutes. Socren Soerense-n infonned that the crude oil treatment facility now has been established and is about to start operation. The reports were ACKNOWLEDGED. Strategies for Soeren Soerensen infonned that the management's strategy for 2007 the development is to run the various projects in Traders Home as separate projects with separate management and economy, "ftbe existing business in The Board RESOLVED to support this strategy. 2007. Budget 2007 ... Main figures and tbe man preconditions Lail. Mehlum presented the main figures and main preconditions for the 2007 budget to the meeting. The Board ACKNOWLEDGED the main figures and main preconditions. Other Issues There were no other issues. Closure There being no further business the Chairman closed the Meeting. Anne Han.."icn, Chairman STANHOPE \NJJl:RNATIONAL HOLllfNGS LTD. MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMPAl'I"Y HELD BY TELEPHONE LINK·UP ON JANUARY 25'" 201l be entered inl<> by the Borrower, the Company and the Bank (the "Facility Letter Agreement").and the acquisition of certain assets associated with the Properties. The Chairman further explJtioed that. unde< the tmns of the Facility Letter Agreement, the Company akmg with its panem company, Fairllank Cooper 8< Lyle Ltd., its associ3t., Btantfard Development Corp. and tbe Borrower would be required to provide certain security documents in order to secure the Tenn Loan Facility (the "Security Documents"). In this regard, the Chaltman clroulated copies Qfthe dtaft Facility Letter Agreement and the Security Documents which would be required from the Company namely, a first priority legal mOlge for the benefit of the _ Md in _ of the Bank over the I share it 0WlllJ of the issued share capital of the Bonowet'. After due and careful consideralJoo IT WAS RESOL\lED THAT: 'S 1. the Company be and hereby IIU!borIzed to _ , in'" the PaciUty Letter Agreement with the Bank and to provide lb. Seoority _ to the Bank; 2. the Facility Letter Agreement and ~rity Documents and any future amendments there!<> ..hich are deemed n""'"""Y by the directors of the Company in order to secure the Term Loan Facility from the BMk be and are hereby approved; 3. any two directors or alternatively anyone director and the Company Secretary be and are hereby authorized to execute the FacUity Letter Agreement and the Seru.rity Documents for and on behalf of the Company and to apply the company seal thereto; J. '. -4. any two directors or altematlvely. any one director and the Company Secmaty, be and are hereby 8uth0ri7.ed 10 execute any other doc.uments. make all ammgemoots, and do all further acts and things reasonably necessary to effixt the abovementioned reso1Utions; 5. any two directors: or alternatively, any one director and the Company Secmaty, be and are Itereby .u1hori=! to issue • Power of Allomey to Apex Ltd. to """""'" the Facilky Le!1er Agreement and the Security Dooumcnts fur and on behalf of the o,mpany and to 'PI'ly the company seallhereto; 6. any two dir«tors or altemalively, 81Iy one direetor and the Company Secretary, be Md are Iterelty authorized to issue • Power of Attorney to Apex Trust o,rpo!llliou Ltd. to exeoule 81Iy oIhec documenfs, maIre all amm_ts. Md do all _ sets Md things reasonably necessary 10 ef'feet the abovemenooned moluuonsj and 7. any actions of any director or officer of the Company taken prior to this authorization, in order to effect the aOOvementiooed _lunOll', be Md are hereby adopted and ratified. qf;~ tail' Mohlum, Chairm-an--- ~-fb ¥ne Hansen. Director ~ AH MINUTES STANHOPE INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD. ("the Company") Minutes of a Meeting of the Directors of the Company held on 29th of October, 2006 as .a telephone meeting, Present Anne Manse». Cha.irman Lana Mehlum, Director Soeren A. Soerensell Director Tone Kvaestad, Director Knud Hansen, Director j • Chairman and Quoruro Anne Hansen chaired the Meeting. The Chainnan stated that the necessary quorum was present. Soeren Soercnsen presented the 3rd Quarterly Management Report from the subsidiary, Banana Farm 9&10 - (copies oftne main Report from tbe conclusions of the report were provided to the meeting and forms an integral part of these Minutes.) subsIdiaries Soeren Soerensen reported that due to changes in the market situation in Europe where Fyffes suddenly lost the buyer of a lesser strict quality 1~I grade fruit, the farm has had significant losses of fruit income. However the management is working on minimizing the losses as much as possible and to find other ways to compensate the lesser income, The repert was ACKNOWLEDGED . 3'" Quarterly Management • Strategies fnr tke development o!tbe existing businen in 2007 Mr. Soerensen infonned that Fyffes is looking into containerizing the freight ofbananes from Befize which should result in significant savings jn freight and port charges which in turn will result in higher banana prices forth.:: falm. The Board supported that the management is supporting the containerizing of the industry in the effort of reducing freight and port charges. Budget 1007 Mabl figures and the malo preconditions Laila Mehlum presented lhe main figures and main preconditions for the 2007 budget to the meeting - these are attached and f QUllflerly Management Report and the rcsuh. fQT the year 2006 from the subsidiary h of February, 2007 as Anne Hansen, Chairman laila Mch!um. Director Soeren A, Soerensen, Director -lone Kvaestad, Dncelo; Kxr.ld Hmtsen. Dnec;or Anne Hansen chatted In.: Vlee1ing The Chainuan slated that the neCeS$ary q:lorum W~5 pre~ent. The CI;ainnan presented the 4'\' Qua:terly Managemcn! Report f;om the subsIdiary, Banana Farm 9&10 Lld· copies oft'1e main wnclusior,g oflhe repon ,vc-re provIded to rhe mcet:ng and fonns an integral p;trt of these Minutes. Socren $(')crensen reported that Ihe 4th quarter has been gravely nUlrked by Fyffcs' unwillingness to purchase the bananas from Farm 9 & to Ltd. This together with damaged piantations from extreme rains and flooding ill July and August and too cold ~emperatures in November has resulted ir. !l production of onl y 4<) % of the budgel for the quarter and totally changes the accumulated production which now stands at 73 % ofthebudgel for the year. The Bd:zc: Bank loan has heen rnaill~ained and is pUld up to date, howe~'er the company had to draw on i)verdrafls Some 350,(lOO USS (out of whlch oniy J OD,O{)O ( SS; forms part of the ougtnal !Q~n packet) ~ In order to keep the Joans paid up to datc !t is agreed with ~he bank that 250,GOO LSS shall he patd down before Apnl 1$', wtHch cOincide with the bank's financ:ai year end. As Banana Farm Q&!O L~d has budgeted Wl!:1 a negative cas.h flol,o,' of 165,000 USSi in !he lit quarter of 2007 due to the iow production level as the resul! of the chill damage, the incoH':C to cover the overdraft can not come from its prod;;.ction The rllanagc:m':nt IS worlting on several sololiofiS to thu. potentia: severe financial problerrL One solution is IQ press through the Banana GrOwers Association (BOA) and El) organlla!ions the use of the revolving funds, which can be used le COver ~\.Ich disa~ters, T!le w.:ceSSJry conSensus to :;chievc thi'> has be("IJ reac:'ell, and il is nQw a question about weeks befo:e funds will be disbursed Banana farm 0&10 Ltd will benefit with about 50,00(1 US}; from tOIS. Another solution Ihal:s being worked on is to borrow sufficient fI..:nds from ryffes 10 cover the overdraft ..-,and arrange a soft repayment p!an that will allow !he repayment over 2 years wifh 00 or a nominal inlerc5i rat\':_ Fyffes has said yes in principle to s~ch loan bUllhe fioal arn::ngcmcr.t ofils details cun oJ:ly be finalized • curing prke negotiatIOns for 2007 between Fyffes and Banana Cmwers Associa!100 which is sched'Jled for mid March The report was ACKNOWLEDGED. Btldget 2001 for the subsldiary. The main figure;; and main preconditIOns for the 2007 hudget of the subsidiary were presented to the meeting. The budget IS attached and fonns an integra! par! of these !vtinutes. IT VI AS RESOLVED to approve the 2007 budget for the Company. SOeren Soerensen infonned that the budgeted profit (after interest and finance charges) is no\>,< conservativetj' set to 74.000 USS for 2007, and IS reduced hy ! 75,000 US$ co:npared to the-budgeted main figures which were presented atlhe ias! hoard meeting, The change is due to the 11Ilgcriog effecl of the climatic problems encountered in the latter pari 0(2000 and wh:ch has reduced the produ.::tion eshmates for the first quarter 0(2{)07" The solu:ion to (his is either to negotiate a substantial htgherpnce for the bananas in the first Ij, of the year, since marker cor.dthons will aHow for that Of to negotiate that t!le duty pa.yahle for Ihe 2C06 sales will not be paid to Fyffcs, b:.lt absorbed into the 2007 price, The main problem in achieving these solutions (together With a substantial reduction in port fees} IS the very poorly managed AGA, The management of Banana Farm 9 & 10 Ltd, is now very close to a soiutlon to this - and have supported other growers ~eek1r\g Government backing to change the setting at BGA (by mainly enforcing the law govcrningthe banana indulitry) - and (t [s expcc!ed IQ have a new management of the BGA before the conclusion of the price negotialions wt~h Fyffes, and the management expec~s that one of the above sol:iltons win be Cftmed trough. fn order to repay the ove,d,aft of 250,000 L.;SS and the increased cash 110w deficil of I!':lS.COO US$ before April 1, 2007 ~he management are working(j!1 the follOwing solutions: EU disaster funds: Saving Tarif: price improvement and Savings Supplier credits 50,000 US£ 18,000 USS 20,000 US$ 27,000 US$ Loan from Fyffcs loo,OOO US, Total 415,000 \;S$ IT WAS RESOLVED to approve the main figures of the budget 2007 of the subsidiary. Budget 2001 for the Company Laila :\tle:hlum presented the budget 2007 of the Company whll:h had 'been forwarded to the directors before the meetIng. The budget I:; atta.ched and {onns an integral part of these Minutes. The budget is tlttachcd and forns an integral part ofthcse Minutes. IT WAS RESOLVED to a?p~ove the 2007 budget (If the Company. 2 o:rJIA :7(J7 ',;! 1"',., T~ Approval of representation at rue Annual General Meeting of the: sub$idiar)' Other i5SUt;'-~ Lalia Mehium pro;;oscd that she represents (he share." of the ('ompany at the Annual Genera! Meeting of Hanal1a Farm 9 & 10 Ltd. IT WAS RESOLVED 10 au!hvrize Laila Mehlum to ~'ep('e5el)t the shares of the Company at the AnnuaJ Genera! .\-leeling (If the subsidiary Banalla Farm <; & 10 Ltc, There were no other issues. There being no fur.her business the Chairman closed the Meeting. Closure - .-;" A'~' Ch"r",.n ...........&JZ . I.ai!a Mchlum, Dlrecto; lInatiomtl Holdings Ud. hela Ft?rwiry 14. 1009. • MINIJfES STANHOPE INTER'iATIONAL 1I0LDII'iGS LTD. ("the Company") Mjnutes of a Meeting uf the Directors of the Company held in Ensenada, Mexico on the 21st ofNovernber, 2008. Present Anne Hansen, Chairman Laila Mehlum, Director Soeren A. Soercnsen, Dire(,tor Tone Kvaestad. Director The meeting was held as a telephone meeting. Chairman and Anne Hansen chaired the Meeting. The Chairman stated that the Quorum necessary quorum was present. Resignation and appointment of It was RESOLVED that lhe Company accepts the resignation of secretary ~WT Directors Ltd, in Geneva as Secretary and appoint Main Street Services Ltd. as St'crctury of the Company. Other issues There were no other issues. Closure There being no further business the Chairman closed the Meeting. ~b . rif/~n , Anne i Iansen, Chairman Laila MchluITI, Director Tone Kvncstad, Director • MINUTES ST AA'HOPE INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD. t. "the Company") Minutes of a Meeting ofihe Directors of the Company held in Ensenada, Mexico on the 20'" of November. 2008. Present Anne Hansen, Chamnan Tone Kvaestad, Vice-Chairman Laila MehJum, Director Soeren A. Soerensen, Director, Chairman and Quorum Anne Hansen chaired the Meeting, The Chairman stated that the necessary quorum was present Economic Socren Soerensen presented the economIC conclusion and projected result for 2008 for the subsidiary Banana Farm 9& 10 conclusion and projected result for 2008 for tbe subsidiary Lld Banana Fann 9& 10 has had a very good year in 2008 where the production has illcreased significantly and the farm will end the year with a production 6% over budget. The profits from operations will be approx. US$ j million in 2008, compared to an operationai breakeven In 2007. The main reason is the introduction of Dole as a second buyer and a very needed price increase from both Dole and Fyffes which has led to tbat the average price fOT the bananas for this farm ha') increased from 6.07 US$ per box III 2007 to average 7.77 US$ in 2008. The good resuH in 2008 is also a consequence of 2 years uncornpromised mamtenance program and a very determined manager. The report was ACKNOWLEDGED. Budget for 2009 for the subsidiary An overview of the projected main figures for the subsidJary's 2009 budgets was presented to the Directors. The main figun:~s attached and forms an integral part of these minutes. The Board ACKNOWLEDGED the main figures. Page I of 2 o/Ajeeting oj!h(; Board of Directors oIStf1nhope in/ernatlOnal J1()!ding~ ud. held NoW'mba ]0, 2008 IS MINUTES STANHOI'E L'ITERi'iATlONAL HOLDINGS LTD. ("the Company") Minutes of a Meeting of the Directors of the Company held in Ensenada, Mexico on the 2lstofNovembcr, 2008. Present Anne Hansen, Chairman I ..aila Mchlum, Director Sceren A. Soerensen, Director Tone Kvaestad, Director The meeting was heid as a telephone- meeting. Chairman and Quorum Aone Hansen chaired the Meeting, The Chairman stated that the Resignation and appointment of secretary It was RESOLVED that the Company accepr:. the resignation of N\VT Directors Ltd. in Geneva as Secretary and appoint Main Street Services Lld. as Secretary of the Company. Other issues There were no other issues, Closure There being no further business the Chairman closed the Meeting. necessary quomm was present. Anne IIanscn, Chainnan , MINUTES STANHOPE INTERI'lATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD. ("the Company") Minutes of a Meeting of the Directors of the Company heid in Ensenada, Mexico on the 23 rd of August, 2008. Present Anne Hansen. Chairman Laila ~ehlum, Director Soeren A. Soerensen, Director Tone Kva.cstad, Director The meeting was held as (\ tdephone meeting. Chairman and Quorum Annc Hansen chaired the Meeting. The Chairman stated that the necessary quorum was present. t.,d Quuterly Laila Mehlum presented the 2nd quarterly management report from the suhsidiary Banana ~ann 9&10 Ltd - copies of the main Management report from tbe subsidiary of the company conclusiofL<\ of the report were provided to the meeting and form an integral part of these Minutes. The report was ACKNOWLEDGED. Report on the financial situation of the subsidiary Banana farm 9&10 Ltd. Soeren Soerensen presented a report on the financial sitllation of the suhsidiary, Banana Farm 9&10 Ltd. - a copy of the report is attached and fonns an integral part ofthesc minutes. Soe:ren Soerensen reported that the subsidiary is continuing to perform very wen and has had a finandal result of some 100,000 US$ better than budget during the first 6 months. The projection is that [he subsidiary also win exceed its budget for the yeaL Soercn Soerensen noted that the result ofthe price negotiations with Fyffes and the introduction of a second buyer, Dole, have meant a lot for the financial result. He also informed that the pnee negotiations are ongoing due to the continuous price increases on fertilizer and fuel a.nd a resent price increase of 036 US$ per box has just been obtained from Dole, which is 0,10 US$ over budget. The report was ACKNOWLEDGED, Page 1 of:: oIA/cawu; offlu: 8J](JfJ off;uerli 23. 2008 MIC'lGTES STANHOPE IC'lTERNATfONAL HOLDINGS LTD. ("the Company>!) :'v1inutes of a Meeting of the Directors of the Company held in Ensenada :\1exico on the tU • • 8 of March, 2008, Pn:scnt Arme Hansen, Chairman Tone Kvacstad, Vice-Chairman Lo.ila Mehlum. Director Socren A. Soerensen, Director Knurl Hansen, Director The meeting was held as a telephone meeting. Chairman and Quorum Quarterly Management 4th Report from the subsidiary AlUle Hansen chaired the Meeting, Ti.e Chairman stated that the necessary quorum was present. Soeren Soerensen presented the 41h Quarterly Management Report from the subsidiary Baruma FartTl 9& 10 Lld, - a summary of the report was providcti to the meeting and forms an ir:tegr3.l part ofrhese Minutes. The report was ACKNOWLEDGED, Budget for 2008 for th-c suhsidiary An overview of the projected main figures for the 2008 budget was presented to the directors and forms an integral part of these minutes" Socren Soerensen infonncd [hat due tu the conw;tent maintenance of the fann through 1007 despite the low production in the beginning of 2007 and due to the introduction of H second huyer and the pressure this gave Fyffes to increase prices - 2008 will both in proo,xtioll and price vise be much bctteI than 2007 and instead of a cash deficit in 2007 of more tonn VI mill lIS$ the farm is estimated to have a cash surplus of 300,000 CSS after debt payments, The budget wus APPROVED. Approval of representation at tbe Annual General Meeting of tb(' A proposal that Laila Mehlum wili represent tht; company in the Annual General Meeting in the 6ubsidiaries Banana Farm 9& 10 Ltd and Traders Home Ltd was APPROVED subsidiaries Establisbment ofa work committee Anne Hansen proposed that a work committee consisting of Soeren Soorensen and Laila Mehlum should discuss and suggest the contract amount the subsidiary can docidc upon without the approval of the shareholders and present their suggestion to the Directors. The proposal Was APPROVED" Report OD the financial situation of the subsidiary Banana Farm Soeren Soerensen presented a report on the financial situation of Banana Fann 9&10 Limited and a proposal to ratify and confinn the bank Qverdraft The report is attached and form an integral part of Ihese minutes. 9&IOIJmitcd Soeren Socrensen expiained why it had been necessary, in order not compromise the maintenance program and interest paymenl<;, to increase the overdraft with another 250,000 USS so that the balance on the overdraft will be ! mill US$. The results of that the fann has been maintained very well has been vital in the negotiatinns with Dole & Fyffes in order to achieve better prices. The profit from operation is expected to be 900,000 US$ in 2008 leaving a net profit after finance cost and taxes of above 500.000 US$, thus leaving a cash flow surplus after debt payment of approximate1y 300,000 US$. He also asked for the Directors' consent '.0 seek refinancing of the overdraft so that it will be put aside as an interest free (or very low interest) loan, to be paid in the years following the term of the loan and at the same time negotiate an interest decrease of 50 0/ 0 (from 10% to 5% p.a.) for a period of 4 years on the teml loan, in order to put Banana farm 9& I0 lAd in a position to L.rdedy repay l!s entire debt. The Board ACKNOWLEDGED the repon. It was RESOLVED to ratify and confinn the increase in the overdraft and that the management seek to refinance the loans. with Belize Bank. Other issues There were no other issues. Closure l~'1ete being no fUliher bus.iness the Chairman closed the l'v1eeting. ~~ Annc Hansen. Chainnan Page 2 of Z uf M«(f)lii£ ofthl! Board ofDireaofS ofSum!Jopt} f/ilrnUltW(Ulll ItJlJings Li'llded heM March.S lOOS MI~IJTES STANHOPE l:'In:RNATlONAL HOLDI~GS LTD. ("the Company") Minutes of a Meeting of the Directors of the Company held in Ensenada, Mexico on the gm of March, 2008. Present Anne Hansen, Chairman Tone Kvaestad, Vice-Chairman LaiIa Mehlum, Director Sacren A, Soerensen, Dirc-clor Knud Hausen, Director The meeting was held as a telephone meeting. Chairman and Quorum Aune Hansen chaired the MeetIng. TIle Chairman stated that the necessary quorum was- present 41h Quarterly Soeren Soerensen presented the 4!h ~)uarterly Management Report nOm tlle subsidiary Banana Farol 9&10 Ltd. ~ a summary of the Management Report from the report was provided to the meeting and fom1s an integral part of these subsidiary Minutes, The report was ACKNOWLEDGED. Budget fur 2008 for the subsidiary An overview of the projected main figures for the 2008 budget was presented to the directnfS and forms fm integral part of these minutes, Soeren Soerensen infom)ed that due to the consistent maintenance of the Hum through 2007 despite the low production in the beginning of 2007 and due to the introduction of a second buyer and the pressure tois gave Fyffes to increase prices· 2008 will both in production and price vise be much better than 2007 and instead of" cash deficit in 2007 of more th~m Vl ml11 US$ the faml is estimated to have a cash surplus of 300,000 US$ after debt payments, The budget was APPROVED. Approval of A pTOposal that Luila representation at the Annual General Meeting of the subsidiaries ~1e·hlum will represent the company in the Annual General Mee!ing in the subsidiaries Banana Faun 9&10 Ltd and Traders Hnme Lld was APPROVED, Establishment of a work committee Report on the financial situation of the subsidiary Banana Farm 9&10 Umited Anne Bansl.."n proposed that a work committee consisting of Soeren Socn:msen and LaiJa Mehlum should discuss and suggest the contract amount the subsidiary can decide upon without the approval ofth~~ shareholders and present their suggestion to the Directors. The proposal was APPROVED, Sooren Soerensen presented a report on the financia.l situation of Banana Farm 9& iD Limited and a proposal to ratify and confirm the bank overdraft. The report is; attached and form an integral part of these minutes. Soeren Soerensen explained why it had been necessary, in order n-.-.,' ,.,-" .. . . =. . . . . . . . -. . . ,-~ Soerc A. Socrenscn, Diredor ,Y/ ~~ .•• , ••• , ••••• " , . Knud Hansen, DirL"(:tot Fag.! 1 of ;: 0/ Me£lmg of Jhe Hourd of f)u'eclurs of SumhujJf! lnlcrtla.lwnoi HO!dlflj0 Limited hdd .I,,faf'{:h Il. 2(H)8 • • "\ cv;,.,; £(A I vJ~ ,5 hovJ'cJ hVV'ei'e/~J () (O{' tJ b&fV\-'iJr'e ~ do UAe-J13- ut SHARE CERTlFlCATE OF \)\;1 0VJ,tvvi -li \J Incorporated under the International Bu-..iness Companies. Ordinance (CAP.29t) of the British . ( \11\~ NNwtt· THIS IS TO CERTIFY that of 3<<1 Floor. Omar Hodge Building, Wkkhams Cay 1. Road To'NIl, Tortola, B.V.L Holder(s) of in the FURNESSlA HOLDING Limite