rar- n. WW 4'5? (em-as) adj: reclassification autheritv derived from FBI .utomatic Declawaiiluatlun Guide: iseued Ian; 5:4, 200?. FOIA Case 51837, Screened 43: NARA by RC, Date: 12?21?2015 I . 3E. nf 311mm (MATERIAL MUST NOT BE REMOVED FRUM on AUDED To FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION 4-: w? I 1:111:65 II USE BARE IN HANDLING THIS FILE Transfer-Call 421 "nocId:32694052 Hawaiian 13-6-4 39 51837 59699 .. i Nw?f51837 ?Attention: 2 _Dear mr. Hoover:, Tm Evolution, tn: greatest opposition they i'aoed on campuses, and we . _?Mr Hoover, I know the F. B. I.f?has worked Closely with the Ford Mr. CUSFRAF . ?i - 7 Mr: CHICK PUBLICATION $3335: . CT BOX 6162.. .Isen? CHINO CALIFORNIA 91710321211 {lit ?n?pt\ r?ymwi?iw;~ . Miss Holmes January 19; 1971 . Tile F. BI In . Washington, ?1 20535 I This letter_ comes to you froN a small business man and a tax ?payer, . who i_s deeply concerned with the coming revolution. Requests have been coming to me for a new booklet on this subject. We have worked up a story outline_ but we laok Wisdom to depict step- by?sth attaoks for takeover that have been outlined by the Communists. This information would be vital in preparing this new tract. Enclosed -are sample booklets which represent only a portion of our pro'duet line. Young people and adults are now enthusiastically aeoep'ting 9 this material all over the country. A request from a pastor- in Hoi- lewood for a _booklet to fight_drugsnandiw1tchoraft resulted ink??g- witshed?" Other Christian organizations requested a booklet to combat P- a wit Dadd In four Copies A little over a year ago we worked out of a garage. Now we are in a small bhilding and we have 20 dedicated people working with? us. We sent out over 5% million booklets in 1970. I would estimate approximately l5 million people read these pointed messa.gos, dur- . 'ing this time. We be'liove this ministry is still in its infanCN. we understand your feelin.gs about the Sunday School influence?on young lives to keep- -them from crime.. This gave me some hope in Contacting .you. In the Azusa - Glendora area we have led over- 500 rough drug. users to Christ as a result of this. work. r? Company to produce the T. V. sCi-ies, "The F. B. I Story." Could it be possible that we could/gCt your assistance to feed us relia? ble information for th' of ur story? In essence, ?The .. 1111s - DocId:32694052 J. Edgar Hoover -Washington, D. C. January 19: 1971 ?Poor Revolutionary? is the story of two brothers; one a Christian, the other a Revolutionist who is trying to build a great new world through violence. As the.story continues, the bloody revolution takes place. Volunteers for the people?s liberation army pour in from Russia. The revolution is a success. The land is devastated. The Christian boy is hung. Then the young Revolutionist-goes for his reward and the Communists infomn him that because he was a traitor -- to his own country, they couldn't trust him either and he is shot with other Revolutionists, both whites and negroes. might think twice before joining forces against their country. Of course, I am convinced such a little booklet would-do more to deter revolt than any other source. 'Any assistance you can give us will be gratefully received. We shall . pray for your deeisieneduring our daily devotions at work. Sincerely, Jack r. Chick, Eresident chick Eublieations, Inc. encls. DocId:32694052 ENCLO CT 3141 .w?i .. IT IS READY To BEGIN .1 ?k . I You WILL WMT man 55E MV FAVORITE Mam WHEN I WANT n. ?awn-u I. or unpu? I-thn-h'ail inhuman 4. -.. HOW MANY OF YOU BELIEVE IN EVOLUTION DocId232594052 859697 ENCLOSURE .?Inxh .. .. Aw HAW mum-n- nu. -- on: or MOST 3:5ch: PROGRAMS. 1 . DIRK ONE YOU WILLBI WHERE-BS IN VE HEA BREAKDOWN YOUR FIELD OF RESPONSIBILITY IOF .1 AFTER APOLOGIZED TO 5 EVERYONE FOR YOUR RUDENESS - AND IGNORANCE WE Mia-riff LET you CAN GET OUT OF mm MAKES 19;: EVOLUTION ts UNTRUE UN SECOND THOUGHT, PERHAPS I ME A BIT HASW. ITHINK I WILL SYSTEMATICALLY YEAR YOUR a: LITTLE BELIEFS T0 SHREDS IN mom op THE ENTIRE CLASS BECAUSE THE BIBLE SAYS THAT EACH If ?How IT. You $794" Gsseax/ HAVE A WINNER OUR DRUG AM TO REPORT THE SALE OF cum was HA5 wanes: vouna PEOPLE ARE momma DEEPER mm META- To THE HELP or DRUGS AND FORTUH ?x 14 you BELIEVE THE SALES 0F ASTROLOGY BOOKS MARKET 5 AND we: ARE sesame FOR MORE. . ve YOU JAMED FOR My HOW YOU EVEN Mg?fm? THE wont) am: was SCHOOL- mu .mraw m: YOU TALK TO E, IT WILL. BE IN scremmc no you 32694052 5183? YOUNG MAN, THE EVIDENC scnoms IT. ACCEPIED EVERYWHERE. DNA. PROVES SCIENCE CARBON-H- . IROVES If?! Waters FA BT Eg?fgg . on - Agg?gagmivxs: - Euow 65959-7 ENCLOSURE OUR WITH THE GIFY 0F PROPHECY. SAVS SHE MIGHT EVEN ADVOCATE THAT BE TAUGHT IN PUBLIC SORRY TD FEW BIILE BELIEVING CHURCHES ARE STILL 3 ALL WRAPPED UP SOON WE WILL HAVE OUR om WORLD GDVERNMENT, THANKS TO OUR. PEOPLE IN KEY 0F CHURCHES HAVE GONE AND ARE FALL: ING INTO THE ECUMENICAL UNION AT GREAT SOON OUR SUPERCI-IUELCH I Mr,? W, I ARE ?5'0 IF ALL THREE BELIEVE IN CONCEPTS or EVOLUTION EVDLUTIDN--WIIY DOESEACH .. - A -- -- GROUP THE OTHER 7mm IMPOSSIBLEDawT UK: mun . Arrtrunti-IEIS ulscuss GREAT FINDINGS OF PRE- MAM up To mama MODERN DATING METHODS SHOW MAN To BE OLDER THAN DARWIN COULD HAVE 4 . CM- 65969?7 I ENCLOSURE- .. DOcIdt32594052 w' I A, . .14) I'rLoo PROBLEM . - KE GOT UNDER THERE ANY I HAVE A PRAYINB IS ALSO CASTING. THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR SOMETIME AND OUT OF CONTROL FOR A GIRL CALLED DEBBIE GIVE ME A COMPLETE BREAKDOWN 0N DEBBIE MAKE AN EXAMPLE OF THIS WWII um 1 Vin! . I ETOT HER - MOTHER AND Dull I-IAs aim GET HER glam-ism? DEBBIE nu AWAY mm "om AIMEE AM: Nw?: 51837 NOW, BRAINED AND . HEAVY-UAWED, MA HAVE FAVGPED THE MORE LUSH HABITATS 0F EASTERN AND SOUTHERN DocId:32694052 muss ME mscussms THIS sum ECT, or THE EXPERTS grep usmg: THE FDI LOWING PHRASES ?me Jammy?- {:3ng mgme was; imam Ml??f?m?f SOUNDS A LITTLE LIKE THEY ARE mammal - PIECED TOGETHER av FRAGME 11:?th SCIENCE CAN snow snags OF LONG MAW FROM mcesmas 3m I HAVE IN MY P053 ESSIUN A SIMIUR CHART snowme SOME AMAZING I FINDINGS WHICH ARE Imam MADE MAY ISHOW IT my}; - - i. EMT WITH WONDERFUL NAMES LIKE T0 TO-HGMD macrus AND ON AND ON To rm SHOULD BEIINTERESTIN I I YES. LETS SEE HAS THE ANSWERS. sigh 65989?7 ENCLOSUEE .- A 'nimi ING 1?0 ?cow DF mun-1m mus: all!? A1 14?5?! SHE WAS 60- ITWAS FALSE. HER GRANDMOTHER PRAYINE FOR. HER SALVATION Mm mrno'um IN REAL EVEN KNOW WHO THE - Ema: - can: mm: mm HEDGE AND um um. ves, MASTEE. SHE ALSO mum HER. AND GETTING THROUGH TO - 3? STOP THLs NUNSENSE. DEBBIE IS DUES 40PROBLEMMASTER, TIME Is RUNNING our FUR. DEBBRE. SHE HAS TAKEN OVER 60 ON MIXED WITH SPEED I - BRAIN AND ARTERIES ARE BEGINNING To GEL, ALREADY STARTING TO HAVE IT BE TOO MUCH LONGER ?h 51837 - DocId 32694052 52% ENCLOSHRE 85-8884/ MAN. HAD MY Down 5 MONTHS A60- 54 RECURRENGE. AT AM I (mum on .5 WHAT ABDU A DEAD UMM w. . I me WHO CAN HELP A PMHIE MEDIUM- SUCH .., :1 SHE TEACHES ml Em not ?1w? mm mm. you-mm 5m ?m was, DEBB - I whu ON I no! I he" Inn-chum 1mm, or to muf?n. dn um 39;; I In! I I b- dlt?tln? 5" a ?nd? and. 0 MOM. Is THAT REALLY many I - 2&ch NV FURTHER FOR THE TRUTH-- I WINE FOUND IT I . A 5183? soon GRIEF -WHY DIDHT ITHRUW ?1 THAT OUT WHEHI HAD THE WHAT ABOUT THE LATEST FINDING As CARBON-I4- GP. POTASSIUM ARGON You my? DISPUTE YEARS WHEN PROFESSOR NUCLEAR 32694052 TEETEEBV THE DOTAssluM-Amon METHOD, STEATA IN WHICH MAN WAS FOUND Ann REPORTED TO BE HA MILLION OTHER MATERIAL IN THE SAME SIRATA IT SHDWED 19,000 vnsmu. DR.WHITELHW, A CLAIMS ITTOBE LESS THAN 7000 THEY TESTED awe THIS ACTHALLV A LIVING MOLLUSK WAS TESTED BY CARSON-H AND To BE DEAD FOR 3.000 MAYBE THE OLD ASWE BRMELVIN COOK SAID THAT IFOIL THE EARTH WAS AEULD AS aEmomsrs CUIIM (80,000,000 ITS EHESSURE WDULDMVE DISSIDATED LONG BEFORE TH13 THE PRESENT mssuze OF 02L mchTEs NOT OVER can?? ?Eff?x EARTH . 979/" Know snr's CAMP--PLEASE SEND DEBEIE HQME. HIT A BURDIN OH HER HEART. PUT SNAKES BEFORE THE Fu- w. wln?a not again? nu?, ma blogd. bul uqnin-Il pmupuimu. ago!? run-us, mm! Hm all"; a: n. mm? of mu ward, awn-m mud-m prom - mun. mucus a DEMON \Mvensc-?i?gvs BUT . Mooma mr?b'm'firn :er- Morurnwuu BEEN FAMMAR smug?: AREA 'smcv LEAVE THEM. um SHE TOLD ME SHE M3 HAVING FORWU. Hm_.5? 11m- cuDL. - DO YOU PRGHIBHED 3" 500! meu in new mom mow? mum . MOWER . HATE nu; woman Iwn HAMOLE ??va NEED 37. . ?mm, II u- vacuums ISA 1mm AND QUITE LY. in ms mm scmP?runE mum: YUU BEEN ME Amm nwohnnuiium [Ind u? fumr?iaf aplru LIV 20'" BEEN TAUOHT THAT IT 100K 0F VEARS T0 PRODUCE OIL. SJR, SCIENTISTS WORKING INA LAB, PRODUCED A BARREL OF GIL FROM ONE TON OF GARBAGE IN ONLY TWENTY MINUTES. - Mum'lows DUE TDTHE RE- ARRANIEMENT DNA. ACID) LIGHT AND DARK . .mnsm ENGLAND, vaa SIR, THEY ARE TWO COLOR PHASE 3 OF . THE SAME ONLY BFCAUSE SORRY To CHANGE THE SUBJECT Bu; PRODUCED IN THE LABORATORY IN THE moms OF THE POPUL Doc-Id: 32694052 (.2795 - 85989 ENCLOSURE mums Immune: snouum a, HER OFF-WE won! DOCTOKPLEASE TELL ?5,th HAPPENED . I THIS AN LEJJ. COME TO THE HOSPITAL ABOUT Know WECALL Wilt-:1. I 6 WELL LET IJEBBIE BECOME CONSCIOUS ONCE FATHE so I CAN LEAD HER TDTHE SAVIOFP. BEFORE SHE I-m \5 In Jesus'vnecuous- NAME -AMEN 5183'! scam! 51% Bur was: wuo SAY THIS, DEFINE IN A WAY WHICH EVOLUTIONARY SCIENTISTS ACCEPT. Nomm HAS BEEN VRODIICED THAT EVEN RESEMELES A CREATURE THAT WILL 2:91:00ch 1, . MESS I HAVE A QUESTION FDRVOU IS THE BINDING FORCE OF THE ATOM WE KNOW IHAT THE ELECTRONS OF THE ATOM WHIRL AROUND THE NUCLEUS DF TIMES EVERY ALSO THAT THE NUCLEUS 0F 0F PARTICLES CALLED AND Famous. HAVE NO ELECTRICAL CHARGE AND ARE (THEREFORE NEUTRAL - vaar- - Docld:32694052 THE PROTOHS HAVE CHARGES. DNE LAW OF ELECTRICITY IS Uk?! clunffi REFEL my BEING THAT ALLOI: THE morons IN THE HLICLLUS ARE POSITIVELY CHAREED - THEY SHOULD REPEL EACH EITHER MID SCATTEH INTO SPACE. THEM 705173595? sonnv 3m, BUT I HEAR wu. I I KNOW, You TELL 52?? 35959?7 ENCLOSUEI PM Dl?l- Hal-onus HE BECAME YOUR. SAVJOR--THE :5 . 455?. BLOOD HESHED 0N THECMS WASH ES .DEE YOU KNOW THAT ALL OF VOUR SIMS IF JESUS CREATEDWE YOU BELJFVE THAI THE BISLE SAVS AND HE LwEu DEBBIE WILSON YOU WILL BE SAVED AND GO TO HEAVEH LET .IEsus CDME mm voua HEART. HIM YOU SWNED AND THAT -. BELIEVE A SACRIFICE FOE munsms? HE . . ?1mm; 'Fu God? bv-J?wwld, HuII-hgowunmu ham 56". "mi In TIE-II: m0 perllh bun-aw MIN-rug life John 32" . ACCEPT THE LORD JESUS A5 MY DMA HE JUST CAME TNTO MY SAVED. . (1H DEBBIE. DEBBIE, . ORRY, BUT DEBBIE A PASSED AWAY - JUST 10 - MINUTES UNDERSTAND qun?rmm IHTELLIBENT, ?Milan/5mg WILL BE ALLRIGHTI I cum. mom THE BIBLE IT SAYS THAT CHRIST, THE CREATOEIWAS . BEFORE ALLTHINBS.AND gm" - .- 44; M?cmw -Also THIHES WET-E MADE IN HIM (CHRIST) AAD HIM WAS NOT - ANVTHING MAD: THAT WAS La THEM AH FROM VESIHE (cnns? was IN THE wanLq AND . 1 . WORLD KHEWHIM am mu r9: TELL TH TEACH LONGER . TEACH EVOI unou? armor om: AFTER APOLOGIIED To EVERYONE FOR YOUR RUDENESS . AND we MIMI I LET vou BACKDocldt32694052 579?? ENCLOSURE . . ., .- 423mm. . W55 RIGHT IN OUR. HANDS AND YOU - gm: magnv mun A HAVING an on: THE GOSPEL. THE mm: or LIFE 3 nuns tun m: PAY Fun. I mug IT SORRY, - y? - I MASTER. an HEII by?! ?nu-MMquuq-I? ?r?mllw;?ublu .. unive- on THE LORD mus cunm mum-Hymn i=3 SHAH SAVE), - Kim. mush?? .d 9' lhon mm: which we: ?In-n In Hu- Am 13.3! I HAVE WW5 OF MAKING x. nmmim Aw. 2cm: MAKE AN EXAMPLE OF ?Ann wnosarvn In: um mum: Win-mm momma YOU IN FRONT OF THE ?mus munTHEN MAN KILLED THE CREATOR, IF JESUS IS GOD IN THE FLEISH. IN VDURSINS -MID BE uummumn w. - . m-w HECAMF. To EARTH, ?ll' - . Tumourmoan TD WASH YOUR 31115.39 WHAT snouw we no -- -- WM COULD ETERNAL LIFE WITH HIM. 1.1 TD 501-0 HEAVEN "dam asuivs'nuruiLonnJEsuscnan THEN wrap/M? EVOLVE-THE REPENTDF voun sma- warm: voum mm mm, a: swan, ywmp-n-ntS-rb? HTMLIBHMENT HA3 SEEN FEEDING WAV OF LIVING- WPPENM TOUR. LIFE TO AND THY HOUSE usn/ ?w5muv no Mum "mm-mammal". HAVE A souL. ., . 1. . mmnmum murmur: BECGME . NEW AND am mum, Hm GO TO HEAVEN- - Igor-F. . (fw- 55939-7 DocId:32694052 '1?11114011 311111112111 Muhl' 111-1110;) 1111111111111. 0.1). [111111111111 ,m if 1:41?1111 1 1111-1111 1 H1111. I 11141 11111411 . Sunsym ?1?111u. 111111111 111111111115 N11111: 51837 1 1111111 (7) January 2?3, 31?41Jack Chick i?residmt Chick Pubiieatmns, Inc Post mince Box 662 1* 1 Chino, 917113 .-4 111"? . Mr. Hoover received your letter ref Janeen-v 19, Dear Mr. Chick: 19%, with encloeeres. He asked me to thank. you for your intereet; how-ever, numerous similar requests and-the continuing heavy pressiire' of preclude the FBI from being of aseistenee in your. project.? Sineereiy (wear HelenW Gandy Secretary 1 Los Angeles - Enclosure Jamie?1:1 if?: '1 1.11- .51971 553' 111:4 E: Chick and Chick Publications are not identifiable in Bufiles. ?Chiek FBI COOperation for a booklet ?The Poor Revolutionary. 1' A revuew two sample booklets previously issued by Chick dis? closes that this does not appear to be the type of project for which we might Wish to provide material. It is felta letter over Miss Gandy's signature is appropriate. 1'74 Cg?f??f 1? 111171.51 ??11 MAIL F1 ETYPF. I .. . 4 DocId: 32694052