Case: Doc #2 288 Filed: 06/13/13 1 of 3. PagelD 3845 DOWFD, J. 35:: UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT Fag K: rm 2 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF OHIO :23: EASTERN DIVISION a: 2'3 C: United States of gimmerica1 Plaintiff, CASE NO. 1:12 CR 233 vs. VERDICT COUNT 1 Joshua Stafford, Defendant. We the jury, having been duly impaneled and sworn, do find the defendant Joshua Stafford of Conspiracy to Use 3 Weapon of Mass Destruction as charged in Count 1 of the Indictment. /i . /Jr? a 4 3 Date THE WORD OR THE PHRASE IN THE DESIGNATED SPACE ABOVE CONSISTENT WITH YOUR VERDICT. .1 Case: DOC 288 Filed: 06/13/13 2 Of3. Page D#: 3846 DOWD, I. gm f" UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 353' m1 um: . NORTHERN DISTRICT OF OHIO 35? 5-232 :3 EASTERN DIVISION ?553: '0 i3?" 2? u. an SE 3 United States Of America, a" Plaintiff, CASE NO. 1:12 CR 233 vs. VERDICT - COUNT2 Joshua Stafford, Defendant. We the jury, having been duly impaneled and sworn, do ?nd the defendant Joshua l? Stafford 6 ?t I LW of Attempted use of a Weapon of Mass Destruction as charged in qunt 2 of the Indictment. .. Eoreplrsorn 7 c, 4343 Date THE WORD OR THE PHRASE IN THE DESIGNATED SPACE ABOVE CONSISTENT WITH YOUR VERDICT. Case: DOC 288 Filed: 06/13/13 3 Of 3. PagelD 3847 DOWD, J. 3 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT g; f: we NORTHERN DISTRICT OF OHIO 5.5.332 EASTERN DIVISION 2332; or, a United States of Arnerica, Plainti??, CASE NO. 1:12 CR 238 vs. VERDICT - COUNT 3 Joshua Stafford, Defendant. We the jury, having been duly impaneled and sworn, do ?nd the defendant Joshua Stafford GM of Malicious Attempted Use of an Explosive Device as chaggcd'hk Count 3 of the Indictment. 7_ FOIy?rson 4543 Date THE WORD OR THE PHRASE IN THE DESIGNATED SPACE ABOVE CONSISTENT WITH YOUR VERDICT. Efi oat?