1t I. moo .tunoa ?homo ax?ofoigua'ta NMOHB tntouoo 0102 99 15:0 [Elli-11MB ?131ng Wri?il?i? Af?davit Notes Vicente was in a holding cell at Area 5 after being arrested for 3 armed robberies and a simple robbery in the spring of 993. He was high on heroin at the time, though ?not the way a heroin addict would wanna be." Vicente was a member of the Imperial Gangsters street gang (af?liate of the Folks), Several cells away from him was .Bouto, a member of the Pucrto Rica!) Stones street gang (af?liate-of the People). Between Vicente and Route were 2 black men in cells, but Vicente doesn?t remember their names. wording to Etbvin Maldonado ?s testimony, Maidanado may have been one of these men. Maldonado, howe war, is not block. In Maldonado '3 statement, he claimed that his was the only cell in between Bauto and Vicente, so we have to be careful here. Vicente and Bouto Were shouting to one aunther, killing time. ?He got some weed, we chillin?." He asked Home "What do'they got you for?" Bouto replied ?Man, they tryin? to get me for this murder." He said that the police were trying to question him about it, but he at no point admitted to the crime. According to Vicente, the friendly conversation lasted several home. ?We was kickin? it, we was talkin' shit." "When you?re in a holding cell," Vicente said, ?there?s a tum-key (guard) standin' up above." ?They keep a camera on you to monitor you. If you call, they'll turn on an intercom. They wanted Bouto so bad." i The turn-key pulled Vicente from his cell and took him to an interrogation room where he met with Guevara and Balvorsen. l-Ialvorsen offered to buy him candy bars and a pop, and he accepted. They bought him ?a couplea Snickers bars.? Sugar helps heroin addicts on their comedown from the drug. They asked him what he and Bouto had been talking about. They also asked it? Vicente knew what gang Bouto was in, playing on - the fact that Bouto?s gang rivaled Vicente?s. According to Vicente, Guevara said ?We want you to do something for us.? ?They wanted me to go down and get Bnuto to talk to me as long as I could. Room was held back for a day or two so we could stay together.? Bouto was held back at Grand and Central Station instead of taking a has that day Cook County, Vicente said "We can make it hard for you, or easy for you." they said. Vicente noted that while Guevara was playing tough, Halvorsen was playing the good cop role, assuring him that everything was going to be all right, etc. ?This is what we want you to say,? they told him. :tllt-to him, carry out a little friendship. Say that he shot somebody at a high school, which was Roosevelt high school.? Guevara and Halverson did not give Vicente the victim?s name, because he didn?t need it. A state?s attorney was owning, and Vicente was supposed to tell him/her that the state agent (Bouto) shot somebody behind Roosevelt High School. said, ?What the Fuck? Hell not? Your tirSt law [as a gang member] is silence and secrecy. Yen are not to tell on anybody. .. not on your own, not any other criminal." When Vicente refused, the detectives again reminded him of the gang rivalries between 05541 him and-Bouto. Guevara said that he would help Vicente, and said that he would get Vicente a deal with his own sentence. He said that he would speak up for Vicente in court. He offered to put Vicente into the Witness Protection Program in Cook County Jail. Vicente again refused, and then Guevara ?hit me upside the head a few good times." Vicente said that Guevara hit him on the back of the head with his hand, where the injuries would not be visible. Guevara and Halvorsen left the room and spoke with one another Outside of the room. Guevara returned to the room and hit Vicente again on the back of the head, this time with a "skinny phone book" that he had carried rolled up in his pocket. Guevara spoke to him in Spanish. He calied Vicente a ?stupidson of a bitch? and ordered him to ?Fuckin? help me.? Halvorsen remained outside of the room. ?Everybody [in the of?ce] knew what was happening in that room,? said Vicente. A?er 2 hours, Vicente gave in. Guevara and Halvorsen sent Vicente back to his holding cell. ?You?re not gonna tell anybody what was happening in that room,? they told him. They told him that they weren?t going to make any promises to him, but that they . would put him in the Witness Protection Program (WPP), that he wouldn?t have to be in population, he would go to the They said that they promised they could help him. although they couldn?t promise how, but that they would make sure he got the minimum sentence and not the maximum. Vicente said the promises were made in very general terms and that since he had never been arrested before or been through the system he did not understand how things worked. (In the WPP, Vicente says he had steaks, pizzas, 2 visits every day, street clothes, jewelry. "The st atc?s attorney buys you clothes from petty cash." He was~allowed 2 free phone calls per day. He didn't like it, though, because it was located in Division I in the basement, where there were rats and the building was falling apart.) The Assistant State?s Attornty came in to see Vicente at Grand and Central. Vicente said she was a ?rookie,? new at her job, and didn?t question the ?shy behavior. "She showed me her credentials. She wrote everything out. Guevara and Halvorsent were there. I told her that Bouto told me that he shot somebody outside the high school, Roosevelt High School." ?Note Vicente ALWAYS stated these two facts separately. Bouto shot someone outside a high schooi: which was Roosevelt High School. was told to tell Bouto that they put me in some more lineups." Vicente said, when asked how he eXplainedhis absences to Bouto. Vicente said that Guevara told him that "ll? you tell anyone [the truth}, they?ll start calling you a rat, a snitch. You?ll get fucked. up. "Everytime I reviewed my statement, it got better and better and better.? Three days later, Vicente was moved to a different building. He was moved to Division 10, where he was put in a gallery. It was general population. He was ?nally ?it? 05542 separated from Bouto after three days of processing. He said that he knew that the separation occurred because Bouto would eventually Find out what had happened, and they didn?t want him and Vicente on the same galle . "Note: This move was potentially the bus ride during which Vicente confessed the snitching to Lydell Williams. We showed Vicente the photograph of Williams, but he didn?t recognize the face. ?I?m in 3B or Gallery. After one week, I get a pass. It 's a printout saying where you?re going." The pass says Vicenteis going to oourt;?but he knows that because he doesn?t have a coon date yet, he will actually be taken to the State's Attorney?s of?ce. tell everybody I?m going to court." The investigators bring him to the of?ce Vicente waited in the bullpen from Sam until ll :30 am- He was taken up.in an elevator quietly and handed to the Cook County State's Attorney?s of?ce investigators. They put him in a freight elevator and walked him around the courtrooms and through the metal detectors to the State's Attorney?s of?ce. He was in handcuffs. saw pictures and mug shots of inmates." Eventually, Halvorsen and Guevara camejn and started talking to Vicente ?nicely." They uncuffed him. Vicente met John Dillon and Matt Coughtan- ?Guevara told me, 'You're an 16. This is what we want you to know.? They started talking to him, and showing him crime scene photos from the murder or Rodrigo Vargas. "They already knew who they wanted for the murder.? "They said that somebody was ltilled in a van. A stickup murder. The body was at the scene. it was all shot up. It was a hooked up, oust0mized Chevy van." Guevara told Vicente that ?This is my way of telling you that the word on the street has it that? Pistol Pete, Armando and Jordan committed the crime. Guevara continued "We want you to say that you were there, you were driving the car. you saw it." Vicente wouldn't do it even though the detectives told him that they would say he had no knowledge of the intent to murder Vargas. ?We?re here to talk to you about this, and to move you to a Special place," the detectives told hint. Vicente said that he was forced to go to the because of his safety. l-le was disappointed because his current cellmate had been getting heroin from a guard. His name was ?Buzz," and he was a Spanish Lord, charged with the intentional murder of a policeman. ?The judge gave me an lobond, a $50,000 i-bond. was told to tell my was leaving, not that was testifying, and he would pack my stuiT."_ Vicente said that he and Guevara argued in a separate room. Vicente totd Guevara that he wasn?t going to do it, and they reached a compromise. The conversation lasted for about three hours. ?How bout if you say that after the murder. they told you JR-L 05543 and they gave you the gun. . again, Vicente re?tsed- He refused any story that placed him at the scene of the crime, or gave him anything to do with the crime or the followup. ?Okay, you were standing on a corner of Harding and Altgeld (Vicente lived there and Baivorsen knew that), you guys ended up on the porch and you were talking.? The three accosed told Vicente that they had been driving down the street when they saw some guy that they stuck up for some chain, which they sold to a jewelry store. They saw some victim at a gas station, they saw the cash in his hand. ?We had $2 for gas, we needed money for gas to go to the dope Spot," the accused told Vicente. After they saw Vargas at the gas station and saw the money in his hand, ?We were following the car and the wile started looking; we?re young guys, we followed the car to where they lived, and we watched them. We waited until 5 am. - According to the story, the trio got Vicente into their car at the corner of Hamlin and Altgeld. They put the gun in the vent, and Vicente and one of the guys started arguing. ?'Mondo fucked up,? they said, and they would never have had to kill Vargas if Mondo wouldn?t have fucked up. The four ended up on Vicente?s mother?s porch. ?Coughian and Dillon knew what was happening behind closed deors. They were sitting there listening When Guevara was brainstorming, Guevara said "We've already got you on this case [Bouto], you might as We" go all the way. Everyonc?s gonna know what you did, you'll be a snitch.? Vicente said that he was on drugs again. Halvorsen assured him that ?We?re gonna make sure that you don't get charged, (with the I murder of Vargas) y0u don?t get sentenced, everything will be all right.? Two State?s Attorney?s were sitting with Vicente at the time, writing down the statement with Halvorsen and Guevara coaching him. They would prompt him with ?Didn?t you ?Didn't he etc. They coached because they hadn't given Vicente time to memorize the story. ?i wanted to get back to the butipen," Vicente said, ?so I could get ?icked up." - While in the State's Attorney?s of?ce someone showed Vicente an Imperial Gangsters tattoo in a photograph and ask ed him to identify the signi?cance ot'the symbol. They wanted him to get up on the stand. ?1 gave them what they wanted. . . the gangster crown, the letters, and the name under the tattoo began with an They didn't tell me the viCtim?s name or where he lived. They fabricated the whole story.? Note: This was an unrelated story. The ASA ?s wanted Vicente to testify as a sort expert in a case that was family unrelated to any afthe three he testified in It was not clear if it even was Dillon or C'oughlin asking him to identify the signi?cance of?ic symbol. The state?s attorney's never talked to Guevara or Halvorscn about the coaching in from of Vicente. In. JR-L 05544. ?They kept calling me over-there every 3-4 days. They came up with the theory of lglesias and they said that me and lglesins would be in the some bullpen, where we would carry out a conversation. I?d never met lglesios. Never seen him, never ran into him. Guevara showed me a picture of ?Snalte? ?glcsias). He had sliced-up eyebrows, which are dense. I would say that lglesias told me that he intended to shoot her in the head.? Here, we had some discrepancies in our notes: we think he said that he was suppose to say when he was on his way to court and in the bullpen, Igicsias told him. Vicente also mentioned Canton, II. around the some time, but we think that that was in relation to a later date, after be hot! already testified Q: What did Guevara om] Halvorscn dofor you in return ?They fucked me ?guratively)" lgot sir: years for the armed robberies and 3 years for the simple robberies-The six should'vc eaten the 3 while I'm doin' it. When they soon what happened with Pacheco. Coughla?n was furious. For six weeks they were calling me over, coaching me. My ex wife would come over, no patting her down, 1 was uncuffed. She would bring drugs. Would stash it. Guevara and Halvorscn as well as the would order Vicente chicken, burritos, other food. Guevara would give him moncy when he asked for it. He used the money on cigarettes or gave it to his wife when she visited. ?The total i got him for at least two or three hundred dollars in cash. He knew i was buying tobacco.? Vicente didn?t go into too much detail. but he did make it clear that he was allowed conjugal visits with both his eat-wife and with Michele. Gia Grace, his daughter, is living proof of those special favors - he admits that his daughter?s middle name was chosen to represent the grace by which he was able to "propagate his seed," etc. etc. Her ?rst name, Gia, was the name of a very beautiful supermodel who died of a drug Overdose. A?cr the (Serrano?) trial, Guevara and Hal vorsen gave Vicente 2 soldier bottles of 38:13, which he drank. He then passed out. Vicente was allowed Polaroid photos with his wife and her kids. "Mom of my jewelry and most of my clothes. John Dillon and Matt Coughlan bought for me. Every time I went to the Slate's Attorney?s of?ce, they [Guevara and Halvorsen] were there. The deal was that the six years ate up the 3 years. but the lawyer argued about it with John Dillon about me getting six years." ?They were not happy with my performance in Montanez or lglesias. I wasn't happy where was at, there was no schooling at the WPP. Many times I thought about backing out. I would yell at Coughlan and they would call Guevara. I chased this guy with a stick and beat this black guy in the sol could get out They gave me an 1- Bond. they moved me to Dul?agc. i started a ?ght. They sent me back to Cook County Jail but put me in a Protective Custody gallery. ?43 05545 That?s when Montanez and his people came to see me. They would knock on my cell door. 1 said ?You know it?s all bogus.? "lack O?Malley's of?ce, that was so corrupt. 1 had clothes, jewelry, and money sent to me to send born. The day it was over was the day they had used me for all their cases and they had me in Big Muddy River in SMU- Sometimes l?d get a call from John Dillon, he?d ask ifl was all right." - Vicente received $1200 plus $400 or $500 moving expenses through the Relocation Program. He named a State?s Attorney representative, Luz, who took his ?ngerprint and thumbprint and a Polaroid photo for the program. She called him and he reported to pick up his check. had to go two times, or (me time every week,? to talk with the about the cases called my ex wife and I told her it?s done. had known her prior to coming to prison. I couldn?t tell ANYONE that I was lying. Half the time I would tell them what I wanted to tell them, half the time I was told ?You need to my this, you need to memorize this." Halvorsen and Guevara didn't know I was friends with Pete. They didn?t know about Armando and the light, didn't know about the muf?er. I wasn?t trying to volunteer anything. I knew who Jordan was because Jordan?s a pretty popular guy. i grew up with him. I knew his brothers, Angel and Drck, his sister. His father?s always in jail. There was a little Pistol Pee from Fullerton and Kenmore. There was one from North and Hamlin (Montanez). Halvorscn tried to ?gure out which one was Montanez, and that?s when we went through. Halvorsen knew it was the big one. There is paperwork signed from John Dillon. The state?s attorney wrote up that I went to Of?cer Halvorsen and Guevara at Grand and Central. This was to try and make it look like Vicente had volunteered the information, Vicente said. When they coached me, Guevara and Halvorsen were both there. Halvorsen was brainstorming the stories along with Guevara. Guevara is the leading man. He tells Halvorsen what to do. The two detectives poked Vicente in the head while they coached him. Donna (mentioned here, but not explained in my notes) A few titties, Michele asked me about all this, but told her not to ask. When the ?rst group came around and Alina and Kristina wrote me, we talked about it for the first time. I told Michele what they wanted and when I told her she said she would back me up no matter what. JR-L 05546