Case Nmnl:..:r: CACE·I ~.o2 I 101 1lI,isi"", o.t Filing /I 34954557 "·Filed 11 130/201503:03:40 PM IN 1111:: CIRCUIT COURT OF 11IE 17'" JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN Nil) FOR I3ROWARD COl/NTI, FLORIDA ELIZABE'T1! NOBLE. PIalntiff, CIRCUTTCIVlL DMSION CASE NO.: U.S. STEM CELL, INC. fl k /a 13I00IEART, INC .: US S1'EM CELL CLINIC, LLC; ALF...)ANDRO PEREZ. ARNP; SIIARf;I;;N GREENIJ"-UM. M.D. Defcnda" iO. COMPLAlIfI' FOR DAMAGES AND DEMAND FOR JURY TRlAL The l'IaintilI Eiir.ablying a product with such an maculae degen eration eoqui",. safeguard. not taken by [}"fondant O.S . Stem Cet!, tnc., and experti ... not POS"'~ by Doofendant U.S. Stem Celt, Inc. Doofendant U.S. Stem Cet!, tnc. knew the product wu not o>pab!e 22 . product d=l<>pment, but promoted t he treatment as .uch without any mdeo"" to .upport . uch promotion. 23 . The Doorendant r~;ved notice or the breach of warranty when it d iOCO'o'ered the condition or Elizabeth Noble '. ey•• after rooe;ving the product. alleged, Elizabe,h Noble .ustained 'eri"". permanent damage .... alleged in dSsco_ by US Stem Ce ll Clinic, LLC. 32, Defendant US Stem CeU Clinic, LLC knew t he product was not copable of treating or .. opping the p«>greu ion of moculor degeneration a t thiS Ma~e In !>'oouct d""elopme,,, , but promoted the treotment a s s uch withOUt any ""idene<: to .upport . uch promotion, 33, The Defend a nt r~ ved noti"" of the breach of ...arnrnty ... h e n it diocove red the condition of Elizabrth Nob!.', 34, ey~. afte , '''''''inn g the prodUCI. A. a di""'t a nd proximate cause of the breach of express warranty -..""."'" _...... ,.,. ~ .-"~-",,,.,, ~ ,,', .. onegeuolaineefendanl Alejan dro I'ailing opinion in lh. ocie nlific community i. product eannol provide. benefil for macular 4 1. supplying 0 product with s uch on exp re •• promi .. to stop the - ."'" _.. ,. ._,'~'" Ihe d<~neration, Creating, d.obet h Noble'. ey<:. afier """,iving the product . 44 . A. " di""" and proxima'e cau se of the breach of exp""". aUeged. Elizabeth Noble .". tained ""riou. "''''''''''y permanen, daJIUl$<8 as alleged in detail belo ... 45. The Plairttiff adopts artd reallege. "",.sraph. I 'hrouW' 14 ""d further alleges; 46. The product develOped, de.igned. te .. ed , manufactu",d. inspected, distributed, marke ted, promoted, oold, s upplied. and ot herwise re le a .. d into the st,..,am of commerce by Del"endant S h ar"",n Gr"",nbaum. M.D . wu defecti"" be<:au'e it did not conform to r and reallego;e on the j udgment or Defendant U.S. Stem Celi, Inc, Ihe P1ainliff Elimb<:<0 .. .., it ..... no. ,""",,nably r,. for .he . pedtic pufJ>O"" for which Defe ndant US Stem CeU. Clinic. LLC knowingly ", ld the product and for which, in ",liance on the judgment of Dcl...,dant US Stem Cell. Clinic. LLC the 11aintiff E:lizab: 106. 111e product was defecti"" becau se it wa. not ~nably fit for the .pecir", puugI1t the pro(h"'l. 107, 111e Defendant knowingly man u factu red and sold the product for the .peciflC pun of macular deS"neration, nor was it app,..",m 110. The Defendant d i oco,' e~ roo- any .uch u.e. ",.,.,1vM notice of t he breach of warranty when it the condition of E!;zabeth Noble 's eyes ofter r..,.,;ving the product. I ll . A. a d i..." ond proximate caUse of.he breach of impl;ed Wa!T8nty of fitnes" for a particular purpose alleged , Elizabeth Noble ou.tained ..,nous P"1'lI'lanent dam~ge o .. aU3-ragraph. I .hrough 14 and further alleges: 1 13, The product waS defective l>e<:auo. it "'... not J'eII.""""b ly fit (or the .p«ific pu.-powe for which Defendant Sho"",n Gn:mbaum. M.D. knowingly ..,Id the product and for which, in relian"" on the j udgment of Defen dant Shar... n Gr""nhaum, M.D, 11aintiff Elizabeth Noble bought the product, 1 14 . The Ddendant knowingly manufactured and sold 'he pr<>duct for the specific purpose of treM;"g a n d ",opping the progre • • ;on macular dege""ra';on , 115, Privity of cont",c' exi ... be.we.n l1aintj/J Elizabeth Noble and Defe ndan. Shareen G reenbaum. M.b. 116, The product did not .rea. or .. op the p rogres. ion of macular - ."'" "" _.. ,.". """.- .-,'~'" ,,', .. 1 17 . 11><: OefendQfi' I'!'ered the condition of Elizabeth lIoble'. eye. after receiving the product. 1 18. A. a di=t and proximate cau ... of the b roach of implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpo .. alleged , E:Uzabeth Noble s ustained .. od , manufactured , distributed. sold, and/or supplied by Defendant U.S, Stem Cell, tnc, was defe<:tive beeau .. of a manufac t"ring defOmp< PU'l""'" of injection to trea t oc otop ti>< B=le ration of macular degene,...tion, and such technical .kill was not for the u~ product at i•• ue . 125 . The D"Il'graph. I througb 14 and further alleges: 127, DInmertt the product , a nd directly adverti.ed OT mar~ e ted tbe proouct to Elizabeth Noble , and the refore had .. duty to c reate a product that was not defective, t26. The product c realed, d .. igned, manufactUred, d;otribu\eth Noble in a condition unreasonably dange milO to £Iizabeth Nob\<, 130, The product reacbed £Iizabe'b Noble ",i\I>o"t .ubsta ntial change - ."'" "'" _.. ,. ._,'~'" 'M """._ ,,', .. affecting ito con dition. \31. 11><: product unr~.O'oduct created. de.igned. manufactUred. d iotributcd, 801d, and/or . upp\;cd by Dt uO<:ble, and We ... fo ... a duty to CJ"eate It product that ...... DOt defecti"", - .. ,. ."'" ,_ "" ._,'~'" 'M ,., ..~ ,,', .. 149 . The prodUCt i. def""ti"" becauoe it was in a ""ndition manufactured. distributed. oold. and/or supplied by Defendant U ,S, Stem COU, Inc. ISO . The product reached Elizabeth Noble without s ubstantial change affecting that condition after creation. design, manufacture. distribution, sale. and/or .upply by Dekndant U.S. Stem Cen. Inc. lSI , The product Ilad a de. ign defect bee"u"" it failed to perform ... solely ... an ordinary consumer would e~pect whe" uoed a s intended. cau .i ng permanent damage to Elizabeth Noble. 152. The product's riok of dange' in the design outweighs the non_ existent benefit. of a therapy with no oviden« of therapeutic value to a reMOMble Mgree of ocientifoc cerlainty, 15-3, Defend~nt U,S, Stem Cell, Inc" through ito defective product, directly and proxim a tely c~u.ed EIi>~beth Noble ""ri"". perman en! dam~ge . RO alle!!"to of a therapy with no evidence of th,"~peUlic value to ~ reasonable degree of 8Cientifl" «:rtainty. 160. [)dendant US SUm Ceil Clink, LLC. through it. ddective product , di~ly and proxima .. ly caused Elizabeth Noble ""riou. permanent damage. as a lleged in detail below. 161. The Phtintilf adept . a n d reallege. paragraph . I through 14 .nd furth e r alleges: 162. Defendant Alejandro 1'<=. ARNP ",..arched . d_loped , de.igned, t"'ted, m an ufa cru~, inspected . labeled. d ist ributed, marketed, promoted, - ""-"'" _.. ,.". ,., . .-.'~'" ~ ,,', .. O<>Id, and/or otherwi.e released int" the Stream of C(lmme"", the prod""', Q!\d d irectly ad'e the $tream of comm~...,., the and IheTe""" had a duty to cu.« a producl thai wso not ddective, 170. The product is defective unreasonably dangerous to ~u.., E:lizabeth Noble il wa. in a condition when created, de. igned, manufactured, distributed, IIOld, and/or s upplied by Defendant Shar""n G,..."baum, M.D. 171 , The product r...,hed Eli.abelh Nob!<: without .u~tantial change affecting that «lndition after "",atwn, design , manufaclure, di . lribution, oale, and/or . upply by Defendant Shareen Greenbaum, M ,D , 172. The product failed to ~rform as oafely as an ordinary consumer would ""pKt when uoed as in"'nded, causing damage to Elizabeth Nobl •. 173 . The product'. ri.1e of Mnger in the de,ign ""tweigh. the non""i' led. de.igned, tested, manufa ctured, inspected , labeled. distributed, marketed, promoted, - ."'" "" _.. ,. ._,'~'" 'M ,., ..~ ,,', .. O<>Id, and/or otherwi.e released into the Stream of C(lmme"", the prod""', Q!\d d irectly ad'en~u about the IriSh likolihood of adver .. e""nts . uch aa blindneu , pain, and damage to the eye >ia the oompounde<'C1ed, labeled, di5tributed, marlu~ and d ~ nscrou, s ide dIce," of the product to encourage of the product; con~ucntly, the o.fendant placed it. profits 8""'" con, um."..· oafety. 190. The product was defecti"" and umN30nably dangerou . when it Id't the pos..,ssion of Defendant US Stem Cell Clinic, L!.C in that it """!ained w~m i np i".ufficien! to a lert f:l i.. beth Noble !o !he dangerouo ri."" and ... ".ti"". " "",,,i.ted wi th it. including, but Mt limited !" ."""r. oculat inJurie •. The partkular rish werc ~ "OU'n , or k nowAble in light of t he SC"",..,Uy recognized and p=ailing bat scientific.nd medical k"",,'ledge available at the tim e of manufacture a nd d istribution. E""n though the Defendant knew or Ohould )' 8"" known of the ri.Jro and ... actiono Q""",s'ed with tI,e product. it inoiden!, """PC. or ..,..ri,y of t Me rioks u"",isted with the prodllC!. 191. The product reached Elizabeth Noble wit hout oub.tantial change affecting that condItion a ft.... orea,;on, design , manutactu,-", di ~ tribution, and/or .upply by Defe ndant US Stem Cell Clinic , l.LC -..""."'" _...... ~ .-.'~"""" ",,,~, ,"' .. . ale. 192 . The PrOOuct was def""'ive bec.u~ from the p",duct could have been avoided by 'he f""".eeable nsk. of haml Defend~nt US Stem Cell Clinic, LLC by providing ,euonable inotructkm. 0' wuning. about the h~h likelihood of adve, .. event> ouch u blindness, pain, and damage to .he eye via the compounded product a nd the fai!" ... to provide t~ instructions or warnings makes 'he product unn""",nably dangerau • . 193. Plaintiff Elizabeth Noble Uoed 'he product in the man"e' . s ind ica.ed by Defendant US Stem CeU Clinic, u,c. 194, Defendant US Stem Cdl Clinic, LLC, ao a m8J)ufact""" of the prOOuc" i. held to .he lev.l of knowledge of 8J) oxp"rt in the field and, further, had knowledge ofth. ri.k. and side effect> of the prOOuct. 195. Th. Plaintiff did not h .,... he .... m. knowledge a. Defendan. US Stem cen Clinic. LLC and no .dcq".te warning "'a' com"Hmic.",d to her, 1%, .... " d irect and pro';m.,. conoequence of Defendant US Sle", Cell Clinic, u,c' • ..ction., omi •• ion o, and ml s",pr"""ntations, plaintiff Eli.abeth Noble . uffered I"'nnanent damage. a. deocribed in detail below, 197, The Plaintiff adopt • •"d ,..alleges ]>8 .... gr"ph. I throug/l. 14 and r"rther .nege ; 198, Defendant AI~8J)dro ~"" ARNi' r=earched, developed, design.d, tested, m anufactured, in.pected, label<;;!, distributed, market.d, promoted. sold. a nd/or otherwise released into the str. am of comm."", the product, and - ."'" "" _.. ,. ._,'~'" 'M ,., ..~ ,,', .. d ire.;tly ~dve1"ti'ed 199 . Th~ or marketed (he l"odlict (0 Elizal>< wamin go about tlte high of adver.., even,. .uch U blind n e.., pain, and damage to the eye via the compound«l pr<>duct and the fai lure to provide those In structio"," or wami"8" make . the product un,..,aoonably dangerou •. 204 . Plaintiff EJizabeth Noble used t he product in t he manner a. indicat«l by Defendant Alejandro Perez. ARNp. ZOS . Defendant Alejandro Pere •• ARNl> i. h eld to t h e level of knowl«lge of~n ""pert in the r",ld IUld , further , had k nowledge of the dangerou s ri."" Md . ide effect. of t he product. 206. The Plaintiff did not have the oame knOWledge a . Defendant Alejandro "''''''. ARNI' and no ad"'!u ..te warning was communicat«l to her. 207 . Ao a direct a nd proximate conseque""" of Defendant Alejandro Nob le .urrered pO"" •• ion of o.,fendant Shareen G,-.,.,nbaum . M.D . in that it contain.-d warnings insufficient to a lert Elizabeth Noble to the dan~rou . risks and reactions a ..ociated with it, including. but n ot limited to .evere ocular injuries . The particula, ri.~ . were known, or k now.ble in liSht of the recogru.ed and prevailins be.t ocientir>c and m.-dical knowled~ ~netally a va ilab le at the time of manuf..cture and di stribution. Even though the Ddendant knew Of' s hould ha ve known of t he ri.ks and reaction. assocint.-d with th< product, Def.ndant Sh.,-".,n Gr..,n baum. M.D. still failed to provide warnings t h at ",nected th • • ign~ .•ymptom., incid.nt, .cope . .". ...... rity of the 2 13. The product reached Eli ...beth Noble without s ub ... ntiaJ change arr""ting that condItion after creation, de.ign, manufacture, di stribution, sale. and/or oupply by Defendant S h ar..,n G,...,n baum. M.D. 2 H . The product wao def""tive becaus e t he fore.eeable risk. of harm -..""."'" _...... ~ .-.,~-",,,.,, """.- ,,', .. from the produet could luive been aV(lided by Oet'endnnt Sl""'een G=n"",um, M ,O . by prtMdlng rea""n oble ;n.t",ctlJlUl8o to t he eye via tbe compounded product and tbe fai lure to provide those instruetions or warnings make. the product unreasonably dangerous. 2 15 . I'!a;nutr Elizabet h Noble used the pmd uct ;n t he manner as ;nd;cated by D h.r, 2 18. A. a dirK' and proximote con""'!uen « Grunbaum. M.O.". of Pefendant Sha=n action • • omi..;on •• a nd m iOfep...,...,ntation • • plaintiff El;""belh Noble .ulfered perm~ n ent dnmage, o. described;n delail below, 21 9 . n,., Plaintiff adopts and reeJlege. paragraph . I through 14 and ful"ther allege, 220. Perendont U.S . Stem Cen, ]o'e. ,.."""",',.d. devetoped, de.igned, '.OIed , manufactured, in.peet.d , labeled, d i.,ributed. marketed, "",mated, .."d, a n d/or o.he ..... ;"" relo_ ;nto the stream or «mtmer<:<: the product, Qn d d irectly "d,nti.ed or marketed the product to Elizat>e,h Noble, and th.",rore had a duty of ceasonable care to Elizabeth Nobl. , whkh i. the care that a .-- ....... """, .-,'~"'''''' """,-' ,"' .. r ... """ ably ca",ful desig".r. manufacturer ••• ller. importer. d;8tributo<, and or I .upplier " 'ould uoe unde< like circumstances . 221. Notwithstaooing 'h is duty 01 care. Dur"S• ....:Ie. of the product; •. Negligently failing to warn Elizabet h Noble of the ri.k . incide>=, 'ymptom • • scope, or oevrnty of the injuries produ~ by the product to Elizabeth Noble; f Negligently failing to pmvi,u, re. """able inst""'tion. a n d ",.ming. about the high likelihood of ad"""," ""en"" ouch •• blindncn , paln . ~nd eye damage to Elizabeth Noble; g. Other negligent fOOI,-""," a . determIned in d iocovery . 226. A. a d ir<'Ct and proximate conoequence of Derendant US Stem Cell Clinic, LLC action s. omi • • ion •• and mi"""p", .. ntation. , plaintiff Elizabeth Noble . uffered permanent damage, a . described in detail below . -..""."'" _...... ,.,. ~ .-"~-",,,.,, ~ ,,', .. 227 . The Plaintiff adopts and ",aU"S". """,graph. I through 14 and 228. Doofendant Alejandro Poor ... ARNP researched. d"v"ioped. designed. ooId. and otherwi"" rekued into the ""',un of commen" the product. and directly ad,,,rti8ed or marketed the product to Elizabeth Noble. and therefore had a duty of ",a""nable care to E~zabeth Noble. which i. the care that a reasonably careful de.igner. manufacturer . . . ller, importer. di.tributor. and or I ollppliec would use und"O Ptrez. ARNP breached h i. duty of Care to Eli .. beth Noble in the fo llowing way'; a. NesliS"ntly manufacturing lh. product without the ,<:<;hnical .kill n"""' .... ry to make the rapeutic stem ~ll", b . NegliS"ntly designing the product without the technical .kill n""" •• ary to make theTapeutic .. em cell s: c_ Nfoduct when .he did nOl mee, 'he oin. a n d eye damage to l;:Ii .. beth Noble; g. OtheT ncglig'mt failUTe. a . determined in dioc",",,'Y' 230. A. a dir<'Ct and proximate c<>noequence of Defendant Alejandro Perez, ARNP action s, omission., a nd mi'''''p,eoentations, plaintiff Elizabeth Noble s uffered ]><,manent damage, a. described in detail below. . " ~kge . parnsr"ph. 1 through 14 and G=nbaum, M.D . ",..,arehed. de,..,loped, 231. The Plaintiff adopt . and further allege; 23~. Defendant Shar~n des igned. tested. manufactu""j, ins]>u. and dangerou •• ide .ff"".. of th. woouct to enoourag.....1•• of the product; •. Neghgcntly failins to warn EliUlbelh Nobk of the ri.k . incid.nce. s ymptoms, '"""PO, or...verity of th. injun •• produced by the product to Elizabeth Noble; [. Negligently failing to provide re""""able instructions and warnings about the high likelihood of ad"",,,,, e .... n. . .uch as blind".... pain, and eye damage \<) Eh.. beth Nobl.; g. Other neglig.,,1 fail" .... a . determined in d i.c .uIfer Ih. following damage.: a. Bodily injury; b. Pain and ouffering; e. Di.,,-bility; d. Di.figurement; e. 1.0.. ofth. capacity for lhe enjoyment of life; f. ~ravatio n g Medical and hospital cate and expense. ; - of pre· exi sting condition.; ."'" "'" _.. ,. ._.'~'" 'M """._ ,,', .. h. L<> •• of earning.; j. Re habUitation ""pen """ and k. Mental di." • • " WHEREf'OR E, Plaintiff Elizabeth Nobl. demand. judgment against Doofendants for damage. in an amount in e""" .. of the juriodio;:tional limits of this Court .""tusive of int.", .. and co,,,, anlh.rom NEAL A. ROTII Fla . Bo, No.: 220876 -- ....... .""", • .-.'~"'''''' ,., . ~. ,"' ..