Gangrene at the ?niteh $151125 E01 20515 March 13, 2017 Chairman Charles Grassley Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein Senate Judiciary Committee Senate Judiciary Committee 224 Dirksen Senate Of?ce Building 224 Dirksen Senate Of?ce Building United States Senate United States Senate Dear Chairman Grassley and Ranking Member Feinstein: We write today to ask you to seek greater clarity regarding Judge Gorsuch?s views on the Constitutional basis for our nation?s campaign ?nance laws. The American public is greatly concerned by the increasing role of concentrated money in our politics. In fact, more than 85% of Americans believe our campaign ?nance system is broken and in need of fundamental reform. Unfortunately, in our view, the Supreme Court has for decades embraced a deeply ?awed approach to the laws governing money in our politics. The result has been a system that empowers the wealthy and well- connected, while drowning out the voices of everyday Americans. It is no surprise then that more than 90% of voters including 9l% of Trump voters believe it is critical that the new Supreme Court justice be open to limiting the in?uence of big money in our politics. As members of Congress, like you, we know all too well how the defects of our current campaign ?nance law impact our democracy. The pervasive and distorting in?uence of concentrated money in our politics frustrates the priorities and principles that motivated us to serve in the ?rst place and limits important voices in our body politic from being heard altogether. For these reasons, we ask that you implore Judge Gorsuch to provide a public response to the following questions concerning money in politics and the Constitution: 0 What will be your approach to evaluating common sense limits on big money in our politics and policy that empowers Americans of all incomes, races and backgrounds to have their voices heard in our political system? Is the prevention of bribery so?called quid pro quo exchanges the sole justi?cation for limits on big money in our politics or do others exists? If so, what are they? 0 Had you been on the Supreme Court at the time the Court ruled on Citizens United would you have joined the majority or the dissenting opinion? And why? 0 Having never served in elected of?ce, what value, if any, do you place on the opinions and testimonials of elected of?cials both past and present about the impact of concentrated special interest money in on our democracy? We appreciate your attention to these critical questions. PRINTED 0N RECYCLED PAPER E. 519%?? 0, 233$wa CZme? 3% WEW .4]mG ?Wm/Doya?