WSW WEB) Department of Homeland Security Open Source Information Report 6979429149) Subject: a link to intemal USPER Democratic ongi?essiona ampaign ommittee ocuments. 69%) Serial Number: W) Date Acquired: 22 August 2016 OSCAR-MS Requirement: (U1641999) US Persons Information (Y YES W69) WARNING: This information is W9) This open source information report is not ?nallv evaluated intelligence. It is disseminated to federal agencies to prevent, deter, or respond to terrorist attacks and to develop priorities for protective and support measures relating to threats to homeland securitv. It is also made available to other appropriate elements of the intelligence communitv to determine whether they can retain the infonnation. It contains infozmation that ma_v be exempt??om public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 US. C. 552/. It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHSpo/icv relating to OUO information, and is not to be released to the public, the media, or other personnel who do not have a valid "need?to-biow" without prior approval of an authori:ed DHS o?icial. (69443999) This product ma_v contain U. 5. person information that has been deemed necessary for the intended recipient to understand, assess, or act on the infonnation provided. It should be handled in accordance with the recipienth intelligence oversight and/or information handling procedures. (87442999) This document has been compiled using materials, including copvrighted materials, in accordance to a license, express authori:ation, or under the "fair use doctrine as codified in Title 1 7, Section 107 of the United States Code (The CopvrightAct of1976, as amended). urther reproduction or redistribution of this document is subject to original copvright restrictions. a link to a WordPress account ts from the USPER Democratic Congressional Campaign Summary: that contains intemal doc1 Committee. 0 en Source Information: Open Source Of?cer Comment: - Source Assessments: Raw Acquired Information: Raw data, (PDF. word doc, Video. etc): Should you require the raw open som?ce information, Iilease contact the Deliaitment of Homeland Sec1u'ity Open Som?ce Entelprise at Feedback: Direct feedback. evaluations, and comments about this DHS Open Som?ce Information Re 011 OSIR to the DHS 0 en Som?ce Entei rise accessing the OSIR Intelink-S evaluation link at or Intelink-TS . Contact the DHS 0 en Source Enter rise Via e- wnclassi?ed] [Classi?ed].