Sophia’s American Milk Using milk from U.S. dairy cows, Sophia's American milk is fully produced and packaged in the United States. Sophia's American Milk is shelf stable (UHT) for 12 plus months with no refrigeration required until opened. Approved for entrance to and currently selling in China, Sophia's is available in 946 ml (32 oz) and 236 ml (8 oz) sizes and many flavors- including white, strawberry, chocolate and more. 美国索菲亚牛奶产自美国上等奶牛,所有生产和包装程序均在美国 本地完成。索菲亚牛奶经过超高温灭菌处理,保质期长达 12 个月 以上,未经开封无需冷藏。美国索菲亚牛奶现已在中国上市。上 市产品分为 946 毫升和 236 毫升两种不同包装,并有原味,草莓 味,和巧克力等多种口味供您选择。 Product Assortment:  32oz (946 ml)  8oz (236ml)  Flavors- white, strawberry, chocolate and more.  Sold in China in 4, 6 and 12 packs 产品种类:  946 毫升  236 毫升  口味:原味、草莓、巧克力等  4 盒装、6 盒装、12 盒装 Heidi Green Managing Partner Atlanta, GA 30305 USA 海蒂格林 执行合伙人 邮箱 电话 地址: Atlanta, GA 30305 USA 网址